#did that bit of time where he had to decide for himself what he wanted to do feel refreshing and freeing
lcriedlastnight · 2 days
first couple of dates reader is super reserved and shy and Lando is just unabashedly flirting in the most attractive way ever
tysm anon, my first lando request! ilysm <3 also shy reader resonates so well with me for some reason.
tw: fem!reader, swears, not spell checked, lmk if anything else.
w/c: 1.8k
you found out on the first date how confident in himself lando was. you knew (and liked) how he was just unapologetically himself at every point in time. it was definitely a green flag of yours. only sometimes it was a little much to handle.
this next date lando had been very traditional, seeing as it was your second date. he had decided to take you to one of his favourite restaurants in monaco. he left you with very strict instructions over text, the day before, to dress as fancy as you possibly could. so you did just that and went last minute dress shopping with your friend. it all being her idea of course.
she finds this lovely blush pink dress that in her words “is just so you” so you get it and wear it to dinner.
lando was already at the restaurant waiting outside for you. he had offered to pick you up but your friend wanted to stay and help you get ready, you didn’t agree easily though. you’ve never seen anyone’s mouth drop open as quickly as you seen lando’s open when you got out of your friend’s car. this, obviously, brings a bright red blush to your cheeks, complimenting the dress even more in lando’s opinion.
“hi.” you mumble, shyly. not used to a gaze as piercing as lando’s.
“hey, pretty girl! don’t you look stunning?” lando grins happily as he addresses you with such lovely pet names with such ease it makes you melt. he sticks a hand out to link it with yours then holds them both high above your head. “give me a spin then, honey.”
you do as he asks and spin around, showing him every angle. when you face lando again his smile seems to be even bigger than when you first came, if that was even possible. it looked like it was sore with how hard he was smiling.
“god, now i feel underdressed. when i said fancy i didn’t mean princess of monaco fancy!” lando jokes. you know it’s a joke, a compliment even. a lovely, sweet compliment. and if you were a normal girl, you would’ve giggled sweetly and thanked him, then you would both be on your way to sit down. but you weren’t a ‘normal’ girl. you were a bit shyer than most. so instead you avoid eye contact with lando and splutter out what could be picked together to make some sort of thank you.
even though it’s the second date, lando seems to understand you already and instead of pointing out your embarrassment, he pushes it to the side and holds his arm out for you to hold.
“c’mon, let’s go inside. you must be starving. i heard that beauty makes you hungry.” you were not surviving this. where was this lando on the first date?
the waiter helps you both find your table, which of course has the most gorgeous view of the water. you sit across from each other and sit in a comfortable silence, scanning the menu’s. your eyes dart across, reading all these dishes, none of them too fancy. another thing for you to be shy about, was the fact that you were an extremely picky eater. you were very wary of restaurant or even food related dates to begin with, but lando is a very difficult person to say no to.
“d’you know what’re getting?” lando asks from across the table. you think he’s been staring at you for a while.
“i’m not sure yet.” you reply, a little quieter than lando, still loud enough to hear over the usual bustle of a restaurant. you tell him this in the hopes he doesn’t ask about your food preferences.
it’s like lando can read your mind though as he asks. “are you alright? do you not like any of the food? we can go somewhere else if you like?” the way he switches from flirty to caring in seconds makes your head spin.
“no! no. you went through all this trouble to come here. and it’s your favourite restaurant.” you refuse his sweet offers.
“so you don’t like any of the food? are you a picky eater?” lando asks, the smile returning to his almost as quickly as it left. his voice not menacing or teasing as he asks you the dreaded question.
you can feel your body heat up at the question, and before you can even try and scramble your brain for an answer, probably denying it lando speaks up.
“if you are it’s okay, honey. i can ask the waiter for anything you want. even if i wasn’t a regular here, i’m sure they would do it for a girl as pretty as you.” and he was right back into that flirty ways from before.
“right,” you nod, purposefully ignoring his compliment. “thank you. i know it’s childish but i only really eat chicken.” you try to joke about it but it comes out awkward and forced. lando laughs anyway.
you both make small talk until with waiter comes back to take your orders. lando doesn’t even give you a chance to speak to the waiter to try and explain yourself before he’s asking if you could get some chicken nuggets and fries. the waiter nods, like it’s no problem. because it isn’t.
“and to drink?” the waiter asks.
lando shifts his gaze to you. his eyes wandering yours, wondering if you were alright to speak to the waiter and order for yourself.
“d’you like wine too, honey? or we could just have water?” lando offers, trying to help you out, which you appreciate so much.
“water is good, please.” you ask politely.
“two glasses of water of us then!” lando tells the waiter as the menu’s are collected and the orders are given to the kitchen.
you wait until you know the waiter is gone before you speak to lando.
“you didn’t need to get water if you didn’t want to. you could’ve gotten wine.” your thumbs dance with each other on top of the table. lando’s reach across to pull them apart from each other and hold them in his own, thumbs swiping gently across your soft skin.
“i know. i just wanted to get what you got. makes you like me more if we like the same things.” lando teases. you laugh a little and it looks like someone has just told lando he’s won his first championship.
“i’m thinking of becoming a comedian. i’m going to quit racing.” he tells you. the conversation switch gives you whiplash.
“what, really? why? i don’t think you should quit. you’re really good.” you try to compliment him back. the boy’s cheesy grin is the greatest payment for that moment of bravery.
“i’m gonna quit so i can make you laugh every minute of every day because your laugh is my new favourite sound in the whole world.” how does he even think of this shit, you think to yourself, through a wide smile and rosy cheeks (once again.)
you both chat away throughout the dinner. lando sending about a million and a half flirty comments and pet names throughout, each one sending you into a tizzy every time. lando just watches your cheeks warm and that shy smile grace your lips.
once you both had ate and payed the bill, lando suggests just walking around for a while.
“basic, i know. i don’t think any date idea could compare to how wonderful you are.” he sighs, jokingly as if his idea actually pained him. of course this causes you to fluster again and hide your face.
lando only laughs and grabs your hand, taking you a walk along the water. you open up to him, more than the previous dates and late night texts. the boy is quiet as you talk, telling him about your childhood and what it was like for you growing up. he asks you questions seeing the way yours eyes twinkle underneath the stars as you perk up even more at the mention of your childhood dog.
“you’re so pretty, honey.” lando admits in a hushed whisper, like it was a secret he was scared to tell and not a sentence he’s said about a hundred times tonight. you both had stopped at a nearby bench to watch the ocean.
before you can even get the chance to get embarrassed he asks “can i kiss you? please?”. and he sounds desperate, like you’re depriving him of the air he needs so badly to breathe properly.
so you nod your head shyly. lando’s hands are quick to trap your head in between them, holding you still as he leans in. this is yours and lando’s first kiss together and lando kisses you like you’ll break if he touches you any harsher. it’s the sweetest thing a boy has ever done in your entire life.
you tell him so once he’s reluctantly pulled away from you. his brows raise in surprise.
“guess i’m just gonna need to top this every date we go on then.” he leans in again because there’s no way he’s not using his free time with you now not kissing you. plus he just loves to see you flustered every time he pulls away.
and that was only the second date.
by the fifth date you had just about gotten your embarrassment under wraps when lando invites you to some mclaren event. he tells you it’s fancy dress but not to go dress shopping again as he’s gotten a tie that matches so well with the dress you wore on your second date. your surprised he remembered the exactly colour because when he turns up at you door, the shade match is perfect.
your halfway through the lovely charity event and lando has not stopped touching you the entire night. even when he has to stop to talk to his teammate, oscar or his team principal, andrea, he had his arm wrapped around your waist or resting on the small of your back. the feeling of his hand resting on your back made you feel like you were his.
you don’t talk much compared to lando, who yaps away all night. his number one topic of conversation being you. he talked about how you met to some random couple he’s never seen before. he rambled about how pretty you were to mclaren’s very own ceo, zak brown. you’re cheeks stay red the entire time, zak leaving after about ten minutes because he felt sorry for you and your embarrassment.
“how you doing, honey? you alright?” lando asks as he joins you at the bar. he’s been pulled away and promised you he’s join you in ten minutes. his hands snaking around your waist, their home for the night it seems.
“yeah, oscar and lily are lovely.” you smile at lando. “thank you for inviting me.”
lando beams back at you. “couldn’t do tonight without my girl, could i?”.
“your girl?” you ask shyly.
“if you wanna be” lando tried to ask casual but he genuinely thinks that if you don’t say yes, he would cry himself to sleep for the rest of the year.
you wrap your arms around him and hide in his chest. “my shy girl, hm?” lando mumbles into your hair.
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Tim and Danny are half-siblings
Champagne glasses shine in the light like jewelry on people’s wrists and necks and cuff links and literally anywhere else someone can fit. Honestly it’s giving Tim a headache.
Thankfully he wasn’t the only one suffering at this pointless gala. Not that the fundraiser for homeless kids in the city is pointless, but did they really need to throw an expensive party?
“You okay, Timmy? You’ve sighed like four times now,” Dick comments on the comms they all have in.
“Yea, I just-“
“Mr. Drake! How nice it is to see you again. Have you met my son, Daniel?”
Tim turns to find Vlad Masters, CEO of dalvco, dragging along a teen who looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here. The boy, Daniel, glares at the hand holding him by the arm.
“It’s Danny,” like it was the hundredth time saying the phrase.
Masters pretends he doesn’t hear it.
Tim is already working on how to get out of this conversation. He’s dealt with too many parents pushing their kids in his direction tonight.
He throws on a smile anyway and holds out his hand for a shake.
“Tim Drake-Wayne, nice to meet you, Danny.”
Danny hesitates for a second and it results in a tightening of the jaw and subtle glance to where he was glaring before as if Masters just tightened his grip on the teen. Tim says nothing about the awkward pause.
Danny shifts his weight to subtly step on Masters polish shoes, drawing the attention of the man and allowing Danny to slip a piece of paper into the handshake. Tim raises his eyebrows for Danny to see before falling back to pleasant neutral. He tucks the note into his pocket casually.
Tim’s smile becomes a bit more genuine at the teenage behavior.
“Now then,” Masters jumps in after getting himself situated, “I had been meaning to make an appointment with you, but every time I call you are always busy.”
Tim knew this was coming.
“I’m not receiving any calls about the Drake name, Mr. Masters, as you are well aware.”
“You would think that as a young businessman you would look to someone with more experience.”
He really wasn’t being subtle at all, was he?
“I wonder how Bruce would react if he heard you,” Tim warns even though he knows full well Bruce can actively hear the conversation. He turns to Danny while Masters is recovering from that reminder. “Our newest adoptee is about your age. Duke Thomas. He should be around here somewhere if you want to exchange numbers.”
Danny opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off. Masters’ hand goes from clenching the teen’s arm to squeezing his shoulder in what appears to be a warning.
“Oh no, I forgot to mention, Daniel’s entire family and his friends, along with an unfortunate teacher, all died recently in a terrible accident. I was given custody of the poor boy, of course. He’s like the son I never had. Anyway, we wouldn’t want to upset him by replacing what he recently lost, would we? He needs his space to grieve.”
The condescension with the insensitive wording left Tim speechless for a moment, and with the silence over the comms so were everyone else listening.
Tim finds Danny glaring down at the floor with clenched fists. The teen rips himself away from Masters, and when the man tries to chastise him, he turns and stares the man down with such a hateful expression that Tim had to keep from tensing. He had seen too many of those looks in the field, usually on the faces of those he was fighting.
Whatever silent conversation that was happening between the two was ended with Danny grinding his teeth and running away to what looks to be the direction of the restrooms.
“So sorry about him,” Masters apologizes like it wasn’t his fault Danny almost committed a crime. “He’s a bit sensitive right now. I honestly had hoped he would feel better after getting out of the house.”
Masters sighs almost theatrically, “Enough of that. Here is my business card for when you finally decide to-“
Tim walked away before he could finish.
It’s in the bathroom that he finds Duke talking to the door of one of the stalls. They make eye contact but all that’s there is concern and confusion. Danny wasn’t talking.
“Hey, Danny, right? How you holding up? That was kinda rough, huh?” Tim tries.
Silence. Then, “Did you read my note?” He hears come from the other side, small and thin.
Right. The note. Tim pulls it out of his pocket quickly.
“Yea, yea, I read your note,” he lies as he’s quietly unfolding said note. “It’s just, you know… oh.”
Duke raises his brows in surprise at Tim’s sudden change in tone and expression. Tim couldn’t even guess what his face was doing but it was the least of his worries. The younger leans in to read over his shoulder.
“Oh,” agrees Duke.
I think we are half-siblings. Please help me take him down. I’ll send DNA if you need it. It can’t wait.
Oh indeed.
“What does ‘oh’ mean?” Dick suddenly asks over the comms which Tim forgot were still in. “Guys, seriously, do I need to come in there?”
“No,” Tim answers quickly only to realize that Danny can hear it too. “Duke, can you cover the door?”
“Sure, man.”
Tim takes a deep breath and shoves his emotions way down. Danny was already upset and obviously trusting Tim with this, he needed to be a solid support that his little brother this teen can lean on.
It could also be a trap.
“Danny, can you come out please?”
There was hesitation in the air, but he finally hears the click of the lock and the door swings open. The poor kid was holding himself tightly and shrinking into himself, afraid of Tim’s reaction.
“Danny,” he says gently. Danny still flinches. “Why do you think we’re half-siblings?”
He lets the teen chew on his lip for a few moments before he has to repeat himself.
“I was going through my parent’s stuff,” Danny rushes out, “like paperwork and stuff… I found a box pushed way back with letters. At first I thought they were my parents’ old love letters, but it wasn’t my dad’s handwriting even though he signed it ‘Jack’. There was also a picture of my mom and your dad together on an excavation site. The date on the back made a lot of sense because when you add nine months, that’s my birthday.”
Danny looked at Tim with such a lost expression that Tim felt a bit lost himself.
“I never would have thought my dad would cheat on my mom. He was too afraid of what would happen if he did, I thought,” Tim says, leaning into it a little.
“Right? I never thought my mom would, my parents were infatuated with each other, but maybe they were having problems at the time? I don’t know, I didn’t actually read the letters.”
“Can I look through them?”
Danny blinks and then rubs the back of his neck anxiously.
“I mean, yea, but they’re back at my parent’s house in Illinois. I would have to find a way to send them to you, but Vlad is kinda watching my every move at the moment so-“
“What if I went alone?” Tim jumps in the suggest. “I have enough money to go on a mini vacation. I could sneak in when everyone’s asleep and find them.”
“Honestly I doubt it’s locked. You could just walk right in. If you don’t mind the wasted gas, then okay, sure. Need the address?”
Tim respects the confidence and trust.
“Nah, I got it, but I will still need that DNA sample.”
Danny swallows nervously.
“Right, um, what- what do you need? I don’t know how this works.”
Tim nods and a smile to calm the teen down. His nervousness was definitely noted though.
“That’s okay. I’ve done this plenty of times with women who claim their child is Bruce’s. Always ends the same.”
Funnily enough, Danny relaxes at the reassurance lined with warning.
“Oh, that’s good. Okay. Just tell me what you need. Can we do it right now?”
Danny glances at the door and Tim understands the rush.
“Sure, come here,” Tim waves them over to the little sitting area. He pulls out his pocket knife with a mischievous smirk. “Don’t tattle on me.”
Danny stares with a wide smile and even wider eyes. It’s kinda funny how excited he is when most people would wonder why Tim was pulling a knife on them. Maybe they were brothers.
“Whoa, how’d you sneak that in? There was a whole metal detector and everything,” Danny fans.
“A true magician never reveals his tricks,” he smiles at Danny’s pout.
“Lame. You probably paid off one of the waiters or something.”
He actually planted it in one of the plants inside before the event even started, but the kid was close.
“Or something.”
“I always wanted one,” Danny murmurs wistfully.
“I’ll get you one,” is out of his mouth before he knew it.
“What?” Danny jerks up in surprise. “No, you don’t have to do that. I wasn’t expecting-“
“I know,” Tim cuts off the guilty ramblings. “I want to. You should have one.”
“Aw, little Timmy is bonding with his brother,” Dick coos over the comms.
“We don’t know that for sure, Richard,” Damian reminds.
“He sounds pretty legit to me,” Duke adds.
Tim ignores them for the most part.
“Lift up your leg. I’m just gonna give you a small cut on your calf to get some blood. It’ll be quick, okay?”
Danny doesn’t make a sound when metal meets skin and slices through. He presses down on the wound with his handkerchief to collect the blood. Of course that wasn’t enough for him to cover all the bases, so he asked Danny to spit in his empty champagne glass, which the teen complied with zero complaints.
“Is that it?” Danny asks curiously.
“Yep! I’ll run them down to the lab ASAP and compare against mine. I’ll let you know about the results when they come back. Let me get your phone number.”
Tim was quietly getting more hopeful with how cooperative Danny had been. He hands over his phone easily with a chirped “sure!” to also let Tim put in his number.
“We have to be careful though. Vlad’s been over my shoulder since I moved in. If he finds anything he doesn’t like, it won’t be good,” Danny laughed it off like that was normal.
Tim had suspected a heavy hand with the shoulder squeezing earlier bordering on abuse with what and how he said what he did, but it was looking worse than his original hypothesis.
“Danny,” he says softly, like when he talks to a victim as Robin. Which might ring true here and Tim was already getting angry about the whole thing, if the abuse is real, he might fly off the handle and Kon will be forced to reign him back in. “Do you want to tell me about Masters?”
Danny immediately goes on the defensive, looking around the empty room and shoulders going stiff.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Danny denies.
Tim isn’t surprised, but he also isn’t happy.
“I have more power than you might think, Danny. I can help you.”
Danny shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut.
“I don’t- You- It’s complicated.”
“Then explain it to me. Please trust me, Danny. I can help get you out-“
“This isn’t about me!”
His words ring off the tile, making it louder than intended. Danny flinches at the sound and looks to the door with anxious eyes.
“Hey,” Tim whispers. It still makes the teen jump. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”
“I know that,” Danny snaps, but Tim knows not to take it personally.
“Alright,” Tim agrees easily. That seems to make Danny relax a bit. “What did you mean it’s not about you? It’s your DNA we’re checking against mine.”
Danny bites his lip in anxious contemplation. Looks like Tim is gonna have to pull this one out like teeth.
“Is there someone else involved?”
Danny hesitates but finally nods.
“You can trust me, Danny. I won’t do anything that isn’t in your best interest. I promise.”
Danny’s lip is bleeding but neither of them say a word. He looks desperate and alone. It makes Tim’s skin crawl.
“Promise you won’t do anything yet?”
Tim nearly sighs with relief.
“Yes. I promise.”
