#dieter hartmann
dr-george-ordell · 9 months
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Swissair - 528 Disaster Plane Crash in Okosian Alps - All on board preseumed dead.
SIDE TEXT: Last Seen Location - Flughafen München Franz J.Sß
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staiyn · 2 months
Nothin special, just page sketch💌
Franz Sauer the man that you are...
I know these are bad💅
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Drawn on pink paper, because babygirl
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mickeyswhore · 11 months
This is my brand new side blog, so please if you enjoy the vibes follow me!
Fandoms I can write for:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Mickey Altieri
Thomas Hewitt
Michael Meyers
Brahms Heelshire
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Patrick Bateman
Jackson Rippner
Lenny Miller
Michael McCrea
Raymond Leon
Neil Lewis
Robert Fischer
Mike Kiernan
Shivering Soldier (Inception)
Damien O'Donovan
Thomas "Tom" Buckley
Thomas Shelby
Billy Butcher
Soldier Boy
Hughie Campbell
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Dieter Hellstrom (Inglorious Basterds)
Franz Sauer (Munich - The Edge of War)
Mike Krause (Salt)
Alex de Klerks (The Last Vermeer)
Moritz de Vries (Parfum)
Jam Kremfeld (Furia)
Paul von Hartmann (Munich - The Edge of War)
Karl (Je Suis Karl)
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Paul Atreides
Gurney Halleck
Primo Nizzuto (Trust FX)
Mickey Miranda (A Dangerous Fortune)
Jonas Kahnwald (Dark)
Werner Pfennig (All the Light We Cannot See)
Ulrich Haussmann (Masters of the Air)
Jax Teller
Opie Winston
Chibs Telford
Juice Ortiz
Tig Trager
What I will not write:
Threesomes (I simply suck at it AND not my cup of tea)
Anything involving minors (such as x daughter!Reader)
Complete angst (Please, we need to have some hope even if it's not a happy ending)
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1945 02 04 The blond knight - Robert Taylor
It is a record likely to stand for all time, and to complete the Three Hundred Club Portfolio, Robert Taylor pays tribute to the Ace of Aces – Erich Hartmann.Posted to JG52 over Russia in August 1942 his new Kommodore, Dieter Hrabak, placed the novice pilot under the guidance of ‘Paule’ Rossman, one of the unit’s most experienced and respected Aces. However during his very first combat Hartmann became so disorientated that he got lost in cloud and ran out of fuel. His undoubted skill as a pilot enabled him to survive the inevitable crash-landing, but a few days later and just minutes after scoring his first-ever victory, he was shot down – again crash-landing. This time he only just escaped from his burning aircraft before it exploded.Any other new pilot might have succumbed but Hartmann was made of sterner stuff and, with Rossman’s help and guidance, it wasn’t long before everyone in JG52 realised that he possessed exceptional skill.By the summer of 1943 ‘the Blond Knight’ and his colleagues were flying up to six missions a day and having now perfected his technique, it was unusual for him to finish a day without a victory. Never claiming to be an expert marksman, his approach, which took nerves of steel and great flying skills, was to get as close to his enemy as possible before opening fire at the last minute. Often flying ‘head on’, the risks of collision and damage were great – of the sixteen times Hartmann was brought down, eight were as a result of flying into the debris of his victim!Hartmann’s 352 victories were achieved with JG52 – all except one. It happened during a brief two week spell at the beginning of February 1945 when the top Ace was placed in temporary command of I./JG53. His new unit were based in Hungary where German Army Group South was in bitter retreat and the fighting was as tough and relentless as ever.Following up on HUNTERS AT DAWN this is the second release in the pair of limited editions and Robert Taylor’s atmospheric painting portrays Erich Hartmann climbing out of his Bf109 G-6 at Weszperem’s snow-covered airfield after returning from another arduous mission leading Stab I./JG53 with whom, on 4 February he downed a Yak-9. It was his 337th victory.
