#sturdy possum
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"Don't mention it. I got a good sense when someone new is in town so I'd figure it'd be a good idea to give you a heads up." Poppy wasn't one to poke her nose in someone else's business, though this part of town had some 'interesting' people.
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"I can always show you around if you'd like. I know this place like the back of my hands." The possum had a good memory so knew where everything was from the tour she got.
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florainkingdom · 4 days
🕯 // lily and poppy for sonic and amy
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'I wonder how Sonic and Amy are doing being here. Sonic seemed super chill bout ending up here, though it seemed a bit new to Amy. Is this normal for them? Well, at least they're nice folks. Can't say I see that with most folks who talk to opossums. That reminds me, should invite them over for a meal. Lily's been yapping my ear off at meeting them. Doesn't help other kids a school have been hearing stories bout those two hedgehogs making her want to ask them more questions.'
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'Sonic and Amy are super nice. I wanna ask them so many questions about their world. I heard Sonic is super-fast and Amy is super strong. Maybe they'll show me when I ask.'
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rubberonmyduck · 4 months
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My Friend, My Liege
[Prologue] [I] [II] [III] AO3 Link
Weakened angelic powers and one mishap with a rogue exorcist later, Lucifer is injured. As the looming threat of war with Heaven hangs above his head, and the delay of getting a healing spell from Stolas, Lucifer is forced to make a decision. New to the Pride Ring, you land yourself a job at I.M.P.-- the Immediate Murder Professionals. Desperate to make some money during a client-low, Blitz agrees to contract out a bodyguard for Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell. The catch? You're the one Blitz picks for the job.
“On your left, Millie!” 
Millie turned her attention to the side, but as she did, another person jumped at her from the shadows, pinning her to the wall. Your eyes widened, but as you tried to rush over, you were stopped by another person. They held a knife out in your direction. Behind them, you could see the target sneaking behind one of their friends. 
“You– you freakish possums!” He started walking towards you, causing you to back up until you were against the cold concrete wall. You tried sweeping your tail across the ground, but any discarded weapon was out of your reach. He pressed the knife against your neck. 
“What even are you?” Your eyes focused down at the knife. His hold was shaky and loose, and his forearm was pointed away from you. Seeing the opening, you slapped your hand against his arm, yanking it away. His stance was sturdy, only allowing you to throw yourself away from him. Better than nothing, you thought. The knife clanked against the ground. He was disarmed long enough for you to grab a random gun off the ground, pointing it up to one of the guys. You pulled the trigger, bracing yourself for the shove back, but all it did was click. It didn’t have ammo. You let out a curse.
Before you were able to get another gun, the original knife man cocked his– he picked it up when you were distracted– pointing it directly at you. 
“That's enough!” His voice was stronger now, the slight tremble in his hand gone now at the previous scare. “You creatures can't just waltz in here and murder us whenever you please! We’ve seen what you've done to our kind, every kill you’ve made. And now, we’ll be the ones to kill you.” 
Millie broke free from the other’s hold, pouncing at the man threatening you and kicking him at the side of his head. The man went down, the gun falling from his grip and sliding over to you. You picked it up, pointing it back at the man. 
“I don’t think you will,” you spat, pulling the trigger. 
Millie made her way back over from the roof access entrance, a drink and a plate of soft pretzels in her hand. She gave you a smile as she handed you your share. There was a small party on the other side of the roof, so the two of you snuck into a corner to wait together until Loona re-opened the return portal. 
The two of you clinked your pretzels together, and you took a big bite as she spoke. 
“Loona said she’ll pick us up soon. Something about Moxxie being kidnapped?” Millie sighed, a scowl on her face. 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “What's with the look, Millie?”
“Moxxie is stupid sometimes,” She replied, looking up to the sky. The light pollution wasn’t as bad in this part of the town. She could almost make out the glow of nearby planets. 
“But I do love him.”
You gave her a small smile before she looked over you with sudden energy. “You know– you’ve been at the company for a few months now, but,” you tilted your head, silently urging her to continue. 
“What about you? You haven’t told us that much about you, and you never once mentioned a love life– I know it isn’t any of my business, uh, I’m sorry. Am I pushing it?”
“Oh,” you cut off her rambling, giving the other an awkward chuckle. “I– I guess I don’t? I mean, I’ve dated a few people back in Greed, sure, but,” you swung your legs over the stone wall, letting them swing off the ledge. You could see an empty street below you, and you briefly wondered what part of Earth you were even on. 
