#honestly reader is lowkey a brat but im living for it
gorgonwrites · 1 year
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bound to you (part 2)
diluc x fem!reader
wc: 2, 205
authors note: okay i know i said i like jumping into the thick of things but i am such a SLUT for characters slowly falling in love and the tension of dancing around one another before they get together UGH! here is a part 2 for my first fic. :) also! this is a side blog and i realized im not really able to interact much with other accounts here. i might eventually move things over to my main blog bc i dont do much over there anyways. dont be alarmed if "witchcraftandwhisky" replies or likes something lololol. thank you for the love <333
CW: 18+, fem! reader, reader is an artist! slight voyeurism, diluc accidentally catches reader masterbating, MDNI!!!, diluc AND reader are still dancing around each other rn ugh just fuck already damn
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It’s been days since you briefly spoke with your husband, Diluc. He’s kept himself busy with the remainder of the harvest season, and you’ve felt uncharacteristically shy in his presence after his impromptu visit to your chambers. You have the perfect view of the vineyard from your window and you couldn’t help but greedily watch him, shirtless and hair tied up to stay off of his neck. He’s tanned quite a bit since he’s been home and you were pleasantly surprised to see the explosions of freckles that have erupted on his skin. Cute, you thought. There was some jealousy though, and you cursed the sun for being able to caress his skin so easily. You clapped your hands to either side of your face to rid yourself of the thought, and decided to be productive rather than wasting your afternoon in your window. 
Your eyes drifted to the corner of your room and after further inspection, you found your paints and canvases that had been long forgotten. I’ve hardly painted since I’ve been here… maybe some sketching will do my mind some good. You rummaged through the pile of art supplies to find an old sketchbook and some pencils and decided to find a shady tree outside. Adelinde greets you at the door of the manor, umbrella in hand to shield you from the hot summer sun. You both find a large tree with a lovely view of the vineyard and the manor, and you begin to sketch while chatting away with the head maid. 
After what felt like hours, a large shadow was cast over your sketch, and you were forced to look up and squint into the sun. Your husband loomed over you, glistening with sweat and looking curiously at your sketchbook. You quickly clutched it to your chest, startled by his sudden appearance. 
“Good afternoon, Master Diluc.” you couldn’t bring yourself to address him so casually yet, and his slight change in expression at your insisted formality was not lost on you. You began to fidget where you sat, and broke eye contact with Diluc to glance out at the vineyard where the rest of the men worked. 
“Oh, I think one of the boys needs me. Excuse me my Lady, Master Diluc.” Adelinde quickly said, winking at you before she gathered herself and quickly walked away. Up to no good. You tried to smile, but it came out looking like a grimace at your husband. 
“Y/n, good afternoon. I didn’t know you were an artist. May I see?” Diluc sounded as gentle as always, and you couldn’t help but hand your sketchbook over to him.
“I think saying I’m an artist is a stretch,” you sputtered, “it’s just something I do to pass the time. It calms my mind.” You didn’t know why him referring to you as an artist felt so embarrassing. You watched him closely while he flipped through the pages, noticing how his brows pinch together while he concentrates. He stopped suddenly, and chuckled. 
“Who, might I ask, is this?” He turned the sketchbook around only to show you a sketch you had done of his portrait that hung in the grand room of the manor. You gasped and snatched it from his hands instantly, curling in on yourself. You had drawn that not long after your arrival to the Dawn Winery, when you were still slightly optimistic about how your marriage to your husband would turn out. Diluc let out a roaring laugh, having to lean over you and brace himself on the tree so he didn’t fall over. You looked up at him and realized this was the closest you had ever been to him. You hadn't noticed just how many freckles had appeared on his skin. You noticed how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and you saw fine red hair peppered across his chest. You also noticed faint scarring on his arms and stomach, and you mindlessly reached out to touch them. Diluc hissed at the sudden contact and quickly retreated out of reach, his own hands covering where your fingers had brushed. 
“I’m sorry!” you squeaked. You knew your husband couldn’t stand the cold, and you had been sparingly using your vision to keep yourself cool while you sketched. You knew your touch felt unpleasant. 
“I know you don’t like the cold, that was thoughtless of me.” you quickly apologized, feeling sorry and even more embarrassed than you already were. You made eye contact with him and Diluc held your gaze, looking confused. 
“How did you know that?” he tilted his head, letting go of his side and crossing his arms.
“Oh I, ah- you don’t like the cold so I’ve heard.” Adelinde had discussed Diluc’s aversion to the cold with you before, but you didn’t have many details as to why.
