#digimon + fallen hero
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months ago
Giving the Phantom Thieves Digimon Partners
I like Digimon and very much enjoyed Persona 5 so why not combine them by giving the Phantom Thieves of Hearts Digimon partners. For non-Digimon fans, a human character will have a digimon partner that can evolve through different levels and the forms it takes on often have symbolic resemblance to the human's character development. I'll be giving each Phantom Thief a partner with its forms from the Rookie/Child to Mega/Ultimate levels. No Strikers or other spinoff characters because I haven't played those games. There will be P5 spoilers.
We have to start with the protagonist and his main theme is being the rebel against the unjust authority. His role in the plot is being the rebellious fallen angel to the controlling Gnostic god Yaldabaoth and so I'll be giving him fallen angel Digimon as partners. His partner will start as DemiDevimon/Picodevimon, then evolve to Devimon. These are the most iconic fallen angel Digimon in the franchise so they're easy picks. Devimon will then evolve to Baalmon. Baalmon is a demonic Digimon that seeks out knowledge and will put people through trials to show them the truth. This fits with the protagonist putting people through the ordeals of having their heart stolen to show them the truth of the monsters they've become. Finally his partner will evolve to Bagramon. Bagramon really is a great fit to Satanael as it's a fallen archangel Digimon that rebelled against the unreasonable justice of the Digimon god. If Bagramon is played as a hero, this fits really well with the Gnostic myths P5 draws from where Satanael (or the serpent or Sophia depending on which version you read) rebels against the unreasonable and authoritarian false god that is the Demiurge/Yaldabaoth to bring wisdom to humanity.
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Next is Ryuji, who has the themes of electricity, delinquents, athletics, and his Persona is a pirate. I think a great partner for him is Pulsemon, an electric Digimon that is the mascot of the vital bracelet (RIP), a device intended to encourage fans to exercise. Ryuji used to be on the track team so a perfect fit is one of Pulsemon's default evos, Runnermon. For the next level, Runnermon will evolve to CaptainHookmon, a pirate like Ryuji's Persona and a good through line to the final form: Gankoomon. Gankoomon's design is based on a Japanese delinquent like Ryuji and it has a very tough and unapproachable demeanor, but is a hero through and through. For non-Digimon fans confused about a tiger turning into a pirate and then a delinquent, be assured that that isn't anywhere near the weirdest evolution in Digimon.
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Morgana is one of the ones I struggled with because his themes of cats, wind, and Zorro don't lend themselves to many Digimon options, but I found a great option from Digimon Frontier. In the Frontier continuity, there are human and beast spirits of elements that can combine to a fused spirit and one of the elemental spirits really fits Morgana. The first stage will be Liollmon because it's a cat. Liollmon will then evolve to the human spirit of darkness, Loweemon. The human spirit represents Morgana's belief that he's human and desire to attain a human body. Loweemon will evolve to the beast spirit of darkness JagerLoweemon/KaiserLeomon. This form represents the cat body that Morgana is trapped in. Finally will be the merged spirit Raihimon, the fusing of human and beast, which represents Morgana accepting who he really is. Raihimon also has wings so the wind element can come in at the end.
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Ann's themes are cats, fire, beauty, and seduction via her Persona. I will have her start off with Candlemon. It's the least thematically appropriate of her line but it's a good fire Digimon that leads well into the next form: Lynxmon, a cat made of fire. Lynxmon will then evolve to Bastemon, a seductive, feminine cat that seduces prey before attacking them, fitting well with Carmen's depiction. Finally, Ann's partner will evolve to BeelStarmon, which combines Ann's femininity, beauty, blonde hair, and enthusiastic use of firearms. It even wears a similar catsuit, though black and much more revealing.
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Yusuke's themes are foxes, art, and ice and his Persona and costume are the most Japanese of the Thieves. I struggled with him because there aren't really any art themed Digimon and the few ice Digimon don't fit him. I decided to go all in on the foxes and Japanese themes with Yusuke to give him Renamon as a partner. Renamon will then have its dark (but not evil) evolution line of Youkomon to Doumon to Kuzuhamon. I picked the dark line over the normally good line of Kyubimon to Taomon to Sakuyamon because that line uses a lot of fire attacks which wouldn't work well with Yusuke's use of ice. The Renamon line is very much based on fox legends from Japan and China plus Onmyodo and Shinto elements. Also Doumon uses a brush for an attack. It's a calligraphy brush instead of a paintbrush, but I'll take what I can get.
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Makoto's themes are rebellion, martial arts, motorcycles/machines, intelligence, and radiation. I gave her a machine line starting with Hagurumon. Makoto's story arc started with her just doing what was expected of her even if it was wrong or not what she wanted and Hagurumon is almost literally a cog in the machine. Hagurumon will evolve to Machmon because it's a motorcycle and so is her Persona. Machmon will evolve to Fumamon, a cyborg ninja Digimon. Makoto's skill in strategy and martial arts would suit a ninja well, plus they have similar color schemes. Finally her partner will become Justimon, a cyborg warrior for justice symbolizing Makoto rejecting doing what is expected of her in favor of following her desires and doing what's right. Plus they both have scarves.
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Futaba's themes are isolation, shyness, technology, UFOs, and information gathering. A perfect partner for her is Espimon, a cyborg Digimon with stealth powers designed for espionage and data retrieval. Espimon will then follow it's standard evolution line to the UFO themed HoverEspimon and Oblivimon. However I'm not going to use Espimon's standard Mega/Ultimate level of Invisimon because it being a combat-focused humanoid warrior doesn't fit Futaba. Instead Oblivimon will evolve to the superintelligent alien cyborg Ebemon.
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Haru's character is an interesting contrast between her sweet, kind, and polite public image and her Thief form showing off her toughness and enjoyment of violence. I decided to combine this contrast with her love of gardening. Her partner will be the pretty flower Floramon who evolves to the boxing cactus Togemon. Togemon will then become pretty and feminine again as Lilymon before finishing up with BanchoLilymon, a pretty and feminine but violent and rebellious delinquent with a heart of gold.
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For Goro I decided to focus on the contrast between his polite boy detective act and the violent and unhinged person he is behind the mask. I gave him Lopmon as a partner. Lopmon is notable for having a good and evil evolution line and Goro could use both, switching between them as needed. The good line goes Lopmon -> Tururiemon -> Antylamon/Andiramon Data -> Cherubimon Virtue while the evil line goes Lopmon -> Wendigomon -> Antylamon/Andiramon Virus -> Cherubimon Vice. The two forms of Cherubimon being an angel and fallen angel represents Goro's use of light and dark skills and how he had all the tools to be a real hero but became a monster instead.
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Finally is Sumire, which took the longest for me to figure out, but I like what I came up with. I focused on her taking on the mask of her sister and the struggle between that hand her true identity. Her partner will start off as Sistermon Blanc, a cute and feminine Digimon who is close to her sisters Sistermon Noir and Sistermon Ceil like Sumire was close with Kasumi. The next stage will be Lianpumon, a Digimon themed after Chinese opera who always wears a mask and never lets anyone see its true face like how Sumire took over her sister's role and abandoned her true self. The next stage will be Luminamon, a Digimon themed around duality. Luminamon is the angelic and benevolent alternate self to the wicked and violent Shademon which mirrors the duality between who Sumire is and who she wants to be. Also Luminamon nicely fuses the holy and cute elements of Sistermon Blanc with the bestial elements of Lianpumon. Finally the last stage will be Cendrillmon. Both Cendrillmon and Sumire's Persona come from Cendrillon, an adaptation of the tale Cinderella. Cendrillmon also has crystal legs like Sumire's Persona and wears a leotard and coat like Sumire's Thief outfit. I honestly think Cendrillmon's design homages Sumire.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 8 months ago
Secretary Questions and Answers Part 1
What's the answer to life, the universe and everything?
Being nice to people you don't know. nd also large amount of cocaine
Why did you make the reading comprehension section in the last module?
I'm a librarian! Teaching literacy is half the fun of my job! The rates of functional illiteracy are quite high (up to 50% in some areas of North America). I believe that literacy is one of the few ways to better one's situation, and it starts with asking questions about what you are reading and trying to read in-between the lines. I like teaching people :)
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Did you do 9/11?
When I was a wee young lass,
What are some other interactive novels you would recommend?
Secretary Answer: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante!
Author Answer: For choice of games/hosted games, I like Night Road, the creme de la creme series, fallen hero (which is probably the most predictable recc ever), lies under ice was a really cool recent sci fi release, slammed! is old but pretty great. Separate to choicescript, Our Life Beginnings and Always has a special spot in my heart, it's very much a comfort game for me. I played Digimon Survive this year and although it's kind of a hybrid (it has a lot of turn-based strategy) it's a cool spooky VN. I like the zero escape series too, but also heavily criticise them the way that only somebody who likes something a lot can.
Secretary Answer: show off
What are the characters opinions about peeing in the shower?
nobody pisses in the shower excepts:
Vantage (time efficient)
Hypothesis (he also poops in the shower)
Beth (she's incontinent)
how do author and secretary come together to work on DYVJ? what's the synergy and system like (if there is a system)?
The author writes and does the creative management of the story. She chooses what is inputted in the story and all.
The secretary, me!, deals with a lot of the behind the scene stuff, and with participates in the character design and scene compositions. Create plot points, keep track of things, etc.
essentially, she writes and i am her HR manager. the blog was my idea :)
you guys gay?
i ate her pussy, yes
why is she named surpass
iirc it's because I wanted to evoke a sort of - I don't want to say "Superman" vibe, but I wanted to have a name that evokes power and force. It also feeds a bit into her personality. She's kind of cocky, I'm sure you've noticed, and 'Surpass' has a kind of 'come at me bro' feel to it, making it more the kind of name she'd pick.
Can we smooch Surpass?
Surpass is presently unsmoochable.
Very serious and important question that is totally serious and not at all not serious. At all. Ever. So. Would CG let MC pamper her and feed her sweets via hand? I want to hand feed my handler a Cannoli
CG would be unbelievably tsundere about anyone trying to pamper her.
How did you play Baldur's Gate 3?
my wife says i play games like a maniac. in stealth games (hitman, my beloved), i just run around with guns and kill everything and then finish the missions. allegedly im not supposed to play the game like that! bg3 was a similar experience: what do you mean im not supposed to kill story npcs for their loot? aradin, eat your heart out
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 10 months ago
List of already polled characters:
2b/YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nier: Automata: Hug
A.B.A - Guilty Gears: Hug
Abe - The Oddworld Series: Hug
Abed Nadir - NBC Community: Hug
Aborto - Filler Bunny: Kill
Abramar - The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Kill
Abuela Claudia - In the Heights: Hug
Adam - Hazbin Hotel: Kill
Adonis “Donnie” Creed - Creed movies - Rocky franchise: Hug
Adrian Andrews - Ace Attorney: Hug
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Aeryn Sun - Farscape: Hug
Ageha Hijiri - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Hug
Agnea Bristarni - Octopath Traveler 2: Hug
Aidan - The Illuminae Files: Kill
Aiden Clark - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Aiden Sousuke - Bleach: Kill
Aigis - Persona 3: Hug
Akane Sonozaki - Higurashi: Kill
Akira Kenjou - KiraKira PreCure à la Mode: Hug
Alan Wake - Alan Wake: Hug
Alexandra Trese - Trese: Kiss
Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange: Kill
Alex Taylor - Good Game: Kill
All Might - My Hero Academia: Hug
Almalexia - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Tribunal: Kill
Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Alucard Tepes - Castlevania: Marry
Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation/Alien franchise: Hug
Amane Momose - MILGRAM Project: Adopt
America/Alfred F Jones - Hetalia: Kill
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Star Wars: Kill
Anacostia Quartermaine - Motherland: Fort Salem: Hug
Anders - Dragon Age 2: Hug
Andrew Minyard - All For The Game: Hug
Andy Knightley - The World’s End: Hug
Angela - Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruin: Hug
Angelica Schuyler - Hamilton: Hug
Angoramon - Digimon: Hug
Anthony "Tony" Prince - Grand Theft Auto: Kill
Antonio Madrigal - Encanto: Pat on the head
Applejack - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Apple White - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Archer - Pokemon: Kill
Argan - Winx Club: Hug
Aristotle - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Arthur Dent - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Hug
Arthur Lester - Malevolent: Hug
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2: Marry
Arvin Russell - The Devil all the Time: Hug
Ashe Bradley - Witch's Heart: Kill
Ashley Graham - Resident Evil: Hug
Ashley Williams - Mass Effect: Hug
Ashlyn Banner - School Bus Graveyard: Pat on the head
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3: Hug
ASTRA - The Entropy Centre: Pat on the head
Astro Boy - Astro Boy: Pat on the head
Atlas - Cryptid Crush: Hug
Atropal Scion - Dungeons & Dragons: Kill
Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Augustus Sinclair - Bioshock: Kill
Avicenna - Some Desperate Glory: Kill
Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity - The Locked Tomb: Kiss
Aya Maruyama - BanG Dream: Hug
Ayame Sohma - Fruits Basket: Kill
Aziraphale - Good Omens: Hug
Baba - Baba is you: Pat on the head
Babe - Pit Babe: Hug
Bai Wuchang - Word of Honor: Kill
Bandit Heeler - Bluey: Hug
Barbara Kopetski/Barb Wire - Comics Greatest World/Dark Horse Comics: Kill
Barbra - Night of the Living Dead: Hug
Barnaby - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Barney - Barney and Friends: Kill
Barry Klemper - The Boys Next Door: Kill
Bart Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Basil - Omori: Hug
Basil Exposition - Austin Powers: Kill
Battler Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Bayonetta - Bayonetta: Marry
BD-1 - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor / Fallen Order): Adopt
Beatrice - Umineko: Marry
Becka - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Beebee - Adventures with Anxiety: Hug
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out: Hug
Bernd das Brot - KiKa/German TV: Kill
Bernkastel - Umineko: Hug
Bibble - Barbie: Kill
Bierce - Dark Deception: Kill
Big Hill - Reservation Dogs: Hug
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls: Kill
Billy Coen - Resident Evil 0: Kill
Blazer - Stray: Hug
Blitzwing - Transformers Animated: Hug
Bloaty - Invader Zim: Kill
Blood Pet - Magic the Gathering: Kill
Bob Newby - Stranger Things: Hug
Bob Pancakes - The Sims: Kill
Bog King - Strange Magic: Hug
Bolt - Disney's Bolt: Adopt
Bonnie - In Stars and Time: Hug
Boyfriend - Friday Night Funkin: Kill
Bradley Nicholson - Milo Murphy's Law: Pat on the head
Bradley Uppercrust III - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Kill
Brad Meltzer - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy: Kill
Brainy Smurf - The Smurfs: Pat on the head
