#diet chart for pregnant women
thefitindian · 10 months
Discover the significance of a well-balanced Indian pregnancy diet plan and the foods that promote the health of both the expectant mother and the growing fetus. Learn about essential nutrients, meal ideas, and precautions to take during pregnancy
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allaboutivf · 1 year
Pregnancy Diet: Know About Diet Chart for Pregnant Women at Indira IVF
Pregnancy Diet Chart: A Diet chart for pregnant women can be designed to provide increased nutrients during pregnancy. Watch this detailed video on pregnancy food chart. For more information, visit https://www.indiraivf.com/blog/diet-chart-for-pregnant-women
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subashvigram97 · 2 years
Pregnancy Exercise: Different Types of Exercise for Pregnant Women at Indira IVF
Pregnancy Diet Chart helps provide women the right nutrients needed during pregnancy. Watch this detailed video. For more information about diet chart for pregnant women, Visit now!
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worldincredible · 9 months
Managing PCOS/PCOD through a well-balanced diet is crucial for overall health and weight management. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to personalize a diet plan tailored to individual needs and ensure adequate nutrient intake. 
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The negative effects of stress at work during pregnancy can affect you very significantly. If you’re a woman working who is currently pregnant, the most important thing that you’re thinking about is:
How Can You Reduce Stress from Work While Pregnant? The time of pregnancy is one in your life which comes with a lot of challenges and changes. These changes by themselves will create stress in your daily life. Add work stress on top of that, and you’re in for a catastrophe.
Stress during pregnancy is not a joke. It’s a problem that needs to be addressed to ensure the well-being of the mother and the baby. The negative effects of stress during pregnancy can be very dangerous.
Impacts of Stress at Work During Pregnancy An Increase in Blood Pressure When our brains are confronted with an anxiety-inducing situation, like meeting that naive time limit at work, the brain creates an array of hormones that temporarily raise our blood pressure. This can lead to the placenta not receiving sufficient blood flow. Considering that the baby is dependent on blood to supply energy and nutrition, this may reduce the growth rate of the infant.
Premature Birth and the Birth Weight Being Low
Being stressed at work for long periods of time could cause chronic changes to the hormone levels of your body and vascular system as well as the immune system. These changes adversely affect both the maternal health as well as the child, resulting in premature birth and the baby’s weight being low.
Anxiety and Depression
These are two of the most frequent consequences of stress in pregnancy. Your brain is already susceptible to stress during pregnancy, and it only makes it worse. Stress can trigger a surge of negative emotions which can eventually cause anxiety and depression. This affects the child also since the mom’s feelings and thoughts are linked to the baby’s.
How to Manage Stress at Work While Pregnant
Consult your physician about your concerns and formulate an action plan for these issues.
You can seek help from your friends whenever you need it.
  Eat well and get plenty of rest.
If you have desk jobs, speak with your manager and boss and set up some additional breaks. You can walk around during break to ensure that you are active.
Practice yoga and meditation to help you relax.
The Signs to Stop Working During the Pregnancy
If you are at risk of having a pregnancy that is causing complications, speak with your employer and stop working immediately.
If the pregnancy affects your performance at work and you’re feeling tired during the course of your day you should consider the possibility of taking the time off from work.
At the point of completing your pregnancy, specifically at the 7-8-month date, you must submit a request for your pregnancy leave.
If your job is physically demanding and you are in a position for long periods of time you are at a standstill, it could affect your health.
How Much Stress Is Too Much in a Pregnant Woman? If you feel overwhelmed, worried, and sad every day this could be an indication that stress is getting too much to manage. If you are noticing your body becoming weaker and fatigued and finding it difficult to manage your pregnancy demands alongside other obligations you should take a break. Discover ways of relaxing, like taking a yoga class or meditation for women who are pregnant.
The period of pregnancy is one that occurs in your life during which your body is the most precious guest. It is also your responsibility as host to make their house as relaxing as possible.
Continue reading-
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🌸🌸🌸
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Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
🌸If you have Virgo Venus, you could feel like you can have the most rewarding, stable partnerships with people who have a 6th house Synastry with you. If you are Taurus Venus, you could resonate more with 2nd house Synastry. If you have Cancer Venus, you connect best with people you have 4th house Synastry with.
