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illustrationsbychristina · 9 months ago
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and THAT’S what you missed on Power Rangers Dino Charge :)
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months ago
guys shut up they're literally the Power Rangers
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freshthoughts2020 · 8 months ago
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itstheartofx · 5 months ago
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COMMISSION PROMOS OPEN (starts at $15) #PowerRangers #SixthRangers done in #MarvelvsCapcom style as requested by Damon R. // #mmpr #zeo #powerrangersinspace #timeforce #dinofury #dinocharge #ninjastorm #lightspeedrescue
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chopprface · 6 months ago
giggling to myself knowing ive infected a small amount of the beast wars fandom with my dinocharge (depthcharge/dinobot) brainworms so here we go
depthcharge starting out very skeptical of dinobot’s allegiance to the group even despite the other maximals sharing stories with depthcharge on the rare occasion where he decides to socialize with them.
BIG BIG MASSIVE spoilers for both depthcharge and dinobot's arcs coming up, id advise finishing beast wars before diving into this cause otherwise youre going to be so lost. /srs
they’d avoid eachother at first until theyre completely cut off from the rest of the maximals and are forced to work together, similar to the episode where rampage is introduced and blackarachnia and silverbolt start getting closer (possibly replacing them in that episode?). more arguing and less cooperation with each other, but they come out of it with an odd amount of trust in each other now that they’ve gotten out of a tough scenario together.
with the tension between them cleared for the most part, dinobot gets depth charge to open up about his information on rampage, thinking that getting firsthand experiences from someone who oversaw his containment might help them find a weakness to eliminate a major threat like rampage.
depth charge's initial distrust is replaced by a surprising amount of transparency, possibly because he feels he failed his fellow maximals and can no longer relate to them as he let them down on omicron. something about their similar feelings of lacking belonging among the other maximals (at least initially) draws him to dinobot.
both dinobot and depth charge lie in that odd middle ground where they don't feel like they don't belong with the maximals no matter how much their colleagues insist they do, but fight with them regardless. they have their different reasons for fighting, depth charge wanting to take revenge for omicron by killing rampage and dinobot's reasons slowly shifting over time as his priorities and the scope of his goals change. (i could make a whole post purely about dinobots development and goals changing as his arc progresses, alas this is about the both of them so i'll stop here.)
depth charge slowly starts coming to dinobot more and more as their pool of info on rampage expands with new battles with the predacon, though eventually they run into dead ends and reflect about their lives back on cybertron- something barely anyone on the axalon has time to do anymore with megatron growing increasingly aggressive. the two of them develop a very quiet romance together, talking late into the hours of the night. dinobot gets depth charge well and truly out of his cold shell, having allowed him to see through his obsession with rampage to the bots around him who care about him.
a few of the other maximals notice the change, of course. mainly primal, who gets in a comment or two about how depth charge seems to finally be moving on a bit from omicron, with pieces of his personality before rampage came into his life seeming to shine through occasionally.
they'd both be very standoffish about being affectionate around the other maximals, to the point where none of the others are truly aware how close they are. they're both sad old men who bottle everything aside from their anger up, and wouldn't fess up about their own feelings unless it was literally tortured out of them. this is particularly true for depth charge, as in the show he never really goes into detail on omicron, perhaps due to his guilt around being the only survivor.
the events of what depth charge saw on omicron after rampage's massacre were probably supposed to be expanded upon in the show, but depth charge probably didnt have any time dedicated to that because of how late into the show he was introduced. at least, that's how i imagine it to have gone considering other characters like tigerhawk who were nearly cut last minute but made it into the show for toy sales. either way the vagueness of what happened on omicron and how it effects depthcharge is truly up to interpretation by the fandom as i doubt we'll get anything close to an answer any time soon. as i imagine it, and lining up with how the show characterizes him, id like to think his survivors guilt makes it hard to talk about his own thoughts on omicron, though he's regurgitated the events of what happened enough for it to be ingrained in his brain module forever. (maybe ill write a whole ass post about this too who knows)
i think if depth charge had been around much earlier in the series and and had been allowed to build a relationship like this with dinobot in the 90s, code of hero would have made the most gut-wrenching angst ever, especially if rampage had had a much bigger impact on dinobot's death.
depth charge is there to see the only bot who'd gotten him to talk about omicron truthfully die, taking whatever thoughts and memories depth charge had shared with him to the last flicker of his spark without so much as a parting word about what depth charge had meant to him.
rampage- still functioning, of course, can practically see and feel the feast of emotion tearing through to the weakest flickers of the manta ray's spark, even blasted halfway across the valley where dinobot had made his last stand. these feelings were something he hadn't experienced since the first time he'd seen depth charge after omicron.