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analysisn3rd · 2 years
I think that Dieter’s morality is crystal clear. At the end of the day, he’s just a boy who wants to help others and do “good” because he recognised just how impactful that could be. This leads me to put him in the palest possible shade for a human being on my scale, and I shall explain why shortly. Dieter is, much like all children, naive, even though he’s a lot more observant and intelligent than most kids his age. There’s only so much that he has seen and known about the world, and this, inevitably, factors into how he views the world and how he views concepts such as “good” and “bad”. This means that he would be more hopeful than adults in certain situations. He, like them, thought that pain was ever-lasting, due to his living with Hartmann, but, once he discovered that tomorrow will be better, he wanted to share that with others. Tomorrow might not be better; it could be worse, even. However, he still believes in what he was told because of how he trusts Tenma, and because, seeing how everything turned out for him at the end, Tenma was right. Furthermore, due to Tenma and what he told Dieter, he realised that everything changes. It’s very rare that things stay the same, which is actually a great thing, although it’s usually meant to mean a terrible thing. He came to acknowledge that, since this situation he’s put in is not ever-lasting, he could change it by himself. It might not be much change, but it’s still significant and important, which makes him a, relatively, better person than others, as he does that with other people as well, not just himself. Another thing that changed his view on life and made him into the person that he is was his realisation, caused by Tenma’s actions, that anyone, even an utter stranger, can impact one’s life so deeply that their action could be considered life-changing. He, even though many might not see it, has an effect on people and he tries his absolute best to make it a positive one. He’s experienced first-hand what an incredible thing that is, and, because of that, he wanted to do the same. Some might see this as a bit childish, because he saw an action that he viewed as “good” and felt compelled to do the same thing as soon as he could, as it inspired him. However, I think it’s what makes him so special as a character. It’s what makes him the kind-hearted boy who he is.
Personality and insecurities
Dieter’s personality is very remarkable and it’s what makes him such a memorable and lovable character. I will expand more on it, and I will explain the worried or anxieties that he might have as well. Something that’s very notable about his personality is that he’s very stubborn. Despite being a young boy, many of the adults couldn’t get him to listen to them. This has nothing to do with respect, because he’s a very respectful person, but it has almost everything to do with his determination, which is also a very significant aspect of his personality. His determination is because he knows exactly what he wants, and he has a “one-track mind”. This is due to him being a child. There’s so much that he could want, and there are myriads of things that he might want but never know that he wanted because he wasn’t even aware of their existence. Even though this aspect of his personality could be used to belittle him and stop him from doing what he desires, it’s incredibly respectable and impressive. There are numerous adults who have no clue what they want to do, yet this child knows what he wants exactly, and he isn’t going to let anyone stop him from doing it. Another characteristic that I find very admirable about him is that he’s incredibly loyal. Once he considers someone his friend, he is never going to leave them and he’s going to care about them deeply and endlessly. There are numerous situations within the series that convey this very clearly. The last trait that I will be discussing is his intelligence and observation skills. Kids are naturally very observant and curious, but I believe that Dieter is a bit more than just that. An example of that is when Nina was trying to recall her memories. He sensed that she was disturbed and asked her to just give it up because he saw that, although it might be helpful, it was harming her, and he wanted that to stop. The biggest fear of his that I was able to identify is his fear of losing the ones he loves. It’s already established just how much he loves his friends and just how much he cares about them. He’s also well aware of the fact that they, especially Tenma, don’t lead a traditional or normal life, meaning that they are at constant risk of getting severely injured or worse. This leads him to constantly worry about their well-being because he doesn’t want to lose them. They’ve helped him in so many different ways, and he couldn’t stand losing people who are so important to him. This is most probably caused by how much he cares for those he loves; it’s a sort of side effect that he would worry about them as well.
Although I absolutely despise children, Dieter is an exception. He’s very admirable and I honestly respect him. I just really like him, and I think that the more I analysed his personality, the more I realised just how much I like him. He’s very endearing, in all honesty, so I’m very glad that I was able to analyse him. I hope that I did him justice.
