#dimir doppelganger
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 month ago
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Dimir Doppelganger
"Fear not. Your life will not go unlived."
Artist: Jim Murray TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Dimir Doppelganger by Jim Murray
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magicjudge · 7 years ago
If I put Illusory Wrappings on a Dimir Doppelganger, will the creatures P/T change away from 0/2 the next time the Doppelganger copies a creature?
No, it will still have base P/T of 0/2.
When Dimir Doppleganger copies a creature card, it gains that card’s P/T as part of the copy effect. Illusory Wrappings effect applies in a much later layer and so it sets the P/T to 0/2 even if Dimir Doppelganger copied something else since the aura became attached.
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inventors-fair · 4 years ago
Animal Planet - Full Commentary
Like I mentioned earlier, there were a lot of great entries this week. Full commentary below the cut. - @teaxch​
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@bread-into-toast​ - Indomitable Tardigrade
Tardigrades are famous for their ability to live through anything, and indestructible plus protection from everything covers almost every effect in the game that might remove a creature, with only non-targeted non-destruction removal getting through. I also like temporarily gaining indestructible on a tardigrade more than I like it on some other creatures that have gotten it as a replacement for regeneration (Drudge Sentinel, Icehide Troll), because Tardigrades really do become indestructible, rather than just putting themselves back together.
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@deg99 - Anikole-Watusi
The flavor text is doing a lot of work on this card, helping justify an ability that otherwise would be a bit incongruous. With a reasonable statline at base rate, the card is less reliant on the second ability than the similar Stormwild Capridor, and it’s also threatening enough that preventing it from being bolted or fighted to death is valuable even if you have no ways to trigger it yourself.
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@demimonde-semigoddess​ - Beetle Colony
The design of this card is interesting in that it is both a card that you don’t want to play in a deck with no forests, but also has incidental added value if your opponent is playing forests. (You could play the card in a deck with no forests, with the intent of only ever using the last ability, but that’s pretty far below rate, so I don’t think it makes the cut if you’re on that plan.)
The big boundary-push on the card is that it’s an aura that taps, and one that goes on a card type that people often tap pretty casually. Tapping enchantments appeared in Future Sight as a thing that Magic hadn’t done yet, but otherwise haven’t appeared. I’m not sure that this card crosses the threshold of what it would take to be worth breaking that rule on its own (as opposed to being an additional upkeep trigger or something), but it would be reasonable in a set that included other tapping enchantments.
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@dimestoretajic​ - Bara, Friend to All
This is a strong tech piece; a fair number decks across a range of formats have few, if any ways to deal with a card like this mainboard. It’s fast enough that it’s not practical to go under it, it requires specific pieces of removal to handle, and even if it is handled eventually it can often put an aggressive deck effectively out of the game. (That said, most decks do have answers for something like this in the board, although not reliably great ones.) This might be safe in a product that skips standard, but it’s not totally clear whether this is something that would make it in a commander-focused product. (It’s not too powerful for Commander as a format, but it’s not something that all commander-product decks have many good ways to deal with.) I’m also not sure whether this could go in a product meant to be drafted. If this was introduced into certain non-rotating formats, it could certainly be an interesting role-player.
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@fractured-infinity​ - Cunning Cuttlefish
There’s currently no shapeshifters in Magic that use this technology in quite as straightforward a way as this - Cryptoplasm might come the closest, with Dimir Doppelganger also playing in that space. This was one of a few Cuttlefish entries this week, and shapeshifting with controlled size is a pretty clever way to implement a Cuttlefish’s abilities. This card also allows for some shenanigans if you control an evasive creature and a creature with a saboteur effect. I wasn’t initially sure whether this should only last until the end of the turn, but precedent suggests that it’s fine for it to persist.
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@ghoulcaclulator64​ - Snake-Head Larva
Morph and saboteur abilities go together naturally, enough so that Headhunter, Silent Specter, and Haunted Cadaver all play in this space. For its morph cost, this card has a fairly brutal saboteur effect, and it’s appropriate to put it at rare for that reason. That said, as long as it only connects once, it’s pretty fair, and if the other morph cards in the set obey the KTK-forward soft rules about the size of creatures with cheap morph costs, then it can at least be blocked safely.
