#digmon news
ashxketchum · 2 months
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Teenage Wolves album is coming soon!
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Zhuqiaomon Ace EX5-013, Azulongmon Ace EX5-024, Ebonwumon Ace EX5-041, and Baihumon Ace EX5-053 by toriyufu from EX-05 Themed Booster Animal Colosseum
Zhuqiaomon Ace EX5-013 Mega | Virus | Holy Bird/Four Sovereigns [Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 "Deva"] (Hand)[Counter]<Blast Evolution> [When Digivolving][When Attacking](1/Turn) By deleting 1 Digimon with 6000 DP or less, or "Deva" in its traits, this Digimon gains <Secruity Attack +1> for the turn. [On Deletion] Delete 1 opposing Digimon with the highest DP. Ace: <Overflow (-4)> (when this card moves from the Battle Area or from under a Card to a different Area, Memory -4)
Azulongmon Ace Mega | Data | Holy Dragon/Four Great Dragons/Four Sovereigns [Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 "Deva"] (Hand)[Counter]<Blast Evolution> [On Play][When Digivolving] Return 1 of your opponent's Lv.5 or lower Digimon to the hand. Then unsuspend 1 of your Digimon with "Deva"/"Four Great Dragons"/"Four Sovereigns" in its traits. [On Deletion] Delete 1 opposing Digimon with the highest DP. Ace: <Overflow (-4)> (when this card moves from the Battle Area or from under a Card to a different Area, Memory -4)
Ebonwumon Ace EX5-041 Mega | Vaccine | Holy Beast/Four Sovereigns [Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 "Deva"] (Hand)[Counter]<Blast Evolution> [On Play][When Digivolving] Suspend 1 opposing Digimon for each of your Digimon in Play with "Deva"/"Four Sovereigns" in its traits. Then, all of your opponent's suspended Digimon do not unsuspend in your opponent's next Unsuspend Phase. [On Deletion] Delete 1 opposing suspended Digimon. Ace: <Overflow (-4)> (when this card moves from the Battle Area or from under a Card to a different Area, Memory -4)
Baihumon Ace EX5-053 Mega | Data | Holy beast/Four Sovereigns [Digivolve: 3 from Lv.5 "Deva"] (Hand)[Counter]<Blast Evolution> [Opponent's Turn](1/Turn) When your Security is checked, if that card has "Deva" in its traits, play it at no cost without battle. [On Deletion] Delete 1 opposing Digimon with the highest Play Cost. Ace: <Overflow (-4)> (when this card moves from the Battle Area or from under a Card to a different Area, Memory -4)
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
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lovablelopmon · 4 months
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Fun stuff I pulled from the box I got :) personally so happy to have gotten ophaniamon and Imperialdramon. Plus RAPIDMON ahhhh.
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gonagaiworld · 7 months
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Kazumasa Habu annuncia l'abbandono del ruolo di produttore dei giochi di Digimon Il produttore di Bandai Namco Entertainment ha iniziato a lavorare ai giochi Digmon nel 2010. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/kazumasa-habu-annuncia-labbandono-del-ruolo-di-produttore-dei-giochi-di-digimon/?feed_id=433487&_unique_id=65d628e3956f9 #Digmon #Industria
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sloanerisette · 10 months
To Have and To Hold From This Day Forward: Chapter 1 - Falling For You
My first entry for Miyakari Autumn is here!!! Thank you so much to @sluggybasson107 and @digitalworldbound for putting this on, I have been SO excited!!! I'm starting with Day 2 but will be working on the other days next month once I've finished with some big priorities!
I have wanted to write this idea for a while and it all came to a head when I decided recently to make this entire fic based around a Digimon Emperor!Yolei and Gogglehead!Kari AU, and I'm so so so excited to share this first one with y'all because I am very happy with it, haha. I absolutely LOVE Miyakari and I'm glad I got hit by the Miyakari bug recently because these two girls are so wonderful and I love them with all my life. My daughters who are also wives.
Kari Kamiya never expected to take over as the leader for a new group of Digidestined. She never expected that she would have to lead new and old friends into battle against another Digidestined that wants to take over the Digital World.
And she would have never in her wildest dreams expected to one day share a future and a life with her.
You can also find it on AO3 here!
No matter how much they did, how many spires they toppled, and how many Digimon they freed, the Digimon Emperor started right back up whenever they left the Digital World without fail. The fact that she didn’t need to worry about resting and could instead throw as many poor Digimon at them as she wanted without any concern simply caused anger to flare up in her chest even more as they approached a small mountainside village that had recently fallen under control of the Emperor.