Breezepelt - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Brian Flanagan - Cocktail: Kill
Brian Robeson - Hatchet: Pat on the head
Brian The Prethinker - Toontown Corporate Clash: Kill
Bridget - Guilty Gear XX: Hug
Brooklyn - Gargoyles: Hug
Bruce Wayne - Batman: Hug
Bucky Beaver - Shipwrecked 64: Hug
Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hug
Buggy - One Piece: Kill
Cale Tucker - Titan A.E.: Hug
Camila Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Camille Saroyan - Bones: Hug
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Captain Pip Bernadotte - Hellsing Ultimate: Hug
Captain Haddock - Tintin: Hug
Captain Takeo Masaki - Call of Duty: Zombies: Hug
Carlos the Scientist - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Castiel - Supernatural: Hug
Catherine - The Gregory Horror Show: Kill
Catra - She-Ra: Hug
Cecil Palmer - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Celty - Durarara!!: Hug
Cerise Hood - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones: Kill
Charlene "Charlie" McGee - Firestarter: Pat on the head
Charles Calvin - Henry Stickmin Collection: Hug
Charlie Cutter - Uncharted franchise: Kill
Charon - Hades: Hug
Charon - John Wick: Hug
Chelsea - Royal Scandel: Hug
Chibiusa/Sailor Mini Moon - Sailor Moon: Pat on the head
Chikai Kuji - Sarazanmai: Kill
Chilchuck Tims - Delicious in Dungeon: Hug
Child - Young Justice: Kill
Chloe Bourgeois - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Chloe O'Brian - 24: Hug
Chococat - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Choi Chul-woong - Oasis: Kill
Chrom - Fire Emblem: Marry
Chrome - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Claire Fisher - Six Feet Under: Hug+Kill
Claud - Fire Emblem Genealogy of the holy war: Kill
Clay Puppington - Moral Orel: Kill
Clea - Doctor Strange: Kiss
Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Marvel: Hug
Clive Handforth - LittleBigPlanet/LittleBigPlanet2: Hug
Cloud Haetae Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Pat on the head
Cogimyun - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Clyde ‐ Dreams of an Insomniac: Hug
Coco - Witch Hat Atelier: Adopt
Cole Brown - Martin: Hug+Kill
Colette - The Thea Stilton novels: Hug
Conan Edogawa - Detective Conan: Pat on the head
Coraline - Coraline: Hug+Adopt
Cordell Walker - Walker 2021: Hug
Cormag - Fire Emblem: Kill
Coro chan - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Crash Man - Megaman 2: Hug
Cream the Rabbit - Sonic: Hug
Crow Strider - Homestuck/Crow Strider AU: Kill
Crying Child - Five Nights at Freddy's 4: Adopt
Cully Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Cynthia - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Marry
Daijin - Suzume: Pat on the head
Daisy Johnson - Agents of SHIELD: Hug
Daisy Tonner - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks: Hug
Damian Wayne - DC Comics: Pat on the head
Damien Darhk - Arrow: Kill
Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries: Kill
Dana Scully - The X-Files: Marry
Daniel - Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope: Kill
Daniel Matthews - Saw: Pat on the head
Danny "Danny Boy" Archuleta - Predator 2: Kill
Danny Butterman - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Danny Fenton - Danny Phantom: Hug
Da Quing - Guardian: Hug
Darcmon - Digimon: Hug
Darkiplier - Who Killed Markiplier: Kill
Dash Parker/né Arkadin - Minority Report: Kill
Dave - Total Drama: Kill
Daxter - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Dean Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kiss
Death the Kid - Soul Eater: Hug
Delenn - Babylon 5: Hug
Desmond Hume - Lost: Kill
Detective Noel/Charlie Dowd - Malevolent: Hug
Dewey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Dexter Morgan - Dexter: Kill
Diana of Themyscira | Wonder Woman - DC Comics: Marry
Dib - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
Dick Grayson - DC comics: Hug
Dieter - Monster: Kill
Digby - Dead Estate: Pat on the head
Doctor Strange Supreme - Marvel's What If...?: Kill
Dogday - Poppy Playtime: Adopt
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Donald Duck - Ducktales 2017: Hug
Donald Trump - Real Life: Kill
Donald Trump - Real Life: Fuck
Donatello Splinterson - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Hug
Don Ramón/Seu Madruga - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Hug
Doorstopper - Animatic Battle/Object Fool: Kill
Dorana - Winx Club: Kill
Dr. Boris Habit - Smile For Me: Hug
Dr. Claire Finn - The Orville: Hug
Dr. D Light - It's Not Me, It's My Basement: Hug
Dr. Flug ‐ Villainous: Hug
Dr. Herbert Lankmann - Dreams of an Insomniac: Kill
Dr. Loboto - Psychonauts: Kill
Dr. Ludwig/The Medic - Team Fortress 2: Kill
Dr. Temnova - PAFL/Parties are for Losers: Kill
Dr. Two Brains - WordGirl: Hug
Dragon - Shrek: Hug
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter: Kill
Dream of the Endless - The Sandman: Hug
Dylan Lenivy - The Quarry: Hug
Echidna - Fire Emblem: Marry
Echo - Star Wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch: Hug
Ecolo - Puyo Puyo: Hug
Ed - Shaun of the Dead: Kill
Edd - Eddsworld: Hug
Edie Finch - What remains of Edith Finch: Kill
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Pat on the head
Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate - One Piece: Hug
Ego Core - Meet the Cores: Kill
Eileen Leahy - Supernatural: Hug
Eisen - Sousou no Frieren: Hug
El Chapulín Colorado - El Chapulín Colorado: Hug
El Chavo/Chaves - El Chavo del Ocho: Kill
Elena Shimabara - THE iDOLM@STER Million Live: Pat on the head
El Huachimingo - 31 minutos: Hug
Elias - Noli Me Tangere: Kill
Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Elizabeth Swann - Pirates of the Caribbean: Marry
Emily Kauffman - Gylt: Hug
Emperor Belos - The Owl House: Kill
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Ena Shinomome - Project Sekai: Hug
Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Hug
Eowyn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Eri - My Hero Academia: Adopt
Eric Foreman - House M. D.: Hug
Ericht Samaya - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Pat on the head
Eric Matthews - Saw: Kill
Eric Wynn - Cube Zero: Kill
Erik (The Phantom) - The Phantom of The Opera: Kill
Eucerin - Object Fool: Kill
Eva Ushiromiya - Umineko: Hug
Evan "Buck" Buckley - 9-1-1 TV Series: Hug
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Assassin's Creed: Hug
Ezra - On Air Island: Hug
Fan - Rockman Strategy: Kill
Fantoccio - Billie Bust Up!: Hug
Felix Fathom - Miraculous Ladybug : Pat on the head
Felix Kranken - The Walten Files: Kill
Feng - Balls of Fury: Kill
Fernando Vera - Mr. Robot: Kill
Fezzik - Home Movie: The Princess Bride: Hug
First Aid - Transformers Animated: Hug
Fitz Vacker - Keeper of the Lost Cities: Pat on the head
Five Pebbles - Rain World: Hug
Flowey - Undertale: Pat on the head
Floyd - Trolls Band Together: Kill
Flynn - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Apocalypse): Hug
Folca - Pathfinder: Kill
Fox Mulder - The X-Files: Hug
Francine "Fran" ("Flygirl") Parker - Dawn of the Dead: Hug
Francis Mosses - That’s not my neighbor: Hug
Frank Fontaine - Bioshock: Kill
Franklin Saint - Snowfall: Hug
Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's: Kill
Frisk - Undertale: Pat on the head
Fubuki Shirou - Inazuma Eleven: Hug
Fukase - Vocaloid: Hug
Furina - Genshin Impact: Hug
Future Edd - Eddsworld: Kill
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs: Kill
Gabe Ugliano - Percy Jackson: Kill
Gabriel - Ultrakill: Hug
Gale Hawthorne - The Hunger Games Franchise: Kill
Gamzee Makara - Homestuck: Kill
Garden of Thorns Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Garfield - Garfield: Pat on the head
Garry - Ib: Hug
Garu/Karu - Nu:Carnival: Hug
Gary King - The World’s End: Hug
Gelus - Death Note: Pat on the head
General Sarah Alder - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Geno - Super Mario RPG: Hug
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb: Hug
Giles - The Shape of Water: Hug
Gilgamesh Wolfenbach - Girl Genius: Hug
Ginpachi-Senpai - Gintama: Kill
GLaDOS - Portal: Marry
Glenn Close - Dungeons and Daddies: Kill
Godzilla - Godzilla (Monsterverse): Hug
Gomamon/X-Antibody - Digimon: Pat on the head
Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa: Hug
Gorōbei Katayama - Seven Samurai: Hug
Gosha - Beastars: Hug
Grant Ward - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Kill
Gray Wing - Warrior Cats: Kill
Gray Yeon - The Weak Hero Webtoon: Kill
Greg Heffley - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Kill
Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's, Security Breach: Kill
Gretchen - Scarlet Hollow: Pat on the head
Grillby - Undertale: Marry
Grimora - Inscryption: Kill
Guardener - Undertale Yellow: Hug
Gummigoo - The Amazing Digtal Circus: Hug
Gundham Tanaka - Super Danganronpa 2: Hug
Hal 9000 - Space Odyssey: Marry
Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3: Marry
Hal Stewart/Titan - Megamind: Kill
Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb: Adopt
Hau - Pokemon (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Moon): Hug
Heath - Blackstar Theater Starless: Hug+Kill
Heathcliff - Heathcliff Comic Strip: Hug
Heather Mason - Silent Hill 3: Hug
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Hello Kitty - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Helob - Cult of the Lamb: Kill
Hernan Alvarez/Shades - Luke Cage: Kill
He Who Gets Slapped - He Who Gets Slapped: Kill
Heywood Floyd - Space Odyssey: Kill
Hideyasu "Sōki" Yūki - Onimusha games: Kill
Hikaru Sulu - Star Trek Continues: Hug
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia: Pat on the head
Hinata Shouyou - Haikyuu!!: Hug
Hiro Hamada - Big Hero 6: Hug
Holston Becker - Silo: Hug
Homelander - The Boys: Kill
Homer Simpson - The Simpsons: Kill
Homura Akemi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Hug
Horrid Henry - Horrid Henry: Kill
Howard "Bunny" Colvin - The Wire: Hug
Huey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Hug Kiss Marry Kill Tumblr blog - Tumblr: Hug
Husk - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Hwoarang - Tekken 7: Kill
Hyuk Lee - Sweet Home: Kill
Hyun Cha - Sweet Home: Hug
lan jingyi - The Untamed/cql: Pat on the head
lcb Sinner Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Ignatz Victor - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Pat on the head
Igor Grom - Major Grom: Hug
Ilya Oblomov - Oblomov: Hug
Indika - Indika: Hug
Inosuke Hashibira - Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba: Pat on the head
Inuyasha - Inuyasha: Pat on the head
Invidia Bat - A Little Vice: Hug
Iris Black - Countdown to Countdown: Hug
Iron Giant - The Iron Giant: Hug
Isaac - The Orville: Hug
Ivan - Alien Stage: Hug
Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!: Kill
Jack Horner - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kill
Jack Kline - Supernatural: Hug
Jaime Lannister - A Song of Ice and Fire: Kill
Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle: Hug
Jak - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Jake Carter - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Jake Holling/Megaforce Black/Super Megaforce Green - Power Rangers Megaforce / Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Kill
James Wilson - House MD: Hug
Janet - The Good Place: Hug
Jason Todd - Batman: Hug
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th: Hug
Jax - The Amazing Digital Circus: Kill
Jay - Beyond Two Souls: Kill
Jeanne - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Jedah Diamond - Tokyo 7th Sisters: Hug
Jeff Whitman - The Devil in Me (The Dark Pictures Anthology): Kill
Jerry - Undertale: Kill
Jessica "Jess" Riley - Until Dawn: Hug
Jester Lavorre - Critical Role: Hug
Jiang Cheng - Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed: Hug
Jim Phelps - Mission Impossible: Kill
Jiro Yamashita - The Idolmaster SideM: Hug
Jobin Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Joe Biden - Real Life: Kill
Johan Liebert - Monster: Kill
John Coffey - The Green Mile: Hug
John Crichton - Farscape: Hug
John Doe - Malevolent: Hug
John Gaius - The Locked Tomb: Kill
John “Soap” MacTavish - Call of Duty - Modern Warfare series: Marry
Jonathan Sims - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Joshu Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: JoJolion: Kill
Josh Washington - Until Dawn: Hug
Jotaro Kujo - Jojo’s bizarre adventure: Kill
Joyce Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 Minutos: Hug
Judy Hopps - Zootopia: Hug
Julian - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: Pat on the head
Juliette - Mushoku Tensei: Pat on the head
Kabru - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Kagamine Len - Project SEKAI: Pat on the head
Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha: Hug
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto: Marry
Kaladin Stormblessed - The Stormlight Archive: Hug
Kanba Takakura - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
KAngel/Ame-chan - Needy Streamer Overload: Hug
Kankri Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Kanta Higurashi - Zom 100: Hug+Kill
Kaoru Hakaze - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Karkat Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Karma Akabane - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Kasane Teto - UTAU: Hug
Kata Akuna - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor/Fallen Order): Pat on the head
Kat Neese - Raising Dion: Hug+Kill
Kayne - Malevolent: Kill
Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Keiju Tabuki - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Keine Ron - UTAU: Pat on the head
Kel - Onori: Hug
Kellyn - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Pat on the head
Ken - Barbie: Hug
Kendall Roy - Succession: Hug
Kensuke Kurosaki - Corpse Party: Pat on the head
Kermit the Frog - The Muppet: Hug
Kestrel - Wings of Fire: Kill
Kevin - Welcome to Night Vale: Kill
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone: Pat on the head
Keyleth - Critical Role: Hug
Khalida - Motherland: Fort Salem: Pat on the head
Kikunojo - One Piece: Marry
Kikuchiyo - Seven Samurai: Kiss
Kikyo - Inuyasha: Hug
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter x Hunter: Pat on the head
Kim - Kinnporsche: The Series: Hug
Kim Dokja - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint: Hug
King Andrias - Amphibia: Kill
King Randolph - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses: Kill
Kinito - KinitoPET: Pat on the head
Kinzo Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Kira Seijirou - Inazuma Eleven: Kill
Kirby - Kirby: Pat on the head
Kitty Jones - Bartimaeus Trilogy: Hug
Klaus von Reinherz - Kekkai Sensen: Marry
Klavier Gavin - Ace Attorney: Hug
Klutzy - Club Penguin: Pat on the head
Kohaku - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Kokichi Oma - Danganronpa V3: Kill
Korosensei - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Korra - Legend of Korra: Hug
Kotoko Yuzuriha - Milgram: Hug
Kou Minamoto - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun: Hug
Kris Dreemurr - Deltarune: Hug
Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor - Limbus Company: Kiss
Kuzco - The Emperor's New Groove: Pat on the head
Kyle Drako - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Kyubi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Kill
Kyungsoon - Purrgatory: Hug
L - Death Note: Hug
La Chilindrina/Chiquinha - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Pat on the head
LadyDevimon - Digimon: Kiss
Lady Eboshi - Princess Mononoke: Marry
Lady Sio - Afro Samurai: Kiss
LaFawnduh Lucas - Napoleon Dynamite: Hug
Lance - Pokemon Special Edition: Pat on the head
Lance Serrano - Voltron: Hug
Langly (X-Files): Kill
Lantern Gregor - Limbus Company: Hug
Lara Vega - Minority Report: Hug
Lee Doo-hak - Oasis: Hug
Lee Everett - Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Hug
Lenore "Lenny" Busker/The Breakfast Queen - Legion: Kill
Leo Valdez - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Leshy - Inscryption: Hug
Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire: Kill
Lev Myshkin - The Idiot: Hug
Licorice Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Hug
Lila - Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022: Hug
Lili Zanotto - Psychonauts: Pat on the head
Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Liu Qianqiao - Qord of Honor: Hug
Lloyd the Lion - Indigo Park: Kill
Logan Fields - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Luke Trapper - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Lonely Wizard - Inscryption: Hug
Looks to the Moon - Rain World: Hug
Luan Loud - The Loud House: Kill
Lucia Villanueva - Snowfall: Hug
Lucifer Morningstar - Hazbin Hotel: Marry
Luigi - Super Mario Brothers: Hug
Luisa Madrigal - Encanto: Hug
Luke Carder - Inscryption: Hug
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars: Hug
Lumine - LUMINE: Pat on the head
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter: Adopt
Luz Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Mabel Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Mademoiselle Anastasie "Tasi" Trianon - Amnesia: Rebirth: Hug
Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica: Hug
Madotsuki - Yume Nikki: Pat on the head
Mafuyu Asahina - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Magnificus - Inscryption: Kill
Magolor - Kirby: Kill
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon: Hug
Malak - Dark Deception: Kill
Malcolm Merlyn - Arrow: Kill
Mallow - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/Super Mario RPG: Pat on the head
Manny Heffley - Diary of a wimpy kid: Kill
Man with the yellow hat - Curious George: Hug
Marceline Abadeer - Adventure Time: Marry
Marge Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko: Adopt
Marie Whitman - The Devil in Me/The Dark Pictures Anthology: Hug
Mark Beaks - Ducktales: Kill
Marnie - Stardew Valley: Hug
Martin Blackwood - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Martin Payne - Martin: Hug
Martyn InTheLittleWood - Life Series: Kill
Mary Schmidt - Five Nights at Candy's 3: Pat on the head
Master Kohga - Legend of Zelda: Kill
Matcha Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Matsudappoiyo - UTAU: Hug
Matt - Eddsworld: Kill
Matty - Witch's Heart: Kill
Max Goof - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Hug
Max Madigan - True Jackson, VP: Kill
Medkit - Phighting!: Kill
Melchior - Riot Kings: Hug
Mia Dolan - La La Land: Kill
Miae Hwang - After School Lessons for unripe apples: Pat on the head
Michael - The Good Place: Hug
Michael Afton - Five Nights at Freddy's: Hug
Michael J. Caboose - Red vs Blue: Hug
Michael Kaiser - Blue Lock: Hug
Michael "Mike" Munroe - Until Dawn: Kill
Michonne Grimes - The Walking Dead: Hug
Mike Horvath - Saving Private Ryan: Hug
Miki Sayaka - Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Hug
Miko Nakadai - Transformers Prime: Pat on the head
Millennial Tree Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Millie Fitzsimmons - FNaF Fazbear Frights: Hug+Pat on the head
Min - Parallel City: Hug+Kill
Mina Harker - Dracula: Hug
Mini Yaemori - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Minish Cap Link - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Pat on the head
Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Hug
Miorine Rembran - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Misa Amane - Death Note: Hug
Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa Maid Sama: Hug
Miss Circle - Fundamental Paper Education/Basics In Behavior: Kill
Miss Kobayashi - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Hug
Miss Piggy - The Muppets: Hug
Mithrun - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Mitty - Made in Abyss: Kill
Miwako Sakurada - Paradise Kiss: Hug+Kiss
Miyo Takano - Higurashi: Kill
Molar Boatworks Fixer Sinclair - Limbus Company: Hug
Momo - Stray: Hug
Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Mono - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Monsieur Tidbits - The Who Was? Show: Kill
Moonwatcher - Wings of Fire: Hug
Mo Ran - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha): Hug
Morgan Yu - Prey: Hug
Mothwing - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Mr Bean - Mr Bean: Hug
Mr Peanutbutter - BoJack Horseman: Kill
Mr. Puzzles - SMG4: Kill
Mrs. Asahina - Project Sekai: Kill
Mr. Scratch - Alan Wake: Kiss
Munehisa Iwai - Persona 5: Hug
Murmukusmon - Digimon: Kill
Mustache Girl - A Hat In Time: Pat on the head
Mylene Farrow - Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Kill
Narrator - The Stanley Parable: Hug
Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto: Adopt
Nastasya Filippovna - The Idiot: Hug
Nastya Rasputina - The Mechanisms: Hug
Natalia - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Hug
Nate Wright - Big Nate: Hug
Natsukage Suoh - 1bitHeart: Pat on the head
Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama: Hug
Near - Death Note: Hug
Ness - Earthbound: Pat on the head
Newton Pud - Little Big Planet: Hug
Nicholas Angel - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Nick - Zootopia: Hug
Nick Valentine - Fallout 4: Marry
Nico Robin - One Piece: Marry
Nicumond the Red aka Santa Claus - Violent Night: Kill
Niffty - Hazbin Hotel: Pat on the head
Niki Sanders - Heroes: Hug
Niko - Oneshot: Hug
No.96 Dark Mist - Yugioh Zexal: Kill
NOAH - Lancer TTRPG: Hug
Nobara Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen: Hug
Noe Archiviste - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Norma Jennings - Twin Peaks: Hug
Norman - Honey I'm Home: Hug
Nurgle - Warhammer: Kill
Nurgling - Warhammer: Pat on the head
Obi - Akagami No Shirayukihime: Hug
Obscurum/Dark Argan - Winx Club: Kill
Oh Jung-shin - Oasis: Hug
Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon: Hug
One-One - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Ongsa - 23.5: Pat on the head
Onion San - Undertale: Pat on the head
Orel Puppington - Moral Orel: Adopt
Oroboros - Honka: Star Rail: Kill
Oscar - Malevolent: Hug
Ozen ""The Immovable"" - Made in Abyss: Hug
P03 - Inscryption: Kill
Pal Percy - Playtime with Percy: Kill
Patrick Star - Spongebob Squarepants: Hug
Pavel Yudin - Fear and Hunger Termina: Kill
Peacock - Skullgirls: Pat on the head
PearlescentMoon - Double lifesmp/Traffic life series: Hug
Peter Washington - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Phaya - The Sign: Kiss
Philippines - Hetalia: Hug
Phillip Price - Mr. Robot: Kill
Phoebe Spengler - Ghostbusters: Pat on the head
Phosphophyllite - Land of the Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni: Hug
PicoDevimon - Digimon: Pat on the head
Pink - Everhood: Hug
Pinkie Pie - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Playtime - Baldi’s Basics: Kill
Pomni - The Amazing Digital Circus: Hug
Popeyes Employee - RDCWorld1: Hug
Poppy - Poppy Playtime: Kill
Portgas D. Ace - One Piece: Hug
Princess Leia - Star Wars: Marry
Priya Singh - Tenet: Hug
Prospera Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Kill
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier: Hug
Quark - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hug
Quico - El Chavo/Chaves: Kill
Rachel Green - Friends: Kill
Radahn, Consort of Miquella - Elden Ring: Kill
Raelle Collar - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Rainbow Core - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Rambley the Raccoon - Indigo Park: Hug
Ramona Flowers - Scott Pilgrim: Hug
Randy Random - Rimworld: Kill
Ranko Mannen - Akiba Maid War: Hug
Ranma Saotome - Ranma 1/2: Hug
Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Rantaro Amami - Danganronpa: Kill
Rasputin IV - X-Men: Kiss
Rasta Beast - Everhood: Hug
Ray - The Promised Neverland: Hug
R.B. Sous-chef Gregor - Limbus Company: Kill
R. Daneel Olivaw - The Robot Series: Kill
Red Harvest - The Magnificent Seven: Hug
Reese Kelly - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Regina - Dino Crisis: Hug+Kill
Regina George - Mean Girls: Kill
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100: Kill
Reimi Sugimoto - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Rei Sakuma - Ensemble Stars: Hug
Rem - Death Note: Hug
Ramy Hassan - Ramy TV show: Kill
Retsuko - Aggretsuko Anime: Hug
Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cincerella Girls: Hug
Rider - Centaurworld: Hug
Riku - Kingdom Hearts: Hug
Ringo Oginome - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
Roadhog - Overwatch: Hug
Robert E. O. Speedwagon - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Robert Freeman/Granddad - The Boondocks: Hug
Robin - Honkai Star Rail: Hug
Robin Scherbatsky - How I Met Your Mother: Kill
Rod Sullivan - Ice Scream: Kill
Ronald Novikov - Jackson's Diary: Hug
Rory - Morgana and Oz: Hug
Rosa Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe: Hug
Rozy/Rozana - The Guy Upstairs: Hug
Ruby Rose - RWBY: Hug
Runaway Kid - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Ryland Tate - Good Game: Hug
Ryo Akizuki - The Idolmaster: Pat on the head
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4: Hug
Ryuji Sakamoto - Persona 5: Hug
Saburo Yamada - Hypnosis Mic: Pat on the head
Sakuna - Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin: Pat on the head
Sakura Haruno - Naruto: Pat on the head
Samantha "Sam" Giddings - Until Dawn: Hug
Sam Drake - Uncharted Franchise: Marry
Sammy Lawrence - Bendy and the ink machine: Kill
Samuel J. Stuhlinger - Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2 Zombies: Kill
Sam Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings: Hug
Sanetoshi Watase - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Sans - Undertale: Hug
Sarah Lynn - Bojack Horseman: Hug
Sara Lance - Legends of Tomorrow: Marry+Kill
Sasara Nurude - Hypnosis Mic: Kill
Sasha Nein - Psychonauts: Hug
Sasha Waybright - Amphibia: Pat on the head
Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen: Marry
Saturday Tasogare- vivid/stasis: Hug
Savannah - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Sayori - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Scissors - Paper Mario the Orgami King: Kill
Scrappy Doo - Scooby-Doo: Kill
Scrooge McDuck - Ducktales: Hug+Kill
Scylla Ramshorn - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Seliph - Fire Emblem: Hug
Senku Ishigami - Dr. Stone: Kill
Sergei Dragunov - Tekken: Marry
Sergey Razumovsky - Major Grom: Hug
Serial Designation N - Murder Drones: Hug
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha: Kill
Seungha - Odd Girl Out: Hug
Severus Snape - Harry Potter: Kill
Shaggy - Scooby-Doo: Pat on the head
Shannon LaFae - Heart Fragment: Hug
Shauna Shipman - Yellowjackets: Hug+Kiss+Marry
Shaun Riley - Shaun of the Dead: Hug
Sheryl Luria - Evil: Kill
Shigaraki Tomura - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shinobu Sengoku - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Shinra Kishitani - Durarara!!: Kill
Shin Sato - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Hug
Shion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Pat on the head must
Shirogane Ryo - Tokyo Mew Mew: Pat on the head
Shouko Komi - Komi San wa komishou desu: Hug
Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shrek - Shrek: Hug
Shu Itsuki - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Shuji Ikutsuki - Persona 3: Kill
Shuya Nanahara - Battle Royale: Pat on the head
Siffrin - In Stars and Time: Hug
Simon Keyes - Ace Attorney: Kill
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Six - Little Nightmares: Pat on the head+Adopt
Skull Kid - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Pat on the head
Skyler White - Breaking Bad: Hug
Slate - Outer Wilds: Hug
Slaymate - Dungeons & Dragons: Pat on the head
Snow White/Red Shoes - Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs: Hug
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5: Hug
Soldier Boy - The Boys: Kill
Solomon - Obey Me: Marry
Sonya - Fire Emblem: Marry
Sora Harukawa - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune: Kill
Sparkle - Honkai: Star Rail: Kill
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds: Marry
SpongeBob SquarePants - SpongeBob SquarePants: Hug
Stanley Poole - Bioshock 2: Kill
Stan Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Stardust Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom: Hug
Star Flower - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Starscream - Transformers Prime: Kill
Stephen "Flyboy" Andrews - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Steve Harrington - Hug
Stokely Mitchell - The Faculty: Hug
Stonemover - Wings of Fire : Hug
Strider Hiryu - Strider: Kill
Subspace - Phighting!: Kill
Suletta Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania: Marry
Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls: Hug
Taiga Kagami - Kuroko No Basket/Kuroko's Basketball: Hug
Takuto Maruki - Persona 5 Royal: Hug
Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect: Marry
Tally Craven - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Tangerine - Bullet train: Kill
Tarvek Sturmvoraus - Girl Genius: Hug
Taylor - Simulacra: Hug
Taylor Hebert - Worm (Parahumans): Hug
Taylor Swift - Real Life: Kill
Teddy - Among the Sleep: Kill
Terry - Deltarune: Kill
Teruki Hanazawa - Mob Psycho 100: Pat on the head
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: Kill
Tessa James Elliot - Murder Drones: Hug
Testament - Guilty Gear: Strive: Marry
Tetsuya Kuroko - Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko's Basketball: Pat on the head
The Collector - The Owl House: Adopt
The Dud - The Simpsons: Kill
The Emperor - Baldur's Gate 3: Kill
The Goose - Untitled Goose Game: Pat on the head
The Grim Reaper - The Sims: Marry
The Maker/Reed Richards - Ultimate Marvel: Kill
The Mask - The Mask Animated Series: Kill
The Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who: Hug
The Nowhere King - Centaurworld: Kill
Theodore "Teddy" McDonald/Reed Thompson - Snowfall: Kill
Theodore Peterson - Hello Neighbor: Kill
The Once-ler - The Lorax: Kill
The Princess - Slay the Princess: Hug
The Puppeteer - Five Nights at Candy's: Kill
The Second Coming - Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft: Hug
The Shade - The Longing: Pat on the head
The Shapeshifter - Odd Squad: Kill
The Snatcher - A Hat In Time: Kill
The Stalker - Stalker: Kill
The Survivor - Rain World: Pat on the head
The Test - Baldi's Basics: Kill
The unnamed salesman who recruits participants for the Game - Squid Game: Kill
The Wandering Trader - Minecraft: Kill
The Works - The Works: Kill
Thomas Richardson - The Apostle: Kill
Thorn - Wings of Fire: Hug
Tien Shinhan - Dragonball: Hug
Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII: Hug
Tippi - Super Paper Mario: Hug
Titania - Fire Emblem: Marry
Tom Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Tony Tony Chopper - One Piece: Adopt
Tord - Eddsworld: Kill
Toya Aoyagi - Project SEKAI: Hug
Trevor Belmont - Castlevania: Kiss
Trevor Garbo - Smile For Me: Kill
Tsubasa Yuunagi - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Pat on the head
Tsukasa Okino - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: Hug
Tulio Triviño Tufillo - 31 Minutos: Kill
Tulip Olsen - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Turbo - Wreck It Ralph: Kill
Twelve - Zankyou No Terror: Kill
Twice - Boku No Hero Academia: Hug
Ubel - Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Kill
Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach: Hug
Umi - Sharkgirl Umi: Pat on the head
Uncle Iroh - Avatar: The Last Airbender: Hug
Unpleasant - Regretevator: Kill
Uraume - Jujitsu Kaisen: Hug
Usami - Danganronpa: Hug
User Friendly - 3DV: Kill
Uta - One Piece: Hug
Vanessa - A Hat In Time: Kill
Vanitas - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko - Servant of the People: Hug
Vee - The Owl House: Hug
Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche: Hug
Vertin - Reverse: 1999: Hug
Victoria Best - Wordgirl: Pat on the head
Vigilante - My Friend Pedro: Hug+Kill
Vinegar Doppio - Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Vriska Serket- Homestuck: Kill
Wabuu - Wabuu the cheeky raccoon: Kill
Wade Wilson - Deadpool: Hug
Wallace - Pokémon ORAS: Hug
WALL-E - WALL-E: Pat on the head
Wally Franks - Bendy and the Ink Machine: Hug
Warren the Eagle - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Kill
Wednesday Addams - The Addams Family: Pat on the head
Wes - Pokemon Colosseum: Hug
Wheatley - Portal: Kill
Whitty - Friday Night Funkin: Hug
Will Solace - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Winry Rockbell - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Winfrey/Speciment 02 - Dreams Of An Insominiac: Hug
Winston Byrd - Toontown Corporate Clash: Hug
Wombat - Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!: Hug
Wooly - Rune Factory: Pat on the head
Wu Xie - Daomu Biji: Hug
Xavier - Xavier: Renegade Angel : Kill
Xavier Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yadina Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yagami Eiji - Danball Senki: Kill
Yamato - One Piece: Hug
Yang Xiao Long - RWBY: Hug
Yato - Noragami: Kill
Yellow - Malevolent: Hug
Yellow/Amarillo del Bosque Verde - Pokemon Special Edition/Pokespe: Pat on the head
Yoda - Star Wars: Hug
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Hug
Yor - Yor, the Hunter from the Future: Kill
Yor Forger - Spy x Family: Marry
Yoshino Himekawa - Date a Live: Pat on the head
Youhei Sunohara - Clannad: Kill
Yui - Sakuna: of rice and ruin: Pat on the head
Yukito Ayatsuji - Bungo Stray Dogs: Gaiden: Kill
Yuki Yoshikawa - Horimiya: Pat on the head
Yura Beletsky - Pafl: Kill
Yuri - DDLC: Hug
Yurika Hakonaka - Yuri Kuma Arashi: Kill
Yu Shu Lien - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Hug
Yusuke Urameshi - Anime House: Hug
Yuugo Tennouji - Steins;Gate: Hug
Zenkichi Hasegawa - Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble: Kill
Zeus - Greek Mythology: Kill
Zhang Chengling - Word of Honor: Pat on the head
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor: Hug
Zim - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
ZombieCleo - The Life Series: Hug
Zuko - Avatar The Last Airbender: Hug
30 notes · View notes
rosy6maple6mothman6 · 7 months ago
(Last one was Eaten by tumbls so here 2.0 I guess)
I have both thoughts and feelings and I wish to share them.