“So you won’t tell? You can’t tell,” Danny insists.
Technically it wouldn’t be telling if they can hear him in real time.
“I promise I won’t do or say anything. Whatever is said here is confidential, alright? I won’t tell anyone,” Tim assures.
It seems to do the trick because Danny creeps closer to whisper after checking the door one more time.
“Vlad is my godfather. Uncle Vlad, right? He has always wanted a son and he was obsessed with my mom, so when he met me he, I don’t know, flipped a switch or something and his attention was on me all the time if it wasn’t on Mom. He wanted me to renounce my dad and go live with him. Obviously that didn’t happen so he tried the next best thing apparently and decided he was gonna make a clone of me.”
Danny pauses and Tim needs it to seriously contemplate what even is his life.
“It didn’t work out the way he planned and the only clone to make it was a girl, my cousin, Danielle. Yes, he named her after me. Some things happened, we worked it out, so Danielle was on my side and hates Vlad, right? Well, when everything happened,” he swallows thickly, “Danielle came back from traveling to be with me. Vlad took that opportunity to confine her to the basement. He never wanted a daughter. He never cared about her. So now he’s using her as leverage against me. If I try anything or don’t do what he says, she’s the one that gets punished. If I try to run away, he’d kill her. I know he would. And before I knew about you, she was the only-“
“The only family you had left,” Tim finishes.
Danny nods with a pleading expression.
Tim can understand the primal urge to be close to a blood relative that actually cares.
“Now you have me,” Tim offers with a small smile.
Danny makes the effort to try and smile back, though it falls flat quickly.
“We don’t know that yet. I could be wrong. I’m sorry I threw all this at you, I just- When I found those letters and thought that… I just-“
“I get it.” And he did. He really, really did. “You know, even if we aren’t related I still want to-“
Danny’s phone rings, making the teen jump. He glances at the name calling with a scowl. He doesn’t answer.
“Vlad’s looking for me. I gotta go, but, um, thanks… for taking my word for it and being so nice about it. I promise I’m not trying to pull something for your money. I didn’t even know you were rich until I looked you up-“
“Danny.” Tim was coming to the conclusion that Danny tend to ramble when nervous. He stands and guides the kid toward the door. “It’s okay. I know you’re not lying. I’ll text you the results, okay? We’ll figure this out. Just be patient for me, alright?”
Danny nods and fidgets with his suit coat. He doesn’t make a move to leave yet, instead he turns to face Tim.
“Um, you can say no. I just- is it okay if I hug you?”
Tim blanks for a solid few seconds. It’s only Dick’s cooing and Damian’s sassing that snaps him back to reality. This was real, he has to remind himself. He might have a half-brother and he wants a hug. Tim can do hugs. He can crush a hug, totally.
“Uh, yea. Hugs are okay.”
Danny must not care about his awkward response because he suddenly has thin arms around his waist and soft hair tickling his cheek. They were at the ideal height difference where Danny can rest his head on Tim’s shoulder comfortably. Tim wraps his arms around the teen’s shoulders and just felt.
If Danny really is his half-brother, then fate really is cruel to deprive him of this kinship all throughout his childhood.
Danny pulls away first, face to the ground, and ears red.
With a wavering voice he stumbles out an apology and a thanks before bolting out the door, narrowly running into Dick. He’s disappeared into the crowd in a blink.
“You okay, Tim?” Dick asks.
Tim blinks, “I have a brother.”
“A possible half-brother, but yea, still exciting.”
“The results will come back a match,” Tim says confidently.
“Don’t get your hopes up, Drake. This Daniel sounds pathetic, he would only hold you back.”
“Damian, there is nothing pathetic about trying to protect someone. Danny is thinking about his little cousin,” Dick argues. Damian doesn’t dispute.
“My parents never loved each other,” Tim confesses. “It was a marriage of mutual convenience. It is very possible that my dad found a lover outside their marriage.”
It was weird talking about his parents like that, but it was true. His mother told him once that marriage isn’t about love, it’s a contract between two people with mutual interests and values. His father was always somewhat withdrawn.
Danny had the black hair, the blue eyes, and even the skin tone to match his own. His jaw line was wider and eyebrows thicker, but honestly, they could be brothers if they stood side by side. Half-siblings isn’t even a stretch.
“He’s my brother. I know it.”
Tim spots a flash of silver hair from the crowd and narrows his eyes into slits.
“My brother who is being abused by his caretaker apparently,” he says in a voice that sounds like he’s planning a murder.
Huh. Now that’s a thought.
He could just kill Masters, that would certainly get him out of the way.
“I don’t like that look,” Dick says cautiously, leaning to bring Tim attention to him and not Masters hunting down his little brother. “We’ll help him, Tim. Don’t go overboard here. You can’t afford to get too emotionally involved.”
Tim sends a glare his way.
“Why don’t I prove what I already know, then?”
He already had the champagne glass in his jacket pocket and his handkerchief in his breast pocket. He shoves past Dick and heads toward the front doors. No one stops him as he leaves the party early and hails a cab back to the manor to start his analysis.
It’s a half a day later when Tim sends a text with an emoji of two males holding hands and a green check mark. It’s an hour later that he gets a shooting star in response. He smiles widely and then gets to work on planning Masters’ demise and his brother’s and ‘cousin’s’ escape into his custody.
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lazywriters-blog · 3 days
Summary: Just Aventurine being a little brat and poking fun at Ratio- trying to make him jealous and showing off, and trying his best to spite Dr. Ratio. After all, the doctor might have feelings for his darling as well. [This is a little silly lol but I tried.]
Warning: Possessiveness, angst? Jealousy. Overall a lot of touching from Aventurine, he's lowkey obsessed.
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"Perhaps you should learn from your companion a bit of self-restraint, gambler."
"Whatever do you mean doctor, I'm plenty patient." Aventurine ever the smug, slippery little guy grins and purs out a retort, she was hoping his grip on her waist would loosen and drift away but that hasn't happened yet and it's making her uneasy.
"Oh! Do you find her fascinating perhaps? Taken a liking to my darling, now that won't do." he giggled to himself, and if she hadn't been forced to stay with him for an entire week, she wouldn't have noticed his slight change in tone.
"Don't be ridiculous, I find her qualities to be much more preferable than yours."
"Sheesh, it almost sounds like you're after my darling here, doctor." Dr. Ratio ignored the blonde and turned his attention to her, asking, "Why do you stick around with idiots? You should have better places to be than here."
"Umm... I-" Aventurine pulled her close to his body and pouted, "I suppose we are idiots in love, doctor."
She couldn't tell him what happened for her to end up miserably hopeless beside Aventurine, or if she could even get a chance.
'Do you like him or do you not?' She was cornered one afternoon. During that time she began regretting stepping out of her office, Aventurine was just outside waiting for her and she didn't know what he had in mind. 'where's this coming from?' she tried to pry in-between them some space, nervously smiling and looking to her right but he kept nearing her with a smug smile.
'Come on, we are friends... Right? Don't friends share their secrets?' she hadn't considered him a close friend, though she did enjoy his company.
'I mean he considers me to be much inferior to him... Probably, I'm likely too dumb to be with a genius.'
'Ah~ I didn't mention who 'he' was.'
She playfully pushed him back and shyly looked down, 'You and your stupid mind games.'
'Let's make a bet.' He grinned, and she groaned. Though she did win some of his bets, it remained difficult. 'Not this one again.' she took a step back.
'Come on don't be like that~ it will be fun.' She sighed and he took it as his cue to carry on. He took long strides towards her and smiled wide.
'Go on a date with me or...' he leaned into her ear, breathing out the last of his wager, 'stop liking him.'
He was testing her, making good use of her feelings and manifesting everything in his favor, though she wasn't surprised. Aventurine was always one step ahead and she was an idiot.
She likely didn't stand a chance against him. Whatever he had planned for them both, she doubted he would consider her livelihood. Aventurine can be selfish with the things he wants, she's realized that.
Aventurine took his time rubbing salt into Dr. Ratio's unseen wound, slyly smirking and giving her a quick kiss on her lip and clearly, it left her bewildered.
Was that her first lip-to-lip contact?
"Ugh-" Dr. Ratio released a disgusted noise and clutched his book closer to his chest, "take your lovey-dovey display somewhere else." Aventurine let out a haughty laugh and grinned, "Shouldn't you be saying how wonderful of a couple we are? Are you jealous of me Doctor?"
"With you being a shameless gambler and her a decent lady, I don't find anything much appealing."
Aventurine faked a sad sigh and looked at her, "Don't mind him, he's being salty he hasn't acquired a beautiful maiden like yourself." he kissed her cheek and she was tempted to say she didn't mind him, at all but decided to remain silent. "Let's go select some of the rings I've prepared for you!" he leaned back a little and gently stirred her around to the exit with his hand still holding onto her hip.
"What? Surely you aren't thinking of involving her in your cunning schemes and putting her in grave danger. Or perhaps you've lost your mind." That made Aventurine stop and she took a peek at his face, he wasn't showing any emotion but she could sense some spitefulness.
Eventually, Aventurine turned his face and grinned back at Dr. Ratio, "You shouldn't care about what belongs to me, doctor."
She didn't get to see what expression Ratio had wore as Aventurine was quick on his feet and quickly dragged her along with him. She let him sit beside her during the ride back to his place, and though she had meant to keep her lips sealed and tucked tight, curiosity had begun to gnaw away her peace.
So she asked, "Does he like me too?" if it were anybody else, anybody like Dr. Ratio she would be given a scowl and a complicated response of yes and no, but this was Aventurine and he would have known something she didn't beforehand.
His hand gently touched her knee, and he gave her his signature smile, "Oh, it seems like the doctor isn't very good at being subtle, but I digress, as a potential partner doctor would be horrible and it would be a nightmare for both parties. So it shouldn't matter whether he liked you or not."
"Right." She didn't know how to respond and it wasn't like she was hoping for the doctor to return her feelings or share her sentiment.
Aventurine turned towards her and smiled, "Moving on, I think we should wear a matching pair of attire tomorrow, so let's go shopping!"
She nodded, she couldn't lie she was enjoying the attention Aventurine was showering her with.
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flowerandblood · 3 days
The Lost Haven (1/?)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: incest but they were unaware children, kissing, the angst, stalking, woman on the rape pill, drug trade ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
When he needed to calm down before a meeting with clients or a brutal explanation of certain matters, he would lock himself in some room or his car, close his eyes and return with his thoughts to that summer holiday.
First he would always hear the sound of the sea, and then he would see the beach and the setting sun all around him, somewhere in the distance hearing her laughter.
It was their first and last trip together, which had obviously been his father's idea. He thought it would be a good way to cool a bit of tension in the family and invited his daughter from his first marriage to join them at their summer residence along with her partner, Harwin Strong, her former bodyguard, and their children.
The locals called their house ‘King's Landing’, because in fact the building looked like some kind of modern palace, with a huge garden, a private beach access and a small harbour with their sailboats and scooters.
He had never wondered where his father got money to buy such a great mansion: he thought that he had earned it all and the others had not and that was why they were poor.
Neither he nor his brother were thrilled with the idea: they did not want to share their toys or rooms with the Strongs, which, although they usually stood empty, were sometimes used for playing. Despite their verbal expressions of displeasure, Rhaenyra arrived with her partner and children in a large black Mercedes, disturbing, in his mind, their peace and order.
For the first few days, he simply tried to pretend he hadn't seen them: he would go for solitary hikes along the beach, looking for treasures in the sand, thinking he envied Helaena, who instead of joining them decided to spend her holiday with her friend and could do whatever she wanted.
Their mother allowed them to swim in the sea as long as they didn't swim too far away from the shore, and the smallest children, namely Luke and his sister, wore plastic shoulder pads filled with air to make them float.
Every little thing that made him better than his brother or nephews made him feel superior, so when he noticed that he swam the best out of all five of them, he showed it off by diving underwater once in a while only to emerge somewhere much further away. Their sister was most impressed by this, asking him to teach her how to do it, but he paid no attention to her.
The little squealing girls did not interest him, but Jace's face full of displeasure did.
He grinned in a way that made the eldest Strong's lips pressed together into a thin line and saw him swimming towards him.
He was sure that Jace would just want to hit him or sub him, so he prepared to put up aggressive resistance if necessary, he surprised him completely, however, by pulling his shorts off his legs.
He laughed out loud as he threw himself after him, trying to snatch it from him, fruitlessly, Aegon seeing this, shouted:
"– c'mon, hand it to me! –" He called out and indeed, Jace did so, making his opportunity to retrieve his stolen clothes move away from him towards the shore with them and Luke who also laughed thinking, apparently, that it was a very funny joke.
"– stop it! –" Their sister squealed, being the only one to stay in the water with him.
It was the first time he had felt so humiliated, frightened and lonely – although Aegon often teased him, this time it was something completely different.
His older brother came ashore, waving his shorts.
"Come and get them!" He laughed, throwing them somewhere far out on the sand so that he would have to run naked many metres before he could even reach them. His niece looked up at him, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
"– wait – wait, I'll get them for you in a minute –" She called out, moving towards the shore, getting out of the water at last and running across the sand – Aegon, Jace and Luke watched her efforts from afar, laughing loudly.
As much as he didn't want to, as much as he tried to stop himself, he burst out into a loud sob, ashamed, sad and bitter, standing in water up to his waist and not moving from his place, wanting to just drown and die.
He finally heard a splash – his niece was swimming towards him with his clothes in her hand, reaching out to him. He snatched his shorts from her in an aggressive, furious motion, whooping with his tears.
"– if you tell anyone about this –" He hissed.
"– no – no, please don't cry –"
"– fuck off –" He growled, pushing her away for some reason, furious that she had seen his outburst of despair, the fact that he was crying like a little girl.
He put his shorts back on and stepped out of the water, heading immediately towards home, paying no attention to Aegon's screams for him to come back, for them to go riding their bikes together, that it was just a joke.
He spent the rest of the day in his room reading history books. He liked to imagine that he was someone else: a great scientist, explorer, king, prince or knight. As he read stories about the great, terrifying dragon Vhagar, he thought he would like to have such a creature for himself, so that he could burn his brother and his nephews.
He answered his mother's questions about what had happened in a perfunctory manner – he knew his brother would take revenge on him if he said too much and he didn't feel like causing any more trouble.
He shuddered at night, roused from a deep sleep when he heard someone's steps in the corridor.
He feared it was them, that they were once again trying to make a mockery of him.
He rose up on his arms, terrified, when the door to his room opened with a loud creak.
"– Aemond? –" He heard her quiet mumble, even barely able to see her silhouette in the darkness he could tell she was crying.
"– can I sleep with you? –"
"– you must be crazy –" He hissed.
His reply made her draw in air loudly, whooping apparently with her own tears.
"– they took away my little lamp – Jace said I'm already big and I can't sleep with the light on – but I'm so scared –" She babbled in despair, as if this was the worst day of her life and there were big monsters lurking in the shadows of the room she slept in ready to devour her.
For some reason, what she said made him feel a sting in his heart and sympathy, through which he shifted to the side, sighing heavily, making room beside him.
"– okay, just be quiet already – come here –" He muttered, and she breathed a loud sigh of relief, closing the door behind her.
She surprised him by climbing onto his bed and immediately covering herself with his duvet, breathing loudly as if she was really scared.
"– thank you –"
"– sleep –" He commanded, turning his back to her. "– you are to disappear tomorrow morning – if anyone sees you, I will kill you with my own hands – do you understand? –"
"– yes –" She mumbled out with difficulty.
He heard her turn on her other side, but he could still feel the warmth of her body – his bed designed for one person for two proved a tad too cramped and there was no way their shoulders wouldn't touch.
Although he felt ashamed that he had slept with a girl, on the other hand her presence had a calming effect on him – the conviction that someone was beside him, her warmth and her scent, reminding him of vanilla pudding or cake, made him fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.
When he woke up, to his relief, she was gone, nor had she told anyone that she had come to him.
What surprised him was that she came to him the next night and jumped into his bed as if it was hers.
"– what are you doing? –" He muttered, looking at her in shock, his favourite book about dragons in his hands.
"– I'm going to bed –"
"– you've got to be joking – go to your place –"
"– I don't have a lamp –"
"– I'll give you mine –"
"– no – this one is too big – for me to sleep it has to be small or someone has to sleep next to me – I swear I'll disappear tomorrow morning –" She mumbled, seeing him tilt his head back, closing his eyes in impatience.
"– I don't want you in my room –" He said finally. "– neither you nor your brothers – I'd rather you never came here –"
It was only when he heard how the words sounded that he thought he had exaggerated, however, he could no longer take it back – he heard her draw in a breath, her cheeks red with sadness, her eyes glazed with tears. She burst out crying, pulled herself up from her seat and ran out of his room.
He thought, returning to his reading, trying to drown out the discomfort in his stomach and the tightness in his throat with the thought that at least she and everyone else would give him a break.
He tried to focus on what he was reading, but then his thoughts returned again to her, alone, in the darkness that had so frightened her.
He remembered Aegon scaring him that there was a great one-eyed monster living in his wardrobe that would come out of there and eat him if he closed his eyes even for a moment.
He cried from exhaustion and didn't sleep for several nights until his mother, when she found out he had fallen asleep in class at school, explained to him that it had been a simple lie.
He thought with shame that she was just a child who was being bullied by them as much as he was, and although he was angry, he decided he would go and see if she had fallen asleep.
Perhaps she was being too dramatic?
He got up quietly from his bed and went out into the corridor, walking slowly to her room, which was next to his. He opened the door and looked inside, noticing to his surprise that her bed was empty; he could, however, hear her raspy, heavy breath.
He stepped inside, looking around the moonlit room, approaching her bed hearing her breathing more and more clearly. He knelt down, bending over and only then did he see, horrified, her silhouette lying on the floor under the wooden frame, her eyes clenched shut, her plump cheeks red from tears.
"– please, don't eat me –" She squealed out.
"– it's me – hey –" He whispered, touching her hand, and she screamed and slammed her head on the bed above her. She cried out loudly in pain, clutching at the spot, and he hushed her by stroking her back.
"– come here – I'm afraid of monsters too –" He whispered, and she, at his words, crawled to him and cuddled into him as if he were a teddy bear, clenching her hands into fists on his back, crying miserably.
He took her into his arms, letting her throw her arms around his neck – when he stood up with her he thought she was unusually light. He laid her down on the bed and slipped under the duvet right beside her, letting her small hands embrace his waist, her face snuggled against his chest.
Only then did he feel her whole body shake.
His hand stroked her hair until she calmed down and they both finally fell asleep in a tender, close embrace.
For the next few days when she came to him, he let her lay her head on his shoulder and read a book with him, which he kept resting on his stomach. They didn't talk then, focused on reading, his cheek resting against the top of her head.
