#diluc pls get over yourself
gorgonwrites · 1 year
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bound to you (part 2)
diluc x fem!reader
wc: 2, 205
authors note: okay i know i said i like jumping into the thick of things but i am such a SLUT for characters slowly falling in love and the tension of dancing around one another before they get together UGH! here is a part 2 for my first fic. :) also! this is a side blog and i realized im not really able to interact much with other accounts here. i might eventually move things over to my main blog bc i dont do much over there anyways. dont be alarmed if "witchcraftandwhisky" replies or likes something lololol. thank you for the love <333
CW: 18+, fem! reader, reader is an artist! slight voyeurism, diluc accidentally catches reader masterbating, MDNI!!!, diluc AND reader are still dancing around each other rn ugh just fuck already damn
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It’s been days since you briefly spoke with your husband, Diluc. He’s kept himself busy with the remainder of the harvest season, and you’ve felt uncharacteristically shy in his presence after his impromptu visit to your chambers. You have the perfect view of the vineyard from your window and you couldn’t help but greedily watch him, shirtless and hair tied up to stay off of his neck. He’s tanned quite a bit since he’s been home and you were pleasantly surprised to see the explosions of freckles that have erupted on his skin. Cute, you thought. There was some jealousy though, and you cursed the sun for being able to caress his skin so easily. You clapped your hands to either side of your face to rid yourself of the thought, and decided to be productive rather than wasting your afternoon in your window. 
Your eyes drifted to the corner of your room and after further inspection, you found your paints and canvases that had been long forgotten. I’ve hardly painted since I’ve been here… maybe some sketching will do my mind some good. You rummaged through the pile of art supplies to find an old sketchbook and some pencils and decided to find a shady tree outside. Adelinde greets you at the door of the manor, umbrella in hand to shield you from the hot summer sun. You both find a large tree with a lovely view of the vineyard and the manor, and you begin to sketch while chatting away with the head maid. 
After what felt like hours, a large shadow was cast over your sketch, and you were forced to look up and squint into the sun. Your husband loomed over you, glistening with sweat and looking curiously at your sketchbook. You quickly clutched it to your chest, startled by his sudden appearance. 
“Good afternoon, Master Diluc.” you couldn’t bring yourself to address him so casually yet, and his slight change in expression at your insisted formality was not lost on you. You began to fidget where you sat, and broke eye contact with Diluc to glance out at the vineyard where the rest of the men worked. 
“Oh, I think one of the boys needs me. Excuse me my Lady, Master Diluc.” Adelinde quickly said, winking at you before she gathered herself and quickly walked away. Up to no good. You tried to smile, but it came out looking like a grimace at your husband. 
“Y/n, good afternoon. I didn’t know you were an artist. May I see?” Diluc sounded as gentle as always, and you couldn’t help but hand your sketchbook over to him.
“I think saying I’m an artist is a stretch,” you sputtered, “it’s just something I do to pass the time. It calms my mind.” You didn’t know why him referring to you as an artist felt so embarrassing. You watched him closely while he flipped through the pages, noticing how his brows pinch together while he concentrates. He stopped suddenly, and chuckled. 
“Who, might I ask, is this?” He turned the sketchbook around only to show you a sketch you had done of his portrait that hung in the grand room of the manor. You gasped and snatched it from his hands instantly, curling in on yourself. You had drawn that not long after your arrival to the Dawn Winery, when you were still slightly optimistic about how your marriage to your husband would turn out. Diluc let out a roaring laugh, having to lean over you and brace himself on the tree so he didn’t fall over. You looked up at him and realized this was the closest you had ever been to him. You hadn't noticed just how many freckles had appeared on his skin. You noticed how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and you saw fine red hair peppered across his chest. You also noticed faint scarring on his arms and stomach, and you mindlessly reached out to touch them. Diluc hissed at the sudden contact and quickly retreated out of reach, his own hands covering where your fingers had brushed. 
“I’m sorry!” you squeaked. You knew your husband couldn’t stand the cold, and you had been sparingly using your vision to keep yourself cool while you sketched. You knew your touch felt unpleasant. 
“I know you don’t like the cold, that was thoughtless of me.” you quickly apologized, feeling sorry and even more embarrassed than you already were. You made eye contact with him and Diluc held your gaze, looking confused. 
“How did you know that?” he tilted his head, letting go of his side and crossing his arms.
“Oh I, ah- you don’t like the cold so I’ve heard.” Adelinde had discussed Diluc’s aversion to the cold with you before, but you didn’t have many details as to why.
“I try not to use my vision while you’re home, but it’s exceedingly hot today.” you mumbled, bringing your sketchbook up to hide your face as you finally looked away from your husband. 
“I see. You,” he cleared his throat, “don’t have to do that you know.” You looked up at him again, noticing how red his face and ears were. Was it from the sun, or was he blushing? You couldn’t be sure. 
“That was actually why I came over in the first place- everyone wants more of the frozen drinks you made the other day. And I- I thought that may be something to keep you busy for the rest of the afternoon.” He was talking into his hand, still unable to look at you. Oh, how the tables have turned. You felt a wicked feeling bubble up in your chest, and you grinned ear to ear. 
“Oh, Master Diluc, you’d have your little wife work tirelessly to serve drinks to your employees? How indecent of you.” you smirked, resting your chin in the palm of your hand while you wait for his response. He gathered his composure quickly, and leaned over you to whisper in your ear.
“My little wife doesn’t know just how indecent her husband can be, hm?” his voice was low and felt hot in your ear, and he moved away from you all too quickly. You sat astounded, frozen in place. He’d never spoken to you in that tone before. He cleared his throat again, and his regular formal demeanor returned. 
“Besides, we don’t want you to die of boredom, do we?” he wasn’t smiling, but you heard a hint of playfulness in his voice. You shook your head in agreeance, still astounded by his sudden brazen comment. He nodded to you, and then quickly left to return to his work. You could feel the heat rising in your chest, heading straight for your core. You rubbed your thighs together in hopes of quelling your growing arousal, but it had no effect. You silently curse yourself, trying to regain your composure as Adelinde returns to your side, a smile on her face. 
“Shall we head to the kitchen?” she politely asked. You nodded again, not trusting your voice in the slightest. You gathered your things and stood up on wobbly knees to head back inside. You needed a reprieve from the sun, and you jumped at the chance to freely use your vision. Your mind wandered aimlessly as you worked, and you wondered if your husband would ever come to tolerate your touch. Why does he not like the cold? Is this the reason you rarely see him? What does he do when winter arrives? Your thoughts raced, one flowing right into the other. You realized you had long since been done with the frozen drinks, and Adelinde was calling your name frantically.
“Lady y/n! Are you alright?” you blinked in response, and realized it was snowing lightly in your kitchen. You tried to laugh it off, but Adelinde knew better.
“I’m okay, don’t worry. I was getting a bit excited while making everyone their drinks. I’m happy to have something to do!” you smiled, picking up the tray and turning to head back outside. You needed to get to your chambers as quickly as possible before the relentless heat between your thighs became unbearable. 
Diluc couldn’t get out of his head for the rest of the afternoon. His brief loss of control with you earlier was at the forefront of his mind, and he couldn’t stop thinking about how you looked at him afterwards. Your eyes turned hazy and a flush had quickly formed on your chest and neck. It was the heat, he told himself. He felt so bold in that moment, but now he wanted nothing more than to leave the manor and not return for a few weeks to let himself rebuild the wall that was quickly crumbling around him. With the final harvests coming to an end rapidly, he was going to be around Dawn Winery much more than usual. He usually welcomes this time of year, when he can spend a little more time to himself and rest. This year, he could feel dread slowly building inside of him. Maybe he couldn’t entertain you and keep himself as composed as he first thought. He greatly underestimated your ability to fluster him, and there was still a part of him that was reluctant to grow close to you. Growing close to someone means there's an opportunity to lose them. He quickly pushed the thought to the back of his mind, and decided he’d pay another visit to your chambers.
As he walked across the manor, he thought about if you needed more art supplies. You were quite talented, and he selfishly wondered if you had drawn him more than once. You had given him a happier expression than the one displayed in his portrait, and the thought brought a smile to his face. He decided to find the best supplies money could buy in all of Teyvat as a gift for you. He came to a halt, realizing he was at your room quicker than he expected. He raised his hand to knock softly, and froze in place when he heard your voice from the other side of the door. 
“Diluc, please-” you whined. He was hearing things, he was sure of it. The heat had finally gotten to him and he was becoming delusional. He had to confirm his suspicions, though, and nothing prepared him for the image he met after quietly opening your door. 
You were sprawled out on your bed with your nightdress hiked up to your hips, legs spread impossibly wide. One arm was thrown over your face and covered your eyes while you concentrated and your other hand was at your core, fingers plunging in and out of your pretty pussy. Your breathing was heavy, and Diluc could feel heat climbing up his chest. You were so close. You pulled your fingers out to focus on your puffy clit, wanting to let the feeling last a little longer. You suddenly changed your position, startling your husband. You were completely unaware of your audience as you got onto your knees and shoved your face into your pillows. You continued your ministrations, and your ass was on full display. Diluc’s cock was so hard it was beginning to hurt, and he could tell by your quickened breathing that you were close. With a quiet cry, you came on your fingers. Your juices ran down your hands and shaking thighs as you stilled and sighed. Diluc suddenly turned and quietly bolted out of your room, not bothering to shut your door for fear of the noise alerting you to his presence. He slammed his own door behind him, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his body. He was undeniably aroused, his cock straining against his trousers.
So much for controlling myself, he chided. He wanted to absolutely ravish you. He wanted to touch you, to taste you, and have you crying out his name over and over and over again. He slid down the door, resting his arms over his knees as he sat down. Dragging his palms down his face, he groaned. The image of you touching yourself to the thought of him was burned into his memory, and he wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.
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maopll · 5 months
Could I request Kaeya, Diluc, Childe and Zhongli's (separate) s/o laying them down on her lap and playing with the boys' hair when their exhausted?
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Put your head on my heart
#genshin impact !
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⌗:, a/n: its boutta feel like heaven once I scratch their heads I'm being dead serious...hopefully there's no dandruff...
⌗:, pairings: khaenri'ahn, weird grown up, snezhnaya's greatest toymaker, fossil w/ gn!reader (separately)
⌗:, note: I wanted to post smth before I went to school so pls take it with a grain of salt (low effort work)
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— ୨୧ KAEYA
"Ahh...that's feels great" Kaeya mumbled drowsily against your lap.
"You're having real fun by having me at your beck and call huh?" You playfully said as you pressed one spot on his forehead a little harder.
"Ow ow ow gently I'm very feeble" He smirked while looking you with half his eyes closed. It looks like the exhaustion really creeped up to him. He's not one who easily shows through his demeanor how much overworked or even exhausted he is.
To others he may seem like how he usually does but the slight change in his personality spoke words to you. The past week he became sluggish and even fell asleep at the most odd places.
Thus you took it upon your hands to lay him down on your lap and forcibly make him achieve that deserved slumber that he really needed.
"It's not right to overwork yourself so much Kaeya..." your voice sounded like one of worry. Kaeya knew how you felt and...he can't really disagree with you. "I'll be careful next time lovely"
"Oh, you better! you're trying to shave years of my life here with how much you're overworking yourself!" You smack his head. He laughed, seeing you worry so much, and said "aww I'm sorry," all while having a shit eating grin on his face as he smothered your face with his kisses to make you stop worrying. "You have my oath as a knight, my dove" he says so while sealing the words with a kiss on the back of your hand in quite the knightly fashion.
— ୨୧ DILUC
It's way past midnight. The workers and the Maids of the Manor are enjoying the honey heavy dew of slumber while you paced back and forth in your own room's veranda as you stared far into the vineyards to even catch a glimpse of your lover. It's not unusual for Diluc to return late, but it's even more unusual when he hasn't come back after the clock struck 2 a.m.
"Where is he?" Your worries grew like a rapid fire. You tried to calm your nerves by telling yourself "it's alright..." when your ears perked up with the creak of the front door. After some time, you saw Diluc emerge from the shadows with his red hair looking particularly vibrant under the moonlight.
"Gosh, you had me worried there dear..." you strode towards him. "Yes...it looks like I kept you awake and worried for a long time? apologies..." as he sounded those words, his voice grew tired and low as his eyes nearly closed from how drowsy he was. You frowned at this sight of him. So you held his hand gently and guided him towards your bed to let him get that well deserved rest since he looked as if he would flop flat on the ground if you did not let him fall on the bed sooner.
You guided his head towards your lap and ruffled his red locks gently. "I'll help you sleep quicker, Diluc. So just close your eyes now" with a peck to his forehead, you put your hands softly over his eyes. "Thank you...love"
"Childe...I don't think this is that right place to do this..."
And yes it wasn't. He decided to go out fishing in Dragonspine with you because he said, "I miss the way me and my family used to fish in Snezhnaya" all puppy eyed and stuff. You're always the one who says yes to anything he says but maybe...maybe this time you should've said no...
"But babe I'm tired! won't you let me rest my head on your lap?" so he said when he is literally a harbinger. Him running out of stamina and being exhausted? impossible that's something that will happen in an alternate universe. He just needed a sorry excuse to feel the warmth your thigh emitted because he just couldn't get enough of those.
"Childe I'm not saying that you can't lay on my lap but we are out in the middle of nowhere in adeserted frosty mountain!" You screamed to him while he just jumped up with excitement, "Oh look! I caught a Snowstrider! Great catch!"
"Oh my archons...are we done yet?" you said impatiently because the cold was getting to you. "Aww but I was thinking about catching a few more...alright let's go home now"
You noticed the tone drop in his voice. Looks like he really missed those eventful days of his. So with a sigh and a forgiving smile on your face you agreed to his whims, "Nevermind it's alright, you can fish as much as you want we can go after some time"
Oh what a sight it was when his eyes literally sparkled with joy and the way his ears perked up hearing your words of affirmation. "Thanks babe! Watch me catch the biggest one for you!"
Oh it's going to be a long day...
The vibrant kites were visible from the small window of your house. Lantern Rite comes every year with a new surprise yet even before the preparations are completed before the event, the hustle and bustle of the people as they scurried to prepare meticulously for the biggest event was a joy that could never eb expressed in words.
So here you were. Atop a hill overseeing the entirety of Liyue Harbour with your lover resting on you lap as you played with his hair as soft as the silk flowers and as fragrant as qingxins.
"Do you like the view Zhongli?" you quietly asked, keeping the comforting silence that prevailed amidst the two of you. "As always. Mortals and their customs have never ceased to amaze me." He hummed lowly as you scratched that one spot of his head. He had those areas on his head which felt better than the other places because...he's a dragon after all.
He looked up at you through his lashes and spoke, "Once the Liyue Harbour is decorated, let us visit Mount Aocang to give those old friends a little greeting." You smiled at how much he cared for those who lived along with him. "Sure let's do that"
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uplatterme · 1 year
i want to eat diluc pls 👉👈
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a/n: i combined these two, i hope y’all don’t mind
cw: sub!diluc, dom!reader, transmasc!diluc/ftm!diluc, amab!reader, cunnilingus, breeding | use of female anatomy terminology
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Diluc watches.
He stands there behind the counter, watching you as you laugh with another. He watches how you place your lips on the wine glass, the alcohol evident in your expressions.
The glass in his hands is near to shattering with how stressful he’d been holding it. 
He then stops himself, remembering that this is his choice to begin with.