I've fallen and I can't get up from digimon and I wanted to share who I'd like a Bruce Waynes partner digimon
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I want him to have a sassy angel child who will not fuckin hesitate to call him out on his bullshit. Or snitch to Alfred.
We'll say this is a night that went poorly and he snapped at dick.
"hey Bruce, buddy pal boyo chum, I Will Not Hesitate,Do You Understand Me."
Walks in on Bruce stitching himself up after being EXPLICITLY TOLD TO STAY HOME AND REST.
Bruce: Please don-
At a league meeting after Bruce pissed lux off.
"WOW BRUCE! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REALLY SAID THAT ABOUT WONDER WOMEN!!!!!!" and proceeded to lie though his teeth to get Bruce in trouble with Diana. It worked.
The batfam and co. And the league absolutely Adore luxmon,bc every time he's around they get a free showing of The Batman,one of the scariest heroes around, getting his shit rocked by a lil angel child.
It's glorious.
He also is very good at actually Helping Bruce Convey his Feelings to his family! He's a master in the language of Bruce and always lets them know that he does in fact love them: he's just shit at showing it.
It helps that he never pressures them to instantly forgive him, always telling them to take their time.
"Hey Dickie. I know Bruce was a cock tonight, and don't worry I'll handle him so expect an apology when ever your ready to hear it! I just wanted to let you know that he love you bud. I promise. Now sleep tight alright?"
Jason and Dick especially appreciated this.
Now initially the champion and ultimate stage gave me a hard time But since this is my second go at this I have them decided ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧!!!
For the champion I have chosen the unfortunately named:
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One bc I want him to keep being the angel that looks after Bruce and his family and bc I like him have a holy fire theme. No real reason. I just think he's neat, and angemon is old.
For the ultimate I wanted to keep up the holy warrior thing,but couldn't find one I liked to you get a wizard instead:
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Like I said this dude is Technically a wizard not a holy digimon But I don't care bc I feel like he still fits. Love piddomon staff turning into a sword and him getting stronger fire power.
Now the mega.
I knew immediately I wanted a royal knight for Bruce. He's Literally the DARK KNIGHT it would be a waste of he didn't have one, but the problem was Which knight? And I ultimately picked:
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I picked Gankoomon bc I felt he fit lux's personality best. Plain and simple. And bc he's fucking amazing like images Bruce doing some bad parenting while This mother fuckers around.
He dead ass has the power to turn the ground into a table made of the hardest metal in the digital world and then flip it.
That's just epic.
Now imagine someone trying to fuck with Bruce and/or the batfam and co.
There is no surviving it. He WILL curb stomp the joker.
Alfred approves.
And FINALLY we have what form he'd take with Batman. Bc I fully believe he should get something else for Batman vs for Bruce. And what better than an armored evolution:
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This lil freak is fucking perfect for him. He's intimidating and fully able to swoop in to save an innocent or family and more than strong enough to fucking destroy and enemy who Tries Him. Do it. He dares you.
And he's perfectly used to hold Bruce like a baby.
And he does, quite often in fact. Literally anywhere. Bruce doesn't actually mind it he just wished he'd STOP DOING IT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE HE HAS A REPUTATION DAMNIT!
Thanks for reading my ramblings I really enjoyed this
Even if tumbler made me redo it
Please ask me about other charters (Alfred)
Bc id love to keep talking about this and just thinking about it. It's fun
Anyways thank you
Have a good day
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woomeme-land · 4 months ago
(In) Formal introduction
Online Name: Woomie
Gender: Yes
Pronouns: She/They
Age: minor. Born Feb 1 if anyone cares about that
Autistic with a thing for Undertale (Yellow), My Hero Academia (specifically Tenya Iida), Digimon (Xros Wars), an some others things
Also have a discord dm for that
Free Palestine
K thx bye
On another note, I have some other blogs:
@thethingaboutdeath - I talk about my interpretations of the Fallen Humans from Undertale
@woomeme-funds - I post and reblog fundraisers I find and receive here
AO3: Couldn'tThinkOfUser
As of November 10, 2024 all fundraiser related asks should be redirected to @woomeme-funds
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year ago
Some games on the PSN New Year Sale. Ends February 1st.
13 Sentinels
Actraiser: Renaissance
AI: The Somnuim Files
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos
Anima: Gate of Memories
Arcade Spirits
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
A Space for the Unbound
Assault Suit Lynos
Bayonetta and Vanquish
Buried Stars
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk 2
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Cris Tales
Cross Code
Cult of the Lamb
Cyber Citizen Shockman
Cyberdimension Neptunia
Danganronpa 1-2 Reload
Danganronpa V3
Death end reQuest
Death end reQuest 2
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Digimon Survive
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
DJ Max Respect
Double Dragon Gaiden
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Xenoverse 2 Bundle
Dusk Diver
Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV: Comrades
Freedom Planet
Ghost n Goblins Resurection
Ghost Trick
Giga Wrecker Alt.
Ginga Force
Goat Simulator
Goat Simulator 3
God Eater Resurection
God Eater 3
Gravity Rush Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
Gungrave G.O.R.E.
Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Horizon: Zero Dawn
I Am Setsuna
In Nightmare
Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Jak 3
Jak x: Combat Racing
Kaze and the Wild Masks
Kerbal Space Program
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Labyrinth of Zangetsu
Laika: Aged Through Blood
Legend of Mana
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Light Fairytale Episode 2
Like a Dragon: Ishin
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares 2
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of TIme
Lock's Quest
Lost in Random
Lost Judgment
Made in Abyss; Binary Star Falling Into Darkness
Maglam Lord
Mary Skelter Finale
Metal Gear Solid 5
Metal Max Zeno Reborn
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Monster Hunter Rise
Mr. Driller DrillLand
My Aunt is a Witch
My Hero: One's Justice
Several Naruto games
Neverending Nightmares
Ni no Kuni 2
Omega Quintet
Several One Piece games
Our World is Ended.
Persona 4 Ultimax
Persona 5 Royal
Potion Permit
Praey for the Gods
Pumpkin Jack
Raging Loop
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne
Several Resident Evil games
River City: Rival Showdown
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Root Film
Root Letter
SaGa Fronter Remastered
SaGa Scarlet Grace
Sakura Wars(PS4)
Samurai Shodown
Scribblenauts Mega Pack
Secret of Mana
Sega Gensis Classics
Skul: The Hero Slayer
Slender: The Arrival
Song of Memories
Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Superstars
Steins; Gate
Steins; Gate 0
Steins; Gate: My Darling's Embrace
Super Bobmerman R
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD
Super Night Riders
Sword of the Vagrant
Taiko no Tetsujin: Drum Session
Tales of Zestiria
Tembo the Badass Elephant
The Evil Within
Several King of Fighters games
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2
Various Daylife
When the Past was Around
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza 5 Remastered
Zanki Zero
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fiabex · 6 months ago
Dreamwidth Roundup
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Nominations are now closed, and our closing posts are up! We have final clarification posts, and we have the post about tag set clean up!
Mods will be going through the tagset, but we also welcome your input! If you see an issue with tags already in the tagset, please comment on the tagset cleanup post, but if you think that a tag you nominated didn't make it into the tag set, please send that comment to clarification post 4!
More details about the fandoms that are parts of the clarification posts below the cut:
Nominations Clarification Post 3
Nominations Clarification Post 4
Tagset Cleanup
Nominations Clarification post 3:
Fandoms with Queries
+Anima (Manga)
Crossover Fandom
DCU (Comics)
Dimension 20 (Web Series)
Dredge (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Elden Ring (Video Game)
Fairy Tail
Gary and His Demons (Cartoon)
Gundam 00
Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
Magic Kaito
Nantucket Trilogy - S.M. Stirling
Original Work
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Red Dwarf (UK TV)
Ride Kamens (Video Game)
Shadow and Bone (TV)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Transformers Generation One
Westworld (TV)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Video Game)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Date With Death (Visual Novel)
Crossover Fandom
Disco Elysium (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Earth Girls are Easy (1988)
Exordia - Seth Dickinson
Gothic (1986)
Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)
Persona 4
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Additionally, we have some updates about In-Universe tags and the umbrella tags that reference them (example: "Medium Opt-In: Any - Any Nominated In-Universe Medium")!
Nominations Clarification post 4:
Fandoms with Queries
Barely Lethal (2015)
Batman Beyond
Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Chicago Fire
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Doctor Strange (Movies)
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Fire & Blood - George R. R. Martin
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
In Nomine
Mapp & Lucia Series - E. F. Benson
Monster Prom (Video Games)
Murdoch Mysteries
Original Work
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Schmigadoon! (TV)
Stellar Firma (Podcast)
Stellaris (Video Game)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
Thor (Movies)
What If...? (Cartoon 2021)
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Manga)
英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 | Sen no Kiseki | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Series (Video Games)
龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Biggles Series - W. E. Johns
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
Children of Time Series - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Friends at the Table (Podcast)
John Wick (Movies)
Ladyhawke (1985)
Original Work
Stranger Things (TV 2016)
The Expanse Series - James S. A. Corey
The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023)
The Long Earth Series - Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Welcome to Night Vale
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sloanerisette · 2 years ago
Ok, I wanted to get this up for Pride Month, but a lot was going on, including me changing what I wanted to write a few times, but I finally got something!
Tbh I've had a headcanon of trans guy Davis ever since my 02 rewatch a few years back, mostly sparked by an line from the Adventure 02 dub where Davis loudly and happily proclaims himself as "one of the guys" after getting the Digi-Egg of Friendship. I love that moment and it has just, cemented itself as a headcanon for me. So uh, you can check it out at the link, or I'll post it under a read more, and I hope y'all enjoy!
Summary: After an excited outburst the day prior, Davis finally decides to tell their group of DigiDestined just who he is. Tags: Trans Male Character, Coming Out, Post Episode 11 (The Storm of Friendship), Dub names
Yesterday had been exhausting, with rescuing Agumon from the Digimon Emperor— from Ken Ichijouji— and getting a second Digi-Egg. That was just scratching the surface of it, too, considering all the shouting that had gone on between him and TK and him and Matt.
But amidst all the fighting and the chaos and the frustration, there had been one thing that he continued to turn over in his mind ever since they got back to their world.
Tai had called him a good friend. Matt gave him a noogie. It was everything he could’ve dreamed of. In his sheer happiness he couldn’t help but shout out to his partner that he really was one of the guys now.
And that had been burned into his thoughts ever since. Even at dinner, and even well after DemiVeemon had fallen asleep and he stared at the ceiling in the dark.
Tai had always been one of the few people to truly respect him and accept who he was, but to get that same respect from Matt, one of the two coolest people he knew? He really was on cloud nine.
But just as much as he had been on cloud nine, his brain had been in overdrive thinking ever since he had shouted out “I’m one of the guys now!”
Was now the time to tell everyone? Out of all the DigiDestined, only Tai and Kari knew. Kari insisted that the others would accept him, would also still see him the same, but as he was on his way to school, still munching on a piece of toast, he couldn’t help but wonder.
As much as he didn’t like TK, he knew he wasn’t a bad person. Cody was a strange kid who he could never get a read on, but he wasn’t a bad kid by any means— the furthest thing from it, really. And Yolei… Well, she was loud, brash, and liked to rag on him, but only when he aggravated her first. If he told them, it wouldn’t go bad… right? Certainly not like with his dad, right?
It had gone so well with Tai and Kari. He still remembered the after school soccer game he met the siblings at, when he loudly told them his name was Davis and that he was a boy. He had found a hero and a friend in an instant, and whenever there was trouble with his own parents, he was always welcome at the Kamiya household. Maybe the food wasn’t the tastiest, but there was always a lot of it, at least.
He knew he had a friend and supporter in Kari no matter what, but he couldn’t help but be… scared when he thought about telling everyone else.
Kari was standing by the gates to the school, and as soon as he saw her, the smile on his face grew twice as wide and he ran over.
“Hey! Kari!” he shouted to her, putting his hands on his legs to keep himself standing and steady while he caught his breath. She laughed gently at how he nearly tripped over to reach her between the crowd of other students arriving, and as he looked up at her, that beaming smile was still on his face.
“How are you holding up after yesterday?” she asked. Davis let out a long groan.
“Ugh, I’m so tired. Armor Digivolving is tough work.”
DemiVeemon popped his head out of Davis’s backpack, “Hey! I was the one who actually Digivolved!” he squeaked out. Davis turned his head to look at his partner, a guilty, sheepish smile on his face.
“W-Well I had to pick up the Digi-Egg!” he stammered out, feeling his face go flush.
Kari couldn’t help but laugh, which caused Davis to get distracted from his playful spat with his Digimon partner.
“What about you?” he asked, shooting her a kind smile.
“I’m alright. I probably could’ve slept all day,” she sighed, “Tai’s doing good, at least. I’m really relieved about that.”
“That’s good, but you should make sure you get your rest! We can take a day off from the Digital World after how badly we just beat that stupid Emperor,” Davis said, clenching a fist in determination, which DemiVeemon copied.
“Do you have to shout about the Digimon Emperor and the Digital World loud enough for everyone to hear?”
Davis recognized Yolei’s voice anywhere, and he felt himself start to deflate from how triumphant he felt just a few moments ago.
She, TK, and Cody walked over, with their own Digimon poking out of their backpacks.
“I swear, with how loud you are, everyone is gonna know about the Digital World,” Yolei sighed. Kari and TK couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I mean, I kind of agree with him about taking the day off,” TK shrugged, “We could use at least one day after dealing with everything that happened with Agumon.
“It would be nice…” Cody mused, putting his hand to his chin in thought, “I haven’t been able to train with grandpa nearly as much lately…”
“Well, thanks for so graciously giving us the day off,” Kari teased. Davis rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Well I’m happy to help, Kari! Anytime!” he said, following up with a loud laugh that caused numerous other students to look their way.
Yolei clapped her hands, “Ok! Day off!” she whooped in triumph, before pausing for a moment, her expression slowly fading, “…Ugh, no excuse to get out of work now,” she groaned. Iori patted her on the arm.