"– can I turn the page? –" He asked, wanting to know if she had managed to read everything.
"– yes –"
She really liked the character of one of the princesses. It was another volume of the story of The Mighty Vhagar and she was the beloved of the Prince who had managed to tame this terrible dragoness. Rhaenys, for that was the heroine's name, also had her own dragon, but a much smaller one, and together with the Prince she flew in the skies.
"I wish I had a dragon like Rhaenys." She confessed to him at last, and he grunted, agreeing with her deep down, not wanting to admit it, however.
The more he got to know her, the more her presence ceased to irritate him: what he liked about her was that she respected his barrier rules. She knew that he liked silence and also that he hated it when someone rearranged or took his things. They sometimes discussed books while sitting on the terrace or walking on the beach pretending to be treasure hunters.
"Kiss your girlfriend!" Laughed Aegon, looking at them from afar, making them both turn scarlet with shame.
His words, however, made him experience a daze.
She was, in fact, a girl, on top of which, in his eyes, she was extremely pretty – her large, bright eyes were framed by beautiful dark eyelashes and eyebrows, her wide smile sweet and comforting. Her voice and touch were also pleasant, tender, her body warm as she snuggled into him at night, seeking refuge in his arms.
He thought he'd never met a girl he liked and fancied, and envied Aegon that he'd already kissed a few of his female friends at school.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked her one day, walking along the beach with her, kicking various stones along the way. His niece lifted her surprised gaze to him, distracted from browsing through the white seashells she had found and wanted to take home with her.
"No. And you?" She asked curiously.
It was easier for him to tell the truth knowing that she had never had anyone either.
"No." He muttered.
They were silent for a long time, walking side by side, thoughtful.
He wondered where he was actually going with this question, his heart pounding like mad.
"And would you like to have one? A boyfriend, I mean." He asked quickly, feeling himself turn red with embarrassment – he was unable to look at her, afraid of her reaction, so he just looked around pretending to be intrigued by something.
"Well. It depends if I would like him." She replied softly.
He swallowed hard at her words.
"Do you like me?" He asked. He heard her quiet giggle beside him.
"So?" He continued, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, meeting her curious, bright gaze.
"What are you asking?" She asked, cocking her head, a wide smile on her face.
He was unable to get the words out.
"I can be your girlfriend, but that will mean I get to hold your hand sometimes or give you a kiss." She said finally making his heart stop in his throat.
"…but only when we're alone." He said.
"Alright." She replied lightly, undaunted, returning to looking through her shells.
He struggled to hold back a smile, feeling hot in his stomach, thinking with relief that it was simple enough and he felt satisfied.
He had a girlfriend.
For the rest of the day they pretended nothing had happened, talking to each other in passing.
What he was looking forward to was the night and the warmth of her body against his.
Indeed, she came to his room as usual as soon as she made sure everyone was already asleep and jumped into his bed making his heart beat harder. He turned off the lamp even though they were usually still both reading together, laying his head next to her on the pillow, startling her.
"– are we going to sleep already? –" She asked quietly and he nodded.
She blinked when his hand rose slowly and tentatively touched her cheek. He swallowed hard, feeling how pleasant, soft and warm her skin felt under his fingers, even in the darkness he knew she was blushing.
He pressed his forehead against hers feeling their breaths quicken, not knowing how to express what he wanted so as not to frighten her at the same time. He leaned in slightly, stroking her face with his thumb, his fingers running over her neck making her breathless.
"– may I? –" He mumbled and she nodded quickly, her fingers running over his jaw making him feel the heat rippling through his stomach, his heart pounding like crazy in his chest.
He enclosed her cheek in his palm when his lips finally pressed against hers – he was surprised by how soft, fleshy and moist they were. He pulled away from her immediately with a quiet click and grunted, twisting in his place, closing his eyes, feeling like he was about to have a heart attack from excitement.
"– sleep –" He commanded, feeling that it was too much emotions for one time. His niece answered nothing, snuggling up to him as she did every night, and he put his arms around her.
It was his first kiss with his first girlfriend.
He felt grown up, fulfilled and happy.
They spent the next few days on various expeditions, pretending that they were great explorers of scary temples looking for treasures or great tombs of old kings. They did nothing out of the ordinary apart from the occasional quick, embarrassing kiss on the lips or cheek, however, to his surprise his affection towards her grew each day.
He realised that he genuinely liked her.
She shared his passion, she was excited with him about their finds, which were most often old coins, she helped him come up with their new missions and, above all, she didn't laugh at him, but with him.
Her words, though child-like, were full of understanding and empathy, her commitment and fearless nature made her his indispensable companion, and part of him thought with relief that it would stay that way forever.
That he found his haven.
However, their closeness began to frustrate Aegon, who finally pushed him to the wall.
"Why do you keep running after her? Are you kissing her or something?" His brother asked mockingly, and he felt satisfaction at the thought of how he could answer him.
"Maybe." He replied.
Aegon looked at him in disbelief and furrowed his brows in consternation.
"WHAT? Have you gone mad? It's your niece! That's disgusting and on top of that, illegal! You can't kiss your own family!" He said making his heart stop, cold sweat running down his back.
"– after all, she is not my sister –"
"– but you are her uncle! – do you know what our mother would do to you if she found out? – you're a complete moron –"
"– I was only joking – I wanted to annoy you –" He lied quickly, feeling a wave of shame, sadness and horror run down his spine.
That day he turned on his computer quickly and, although the internet was still running very slowly at the time, he managed to read in the Online Encyclopedia that what he had done was called incest and was considered a socially unacceptable perversion, although some countries allowed marriage between an uncle and a niece or cousin.
It didn't change the fact that he burst into loud sobs, feeling like a fool, regretting everything he had done to her, that he had ever met her, that he had ridiculed himself again because of her.
"– I'm breaking up with you –" He told her the same day, making her eyes widen in disbelief and fear.
"– but –"
"– you're my niece – you can't be my girlfriend – sleep with your brother or your mum tonight –"
It seemed to him that what he said had completely broken her, because instead of saying anything, tear after tear began to run down her cheeks. She wiped them away with her hands, trying to calm herself, but they continued to flow.
He felt some natural urge to embrace her, his heart squeezed at the sight of her suffering, but there was nothing he could do about it.
They were not meant for each other.
Wanting to somehow soften his words and what he had done to her, he wrote her his phone number on a piece of paper and slipped it under her door that very evening, so that she could contact him if something bad happened, but she could call only in a life-threatening emergency.
He didn't want anyone to catch him talking to her, much less Aegon.
He thought their brief relationship and break-up would be the worst and most heartbreaking thing to happen to him on this holiday, but it wasn't.
Fueled by rage and aggression that he had no way to deal with, he threw himself at Jace as he started laughing at him, pounding him with his fists, and Luke, wanting to defend his older brother, hit his head with a glass bottle lying on the sand, which smashed into his face.
It turned out that one of the shards damaged his eye, while the other cut the left part of his face.
They all started screaming, which their parents heard – Alicent, panicked, called an ambulance, while Rhaenyra packed up, took her children and left.
The doctors, to his mother's despair, said that an operation had to be performed immediately and that the eye would have to be removed: he remembered very little of this period, not speaking or looking at anyone at the time, as if something in his mind had switched off and he had lost touch with reality.
He thought only about her.
About his Rheanys.
He opened his eyes, returning with his mind to his car – he glanced at the blue-lit display and saw that it was approaching two o'clock in the morning.
They'll be here soon, he thought.
He stepped outside, closing the car door behind him, pulling a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from the pocket of his leather jacket. He took one out and slipped it into his mouth, leaning over the bright, warm flame, the tip of it turning red. He took a drag, closing his eyes and tilted his head back, letting the smoke out through his nose.
Indeed, it wasn't even a few minutes before he heard the screech of tyres – several black cars drove into the square, blinding him with their long lights.
Turn it the fuck off, he thought, covering his face with his hand, taking another drag.
He heard men start to come out of the cars – most of them were tipsy dudes just doing security, however Jason Lannister, who was supposed to hand him part of the money for the contract, was their opposite.
He looked like a hipster in his jumper, with his blonde hair pulled back and beard, a suitcase in his hand.
"As much as I agreed with your grandfather. Next part in two weeks." He said.
"Open it." He ordered, blowing out smoke through his mouth, looking at him with a grin, from which Jason swallowed loudly.
Lannister pulled a key from his trouser pocket and opened the suitcase, presenting him with elegantly stacked, sorted thick files of money.
He nodded and hummed under his breath, satisfied, going around his car, opening his boot. He pulled out a fake bottom made especially for the police, underneath which was a bag containing several kilos of white powder that Jason sold through his club.
They exchanged bags and shook hands, parting without a word, not wanting to tempt fate.
He smoked his cigarette to the end and trampled the butt with his shoe, climbed into his car and started the engine, eager to get back to his flat and sleep for at least a few hours. He set off ahead with a squeal of tyres, driving out of the harbour onto one of the main streets, a complete blank in his mind.
He felt nothing.
Or at least he thought he did, until her name showed up on his dashboard display remotely connected to his phone, the sound around him indicating that she was calling him made him freeze.
Over the years she had texted him, describing her days, asking how he was doing, wishing him a happy birthday, but he had never written her back, thinking it was pointless.
He only associated her with what he could not have and what happened next.
However, the fact that she called was exceptional.
Call only in a life-threatening emergency.
He wanted to pretend he hadn't seen it, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to live with what he'd done if it turned out the next day that her dead body had been found somewhere in the woods.
His trembling hand rose to the button on the screen with the handset symbol on it – he swallowed hard when his finger touched it and there was silence.
"– Aemond? –" He heard her trembling, breaking voice, his heart pounding like mad – he thought in disbelief that she sounded familiar and foreign at the same time.
"– what is it? –" He asked dryly, feeling the cold sweat run down his back as he tried to focus on the road.
She was probably just drunk and desperate, he consoled himself.
"– G-God – they must have – they must have put something into my drink –" She mumbled with difficulty between sobs, her breath heavy and ragged – he felt his heart stop, his hands involuntarily tightening on his steering wheel.
"– what? – fuck – where are you? –"
All he heard for a moment was her shallow breathing and crying, saw with his eyes her face then when he told her they couldn't be together.
"– Rhaenys – focus – fucking speak to me –"
"– I – mmm – I don't know – I think... – ...I think I'm in the toilet –" She muttered, apparently losing touch with reality.
"– in what toilet? – in the club? –" He asked desperately, running his hand over his mouth and jaw, thinking with horror that someone might be about to rape her.
"– yes – in the... – ...club – like... – ...one... – ...with palm trees –" She mumbled, and he drew in the air loudly, knowing what she was talking about.
"– Heavenly Beach? –" He asked, turning on his indicator, making a U-turn even though he should have done it at the next crossroads, several cars started honking at him, braking with a screech to avoid hitting him.
"– Rhaenys? – FUCK! –" He shouted, no longer hearing her voice, slapping his hands on the steering wheel, feeling tears burning under his eyelids for the first time in years.
He felt like he was in a panic, only realising after a moment that he was breathing loudly through his mouth.
He had broken many traffic regulations to get to this place as quickly as possible.
The security guards knew him and let him in outside the huge queue, to the fury of the others waiting – he ran quickly down the stairs, hitting several guests on the way who shouted after him to be careful, the loud electric music completely deafening him.
He wondered, what was she doing here?
Walking through the flickering lights and darkness, he headed straight for the toilets, going inside with a loud slam of the door. Several of the girls inside squealed, horrified by the presence of a man in the women's washroom.
"Get the fuck out!" Shouted one of them, stepping in his way, but he pushed her away. The girl fell over and whimpered, her friend, as drunk as she was, began calling him names, threatening to call security.
"RHAENYS!" He called out, opening one cubicle after another until he came across a closed door from behind which no sound came. When hit it with his foot it opened with a loud clatter and then he saw her: she was lying on the tiles sunken in deep sleep, unconscious, her phone by her face.
Looking at her, he remembered with shame that he knew perfectly well what she looked like, because he stalked her Instagram and Facebook accounts almost every evening: at first he just wanted to mock her and her life, then, however, it helped him control which boys she was seeing.
He destroyed his first phone by throwing it against a wall when he saw a picture of her in the arms of some guy when she was in high school, his rage caused by the fact that she was able to move on and he was stuck, still with his mind in that summer.
He knew she had studied archaeology because she sometimes posted photos from excavations, showing unusual finds. He couldn't bear it when he saw a picture of her sitting next to a boy who was putting his arm around her waist, surely going to university with her.
Rob, because it turned out that was his name when he traced his profile through her friends, liked to have a good time: he'd gone a few times to clubs he'd visited, wanting to look at him from afar.
He watched him chat up strange women and, although nothing happened between them, he came to a certain conclusion.
He didn't trust him.
He didn't like him.
That's why he took a picture of him with a woman, who he put his arm around exactly as it was then, in their picture, and then asked the owner of the club, who was buying drugs from them, to post the picture on their official Facebook.
They often uploaded photos from parties, so this was nothing unusual, and the feeling of satisfaction he experienced when he saw that after a few days she had deleted all their photos together was indescribable.
He consoled himself with the thought that it wasn't because he was jealous, but because he wanted to protect her, like the good, caring uncle he had never been.
And now she, the girl he saw every day on his phone screen lay unconscious in the stinky toilet where others came to fuck and snort cocaine, vulnerable and helpless.
"– hey – hey, wake up, kid –" He muttered, trying to lift her up, tapping his palm against her cheek to revive her, with no effect.
She didn't even flinch.
He grabbed her under her hips and lifted her up, rising from his knees with her, walking out of the toilet, the two drunk girls led them away with eyes full of disbelief.
As he walked with her through the club he noticed two men standing at the bar watching him closely – they turned away, pretending to talk to each other when they met his gaze.
Were they the ones lurking for her?
Were they the ones hoping to have fun with her that night?
He felt disgust and rage at the thought, for although he didn't get into any deeper relationships, he only took from women as much as they were willing to give him.
Sex allowed him to vent and not go crazy, but no relationship was an option.
He didn't want any new girlfriends.
With one hand holding her under her buttocks, he slipped the other into the pocket of his trousers, pulling out the keys to his car, opening it remotely. He opened the passenger side door and settled her into the seat, fastening her seatbelt. She mumbled something that sounded like no, clearly thinking he was the one who had done this to her.
"– easy – I'll take you home –"
He hated Rhaenyra's new husband wholeheartedly, as he was their biggest rival when it came to drug deals, however, he had no choice: after Harwin was shot, his older sister quickly found comfort in the arms of another man who was far more dangerous.
Perhaps that was what attracted him to her.
He glanced out of the corner of his eye at his niece's silhouette plunged into sleep, tense, her body completely numb, her bowed head leaning against the window.
He placed his hand on her palm, clamping his fingers on her skin, his throat squeezed at the thought that he felt exactly like then, when he had found her curled up under the bed.
"– you were right to be afraid of sleeping in the dark – you don't even know how many real monsters lurk in its shadows –" He whispered – her body shuddered, but she didn't wake, her fingers tightening on his.
"– uncle –" She mumbled.
He pressed his lips together feeling a single, heavy, warm tear of sorrow run down his cheek at the thought that she was able to recognise his voice after so many years.
He parked in front of Daemon's house and lowered his window, pressing the button to wake up whichever bodyguard was there. He heard a moment later that someone had in fact appeared under the other side.
"– do you know what fucking time it is, man? –"
"– someone gave Daemon's daughter, and my niece, a rape pill – I brought her –" He said dispassionately, his free hand still clenched on hers.
"– oh fuck –" The man mumbled, and the gate in front of him immediately opened.
He pulled into the driveway and parked at the very entrance, Rhaenyra in only a bathrobe, apparently awakened from a deep sleep, walked out of the house with Daemon running up to his car. He turned off the engine and stepped outside, closing the door.
"– what happened? – how did you find her? –" She asked terrified and pale, looking at him in disbelief.
"– Heavenly Beach – she called me – she barely spoke –" He replied coldly, opening the passenger side door. Her mother immediately leaned over her, gently patting her cheeks.
"– my love? – good God –" She mumbled, stroking her hair and shoulders as if she were a small child.
"– what was she doing there? –" He asked Daemon. Rhaenyra's husband threw him a long, frustrated look.
"– she said she would be staying the night with a friend – I am as surprised as you are –" He replied impatiently, taking his niece in his arms exactly as he had before, heading home with her, her face sunken into a deep sleep lying on his shoulder.
He shuddered when Rhaenyra touched his arm, looking at him uncertainly.
"– would you like a cup of tea? – you can stay the night with us –"
After you ran away without a word of apology when your son ruined my life, you stupid whore?
"– no –" He said immediately, turning around and heading for the driver's side door, getting inside his car without bestowing another glance on her. He started the engine and began to back up, turning around, driving out through the gate back onto the dirt road.
By the time he returned to his flat it was morning, but he did not feel tired or sleepy. He was attacked immediately by the paws of a large brown dog – Vhagar, his gift of comfort after losing his eye, looked at him with big eyes and barked with rage that he had left her alone for so long.
"I know. I know. I've had a rough night." He hummed, stroking her head. His dog grumbled for another moment, whining and howling, until she gave up, returning to her sleeping place.
He pulled off his jacket and boots, lay down on his bed and unlocked his phone, going into his messages, clicking on the icon that said Rhaenys.
He scrolled through her messages, imagining as he did so that she was lying right next to him, that everything he had read she had just whispered in his ear, embracing him tenderly as she had then, that summer.
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He didn't write her back because he didn't know what he should say.
He was ashamed to admit that if it hadn't been for Aegon, this would probably have gone on for a while until their parents found out and they would be completely humiliated.
He was ashamed to admit that his most beautiful childhood memory was both something disgusting and shameful, something that some part of him wanted to forget.
He was ashamed to admit that his grandfather had told him that he could forget about the University, because once you enter this world, you stay there forever.
He was ashamed to admit that he felt that it had always been too late for him, that there was no moment in his life when he could change something.
He fell asleep in the end and didn't wake up for several hours, tired and shaken; he shuddered when he heard his phone ring and reached for it quickly, thinking it might have been her again.
He swallowed hard, disappointed when he saw it was his grandfather and answered reluctantly, closing his eyes.
"Did everything go according to plan?" He asked.
"What were you doing in Heavenly Beach?"
He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling, feeling his heart begin to pound like mad.
Lie or tell the truth?
"Rhaenyra's daughter called me. Someone put a rape pill into her drink."
Silence answered him for a moment, from which he felt a discomfort in his stomach.
"Aemond –" His grandfather began. "– this is the last time you interfere in their affairs. Do you understand?"
