#diet meds
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searchingwardrobes · 3 months ago
I have been debating sharing this for some time, but with the new year weight loss ads amping up, I feel it's something I have to say. I'm worried for people's health.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably already know about people taking the diabetic drug ozempic for weight loss. You've probably heard the debates about the ethics of taking needed drugs away from diabetes patients and maybe even the side effect of "ozempic face." However, there is one side effect of taking these drugs that, in my opinion, people are not being warned about.
If you carefully pay attention to the television ads, you will hear them mention "pancreatitis" as a possible side effect. If you're like me a decade ago, that word probably means nothing to you. Let me warn you, however, it is no minor thing. My husband suffered from chronic pancreatitis for five agonizing years. The pain is beyond comprehension. Doctors who specialize in the pancreas describe it as the worst pain a human can endure. There is no actual cure. Little is understood about the disease, so treatment is difficult. Doctors who understand it are few and far between. It took my husband forever to get diagnosed. He went through multiple surgeries and procedures, but nothing worked. He had to go on an extremely limiting diet. If he varied from it in any way, he would have an attack. The only way to recover from an attack was to not eat at all for days, then slowly add in broth and jello. Did he lose weight? Yes. As a matter of fact, one day he stepped out of the shower, and I burst into tears at the sight of him. He was skin and bones - I could count every rib. Was it worth it to be thin? If you even ask that question, I'm concerned for your mental health.
They couldn't figure out exactly why my husband got pancreatitis. At that time, they thought only alcoholics and drug addicts got pancreatitis. This made it difficult to get compassionate medical care, unfortunately. Now they know that prescription medication (particularly diabetic medication) and high cholesterol can also cause it. Then there is another group - where they just don't know. But you better believe I would hesitate to take any medication that could cause pancreatitis. I would weigh my options carefully to assess if it was worth the risk. In my opinion, weight loss is not worth that risk.
My concern has been heightened seeing the Hers commercials for these drugs (under different names, but rest assured, it is the same thing). These commercials brag that you can get these drugs from Hers with just a simple virtual call, no questions asked. I wonder if people are fully aware of the risks of these drugs. I also wonder if we even know all of the risks yet. I also fear that the culture around these drugs could develop into an us vs. them mentality. That if it's so easy to be thin, why wouldn't you be? And some are getting dangerously thin on these drugs.
I know some diabetics who are on these drugs, and necessarily so. They tell me that it causes nausea when they eat. That's why they don't eat much. Again, that doesn't sound like a pleasant way to live. If you need it to regulate your blood sugar, that's one thing. But if you don't? Why would you do this to yourself?
My husband is now healed of pancreatitis. It was a miracle. You may not believe in that sort of thing, but I'm telling you, there is no other explanation. We had exhausted every medical solution, then the pandemic hit. We were concerned because hospitals were only taking life or death cases. What if he had a bad attack and needed an iv of pain meds? What would we do? Weeks passed - no pain. A month passed - no pain. Six weeks passed - no pain. He decided to grill a steak - something he hadn't been able to even take a nibble of in 5 years. I watched him take a bite, holding my breath. Nothing. He ate the whole thing. No pain. Five years later, still no pain. The doctors can't explain it, either.
So our story has a happy ending. Not everyone else's does. I hope people take the time to read this. If you do, please, please share it. I don't want anyone suffering needlessly.
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anteroom-of-death · 11 months ago
Why does this man have Aubreys literal ozempic meds on the cover???
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month ago
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shotmrmiller · 8 months ago
I’m a vegetarian but ya know what? I’m down bad enough for this man that I will still love him regardless of what a weirdo he’s being lol
he'll never understand it but so long you don't try to spew some obsessive peta nonsense he's cool with it. might even grill you an eggplant whenever he has a bbq.
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tonguetyd · 3 days ago
Almost hung up on my therapist today 👍🏻 so that’s how that’s going 😅
(She saw where I was coming from eventually and I’m glad I was able to explain why I was so fucking mad so like it’s good that I didn’t but) (damn that’s like the third time this month I’ve had to push back and argue with her like “no that’s not coming across how you think it’s coming across”)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
One thing that always bothered me in high school (and still does, years after!) was touring a college and the tour guides went, "as a college freshman, you'll probably be susceptible to the Freshman Fifteen, so be careful!" as my tour group passed the college's gym complex (it was actually a pretty impressive gym, though, but that's beside the point).
Like, that just bothers me because... I wonder what is so different between American high school and American college that might contribute to weight gain (sarcasm intended)! Even taking 101 classes is very different from the classes you might take in high school, I don't think it's fair to hold your body to the standards you had in high school.
Absolutely, I think it's important to prioritize health for your body, but weight gain associated with major lifestyle changes are normal and why I remember this so clearly is because the threat of weight gain was treated as something that ought to scare us straight. If you gain weight in college, there's a reason why, and it isn't a horrific ordeal that you ought to feel ashamed of.
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perhaps-in-anotherdream · 1 year ago
[CN] Li Zeyan’s S2 CH 55-58 Karmas
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“Give me a reason why I should comply with the rules.”
