#dimitri petrov
plantcrazy · 3 months
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Henry sighed, another failed timeline.
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Righty'o! After this chapter, Lost Children will be going on a short hiatus while I work on the next bunch of chapters for part 2. (You guys know how I work out of order, right? Well... I don't have any of the first 10 chapters done, so I need some time to do those ^^; )
In the meantime, I'll be doing some more art and maybe a comic? I'm thinking I might comic one of the chapters, so tell me which one you'd like to see in comic form!
Also, I'm opening my commissions today, so please check that out!
(Also, these are the new character designs I'll be using from here onwards, and Reginald looks FABULOUS!)
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Speed paint below,
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I find the particular swearing rule so funny. What could have possibly occured to make dimitri disallow swearing knowing hes the most likely character to cuss loudly ay a social gathering
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attibar · 2 years
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Got to love peace between factions during the holidays.
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leafuelle · 1 year
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sims vs simmer <3
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rosebelikova · 2 years
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just rose and dimitri having a normal non-horny conversation in front of alberta’s salad
part 4 in the va paint masterpiece series
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madamsarrat · 1 year
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Another UWE OC.
This is Ivan and he belongs to @tay-likes-toons
Man, I love making character design.
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Markus: Listen dude…How do you know I’m even his son? Like, you could just be getting the wrong guy.
Dimitri: The initials on your scarf says ‘H.S.’
Markus: Could be anyone. My last name is Sylvester.
Dimitri: Your fake last name.
Dimitri: We did a thorough investigation, your father Henry Stickmin, surprisingly is diligent in paying his child support bill. A bill that was demanded by your Mother…now why would that be if you claim you aren’t his son?
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Vampire Academy as Office Quotes
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I have watched 5 episodes of the show, and poor Alberta dealing with their Bullshit.
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definitely18 · 2 years
The reason why Henry was in the Wall is because he travelled to Canada for fun and while there, he stole a candy from a baby and/or jaywalked and was caught. Dimitri was probably just spying on Henry to commit a crime in Canada to add to his collection.
Henry reasoned that the baby could have choked on the candy so he was actually doing a good deed. Dimitri noted it was valid but knocked him out anyway because jaywalking's a crime.
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cremeberrys · 1 year
“I’m not joking sophie, put it down.” / no angst or im divorcing u - dimitri to sophie.
if   you   really   think   about   it,   their   relationship   is   pretty   much   cat   &   dog   -   & obviously,   sophie   is   the   puppy   who   keeps   annoying   him   for   his   attention.   it’s   their   everyday   married   life,   &   today   is   just   an   example   of   it.
it's   the   weekend,   so   it's   both   their   days   off.   they   usually   spend   it   lounging   at   home   with   the   kids,   or   watching   movies   until   their   butts   are   sore,   or   playing   video   games   until   sophie   gets   bored   (   or   frisky,   whichever   mood   comes   first).
today,   though,   sophie   wanted   to   try   baking   again.   cooking,   she's   gotten   the   hand   of,   but   baking?   she   still   has   a   lot   of   work   to   do   to   really   pull   it   off   without   repeatedly   looking   at   the   cookbook.   but   regardless,   if   she   fails   -   which   is   constantly,   by   the   way   -   she   enjoys   the   process.   she's   not   picky   with   sweets,   either,   so   unless   the   food   is   burnt,   sophie's   eating   whatever's   coming   out   of   the   oven.
dimitri,   on   the   other   hand,   is   a   lot   more   disciplined   when   it   comes   to   things   like   this   ...   which   is   why   they've   been   arguing   for   the   past   ten   minutes,   because   dimitri's   been   insisting   on   sophie   not   eating   the   sugary   sweet   cookie   dough   with   peanut   butter,   lotus   biscoff   spread,   &   you   guessed   it,   ice   cream.   sophie,   of   course,   is   refusing   otherwise.
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❛   it's   not   like   i   eat   it   everyday!   ❜   she   counters,   but   dimitri   doesn't   look   convinced.   ❛   okay,   i   will   eat   it   everyday,   but   come   on.   ❜
dimitri's   face   &   body   language   clearly   states   that   he's   not   backing   down.   sophie   knows   him   too   well.   it's   what   being   married   for   four   years   gets   you.
sophie   purses   her   lips   &   sighs,   placing   the   dessert   down   with   a   loud   huff.   ❛   fine,   ❜   she   gives   in.   ❛   but   you   owe   me   a   kiss.   or   else.   ❜
give   &   take   -   that's   their   married   life,   after   all.   &   once   she   gets   the   kiss   she   asked   (   demanded   )   for,   sophie   smiles,   suddenly   forgetting   the   cookie   dough   cake   she   even   made   in   the   first   place.
