#diner owner geralt
on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
For the title: Waffles, the Wolfhound of Breakfastville
Detective Ciri AU. Except she's twelve years old. I'm watching 'Only Murders In The Building' at the moment, which is eating my whole brain.
Ciri lives with her dad Geralt in a big apartment building. They moved there following the divorce, and Ciri's struggling to find her feet.
All her friends were back in her old town, which is about 100 miles away and parents kinda lose perspective when they're going through stuff, so she's bored and lonely.
The neighbour's dog, Waffles, goes missing.
After she helps the owner, an old lady with sciatica and bad eyesight, put up missing posters, she decides to go one step further: she will find and rescue Waffles!
The fluffy brown Pomeranian is an unpopular resident of the building. He yaps a lot, bites ankles, tears up mail and goes to the toilet wherever he likes.
There are lots of suspects.
He went missing at some point after breakfast.
Ciri uses her ingenuity (and small stature) to wriggle her way into every corner of the building; the security office, the records cabinet, the kitchens of the ground floor diner.
She spends hours with the old lady to learn about her and Waffles (it could be an insurance job, after all). They play chess and bake and the old lady tells her stories about a rich life on Broadway. She has been lonely since her husband died.
Ciri promises she will get Waffles back, and the old lady won't be lonely anymore.
She conducts interviews of her prime suspects, imitating the detective she saw on the video LA Noire - one of Uncle Lambert's favourite games - until one of the neighbours drags her back to Geralt by the ear.
She's getting nowhere and ends up taking a walk in the park. She orders a waffle from the fast food truck and wanders to a nearby bench.
None of the evidence makes sense... Waffles couldn't have just disappeared.
A bush rustles... a small fluffy head appears... beady eyes focus on the waffle in her lap.
It's Waffles!
Ciri knows the call the old lady uses and whistles through her teeth. The pom hops gratefully into her arms, little tail wagging, and licks her face.
Ciri carries her fluffy bundle triumphantly into the apartment building, and the old lady cries with joy when she opens the door.
Ciri has tea and banana loaf. They bathe Waffles and Ciri plays with him all afternoon until he conks out by the space heater.
Waffles isn't so bad. The old lady says that he's a good boy, but he gets bored and lonely because she can't take him out when her hip hurts.
Ciri decides it's time to change profession. Detective to dog walker. She offers to take Waffles out for a walk every day.
With Waffles at her side, Ciri makes new friends at the park, but she still plays chess with the old lady most afternoons.
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spilledbutter · 2 years
Summary: The dynamic duo faces off against their first monster together. Geralt's feelings for Jaskier grow stronger, despite his best intentions.
Or: The monster-hunting AU no one asked for.
Jaskier/Geralt | Rated: T | WC: 4k | CW: mention of potential injury/death, cursing, sexual thoughts, monster description
Read Chapter 1 on AO3 or here on Tumblr.
Admittedly, Geralt might have gotten a little ahead of himself with the whole partner thing.
Geralt usually worked alone–for good reason. Having a partner meant having to take into consideration another person’s thoughts, feelings, wants, needs. It meant having someone constantly around, watching your every movement, making small talk. And in the case of his newly-acquired social media manager, it meant having to account for the other man’s refined ability to wander into any kind of trouble with nary a second thought.
They’d been delayed in Novigrad for a few days. Geralt had called Vesemir the morning after his less-than-fruitful search for the leviathan, telling him in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t going to wander the entire coast looking for something that wasn’t there. That he was headed back home (with Jaskier as a determined tag-a-long) and that the next time Vesemir got a tip, Lambert could be sent to the next province to investigate it.
Vesemir, for his part, essentially told him to shut the fuck up.
“Coastal towns always have something to hunt, Wolf. Don’t make the trip a waste of time,” his deep voice came through, tinny in the speaker of Geralt’s flip phone. “Find a nest of drowners–or a date, I don’t care. Just don’t drag your grumbling ass back here until you’ve done something to get out of your foul mood.” And with that, he’d hung up.
Geralt was less than pleased at being stuck–almost fuming, actually–but that certainly wasn’t new. He’d been more sullen than usual, not responding to Jaskier’s prodding attempts at conversation. He’d asked around at a few of the shops in town, attempting to make his presence known, but alas, there was no work to be had. It didn’t help that the weather had been absolutely scorching, the sun blazing overhead with a single-minded focus to make everyone miserable.
Jaskier, despite being just as affected by the weather as he was, was as bright and cheery as ever. He’d been tapping about on that phone of his for a couple of hours, muttering about algorithms and posting frequency and hashtags, whatever the fuck that meant. Geralt couldn’t bring himself to ask and Jaskier hadn’t bothered to share.
After their conversation in the diner, Jaskier had set up their “base of operations,'' as he’d called it, in one of the many air-conditioned beachside cafes in town. Shani’s was busy today, full of tourists trying to escape the heat, but the blissful relief of the A/C was worth the crowd. Luckily enough, Jaskier knew the owner, so they always had a table–near enough to an exit for a quick escape, if necessary, but in a secluded enough corner they weren’t prone to draw attention.
Jaskier seemed intent on taking their unintended vacation for what it was after Geralt had haltingly told him about the call to Vesemir. He was happy enough to take a break from plotting the witcher’s rise to internet fame, keen on the opportunity to drag more information out of Geralt. He also wasn’t cowed by Geralt’s surliness in the slightest, brazenly calling him a grumpy brute and telling him he needed to learn how to fucking relax.
“I know what we need, Geralt! Let’s go down to the beach,” Jaskier suggested optimistically, fanning himself with one of the cafe’s menus.
Geralt was already grumbling before he finished his sentence. “Don’t see any reason to do that. No contracts, ungodly crowds, sand.”
Geralt crossed his arms, a scowl twisting his lips. He hated sand. Absolutely nothing worse than sand in his boots. He avoided beaches like the plague, especially if there wasn’t anything to kill. He’d named only three reasons they shouldn’t, but really, the list could’ve gone on and on.
Geralt refused to acknowledge that he was practically pouting. Or the fact that Jaskier might be right about him needing to take a break.
Jaskier, ever-fearless despite having known Geralt for the span of only a week, clapped him on the back. A lesser man would never dare. Geralt couldn’t help but admire him for that.
“Come now, Geralt! You’re forgetting the positives: refreshingly cool water, pleasant sea breeze, swimming, doing something with your free time that doesn’t involve monsters,” he sing-songed, taking a loud slurp of his iced coffee. “Sounds like a good time to me. Plus, we can get to know each other better!”
Those bright blues shone with an eagerness Geralt couldn’t help but be drawn into, scowl smoothing into a small frown. “Hm. Seems like a waste of time if you ask me.”
Jaskier gasped, pressing a hand to his chest. Geralt took the opportunity to examine what he was wearing. It was a light blue, short-sleeved button-up today, the tight-fitting shirt showing off Jaskier’s surprisingly well-toned torso. Geralt thought it looked rather nice on him, bringing out shades of cerulean in his eyes that weren’t unlike the cloudless sky outside.
Geralt drummed his fingers on the table, feeling an anxious energy that was unlike him, but that seemed ever-present in the few short days he’d known the other man.
“Geralt, you wound me! I would love nothing more than to get to know you better, and here you are, shooting me down at every turn! My poor heart can’t take it!” With that, Jaskier fell dramatically back into his chair, arm thrown across his eyes. He peeked over at his companion in an attempt to see if his performance was having its intended effect.
Geralt couldn’t help the twitch of his lips, small as it might be. Jaskier grinned, seeing his opening.
“Aha! You can’t fool me, Witcher, I see right through you! Make a fool of a humble musician-slash-tour guide, surely he’ll leave you to your ill-tempered devices,” Jaskier ranted, slamming his cup on the table.
“But this will not stand! The weather is blazing, I am practically a puddle before you, and you need a break! We’re going to the beach and that’s that. What say you?”
Geralt sighed, making a great show of being put upon but actually feeling rather pleased at the other man’s determination to include him. “I guess I’ll come, if only to make sure you don’t trip into the ocean and drown. You can drop the act.”
Jaskier spluttered, pointing an indignant finger at Geralt, but Geralt was already striding out the door, hiding his smirk as he went.
The walk down to the beach was filled with Jaskier’s chatter, once he’d gotten over his minor irritation.
(Over the last several days, he’d been peppering Geralt with questions about the family business, such as:
“What’s the name of your business, Geralt? I don’t think I’ve asked yet.”
“Wolfe Brothers Extermination Company.”
Jaskier hmmed, considering. “That makes it sound like you’re hunting termites rather than drowners, but, okay, I’ll bite.”)
Their conversation today was more of the same.
They arrived at a beach surprisingly less crowded than Geralt thought it would be, the waves lapping gently against the shore. The caw of seagulls overhead and the sounds of the pier in the distance were oddly soothing. Geralt felt himself relax, if only a bit.
Even Geralt had to admit it was hot, though, the collar of his lightweight black armor clinging uncomfortably to his neck. He felt droplets of sweat beading on his brow and swiped a hand over his face in frustration. A dip in the water does sound nice… Having no intention to let his guard down, however, Geralt kept his thoughts to himself.
Jaskier was not of the same mindset, huffing loudly as he brushed his sweaty bangs out of his eyes. “It’s hotter than Melitele’s sweet ass today, I can’t stand it.”