TK flanked her and Davis covered the ground approach on Raidramon with Cody and Armadillomon in tow. She swallowed hard as they got closer, and snapped her goggles over her eyes. “TK, you go left, I’ll go right!” Kari shouted, trying her hardest to make sure she was heard over the harsh winds. She looked down and saw Raidramon coming up on the semi-fortified gate to the village, and knew that now was the time to strike. The Digimon in the village had them outnumbered, but with most of them being rookies and a handful of Centarumon backing them up, it seemed manageable. She didn’t want to fight them, but it was just until they could get the control spire down. They had been through much worse than this in the past few weeks, and they would free this village no matter what.
The crack of thunder screamed through the air as the wooden gate to the village shattered into splinters and Raidramon burst through. Cody and Armadillomon hopped off his back, and Cody wasted no time Armor Digivolving his partner into Digmon. So far, so good. There was no sign of the Control Spire, but there was also no sign of the Emperor.
“Rosetta Stone!”
“Star Shower!”
The two attacks launched towards a clumped up group of rookies and two Centarumon, the impact of thee stone slab against the ground stunning them before the stars broke the Dark Rings. She frantically looked around for the Control Spire, her eyes only catching thick forests and far off mountain peaks. As the sounds of Raidramon and Digmon shouting out their attacks rang in the air, Kari’s breathing started to speed up, the knowledge that Davis and Cody could get overwhelmed if they took too long leaving her on edge. There was a brief reflection of the sun’s harsh rays that glared against her goggles, and she pulled them up and shaded her eyes with her hand. Kari’s eyes widened as she saw just a hint of shiny black in the mountain range that she immediately recognized.
“She must have thought we wouldn’t be able to find it…” she mumbled to herself.
It was far out of the way and well hidden, and there was no way this wasn’t personally chosen by the Emperor to best maximize the space she controlled. Kari looked down at Davis and Cody.
“Hey! I found the Control Spire!” she shouted. Davis shot her a thumbs up and a grin.
“Kick its butt!” he shouted, “We’ll be fine down here!”
She hoped so.
Pegasusmon’s wings flapped as TK caught up to her.
“As soon as we knock that spire down, the Digimon in the village will be back to normal, let’s go,” Kari said, and Nefertimon sped off ahead.
“Hey, wait up!” TK shouted, and Pegasusmon flew after her, “Kari! Slow down!”
But no, she couldn’t slow down. She wanted to topple that tower as fast as possible, because these Digimon needed to be freed.
How could she be so cruel? To try and rule the Digital World with an iron fist without any care for the world or its inhabitants. How could she sleep at night? Kari could still barely believe she had her own partner.
How could she be so unlike the girl she met at school just a few weeks ago?
Even though she and the other DigiDestined had been working their butts off around the Digital World, gym class never seemed to get easier. Today they were running, and despite how she had managed to outrun a Unimon while being chased yesterday, this was somehow worse.
Kari managed to stick to the middle of the pack, and had been so focused on keeping a decent pace that she hadn’t noticed someone run up next to her. Their footsteps were in sync, and it was only once she finally noticed the extra noise that she turned her head, nearly letting out a yelp as a girl with lavender hair had seemed to pop out of nowhere. However, it didn’t take long to realize who it was: Yolei Inoue.
She was a year older than her, but Kari knew about her from all the positive things Izzy had to say about her from her involvement with the school’s computer club— especially about the fact that she was something of a whiz when it came to programming. He passed leadership on to her when he moved on to middle school, but still kept in touch with her frequently.
“All this running sucks, huh?” Kari asked between breaths. Maybe starting up a conversation would make the rest of the period go faster.
“Yeah, I hate it. I wish we could run inside or something, it’s getting too warm,” Yolei said, wiping a light sheen of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.
“You’re Kari Kamiya, right?” Yolei asked. Kari’s eyes widened as her eyes locked onto Yolei.
“Oh— yeah! How did you—”
“Your brother’s come into our store before. He’s talked about you a bunch,” she said, then nodded to the goggles that hung from Kari’s neck, “Plus I recognize your goggles.”
Kari looked down and laughed gently, “I guess they do make a statement.”
“They really do,” Yolei smiled. Kari suddenly felt flush, but shook her head. The heat must have been getting to her…
It was weird, but this was one of the first times in a while she really talked to another girl her age. Sure, Sora and Mimi were her friends, but the latter was in America and the former was busy with sports and school. She couldn’t exactly tag along with either of them that much, not when she was so busy in the Digital World.