To the people of Monstadt, he’s never been with another. Diluc is seen as a lone wolf, someone that can never be locked down. One, who prioritizes his business rather than romantic relations.
He knows the wall that he’s built around him, the kind of expectations that people expect of being the Ragnvindr heir… and that’s exactly why he chooses to keep your relationship with him a secret.
He will never let you suffocate with that burden.
“Are you tired? We can just eat in if you want.” You ask Diluc, sitting on one of the stools in front of him.
He doesn’t answer, his mind seeming to be somewhere else.
“Diluc.” You call out.
He continues fixing the bottles on the shelves, not responding to your words. 
You’re not new to this side of him, the way Diluc copes with his problems by shutting everything out. It does, however, result in him being unaware of his surroundings whenever he focuses on them too much.
You sigh. “Love?”
That’s when he finally turns around, worried that someone else might see you two. Once he realizes that there’s no one else in the tavern, he relaxes, calling out your name and bringing the back of your hand to his lips.
“Are you alright?” You question him, even knowing the fact that he won’t share his feelings with you, preferring to keep them to himself.
“I’m fine.” Is what he says, despite his right eye obviously twitching when he says it.
“Is it work?”
“The Knights?”
“Is it that guy from earlier?”
Diluc stops his slow pacing behind the counter, about to reject your accusations until he realizes that he’s accidentally revealed it himself with his actions.
”It’s not…” Diluc fumbles with his words, trying to think of an excuse and while he does, he sees you smirking, trying to hold yourself back from laughing. 
“You—!” He shouts, embarrassed. 
Diluc wants to crouch under the counter but knows you’ll tease him even further if he does.
“I swear, Diluc. You’re one of the smartest men I’ve ever met and yet you…could be so stupid sometimes.” You say, reaching out for the glass of water he’s set for you.
“You know I’ll never let you go, right?” You remind him.
Diluc doesn’t remember how many times you’ve said those words to him.
He’s starting to believe it.
You really wish you could keep Diluc for yourself. It sounds a bit obsessive now that you think about it, but having your head between his thighs, watching him squirm, trying to not get ahead of himself, makes you jealous of the idea that someone else might get to see this as well.
Diluc’s hair is a mess, the hair tie snapped by your fingers earlier. The feeling of his own hair on his back sends shivers throughout his body. 
He knows how wet he is, already so pleased by your attention and littered praises.
With your tongue on his cunt, his nerves are on fire, something that his pyro vision could never do. He’s left thoughtless, holding on to the sheets of the bed, his juices leaking all over it. His face resembles the color of his hair, his cheeks heating more and more, the cold breeze of Monstadt not being a bother despite his bare legs.
“How’s that, my prince?” You tilt your head up to look at his needy eyes, waiting for you to continue.
“V–Very well—” Diluc’s words are cut off by a loud whine, your tongue focusing on his clit, his mouth is left wide open, his legs quivering within your hands.
Diluc closes his eyes, taking in all the pleasure you’re giving him generously.
Diluc tastes so sweet, the alcohol you’ve consumed earlier pales in comparison. It’s so rewarding, like the patience you bore not being able to do anything when girls flocked all over your man is finally being rewarded.
The Darknight Hero sings your name repeatedly, begging you to keep going. His words slurring, climax at its reach.
He cums with a pitiful whimper, his body trembling against the headboard. His head rolls back, thighs unable to stop themselves from shaking.
“Should we take a break?” You ask, fingers intertwining with his, watching his entire body crumble and waiting for him to slowly relax.
“No,” He breathes out. “We can keep going.”
Diluc’s back is arched, his soft ass all up for you to admire while you slam his tight and wet walls. 
It’s times like these that you swear the Archons blessed Diluc far too much. 
It’s sickeningly amazing how good he feels, the temptation to fill his insides getting to your head. 
He writhes and moans, his face down on the pillow, drooling at how good you’re fucking him. The way you hold his waist, keeping him in place as he’s forced to take your rough and pleasurable thrusts.
Diluc muffles his whines with the pillow, unable to control his own body and how it reacts when combined with yours, sobbing at how deep you push yourself in.
“Ah, fuck–” You swear worriedly, knowing you’re nearing ejaculation, Diluc’s insides clenching on your shape.
You pull yourself away, something you’re used to doing when having sex with Diluc. Something that you just accepted without a question. 
That is, until Diluc’s shivering hand reaches for your wrist.
“Love?” You ask hastily, upset that you’ve somehow done something wrong.
He buries his head deeper into the pillow and answers your concern, his voice quiet but clear.
“What?” You say, not sure if you heard him correctly or if your mind had finally lost its screws.
“It’s fine.” He says.
You tilt your head to look at Diluc’s flushed face, wanting to confirm again if he said what you think he said.
“What if—”
“I said, it’s fine.” He blushes even deeper than possible. 
“Must you really make me be direct and say even more embarrassing things?”
With that, you continue to thrust inside Diluc’s cunt, uttering out praises such as “You drive me crazy.” and repeating your affection for him. “I love you so much, Diluc.”
You finish inside him and Diluc collapses on the bed. It’s different. It’s raw, these emotions of his, unlike the emotions he’s shown when you first met, filtered by what he thinks he should show you.
Your cums leaks out from his walls and while he’s still embarrassed, he loves it.
He loves how warm your seed is. He loves how you make him scream his throat dry. He loves how deep he’s fallen for you. It doesn’t matter how many troubles come his way.
He loves it because it’s you.
So laying there breathless with you on top of him, he pleads.
It’s stupid how he thinks he can get away with saying that without paying for it.
Diluc pants heavily, he doesn’t know how many times he’s climaxed nor does he know how many times you’ve filled him completely.
He hears it when you pound inside of him, your cum dripping down his thigh and yet you continue to wreck his walls and replace that waste.
He doesn’t want you to stop.
“Mmh–Like that! Please!” 
He begs you, any ounce of shame seeming to have gone away.
“Well, try harder to keep it in. Why don’t you? Such a waste, spilling all my hard work…” You tease, the man whimpering as you hit his sensitive spot.
Diluc’s trying. He really is, but with how much liquid you’ve spilled inside…
It would be a miracle if he doesn’t get knocked up after this. Not that he minded if it’s with you.
“I’m c-close!” He sobs out.
His lower half is heavy and he can’t tell whether it’s because of the amount of cum inside of him or because you fucked his cunt so bad that his thighs numbed.
He believes it’s both.
Diluc moans out your name with a rasp in his voice as he cums for the nth time, his entire body weak and shivering.
He lays down on the bed, his stomach bulging from how much cum he’s managed to keep inside.
He stares at your wicked eyes, wondering if that grin of yours is to be taken positively or not. Diluc sees you visibly bite back your words.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He wonders what else you had to say.
Diluc sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to finish behind him.
You’re currently on your knees, braiding your lover’s hair. 
“Your hair would be prettier with some flowers.” You suggest.
He chuckles, tilting his head back to meet your face.
“That sounds bothersome.”
You shake your head at his antics. It was worth a try, at least.
“Hey, if something happens…” You say, concern evident in your face.
“If something happens, I’ll tell you.” Diluc answers before you even ask.
“I see.” You reply.
You tie the end of his hair, the long braid suiting Diluc more than you anticipated. It’ll get curly tomorrow but hey, maybe he’ll start a new trend with the people of Monstadt.
“Next Windblume.” He says.
“What?” You stare at him confused.
“You can put flowers in my hair next Windblume.”
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : scaramouche, al-haitham, diluc, kazuha & childe.
♱ warnings — f!reader, the first time they go raw, creampies, needy men duh, teasing & degradation, not proof read. / note. i’ve been meaning 2 write this 4 so long and now i’m so sleepy so pls enjoy <3 !
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he’d never pass up an opportunity to make you fall apart at the seems, and he’d be lying if he said he’d never thought about feeling all of you. “is this what you’ve been reduced to already? pathetic.” scaramouche hisses from where he’s sinking into you, but his words are only a facade to hide the way he feels like he’s already losing himself in you, and he’s not even half way in. your pussy feels like fucking silk as it squeezes around his cock, urging him in deeper — he can feel every twitch of you around the sensitive glands of his shaft, and he feels like he can barely breathe with the way you’re panting and gasping, hooking your legs around his hips in the hopes it’ll make him feel even closer.
“you’re sucking me r-right in.. tch, have you always been this eager? how very amusing.” he shudders with next roll of scaramouche’s hips and his words only seem to make you even tighter — sucking him in until his hips are flush and tight against yours and he’s squeezing his eyes closed in the hopes it’ll calm the way he’s already throbbing inside of you. his fingers twist in the sheets beneath you as he uses the opportunity to catch his breath, too much pride to admit how close he already feels before he grits his teeth and finally draws his hips back.
the draw back is slow, deliberately so as he tries to ignore the saccharine squeeze and flex of your warm walls around him, your pussy feels like fucking honey and he wants nothing more than to bury himself in you — but he’s not done, not yet.. he’s barely started. but scaramouche doesn’t let himself hesitate when he exhales deep, his voice shaky with anticipation before he’s following it with a sharp thrust that reaches so deep you can’t help but gasp. he’s already throbbing and twitching into the addictive hug of your walls, and he can barely speak with how tight his jaw clenches, but you know he’s going to try as he begins a pace. “l-look at you.. hah! you—mmmgh, you’re such a mess.”
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as soon as he gets a taste he knows he’s never going to able to go back, and you don’t think you’ll be able to either. you hear al-haitham growl wordlessly as he leans over you, his hand fisting at the pillow next to your head while the other seems to curl almost painfully into your waist, helping with pulling your hips down to meet each of his heavy thrusts. your body‘s clapping against his as he fucks into you, panting over the skin of your neck before his lips are gliding over the most sensitive parts that have you keening below him. he’s wound up so tight already, losing himself in the dizzy spin of the room and the first perfect, intimate squeeze of your walls around him and he knows he won’t be able to stop after this.
“oh? do you like this, hm? now you can feel every inch of me.” he takes a ragged breath, rolling his hips into yours a little sloppily before he groans again “i bet your pleased with yourself.” and you whine, grabbing at his broad shoulders to keep yourself some what grounded as his thrusts speed upz al-haitham curses roughly when you leave red marks in his smooth skin, his pace stuttering when it only makes his cock throb even needier inside of you—gritting his teeth as he pants and growls in your ear, his thrusts loud and clapping.
“and now i can feel all of you, sweetheart.” you can tell that he’s slowly losing himself with the carnal drop in his tone, his heavy balls smacking against your ass with every heavy, wet connection of his hips. al-haitham’s cock feels like it kisses every sweet, little spot inside of you and you can barely breathe with how deep it feels like he reaches, knocking the air out of you as he hisses and moans in rhythm with the intoxicating, raw squeeze of your body. “oh, i’m nowhere near done.. you can give me so much more.”
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it had taken some convincing for diluc to finally agree to it, he was all about your comfort after all and the last thing he wanted was for you to think he was doing this for selfish means — although he will admit he’s been curious about how good you’re going to feel around him. “you’re okay, sweetheart?” he breathes as he lines himself up, letting his cock swipe eagerly through your slick folds and he already feels like he’s in danger when he lets it catch against your hole — letting him feel the gummy warmth that’s waiting for him to sink into you. “i’m sure, please—i want it.”
your words are all it takes for diluc to finally sink into you, groaning when he finally pushes past your folds to finally feel the first real squeeze of your pussy as it eagerly draws him in. your walls flexing harder around him the deeper he goes and he swears he’s in heaven when he feels every single flex of your cunt as he pushes more of his cock into you until he finally bottoms out. “archons.. is this, ugh—is this okay?” his voice is uneven but the look you sends him only makes him shudder, throb as you try to urge him to just hurry up and fuck you already with a sweet little uh huh that feels like it drips through him.
diluc draws his hips back with a wet squelch before he grits his teeth and rolls them back into you, making your body jolt with the heavy movement and he doesn’t even realise how lost in you he already is until he’s already beginning a ruthless pace. “i.. i can barely control myself, you.. archons, you feel too good.” he’s already panting, reaching almost too deep with every thrust and maybe it’s the thought of fucking a heavy load into your sweet cunt that only makes his pace grow even rougher. “i can’t get enough of you, sweetheart.”
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“oh, you always feel so good.” kazuha gasps as you grind yourself down on his cock from where you’re sitting pretty in his lap, eagerly swirling your hips along his shaft as he lets his head rest back against the headboard. he’s already twitching with anticipation, toes curling from where he’s pressing them into the mattress and you almost steal all of the air from his lungs when you finally sink yourself down on him — letting him feel the first real, warm hug of your cunt as you bare down eagerly on his cock, which is a little too sensitive with how wound up he already feels.
“n-not bad.. heh, you’re—ah, truly remarkable.” kazuha feels like the rooms spinning as you drop yourself deeper onto the length of him, your walls tightening and sucking him in the deeper he goes and he can feel every flex of your muscles against his cock until he’s almost hunched over you. letting himself fall forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder when he finally bottoms out, his hands smoothing along your hips as he buries needy, broken whines against your skin between chaste kisses.
but he can barely breathe, never mind speak with how perfect you feel around him — so it’s too late for kazuha to warn you that he’s not quite ready yet before you draw your hips back to bounce yourself down on him. so he cums with a surprised grunt, his sudden orgasm catching him off guard as his hips jerk and twitch below you, his fingernails digging so tightly into your hips they’re sure to leave bruises as he roll his hips up into yours, fucking his load into your walls for the first time while greedily riding out his high with low, agonised moans of your name until he’s hissing and holding you still while you still try to process what just happened. “i.. i can go again. i said you feel too good afterall.”
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it wasn’t particularly planned at all, you’d just ended up getting lost in eachother during a heated makeout session — a little too eager and needy as childe pulled his cock out of his slacks, following suit with your panties before you were basically begging him to just fill you up. “you wanted this all along, didnt you? to feel all of me?” he grunts from where he’s fucking you into the mattress beneath you, every connection of his hips wet and clapping as you jolt beneath him — feeling every twitch and throb of his cock along your walls as he buries himself in you.
“it’s like you’re trying to pull me even deeper.. oh, but i can’t help but spoil you—you know that.” childe has you seeing stars with the way he’s pushing his hips into yours — rocking seamlessly with your own and you think he sounds even better like this, when he’s so wrapped in the feeling of your cunt, losing himself in the intimate squeeze of your walls around his cock and he knows he needs to feel you cum with the next needy clench, to feel the way you really feel around him. “that’s it, i’m giving you what you want afterall.”
you’re already so close and the blissful hug of your pussy makes childe feel even closer as he lets his fingers rub at your clit, curling over you so you can hear the lust-driven sounds he’s making in your ear before he has you cumming so hard and good you almost see white. the sudden, saccharine squeeze makes his pace stutter, digging his orgasm right out of him with the way your body feels like it consumes him, your walls throbbing with every unforgiving push of his hips until he’s cumming inside of your cunt, shuddering at the feeling of you taking everything he gives you. “that’s it, take all of it.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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cecilxa · 1 year
hi is it alright if i request kaeya, diluc and thoma (separate) with a reader who feels very insignificant next to them and their achievements, hurt to comfort pls <333
i see you, i cherish you
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contents: hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationships, gn!reader, monologues in each part so have fun with that haha
cw: negative thoughts, overall sadness and insecurites, feelings of emptiness, crying, food
a/n: first of all, ty anon for being incredibly patient! i'm so so sorry this took so long to fulfill, but i really hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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kaeya– pavo ocellus
Even with one eye, you consider Kaeya to have achieved and gone through so much you couldn’t even imagine happening to yourself. From losing his parents to another parent, and on top of that, his rather- for lack of better words- rocky relationship with his brother, he’s gone through so much and emerged so strong. This comes to the problem at hand. You. Even though he may not have such a clean and honest reputation, people still respect him, evident through their affirming glances and the straightening of their backs whenever he walks by. You, on the other hand, are merely thought of as an accessory, an addition to his ever-growing collection of precious items, tagging along for the sake of it. 
