devotion-disorder · 2 months
do all the elves have a similar height range as in are they all tall?
yea!! they average around 180-210 cm in height
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It's the day of bunny akko!
Today really?! 🐇✨️
Well I'm so glad I'm always prepend and had a Bunny Akko just incase!
As long as your okay with the only explanation being she apeared because..
A beliving heart is your magic. ✨️
Here she is:
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advice-to-try-8d · 10 months
What you can outside the internet
With no or almost no money for entertainment:
Mancala: Search Mancala Rules and how the game looks online dig some small holes on the ground or instead of holes draw circles on paper get some small stones or other small stuff and that's an easy 2 player game
Diy Bowling: get a couple of empty bottles you can take from a recycle bin if you have non fill with sand and throw a ball in that direction and call a couple of friends
Library: they don't only have books but some have free movies free computers comics or free events check them out!
Make Belive: you can play pretend almost anywhere in the world with enough imagination you can pick up some sticks to add extra stuff or use building as part of the story if you get kicked out make it a part of it and move to a diffarant location! With some time and diy you can even make extra props look online for advice!!
The Apricot Pit Game: It's a game where you dry naturaly apricot seeds (after you finish the fruit) and try to throw them to score the most point into a predetermined area harder to throw more point for example you can cut holes in a shoebox and the hardest to score is more points or from farther away etc etc
Meeting at a friend place
Free art galleries schools may have more of those made by the students
Diy arts and crafts when your about to throw away something if you think it cam make a nice craft save it for later to have extra metirials to have fun with don't save all to not start accidently hoarding stuff but yes some an empty cardboard box can make a nice fairy house with some colors as I say
Planting stuff many ppl eat fruits and veggies that have seed when you finish you can plant some and see how it goes maybe search tutorials online and use the water from outside to not higher the water bill
Water Fight: if there's any hoes or chip balloons or even bowls you can fill with water you can start throwing water at each other good for a hot fay
Snowball fight: if you have opposite weather
Sand castle: If you have any sand near ya you can get some water maybe some spoons or even just your hand and start building sand castles aren't just for beaches they can be made anywhere there's sand
Going for a walk and following a random safe animal see where it goes maybe it will interact with you too ^^
Draw: if you have some paper and a pencil or even your finger and sand you can do that you can even look outside for inspiration and draw in the street
free outdoor games search that phrase online you will find there's more than you think!
Go visit ikea play pretend there or hide and seek the place is huge and cool
Invent games look at what you own what's near your home and do stuff inspired by it! Just keep it safe
Go visit a mall try on some clothes as you would play dress up with buying non or explore teh area
Search free event near me just eat beforehand cause the food is probably not cheap to cover it
You have old clothes your not happy with or don't fit you anymore make them into something new! If a jacket gloves crop top tank top doll clothes pillow case new bag whatever you pls! It's free fabric now same with old bedsheets or curtains your about to change if you want even more free fabric tell your friends taht if they are about to throw away clothes pls give them to you!
Ask for specific birthday gifts many ppl want to start hobbies they can afford or go on a specific adventure but sometimes if you ask for your birthday from a bunch of ppl to come togather fir the same gift you may be able to have it!
Picnic: if everyone brings a bit from home you can have something fun togather!
And there are many more! Just search the internet and use your imagination!
Humans are not ment to be trapped inside a digital world at all times so let's change it!
By letting ppl know they have options to live outside of it too!!!
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aquayurufuwatraveler · 9 months
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2023.12.6 東京 東京駅(試作車901番) 国立駅(後期80番)
E231系0番台 1番最初の901番と後期80,82番の比較
Diffarent between E231-0 prototype(901) and last lot 80,82
901:Photo1,5,7,8 80:2,3,4,6,10 82:9
Photo 7-10 as 1-6 when belong Sobu line
2020.1.2, 1.8, 2.28 東京 立川駅 武蔵境駅(B901)
千葉駅(B82) 武蔵小金井駅(B80)
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scribblediana · 4 months
Hi! How are you?
And how's the quest to get glasses going?
If your still looking for new ones some online glasses companies have much cheaper options!
I heard like 20$ maybe youtubers tried and have diffarant frames
(But you can't try them on wich do sucks)
And if your still struggling to get them maybe starting a kofi will help!! Wil the goal of glasses
basically! doctors did not know what was wrong with me and took trial and error to finally understand what was happening with my eyes for the past 2 years i spent so much money and i gen wish i get more kofi commissions or something because glasses are EXPENSIVE AAAND i got 2 pair,,,, one of them was extremely wrong prescription probably screw my eyes more than they already were,,, now im rocking new ones!! but still have fatigue problems so went back and they did MORE test and were like "oh ok so basically you cant focus and unfocus your eyes normally anymore and take a chunk of your eyes power to do it, so you been suffering from your eyes being tired all the time also dry eyes" and i swear i was gonna cry, which was more dollars down the drain,,, its ok tho !!! i got my new upgraded glasses and some drops and I been doing better! and that's! (kinda) the end of my suffering, also yeah thats the explanation on why you barely seen art from me the past few 2?? years?? i had a lot planned but I like forgot lol so will see. its not that i havent wanted to draw, i just been unable to do so lol.
Hopefully i should be able to draw more consistently now! i might like use the asks here for some warmups or smth because I still get people here asking me and like why not lmao.
ALSO ABOUT THE KOFI I DID START ONE!!! i feel awful doing this but it would be very good and would make me very happy if you support me by buying me kofi or a commission I have there!! YOU DONT HAVE TO! but it would be nice :))) thank you for listening!
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the mod Kiti :b
my kofi btw:
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dianakko-week · 1 year
Don’t mean to nag but now that we are in october is there any idea for when we can expect the week to start?