“I’m sure you’ll survive,” he told her, voice surprisingly sincere despite Yolei’s overdramatic cries.
The bell rang shortly after, and the group— minus Davis— started to walk towards the school building. Davis shuffled in place nervously, hands clenched as he tried to will himself to speak.
“Are you ok, Davis?” DemiVeemon asked quietly, poking his partner’s shoulder. Davis stayed quiet, sucking in a silent breath.
“H-Hey guys! Hold on a sec!” he shouted out, still glued in place as his friends turned to look at him.
“What’s up, Davis?” Kari asked, pausing as soon as she saw the look on his face.
“There was just, uh… something I wanted to talk about,” he said, voice quiet as he felt his stomach tie up in a knot.
“I don’t want to be late, Davis!” Yolei groaned, letting out a squeak as Kari gently bumped her in the side with her elbow.
Davis took a deep breath, slowly stepping forward as his friends looked at him. This was it.
“So, uh…” Why were words so hard to think of, especially now, especially in this moment? Why had it been so easy with his hero and his crush, but he couldn’t get the words out with his friends? His eyes darted to Kari, who gave him a warm, gentle smile.
“Whatever you have to say, you don’t have to worry. You can talk to us about anything,” she said, in that sweet tone she always spoke with to reassure someone. The same tone she spoke with when he first told her a few years ago.
He could do this.
“So, uh,” he started again, wringing his hands together nervously, “I haven’t told a lot of people this, but I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday, and, uh… I wanted to let you all know that I’m a guy.”
He did it. It suddenly felt like a massive weight was pulled off his shoulders.
“But I thought we already knew that,” his partner said from his perch on Davis’s shoulder. Davis’s face burned crimson, suddenly feeling stupid at the fact that he had basically said nothing.
However, Cody’s eyes shone with recognition, something Davis didn’t catch as he grit his teeth in frustration.
“Wh-What I mean is that, I wasn’t, like, born as a guy, I guess? Like I shoulda been, but I wasn’t, and when I realized that I just started… being a guy. And I was thinking about yesterday with everything that happened and… I just wanted to let you guys know.”
All the students had filed into the school now, just leaving their small group standing there. The silence was deafening, and Davis was mortified that maybe he had messed up. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything, maybe Kari was wrong and this wasn’t a good idea…
Could they all hurry up and say something already!?
“It’s really brave of you to tell us, Davis,” Cody spoke up finally, “Kari is right, you can tell us anything, and we’ll always be here for you. If anyone gives you trouble, I’ll deal with them for you.”
Cody spoke with such conviction, and Davis couldn’t help but feel warm at how forthright the youngest member of the group was. Davis wasn’t entirely sure how Cody felt about him most times, but a gentle flush crept onto his face at how… nice it felt that he was so kind.
“Hey, wait, I don’t need you to deal with anyone! I can do it myself!” Davis shot back, clenching his hands into fists as he stamped a foot down. Kari couldn’t help but giggle.
“I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to tell us, Davis,” TK said as he strode forward, placing a hand on Davis’s shoulder that didn’t have a Digimon on it. “You’ll always be one of the guys, and you’ll always be our friend,” he added, flashing him a smile.
“Th-Thanks, dude,” Davis said with a shaking voice. Ok, so maybe TK was annoying, and knew Kari way too well, and showed him up with how much he knew about Digimon, but maybe he wasn’t that bad.
Yolei awkwardly shuffled forward, hands clasped behind her back, gaze focused on the ground, unable to meet his eyes. She kicked at the ground, taking a moment of silence before she cleared her throat.
“I’m really happy for you. A-And what they said. And, like, if I ever said anything that like, was rude about it, then I’m really sorry,” she said. Davis raised an eyebrow in confusion at her, then shook his head.
“What? No, you haven’t! Don’t worry,” he said, folding his arms after and shooting her a grin, “I could handle anything you would throw my way, anyways.”
Yolei offered him a weak, lopsided smile, “Well, still, I want you to know that I wouldn’t ever want to like, you know, not respect that.” She paused, “I’ll still give you crap, but not about that. Promise.”
“I, uh, need to head to class now,” Yolei said, immediately turning on her heel and sprint off to the school building, “I’ll see you guys later!”
TK gave Davis another pat on the shoulder before he ran off, too, Cody following him at a more relaxed pace. Davis started to walk foward, letting out a content sigh as he met up with Kari.
“I told you there would be nothing to worry about,” she said.
“Hahaha, I knew it would! Totally!” he said, putting his hands behind his head as they made their way along.
“I’m proud of you, too.”
The smile left his heart pounding in his chest, and he gave her a beaming smile, forcing out a laugh. “Th-Thanks, Kari. You know, it always means a lot how much you’ve supported me and stuff So thanks for that, too.”
DemiVeemon poked Davis in the ear, “Hey, I’m proud of you, too!” the small Digimon said.
Davis laughed, “Thanks buddy, that means a lot.”
“I didn’t realize humans could Digivolve, too! We can both Digivolve!” DemiVeemon cheered. Davis couldn’t help but laugh.
“I guess I can, huh? You hear that, Kari? I can Digivolve, too!” he said, laughing louder than before.
Turning into something better and stronger and more… him?
Yeah, he liked the sound of that.
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the-storm-of-ruin · 1 year ago
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Varul the Fallen Knight
*Background and Facts*
Varul is a Fallen Warrior Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody. In "Witchelny", she was praised as the "Legendary Hero", as she suddenly appeared and drove out the foreign invaders in ancient times. She battles using armor made by Sorcery, she holds the alias of "Whirlwind General", and she possesses the mightiest magical lance, "Dynas", which conceals the power of the wyvern.
Their a Dark Warrior Digimon. She is another form of Dukemon which has awoken to their instincts as a Virus-species. Her heart and thoughts are completely tainted by the Dark Side, and she nothing more than the "Digital Hazard" that brings calamity to the Digital World *the biased opinions of "Good Digimon"(she is actually pretty friendly and goofy)* They are clad in black, demonic armor refined from high purity Chrome Digizoid just like Dukemon, and her right hand can become the demonic lance "Balmung" while its left hand can become the demonic shield "Gorgon". She is definitely a being set in opposition to Dukemon.
She is able to manipulate the Digital Hazard to a catastrophic degree. She came originally from the parallel Digital World known as Witchelny. She is able to use Sorcery quite well.
On another note, she enjoys causing issues for the Order of the Royal Knights and the Royal Knights themselves
Personality: Varul is a heavily sarcastic and animated character, regardless of her mission. Like most Fallen Knight Digimon, she's a battle maniac who find joy in destruction and chaos. That aside, she has a tendency to help others when needed. Varul becomes uncomfortable when people show her kindness or acceptance, and despite her tendency to get involved in affairs that result in helping others, she is not good at dealing with gratitude. She is also terrified of forming bonds, and she lacks confidence in anything besides her fighting abilities as she thinks that her entire worth lays on them. Varul often exhibits standoffish behavior, it is shown to be a defense mechanism that she adopted in response to the discrimination she continuously faced. She also some times shows to have strong and clear morals on who and why she fights. She has an aggressive manner of speaking. When she is comfortable enough around others, she becomes a jokester and prankster.
*Rage of Wyvern*: Fires an energy blast in the shape of a wyvern at the enemy from the crystal tip of "Dynas".
*Final Crest*: Fires a sharp, knife-like gust of wind to attack the enemy.
*Dynas*: Attacks the enemy by swinging "Dynas", the strongest magical lance that contains the power of the wyvern.
*Demons Disaster (Demon's Disaster)*: Strikes with a powerful barrage of attacks from the Balmung.
*Chaos Crusher (Judecca Prison)*: Fires a dark wave from the Gorgon which corrodes everything.
*Spiral Wailer*: Attacks with its lance Balmung as lightning spirals about the blade.
*Gallant Charge (Duke Charge)*: Charges its enemy with its glowing Balmung.
*Falling Lance*: Drops down from the sky, stabbing with Balmung.
*Shield Attack (Shield Destructor)*: Charges up and blasts the enemy with energy from Gorgon.
*Walking Dead*: Casts a huge sphere of energy around itself using Gorgon.
*Chaos Shot*: Unleashes evil energy accumulated in the spear.
*Cruel Balmung*: Uses the Balmung to inflict a strong blow.
*Invincible Sword*: Cuts the opponent to pieces with the Blutgang.
*Final Justice(Quo Vadis)*: Disintegrates the opponent into electrons with the Gungnir, then consigns them to oblivion within another dimension whither thou canst not follow.
*Dragon Howling (Hell Howling)*: Releases a powerful shock wave called the "howl of hell".
*Megido Flame (Megiddo Flame)*: Attacks with flames that reduce everything to ash.
*Megido Bite*: Bites its opponents with its jaws ruthlessly.
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kara-does-fandom · 2 years ago
Various Lucemon OC ideas
Gunna put thoughts and notes about my Lucemon OC here. Gunna tag it so you can know more about him.
Lucemon in this world is carries the character type of "Hero/good person who has turned villain due to seeing the flaws in the "good's side and is now jaded and working against the side they were once on"
As a pure Holy type child form, pre falling from grace/exile, he was frequently in the holy library and gardens, and roaming the countryside to look for things he could do to help others. And he was very good at it! He could calm a lot of angry digimon and those fighting, and the more he sought out conflicts to resolve conflicts, the more pride he felt on how well he was carrying the Holy Light's messages of peace and goodness. But it also troubled him, and he went to the higher beings who governed the Digital world and asked why the digimon were built to be so aggressive, cant they be made more peaceful? The resulting refusal bothered Lucemon more, and he also begun to notice how dark and virus types were treated with much more suspicion than other types. He had believed that all digimon were loved in the eyes of the Powers That Be who oversaw the world, but soon he was acting against them as he sought to correct the problems he saw. When the Powers found out, he was exiled and changed into a mix of dark and light, fallen from grace.
After he sorted that out, he was Lucemon, fallen mode, but not quite yet the Demon Lord of Pride. It wasnt until he made his own kingdom where he could rule and protect those evil and dark and otherwise who were persecuted, and the pride he took in how digimon flocked to him and requested his rule, that the responsible pride turned corrupt and became the arrogant Sin of Pride.
There is still quite a bit of his old values left in this Demon lord, however. He rules with a firm but not tyrannical hand, still has a love of books and knowledge, and enjoys landscaping and crating vaulting structures. He also does care about his subjects, even when he is at the worst "Obey me completely or there will be consequences" and he hasnt quite lost the concern for some of his former fellow Holy angels, when he notes that they are starting to figure out the hypocrisies and problem within thier holy order.
His closest subjects and his generals and most of his court follow through devotion and trust that he will lead them well, and few follow purely from fear or greed at what his rulership can get them.
The evil in his nature is a desire for the Holy order to fall, the existing corruption to spread and blight until there is nothing left. It wants absolutely rulership of the world, shaped by his whims and desires, and seeks to punish or eradicate those who argue. He rules in what looks benevolent and he believes it is, but it can be a cruel benevolence where he sees even his cruelty as a kindness, however twisted. He does resist the desire for absolute submission of the digital world, but mostly because he knows he would be far too bored if everyone did as he told and he had no opposition or had no digimon with thier own ideas for him to play mind and power games against. He enjoys manipulating others for his entertainment, and if everyone did what he said immediately and didnt think for themselves and cause no problems for him to solve? that would be boring.
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forlornmelody · 2 years ago
Writing Game
Tagged by @alyssalenko Thanks, fran!
Tagging: @ma-sulevin and @pigeontheoneandonly, if you want to play!
How many works do you have on AO3? 44. Though a couple of them are collections of Tumblr ficlets, so the number is higher if you count those seperately.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 183,424. I like to be brief, heh.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
About That Uniform
It's no secret that Artemis Shepard--Hero of the Alliance and Savior of the Citadel--hates Cerberus more than anything in the galaxy. The Illusive Man entrusts Miranda Lawson with the task of securing Shepard's loyalty by any means necessary. But who is seducing who?
2. The Fantabulous Vaction of One Harley Quinn and Her Girlfriend Poison Ivy
Harley's been burning the wick at both ends and Ivy knows just the thing to help. But it takes more than just a change of scenery to get Harley to let go.
3. Traitor Martyr Spy
Against all odds, Cerberus Spy Miranda Lawson and Alliance Marine Artemis Shepard have fallen in love. But Miranda is on the run and Artemis has turned herself in to Alliance custody--and the Reapers will arrive any second. Can these two defy all odds a second time?
4. Trust Exercise
Harley wants to try something new, but Ivy isn't sure her girlfriend is ready to see that part of her.
5. Three Robins Rose Has Kissed and the One Who Kissed Back.
Rose Wilson has a type and it is former protégés of Batman.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Of course! I know it takes a lot to leave a comment on someone else's work, so I always respond, even if it takes me a while to get to it. Plus, comments always make my day week month year life
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
Uuuuuh. There's a lot of contenders for that one. But I imagine it's gonna end up being Traitor, Martyr, Spy. Y'know, when I actually finish the thing. Honestly that's probably why I haven't finished it yet. The pandemic hit and suddenly I needed to cheer myself up, haha.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably The Fantabulous Vacation of One Harley Quinn and Her Girlfriend Poison Ivy, A Valentine for Esteban, and in general, @scifi-ginger and I's Kord Center Mall Fics are on the fluffier side.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the strangest one you’ve written? See aforementioned mall-verse fic. We basically threw our favorite fandoms together in a mall-based AU and it just spiraled from there.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Kinda? I got a really weird, borderline biphobic comment on Not Your Hanar With Tits, which is basicaly an analogue for unicorn hunters.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I mostly write smut, haha. Non-smut is the exception to the rule. Um...mostly queer, often kinky, with lots of feelings included.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Fics, no, series, yes.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh come on, you know it's panphobic to make me choose! XD I'm currently a sucker for Jayrose, Poisonquinn (more commonly known as Harlivy), and Shenko, among others.
What are your writing strengths? Mmm...I would say angst, writing trauma in a grounded way, queer and queer coded romances. And possibly smut.
What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing a fucking fic, oh my God.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I try to stick with idiomatic phrases, and the limited words I know (usually Spanish.) But other than that I try really hard to avoid relying on Google Translate, as I don't trust it one bit.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Digimon. Yup. Those fics are still on FF.net, if that site still exists.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Spare Parts for Mass Effect, Three Robins for DC Comics, and of course, I have a soft spot for all my Tumblr ficlets.
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sonicasura · 2 months ago
Tis The Season For Crossovers
" Why Hello There. I have made it off the Iceberg and am back at my cabin getting ready for the Grand Old Holiday. And while setting for the Holiday I found some crossovers. Take a look and see if any interest you."
Full Metal Alchemist/ Digimon
A world that revolved around a scentific and magical art called Alchemy. And that seemingly had no Digital advances. This was quite an odd place for Sleuth and the Digimon too end up in.
Though when 2 Brothers, one who is a suit of armor and the other one who is adverse too being called short. Cross Paths with Sleuth and the Digitmon they realize that maybe both could help each other out with the trouble that has befallen all of them.
Kingdom Hearts/ Castlevania
A Hero's journey is filled with trials and tribulations but one Keyblade User finds themselves in a world on the brink of war and suffering. Villages terrorized by creatures of the night, a church who could care less about the people the church is supposed too look after, and various vampires who all viy for power.
Though our intrepid Keyblade User finds themself helping change fate all by saving a woman from a wrongful execution.