It’s draining to keep thinking like this, you know, but you can’t help the thoughts that constantly invade your mind, constantly reminding you of how insignificant you are compared to Kaeya. You’ve done nothing of value; you’ve done nothing to help the people of Mondstadt, and you’ve done nothing for yourself at this point! He seems like such a respected figure, and you seem so little compared to him, you might as well just live your life inside forever and no one would notice you were gone. 
Tears start escaping from your eyes, and you don’t bother to try and catch them with your mouth like you did when you were younger, because what’s the point? You’re going to eventually start crying again, and again and again. You’re just not important enough and you haven’t done enough and you just feel so small, and so empty. Curling up into the foetal position, you let the sadness wash over you.
Kaeya hurries back to your shared home. He’s been looking forward to this, the thought of holding you in your arms and being able to kiss your delightful mouth is enough motivation for him to be tying up any loose ends his (interrogations) job may bring and finishing up the stacks of paperwork his other colleagues have piled up out of laziness. Honestly, some people these days have no moral integrity!
Unlocking the door, and walking in, he immediately notices how quiet it is. That’s strange, considering how he can usually find you either in the kitchen, preparing some form of dinner whenever he comes back home late, or in the hallway right in front of him, welcoming him back home instead. There’s no one in either of those rooms, and when he calls out your name and no one calls back, he begins to get worried. He can’t lose you, not ever, so when a fresh wave of panic tries to take over, he tries his hardest to stay calm and think about things logically. The next thing to do would be to check upstairs. He’s bounding up them, two at a time, his strides revealing how much he’s actually worrying about your welfare, but he doesn’t even reach the top when he hears your cries. 
Not even caring anymore, he bursts inside your bedroom to find you curled up on your bed, body wracking with tears, shaking periodically. A myriad of emotions swirl through him. Anger, at whoever made you feel like this- he stores a mental note to free up some time later that week- relief- well, at least you aren’t missing or gone, but most of all, sorrow. Sorrow at your sorry state, sorrow at the fact you feel like this, sorrow that echoes deep in his bones; a sorrow that makes his heart twinge in uncomfortable ways. He walks over to the bed, and lies next to you, facing your body. 
Gently wrapping his arms around you, he whispers sweet nothings as you cry into his chest, each one making his eyes soften, and grip tighten.
“Please tell me what’s troubling you. I can’t have my darling all wound up, can I? It’s my duty as a knight to make sure all the citizens of Mondstadt are happy and healthy, wouldn’t you say?”
You don’t respond to his questions, like he thought you would anyway, so he changes tact.
“Darling, I beg. I don’t like seeing you upset, and know I’ll deal with anyone who tries to harm you, so please tell me what’s wrong. Whatever you say, I’ll make it right, you don’t have to lift a single finger, I promise.”
You sniffle a bit at this, tears coming slower, and you can feel his warm stare on your head, hands stroking your waist in a way that’s always made you feel relaxed. Or maybe that’s just his arms. Voice cracking up from all the crying, you respond, albeit with a wobble.
“I-I just haven’t done enough, Kaeya. I haven’t done enough!”
Bursting into a fresh set of tears, you wail into his chest once more, and once more, Kaeya shushes you. He kisses the top of your head, one that he hopes conveys his patience for you, and your words. He lets it linger for a couple of seconds before speaking again.
“To me, you’ve always been enough. Why else would you have stolen my heart, and why else would I have allowed it to happen?”
“But, you’ve just done so much and I’ve done so little!”
Kaeya frowns. He now knows what the problem is, but he feels clueless as to how you could ever feel this way. To him, you’ve done so much both for the people of Mondstadt and himself, helping out whenever you can, and always with a smile on your face.
“I’m going to stop you there, darling. Know that nobody thinks lowly of you. I may be the Cavalry Captain, but I have no horses; you may be my partner, but you are also a person. You may not see this, but everyone else can. You have done, and helped so many people that they come up to me- even when I’m out in the tavern- to talk about how you had helped them that same day. Apart from seeing your face, those little conversations are the highlight of my night, and they should be yours, too. So don’t worry, darling, from now on, I’ll tell you those messages and we’ll see how truly significant you actually are. I love you, wholly, and I never want you to feel like that ever again.”
His arms tighten around your waist as he presses a lingering kiss on your head. You squeeze back with the pressure of a feather, and a soft smile breaks through his face. 
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diluc– noctua
There are many ways you can say the name Diluc Ragnvindr. The Darkight Hero, saving grace of Mondstadt, free from the shackles of the Knights of Favonius, or perhaps, Master of the Dawn Winery, filthy rich, yet hard-working, producing possibly the best wine in the whole of Teyvat. No matter what name people utter, it always comes along with bucket loads of respect and admiration, constantly failing to hide the fact that they hold him in extremely high regard, much higher than what you could ever hope for. People speak of his courage, perseverance, and determination (well, maybe apart from Kaeya) when all they say to you is to ask how Diluc is. 
It’s frustrating, no- it’s angering and belittling, and it’s as if you don’t have anything to stand for other than being his partner! He gets all of this respect and you just have to stand by his side! It’s as if they don’t even see you as a person with achievements, which- well, what have you done that’s worthy of praise? Nothing, you guess, maybe becoming Diluc’s partner was the peak of your life; it’s only going to go downhill from here, you’ve done nothing good, you’ve done nothing worthy; maybe you don’t deserve him at all. And- oh there the tears come, hot and salty, droplets dripping down your face. 
There are many ways Diluc says your name. He says it gently, with hushed undertones and comforting hugs; he says it passionately, with longing in his eyes and a bold thump in his heart. But most of all, he says it so full of love, as if you had hung all the stars in the sky, full of unending, fulfilling, admiring adoration. Whenever your name leaves his mouth, people can’t help but stop and stare; it’s just so obvious how much the Master of the Dawn Winery cares for his special someone. Whenever your name leaves his mouth, there’s an ever-present look in his eye, one that reveals everything he feels about you, a look that proclaims out his devotion. 
So when Diluc finds you- alone, sobbing violently into your pillows- he doesn’t hesitate to place you on his lap, arms cradling your fragile figure, as he utters your name again. He says it again and again, stroking your hair softly, waiting patiently (as if he wouldn’t wait an eternity) while he lets you cry into his shoulder, eyebrows slightly furrowing at the sight of seeing you so upset to get to a point like this. It’s not fair, he thinks, for you to feel like this when you deserve nothing but the opposite, and- he shouldn’t blame himself for this- but what if it has to do with him? You know he’s busy, and he knows he’s busy, but what if you’re feeling as if he doesn’t love you anymore?
Oh, what a lie, as if he could never love you, what a lie, as if he could never look forward to seeing you, as if he could never touch and kiss you as if it were his last. Those people weren’t lying when they said that he was truly in deep, too deep to ever get out of the hole he had dug for himself. Diluc doesn’t mind, though, if he’s in there with you, he would stay like that forever. 
This doesn’t fix the situation at hand, however, and as much as Diluc would like to be able to fix all of your problems, the world doesn’t work like that, and so the next best thing is to help you try and feel better.
You’re still crying, and with every sob that you let out, a piece of his heart seemingly shatters into the void, and he thinks the only way to repair it would be to see your smile again. However, you’ve changed positions to where you’re both hugging each other. You on his lap, arms around his shoulders, and his arms around your waist, sporadically kissing your cheek every once in a while. He sighs, though not at you- never at you, eyes heavy with sadness at your state, and whispers gentle words, cradling your head with his hand.
“Look at me, darling. I love you eternally. I love you with my whole heart, and I can’t even fathom how much it beats for you. I do not know why you’re crying so, but I hate it. You do not deserve whatever this is you are feeling, and I know you as much as I know the back of my own hand. To me, you are the greatest person I have ever known. You have the ability to make me feel things I didn’t know I could, and you made me love, the most important thing of all. I have slain and destroyed, but at what cost? You have healed, and perhaps that is what I love about you so. So please do not cry, darling. You have done so much for me, and you have done so much for others. I know that much, so please, can I see you smile again?
You gaze up at him, eyes widening, as they fill up with tears once more. But not sad tears this time, happy ones instead. You kiss him, salty and passionate and thankful. It’s rather amazing how he manages to find the exact words to comfort you. 
Diluc may be considered stoic, and quiet to most, but for you, he’d recite the longest scripture he could just to wipe your tears away. 
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thoma- rubeum scutum
The past few days for Thoma have been particularly busy. Both the Kamisato siblings required some type of assistance that had needed to be by their side for an extended amount of time, often just accompanying them with daily tasks around Inazuma that they may need to be called to. He doesn’t mind though, because at the end of each day, even though he may arrive late, even though he may find you asleep on the couch once he finally arrives back home, he gets to see your face, and gets to carry you gently off to bed, pressing some kisses to your forehead as he does so. 
However, what Thoma doesn’t get to see, is the constant emotion of insignificance you feel next to him. You’re truly proud of him, you really are, and you’re glad he’s so busy and looked after all the time, but sometimes you wish that you could feel that way too. Sometimes you wished that you could receive the same workload as him- just to be able to say that your superiors trust you to be able to deal with larger things, like him. But you don’t and now you feel useless. Especially now, since he’s been kept working late for the Kamisato Clan, you’ve been chased by negativity for the days that he’s arrived late home, and it’s catching up to you.
It’s suffocating, you just want to be recognised by someone, for someone to be proud of you and to be able to say that they respect and admire your ethics and hardworking nature. But instead, you do mundane tasks everyday, get home, wait for Thoma, then go to sleep. You want something more; you yearn for some sort of sign in your life that you’ve achieved something, that you’ve created meaning for someone else. You just feel so tired of it all, you just want to go to sleep.
Staring at the wall blankly, you don’t even notice Thoma creeping in with a smile on his face, only to be replaced by a concerned frown. It’s the end of his gruelling week of assisting and accompanying, and there’s nothing more he wants than to be able to lay in bed with you, the one he loves with all his heart. He even prepared a cake for you to share, your favourite flavour! But when he sees you, devoid of emotion, a grim expression on your face unlike your usual self, he doesn’t hesitate to place the cake aside- all but forgotten- and rush over to where you’re sitting. 
He whispers, almost scared to raise his voice, as if he would upset you even further. When you don’t respond, he gently raises you up to your feet, so tenderly, you know he’s done this before. He tilts your head up to look at him, and he gets scared. He gets scared at the empty look on your face, and he musters up all the love he can get (which- to be frank- is a lot) to smile at you. Even though he’s scared, the eyes are the window to the soul, and his truly reveal how much he cares for you. He searches for feeling in yours, and when he spots just a glimmer, he leans down to give you a gentle peck on the lips. 
“Do you want to tell me what’s troubling you? I’ll do my very best to sort it out, you know I’d do anything for you.”
Comforted by the sound of his voice and affirmations, you regain some feeling in your body, and you feel less exhausted. 
“Sorry, Thoma. I just- I’m not feeling too good.”
“Oh, would you like anything then? I have a really good soup recipe that I can make for you, just get some rest, and it’ll be ready in just a few minutes! I would prefer for you to feel better sooner rather than later.”
You sigh. 
“No. That’s not what I meant. I mean- well- you’ve just been so busy and I’ve been… here, doing nothing. You’ve done so much already, and I haven’t done anything at all, I just want to feel as if I’ve done something… significant like you, that’s all.”
Tears start pooling at the corners of your eyes, and Thoma hurries to wipe them away with his hands. His heart clenches at your confession, worry evident in his eyes. If only you knew how much you mean to him, how much he thinks that you’re the significant one in the grand scheme of things, and how much he values your existence. 
“No, don’t say that kind of stuff, it hurts. You know I love you so, so, so much and that I think you’ve done so much- too much- that I can’t possibly repay you. You don’t know how much you’ve impacted my life, and that I’m so grateful you came into it. I think others would agree too. I look forward to seeing you every day, y’know? You’re the highlight every single time, so don’t think of yourself as worthless, or insignificant, because I think if you weren’t here, my heart would have a massive gap right down the middle! I love you so much, baby, and it pains me to see you hurt like this, but I want you to believe that compared to me, you’re the one who shines bright. You’re the star here, not me.”
He pauses when you don’t respond. Maybe you need some time for yourself, sometimes that’s just the case. 
“I’ll make the soup now, okay? I love you.”
Turning around to head out, a pair of arms from behind him encase his waist. 
He laughs, turning around again to face you. Stroking your hair gently, he presses a kiss to your forehead, and wonders whether you can tell how much he truly loves you. How much he would do for you, and sacrifice for you. Thoma mutters a quiet ‘thank you’, and you look up at him, confused, tears still in your eyes. 
“Surely I should be the thankful one, Thoma? Thank you, though.”
Your voice goes quiet at the last part. 
He smiles softly, eyes drooping ever so slightly in admiration, in patience and in understanding. 
“My pleasure.”
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a/n: tysm for reading to the end! likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! ❤️
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calqlate · 1 month
PAIRING(S): al-haitham + diluc + kamisato ayato + thoma x gn! reader
CW(S)/TW(S): coarse/foul/strong language used
TAGLIST (italicsed blogs are unable to be tagged): @deeomi + @loving-august + @mshope16 + @saintbernardthethird + @thelonelyarchon
A/N: not me writing about these irl guys when the last 2 guys turned out to be red flags (clown emoji). n e ways, pls enjoy!
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— DILUC RAGNVINDR | the boy who i first liked
as a mega stickler for tradition, he will write letters to you. he was the first one who started this little tradition between both of you, handing you a sealed envelope shyly and telling you to open it when you get home. and so both of you wrote letters to one another, handing them to each other jn person and reading the other's letter in the confines of your own respective homes before penning a response.
he is a bit possessive and protective, never letting anyone open doors for you or escorting you but himself. if you do let anyone do any of the said chivalrous acts, just know you will have to face a mopey and pouty diluc when you next meet him.
he is not one to show pda, but he will always hold your hand in public, with your fingers interlocked with his.
he always has to be by your side, making it his job to be your personal bodyguard. he will always be next to you at parties and will always look out for you.
— THOMA | the boy who was by my side (granted, for 2 years)
he watches over you very carefully and makes sure that you never get hurt. however, if you do get hurt, he will be the first to calm you down and distract you from the pain.
he always knows how to cheer you up when you are down and honestly is such good company to be around. he has big brother energy (omg iykyk but he has similar vibes to hidden love's duan jiaxu) <3
he is also very good with his words and knows how to compliment you when you feel like shit about yourself. got a bad haircut that makes you look like a mushroom? he does not think so; if anything, he thinks you are gorgeous no matter what!