At the same time, though, she felt a bit lost. Yolei was a little bit older than her, and she couldn’t help but feel out of her league. The gym teacher’s whistle rang through the air over at another track where the boys were running.
“I bet you’re usually pretty busy with computer club, huh?” Kari finally asked as they rounded the track.
“Yeah, but the vice president’s been handling a lot for me since I’ve had a lot to take care of after school,” she said.
“Oh! Are you helping out with your family’s store?” she asked.
Things went quiet between them, and Kari focused on not falling behind.
“You’re friends with Cody, right? I see you hanging out with him and that other guy a lot,” Yolei finally said. Kari blinked.
“Oh, yeah, him and Davis. Or do you mean TK?” she asked. She hadn’t realized Yolei seemed to notice her that much, but it sort of made sense— she had recognized her by her goggles, after all.
“I meant the loud one with the dark, spiky hair, but I guess both,” Yolei said. Kari started to laugh, which turned into a wheeze with how out of breath she had been getting.
“Yeah, he’s kind of a character,” Kari said, still smiling. “Cody’s a great kid, too— how do you know him?”
“We’ve been neighbors for years.”
“Well if you ever want to hang out, I’m sure Cody would be happy to hang out with you, too,” Kari offered.
“I’ll have to see,” she said, her voice suddenly sounding clipped. Kari felt herself shrink a bit as she looked over at the other girl, suddenly feeling so much smaller than she already was.
Kari focused straight ahead, her face suddenly burning as she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.
Thankfully, the teacher blew their whistle again, signaling the students to finish, and the two girls skidded to a stop simultaneously. Kari plopped down on the ground, taking some time to catch her breath, then Yolei stepped in front of her, casting a much needed shadow over her. Kari looked up, and Yolei offered her a hand. Kari took an extra moment to rest, then grabbed Yolei’s hand to get up.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other a lot more,” Yolei said with a smile on her face.
Kari felt the heat get to her again and her cheeks flushed. She needed to get some water to try and cool off…
“Y-Yeah… I hope so.”
Her breathing sped up as the memory rolled through her mind. Bile rose in her throat and she had to choke it down as anger flooded her. All she could focus on now was the black obelisk just ahead, and destroying it.
TK’s shout registered too late, and as Kari looked over at him, she saw a blade of air shooting up at her from the edge of her peripheral vision.
“Nefertimon, watch—!”
Although Nefertimon started to move right, the attack still slammed into Nefertimon’s left wing, causing her to spin and Kari to fall off.
TK’s scream was distant as she plummeted. She clenched her eyes shut out of sheer fear, feeling the wind whip against her body before it suddenly stopped. Before she suddenly stopped. Kari hesitantly opened her eyes and looked around, only to be met with a pair of big, round lenses.
“So you’ve finally fallen for me, huh?”
The Emperor.
She was holding her in a princess carry as she rode atop an Airdramon that was flying just above the canopy of the forest below. Kari flushed and glared at Yolei.
“Why did you catch me?” she asked harshly. The Digimon Emperor raised an eyebrow, then tilted her head and smiled.
“And let you fall?”
“It would get rid of a lot of your problems,” Kari spat. Yolei gasped in faux offense.
“But then I wouldn’t be able to see you, and I do so enjoy our meetings,” Yolei grinned.
Despite the intense wind and the harsh chill that came from it, Kari felt her face heat up intensely even as she shivered.
“I told you we’d see each other a lot more, and I intend on making sure that stays true. It’d be a shame if I lost out,” she added.
“So you’re doing this all just to… to see me more?” Kari asked, jaw dropped in disbelief.
Yolei cackled and shook her head, “Oh, I didn’t realize you had such an ego, Kamiya.”
“I-It’s not an ego…” Kari trailed off quietly.
It wasn’t lost on the brunette that she was still being held so gently by the Emperor. It was unnerving, and the more she thought about it the more her heart sped up.
“No, seeing you is just one of the many joys of it all,” she added
“Why are you doing all of this?” Kari asked. Despite how angry she was, her voice came out as little more than a weak, indignant squeak against her foe.
“I told you, because I truly do enjoy our time together, as rare as it is.”
That caused Kari’s flush to deepen and her brow to furrow, “N-Not that! I meant taking over the Digital World! Hurting all these innocent Digimon! Why would you want to do this!?” she shouted.
In an instant Yolei’s expression became impassive. She looked over her shoulder, seeing the small dot that was Pegasusmon’s attempt to approach the Control Spire and her minions. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Then tell me so I can understand!” Kari begged.
Yolei scoffed, slowly turning to look back down at Kari, “No,” she said simply. Kari couldn’t stop herself from tearing up. But even that wasn’t enough to stir Yolei.