Jaskier began unbuttoning his shirt, kicking off his socks and shoes simultaneously. He sighed with pleasure once he buried his toes in the warm sand, the cool sea breeze ruffling his hair.
Geralt felt himself becoming hotter by the second, but couldn’t blame it on the weather this time. His eyes were drawn to each fresh inch of skin that was unveiled, to the line of hair that started at Jaskier’s chest and trailed down his stomach. He felt his ears burn, swallowing against the thought that the other man looked rather biteable, like something he’d love to sink his teeth into. Geralt forced himself to look away, turning back to the water as he cleared his throat.
Jaskier didn’t seem to notice his predicament and was prattling on. “Really, Geralt, I don’t know how you do it wearing all that black, I’d simply die–oh.” Jaskier paused, ears perking.
A voice, haunting as it was enchanting, echoed to them across the sand. Their attention snapped towards the source, seeing a pair of beautiful young women out in the water. They were floating in the surf a ways down the beach, near a rocky outcropping where the tidal pools lay. Almost like they’d been singing specifically to them, one of the women waved, smiling when she saw she’d caught their attention. Geralt’s eyes narrowed, a niggling suspicion scratching at the back of his brain.
“Well, aren’t they a sight for sore eyes, Geralt.” Jaskier was practically enthralled, tugging at Geralt’s wrist, not a suspicious bone in his body.
Jaskier looked over at him, rolling his eyes when he saw the look on his face. “Come now, dearest. I don’t know what you do in your free time, but this can’t be the first time a pretty lady has flirted with you. Not when you look like that.”
Geralt wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that, but it didn’t really matter, anyway. He stood his ground, shaking his head. He was the monster expert of the two of them and something about this didn’t feel right. “Don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“And why ever not? Your medallion isn’t going off, is it? It’s not like they’re monsters, then, right?”
It was true, Geralt’s medallion hadn’t made a peep all day. He couldn’t argue that, but frowned nonetheless.
Jaskier looked back at him, mouth quirked up in a lopsided smile as he continued. “So let’s join them, yeah? I can use this for the TikTok outtakes! And at the very least, we can get you away from the crowds you hate so much.”
Jaskier seemed to sense Geralt’s lasting hesitation, because he grabbed his hand, beginning to pull him along. Geralt felt a flutter in his belly at the thought of Jaskier worried over his own comfort, but pushed the feeling aside. Something felt off about those women, despite the fact that there hadn’t been any contracts in town. My medallion isn’t going off, but it can't hurt to check…
Together, they strode down the beach. Geralt gave himself a mental shrug, telling himself Jaskier might be right. If it wasn’t anything to worry about, perhaps the distraction of a pretty woman would pull his mind from thoughts about how nicely Jaskier’s swim shorts fit him, the firm planes of his chest…
The women were giggling, now, splashing about in the water. Their smiles grew when they saw they’d successfully captured their interest, that they were heading toward them. The one singing turned her full focus on them, now. Although she never raised her voice, the pitch of her singing changed, seeming more intense, more alluring. Geralt felt a small tug deep in his belly, urging him closer.
“Oh wow,” Jaskier gaped, “She’s rather good–despite it being a sea shanty of all things, a bit on the nose, really, but–” Jaskier fumbled to pull his phone out to record, seemingly not noticing the way his feet had begun to to move towards the water.
Geralt paused, now, alarm bells ringing in his head. He pulled Jaskier to a stop with a firm tug on the hand still holding his. “Jaskier. Wait.”
Jaskier didn’t even look at him, moving to tug his arm free of Geralt’s hold. He suddenly sounded dazed, drugged even, as he walked into the shallow water sloshing at their ankles. “Come on, Geralt, they’re just pretty women. Don’t worry, I have enough charm for us both…”
The women’s faces morphed as their once-lovely smiles spread ever-larger; their grins turning predatory and sharklike, with entirely too many teeth to be human. Belatedly, Geralt’s medallion started to hum against his chest. Bit fucking late for that, isn’t it.
As Geralt watched, his suspicions confirmed, the women’s backs turned crooked, spikes growing out of their spines. Their hands turned into deadly claws, with razor-sharp talons at least a foot long. Slowly, with an almost serpentine grace, they rose out of the water on scale-covered tails. Wings as large as the sails of a ship beat anxiously behind them as the creatures made to take off, their prey now within easy reach.
Shit. Sirens.
“Jaskier! Watch out!”
In a flash, Geralt had shoved Jaskier behind him, as out of the way as he could be on the open expanse of a beach. He drew his crossbow, thankfully strapped to his back, and fired at the one still singing, still holding Jaskier under her thrall. She shrieked in outrage, a great roar that reverberated against the rocky cliffs behind them. Geralt winced, trying his best to cover his ears as he was briefly stunned.
Jaskier finally blinked out of his trance, spell broken. “Geralt? What happ–”
Jaskier froze, finally noticing the predicament they were in. He yelped, almost as loud as the sirens, in absolute terror. “Geralt, Geralt, what the everloving fuck is that, oh gods–”
Geralt retained a defensive position in front of him, gritting his teeth, as a trickle of blood dripped out of his ear. “Sirens. I need you to take cover.” Jaskier remained motionless, stuck where he’d fallen on his ass in the sand when Geralt had shoved him back. “Now, Jaskier!”
Jaskier snapped out of it, finally scrambling backward until he found refuge behind a large boulder. Geralt felt something inside him unclench, slightly, now that he didn’t have to worry about him.
He shook out his shoulders, refocusing his attention on the fight in front of him. The beasts had risen to their full height now, wings flapping with enough force to create waves in the previously-calm waters. There were two of them, but sirens almost always fought in packs of three or more. He warily searched the skies, looking for a third, but found nothing. Down the beach, he could hear distant screams as people finally noticed the commotion and ran for cover.
The beasts screeched at him, their previously harmonious voices now nauseating as they circled overhead. One swooped down, aiming to strike him with her mighty claws, but he tucked and rolled out of the way in the nick of time. Just as she was about to fly away and regroup, he drew his silver sword, slashing a gaping hole in her wing, and she fell with a great crash onto the beach.
Her sister cried out behind her, diving down to protect her, but Geralt launched a crossbow bolt with his other hand, hitting the beast right in the heart as she plunged towards him. She, too, fell, leaving Geralt to deal the killing blow to the one still lying wounded in the sand.
Geralt took a moment to catch his breath once he was sure both beasts were dead. He glanced around, making sure Jaskier was still safely behind the boulder, but felt his heart plummet in fear as the other man was nowhere to be found.
“Jaskier? Jaskier!”
“I’m over here, Geralt!”
Geralt looked up, almost frantic in his worry, but found the other man had snuck up the cliffs during the fight. He would have been grateful Jaskier took himself further out of harm’s way, if it wasn’t for the cell phone he currently had out, obviously filming.
He was furious.
“Geralt, that was… I don’t have words for it, that was amazing! The way you swung your sword around, the way you took them out, and was that a fucking crossbow? I honestly can’t believe it, this is going to make such a good post-”
Jaskier was practically giddy as he rambled on, looking at the footage he’d obtained so intently that he didn’t notice Geralt had joined him on the cliffs until it was too late.
Geralt knocked the phone out of Jaskier’s hand, glaring murderously at him, practically growling. “You think this is a game?! You could have died, you damned idiot!”
Jaskier chuckled nervously, finally seeming to realize how upset Geralt was. He held his hands up to show he meant no harm. “I’m sorry–I know it was dangerous, I’m sorry, but how am I supposed to fulfill my end of the bargain if–”
“Fuck the bargain! I know what we talked about, but at the first sign of actual danger, you need to run!” Geralt was yelling, he knew he was, but he just couldn’t stop himself.
“Those things won’t think twice about killing you, and none of those fools on the internet will care if your pretty head rolls from your shoulders!” Geralt was shaking, adrenaline pumping through his veins.
He couldn’t deny the emotion he was feeling at that moment–fear–for the man in front of him. Fear that his bright light would be snuffed out on some idiotic quest for glory and Instagram followers.
Jaskier stood in front of him, shoulders sagging and eyebrows furrowed. He looked truly remorseful, eyes darting quickly between Geralt’s tense shoulders, his tight mouth, his trembling hands. “I’m sorry, Geralt. Hey. Look at me,” he murmured, taking a step closer.
Jaskier hesitated for all of a moment before he rested a hand on Geralt’s arm. He rubbed down it in a soothing gesture until he reached his wrist. He rubbed his thumb softly over the skin there, waiting until Geralt met his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to–worry you. I’m sorry, fuck. I know I can get carried away.” Jaskier sighed, running his other hand through his hair in an all-too familiar gesture.
Geralt felt a wave of fondness come over him, and with it some of the fear faded. He moved to clasp Jaskier’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze before he let go completely. “I know. But I need to know that you’re going to listen to me. When I tell you something, you have to listen, for your own safety. If you can’t promise me that, this can’t go any further.”
Geralt was deadly serious, despite his fool heart pounding in his chest, urging him to take the words back. His yellow-gold eyes stared unflinchingly into Jaskier’s, daring the other man to lie to him.
Jaskier’s face was set with a matching degree of uncharacteristic seriousness. He gazed unblinkingly into Geralt’s eyes for a moment, two. “I promise, Geralt. It won’t happen again.”
Geralt nodded, accepting that as the truth. It was only another moment before the embarrassment from his reaction finally began to creep in, leaving an uncomfortably vulnerable feeling behind that had him ready to crawl out of his skin.