“It didn’t go anywhere.” Millie was listening patiently, nodding along after every word. She seemed genuinely interested, which made your heart flutter. “I think I need some friends here in pride before I think about loving someone.” You let yourself frown, tilting your head up to the sky. Your face heated up a bit, the thoughts bouncing inside your brain and the dread creeping up your throat. Millie rested a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I’m complaining.”
“No, I get it– I don't know what your life was like in Greed. I don’t know that much about you in general.” Millie stood up on the ledge, her smaller body towering over you. Her facial expression turned to determination. 
“But I know you’re really cool. You kicked ass earlier today, and you have a spark that just drags me in.” She held her hand out, “I want to know you more, I want you to know me more. Let’s be friends. If you’re up to it,” she gave a sheepish grin, one you couldn’t help but return wholeheartedly. You grabbed her hand, standing up with her. In the distance, the sun was rising behind the buildings, illuminating you both. 
Chaos was normal in the I.M.P. headquarters. As you opened the door to the office, your ears were immediately met with the sound of Loona and Moxxie arguing back and forth about another trivial topic– last week it was about which Earth season was the best. From a few choice words you picked up, it sounded like this week was about… Sporks? You shook your head, quickly turning your attention to Millie. She was working on her target practice. You flashed her a small smile, which was returned with a big grin.
You took a seat on the nearest couch. Bltzo was also there, holding his hands on his face as he let out a loud groan.
A few months ago, Blitzo decided his staff needed to be expanded. You, being new to the Pride Ring, had seen the offer and applied immediately. Having a background of weaponry and less than savory pastimes in your youth, your partially rusted skills had impressed Blitzo. He hired you the moment you hit the dummy target. 
Blitzo found it in himself to brag to anyone and everyone about his new employee, earning you the nicknames ‘newbie’ and ‘firecracker’-- how utterly polite, you had thought sarcastically.  Blitzo even took it himself to tell the succubus across the hall– as if they even cared, you often joked with Loona. Moxxie seemed slightly scared of you after that one wrestling match with Millie but otherwise, you got along very well with your coworkers. 
“Something the matter, boss?” You inquired, leaning back onto the couch. For as long as Blitzo was in his mood, you knew he’d be complaining. Better to get the brunt of it over with now instead of in the middle of a mission.
If you guys finally got a client this week.
“I hate that stupid owl!” Blitzo declared, slouching back on the couch. He took a look over to you, fully registering your presence. With a sigh, he changed the topic. “There haven’t been any new clients.”
The other time it happened while you worked here, a week or so before Valentine’s Day, Blitzo explained how the Earth holidays largely affected their client load. Drunkards, murders, and clinically insane people only came out during celebrations. Spring break on Earth was coming soon though, and Blitzo insisted the staff still met at the office to keep morale high. Considering Blitzo picked you up from your apartment every morning along with Moxxie and Millie, it wasn’t an issue. 
“What did Stolas do this time?” You decided to bring the conversation back. Blitzo was a mysterious person, and you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to know more about him. Even if ‘more about him’ ends up being his sex life with a goetic prince. You hoped not, but it was neither here nor there.
“That prick invited me out for boba. Boba!”
You raised your eyebrow at him. “What's so bad about boba?”
“Nothing! I love boba!” Blitzo gripped at his horns, letting out a frustrated groan. “Why would he invite me out for boba?”
You simply shrug at him, focusing your gaze elsewhere. Understanding Blitzo was like trying to understand quantum physics. Not. Fun. 
“Sir, your complaining is getting noisy again.”
Blitzo stood up in a flash, turning a middle finger towards Moxxie. “Well fuck you too, Moxxie!”
Moxxie rolled his eyes. Before he could retort, there was a knock at the door. You got up from your seat. 
“I’ll get it,” you declared. Walking over to the office entrance, the clicking of your shoes was drowned out by Blitzo and Moxxie’s arguing. Perhaps you guys finally got a new customer? Or maybe one of the succubus was here to make fun of Blitzo again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Loona lean back in her chair, continuing to watch wherever she was playing. Millie ended up abandoning her target practice to egg on the boys. 
You grabbed the handle. Yanking the door open, you were met with the sight of a pale man. He was only a few inches taller than you, his blond hair slicked back but still ruffled on the edges. The man was wearing a white and red suit, holding a matching hat in his hands. He smelled faintly of apples. 
“Hi, sir!” Your voice was cheerful, as if you worked in customer service all your life. “What can we do you for?”
The man's face flashed a look of shock, before going back to a neutral position. You noticed– but didn’t ponder all that much. Years in the Greed Ring sharpened your sense of detail. It was second nature to notice things like this. 
“Uh,” His voice was light, awfully familiar. The man rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “I came here with a… job?” 