🌸I noticed with Mars in the 12th house Synastry is that the Mars person (who most often has secret feelings for the house person) is more "spiritual" about the connection. They have this "if it's meant to be, it will be" passive approach towards starting the connection.
🌸Venus sextile/trine Neptune in a Synastry chart means that Venus person is easily inspired by the Neptune person, hence being more creative. Meanwhile, Neptune person could have material, financial benefits from Venus person, such as getting more lavish, expensive gifts, free dinner, more clothing etc.
🌸In Synastry, when one person's Saturn is negatively aspecting the other person's North Node, they North Node person can feel like this person is slowing down their life purpose and career. North Node person feels like Saturn person wants them to prioritize them and relationship they have with them (starting a family for example, being more present in the connection) rather than their career goals and life purpose.
🌸If both people end up dating their Saturn sign, they view each other as trophies or like a most prized possession. If you have Pisces Saturn, you could see your partner with Pisces Sun as a trophy.
🌸I'm noticing a pattern that I'm starting to develop in a little theory. Often men who have for example Gemini Sun mum, often go for women who have Gemini Moon in their chart. Or if their mum is Taurus Sun, they pick a woman who has Taurus Moon.
🌸Often times people who have Scorpio over the 4th house tend to overshare and claim they are "an open book", when in reality you don't really know much about them personally or what is happening with them or their life.
🌸People who have Mars in the 9th house LOVE to travel (especially long-distance), but I noticed with them, they at some point have this weird, unique, "rebel" phase when they just rebel against travel and kind of don't want to leave their home or hometown that they are used to.
🌸Libra Moon can get pregnant, expect a baby with a person that is already married.
🌸You can start feeling like they brought you closer to who you truly are at your core level around the sign over your 8th house. Like you become more you through the connection with this person, not necessarily "lose" yourself in the connection.
🌸 Partners of women who have Virgo Mars always admire their woman’s modesty and how humbke they are.
🌸People with Scorpio or Aries over the 4th house might really like the gym, but also kinda dislike themselves for how much take actually enjoy it.
🌸 For fitness motivation always look at the people who share their Sun sign with your Mars sign. For example: if you have Scorpio Mars, you might be really interested in a workout routine of a Scorpio Sun, such as Kendall Jenner. If you have Cancer Mars, you might want Cancer Sun Gisele Bündchen to leak her workout routine. The same goes for if you want to have a personal trainer, it’s best if this person has Sun sign of your Mars sign, because they will be able to motivate you better than others.
🌸 Gemini Juno could have a partner that diets or often does cleanses.
🌸 People who have Neptune Ascendant aspect might view the gym as a sanctuary or like personal therapy.
🌸 Young musicians who have Capricorn Venus make songs that even the elderly like to listen.
🌸 In Synastry Venus opposite Mars can mean that Venus person can act differently at home with their Mars partner versus when they are in the public with them. While Mars person is always their authentic self at all times.
🌸 People who have Cancer or Capricorn over the 8th house could attract a partner that acts like their mother (in case of Cancer over the 8th house) or their father (in the case of Capricorn over the 8th house).
🌸 Pisces Mercury and Neptune aspect Mercury can sometimes be mentally quite lazy or passive. They would rather challenge themselves to do a task, chore physically than mentally. For example, they would rather learn how to skate than learn biology.
🌸Capricorn, Pisces, Aries and Libra Moons are prone to be more emotionally insecure, especially when in a partnership. That's why they need validation on a daily basis or often.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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clearest-blve · 1 year
Quickest Way to Get Pregnant - An Effective and Natural Way You Should Know
If you have time to surf some websites about getting pregnancy, the question which has the highest rate of being asked is: "What is the quickest way to get pregnant?" Nowadays, with the aid of modern techniques, there are many new methods which can help you have a baby, but many women prefer an effective and click here natural way. Through this article, you will understand more about this most favorite way to get pregnant.
The first factor leading to the success of this method is to know the best time for pregnancy. If you have sex without noticing the most fertile day, you can not get the best result. So why don't you explore the secret of your own period immediately. A normal menstrual period lasts 28 day and the beginning of ovulation drops in day 14. But this period is different for each woman. It can take longer or shorter. If you see this calculation is not accurate, you can base on some typical signs of ovulation to estimate the time having the highest rate of getting pregnant. You can chart the change of your body temperature with a basal body temperature which can be bought easily in any grocery stores. The rise in temperature and the appearance of clear stretchy fluid are the first symptoms of ovulation.