Oh shit, he thought, his ears burning again. Oh gods, I freaked the fuck out. He knows, there’s no way he doesn’t know about this stupid little...
He turned his eyes back to Jaskier almost hesitantly, anxious for what he might find on the other man’s face. When he looked into those cornflower blues, he saw only acceptance, fondness, and–and something else he didn’t yet have a name for. But ultimately, Jaskier’s handsome face was soft with understanding, and Geralt felt an ache in his gut so deeply he thought he might burst.
Jaskier seemed to realize Geralt couldn’t take any more emotional turmoil at the moment, so he let it lie, slipping his trademark cheeky grin back on with a flourish. “You know, I know you hate me for it, but I really did get the best footage. You will not believe what you looked like down there.”
Jaskier bent to grab his phone from the sand, intending to show Geralt, at the same time an almighty howl tore through the air. It felt like seconds passed in minutes, Geralt watching in slow motion as a blur flew right into Jaskier, as Jaskier was knocked off the cliff. Jaskier’s eyes met Geralt’s just before he fell, and once time sped up, Geralt was sent into a wave of panic once again.
His training kicked in despite the need to rush to Jaskier’s side. This time, he swung without looking, silver sword still in hand, at the retreating tail of the third siren. Fuck, Geralt, you godsdamned idiot. You knew there’d be another one, why’d you turn your back…!
The creature cried out, Geralt’s aim having struck true. Thick, green blood dripped sluggishly from the wound as the creature spun on a hairpin to swipe at Geralt again. This time, there were no surprises, and Geralt whipped out his crossbow with deadly efficiency to shoot the beast out of the sky.
It fell, tumbling down the cliffs with a crash, before finally striking the ground at the bottom with a thud that shook the beach around him. Geralt heard the death-cry, weak as it was, before all was silent.
Heart pounding as he sank to his knees, he couldn’t bring himself to move to the edge of the cliff, terrified that he’d see Jaskier’s body crumpled next to the beast on the ground below.
No, no no no, he can’t be dead. We only just met, I haven’t gotten a chance to–
“Ger–lt,” the cry came faintly, from just beyond the edge where Jaskier had fallen. Eyes flying open, he stumbled forward, searching for the source of the voice.
Jaskier lay on a ledge just below him, having not made it all the way to the bottom of the cliff face. He looked small, lying there, but a quick, assessing glance told Geralt none of his limbs were broken. Geralt scrambled down to him without hesitation, rocks digging sharply into his palms, but he hardly noticed in his rush to get to the other man.
“Jaskier? Jaskier, are you hurt? We’ll get you out of here, don’t worry, you—”
A sound, at first no more than a wheeze, but then with increasing strength, came from the man below him. Jaskier was laughing.
Geralt squinted, tone turning flat as he registered the sound of the other man’s breathless chuckles. “What the fuck is funny right now, Jaskier, I swear to fuck—”
Jaskier’s laughter grew stronger, tinkling like bells, and Geralt fought against that warm tingling in his belly again. “Would you,” Jaskier snickered, struggling to catch his breath, “Would you believe I got that on camera, too?”
Geralt froze, staring down at Jaskier in absolute disbelief. He was sure he must look like a fucking idiot, mouth gaping open as it was, but he couldn’t help himself. All of the panic and fear and anger and desperation flowed through him like the tides below–but on top of all of that was relief, sweet and pure. He suddenly felt fucking exhausted.
Eventually, he snapped his mouth shut and stood up.
Geralt moved away without looking back, intending to go back to the beasts to collect what ingredients he could. The relief was still there, coursing through his veins like lightning. He grunted in annoyance. “You can climb up on your own, then. You’re clearly fine.”
“What do you–Geralt, wait! Hey!!”
Shaking his head, Geralt climbed back up the cliff, leaving Jaskier sputtering behind him.
Yeah, he thought, I definitely got ahead of myself with the partner thing.
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Bardic Buns
Hello all! I’ve been teasing a collab on discord for a few weeks now and I’m happy to say it’s time to start posting!
This is part one of the Hallmark AU! The subsequent parts will be posted over the next few days and I will link them here when they are!
Part two - Picture Perfect Aiden/Lambert by @jaskierswolf
Part three - Talk of the Town Triss/Eskel by @thecomfortofoldstorries
The AO3 Collection is HERE
Massive shout out to @fontegagrilledcheese for coming up with the brilliant idea and letting us run wild with it, it’s been a ton of fun!
Summary: Jaskier’s super star life wasn’t all he had anticipated but maybe opening a bakery in a small town and flirting with a diner owner will help him find what he’s missing. (Geraskier, Rated E, 5.9k words)
Warning: smut, blow jobs, hair pulling, nothing too out there just your standard smut. And some horny bits leading up to a threesome. Inappropriate behavior in a bakery kitchen. 
Jaskier stared up at the brand new sign, a bright smile on his face.
Bardic Buns.
A year ago, if someone had told Jaskier that he would open a bakery in a small middle of nowhere town, he would have laughed. 
And yet, here he was. Standing in front of his own bakery, smiling up at it happily, the thrill of it warming him despite the bitter cold nipping at his nose.
It was strange, thinking about how he had gotten here, everything he had been through. He had finally achieved his dream, his music was on the radio, his name was in lights, he was headlining his own tour, it was everything he had ever wanted. 
But it was too much.
Every day that he woke up, he dreaded getting out of bed a little bit more. The idea of dealing with his band, his manager, his fans, was unappealing. His beloved music had become a chore, something to avoid. 
It had to change.
So, he had finished his tour and cancelled everything else, used his savings to buy a bakery somewhere small and out of the way. A few trusted people knew how to get in contact with him if they needed to but otherwise this would be his fresh start.
Jaskier grunted as he lifted the oven door off of the floor. It had seemed to be in good condition until he had tried to open the door and it had fallen right off of the hinges. Hopefully, there would be some sort of repair service in town that could get it fixed so he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of buying a new one. 
Every day he seemed to hit another obstacle in his endeavor to open the bakery, first a small electrical fire -that had absolutely nothing to do with him- and then he had found evidence of termites, and now his equipment is falling apart. He sighed deeply, looking at the oven door now laying on the ground. Nothing else had dampened his spirits and this wouldn't either. 
Groaning, Jaskier looked at the clock, realizing he was running late for lunch. “Fuck.”
Jaskier’s first day in town he had met Triss, the owner of the local inn, the Wisteria, and the two had made fast friends. She would be at the diner across town waiting for him now. She was a terrible busy body and would be sure to know someone who could fix his oven.
Walking into the small dinner located at the center of town, Jaskier’s eyes flitted around the room until he finally spotted Triss seated at a small table next to a window. He hurried across the room, opening his arms wide as he approached the table. Triss smiled as she noticed him, hopping out of her chair and meeting Jaskier with a hug. 
Finding someone he could be so companionable with so early in town had made a world of difference for Jaskier. As excited as he had been, he had been nervous too, scared he might not like being here, might not make any friends. But Triss had waltzed into his life one day and decided she was there to stay and Jaskier would have it no other way. He hadn’t had many friends he could count on in the last few years, his budding success making him paranoid that people only wanted to be around him for his fame. Thankfully, no one here seemed to recognize who he was, or at least they didn’t care enough to mention it.
Jaskier and Triss settled down and looked over the menu, chatting idly about their day. Triss eventually waved to the young girl behind the counter, catching her attention. The girl hurried over, a pen and small notepad in hand.
“Ciri, sweetie!” Triss greeted warmly, “How is school going?”
The girl, Ciri, smiled back, “It’s going well, Triss. Thanks for asking.”
“I’m glad to hear it! Have you met Jaskier yet?” Jaskier smiled at the girl as she glanced at him.
“No, I haven’t. Hello, I’m Ciri.”
“Hello. Lovely to meet you.” He responded awkwardly, meeting new people had never been Jaskier’s forte.
Triss continued on, “Jaskier just bought the old bakery.”
Ciri’s eyes lit up, “Oh neat! I was so sad when it closed. I’ve really missed being able to get pastries. My dad can’t bake to save his life.”
Triss let out a snort, “Oh that is an understatement.” 
Ciri laughed, “Are you two ready to order?” They rattled off their orders quickly and Ciri headed back to the kitchen.
“She was nice.” Jaskier commented lightly, glancing out of the window to watch the snow fall slowly. 
“She’s a wonderful kid.” Triss agreed. 
“Oh,” Jaskier directed his attention from the window and back to Triss, “before I forget, it turns out that the bakery wasn’t in quite as good condition as it appeared. Is there a good repair service you use at the inn? I need my oven fixed before I can open up.”
“Oh absolutely! Geralt can fix anything.” Triss waved at Ciri again, getting the girl’s attention. “Ciri,” Triss began as the girl got closer, “is Geralt in the back?”
“No, he’s out on a fishing trip with Eskel.”
Triss raised her eyebrows, “Another one?”
Ciri shrugged, “They should be back tonight. Do you want me to have him call you when he gets in?”
“No thank you, sweetie! I’ll just give him a call tomorrow.” Ciri nodded at Triss and walked away, heading back to the counter. 
“Who is Geralt?” Jaskier asked.
“Ciri’s dad, he owns the diner.”
“And does handyman work?”
Triss smiled happily, “There’s no one else I would trust!”
Jaskier stared at the text message on his phone, not quite sure what it meant.