Blitzo perked up, quitting his conversation with Moxxie to saunter over to the door alongside you. As soon as the man came into view, he let out a choked noise of surprise. 
“Your majesty!” There was a hint of panic, but he quickly covered it up. “What brings you out of hiding? Need someone dead? We usually only work on earth but I’m sure with enough money–”
At this point, Moxxie came over and placed a hand over Blitzo’s mouth. “What he means is, good evening your majesty.” with a curt bow, he continues his words. “What can we help you with?”
This is the king of hell?
The alleyways were dimly lit. You just got off shift from another successful mission. Blitzo offered the staff a bar night, and while Moxxie and Millie accepted with no complaint, you declined, stating you had business elsewhere. At this point, you were regretting not asking for a ride home. The walk was dreadful.
Passing the corner of Filth and Main, you heard voices down the dark pathway to your left. Your brain was telling you to ignore it– probably just some drunks getting it on in the dark. But your gut felt tight, and you were filled with some sort of worry. What if someone was hurt? What if they were being held hostage? Dragging a hand back through your hair with some newfound determination, you made your way into the darkness. 
The king clutched his cane as he stood there. His posture was proper and royal, and the look on his face was stoic. But you could see the way he shifted his weight across both feet. You gave him a tiny smile to try and help his nerves. He returned it with an unbothered grin.
“I was hoping I could come in?”
“After that little stunt with your daughter, I got stuck down here.” The voice got louder as you got closer. There were swishing noises in the air, like a pair of wings moving across the air. As you rounded one more corner, a horrifying sight came to view. There stood an extermination angel, a golden blood decorating their torn uniform. They had their foot pitched hard on a body, whose white wings– six of them, you noted in awe– looked slightly torn and dripped with blood.
Golden blood.
You couldn't see the injured person’s face, but it mattered very little as you looked around, trying to find some sort of weapon to fight with. Your eyes catch on a shiny metal lying in the corner. An angelic spear. You quickly but quietly tip-toed over to it.
“If I’m going to die in this hellish place, you will too, King Lucifer.” The angel declared. Lucifer? The king of Hell, Lucifer? Your eyes widened as you saw them lift the spear, and just as they were about to slam it down on the king, you did the only thing you could think of. Throw the spear. 
The weapon made contact with the angel, dragging out a crippling scream as it fell to the floor, blood rushing out of the stab wound and stealing the rest of the energy they had. Right in the chest. You quietly cheered to yourself, before turning attention to the damaged king. You were about to run out there and help them, but as the man looked in your direction, you panicked. And ran. The last thing you wanted was the king of Hell killing you out of misunderstanding for helping him. 
The group was quick to gather in the meeting room. You sat a cup of coffee down in front of the king as he took a seat, giving a curt nod and going to take a seat next to Loona. Lucifer took a sip of the coffee, giving a slight face before adding another packet of sugar into the cup. He seemed more pleased on the second sip.
Lucifer turned his attention to Blitz. “I was hoping I could hire one of your… employees as a bodyguard.”
Moxxie cocked his head, but before he could say something, Blitzo piped up.
“Uh, look your majesty– we’re assassins. Not bodyguards.” Blitzo cringed like he had this conversation one other time. 
“I understand that from the business card,” The king pulled out a card, flashing it at Blitz before leaning his hands down on the table, fiddling with it. “But my colleague–”
“It’s a big no–”
You glared at Blitzo, cutting him off with your look. You looked over at the king, softening up your face. “I apologize for his rudeness, Your Majesty, but we typically do our work outside of hell–”
“Especially if some sinner said–”
“Ahem! Even if a former client says we can.”
The king nodded, letting out a slight sigh. “Let me start over. Stolas,” Blitz stopped his snarling at you to stare at the king. “Had advised me you’re some of the best in the Pride Ring.”
Blitzo narrowed his eyes. “‘Suppose we say yes. What’s in it for us?”
The king grinned. “I only need one of you. But I’ll pay the company too for taking an employee for a month or so.”
“I just need someone until the situation blows over.” Blitzo had disregarded that last comment, getting out of his chair to accept the deal with the king and get the rest of the details. You stayed in your seat, your eyes lingering on the king. The situation? Something important was happening in hell. Was it to do with the exorcist angel? He had a daughter, didn't he? Was she in danger?  You had questions rushing through your head, only stopping when the king spoke to all of you again. 
“Whichever one of you decides to take the job, please meet me at the hotel.” The king snapped his fingers, a glittery red flame swirling him. He vanished without another word, the group staring at the place he once was. Moments later, Blitzo spoke up. 