Knowing the most fertile days is not enough for your preparation of getting pregnant. Keeping the good health is the next step you must not forget. First, you should have a suitable diet with necessary nutrients which can raise your rate of conception. You should choose a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid the foods which have many calories for each meal. You must also give up the habit of using the caffeine products or artificial items, such as lubricants, sprays, etc. You can improve your health by keeping doing regular exercise or choosing the most suitable activity: Yoga, Pilates, tennis or swimming. These sports also help you reduce stress while trying to get pregnant and feel more energetic for other activities.
All above advices are the preparation for the most important step of this quick natural method: having sex at the right time and with the good health. You and your partner should have sex at least three times a week to increase the chance of having baby. And you must notice that you should not get up immediately after sex to ensure that the sperm has enough time to complete its duty before the egg dries up and escapes from the woman's body.
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itzabouthealth · 2 years
Losing weight has always been closely tied to food preferences. When you want to lose that extra fat, you’re always looking to customize your meals, count calories, exercise, take supplements, and even take extreme measures like surgery just to lose fat.
However, did you know that a Custom Keto Diet plan can help you lose weight healthfully?
If not, this 8-week Custom Keto Diet review will give you the full explanation of the Custom Keto Diet and discuss everything about it that you need to know. You will learn about a ketogenic diet and how to lose weight with the diet.
Keep reading if you want to find out more!
What is Custom Keto Diet?
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Custom Keto Diet is a meal program that helps you practice your ketogenic lifestyle free from any confusion. The program is created by Rachel Roberts and it provides you with diet plans and lifestyle intervention that helps you to stick to the diet. It has caught the attention of thousands of people throughout the US and has earned a credible space in the market. This Custom Keto Diet review article will take you through how the book is different from several other programs
>>>Click Here To Get Custom Keto Diet Guide From The Official Website
How Does It Works??
The 8 Week Custom Keto Diet focuses on implementing a ketogenic diet that requires individuals to take low carb diets, high in fat and moderate in fat. The idea is to ensure smooth nutritional consumption to allow the body to get into a metabolic state called ketosis.
It is crucial to note that the body enters a state of ketosis when it burns fat stored in the muscles and tissues since it lacks enough carbohydrates to burn from what an individual intakes. The result is ketones that become the fuel the body uses to function.
A high-fat diet has reduced body weight and decreased the threat of contracting chronic illnesses.
Therefore the 8 Week Custom Keto Diet works to ensure individuals burn the undesired fat and uses it as meaningful energy in the body.
Why should I buy the Custom Keto Diet?
The point of following a diet is so that you become fit. With the help of a plan, it becomes easier and more practical to stick to a diet. Custom Keto Diet helps someone who chooses to follow the Ketogenic diet.
If you are someone finding it hard to practice your diet, then with the help of Custom Keto Diet, you will be able to bring about consistency in your diet. You also have an idea of what nutrients you need to intake and how to chart out your meals and workout routines.
The Custom Keto Diet plan aids your weight loss process into a systematic model that ensures you do not break your diet.
Benefits of Custom Keto Diet
Custom Keto Diet comes along with several benefits, and some of the benefits include: • The diet focuses more on foodstuffs to consume; hence no need to undertake physical exercises by going to the gym. • The ingredients are readily and easily available in the groceries; therefore, one will not struggle to find them • With the program, one will notice they are cutting weight rapidly without struggling. • The programs help one maintain a healthier lifestyle. • The diet helps reduce cravings as the portions prescribed are enough to make one full, reducing craving rates. • Helps in the fat-burning process. The diet ensures that there is low carbohydrate consumption, hence converting the excess fats stored in the body into energy.
Is the Custom Keto Diet for everyone?
Any adult can use this diet plan if they want to adopt the ketogenic diet in their lifestyle. This diet, however, is best avoided by pregnant and nursing women who might need extra nutrition. This diet plan can be used by anyone interested in eating healthier and improving their quality of life via the ketogenic diet.
The diet isn’t a bad way to start living healthy. Whether you’re young or old, you can implement it in your life.
However, it is advised that if you have a medical condition existing, it is best to consult your doctor before you start the diet as it may otherwise affect your health. It is also advised that anyone below the age of 18 keep away from the diet. This plan is not designed for minors and they require a different level of nutrients.
