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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Leadership isn't just about the workplace - its about all aspects of life.
Discover how different leadership styles can help you achieve success in both your personal and professional life.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Success often comes to those unaware of failure's inevitability because they take daring risks, persist relentlessly, and aren't paralyzed by the fear of failing, allowing them to pursue their goals with unwavering determination.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Sunday Salad: “Little by Little” 
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You know how we often talk about setting goals to give our lives some direction? 
Well��� here's a little twist on that idea: 
"Goals are good for setting a direction, 
but systems are best for making progress."
It made me ponder. 
The places we desire to travel to on a map are like destinations; goals help us get there. 
But it's actually the processes we put in place that move us forward… little by little. 
Those regular practices… reliable routines…
And minor deeds add up to a larger movement… in the direction of our goal.
Imagine that we were to travel by car. 
Yes… having a destination in mind is necessary…
But what truly takes us there are the well-kept car… the fuel… The air in the wheel, the traffic laws we adhere to… and the regular rest stops. 
We develop steadily because 
The entire system is working well.
So… while goals provide the target… systems provide the vehicle to get there. 
It's a shift in perspective… that makes the journey as rewarding as the destination itself.
Anyway… I thought you might find this concept as intriguing as I did. 
It's a reminder to focus on the process… build those effective systems…
Light, Camera & Action:
So, ensure two things….
1. Whether you have a written goals (Clarity about where you want to reach in life/business)
2. System (vehicle) through which you will reach to your goals (destinations) – All small and baby steps (little by little) needed in the journey to reach the goals.
We would rather love and appreciate if you send your feedback to this article to our mail id [email protected].
To Your Joy & Success
Dipakk Chowkshi
Business Coach
M -99099 15144
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Investing in yourself and others is a path to wealth devoid of greed. By improving your skills, knowledge, and well-being, you increase your value and potential for success. Likewise, supporting and empowering others fosters collaboration and collective growth, leading to prosperity for all parties involved.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Investing in yourself and others is a path to wealth devoid of greed. By improving your skills, knowledge, and well-being, you increase your value and potential for success. Likewise, supporting and empowering others fosters collaboration and collective growth, leading to prosperity for all parties involved.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
True fulfillment and success come from making conscious decisions and taking responsibility for our own path. By embracing self-determination, we become architects of our own lives, capable of creating the person we aspire to be.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Why only 10% reaches a high level of Success? 
Subject title : Why only 10% reaches a high level of Success?  
Dear, Awesome Business Entrepreneurs,  Do You Know?
That only 10% of the population reaches a high level of success. Why is that? After 30 years of research, I am convinced it comes down to the following:
 It’s the rare individual who applies the success principles on a daily basis.
 It’s the rare individual who consistently maintains a positive attitude, knowing that his thoughts will become his reality. 
It’s the rare individual who watches the words he uses, knowing that he’s programming his mind for success,  mediocrity or failure.
It’s the rare individual who has guts to confront his fears, because that’s where his potential will be developed – by doing thing he afraid to do.
 It’ s the rare individual who looks for the silver lining in every dark cloud.
It’s the rare individual who makes a commitment, follows through with a positive attitude and has the persistence to get the job done.
It’s the rare individual who keep trying, developing himself and making adjustments along the way until he succeeds.
It’s the rare individual who is ready to accept one important fact that self-worth is the real net worth and thus investing in his own learning.
It’s the rare individual who always challenge the old forms and make them functional.
It’s the rare individual who never quit despite number of setbacks and failures.
I urge you to be one of those rare individuals. You have the potential to become more than ever you have imagined or dreamed. You have greatness within you. And your attitude is the key to unlocking the potential. It is time to take control of your attitude. Now it is the time to start miracles in your own life. Man is not a creature of circumstances; Circumstances are creatures of man.
Light, Camera & Action:
Like other laws such as laws of physics, laws of mathematics, with the law of success if followed consistently, it can empower anyone to a superhuman level and make it impossible for you to fail permanently, as temporary failures are compulsory part of any success story. Success is not an accident. It is no miracle either. It is simply a matter of cause and effect.
You can reach the author of the article by sending your feedback mail to [email protected]
Dipakk Chowkshi Business Coach
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Circumstances don't determine a person's character, but rather reveal it. It is not uncommon for people to behave differently when faced with difficult situations as opposed to comfortable ones. How we respond to situations is truly matters and that will help to develop a positive character that can shine through in any circumstance.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
आप सभी को अक्षय तृतीया की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। आप सभी के परिवार में बना रहे स्नेह और प्यार, होती रहे सदा आप पर धन की बौछार, ऐसा हो आपका अक्षय तृतीया का त्‍योहार !