“Coming for the oven at 3”
Maybe Triss had contacted the handyman for him? Jaskier dialed her number and let it ring. She picked up quickly, “Hey sweetie!”
“Hey Triss, sorry to bother you. Did you talk to that handyman for me? I got a weird text.”
Triss gasped, “Oh did I forget to mention? Geralt will be there! And I gave him your number. He’ll get you all fixed up in no time!”
“Thank you, Triss. I truly appreciate it!” They hung up after a bit more chatting and Jaskier looked around the kitchen. He let out a sigh and set to tidying up, hoping he had enough time to make the place somewhat presentable before Geralt arrived.
Jaskier stared wide eyed at the absolute god of a man standing in front of him. His shoulders were broad, and his waist was trim. His eyes were the most unusual shade of amber and his hair was a striking ashen blond. 
He was beautiful.
He was wearing faded jeans and a flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up displaying his forearms. Forearms that Jaskier most definitely wanted to lick. 
“Did you have an oven that needed fixing?” 
Jaskier cleared his throat, directing his gaze back to the man’s face, “Yes! Thank you for coming out.” Jaskier turned around and motioned for Geralt to follow him, leading him back to the kitchen. “I had no idea what to do once the door fell off,” Jaskier said, nudging the door where it sat propped up against the oven. “Will you be able to fix it?”
Geralt grunted and picked up the door, flipping it over and examining the hinges. “Yeah.”
“Oh! Good. Well, I’ll leave you to it, I suppose. Just uh… let me know if you need anything. I’ll be out front getting everything set up. I’m trying to open by the end of the week you know?” Geralt had turned around, his back now facing Jaskier and he seemed to be ignoring the other man’s rambling. Jaskier let out a deep breath, “Right, well… thanks again.”
And with that, Jaskier scurried from the kitchen. Why can’t I keep my cool around attractive men instead of turning into a total goob?
A couple hours passed and Jaskier had managed to rearrange all the tables and chairs to his liking. His newest dream of owning a bakery was so close. He never would have guessed he would be here but now that he was, he wasn’t sure he could think of anywhere else he should be. Looking around with a proud smile on his face, Jaskier headed back into the kitchen. The first thing he saw was the oven, now in one piece and looking cleaner than before. Frowning, Jaskier looked around the kitchen for Geralt. He quickly spotted Geralt’s flannel shirt, lying on the counter. 
Moving further into the kitchen, Jaskier finally noticed Geralt, lying on the floor, the upper half of his body hidden in the cabinet under the sink. “Uh… hello?” Jaskier said tentatively. 
“You have a leak; I’ll have it fixed in a minute.” 
“Oh… okay.” Unsure of what else to do, Jaskier leaned against the counter and studied the pair of legs in front of him. They were long and clearly well defined, the thighs were thick and muscled and Jaskier wanted to ride them. So caught up in his own head, Jaskier was startled when Geralt suddenly moved, shifting forward and out from under the sink. 
Jaskier felt his brain short circuit. 
Muscles. Shiny, wet muscles.
Jaskier watched as Geralt stood up, his biceps flexing when he pushed up off the ground. Jaskier’s mouth felt dry. Geralt’s undershirt was soaked, sticking to his body in a truly sinful manner. Before he realized what he was doing, he had reached a hand out, primed to touch. It wasn’t until he saw his hand almost make contact with Geralt’s pec that he registered the movement. He pulled his hand back as if it had been burned.
“Uh… sorry.” Jaskier sounded breathless.
Geralt grunted, “Do you have a towel?”
“Towel! Yes. Towel, I can get a towel!” Jaskier rushed out of the room and hurried upstairs. 
Holy shit. Geralt was even more gorgeous without the flannel than he had been with it. Jaskier never would have expected the owner of a diner to be cut like a statue. Jaskier took a steadying breath and headed back downstairs, towel in hand. 
Entering the kitchen, Jaskier found himself to be moving on autopilot, approaching Geralt swiftly and reaching out with the towel, starting to pat at Geralt’s arm, still damp. A large hand came up to cover Jaskier’s, making him freeze. 
Oh shit. What was he doing?
“I’ve got it, thanks.” Jaskier nodded dumbly, releasing his grip on the towel. 
Geralt quickly patted himself dry and ruffled his hair with the towel. Jaskier felt all the air leave his lungs as he watched Geralt grab hold of the wet shirt clinging to him and yank it over his head. Jaskier was certain his jaw hit the ground.
Geralt looked over at where Jaskier was standing, open mouthed, “What?”
“I think I’ve seen this in a porn once.”
Geralt lifted his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side.
Jaskier froze, feeling heat rush to his face as he realized what he just said. “No! I mean... I didn’t mean… I just… It was just that uh…” 
As Jaskier babbled, Geralt slipped on his flannel shirt and slowly did up the buttons, still watching Jaskier blabber on pathetically, “I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear! It’s just not every day that there’s a really hot, wet, shirtless man standing in your kitchen wearing a toolbelt.”
Geralt crossed his arms in front of him, “The oven door is fixed and the pipe under the sink shouldn’t leak anymore. Part of it was shattered, that’s why I’m soaked. Luckily, I had a replacement part on me. There’s still more work that needs to be done in here, though.”
“Uh… okay?”
Geralt slid a piece of paper down the counter toward Jaskier, “I made a list of what needs to be done and you can go from there.”
“Uh… thanks?”
Geralt grunted.
Jaskier’s hands were shaking as he picked up the paper and glanced over it, “So… what do I owe you?”
Jaskier looked up sharply, “Nothing?”
Geralt shook his head, “I owed Triss a favor. We can talk pay if you want me to fix the rest of the stuff on the list.”
“Oh… okay. I’ll text you?”
Geralt nodded and picked up his wet shirt and toolbox, walking out of the kitchen. 
Jaskier was unsure how long he stood in the kitchen, staring at the puddle on the floor where Geralt had been standing. 
Holy shit. His brain had completely malfunctioned, he truly had no idea what had happened. Not only had he shoved his foot so thoroughly in his mouth it came out the other end, but Geralt had still offered to come back and keep fixing things. He had even made a list. How odd.
Never one to look a wet, shirtless, probable sex god in the mouth, Jaskier looked over the list again, this time more thoroughly. It all seemed reasonable and any excuse to get Geralt back into his kitchen seemed like a good one to him.
Three days. Jaskier had had three days to figure out how to compose himself. And now he was ready, he had a plan for how to deal with seeing Geralt again, how to keep from losing his head this time.
There was a knock on the door.
Jaskier hurried over and swung the door open, ready to remain cool and casual, plan in mind, and promptly forgot everything.
There Geralt was, looking like something straight out of an indecent magazine. His jeans were tight, riding low on his hips, he was wearing another flannel, this time totally unbuttoned and showing off the white undershirt he had on, tucked tightly into the band of the jeans. His hair was pulled back into a low bun, prominently showing off the undercut he was sporting.
After an uncomfortable amount of silence, Geralt finally spoke, “Am I allowed in?”
Jaskier let out a small squeak, realizing that he had frozen again. He backed up, allowing Geralt enough space to enter the bakery.
“So, will you be able to open this week?” Geralt asked, looking around the room. Jaskier had spent a considerable amount of time cleaning in here and making everything shine like new. The display case was empty, but the glass was clean and shiny, ready to show off his sweet treats. 
“Yes! I should be open by Saturday if all goes well.”
“Hmmm…” Geralt glanced around the room one more time before making his way toward the kitchen, Jaskier following close behind. 
“So how much of the work will you be able to get to today?” Jaskier was almost dreading the completion of the list and not having a reason for Geralt to be in his kitchen.
“All of it.” Geralt responded as he unpacked his tools.
Damn. “That’s awfully fast.”
Geralt hummed, “That a problem?”
Jaskier felt flustered and leaned back against the counter to help balance himself, “No! Not a problem at all, I just didn’t expect it.”
Geralt was standing a few feet away, watching Jaskier silently. “Is… something wrong?” Jaskier asked hesitantly, worried he had already managed to ruin things. 
Geralt shook his head, “No. Do you want to go out sometime?”
Jaskier inhaled sharply, choking on air and quickly falling into a coughing fit. He recovered soon and accepted a glass of water from Geralt, taking a small drink and clearing his throat. “Sorry about that, you just surprised me.”
Geralt stared at him silently.
“It uh…” Jaskier hesitated before continuing, “sounded like you were asking me out. Like on a date.”
“I was.”
Geralt frowned, “You can say no.”
“No!” Jaskier shouted frantically. Geralt’s face closed off.
Oh shit.
“Ahhh fuck that’s not what I meant! I meant no to saying no because I didn’t want to say no.” Jaskier yammered.
Geralt’s brow furrowed.
“I want to!” Jaskier nearly screamed, “To go out with you. On a date.”
Geralt smiled back at Jaskier and in that moment, Jaskier knew he would do anything to bring out that smile as often as he could.
They decided on Friday evening for the date. Geralt would have someone that could look after the diner and it would be Jaskier's last night before opening up the bakery. 
They met for a nice dinner at one of the fancier restaurants in town and the evening went quickly, the conversation flowing incredibly well considering Jaskier hadn't been able to string two sentences together the day before. 
"Do you want dessert?" Jaskier finally asked as their night began to wind down. 
Geralt hummed lightly as he looked over the dessert menu, "I want something but none of this sounds great." 
"Well, what do you want?"
"Nothing, I suppose."