Mad Rat Dead/ Resident Evil
Leon was having a very bad day. He and Lyis had fallen into a basement area and had gotten trapped by the crazed Cult Leader's enforcer. He and Luis have now offically been affected by Las Plagas.
Or at least Leon thought he had been affected.
Why was he back outside the house were the ambush happened.
His answer was very surprising as it came in the form of a small Rat and a...heart with a single eye and cartoonish arms.
Did life just like messing with him.
" Well I hope that one of these is interesting or at the very least gives you an idea for something else. Well I hope that your holiday preperations are going swimmingly"
1st and 3rd one got my attention.
For the first, Ed is gonna have a huge ass conniption fit about the Digimon thing in general. He has a logical approach to everything so this is sheer WTF for him. Alphonse just accepts it a lot better.
I have two images in my head. The first being the scientist who made Mad Rat became a victim to Las Plagas, someone that Leon later kills. Second being MD was our faux blonde's secret childhood pet/companion that is later taken from him by the foster home. Either scenario adds context to why Mad Rat would help.
Unrelated but I want to add Narumi for an extra encounter with Sleuth before the final Soshiro one. The image of the two butting heads because the former destroyed their office won't leave me alone.
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adhdgays · 11 months ago
[Image Description: Collage titled "Sun Wukong Sunday 2024" containing media depicting Sun Wukong. Media includes:
2008 Olympics Monkey Movie, 21st Century Journey to the West, 300 Heroes, Ace of Arenas, Adventures from China: Monkey King, AFK Arena, Age of Mythology, American Born Chinese, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Arena of Valor, Awesomenauts, Black Myth: Wukong, Blades of Brim, Bloons Monkey City, Cards, the Universe and Everything, Cloud Master, Dark Matter Particle Explorer, DC “Monkey Prince” and “Monkey King,” Destiny of Thrones, Diablo III, Digimon, Dislyte, DotA 2, Dragon Ball, Dragon Power, Dungeon Boss, Dungeon Hunter Champions, Empire Warriors: Tower Defense, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Ether Saga Odyssey, Evertale, Fate/Grand Order, Final Fantasy “Zidane,” Final Fantasy XIV, Fire Ball (2005), For Honor, Fortnite, Free Fire, Genshin Impact, Girl Giant and the Monkey King, God Game, GO Titans, Heroes Arena, Heroes Evolved, Heroes of Newerth, Heroes of the Storm, Honor of Kings, Into the Badlands, Jackie Chan Adventures, Journey to the West, Kamihime Project, Kirby, Kung Fu Chaos, Kung Fu Monkey King, Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny, League of Legends, League of Masters: Auto Chess, Legend of Ace, Legend of Wukong, Legends Summarized: The Monkey King, LEGO Brawls, LEGO Fortnite, Lo Scimmiotto, Lost Empire, Love, Hina, Magic Thousand Character, Marvel “Monkey King | Sun Wukong” and “Sun Wukong (Deity) | Monkey King,” Marvel vs Capcom 2, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, Megami Tensei, Michael and the Monkey King, Minecraft: Chinese Mythology Mash-Up, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Mobile Legends, Monkey: Journey to the West, Monkey, Monkey Around, Monkey Goes West, Monkey King: Myth of the Skull, Monkey King, Monkey King, Monkey King and the Imps, Monkey King, Monkey King Idle: AFK RPG, Monkey King The Bottomless Hole, Monkey King The Legend Begins, Monkey King the One and Only, Monkey King Unparalleled, Monkey Magic, Monkey Magic, Monkey Twins, Monkey Typhoon, Monkey VS Er Lang Shen, Monkey with 72 Magic, Monster Land, Monster Legends Competitive, Monty the Magic Monkey, My Hero Academia, Myth: Monkey King, Nagurikomi Son Goku, Naruto, Nevermore-W: Idle Immortal RPG, New Pilgrims to the West, Ohabare Son Goku, One Piece, The Monkey Sun, The Tale of the True Monkey and the False Monkey, Ori and the Will of the Wisp, Oriental Legend, Osomatsu kun, Overwatch, Paragon, Pirate 101, Pocket Knights 2: Dragon Impact, Pokémon, Princess Iron Fan, Princess Iron Fan, Project X Zone,
Puzzles & Dragons, Rabbids: Party of Legends, RAID: Shadow Legends, RaiRai Gokuu, Ravenswatch, Return of Wukong, Revival of the Monkey King, RWBY, Saiyuki: Journey West, Saiyuki, Saiyuki, SD Gundam World Heroes, Sealed Demon Tower, Secret Journey, Seven Fights with Nine Tail Fox, Seven Fights with Nine Tail Fox, Seven Knights Idle Adventure, Shaceng Diary, Shen Yun Production of Journey to the West, Shinzo, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, Six Eared Macaque, SMITE, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonson, Spaceketeers, Spark: A Space Tail, Strange Tales From a Chinese Studio, Strife, Subway Surfers, Summoners War Sky Arena, Sun, Sun Wukong vs Robot, Super Monkey Returns, Tang Monk Love Story, Tears of No Regret, The Adventures of Sun Wukong, The Fallen Hero, The Fantastic Magic Baby, The Four Monkeys The Return of Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Heaven’s Equal, The Karma Saiyuki, The Librarians, The Magic Cudgel, The Magic Journey to the West 2: Conquering the Demons, The Monkey and the Banshee, The Monkey King, The Monkey King, The Monkey King, The Monkey King, The Monkey King Demon City, The Monkey King’s Daughter, The Needle of the Sea Goddess, The New Legends of Monkey, The Player, The Rising Sun Saga, The True Monkey King, The Year Of Rice And Salt, Till We Meet Again, Tokyo Afterschool Summoners, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, True and False Monkey King, Tsûzoku Saiyûki, Unmatched, Unruly Heroes, Warframe, War Song, West Adventure, West Tour Diary and Wukong Biography, Westward Journey Online II, Wu Cheng’En and Journey to the West, Wukong-Chinese & Math, Wukong Fight, Xin, The God of High School, Fly Superboard, New Journey to the West, Omniscient Reader, The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower, A Korean Odyssey, “Light of the Sun (Sun Wukong),” “Sun Wukong (Asian Trap Beat Mix),” “Sun Wukong (Battle),” “Sun Wukong (Monkey King),” “Sun Wukong Intro,” “Sun Wukong,” “Sun Wukong,” “Sun Wukong,” “Sun Wukong,” “Sun Wukong,” “Super,” “Sun Wu Kong,” Doraemon: The Record of Nobita's Parallel Visit to the West, Famicom Mukashibanashi: Yūyūki, Enoken no Son Goku: Zenpen, Carddass, Force of Will, Monster Strike, Lupin the Third Part II, Surprise, Unexpectedness, The Daily Life of the Immortal King, Ganso Saiyūki: Super Monkey Daibōken, The Legends of Changing Destiny, War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens, The Forbidden Kingdom, Great Sage, Marshal Tian Peng, Dream Journey, Journey to the West The Five Elements Mountains, Great God Monkey 1: Xiang Yao Pian, Great God Monkey, Saint, Journey to the West, A Chinese Odyssey, A Chinese Odyssey: Love of Eternity, A Chinese Odyssey, Journey to the West: The Supreme Treasure, Buddies in India, Havoc in Heaven, The Monkey King 1: Havoc In Heaven’s Palace, Heavenly Legend, Journey to the West Children’s Edition, Legend of Tian Peng, Yokai Watch, Battles with the Red Boy, The Monkey King Stormed the Sea Palace, Journey to the West, Adventures of Wukong, Wu Kong, Legend of Sun Wukong, LEGO Monkie Kid, A Chinese Tall Story, Journey to the West, Journey to the West, New Gods: Nezha Reborn, Smile Pretty Cure! The Movie: Big Mismatch in a Picture Book!, Dark Journey to the West: God of Destruction, Saiyuki, Warriors Orochi 2, InuYasha, White Dragon Horse, Monkey King Reincarnation, Cave of the Silken Web, Cave of the Silken Web, Taste of Love, Journey to the West: A Duel on the Faith, The Land of Many Perfumes, Journey to the West, Journey to the West, Journey to the West, Journey to the West Legends of the Monkey King, The Monkey King Reborn, Monkey King: Hero is Back, Monkey King Myth, Journey to the West Afterstory, Journey to the West Bi Qiu Kingdom, Journey to the West Demon’s Child, Journey to the West: The Legend of the Mermaid, Journey to the West 1: Conquering the Demons, Westward Journey Kungfu Monkey God and Demon Battle, Saiyukiden Dieno, Alakazam the Great, Journey to the West, Journey to the West, Monkey, Saiyuuki, Pigsy's Marriage, The Monkey King Quest For The Sutra, The Monkey King: The Five Fingers Group, Big Trouble in Dragon Palace, 19th century illustration of the Monkey King.
Under the cut includes sixteen screenshots of text documents detailing all of the media including Sun Wukong.]
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Happy Sunday to The Most Guy In Anything!
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writeroffanfics69 · 10 months ago
Looking for rp partners part two
This will be my fandom list. If you looked at my rp kinks for part one then you may have found yourself here. Again this will be 18+ so looking for rpers who are comfortable rping such things. This will cover a wide range of fandoms and I may forget some so that is on me, otherwise if you look at this thinking tame or rather softcore, it might not work. A lot of times smut is often going to outweigh plot though not like it won't be there.
There might be titles in here you don't know and there might be some you aren't familiar with. My advice is don't force yourself to do something in that scenario. I may have failed to post it last time but I can rp; canon x canon, oc x canon, canon x oc, oc x oc. This will likely come in handy when I put up my overall canon list and pairings. My advice is always read part one before going to part two...it just makes more sense that way. If there are titles not on here that you can do and might want to recommend to me you can...just can't make any guarantees I will be familiar with it.
In the case of unfamiliarity I find it best to opt to AU or Modernized just to save face case I butcher a beloved canon character. Oh and while some of these fandoms seem like they are the squeaky clean...they won't be so much when we are done with it. Reach out to me in pm should you read this and want to rp from this list, pairing and canons I can rp will be up next also Discord handle is given out in pm only but as always read my rp kinks first.
Naruto, Pokemon, Digimon, FMA (brotherhood), attack on titan, edens zero, fairy tail, one piece, spy x family, citrus, sakutra trick, ouran high school host club, my hero academia, seven deadly sins, sailor moon, ect
kim possible, danny phantom, the owl house, the loud house, arcane, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, sonic (satam, underground, x, boom, prime), teen titans, young justice, marvel, dc, miraculous ladybug and cat noir, my little pony friendship is magic, the dragon prince, she-ra and the princesses of power, sofia the first, chip and dale rescue rangers, phineas and ferb, star trek lower decks, star wars the clone wars animated series, star wars rebels, rwby, disney, amphibia, tiny toon adventures, avatar the last airbender, the legend of korra, ect
video game
mass effect, dragon age, lollipop chainsaw, dynasty warriors, dead or alive, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, senran kagura, persona, super smash bros, super mario bros, the legend of zelda, star wars fallen order, cyberpunk 2077, life is strange, the last of us, honkai star rail, genshin impact, overwatch, the witcher, ect
high school musical, disney zombies, descendants, the lord of the rings, mcu, dcu, marvel animated, disney/pixar, dc animated, tangled, frozen, the incredibles, big hero 6, star wars, star trek, hunger games, harry potter, twilight, lemonade mouth, space jam, the longest ride, the lucky one, howl's moving castle, whisper of the heart, ect
orange is the new black, star trek (all of them), star wars (all of them), friends, big bang theory, victorious, hannah montana, wizards of waverly place, liv & Maddie, riverdale, wyonna earp, icarly, pretty little liars, ncis, ncis hawaii, ncis la, ncis new orleans, ncis sydney, how i met your mother, fuck there are so many it is literally hard to think of them...I will hop back here case I remember any of them, and no that is not the name of a series.
I may edit this at some point but yeah this list as it stands is now complete and with part three it will touch upon canons I can rp as and it will also be pairings so just go off the one before the x as the one I can rp as and the one after is one you can take up if you want.
If you are again reading this it will be for 18+ content so I advice the fuck out of this just so things don't get awkward when a title is innocent and out there but things don't go the squeaky clean route and characters are doing things they normally wouldn't.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years ago
Fallen Royalty (Blue Exorcist/AHIT)
Spooky Gratitude (Digimon/DMC)
Balan's Promise(BWW/P5)
Erase the Future (Pokemon/DMC) (Being reworked)
Unappreciated Hunter (MH/AHIT) (Being reworked/Lost original documents ☹️)
Stone Dove (Knack/JJBA)
Keeper of Dreams (Kirby/DMC)
Requiem of Love (Pokemon/JJBA)
Guardian of the Forest (AOT/Digimon)
His Past (JTTW/Yu-Gi-Oh)
Sage's Vow (LMK/Persona)
Reader Imagines
Joestar Misadventures- Sun Wukong: Starter, 1, 2
Corazon with a Monster Hunter s/o: Starter
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter
Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter,
Ichigo Kurosaki/Zangetsu/Hichigo with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter, 1
LMK characters first meeting their s/o (Manners Maketh Man): P1
Hero is Back!Sun Wukong with a Stand User s/o: Starter
Glamrock Freddy and Gregory's Special Assistance: 1, 2
JTTW 96!Sun Wukong with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter, 1
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o?!: Starter,
LMK Characters with a Comic Artist s/o: P1
MKR! Sun Wukong with a Persona User s/o: Starter, 1
Nevada's Oasis:
Gardener- Starter
DSB Sun Wukong with a Duelist s/o: Starter, 1, 2
Ryomen Sukuna and Ghostbuster!Reader: Starter
LMK Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian: Starter,
Saiyuki Sun Wukong with a Game Designer s/o: Starter
Black Seastone Route- 1
By The Sea, There He'll Be/ Mer HIB!Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Emmet and Digimon!Reader: Starter, 1
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent: Starter , 1, 2
MKR Sun Wukong with a Time Lord s/o: Starter
Crocodile Rock/ Mer!MKR Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Axolotl Dreams: Starter, 1
Josuke Higashikata with a Grunt s/o: Starter
Broken Toys
Monkie Kid: Venomous Tales
Fell Guardian
Inner Demons
Fast Shadows
Sticks and Stones
Taming Madness
Price of Power
Boy and his Beasts
Wrathful Idol
Theories/Personal Headcanons
Order and Chaos: Safi'Jiiva and Altreon
Six Eared Macaque and Blood Monkeys
Sun Wukong's actions in Lego Monkie Kid
Sun Wukongs I know
Jak and Daxter Time Travel
Fierce Deity Mini Theory
What ifs/Ideas
What if Ichigo got the powers of Sun Wukong?
Josuke Higashikata (P4) meeting and being trained by LMK's Macaque
MK finding and raising 2020 Sonic
Eddie Brock and Venom have a makeshift family drop on them: 1
Random Scenarios: 1
Sonic's Warp Ring Glitch Misadventures: 1, 2
New Species: Glitch
Worldbuilding: ReNexus,
Writing Challenges: Starter
Curses: DigiEcho
Fierce Mergence
Diamonds and Voodoo(JJBA/Crash Bandicoot: Pro., 1
Wonderful Hunter(BWW/MH): Pro.,
Stone Novas(Pokemon/LMK): Pro., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Origami Dreams(Jujutsu Kaisen/Paper Mario): Pro.,
Thief's Ambition(P5/Digimon): Pro.,
Crossroads(Jujutsu Kaisen/Pokemon): Pro.,
Stand Needed(JJBA/AHIT): Pro.,
Sonic May Cry (being reworked)
Shadow of Iron(LMK/Iron Man): Pro,
Trip Down Memory Lane(Venom/BWW): Pro,
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Stone Novas has proper terms for Yaoguai added.