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sco1960 · 1 year
Überraschende Ergebnisse bei den Schnupfern
Landkreisklubs haben in der Einzelwertung das Nachsehen – Oberlauterbach gewinnt Mannschaftswettbewerb
Von Hans Dieter Vogl
Mit dem knappsten aller möglichen Ergebnisse haben sich die Herren des gastgehenden SC Oberlauterbach am Samstag den Mannschaftstitel bei der 52. Bayerischen Schnupfmeisterschaft geholt. Ein Tausendstelgramm entschied im Duell mit dem Landkreisrivalen Dettenhofen über den Sieg. Das neue, schmucke Schützen- und Dorfheim von Oberlauterbach war der Austragungsort der Schnupf-Meisterschaft. Pünktlich begrüßte der Hausherr, Vereinsvorsitzender Thomas Plöckl, die zahlreich erschienenen Gäste aus nah und fern. Interessanterweise war sogar aus Österreich ein Team zur bayerischen Meisterschaft angereist. Nach Grußworten vom Schirmherrn, Aresings Bürgermeister Klaus Angermeier (CSU), von Staatssekretär Roland Weigert (FW), Landtagsabgeordnetem Matthias Enghuber (CSU) und dem Präsidenten des Deutschen Schnupferbundes, Christian Knauer aus Dettenhofen, ging es auch schon los: Auf das Kommando „Schnupfer fertig machen, die Dose öffnen, Achtung, fertig, los“ bemühten sich insgesamt 150 Starter, die in einer Dose eingewogenen fünf Gramm Schmai in exakt einer Minute in der Nase unterzubringen. Dies auf vielfältige Weise, vor allem aber möglichst viel und auch möglichst sauber – denn dafür gab es Extrapunkte. Dies ging – jeweils zu sechst auf der Bühne – rasch über dieselbe.
Zumindest bei den Damen gewinnen die Favoriten
Nach dem letzten Durchgang zogen sich die Offiziellen zur Auswertung zurück, alle anderen nutzten die Gelegenheit, um sich zu stärken oder das ein oder andere Getränk zu sich zu nehmen. Und als es dann zur Bekanntgabe der Ergebnisse kam, war es still im Saal, alle waren gespannt, ob sich die Favoriten durchgesetzt hatten oder doch ein Geheimtipp. Thomas Plöckl verkündete die Ergebnisse und Schirmherr Angermeier überreichte die Pokale, stets mit einer netten Anmerkung verbunden. Bei den Damen siegte, wenig überraschend, das Team vom SC Unterbuch (18,800 Gramm plus 73 Punkte für Sauberkeit) relativ deutlich vor der Damenprise Latsch (18,772 Gramm plus 72 Punkte) und den Damen des SC Nandlstadt. Die erstmals zu einem Wettbewerb angetretenen Wenzelhupen der Gastgeber mussten sich mit dem dritten Platz zufriedengeben. Einzelsiegerin wurde Petra Leinfelder aus Unterbuch (4,932 Gramm, 19 Punkte). Bettina Ochs von der Damenprise Latsch errang Platz zwei vor Regina Eder-Strobel aus Unterbuch. Die heimischen Damen mussten sich mit hinteren Plätzen begnügen, aber sie sind ja noch jung und können sich bestimmt noch steigern. Überraschungen gab es bei den Herren. Nicht Abonnementssieger Dettenhofen, nein, die Gastgeber errangen den Mannschaftstitel. In der Besetzung Benedikt Steger, Robert Wenger, Konrad Böck und Konrad Plöckl gelang es, vor heimischer Kulisse das beste Ergebnis zu erringen. Roman und Lukas Schruff ergänzten das Team, das insgesamt 19,670 Gramm und 77,5 Sauberkeitspunkte verbuchte. Der Zweitplatzierte SC Dettenhofen hatte zwar neun Tausendstelgramm mehr geschnupft, weil aber nur 76,5 Punkte bei der Sauberkeit gewertet worden waren, reichte es für Oberlauterbach zum Titel. Auf Platz drei landete der SC Dingisweiler vor dem SC Unterbuch, dem SC Peutenhausen und dem SC Sulzemoos. Das zweite Team aus Oberlauterbach, die Schnupfabrüada, errangen Platz sieben, die Wenzelschnupfer landeten auf Platz 22 und die Lauterbacher Tigers auf Platz 23.