Jaskier laughed, "Geralt, I own a bakery. I can make us whatever dessert you want."
And so, it was decided. The two made the quick walk over to Jaskier’s bakery, Jaskier chatting happily the whole time. 
Jaskier quickly ushered them inside and led the way back to the kitchen. Opening the pantry, Jaskier looked inside for inspiration, "So do you have any idea of what you want?" 
Jaskier turned around and let out a small gasp, surprised to see Geralt standing only a couple steps away. "Would it be too forward of me to say I want you for dessert?"
Jaskier sucked in a shaky breath, meeting Geralt's gaze. After a moment, he took a step forward, "No, I think that would be just forward enough."
Geralt's eyes darkened as he closed the distance between the two, settling his hands on Jaskier's hips. Jaskier's hands wrapped around Geralt's neck, the fingers of one hand threading through Geralt's hair. "Jaskier, can I have you for dessert?" Geralt's voice was low and husky, sending a shock wave of want through Jaskier. 
"Please," Jaskier whispered.
Geralt pulled him forward, slotting their bodies against one another just as Jaskier used his grip in Geralt's hair to pull his head closer, pressing their mouths together. The kiss was wanting and desperate, Geralt wasting no time licking his way into Jaskier's mouth. 
Jaskier groaned into Geralt's mouth, rolling his hips against Geralt's, making the other man pull Jaskier against him even tighter.
Jaskier pulled his mouth away from Geralt's, throwing his head back and sucking in a deep breath, suddenly feeling very lightheaded. He tried to catch his breath as Geralt mouthed a trail of hot kisses down his neck, their hips still pressed together tightly. 
Jaskier let out a whimper as Geralt sucked on the spot just behind his ear. "What do you want, Jask?" Geralt asked, his breath tickling Jaskier's ear. Jaskier's hips jerked forward. If he hadn't already been rock hard, that would have done it. 
"Fuck," Jaskier breathed out, groaning again as Geralt laved his tongue against Jaskier's pulse point, "your mouth, I want your mouth." 
Geralt guided Jaskier away from the pantry and backed him up against the counter, his mouth never ceasing the attention on Jaskier's neck. Slowly, Geralt pulled back to look at Jaskier, his eyes were blown black, his lips red and glistening from working over Jaskier's neck.  
Fuck. Jaskier didn't know how he would survive this night. But what a way to go.
Geralt dropped to his knees, his hands coming up to cover Jaskier's, holding them in place around his neck, one still threaded in Geralt's hair. 
"You're so beautiful," Jaskier breathed out, earning a smirk from Geralt. Jaskier gave an experimental tug to Geralt's hair once he had moved his hands back to Jaskier's waist, making Geralt moan loudly. 
It was Jaskier's turn to smirk. Good to know.
Geralt leaned forward, rubbing his nose along the bulge in Jaskier's pants. "Fuck!" Jaskier cried out at the sensation, the visual of Geralt on his knees in front of him nearly overwhelming him. 
Geralt smirked again before dragging his mouth up the length to settle near the button on Jaskier's jeans.
No. He wouldn't. 
Holy shit he would. 
Jaskier stared in astonishment as Geralt tugged the button free with his mouth before dragging the zipper down with his teeth. Geralt wasted no more time after that, using his hands to release Jaskier, giving his length a few strokes, drawing another breathy moan from Jaskier. Finally, Geralt leaned forward and licked a strip up Jaskier's cock from base to tip, circling the crown and paying special attention to where precum was beading at the tip. 
Jaskier whimpered and pulled slightly at Geralt's hair, drawing a low moan from the man. "Are you just going to tease me?"
Suddenly a wet heat wrapped around him, making him throw back his head in ecstasy. Geralt bobbed his head a few times before finally pushing forward, taking Jaskier's entire length and swallowing, his throat contracting around the head of Jaskier's cock. 
"Fuckfuckfuck. Geralt! I'm- fuck!" Jaskier whimpered, frantically pulling Geralt's hair with both hands. He was already so worked up; he wouldn’t last long like this.
Geralt moaned again, Jaskier's cock still down his throat, the vibrations shooting pleasure through Jaskier's body. He pulled at Geralt's hair again as he spilled down the man's throat. 
Geralt pulled off slowly and rested his forehead against Jaskier's hip. Jaskier ran his hands through Geralt's hair gently, "Give me a moment and I'll return the favor."
"No need." Geralt's voice was wrecked, even more gravely than normal. 
"I insist."
Geralt hummed and pressed a kiss to Jaskier's hip before responding, "No I…"
Jaskier looked down, taking in the sheepish expression on Geralt's face and the wet spot on the front of his pants. 
Oh fuck that's hot.
"Well…" Jaskier started, "how about we go upstairs and shower? I think we could both use one."
Geralt's eyes shined as he nodded enthusiastically.
The grand opening of Bardic Buns was a big success and by Sunday night Jaskier was thoroughly exhausted.
Just as he was about to close up for the night, he heard the jingle of the bell over the door. Jaskier stuck his head out of the kitchen to see Geralt standing just inside the entrance. Smiling brightly, Jaskier walked out into the shop to greet the man. The two had been texting ever since their night together and they had even scheduled another date for Tuesday night. "Hey you! This is a surprise. I'm about to close up so if you want, we could- Oh! Hello, Ciri!"
The young girl smiled brightly, "Hello Jaskier! I didn't realize you were friends with my dad." Ciri had come in once already that day and once the day before, nearly buying him out of his lemon tarts both times. 
Geralt grunted, "I helped fix some things in the kitchen… we've become friends."
"You should have mentioned!" Ciri exclaimed, walking over to the display case. "Jaskier?" She asked sweetly.
"Yes, dear?"
"Do you have any lemon tarts left?" 
"I do, in fact, have one left," Jaskier said, reaching into the shelf behind the display case, "and it's all yours. On the house." 
Ciri beamed back at him, "Thanks, Jaskier!"
"Now don't go telling others, I don't need them knowing I'm playing favorites."
Ciri giggled, holding out her pinky for Jaskier to lock his with, "Your secret is safe with me."
Ciri spun around to look at Geralt, "Are you ready to go?"
Geralt shook his head, "Go on home, Ciri. I want to take a look at the sink and make sure the pipe I replaced is still good."
"Okay dad, I'll see you later." 
Geralt pressed a kiss to Ciri's temple and she waved to Jaskier before heading out of the door. 
Jaskier smirked, "Need to check out my pipe, huh?" 
Geralt shot him a wry smile, "Just wanted to make sure we were still on for Tuesday." 
Jaskier smiled back, "I am very much looking forward to it."
"I'll pick you up at eight?"
"It's a date." 
Geralt glanced over his shoulder at the door and then moved in quickly, pulling Jaskier in for a kiss. "I'll see you Tuesday."
"See you Tuesday."
The date went wonderfully, much to Jaskier's delight, and ended exactly how he had hoped- in his bed. 
Jaskier was laying on his side, pillowing his head in Geralt's pecs, lazily tracing patterns onto the man's chest. "This night went well."
Jaskier was more smitten with the man with every grunt, "Would you like to stay the night?" 
"That sounds nice." Geralt began running his hands through Jaskier's hair, massaging the scalp beneath. 
"Hey!" Jaskier said excitedly, remembering a question he'd had earlier in the night but had been too distracted to ask at the time, "where did you learn how to do that thing with your tongue?"
Geralt snorted, closing his eyes and settling more comfortably against the pillow behind him, "Eskel."
"Eskel?" Jaskier asked, trying to place the name. "Wait. Eskel the firefighter?" Jaskier thought back to the small electrical fire he had caused while messing with some wiring in the bakery his first week in town. The fire department had responded quickly and the view Jaskier had been treated to had been truly delightful, certainly worth the embarrassment of starting the small fire. 
"Yeah," Geralt responded lazily, still playing with Jaskier's hair. 
Jaskier sat up so he could look at Geralt, "You dated?"
"No," Geralt opened his eyes to look at Jaskier, "we're friends. We fool around sometimes." 
"You… currently still fool around with him?"
Geralt hesitated, "Not since we went out but before that… yeah." 
"If you uhh… aren't okay with it, I can-"
"No! We never agreed to be exclusive." Jaskier was still trying to reconcile the idea of the beautiful man in front of him with the absolute hunk of a firefighter he had met his first week. 
"Right." Geralt sounded uncomfortable in his response.
"Not that I would mind!" Jaskier reassured.
Geralt was quiet for a moment before responding, "You wouldn't?"
"No. Would you?"
Jaskier’s heart was racing, the thought of being in an exclusive relationship overwhelming, "Oh… so… can I call you my boyfriend?"
Geralt smiled, "Yeah… that sounds nice. And I'll let Eskel know we're off and-"
"You don't have to." Jaskier interrupted.
"What do you mean?"
"Uhhh…" Jaskier turned bright red as he tried to think of a way to explain, "nothing. Forget I said anything."
"Did you like the idea?" Geralt’s voice had deepened.
Jaskier's breath hitched, "What idea?"
"Of me and Eskel."
"Oh. Well… you're both very attractive men and… I just… I mean…"
Geralt hummed consideringly, "You know, he might be interested."
"Interested in what?"
"Joining us one night." Geralt’s answer was so straightforward, Jaskier could almost pretend like his boyfriend didn’t just suggest a threesome out of nowhere. 
"Oh." Jaskier felt weak.
"I could ask him… if you're interested."
Jaskier licked his lips at the thought… he was more than interested.
