#diplomatic opossum
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Poppy slowly got up, rubbing holding her head due to a splitting headache. The opossum was dazed, trying to focus on what had happened and why she felt like she'd just crashed through a house. She remembered heading to the store, knocking some sense into a few kids causing trouble, and finally a strange light, though after that, nothing. She manages to start focusing, realizing she was now in a shop of some kind, also noticing a broken table underneath her.
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Poppy then felt something fall on her head making her look up to see a large hole in the ceiling. The opossum easily putting together that she must've crashed through the building which brought her attention to a lot of people looking at her, most looking worried or scared. "Hey, don't mind me. I, uh, must've tripped or something. I'll pay for the roof, then just be on my way," she said, nervously looking for the owner or at least someone she could talk to and hopefully smooth things over.
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
@diplomatic-opossum asked for a weather based starter ☂️
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Damn it all, of course this would happen to her. Just her luck, really.
Stuck in her pajamas, her feet splashing against puddles as she ran down the streets. She could tell people were murmuring about her situation, she could tell people were gossiping about how something like this could even occur. And honestly, the fennec was confused, just as much as anyone else would be. What was she doing, far away from her castle, without any sort of guard next to her? Why here? Why now?
Damn it! It was frustrating, it was demeaning, it was...
Wholly embarrassing. What the hell had Vulpis planned for her???
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No matter. Complaining about this wasn’t going to fix the situation. As long as she can find a guard, or a noble, or someone, anyone who could help her here--God knows the castle is probably a mess, trying to look for her.
She grit her teeth, closing her eyes as she kept running as hard as she could.
She didn’t want to think about it, she hated the thought, she almost wished to die right where she--
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Practically slammed right into someone--but due to her small stature it was more like slamming into a wall. Either way, she was now on her butt, groaning and rubbing her head.
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“Sonofa... “I am very sorry but I’m sure you can understand my predicament here,” she opened her eyes, looking up at the--
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“Wh--” She tripped over her words, shocked beyond belief at the sight she saw before her.
A couple weeks before they were to meet, and somehow she ran into her on the street. What the hell were the chances?
“Miss O’Possum? Is that you?”
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thelastspeecher · 1 month
Okay so I just reread the entire Underland Chronicles in three days and my mind is whirling with Gravity Falls AU possibilities
There are two main routes that could be gone down imo
Route 1: Stan and Ford fall into the Underland as teens. The instinct would be to make Stan the rager and Ford the one who bonds with the weird creatures so quickly, but I'm a fan of defying expectations. Ford has a bloodthirst in him, and Stan has a fondness for gross things and animals (boy adopts an opossum folks). So I would say that Ford takes the role of a rager warrior, while Stan takes the role of Boots and becomes an accidental diplomat for one of the Underland species and also learns their tongue. I headcanon him as good with languages anyways. Fiddleford McGucket I think would take the role of Luxa, though I'm open to suggestions.
Route 2: Perhaps the more conventional, maybe even more fun route. Dipper takes the role of Gregor (rager warrior) and Mabel takes the role of Boots (princess to the crawlers). They fall into the Underland after their uncle (I think adjusting timelines would be best, but it's not set in stone; can still be a great-uncle) has been missing for two years. However, I'm leaning towards uncles plural being missing. They went down by accident. One has been captured by the gnawers, the other has been living with the Underlanders in Regalia this whole time. Pacifica takes the role of Luxa, obviously.
And in either route, Bill Cipher is the Bane.
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have you ever had a moment where you were 100% sure you knew something, like remember-learning-in-a-textbook knew something, and then like 15 separate people told you you were wrong and so in an identity crisis you Google it and find out either a) you were completely wrong, b) you were right and these people don't know what they're talking about, c) you both had two halves of a whole information and now you gotta be gentle and diplomatic like "look we're both right no need to be frustrated neither of us had all the information", or d) you both are incredibly wrong so far from right you're BOTH STUPID
anyway an example of option a was I was somehow completely convinced that Australian possums were the same animal as American opossums and they just looked different because of environmental stuff like finches or smth and an example of option c was just a few minutes ago everyone in a comment thread tried to convince me that bumblebees have stingers when I knew that they didn't and it turns out that queens and workers do have stingers but drones don't so we were both right also bumblebees are friend shaped so I don't even care if they have stingers or not they're not gonna use em unless you seem incredibly scary they're just gonna bumble around and harmlessly bonk into you bc they mistook you for a flower
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So watching a live stream showchoir competition. The hosts had a kahoot to kill time between sanitising after groups... tag yourself on the kahoot names that are the best
*eager llama*
*socially awkward narwhal*
*hangry iguana*
*unamused opossum*
*fat dragon*
*royal ostrich*
*diplomatic puffin*
*epic turtle*
*charming yeti*
They are all great and i need to know what ppl tag themselves as
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fictolotus · 5 years
s/i list
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sometimes i have multiple s/is for one source; this is usually because one s/i didn't fit an f/o for whatever reason. i'm 15 irl but i usually age my s/is up. if i don't specify a specific name, then the s/i is called rory djed (the last name isn't my real one).
format: source (version), basic info, age, link to full info post if available
ultimate activist
dr: thh/dr3 - 17 y/o
sdr2 - 20 y/o
ndrv3 - 18 y/o
full info post here
boku no hero academia (v1)
hero in training (ua student)
15 to 16 y/o
full info post here
boku no hero academia (v2)
villain (lov member)
19 y/o
full info post here
your turn to die (v1)
college student/therapist
19 y/o
full info post here
your turn to die (v2)
key dein, the therapist doll
??? y/o
full info post here
...a vocaloid?
17 y/o
full info post here
18 y/o
full info post unavailable (wip)
doki doki literature club
literature club member/student
17 y/o
full info post here
sonic the hedgehog
crush the opossum
15 to 16 y/o
full info post unavailable (tba)
human/monster hybrid
17 y/o
full info post unavailable (tba)
stardew valley
19 y/o
full info post unavailable (tba)
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"Don't mention it. I got a good sense when someone new is in town so I'd figure it'd be a good idea to give you a heads up." Poppy wasn't one to poke her nose in someone else's business, though this part of town had some 'interesting' people.
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"I can always show you around if you'd like. I know this place like the back of my hands." The possum had a good memory so knew where everything was from the tour she got.
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