Der Einzelsieger kommt aus Sulzemoos
Geradezu eine Sensation gab es bei der Einzelwertung der Herren. Kein Dettenhofener gewann da, kein Oberlauterbacher oder Unterbucher, nicht mal einer der aufstrebenden Knodorfer. Nein, Emil Hartmann vom SC Sulzemoos war mit 4,943 Gramm (20 Punkte Sauberkeit) nicht zu schlagen und nahm verdient den größten Pokal in Empfang. Auch Alois Mussack vom SC Dingisweiler war auf Platz zwei eine Überraschung (4,936 Gramm, 20 Punkte). Die Ehre des Schrobenhausener Landes, der Schnupferhochburg schlechthin, rettete Lokalmatador Benedikt Steger von den Gastgebern, der mit 4,928 Gramm und 19,5 Punkten für Sauberkeit Platz drei belegte. Wie gut geschnupft wurde zeigt, dass bis Rang 16 bei den Herren und bei den Damen bis Platz zwei über 4,9 Gramm geschnupft wurden. Nach der Siegerehrung erklang die Bayernhymne als offizieller Schluss der Veranstaltung. Bei herrlichem Spätsommerwetter wurden dann noch die Erfolge gefeiert und die Misserfolge analysiert. Schon in zwei Wochen, am Samstag, 30. September, sieht man sich wieder, wenn in Lampertshofen der SC Dettenhofen Gastgeber beim SVD-Pokal ist.
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ebouks · 2 years
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume 1. Middle East Central Asia and South Asia
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume 1. Middle East Central Asia and South Asia
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia Dieter Nohlen, Florian Grotz, Christof Hartmann (editors) Elections in Asia, written by experts in the field, presents the first-ever compendium of electoral data for all the 62 states in Asia, Australia, and Oceania from their independence to the present. Exhaustive statistics on national…
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Getting a present from Tenma is literally life threatening 
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rainingmusic · 7 years
Earshot- Headstrong
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luanna801 · 7 years
Incidentally, I need to take a moment and do a quick appreciation post for Kenzo Tenma (the protagonist of Naoki Urasawa’s Monster), because the guy is like... embarrassingly my type, on top of being generally awesome.
Especially in the way that he’s constantly taking time out of Important High-Stakes Plot Stuff to randomly be precious with small children. Like at one point he’s literally in middle of his Badass Rocky Training Montage so he can track down a serial killer, and he takes time out to PUT A BABY BIRD BACK IN ITS NEST???
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Like, what kind of Silver Age Superman nonsense??? I love him???
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He also cooks dinner for the guy who’s training him and this little girl? (And yes, he can also cook, because he is Actually Perfect.)
At one point he finds this boy who’s being abused and not only makes sure to protect him and get him away from his abuser...
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... and take the time to cheer him up and reassure him about the future...
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He also just... lets the kid keep hanging around him when it becomes clear the kid is too scared to trust anyone else? Because he doesn’t have the heart to just dump him in an orphanage or turn him over to the authorities or whatever?
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Like, I cannot stress enough that at this point Tenma is still TRYING TO HUNT DOWN A SERIAL KILLER, and is also on the run from the authorities because he’s been FRAMED FOR MURDER, but he still? Has to take the time out to help all the small children in need? 
(And yes, it’s kinda irresponsible of him to let a child hang around him in those circumstances, but you have to appreciate what a good place it’s coming from.)
