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dashboardc33 · 3 years ago
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#funnymidwestsayings #ope #opedidntseeyathere #didntseeyouthere #opedidntseeyouthere #opeletmesqueezerightpastya #midwestlife #midwesterntalk #ope #funnysigns #funnysign #funnysignsofinstagram #wisconsinlife #midwest #midwestliving https://www.instagram.com/p/CdsooR2u2zu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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attictheoryband · 5 years ago
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🏆 #THEROCKS2020 !!!! 🏆 There’s still time to vote for ‘Attic Theory’ for BEST NEW BAND at this years annual awards, "THE ROCKS", by @planetrockradio ! Let’s show the world that THEORISTS are the best fans and that it’s ready for ‘Alternative Sexy Groove Rock’! LET’S MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN... VOTE ’ATTIC THEORY’! 🗳 https://www.planetrock.com/music/vote/the-rocks-2020-nominations-vote/ 🗳 If you’ve already voted for ‘AT’, ta very much, you rock!🤘👊💖 (While you’re there, vote for @cbrbsc and the rest of @blackstonecherryofficial 👊) #TheRocks2020 #makemusicgreatagain #voteat #planetrock #nwocr #hmvliveandlocal #bestnewband @new_wave_of_classic_rock @pluggin_baby @vocalzonehq @corrosivemerch @blackstaramps @official_line6 @pearldrumseurope #vote #vote2020 #attictheory #didntseeyouthere #hi #atparty #stilltime #votenow #everyvotecounts (at Planet Rock) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ocC8Tntuy/?igshid=1wks0hc9dhgr1
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olivebearelliott · 8 years ago
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"Oh hi..." . . . . . #ohhi #didntseeyouthere #youwannadosomething #whatwereyouthinking #imgame #idontknowwhatitisbutidloveto #dog #dogs #aussie #australianshepherd #freckles #freckleddog #blacktri #blacktriaussie #olivebearelliott (at Miracle Mile, Los Angeles)
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aniahalyoj · 7 years ago
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#ohhelllothere #ohhi #hello #didntseeyouthere #wave #corgiwave #mochithecorgi #corgi #mommyandme #cuddlebutt #corgicuddles #breadloaf her eyes say #helpme #corgination #corgisofinstagram
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guskatten-blog · 7 years ago
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GK Report: oh hello #Monday... #didntseeyouthere // #pawsitivity #gustafkatten #catsofinstagram #instacat #cats #cat #instadaily #picoftheday #dailypic #nofilter #kittens #catstagram #tabby #tabbycat #rescue #rescuecat #adopted #catlady #catlover #purrfect #katten #gato #catoftheday #dailycat #catsoftheworld #instagramcats #lovecats (at Vancouver, British Columbia)
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suppho0 · 7 years ago
Raptor interaction😂 #raptorsquad #raptor #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #orlandostudios #islandsofadventure #didntseeyouthere (at Universal Studios Island of Aventures)
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legionofx · 8 years ago
Gotta love working at a restaurant #host #restaurant #imnotlikethat #nochanceinhell #didntseeyouthere
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whoaaaaaaaak · 9 years ago
When you’re ranting to someone about a person and their little is literally sitting within and earshot like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
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the-saltiest-healer · 12 years ago
didntseeyouthere replied to your post: Im doing that stupid thing where Im sexually...
It happens from time to time. Just find someone looking for the same thing. :)
To say easier said than done would be the understatement of the century right now. 
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kjackk · 13 years ago
Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 10 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Lauren Lopez
What TV show/movie could you not live without? New Girl. 
What is your favorite color to wear? Black, because then I can highlight any color with shoes or something.
Who is your biggest ship (any fandom)? Katniss and Peeta. They are forever my ship.
If you had the power of invisibility, what would you use it for? Crash every annoying party at my apartment complex
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Cake Batter
Who is your favorite villain and why? Mother Gothel in Tangled. She's clever and witty and her song is awesome. 
What is/was your favorite subject in school and why? CRIMINALISTICS! It's my major. Duh. 
If you could only have one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be? Southern Sweet Tea
What is your favorite form of footwear? Chacos
Who is your favorite band? Does Team Starkid count?
I shall just name a few people:
Dream Job?
What is your all time favorite book?
If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life what would it be?
If you could have any animal for a pet what would it be?
What is the soundtrack to your life?
Dream roommate?
You can only own 1 shirt for the rest of your life, what is it?
If you could have dinner with anyone (real or fictional) who would it be?
If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What is your dream event to attend? (Concert, sporting event, award show, etc.)
Do you think you could complete the gallon challenge?
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