— AL-HAITHAM | the boy who never speaks much
he naturally does not talk a lot and mostly keeps to himself. if you have a big group of friends and he is part of that said social circle, he will mostly sit and listen to the others talk.
he is terrible at comforting people, but he will try his best <//3 he will give you awkward pats on the shoulder and tell you that everything will work out. (not the most 100% foolproof approach, but hey, he has got the spirit!)
he is the kind of person that does not like to go out and have lunch with friends. rather, he would have his food packaged as a takeaway and eat while he is working. so, you definirely know that you have a special place in his heart when he agrees to go and eat with you (and your friends).
he will give you the lowdown on why you should not date a particular person and has receipts on the ready (do not ask how he got that much dirt on them...)
— KAMISATO AYATO | the boy who has natural rizz
one thing i have to say is that he gives compliments at sporadic moments and will completely take you by surprise. for instance, you could be minding your own business and he will say something to make your heart skip a beat.
he is also a bit cheeky and will shout "boo" to friends who turn the corner and bump into him (he will apologise afterwards with a grin though).
he is also really formal when speaking with people (in general) (and it is probably because of his upbringing as well) and he is a genuinely nice person to meet
he is the kind of guy who jumps onto the bandwagon when someone else is trying to hype you up
he will also tell you to take care of your health and tell you to watch yourself when you fall sick
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intzue · 14 days
INKIGAYO! genre: romance, fluff pairing/s: DCKZ x gn!idol!reader summary: DCKZ losing a bet and having to hand you—their fellow idol and crush—an inkigayo sandwhich!
a/n: No proofread, may contain grammatical and/or spelling errors. This is basically a DCKZ version of my inkigayo oneshot with 4nemo. And like the first one, this'll only contain DCKZ's primary members (Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, and Zhongli) but let me know if you'd like the others such as Itto, Thoma, Alhaitham, etc. in another version ^o^ THIS IS ALSO MY FIRST IN A LONG WHILE PLS BEAR W ME ToT p.s. I did Zhongli dirty, mybad TT TT
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DCKZ had just gotten off rehearsals, panting and sweating as they all took their respective spots inside their room.
Childe however was glued onto his phone, reviewing footage from their practice.
Why? Well, he proposed a bet to his peers. First to mess up would have to take on an old trick a senior of theirs revealed to the public. It's unlikely that anyone still does it, but there was no harm in trying, he says.
When Kaeya tries to peek over Childe's shoulder to see what's gotten him on the edge of his seat for, he's startled when the ginger gasps loudly.
The rest turn to the two, wondering what's gotten them all stirred.
Kaeya shrugs in an "I don't know either" While Childe was pointing towards...
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DILUC! His eyes widen when everyone follows the direction in which Childe's finger pointed—towards him.
"Me? There must be a mistake." He scoffs, in complete denial before being handed Childe's phone, zoomed so it was only him on frame and indeed, he made a mistake near the end with the footwork.
It was hard to miss, but for Kaeya; their main dancer looking over his shoulder, it was clear as day.
🦅 — Child(e)ish, childish, childish. He pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing it between his index and thumb as the others kept an eye out for the door where you'd be coming in from.
"Theretherethere!" Kaeya, unaware of the noise they made; turning a few heads from the tables nearby as he roughly grabbed Diluc's wrist and made a show of standing him up.
Diluc snatched his hand back, growling under his breath as he glared at his brother who threw him two thumbs up.
He shook his head, rolling his eyes as he took a breath in before his gaze settled on you, by yourself and on your phone—only a table apart from them.
From the corner of your eye, a sandwich wrapped in plastic was slid into your field of view. You cast your phone to the side a bit to get a better look before looking up to see who had given you the snack.
But once you lifted your head, Diluc already had his back turned on you and was walking back to the rest of DCKZ who were motioning at you to catch your attention before pointing to Diluc like a bunch of neon signs to a club.
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CHILDE! Himself?!
The rest found the fuss ridiculous. But then again, better him than them.
🐋 — He wasn't by any means nervous. Or so he wasn't visibly nervous as his gaze bounced from one head to another in the venue full of familiar faces that came in and out.
His breath hitched once he saw you, waving goodbye to Lumine, a fellow soloist.
Childe's gazed fixated on you as he made his way towards you, firmly grasping the sandwhich in his hands as he took one step after another.
"(Name)." He singsongs, smiling at you as you turned to face him, giving a smile of your own.
He took Lumine's previous place, now he was talking with you, making you laugh and sharing eachother's concerns with the upcoming inkigayo until DCKZ had to call him from his phone to tell him to wrap it up and leave the sandwhich.
He keeps them waiting for a few minutes more. After all, getting to talk to you was considerably rare. While he sees them everyday, he says.
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KAEYA! He's almost offended when Childe turns to face him with that stupid, shit eating grin of his.
But he doesn't demand to see the footage unlike his brother.
Still, it's hard for him to believe that he out of everyone got it wrong.
❄ — One would assume he was bored or that he wanted this done as soon as possible. From the way he slouched, resting his chin on his palm as he surveyed the cafeteria for you, it seemed to be the only explanation.
Though, inside, he was bubbling with excitement. He planned to talk with you as much as possible and he'd be waiting your call as soon as they made it back to their room.
Upon seeing you, he stood from his seat and left to join you without telling the others that expressed mixed emotions to his confidence. An awe, a scoff, and a simple intrigued stare.
With a charming stride, he joined you to your table and refused to leave until you did—not in a creepy way, though. More like a friend that wouldn't leave you if you were eating slow or if they finished first way. He knew how to carry a conversation smoothly.
So smooth in fact that DCKZ didn't even bother to call him back. They knew how Kaeya worked and left him be. Matanda na sya
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ZHONGLI! "Me?" He points to himself. Though unlike Diluc's defensiveness and Kaeya's disappointment, he was genuinely seeking confirmation.
Neither did he need to see the footage. Zhongli felt no need to confirm it that way, he had no problems with having to talk to you.
💎 — Unfazed. That's how the others would describe him at the very moment as his gaze attentively shifted from one direction to another, in search of you.
And once he did find you, he shortly let the others know that he'd get going. And that they could come get him at any time they felt like leaving.
And that time never came. Not one, two or three came to interrupt the conversation between you and Zhongli for they didn't leave, they at least didn't want to without him.
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catscidr · 6 months
HIIII CAN I GET DOTTORE(WEBTOON VER) X READER (fluff if u want) PLS..... where ur his assistant (besides krupp, like reader and krupp are both his assistant) and he so clearly has favoritism towards reader, bro is SMITTEN. have a good day... :D
this is sorta taking place right when the manga starts, right before dottore and the gang have a meeting about fatui stuff n all. also spoilers for the manga kinda if u haven't read it already?? i threw krupp under the bus a lot but its to make up for the fact that he’s alive in this lmaoa sry to any krupp lovers out there (′ʘ⌄ʘ‵) also there’s a lot of buildup n world building kinda im sorry i got in the zone HAHA ALSO MB THIS TOOK A WHILE TO WRITE i was drowning in leftover dessert from the holidays and was in a food coma for a couple o days. forgive me nonnie but u can get ur food now ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: reader is overwhelmed, not proofread i just went ham. not too much dialogue it's mostly unspoken bc webttore is an "actions > words" kinda man includes: fem reader, webttore, krupp, diluc mentionned wc: 1,7k
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The mission was a complete and utter disaster. 
All three of you were supposed to attend the Ragnvindr ball with a simple goal; blend in as much as possible, gather intel on the Knights of Favonius and leave without a hitch. Of course, that wasn’t an easy task considering Dottore’s eccentric and unpredictable personality and Krupp being a thorn in your side at best. 
Things started going downhill before you had even left your private quarters. While you were getting ready, carefully blinking as you brushed your mascara into your lashes to blend them in with your fake ones, you were startled by a loud, quick series of knocks on your door, making you smudge the dark pigment on your eyelid. Seeing the look on your face, Krupp had apologized (halfheartedly) before leaving you to your devices, seemingly forgetting why he had even interrupted you in the first place. You tried to convince yourself that it was fine, it was an easy fix anyways- but you couldn’t help but get irritated by your coworker’s behaviour at the very least. 
The next accident happened when the three of you had stepped out of the carriage in front of the Ragnvindr mansion. Masquerading as Dottore’s concubine, he held your hand to help you out of the caravan. That in it of itself was fine; the texture of his velvet glove was nice, the warmth emanating from his hand was even nicer and you swore you saw his face soften at the sight of you carefully stepping down the singular stair, leg jutting out as you balanced yourself on the cobblestone path on your heels. But Krupp just had to step on the back of your dress, a brown footprint now adorning the periwinkle frilly trail of your gown. The only good thing that came out of it was Dottore moving his hand to your waist and swiveling you to his side, fixing his assistant with a hard glare that could kill. 
Then, after you had gotten most of the dirt out of your dress (with the help of a kind butler), your trio stepped into the venue, splitting into two groups. Krupp would blend in with a group of nobles whereas you and Dottore, arms linked together, would speak to people in the Knights directly. Eyeing your coworker in the crowd, you saw him courteously kiss the back of a noblewoman’s hand; despite the slight look of disgust crossing your face, he seemed to be doing well with the mission. 
However, it seemed that whatever Archon was watching over you then didn’t appreciate the lack of drama. As Dottore introduced the both of you to a platinum-haired man, he had gotten his shoulder shoved by what had appeared to be a new hire from the manor (at least, you assumed so considering the way he had immediately gotten yelled at by a lady older than him). 
You yelped when the Harbinger spilled his drink all over the front of your dress, some champagne sliding down your chest leaving an uncomfortable, sticky feeling on your skin. Cheeks reddening from embarrassment and frustration, you brush away his frantic apology as you storm out, grabbing a handful of napkins on a nearby table while making your way to the closest bathroom. 
Thankfully it wasn’t hard to find, not with a maid offering to help you (she had gotten turned down but kindly pointed you in the right direction at the very least). Patting your skin dry, you burst into the surprisingly empty bathroom and assessed the damage. 
That’s where you are currently. 
Staring at the state of your previously pristine appearance you can’t help but tear up. Sure, this was just for a mission, and you could just wipe away the booze as much as you could and go back to do your job. But the one time you get to dress nice, the one time you can rid yourself of that ugly, stuffy uniform and feel pretty... had to be ruined by men. While it wasn’t exactly Dottore’s fault that he spilled his drink all over your dress, you still felt mad at Krupp for stepping on it when you all had first arrived. Was it petty to still be upset about it? Yes. Were your feelings justified? Also yes. 
Being the Doctor’s assistant was a chore. A challenge, sometimes. He was demanding, strict and you often had to walk on eggshells around him to avoid setting him off. Whenever it happened, he’d start ranting and raving about how incompetent everyone in the fatui was- although, he’d never point a finger at you, usually Krupp was on the receiving end of his bite (even if he wasn’t even included in the conversation). 
Knowing him well enough to understand his moods and personality had its perks. Unfortunately, it also had its drawbacks- those being how, naturally, your boss would also know how to read your mood surprisingly well. Dottore was known to be mean and ruthless to anyone he crossed path with, however, he’s always had a soft spot for you. 
Sometimes it was obvious that he did, but sometimes it was like he saw your coworker’s face instead of your own- scowling at your mistakes and scolding you harshly for mixing in the wrong powder in a flask. Whenever that happened, you could almost forget how he was able to hold you so gently, as if you were a glass sculpture ready to break if even the slightest breeze hit you. But if he were to be described with one word, you’d never call him dense- as entitled as he could be, the Harbinger was still (maybe surprisingly) quite well-versed in human emotions. 
You barely hear your name being called in the distance, muffled by the sound of the angelic piano and violin in the main area. Too caught up in your thoughts, you continue seething and aggressively rubbing away the sticky residue on your chest, muttering some choice words about your coworker and your boss. 
The door to the women’s bathroom flies open, revealing a frustrated but concerned Dottore, his curly hair a mess from how often he must have run his hand through it while he ran to find you. Uncaring of how he was intruding on your moment and how he was in the women’s restroom, he stomps over to you, gloved hands coming down to your shoulders as he closes the distance between you so he can look at the damage properly. 
He doesn’t speak for what felt like minutes, leaving your heart to pound in a mix of shock (who wouldn’t get scared at the sight of a Harbinger slamming a door open?) and nervousness. One of his hands come down to move your own that still held onto the (now damp) napkins as he stared at the front of your dress. 
The sweetheart cut of your dress was soaked, the edge and thin lace sticking to your skin, light indigo dye appearing darker because of the stain. Snapping out of your frozen stupor, you push his hand away and bring your hands back up to cover your chest, flustered from how hard he was staring with those blank, crimson eyes. 
“...You’re in the wrong bathroom,” you murmur, unsure of how to get him to leave you alone without possibly setting him off. Dottore’s eyes flicker up to your side profile, his expression still freakishly unreadable. 
You suddenly feel both of his hands on your cheeks as he manhandles you to look at him, your heart skipping a beat. Unable to bring yourself to stay mad, tears prick at your eyes, and you look down. Holding his gaze was impossible, not when you’ve been feeling humiliated since the start of the evening. He doesn’t comment on your sorrow, keeping on staring at you intently. 
“I can always buy you a new, nicer dress if that’s what you want,” you hear him say, voice uncharacteristically quiet, and maybe even... unsure? 
You shake your head softly, sniffling. 
“No? Why are you upset, then?” 
Hearing him so utterly confused, puzzled, perplexed made you even more frustrated. Furious, even. With your emotions all over the place and a newfound fury blazing in your limbs you snatch his hands off from your face and stomp out of the bathroom, shouting I’m waiting in the carriage! before stepping out into the chilly Mondstadtian evening breeze. 
Dottore stood there, brows furrowed and mouth agape in confusion as he blinked at your retreating figure. He didn’t have the chance to go after you because, as if on cue, Krupp interrupted the show. 
“I gathered some juicy intel, boss! Those Knights are incredibly foolish for being so loose lipped,” the mustached man declares proudly, acutely unaware of the stuffy atmosphere. Maybe not completely unaware, but he’s for sure ignoring it if he noticed it. Instead of hearing him out though, Dottore scoffs and walks into him, shoving him to the side with a scowl. 
“Don’t waste my time with your useless boasting. We’re leaving,” the Harbinger all but groaned, running a hand through his hair, stress emanating from him in waves. His assistant catches up to him, stuttering out a Of course sir! as he opens the door for him, his shoes digging into the cobblestone path. 
Dottore immediately looks at your sat figure, chin in your palm, looking out of the window. The sight would make him melt if it weren’t for his other assistant’s presence a mere meter away from him. He says your name quietly, softly enough that no one other than you can hear and Krupp steps into the carriage, shouting directions to the driver. 
“Can I stay in the lab next time?” you grumble, refusing to turn around and look at your boss and coworker. Krupp opens his mouth to scold you, but Dottore beats him to it, shooting him a sharp glare, lips curling down in a frown. 
“You can,” he answers you while still looking at his employee. “In fact, it’ll give me an opportunity to properly teach my other assistant some manners,” he adds, practically growling the sentence. Krupp swallows thickly and pretends to not be involved in the conversation, looking away nervously. On the opposite side of the plush seat, you hide the smile creeping its way onto your features.
Ignoring the way your heart swelled, you inwardly celebrate your small victory. Dottore could be brash and cruel, but you’ll always cherish the moments when he shows you some lenience. Especially when it’s at the cost of your coworker’s imprudence. 
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cvpidzcvrse · 9 days
𝔅𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱-𝔲𝔭
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art by: eriimyon
MDNI, step off pls, and thank u
☆A/N: IM BACK AGAIN!! this time it’s diluc, and it’s back in genshin times so ignore the mention of modern alcohol pretend you didn’t see it. like i said before, suggest some stuff if u rlly wanna!! but ofc as always, enjoy this one loves!!