He looked ahead, biting his lower lip so hard that he felt the taste of his own blood on his tongue, his throat squeezed so tightly that he felt like he had stopped breathing.
"Do you understand?"
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cloudcountry · 17 hours
I've discussed this with a mutual but I really need to read it: I'd like to request a confession scenario with Jamil where he goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Basically Jamil is fell head over heels into the Mariana trench but forgot that De Nile is a river in Egypt and pulled a page out of Kalim's book by being purposely oblivious about his own feelings.
The poor reader is also very much in love and has pining for WEEKS. One day, they decide to just tip the band-aid off. The pair are in the kitchen hanging out as usual when the reader turns to him and goes "I'm in love with you. You don't have to say anything and you can pretend this never happened. I just want you to know"
They're expecting a rejection but Jamil just stares a freezes for a good three minutes. While the reader is panicking trying to get him to snap out of it, Jamil is going through the 5 stages of grief.
Ultimately, Jamil's thought process ends with "If we don't kiss in the next 5 seconds I'm overblotting again" and the intrusive thoughts win.
SUMMARY: you confess to jamil. he doesn't know how to respond until he throws his inhibition out the window.
COMMENTS: I LOVE THIS REQUEST??? i decided to play off of the actual stages of grief for this even though its an expression hehe
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“Jamil, I like you.”
“Actually, no, I’m...I’m in love with you. And it’s okay if you don’t, it's okay if you don’t say it back, I just wanted you to know.”
Jamil stares at the fridge in front of him, mind blank except for your words. They repeat over and over and every emotion ever swells up in his chest because what!?
Since when? Why? What did you see in him? What did you see in your future with him? DId you even see one? Did he mishear you? Did you mean to say that to someone else?
No, there’s no way you did. You two were the only ones in the kitchen at the moment. Grim was outside in the living room, talking to the ghosts about something or other and why would you even say something like that to Grim anyway?
You didn’t mean it. There’s no way you meant it. even after he overblotted and threw you to the other end of his dorm? Even after he showed you all the ugliest parts of himself, the parts of himself that nobody ever should have seen because he wasn’t supposed to be a person, only an aid?
And he certainly didn’t like you back. It’s not like he wanted to do things for you to make you happy, it’s not like he got the slightest bit jealous when he saw you hanging out with Kalim, it’s not like he wanted to monopolize all of your time so nobody else could have it.
Okay, so he was lying to himself. Great. He can deal with this for sure.
It’s so unfair. It’s so unfair. If it wasn’t for Kalim and his parents and this suffocating life he’s sure he’d be able to accept your confession in a heartbeat. He’s sure he’d be able to comprehend his own emotions and bring you into his arms. He’s sure he’d be able to process his own emotions and be the partner you deserved, without all the jumbled mess that is his rage and jealousy and resentment.
He didn’t want to be someone else, he just wanted a different life. He just wanted to be free, to be able to exercise his own pure talent, to be able to rise above everyone else.
He wished there was some way to make that reality for you two. He didn’t want you to go be with anyone else, the very thought of it made his stomach turn and his heart brim with anger. He was a selfish, jealous person, but you loved him. How could he make this work? How could he keep you in love with him, keep you by his side, keep you controlled? Did you have to be controlled? You started liking him of your own free will, maybe he didn’t have to do anything.
But falling for him was one matter, staying by his side was another.
There was no way this was going to work.
He had to find a way.
He couldn’t find a way.
There had to be a way.
His mind is moving too fast for him to keep up and he’s still staring at the fridge, and your voice is calling his name and you look so worried, your visage in the corner of his eyes swirling. It’s like he’s not even rooted in reality anymore. How can he make this work? It almost feels hopeless...but Jamil is anything but a quitter. He’s never given up before, and he’s not going to start now.
“Jamil?” you say for what feels like the hundredth time, your hand resting gently on his shoulder.
He’s still not responding. Oh fuck, you didn’t think confessing was going to mess him up this much. If you’d known that, you wouldn’t have said anything and just kept it to yourself forever.
He murmurs your name and finally, finally turns to look at you. His hands grab your shoulders and he meets your gaze, pupils dilated and eyes wide.
“Be mine.” he says, and your heart flutters at how serious he sounds.
“J...Jamil?” you squeak, pliant in his arms and he pulls you close, clinging to you like he never wants to let you go.
“Be mine.” he repeats, words muffled in your shoulder, “I will...always do my best for you. Always. I don’t want you going to anyone else.”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” you murmur softly, placing a hand on the back of his head as he crushes you against him.
He shifts, bringing his face close to your neck. You barely have the time to wonder what he’s doing before he kisses the junction between your shoulder and neck, a soft smack of lips roaring in your ears.
“Good.” he replies, the word a hot gust of air against your skin.
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glitterjay · 2 days
hi, sea! i really love your writings!
can i ask for hee smut? something like first time vanilla sex where he treats you like a princess after you came from your anniversary dinner?
⭒ first time, some fluff here and there, stablished relationship, soft dom!heeseung, virgin!reader, short, not so detailed, minors dni
⭒ c's note: im glad you like my work <3 i hope this fulfills what you're looking for :]
⭒ taglist (open): @hollyoongs @fertilizedtoesw
today was your first year anniversary dating heeseung. it was a year full of love and moments your cherished, but also a year with fights and other inconveniences where you had learned from each other.
there was nothing better than having a fancy dinner in your shared home, with scented candles to light up the mood. it was also the day you decided to tell heeseung you wanted to have some intimacy with him, also known as your first time.
he was willing to wait for as long as you were ready, even if it took more years into the relationship. it took him by surprise when you brought up the topic mid dinner, but a sudden spark in him had lighted up.
it was his mission to make this one in a lifetime experience the best for you so that you could remember it with a smile on your face. he was extremely sweet, praising you every time you gasped, and reassuring you it was okay to make such noises.
he was in charge and he would take care of you, it was just a matter of trust. you had to trust him and you did.
he prepped you with his fingers, and although he would've loved to make you cum more than once, he knew it would be too overwhelming. so he waited until his cock was inside to do the actual work.
this new sensation was too much for you, making you cum extremely fast, which heeseung understood. "can you hold on for a bit? im so close, baby, i promise."
and for the sake of him, you held on to that weird feeling taking over you. it was as if your surroundings were becoming fuzzy and your vision was starting to blur. "look at you, being a good girl. so good for me." heeseung's voice kept you sane.
it was his turn to cum, pulling out and doing so on the bed sheets that he had to change later. now all you had to do was relax. thanks to heeseung, your first time was magnificent and definitely something you would remember with pride and joy.
the following days consisted of your boyfriend doing everything for you. it was kind of his fault that you were sore anyway. he would cook for you, even feed you himself sometimes, he would play your favorite movies or sing your favorite songs for you. a real prince giving his princess the treatment she deserves.
© glitterjay | tumblr
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ysrjune · 22 hours
i would actually need a perv!sam best friend oneshot where hes like taking her virginity like maybe reader is annoyed that everyone keeps teasing her that she is the only one in their friendtgroup ya knoww thank youuu🥰 - 💋 (new anon🤩)
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writing this at 10:25pm instead of the usual 1am.. are you guys proud ⁉️🥰
“and then they just keep laughing and teasing me about it! I dont get why its so funny to them.” you complain to your best friend while he smokes a cigarette near your window and you being sat on your bed. sam stays looking out the open window as he replies to your complaint. “but do you have a problem with it?” his voice sounding a little husky. “what do you mean?” you asked, braiding a thin piece of your hair. “do you have a problem with being a virgin, stupid.” he rolled his eyes. “like, are you bothered by it? mad that you can't get dicked down?” he chuckles to himself.
you scoffed and threw a pillow at him. “don't say it like that.” you replied through furrowed brows. “but.. yeah. I guess.” you muttered, making him look right at you. “wjy don't you just go to some party down the block and let some guy fuck you there, huh? bet most of them have big dicks or somethin’. big enough to satisfy you.” he smashes the bud of the cigarette and throws it out the window. “I dont doubt they would be your type, either. tall, strong and skinny.” he teases and lays in front of you, resting his head in between your legs, almost signaling that he wanted you to play with his hair. so of course you did. you always gave sam what he wanted he was such a brat.
“yeah, but they probably either have girlfriends or STDS.” she expresses while tangling her fingers in the blue stripe of his hair. “yeah? I know one guy who doesn't have either of those.” he mumbles with his eyes closed, leaning into your touch. “uh-huh. and who might that be, sam.” she slightly tugs at his dark locs and stares down at him. “Me,” he said, eyes still closed and a smirk tugging up at the side of his mouth. excuse me? you thought. did he really just say that, or are you just crazy and delusional.
“yeah, right. shut up.” you nervously chuckle and look to the side. you already knew he was atleast a little experienced. he told you about all those times he had sex with alyssa. you were even comfortable enough to let him show you a couple of videos he recorded of him fucking her. there was a bunch of angles. yes, sam monroe is the type to show off his home-made porn videos.. but only because alyssa cheated on him. other-wise, you'd have no idea he ever recorded such things. sam wasnt ashamed of it either. he wasn't ashamed of anything you were able to see on the videos. his dick, his cum, the face he makes when he finishes.. not even afraid to let you hear his moans.
“no, im serious.” he looks up at you and turns around on his belly. “if you dont wanna be a virgin anymore, ill fix that. all you gotta do is say please.” his finger traces circles on your thigh. you slightly bit your lip, not knowing if he was REALLY being serious or not. sam is a jerk. he'll make up lies on the spot and say hes serious about it. what if this is one of those times and you embarrass yourself? sam noticed the way you seemed to space out in thought. so he took matters into his own hands by pressing kisses against your clothed clit. “come on, babe. you know you want it.” he mutters while he continues to kiss. you felt yourself instinctively grind against his face, letting out a few short pants.
“okay,” you breathed out. “okay, just.. go slow.” your hand grips his hair, making his eyebrows furrow. “uh-huh.” he moaned against you.
(time skipping cause im so lazy and im upset that I lost my balls earlier 😞🙏🏽 #RIPJUNESTESTICLES)
his tongue was all up in your core. sucking on your clit a few times before deciding to fuck you with his wet muscle again and again. he didn't let you cum that way, though. he just wanted to hear all the cute noises you made, first. eventually, he gave you his dick. you were convinced he wasnt gonna fit, but with how wet you already were.. he slid inside nicely. it still hurt a little, but it felt nice. “look at ‘er clenching my dick so fuckin’ hard.” his pace was slow.. only cause you asked. “shes so desperate, isnt she? so desperate to cum all over me.” his thumb rubs slow circles on your clit. “tell me, sweetie. how good does it feel, mm? how is it being fucked by your best friend.” he pathetically moans, pace increasing the slightest.
“good. it.. it feels so good, sam. please dont stop.” you whined out to him, gripping his fore-arm. “id be a fool if I stopped, babe. fuck.” he sounded just exactly how he did in those videos. whimpering, and sounding like he was gonna cry. what made it even hotter was the fact he was talking to you like some kind of dominant guy but letting out the most precious noises whole doing so. “cum for me, baby, cmon. let me see that pussy.” he wasn't even making sense anymore. he just wanted you to cum before him so he didn't look like a little bitch who cant keep it together. “cum already, fuck. please. please dont make me—” he suddenly went dumb. his hips rocked against yours like if he was in heat or something.. his eyes rolled back along with his head, and one of his hands left your waist. only leaving the right one on you, and forcing your body to slam against his.
surley, you came just a second before he did. was he a little embarrassed? sure. but he knew he fucked you good enough for your first time. you couldn't actually believe it happened.. but as you already knew.. you always gave that brat what he wanted.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@anakinstwinklebunny @anisangeldust @sockiess @erossmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor @maevesversion @emmaloo21 @starwarsbian @anakinsvault @torturedlovergirl @sammonroesslut 🌟
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69dias · 9 hours
comfort head w jude post the england game. enjoy!
“don’t tease today, please.”
it’s murmured against your neck where jude’s buried his head, his skin warm and his knees week from the palpable exhaustion from the day he’s had. you know what he needs, know that he’ll never explicitly ask for it, but the way he’s dragging himself to the foot of the hotel bed is the only indication you need.
you follow him, slotting yourself between his legs for a moment despite his initial plea for you to not take any more time than necessary. but this is necessary, you decide, and his forehead pressed against your middle does nothing but prove you right. he doesn’t say much after, lets you rub out the knots in his neck, shallow breaths and low murmurs about whatever frustrated him on the pitch muffling themselves into your (his) shirt.
his hands squeeze after your waist when he looks up, your own stroking the side of his face, running your fingers over his lip as he kisses the pads of each one — all of it is a silent plea for you to get on with what he wants, the need to relax and get you on your knees for him etched into every last one of his features.
“you did so good, y’know?”
he scoffs, hands leaving your waist to pull his jacket off instead of maintaining eye contact. he hates the unnecessary sweet talk, and you know, but the barrage of self-blame would crash down on him post-orgasm anyway, and talking it out now as opposed to later when he’s all loopy and out of it is better.
“look at me, please,” you keep your voice low, just barely above a whisper but jude
doesn’t listen to you at all, fiddling with the fabric of his jacket instead. “you were, baby.”
“not good enough. if you could move, I’ll wash up.”
you sink to your knees when you hear the agitation in his voice, not wanting to annoy him further. it’s quiet after that, nothing but rustles of fabric and tension in the frisk hotel room air as your hands skim the waistband of his sweats to pull them down to his knees.
“‘s a team sport, baby,” you press soft kisses to his half-hard cock through his boxers, feeling the chills ripple over the skin of his thighs under your palms, his own hands smoothening over your hair. “you were good enough, just doesn’t work out sometimes.”
he shudders again when you tug down his boxers, blunt nails scratching down the skin of his thighs until he’s bucking his hips up and towards you.
jude’s quiet still, save for the gasp he lets out when you spit into your hand, palming over his head. you hand the hem of his shirt into his shaky hands and he lifts it up, revealing the soft chisel of his abs. typically, you’d enjoy the view but you’re a woman on a mission, pressing his cock up against his stomach to lick the spot up right above his balls -
“shit, s’good,” he gathers your hair in a loose ponytail, jaw slack and thighs clenching where your hands rest. “fuck, doll, you’re s-so — fuck — m’so annoyed today,”
you’re a bit confused at the sudden change in his demeanor from not wanting to speak about the game at all, to talking about it when your tongue is flat against the underside of his cock and you’re slobbering around him. you let him keep going, slipping his head into your mouth and suckling at it until he’s hissing, hips bucking so he slides further into your mouth.
“tried t-to score, too — shit, baby, y’tongue is so good — fuckin’ danish thugs on the pitch-“
jude has never been this unabashed before, always respectful, always sweet even when he’s talking about opponents, but this is a welcome change. it has you clenching your own thighs together, the filthy rude words going straight between your legs. you don’t let up, pulling him out from where his tip is kissing your uvula to spit down his cock, looking right up into his eyes to lick the pre-cum dribbling off of him.
he uses the ponytail he has your hair in to tilt your head back, jaw dropping at the sudden use of force. his instructions to keep still are unneeded even when his hand slips away and he brings his cock to your bottom lip, rubbing it along the skin until it’s glossy and pink with your spit and his pre-cum:
“tap my thigh if it’s too much, hm?” he sounds distracted, enamored by the way you look on his knees with his cock by your mouth, slipping it into your waiting lips and past your gag reflex, down your throat and back out. it’s nothing you can’t take, but the rhythm he picks up has tears brimming in your eyes, slipping down the apples of your cheeks until he’s wiping them off.
he doesn’t say anything more, continues thrusting his cock back in. his grip on your hair is brutal, and the glucking sounds that fill the room every time his cock fills your throat are disgustingly wet, lewd, so filthy. although, they can’t compare to how pornographic jude sounds above you.
it’s the same thing as earlier; complains mixed in with the filthiest, broken whines —
“oh my god — fuck — dunno what coach is trying - ngh, shit you’re so good f’me - it’s not fuckin’ working-“
“it’s so bad, everything - shit, keep swallowing around me, jus’ like that baby,” he’s slurring his words, almost standing from the angle at which he’s fucking your mouth, and all you can do is take it because he’s throbbing and you know how close he is. “everything is — hah, shit, m’gnna cum — not a single goal and we’re s’pposed to w - shit, m’cumming’ - win — fuck”
you feel it before you register his words, brain gone numb from how he’s been using your mouth with barely a minute of reprieve. when jude finally does cum down your throat, he does it in silence, going quiet for a good five seconds, hands shaking as they let go of your hair, thighs covered in chills as the waves roll over his body.
when it’s done, once you’ve swallowed around him, pulled out for a deep breath, you hear the staggered moans he lets out — tired and breathy and broken and filthy, panting and shaking where you rest your aching head on his thigh. he falls back onto the bed, chest heaving, incapable of doing anything but stroke the side of your face with his warm hands.
it takes several minutes for the both of you to recuperate, but it’s particularly hard for you to ignore just how turned on you’d gotten hearing him all hot and bothered. the way you’re practically clenching around nothing gives you the last bit of strength you need to get up, swinging your legs around either side of his lower abdomen, looking down at where he’s still (sort of) panting on the bed.
“hey,” his hands find your waist under your (his) shirt, stroking the skin, squeezing it a bit. he quirks his eyebrows at you when you smile down at him, all too chaste for someone whose mascara is running down her face from being face-fucked. you bet he thinks you’re pretty anyway.
“you look nice from here, baby. not too much f’you?”
you shake your head, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“ ‘m telling your coach you think his tactics are shit -“
you can barely bask in the smugness of the comment you’ve been cooking up for the last five minutes before he’s grabbing you by the hips and flipping you over, lips meeting the junction of your jaw and neck in a sloppy kiss.
“don’t do that, he may send me back home,” he speaks through wetter kisses, tongue marking your skin wholly. “can’t buy you all the things you want if I’m unemployed, huh?”
“you could fuck me more, though. lotta free time,” you choke out the last part as he finds the spot that gets you every time, legs clenching together for some needed friction.
“touché, pretty. turn around so I can get a headstart, hm?”
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minniesmutt · 2 days
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞����𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: FELIX X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: DEMON!FLELIX, ANGEL!READER, CORRUPTION, RELIGION(?), SUPERNATURAL ABILITIES, SIR KINK, (1) FACE SLAP, BONDAGE, BONDAGE BED, TOYS, (1) TIT SLAP, PET NAMES (ANGEL, HUN, DOLL, LITTLE ONE,), SPIT, ORAL (M. RECEIVING), FACE FUCKING, CUM EATING/SHARING, CUM SHOTS, FINGER SUCKING UNPROTECTED SEX, AFTERCARE, LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING ☾ ━━━ WC: 2.8K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     They shouldn’t have met. Angels and demons rarely ever met. Maybe once in a millennium. But never as much as Y/n and Felix met. 