depth charge, a few cycles after code of hero and still reeling from the loss of dinobot, ends up in battle with rampage, his spark still aching and tinged with grief. Rampage, now the only one to know what dinobot had meant to him, is shamelessly gloating about having killed the *one* bot he'd been able to get close to after omicron, mocking depth charge just to see how it makes him tick.
despite all his anger, he comes back to the maximals seeming no more than merely frustrated at the fact he's yet again failed to kill rampage, though over time he begins to withdraw from the others, totally regressing back to where he had started as an uncooperative mess, utterly obsessed with killing the one person who's taken everything from him. its only when depth charge completely relapses into his obsession that dinobot's impact on him becomes well and truly obvious, but by the time that happens there's little any of them can do to stop him from completely self destructing. only he can do that for himself by killing rampage.
anyway now that i've given you all with a brief glimpse into my sick and twisted doomed yaoi mind i'll leave you with the tags
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rpking99 · 7 months ago
BOOM! Megazords!
Been a while, huh guys?
Well with BOOM! Studios ending their Power Rangers comic book continuity with Darkest Hour later this month (and seriously, they have a LOT to fix into this story. Like the arc has been dragged out so long, but now there's an ending they've just slammed their foot on the accelerator and it feels like some things aren't even close to being talked about elf alone concluded) I just felt... Time to do another one of these
Now some of you may remember on my old blog, where I did three big nerd talk posts gushing about BOOM!'s original ranger designs, a post Ill definitely want to explore and expand (and make a singular post) once the series is done. But right now? ... Time to be negative
Because while BOOM! has been nailing it with their ranger designs.... Their original megazords have been crap.
And I am not talking about the amazingness of the Gravezord. Ranger Slayer's baby is amazing since it's a stand alone robot literally made our if destroyed parts, it's design works and makes sense in universe
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It is a literal scrapyard fused together. The main body is the White Tiger Zord with the Yellow Griffon Thunder Zord's shell as a claw on the left arm, the Pink Firebird Thunder Zord's wings as wings, Tor the Shuttle Zord's head as a helmet and face, the Blue Unicorn Thunder Zord's front plate as a shoulder pad for the right shoulder, and the Red Dragon Thunder Zord having it's head and crotch plate turned into a buckler/sword combo on the right arm, and it's warrior mode shoulder as a shoulder pad on the left shoulder
It is literally spare parts showen together
What I'm talking about... Is their combinations.
Now I'm gonna do a quick aside to explain what's wrong with BOOM!'s design philosophy.
Transformers. Gundam. The Brave Franchise like GaoGaiGar. Heck, Power Rangers and Sentai on TV. Why do these shows have good looking combinations in them?
Why does, say, the original MMPR Dino Megazord/ZyuRanger's DaiZyuJin work as a design? Because it was thought of TO combine. As "this part folds in like this so that part can connect there, this part folds around this, hands flip out, click that into place" and so on. Yes, a lot of this is because "toys" but because they are designed to be real machines, real objects, with limited mass and placement... It works
Even "Cluster Fuck combinations" like Go-Ongers Engine-O G12 or Shinkenger SamuraiHa-Oh work because they have to work with the real pieces that actually exist.
But this is where we come to a problem
BOOM!'s megazords... They treat every zord like putty that just merge together like silly putty into the final combination
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Example A is the MegaGraveZord, a fusion of the MMPR Megazord and the Gravezord.
I showed the Grave Zord earlier. Where did most of its body go? Where did so much RED come from?! Like... Those knee guards are the shoulder pads of the Red Dragon Thunder Zord's warrior mode! Which they only had one of in the Gravezord. But they've also shrunk! ... And the actual shoulder pad on the Gravezord was put on this combo!
Where did the Unicorn's shoulder pad go?!
How did the head change like that?!
But the biggest issue... Where did 99% of its mass go?! It's got the tiger head and the upper arms, but the rest of the ACTUAL body has just... Vanished!
And this wasn't exchanging parts by the way, it was a full fusion
But you know what. At least this looked cool.
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Next week have the.... I think they called it the MegaMegazord?
It is comprised of the Hyper Force Megazord. But also the Dolphin, Lion and Hawk Ninja Storm Zord's (yes, the full Wind Megazord is in there), the Purple Wolf Jungle Fury Zord (that's normally used as a leg), the Yellow Garuda Mystic Force zord (normally a backpack and wings), the green Minotaur Mystic Force Zord (which is most of its megazords body... That's in there to), the Violet DinoCharge Plesio Charge Megazord (Plesu-Oh for Kyoryuger fans) (yes that's ANOTHER full Megazord in this as well) and finally the Super Zeo Zord I Pink (which becomes a pair of feet)
Like... This is a cool ass design
But... Combining? No, not like this
Not at all
It's just a generic design robot design with random design details that imply the design but that's it.