Jaskier gasped as strong hands gripped his hips from behind and lips pressed to the side of his neck. His eyes slid shut as the lips traced kisses higher, up to his jaw.
"Eyes open, Jask. Look at me." The voice was deep and demanding, making his eyes snap open.
Geralt sat in an armchair in the corner of the room. His shirt was off and his pants undone, resting low on his hips. His hand was rubbing at the growing bulge Jaskier could see through his boxers. 
"Are you going to put on a show for me?" Geralt asked, his eyes trailing over Jaskier's still clothed body.
Right then Eskel nipped at Jaskier's ear, making him whine and roll his hips back into Eskel's, his ass rubbing firmly against Eskel's hardness. 
Fuck he feels big.
The sensation of Eskel's hands and mouth exploring him with the view of Geralt, palming his erection through his clothes, was intense. Jaskier let out a loud whimper, his breathing heavy.
"Geralt, don't tease him," Eskel admonished softly, sliding a hand down to stroke Jaskier's cock through his too tight pants. Jaskier sagged back against Eskel, helpless to the lust thrumming through him. 
Jaskier watched through half closed eyes as Geralt stood, stripping from his remaining clothes, and walked up to Jaskier. He moved his hands to the hem of Jaskier's shirt, "How about we get rid of these clothes?"
Jaskier nodded quickly, nearly losing his balance as Eskel stepped back from him. Two pairs of hands removed his clothes deftly as he gripped Geralt's shoulders to stay steady. As soon as he was naked, Geralt pressed their bodies together and pulled Jaskier in for a filthy kiss. 
Geralt's hands slipped around Jaskier and grabbed his ass just as Eskel slid up behind him once more, now naked, his cock settling between Jaskier's cheeks. Eskel's hands circled Jaskier, thumbing his nipples as his mouth began its path back up Jaskier's neck. 
Geralt broke their kiss, "Are you ready, Jask?"
Jaskier nodded and suddenly found himself lifted and tossed on the bed, the other two men now hovering over him, their expressions predatory.
Oh he's so ready. 
That one time with Eskel turned into a second and then a third until one night Jaskier and Eskel were lying in bed, still catching their breath while Geralt went to grab water. 
"Is everything alright, darling? You've seemed a bit distant tonight."
"Yeah, I'm fine, Jask. Just been feeling a bit lonely." Earlier in their arrangement this statement might have made Jaskier anxious, worried that he had stepped in the middle of an unrequited relationship, but he was more confident now that Eskel and Geralt's relationship was strictly platonic, with a side of fantastic sex. 
"Has it been a while since you've been out with someone?"
Eskel paused before answering softly, "Since before I got these," he gestures to the burn scars marring one side of his face. 
Jaskier traced the scars softly, "Maybe it's time to put yourself back out there." 
"Who would want me with this ugly mug?"
Jaskier scoffed, "A ton of people I'm sure. Considering how incredibly handsome this ugly mug is and how wonderful the man wearing it is."
Eskel smiled softly, "I'll think about it, Jask."
Jaskier wouldn't rest until he'd found someone who would love and appreciate Eskel the way he deserved. 
A few more weeks passed and Jaskier was getting worried. 
He and Geralt had been together for nearly a month but they had still mostly kept their relationship quiet, Geralt more likely to call Jaskier his friend rather than boyfriend, and Jaskier was positive Geralt hadn't mentioned the true nature of their relationship to his daughter. 
Geralt hadn’t dated in a long time, not since Ciri was much younger, and he wasn’t sure how to go about talking to her about it now. Jaskier understood of course, and supported Geralt’s decision but… it had been a month, and Ciri wasn’t a child anymore.
It was starting to wear on Jaskier, so he decided it was time for them to talk about it. 
Jaskier would be going over to Geralt’s later that night and it would be the perfect time to bring it up.
Jaskier wanted to enjoy the date, he really did, Geralt cooking him dinner was a wonderful treat, but all he could think about was how the only reason he had been invited over was because Ciri was staying the night with a friend. He was happy with Geralt, could truly see himself falling in love with the man, but he couldn’t be the dirty little secret. 
The couple made it through dinner, Jaskier quieter than normal.
“Jaskier?” Geralt asked as he picked up their plates to take to the sink.
Jaskier hummed quietly, his eyes focused on the table in front of him, “Yes, dear?”
“What’s wrong?”
Jaskier wanted to talk to him, to tell him his feelings, but the idea of rejection was too much to bear, “Nothing, darling.”
Jaskier huffed, letting his anxieties take over, “Oh fine, I was planning on being a bit more tactful but here, I hate that you don’t take this relationship more seriously. It seems like I don’t even matter.”
Geralt looked stricken, “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean? Geralt you won’t introduce me as your boyfriend even though you claim that’s what we are! You won’t tell Ciri about us. What am I supposed to think, Geralt? It seems like you… you’re ashamed of me or something.”
Geralt seemed shocked, opening and closing his mouth a few times before responding, “I’m not, I swear I’m not. Jaskier I’m happy with you. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.”
Jaskier deflated, “Then why are we a secret?”
“We aren’t… I just… I’m not comfortable with…” Geralt sat down heavily in a chair. “I don’t know how to do this, and I was afraid that if we told everyone… there would be more pressure. We’re happy now and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“But Geralt… I’m not happy,” the look on Geralt’s face at his words made Jaskier ache but he needed Geralt to understand, “darling, I think I love you, but I can’t be a secret, I can’t be hidden from your family and your friends. If we are going to be in a relationship then I want to be able to scream it from the rooftops, not have to hide in a closet if your daughter comes home early.” 
Geralt was staring at his hands, his eyes glassy with unshed tears, “I… think I love you too. And I don’t want you to feel unwanted. I do want you and I want us to work. I was just… scared.” Geralt looked up suddenly, meeting Jaskier’s gaze, “We can tell everyone. Tonight, tomorrow, whenever you want!”
Jaskier laughed lightly, feeling relieved, and stood to walk around the table, stopping just in front of Geralt. Jaskier placed a gentle hand on Geralt’s face, the other man leaning into the touch, “Tonight, darling, I simply want to enjoy you.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
Geralt was pinned to the bed under Jaskier’s weight, with Jaskier lavishing his bare chest with attention. Geralt had just let out a filthy moan when they heard the bedroom door swing open.
The pair shot up, staring in horror as they realized Ciri had just walked in. She was standing just inside the door frame, a look of shock on her face. Just as Geralt went to say something, she turned around slowly and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
“Well…” Jaskier was blushing bright red, “I suppose we don’t really need to tell her we’re together anymore.”
Geralt rubbed a hand over his face, “No, I suppose we don’t. I should go apologize to her.”
After making themselves decent, the couple headed out into the living room where Ciri was sitting. Before either could say anything, Ciri spoke up, “I really don’t want to talk about it, if that’s what you’re planning on trying to do.”
They both nodded.
Ciri eyed Jaskier curiously, “Does this mean you’ll be spending Christmas with us?” Jaskier looked at Geralt, unsure of how to answer.
Geralt reached out and wrapped an arm around Jaskier’s waist, “That would be nice. Jaskier, would you like to join us for Christmas?”
Jaskier smiled so large his cheeks ached with it, “I would.”
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Jersey Love (Part 2) : Coffee Date
Hi everyone, here’s part 2 of Jersey Love, I really hope you all love it as much as I do. I am having a lot of fun writing this series... I love you all for all of the amazing support you have offered. Warning: 4.5k words haha - L
Tagged: @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69 @henrythickcavill @hc-geralt-23 @kissthatlifeaway @darkbooksarwin @august-w-princess @speakerforthedead0 @pixie1484 @constip8merm8 @tigerbroadwaybaby @agniavateira @summersong69 @aestheticallywinchester @stephartrave @al-wiisa @henrycavillfanpage @intenselikes @anat2507 @ellixthea @aguspalazzo @1ookatthestars00
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me, if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to request anything and I will try my best to make your vision come to life)  
Part 1
Coffee Date
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The next day you and Henry had agreed to go out for some coffee. You agreed to meet at 10am but you arrived a little early to ensure you weren't late, you hated being tardy so often arrived way in advance. You went to this coffee shop a lot so the staff knew you and knew your order. A teenage girl called Jess had greeted you on your way in. She was your neighbour and she kind of became attached to you when you moved in next door, she referred to you as her cool older friend and you became her role model as she wanted to work with animals too. She led you to a table near the back of the shop. The shop was quite a new place and had a hipster looking decor, instead of the usual café chairs and tables, the shop had booths like a diner and Jess led you to one which seated 4.
"Would you like your usual Yn?" she said making you smile, she was such a sweet girl and was always so kind to you.
"I'm actually waiting for someone but thank you Jess" you said, making her smile and nod, she tucked her pad into her apron before beginning to speak again.
"Molly told me you have a date with Henry Cavill, is that true?" she whispered, making you laugh, Molly was the same age as you and owned the shop (she was the main reason you came to the shop), you told her that you had a date and she had asked who the lucky guy was. 
"It is. You're going to have to promise me not to freak out when he's here though" you said, making her nod, you knew she was a fan of Henry’s work, she had told you the first time you had met her. You remember asking her what it was like living in Jersey and she said “I like it here for now, but I want to leave when I grow up… grandma says nobody makes it out of Jersey...expect Henry Cavill”. She then went on to tell you how she had seen all his movies (her favourite was man of steel) and she couldn’t believe he grew up in Jersey, she has also told you that she had never met him before but wanted to.
