#dimentio nintendo high
zia-the-weirdo · 6 months
It's SPM's anniversary today and I have nothing other than this NH!Dimentio and OG Dimentio art I made yesterday so
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caecaesclubhouse · 9 months
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💫 Nintendo High Swag 💫
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rattlebear25 · 10 months
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I made some screenshots about Nintendo High Dimentio. Maybe i will do something with them... idk.
He is so cute in the last picture aaaaaaa my heart is melting
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Top 10 Mario Characters (Remake)
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Number 1. Bowser - Bowser is a genuinely great villain and fun as hell. Sure, there are a crapton of underrated villains in the Mario series, but no matter what you cannot really hate this guy. He’s a giant fire breathing turtle-dragon who’s a evil king, but he’s also a meathead, arrogant as hell, has very cool boss fights, is a surprisingly good father to his kids, and he’s an amazing protagonist and ally, as shown in games like Bowser’s Inside Story, and the Paper Mario Series. At the end of the day, Bowser is just an entertaining villain and an great character.
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Number 2. Wario - Whaddya expect? Wario is a perfect take on an “Mario Double” by not being a literal Evil Mario. He’s just a disgusting, rude, and greedy little bastard man that just so happens to not only look similar to Mario, but is also the exact opposite of everything Mario is! He’s also a game developer, and a treasure hunter, plus his games are actually pretty fun. In other words, Wario for the win!
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Number 3. King Boo - The Boo’s are annoying little shits and the cutest enemies in the series, but this guy is legit nightmare fuel and a delightful slice of ham. He captured Mario, he captured Peach, he turned Mario and Peach into paintings, and he went from wanting to capture Luigi to just wanting to outright kill him! Also, much like Bowser, he's consistently entertaining every time he is on screen, and I find it surprising he isn't an Mario RPG villain because he certainly fits that description pretty damn well. Overall King Boo is just a delight to see, and he’s the perfect nemesis for Luigi.
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Number 4. Dimentio - Easily the biggest asshole in the Paper Mario games, and the biggest asshole in the whole series. This jester is suave, smug, manipulative, AND sadistic. He feels less like a Mario villain, and more akin to a Final Fantasy or Kirby villain. Also the twist with him betraying Bleck was somehow not the asspull I thought it was when I first played the game, and it was actual kinda built up well throughout the game.
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Number 5. The Shadow Queen - The easiest way to describe The Shadow Queen is that she’s a Kirby final boss in a Mario game. Eldrich in nature, terrifying, powerful, and PURE EVIL. Also, despite just being the final boss, her build up is done exceedingly well, so she doesn’t feel out of place either. In short, this ghastly demon queen is so non-Mario as a villain that it works perfectly in her favor.
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Number 6. Count Bleck - A well written tragic villain in a Mario game that is also quite the horrifying bastard? HELL YES!
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Number 7. Bowser Jr - Bowser Jr is a small gremlin that is on the same level of fun as his father, and is extremely underrated. He’s got some of the most versatile bosses in the series due to his mechs and clown car, is very energetic, and his relationship with his dad is pretty healthy and fun. In short, the son of Bowser is just neat. However his biggest problem is that he's so underutilized in the mainline games, like how does Nintendo hit gold and decide not to use it often.
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Number 8. Rosalina - She is beauty, she is grace, she has a sad backstory, she's helpful, she's the mother of these stars that become planets, she's considered to be either a witch or a goddess, and overall out of all the princesses in the series... I don't think we've had one like her. Daisy is outgoing and tomboyish, Peach is more refined, but Rosalina feels like a divine entity mixed with a mother figure who's experienced a lot. Sorry, but top 2 goes to star mom.
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Number 9. Princess Daisy - Do I have to explain? Despite only appearing in an obscure ass game and some party games, Daisy is a HUGE contrast to Peach, and it’s in a good way. She’s a tomboy, is loud and proud, and her energy is constantly high as all hell.
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Number 10. Princess Peach - When she isn’t being kidnapped by Bowser, she’s actually pretty fun. Sure she lack’s Daisy’s high energy, and is more “girly,” but she’s still got some sass and her own unique type of high energy that is let out in the party games. Also her Mario 64 castle theme is one of the best leitmotif’s in the series.