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@gollumni​ - Zhalfiran Zebra
This card homages two existing cards, Master Decoy and Zhalfiran Decoy, rather than alluding directly to something that the animal is known for outside of Magic, which is a novel twist on the prompt. The card entering the battlefield tapped presumably references those two cards needing to tap to use their abilities. It reads a little oddly in a vacuum, as it’s not a drawback that appears often on white cards, but the connection to the second ability helps to to feel part of a piece. I do think that there’s room to push this card a bit - even at common, sorcery-speed tapping for one turn isn’t worth a huge amount.
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@grornt​ - Nude Defenders
Surprisingly one of three cards this week that made use of the Skulk mechanic, Nude Defenders is a spin on Rat Colony that’s more insular and that has less power, but gains the aforementioned mechanic. I’m not sure whether Skulk plays well into the fantasy offered by the rest of the card of building up a large group of creatures that are themselves individually large, however. It still has some utility in that it can help get a last few points of damage in and generally prevent very large creatures from blocking (the Defenders in many circumstances will at least trade, rather than just getting eaten), but the two parts read as negative tension.
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@helloijustreadyourpost​ - Clever Octopus
The second of the skulk entries this week. It’s clear what this card is doing - it steals small objects when it attacks (including things like food and treasure, which octopuses value) - but executing that ends up requiring a lot of text. I see the value in keeping your opponent from sacrificing whatever it is you target with the ability by preventing sacrifices of artifacts entirely, but most card just accept the fact that sacrificing a permanent is an answer to abilities that would steal it. I think that the extra text may be worth it here because the set of things that the octopus can steal includes a lot of things that can easily be sacrificed, but it’s on the line.
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@hypexion​ - Abyssal Angler
I really like this design overall. “Creature that can force a creature to attack, but also must block the attacker” is a combination of abilities that I was a little surprised doesn’t already exist on a creature, given the very clear story it tells. I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I like the subtle drawback of the ability being mandatory; if your opponent has only a 4/4, you must commit your Angler to blocking that creature if it’s untapped, which is a missable but relevant interaction. It does tell an interesting story of an Anglerfish in over its head, however.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​ - Battle-Ready Emu
It’s hard to do a card with a single short line of rules text that’s both novel and a complete and understandable reference to a real-world phenomenon (or event, in this case), and I think this card pulls it off. In many environments, the Protection is largely trinket text, but as evergreen colored artifacts allow Wizards to print more and better equipment at lower rarities, it’s something that has a growing chance of mattering.
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@jsands84​ - Eclipse of Moths
Cards that allow your opponent to escape part of their effect by paying a certain color of mana aren’t common, but I like this more than Quenchable Fire for two reasons. First, the hybrid cost to buy out of the effect means that more, but not all, decks have the option to do so. Second, the repeatability of the effect means that the cost can legitimately add up over time. There are shades of the not-so-popular Rhystic mechanic, but I think in small volumes it’s fine, especially when tied to clear flavor, as this is.
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@juggernaut-is-a-metalhead - Decaying Waverider
I wasn’t completely sure what to make of this card; the card mostly holds together, except for the art (although the dog is very cute), and doesn’t seem to be a top-down representation of the animal depicted, unless I’m missing something. Skulk and the ability to destroy cheap things on ETB is an interesting combination, as depending on your opponent’s curve, this might remove the only creature that can block it. 
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@loreholdlesbian​ - Coveted Rabbit
This is a strong design for a card that goes in a deck with spells that target your own creatures, specifically because it itself is a creature. The simplest execution of the mechanics of this card would be to just make the foot itself an equipment card, but this implementation allows you to up the creature count in an aura- or combat-trick-heavy deck by being a creature itself.
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@misterstingyjack​ - Beaver Dam
The bulk of the power of this card is vested in its last ability. Being able to pitch lands for business is worth a lot in the late game, and the defensive nature of the card as a whole helps support a longer-game plan. The rest of the card tells a nice and flavorful story as well. +0/+1 counters aren’t a tool that’s used any longer, and I’m not sure if this card crosses the threshold for making it worth bringing them back; the card could use another counter type and scale with the number of those counters, if +0/+1 counters weren’t being used.