     The first time was an accident. He was doing his own thing on Earth while she was working. Trying to get him back to Hell. 
     It was a battle between them, trying to get him back to hell and him evading and flirting with the angel. Centuries of the cat and mouse game. Even if she had gotten him back to hell, he’d always make his way back to earth. 
     A few centuries ago is where it took a turn. The flirting turned to stolen kisses and him running off. Kisses became longer over the years. The modern world provided a lot more fun for him. 
     He found himself in nightclubs often. Humans flocked to him, he didn’t have any interest in sleeping with them. Just wanting the attention of a certain angel. If he didn’t grab her attention he might take one or two of the humans home and have some fun. 
     The music blared as he sipped his drink and the human woman he had his arm around kissed up his neck. He had been making out with her moments ago but she wasn’t exactly the best kisser. Not on his list to take home. 
     Not that he worried much about what human he was bedding when he saw his target walking through the crowd to him. 
     “Get out of here,” he pushed the woman away from him and watched her grab her things and leave, scoffing at him. Something he’d usually mind the rudeness but not when he was watching the pretty angel he’d chased after for almost a millennium walk up to him in a cute little dress. 
     A dress he was sure the big man would frown upon.  One he enjoyed looking at, riding up her thighs as she walked. 
     “Felix,” Y/n called as she approached him. 
     “You caught me again, angel!” Felix smiled as he finished off his drink. “What will your reward be this time doll?”
     “Could you stay in Hell?” Y/n asked as she took a seat next to him, “What do you gain from toying with humanity?”
     “Besides getting to see you? Not much. They’re not that great at sex— even though some think they are.”
     “It is always sex with the demons up here,” Y/n scoffed 
     “Are you seeing other demons?” Felix asked, pulling her onto his lap, and making her straddle him. Y/n’s eyes widened as she looked down at the blonde demon under her, “You didn’t forget about this little guy you put on me, hun.”
     Felix pulled out the padlock necklace around his neck. It was the one time she had tricked him. Pulling him into a dingy bathroom at a nightclub just like this one. He did enjoy the bit of grinding and over-the-clothes action they had before she locked the necklace around his neck. Before promptly dropping him back inside the gates of hell. He thanked the dumbass humans that decided to try an old summoning ritual for the devil. 
     The devil himself didn’t feel like dealing with humans that particular day so Felix took the chance. So now he had her sitting on top of him. He never knew what the locket was for. He guessed it dulled his powers a bit since when he was up on Earth, he wasn't as strong as he used to be. 
     “It’s part of my job. Bring demons back to Hell since Lucifer can’t keep you there.” Y/n scoffed 
     “I bet none of them are as fun as me,” Felix smiled, leaning forward, he could see her blush a bit under the shitty light of the club. 
     “None of them try and get in my pants as much as you do.”
     “You enjoy it, you can’t lie.” it wasn't even a metaphor. Angels couldn't lie. 
     “You need to go back to Hell,” Y/n sighed
     “You're avoiding it, doll.” Felix chuckled as his hands held onto her hips. 
     “I can’t, Felix.”
     “But you want to. Otherwise, you would have killed me centuries ago.” 
     “You just have to say please. Take the fall,” Felix whispered in her ear
     His teeth bit on the lobe of her ear. Y/n gulped but didn’t push him away. Her hands gripped his collared shirt. “Come on, angel.”
     He kissed her jaw and down her neck. “Say the word.”
     “Not here,” Y/n told him
     “Come with me.”
     Felix dragged her out of the club’s back exit. Briefly pushing her up against the wall and pushing his lips onto hers. Y/n moaned against his lips, cupping his face as his hands held onto her hips, traveling to her ass. 
     “Felix,” Y/n mumbled against his lips 
     “Been waiting centuries for this,” Felix mumbled as he kissed down her neck. 
     Y/n leaned her head against the brick wall as the demon nipped at her skin. She closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy his mouth on her neck, then she felt the harshes of the brick wall be replaced by the comfort of a bed. 
     “Didn’t take that little trick away from me, did you?” Felix chuckled as he pushed up the skirt of the little dress she was wearing. 
     He kissed down to her chest, as he pressed two fingers against her clothed clit, rubbing small circles into it. Y/n bit her lower lip to hide her moans but Felix still heard them. Laughing against her skin as he moved up to slide the straps of her dress off with his teeth. 
     His eyes watched her expressions. He pulled the dress down to bunch up around her waist— smiling as he saw she wasn't wearing a bra— before pulling his hand away from her clit and pulling her lip from between her teeth, “Let me hear you.”
     Y/n nodded only for his hand to slap her then grab her chin and make her look into his eyes, “You're a big girl. Say ‘yes sir’.”
     “Yes sir,” Y/n repeated as he pushed his lips back onto hers. Both moaned into the kiss as he grabbed her hands and pinned them against the pillow. 
     Felix ground his hips into hers, his erection brushing against her clothed cunt. His tongue slipped into her mouth and fought against hers for a moment. One hand moved to squeeze her breasts making her gasp into his mouth. 
     He pulled away after a moment longer, the trail of saliva connecting their lips. Felix smiled and leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth. Y/n moaned as his tongue flicked the little bud while his hand worked the other, twisting it between his thumb and pointer finger. 
     After a moment, he switched breasts and gave the same treatment as her back arched off the bed and her hands tangled in his hair. He lightly bit the bud as he pulled away. 
     “Get rid of your clothes and sit on your knees for me,” Felix instructed as he got off the bed. Y/n took a moment to catch her breath before moving to discard the fabric and her heels from her body. Sitting on her knees in the middle of the bed. A moment later, Felix came back. Having discarded his shirt and pants, chains in hands and he got on the bed. 
     “Such an obedient little one,” Felix smiled as he locked the cuffs connected to the chains around her wrist and pulled her arms above her, locking the chains to a metal loop on the bed frame. 
     “I always thought buying a bondage bed was a good idea,” Felix chuckled as he pulled something out from one of the bedside drawers. Smiling, he spread her knees apart and put the object under her. Her clit was pressed against a round surface. Felix grabbed her jaw and made her look at him. 
     He smiled as he pressed the on button for the vibrator. Watching her gasps and moan as she felt the vibrations on her clit. “Does that feel good? The little toy pressed against your clit?” Felix asked as he kissed her cheek. 
     “Yes.” Y/n moaned only for the demon to slap one of her sensitive tits and make her scream
     “Try again angel,” Felix’s low voice was far lower in tone when he was upset. But it was hot. 
     “Yes sir,” Y/n whined 
     Felix smiled at the response “Open your mouth doll.” Felix took a stand in front of her on the bed as he tilted her head back and her mouth fell open, “Tongue out.”
     Y/n followed the instructions, sticking her tongue out. Felix chuckled to himself as he took his hard cock out of his boxers. He dragged the tip along her tongue before he leaned down, gripping the back of her head as he spit into her mouth. Quickly standing back up and shoving his cock into her mouth. 
     Y/n moaned and gagged as the tip hit the back of her throat. Felix revealed the feeling of her life wrapped around him. Pulling back before shoving his cock right down her throat. Moaning at the tightness of her throat as he fucked her while the vibrator stimulated her clit for him. 
     Y/n rolled her hips against the toy as she choked on the demon's cock. Eyes damn near rolled to the back of her head from how good it felt. Tears pricked her lashline as he shoved his cock down her throat one last time before still in her. Holding her head flush against him as his warm cum shot down her throat. 
     Felix pulled out after a moment and pumped his cock over her mouth the make sure he emptied himself. A few spurts hit her tongue and around her mouth. Felix licked his cum from her face and pushed his tongue back into her mouth. Y/n moaned into his mouth as her legs shook under her. 
     Felix pulled away and watched her swallow the come then watched her come on the sheets, body shaking and falling forward as she came down from her high. He turned off the vibrator and tossed it to the side. 
     “So pretty when you come,” Felix smiled, pulling her head up to look at him, “especially chained up like this.”
     Felix moved the chains from above her head to the headboard. Spreading her arms to reach for the bedpost as she lay against the pillows again. Her eyes watched him discard his boxers and climb between her legs. Felix smirked at her and wrapped her legs loosely around his waist. He ran two fingers between her sensitive folds, collecting her slick before shoving the fingers in his mouth and licking them clean. 
    “Mmm,” Felix moaned as he pulled the two fingers out, “Why don't you have a taste of yourself, angel?” 
     He dragged his fingers through her folds again, making her shiver. He chuckled before pushing the two fingers into her mouth. Y/n moaned as his fingers pushed against her tongue. He took joy in pumping his fingers in and out of her mouth before pulling them out and pushing the two fingers into her cunt. 
     “Fuck,” Y/n moaned as she tugged on the chains
     “Such a dirty mouth,” Felix joked as he quickly pumped his fingers in and out of her. 
     His thumb worked her clit as she rolled her hips in pleasure. She was still a bit sensitive from her first orgasm and it showed. Her walls clenched around his fingers. He could have fun with it. 
     Felix pulled his hand away from her and listened to her whine. 
     “Please,” Y/n begged as she tried scooting closer to him
     “Please what?” he asked, hand inching up to her neck 
     “Please, sir. Wanna come again.” Y/n begged 
     “Come on now. You can beg better than that,” Felix leaned forward to be face to-face with her. 
      “Please. Make me come again. Take me out of Heaven.”
      Felix knew the implications of the last words and he loved it. He was successfully pulling one of Heaven's soldiers from its army. He pushed his lips back onto hers as he lined his cock up at her entrance. He pushed in the tip as her legs tightened around him from the intrusion. 
     He gave her a moment before fully pushing into her. Both moaned into the kiss as they adjusted to the warmth. Lips moved together before he pulled away and started a slow thrusting pace. 
     “Feel so fucking good angel. Can't believe you hid this away from me for millennia.” Felix groaned as he grabbed her hips and picked up his speed, the warmth of her cunt drawing him in more and more. 
     “Wanted… centuries ago,” Y/n moaned as he hit a particular spot in her
     “Yeah? Been thinking about me fucking you dumb for centuries?” his hands moved up and grabbed her bouncing breasts
     “Yes!” she cried out as her walls clenched around him
     “Such a pure little thing. Thinking all those nasty thoughts for years.” 
     Felix gave her a particularly harsh thrust as tears pricked her eyes and she screamed from the pleasure. He moved his hands to lay next to her head as he took advantage of the position and thrusted in harsher. 
     The padlock around his neck dangling in front of her as it bounced back and forth with each thrust. Cursing under his breath as she got tighter around him. One hand moved from the pillow to in between her legs. Thumb rolling circles into her puffy clit, making her pull against the chains as she mindlessly begged him to come. Who was he to deny a request from his favorite angel.  
     “Come on doll, come for me,” Felix groaned
     Her walls spasmed around him as she came on his cock. He wasn’t far behind either. It took a few more thrusts till he pulled out and jerked off until his cum shot onto her stomach. 
     Both took a second to calm down before Felix un cuffed her and moved to clean them both up. He laid back on the bed and pulled her into his chest, pulling a sheet over their bodies. 
     “You don't need to care, you know that right,” Y/n said, too tired to move 
     “I’ve always cared. No matter how many times you dropped me back in Hell, I always cared about you.” Felix replied
     “I… I don’t know. I just do.”
     Y/n moved slightly and turned his face to hers, kissing his lips. “I care too.”
     Felix smiled and pulled her back into him. 
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dulceackles · 2 days
Ambivalent Part two - The brother
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Previous part: (x)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, strong language, sex, violence, enemies to lovers, alcohol, all that. Mention of dead body, a little bit of horror. English is not my first language, so sorry for typos. Also, it is a Y/N, but I've created a background story and a fictional place around it for creative and storytelling reasons. Will not be describing exterior characteristics, tho!
Summary: Dean used to be really important to Y/N but ever since he suddenly left her without telling her why, she's been avoiding even mentioning him. Now, after years, he's back in town, but not because of her. There's a case. The only things she's certain is that she doesn't like him being back.
Word count: 1.8k
There was this playground that Y/N had spent quite a bit of time playing in when she was a kid. It was worn down and kind of abandoned already. She hadn't seen any kids play in it for years. After all, there were new and more modern playgrounds in the town. But sometimes she came to sit on the benches of the park to drink a coffee or read a book. After all, an abandoned playground without a single kid was way more calm environment to drink a morning coffee than a busy café that was buzzing of cranky adults and their illegally excited kids that just wanted to get to their friends already.
Y/N was just about to take another ship of her coffee when she heard a warm voice she still didn't like, "The café house had no available seats, huh?", It said.
She lifted her eyes to meet with Sam's. He took a seat right next to her on the wooden bench. Y/n tuned back to her coffee, ignoring him and hoping he'd just give up with whatever small-talk he was trying to make.
"Well, good morning to you, too." Sam let out a faint laughter and looked down at his hands.
There was a brief silence between them. Sam wasn't fully sure why he had decided to come over her, as he had seen her sitting alone. Maybe he had wanted to set things right between the two of them, if that was even possible. After all, he had done literally nothing and wasn't sure where all this hatred towards him was coming from.
Y/N had never been that close, not even friends if we're honest. He had known Dean had some girl he frequently visited and with who he kept calling even during the hunting trips. Honestly, sometimes Sam had gotten a bit annoyed with Dean. Dean had always been the advocate of how family came first and how mixing relationships into hunting life but innocent people in danger, but then all of a suddenly he was all over some girl living in a small town in the middle of a forest he met while driving through. Dean had told her he and Sam had a family business of building engineering, which caused them to travel a lot because apparently they were the best in the business. As time had gone, he had become glad that Dean had someone caring outside the hunting life. It really balanced him, and Sam knew how it felt. After all he had had Jess and never ever would have he become in a way of Dean having someone special in his life. Sam, Dean and Y/N had even gone on a couple drink together as Sam had insisted that if Dean was going to keep being with her, he also wanted to meet the girl his brother was so keen into. Sam liked Y/N, and he thought that if they were giving a bit more time, they maybe had become friends even, but then, as fast as the relationship had started, it was over. And Sam had no idea what had happened between them and All Dean told him was that it was done, and he didn't want to talk about it.
"You know, I find this town funny. Under 10000 citizens and still, every morning the coffee shop is full of people like it's an only place open in a metropolis. It's like this town is addicted to coffee." Sam observed, he wasn't sure if she was even listening and to be honest he did feel a little bit stupid talking to himself on an abandoned playground.
"Okay, leave then." Y/N hissed, still trying to ignore him. It did make her a bit uncomfortable that he had walked over to her. She barely knew Sam, but there was a time she had thought he and Dean were like the coolest and funniest people she had ever met. She had hoped, fantasized even, that she and Sam would have become good friends. The first time she had met him, she had been extremely nervous. He was Dean's brother after all, and it had meant lot to her that Dean had invited her to meet with his family. She had wished more than anything that Sam would have liked her, even though she would have never openly admitted to such a desperate behavior. It made her feel stupid of how desperately she had wanted to be part of Dean's life and accepted by people close to him just for him to drop her like an old toy. And now she wanted that both of them knew nether of them had any business with her ever again.
"Yeah, well… We will. After... We have a job here, but after that," Sam struggled again a little bit. He was not used to her being this direct and cold. He had always viewed her as a kind and a little bit shy girl, not cold and unapproachable. "I really don't know what happened between you and my brother, but I am sorry," Sam tried to start the peace negotiations.
"Sure. Go be sorry somewhere else, tho," Y/N stood up and started to walk away. She was annoyed she didn't get to enjoy her morning coffee in peace, but her shift was about to start in an hour, and she had to start making her way towards her workplace. It was friday morning and it was usually busy one. She should head to the cafe early.
Sam let out a frustrated sign and went trotting after her, "Look, all I'm trying to say is that I don't enjoy this ongoing trench warfare between you and us."
"And all I'm trying to say is fuck off, you stupid assclown." Y/N rose her voice at him, and she could fell herself getting uncomfortably anxious. She regretted calling him names immediately, tho, and she could tell he was little hurt by her outburst. But before she have time to gather her thoughts and apologize, she heard another voice behind the two of them.
"Sam...SAM?" Dean calls his brother like he was his dog with a bad recall wandering around a public park. His voice rose the little hairs in Y/N's arm while she turned to look at him walking towards them. For a moment she had an urge to start running away, but she fought that urge. Sam lets out yet another frustrated sign.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked from Sam, but before he has time to answer, Dean turned to look at Y/N, "And what are you doing? Don't you ever talk to my brother like that."
"What am I doing?? What are you two liars doing? I know for a fact there's not a single so significant building being build in this old rotting town that'd need an outsider engineers, so what are you doing here after seemingly disappearing for two years? Just came to bother me for leisure activity?" Y/N spat out angrily. Sam stood next to Dean quietly, he could tell his brother was not very happy with anything going on.
"If you think that us being back here has anything to do with you, then you're delusional about your importance." Dean looked down at her with a dull expression on his face. He could see Y/N's soulful eyes starting to tear up and felt like hitting himself in his calves. He needed to come up with something better right now, but before he had time to take back any of his words, she was already going.
"Jackass! Play with your fucking self while on that decomposing playground, you son of a bitch." Y/N screamed behind to him one last time before nearly running off the old playground.
"That went well," Dean glared at his little brother before starting to head towards impala, "What did you say to her?"
"I feel like the problem is not what I said, but what you said." Sam followed behind his headstrong brother.
"I KNOW, but what did you say?" Dean huffed.
"I don't know, I just tried to make up with her, you know. It's bothering how she looks at us like we killed her dog." Sam rose his shoulders to his ears.
"Well, don't you care about how she looks at you. She's like being a bitch to you because you keep poking her. You're like an easy target. Let's just let her be, do our job and leave." Dean gave Sam a brotherly tap to his shoulder.
"Yeah, and she'll like to curse us to hell for the rest of her life." Sam raised his hands, it wasn't his relationship, but he felt like this needed closure for both of them.
"She'll forget." Dean was slightly shocked how into this Sam was. Sam had met her like, what, two times? Four, if we count yesterday and this one right here.
"It's been two years over an under a year long undefined relationship, Dean! Seems like she has a quite good memory. I'm just saying, avoiding problems is not the same as solving them." Sam rolled his eyes.
"Oh, okay lover-boy. Just remember I was on the field when you were still scared of talking to girls." Dean smirked.
"Coaches don't play." Sam opened the car door and hopped in, "Anyway, called Bobby and here's what he got. This town has higher amount of disappearance cases than any other town of the same size. Most of the missing persons are women and the record goes back to 1940s. Yet there's only been 2 bodies found, the woman in 1947 and now Sandra, but I'm just saying, something iffy has been going on for a long time." Sam decided to let the whole Y/N situation go.