“I try not to use my vision while you’re home, but it’s exceedingly hot today.” you mumbled, bringing your sketchbook up to hide your face as you finally looked away from your husband. 
“I see. You,” he cleared his throat, “don’t have to do that you know.” You looked up at him again, noticing how red his face and ears were. Was it from the sun, or was he blushing? You couldn’t be sure. 
“That was actually why I came over in the first place- everyone wants more of the frozen drinks you made the other day. And I- I thought that may be something to keep you busy for the rest of the afternoon.” He was talking into his hand, still unable to look at you. Oh, how the tables have turned. You felt a wicked feeling bubble up in your chest, and you grinned ear to ear. 
“Oh, Master Diluc, you’d have your little wife work tirelessly to serve drinks to your employees? How indecent of you.” you smirked, resting your chin in the palm of your hand while you wait for his response. He gathered his composure quickly, and leaned over you to whisper in your ear.
“My little wife doesn’t know just how indecent her husband can be, hm?” his voice was low and felt hot in your ear, and he moved away from you all too quickly. You sat astounded, frozen in place. He’d never spoken to you in that tone before. He cleared his throat again, and his regular formal demeanor returned. 
“Besides, we don’t want you to die of boredom, do we?” he wasn’t smiling, but you heard a hint of playfulness in his voice. You shook your head in agreeance, still astounded by his sudden brazen comment. He nodded to you, and then quickly left to return to his work. You could feel the heat rising in your chest, heading straight for your core. You rubbed your thighs together in hopes of quelling your growing arousal, but it had no effect. You silently curse yourself, trying to regain your composure as Adelinde returns to your side, a smile on her face. 
“Shall we head to the kitchen?” she politely asked. You nodded again, not trusting your voice in the slightest. You gathered your things and stood up on wobbly knees to head back inside. You needed a reprieve from the sun, and you jumped at the chance to freely use your vision. Your mind wandered aimlessly as you worked, and you wondered if your husband would ever come to tolerate your touch. Why does he not like the cold? Is this the reason you rarely see him? What does he do when winter arrives? Your thoughts raced, one flowing right into the other. You realized you had long since been done with the frozen drinks, and Adelinde was calling your name frantically.
“Lady y/n! Are you alright?” you blinked in response, and realized it was snowing lightly in your kitchen. You tried to laugh it off, but Adelinde knew better.
“I’m okay, don’t worry. I was getting a bit excited while making everyone their drinks. I’m happy to have something to do!” you smiled, picking up the tray and turning to head back outside. You needed to get to your chambers as quickly as possible before the relentless heat between your thighs became unbearable. 
Diluc couldn’t get out of his head for the rest of the afternoon. His brief loss of control with you earlier was at the forefront of his mind, and he couldn’t stop thinking about how you looked at him afterwards. Your eyes turned hazy and a flush had quickly formed on your chest and neck. It was the heat, he told himself. He felt so bold in that moment, but now he wanted nothing more than to leave the manor and not return for a few weeks to let himself rebuild the wall that was quickly crumbling around him. With the final harvests coming to an end rapidly, he was going to be around Dawn Winery much more than usual. He usually welcomes this time of year, when he can spend a little more time to himself and rest. This year, he could feel dread slowly building inside of him. Maybe he couldn’t entertain you and keep himself as composed as he first thought. He greatly underestimated your ability to fluster him, and there was still a part of him that was reluctant to grow close to you. Growing close to someone means there's an opportunity to lose them. He quickly pushed the thought to the back of his mind, and decided he’d pay another visit to your chambers.
As he walked across the manor, he thought about if you needed more art supplies. You were quite talented, and he selfishly wondered if you had drawn him more than once. You had given him a happier expression than the one displayed in his portrait, and the thought brought a smile to his face. He decided to find the best supplies money could buy in all of Teyvat as a gift for you. He came to a halt, realizing he was at your room quicker than he expected. He raised his hand to knock softly, and froze in place when he heard your voice from the other side of the door. 
“Diluc, please-” you whined. He was hearing things, he was sure of it. The heat had finally gotten to him and he was becoming delusional. He had to confirm his suspicions, though, and nothing prepared him for the image he met after quietly opening your door. 