Her cape whipped in the wind which was the only sound around them.
“Even if I told you, would that change anything?” she finally asked.
“O-Of course it—”
“Of course it wouldn’t,” Yolei interrupted immediately, “We would still be enemies. You and your friends would still hate me. What would be the point?”
Kari was speechless, her face crestfallen as she looked up at the Emperor.
No, she wasn’t the Emperor… it felt like this was the best look at Yolei Inoue she had ever gotten. Her heart ached.
“If we were enemies you wouldn’t have caught me, or-or you would’ve dropped me already,” Kari said, her voice cracking.
“I already told you, I enjoy you too much to stop our little games of cat and mouse.”
That cool, confident aura came back in an instant, and it seemed impenetrable.
Maybe there was no way to get her to realize why this was all so horrible.
Maybe there was no getting through to her.
Maybe there wasn’t even someone to get through to.
Kari didn’t want to believe that there wasn’t a good side of Yolei somewhere. Somewhere, deep down, there just had to be. Even if the others thought otherwise, she couldn’t believe it was as simple as that.
Even if it was becoming harder and harder to think it, Kari still wanted to believe it with all of her heart.
There had to be good in Yolei Inoue.
“Cat’s Eye Beam!”
Two red hot lasers sailed right by Yolei, missing by only a few feet. Yolei clenched her jaw as she saw it from her peripheral vision.
“It’s a shame that our time together is up again,” she sighed, not wistful or playful, but genuine.
Before Kari could say anything, TK, Pegasusmon, and Nefertimon started to approach, flanking Airdramon on both sides.
“Put her down right now!” Nefertimon shouted.
“You’re not getting away with her!” TK followed up.
The look on Yolei’s face was… smug. Confident.
Like she knew she would be able to get away with her.
Kari’s stomach churned again.
“Well, my dear,” Yolei started, “I guess it’s time to say goodbye yet again.”
Nefertimon sped up, now flying next to Airdramon.
“You know, Takaishi, if you try and shoot me down, she’ll go, too! Be careful!” she taunted, laughing after. Kari could practically feel TK’s anger despite the distance.
Yolei let her down gently, and Kari looked at her with sad eyes, before she took a breath and jumped. Nefertimon managed to maneuver herself for Kari to land on her in time.
“Silver Blaze!”
Pegasusmon fired an emerald beam from his forehead directly at Airdramon, but it zoomed up, dodging just in the nick of time. TK and Pegasusmon stopped next to Kari and Nefertimon, watching as Aidramon twisted in the air to face them. Yolei looked down at them.
“It was fun, but I really must be going. I have big plans to work on,” she said, that playful tone seeping back into her voice. She then brought her hand to her mouth and blew a kiss to Kari in an exaggerated manner, then waved with her fingers.
“Goodbye, my darling and your merry band of fools! I can’t wait to square off again! Ohohohohoho!”
Kari was still, quiet, trying to keep a stony expression but unable to hide the way her face was becoming redder by the moment. TK’s knuckles were turning white with how hard he was clenching his hands.
“Blue Thunder!”
Another attack shot up, this time from the ground, as a large ball of lightning sped towards Airdramon. Airdramon flapped its wings, causing the attack to dissipate, and the harsh gust nearly caused Nefertimon and Pegasusmon to spin away.
Without another word, Yolei flew away, still standing on Airdramon’s head. Nefertimon and Pegasusmon slowly landed, and Kari offered a weak smile to Davis and Cody.
“I’m so sorry I went off ahead without you all,” she said sheepishly, “I saw the Control Spire and I thought if I could take it down, then we could be done.” Once again she got ahead of herself and was more focused on finishing the job than doing it safely.
Tai wouldn’t have done that. Even if her brother could be rash, the safety of the group under his watch was always paramount. She was barely treading water in comparison.
“Kari, it’s ok. You don’t have to apologize, we came out of it ok,” TK said, offering her a lopsided smile. That smile didn’t offer her much reprieve in those moments, though.
“Even though TK is right, it’s important that we’re more careful next time,” Cody said. She knew Cody didn’t mean to lecture her, it was just a reminder of her mistake. A mistake that was so obvious in hindsight, but her tunnel vision left her so dead set on the immediate victory that seemed just in reach.
She wished she could just set all that guilt aside, but it was going to stay with her for a long time, she knew it. Even if they took down the Control Spire and helped the village, it could’ve gone so wrong. Someone could’ve gotten hurt.