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“I will remember the long journey we have walked together.”
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werewolfbarista · 7 months ago
no........could it be ....? new stretch marks above my hips..............?! quick, someone praise me‼️‼️
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elkkiel · 1 month ago
Forgive me if this sounds condescending or anything, but is your inability to take ur medicine with vitamin c like, listed on your medicine label, or did you hear it from the internet? Because I know the "vitamin c makes your meds not work" is an internet rumor, sprung from the fact that grapefruit juice specifically can make some medications take longer to activate.
If it's like, listed on your medication label information stuff that's totally different, I just don't want you to give up orange juice if you don't have to!
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this is a massive W for the tumbler dot com slash elkkiel community
kissing you on the mouth or the forehead, or perhaps even giving you a sincere nod to signal my gratitude
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mulderscully · 1 year ago
guess who reversed their type 2 diabetes 😎
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theartintheblood · 2 months ago
dental surgery while suffering from a herniated disc in your spine is not something i would wish on anyone. yikes.
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months ago
Followed some deity advice and now I feel myself with more energy and less pain.
They told me I was obviously dehydrated which caused weakness, stomach problems, pain, inflammation and fatigue. They told me I needed to take more than 32 ounces of water per day (which isn't even enough but was what I taking. They told me take TWICE as much) as well as drink coconut water (at least an additional 8 ounces).
I did that yesterday and even managed to clean up some stuff and move around late last night (after midnight. That damned insomnia came back and filled me with energy.) Felt no nausea or stomach aches.
I was also told to avoid fried foods and to add more fruit and fiber in my diet. I've done that and now my stomach isn't as upset after every meal like before.
I also have to avoid potatoes and rice. My family swears that rice cause no issues but ever since I took rice out of my diet a couple of days agon along with potatoes and overly salty foods my symptoms lessened considerably.
Still am weak as shit though. I have a lot of altar dust which I plan to turn into black salt to eventually to put in a cleansing spray. I need to at least energy cleanse my floors with some cleaning concoctions (cinnamon purification helps a bit. I also use witchhazel to wipe down surfaces).
But I'm still not in a good enough state to do all that right now and they thankfully understand and I was told so. To not worry too much cos also stressing and letting my blood pressure rise sadly helped contribute to my inflammation and that causes me even more body pains.
So to fellow witches out there, don't fear asking your deities for guidance even during extreme illness. I made that mistake because I didn't want to overstep but it turns out they're always ready to help especially if you can channel them to hear them as clearly as any person.
I mentioned this before in my witchy blog cos I made a mistake of never asking for help either from deities or actual people. (My family hates that I don't ask for help 90% of the time. I actually hate asking for help 😭. I don't like burdening others. Its embarrassing and I don't want to annoy my closest ones. Ugh.)
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darkwingsnark · 4 months ago
Wanted to apologize for the last week. A mixture of being incredibly sick and getting told at the last minute that we needed to use the week to work on our room has made me behind on creating and reblogging #Duckvember art.
Give me another day, and I promise to catch up. I am looking forward to seeing what you all have made.
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naamahdarling · 1 year ago
#my psych who prescribes my psych meds is a resident and is moving on in a couple of months#i don't even remember the names of them all at this point#this happens over and over and I cannot find a clinic that will put me with someone who intends to stay#thst will also prescribe my adhd meds#and my anxiety meds#and the real kicker is that twice now they have LIED about it and said they would#only to reveal after all the hoop-jumping that oops sorry they didn't really mean it#so it's a risk i have to take any time i leave#and rhen there's the issue of new people almost always wanting to DO something#but instead of talking to me about it they just decide that my meds need overhauling and pressure me to go off shit that works#but that they morally object to i guess#and my psych for some stupid reason has decided she wants bloodwork for my cholesterol and blood sugar stuff and im just like#what hell does THIS presage because if she harasses me about the results or tries to put me on drugs for that#I'll give her a nasty scrap about it#im not interested in those meds at all#and im certainly not messing with my diet since food is the only pleasure i get most days and even that is marginal at best#and removing that would just make me worse#but medpros for the most part really don't give a fuck about that#and so now im afraid - because i do not and cannot trust them - that if i disapprove of the meds they will retaliate somehow#which good luck proving that when management and oversight often don't even care if they course of treatment will HARM you#if it relates to being fat or having bad numbers#they just gotta pathologize!#so yeah im sick of everything and just kind of want to bury myself in a bog forever#i shouldn't have to deal with this
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cozza-frenzy · 5 months ago
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Someone decided to get in this box while I was trying to take out the recycling...
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lesbianwyllravengard · 1 year ago
so my general paranoia has always been pretty bad (hi ocd) but I thought it was more manageable the past few years as I've matured and gotten better at catching myself before I spiral, but recently (as in the past three weeks or so) it's been so bad that I do things impulsively as I'm spiralling without even realising it and it's been negatively affecting the way I perceive how friends think of me which I do NOT want to start happening again because that sucked. Idk why it's happening but I'd be grateful for any advice idrk what else to say about it.
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