Results From Real People Who Used Custom Keto Diet
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Where To Buy Custom Keto Diet:
Warning : Remember To Buy Custom Keto Diet From Its Official Website Otherwise You’ll Get Scammed.
Get Custom Keto Diet From Its Official Website — Click Here
Affiliate Disclosure:
If you buy the product suggested here, Marketing may get an affiliate marketing commission from the company whose product we recommend at no extra cost. The proceeds will go toward paying for the salaries of the people who compiled this article’s research and writing staff.
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rajmangalhospital · 1 month
Debunking Common Pregnancy Food Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction for Expectant Mothers
Pregnancy food chart
Pregnancy is a time of excitement, anticipation, and often, an inundation of advice from well-meaning friends, family, and even strangers. Amidst this flood of information, it’s easy for expectant mothers to come across various food myths that can lead to confusion and unnecessary worry. From avoiding certain foods to embracing others, the world seems full of conflicting recommendations. However, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction to ensure a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy journey. 
Let’s debunk some common pregnancy food myths.
Myth 1: Eating for Two
One of the most pervasive myths surrounding pregnancy is the idea that expectant mothers need to “eat for two.” While it’s true that a pregnant woman’s nutritional needs change, it doesn’t mean doubling food intake. In reality, during the first trimester, there’s no need for additional calories. In the second trimester, an extra 340 calories per day are recommended, and around 450 extra calories per day in the third trimester. These extra calories should come from nutrient-dense foods rather than empty calories. Pregnancy food chart
Myth 2: Avoiding Fish Due to Mercury
Concerns about mercury contamination in fish have led many pregnant women to avoid seafood altogether. While it’s true that certain types of fish, such as shark and swordfish, contain high levels of mercury and should be avoided during pregnancy, many other types are safe and highly beneficial. Fish like salmon, trout, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for fetal brain development. It’s advisable to choose low-mercury options and limit consumption to 2-3 servings per week. Pregnancy food chart
Myth 3: Say No to Coffee
Coffee lovers may fret over the idea of giving up their daily cup of joe during pregnancy. While it’s true that excessive caffeine intake can be harmful to the developing fetus, moderate consumption is generally considered safe. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends limiting caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day, which is roughly equivalent to one 12-ounce cup of coffee. However, it’s essential to consider other sources of caffeine, such as tea, soda, and chocolate, when monitoring overall intake.
Myth 4: Raw Means Risky
Raw food, including sushi, raw eggs, and unpasteurized cheese, is often considered off-limits during pregnancy due to the risk of foodborne illness. While it’s true that pregnant women are more susceptible to food poisoning, it doesn’t mean they need to avoid all raw foods entirely. High-quality sushi-grade fish, pasteurized eggs, and certain cheeses are generally safe when consumed in moderation and from reputable sources. It’s essential to assess the risk and make informed choices rather than blanket avoidance. Pregnancy food chart
Myth 5: Spicy Foods Induce Labor
The notion that spicy foods can induce labor has been around for generations, leading some expectant mothers to load up on hot sauce in hopes of expediting the process. However, there’s little scientific evidence to support this claim. While spicy foods may cause temporary discomfort or heartburn, they’re unlikely to trigger labor unless the body is already primed for it. It’s essential to focus on a balanced diet rather than relying on spicy foods as a labor-inducing method.
Myth 6: Cravings Reflect Nutritional Needs
Pregnancy cravings are a well-known phenomenon, with many expectant mothers experiencing sudden urges for specific foods, often of the unhealthy variety. While cravings can sometimes indicate a need for certain nutrients, such as iron or protein, they’re more often driven by hormonal changes, emotions, or cultural influences. It’s crucial to indulge cravings in moderation while prioritizing a balanced diet that meets nutritional needs. Pregnancy food chart
Myth 7: Say Goodbye to Deli Meats
Deli meats, including ham, turkey, and salami, are often cited as potential sources of listeria, a bacterium that can cause severe illness, especially in pregnant women. While it’s true that pregnant women are more susceptible to listeria infection, it doesn’t mean they need to avoid deli meats altogether. By heating deli meats��until steaming hot, any potential bacteria can be killed, making them safe for consumption during pregnancy.