A couple of minutes later, Henry had arrived, greeting the staff as he came in, you texted him before telling him where you were sitting so he came over to your straight away. You checked him out as he came in, your eyes scanning him up and down. His hair was styled perfectly, a few curls loose in front of his face which made him look even hotter, you swore he had gotten bigger and he was dressed very stylishly again, wearing jeans and a turtle neck and he had a pair of glasses adorning his face.
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"Hello" he said, coming to stand next to where you were sitting, you placed your palms on the leather of the booth's seat, pushing yourself up so you were close to Henry as he placed a kiss on your cheek before sitting down opposite you.
"Hi." you said, leaning forward on your hands, admiring him just a bit longer.
"You look lovely as always" he said, making you blush again. You were dressed very casually in a cozy white cropped jumper, black skinny jeans and a pair of vans. Your hair was styled in loose curls, drooping behind your shoulders, two pieces at the front which always strayed from the rest framing your face.
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"As do you. Very dashing" you said, making him giggle. Jess came back over saying hello to Henry who smiled and said hello back.
"Hi, welcome to Molly’s, my name is Jess and I will be taking your order, if you need anything, just call me over. What can I get for the both of you?" she said, pulling out her notepad, you always found the little introduction they had to say very cute, especially when she did it. You had insisted that she didn’t have to do it with you but you guess she did it because you weren’t alone.
"Hi Jess. Could I have a plain black coffee please?" Henry said, offering Jess a smile as he spoke, which made her blush, before he looked back at you.
"The usual please Jess, thank you" you said, still resting your head in your palms. Just when he thought you couldn't get any cuter. Jess walked away and you saw her wink at you and mouth "he's so hot" which made you giggle behind your hand.
"You have a usual" he said, sounding impressed.
"Yeah. It's shameful really" you said, pushing your hair behind your ear.
"Why's that?" he said, finding himself leaning forward too.
"I come in here way too much. It's on the way to work so I pop in to say hello and get my morning coffee. Molly, the owner is my friend… I think I pay their rent with how much I send here" you said, making Henry laugh, Henry loved how you had your own little routine.
"That's great. Bet they love you here" he said making you giggle.
"Hmm. Not sure about that… It is nice to know Molly though, she lets me try out new cakes she’s made… for free" you said making Henry chuckle.Jess then bought both your drinks over on a tray, placing the black coffee in front of Henry with a biscuit and some sugar and placing the other drink in front of you with a your favourite biscuit.
"Thank you, that was very quick." Henry said with an impressed tone. Jess blushed deeply making you smile widely.
"Jess here is the star worker of this establishment" you said, making her roll her eyes at you and chuckle.
"Thanks Yn, you only think that because I make sure they have your favourite biscuits everytime you come here" she said, smiling at you and making Henry chuckle at her which made her eyes sparkle.
“And I love you for it” you said, making Jess laugh before she walked off.
"She's my neighbour. And a huge fan of yours, I might add, don’t let her know I told you." you said, making Henry laugh before saying "It will be our little secret, she’s really sweet" which made you want to hug him because he was just so kind.
"What's that then?" he said pointing at your drink.
"It's my own little secret." you said, taking a sip, Henry raised his eyebrows at you, to which you copied making you laugh.
"Try some." you said, offering him the cup.
"Hmm I don't know Yn, you could be trying to poison me" he said, but then took a sip. You saw the look of pure satisfaction cross his face before he closed his eyes, humming deeply, his tongue flicked out along his bottom lip to get another taste. You clenched your thighs together at the sight.
"Oh that's good. What is it?" he said, making you shake your head and take another sip.
"You're really not going to tell me?" he said, chuckling, pulling your cup towards him and taking another sip.
"Hey, you’ve got your own!" you giggled, making him laugh and to which he said “But yours is better” before he pushed it back towards you.
"So what have you been up to besides work?" he said, drinking his drink and looking into your eyes. His concentration never on anything other than you.
"Nothing much really. Work has been super busy recently, I've only really had time to work out, eat and sleep. I make sure Jess comes over as much as she can." you said, making him smile, he was so interested in what you do.
"What have you been up to at work then?" he asked again, his hand resting against the table making you want to reach out and hold it.
"We've mainly been trying to enrich our current conservation projects and assessing if they're working and trying to figure out how we can improve them. I've also taken up some more keeper duties because one of the keepers is on maternity leave, it's fun but can be quite tiring, especially when I have a full day of meetings after" you said smiling, your job made you happy so you couldn't help but smile.
"That sounds amazing Yn." he said.
"What about you Hen? How was filming?" you said, you knew you asked this question last night but you didn't really get to hear a genuine answer.
"It was amazing. I'm so excited for everyone to see this. I've been a huge fan of the Witcher games for years and now the books too and playing Geralt was an honor. I chased down this opportunity and was over the moon when Lauren cast me" he said, making you smile at how passionate he was about it.
"Couldn't imagine you with white hair, yellow eyes and scars everywhere" you said, leaning forward and tracing where Geralts scars are in the games. You quickly pulled back when you realised how weird that must have been.
"Sorry. Just trying to picture it. I'm a big fan of the games too. And the books" you said quickly trying to recover from how embarrassing that was, seriously Yn, who the heck just touches someone’s face you thought, blushing a deep shade of red.
"I don't mind at all love. And really? That's cool, more stuff we have in common" he said, finding more things out about you that he liked.
"The trailer comes out soon so you'll see what I look like then, not trying to give too much away because I could get in trouble but I don’t have scars across my face like Geralt in the games does" he said, winking at you.
"Bet you still look hot though" you said, a smirk on your lips, you said it to see what reaction you got back.
"Obviously" he replied, you were glad he didn't tease you, but instead made light of it. Deep down he had butterflies at the fact you called him hot.
"How long are you here for?" you said, you had finished your drink but had your hands wrapped around it to keep them warm.
"Until the new year" he said positively, happy he was here for a couple of months.
"Wow that long huh? No filming to be done?" you said, you pushed your cup to the other side of the table, placing your hand against the table, the other rested in between your legs.
"Trying to get rid of me already?" he said, jesting with you. You shook your head and pushed your hand forward a bit more, wanting him to hold it.
"We've finished all the filming and press tours so I'm free as a bird for now" he said, grasping your hand in his, finally you thought, glad that he had the courage to do it because you sure didn’t.
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"I'm glad. Many plans?" you said, glancing down at your cup before flashing your eyes back up into his, before he got the chance to answer your phone started ringing.
"Shit I'm so sorry, I'll turn it off" you said, making him shake his head.
"It's okay, answer it" he said, you pulled your hand from his, it instantly felt cold as you took your phone out from your pocket, Henry saw a picture of you and the guy from yesterday and saw the name "Lewis"
"Hey Lew. Can I call you back? I'm on a date with Henry" you said, looking at Henry and seeing him smile. He thought it must have been going well for you to tell someone about it so openly.
"I know. I hate to interrupt but Josie needed me to tell you that you don’t need to work tomorrow, she’s got someone to fill your shift on keeper duties, she said you’ve been working too hard." he said.
"That's great news Lewis, thanks for letting me know, tell Josie I said thanks too. I'm with Henry, can I call you back later?" you said making him laugh over the phone.
"How's it going? Fuck yet?" he said, laughing loudly making you pull the phone away from your ear and rolling your eyes at Henry making him laugh.
"Goodbye Lewis." you said hanging up and placing your phone back in your pocket.
"Sorry about that, my friend and colleague Lewis called" you said, tucking the same bit of hair that always falls in front of your eyes, behind your ear.
"Everything okay?" he said, his hand reaching out to hold yours again making your stomach flutter.
"Yeah, the keeper manager just wanted to let me know I don't have to work my keeper duties tomorrow" you said, squeezing his hand.
”So no plans tomorrow then?” he said, he raised his eyebrows suggestively making you smirk.
“That is correct yes, what’s going on in that head of yours Hen?” you said, giggling to yourself making his face light up. He loved how you already called him Hen.
“Would you want to go on a walk with me tomorrow? You can meet my dog and we could have a picnic” he said, you could see the excitement on his face and it made your heart flutter.
“That sounds perfect.” you said, squeezing his hand.
“I’m curious, what was your favourite character to play?” you asked making him smile, he loved that you were interested in him and he appreciated the fact you didn’t ask the same questions that interviewers asked.
“Ooh that’s a hard one. I’ve honestly loved them all for different reasons. Superman will always have a special place in my heart. I also loved playing August Walker, I had never really played a primary antagonist before so that was interesting” he said, the thought on his face was truly adorable and it made you smirk to yourself, a couple of lines appeared on his forehead when he thought and you wanted nothing more than to reach over and smooth them out but you decided against it.
“I loved Fall Out, Jess made me watch it and I have to say Henry.. The moustache works really well for you. Not many guys could pull that off” you said making him chuckle.
“Thanks, I grew to love it but was glad when it was gone” he said.
“Would you ever grow it back?”
“For the right role” he nodded.
“Shame” you said making him furrow his eyebrows again, the same creases appearing.
“Why’s that?” he said, leaning forward slightly, your faces close together.
“You looked really hot” you said, making him cough nervously which just made you smirk. He thought wow this girl really likes messing with me and leant back a little bit, not knowing what to say.
“Your fans sure think so.” you said, squeezing his hand.
“Haha, maybe I’ll grow it back” he said, making you giggle.