And.. yeah. A lot of these don't work because they weren't supposed to. But that's where you could be clever. Look what what breaks into what pieces and how they could theoretically be used... Also using ones that COULD work together
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And then there's.... This
We have all thought of this. The awesomeness of the Dragonzord fusing with the White Tiger zord. But....
Why is the crotch piece from the dragon zord (which is part of the chest plate) there? Why are the symbols from the Dragon Zord's KNEES and THIGHS taken OUT of its body and placed THERE?!
Why is the golden chest plate attached to the FRONT of the shoulders like that?! Especially when the MISISLE FINGERS of the dragon zord fold in there so they COULD have been used as shoulder canons!
Also why is the CIRCLE from the middle part of the chest piece removed to be a shield?! Can't get just use the whole chest piece?!
And how is the drill attached to the arm like that?!
Like... This fusion is super obvious! Drape the Dragon Zord over the shoulders like you do with the classic Megazord! Maybe have the hips detach and attach to the Tiger Zord's waist and thighs to bulk that up. Then combine the chest plate and drill tail and connect that to the arm, or use it as a hand held weapon!
But finally we get to THIS monstrosity
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This is four of the MMPR Thunder Zord's combining together with the Blue Omega Zord and
Do I have to say anything?
The Red Dragon Zord has complelty changed texture! Where is the Thunder Bird?! This is basically the Thunder Megazord combination, so surely the Omega Blue Zord should just be replacing that! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE LION?!
The only part of this combination that looks right is the left leg. Because the Griffon is the only one being used right. Which, ironically, makes it look out of place
Like... The lion is the big one. Because... You can see it in the picture. They've literally stretched and squished it like taffy. They basically painted small details of it only a leg hit
If you don't know how this combination works... The Lion becomes chest armour for the Thunder Megazord. The lions head hanging at the crotch with it's beard flowing down as a waist skirt. And it's two large paws unfold and become arm armour for the combination
But in this "Omega Blue Thunder Omegazord Formation" (the names for these things suck, by the way) yoh can see... The lion face is a complelty different shape and cut off, the gem that would be in the middle of the chest and act as the rangers cockpit has been cut in half and is near the knee, the paws are missing, it's much lomger ans thinner than it should be.
The underlying issue with all of these combinations is simple. They are doing generic robot designs using the Zord's as a paint by numbers thing with barley any cohesive thought behind the designs beyond 'robot good'
And to be clear. This is me just explaining why I do not like these original designs and what about them I do not like. If you do like them, awesome. Am honestly happy for you.
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asknarashikari · 7 months ago
*inspired by the ask you got about Dinosaurs*
Kyurangers sans Kotaro and Tsurugi: Let’s save Earth from the Asteroid!
Kotaro: No!
Tsurugi: This is a Legendarily bad decision!
Tsurugi: They need to die!
Lucky: Tsurugi! I’m surprised why you’d say that!
Kotaro: But he’s right!
Stinger: What do you mean?
Kotaro: If the Dinosaurs continue to live humans wouldn’t.
Tsurugi: It’ll be like when Orion was killed, where we were close to disappearing.
Tsurugi: Kotaro and I wouldn’t exist.
Kotaro: Because no humans will thrive in a world with dinosaurs.
This scenario is funny because the Power Rangers equivalent of Kyoryuger: PR: DinoCharge ended the show with the revival of the Dinosaurs, no, the Dinosaurs never went extinct in the first place. And humans thrived in that dimension lol.
I always thought that Dino Charge ending was... cute but in a stupid way... Like I'm pretty sure when that aired Charles Darwin rolled in his grave
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piggyrobloxandmore-yt · 2 years ago
Nick: Are these power rangers.
Mortimer: No, there not.
Nick: Oh.
Mortimer: There just color coded... there is no purple power ranger.
Nick: Yea, there is.
Host: Actually, yea, there is.
Mortimer: No, no, there's not.
Host and nick: yea, there is.
Mortimer: I think where talking about something else here, guys.
Host: Have you not seen the latest power rangers.
Mortimer: No, I meant the good power rangers.
Host: Oh, ok.
Mortimer: Not the one with the dinosaurs, not the one with the ninjas, the originals.
Nick: Did you know that Peter Boise vr troopers are technically power rangers also.
Mortimer: Did you know that all 3 of those are quite mediocre.
Nick: they are awesome.
Mortimer: They are quite mediocre.
Mortimer: Still, there's no purple power rangers
Nick: he's still on about that.
Host: he's so dedicated to the purple power ranger
Nick: Let's go somewhere else.
Host: Scouts room?
Nick: Sure.
Mortimer: Can I follow and tell you how that purple power rangers don't exist?