Myth 8: Herbal Teas Are Harmless
Herbal teas are often marketed as natural remedies for various pregnancy symptoms, from nausea to insomnia. While some herbal teas are safe during pregnancy, others can be potentially harmful. Certain herbs, such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger, are generally considered safe in moderation. However, others, like licorice root, sage, and pennyroyal, should be avoided due to their potential to induce uterine contractions or other adverse effects. Pregnancy food chart
Myth 9: Skip the Soft Cheese
Soft cheeses, including brie, feta, and camembert, are often singled out as foods to avoid during pregnancy due to the risk of listeria contamination. While it’s true that soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk can pose a risk, many soft cheeses sold in the United States are made from pasteurized milk and are therefore safe for consumption during pregnancy. It’s essential to check labels and opt for pasteurized versions to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Myth 10: Overindulging in Sweet Treats
Pregnancy cravings for sweets are common, leading some expectant mothers to worry about the consequences of indulging in their favorite treats. While it’s essential to limit consumption of sugary foods and beverages, occasional indulgence is unlikely to cause harm. The key is moderation and balance, ensuring that the majority of calories come from nutrient-dense foods that support maternal and fetal health. Pregnancy food chart
In conclusion, navigating the myriad of dietary advice during pregnancy can be overwhelming, but it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. By debunking common food myths and focusing on evidence-based recommendations, expectant mothers can make informed choices that support their health and the health of their growing baby. Consulting with gynaecologist in baner and registered dietitians can provide further guidance tailored to individual needs and preferences. Ultimately, embracing a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods is key to a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy journey.
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joga-blog · 7 months
Your Guide to Normal Blood Sugar Levels: Charts and Interpretations
Maintaining normal blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health and well-being. Blood sugar, also known as glucose, serves as the primary source of energy for the body's cells. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can have significant implications for both short-term and long-term health. Understanding what constitutes normal blood sugar levels is essential for individuals seeking to manage their health effectively.
Normal Blood Sugar Levels:
Blood sugar levels are typically measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or millimoles per liter (mmol/L). The following chart outlines the various blood sugar levels and their classifications:
1. Fasting Blood Sugar Levels:
   - Normal: 70-99 mg/dL (3.9-5.5 mmol/L)
   - Pre-diabetes (impaired fasting glucose): 100-125 mg/dL (5.6-6.9 mmol/L)
   - Diabetes: 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests
2. Blood Sugar Levels 2 Hours After Eating (Postprandial):
   - Normal: Less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)
   - Pre-diabetes: 140-199 mg/dL (7.8-11.0 mmol/L)
   - Diabetes: 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests
3. Random Blood Sugar Levels:
   - Normal: Less than 125 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)
   - Diabetes: 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher
It's important to note that individual circumstances, including age, weight, activity level, and overall health, can influence blood sugar levels. Additionally, pregnant women may have different target ranges for blood sugar levels.
Managing Blood Sugar Levels:
For individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition, maintaining blood sugar levels within the normal range is paramount. Strategies for managing blood sugar levels include:
1. Diet: 
Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help regulate blood sugar levels.
2. Exercise: 
Engaging in regular physical activity can improve insulin sensitivity and help lower blood sugar levels.
3. Monitoring: 
Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels through blood glucose testing allows individuals to track their progress and make necessary adjustments to their treatment plan.
4. Medication: 
For individuals with diabetes, medication such as insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents may be prescribed to help regulate blood sugar levels.
5. Lifestyle Modifications: 
Avoiding excessive consumption of sugary foods and beverages, managing stress, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and maintaining a healthy weight are all important factors in managing blood sugar levels.
Understanding normal blood sugar levels is essential for maintaining optimal health and preventing complications associated with conditions such as diabetes. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits and working closely with healthcare professionals, individuals can effectively manage their blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of long-term health complications.
This comprehensive chart serves as a valuable reference tool for individuals seeking to achieve and maintain normal blood sugar levels for overall health and well-being.
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Pregnancy Miracle Review, Legit or a SCAM?