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clownflu64 · 1 year
An idea popped into my head and my overactive imagination grabbed it and RAN FOR IT'S FREAKING LIFE.
So hear me out
A third Mario + Rabbids game
With Dimentio and Kanya as the main antagonists.
The game could start out with Kanya landing on a seemingly random planet after being defeated by the heroes and her robot flinging her into outer space. Enraged, she starts kicking rocks at a wall, until one of them passes THROUGH the wall. Curious, she follows it into a cave, where she finds the Altar from Super Paper Mario where the Chaos Heart was summoned. On the Altar sits the Dark Prognosticus, and when she opens it, we catch a glimpse of Dimentio's face before the camera pans to Kanya, who starts laughing evilly.
Timeskip to some time later, and we see the Rabbid Heroes hanging out, having fun. Rabbid Mario is chowing down on pizza, unaware of a figure toting a large pair of Pipe-shaped Gatlings sneaking up behind him. Luckily, Edge notices Bwario just in time and pulls Rabbid Mario out of the way. Everyone's ready for a fight, but Beep-O interrupts and manages to get Bwario to explain why he's attacking them. As it turns out, Bwaluigi and the Lava Queen have gone missing, and apparently... it's Spawny's fault?!
Thus begins a new adventure. Battle-Ready Beep-O, Bwario, Bwaluigi, the Lava Queen, and even the Spark Hunters could be new playable characters (After they're freed from Dimentio and Kanya's control of course), there could be new planets (A spookier side of Palette Prime, a sky-high planet that manufactures clouds, a theme part built in and around a volcano!), there could even be new mechanics if we don't want the Sparks to be reused (Pure Hearts, anyone?).
This is all just a random idea, and one that Nintendo may never use even if they do make a third Mario + Rabbids. But hey, it's fun to come up with stuff.
Also I would totally ship Bwaluigi and Bedrock.
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skywardsister · 2 years
SPM Fanfic- Post Mortem Memoir of a Learned Fool
Preface- Here, I shall chronicle my post-defeat observations between daily judgement summons by Jaydes. Her Highness lacks a merciful nature, so notes may be sporadic.
 My defeat at the hands of those heroes proclaimed by the Light Prognosticus has forced me to reflect on my experiences as I bide my time here in the realm of roaming shadows. Despite my past usage of darkness to hide my presence, even I now grow tired of this twilight veil that shrouds my waking moments and I ache for something new to occupy myself. I suppose it was only a matter of time; I’m not worried, though, as waiting has always been my strong suit. Queen Jaydes has me under routine surveillance and would strike me down should I disappear from beneath her careful watch. My stay in the Underwhere shall be a while. While some of the following was quite obvious from the start, other facts only revealed themselves to me towards the apex of my plan for a new, better world. I wish I had been more perceptive… perhaps more cautious.
War veterans can be directionless cowards.
One cannot force a sense of humility upon entitled people (especially prissy little girls).
With the proper influence, it is rather simple to corrupt an innocent soul with its own shadow.
Those who present themselves as superior aren’t as well put-together as they appear.
Even the strongest wills can shatter from the fickle pulse of love.
I have also learned that as I suspected, I myself am the only person I can safely trust. Any backup plan is better than none. No matter how long I think myself someone’s confidant, no matter how competent my service and unwavering my loyalty, faith in others leaves me vulnerable to betrayal. In due time, everyone’s actions unleash their true character. Vengeance is a wonderful motivator. My patience knows no bounds even in the face of abject hypocrisy and mediocrity. It is possible to leave the dimension of the dead more than once.
 Persisting in the dark,
Super Paper Mario is property of Intelligent Systems and Nintendo, the story is mine (please don’t use my work without my permission- thanks!)
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dappledpaintbrush · 2 years
Blumiere and Dimentio are the same person and I’m tired of the plot trying to pretend theyre not.