Nick: they- it exist.
Host: yea it does exist.
Mortimer: Next, you'll say there's a grey one.
Nick: There is a grey one.
Host: yea there is.
Mortimer: So now we're just going to lie to people, ok.
Nick: There's actually a gold ranger to.
Host: There is silver to.
Mortimer: That makes no sense. Gold isn't a color.
Nick: gold - there is a gold ranger.
Mortimer: That's the yellow one.
Nick: There is.
Host: There's also titanium.
Nick: .agrees. and there's a rainbow ranger also.
Mortimer: That doesn't make any sense. You can't be telling people lies. Host, I think your new friend is telling you lies.
Nick: Jace became the gold ranger.
Mortimer: I don't know what you're talking about, Nick, but you need to stop. Host, I think Nick is just messing you up. There's only just five, and then the green one.
Nick: Who became the white ranger.
Nick: Who became the red ranger.
Mortimer: Just let it go, Nick Nack.
.few mins later.
Scout: .jumps out.
Nick: Are you the purple power ranger.
Scout: Yes.
Nick: Do you know what seson you're from, or series.
Scout: Of course, how could you not.
Nick: Which series.
Scout: I'll let Host tell you because he knows.
Host: it's the newest one. Wait, not the newest one, the one before that dinocharge.
Scout: Yes, exactly. dinocharge. Yes, I was just saying that.
Nick: Are you sure it was dinocharge.
Host: Yup.
Scout: Uhh, uhh oh, would you look at that? I have to take this outfit off now.
Nick: .searches it up. hey, you're actually right.
Mortimer: it's not real.
Scout: ah.
Host: How did you get back there.
Scout: yea how.
Nick: he took the other way to get there, but really, you had to sneak up on us just to tell us that
Mortimer: it's not true. there's only the originals, and those ones are not even that cool.
Scout: What about the gold one.
Mortimer: That's just yellow, and there's a semri one that's even lamer.
Nick: No. It was white after that.
Scout: What about the whoit one.
Mortimer: That's just the green one.
Scout: No, but it's different. The green one was bad, and then he was like wait I wanna be good and he turned whoit.
Nick: No, he turned white way later on.
Scout: Oh, and then he turned gold.
Host: Then the red ranger.
Nick: No, the gold ranger was the red ranger when he lost his powers and gained his powers back when he became the gold ranger because he took the staff.
Mortimer: That's just silly .puts box back and leaves and comes back.
Nick: And he's back.
Mortimer: Hey, hey, just for the record, power rangers are really lame cause it would always come after all the good shows, I'm leaving.
Scout: Oh.
Nick: Ow, that hurt.
Host: It actually did.
Scout: I like the gold ranger best anyways.
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x75-productions · 6 months ago
VFTG - Ranger Station 2024: Dino Charge Cast Panel
VFTG - Ranger Station 2024 - Dino Charge Panel Join Ben Taylor as he moderates the Power Rangers Dino Charge Cast Panel with Brennan Mejia, Claire Blackwelder, and Campbell Cooley at Ranger Station. #PowerRangers #DinoCharge
Coming to you from Philadelphia, PA join Michael Lindenbaum, Ben Taylor, and Sasha Kaplan as they cover the 2024 edition of Ranger Station featuring multiple moderated panels and interviews. In today’s edition, Ben moderates the Dino Charge cast panel. Dino Charge Cast Panel featuring Brennan Mejia, Claire Blackwelder, and Campbell…
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trainer-sean · 1 year ago
Actually, the dinocharge zords were living due to the method they were made
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If Zords were transformers pt 1
This is the TicTok that explains the background
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kathillards · 6 years ago
whats dino charge
i dont know tumblr user dinocharges what IS dino charge
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illustrationsbychristina · 1 year ago
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Okay so I didn’t make her, but I did play Kendall Morgan in an Interstitial campaign a few years back, and I got to put my own spin on her, so she counts. This was a lot of fun, I haven’t drawn a lot of canonical Power Rangers.
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jumblekinz · 6 years ago
have u done a crocodile stimboard?
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freshthoughts2020 · 9 months ago
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itstheartofx · 5 months ago
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COMMISSION PROMOS OPEN (starts at $15) #PowerRangers #SixthRangers done in #MarvelvsCapcom style as requested by Damon R. // #mmpr #zeo #powerrangersinspace #timeforce #dinofury #dinocharge #ninjastorm #lightspeedrescue
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chopprface · 4 months ago
I PROMISE IM NOT DEAD SCHOOL HAS JUST BEEN KICKING MY ASS!!! And i hyperfixated on my dnd character but thats not a good excuse.
im working on it rn actually you guys wanna see a snippet
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lovingly written and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten in my notes app thank you all
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