Why Is Pregnancy Miracle The Best Selling Infertility Cure Book In Internet History, With Thousands Of Satisfied (And Now Proud Mothers) Women In 127 Countries Worldwide?Thousands of women of almost every age have completely reversed any infertility issues they had and got pregnant naturally, without drugs, risky surgery, or "magic potions" simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step-by-step method found inside this amazing Pregnancy guidebook. The Pregnancy Miracle eBook is a downloadable book that has been carefully designed to help women get pregnant naturally and healthfully. The book itself is 279 pages and includes loads of information on how to increase your fertility level naturally through ancient Chinese methods and by using time tested techniques. The Pregnancy Miracle does not deal with any prescription drugs or expensive and potentially dangerous surgical techniques. It is a completely natural and holistic process, as in some cases synthetic hormones, surgery, or other artificial therapies may cause side effects which could lower the chances of getting pregnant. The book contains a lot of information as well as charts and checklists to enable you to track the development process.
Based on an ancient and holistic system that women in the orient have used for centuries, Olson’s miracle cure for infertility is rooted in commonsense and scientific processes. It isn’t a gimmick and it will work as long as you follow the process fully. She used the system to cure her own infertility, so she has personal experience and successfully relates to the heartache women who can’t fall pregnant suffer from. The Pregnancy Miracle eBook has been proven to increase your chances of getting pregnant if you’re willing to follow the steps. Like a diet or exercise program, you will reap the benefits if you are consistent in following the program that Lisa lays out. This book does not only tell you how to get pregnant, but it also extends to helping you create a balanced and healthy feminine body that will support your bid to take in and give birth to your child. The regime is super simple to follow, as it is 100% natural and based on over 65,000 hours of research. It’s broken down into different sections for easy, stress-free reading, complete with acupressure diagrams, food lists, cleanses, juice blends, Qi exercises and more. This program does not produce instant results but walks you through a whole lifestyle change that enables you to give birth to as many children as you want in the coming years of your life. In addition to that, it will also work even for women suffering from gynecological problems, hormonal imbalances or other related medical conditions. Now, you know I can’t say that you’ll definitely get pregnant. That’s just not realistic, and I don’t want to make any promises. However, this is a step in the right direction and I believe the advice will certainty help you.  
When it comes to conceiving, you can cure infertility and get pregnant naturally without using harmful drugs or chemicals. It can happen if you focus on restoring the balance of energy in your body. You can feel hopeful that this balance will create the miracle of pregnancy and become the most precious gift ever. The only side effect this system has is that you’re chances of having a baby within 2-3 months are going to increase, and so too are your answers to infertility. You will not have to worry about adverse reactions, or any unwanted side effects because the book is all about natural remedies. Therefore, it’s safe. This book has a high chance of working for you as long as you follow the program exactly as described. It doesn’t matter if you are in your 30s or 40s and think you are too old to have a baby – this book will still be able to help you. When the book was tested on a group of 36 women, 26 out of the 36 were showing signs of pregnancy after the 2 months of using the book, and even comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee so you can try it out with confidence.
Click to Download The Pregnancy Miracle System
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subashvigram97 · 2 years
Pregnancy Diet Know About Diet Chart for Pregnant Women at Indira IVF
Pregnancy Diet Chart helps provide women the right nutrients needed during pregnancy. Watch this detailed video. For more information about diet chart for pregnant women, Visit now!
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cocoonhospital · 1 year
Pregnancy Care Hospital in Jaipur - Cocoon Hospital
Pregnancy is undeniably a unique and precious phase in a parent's life, filled with the anticipation of meeting their little bundle of joy. Nourishing and caring for the baby starts right from the womb, making it essential to treat your body like a temple throughout these nine months, as it ultimately benefits both you and your baby.
While this article offers some helpful dos and don'ts during pregnancy, it's important to remember that seeking personalised insight from a top gynaecologist in Jaipur is always recommended.
Dos :
1. Do Prioritize Sleep : Getting a good 7-9 hours of sleep is crucial during pregnancy, despite the occasional nights of tossing and turning. Consistent and sufficient sleep positively impacts brain function, regulates growth hormone levels, and influences the shape and size of your pregnant belly and your baby's development.
2. Do Eat Wisely : Besides satisfying cravings, pregnant women should consider the quantity and quality of their food. Weight plays a role, as being overweight can lead to pregnancy complications, while being underweight may result in a low birth weight for the baby. Caloric intake varies per trimester, so it's essential to consume the right amount of calories during each stage. Consulting a professional at Cocoon Hospital premium birthing in Jaipur can help you create a personalized food chart.
