mllermanda · 1 year
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Posted this artwork in Twitter originally but wanted to post this one at Tumblr too. I wanted to mimic the style of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog series as this was an gift for twitter users ImpyzNSo and DiiDiiDoodles. I would recommend checking out their twitters since they both produce nice artwork. The backgrounds in question was screenshotted from the original game.
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The D’Amelio ritual after-party has begun! The Grand High Mansion has opened its doors to the family and any outside friends and partners. 
Come inside and have a chat with a vampire!
[ Baron is temporarily unavailable for asks ]
[ AVAILABLE FOR ASKS: Anester, Valek, Hannibal, ??? and Lestatia ]
[ Special askable guests: Armando, the male Grimmsnarl by himself with his infant son, any of the Morgrems running around, any other family subsequently revealed ]
[ Ask hints have been UPDATED ]
(( cameos from Violetta @diidiidoodles and Lorna @russetmoth ))
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talesofghalidor · 4 years
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(( and here’s the last babe; yet another beautiful witch, hhh so cute! @diidiidoodles / @ask-marcelinethegotherene ))
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pokecommunityevents · 6 years
Make your offering!
Now if we may have your attention everyone for just a moment, I see you’re all ready and I see you’re all eagerly awaiting for the event to go onto the next leg so I am proud to say that the event is now more than underway! Or at least, the activities for the event are! October 8th marks the start of the Pumpkin carving event. You are all now welcome to have you muse collect a random pumpkin from the field whether it be big or small or rotten or fresh (preferably fresh though because why would you wanna touch a rotten pumpkin???) but go out there and feel free to make some unique designs as a tribute to this mysterious autumn witch! Though I am also sorry to tell you all that the dining room and ballroom are still not quite yet ready to be used by the general public but do not worry! I assure you our finest technicians are hitting stuff with wrenches in order to get it open, now-get out there and go stab some pumpkins in an artistic way!
Also if I may make another shout out!
Does your muse not know how to carve a pumpkin? Maybe they don’t know what to do or maybe they can’t wield a sharp enough object to make their design, so what are they to do? Never fear!
@ninjawithashovel has got you all covered!
Meet their muse -
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Pastelle! How can she help you may ask? Simple! She can help your muse come up with a design if you can’t do so yourself, more specifically, what she serves to do for the event is!-
★Handle decorations
★Do portraits of other characters at the event who took the time to sit and relax and have their image drawn
★If a kid or an adult wanted some face paint, or other things like helping with an outfit or costume
★She can help with pumpkin carving to those who don't know what they're doing, or need some help
★When it comes time for people to put on masks near the end of the event; those without masks can see her to get their face painted in which in terms for writing or arting any face paints done on characters would most likely be accredited to her
So do be sure to check them out!
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askgng · 6 years
Did Mac just lowkey call big momma there a loose woman? 👀
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rosendark · 6 years
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The day is beautiful, the sky is blue, trees are difficult
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Agase: O-okay. *Pook*
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(( yes hello I’m sorry I haven’t been very active here lately and I am very much apology yes
HOWEVER I do have this lovely commission done by @diidiidoodles I wish to share! LightDark!Alyx and LightDark!Oriel together looking super fierce as a brother sister double team, gosh just look at their poses and their glorious effects! Love it!
Anyone interested in commissioning her, here’s a link to her commissions! Thanks again friend! ouo)7 ))
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askmaplephantump · 7 years
Beast, smash or pass @ Scorpius 8)
Scorpius: Oh you know damn well my answer my little beastie~
Maple: …He’d smash you to next week.
Scorpius: MAPLE! -blushes hard-
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(( Oh no she’s beautiful- 
also introducing Anester’s fiance Violetta c: ))
[ @diidiidoodles ]
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H-How did I get here?! asks from @poperthewishmaker @dailyshrew @noblejanobii @mimikyufan000
Art + Icons by SalDoesArt @omniandco DiidiiDoodles @jazzy-art-time
Want to see more? Consider donating to the Paths To Requiem Kofi
All donations will go towards commissioning art for the comic! You can even see WIPs and have your name added on every post as well as get a special role in the discord server by joining the "Travelers Of The Path" Tier!
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“My bet’s on the lizard that got all up in Stevens’ face.”
“Oh there’s no need to apologize, ma’am -”
“Happens too often to hold a grudge, lady! Oh by the way, heard hubby’s got a record - and it ain’t so squeaky clean. So someone oughta let him know that he’s better off stayin’ at home with his lovely wife ‘stead of creepin’ around at night.”