“Well, I’m not bodyguarding the big dick of Hell. I deal with enough dick for the grimoire.” He grumbled, leaning against the wall behind him. “I will absolutely accept the money though. State your excuses.”
Loona rolled her eyes, standing up and pulling out her phone. “Not happening,” she stated before leaving. Blitzo shrugged, before looking over to Moxxie. He was standing next to Millie, scratching at his neck. “Our anniversary is in a week,” He explained, giving a small smile over to Millie. “We have plans, sir.”
“Excuse me?” 
Blitzo smirked. Before you can come up with some stupid excuse, his attention turned onto you, excitement in his voice.
“Looks like you won the king, firecracker!”
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sleeplessgreaser · 7 months
The Outsiders as Animals
wanted to draw Johnny and Dally but I can't draw people to save my life + i love using animals to represent characterizations of people = i came up with the animal equivalents of the gang
also im an animal nerd so i gotta use my knowledge somehow
This is gonna be long because of all the pictures, sorry
Johnny Cade - alley cat
A skinny alley cat of no specific breed, just your basic domestic feline. Likely with black, tuxedo or black smoke fur. He lives almost exclusively outside and is often the target of abuse and bullying, resulting in malnourishment and less-than-ideal hygiene. But, if you feed him and give him a warm place to sleep at night, he might just be your friend. He didn't choose this kind of life, and really he deserves much better.
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Dallas Winston - hound
A tall, lanky mutt, with a barrel chest and sharp, pointed features. He's not a specific breed, and definitely not a purebred, but similar to an Ibizan hound. He likes to go fast and enjoys racing, but he also enjoys going out and hunting for some action. His stature might be intimidating, and his teeth sure are big, but he's not so bad once you get to know him... if he let's you, that is.
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Two-Bit Mathews - possum
Just your average wild possum, with a goblinoid personality and little grabby hands. He'll show off his teeth any chance he gets, but it's anyone's guess if he'll ever use them. Also, he's surprisingly clean given his lifestyle. (And it's absolutely shocking that he doesn't carry rabies.)
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Steve Randle - mountain lion
Lean and muscular, can jump wide gaps and is surprisingly dexterous, and sure he looks innocent enough on the surface (if you didn't know any better) but he would love to beat you up and absolutely will if you give him ANY reason to. You may not be afraid of him, but you should be.
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Darrel Curtis - Kodiak or grizzly bear
Big, strong and sturdy. He looks scary, and sounds scary, and yes you should probably be scared, but he'll leave you alone if you mind your own business. Alongside that, he's mostly a loner, definitely wishes he didn't have 2 cubs to look after, but he will provide for them and protect them until his dying breath.
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Sodapop Curtis - black bear
A handsome guy, with sleek fur and a kind face. He looks so sweet, and boy is he a charmer, but in reality he is a menace to society (and it's easy to forget that). He will mess with you, and he enjoys being a nuisance, but if you tell him to knock it off he'll probably stop... probably.
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Ponyboy Curtis - Gobi bear
Small and dog-like, but still a bear! His kind is endangered and there aren't many like him. He lives in a place that you might not expect, but he's happiest there. He's not much of a hunter, definitely more of a gatherer. He'll defend himself if he has to, especially if he has some backup, but really he doesn't want to hurt anyone.
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yeeyeeclan · 4 months
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Go on ahead and holler a 'nother fine welcome to one'a the sturdiest warriors in Yeeyeeclan! This here's Longhorn, a big'n sturdy, muscles-fer'-brains cat that'll fight back a pack'a wild coyot's faster'n you c'n say fry me a possum n'call me si'gogglin!
He sure is a mighty fella, earnin' his warrior name from grapplin' with one'a them mighty Longhorn's heself! Despite his sturdy n'brick-like nature, he's got a few braincells left fer love, an'he uses them all on his dear mate, Ironside! They may or may not have a few kits together too...
He may not have a penchant fer makin' too many smart decisions by his lonesome, but he's got a heart of hold, n'that's what counts!
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extraterraangel · 2 months
i personally love the thought of gregg coming home after going to the historical society with mae and angus being terrified. i mean, gregg’s pretty sturdy, and the height from the fire escape stairs to the ground isn’t specified, but it sounds like a good distance. he’d at least have some scrapes and cuts, and at worst a sprain and/or broken bone, but to angus, he’s on the verge of death. they need to make it through this goddamn “ghost”/kidnapper situation so they can get out of possum springs and move to bright harbor, away from the awful living conditions they’re in.
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vulpixen · 5 months
I made a fic for @stanuary in going with the prompt Animals. This is set in my Lost and Gained AU where Stan has a wife and kids as well as grandkids. Enjoy this small read of the animals Stan has had in his life!