3. Do Exercise : Regular exercise during pregnancy has proven beneficial for both the mother and baby. It reduces complications, aids in faster post-delivery recovery, and more. If you had a workout routine before pregnancy, continue with modifications suggested by your doctor. If not, consult your doctor to create a suitable exercise routine.
4. Do Take Prenatal Vitamins : Although a balanced diet is essential, prenatal vitamins are necessary to ensure the mother and baby receive specific nutrients required during pregnancy. These vitamins aid in brain development, overall growth, and should be taken after consulting with a doctor.
5. Do Yoga: Many yoga routines are tailored for expecting mothers. Hiring an instructor can help you avoid postures that might be unsuitable during pregnancy. However, avoid hot yoga.
Don'ts :
1. Don't Consume Alcohol and Smoke : Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy can lead to underweight babies with a higher risk of learning disabilities. Alcohol consumption during the first three months may cause growth and central nervous system problems for the baby.
Don't Eat Raw Meat: Raw or undercooked meat can carry foodborne illnesses, leading to severe issues, including miscarriage. It's essential to avoid such risks during pregnancy.
2.Don't Consume Unpasteurized Dairy Products: Unpasteurized dairy products can contain harmful bacteria like Listeria, which may lead to severe illness or even miscarriages. Be cautious about the source of your dairy products.
3. Don't Sit in Hot Tubs: Soaking in hot tubs raises body temperature and can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby, potentially leading to birth defects.
4.Don't Consume Excessive Caffeine : High caffeine intake (more than four cups a day) has been associated with miscarriages and delivery complications. It's best to limit caffeine intake and stay hydrated with water.
Remember, always consult with healthcare professionals for personalised guidance and care throughout your pregnancy journey.
Visit our Pregnancy Care Hospital in Jaipur for expert Early Pregnancy Checkup and specialised High-Risk Pregnancy Treatment. Our skilled team ensures comprehensive care and support for a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. Trust us for personalised solutions and excellent medical attention.
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nursingscience · 1 year
Constipation is the decrease in normal frequency of bowel movements. It is also typically accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and stool that is often extremely hard and dry. Constipation is very common and one of the most frequently seen gastrointestinal complaints. It can affect anyone however the following individuals are more prone to constipation:
▪️Elderly: typically, these individuals are less active, have slower metabolisms, and less muscle strength along the digestive tract
▪️Women (particularly pregnant women or shortly after childbirth): changes in hormones can cause constipation and for pregnant women the baby often pushes on the intestines resulting in a slower passage of stool
▪️Individuals with neurological disease
There are several causes of constipation from lifestyle choices, to medications, and different medical conditions. A list of common causes is listed below.
▪️Low fiber diet
▪️Low exercise/activity level
▪️Changes in regular daily routine
▪️Increased consumption of milk or cheese products
▪️Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement
▪️Due to the following Medications
{1.Pain medications, especially narcotics
3. Antidepressants
4. Antacids with calcium or aluminum
5. Iron supplements
6. Allergy medications
7. Some blood pressure medications
8. Psychiatric medications
9. Antiemetics
10. Anticonvulsants
11. Endocrine Disease (i.e hypothyroidism)
12. Colorectal cancer
13. IBS
14. Diverticular Disease
15. Neurological diseases such as spinal cord injuries, stroke, or Parkinson’s disease
16.Intestinal obstruction
17. Structural defects within the digestive tract }
Less than 3 bowel movements per week
2. Hard, dry stool
3. Lumpy stool
4. Difficulty/straining to pass stool, painful
5. Stomach pain, aches, or cramps
6. Sensation of feeling bloated or nauseous
7. Sensation that you have not fully emptied your bowel after a bowel movement
Assess medical history as it relates to potential constipation (history of constipation, activity level, medications used routinely for constipation)
Assess for abdominal pain using age appropriate pain scale
▪️ Location of pain
▪️ Severity of pain
▪️ Duration of pain
▪️ Description of pain
▪️Specific actions that improve or worsen pain
3. Complete comprehensive abdominal assessment
4. Assess stool characteristics per patient
▪️Color, consistency, amount
▪️Use appropriate tools as needed (i.e. Bristol Stool Chart)
▪️Treat pain/discomfort as needed with appropriate non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods as necessary
▪️Perform abdominal massage
▪️Administer appropriate stool softeners/laxatives as ordered
▪️Increase patient’s activity level as patient is able to tolerate
▪️Increase hydration
▪️Increase fiber rich foods in diet
Unless it is a severe case of constipation, most cases are treated at home with self-care activities. Self-care activities that can help treat constipation include:
▪️Increase daily water intake
▪️Avoid caffeine
▪️Avoid alcohol
▪️Increase fiber within the daily diet
▪️Increase activity level
▪️Take over the counter medication (stool softener or mild laxative) as needed.