"So what, the Schnabel von Rom-lookalike just got sloppy all of a sudden?" Dean turned to face Sam. This whole thing made no sense to him. Why no other hunter had never looked into this?
"Well, we're about to find out. We should talk to Victor, He was there, maybe he saw something he didn't tell to the police."
"You're right, he goes to this bar every Friday. We should meet him there tonight, have a couple beers, etc. I mean, we can't just show up to his door as FBI because he knows who I am." Dean started the car and hit the road.
"Wait, what, you know this guy?" Sam looked at Dean, confused.
"C'moon this is a small town and I used to visit it frequently due to some "under a year long undefined relationship". I don't know him, I just know about him and he knows about me. But he'll talk, I promise, they are awfully trusty in this town." Dean imitated Sam while quoting him.
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Y/N had just changed into her work clothes when she heard her phone ring. It was a text message from one of her closest friends.
Joselyn: girl's night tonight?
Y/N: sure! Mic's bar at 11pm?
It was a Friday night, after all. I mean, Y/N didn't go out that much, but it was a nice once in a while.
"One coffee please!" Her thoughts were disrupted by the nasty snarl of a middle-aged woman, clearly in a desperate need of a morning coffee.
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Next part: (x)
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Hello, I hope you are doing well! Can I request Sully and or Helen (if you choose both, then separately please) where they see their partner dressed up (for an event, wedding, or whatever), and you know, taking their breath away. They just look too pretty not to touch and so heavy makeout ensues. If you’re comfortable, can you make it spicy? Also, if those characters don’t inspire you, feel free to choose any other male creeps! (I want to ask this same request with a few other creeps, but I’ll do that next time your request inbox opens!)
Y e s...... I love this. Absolutely feel free next time around to request this with more creeps, I love stuff like this!
I'd say I got quite inspired considering this request got about 500 words longer than I meant it to ^^' This did indeed get QUITE a bit spicy, more than I originally intended
Helen is a man of self-control. Not much gets to him, and he prides himself on his ability to control his emotions and hide anything he wants to be hidden. Tonight, however, was the first night that he lost and was and was unable to keep his impulses in check. You were going to an event in the Underworld, something common for those of you living in the mansion, and Helen was very proud of you, wanting to see you off before you left, but what he was not expecting was for you to look so... delicious, yes, that was the word his brain decided on. You were dressed in a brand new outfit, one you'd kept hidden from him one that accentuated your body in ways he wasn't used to, ways that rendered him speechless and left him choking on air as he glanced at you from across the room. When you asked him how you looked, smiling and twirling so he could see the full outfit, it felt like Helen lost control of himself. His strides were quick, and his lips slamming passionately onto yours were even faster. You can't help the noise of shock that slips out of you, especially when his hands begin roaming your body, caressing and squeezing in all of the right places.
Of course, you tried to put up a fight, forcibly parting from him with heaving breaths, reminding him that you were supposed to be there in thirty minutes, trying your best to resist the excitement he had flowing through you, but he laughed, that deep laugh that always caused you to tremble before him, stating that it's good to be fashionably late sometimes. You couldn't argue with that, especially not when he began peeling off your clothing, when his lips began to travel down your body, and when he pushed you onto his bed, yanking off his own clothes in the process. The second his belt hit the floor you'd given up on any possible resistance, and you allowed him to drown you in the familiarity of his pleasure, Helen not even hesitating to slip himself inside you and remind you just what it is you do to him. You did indeed end up there fashionably late, warmth on your cheeks and hickeys decorating nearly all of your visible skin.
Helen had sent you off with that same laugh, and the promise of even more when you'd get home that evening. You couldn't wait for the event to be over, your legs and pelvis sore from his earlier treatment, and from the teasing texts he kept sending you, it was obvious he craved more as well, and he'd prove it to you when you got home that night, fucking any thoughts of anything else out of your mind. He shouldn't have let you go, and he'd reinforce that into you, making sure to rut into you rough enough to make your body too sore to go anywhere else the following day. All you needed to do was let go, let him remind you just who it is you belong to, who should be the only one to see you dressed up as beautifully as that. He'd been so impatiently waiting for you to get home, and he'd be sure to take all that frustration pleasurably out on your body.
Sully is not as good at hiding his intentions from you. He prefers to be open and honest with you, as it's something the two of you have been working on improving, so when you told him you were going out that night to an event someone you knew was hosting and asked him to give you his opinion on a new outfit you'd bought recently, Sully was more than prepared to give you his honest opinion. He was not prepared, however, for how drop-dead gorgeous you looked, and he felt as though you'd be able to kill him with how attractive you looked. He barely heard you when you asked him what he thought of your look, clearing his throat in embarrassment, all of his blood flowing to his pelvis making him a bit dizzy when confronted with the effect you had on him.
Sully told you that you looked incredible, and you could tell what you were doing to him, however, you made the mistake of teasing him, tracing your hands up his abdomen, looping your arms around his neck, and pressing a kiss to his lips. Really, you shouldn't have done that, because the next thing you knew your back was slammed into the nearest wall, his arms holding you up as he began to grind into you. The noises slipping out of you as a result of his actions spurred him on even more, both of you struggling to breathe from the sudden excitement taking over both of you. "You're not going." His words cut through the room and you'd blinked at him in confusion, not sure if you'd heard him properly. He reaffirmed his words when you asked him, his hands gripping your ass as he carried you to the bed, throwing you onto it and climbing on top of you. You're not going tonight, he told you again, that you can apologize to your friend later, but with what you're doing to him, you're not going anywhere.
Both of your outfits were thrown across the room, and his hands made quick work of silencing any of your complaints as his fingers pressed inside of you, causing any fight to be replaced with a loud moan from you. After all, how could you think of arguing when he moved his fingers in and out of you in the way he knew would always make you fall apart beneath him? You were quick instead to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him back down for more kisses, your moans continuing as you hungrily claimed his lips. It would be a long night for you, not from being at an event, but from letting Sully eagerly ravish your body, and you wouldn't even remember the event again until you woke up sore and satisfied the following morning. You could hardly move to grab your phone and apologize, not before Sully wrapped his arms around you, locking himself into you as he went on to continue from last night's events. You could apologize later after the two of you went for another couple of rounds.
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3cremepie3 · 1 day
Hi!! I don’t know your boundaries for writing fics so please let me know and ignore my request!! But I wanted to know if I can request an idia smut fic with a bimbo typa gal reader!! If that makes any sense😞 she basically teases him so much it ends to them in the bedroom!!
Sweat Pea
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Sypnopsis - Idia teaches (fem) Bimbo reader a lesson after she teases him at a picnic.
Warnings - bimboism, dryhumping, cursing, expeditionilism, slight degradation
A/n - Since I already made a similar fic i decided to change up your prompt a bit. Sorry this took so long I actually hate Bimbo readers (that's the reason I got on tumblr in the first place) but I tried my best.
You loved summertime. You could wear all the cute outfits you wanted and not get cold. Well, you could get bit alive by mosquitos but Idia not wanting to see your pretty body marked up by anyone but him had a solution for that. An anti-bug bracelet that repelled them. God you loved your boyfriend he was brilliant.
But some of the things he did had you stuck in a state of wonder. "Why did you wear a sweater it's like 90 out here," you questioned. "I don't like showing my skin," he admitted. "But I love your skin deathly pale is so in style," you insisted. You pulled him into a tight hug.
His hands stayed at his sides not knowing where to grab since you were practically exposed everywhere. "I get that it's a picnic but damn did you have to wear that," he asked. "Of course, you brought it for me Idia."
He was referring to a pair of overalls he brought you that happened to be booty shorts. "But those are for cosplay." Yeah and I'm cosplaying a farmer girl don't you like my fit?" You did a 360 spin for him making sure to show off your cowgirl boots. "Everyone else loved my outfit don't be a hater."
"They loved your tits and ass, not your outfit," he sighed. "You’re acting like you don't feel the same way," you smirked. By now the cookout line had finally allowed you to be first. You picked up a hotdog some baked beans and a Pepsi which was a perfect cookout meal in your eyes.
Idia stuck with his monster and a sandwich. You picked a place to eat underneath a faraway tree since you knew he already had anxiety about coming to a school event. Practically everyone was there even Malleus showed up. He laid out his hoodie as a picnic blanket for you both to sit on. "Wow such a gentlemen." He blushed a bit crossing his arms. You sat enjoying your food until you noticed his stares.
"What are you looking at Idia I can see you I'm not blind," you giggled. "Nothing." You could tell he was lying the tips of his hair were developing into a pink. "Your hairs turning whats the matter." You turned to face his eyes that refused to meet yours. He took a bite of his hotdog to distract himself.
You noticed a bit of ketchup that fell on his chin. So you licked it up in an instant climbing on top of him to do so. You didn't think anything of it but he must've. "Chat no way that just happened in front of the whole school." What's the problem with I'm on top of you all the time?"
Others around you on other picnic blankets heard you and snickered. "I just lost over a million aura points," he huffed. You climbed off of him watching as he quickly sat up. "No Idia don't leave I'm sorry." You grabbed his leg pulling him back closer to you. He stood looking down at your begging form.
You got on your knees ready to beg for his forgiveness but his dick took your fluttering eyelashes as a sign of something else. "Get up," he demanded. You were shocked at his sudden change of tone. "Huh?" I said get up."
And you got up grabbing his hoodie and leaving your shared picnic area. You followed behind him like a lost puppy tugging at his arm. The lanky thing was strong pulling away from your grasp. Looks like your picnic was getting cut short. You were sad to leave so early but happy to be greeted by Ignihyde's harsh Ac.
“There was only an hour left why didn’t we stay,” you sighed. “You were doing so good Idia around all those people!” Your sweaty body felt like it entered heaven as you collapsed on Idia's bed. “God you’re so dense,” he mumbled. “No im not,” you yelled.
“Yes, you are.” His hands swiped at your boots removing them completely. "Thanks for that they were so uncomfortable. “Take a guess why I wanted to leave?” Because you’re scared of being around a bunch of normies?”
His face fell into a straight one. “That’s a factor.” Hmm or maybe it’s because you weren’t hungry? Or maybe it’s because you were too hot. Or actually, it could be because you wanted to game early?”
“I wish that brain of yours would work properly sometimes,” he hissed. “If I was that naive then life would be a bliss for me.” He grabbed your face squishing your cheeks together. This forced you to look up at him.
This time you could see a clear view of his blushing face. It was a deep scarlet color and this time it clicked in your brain that it wasn’t just from the heat. “Ohhh! It’s like that!” You should’ve just told me my sweets.” Your hands wrapped behind his head pulling his body into yours.
“You know I would’ve taken care of you right there.” You kissed him on the forehead and he whined. “Of course, you would’ve whore,” he remarked. “It would’ve helped you get over your fear of people. It could’ve been like conclosure therapy.”
Idia laughed his pale face lighting up in delight. “It’s exposure therapy dumbass.” Whatever you know what I meant.” You stuck your tongue out at him since he was such a know it all. He chuckled before catching it with his.
You shared a quick kiss before he broke it off. You whined wanting it to continue. “You’re so stupid.” He said in between heartfelt kisses. “No, you’re just brilliant. Child prodigy head ass,” you yapped. “If you failed the first grade just say that,” he joked.
“Hey you know that’s a sensitive topic,” you pouted. “Sorry babe if I knew you then I would’ve helped you cheat.” I know you would’ve I’m so thankful for you!” You pulled him in for a tight hug and for a while, you stayed comfy his weight on top of you.
“Wanna show me how thankful you are?” You smiled up at him “And why should I?” Because I’m the reason you're passing now. Remember those pre-programmed glasses I made you? Cause I remember them pretty well.” His hands began to feel up sides trapping you.
“Ha fine I guess you deserve some credit.” Let’s switch,” you asked. Soon you were on top of him demanding kisses. His dick felt as though it could burst through his jeans being contained for so long.
But you showed no compassion dry humping him. He had on a thin pair of sweats that you could feel everything through. But your Jean shorts limited you so you slipped off the over alls and your shirt while you were at it.
No matter how many times you got undressed he was still as amazed as the first time. You really were all his. You confirmed that by grounding your clothed cunt down faster on him. “Feels good,” you moaned. Idia watched as you left more and more of a prominent stain on his pants. You weren’t the only one as the amount of pre he was leaking could lube you up for days.
“We could’ve done this at the picnic you know,” you hinted. “There was blankets and we were in a secluded place.” But if someone walked by,” Idia hesitated. “You probably would’ve came right then. You imagined that you were both still in the picnic location. You sat under an oak tree that would’ve hidden your bodies.
You could’ve had his fingers in your mouth keeping your lips from singing praises for others to hear. But your boyfriend was shy. “No I wouldn’t have,” he muttered. “Don’t think I don’t pay attention to you Idia. I may be stupid in school but when it comes to you…
“I know how much you like it when I wear slutty shit in public. I can always feel how warm you get when I’m close to you. I can see your eyes wander to my thighs. Like just say you want to bend me over there and I’ll spread right then and there,” you challenged.
He groaned hiding his face in his hands. “Fuck your such a slut.” He bit his lips trying to hide the sounds he was making. “It’s okay to admit my shamelessness attracts you I’m the same with you.” I know much you cream your pants to the thought of me.” Your clit rubbed against him so well that you held onto his shoulders for support.
You placed your forehead on his awaiting an answer from his eyes. His yellow ones met yours angrily. His hand slapped against your ass and didn’t wait for the recoil to stop before he hit it again and again. You yelped at the sting your pussy pooling through the material of your panties.
“I shouldn't have to keep putting you in your place.” His other hand dug into your side holding still in a bruising grip. “But you can just shut up.” He plopped you down on the bed. Now he was back on top pulling your panties to the side. His pants and cock we’re soon to follow. You watched the familiar sight and you clenched imagining him entering you.
But he didn’t instead he thrusted onto your bundle of nerves. You shook as he thrusted forward everywhere but your aching slit. “Stop teasing you know I want you.” Your hand attempted to line his cock up with you. But it was quickly grabbed and strapped up above you.
“Fuck I’m close guess your just gonna have to wait.” You looked up your eyes begging him to give you mercy. But he never did his cock just smeared your juices around as it missed it mark. You felt an orgasm silently approaching. But you knew Idia was already soon to blow his breath ragged and every word coming out his mouth being a cuss.
“Fine, you were waiting awhile to cum .” You gave in letting him use you until he stained your stomach with stringy cum. His fat cock lost its Harding but stayed near your cunt. He took a moment to catch his breath before cackling.
You looked up with tears in your eyes. “Why did I get with a villain,” you wondered. “I’m not the bad guy here,” he growled. “Miss fuck in public you don’t always get what you want sweet pea.” None of that mattered you were 100% gonna fuck him in public no matter how many years it took you.
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mtchee · 2 days
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Tenya Iida] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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Your spitfire attitude is a stark contrast to your sister Ochaco, but that doesn't stop you two from having each other's backs. Through your gruff exterior, Ochaco knows you're well meaning and understanding--even when you tend to snap back. That's why it baffles her when you become dead silent after you're scolded by class 1A's class president, Iida, for an outburst in class. When usually you'd scoff at him, you'd reeled back and sat in your seat. But now... you won't talk at all.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, Ochaco is your twin, fighter not a lover to lover AND a fighter, i love writing character/reader siblings its so fun, [name] is actually rather anxious, tsundere but not the annoying kind, Iida is an understanding sweetheart, protective Ochaco!, onesided (but not really) admiration
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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Ochaco was worried about you.
Between the two of you, you've always been more of the fighter. Her sweet nature contrasts starkly to your own spitfire attitude. Although you were rough, you always took care of her, and in turn, she's always had your back.
Through thick and thin since your very birth, you stuck to each other like glue. Eventually, her more outgoing nature prompted you to give her a nudge, to let her bloom on her own.
While she nervously went out of her way to chat with a few others on your first day at U.A, you stuck to the back and kept quiet.
You made quick friends with Kirishima and Jirou, sometimes rough housing with the former and taking the time to chill with the latter. You never went out of your way to really talk to anyone else, though you had decent enough manners to reply if someone did want to talk.
You weren't a jerk without reason.
You didn't really talk to Ochaco's friend group, but you would nod a curt greeting to them in passing.
The class learnt you were a bit snappy, though not quite to Bakugo's extent. Ochaco sweatdropped when you first got into a verbal battle with him, and it just went on and on and on...
Aizawa had to separate you in the end.
Lately though, you've been more quiet.
Scarily so.
Sure, she knew you weren't the talkative type, but you were never one to hold your tongue either. So when Bakugo barked at you one day during training and you shrugged him off, she panicked.
Then you guys moved into the dorms, and the only time she seemed to hear you speak was when you two were alone.
The last time she witnessed your fire was three weeks ago, when Bakugo had provoked in the middle of Japanese Literature, where you'd unintentionally interrupted the class to bite back at him before Iida scolded you in front of everyone.
Ochaco doesn't really remember what he said, but Iida had never been the harsh type. Stern, yes, but never mean. And you weren't someone who would take it to heart anyway, usually dismissing anyone who'd tell you off.
But, maybe he did strike a nerve...?
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"Move it, hardass," Bakugo shoulders past you purposefully, throwing you a challenging sneer meant to rile you up. He narrows his eyes and huffs boredly when you only scoff and glare at him in return.
Ochaco shares a worried look with Kirishima at your lack of reaction and, unbeknownst to you, even the agressor himself glances back wearily at your odd demeanour.
While you take your usual lunch seat next to Jirou, your sister also decides to sit with you this time. While Bakugo and Sero where still filling out their trays, Kirishima and Denki sat across from you.
They seemed nervous while you poked at your food.
You deadpan at them, "What?"
"N-Nothing!" Denki gives you a not at all convincing smile, immediately stuffing his face with his pork tonkatsu.
"Mm, well... It's just," Jirou sweatdrops, "you've been kinda quiet lately."
"Yeah," Kiri gives you a reassuring smile, "we were just wondering if everything's okay!"
You look at your sister who shrugs sheepishly, and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, 'm fine."
"I mean, you say that but..." You spy Bakugo growling at a panicked Sero for his meal choice while Ochaco thinks about how to continue, "how do I say this... you're not, uh, you're not as fiery anymore."
Jirou nods along.
"Yeah, I never hear you talk in class anymore."
"And you've like, stopped fighting with Bakugo," Denki looks at you worriedly, "and you always fight with Bakugo!"
Ochaco furrows her brows at that, you seem oddly taken aback.
"You noticed?" You don't give them a chance to respond, continuing while scratching the back of your neck laxly, "'m kinda stressed, I guess."