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@nicolbolas96​ - Protective Mother Boar 
I’m not sure if there are any “mom will fight you if you hurt one of the other ones” cards that represent the mother creature itself rather than the baby, which is an interesting point of novelty. This card represents potentially quite a lot of face damage, but cleverly uses the Crested Sunmare trick of tying a powerful effect to a tribe that tends to be used for limited filler rather than for serious constructed shots. (Although the number of Constructed-interesting boars has gradually crept up over time.)
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@nine-effing-hells​ - Aposematic Display 
Menace and Deathtouch as a combination mean that blocking the creature is very costly, so there’s some synergy there - your opponent will generally treat the creature as unblockable. (Which is completely fair for the card’s cost - in blue, auras that make creatures unblockable can cost a single mana.) What I mostly want to talk about is the interaction between menace and the last ability. Because of the nonobvious way those abilities interact (if your opponent has only one creature that can block the enchanted creature, they don’t have to block it, but if they have two or more, then the targeted creature and another creature both have to block the enchanted creature), putting the two abilities on the same card is probably a complexity flag, but the card is uncommon. The specific combination has the interesting (but not necessarily desirable) effect of making Menace a drawback a significant fraction of the time, as the second ability is nullified entirely as long as your opponent doesn’t leave up two or more blockers.
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@reaperfromtheabyss​ - Sandfish Skink
I didn’t think much of the ability at first, but the more I thought about it, the more impressed I was with its flexibility. It spoils a range of combat tricks, it lets the Skink block a large creature and then swap to a small one, and it allows the Skink to block things it wouldn’t normally be able to block. There’s a lot packed into a simple ability, which makes for an impressive design.
One small note - it should probably be limited to targeting attacking creatures that are attacking you or a creature you control. While I believe the game rules can handle the circumstance where you target one of your own attacking creatures, the Skink itself, or a creature attacking another player in a multiplayer game, it’s probably better to sidestep that entirely by limiting the legal targets.
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@snugz​ - Bombardier Beetle
This is an interesting design, and another in the category of cards that seem like they should already exist. The big question with this card is: Is it green? Almost all similar effects (with a fixed amount of damage) are red, and in practical terms the ability functions a lot like Double Strike, but only against creatures. Not every card needs to be in the color that’s number one in something, but this ability feels borderline in Green, which doesn’t have a long history of creatures being able to one-sided fight nonfliers without external help. (That said, I guess the fact that it’s blocked or blocking is sort of like it’s fighting?)
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@starch255​ - The White Whale
This is a wrath attached to a large body, with a bit of a twist that players o-ring one creature each instead. Putting a card that some players will interpret as a Whale tribal card in a color with no Whales might disappoint some players slightly, but it’s a pretty on-flavor way to keep the card from affecting itself or other copies of itself. This is currently one of the easiest to cheat out/reanimate/blink wraths in the game - it’s pretty standard for creatures that wrath on ETB to only get that effect when cast from hand, or to require some additional investment or action.
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@typical-davinci-impersonator - Leyline Cuttlefish
This is already a bear, so the card is basically serviceable in limited even if the ability doesn’t end up mattering, but I’m assuming that this exists in an environment where color matters. Depending on the way that color-matters is implemented, there’s an argument that this could maybe cost 1 instead, but given that 2/2 for 2 isn’t a statline that colorless gets much, the ability can be pretty marginal and this is still an interesting card. Being directly tied into what Cuttlefish can do in a very literal way limits the environments where it makes sense as a card, but makes it quite resonant if there were a reason to print it.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path​ - Blue Glaucus
I had to look this one up - for the benefit of anybody who’s in the same boat, this is a slug that preys on jellyfish-like creatures and actually stores their stinging cells in its own body for defense. It’s also immune to the stings of some such creatures.
The card has a lot going on, and a lot of it is novel, although most of the text directly references the abilities of the actual organism. The third ability is interesting in that it can be proactively built around, although Deathtouch creatures more often die on your opponent’s turn than on yours, making the mana potentially more difficult to use.