You were sprawled out on your bed with your nightdress hiked up to your hips, legs spread impossibly wide. One arm was thrown over your face and covered your eyes while you concentrated and your other hand was at your core, fingers plunging in and out of your pretty pussy. Your breathing was heavy, and Diluc could feel heat climbing up his chest. You were so close. You pulled your fingers out to focus on your puffy clit, wanting to let the feeling last a little longer. You suddenly changed your position, startling your husband. You were completely unaware of your audience as you got onto your knees and shoved your face into your pillows. You continued your ministrations, and your ass was on full display. Diluc’s cock was so hard it was beginning to hurt, and he could tell by your quickened breathing that you were close. With a quiet cry, you came on your fingers. Your juices ran down your hands and shaking thighs as you stilled and sighed. Diluc suddenly turned and quietly bolted out of your room, not bothering to shut your door for fear of the noise alerting you to his presence. He slammed his own door behind him, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his body. He was undeniably aroused, his cock straining against his trousers.
So much for controlling myself, he chided. He wanted to absolutely ravish you. He wanted to touch you, to taste you, and have you crying out his name over and over and over again. He slid down the door, resting his arms over his knees as he sat down. Dragging his palms down his face, he groaned. The image of you touching yourself to the thought of him was burned into his memory, and he wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.
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fairyaali · 3 years
Could I please request Felix x reader please? Maybe where she’s friends with Adrien and meets Felix and he’s really soft with her and everyone’s really confused lol. Super fluffy please😌🙈
Hi! Sorry for the long wait i was super busy hh :(( but here it is! It’s not as fluffy as intended but i think that’s because i’m not good at writing fluff but nonetheless i hope you enjoy it. I love felix with all my heart so this was a treat to write <3
Pairing: Felix Graham de Vanily X Reader.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and swearing !
Tags: Fluff, Pls felix deserves the world thku very much.
Luka’s boat party at the Seine, something you’ve been looking forward for the past week.
Well, It’s not really a party.
A small get together with great people, good music and drinks.
This is the first time you’ve been invited to one of these parties and Marinette has told you many times that it’s going to be one to remember, even if it is lowkey.
Plus, you could warm up to more people other than the small circle of friends you have at college.
“Woah.” You say without even realising as you look around at the balloons and fairy lights all over the place.
As soon as you enter you see the place peppered with a few people, some people you’ve never seen in your entire life and some familiar faces from college.
Marinette and Alya were by your side, you walked to the boat with them.
“Juleka and Luka live here?” You ask.
“Yeah but Luka’s trying to find a new apartment right now.” Marinette says.
As if on cue, the blue haired boy makes his way over to you guys.
“Welcome ladies.” He says and smiles at all of you. “As usual, make yourselves comfortable, get some drinks and enjoy yourselves.”
“Hey look there’s Adrien!” You say and you were about to go greet him until you felt someone grab your hand, stopping you.
“Thanks Luka, the party looks amazing.” You compliment.
Your eyes fall onto a familiar blond and you smile.
You turn around and see Marinette, shaking her head. “That’s not Adrien, that’s Felix.”
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Alya asks, gasping.
Marinette shrugs. “I have no clue, Adrien probably invited him.”
“I swear to god if that little blond bitch tries me again I won’t hesitate to kick him in the balls this time.”
“I think Alya needs a drink.” Luka chuckles and Alya nods angrily.
“Who’s Felix?” You ask and the three turn to look at you.
You look at them confused as to what they were talking about.
You could’ve sworn that he was Adrien, he looks exactly like him except his hair was straighter and neater. He reminded you of Draco Malfoy from Harry potter.
“The spawn of satan.” Alya mutters, rolling her eyes and sipping on her drink.
Marinette sighs and steals Alya’s drink from her hand.
“That’s Felix, Adriens cousin. He’s kind of the complete opposite of Adrien.” Marinette explains.
“Meaning…?” You trail off.
“Meaning he’s a douchebag.” Alya states.
“Alya come on.” Marinette groans.
“Nope, she has a point.” Luka intervenes.
“Listen girl, when we were in middle school he sent us a video of him pretending to be Adrien and telling us how much he hates us.” Alya tells you and crosses her arms over her chest. “And last summer Adrien invited him to the beach with us and he didn’t even talk to us or swim because he’s worried that his pretty porcelain skin will get burnt. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is talk to him.” Alya says and snatches her drink back from Marinette before walking off.
“What Alya is trying to say is that yeah, he’s rude and yeah, kind of a douche too but don’t worry about him too much, he doesn’t really talk to any of us.”
He honestly sounded horrible.
I mean, not talking to them is one thing but almost ruining Adriens friendship with everyone is something else.
“Yeah because he hates us.” Luka says and Marinette glares at him which causes Luka to chuckle.
“Hey guys!” finally, the actual Adrien Agreste has come to talk to you guys.
“Hey Adrien.” You say and smile at him before giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek.