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I find the particular swearing rule so funny. What could have possibly occured to make dimitri disallow swearing knowing hes the most likely character to cuss loudly ay a social gathering
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Hubert Galeforce and Dmitri Johannes Petrov from Henry stickmin
Hubert Galeforce and Dimitri Johannes Petrov from Henry Stickmin are Divorced!
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myon-94 · 7 months
Hmm, back at you! I knew you liked Ray with Dimitri and I now know you don't like Niko with Packie (awesome, hehe), but are they actually the best and least?
Omg an ask what am I to do? Answer it of course this my one chance to talk abt gta ships without wanting to kms
Well if we're talking about non rarepairs and ships that actually have SOME ground in game then I must say Brucie and Roman might just be the best, their dynamic just works so well! In the sweet bellic (I think that's what it's called but it's the one where niko goes to kill that French Tom guy) the preferences written by Roman in niko's bio just seem to reflect Brucie a little too much and also Brucie did mention that "if he were queer" Roman would be in danger eheheh.
As for the least favorite, and I'm sorry everyone and especially to my 2019 baby gta stan self..it's gotta be dimitri and mikhail.
I know I know doomed old man yaoi is too good to pass but. I liked it a little when I first started getting into gta but as time passed I just found myself disliking it more and more.. Aside from the fact that mikhail is a married man with a grown daughter and cheating is a big no in my book, I just find their dynamic more and more toxic. Though that's normally not a big problem for me (I love misery) I think this time not only were they aggressive towards each other but I can't see a hint of romance in their interactions.
I see mikhail and dimitri as two people who were once friends- brothers even, who went through highs and lows together, who witnessed the death of their nation and tried to live in what was once their glorious union while still looking out for one another, and who immigrated to a far, foreign hostile country (most likely) without a penny to their name, and who were slowly and inevitably drifting apart..because nothing lasts forever.
It could've been the money and power, it could've been the painkillers and the coke, it could've been the fact that they were thousands of miles away from home and are still, even after a decade, in a foreign land they can't quite get used to.
Neither of them wanted to let go of the other. They could only trust each other. They were the only hint left of their old lives that neither wanted to forget. But everything was just..too much I guess? This couldn't keep on, and I believe it was dimitri who let go first.
I believe that by the time niko meets mikhail and dimitri the latter has already made up his mind about mikhail. What started as just boredom and annoyance of mikhail and his antics slowly manifesting into hate as his behavior started putting everyone in danger. I even think dimtri lied about the whole petrovic situation just to get an excuse to get rid of mikhail. And mikhail, well he didn't appreciate his friends distance in the slightest. But instead of thinking "maybe this is my fault" he just started to blame everyone and everything but himself, refusing to belive that he and only he was the reason his friend no longer liked him as much..and to cope he just undermines and makes fun of and blames dimitri any chance he can get; calling him paranoid, he blames him for the Lenny situation (though as I said I believe the whole fiasco was a lie) and in a deleted phone call he even accuses dimitri of sleeping with ilyena- the wife he cheats on every day. And to whom he complains? To the Serbian mercenary that knows nothing about any of them of course!
I especially find the moment where he says to niko "Dimitri would've been some prison meat if not for me" incredibly low because..you don't just say such a thing. It's cruel and it's disgusting and serves no purpose other than make dimitri look small in the eyes of others. I find his end quite fitting, rare niko W.
I do think they fucked once or twice tho :3 but they most certainly aren't in love.
BUT if we ARE talking about rarepairs then ohh boy...nothing beats dimitri and boccino. They're like. the ship ever. Still my proudest moment when I thought of these two together one Monday night 😮‍💨✨️ I rambled WAY too much abt mikhail and dimitri I know no one will read this if I talk abt ray and dimitri.
And least favorite rarepair..well there aren't many cuz yk they're rare. But I think Niko and Derrick for no other reason than because they always kill off my babygirls francis and boccino and talk shit about them for the rest of the fic. #Fuck Derrick I hate this lying drug addict rat.
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rosebelikova · 2 years
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dimitri’s first attempt at disobedience fails
part 2 in the va paint masterpiece series
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m1a07 · 5 months
Rest In Fictional Rose Hathaway, you would have loved Tyla.
Rest In fictional Mason Ashford, you would have loved blue razz vapes.
Rest in fictional Eddie Castile, you would have loved Tesco meal deals.
Rest in fictional Alberta Petrov, you would have loved Uber eats.
Rest in fictional Dimitri Belikov, you would have loved goodreads.com
Rest in fictional Adrian Ivashkov, you would have loved Tinder.
Rest in fiction Lissa Dragomir, you would have loved Sanrio.
Rest in fiction Mia karp, you would have loved the met gala.
Rest in fiction Christian Ozera, you would have loved tumblr
(I’m gonna keep adding to this because I’m bored)
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