“Where does that stupid Digimon Emperor get off trying to kidnap you, anyways!? Ugh, she’s the worst,” Davis huffed. He folded his arms and pouted, now glaring up at the sky
“She wasn’t always like this…” Cody mumbled, “I wonder what caused her to change… or if she was always like this.”
Kari looked up at the sky, holding her hand up to her heart. Yolei was long gone by now, probably planning some new way to ambush them. She was starting to add more forces to major areas she wanted to hold onto, and they’d have to push hard to try and free those sections from her control. If Yolei was able to separate her from the group, then those excursions would probably be doomed in an instant. There was going to be a lot of planning and preparation in the upcoming days…
A hand on her shoulder caused her to jump in place. Her eyes went wide and she started to pant.
“Whoa! I’m sorry, you were zoned out there, so I wanted to let you know we were thinking about heading back,” TK said.
Kari let out a long, relieved exhale, “Yeah… yeah that’s a good idea. Sorry, just a lot on my mind.”
“Let’s head back then! We deserve to relax!” Davis whooped.
But even still, Kari couldn’t tear her eyes away from the horizon, where the Digimon Emperor lay in wait somewhere out there.
She could feel her heart speed up again, as a rush of butterflies started to swarm in her stomach. So many of the things that had happened during this trip to the Digital World slotted together perfectly. Neurons lit up, causing a light bulb to shine as bright as the sun in her brain.
“…Oh no.”
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aviculor · 2 months
I just saw Karn EX's video on if the Knowledge armor digimon evolved further, and it got my brain pumping. I actually really like my own idea for Searchmon, becoming Cimbmon and then Shivamon. It almost follows a narrative like Wormmon is searching for a new path in life after the Digimon Kaiser fiasco, climbing mountains while traveling the digital world, and finding enlightenment. Searchmon is a cricket and Climbmon/Shivamon are mantids, which are distantly related. Plus, while it's not the same kind of "worm", Shivamon does come with a horsehair worm around its shoulders.
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And while I'm not In Love with this next one, Pharaohmon's gold does circle back around to Armadimon's shell and Digmon having metal drills. Something something digging, bones, archaeology, Ancient Egypt. Armadimon is just so hard to work with. And that's before thinking about how there are basically no more insect digimon to use.
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I mean, I'm completely stumped on trying to come up with a better idea for Mothmon or Flybeemon. Do I stick Okuwamon and GrandKuwagamon/GrandisKuwagamon somewhere? RhinoKabuterimon and Ancientbeatmon? I've actually run out of options, to say nothing of good options.
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jams-sims · 3 days
So im not gonna be that person; who's going to say Nintendo's bad or dick ride Nintendo. I like both Pokemon and Palword. Shit I play Digmon that suppose to rival pokemon. it's a multi-billion dollar company it is what it is. But I wonder what they're suing about.
EA has a bunch of dumbass patents. And EA is far worse- so I wonder what obscure patents Nintendo is going with. Is it going to be a code in the game that they're going to be pissed about. Is it going to be a like a 3D asset? Is it going to be like an animation your ball can't shake if you're catching a monster. I really want to know what the patent is because if they win this is bad news for a lot of different games.
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red-rose-corner · 2 months
AU Idea
"Digimon New Century" AU where the 02 kids (and Wallace) are special agents of the Digital Tactics Frontier called the "Armor Branch." The branch was formed with Armor Evolution in mind.
Takeru: Poyomon→Tokomon→Patamon→Angemon/Pegasmon/Prairiemon→Holy Angemon/Shakkoumon→Seraphimon/Goddramon/Mitamamon Hikari: Yukimi Botamon→Nyaromon→Plotmon→Tailmon/Nefertimon/Butterflamon→Angewomon/Silphymon→Holydramon/Ophanimon/Valkyrimon Daisuke: Chicomon→Chibimon→V-mon→/Fladramon/Lighdramon/Magnamon/Saggitarimon/XV-mon→Aero V-dramon/Paildramon→Ulforce V-dramon (Future Mode)/Imperialdramon (Dragon Mode↔Fighter/Paladin Mode) Miyako: Pururumon→Poromon→Hawkmon→Holsmon/Shurimon/Rinkmon/Aquilamon→Hippogriffomon/Silphymon→Valdurmon/Valkyrimon Iori: Tsubumon→Upamon→Armadimon→Digmon/Submarimon/Pteranomon/Ankylomon→Brachimon/Shakkoumon→Cannondramon/Mitamamon Wallace: Zerimon→Gummymon→Terriermon→Galgomon/Rapidmon (Armor)→Rapidmon (Perfect)→Saint Galgomon, Cocomon→Chocomon→Lopmon→Turuiemon→Andiramon (Deva)→Cherubimon (Virtue) Ken: Leafmon→Minomon→Wormmon→Stingmon/Pucchiemon/Coatlmon→Jewelbeemon/Paildramon→Bancho Stingmon/Imperialdramon (Dragon Mode↔Fighter/Paladin Mode)
(Don't ask why Wallace is there. I just believe the organization is international.)