Marinette does the same to him and before quirking her eyebrow up. “Kagami isn’t here?” She asks.
“No she has to study for her exam tomorrow.” Adrien says and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Uh-huh.” Marinette narrows her eyes at him suspiciously but doesn’t say anything more.
“Oh yeah, guys, Felix is here.” Adrien laughs nervously.
“Adrien.” A voice chimes in.
It belonged to the notorious Felix who was now standing behind Adrien.
“Hey Felix.” Marinette says, smiling at him.
The blond furrows his eyebrows at her and rolls his eyes. “Adrien can we-“ He stops when he looks at you.
“Hi.” You say your name and hold your hand out. “It’s nice to meet you.” You say and he walks closer to you.
You gulp and chuckle awkwardly.
Knowing this guys attitude, you were scared about what he would say about you.
He takes you hand and shakes it. “I’m Felix, it’s nice to meet you too.” He says, a small smile on his face.
Everyone around you widens their eyes at the sight before them.
You look down and notice that he was still shaking your hand, looking at you, dazed.
Maybe he had too much to drink?
He removes his hand from yours quickly and you notice his cheeks tinting red. “Nothing.” He says and walks away.
Adrien clears his throat and pats him on the shoulder, snapping him out of it.
“What did you want to tell me Felix?”
“What. The. Fuck.” Marinette gapes. “I swear, when I met him for the first time he didn’t even shake my hand let alone smile at me.”
You felt like you were on the spot and ultimately it made you feel uncomfortable.
“Maybe he’s drunk or something?” You say and shrug.
“Felix doesn’t drink.” Adrien states.
You gulp. “Well I do.” You chuckle nervously and walk away from them to get a drink for yourself.
You move past people, muttering ‘excuse me’ as you walk to the little table where the drinks were. You pour yourself a drink.
“I’m not Adrien you brat.” You hear someone say and you instantly turn around.
“Ohhhhhhh…” A girl slurs. She was laughing against Felix, who looked incredibly uncomfortable with her presence. “doesn’t matter, we can still have a good time together.”
You watch Felix look around him and sigh, he didn’t even know what to say to her.
“I don’t want to.” He states.
“Why you got a girl or something?” She asks, sipping on her drink and hopping to the beat of the music.
You didn’t even realise that your body moved on it’s own.
“Yeah he does.” You say and walk over to Felix, kissing him on the cheek. “Here’s your drink babe.” You say and wink at him.
The colour of his face matched that of a tomato right now and he slowly took the drink from you, laughing nervously. “T-thank you.” He stutters out.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know.” The girl apologises.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, slightly smiling. “I could tell you were uncomfortable.”
“You’re good.” You shrug and grab Felix’s hand, “Au revoir!” You wave before dragging Felix elsewhere.
You found a secluded area on the boat near the railings. You figured he needed some air.
“Yes, I appreciate it.” He says, looking at the sea. “Thank you.”
You stare at him.
Since you’re getting a closer look at him you realise that he actually has different features from Adrien which you don’t notice at first.
His nose was a little longer with a few freckles peppered across it.
His skin was fairer, in fact it was so fair that every time he blushes you can see it evident on his cheeks and the tip of his nose.
His eyes were more narrowed but still held the same beautiful green, maybe felixs’ was more vibrant.
“What the hell did you put in this?” He asks.
You watch his long fingers curl against the cup tighter before sipping the drink.
His face contorts after.
“Liquor.” You state, chuckling. “What you can’t take the alcohol Felix?” You tease.
He scoffs, “Of course I can. Watch me.” He says and downs the rest of what was in the cup.
He looked really cute when he’s laughing.
He starts coughing after he finishes and cusses under his breath.
“That was strong shit.” He says and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
You start laughing, clutching your stomach as you do so.
You hear him slowly join in on your laughter soon after and you slightly open your eyes to see him.
“you know…” He says, wiping some lose tears from his eyes from the laughter “I don’t have many friends so I’m not really used to laughing like this.”
“Why don’t you try making more friends?” You asked him.
“Why am I any different?” You ask. “I mean, you barely talk to Marinette or any of Adriens friends.”
He shrugged at you and leaned against the railings.
“I don’t particularly like being around a lot of people, nor do I really enjoy people in general.” He mumbles, looking down. “But that’s just how I was brought up I guess.”
He stares at the floor boards and sighs. “When I saw you, my first thought wasn’t “oh she’s just one of Adriens friends” or “she’s probably going to talk to me because has to because ‘hey I’m known as Adriens spoiled rich cousin’” my first thought was ‘wow, she’s absolutely beautiful and she’s new around here, she doesn’t know of who I am so maybe I actually have a chance with someone. Even if it’s just a friend.”