Y’all I love this game and all but why were Mimi and Chunks not only still loyal to Blumiere but also said not one bad thing about him after finding out he was going to kill them despite the fact they were trying to help him this whole time and were the only mfs that cared about him- but Dimentio did the exact same thing and they hit him with a car
Like this is a genuine question I’ve been a fan for over a decade and I’m still like huh😭 about their logic. “We won’t let dimentio get away with this!” Or whatever she said- MIMI SWEETHEART BLECK DID THE EXACT SAME THING
Like if Bleck wanted to die whatever but it would’ve done so much for his character if he was like “hey the people who genuinely care for me and are trying to help me destroy everything and think they’re going to be spared? Huh! maybe I should actually spare them and create a new world for them but I still croak” unless he couldn’t create dimensions at all and was lying? But didn’t Dimentio do it with only the power of the chaos heart or am I stupid. So could Bleck have done it too? Idk maybe we could’ve had a scene where like “hey dimentio master of dimensions LOL I was kidding btw I cant do shit. Make a world for y’all whatever but I’m gonna die” and I’m pretty sure dimentio would’ve been like alright (lying, still wants a world just for him) but idk. Anyways Nintendo having Count Bleck still trying to kill his minions after everything they did for him really messed up his character and went against the writers intentions of trying to make Bleck a tragic villain but Dimentio purely evil and accidentally made them the EXACT SAME person and I just wish they could’ve handled it better because his arc could’ve been nearly perfect.
Not ONLYYY that, but he wanted to kill all worlds because he lost Timpani. Yet. There she is. Right there. And he KNOWS THAT. YET. HE KEEPS FIGHTING. KNOWING THAT IF HE WINS THE WOMAN HE WAS TRYING TO END LIFE FOR BECAUSE SHE DIED IS ALIVE AND HES JUST GOING TO ACTUALLY KILL HER. But then after they beat the shit out of him he says “kill me and stop the void- if you’re alive, it gives me peace” WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT THE SECOND SHE FLEW INTO THE ROOM. Maybe he was in a state of madness. But idk I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it
“But dappledpaintbrush, at least Bleck had the motivation of his one true love dying and Dimentio was just a bitch” *twitches finger back and forth while going AH, AH, AH, AH, AH* We have the very high possibility of Dimentio’s whole family fucking dying and his sister turning into like a demon according to Carson. So in game canon there is a POSSIBILITY (cause that story can be interpreted a lot of ways) that BOTH of them had tragic backstories that POSSIBLY was BOTH of their motivations to destroy all worlds. Yet Blumiere gets treated like a poor little meow meow by the characters and the clown doesn’t. Then again I don’t think the clown ever talked about it. Maybe it’s just my own experience, but I feel like the writing still tried to push the narrative that Bleck is less terrible than Dimentio.
And hey let’s say Dimentio is only a descendant of the Pixl Creator and he’s doing this for no reason other than for lols. Both of them STILL tried to destroy all worlds and only Bleck had a change of heart after Tippi returned… yet still tried to enable the Void after finding out she’s alive? Both of them lied to, betrayed, and tried to MURDER their ENTIRE TEAM. Earlier, I said “(the writers) trying to make Bleck a tragic villain but Dimentio purely evil and accidentally made them the EXACT SAME person” and this can go two ways- the first option, or making both of them tragic characters. If the writers genuinely thought this through and genuinely wanted us to pry into the lore to conclude Dimentio and Bleck are not that different, sending one to his dream world with his dream girl and the other to actual super mario hell doesn’t help their intention
And Blumiere is such an amazing concept for a character and he STILL IS, but wow the writers could’ve done so much more. Even a cutscene of him deciding the spare the minions could’ve meant SO MUCH and it really sucks nothing ever happened. With or without the “both had a tragic backstory” interpretation, there isn’t much that puts a clear line between Dimentio and Bleck’s characters. The game tries to make us think the line is there, but it really isn’t. At least not in my own interpretation of the writing. Idk lol. End of rant
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nekosanuniverse · 3 years
Regardez "Nintendo High (Ep 4) - Identity Theft" sur YouTube
Luigi, Dimentio, Mr. L and School life ! I love thé idea !
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rattlebear25 · 10 months
My face when i discovered that Dimentio from Foozle's Nintendo High is played by Man on the Internet (Alex Beckham) again:
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rattlebear25 · 8 months
Dimentio Hyperfixation 😊💜🤯
Okayyyyyyyy guys. All the Dimmi drawings that I have to finish boom
And I am sooooooooo normal about him… yes. So believable. I draw him as a cat because I was playing Super Mario 3D World
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Yes. The 5 one is the Nintendo High by Foozle when the school makes a mask party + the last one is based on a theory about him drowning in the Twygz River Bed after SPM main story.
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