#dont get me started on my guinea pig grass
that-60s-jazz-song · 1 year
the psychic 7
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(the two on the end don't count those are my sister's plants lol)
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me (5'7'') vs sasha (my tallest plant at 6'4'')
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size comparison between Sasha and Milla. (sasha is 6'4'', Milla is like just over 3 ft)
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this is raz! he's my second youngest plant at the old age of 1 and is exactly 4'10'' LOL
i haven't seen any flowers from him yet. he does have some buds so i'll post those when they bloom
btw sasha, milla, and raz are Hawaiian sunset hibiscus. sasha is over his flowering stage (he's like 10, my old man) and milla is just over 5 so she still flowers and UGHHH it's so pretty when she does
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(milla's flower today after a fresh rain. so pretty i love her so much!!!)
and finally.
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so this is Compton Boole and I just planted him about an hour ago. he's a native plant. no idea which one (i forgot) but he's bound to get over 5 feet tall and he's a pretty sturdy little guy. he's more of a tree though so #privacy
compton measures in at a whopping 28.5 cm and i'm planning to measure him and his growth every 3 days
i will be sleeping outside for a few nights in a tent to make sure no fucking possums try to eat him :D (I HATE THEM THEY'RE SO ANNOYING)
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my-aura-is-sore · 5 years
21 question tag
So I was tagged by my irl best friend 💕@creepylilfaerie 🍄
Rules: Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people
Nicknames: Sam, Lord Samith, Sammy, Sammy J, Gammy, Gamtron
Zodiac: Capricorn ☀️ Gemini 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Height: 5 ft 4?
Last movie I saw: Cry Baby , a John Waters film
Last thing I googled: Heelys Shop Adult shoes
Favourite Musician: Fiona Apple is my MOMM
Song stuck in my head: Lovecats by The Cure
Other blogs: Havnt started adding to it yet but ima start a blog for my poems
Followers: 333 but lots are porn bots
Following: 548 amazing people
Amount of sleep: I need legit about 10-12 hours but I get like 7 bc I work a lot and being tired all the time is prematurely aging me and I’m very stressed about it haha 😓........
Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 9, 18 & 19
Dream Job: I want to help people heal, I’d like to be a trauma therapist (shadow work/light work/shaman shit) or help lead people for a Revolution and be a Joan of Arc
What I’m wearing: A rage against the machine t shirt and ripped blue jeans and black sneakers
Favourite Food: Dessert 🍮🧁🍰🍦
Language: english but I’d love to learn more esp Gaelic
Can I play an instrument: I’m best at harmonica but I am beginner at guitar and bass and I also fuck around with a washboard if that counts
Favourite Song: How tf can anyone who likes music just pick one ? That’s like illegal . I’m just gonna pick the runner up of a song stuck in my head which is Paper Boat by goodnight cody
Random fact: I identify heavily with Yoshi, guinea pigs, crows, 8bit noises and I’m cashiering rn at the pet store I work at
Describe yourself in aesthetic things: Glowing shimmering pools of water, small soft flowing streams , slow mornings, moist misty air , water droplets and clear orbs, green leaves, tall trees, long soft grass , forest and farm critters, wild horses and birds that sing soft songs . Angel trumpets and bluebells and warm sunshine in the afternoon . Gold lined books, gradient colors, fresh fruit. Gentle sensitive sweet children. Harps, swords and potions. Also holding hands and passionate long gazes. Bright eyes and happy crying. I like Castles with stained glass , quaint cottages and gothic era buildings . Angels , faeries, people with horns, gargoyles and animals with wings like bunnies. Mother animals who are protective over their little families. Tiny bells and wind chimes. I’m a slut for honesty , loyalty, purity and integrity. Also people making grandiose shows of their deep profound love, love letters sealed with wax stamps . Anxious puppies
Tag you’re it!
I’m tagging who I feel might do this !! There were some blogs I wanted to tag but it didn’t let me ? check yo visibility setting guys!! 🗣 @venusian-violet @the-human-form-is-tiring @sapphicslimegirl @wtfdondo @gracewolves @thisismyplacetoshitpost @pineapples-dont-have-sleeves @shesgonecoastal @jeezyweezzy @forestfountain @lavalamps @psychedelic-sagittarius @agasolinerainbow @garbagebabygirl @coffins-and-cupcakes @monochromaticaa @420bunnys @faeyrin @faengelia @etherealbeauty3 @dreams-of-a-nymph
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