You cut him of by getting on your tip toes and giving him a small kiss on the lips.
His comment made your cheeks heat up and a small smile twitch on your lips.
“Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, it’s probably the damn alcohol, I have no idea what shit im spurring out let alone-“
His mouth parts and his eyes were wide. “Maybe it’s the alcohol too or maybe I just wanted you to stop talking.” You whisper.
“I will kiss you again, only if you stop thinking that Adriens friends talk to you because they have to. You’re a sweet guy and you shouldn’t feel left out.” You tilt your head and place a hand on his cheek.
He was frozen. It was a cute sight but you were scared that you terrified the poor guy.
Suddenly he leans in for another kiss but you place a finger on his lips to stop him.
He stares into your eyes for a moment, as if trying to look for something other than the truth.
You could see the green properly, his eyes were glistening, like he had stars in them.
Felix cups your face with both hands and pulls you into a kiss, a deep one.
You may not know him very well but this moment with him felt right, you didn’t see him as just Adriens cousin. He was more than that.
He was Felix and right now with every movement of his lips against yours, you felt butterflies fluttering around your stomach.
“Hey guys.” You wave awkwardly to them and chuckle.
You hear someone clear their throat which makes you pull away from the kiss. You turn around and see your group of friends staring at you.
Alya had her hand clasped over her mouth.
Nino was wide eyed.
Marinette was smirking at you.
Adrien was smiling awkwardly.
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere girl! We didn’t know you were sharing spit with Felix.” Alya exclaims walking up to you.  “Is he forcing you into doing something because I swear to god I will-“
“no no Alya, I’m the one who kissed him.” You say, smiling sheepishly.
“Why?” She deadpans, looking at you confused.
“Cesaire.” Felix says walking up to Alya. He clears his throat. “Are you still running that little blog of yours?”
Alya narrows her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest. “Yes.”
“It’s…” He stops and looks at you, as if for a moment, he’s remembering what you were talking about before. “It’s great. Even people In England are talking about it.”
Alya’s jaw drops. “Holy shit, really?”
Felix nods and you smile at him, knowing that he’s really trying.
“Nino! The ladyblog went international!” She exclaims and goes to hug her boyfriend.
You mentally thank him and he sends you a small wink before holding your hand.
Maybe you were the key to him finally being himself in front of others.
Maybe you could even become his everything.
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binunus · 3 years
sex with bin x eunwoo (m)
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also im so so sorry that i keep disappearing, every time I think I have a break in school, my professors keep going like sike here’s a new assignment and group presentation 🤡, but I swear I’m still working on all the requests, it’s just a real slow progression this time 😔
but thank you all so much for being really patient with me and my works, i legit wanna cry when I think about how sweet all you loves are ❤️
→ genre: smut
→ tw: threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it lovies) dom!binwoo, brat!reader, light bondage?? anal, eiffel tower, oral (f and m receiving), fingering (f and m receiving), ~choking~ bc it’s me, squirting, v-voyeurism??
→ word count: 3.3k _________________________________
oh good fucking lord
I don’t even know where to start
just the thought of getting dicked down by these two immaculate men??? at the same time??? i would sell my soul
and just binwoo are literally my biases?? im still going back and forth between them (even though I think bin is the top)
alright so how does this little thing even start
this is a non-idol au, lowkey this request is giving me frat boy vibes oops i said it
bin and eunwoo are close, they’re best buds
they have fucked the same guy/girl before, but never at the same time
they just have the same taste in people wink wonk
sidenote: bin and eunwoo as bi kings??? so much power fuck
so you are a mutual friend
you met them both in college and have stayed friends since then
but relationships aren’t for you (not yet at least)
the streets™ are still your companion
yes you have fucked both bin and eunwoo before in college, eunwoo once when you were junior, and bin a couple times throughout senior year
you don’t talk to them often, but if something comes up on your feed or a monumental event happens to any one of you, of course you’d spike up some conversation
so you’re coming back in town for a week or so, visiting old friends and family
and bin hits you up like “hey, I saw that you were in town! we should get some dinner and catch up!”
and you were not about to say no to that, bin was a good part of your college years! it would be nice to hang out with him again
alright you weren’t expecting to get action from this dinner – it popped in your mind, yes, but it wasn’t the ulterior motive
but did you try to dress up a little to impress moon bin?? maybe so
and shit, when he showed up to the restaurant looking like a whole ass man?? 