If these measures are not effective than it is possible a stronger medication could be prescribed. Although unlikely, surgery is needed in very rare instances if there is a structural problem with the colon.
Prevention is a huge factor in the management of constipation. By eating a well-balanced diet rich in fiber, increasing hydration, and maintaining a regular activity level an individual can typically also maintain a regular bowel routine.
Fiber-rich foods:
▪️Fruit: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pears, apples, bananas
▪️Vegetables: peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, potatoes, sweet corn, cauliflower, carrots
▪️Grains: barley, quinoa, bran, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread
▪️Legumes and nuts: split peas, lentils, baked beans, black beans, chia seeds
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techvisely · 1 year
Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
If you and your partner are trying to conceive, understanding your fertility cycle is crucial. One valuable tool to aid in this process is an ovulation calculator. By tracking your menstrual cycle and identifying your fertile window, you can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. In addition to using an ovulation calculator, here are some tips and tricks to maximize your chances of conception.
Understand Your Menstrual Cycle: Knowing the length of your menstrual cycle is essential. Most women have a cycle lasting between 28 to 32 days. By tracking the start and end dates of your period, you can calculate your average cycle length, helping you predict when you're most fertile.
Utilize an Ovulation Calculator: An ovulation calculator is a helpful tool that predicts your fertile days based on the length of your menstrual cycle. These online calculators can provide a general estimation of when you're most likely to ovulate, allowing you to plan intercourse accordingly.
Monitor Basal Body Temperature (BBT): Your BBT, the lowest body temperature during rest, increases slightly after ovulation. By charting your BBT daily, you can identify the rise in temperature, indicating that ovulation has occurred. This knowledge helps you time intercourse accurately.
Pay Attention to Cervical Mucus: Changes in cervical mucus consistency throughout your cycle can indicate your fertile window. As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus becomes clearer, thinner, and more slippery, resembling raw egg whites. This type of mucus promotes sperm survival and helps them reach the egg.
Have Regular Intercourse: To maximize your chances of conception, aim to have regular intercourse every two to three days throughout your cycle. This ensures that sperm is present in the reproductive tract, ready to fertilize the egg when ovulation occurs.
Lead a Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for fertility. Eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, manage stress levels, avoid smoking, limit alcohol intake, and maintain a healthy weight. These lifestyle factors can positively impact your fertility.
Conclusion: By using an ovulation calculator and following these tips and tricks, you can optimize your chances of getting pregnant. Understanding your menstrual cycle, tracking BBT, monitoring cervical mucus, and leading a healthy lifestyle are all essential aspects of fertility. Remember, it's important to be patient and allow time for conception to occur naturally. If you have concerns or difficulties, consult with a healthcare professional to receive personalized advice and guidance.
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, multispeciality hospitals in Mansarovar
Indian diet plan for pregnancy
Saket Hospital in Jaipur is a multispecialty hospital that has a team of excellent doctors and modern equipment. The obstetrics and gynaecology department of the hospital tell about the Indian diet plan for pregnancy. The experts suggest that the food the pregnant woman consumes during her pregnancy is the main source of nutrition for the baby.  The diet chart of pregnant woman should have a variety of healthy foods including dairy products, pulses, cereals, nuts, fruits, vegetables and proteins, which provide nourishment to the baby for its growth and development. One should include milk, yoghurt, cheese, fruits with vitamin A and C, potassium and fibre, vegetables such as spinach, peas, potatoes, carrots etc that are rich in iron, magnesium, minerals and vitamin A and C, bread, rice, wheat, fats and oils, sweets and iron rich food. The obstetricians and gynaecologists of Saket Hospital, a 200 bedded multispecialty hospital suggest that folic acid supplementation will prove helpful. The pregnant women should contact the experts of Saket Hospital to get the custom made diet plan for them with the details which fruits and vegetables to eat and which are to be avoided as per their body need.
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