#did i nearly lost the prompt? yes. but i did have fun. if anon also have fun it will be enough for me
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popcultr · 4 months ago
tagged by: @everseens (thank you lovely!!) tagging: @angelsdvsts / @testdrves / @luriddaze / @saudadexmses (and anyone else who wants to do this!)
roleplayer name: corrie (yes, that's my real name, not a nickname)
roleplayer pronouns: she/her
preferred communication: drop me an im on here! or a message on discord, if you have it.
experience: oh wowieeee, i think like most people on this site, i started rping around 2013(ish), i'd been in the "anon world" beforehand idk if anyone remembers that. then i randomly stumbled into the rp world and that was it, i was sold, i started in groups and rping irl celebs bc that was what was in fashion at the time (gross, i know). i've written in both groups and indie rp for some years, but rn i'm only doing indie, as i find it so much easier, a lot less pressure!!!!
preferred roleplay type: i'm a big fan of paras!! i don't mind, long or short!! i just like hearing about how both our characters are thinking / feeling etc, world building, give it to me!!
pet peeves & dealbreakers: omg, i've got a few bc i've been in the rp world for a long time!! first off, people who still treat tumblr rp like it's their job, bestie, it's okay, take some time off, we are all nearly 30 here, this is a hobby for all of us. secondly, people that bug you about replies, unless i have messaged u and said "hey i've lost ur post or something along those lines" 99% of the time its in my drafts & i'm going to reply to it. thirdly, idk, this is group rp related but i hate activity checks, one of the main reasons i moved over to indie properly bc i found myself getting so stressed about not being able to get online & that i might be on the activity check?? so stupid. lastly, when people don't give me much back in a reply & it's like drawing blood out of stone trying to reply, one time, someone said they didn't want to reply 2 my reply, bc i'd "written too much background" or something, like wtf asdfghj...like i had to explain why my character would be at this random location </3
plots or memes: both are fun!! but i think i do prefer plotting & discussing things with my writing partners. also u can headcanon when u plot, i love it xx
best time to write: oooh, for me, personally i like to write in the evenings!! as it's something that i like to do relax & chill out, so it makes sense. idk if this makes sense, i do prefer to write on the weekends, bc i have a bit more time to put into my replies <3
are you like your muse?: no, i'm definitely not like my current muses!! i did write a dyspraxic muse in the past (i have dyspraxia), but that didn't work out bc people didn't really get it lol.
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luimagines · 4 years ago
Hey it’s the same comfort anon! I really loved what did with the prompt!
If you don’t mind I have another rq 👉👈
RQ: You help them out during an embarrassing situation.
Comfort Anon! My first requester! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I’m glad you think I did it justice!
I absolutely do not mind that you have another request!
I think I’m going to keep all of them in the same post this time around.
Set platonically and within the group since there wasn’t any specification.
You know the drill! Scenario under the cut!
“Wolfie...” You try to fight the grin on your face and fail. “What are you doing?”
Said wolf pauses and stares at you thus beginning an impromptu staring contest.
You had been walking away from the camp to relieve yourself when you spotted familiar looking fur running around. It had sparked your interest so you ventured closer as quietly as you could.
When you reach your furry friend, you feel your face split into a large grin.
Wolfie was running in circles and rolling around the dirt trying to catch his tail.
It naturally amuses you greatly and you decided to watch for a little moment longer before Wolfie had actually managed to catch his tail and had begun chewing on it with fervor.
Realistically, you knew it probably itched and the poor thing was just trying to scratch it in the best way he could.
But it was still so adorably cute!
You ask your question, breaking the moment and try to hide your amusement for the sake of the creatures pride.
You can see the moment when Wolfie sees you. His whole body goes still and he stops chewing himself completely. Wolfie slowly lets his tail out of his mouth, making a small thump against the ground, while never breaking eye contact and waits.
You’re not sure for what but the way he’s staring at you makes you think you weren’t supposed to see what you saw. He looks the equivalent of getting your hand caught in the cookie jar and is trying to see how much trouble he’s going to get in.