I’m not totally sure that the creature needs morph, but morph + deathtouch is a good combo, so it’s reasonably justified if the set it appears in already has morph.
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@wolkemesser​ - Magical Hat
If I had done Honorable Mentions this week, this would definitely have made the cut. It’s super rare that such a clear and clever story can be told with just one relatively straightforward line of rules text. I respect the decision to leave off flavor text even though cards with three lines of rules text almost always have it; the card doesn’t need any help explaining what’s going on. I had a hard time gauging the rate on this card, but I think it’s within the band of fair.
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auto-shade · 4 years ago
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Dimir Doppelganger by Jim Murray
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danco110 · 4 years ago
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“For the last time,” the man growled, “my name is Jace Beleren. I was the Living Guildpact, succeeded by Niv-Mizzet. I’m a telepath. I know who I am.”
Lazav sighed, reached out, and gently squeezed the man’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, but you’re a shapeshifter just like me. You’re one of House Dimir’s sleeper agents. Beleren was the Guildpact. You weren’t.”
“I guess that answers a lot of questions…” The Jace lookalike frowned as he stared down at his hands, but quickly recovered. “…In that case, I’ll be a better Jace Beleren than even the original! Oh, wait. I suppose you’re here to kill me?”
The Dimir guildmaster laughed. He turned around and started walking, talking over his shoulder as he left. “Actually, I came here to make sure you would continue acting as Beleren. As far as I’m concerned, this is a perfect situation for both parties. So, as you were.”
“Wait!” the doppelganger shouted after Lazav. “Aren’t you going to wipe my memories or something? I could talk.”
The cloaked figure turned halfway, revealing a wicked grin. “No one would ever believe you.”
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supereffectivemoonblast · 4 years ago
Chapter 11: Roleplaying a Fake Orgy
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Last session in Ravnica, the heroes owe the Mafia about 13k Gold Pieces, and needed to make up the debt quickly or else someone might disappear them. At the beginning of this session, Callie is approached by her employers, the House Dimir, about her monumental blunder last session.
Callie had revealed to her allies that she was in fact a Dimir spy, but luckily for Dimir, and her, they successfully wiped this fact from the memories of Ash, Lavinia, and Saffie. Callie was then given a chance to scrounge some semblance of dignity for her superiors (and make up some money) by being contracted to assassinate a Dimir traitor.
Fast forward a few hours and the group successfully make it into the bunker the target is being held at without raising suspicion. They find the room and and discover two identical men, since one of these is the doppelganger traitor, the group decide they just kill them both. Lavinia, who detests bloodshed, elects to stand watch outside.
A very violent battle erupts, but Ash, Callie, and Saffie successfully take down both targets. However, just as they plan their getaway, Lavinia is confronted by a militant Boros Angel who asks her what all the ruckus behind the door was. Lavinia lies that she is covering for her friends, who are having loud, rough sex and did not want to be disturbed. Her allies overhear this excuse and scream out lewd and aroused noises of pleasure. This convinces the Angel to cringe and leave the group to their antics.
The assassination was a success and Callie secretly pays her commission reward to the Orzhov Syndicate. Their debt shrunk... by a very small amount.
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daily-mtg-tarot · 7 years ago
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Concentrate upon your question, and draw from a deck of 123 two colored blue or black Modern-legal cards...
The Past
Pilfered Plans
Target player puts the top two cards of their library into their graveyard. Draw two cards.
The Present
Torpor Dust
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets -3/-0.
The Future
Dimir Doppelganger
Creature — Shapeshifter
{1}{U}{B}: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Dimir Doppelganger becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability.
0 / 2
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maris-solstice · 8 years ago
Why were you and Chelsea-beleren-vess going into that room alone? If you were interrogating a Dimir agent you coulda let me help! Sigarda knows I need some experience.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. There may be a doppelganger about. Keep your eyes peeled.
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magicjudge · 9 years ago
let's say my opponent controls a Geralf's Messenger with no counters on it and I control a Dimir Doppelganger. I kill Messenger and activate Doppelganger's ability in response to Messenger's undying trigger: does Messenger trigger still resolves? And if latter my Doppelganger dies? does it return to battlefield with a counter on it? or when it hits the grave it's not a copy of Geralf's Messenger anymore?