A young Stan huffed when he was tasked to take out the trash this time around after dinner. It was full and heavy, but his dad Filbrick told him to suck it up and take it out to the trash cans outside. Out the back door, Stan was dragging the hefty load to the back when all of a sudden, he heard the sounds of chittering and the clanks and shattering glass falling out. It alarmed Stan so he put up a tough-guy attitude to confront this supposed intruder. 
“Hey! Stay out of our trash or I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich! And not the edible kind!”
Stan marched up the trash and what he found shocked him. It was a young possum that was munching on a tossed out sandwich when it looked up at the young boy and hissed at him. Stan expected a seagull or rat in there, but this possum seemed like a cooler animal than any other animal he encountered. A little guy trying his best to survive in this world all alone. Stan couldn’t help but to give some sympathy. 
“Uh… actually,” Stan presented the garbage to the possum, “you can have this. I’m not allowed to have pets, but you seem real neat! I’m gonna call you Shanklin!” The possum inched closer to Stan and sniffed at him. Stan slowly reached to touch the possum and pet him, disregarding he was stinky and covered in trash. 
Some years later….
Stan and Andrea took the time to go camping with their three children, James, Jessie and Leroy while in Perdido Key, Florida by the water. The day was sunny and the water was fine for sailing on the Stan o’ War. It was a good, sturdy boat for the occasion, even without Ford there to enjoy it, too. Stan thought back to him, but he wanted to be happy for his kids and put on a smile.
It would be the afternoon while James and Jessie were chasing each other by the shore when they come across a young chocolate labrador looking at them with interest. 
James stopped in his tracks to take notice of the dog. The dog seemed to be a stray and didn't see another person around whom the animal could belong to. Jessie was immediately happy to see a dog. 
“Doggie!” Jessie slowly goes up to the dog to let him sniff at her and open to being petted. 
“Hey, dog, what are you doing out here?” James and Jessie noticed the dog not having a collar and name tag. “You lost, boy?” The dog licked at him. 
“He doesn’t belong to anyone, it seems like,” Jessie smiled brightly at an idea. “Think we can ask Mom and Dad if we can keep him?” James appeared doubtful, having heard his dad say they can’t have a lot of pets, but pets weren’t exactly out of the question. 
“We can try, but you know Dad doesn’t approve of most animals. Like that one time we tried to convince him we wanted a hamster.” Jessie frowned but she was hopeful. 
“We can still try. This dog needs a home.”
The twin boy and girl lead the eager dog back with him to the camper where Stan and Andrea were cooking hotdogs and displaying the chips and soda/water for them all to have. Leroy helped with setting it up. 
James and Jessie arrived with the dog walking next to them, wagging his tail smelling delicious food. Leroy gasped seeing the dog and brought a smile on his face. 
“Mom! Dad! We found a dog!” announced James. Stan looked from the grill and Andrea from the cooler to see the dog. Stan wasn’t too keen about it. No other pet can replace what Shanklin had in his heart. 
“No. We can’t keep the dog.” The dog stopped wagging his tail and the kids were disappointed. Andrea seemed dismayed as well. Stan continued grilling the hotdogs. “We don’t have the means and that dog could belong to someone.”
“But he has no collar and name tag. He’s a stray that needs a home.” Jessie displayed the puppy eyes and quivered her lips in pleading. 
“We never had a dog before,” mentioned Leroy. 
Andrea looked at her husband and got up from her seat to go up to him. 
“We can make room, Stan and pick up pet supplies on the way home.”
“See? Mom wants a dog, too!” James spoke. 
Stan could see he was outvoted four to one. He took a look at the dog and was reminded of when his dad denied him pets, but not Shanklin as he never told him nor his Ma of him when he was around and stayed outside. The white cat they had was more of their Ma's cat named Pearly than his and Ford's, the cat having been considered an exception. A dog was very different from a possum. But he cannot deny the family a pet when he’d been denied for much of his life. Why deny them this?
“... Okay. We can keep him. So long as he doesn’t pee and poop on anything, he can stay.” The kids cheered and hugged the dog. Stan gave the dog an unseasoned hotdog and pet the animal. 
“What name do you think we should give him?” The kids each had their idea of what to name their new family member. 
“Lion.” Andrea suggested. “Like the Sea Lion, dogs of the sea.” The kids seemed onboard with the name. “And they love the water like this one does.”
Stan felt his heart warmed seeing his family happy with the new addition and agreed to the name. “Alright, Lion it is.”
Years later….
Stan found a kid(young goat) on his property when one of his grandkids showed him the small goat outside in his front yard. 