It’s makes the whole thing infinitely funnier.
Your giggles escape and the animal begins to lower his head to the ground, ears back and flattened.
You’d dare say he looks embarrassed.
It softens your heart to see Wolfie in such a state so you try to rein in one final snort, fail, and begin to leave. “I’ll... leave you to it, Wolfie. I gotta pee. Have fun with what you’re over there.”
With your back turned, Wolfie gives out a pitiful whine that leaves you snickering until you find a more private spot.
Apparently, this one’s taken. 
“Wild...” You say, looking upward until your neck hurts. “How do you manage these things? I swear it’s only you who gets into this kind of stuff.”
“I just want to make eggs for breakfast!” He cries in defense. “I’m sorry for trying to do something nice for all of you!”
“Oh no, I get that. It’s this that worries me.” You sigh and try to get step back and assess the situation. Looking up is a little easier with and you’re able to see a better plan of action.
In theory anyway.
Wild, as mentioned, was about to make breakfast and had thus spotted eggs in  a nearby tree. Naturally he wanted to go collect them and feed his friends but there’s one thing he didn’t account on. The mother returned.
That being said, he freaked out enough that he dropped the sheikah slate, nearly fell out of the tree and in the ruckus had also scared away the mother.
He kept the eggs though.
However, when the word nearly is mentioned it’s meant to bring point that he didn’t actually fall out of tree. ...But he still might.
Because the only reason he didn’t hit the ground head first is because his foot got caught in one of the branches.
So he’s hanging upside down by his ankle and can’t access his tools to even attempt to get out.
This is where you, dear reader, come in.
Wild was actually far enough away and covered by enough foliage that the others haven’t noticed him in this precarious situation. You though, were heading to the creak nearby to wash your face and begin your morning routine.
Wild then yelled just loud enough to catch your attention and had asked for your assistance.
“Are you sure I can’t just get Twilight? Or Time?” You ask him. “I’m sure that one of them can just shake the tree and you’ll be free.”
“NO! Do not! Just-!” He flails around a bit, the branch creaking in protest but doesn’t  budge from the spot. “I get into a lot of stuff but neither of them will ever let me live this down.”
“What about Warrior then? Or Legend? He might have a tool of something to get you out-”
“No one else can know! Why can’t you just help me?” Wild begs.
“I have to say I’m little over my head here.” You admit. “Or rather, you’re a little over my head.”
“Very funny.”
“I think I have an idea but you have to catch yourself.” You grin and begin to move away.
“Just make it quick. All the blood is flowing to my head.”
You jog back to camp and take out your sword. A few more familiar faces are awake now and waiting for their food. 
“Hey,” Wind greets you with a tired smile and a yawn. “Where’s Wild?”
“He’s a little hung up at the moment.” You smile. “I just gotta go help him for a second and he’ll be back.”
Wind takes the answer for what it is, too tired to read too much into it and nods.
You sprint back and grin wildly. “Try to stay out of my way ok?”
“You couldn’t think of any other solution?” Wild nearly whines.
“This is the quickest way. You said make it quick.” You take a breath and run forward. With your momentum to run what you can up the tree and jump. With the added height to turn to where Wild is and swing in his foot’s direction.
With speed and accuracy on your part, you slice the branch that’s been holding him back and the two of you fall to the ground.
Wild dips into a roll and somehow manages to expertly swipe the slate off of the ground as he passes it. You do a similar motion but angle yourself to not come into contact with your blade.
Together you spot each other and grin, small laughs exiting your mouths as you get up.
“Thanks for that.” Wild pats himself off and turns on his heel. “I gotta get breakfast started but I’ll come get you when it’s done, ok?”
You nod and begin to head toward the creek once more, willing to play as if this never happened.
You decide on the way to not tell Wild that the branch is still stuck on his boot though. 
Everyone was in Wild’s house for the day, chilling while they could, since there was little to no activity.