Geralf’s Messenger can’t return to the battlefield if it has left the graveyard since the undying trigger went on the stack. It’ll just hang out in exile.
Since Dimir Doppelganger had Undying when it died, it will return to the battlefield as a Dimir Doppelganger with a +1/+1 counter. Undying triggers as a creature is leaving the battlefield, not when it enters the graveyard, so it matters if the creature had the ability as it last existed on the battlefield.
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mtgbracket · 8 years ago
Round of 8192 - Batch 41
You can now vote in Batch 41!
Currently open batches:
Batch 41 Batch 40 Batch 39 Batch 38 Batch 37 Batch 36 Batch 35
Batch 34 results will be up shortly.
Feature match: Bye card and stupid combo enabler Time Spiral comes against alternate-timeline Khan Sidisi, Undead Vizier.
Full list of matchups:
Shallow Grave vs Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh Mind Games vs Lightning Axe Azorius Cluestone vs Kirtar's Desire Graf Harvest vs Lockjaw Snapper Crocanura vs Thunderscape Master Hoarder's Greed vs Sanctum Guardian Noxious Gearhulk vs Thundersong Trumpeter Sword of War and Peace vs Pia Nalaar Necromaster Dragon vs Threads of Disloyalty Sword of Kaldra vs Sunbond Feast on the Fallen vs Aerie Mystics Time Spiral vs Sidisi, Undead Vizier Goblin Flectomancer vs Midnight Banshee Rogue's Passage vs Vedalken Engineer Latulla's Orders vs Extract Swift Warkite vs Nessian Wilds Ravager Wonder vs Scholar of Athreos Evil Presents vs Purge Trygon Predator vs Oran-Rief Recluse Defense Grid vs Body Double Song of Blood vs Marath, Will of the Wild Natural Balance vs Gigadrowse Southern Paladin vs Sensei's Divining Top Dimir Doppelganger vs Valor Made Real Drake Familiar vs Tangle Golem Compelling Deterrence vs Hydra Broodmaster Snuff Out vs River of Tears Tainted Wood vs Unnerve Sigiled Paladin vs Savage Alliance Talara's Battalion vs Tattermunge Duo Lose Calm vs War Priest of Thune Murderous Compulsion vs Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
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mtgbracket · 8 years ago
Round of 16384 - Batch 79
Batch 79 voting is now open.  The following polls are currently open:
Batch 79 Batch 78 Batch 77 Batch 76 Batch 75 Batch 74 Batch 73
Batch 72 results will be up soon.
The full list of matchups for today is:
Gruesome Deformity vs Sulfuric Vapors Inspirit vs Wildfire Emissary Crystal Ball vs Wormfang Turtle Nevinyrral's Disk vs Land Grant Vigor vs Surreal Memoir Vigilant Sentry vs Boneshard Slasher Mystic Denial vs Grafted Skullcap Marsh Flats vs Sulfur Vent Forbidden Ritual vs Barbed Field Daughter of Autumn vs Kapsho Kitefins Adarkar Valkyrie vs Baleful Eidolon Plow Through Reito vs Destructive Flow Spirit Link vs Terra Eternal Cobblebrute vs From Under the Floorboards Ruins of Oran-Rief vs Rummaging Wizard Benthic Djinn vs Rip-Clan Crasher Nekrataal vs Anurid Barkripper Kozilek's Predator vs Silverback Ape Shard Volley vs Wordmail Scalding Tongs vs Viashino Warrior Emmara Tandris vs Geier Reach Sanitarium Nature's Ruin vs Sundering Growth Sacrifice vs Geth's Grimoire Tracker's Instincts vs Map the Wastes Cave Sense vs Psychic Network Hit // Run vs Orcish Paratroopers Breathstealer's Crypt vs Predator Ooze Sword of the Chosen vs Gideon Jura Assault Griffin vs Bronzebeak Moa Unnatural Selection vs Hand to Hand Ritual of the Returned vs Stonehorn Chanter Dimir Doppelganger vs Shield of the Oversoul
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