“Grandpa, look!” exclaimed one of the grandsons Leon, looking much like a younger version of his grandpa Stan, but with blue eyes filled with excitement. “Someone left a goat here and drove away. I don’t think they’re gonna come back.”
Stan snorted, recognizing the guy who shorted him on cash that drove off. “That cheapskate! … Well, I’m stuck with a goat now.” He knelt down to the brown goat with the chipped horn as he bleets at him and reached for his burgundy fez hat to chew on, making Leon laugh. 
“I think he likes you!”
“He ain’t gonna be eating this. I’ll get him some food and think about what to do with him. I have to talk to your grandma about it.” Leon perked a smile. 
“I think you should keep him. You and Granny Andy should have a pet.”
“Oh? How come?” The young boy shrugged. 
“Goats are neat to have, I think. He can keep the lawn from growing more and less money for you to spend on mowing.” Stan laughed in amusement. 
“That’s a great idea! We’ll just see.” 
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ahedderick · 2 years
Saturday night excitement
   A little while ago, to make my [long] day just a little easier*, I asked my son to take the dogs out for their final mini-walk / pee break of the day. He pulled on his coat and went out, dogs scrambling at his heels.
   Shortly thereafter he called his sister (from the yard) to come out and help him catch the possum he’d found chowing down on chicken feed. I benignly watched the scramble-to-action. This is not my issue to deal with. They have my benediction to Handle It.
   The he called ME to bring out the cat carrier. I do not actually want to Be Involved, but I slipped on my boots and grabbed the carrier. When I approached the chicken coop, my son was high in the largest apple tree, my daughter was lighting the situation with her phone, and the possum was out at the far end of a narrow branch. My big tom cat was thrilled to see hoomans out and about in the darkness, and was pouncing playfully around.
   Several iterations of potential possum removal played out. Unsuccessfully. But my son was resolute. We were going to capture and relocate this fluffy beaste, instead of shooting it. I was deputized to get my brand-new pruning saw. [Note: I could have taken offense at this, but I’m a confident enough parent to let my kids take the lead sometimes, and this was very much HIS project.]
   His idea was for his sister (a serious tree-climber) to climb up and saw the small limb the possum was clinging to. He himself would be waiting below with the cat carrier. And I would be wielding the flashlight. She, however, didn’t want to get anywhere near the possum. I was asked to climb the tree and use the saw. Well, I’ve climbed that tree many times. Never while wearing a nightgown and wellington boots, but I HAVE climbed it. So up I went.
   Until the boots betrayed me. I slipped. A large and sturdy branch stopped my fall, by means of smashing into the lower part of my ribcage. I clung there, wheezing, while below my kids experienced Extreme Stress. “Jus’ gimm’a’minute” I slurred.
   And then resumed climbing, and cut the sunuvabitchin’ branch. The possum fell silently (not very far, btw) and my son caught the  branch, and scooped the varmint swiftly into the cat carrier. I descended the tree and my daughter solicitously helped me from the last branch to the ground.
   I feel very much as if I’ve received a kidney punch. The Poss is on its way to a location at Home Farm where it won’t be tempted to dine on chicken. And I’d have been better off, perhaps, to walk the dogs myself. 
* why. Do I even.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
17 and 26 for both Erwin and Zoe, please and thank you!
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
Zoe is very well traveled! I've talked about this a bit in the past, but before her mom got sick they would go on wildly lavish vacations! Her mom valued exposure to historic places, other culture, and other customs so she worked hard to ensure her daughter appreciated those things as well and didn't "live in a bubble." Zoe hasn't really traveled much since her mom died, partly because of money but more-so because it makes her sad to travel alone. She feels the absence of her mom too much and even when she's with friends it just hasn't felt the same.
Erwin's family wasn't wealthy by any means, so they would travel to visit his grandma on his mother's side of the family for holidays or sometimes just for long weekends (she lived roughly 4 hours from them, so it was enough of a distance and time commitment to be considered traveling imo). They also went on family vacations every now and then to affordable, middle-class-family touristy places like Gatlinburg (they went to Dollywood one year) but they never had the money to do like... Disneyland, cruises, out of the country travels, or anything extravagant. Their vacations were not done yearly but more like every 2 or 3 years. Erwin would like to travel more, but he's been pretty preoccupied the last couple of years.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Zoe's answer is kind of elaborate lmao - she's never had a "home of her own." She currently lives in a sorority house and she has her own room because she has a leadership position. She likes things to be bright, full of natural-light and she decorates with plants, soft colors, and simple patterns. She is a very clean, organized person who always seems put together. Always rocking the "no makeup" dewy look: glowing and put together in a way that takes a lot of maintenance and discipline and her physical space would reflect that. We know that she inherits her uncle's home in Strangerville, and all I'm gonna say is that his home is.......... not those things lmfao. But I digress!