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windfighter · 4 months
Could you write digimon frontier where someone finds/falls into one of Grumblemons burrows? Or just something about him. (He is very underrated)
I tried, but it turned out to be more about Fairymon ops x,x
Takes place after the end of Frontier, when the kids have gone home and the legendary warriors are the new guardians of the digital world:
Winding Tunnels
The ground disappeared beneath Fairymon’s feet. She yelped, fell. Her wings beat behind her, kept her from crashing completely. She landed gently on a secret second ground, hidden below the first. Tilted her head and listened to the sounds of the area. Wind howled, swept through tight corridors. A tunnel. Several even, a whole system. Had a Drimogemon made it to her area? She put her hand to the wall, followed it deeper.
The tunnels went in all kinds of directions. She listened for the wind, let it guide her through them. Through very tight corridors where the wind whistled high notes for her, and through wider tunnels where it was but a whisper. She didn’t know how long she had walked, but her feet were starting to ache.
”What are you doing here?”
Fairymon tilted her head at the voice. Grottomon.
”I could ask you the same thing”, she answered.
The air was a lot more still in this place, the wind quieter. A cave. Fairymon’s wings beat, lifted her from the ground and she flew over to where she could sense Grottomon.
”I found your tunnel in my area”, she explained.
Didn’t land. Grottomon moved around, but didn’t look at her. She didn’t look at him either, but the movements in the air told her where he was. Unthreatening.
”The ground is my area”, he answered.
Simple as that. Fairymon didn’t agree.
”The mountains are your area, not the Soyokaze village and surrounding forest.”
She put her hands to her side.
”We split the world in ten areas to not step on each other’s toes after the incident”, she continued. ”We should all honor that arrangement until the Angels are back.”
”Don’t think I don’t know about you sneaking over to Ranamon”, Grottomon answered.
Fairymon’s cheeks felt hot. She crossed her arms over her chest.
”That’s… a different matter”, she said.
He knocked on one of the walls, shuffled around and knocked again, probably preparing for another tunnel. Fairymon sighed. She wasn’t angry and Grottomon obviously though she was.
”I just want to know why”, she said. ”And to know where the tunnels are so no other digimon get lost in here.”
”Are you lost?” Grottomon asked.
There was laughter in his voice. Fairymon clenched her hands, stretched her back to look more assertive.
”Of course not!”
She was so lost, but she could always follow the wind out. Grottomon laughed.
”Faster travel”, he said. ”Been over to The Dark Continent a bit lately.”
”Why are you…”
”Wolfmon and I had some things to discuss”, he said.
What exactly he didn’t say. Fairymon didn’t ask.
”I am not spying on you or whatever you’re implying”, Grottomon continued.
Moved to another area of the room. It was big, Fairymon couldn’t hear the wind reach the walls. It seemed to gather somewhere above her. Probably a vent or something. Maybe she could get out that way.
”My area’s not big enough”, he continued.
They had split the world in ten equal areas. One for each of the legendary warrior, since tensions had been high after the humans left. Fairymon was just about to point it out.
”All Dig-mons are in my area”, Grottomon continued. ”No tunnels allowed anywhere else and they need to dig. The Digmons, the Armadillomons, the Drimogemons. Me. We need to dig, it’s in our data. There’s almost no ground left to dig in here.”
He turned towards Fairymon. She made an attempt to turn towards him as well.
”Some tunnels flooded because the ground under the lake got too thin and now the lake’s gone”, he went on. ”Water’s gone, plants are wilting and everyone is starting to starve. I can’t reach Ranamon because she’s in the ocean.”
Fairymon landed on the ground.
”You should have said something.”
”I’m telling you now.”
He turned away again.
”We’re trying to fix it, but we still need more dirt. More space. Fresh water. Wolfmon’s been supplying some food while we sort it out. Only one of you who’ll speak to me.”
Fairymon laughed.
”Can’t imagine the dark continent is great for him.”
She didn’t know why Wolfmon had chosen that area, and why Löwemon had taken the Forest Terminal and Seraphimon’s castle. It wasn’t her place to speculate, but obviously he felt lonely if he reached out to Grottomon of all digimons. Fairymon walked after Grottomon, followed him for a bit as he knocked on the walls.