⋆.ೃ࿔*・synopsis: As a stressed adventurer, you stopped at Angel Share. The smell of alcohol calms you down, what’s even more calming is the redhead behind the bar.
⋆.ೃ࿔*・wc: 2,108
⋆.ೃ࿔*•warnings:: Mdom, strangers to lovers, spanking, alcohol, fucking while standing, one night stand, public sex, almost caught, degradation, oral masc!receiving, p in v, bathroom sex, light choking, rough, and ofc creampie (practice safe sex)
(The reader is black)
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The job of an adventure is stressful at times, either having to save someone or save yourself. You let out a sigh as you walk into the warm embrace of Mondstadt. You smile at the warm air and the lively city. As you’re walking you notice Jean talking to one of the Knights of Favonius before waving him off. You tilt your head in confusion before making your way towards her. “Hey, Jean! You look…stressed?” A worried look made it to your face before flashing her a comforting smile. Jean lets out a sigh before nodding slightly. 
“There’s a festival coming up and everything is a wreck. So now I have to pick up the peices.”
She huffs before rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“I’ll be fine! Listen, I’m stressed and you’re stressed, so how about we stop by Angel Share and get a drink.” I suggest before slightly nudging Jean’s shoulder with a smile. “Come on, I know you want to! Join me, Please” You give the sweetest smile you could muster before she finally sighs and agrees. 
“Fine, but only for an hour.” You nod happily before fixing your braids and grabbing her hand. You cautiously speed walk towards Angel Share, pulling Jean along with you. “I wonder if Diluc is in today?” Jean checks the time on her clock before finally acknowledging your very confused look.
“You do know Diluc, right? You know the owner of Angel Share.”
At this point, she looks more confused than you. How could you not know who Diluc is? As much as Jean brings him up she wonders if you even listen to her when she talks about him. You shake your head before she sighs and opens the door to the tavern. The smell of warm alcohol floods your senses. You take in a sharp breath before being interrupted by Jean lecturing some drunk bard in the corner. You’re left alone at the door, looking like a lost puppy before something catches your attention. 
A bright red ponytail behind the bar, you can’t see his face but just looking at his body you know he must be attractive. You stare at him for a few seconds before he turns around, probably feeling lasers shooting through his skull. His bright red eyes met your intense gaze.
You’re so hypnotized by his strong features you don’t even realize he was waving you over to take a seat. You give him a sweet smile before walking over and sitting at one of the bar side stools. He’s completely enamored by your beauty. Your dark brown skin shimmering under the tavern light, the two-toned glossed lips, the way the adventurer uniform fits your curvy body, And the way your long, black box braids frame your face shape. It’s clear to say he’s obsessed with you, even if he doesn’t know your name. 
“Can I get a Henne and coke?”
You give him a sweet smile, flashing your pearly whites.
“Of course. This one is on the house, I wouldn’t dare charge a pretty girl like you.” He smirks before turning around to make your drink. You’re grateful your skin hid the blood rushing to your cheeks, or you would’ve been as red as a tomato. 
“Thank you…”
“My name is Diluc, I’m surprised you don’t know. You’re friends with Jean, right?”
You make a mental note that the ‘Diluc’ person Jean talks so often about, is very attractive. You nod in response before taking a sip of the drink he placed in front of you. 
“Well thanks for the free drink Diluc, I’ll remember that for next time” 
You give him a small wink before taking another sip of your drink.
Diluc is very interested in you. The way that you smile, smell, and talk. His eyes scanned every single body part and facial feature you displayed. Taking note of what you like and dislike, the jokes you made, and the jokes you laugh at. 
By the time you finished the drink you had loosened up, all of today’s worries were washed away by a cup of henne and coke.  After talking to Diluc for a bit you notice the way his bartending suit squeezes on his muscular body. You cross your legs to try to calm the wetness that’s forming. The way he moves when he’s making a drink, the way his muscles flex when he mixes the ingredients. It turns you on, a lot. Maybe it’s the liquid courage getting to you but you would definitely fuck him here and now, and you’re going to make it happen. 
Diluc is currently resting his arms on the bar in front of you explaining how to make some difficult drinks. You knew this was your time to shine, so you subtly started dragging your finger up and down his forearm and nodding slowly while you listened to him explain. His eyes squint at you slightly, questioning your current move. 
“You know Diluc, you’re kinda intriguing.”
He gives you a low chuckle before bringing his voice down to a low whisper.
“Is that so? How about you show how intriguing I am.” 
He gives a little head nudge towards the bathroom before mouthing a little ‘Go inside’. You nod before slowly getting up from your seat. You give Diluc a wink before making a slow stride to the bathroom. 
He mumbles under his breath before trying to smooth down the bulge he has in his pants, it's been there since you walked in. He waits about five minutes before smoothing down his pants and making his way to the bathroom. When he walks in he’s met with a lewd sight, You’re sitting on top of the sink slowly rubbing soft circles around your clit. You make hungry eye contact with him. He takes in the sight before rolling up his sleeves and slowly walking up to you. 
“So you started without me? I don’t remember telling you to do that." He grabs your wrist and pulls it away from your aching clit. You whimper before you pull Diluc into an intense kiss. He grabs your hips and pulls you into one of the stalls and locks the door. He starts unbuckling his belt before pulling away and staring at your puffy lips.
“You don’t even know my name and you wanna fuck.” You huff out before helping him unbuckle his belt. 
“I don’t need to know your name, just show me what you can do.”
He grabs your hair roughly before pushing you down on your knees. You take his pants zipper in your mouth and slowly zip it down. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” He lets out a shaky breath before watching you take his cock out with ease. You look up at him as you slowly stroke his cock, precum already dripping all over it. He stares down at you with lustful eyes before roughly grabbing your braids and brushing your lips on his cock.
“I’m not a fan of teasing, Suck it.”
He gave a stern look before you took his full cock into your mouth. You let out a moan as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Diluc’s head flew back in pleasure as he roughly pushed you onto his cock. Your speed increased as his hips thrusted forward, shoving his cock deeper into your mouth.  
“Fuck, baby you feel so good. You know how to use your slutty mouth well.”
He chuckles before letting out another shaky moan and grabbing your hair tighter. You feel his cock twitch in your mouth, you let out another moan before twirling your tongue around his tip. 
“I don’t wanna cum, fuck…stop"
You groan, ignoring his command you continue to suck his soul out of his body. He groans loudly before pulling you by your hair and roughly off of his dick. You whimper and give him a pleading look. 
“You’re such a fucking slut. Get up.”
You barely make it to your feet before he pushes you up against the stall door. With your face squished against the cold metal door of the stall. You can feel his warm calloused hand running down your leg slowly taking off your stockings. He pushes your uniform dress up and pulls your panties to the side. 
“I don’t have time to take these off, but I’m sure a whore like you likes this shit. Don’t you?”
You can feel his breath grazing against your ear, the tension causing you to let out a frustrated moan. 
“Put…put it in already.”
You hear a chuckle before you feel a sharp stinging pain on your ass. You moan loudly, your clit twitched in excitement. You whimper lightly feeling his cock rub the folds of your pussy, the teasing goes straight to your head.
“Beg and I’ll give you what you want.” His deep voice sends chills up your spine. The way his hand is wrapped around your neck and his dick on your ass. The lewdness of the situation makes your pussy wetter every second. 
“Please, Diluc, I need it…”
You whimper while pushing back into him trying to get any friction you can.
"You need what, doll? Spit it out."
He slaps your ass again and you let out a sharp yelp and a whimper. 
“Your cock! I need it please!”
You pleaded practically grinding your ass against his cock. He groaned before slamming his cock into your pussy with no warning. “Fuck, you’re such a slut.”
He groans loudly before giving you the backshots of the century. His hands are on your love handles, using them to push you back and forth on his cock. 
“You like this shit, don’t you? You cock slut, say it”
You nod your head quickly, trying to cover your moans with your hands.
“Fuck, I do, I such a fucking cock slut! Right there, fuck!”
You mumble completely fucked out. The bathroom is filled with moans and grunts, your electro vision hitting the wall every time he does a hard thrust. You can feel warmth bubbling up in the pit of your stomach. 
“Diluc, I’m about to-”
You hear the click of the bathroom door opening. Diluc smiles at the sudden interruption, slightly speeding up his pace. 
“(★), Are you in here? You’ve been in here for a minute, I’m making sure you’re ok.”
You hear Jean’s voice echo off the walls of the bathroom. You look back at Diluc as he’s refusing to slow down his relentless strokes. You give him pleading eyes but all he does is laugh. 
“Go ahead, answer your friend. Show her how much of a whore you are.”
You shake your head before you feel a light slap on your ass.
“I-I’m…fuck…fine. T-the…mmph…alcohol just…got to…me”
You manage to get out, letting out a small whimper.
“Oh, alright. Have you seen Diluc anywhere? I’ve been looking for him.” Diluc wraps his hand around you and starts rubbing fast circles around your clit. A shaky moan comes out of your mouth before you muffle it with your hand.
“N-No, I…haven’t.”
“Ok, I’ll just ask around.”
The bathroom door shuts before you let out a loud moan when Diluc speeds his pace up. 
“Good slut…fuck…I guess I can give you what you deserve.”
Your pussy clenches around diluc’s cock, you grab Diluc’s arm tightly as your orgasm approaches. 
“Fuck, Diluc, I’m about to cum.”
The grip he has on your neck tightens and you feel his cock twitches inside of you. His moan getting louder and his thrust getting messier. You shake subtly before you feel your liquid running down your legs, Diluc following close after. His cum shooting inside you before groaning lightly.
“Fuck you feel so good…”
He pulls out, wiping the sweat off of his forehead and taking his handkerchief and wiping your forehead.
“I can’t let a pretty girl walk out looking a mess.”
He chuckles lightly before pulling your stocking up and fixing your uniform. Still out of breath you thank him and fix your hair. 
“Go and get fixed up, I'll meet you outside.”
He admires your beauty once more. Even as a sweaty and cock drunk mess, he still thinks you’re the most gorgeous person ever. 
He reaches to unlock the stall door and pushes it open. As you both walk out the stall you see Jean patiently waiting by the door. She’s leaning on the wall, arms crossed, and a face filled with disappointment. Your eyes widen with shock as you see Diluc freeze in the spot he’s in. You look like a deer in headlights.
“Good to know you met diluc.”
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the-massive-simp · 9 months
Hey I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do a Diluc as a professor (slight nswf if your comfortable 🫢)
OHHHH I LOVE THISSSS HERE U GO BBY<3 I'm sorry this came out like 10 times more nsfw than i intended hehe I did some headcanons + little scenario since its quicker an easier to write for me :)) if u want a full fic feel free to send another ask!!
warnings: mdni, nsfw under the cut (he's a bit of a pervert, semi public sex, unprotected sex [use protections irl!!], fingering, edging, minor age gap, sub afab reader [no pronouns mentioned, but reader wears a skirt], tiniest bit of degration, praising, uhh i think that's everything)
let's get started
let's say that you had some troubles with the subject(s) he teaches
he noticed you struggling and asked you after class if you wanted him to give you some private lessons, since he didnt want his favourite little student to fail his class
and how can you deny the opportunity to spend more time with your hot professor? you've had a crush on him for ages!
and don't think he didn't notice
he saw how your cheeks would turn red everytime he spoke or looked at you, how your hands would shake when he gave you back your work or how you would always look for him in the alleys
and he looked at you too, when you bended over to pick up something, unknowingly giving him the opportunity to look at your panties covering your plump ass and your sweet pussy
he'd also notice how pretty you would look in your uniform, shirt squeezing your chest and skirt flowing around your thighs
but he promised himself that this encounters will be strictly professional
just a teacher helping a student in need
but when you arrived to the library for the first lesson he feels like he could catch fire right there and then
your skirt was even shorter than the uniform's one and your stockings hugged your thighs so sweetly
he coughed a bit to hide his amusement, and the he started explaining
he struggled to keep his composure when you bended over the table to point at a specific passage of the book you didn't get
your shirt was slightly unbuttoned and he managed to get a peek of your lacy pink bra
he quickly moved his eyes back to the book, hoping you wouldn't notice his red cheeks
after a couple of this lessons, he was about to give up
he didn't manage to get one thing into your head
he decided that maybe he could try one last method
That's how you ended up on his lap, your back pressed against his toned chest, his muscular arms wrapped against your waist. "Now open the book and start reading chapter 6." As he talked, he pressed you down against his lap, your clothed pussy rubbing against his cock. You bit your lower lip and reached for the book, starting to read aloud. You stuttered the first words, but as you kept reading, your voice got more stable. You were so absorbed by the book you didn't notice his hands moving, until one grabbed your nipple, and the other slipped under your skirt to play with your clothed clit. "You didnt even wear a bra today? What a naughty girl. You better commit yourself to actually learn something and make up for it." "Yes sir- ah!" As you answered, he pinched your clit, making your hips jolt. "Don't make such lewd noises here. We're in a private section of the library, but people can still hear your pretty little voice moaning. The only thing I want to hear is you reading. Go on." You blushed and started reading again. As you kept doing so, his hand slid under your panties and started to circle your clit, doing so for all the time it took you to finish the chapter. "Good girl, I think thats enough for today. Put down the book and enjoy your reward." With that, he inserted a finger in your leaking hole, curling it to hit all the best spots. "Keep quiet. Let's see how many times you can cum for your professor, huh?
after that time, your grades actually got better, so he kept using this special method to help you
he would give you one suck on your clit for every answer you got right when eating you out, and one smack on your ass for every wrong one
the first time you got an A, he decided that you deserved a big reward and he fucked you until you were unable to form coherent sentences
but he also got jealous
when he caught guys eyeing you, he would come to you and ask you if you could follow him to talk about your grades, quickly leading you to the closest bathroom or closet to pump you full of his cum
"Why don't you go and tell them who is the only one who can make you feel good?"
"Imagine what they would say I they found you doing such things with your professor, you pretty little slut"
"Can't even wait for our lesson to have my cock stuffing you, huh?"
after cumming, he would pull up your panties and make you go around with his cum inside all the day
if you ask him nicely, he can give you some more after lessons are finished
after all, who is he to deny a request from his pretty little student?
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cathedral-of-sinners · 9 months
Urges From Within
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Kinktober Day 2 - A/B/O & Floor Sex + Diluc
Genre: Smut (MDNI)
CW: sub!gn!reader (no pronouns/genitalia used), reader is called pretty once, my omega and my love, omega!reader, alpha!diluc, mating press, two sections might not make sense/jump around suddenly idk i don't think it's too bad but still
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Instincts knew no bounds, Diluc now realized this indisputable fact. Honestly, he should’ve known he couldn't handle your scent circling around him for eight hours straight. Especially in an enclosed space like the tavern.
He'd hoped that the accumulation of each omega in the room would drown you out; he's always found the others suffocating, but you, oh you were just downright intoxicating. He could pick you out from a sea of people if he had to. He’s lucky he only spilled two drinks while mixing today, once when you brushed past him behind the counter and the second when you returned the empty glasses on your tray.
Diluc now knows for sure he’s unable to resist your pleasantly distracting scent, but he also sees that he’s realized this too late.
"D-diluc! Ah, slow down, pl-please!" the delicious mix of pleasure and pain swirls within the pit of your stomach, drowning out everything else. The chill of the hardwood floor has long since faded, replaced and overruled by the heated touch of your skin and sweat. Your lover, despite your request, keeps his unrelenting pace, hips snapping against yours.