I know that every time I talk about how Erwin is essentially a trash possum I get someone in my asks complaining that I've made him not an uwu boy... but he lives in a shitty motel room and it is a MESS. I would argue that this is not who he is by default, but just who he has become after a lot of time putting his own needs on the backburner to chase a mystery bigger than he originally realized. His place looks like the inside of his head - wildly disorganized, littered with remnants of vending machine meals and takeout, pieces of his true personality here and there that are buried deep below the mess and chaos, untouched more and more as time passes. He would say he doesn't have a sense of style, but I'd call him a thrift-store-grandpa mixed with alternative, bookish, academic. He likes statement pieces - shirts with dumb sayings and sturdy denim, fun patterned socks and button downs layered under jackets littered with patches and pins he's collected over the years. Contrary to popular belief he does not willingly walk around with tin-foil hats or Christmas light colanders on his head 🤦... that's just a gimmick uniform for the conspiracy stand he works at!
Prompt here - ask me about my OCs!
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kiruliom · 1 year
sorry I didnt do this yesterday!! it was late and I didnt have the energy
🐙: did you know the north american opossum (also called 'possum) is the only marsupial native to the US?
🐙: a possum's natural body temperature is too low for them to carry rabies
🐙: a possum's tail is prehensile, and quite sturdy! a lot of people re-locate them via grabbing the base of their tail!
potential animal harm description below the cut
🐙: ^cont. wouldnt recommend doing the same to rats or mice though, even if they have similar looking tails, mice tails are that way to regulate heat and are not able to handle their full body weight which will most definitely damage their spine :(
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"Really? Well won't that be sweet. Reckon she's already told her friends yer datin' some goofy cowgirl?" she smirked playfully.
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"Oh she's wanted to, believe me, though after a good talk she'd understood she had to wait before we made anything official. I'm sure once I tell her that's all she'll be telling her friends at school." Poppy knew her daughter well enough.
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florainkingdom · 6 months
☃️ Our muses go for a walk in the snow // my two for lily and poppy~
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"Hey, try not to get too close to the gate, alright? Kinda dangerous outside this time of year," Poppy said, wanting to give Sonic and Amy fair warning.
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"Oh, it's because of the scary thing, right mom?" Lily asked, stopping the process of making the tiny snowman. The young opossum heard all the adults talk about a shadowy thing that comes every Wintember.
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"Yep, which is why you should be extra careful and stay away from the gate too. No one knows what it is that's out there so it's best you don't find out." Whatever exists in the harsh blizzard and hail out there is rumored to be extremely dangerous and old. Maybe even older than the Gods are.
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mybookof-you · 11 months
The Back Yard
In the backyard concrete was sloppily poured into an uneven pathway.  In the center and to the left the hands and feet of two were embedded and dated.  Those of the pourer were not invited. 
The pebbles that lined the path along the western edge of the house found their way onto the concrete pathway increasing the hazard it already was.  Somewhat permanently fixed, the pathway remained as a reminder of inadequacy and failure that somehow managed to maintain a function. 
A cactus grew to 10 feet tall in the corner.  Not getting too close was a hard lesson to learn.  Its thorns were long and held their own. 
To one side of the pathway vegetables attempted to grow in the sandy soil.  Once the plot was embellished with a towering, healthy cannabis plant oblivious to its surroundings.  You cannot restrain something that strong and beautiful.   Its demise marked the end of a kind of freedom and the birth of a greater rebellion.
To the other side of the path wobbled a square umbrella clothesline that went mostly unused.  Have you ever attempted to hang something on a structure that kept moving?  Exactly.
There was a fence closing off that pathway.  No reason, really.  Just a fence that could shade the glare from time to time.  Against the fence, on the good side, sat a sturdy bench shaded by an archway of wisteria and guarded by a two-foot gnome painted a bloody red.  The other colors did not matter.  Red filled the eyes. 
There was a pond that was poorly executed and was filled with algae more than it was with fish.  It kept the possums fed.   It kept the evidence of incapability in full view.  A thermometer, a small bridge, a sign that read “No phishing,” and a small hill of succulents and flowers adorned the space.  A canopy was erected to give it shade, but it was never enough. 
The backyard can teach you that sometimes pointing out an error causes more grief than solution.  It depends where you are, where they are.  Sometimes it is better not to say that a word has been misspelled.  What is your intention?  Accusations may be thrown out before true motivations ever get a chance to surface.  It is too late before the words even ever come out of your mouth.  Swallow them quickly.  Spare the fish.