”We can help you”, she said after a few minutes. ”We could use a few digmons in my area. And I’m sure the others would also like to help.”
She smiled.
”It’s not a competition, we’re taking care of this world together.”
”Some of us more together than others”, he answered.
But there’s wasn’t malice in his voice, just teasing. Fairymon blushed again and looked away.
”I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He stopped, she heard him draw something on the wall.
”Anyway, I’ll talk with Ranamon”, she continued. ”And it’s probably time we all met up.”
”Because the last meeting went great.”
The last meeting… Fairymon shuddered. Agnimon and Chackmon had gotten into a fight, followed by Löwemon and Wolfmon refusing to talk to each other. Blitzmon and Mercuremon had done something and then half the building had exploded. Arbormon spent most of the meeting sleeping while Ranamon drew figures on the table. Fairymon had gotten into a fight with Agnimon the moment Chackmon stopped arguing and left. Calling it a disaster didn’t do it justice. Fairymon had no idea what Grottomon had been doing throughout it either.
”Well… We’ve grown a bit since then”, Fairymon said. Hoped. ”We were all still affected by the humans back then. Or the corruption. I’m sure this time it’ll be fine.”
The only one she had spoken to since then was Ranamon, but hope springs eternal. So, she really hoped they would do better this time. Grottomon grabbed something and went back to the wall.
”I can figure it out on my own”, he said. ”Don’t need you all stenching this place up.”
”I’ll send word about the meeting”, Fairymon answered.
Turned around, Now, where was the tunnel she had arrived through? Grottomon laughed.
”Tell me again how you aren’t lost.”
”I’m not lost”, she said.
The air rose to the ceiling. Fairymon’s wings beat behind her, lifted her from the ground.
She hoped the hole in the ceiling was big enough as she flew through it. The air guided her, let her know where the walls where so she could avoid them. She still scraped against it in a particular thight spot, but then she felt warmth against her face. Sunlight, a fresh breeze. She was above ground again. She turned, flew back towards the Soyokaze Village. Now she just needed to figure out where they could all meet up.
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Group Interactions (02x20)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 20 showing: (1) The group on a two-level cliff. On the top level is Daisuke next to Lighdramon, Miyako next to Holsmon, and Iori next to Digmon. The lower level has Hikari and Takeru next to each other, with Nefertimon and Pegasmon on the side. (2) A far shot showing the kids riding their partners and Iori standing in front of Digmon as they all stand on a different cliff edge. (3) A close up of the previous scene. (4) All the kids riding on their partners as they walk through Ken's base. (5) Them entering a new room in the base. (6) A far back shot as they walk up to a ledge in the base. (7) The same but from a far front angle. (8) The same but a low close up shot, showing all the kids but only Holsmon and Lighdramon. (9) The kids with their partners behind them. (10) All the kids riding on their partners. (11) A close up of Hikari, Miyako, Daisuke, and Takeru on their partners as they look upward and gasp. (12) Daisuke and Takeru on their partners with determined expressions. (13) Hikari, Miyako, and Iori on their partners. (14) The kids all sitting and holding their partners' baby forms, defeated. (15) Daisuke facing the others as they hold their baby partners. (16) A close up of Tailmon and Poromon unconcious in their kids' arms. (17) The group minus Daisuke, standing while holding their partners but now smiling. (18) The kids clinging nervously to their partners as they turn and look behind them. (19) A back shot of the kids holding their partners. (20) The same but Takeru is turned toward the camera. (21) The kids standing on the ledge and cautiously looking downward as gold light shines at them. End ID]
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
The publisher of an Alabama newspaper was arrested, along with a reporter, last week after authorities accused them of publishing an article that exposed information about a grand jury probe involving the local school system. The situation raised the eyebrows of press-freedom advocates, but details remain scant, and the publisher has since been arrested for a second time. 
Atmore News owner Sherry Digmon, who is also a member of the local school board, and reporter Donald Fletcher were arrested last week. They were charged by the Escambia County district attorney with revealing grand-jury proceedings, which is a felony in Alabama. 
Last month, Atmore News published an article alleging the Escambia County Board of Education had received a subpoena seeking information about bonuses paid from pandemic relief funds. A follow-up piece reported that authorities seized the phones of school board members, including Digmon, who voted against renewing the school superintendent’s contract. It’s unclear what specific information about the grand jury the paper is accused of publishing. 