But in case you thought this was limited to kids, no, he’s also this lovely and supportive with any adults who need him, even criminals who have done some legitimately messed-up things:
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And yet none of this makes him any less intelligent or competent or badass? Have a scene of him threatening to stab a neo-Nazi in the carotid artery with a pen:
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(I love both that this is 100% a bluff, because Tenma would not just murder a dude like that, but also that he has the conviction to pull this off and convince the neo-Nazis he’s completely serious.)
He’s just... the best, basically? Everyone should read/watch this series so that they can love him as much as I do?
That’s all, you can go back to your regularly scheduled business now.
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dashalbrundezimmer · 3 years
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sankt marien // köln nippes
architect: vincentz statz
completion: 1982
devastation: 1942
renovation by karl band
glass window design by dieter hartmann 1980
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staiyn · 1 month
love their Hate-Love thing they got going on
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benkaden · 3 years
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Rostock Hotel Warnow.
[Interhotel “Warnow” - Dieter Jastram, Hans Fleischhauer, Wolfgang Hartmann, 1964-1967 / Haus der Schiffahrt - Joachim Näther, 1959-1962]
Berlin: Verlag Felix Setecki, 1054 Berlin (III/18/197 B 6/71).
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spaceexp · 5 years
Clemson scientists further refine how quickly the universe is expanding
Clemson SC (SPX) Nov 11, 2019 Wielding state-of-the-art technologies and techniques, a team of Clemson University astrophysicists has added a novel approach to quantifying one of the most fundamental laws of the universe. In a paper published Friday, Nov. 8, in The Astrophysical Journal, Clemson scientists Marco Ajello, Abhishek Desai, Lea Marcotulli and Dieter Hartmann have collaborated with six other scientists aroun Full article
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benjaminlewklon · 6 years
Der gute Mensch von Sezuan
Bertolt Brecht Ernst Deutsch Theater Hamburg Donnerstag 23.08.2018 (Premiere) bis Freitag 28.09.2018 Regie Wolf-Dietrich Sprenger Ausstattung Achim Römer Musikalische Leitung Christoph Iacono Ensemble Ümran Algün, Bruno Bachem/Mohammad-Ali Behboudi, Abid Ciplak, Isabell Fischer, Nellie Fischer-Benson, Maria Hartmann, Dieter Hoor, Rune Jürgensen, Benjamin-Lew Klon, Jessica Kosmalla, Maren Kraus, Tash Manzungu, Annika Martens, Jonas Minthe, Finn Vincent Moriz, Christoph Tomanek, Mischa Warken, Oliver Warsitz
Drei Götter wollen beweisen, dass sich auf der Erde zumindest ein guter Mensch finden lässt, damit die Welt so bleiben kann, wie sie ist. Nach vielen vergeblichen Versuchen, treffen sie auf Shen Te, eine Prostituierte, die ihnen als einzige selbstlos Unterkunft gewährt. Zum Dank erhält sie 1000 Silberdollar, ein kleines Vermögen, das sie in einen Tabakladen investiert. Die Gutmütigkeit von Shen Te wird von ihren Mitmenschen schamlos ausgenutzt. Um überleben zu können, erfindet sie einen skrupellosen Vetter Shui Ta, in dessen Haut sie immer wieder schlüpft. Shui Ta wendet die Gesetze des Kapitalismus rigoros und rücksichtslos an und der Konflikt spitzt sich immer weiter zu.
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ebouks · 2 years
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume 2. South East Asia East Asia and the Pacific
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume 2. South East Asia East Asia and the Pacific
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Volume South East Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific Dieter Nohlen, Florian Grotz, Christof Hartmann (editors) Categories: Computers – Algorithms and Data Structures Society, Politics & Philosophy – Government & Politics Year: 2002 Language: english Pages: 882 / 875 ISBN 10: 0191530425 ISBN 13: 9780199249596 File: 40 MB
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