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
The significance of stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing discomfort as a means of personal growth. It encourages us to confront our fears and challenges, to take on new experiences, and to learn from them. When we push ourselves beyond our limits, we not only develop new skills and abilities, but we also become more resilient, confident, and capable. By embracing discomfort, we can unlock our full potential and become the best versions of ourselves.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
દિલ સે દિપક
શું ચેન્લેજ વગરના જીવન અને બીઝનેસની કલ્પના કરી શકાય? કદાચ ના…. એ દરેક ના જીવન નો એક ભાગ છે. પરંતુ સફળ બીઝનેસમેન એ રીતે જુદો પડે છે કે તે આવી પડેલ અને આવનારી સંભવિત ચેન્લેજનો સામનો કરવાની તેયારી અગાઉથી કરી દેતો હોય છે. જીવન એ નથી કે તમે શું કરી શક્યા નથી કે કરી શકતા નથી, જીવન એ છે કે તમે શું કરી શકવાને શક્તિમાન છો અને એ દિશા માં કેટલું સતત દોડી રહ્યા છો. સામાન્યપણે એવું કહેવાતું આવતું હોય છે કે લોઢું ગરમ થાય ત્યારે ઘા મારવો જોઈએ. મારું માનવું અત્યંત જુદું છે – “એટલા ઘા મારો કે એના પ્રહારો થી એ લોઢું જ ગરમ થઇ જાય. લોઢું ગરમ થવાની વળી રાહ શું જોવાની.”
આપણે દરેક વ્યક્તિ એક પાંખવાળા દેવદૂત છીએ,અને આપણે એકબીજાના આલિંગન થી જ ઉઠી શકીએ છીએ, ઉડી શકીએ છીએ. એકબીજા ના સ્વપ્ના કેમ પુરા કરી શકીએ તેના પર શું આપણે ગંભીરતા થી વિચારી ના શકીએ? પણ એના માટે આપણે એકબીજાના સ્વપ્ન ને સમજવા પડશે.... આપણે જોવા પડશે....અનુભવવા પડશે. અને તાના માટે એકવાર મળવું પડશે. દિલ ખોલી વાત કર���ી પડશે.
હું મારા ૩૦ વર્ષ થી વધુ ના અનુભવ અને મારા પેશન ને આધારે એટલું ચોક્કસ કહી શકીશ કે આપની જીવન કે બીઝનેસ ની વર્તમાન કે સંભવિત ચેન્લેજ નુ ઉત્તમ માં ઉત્તમ સમાધાન શોધી આપીશ. કારણ ગુગલ મહારાજ અને યુ ટ્યુબ અંકલ તમને ફક્ત માહિતી આપી શકશે, સમાધાન નહિ. સમાધાન હું ચોક્કસ આપીશ. બીજી એક ખાત્રી ચોક્કસ કરું છુ કે મારા સહયોગ માં વર્તમાન કે સંભવિત ચેન્લેજોને કારણે તમને નુકશાન તો નહિ જ થવા દઉં. તેની સામે પૂરેપૂરું રક્ષણ મળશે.
છેલ્લે ચુની મોદી ની ચાર પંકિતઓ ( નાનકડા ફેર સાથે)
“છે સડક દોડી શકાશે, ચાલ, થોડો યત્ન કર,
નિષ્ફળતા પાછળ છોડી શકાશે, ચાલ થોડો યત્ન કર,
તું ભલે થીજી ગયી છે , પણ અંતે સ્વભાવે છુ નદી,
આ બરફ તોડી શકાશે, ચાલ થોડો યત્ન ક��.”
બસ, એક પ્રયત્ન કરવાનો છે પોતાના જીવન ને કે બીઝનેસ ને નવેસર થી , નવા અંદાજ માં .... નવી એક લાઈફ કે બીઝનેસ કોચની બારીક નજરે જોવાનો......
એક મુલાકાત નો મને મોકો આપશો તો કદાચ.... હું તમારી મુલાકાત, .....તમારી સાથે જ કરાવી આપીશ તે ચોક્કસ છે. આપણી એ મુલાકાત કદાચ આપણા બંને માટે એક મહત્વપૂર્ણ દિશાનિર્દેશ આપનારી સાબિત થશે તેનો મને સંપૂર્ણ વિશ્વાસ છે.
આપનો દિવસ શુભ રહે. આપની સફળતા નો ઈચ્છુક,
દિપક ચોકસી
બિઝનેસ કોચ
મો- 99099 15144 / 75670 00381
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Often, the right thing to do may require sacrifice, hard work, or facing challenging situations. It may not be the easiest or most convenient option.
Sometimes, we may need to make tough decisions that require us to choose between doing what is right and what is easy or comfortable. These decisions may be crucial for personal growth, or for the greater good of society or business.
Despite the challenges and difficulties that may arise from doing the right thing, it is ultimately a rewarding and fulfilling path to take. It can lead to personal satisfaction, stronger relationships, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
Trying again is not something to fear, despite previous failures. Each attempt provides experience and knowledge, which can be applied to the next attempt. Starting again doesn't mean starting from scratch. The experience gained from previous attempts can be used as a foundation to build upon.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
May Lord Mahavir Bless you abundantly and fill your life with virtue of truth, Non-violance and External compassion.
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
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Completed 100 posts! 
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signaturreofsuccess · 2 years ago
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