"You were begging me to go faster not long ago, so I am." Is all he says, taking a moment to readjust his position. The sudden shift has you moaning, his cock running over just the right spot. Faintly you can hear him mutter there's the spot before starting up his thrusts again, aiming for that sweet spot. You're tossed between staring up at the ceiling, off to the side or right at his gorgeous face, his hair falling and framing him picture-perfectly. When the tip of his cock connects with his new target though you don't get to choose where you're looking, head thrown back in ecstasy.
Diluc's fingers gently stroke your cheek, a husk to his voice, "my omega, so pretty for me, spread out and taking my cock deep," he whispers, pressing forward a little more on your folded legs, enough so he can plant a kiss on your forehead. "But they're also so, so needy. I couldn't even take you to the bedroom before you were pulling my clothes off."
"Perhaps I should punish you for that?" The mere idea of your orgasm being withheld from you easily has tears forming in your eyes, and seeing this, Diluc tilts your head to face him, shushing you. "My love, it's alright, just be good for me and I'll give you exactly what you want. I promise."
Nodding, you grip your legs a little tighter, taking care to keep them pinned close to you. Smiling, your lover picks up the pace, the sounds of your love and lust echoing in the winery. You can feel yourself lose the ability to think coherently, babbling only about how good it is, how good he is.
Diluc knows he's close, he can feel it in the tightening of his stomach, the knot growing tighter and tighter, begging to snap. Just a little longer and he'll bring you both to your desired release.
"Di-Diluc, cl-close, I'm close," you manage to say, moaning.
"Me too," burying his face in the crook of your neck, the redhead inhales deeply, taking in your scent. Addicting, intoxicating, the same irresistible scent that captured him when you first met, the same one that sent him into his rut and you in turn into your heat. And it's the same scent that tips him over the edge.
"C-cumming, I'm cumming," and no soon after does Diluc pump his cum in you, warm and filling, moaning right in your ear. You too reach your high, his cock having hit just the right spot, resulting in you clenching around him and leaving no room for him to pull out.
Taking a moment to collect himself, Diluc helps you stretch your legs back to normal before laying on his side, keeping you tucked close as to not let you feel the oncoming cold now that the moment is over.
It's silent for the first few seconds, his warm palms massaging at your skin, until he decides to quietly pipe up, "I've always thought you smelt so good, did you know that?" he questions, loosening his hold just a little so he's not crushing you.
You can't help but laugh, resting your cheek against his arm, "I had an inkling, my love." Tilting your head to press a kiss to the nearest place you could, you continue, "here's my secret though, I think you smell pretty delectable yourself. I can never get enough of it - I can never get enough of you."
"I as well," he tells you. You both rest a little more before rising from the ground and cleaning yourselves and the foyer up. You didn't dare leave the mess you made for the maids to clean up when they got back from their night off.
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Tag list: @rain-soaked-sun || @the-purity-pen || @stygianoir || @the-massive-simp || @londonstylesxx
If you'd liked to be tagged in any future works lmk via comment, DM or my askbox!
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silkcloud03 · 1 year
◦ warnings(?) ◦
→ reader does leaned more towards gn/non-binary people to people who identify as masculine or male! so people that identify as (she\her)’s or (she\they)’s dni because this is for the male audience. :]
→ overworking, stress (albedo).
→ anxiety, insomnia (kaeya).
→ forgetting meals, prioritizing workload over health (diluc).
→ some harassment and slight description of a panic attack (venti).
→ some characters may be a bit ooc! i also might be doing different parts to this for each region! if i have missed any warnings i may or not forgotten to mention; pls feel free to let me know^^ but overall there’s comfort and fluff.🫶🫶🫶
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ KAEYA ALBERICH *ੈ✩‧₊˚
-gentle tapping on the glass from incoming rain can be heard through the quick scribbling off the quill pen on parchment. the sound of laughter & echoing throughout the halls of the knights of favonius. retiring for the night to grab some dinner for their famished bodies after a long day of patrolling, reporting & training. even though this would be a perfect to sit back and relish in; you currently aren’t really in the position to even enjoy anything of the sorts.
-you glanced up at the clock & saw that it was two hours after your shift but it looks like you won’t be finishing up any time soon with the mountain of paperwork in front of you that the acting grand master placed on your mahogany coloured desk since she trusted to you to finish on her behalf because an emergency arose that needed her immediate attention.
-you sighed as you continued on with your work. “it’s not like there’s anyone else around here to take over the paperwork.”
-a favor for a favor you guessed. time flew by since the last time you looked at the clock again.
-a soft knock echoed into the room and somehow you didn’t hear it. the door opened with a soft creak and a voice called out quietly. “[Y/N]?”
-you almost jumped out of your skin at the sound of your beloveds voice. “ARCHONS- you frightened me, kaeya!”
-a soft chuckle rumbled in his chest as he opened the door fully before stepping into the room in his whole calvary captain glory. “good to know that i can still do that to my beloved after all this time knowing each other.”
-you shake your head as you continued scribbling quickly on the paper. “what are you doing here, kaeya?”
-his head titled his head to the side with his eyebrow quirked. “are you even aware what time it is right now, [Y/N]?”
-“it was 9:49 o’clock last time i checked.”
-“‘last time you checked’?” his tone suddenly got serious which caught you off guard so you looked up to see his arms folded over his chest and a slight frown on his gorgeous face. “can you look at what time it is right now for me?”
-you looked up at the clock that’s hung at the top of the multiple shelves that has all kinds of books, maps and files. it says that it was already 1:02 in the morning. you laugh sheepishly while ignoring kaeya’s piercing gaze.
-“this is the fifth time this week that you have been drowning yourself in extra paperwork, sweetheart.” he sighs as he went around the desk, gently turning your face to look at him, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
-you leaned into his touch, now realized how much your body aches from sitting from such a long period of time. “jean left me this paperwork in a hurry since there was an important matter that she couldn’t ignore so i just took responsibility of finishing it up.”
-he hums gently in acknowledgement, grabbing your hand lightly as he pecked each knuckle, slowly running up your arm. “you don’t have to carry so much work, love.”
-you leaned your head back onto the back of the chair with a small thump with a sigh. “you already know how i can get kaeya. sometimes these things just fall onto my lap and i can’t help but help as much as my body can take it.”
-“and you didn’t even think to give your own partner some attentrntion while you worked? you wound me, my love.” a small playful pout etched into his handsome features, placing a hand on his chest as he gasped dramatically.
-you tiredly giggled at him. now it was your turn to grab the hand that was resting on your shoulder and place a gentle peck onto the smooth leather of the glove that hugged his hand perfectly.
-he rubbed his free hand on his neck to subtly hide the growing flush thats creeping onto his ears, still surprised at how your acts of affection still flusters him even after years of the two of you being together.
-the blue-haired male gently takes the quill that was still in your hand away into the small stand next to the bottle of ink. he grabs the finished papers that were scattered across your desk and evens them out before placing them to the side opposite of the now smaller pile of unfinished paperwork.
-“kaeya, put me down!��� you dragged out his name when you were suddenly picked up by the cavalry captain which made you slightly jump from the action. “i’m not something you can carry around as you please!”
-“oh then how can i spoil my tired partner like the royalty they are?” He teased, adjusting his grip around your back and legs as he carried you out of your office, now on route to your shared home.
-you rested your head on his shoulder after smacking his chest playfully, too tired to even make a proper response.
-a small smile formed on his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. “rest well, my love.”
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
-“there we go.” you wiped the small sheen of sweat on your forehead after placing down one of many crates into the carriage that supposed to be sent out to a few merchants around liyue. you happened to stumble upon this old man right out front of the mansion at dawn winery who asked for some assistance to carry around the heavy boxes filled with wine bottles since no one else was around.
-‘this wouldn’t hurt to do. i still have enough time.’ you thought as you were quick to start moving the boxes.
-you were originally here to visit your beloved while doing your commissions since they were very close to the mansion and the just return back to mondstadt for other errands that you needed to do.
-it looks like that everyone wants your assistance today. you weren’t really complaining although it can get very overwhelming at times. you always tend to manage the pressure around your shoulders from taking commission after commission. that’s what everyone thought in their perspective.
-in reality, you were just trying to cope by drowning yourself with work. even if that meant skipping meals, losing rest, and even ignoring the hobbies you used to enjoy, barely even making time for it anymore. only making time for easing the workload for everyone.
-after the finishing up placing down the last crate down as the old man thanked you profusely for the help as he shook your hand. “thank you so much, i don’t know what I could’ve done without you help! seems like my age has caught up in these old bones of mine.”
-“it was nothing.” you gave him a small polite smile. awkwardly trying to find an opening to visit your partner that by now should be waiting for you to arrive in his abode, clearing your throat slightly. “pardon me- but i really do have to leave-“
-before you could even register the yell, you pushed the man out of the way as you took the hit of the barrel that seemed to have fallen from being transported. stopping the heavy container with a grunt, your arms strained a bit before placing it upright.
-“oh gosh! are you alright!?” a young man with blonde hair and binoculars resting on his head frantically ran towards you hesitantly checking if you were injured or anything of the sorts. “i’m so so sorry! i don’t know how but the barrel just fell off from the carriage!”
-“please its okay really!” you shook your head with a chuckle, trying to ease the clumsy boy in front of you. “here let me help you with that.”
-you heaved the heavy barrel with ease, carrying it to the carriage and tying it into place securely. gently explaining what went wrong and gave him tips on what to improve in the future. he thanked you enthusiastically as he jogged towards a boy with long, messy silver hair waiting for him in the distance, almost tripping over his own feet along the way.
you giggled at the sight as you finally walked into the mansion, gently closing the front door as diluc’s servants greeting you and hanging up your jacket and satchel.
-“sometimes i’m still surprised how you always have time to help people, love.”
-you almost jumped out of your skin as diluc’s voice suddenly rung out in the manor. a small smile etched into your face, walking towards your partner that is sitting comfortably on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, reading paperwork and letters that are on the table next to him.
-you ran a gentle hand through his thick, red locks that’s tied in a loose ponytail over his shoulder. he slightly melts in your touch, leaning back on his chair to relish the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
-you huffed a small laugh as you watched him relax, slowly untying the ribbon that’s holding his hair together, making a small braid with a piece of it. you both enjoyed the comfortable silence that fell, the soothing sound of the burning wood cracking and the gentle smell of herbal tea in the air.
-you can never get tired of these small moments after a whole day of working nonstop. you sometimes wish these moments could last forever but that just would be wishful thinking. you didn’t even realize that you let out a heavy sigh until the red-haired suddenly turned his head to look up at you with a concerned expression. “what’s wrong, dove? is something the matter?”
-you shook your head to dismiss the question but he pointed look he gave you made you cave in. you chuckled lightly as you kept playing with his hair, keeping your hands busy as you tried not to let your thoughts wander. “it’s nothing, love. just a bit tired.”
-diluc gently grabbed both of your hands and pulled you around from next to him so that you were now in front of him. he looked straight into your eyes as if searching for something which was working because you couldn’t handle lying while he was looking at you that ways with such worry in those beautiful crimson eyes of his.
-it’s like he reads through you and you shrunk in his observant gaze internally. both of you didn’t utter a thing, just looking at each other as you tried to make up an excuse to get out of the current situation you’re currently in.
-wordlessly, diluc slowly let go of your hands and opened his arms. your eyes widened, little surprised at the gesture but once you realized what he wanted to do, your nose began to sting and your vision blurred slightly. immediately sitting on his lap, not really caring if your straddling his legs, wrapping your arms around the red-haired mans shoulder while one of his arms slung comfortably around your waist and then the other rubbed soothing motions on the middle of your back.
-he squeezed you gently, pressing his cheek on the side of your head, placing soft kisses on it as you held back your tears from the comfort your lover is giving you. a few tears ran down your cheeks as you cursed silently, you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck, slightly tightening your arms around him.
-“you don’t always have to carry all that workload everyday. i’m always here to help you carry at least a carry a small bit of it if it means helping you breathe easier.” he says gently while patting your head in an encouraging way after placing a small peck on the crown of your head. “you are always scolding me when i carry too much from my nightly activities, now its my turn to help you carry yours, now it’s your turn to lower those walls you always hold up, my dove.”
-you let out a small watery laugh as you nuzzled your head even further into his chest, finally letting the tears finally fall. “thank you, diluc.”
-and the whole afternoon was spent with the both of you enjoying each others company and a whole lot of scolding from diluc while making a whole new schedule for you so that you can have more time to rest.
┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ALBEDO ·˚ ༘
-“shit.” you cursed under your breath as another sketch of a cecilia in a vase in the middle of the table as you took a small break from going through with some alchemical research that has been assigned to you. the small doodle failed miserably while you crumpled the piece of parchment and flicked it across the mess of books and test tubes spread around your notepad.
-you honestly thought trying out to just a simple doodle of the flower that was on the table as decoration to take off your thoughts off from your research was gonna be easy enough, right?
-oh how wrong you were.
-it all started out calmly, just making simplistic lines with just a flick of your pen, until you messed up a particular detail around the petals that you didn’t expect it to irk you that much, so you just ripped the page and placed it to the side and start all over again on a new page.
-being a perfectionist can be such pain sometimes.
-stubbornly, instead of tucking your notepad away and remove yourself from the mental stress that your putting yourself in, you reasoned yourself that it would just take a couple more tries couldn’t hurt to do.
-you don’t necessarily have a knack for drawing (if you are an artist just pretend that you don’t have the skill for the sake of the oneshot LOL bcs I’m an artist myself dhaskafh) you were more someone that prefer to keep your nose in books, quenching your curiosity by experimenting and even exploring the outdoors every once in a while.
-the thought of just sitting for long hours practicing your ability to draw without moving around makes you anxious since you weren’t someone that would keep still for a certain period of time before you are pacing around while reading documents for your assignments or walking around aimlessly in the library.
-you sighed in frustration as yet another attempt of the drawing failed because the lines for the petals looked shaky made you just lean back on your chair and closed your eyes while taking deep breaths to try and calm the storm of your thoughts, bouncing of your leg didn’t ease your anxiety. slowly overthinking on why you can’t do a simple doodle of a stupid flower.
-“well i wasn’t expecting to come back to the library with a sight like this.”
-the voice made you straighten your posture from the chair and snap your head towards the person that just came in. low and behold, it just happened to be the certain cheif alchemist of the knights of favonius, a few books and scrolls in one arm pinned to his chest and his other was holding his coat.
-“albedo! i thought i wouldn’t be seeing you in the next couple of days!” you piped up and got up from your chair trying to hide the fact that you were having a mental breakdown a few seconds ago, quickly reorganizing the messy cutter.
-the blond, the ever so observant person he is, caught on to the fake cheery behavior but he brushed it off. “it seems that the situation up in dragonspine was resolved swiftly and no one got injured so i decided to go back here to send in the report to jean.”
-he walked closer to the table you are at and places his things on the clear space next to you before turning towards you and placed a gloved hand on our forearm. “i also wanted to see you as well since i knew you were occupied with the research that sucrose assigned to you. how is the experiment coming along?”
-“here,” you gathered your notes and papers and handed it to him. “this is everything that i have gathered so far.”
-albedo read through the notes, his free hand on his chin as he read through the papers and observed the beakers that were placed across the table with different coloured liquids on each one of them.