"Why? Exams aren't for ages." Denki shoves a bunch of noodles in his mouth.
Jirou squints at him, "Exams are in two weeks."
"See? Aaaages!"
"Stressed?" Kirishima tilts his head, and you glance off at another table to the side.
"I met my soulmate."
You scowl and slam your fist down on your tray to at their obnoxious chorus.
"KEEP IT DOWN," You close your eyes with a sharp intake of air, counting slowly before releasing your breath, "... you're too noisy."
"Are you kidding!?" Denki ignores you completely, leering over the table at you excitedly, "Mx. Stronghold over here found their soulmate! That's amazing!"
He laughs giddily.
"Dude, for real?" Kirishima beams, "that's totally awesome! Where'd you meet?"
"Yeah, and you're only telling us this now?" Jirou nudges you good naturedly.
"S..Soulmate?" Ochaco echoes, eyes wide, "So, you're soul words--"
"He doesn't know it's me."
A cold silence instantly sets them all on edge, you're admittance piercing them in their chests.
Denki blinks, "W-What?"
A silver lunch tray slams onto the table between you and your sister, and she shrieks, flinching away from the harsh impact as Bakugo scowls at her.
"Beat it, floaty. Go back to your own table."
"Oi," Your warning tone makes him huff, and he taps his foot impatiently, waiting for her to move.
"A-Ah.. it's okay, [name]," Ochaco smiles nervously, quickly picking back up her own tray and waving to the others, "I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"'Kay." You wave her bye, and Sero takes a seat beside Kiri.
Elbow boy quirks up a brow at the stiffness of the others.
"So... what was that about?"
"Nothin'," You shrug, getting back to your meal.
"Like hell it was." Bakugo narrows his eyes, but ultimately decides he doesn't care enough to push for more and starts shoveling in his rice and curry.
You glare at the others threateningly, and the dutifully keep their mouths shut and eat, though the tension from your prior topic lingers.
As Ochaco makes her way back to her normal table, she can't help but dwell on your words.
She thinks back on your unusual change in behaviour, where now you sit still in class as though trying to slink by unnoticed, when before your presence was proud and fiery.
Very rarely are you two apart for long, so everyone you've met, she's met. She ponders on all your interactions in the last three weeks. She doesn't remember you outwardly reacting to anyone strangely.
You'd gossiped about soulmates before, and how you'd probably feel once you meet them. She's known how nervous yet excited you've been--to meet someone that the universe deems to be your other half. To have someone meant for you.
But, you didn't seem all that happy.
Actually, now that she thinks about it, you looked rather... sad. Not disappointed, but more so disheartened.
And you haven't really had any outbursts since--
As she sets her tray down beside Tsu, she gasps when looking at Iida, a lightbulb going off in her head.
"It's you!"
Iida responds with a polite hum, and Shouto blinks with Midoriya and Tsu looking back at her in confusion.
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"So, you know how you and Bakugo got into a bit of a spit a couple weeks ago?"
You growl irratedly, failing to throw your nosy sister off your trail on the way back to the dormitory.
"And how Iida kinda stood in to settle you down?" She keeps going, ignorant of your flaring temper, "well, I know you've been kinda quiet since then which I thought was really odd. To be honest, I started to miss how snippy you get--"
"Ochaco, drop it." You huff.
"--but I thought, 'there's no way that actually upset you,' so I started thinking some more; and then you told us about your soulmate! Well, not really, but you said that you met your soulmate, and you know, you've never really talked to Iida before without me or Deku or someone there, so you never needed to anyway--"
"--and I remember! You didn't snap back at him!"
Your shoulders tense and your stomach churns uncomfortably.
She's getting way too close.
"And ever since then you've been so silent! We never hear you talk in class anymore, and you haven't been bothered to sit with us for lunch. So that's when it all clicked!"
She turns to you with a beaming smile, bouncing in front of you with her arms held out wide.
"Iida is your soulmate!"
"I said drop it." Your gaze is sharp and defensive, tone gruff and dripping with danger.
Ochaco falters, "But... [name], isn't that great?"
You scoff, "Yeah, whatever."
"Hey..." She frowns when you shove past her, "why're you... [name], you've been so excited to find your soulmate. And you're not too shy to talk to him. What's the problem?"
She has to double her steps to keep up with your hurried pace.
She winces, "Do... you not like Iida?"
Her heart tugs at the exhaustion in your voice. You stop in your wake, features carefully slated except for the singular shine of hurt in your eyes. You don't look her way.
"Just drop it."
"[name]," Ochaco plants herself in front of you sternly, "you can't be like this. It's hurting you, and it's not fair on your soulmate. Iida is my friend! He's a great guy, and our class president! Trust me, you've got nothing to worry--"
"Damnit, I know!" You hiss as her probing reignites the spark of your temper.
"I know, Ochaco! It's why I can't let him know I'm his soulmate!"
Your words stunt her, and she reels back.
Her frustrated frown creases into one of worry, puppy eyes glistening as she stares at you in disbelief.
"I-I can't--" You scunch your nose, closing your eyes and breathing in sharply, "--Ochaco, you know why. It's obvious."
Your shoulders sag from their defensive position and you roll you head to ease the stress caused crook in your neck.
Of course it's obvious. He's nice Iida. Handsome Iida. Intelligent Iida. Way out of your league Iida, who wouldn't spare a rascal like you a single look because all you do is spit fire and scowl.
"We're not a good match, sis. He... He wouldn't want me. It's obvious from my soul words."
You tentively inch up the blazer sleeve on your right arm, small golden words inked neatly onto the skin of your outer forearm: 'Cease this behaviour! You are much too astute to be acting in such an irresponsible and disruptive manner!'
"Oh, [name]..." Ochaco's eyes flutter, and when she looks back up at you, her heart breaks at the sight of your ever so subtly trembling lips and glossy eyes.
You crunch your nose at her distastefully when she coos at your reluctant sniffle.
"Hmph," You glare at the ground to keep your fruitless tears at bay, "we're just too different. S-So he won't know that it's me, and he'll find someone better."
She frowns at that, "You can't decide that."
"Well, I did."
You frown daringly right back at her.
But your sister's always had your back, for better and for worse. Even when you don't want her to.
Especially when you don't want her to.
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You growl angrily at the incessant knocking on your door.
For the past two weeks since you stupidly confided in your sister she's been hounding you about your soulmate business. Your soulmate business.
Meaning, not her business.
So each morning you'd avoid her and every afternoon, if you didn't plan on training, you'd lock yourself in your dorm where she's been following to bug you.
Sometimes you'd throw yourself into your homework and studies and blast music obnoxiously to drown her out, but the sound of her knocking is just so annoying.
"Goddamnit," You've just about had enough of her, eyes ablaze, you almost snap your pen and ruin your paper.
"For the last damn time, Ochac-- oh, shit." After violently flinging your door open, you pale at the sight of not your sister.
Iida, from where he stands in your doorway, looks about just as shocked as you--though not with the same horrored expression that you harbour.
With a quiet gasp, the spectacle eyed male feels the skin on his chest tingle pleasantly, and you spy a subtle golden glow through the material of his blue collared cotton shirt.
Oh, shit.
Although your features are hardened, you swallow anxiously as you await his further reaction.
Iida's eyes daren't stray from your form, lips parted ever so slightly in shock from the truth of Ochaco's earlier information. He lets out a controlled, gentle breath.
"It is you."
You step back abrasively when his face brightens with an awed smile and a light pink blush across his cheeks.
All in a sudden moment you feel giddy and flushed and nervous before you quickly crush that hope with skeptical eyes and a defensive stance. Your heart thrums in your chest, and you can't help but berate yourself for the mere notion of him getting you afluster.
"Oh my," Iida sounds breathless and dazed, and his glimmering eyes have you frozen in place as he steps toward you, "you are my soulmate, indeed."
"Ochaco told you," You're quick to deduce, and you notice him swallow thickly at your evident displeasure.
His focus narrows in on your body language: how you shuffle back ever so slightly, chest stuttering with each deep breath, your thumb pressing into your closed knuckles by your side--you're on the defense.
"...You're not happy?"
"I'm not hopeful."
Your dismissing muttering peaks his interest, and he raises a pointy brow.
"Pardon?" He decides to keep pushing when you avert your gaze to the side, "what do you mean by that, exactly?"
"I'm-- we're not.." A flash of insecurity passes your features, but he's quick to catch it, "--this just isn't a good... match."
Something in his gaze hardens, and his chest expands with a sharp intake of air before he speaks, "I beg to differ."
When you glance up, you see a red blush tinting his ears and underlining where his glasses sit.
"I'd be quite dismayed if my soulmate were someone other than you."
"Eh?" Comes your eloquent response. You deadpan with disbelief.
"Ochaco put you up to this," You growl at him threateningly, "I don't need your pity!"
"I bare no form of pity," He frowns, "I'm telling the truth."
At his insistence you huff, crossing your arms over your chest with a 'whatever'.
"Shove off, I'm too irresponsible and brash for you."
He looks taken aback (and almost hurt) before his frustration becomes palpable, and he steps past the threshold of your doorway after a moment of hesitance.
"Pardon the intrusion; but that is utter nonsense and what I'm saying is true," He speaks with a firmness that demands your attention, and you send him a disgruntled look which he ignores, "from what I recall, while my words may have first been, unpleasant, by no means does that dictate how I perceive you."
"Oh yeah?"
He feels the urge to reprimand you at your challenging sneer. You grin victoriously when you pick up on his irritance with your behaviour, as though proving your point.
Instead though, he rolls back his broad shoulders with a quiet sigh.
"While occasionally explosive, and impossibly headstrong--you have a good heart."
"Hell are you on about?" He hushes you quickly, as one would a noisy child, and you frown.
"Let me finish. I mean it, [name]. I know how you are, we've consistently been around each other. I've seen how you treat Uraraka, how you look out for her while letting her pull her own weight. I've watched you converse with Kirishima and Jirou, and pull Bakugo down a few pegs."
You bite back a smug smile when he puffs out a bemused chuckle at that.
"We may not have spoken directly until as of recent, but even though, we already know one another very well," He clears his throat gently and holds out a hand, "now, it's just a matter of knowing each other on a deeper level. I-If you accept, that is.."
You scoff at his stumble, after having the gall to shush you and barge in like that. Still, you eye his hand--his implicit invitation--temptingly. You've always adored the prospect of soulmates, and it seems that despite your aggresive reservations, yours is more than accepting of you as you are.
Looking him up and down, you snort quietly at his obvious nerves. Iida's posture is staight, wide shoulders held high and stiff with one hand outstretched robotically while the other sweats, tucked behind his back.
Your eyes soften, and you plaster on a downturned smile.
You clap his tense hand with your own, only able to look at him briefly before sickeningly sweet fluttering in your chest becomes way too apparent.
"Sure. Yeah, soulmates or whatever," You bite the inside of your cheek as you turn your back to him, feeling a humiliating heat crawl up your cheeks, "just so you know, you're stuck with me now. No take backs--and you can't regret it!"
Unbeknownst to you, a wide smile crosses Iida's squared features, and he heaves out a massive sigh of relief. He positively beams while gazing at your turned back, chuckling softly with a sheepish blush as he observes your stewing bashfulness.
"Believe me, I would never."
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canirove · 3 days
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 21
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Friday)
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“No! No, no and no!”
“Mase?” Adele murmured, moving her hand over the other side of the bed. It was empty. 
“I said no!” she heard again. 
“What the…” she said to herself, slowly opening her eyes and checking her phone. It was almost 1 p.m. She had definitely overslept, but with the night she and Mason had had, who could blame her? 
After their rendezvous on the rooftop they had gone back to the party, Rianne convincing them to have another round of shots. That had led them to the dancefloor again, where they had danced and sang with their friends until their throats hurt. 
Once back at their apartment, Adele and Mason had continued with what they had been doing on the rooftop. Clothes had started flying the moment they had crossed the door, and they hadn't been able to make it to their room. When they finally did and decided it was time to have some sleep, the first rays of sunlight were starting to be visible. 
“No means no! Do you hear me? No!” Mason shouted before throwing his phone on the couch.
“Mase, are you ok?” Adele asked, meeting him in the living room.
“Addie” he gasped. “Addie, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“Just a bit” she smiled.
“You look so cute right now” he chuckled, walking towards her.
“I'm slightly hungover and I feel like untangling my hair is gonna be a nightmare. How is that cute?”
“Because you are cute” he smiled, hugging her and kissing her forehead.
“I thought I was the hottest woman you had ever seen.”
“That too” he laughed.
“Mase… what happened?” she asked. “Who were you yelling at?”
“It's nothing, don't worry.”
“Mase… Mason. What happened?” Adele insisted, freeing herself from his embracement so she could look him in the eyes. “I thought that we could tell each other anything. That we trusted each other.”
“It's just… It's… My agency” he sighed, letting himself fall on the couch.
“What did they do now?” she said, sitting next to him.
“Turns out that yesterday's party wasn't as private and exclusive as we thought, there was someone taking photos of the guests, and our photos have made it to all the headlines this morning.”
“Our… photos?”
“Of us making out and being all over each other, dancing with our friends, drinking... They are saying we had a crazy and wild night full of excesses, from alcohol to sex, and maybe even drugs.”
“Yeah” he sighed. “There are people saying that we left the party to go get high, but the insider who sold the photos says we left to do what we actually did.”
“That's, umm… Kind of them?” 
“I guess. But there is more.”
“People believe you are pregnant, Addie. A pregnant woman doesn't do what you did yesterday. So you can imagine how crazy things are online, the fights people are having because of it. The believers say you weren't drinking alcohol, the non believers say you were. Then you have people hating on us because how dare we have sex and drink, that what an example we are for the young people who follow us, while others are telling them that good for us, that we should enjoy it while we can. And then there are conspiracy theorists analyzing all the photos to say it wasn't us or that we were faking everything, that couples don't kiss or touch like that. The usual with them.”
“So it is chaos.”
“Yeah” Mason sighed again while rubbing his temples. 
“And you were shouting at your agency because…”
“Because they… they…”
“C'mon, Mase” Adele said, taking his hand on hers and giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“They want to say that you had a miscarriage, Addie.”
“That's how they want to explain what happened yesterday. That you had a miscarriage last month, and that partying was your way to deal with it.”
“That's… that's…”
“Sickening, I know. I told them that if they dared send that information to the press I was going to sue them, that I didn't care about the consequences. But they didn't want to listen to me. They kept insisting on this being the best option.”
“The best option? Oh, c'mon” Adele said, getting up from the sofa and starting to pace around the room. “Lying about something that serious is simply disgusting. Just coming with the idea is, to be honest. And if they think people will feel sorry about me, they are wrong. About you, most definitely, they are your fans. But me? They will blame me for what happened, say that I did something to lose the baby, that I was reckless. They will tear me to pieces, Mason.”
“I know” he said, also getting up. 
“And people at your agency aren't stupid. They keep up with all the comments and crazy theories, they know this will happen. But if they haven't cared about the hate I've gotten so far, why would they care now?” Adele said, not being able to contain her tears.
“Addie… Addie, hey” Mason said, walking towards her and cupping her face. “Addie, no one is gonna bully you. I'm not gonna let them.”
“But if they publish those lies…”
“They won't, I'm not going to allow it. No one is gonna hurt the woman I love, do you hear me? No one.”
“This is such a mess, Mason” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“But we'll fix it, Addie. I promise you we will” he said while hugging her as tight as he could. 
“Miss Turlington? She will see you now.”
“Thank you.”
“Adele!” Mason's agent said when she walked into her office. “What a nice surprise. What brings you here?”
“We need to talk.”
“Oh, ok. Please have a seat” she said, gesturing towards the chair in front of her desk. “May I get you something to drink? Water? Coffee? Tea?”
“I'm fine.”
“Alright, then. What did you want to talk about?”
“I want you to stop the madness you and your agency have created.”
“What?” she laughed.
“It isn't funny, Mrs. Lautner.”
“Please call me Erin.”
“It isn't funny, Erin” Adele repeated. It had been a week since the photos of the party had been published, and things hadn't calmed down.
Online it still was chaos, threats and hate comments being thrown right and left between fans and towards her and Mason. And in the real world, it was like they had traveled back in time to the days where the paparazzis camped outside their houses to get a photo of them together. They had even had to cancel their romantic gateway to the château they had visited after the Dior show and go back to London, someone tipping the photographers about where they were staying.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry” Erin said. “But what do you want me to do?”
“Isn't it obvious?” Adele laughed. “I want you to release some kind of statement and tell the world that I am not pregnant and never have been.”
“But Adele…”
“No” she said, trying to channel her mother when she would get serious with her and Luca. “You are going to end this mess, and you are going to do it now.”
“That's not how things work and you know it.”
“You have two days. When Mason comes back from his work trip to Spain, I want this problem fixed.”
“Or what?” Erin said, arching an eyebrow.
“Or you will be losing an amazing deal that would benefit you and your agency, and that only I can get you.”
“What kind of deal?”
“Me shooting Mason for the cover of British Vogue’s March issue.”
“What?” she laughed. “That's almost impossible! Only big names get to be on the March issue, and it is always women the ones who do it. It is the most important issue besides the September one!”
“I know. But when you are Elizabeth Turlington’s daughter, and the current editor-in-chief of the magazine is your godfather…” Adele shrugged.
“He's… oh. That's… I'm listening” Erin said, moving forward on her chair.
“Well, we met in Paris during fashion week, and after seeing my photos for Dior, he asked me if anyone had suggested yet the idea of me shooting Mason.”
“It has happened more than once, and you've always said no. What has made you change your mind?”
“That this time I will be working for and with someone I trust and have known my whole life, and that I will have creative freedom, which is something that none of the other offers included.”
“Has Mason said yes?”
“He has. But on one condition” Adele said. “That you finally put an end to the pregnancy rumours by telling the truth: that I've never been pregnant, and that those photos were taken out of context.”
“It isn't going to be that easy, tho.”
“You and your team are very clever, Erin. I'm sure you will come up with something. But no more lies.”
“Ok, fine” she sighed. “We deny the pregnancy saying that you never were pregnant and it was all a mistake, and you shoot Mason for British Vogue. Is that the deal?”
“The base of it, yes” Adele said.
“The base?”
“We can add some extras. For example, if Mason and I are satisfied with the result of your explanation and the way you handle things after that, I can talk with my godfather and also get him an interview. Maybe video content, something like a behind the scenes of me shooting him and being all lovey-dovey. I'm sure fans would love that.”
“That would actually be amazing… Ok, fine” Erin said after a few seconds in silence. “We have a deal.”
“If we don't like what you do…”
“There will be no cover. I know” she said, offering Adele her hand. “Deal?”