like did his biceps look more appetizing than the food you were being served? a little bit
conversation was exchanged very easily, you and bin were always a bit flirty with each other, ever since college, but you both knew it never meant anything beyond sex
and so when he asked if you were dating anyone, you knew this was the invitation, and were you going to accept it?? 100%, you haven’t had sex in a while because of your job
and so you find yourself back in bin’s apartment
bin: hm? I guess eunwoo’s not home from work yet
you: eunwoo? as in cha eunwoo? you guys still live together?
bin: yeah, we like living together, rent was cheaper that way, and this place is equidistant from both of our work places...is that a problem??
you: no, I mean it makes sense, just...what if eunwoo comes back while we’re in the middle of fucking...wouldn’t that be weird?
bin shrugging: you’ve had sex with eunwoo in college too, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before either. who knows he might even wanna join?
he said that as a joke alright
but as soon as he mentioned it, your eyes dilated a bit
bin noticed immediately and he caged you against the wall, a little smirk playing on his lips
bin: you seem to like that idea, y/n. hm? you wanna get fucked by both me and eunwoo? didn’t know you were into threesomes
your cheeks are flushing, you felt seen: would you feel weird if he joined? you guys are friends and roommates
bin shaking his head: me and eunwoo have talked about it before, and honestly this seems like the perfect opportunity. we’re all friends here.
you being nervous a little bit bc a threesome?? with both bin and eunwoo?? those two 6 foot attractive men??
you tried a threesome before bc you were curious, but it wasn’t the best hookup experience
you: should we...? wait for him??
your cheeks are flushed a little, like how were you supposed to go about this
bin smiles bc you look a bit cute right now being all shy and he just pinches your cheek
bin: you got cuter since we graduated y/n
you: shut the fuck up bin, don’t make me tie you up again
bin smirks and his hand moves from your cheek to fully grasp at your neck, he squeezes your throat as he pushes you so that your back collided with the wall: baby, if anyone’s getting tied up tonight, it’s gonna be you
and god if you weren’t horny before, you definitely are now, especially with the way bin was cutting off your airflow??? your head was spinning in the best kind of way
bin slotting his thigh in between your legs as he just crashes his lips onto yours
and he’s still choking you when he literally shoves his tongue down your throat, you have to grab onto his broad shoulders just to steady yourself
making out with bin is so hot
he picks you up by your ass and you wrap your legs around his waist, you both are still making out as he leads you to the couch
you’re straddling him oh lord have mercy
you in between kisses: why don’t we go to your room? what, is it messy?
you moan as he spanks your ass at the quip: we’re gonna need to do something about that smart mouth of yours baby...and we’re here to give eunwoo a little show when he comes home. Why, you need a bed? pillow princess? last time I remember, you were fine getting fucked in the maintenance room.
you two go back to kissing, bin’s hands were gripping at your waist now, lifting up the bottom of your shirt so that you could take it off
never in your life have you been so happy to wear a skirt, you could feel the outline of his bulge against your underwear, the fabric of his jeans giving you just enough friction
and when you start grinding on him, he grunts into your mouth and bites on your lower lip
and fuck when bin removes his shirt? he was always built in college but the definition of his muscles now?? you were literally drooling
you: holy shit bin, isn’t your job in business? where do you find the time to workout?
he’s kissing your neck now: you can always find time to workout y/n, just make it part of your daily routine
exercise evangelist moonbin™
you’re tilting your head to the side giving him more access, bin’s sucking hickeys into your neck and it just feels so good
your neck’s a sensitive spot, if you couldn’t tell
and bin knows that so he’s paying extra attention to your neck, you don’t even notice when his hands go around your torso to unclasp your bra
the two of you are literally just topless on his couch, making out and feeling each other up, when lo and behold, eunwoo comes home
his eyes go wide and he immediately covers his face: jesus christ bin, go to your fucking room
bin starts laughing, you know his laugh where his eyes literally crinkle and he smiles so wide and his laugh increases in pitch, that one
you can’t help but laugh too, you thought you would be embarrassed, but this is a bit funny
you: you don’t have to cover your eyes eunwoo, it’s not like you haven’t seen any of this before
eunwoo: oh shit, hey y/n, didn’t know you were coming over?? well...uh if you guys aren’t gonna go to bin’s room, I’m going to mine and just let me know when you’re done
bin: you sure you wanna go to your room? y/n wants you to join us
eunwoo’s blushing a little bit (he’s not covering his face anymore) when you two meet eyes: are you sure y/n?
you get a bit shy again bc shit, eunwoo in a suit coming from work with silver-blue hair? sexy
you: yeah...if you want to, me and bin are cool with it.