The reporting said the school system’s bookkeeper and financial officer had received a subpoena to provide information about COVID-era bonuses paid to employees. The Atmore News also cited an anonymous source who claimed District Attorney Steve Billy wanted to prove school board members violated the state Open Meetings Act.
Digmon was also arrested Wednesday on a separate charge of violating state ethics law, the second time in less than a week that she was taken in. She is accused of using her school board position for personal gain and improperly soliciting a thing of value by selling $2,500 worth of advertisements to the school system. 
Prior to the second arrest, the Committee to Protect Journalists called on authorities in Escambia County, Alabama, to "immediately drop all charges" related to disclosing leaked information against Digmon and Fletcher. 
"CPJ is outraged by the arrest of Atmore News publisher Sherry Digmon and reporter Don Fletcher and calls on local authorities to immediately drop all charges against them. They should not be prosecuted for simply doing their jobs and covering a matter of local interest, such as the allocation of school board funds," Committee to Protect Journalists program coordinator Katherine Jacobsen said. 
"Journalists play a crucial role in their local communities," Jacobsen continued. "Arresting them creates a chilling effect and is a gross misuse of taxpayer funds."
Following the second arrest, the CPJ said it's "still investigating whether or not yesterday's arrest of Sherry Digmon was in relation to her work as a school board member or her work at the Atmore News," and stood by its initial defense.
"We stand by our concerns about the October 27 arrests of Digmon and Atmore News reporter Don Fletcher. Publishing leaked material is not a crime and journalists should not be arrested and charged for simply doing their jobs and reporting on matters of public interest," a CPJ spokesperson told Fox News Digital. 
The Atmore News published a story on Thursday headlined, "No secrets," which explained the situation surrounding the initial arrests. 
"Atmore News publisher and co-owner Sherry Digmon and Atmore News reporter Don Fletcher, both arrested last Friday — along with a bookkeeper for the county school system — for revealing grand jury secrets, were ordered Monday to refrain from publishing future stories about criminal and civil matters that might come before a grand jury, specifically those regarding the Escambia County Board of Education," the news staff wrote. 
"In an initial appearance held Monday, October 30, before District Judge Eric Coale, Digmon and Fletcher signed statements acknowledging that, as a condition of their bonds, both would in the future have ‘no communications about ongoing criminal investigations including schools and other.’ Coale verbally added, ‘until they are public record,’" the story continued. "The journalists were arrested under the provisions of Alabama Criminal Code Section 12-16-216: ‘Grand juror, witness, etc., prohibited from revealing, disclosing, etc., form, nature, etc., of physical evidence or questions asked; no person to directly, indirectly, etc., by any means, obtain information as to physical evidence or questions asked; exception as to state prosecutions.’"
The publication added, "Digmon, who was one of four school board members to vote against a new contract for Superintendent of Education Michele McClung, and Fletcher were released at 8:34 p.m. after surety bonds of $10,000 were posted for each." 
Alabama Press Association general counsel Dennis Bailey told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the First Amendment gives "the news media a right to publish truthful information on matters of public concern, even if unlawfully acquired, provided the publisher did not participate in the unlawful conduct."
"I do not know all the facts here, but based upon what I have seen so far, it is my opinion reporters who receive and publish unsolicited tips about the actual issuance and service of a grand jury subpoena do not violate Alabama grand jury secrecy laws unless they coerced someone to provide the information," Bailey wrote in an email to the AP, adding that he has "never seen a reporter arrested for publishing truthful information about the existence of a grand jury subpoena."
When asked about the second arrest, Bailey stood by his statement.
"My comments related to the [initial] complaints are not affected by the filing of other complaints about other charges," Bailey told Fox News Digital. 
District Attorney Billy did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 
Earnest White, who represents Digmon and Fletcher, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Digmon BT8-051 Alternative Art by Tonamikanji from BT-08 Booster New Awakening
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ralith · 6 months
Best April Fools jokes I've seen today are pkmn accounts posting digmon news
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
The Digital World is a place where humans and digmon can live in harmony and peace. However, the existence of the Monarchs only causes them pain. Miyako runs into Daisuke, one of the servants for the Monarchs, but he sends her to the place where he lives with Mimi and Meiko as roommates. To fight the Monarchs, they have to join forces and reveal the secrets behind the enemy’s actions.
BTW everyone has the same ages as Kizuna. (for the Digimental Weapons used here - check this document)
(sorry i have no pic to use here... YET)
Please lemme know what ya think, at this point i wrote 3 chapters and i'm on my way to finish ch 4. might be a little longer than the usual format of 10, maybe 15 or 20 chapters estimated.
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amethyst-geek · 2 months
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