-“everything you have noted so far is correct and precise with good explanations of each hypotheses, i would like for you to demonstrate me the experemant-“ his bright blue eyes fell to the notepad with the half finished sketch of a cecilia. he placed down the apes and grabbed the notepad, gloved fingers lightly tracing the lines on the parchement.
-he turned towards you, head tilted in curiosity. “did you draw this?”
-his face didn’t express much but his eyes held curiosity, although you swore that you saw a small hint of his smile on his lips.
-you let out a sheepish laugh, rubbing your forearm in embarrassment. “yeah- i wanted to try and sketch the cecilia while taking a break from doing experiments all afternoon but as you can see,” you gestured the small pile of crumbled paper
-albedo let out a small chuckle at your flushed state. “for your first time, i think you did very well.”
-“your just saying that.” you looked away, now the stress that you had suddenly came back, you hope your lover wasn’t able to see you crumble slightly in his sharp gaze. “i’m not as good as you.”
-a gloved hand lightly took your chin and directed it towards him before it cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing soothing motions on your cheekbone. his face was stoic as ever but his eyes held such gentleness that caught you off guard, you leaned into his touch and your eyes glazed over.
-his eyes softened as he let a small smile break through his face, wiping a lone tear that managed to escape. slowly leaning in and placing a small kiss on your forehead, it lasted for a bit before he brought your head to the space between his neck and shoulder.
-he didn’t say much while he let you clutch the soft fabric of his royal blue shirt and embrace him as much as you wanted to. albedo’s hand played with your hair between his fingers, gently swaying you back to try and quiet your sniffles.
-you both stayed like that for a while before the blond pulled away from the embrace first, he grabbed a small handkerchief that was in his pocket and dabbed gingerly the salty tears away while encouraging you and telling affirmations but hearing that just made you want to cry even harder. you fought back the urge, letting out watery chuckles, thanking him.
-“how about i teach you the basics of drawing? i would be pleased to guide you, if you’d let me.” placing a peck on your calloused palm, he tugged your arm while he grabbed his signature clipboard and paper.
-and how can you say no to that pretty face?
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ VENTI ⍣ ೋ
-you genuinely didn’t know how you ended up in this situation.
-you were just trying to get through this night shift at the tavern as the waiter, this particular night was full of people, the celebration of (aether/lumine) returning back to visit mondstadt. even most of the knights of favonius were here tonight. amber, lisa, kaeya, eula, albedo, sucrose, and even jean were here for the celebration with the traveler on the second floor, only reserved for them. non-knights were also at the tavern, diluc (as always behind the bar preparing drinks and observing the lively activity), rosaría, and, venti were seated at the bar, enjoying their respective beverages while chatting with the owner.
-you chatted with them every now and then but given that you were the one bringing orders and taking care bringing drinks to tables. you honestly just got this job to raise more mora for yourself and diluc was pleased with you offering to help around the tavern with charles while he leaves for his nightly darknight hero errands.
-“a bottle of dandelion wine, two apple ciders and one berry and mint burst for the small party at table six.” you placed the tray on the countertop while leaning your side to the bar, putting your weight against it, bringing your hand up to push the messy strands of hair away from your face.
-diluc nodded towards you, long red hair bouncing behind him as it’s pulled back into a high ponytail. watching him prepare the drinks with such ease and confidence that it never fails to impress you that this man doesn’t drink.
-a small tired sigh left through your nose as you noticed the exhaustion slowly seeping into your system. you weren’t even a few hours in and yet interacting with this many people certainly drained your social battery.
-“you look quite tired there, windblume. need your boyfriend to whisk you away into the late hours of the night?” a cheery voiced chirped at you with a giggle next to you.
-“a little but the amount of people here certainly caught me by surprise tonight.” you turn your head and give a small smile to your lover whose downing another cup of dandelion wine.
-he hummed as he poured himself another amount into the wine glass which made the redhead behind the counter glare at him slightly before going back to preparing drinks and placing them next to the tray for you to take to the table.
-“don’t drink so much tonight, venti.” you laugh playfully at him while playing with one of his braids before giving his shoulder a stern squeeze as a warning. “you don’t want me to carry you out while i pay your tab again now do you?”
-“aww you don’t want to ruin my fun while there’s a celebration tonight.” he pouts a bit while he moved the glass in gentle circles, watching the liquid dance around the shape of the glass before grabbing one of your hands and placing a small peck on the knuckle of your ring finger before muttering for only you to hear with a small smirk on his lips. “unless you want your beloved to be all over you when we get home.”
-you rolled your eyes playfully, chuckling while lightly pushing his face away from you, carefully placing the drinks on the tray and walking away with a slight sway of your hips as you looked over your shoulder behind you, sending a small wink. “we’ll see how you act later after i take care of you.”
-you walked away before you could see the burning blush present on his ears as he downed another drink.
-“sorry for the wait! busy, busy night in this tavern with the celebration going on.” you gave a small polite smile towards the group, calling out the drink names to place them in front of each person who ordered it. you noticed some of the people in the group whispering to the woman across of them while glancing at you every now and then but you brushed it off, making some small talk with the others that were at the table.
-“besides how busy tonight is, are you perhaps busy later after your shift, handsome?” the woman spoke up with a small sly smile, placing her chin on the head that was resting on the table while taking a sip of her drink. it looked like she was already going far into the amount drinks she has consumed. here we go again.
-“yes i would be busy after my shift.” you chuckle at the question, starting to feel quite uncomfortable, trying to find an excuse to get yourself out of this situation.
-“well that’s too bad.” the woman pouted playfully which made you want to cringe into yourself. “i was hoping to take you home tonight, cutie.”
-okay now you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
-your eye twitch. you honestly preferred to be called cutie when lisa does it but you somehow managed to force a smile at the woman who is too damn blind to take your hints of rejection. “no thank you, miss. i’m not interested, now i’m going back to work so i hope you guys get to enjoy your night.”
-“hey, you’re no fun!” you subtly rolled your eyes as you ignored the companion that was next to the woman who was almost to the point of passing out that was encouraging her behavior. you slowly turned away, but before you could even attend the table that flagged you down, the drunk woman grabbed onto your bicep and batted her eyelashes up at you.
-“i can take really good care of you, y’know. don’t start playing hard to get, handsome.” while she whined, she ran her other hand across your chest, a manicured nail playing with the button of your shirt.
-“please let go of me-” you tried pulling your arm away but she held it on even tighter. given to how strong you already are you can easily yank your arm away from her but you didn’t want to cause a scene.
-“miss, no is no!” your breathing slowly started to become a bit ragged as you tried to pull away but the drunk woman kept persisting and handling you roughly, making you drop the tray with other drinks, flinching when it crashed on the ground.
-the whole bar went dead silent to the point you can hear a pin drop, attention now drawn towards the cause of the sound while you kept telling the woman to let go of you.
suddenly there was a small gust of wind that almost made you stumble. before you even knew it, a certain bard forcefully made space between you and the other woman, standing in front of you in a protective manner, glaring down at her. the angry expression on his usual cheery demeanor made you shiver internally at how frightening he looks. “they said no.”
-“venti.” you muttered quietly, trying not to visibly shake under the attention that has been directed towards you, wrapping your arms around yourself as a small form of comfort.
-a gentle hand touched your shoulder, making you glance over diluc you nods reassuringly at you before stepping forward to stand in front of the bard as he towers over the woman who is sheepishly trying to brush of the altercation that just happened.
-“this was just a big understanding! i was just talking to this cutie-“ before she could even utter another word, diluc raised a gloved hand up to silence her which made her gulp at the angry red head in front of her as he glared at her.
-“harassing my waiter is not acceptable in this tavern. your ongoing behavior has pestered the other customers enough.” the red head began, gesturing everyone that is looking at the situation unfold, making the group sitting at the table cringe into themselves. “so please leave this establishment before the knights of favonius escort you out personally.”
-the two sober knights that were standing by the door swiftly walked up to the woman and her companions while they clumsily grabbed their belongings and followed the knights, their heads hung from embarrassment, ignoring the looming gazes of the people seated throughout the tavern.
-before they left out the door, diluc added. “oh and don’t even think you’ll ever come back here again.”
-pity filled gazes now turned towards your shaking figure while you walked towards the door that takes you to the storage room next to the bar, venti quickly turned and shouted to the audience “hey! don’t let this situation bring down the festive mood. a round of drinks for everyone, master diluc! put it on my tab of course!”
-that seemed to get the people forget the situation that happened prior quickly as they cheered at his generosity while he went to the back to check his beloved, sending a quick nod towards the door as diluc let him slip out quickly while preparing the big order of drinks with a sigh, charles passing around drinks and jotting down orders while venti took care of you.
-“windblume?” venti walked through the storage unit while quietly calling out to you, trying to find you after the whole ordeal that must have affected you greatly.
-a sound of soft sniffles caught his attention behind one of the wrack holding various bottles of wine and beverages. the bard circled around the corner, seeing you sitting on the ground with your head tucked in your arms that rested over your knees as your body shook, fingers clutching your sleeves tightly, making your knuckles turn white.
-his teal eyes softened at the sight of you, he slowly knelt down in front of you, still giving you space until you let him. he sat on his calves as he watched your shaken form.
-“my beloved?” he called out softly again, hoping that you acknowledged that he’s right here if you need him fir anything.
-you slowly pulled your head away from the resting place of your arms, shiny [e/c] eyes staring back at him filled with a storm of thoughts surrounded them but venti still thought that you still look as handsome as ever as the tears made your eyes look clearer and brighter than normal.
-he smiled gently, slowly raising a hand towards your face, making sure that your eyes have full view of what he’s doing just in case if you wanted to pull away.
-his hand stopped just to hover over your cheek, tilting his head as if to ask for permission before touching you.
-you closed your eyes, nodding. flinching a little before relaxing into the coolness of his hand on your cheek. venti’s smile only widened, scooting a little closer while threading his free hand through your hair and placing a soft kiss in between the space of your eyebrows.
-“my precious windblume is so strong, carrying all this weight and spreading kindness in your wake. i’m so proud of you, my love. how lucky i am to have such a strong and brave partner like you. you never fail to surprise me with the things you do every day. carrying so much weight that i sometimes wish that you’d let me carry half of it. i love you so much, windblume.”
-here comes the other wave of tears. you tackled your boyfriend, making him stumble back and land with a small ‘oof’ with you hiding your face into his neck.
-“although i might need to stop drinking a while to pay off the huge tab i placed myself tonight.” the bard laughs, squeezing you in his hold, pressing his cheek on the side of your head, letting you hug him as much as you want to. he feels your chest rumble with a weak chuckle at his statement which made his heart flutter with ease knowing that he can cheer you up even its only a little bit.
-he slipped his hand under your chin to pull your face up as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips. “let me take care of you tonight my love.”
◦ a/n: WHEWWW i just wanted to start writing again as a way of taking out some stress from uni (even though i deadass don’t write for shit after years of writing on wattpad💀) but i honestly wanted to come back to creating cute little scenarios of my favourite fictional characters & shii LOL. creating new stuff might take a bit since its usually when i have a burst of random energy or whenever i’m stressed from uni or art classes so please do send request or some ideas my way! anywho this might be kinda long since it is my first post here so- i may or may not have gone a bit far with venti’s but i love him too much for my own good.🧍😭
◦ anywho— reader on all the stuff i make will be gn or masc! gn reader since i am non-binary that prefers masculine compliments and i don’t tend to see a lot of gn or masc representation so hopefully i can bring that to fruition in a way of sorts with my rusty writing skhdskuyj.
◦ so rn i shall try to write some genshin boys for now since i do wanna take my little take on them since i do kin quite a bunch of them.💀
◦ i do hope you enjoyed my first post!!!🫶😭
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flweurlilac · 9 months
Venti, Itto & Zhongli finding out about chubby!fem!reader works in a brothel industry.
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Cw : slightly smut, fluff, stalking, ppl spelling ur truth and make rumors abt it. The rest is just that this men are gawking over u and wants to be the men you fucked to in brothels, lol. Reader is Poc (i dont claimed what skincolor reader is so stay safe🤞🏼)
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• Dude got flabbergasted. No seriously, when he was playing with his instrument at diluc's tavern and then he accidently hear from one of the people in the diluc's tavern about how they see you performing yourself in such place called "brothel" He swear he almost faints.
• he cant believe this, he actually want to talk about this topics to you but everytime he sees your doe eyes coming at him he's just like "god dayummmm"
• he cant believe that someone as innocent as you (from the look) can work in such a dirty & unholy place.
• he ends up stalking u and follows u at the brothels you work in and by god if only he can, he wish to be those lucky men that gets the opportunity to fuck your deliciously fat pussy.
• but he get mad jelly tho.
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• bro is huge and built like a bull beast, but Once he confirmed that those story about how good your pussy at the brothel is was true, his honest reaction was "WAT DA HELL"
• cant look at you in the same way again, always find himself flustered and stuttering around you once he recognize your appereance around him.
• one time where he was talking to you he accidentaly asked you about the fact of the rumors about you worked in a brothel industry.
• he actually didnt meant to do it, he just accidentaly ask you about it.
• and to his surprised, you — calmly just responds "yes, it was true darling. Is there any problem with that?"
• he can feel his cock hardened once he heard you called him "darling" In such a seductive matter. Holy mother of god you have such an innocent face like an angel but your charms are as good as a devil.
• it doesnt take him long to ask you if he can also be one of those men that fucked you in the brothels.
• now it is up to you: would you accept it? Or would you rather refuse his dreams? (Pls accept his dreams, he's gawking for it!!!)
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• spills his tea after he heard that unholy news.
• ask to his comrades about the truth of it and was flabbergasted once he find out it is true.
• purposely always walking pass the brothels you worked in just so he can check if you're in it or no.
• cant look at you with a normal expression again rather than a '👁👄👁' expression.
• make the conversation between you and him 100× much awkward.
• he still love you though and would defend you if someone talks bad about you. I mean.. Bro just need a couple of hours to think straight cus he just cant seem to believe it.
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seakicker · 2 years
I REALLLLLY WANT SOME POSSESSIVE DILUC BREEDING SCENARIO AND I JUST CAN´T. Does it ever happen to you??? Like your body is horny but you can't think of anything or viceversa???