Hi I do not know yet there had being some delays cause personal life
(I had planned at the start of October but life got in the way)
But I would still make sure it happens this month.
Just not a date announced yet but it will arrive with the cover art
The good news is cover art is very close to being finished expect something diffarant this year! ✨️
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Why you should ship everyone with Akko
(That is the right age)
Cause Akko deserves all the love in the world and because we have seen her in the show and how her interacting with each person she has so many interesting and diffarant dynamics
And she tends to draw out the best in ppl
And romantic ship wise or even not shop wise it's awesome in stories and in general
akko x every woman in the show (-the adults) is so real tbh ♡♡ our lesbian queen deserves more love
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reachforthestars-101 · 9 months
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These are from 2 diffarant dates 😂😂😂😂😂
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miraculousglitter · 1 year
If for you it's or transitioning or death know there are always other options
Even in countries where it's banned
Just know you might need to cross the law and take the risk
But that's better than your death
If it's diy hormones (Just read the risks and how to do so safely especially with t wich is a controlled substance)
If it's getting from someone who is hoarding hormones or you can ask someone cis you trust with your life to try to get you illegally
If it's moving to a diffarant country or place the moment you get the money working or gofundme
Or finding away to run away from a country where it's fully illegal to leave it
And there are more I didn't even think about just think and get creative
We should not be living in fear to begin with
But at least we the trans community should be living
That's why I'm telling you options either than death
I'm not saying any of this is going to be easy
But I'm staying
You can still choose life and your own body hope
And 1 day it may not be so risky ones more it's just a matter of time and work
So please stay to reach it
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the-weakest-tamer · 6 months
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The highet diffarance!!!!
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helptosmallartists · 1 year
Tip if your art isn't getting much notes these things
try diffarant tags if fandom add it if not add fandom tags check what others use if other stuff than add more than just the art tags others might search flower bunny aesthetic witch story etc and that will be their first introduction to your art and maybe make them a long while fan
Interact with others a lot of the time ppl don't find stuff just through tags but by reblogs and interactions if you will reblog and leave nice/interesting comments on others posts and art some will return the favour
Tumblr isn't just a social media to post and be appreciated it's about interactions too the literal social part
Try to enjoy it too ^^
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guitar-prgress · 9 months
Day 117 of trying to guitar... i guess
Happy new year. It has been great rhis past year i satrged guitar, listened to way too much music and went through some of the lowest and highest points in my life but in the end it has been a great year. Maybe 2024 will be even better. So for guitar stuff i woke up early to go to some stuff with me brother but he would not wake up... so i pick up the guitar. And i boot up that distortion to the max and that trebble to the minimum. And i just f*cking jammed full on metal vibing reminding me kind of of the start whene i would jam with distortion to hide my lack of skill. (My brother did not wake up and woke up alone due to hunger) after that i i just went home and jammed mostly just playing some improv and playing over stuff. It was a lot of fun but then nighy came and the family arrived so we welcome the new year but i just am a complete introvert and the others arr COMPLETE extroverts that honestly made me have an introvert pain. They also listen to very very diffarent music compaires to me (trap and rap). So kust went to my room that was thankfully empty of humans but i did just pick up the guitar and after vibing a lot i just realised how much i depend on music and how it has helped me so so so so so much in life. And to that i say, thank you guitar.
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Akko is secretly flexible from trying to improve her diffarant preformence abilities
And one time Diana goes to the gym with her cause why not a cute chill date with Akko and suddenly she sees akko in an impossible pose
And Diana she is blushinggg
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cafemagie · 2 years
A tip I have heard for ppl starting selling their art
Is that sometimes its better to start small
To irder in smaller amount even if it might be a bit more expensive per 1 (also know the diffarant isnt that big especially in some cheaper places)
And second it can help you not function at a loss
A lot of young artist may start with expensive equipment they dont need to start with
And might later down the line be not much relevent and will take longer to return the profit
Or you even see for example your posters do better than your stickers so maybe its better to invest in those instead
But you wouldnt learn that till trying
What I would rec is to start small so you could already start rn (and not need to wait to gather enough for a printer) see how it goes
Maybe order only a few stickers and posters (some even order only 10 to start out with small to see how it goes and to get expiriance)
See how it goes and order more based on the demend!
I know if you put some stuff in your shop rn I would love to get some! ✨
And whatever you choose good luck!
(Also its diffarant if you want to order the printer for fun and other stuff too of course but starting rn with smaller but instantly profitible can maybe even help you get the money for that!)
Thank you so much for these great advices! (And for checking/noticing my kofi page/goal hehe)
I've thoroughly read your message and been doing research on what you've mentioned :D
I think trying to set some merch online can be a fun experience, tried so much new things this year and had a great time so far doing so! And I'm so happy to know that a fellow is interested in having a physical piece of my art at home, it's so nice!! ^^
Will try to come up with smt before Christmas! Prints and stickers mostly, but a friend apparently knows stuff about keychains/pins so we'll see ✨
Your ask will probably be useful for other new artists too!
Wanted to doodle smt to thank you but short on time rn, will do when I'll answer your following ask (I think it's you too!) Have my cute bear in stock instead ^^
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the-poetic-ads · 1 month
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sophiesus · 2 years
My real story
I saw , a scene kid getteing bullied by too too, the groacary store to for buy ramen
and their were punching the fuck out off him saying "Why Do your listen too metallica , and nightcore your stupid [Censored]
i tappet then, on their shoudler and said.
"Did your know. that people have diffarant tastes than your. And your dont see me makeing fun of you're for listening, too katy perry? even if i relly want too?
their fuckeking jaws dropped and their ran away in terror.
So yea.
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