bin’s back to kissing your neck as you basically watch eunwoo remove his jacket and tie
and oof him unbuttoning his dress shirt? y’all he’s a tease, they both are
bin: let’s take this back to my room
eunwoo: we can go to mine, it’s cleaner and my bed’s bigger
you: i knew it
bin bites your shoulder and you let out a mix between a yelp of pain and a moan
bin: eunwoo get your ropes, we need to teach y/n a lesson on being bratty
eunwoo chuckling as he leads the way to his bedroom
bin already made himself comfortable on eunwoo’s bed, and you’re standing to the side making conversation as eunwoo looks through his closet for the ropes lol
as soon as eunwoo finds it, there’s a dark change in his eyes and he smirks at you: why don’t you join binnie on the bed, y/n?
your stomach turns in excitement, eunwoo tosses the ropes to bin and he puts a hand on your back as he leads you to his bed, and before you could get on by yourself, eunwoo just tugs your skirt down making you gasp
you lie down and bin grins as he binds your wrists to eunwoo’s headboard, usually you would put up a little fight when you get tied up, but you just stayed silent, you were anticipating what would happen next
bin: you’re being oddly obedient y/n
you’re a brat okay, but in the past when you and bin used to hook up, your brattiness increased by like 100%, like you’re extra bratty with bin for some reason
~it is what it is~
maybe it’s because eunwoo’s here too that your bratty side has suppressed a bit
bin and eunwoo both start removing all their clothes and you’re like shit eunwoo’s built too
bin settles in between your legs and eunwoo leans in and starts kissing you
and mmm eunwoo’s good at making out like he legit be taking your breath away and then you start feeling bin take off your soaked panties and he just goes right in
you literally moan into eunwoo’s mouth and your hands are straining against the ropes bc you just want to hold onto something !!
eunwoo feeling up your breasts and tweaking your nipples while bin is sucking on your clit and probing his tongue in and out your entrance??? euphoric
you’re literally feeling so many sensations right now and it’s just foreplay woo
and then the edging starts
bin??? hella good at eating out, oof what that mouth do
and with the added stimulation from eunwoo kissing your neck and pulling at your nips, you’re reaching your orgasm faster than anticipated
and suddenly they’re both off you
you: what the fuck?
you’re like gasping and glaring at the both of them and they just give you smug looks
bin: I don’t know if you deserve to cum just yet, y/n. right, eunwoo?
eunwoo chuckling as he nods and flicks at your nipple: binnie told me that you like talking back, hmmm that won’t work with both of us here y/n
your submissiveness kicking in and you’re whining: i won’t talk back, I promise
bin: I don’t know if I believe you y/n
and then they switch places and now bin’s making out with you again and eunwoo’s face to face with your cunt and he just shoves two fingers in your entrance and starts scissoring you
and right as you’re about to cum, they pull away again
this goes on at least two more times, you’re literally so frustrated tears are pooling in your eyes and you’re whining hard as hell, your wrists already aching from the ropes 
eunwoo: do you want us to untie you, y/n?
you nodding as you’re sniffling back the tears
aww they feel bad so eunwoo unties the ropes and he’s like gently rubbing at your wrists
bin wiping your tears away as he pinches at your cheek again
bin: you okay, y/n?
you: I’m so close, please
bin: alright baby, who do you want first, hm?
you honestly didn’t know, you had no preference, you just wanted to get railed
eunwoo: why not both?
your eyes go wide a little bit, your ass isn’t even prepped
bin sensing your hesitation and he just puts a hand on your waist: if you don’t want to--
you: no, i want to...I’m just...my ass isn’t ready...
eunwoo laughing cutely as he pats your thigh: we’ll prep you baby, don’t worry
you start by going on all fours, bin enters you first from behind and the groan he lets out bc you’re just so tight wow 
he literally has to restrain himself from just ramming into you, your walls just fit so snugly around him, his nails were digging into the skin of your waist
you open your mouth in a moan at the stretch and in that moment, eunwoo shoves his cock down your throat you literally gag
for reference, they’re both above average, no surprise there, I’d say both around 8 in., but bin’s girthier for sure
and so bin’s fucking your cunt while eunwoo’s fucking your mouth
simultaneously, eunwoo tugs at your hair and bin sneaks a finger down to gather some juices from your pussy before probing at your asshole
bin’s prepping you real well mmmmm
he’s literally fingering your ass while he’s pounding into you, the tip of his cock hitting so deep in your cervix
on the other hand you’re so focused on sucking eunwoo off, you take him as deep in your throat as you could, letting your jaw slack as he just thrusted in your mouth
and also the vibrations of your moans around his cock every time bin hits deep in you???