“Deal” she said, shaking it. “Now let me call my lawyer so he can get the contract ready. He's waiting in the coffee shop next door.”
“What?” Erin chuckled. “There is no need for that, Adele.”
“I don't make deals without witnesses and with just a handshake, Mrs. Lautner. I'm my father's daughter and not an idiot, so I do things properly and, most importantly, legally. Leave it or take it.”
“I… Umm…”
“I have things to do, Mrs. Lautner. So if you could please make up your mind…”
“Fine, fine! Call your lawyer.”
“Thank you” Adele smiled. Her plan was already in motion, and the first part had been a success. 
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amarachno · 2 days
Gotham City can be a terrible place to live but at least it has a nice skate park. It wasn’t always that way but ever since Bruce Wayne started his free space repair program all kinds of free activities for city kids had opened up. In Tim Drake’s opinion, the skate park was the best. Conveniently placed near Gotham Academy AND in the direction of Tim’s house? It was perfect. The best part? Sometimes, Jason Todd showed up with his older brother. What’s cooler than one Robin? Two!
Not that either boy knew Tim existed, of course. Tim Drake was fantastic at getting peoples eyes to glance right over him. Janet Drake had trained him to become invisible, after all. But really, it was too cool to watch. if a little funny at times. Dick Grayson was a wonder in the air, but finding your balance of skateboard is a bit different than finding your balance on a beam. Jason wasn’t much better about it but hearing him laugh at Dick falling on his butt after attempting a kickflip always brought a warm feeling to Tim’s chest.
Sometimes, Tim was tempted to go over and try to teach them, but he always chickened out at the last moment. He settled for helping out the seven year olds who always fell off their scooters. There had been a few times where he picked them up and out of the way right before they could get run over but it was all in a days work.
Tim usually managed to visit the skate park for an hour or two after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the other days he had extracurriculars Or had to be home in time to check in with Mrs. Agnes, the house keeper. Heaven forbid he gets home even a minute too late. Her pointy fingers always left his arm sore when she marched him up to his room.
where was Tim going with this again? Oh yeah, school is finally out and it’s time to visit the skate park. He had debated bringing his camera this morning, but ultimately decided that it wasn’t something he wanted to carry around all day.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he would see Jason and Dick there that day. Usually, they went around every three weeks after school. One of the nicest parts about seen him there though, was a heads up that Nightwing would be out that night. Nightwing was so fun to take pictures of. he was an entertainer after all. His movements fluid and quick. Once, Tim had gotten a picture of him falling from one of the higher buildings in a pose that almost perfectly made it seem like he was flying through the air. Arms spread, feet together, and chest out. A stark contrast to the way he windmilled and gracelessly fell at the skatepark, though Tim was pretty sure he only let himself fall because it made Jason laugh. The ride from school to the skate park wasn’t long, thankfully. It would be such a hassle to have to bike to the skate park and carry his board too. upon arriving to the park, he glanced at who was present that day
The good news, was that Jason was there! Not so cool news, Dick wasn’t. Jason seemed to be in a bad mood either way. Usually, Tim wouldn’t butt in. Usually he would’ve just made sure that Jason got back safe. But… Tim had a bad feeling. He hadn’t seen Robin out with Batman the day before. or the day before the day before that. Tim knew he couldn’t just leave this alone.
“So, where is your older brother?” Tim blurted out as soon as he was next to Jason
Jason blinked, looking mildly shocked before furrowing his brows. “Who’s asking? And why d’ya wanna know?”
“Uh” Tim said unintelligently. “I see you around here a lot and usually you don’t go by yourself.”
Jason stared for a moment, looking conflicted.
”Oh! I’m Tim, Tim Drake. We’re um, we’re neighbors.” Tim’s palms felt sweaty. This was painfully awkward.
“I guess that makes sense. Not that it’s any of your business.” Jason said hesitantly, taking a deep breath and then speaking again. “So, you skateboard?”
“Yeah, I guess, a little” Tim stuttered out. “You never answered my question.” Before clapping both hands over his mouth. he did not mean to say that out loud.
“He’s out of town for the month, ya nosey little shit. He lives in Blühaven.” Jason gave a wry grin. “He’ll be back soon.” he opened his mouth as if to say something else, but closed it again and looked away.
let it be known Tim is just as stupid as he is smart. He knows that once he starts talking, there’s no stop. It’s why he never talked to Jason or Dick before. Despite that, he opened his big, dumb, mouth. “Hey I’ll raise you to that ice cream place around the corner. Whoever loses has to pay.”
Jason grinned maniacally, “Alright short-stack, you’re on!” And then Jason shot off like a blur. Tim yelped out a “Hey! No fair!” before running after Jason.
Tim lost, not that there is really any competition, Jason’s legs were longer anyway.
One Neapolitan bowl and one Superman cone later, (courtesy of Tim’s wallet, of course) Jason and Tim headed back to the skatepark. they wound up wandering around, talking about anything and everything, laughing at the college kids who fell on their faces and the pigeons who attacked some guy for his fries. (The random dude was fine but he seemed creepy anyway so Tim couldn’t bring himself to feel bad.)
One hour turned into two and two turned into four. Soon enough, it got late and it was just about time to head home. The older kids were showing up anyway, and usually it wasn’t a good idea to stick around.
Tim was about to mention this, but when he turned to look at Jason, he paused.
“Not sure why I’m tellin’ ya this. But, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.” Jason murmured, “I was gonna run away tonight.”
“Oh.” breathed Tim.
“My- I found my bio mom. I’m um- I was, that is, staying with Bruce Wayne.” Jason turned to stare out towards where Tim knew Wayne manor was. ”But, he thinks I did something I didn’t. something I would never do.” Jason swipes furiously at his eyes. “I found my birth certificate. The woman I called my mom all this time was actually my stepmother.” He turns back, making eye contact with Tim, a determined look on his face. “Her name is Sheila Haywood. I was going to fly to Ethiopia to meet her.”
Tim inhales sharply, “Alone?” he asks breathlessly.
“Yeah.” Jason replies guiltily. “I didn’t think Bruce would believe me.”
Tim pauses, thinking it over. “And, how much research have you done on this?”
Jason tenses, “Enough.” he snaps defensively. “I found a way there and back. I have enough to find somewhere to stay for about a week. But, if everything goes well then I should be able to stay with my mom.”
Tim laughs a little, a short exhale through his nose. “Oh no, I know you can take care of yourself. I’m talking about how much you researched into your mom. it would be smart to know why she moved. I don’t think a lot of people move to Ethiopia just for a change of pace. What if she were involved in some kind of-“
“She would never!” Jason exclaimed. “She’s an aid worker there.”
“Okay, I believe you.” Tim reaffirmed “ it was just an example. my point is just that, having all the facts is an important part of every plan.”
Jason relaxed at Tim’s reassurance, “Oh. That makes sense I guess.”
“Maybe I could help!” Tim squeaked out nervously. “ you could come to mine I’ll get my laptop out and we can look into her public records. Maybe we could do a little bit more digging and see if there could’ve been an outside situation.”
Jason considered it for a second, tilting his head back.
“If you sleep over at my house tonight, you don’t have to see Bruce.” Tim added quickly.
Jason whipped his head to look at Tim, nodding vigorously. “Yeah that would be great. Um, maybe we can stop by really quickly though just to tell Alfred and pick up my clothes for tomorrow.”
With Tim’s help, Jason found evidence that Sheila was involved with the Joker. He never went to Ethiopia, he does tell Bruce about his bio mom. Batman goes to investigate it, finds out about the Joker’s plot, and stops it in time. Jason Todd doesn’t die. But he doesn’t see much of Tim anymore either.
Tim Drake saves his favorite Robin. Who knows what would’ve happened had he actually gone to Ethiopia? Especially since the Joker was there. Nothing good obviously. Jason and Tim stay friends for a little while, but don’t stay that way for long, only occasionally seeing each other in the hallways at school. Jason was busy with personal matters anyway, not much time for the skate park. Or for Tim. Eventually, Dick and Jason show up again, bringing Cass, Steph, and Damian along to teach them how to skate. Tim keeps his distance, content to watch.
Sometimes. Sometimes he wishes he could join them. Not that he’d ever say that out loud, of course. It’s the same way with their nightly activities too. It’s selfish. Tim has everything he could ever need. A roof over his head, food in his pantry, and two living parents. Even though they aren’t around. he has his hobby, chasing shadows around Gotham, taking pictures. That’s what Tim was meant for. He wasn’t meant to be a brother, or even a friend.
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countlessimagines · 3 days
Something in His Eyes [ Johnny Slaughter x Reader ]
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Summary: You find out the hard way why being close to Johnny was never a good idea.
A/N: I’m obsessed with the game so it was only right to write something for Johnny <3
Warnings: General Texas chainsaw massacre content, blood, mentions of killings and death
You had been laying on the grass, basking in the sun all afternoon when your mother called you into the house. You had lived on a farm and your nearest neighbors were the Sawyers who lived a couple miles down the road.
She had interrupted your sun bathing to send you to the grocery store for a few items that she needed for dinner. She shooed you off with the list and you took your bike with a little basket to carry the groceries.
You had to pass the Sawyer house on the way to the store, so you decided to see if they needed anything. And it was more of an excuse to see Johnny.
You had met him a few months ago during the summer, when he explained to you that there was a family emergency that required him to stay at the family house instead of with his mother Nancy.
You made it a habit to say hello to Sissy every few days. You never cared to say hello to Drayton though, as he always gave you side eyes and would sneer whenever Johnny would jog just a little faster to see you at the fence.
While you had invited Johnny to your house multiple times, he never seemed to invite you into his family’s house. It didn’t bug you as much since he never even took you up on your invites.
It wasn’t long before you made it to their house, honking the small horn on your bike to see if anyone was home to hear.
After a minute of waiting, Johnny appeared from the back of the house. He did a jog to close the distance between the two of you, especially since the driveway was so long.
He gave you a giant grin once he was close enough. “Hey there, pumpkin!”
You blushed at the nickname, but tried to hide it. “Hi, Johnny.”
“What brings you here?” He got close enough and you could see the sweat beading down his temple, and how his breathing was short and scattered. You failed to notice the bleeding knife in his pocket.
“Making a run to the grocery store. Wanted to see if you needed anything?”
“I think we’re good. Drayton is making his famous chili.” Johnny said, almost giving you a look once over but stopping himself.
“Ah, I forgot he cooks. Does he wear a little apron as well?” You joked, poking Johnny on his abs. You tried to refrain another blush from how toned he was.
He chuckled, giving you a wink. “He does, but that’ll be our little secret since he never lets anyone cook with him.”
You nodded, pretending to lock your lips and throw away the key.
“I was meaning to ask you, have you been listening to the radio? They ended up finding the car of Maria Flores! Isn’t it crazy that she just upped and disappeared?”
Johnny tensed but you didn’t seem to notice since he smooth talked his way out of it. “Yeah, real crazy, pumpkin. But they said no foul play so there’s no chance they’ll find her at this rate. She probably ran away.”
You shrugged, not entirely sure yourself. Your mother had gotten worried for your safety, but you promised her you would keep a pocket knife on you at all times and if you could, have Johnny accompany you.
“Most likely. Crazy stuff though.” You said and tried to change the topic. “I’m gonna head to the store now. See you in a bit.”
Johnny smiled and waved you off.
Once you were farther in the distance, he sighed and returned to the back of the house.
He removed his knife from his pocket and wiped it on his thigh. He was only a few feet away from the barn when Sissy exited, covered in blood.
“You know she’s gonna come looking one day, Johnny.” She sneered, leaning against the wood frame and crossing her arms. “She’ll end up just like Maria. Then you’ll really have to up and leave.”
Johnny rolled his eyes at her and stomped into the barn, making sure to shove her shoulder.
He didn’t want to think of a reality where you and his family intertwined. He imagined every scenario and none of them seemed to look good for you. You were his perfect little ray of sunshine, but he feared his heart was too far gone to let any light in.
He was worried the side of him that hurt people would eventually bleed into the side that didn’t want to hurt you. But that instinct would always be there whether he liked it or not. Especially since Nancy instilled it in him so long ago.
He touched the scar on his face, remembering that day so long ago when he finally confronted Nancy for killing his birth mother. He had been scarred by her, permanently damaged inside and out.
He always fantasized about ending Nancy once and for all, for what she did to his true mother.
Bubba was fixing his chainsaw after it had overheated multiple times without him doing anything. He gave Johnny a grunt and that was that.
Johnny looked at the table in front of him, seeing the scattered pieces of meat that they were going to bring into the house for Drayton to cook with.
He liked to think that maybe he could convince you they were actually just butchers, but the skeleton decorations might give it away.
He also feared Nancy finding out about you. Soon enough he would return home and the thought of leaving you behind scared him. What if you followed him like a lost puppy? What if you visited him as a surprise without any warning?
What if Nancy…
Johnny didn’t want to think about it anymore.
He knew what Sissy said was right. You would eventually find your way into the house like they all did.
He just hoped that maybe this time it would be different.
The next day, you drove your bike as usual to the Sawyer’s house. A few rings of your bike bell and Johnny was rushing to the front.
His usual happy demeanor was not present.
“Hey, Johnny.” You still gave him a smile and wave.
He did a grunt and crossed his arms. “I uh, I’m busy right now. What’s the matter?”
“Oh.” You said, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Nothing much. Just wanted to see if you were up for hanging out.” You tried to not show your hurt.
“Not right now, pumpkin. Maybe another time.” He seemed stressed, so you placed a delicate hand on his toned arm.
“Everything alright?” You asked with those innocent eyes that made him feel weak. He hated that he felt that way towards you… so weak and vulnerable, breaking at the seams, his dark demeanor, that monster screaming inside of him to end you… you made those thoughts go away… maybe that’s why Maria’s friends were still in his family’s basement, not yet dead because Johnny hesitated looking into Ana’s eyes… seeing her sister…
Was this the life he wanted to lead?
Johnny didn’t realize you were growing worried, waiting for him to answer. “Fine, pumpkin.”
His eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually did.
In the distance, you spotted something, though.
A girl with bright orange hair was in the far right of property, rummaging through a blue box in the barn. Instant worry and suspicion ran through you as you pointed to her. “Who’s that?”
Johnny whipped around instantly, his shoulders tense.
“Shit,” he muttered. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you when it’s convenient.”
You were offended and made sure to show it. “Johnny, what’s going on?”
Before he could answer you, the orange girl had stopped her search and noticed you, standing there as innocent as ever. She began to shout much to the dismay of Johnny.
“Help me! Please! This family is torturing us!” She wept and started running towards you.
Johnny let out a low grunt and faced you. “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”
“What?” You blinked, wondering if it was some prank… it had to be.
Johnny lunged for you, grabbing you around your waist and forcefully pulling you off your bike. He tried shushing you. “Stop movin’.”
“Johnny!” You screamed, hitting his arms as he roughly dragged you towards the orange hair woman.
Once you were on the property, you noticed the metal sheet now behind you started buzzing with electricity. You were trapped like a cattle waiting for slaughter.
The orange hair girl started screaming which made you whip your head towards her. She was being brutally murdered by a man with a chainsaw.
You let out a horrific scream, slamming against Johnny with all your force. “Let me go!”
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, pumpkin.” Johnny’s voice was sincere, but as you looked up into his face, it was stone cold.
He started walking towards their house, and out strolled Sissy covered head to toe in blood.
“Oh! (Y/n) is finally joining us? Will she be for dessert tonight?” She cackled which made your eyes widen in fear.
“Not now, sissy, go deal with the rest of ‘em.”
Sissy rolled her eyes and scoffed. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for you! And now you’re bringing your plaything. Just wait til your mama gets here!” She ran off somewhere in the house, and you finally got a good look inside of it as Johnny brought in your flailing body.
“I said, stop movin’!” Johnny yelled and placed you down firmly. He held your shoulders as you began to shake in fear. “You need to listen to me, right now.”
You shook your head profusely as if it could take away all the bones surrounding you in their house. If the image of the orange haired woman being sawed alive would disappear. “Johnny, let me go!”
He kept you firm in place and stared deeply into your widened eyes. “I knew you’d see this side of me eventually… I just didn’t realize this soon. You… you don’t get a choice when it comes to this family. It’s either be eaten or become one of us.”
Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. Johnny had to be lying. Your sweet Johnny was playing a prank, surely.
He continued on, “(Y/n), you are not fit for this world. I… I can’t let you become like me…”
You were able to bring your arms up and slam them against his chest. “Johnny please!”
He slowly eased his grip on you, but he didn’t want you to escape… he had you right there… his mind was running rampant at the thoughts that consumed him.
His heart ached at the sight of your tears and how you looked at him with so much confusion and were terrified of his family.
Johnny didn’t realize fully what he was doing until you were screaming, thrown over his shoulder once again.
He began to rush through the house, and it took your all not to throw up at the sight of a woman hooked to a wooden post.
Was this to be your fate, too?
Johnny hurriedly went out a back patio door and through a series of steps before throwing you in the back of a car. He locked it before you could reach the handle.
You screamed and slammed your palms against the windows, praying that someone would answer and rescue you.
Johnny tried not to acknowledge your pleas as he hot-wired the car. He couldn’t think this idea through, or his family would slaughter you and make him watch.
His heartbeat only intensified as he heard his mother’s voice ring out across the yard. He finished what he needed to do and slammed the hood of the car down.
Johnny got into the car quickly, ignoring your whimpering in the back seat.
You were hysterical as he drove off, taking a back exit out of the property.
The only sound in the car was your occasional sniffs as he drove for thirty minutes in the middle of nowhere. He had gone a back road that you had never seen before, but you were able to see the back of your house fly by as he paid it no mind.
He wasn’t taking you home.
You slowly composed yourself enough to speak up. “Where are you taking me?”
Fear made your stomach turn as he sharply looked at you through the mirror. Coldness glazed his eyes, and no longer could you see the man you had grown to love.
Love. What a stupid feeling.
It was the reason you were there at their house. You loved spending time with him. You were growing fonder of him.
It was the reason why Johnny was driving you far away from his family. The side of him that was weak had grown attached to you. It frightened him.
Would it one day switch on you? Would you be another of his countless victims? Was his love for you too grand that he might do something reckless.
He supposed he already had.
His decision was sinking in.
He briefly turned in his seat to look at you.
Your hair was disheveled, your mascara ran down your cheeks in an ever-fading cry, your hands were tucked around yourself, trying to keep yourself together.
You were still the innocent girl he loved.
“We’re going far away, pumpkin. A place where nobody will hurt us.”
You wanted to believe Johnny, you truly did… but there was something in his voice.
Because Johnny didn’t even know if he could promise that he wouldn’t hurt you.
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