Excerpts added to Fell Guardian AU.
Glitch updated.
Part 2 of Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent now has a link to ReNexus.
Next part of Wrathful Idol has been added.
Next part of Madness New World has been added.
Link to MK's assassin uniform has been added to Wrathful Idol.
Madness New World been moved to Masterlist 2.
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o is now a mini index. Can find the rest of the parts in Starter.
Next part to Clowning Around has been added.
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o and Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer are now a mini index. Rest of the parts are in Starter.
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian is now a mini index. Parts can be found in Starter.
Majora's Bane has been added to Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Prologue has been to the Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Chapter 2 and 3 of Stone Novas has been updated.
Chapter 1 for Madness Reborn has been updated and links been added on the main masterlist's Wrathful Idol AU. (Just know that writing at the butt crack of night isn't a good posting time.)
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commentaryvorg · 3 years ago
Digimon Savers Commentary Episode 33 - The Last Decisive Battle! Kouki’s Ultimate Evolution!
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In this episode, with the Holy Capital dragged into the human world, Masaru gets caught up fighting Kouki amidst his home city, while Kurata executes the final stage of his plan to kill ElDoradimon and all of its Digimon citizens.
Here’s an unnecessarily long recap; I told you they started happening eventually. Rather than briefly summarising the events of the episode to remind us, it feels like we’re being made to watch several of the important scenes over again, and I’m just there twiddling my thumbs waiting to get to the new stuff. It’s nearly two minutes long. Some very detailed Ultimate-level Digimon are onscreen a lot in this episode, more so than usual up until this point; this is probably why. Animation budgets.
Anyway, recap eventually over, ElDoradimon’s appearance out in the Yokohama bay caused a huge tsunami over the waterfront. I wonder if Kurata did damage control on this – since he knew what he was about to do, he could have sent word ahead to the human world telling them the Digimon were about to “invade” the city and people should evacuate. But he also could have not bothered to do that; I wouldn’t be surprised. We’ll see later this episode that at least some people haven’t evacuated yet.
Everyone on the Digimon side is staring in horror and shock at finding themselves in the human world. The Digimon citizens especially deteriorate into panic, and I don’t blame them. From their perspective, their entire home has just been forcibly dragged into an alien world full of people who want them all dead. That’s terrifying.
As a couple of wayward Gizmon: XT descend on the city, MirageGaogamon and Rosemon dispatch them easily. (Is this the first time any of the Digimon partners have stayed evolved in between episodes? I think it might be. Except for ShineGreymon at the beginning of last episode, but that shouldn’t count when he then promptly devolved for no reason.)
Baromon, at Yushima’s behest, tries to calm the citizens so that they still stand a chance of winning the battle.
Yoshino:  “Besides, that muscular idiot will be here soon.”
Ah, yes. The most appropriate way to describe Masaru. (He and Ikuto and their partners have not quite yet arrived through the Gate, which is still hanging open above them.)
Baromon:  “Yes! We still have Suguru’s son with us!”
Piccolomon: “Suguru’s son will take care of this somehow!”
Yes, clearly! The power of that perfect legendary hero who turned a desert into a lake just by punching it is definitely still here and able to win you the battle, somehow, even though it hasn’t done so yet. This thought actually rallies the citizens into cheers again. They are so desperately clinging to this much harder than they should, but I suppose anything makes them think there’s a chance is good.
Tohma:  (But… ElDoradimon has fallen into the human world. What the hell is Kurata thinking?)
Credit to Tohma, he’s able to not let this Masaru’s Dad Is Awesome moment pull him into his jealousy and stays focused on the important strategic concerns. Kurata is also here now, having hitched a lift through the Gate on one of his Gizmon, chuckling to himself.
Just as the Digital Gate is about to close, Yatagaramon shoots out of it with his three passengers. (Somehow Masaru and Agumon are now on his back along with Ikuto, even though they were in his claws at the end of last episode.)
For some reason, Yatagaramon then flies a good ways into the human city and deposits Masaru and Agumon on a random rooftop. They immediately rush back across the roof in the direction of the sea and ElDoradimon, but are blocked by the chain-link fence that Japanese rooftops have.
Masaru:  “We can’t stay here. Let’s go!”
You also could have not come here in the first place??? If getting to ElDoradimon was you guys’ highest priority, as it should be, why did Yatagaramon stop here?
The real reason for this, of course, is that this is where the writers wanted the fight with Kouki to begin. He arrives through his own (presumably space-time bomb-induced) Digital Gate on the rooftop, having somehow pinpointed Masaru’s exact location, at which point it makes sense for Masaru and Agumon to want to stay and deal with this here while they tell Ikuto and Yatagaramon to head back to the Holy Capital.
(Really, though, while having this fight with Kouki amidst the human city was important to the episode, there’s other ways this could have worked. Kouki could have led Masaru into the city on purpose after their fight began closer to ElDoradimon, especially since, from the perspective of Kurata’s grand plan, this is really just one big distraction to keep Masaru out of the way.)
Masaru and Kouki both roar and charge at each other, meeting fist-to-fist and flaring up with their respective Digisouls.
Masaru:  “That bastard Kouki… There’s something different about him this time!”
Ha, Masaru can sense just from punching him that Kouki’s stronger than before. I enjoy his ability to pick up on things like this intuitively through fighting; it’s very him.
Kouki somehow levitates into the air – geez, Masaru and co. never get to do that from the power of their Digisouls, unfair – before evolving into BioDarkdramon. Masaru evolves Agumon in turn.
…I suspect that the only real reason ShineGreymon randomly devolved at the beginning of last episode was for the purposes of having a scene here where Agumon is unevolved and so Masaru and Kouki get to punch each other, human-to-human, one more time before the real fight starts. Otherwise, ShineGreymon could have stayed as ShineGreymon throughout all of last episode, he could have been the one to fly them hurriedly back to the Digital Gate, and the fight with Kouki could have started more immediately without Masaru getting awkwardly stranded on a random rooftop he had no reason to come to.
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Anyway, as the two gigantic armoured Ultimate-level dragon monsters charge at each other, opening time! The very first shot of it features ShineGreymon grabbing this fancy sword, which we will be seeing in this episode. I don’t know if said sword really deserves so much importance as to be put right at the beginning of the opening, though.
Back at the Holy Capital, Rosemon and MirageGaogamon are busy dispatching any Gizmon: XT who get close – several of them at a time, as you’d expect, because evolution levels. A couple of the city’s Pumpmon (Perfect-level) are inspired to get in on the action, so they use their Trick-or-Treat attack, which involves dropping a giant pumpkin on the enemy’s head to take control of them, apparently, and using this they get two Gizmon: XT to destroy each other. I might otherwise raise an eyebrow at regular Perfect-levels being able to so easily deal with these Gizmon: XT that were supposed to be a fair bit stronger than Perfect-levels should be, but perhaps if they’re using trickery to turn the enemy’s own strength against it, that’s one way to trump the usual power levels.
Meanwhile, on a long bridge over the sea (probably a real Yokohama landmark, knowing Digimon), a military van is acting as a portable command centre for Kurata.
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What’s really rich is that the tech guys working there are wearing what looks like DATS uniforms. Either Kurata had his men wear knock-offs of that uniform out of spite towards DATS, or possibly, these are actual former DATS technicians who sided with Kurata during the whole bit between episodes 25 and 26. You know, where Kurata came in claiming that Mercurimon had attacked them and the main DATS team had traitorously sided with him and all Digimon are dangerous monsters who need to be eradicated.
Technician: “Currently, the enemy suppression rate is at 37%.”
Presumably what he means by this is that they’ve currently killed 37% of the Digimon who were in the Holy Capital to begin with. Calling it a “rate” doesn’t make much sense – but upon examination (of a Japanese online dictionary), it seems that might be a subs thing; the word used for “rate” here can apparently also mean “proportion” and should probably have been translated as that in this context.
Kurata:  “Throw the XT beta army at the enemy Ultimate-levels.”
Here’s an interesting little tidbit that could help explain why these Gizmon: XT have been getting progressively less threatening as they’ve grown in number. It seems he really has been mass-producing these things to the point that some of them are just beta versions that probably really aren’t as strong as the one he showed off in episode 25. Or, at least, that’s one way we could choose to interpret his use of the word “beta” here.
Kurata:  “Kouki-kun will continue to keep ShineGreymon busy.”
Yep, Kouki really is doing nothing but playing distraction. Not that Kouki minds, I’m sure, since he’s been champing at the bit to get a rematch with Masaru for several episodes now.
As the enemy suppression percentage reaches 40, Kurata takes this as his cue to begin implementing the next stages of his plan, which involve something called the DHS, and the Javelin’s Core. The latter is an absolutely massive metal javelin, which begins to be lifted into the air by four large helicopters. Along with that, some military ships move out into the water, carrying unusual-looking cannons on their decks.
Back in the human city, ShineGreymon and BioDarkdramon are wrestling each other in midair. As BioDarkdramon manages to kick his opponent away for a moment, he takes the opportunity to round on Masaru, tiny and fragile and an easy target, back on the rooftop. ShineGreymon tackles him away before he can get close, and then, for Masaru’s safety, offers him his hand to climb up on. Riding on your giant Digimon partner, not for the sake of transport, but for the sake of fighting! (Though, actually, Tohma did this first.)
Reporter:  “The monsters who are threatening us have suddenly intruded into the gulf coast!”
Ah, yes, those terrible monstrous Digimon are invading us again! That’s legitimately how this development must look to the human civilians who don’t know why ElDoradimon really ended up here. This isn’t really the main point of Kurata’s move to drag the Holy Capital over here, but it’s certainly helping with his propaganda that Digimon are horrible dangerous threats to humanity’s safety.
Reporter:  “Right now, a weapon designed by Professor Kurata to protect us is on its way. […]”
Miki:  “They’re making it sound like Kurata is a defender of justice.”
They sure are. Kurata, humanity’s hero, here to save us all from these vicious scary Digimon with his brilliant inventions!
Megumi:  “Shh. We’re still wanted criminals.”
Also, hey, it’s Miki and Megumi! We haven’t seen them since they stayed behind in the human world in episode 27, but they’re still here, having apparently been dodging arrest from Kurata’s people all this time. (Though, really, Megumi, you might not want to say you’re wanted criminals out loud like that, not when you’re here amongst a crowd of people watching the news report.)
Reporter:  “The government has declared their full support to Professor Kurata in his efforts to resolve this problem.”
Just in case anyone was ever wondering how Kurata got enough money and resources to create this ridiculously many Gizmon, not to mention some of his other toys he uses this episode: looks like he’s getting a lot of government funding and help from the Japanese military. This is a lot of the reason why he dragged ElDoradimon over here – in the human world, his home turf, he has access to a lot more stuff than he could reasonably bring to the middle of nowhere in the Digital World.
Chika and Sayuri are in their living room, watching this report, wondering if this means Masaru is back in the human world, hoping he’s okay. Sayuri must have been feeling so helpless this whole time; at least now that Masaru’s here again, within her reach, it’s something.
Out in the city, a bunch of human civilians (who are hopefully busy evacuating if they have any sense) watch the two giant armoured dragon monsters chase each other through the sky overhead.
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Masaru is surfing on ShineGreymon’s shoulder now. That’s definitely not a very precarious position that should really put him at huge risk of falling off; it’s fine because anime physics.
ShineGreymon, the one being pursued, circles all the way around a skyscraper in order to get himself behind BioDarkdramon instead. He begins charging a Glorious Burst (telegraphing your location by calling your attacks, guys!), but turning to him upon hearing this, BioDarkdramon casually hangs there, making no attempt to dodge.
BioDarkdramon:  “Go ahead and shoot! Do it if you’ve got the guts.”
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He’s hovering in front of a skyscraper full of civilians who haven’t evacuated yet. If ShineGreymon used a ranged attack here, it’d slam BioDarkdramon back through the building, killing hundreds of innocent people.
Masaru:  “That’s dirty, Kouki!”
BioDarkdramon: “Dumbass! There’s nothing clean or dirty in a fight!”
Oh, but there is. Masaru’s street fights are very anything-goes, but only insofar as that involves the people who have chosen to fight. He has always had very strong principles about not harming those weaker than you, those who aren’t involved and therefore haven’t made the choice to risk getting hurt. Bringing unrelated innocents into this and putting them at risk is disgusting tactics according to Masaru’s standards. That is Not What A Man Does.
Kouki doesn’t give a damn, though. He’s perfectly happy to get a few hundred innocents – innocent humans – hurt or killed if it’ll let him win.
There’s been a lot of obvious similarities between Masaru and Kouki, in how they’re both reckless hotheads eager to fight any opponent and who refuse to take losing lying down. But here’s their big contrast, made even clearer here than it already was from all of Kouki’s assholery in previous episodes. Masaru, despite his fighty nature, is a fundamentally good person with a strong moral code – his concept of manliness! – that he adheres to no matter what. Kouki doesn’t frickin’ care about any of that and only enjoys selfishly exerting power over others.
If anyone ever imagined, upon hearing that Masaru is a notorious street fighter, that this means he’s nothing but a violent thug who only cares about beating people up, they’re wrong. That’s what Kouki is, and Masaru’s nothing like Kouki in the ways that really count.
BioDarkdramon: “Also, let me tell you something else. You aren’t able to attack me, but I can attack you as much as I want!”
At this, BioDarkdramon charges at ShineGreymon with an attack. ShineGreymon dodges at first, but then, seeing BioDarkdramon continuing on right towards another skyscraper, has no choice but to put himself back in the way and absorb his momentum, just barely saving the building from destruction.
Not only is Kouki completely chill with potentially getting a few hundred innocents killed, he’s also totally willing to use that, and the fact that Masaru has actual standards where he doesn’t, in order to get himself an advantage. Those are some really horrifically dirty tactics, risking innocents just for his own gain. Masaru must be fuming.
(It’s this that makes me think things would have worked fine if their fight had started out by the bay, instead of Yatagaramon randomly bringing them far away from where they wanted to be. Kouki would have wanted to lead Masaru and ShineGreymon into the city during the fight anyway, precisely so that he could use this dirty tactic to stand a better chance of winning.)
…Well, I say Masaru’s probably fuming, but actually, after ShineGreymon blocks the hit, BioDarkdramon flings him to the ground and Masaru implicitly passes out from the impact for a little bit while we cut to other things.
Back at ElDoradimon, where Rosemon and MirageGaogamon are still working together to take down Gizmon, and Yatagaramon approaches overhead, four military ships have surrounded the city.
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At Kurata’s order to initiate the Digital Hazard System – the DHS mentioned earlier – they fire their cannon things, which turn out to be a strange kind of solidified energy that works something like ropes, lashing onto each of ElDoradimon’s feet. Not that ElDoradimon was going anywhere anyway, but Kurata really wants to make sure it stays put.
The energy-ropes apparently also hurt, because the poor city turtle roars like it’s in huge pain. Baromon, horrified at seeing his beloved living city suffering, throws aside all sense of self-preservation and desperately climbs up onto the ramparts to try and appeal to his foes.
Baromon:  “STOP! Don’t put ElDoradimon through any more pain!”
The humans driving the ships probably can’t even see him from this distance. Kurata certainly can’t. Even if they did, they wouldn’t care. Digimon are just vicious monsters, right?
All Baromon actually succeeded in doing with this is to expose himself to attack and forget to watch his back. One of the Gizmon: XT still skulking around the city takes the opportunity to shoot a laser at him from behind, piercing right through him.