Fuckkkk I want to think about Diluc's big breeding balls but I CAN'T COME UP WITH ANYTHING. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN NOW
afab + gn reader (no she/her etc), yandere themes, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, and biting below!
possessive breeding, a cornerstone of breeding kink content... the end-all, be-all act of marking someone as your own is putting your child in them, if you want my opinion. what's a greater indication of "hey, i belong to someone" than a round pregnant belly that couldn't possibly go ignored by anyone who gets the bright idea of looking you up and down like you're a piece of meat? they were probably expecting to snatch you up and take you home for themselves before they noticed you round, swollen tummy— assuming they were stupid enough to fail to notice something so... prominent. something so delightfully apparent and obvious.
well, anyone who even thinks of hitting on something that belongs to diluc is obviously short a couple braincells.
diluc has a lot on his mind at any given time— he often finds himself scheduling trips away from the manor to meet with some new customer or client in a place far, far away from mondstadt, he's expected to be at angel's share at least a night or two a week to personally oversee matters like maintenance or just to serve drinks, that troublesome brother of his who can't seem to keep his hands off of you whenever he drops by (uninvited and unannounced, of course), that whole darknight hero schtick diluc tried to keep a secret from you before you caught him sneaking back in one night... the list goes on and on and on. just as natural as his long list of worries and responsibilities is, however, is the thing occupying the number-one slot in that said list— you, obviously. there's nothing diluc would ever dream of prioritizing above or worrying about more than you, damned be anyone who tries to wedge something in that first place spot on his behalf.
one matter that's bothered diluc since you two first married a few months ago is how he can still manage to have an eye on you when he's not physically present— such as when he's off meeting with some client a few nights away from home as aforementioned. sure, his maids and other staff know that their utmost importance while he's away is not to watch over the manor, rather it's to watch over you. ensure that you don't wander too far away from home alone (if at all, especially if the weather isn't looking all that great), meet your every need no matter what you ask of them, accompany you on any errands you insist on running yourself (these errands are typically diluc-related, they've come to learn), and keep tabs on anything you do that seems... suspicious. it's not that diluc doesn't trust you to not betray him, no, he trusts you just as any husband trusts their spouse— inherently and wholly— it's more that... he doesn't trust you to be able to find your way out of a grim situation. that he doesn't think you'd be able to protect yourself in instances where he'd have no issue protecting you, perhaps. he just worries like that.
one other thought that plagues his late-evening nightmares is how he can continue to advertise the fact that you're not on the dating market even when he's not around. diluc likes to believe that he isn't prone to emotions as petty and juvenile as jealousy or possession, and he genuinely believes himself to be above such things, but the way his jaw clenches and his eyebrows furrow angrily whenever kaeya dramatically slings an arm around your shoulder in a way that's surely his idea of making a show of things says otherwise. diluc likes to believe that he's not the type to get angry over someone so much as looking you up and down, but the way his grip on your hand tightens to the point where you have to shyly ask him to let up a little when a stranger's eyes linger a second too long on you suggests otherwise.
he doesn't believe himself to be jealous, so neither do you— you're not going to accuse your husband of something so baseless and impossible to prove.
while the normal person may figure the ring on your finger to more than fulfill the role of advertising you as spoken for, diluc doesn't really see that as "enough," per se, especially when the months begin to get colder and you opt for gloves more often. he's not sure when, where, why, and how he got the idea to totally claim you as his, but he's certainly not complaining— isn't that what you are? isn't being "his" what you are? he had never thought much about having children in the past due to his busy lifestyle and slight aversion towards the idea of being a father, but he has to admit... there's something delightful about the idea of starting a family with you, the only person he could ever, ever imagine himself doing so with, and ensuring that anyone who so much as glances at you knows you're his is a great bonus.
perhaps it's the other way around— maybe showing off that you're his is the main goal and the family is the added bonus. who's to say?
diluc doesn't get rough with you very often in bed, instead he usually opts for smooth, deep presses of his cock into you rather than quick, animalistic thrusts befitting a beast more than a human being. that's how you know something must be on his mind when he's pounding into you like a starved animal in heat, each thrust driving the breath from your lungs to the point where you can't even ask if something's wrong because he's being so much... harsher than usual. his eyes almost seem darker than usual, pupils dull and unfocused as his strong, calloused hands keep your knees pinned a little too firmly to either side of your chest. you can't even manage a broken gasp of his name like this, desperate whines and cries the only noises to leave your lips despite how hard you try to say something more coherent. every thrust seems to reach deeper and deeper and feel quicker and quicker the longer he goes at it, his nails digging into your nails almost as ferociously as his teeth do into your neck. each frantic yelp you let out at the press of his teeth against your skin only drives him to mark you up more and more and more until your entire neck's covered in a gorgeous collar of bruises and indents; your thighs aren't faring much better, the soft skin littered in tiny crescent-shaped marks and little fingertip-sized bruises.
diluc says nothing as he continues to pound into you, another disparity from how he usually is during sex. typically, he'll offer you gentle praises and whispers of encouragement as he sinks himself into you, wiping your hair from your face and kissing along your soft jawline as he eases into you. that gentle, kind, caring diluc is nowhere to be found tonight as he ruts into you so roughly you fear for your ability to walk tomorrow— you only hear the occasional grunt of "mine" amidst the humiliatingly lewd sounds of his hips slapping against yours.
mine, a dark voice in the back of diluc's mind seems to sharply whisper. absolutely, undeniably, and wholly mine, and i'll prove that to you tonight once and for all. there’ll no longer be a single doubt, both in your mind and mine, related to the fact that you belong to me.
"and you'll take it all," he eventually mutters, finally saying something more than the same M word he's been repeating all night. "and you'll bear my child, won't you? be good and take it; that's the only thing i'll ask of you tonight."
ah, there he is— the encouraging diluc you know and love.
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agoodficforchii · 11 months
House Call
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Aether, Diluc, Tartaglia x Reader (Separately)
Summary: Genshin characters and you playing nurse
Word Count: Aether - 467, Diluc - 635, Tartaglia - 661, All - 1,763
Warnings/Extra Notes: Mentions of blood, Mentions of injuries (nothing too graphic), Mentions of death, Mentions of hospitals, Slight cussing, Can be seen as slightly suggestive (Diluc's part), Slight spoilers, Use of Childes multiple names, Not proof-read (pls excuse any grammatical errors thx), Lmk if there's more!
Being in a relationship with Aether -the Honorary Knight of Mondstat, the Hero of Liyue, the Captain of Swordfish II in Inazuma, the First Sage of Buer in Sumeru, plus whatever other title he will inevitably get- wasn’t always the easiest believe it or not. Not because he would ever treat you unwell (you guys had your petty fights, then again, what couple didn’t?) he'd rather die than hurt you (his words, not yours). It was more so the things that came with him being an adventurer. You know, not staying at a place longer than needed, helping everyone that you'd come across, the very frequent run-in with death. Normal things. 
But you would be lying if you didn’t admit how worried you would get for Aether. You know he can handle himself, that at most he would come back with a few scratches (usually), but it could still make you lose sleep. He would never tell you when he was hurt (Something about not wanting to worry you? What a weirdo.), and you know he doesn’t really take care of himself, often putting others before himself. Which, ironically, only made you worry more because sometimes he would come back with an injury that requires more attention than a scratch. Sometimes he would come back limping, unable to hide that he was hurt. Sometimes, which includes right now, you would freak out seeing the state he was in. 
You guys were in Liyue for a few days before you continued your journey to Mondstat. Aether had just left to finish his daily commissions while you patiently waited for him at the inn. After a while, you started getting worried he never took this long to clear out a few hilichurls. Your worries were cut short with the sharp sound of the door unlocking and your boyfriend hastily walking in. You froze, noticing the still bleeding cut on his arm, starting at his shoulder and ending near his elbow. Aether was frantically trying to make sure none of the blood dripped off his arm all the while asking you about your day. Watching the blood still drip down his arm, you were about to scold him for being so reckless but decided against it. You noticed how quickly his face lit up once he saw you despite being in tremendous pain and couldn't bring yourself to be upset at him. Instead, you grab a towel to cover his arm and start dragging him to Baizhus pharmacy for proper treatment.
"You should have just gone to Baizhu first." you mumble, glancing back at him.
"I wanted to see you first," he replied, averting his gaze from yours. "I missed you." 
Oh. You might need to see Baizhu too. After all, your heart wasn't supposed to beat this fast, right?
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Getting to know Diluc at all was already a difficult task. Truly getting to know Diluc was somehow even more difficult, but you managed. It took a lot of time and even more patience, but you managed. He let you in fully, and you wouldn't dare to leave. You knew about his nightly activities, and while you would often make fun of it or get worried over him, you supported him nonetheless. At first, you were skeptical (I mean really? Running around at night killing abyss mages in a silly mask? Yeah, okay) and didn't really believe him. But the first night he came home with fresh new scratches and bruises, you quickly realized he wasn't joking. 
The first time he came home all scratched up, you rightfully panicked. It was just the break of dawn, the sun slowly started to pour into the room through the tiny gaps in the curtain. You woke up to an empty bed, which freaked you out, to say the least. Diluc would still be in bed around this time, but maybe he just headed downstairs earlier today? You slowly got out of bed and started to head downstairs. You, in all your sleepy glory, bumped into multiple different walls on your way down. But those minor "injuries" were absolutely nothing when compared to what you saw on Diluc. Diluc was downstairs, in the kitchen, calmly cleaning up the blood around a bruise on his stomach. You froze in the middle of the doorway for two reasons: 1) Oh my god, is that blood? Is he hurt? Why is he hurt? and 2) Oh my God, is he shirtless? He seemed to have noticed you since when you finally came back to your senses, you saw a sheepish smile on his face while he greeted you.
That day, you learned that he would come home and quickly get cleaned up before heading back to bed to greet you. He didn't want to show you the ugly sides of what he does or something along those lines. You, on the other hand, would have none of it. After that day, you would wake up earlier (or stay up later) to take care of him. Diluc obviously protested, he didn't want you to worry or lose sleep over something so trivial (his words, not yours). But in the end you got your way, and months later, you don't regret it. 
In the present day, you woke up a little before dawn break, already in the kitchen waiting for Diluc to come home. You didn't have to wait much longer, since Diluc strolled into the kitchen as if he didn't spend all night fighting against abyssal creatures. He sent a warm smile your way, one which you gladly returned, before leaning against the counter next to the sink. You swiftly got to work cleaning and wrapping up all the wounds littered around his skin. Times like these were always oddly calming; the sun would slowly be rising, the birds would start chirping, and the maids in the manor weren't shuffling around yet. It was just you and Diluc...
"Did you sleep well?" Diluc asked, breaking you from your thoughts.
Ah, the main thing you loved about these times: Diluc and you got to spend time with each other uninterrupted and unbothered by the business of the day.
"Would've slept better if you had been there." you replied, cleaning the last bit of blood around his neck and looking up to meet his gaze.
Diluc smiled a bit before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, "Then I'll be there tonight."
You smiled back before resting your head on his shoulder, cherishing the moment of bliss you get before starting your day. Yep, months later, you still don't regret a thing.
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Falling in love with Ajax was one of the most terrifying things you've experienced. He was a Harbinger for the Fatui, a diplomat for Snezhnaya, and not to mention his insane blood-lust. You knew falling for someone like him would only cause you pain, physically and mentally. But, ignoring that, you were also terrified of how he made you feel. You've never experienced love like this. You've never experienced butterflies so intense, your heart never skipped so many beats, you never lost your words that much, and you never ever felt so sick. All over minuscule things he'd do too... So, despite all the red flags and other obvious reasons you should've ignored him, you couldn't stop yourself. Which led to a couple months of mutual pinning between the two of you filled with the most corny and endearing clichés you could think of. Thankfully, it ended with Childe confessing his undying love for you with the most bashful smile you've ever seen. Another (welcomed) cliché.
Even before you were in a relationship with the 11th harbinger, you were aware of the dangers of his job. You knew that Childe getting into fights and getting the occasional bruise was something to be expected. And Childe never hid any of his scars from you, always seeming to come to you to get his scrapes cleaned up. So you never worried too much over him. He didn't hide anything from you after all. You also knew how great a fighter Childe was. Sure, sometimes he could be a bit too reckless, but he always managed. Which, in hindsight, you should've questioned. Getting into constant fights with some of the strongest people in whatever region he was in and then coming back without any major injuries? Yeah, okay. 
Truth be told, Childe would (obviously) get help before meeting up with you, but he also loved when you would take care of him. Leading him to only get his major injuries dealt with before meeting you. He wasn't embarrassed about any injuries he got, it's not like he didn't want to tell you about them... He just didn't want to freak you out and possibly scare you away. But that's a conversation for another time. In the end, you still found out, and not because he told you. Nope! You found out through a few Fatui soldiers talking about a certain Harbinger being rushed to the nearest clinic once they got back.
The second you heard Ajax's code name fall from their lips, you started running to the clinic that the Fatui would frequent. During the entire trip there and the whole process at the front desk, you could practically feel your heart in your ears. After what felt like years, you were finally able to see him, and Archons, did you have things to say to him. Bursting into the hospital room, you quickly went to grab his face before turning it all over. 
"Archons Ajax! Are you alright- No, how are you feeling?" you rush out, fear and concern evident in your voice.
"Babe? What are you doing here?" he questioned back instead.
"What am I doing here? Did you expect to hide this from me?" you asked in response. At this point, you had stopped trying to look at all his bruises and looked straight into his eyes. Both the fear and concern that was evident in your voice, was also evident in the way you held him.
His lack of response caused you to go on a mini-rant,
"You idiot, how could you be so reckless? Don't ever do something like that again."
"Be more careful next time, or else I'm not gonna kiss you anymore- I'm being honest this time!"
The rest of your scolding fell on deaf ears as Childe looked at you with the softest smile that ever graced his pretty face. He really did love you and it was clear you loved him back just as much.
Notes: *awkward cough* hi- ANYWAY. Please take this cutely domestic little post I totally spent the past three months on it. No I didn't I was just lazy. Notice how each drabble got longer and longer yeah I have issues.
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frogchiro · 2 years
i think childe and diluc would both be super quick to bust a nut because diluc is an emotionally constipated repressed victorian damsel and childe is just a horny mess that gets way too excited and into it lmao
But yes i agree😭 diluc is a big fat virgin, he never wanted to have a relationship bc he's angsty and due to the whole darknight hero business he swore to himself that he'll never bond with anyone because he doesn't want to put a potential partner at risk, be it the abyss order or fatui he just can't take the risk.
Well...unfortunately it turned out that the task was failed succesfully the second he met you and fell in love with you! And you can just imagine what 20+ years of repressed feelings can do to a man. He was so flustered and so so goddamn pent up when you finally fell into bed, the lovely flush on your face and the look of sheer adoration in your eyes just adding to the feeling and...well, the moment he bottomed out his eyes went wide and the moan that he let out was angelic to your ears but you couldn't help the surprised noise that left your lips when you felt the thick stream of cum shooting inside of you combined with diluc's desperate little thrusts to get even deeper you couldn't help but clench around him which only prolonged the pathetic moan of your partner.
After diluc finally came down from his high he kinda just...curled up around you and hid his face into your neck bc of the shame💔 of course you quickly reasurred him that it was perfectly normal and you're quite flattered that he finds you so hot that he cums just by bottoming out. After that you let him and yourself calm down a bit before slowly coaxing him into action; this time your lovemaking lasted well into the night and left you both deliciously tired and spent but deeply satisfied♡
With childe on the other hand it's a completely different story💀 on his mind are only four things: you, battle, good food and sex and each and every one of those things gets him hard and leaking in his pants, especially a good fight.
More often than not he stumbles into your home still bloody and rough looking, adrenaline still pumping in his veins, his eyes have a crazed look in them and when you calm down a bit from the initial shock you can see his dick clearly creating a massive tent in his pants looking like it was ready to burst open💔
Before you could say a thing ajax was already on you, kissing you savagely, all teeth and tongue. He hoisted you up on the table and yanked your dress up so he could have easy access to his favorite part of you.
You already knew the drill, a tingle deep in your belly as you felt your lover tear down his pants and shove his thick cock inside you and almost immediately feeling the hot gush of seed inside you, childe almost bellowing at the feeling of release inside his little love, still thrusting his hips into overstimulation to coax out even more cum. After the first orgasm you know he'll be much calmer but not less savage and agressive in his lovemaking; you know that you'll spend the rest of the evening and night fucking all over the house in all kinds of positions like animals but honestly? This childe, the feral side of him, was perfect to you, and since you loved your darling fiance so much you couldn't just leave him high amd dry right?♡
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