“Maybe not yet, Geralt with a moustache…I’m just not seeing it” you said, both of you laughing loudly.
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“Do you want to stay here for a bit longer? Or we could go somewhere else?” he asked.
“We could go somewhere else?” you said making him nod.
“My car is just outside, I could show you my house, you can meet my cats” you said, making Henry smile.
“Yeah I’m up for that. Didn’t picture you as a cat person” he said making you chuckle.
“I’m both. I love dogs but I grew up with cats, when I moved here we agreed as a family that it's best if I am the one to look after our family cats” you said, making Henry nod along.
“Ready to leave then?” he said, making you nod, you called Jess over.
"Don't work too hard now okay? Still up for coming round on the weekend for a movie night?" you said, the both of you standing up. She nodded and hugged you tightly. 
“It was lovely to meet you Jess” Henry said, shaking her hand which made her blush again. The both of you then left, and you walked Henry to your car. It was a black audi and Henry imagined you driving something smaller but thought it was cool that you drove a car like this.
"This is me" you said, making him smile and walk to the other door, opening it and sliding in. You got in the driver's seat, turning on the engine, your music began to blast and you quickly turned it down, apologising for the noise.
"Nice car. Pictured you driving something smaller" he said, making you chuckle.
"What can I say? I'm full of surprises" you said, beginning to drive to your house. The journey was filled with the both of you walking about music, working out, filming, conservation, games, books... You arrived at your house, parking on your drive. You opened the door and Henry walked to you and smiled down at you.
"This is nice" he said as he looked up to your small house, you leant forward and placed your head on his chest, he leant down and kissed the top of it making you smile. His fingers grasped your chin and lifted your head so your eyes met. He slowly leant in a placed his lips against yours, you had missed this, missed the feeling of his soft lips against yours, missed how his tongue ran perfectly across your bottom lip, easing your mouth open slightly, you had thought about this a few times when he was away was and wondered when the next time you got to do this would be. You sighed happily against him now it was actually happening again. His hands grasped your waist tightly, lightly pushing you against the side of your car, you gasped as your back hit the car, his lips moving feverishly against yours, your hands were resting against his chest, running along it, down over his abs, resting on his hips. His tongue felt amazing against yours and you could feel him resting against your core. Kissing him was a surreal feeling, you had only kissed a few times but every time you felt the same way, it was new and exciting and you knew you would never get used to it. You pushed him away lightly, not wanting to get carried away, especially in front of your house where all your neighbours could see. His breathing matched you, deep and uneven.
"Sorry, just really wanted to do that. Have since I saw you yesterday" he said, his forehead resting against yours, his hand still on your waist.
"It's okay. We just shouldn't get too carried away" you said, placing a peck against his lips, he took a step back, creating some space between you to alleviate some of the tension.
You took his hand in yours, leading him up the small steps to your house, you took your key out of your bag, opening the door and stepping inside the threshold. One of your cats, Marley, instantly came running to the door, meowing up at you making you coo at him. You took a few more steps, turning round to see Henry closing your door, he leant down to stroke him.
“Hello, nice to meet you” he said, rubbing behind your cat's ears. You smiled down at him and his eyes met yours before he stood back up.
“That's Marley” you said, gesturing towards the cat.
“This is really nice.” he said, walking behind you into your living room.
“Thanks.” you said, moving your laptop off your sofa and gesturing for Henry to take a seat.
“Would you like anything? Some water? A coffee” you said making him shake his head, instead he grabbed your hip and pulled you towards him, making you squeal slightly in shock, he pulled you until you were sitting in his lap, your legs flicking to the side, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“There, that's all I want” he said, making you smile, your hand came up to his hair, fiddling with the bits that had fallen, the other grasping the back of his neck lightly..
“Think your hair is longer than before” you said, your voice coming out much quieter than you had intended it to.
“Hmm, maybe” he said, looking down at your lips again. You both gasped as your other cat jumped up behind the both of you, making Henry turn his head to see what it was.
“Jesus that scared the crap out of me” Henry said, making you both laugh.
“Meet Milly” you said, stroking her head gently.
“Hi.” Henry said, his own hand stroking her lightly. She jumped back down, strutting off into another room. Henry looked back towards you, his eyes instantly flicking down to your lips again making you blush.
“I can’t get enough of you” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours as his eyes closed. Your fingers were grasping the hairs at the back of his neck making him hum against you, he moved forward and inch, his lips barely touching yours. Everything felt so intense, every touch ignited sparks, every sweet word or compliment had you blushing, every kiss shook your core and you knew he felt it too.
“Henry” you uttered, making his eyes dart open, you looked into each other's eyes, his eyes flicked from yours to your lips before they crashed down against them. You gasped against him bruising your lips against his. It was messy and passionate, like nothing you had ever experienced before. His tongue became familiar with yours again, pushing against each other, he tilted his head, kissing you at a better angle, a more comfortable one, you felt him suck the tip of your tongue, the feeling was new but my oh my it felt good. You didn’t want to stop kissing him but you knew you would get carried away if you didn’t. You moved back slightly, placing sweet kisses against his lips trying to lighten everything. Henry’s head fell back against the sofa, he sighed deeply (clearly trying to calm himself down, you’ve only been on two dates Henry, calm down he thought to himself) before looking in your eyes again. His eyes were dark, the usual blue shade nearly taken up completely by darkness, he pulled you closer, his head resting against your neck and he placed soft and sweet kisses there.
"I liked seeing how you were with Jess earlier, it was really sweet, you can tell she looks up to you" Henry said, saying what was on his mind as he placed sweet kisses to your neck.
"She's amazing. Her parents aren’t around that much, they're both super busy and hard working because they both work in a hospital. So when I first moved here I went to introduce myself and she was on her own. I felt super bad so I invited her around here whenever I was free. It's nice, she's like the younger sister I always wanted but never had" you said, making you Henry look at you.
"I'm so impressed by you." he said, making you blush, not expecting that from him.
"Don't blush, it's true. I'm not easily impressed but I'm struggling to find a single flaw in you" he said. You were speechless not knowing what to say, his hands were cradling your face sweetly.
"I could say the same for you" you said, brushing your nose against his.
"I have many flaws, believe you me" he said chuckling to himself.
"I doubt that very much. I have some of my own too, but they make me who I am. I don't let them get me down but instead just try to be the best me I can be" you said, Henry had a dumbfounded look upon his face making you furrow your eyebrows at him.
"What?" you said, shrugging your shoulders at him and crossing your arms.
"You're just perfect. Even the fact you said that makes you perfect" he said making you laugh.
"You're in over your head Henry" you said, wrapping your arms back round his shoulders.
"Maybe, maybe not" he replied, kissing you sweetly.
"I had a really nice time today, it was good to catch up. Feels like we just picked up things from where we left off, it's nice, feels right" he said, you nodded letting him know you agreed.
"I had a really nice time too. And yeah I thought it might have been awkward or something but it wasn't. Feels right like you said"
"I should probably get back, Kal's probably driving my mum crazy" he said, you nodded and got up from his lap, he stood up shortly after you, placing his hands around your waist again to pull you in for a hug.
"Need me to drive you back?" you said, pulling back to look him in the eyes.
"That'd be amazing thank you, I walked to the café" he said.
On the drive back you decided to tell Henry what was on your mind.
“I know we haven’t known each other that long and we’ve only been on two dates… but i feel like this is where I’m meant to be in my life right now… with you, getting to know you” you said, glancing to the passenger seat where he was sitting.
“I’m so glad you said that. I feel the same way. I’m excited about this, I haven’t felt this way in a long time, I feel this need to be around you and if I’m honest I don’t want to fight it. Who knows what’s going to happen or where I will be in a month's time but I want to spend this time I have here with you ” he said, holding your hand as you drove, his words made your heart burst.
“Let's do it then” you said, looking over at him.
“Let's do it.” he said, kissing your hand.
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You pulled up to Henry’s childhood home when instructed and placed the car in park, turning to look at him.
“Your childhood home is huge” you said, glancing at the house.
“We’re a big family” he replied, holding your hand. You lent against the headrest and Henry’s free hand came to rest against your face making you close your eyes and lean against him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? I can pick you up at yours?” he asked, making you open your eyes and nod at him with a small smile on your face.
“Sounds perfect” you said, both leaning in for one last small kiss.
“See you tomorrow” he said, as he opened the door. You watched him walk inside, opening the door you saw his dog Kal jump at him, a look of pure joy and love on Henry’s face as he looked down at him and you smiled to yourself, this man is truly something special you thought.
Let’s do this you thought to yourself, Henry turned around and smiled at you, waving you goodbye. You didn’t know what this was going to be, but it was sure going to be spectacular.
Part 3
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by ElectricRituals
Jaskier’s super star life wasn’t all he had anticipated but maybe opening a bakery in a small town and flirting with a diner owner will help him find what he’s missing. (Part One of the Hallmark AU Collection)
Words: 5908, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel (The Witcher), Triss Merigold, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Hallmark AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Rockstar Jaskier, Turned baker, Baker Jaskier | Dandelion, Diner Owner Geralt, Who is also a handyman, a side of eskel/geralt/jaskier, but it isnt the main pairing, Blow Jobs, Kitchen Sex, Hair-pulling, Coming Untouched, Threesome - M/M/M, light exhibitionism, Light Voyeurism, Christmas Time, holiday themes are minimal, just mentioned
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