eunwoo swears he almost busts a nut when your hands reach up to play with his balls
he’s panting as he pulls your mouth off his cock: I need to be inside you before I cum
and then he’s lying down on his back and you start to ride eunwoo, and then bin lines his cock up at your other hole and you start to tense
eunwoo bringing you into a kiss to try and distract you from the pain your asshole’s about to feel
and you start hissing as bin starts to push in, you’re clenching so hard around eunwoo and tugging tightly at the ends of his hair
eunwoo starts making circles on your clit so that you could relax a bit to make it easier for bin to enter your back hole
and then the three of you just stay still for a bit when bin finally bottoms out, you’re still trying to get used to feeling stuffed full, you haven’t been fucked in so long and now you’re getting railed by two cocks??
the two of them are both saying sweet things to calm you down and distract you from the pain
and it’s cute, you know from your respective past hookup experiences with them that they’re really good at sensing discomfort or pain and would always tend to your needs
oof baby but as soon as you give the okay for both of them to move
it’s like you’re taken to another dimension holy shit
they both hit so deep, you swear to god their cocks have to be touching or something, or maybe at least reaching your intestines
when people say rearrange your guts, it definitely must have been this
you’re trying to set a pace on top of eunwoo, but bin thrusting from behind literally makes your knees go weak until eunwoo just lifts his hips and takes over, matching bin’s speed
and imagine this: bin pulling your hair, making your head tilt back and eunwoo just reaches up and covers your neck with his hand before he squeezes at your throat
your eyes are literally rolling into the back of your head, you have never felt this good ever in your life
your head’s spinning again, and you know all three of you are reaching the tipping point pretty soon, your stomach is churning, making you clench hard around both eunwoo and bin
eunwoo biting his lip as he groans, his grip tightening just a bit more around your neck
bin’s still yanking your hair back and he starts spanking your ass, he’s moaning as well
you literally scream, throat feeling raw, as you cum, you have never orgasmed so hard before, your body was convulsing around both of them and you just collapse on top of eunwoo
you’re vision literally sees white and your ears are ringing as they both cum in you
you black out for a little bit
eunwoo and bin: o_o holy fuck
the two of them start panicking like...did they just fuck you dead?? put you in a coma??
okay but just imagine eunwoo and bin bickering with each other about what to do like
bin: do we call 119???
eunwoo: what do we say? we fucked our friend into a coma?
it’s okay because you regain consciousness soon enough and both boys let out the biggest sigh of relief
you: ...what happened?
eunwoo: you passed out for a bit there y/n
you start giggling, much to their surprise, and you try to sit up
bin: ...are you okay y/n?
you: yeah, I can’t believe I blacked out because you guys fucked me so well, that’s pretty hot not gonna lie
eunwoo goes into the kitchen real quick to get you some water and bin sits down next to you
you thank eunwoo when he hands you the glass and he sits across from you and bin
the two roommates exchange a look and just high-five each other
you roll your eyes as they just laugh at each other...ugh boys
bin teasing you: I’ve never seen you so submissive y/n
eunwoo joining in: yeah, didn’t know you could squirt as well
you almost spit out the water: i-huh? no way
eunwoo: yeah, my stomach was soaked, I wiped it off when you were out
your face flushes, you’ve never squirted before
bin: don’t be embarrassed! it was hot, y/n, really
the three of you then just jump into a casual conversation about college, keep in mind you’re all still naked
and then you feel the cum just like in both your holes and it’s just uncomfortably sticky
you: uh...do you guys mind if I shower? my pussy feels gross right now
bin, with a glint in his eyes: I can clean that up for you, baby
before you know it, bin’s eating you out again -- to be more specific, he’s literally licking the mixture of yours and eunwoo’s cum from your cunt
that’s sexy...
you make eye contact with eunwoo and he’s just smirking as he sits back and watches you two, no intention on joining yet
alright but you had no idea if you could take another round right now, the first one literally made you pass out
so after bin makes you cum again, you tap out for the night
the three of you shower -- separately -- and then regroup in the living room to just chat and chill
the two insist you sleep over for the night since it’s past midnight by now
were there also hints of a round two in the morning?? maybe
you sleep in one of eunwoo’s shirts, but end up sleeping next to bin bc he’s whiny and likes cuddling
you three fuck again in the morning oops until eunwoo had to leave for work
then you and bin fuck again afterwards
happy threesome
happy comeback :)
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