SRS 2023.08.04
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that-60s-jazz-song · 1 year
the psychic 7
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(the two on the end don't count those are my sister's plants lol)
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me (5'7'') vs sasha (my tallest plant at 6'4'')
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size comparison between Sasha and Milla. (sasha is 6'4'', Milla is like just over 3 ft)
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this is raz! he's my second youngest plant at the old age of 1 and is exactly 4'10'' LOL
i haven't seen any flowers from him yet. he does have some buds so i'll post those when they bloom
btw sasha, milla, and raz are Hawaiian sunset hibiscus. sasha is over his flowering stage (he's like 10, my old man) and milla is just over 5 so she still flowers and UGHHH it's so pretty when she does
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(milla's flower today after a fresh rain. so pretty i love her so much!!!)
and finally.
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so this is Compton Boole and I just planted him about an hour ago. he's a native plant. no idea which one (i forgot) but he's bound to get over 5 feet tall and he's a pretty sturdy little guy. he's more of a tree though so #privacy
compton measures in at a whopping 28.5 cm and i'm planning to measure him and his growth every 3 days
i will be sleeping outside for a few nights in a tent to make sure no fucking possums try to eat him :D (I HATE THEM THEY'RE SO ANNOYING)
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peachstatewindows · 1 year
Importance Of Siding Installation In Atlanta And Sandy Springs, GA
Installation of a gutter can prevent water accumulation and reduce water damage to the siding and seepage within the home. While no homeowner is likely to debate this necessity, there may be varied opinions about using gutter guards in Atlanta and Woodstock, GA. Investing time and money to provide a cover over the existing gutter may seem to be unnecessary to many. Not every property owner will be on the same page on this one, but one can certainly go through the pros and cons of investing in gutter guards for the existing gutter system that has remained in place for years.
The following advantages are sure to make a homeowner consider the gutter guards favorably:-
1. Saves Money & Time- It is natural to spend hours cleaning out the gutters, especially after a thunderstorm or rain. The accumulated clogs are fairly difficult to dislodge, making the interventional of a professional cleaner essential. Such a necessity cannot be fulfilled in an instant. It requires both money and time. Adding a protective cover over the gutter can save hours and considerable money, proving beneficial in the long run.
2. Prevention of Infestations- Gutter guard prevents insects, rodents, and other creatures from getting inside. A sturdy guard will avoid the accumulation of water, thus reducing the amount of stagnant water within the gutter. Birds and rodents will not encroach inside as the lack of water makes it a difficult breeding ground. Moreover, the guard also thwarts the physical entry of bigger animals such as possums, bats, and squirrels.
3. No Ice Dams- With little or no water within the gutter, there is a remote possibility of freeing and formation of ice dams during the winter. Sure, simply adding a guard may not prevent ice dams totally, but the accumulation of debris that hastens such formation gets minimized substantially.
4. Fire Protection- A dry area prone to bushfires may find the home engulfed in flames for committing a mistake. The gutter guard will prevent dry twigs, and assorted kindling material from accumulating that may catch fire suddenly. Moreover, a single member may reach indoors and wreak havoc. One may consult a professional to learn about the best gutter guards that provide top-notch fire protection.
5. Restricts Rust & Corrosion- The moist leaves and assorted debris in the gutter enhance the chances of rust formation in the gutter. Keeping the gutter clean and dry is possible by having a guard placed over it. Such a move can reduce rust and corrosion effectively, ensuring no repairs and replacements shortly.
6. More Water Flow- With no clogs to block water flow, adding a gutter guard can also improve the water flow through the gutter. This is of particular interest to a homeowner with rainwater tanks installed. The tanks fill up rapidly, containing only fresh water that is clean and free of contaminants.
A new or replacement siding installation in Atlanta and Sandy Springs, GA, can go a long way in improving the curb appeal of the home too.
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palavrasdeputaria · 2 years
Wild dreams last night
Spent the whole time putting possums in my pockets
Y was there and they weren’t okay, I hope they’re okay in real life
There was driving on sharp turn roads and brakes that didn’t seem to have any feel
white knuckling the experience careening around corners always on high bridges
There was mud and water flooding some spaces
I remember being wet and feeling the mud going between my toes
Where was I?
This was a city I haven’t seen in my dreams before, or maybe not in a long time
A flat city with low buildings and many lane roads
The fast roads, highways I guess, are on tall TALL stilts in the clouds above the city
They move so fast and the guardrails are not nearly sturdy enough
Hmmm, it’s going away now
Today is for me and I’m very happy about it
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