Baromon:  “T-Tell Suguru’s son… to take care… of ElDoradimon…”
As Yushima and some of the city’s warriors watch in horror, the last thought Baromon clings to is still the notion that their heroic saviour’s son will be able to somehow miraculously turn things around.
(He doesn’t even seem to realise that Suguru’s son is currently nowhere near the Holy Capital, busy settling a personal score and dealing with a diversion that’s threatening his own city. Masaru is just one person, not some kind of perfect legendary hero.)
With that, Baromon dies. They actually remember to show his egg disintegrating, for once, I guess because he’s a reasonably important character and they want to hammer it home that he’s really gone.
Gawappamon furiously fires off an attack at the offending Gizmon. The shot direction keeps managing to make it ambiguous as to whether any of Gawappamon’s attacks actually defeat a Gizmon: XT, which is good, because I’d be complaining about evolution level violation if they did. Gawappamon is only Adult. Given how dire things are getting, I’m really surprised Yushima hasn’t pulled out a stronger evolution. I’d expect him to be capable of it; Satsuma was.
Along with the ships chaining ElDoradimon down, Tohma and Yoshino notice the helicopters overhead carrying the javelin’s core. Out on that long bridge across the bay, there’s way more than just the one military truck Kurata’s using as a base. He’s got rows and rows of them filling the whole bridge, all of which open up to reveal countless Gizmon: XT. The swarm of Gizmon begin to fly towards the javelin’s core, which is now hanging directly above ElDoradimon.
Both of these fancy weapons of Kurata look Very Bad, so Tohma orders MirageGaogamon to deal with the Gizmon and Rosemon to go for the ships.
Back in the human city, Masaru regains consciousness, clutched protectively to ShineGreymon’s chest. (Aww, look at him protecting his comparatively small and fragile aniki.)
BioDarkdramon: “What’s wrong, Daimon Masaru? You finished already?”
Masaru:  “Don’t look down on me! Come down! I’ll kick your ass!”
I love the sheer Masaru-level audacity. It very much comes across like he personally will kick the giant dragon-monster’s ass, because ShineGreymon is currently lying on his back, not seeming ready to get back into the fight just yet.
Kouki responds by attacking the building ShineGreymon protected earlier, attempting to collapse the entire thing onto Masaru. (Geez, I hope the people in it evacuated during the interim while Masaru was out; it is very possible they all just got killed.) We get a very rare heroic instance of the “Did I get him?” *smoke clears* NOPE trope, as it turns out ShineGreymon got up just in time to shield Masaru from the whole-ass building falling onto him, while barely seeming hurt from the impact. Because, you know, that’s just a thing Ultimate-levels can do with their utterly ridiculous levels of power.
ShineGreymon: “Aniki, are you okay?”
Masaru:  “Thanks!”
BioDarkdramon: “Hey hey, being all chumly, are we? You make me puke!”
Shush, Kouki, this is a shounen anime, being adorable friends is a requirement. Also it’s nice to see a rare moment of ShineGreymon feeling like a character in his evolved form, caring about protecting his (tiny and fragile!) aniki.
Apparently no longer even trying to hide that this whole thing is just a diversion, Kouki goes on to taunt that Masaru shouldn’t even have the time to waste around here anyway because of what’s happening to ElDoradimon.
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Masaru looks over towards the sea to see the javelin hanging above the turtle’s back, as the swarm of Gizmon: XT begin to wrap around the comparatively gigantic core, coating it with a layer of thousands of Gizmon.
Masaru:  “Wh-What is that?”
Kurata:  “A weapon that’s made specifically against ElDoradimon. The Gizmon Javelin.”
The writers are using that narrative trick of switching between two scenes at once for the sake of some more dynamic exposition. But though it sounds like Kurata is answering Masaru’s question, in reality, he’s nowhere near him at all. He apparently just felt like gloating at an audience of two technicians who must already know full well what the Gizmon Javelin is. Continuing to be very full of himself and his genius inventions, this Kurata.
(The fact that he designed this weapon specially for ElDoradimon also lends some amount of credence to my theory I mentioned a few episodes ago, that his assassinations of SaberLeomon and Mercurimon required preparation and special honing of the Gizmon to destroy their data specifically. Killing an Ultimate-level is not as easy as just shooting it with the regular old death laser without any planning, it would seem – and especially not an Ultimate-level this huge.)
BioDarkdramon: “Once that’s completed, ElDoradimon is dead meat. Wha’cha gonna do?”
Kouki is having a great time taunting Masaru about how he can’t be in two places at once, both defending the Holy Capital from Kurata and his own home city from Kouki’s wanton destruction. The latter is even more tricky right now, given that ShineGreymon’s usual ranged attacks will also do a number on the city if he tries to use them.
BioDarkdramon fires off a shockwave at the pair just to punctuate his point. ShineGreymon is unharmed, but Masaru goes flying out of his grasp and ShineGreymon has to reach out and catch him. Again: so tiny and fragile! ShineGreymon working so hard to protect his aniki!
BioDarkdramon: “Daimon Masaru, you are powerless. Bite your nails while you watch ElDoradimon disappear! After that, I’ll savour my time beating y—”
Masaru:  “No thanks! I’ve got no plans to stand by and watch this happen!”
I love how, despite Kouki’s attempt at evil gloating, just full-on being a huge asshole and trying to enjoy watching his enemy suffer and squirm, Masaru shuts him right down and is having none of it.
Masaru:  “No matter how many times I’ve fallen, I’ll stand right back up again! Again and again! As long as there’s still a possibility, I’ll never give up! You are going down!”
Like hell he’s ever going to let himself just sit there and be powerless, no matter how bad things get!
(And really, despite how dire things look and the way Kouki’s trying to taunt him about this, Masaru and ShineGreymon are both still standing, able to fight. This really isn’t necessarily a situation in which he feels powerless as much as some of the other things he’s been through.)
From the strength of Masaru’s sheer stubborn determination, and as the intro to Believer starts up, his Digivice begins to glow in his pocket. This honestly isn’t any particularly interesting or unique kind of emotion from Masaru here that’s triggering a new power, but also this new power isn’t especially strong or useful either compared to a full-on evolution level, so I don’t really mind.
Glowing with the same power, ShineGreymon punches the ground and summons up a fancy double-ended sword out of a ring of flame. (It’s a cool animation, so don’t think too hard about the fact that it makes it look like he just pulled it out of the tarmac of this ordinary human street.) This is the GeoGrey Sword. Not sure why it gets named after his Adult-level and isn’t, like, the ShineGrey Sword, but hey.
Now that he has a melee weapon, it’s a lot easier for ShineGreymon to safely fight without risking levelling the city every time he attacks. In this particular instance, summoning up a giant sword is pretty useful and exactly what he needs to turn the tides!
(It… really won’t be the rest of the time, though. Get ready for me to poke fun at that.)
This time, Masaru stays on the ground instead of riding on ShineGreymon’s shoulder, which is less Friends but probably a lot more practical, considering the way ShineGreymon’s spinning and dancing around with his sword moves.
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One of his swipes manages to slice into the… I hesitate to call it “skin”; leathery fabric? …the non-armoured part in BioDarkdramon’s midriff, and Kouki is furious. How dare Masaru and his partner injure him! What do you mean this fight isn’t just a one-sided beatdown in which Kouki taunts Masaru about his powerlessness and savours his suffering as revenge for the defeats in previous episodes.
BioDarkdramon: “All of you will die!”
I really want to take note of the specific Japanese phrasing here, for reasons. Kouki doesn’t directly use the word “die” – what he says literally means “disappear” – but apparently the subbers felt like it was appropriate to sub it as this anyway. Someone like Kouki is entirely the sort of person who wouldn’t beat around the bush and would get very rough and direct about death when he’s furious like this, so I’m going to assume that, despite the literal wording, this is a turn of phrase that is nonetheless frequently used to mean death in Japanese, enough that it might as well be what he’s literally saying. I want to trust that the subbers used their judgement and knowledge of Japanese connotations to sub it that way to give us the correct and most accurate effect.
This matters to me a lot; you’ll find out why in a couple of episodes.
BioDarkdramon happens to have placed himself above ShineGreymon in the air, which you’d think would instantly solve the ranged-attacks-would-wreck-the-city problem. ShineGreymon can fire a Glorious Burst at him from here and it’d dissipate harmlessly into the sky. Maybe we can pretend this is a sign of Kouki being so furious that he’s getting careless, but in practice it’s meaningless, because now that he has his new sword, ShineGreymon isn’t even thinking about the ranged attacks any more.
BioDarkdramon fires off an orb of dark energy at ShineGreymon (and the city), but ShineGreymon uses his new sword like a baseball bat to deflect it and send it into the ocean instead. Actually another pretty useful application for the sword! that we will never be seeing again.
(Also, the animators have already forgotten to keep drawing the wound on BioDarkdramon’s stomach, whoops.)
ShineGreymon: “This is the end!”
BioDarkdramon: “Cut the bullshit! This won’t end. It’ll never end! Not until I beat you!”
Kouki: the world’s sorest loser ever, as you’d expect from an asshole like him.
They charge at each other in midair with their respective blades, and ShineGreymon remains unharmed as he runs BioDarkdramon through, defeating him. He catches the unconscious Kouki and the egg and places them on the street, then he and Masaru rush off to try and help ElDoradimon. No way Masaru’s going to sit around having a conversation with his defeated Bio-Hybrid rival like the other two did; he’s got better things to do right now, besides which he wouldn’t even care about anything Kouki had to say.
Kurata hears that BioDarkdramon has lost, but he barely cares, because Kouki did his job and provided ample distraction; the Gizmon Javelin has finished forming. We never even saw any of MirageGaogamon and Rosemon’s attempts to take out these weapons, but we can assume they were largely fruitless against the sheer size and scale of them. Even Ultimate-levels have their limits when Kurata’s basically levied the entire Japanese military and spiced it up with his own anti-Digimon tech.
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Just to give you a sense of how huge this thing is: it’s really freaking huge. I do not blame MirageGaogamon for not being able to take that down. Exponential increase in power from a higher evolution level only goes so far; there must be thousands of Gizmon: XT in there.
Masaru:  “ShineGreymon, we’ve gotta destroy that thing!”
Oh, Masaru. He and ShineGreymon are rushing to make it there as fast as they can, determined to feel like they can do something about this. In the urgency of the moment (and perhaps the still-lingering idea that he’s the saviour’s son and the whole city’s counting on him specifically), it doesn’t seem to occur to him that obviously Tohma and Yoshino and Ikuto must have been working on destroying that thing the entire time and getting nowhere, in which case he’d be no different. He just doesn’t want it to not be possible.
(As they fly towards the bay, they happen to pass directly over the news crew. Chika, watching on TV, realises her brother really is here – I doubt she could see Masaru directly, and she’s not seen ShineGreymon before, but it’s a fair guess that he might be the next evolution for Agumon, so, sure.)
But even if ShineGreymon taking out the javelin were somehow miraculously possible, it’s too late. Before he can even get close, Kurata gives the order, and the javelin begins to drop.
MirageGaogamon and Rosemon, seeing this, immediately switch tacks from trying to take out the Gizmon to just getting their partners the hell out of there. Tohma and Yoshino are still there in the capital, and the capital is screwed. Gawappamon and Yushima also implicitly manage to abandon ship, along with a small scattering of the city’s warriors, but most of them probably weren’t so lucky.
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The poor city turtle roars in agony one last time as the javelin pierces through it, turning the city to rubble in an instant, disintegrating ElDoradimon into data and a soon-to-be-lost egg just a moment later. It’s pretty stark and horrifying, all of the onlookers watching in horror as this gigantic, beautiful creature is torn apart, all while Kurata chuckles to himself like it’s the best day ever. All the Digimon who were still inside the city must have been killed too (all the baby Digimon who were sheltering inside from the battle!), hundreds if not thousands of lives wiped out in an instant.
As debris floats past, Masaru stands on ShineGreymon’s shoulder, staring at the gigantic empty space where an entire city just was, having been powerless to get there in time, to stop it, to fulfil his promise of protecting the city (and living up to his dad’s reputation)… and with no other way to express it, he just roars in desperate anguish.
The remaining Gizmon are sucking up all the life energy from this, of course. This was the big haul that Kurata wanted, to get him enough energy to fulfil his other goal. We get another glimpse of that thing in the tank, just to remind us what he was working towards.
Not long after, the DATS group – the usual four, plus Yushima – are standing at the waterfront with their (surprisingly still evolved!) partners, looking out at where ElDoradimon no longer is, trying to process their overwhelming loss.
Ikuto:  “We couldn’t stop it in the end.”
Yoshino:  “We were useless.”
Oh, Yoshino. I’m sure everyone’s feeling that way, but it’s very heartbreakingly her to be the one to voice it.
Masaru:  “Not yet!”
Yoshino:  “Masaru!”
Masaru:  “The battle’s not over yet! There’s gotta be those in the Holy Capital who survived! We have to save as many as we can!”
Oh, Masaru. Everyone else was ready to lick their metaphorical wounds and feel sorry for themselves, but no. Masaru will not feel powerless; he will not accept that they just lost and there’s nothing they can do. There has to be something they can still be doing to make a difference. Even if it’s only working to save the scant handfuls of surviving Digimon who might have made it out in time, that’s something they can work on that means they aren’t just giving up. He is so stubbornly, utterly incapable of letting himself fully acknowledge the terribleness of a situation and I love him for it.
(And I mean, it’s fair that of course they should try to focus on doing that! But it is very very Masaru to refuse to even think about how much they lost and grieve for those who just died before turning to that.)
As the group head out on their partners (oh, that’s why the writers kept them evolved) to go look for survivors, a couple of men in suits are observing Tohma through binoculars and noting that he’s the one they’re looking for. Before Tohma can climb onto MirageGaogamon’s hand to head off too, the men approach him.
Man:  “Master Tohma. We’ve come for you.”
Given the respectful way they’re referring to him, this doesn’t seem like a sinister kidnapping sort of thing; rather, they simply require his presence for some reason. Despite the better things Tohma has to be doing right now, this is evidently something he can’t refuse, as next we see he and Gaomon are in a helicopter heading away from the site of the battle.
Masaru notices Tohma isn’t following them, sees him in the helicopter, and calls out to him in vain. He has no idea that Tohma was called away; all he knows is that he’s leaving. Why would Tohma be abandoning the fight at a time like this?!
Overall thoughts
For a Masaru-focused episode, which are usually my favourite things, this one isn’t massively interesting or issuey, but it’s fine and solid enough. (And, hey, unlike with Yoshino, at least we have plenty of other excellent Masaru episodes to choose from, so I can hardly complain.)
On an objective scale, Kouki is arguably the least interesting of the Bio-Hybrids, because he doesn’t have any kind of issues that are the root of him doing this. Thanks to Ivan being terrible, though, Kouki comes in the middle of my personal rankings of the trio anyway. He may not have any issues, but he is a solid foil to Masaru, very similar to him in a lot of superficial ways but completely the opposite in the ways that really matter. He serves that purpose well, and this episode in particular does a great job of highlighting it.
Kurata’s approach to this battle continues to be impressive even as it’s horrifying. Again, I enjoy the way this mini-arc progresses – how the previous two episodes’ developments were all leading towards this one, in which Kurata had ElDoradimon in such a hopeless position that there was really nothing anyone could do to save it. It’s neat how, though each of these three episodes may have felt on the surface like victories in that the Bio-Hybrids were defeated, our heroes kept losing ground each time in the actual battle that mattered and ultimately utterly failed.
[Dub comparison]
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