“ ‘cuz if I see him again where a body turns up? He ain’t walkin’ away so easy like last time.”
(( @ask-theunderworld / @diidiidoodles ))
[ 2 records have been added / 1 record has been updated ]
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askgng · 6 years
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“I can’t believe MY MOM just doxxed me!”
@diidiidoodles @leavannyn-oskar @invertthesnow
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ask-casteliabounce · 3 years
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Nikky @ Bonnie:
Nikky was kinda surprised for receiving a compliment from a random pedestrian, and although he doesn’t trust people at the get-go when they’re being too sociable, he couldn’t help but actually feel flattered, besides, it ain’t like Bonnie was some junkie or drunkard laying on the sidewalk not worth paying attention to, as he would usually walk by. In fact she looked like she had something in mind for approaching him, or it could might as well be casual, either way it wasn’t an unpleasant experience.
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-“Well, I studied quite little for this test but yeah, I heard the crest size thing applies for Scrafties too, wild ones at least but that’s not my case."
So he uncrossed his arms gazing directly into the female’s eyes, honest about his situation as a presumed social specimen.
-"Leader? Of a pack? I’m completely on my own over here. Not that I complain madam, I know how to stand up for myself.”
( @diidiidoodles / @ask-theunderworld )
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
The Girls Go Get Clothes
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This was an odd feeling for both women as they stood on the podium in the boutique. Neither were used to wearing clothes like this. Lenox always just went clothless since she had nothing to really cover up. Gwen just started having to hear clothes after years as a gothorita. To the hawlucha’s surprise, the assassin did not really complain much. She seemed to be ok with the clothes Brittany had picked out. Granted Gwen made herself clear she was not going to wear any dresses or heels.
The gothitelle was surprisingly cool with the magenta puffy shirt. Though she made a joke about it being a pirate shirt, aside from the lack of the puff on the front.
Lenox was fine with the suit Brittany picked out for her, she had to unbutton two buttons to let her fluff pop out, but it could have been worse. She also liked the vest as it gave her a stoic appearance.
Brittany decided to go a bit more practically with a purple leather jacket with a white skirt. She also got leggings for the winter, which was important given the winter time.
“You both look great! So professional and hot!” Brittany squealed.
“Damn your girl is horny.” Gwen whispered to Lenox who just rolled her eyes. That was something she could not deny.
“It’s true but shut up.” Lenox whispered in a low hiss.
The roserade looked over and saw some hats in the distance. “Oh! I’m going to pick out a hat for myself. I’ll be right back!” As soon as she said that, she bolted away to look at the hats. This conveniently left both of the mercs on their own. Awkward silence was all either of the two could muster.
“Gwen. Why did you agree to do this?” Lenox turned a soft gaze to her. “This does not seem like you at all. Is this because of what happened with Floyd?”
Straight shooter surprisingly. Lenox has been bold lately. Not wrong though. “Kind of. Thinking of him and having to bury him it has made me think just how few allies he had that even showed up to the funeral. I was one of two people who oversaw his burial.”
What Lenox heard was surprising. Gwen always seemed like the indifferent type to how others view her. “I have no delusions that everyone who knows me would mourn me. What I need to do though is at least leave some people that don’t hate me.”
Her reason was self-serving, although the hawlucha found it understandable and sympathetic. What helped ground Lenox was that Gwen at least acknowledged she could not succeed with everyone. “I can empathize with that.”
The gothitelle just sighed. “I’ll keep this quick and not make a big deal afterwards, but I’m going to lay off you. I’m still going to make fun of you from time to time over minor shit, but I’m going to cut down on my hostility towards you.”
A soft smile bloomed on Lenox’s face. She could use some less hostility from people she knew. Her expectations for this are still low, but any improvement is good. “I can accept that. If you say something that is not ok I will call you out so just expect that if that happens.”
Gwen smiled back. “I can live with that.” This could be great for both mons. After years of professional hostility, the two could finally reach a mutual understanding that can help them both.
“Hey Len! I found this hat for you!” Brittany, coming from no where, had a fedora hat in her hand. “What do you think?”
“Brit don’t do that to your girl.”
Lenox squinted at Gwen.
“Look I’m trying to save you here...M’lady.”
Baby steps.
(Art by @diidiidoodles / @ask-marcelinethegotherene)
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impyznso · 4 years
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They are married //shots
Quick sketches, the CU belongs to @diidiidoodles
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