Time had actually retired momentarily to take a nap on Wild’s bed for the afternoon.
It was quiet.
Because the group was afraid to wake up the grumpiest member of the group.
So naturally you wanted to take advantage of the peace and brought your book and sat on the stairs while the boys took over the table and floor.
After a hot minute, you looked up to see that half of the group was gone, haven’t left to do something more chaotic and grinned to yourself.
Behind you the wood of the house creaked under applied pressure. You turned around to look at the cause and saw that Time had woken up from his nap. His eyes were closed and he was mid-yawn as he traveled down the stairs.
You got up from your spot and traveled a few steps to let him pass, but that didn’t happen.
Time hadn’t opened his eye yet and had mis-stepped.
His mistake cost him his pride as he fell down the stairs all the way down to the floor.
“Don’t break a hip old man!” Warrior called out in a laughing voice.
You threw your book onto the table and went to help Time up. “Are you ok?”
“Ow.” He deadpanned and grabbed the railing for good measure. “On top of that, I think I left my shoes up by the bed.”
“I’ll get them” You squeaked around him and dashed up the stairs. In your enthusiasm you over stepped one of the steps and fell up the stairs.
You paused in shame and shock while Warrior lost his battle and started laughing hysterically.
Swallowing the last of your dignity, you dash up the remaining steps and help your friend.
You came back down with an attempt to hold your head up high and held out Time’s shoes out to him. “I think these are yours.”
There was a small smile on his tired face. “Thank you. Are you ok?”
“Yes.” You nod. “I’m fine. Nothing happened. No one saw anything.”
Time snorted and took them from you. “Of course.”
It’s was absolutely pouring.
Everyone was wet and there was no shelter in sight. It was dark and loud and everyone still had to continue forward.
No one was happy and everyone was silently fuming at the unideal circumstances.
You were walking next to Warrior, not making eye contact with anyone and you had to stop from commenting that he looked like a drowned rat.
His scarf has no doubt doubled in weight with all the water its absorbed and Warrior kept having to adjust it. It was sagging off of his shoulders and he kept having to adjust it or else it risked falling into the muddied ground.
As time passed Warrior had to continually fix it, and adjust it and he was growing exponentially frustrated with the prospect and was getting fed up with it.
You watched in growing amusement and restrained from offering your help because you were certain that he would snap at you.
In one final moment of baled up frustrations, he threw the scarf in one more lap around his neck and... well... he overjudged the strength needed and it swung all the way around just to smack him right back in his face.
Oh but it didn’t end there.
In his moment of blindness, he mis-stepped and tripped.
He hit the ground on his knees first but kept going, twisting to his side, just missing slamming his face into the mud as well.
You just stop in your tracks and tried your hardest to not laugh.
With hesitant steps, you walked over to Warrior who slowly started to get up.
His entire side was just brown. And Warrior... didn’t bother with showing the emotion on his face.
Just a neutral face of displeasure.
You quickly, helped him to his feet and and began cupping your hands to throw the collected rain water onto him and wipe off the mud.
It’s not helping.
“Not. One. Word.” Warrior takes a deep breath and begins to help you clean himself off.
“Yes, Captain.” You grin and take his hand. “You want me to take the blame? Say I pushed you down or something.”
“It’s fine.” Warrior bites the words as he says them. 
You pass a creek.
With the idea in your head, you shove Warrior hard and he goes right into the water like you wanted him to.
“Excuse me!” He screeches as his head bobs above the water.
The mud is washed off as least.
“You’re clean again! No one will know!”
Warrior is not amused.
You grin. “It’s not like you got any wetter.”
“...Why are you like this?”
“I’ll take my thanks in monetary compensation.”
“Hyrule.” You gasp. “Oh no. Oh boy. Don’t go back yet. Hold on. Don’t leave. Stay here.”
He pauses and does what you say, although confusedly. “Ok? Why?” 
“There’s a rip in your pants. Huge. I can see your whole-” 
“WHAT?” Hyrule grips the fabric and finally catches wind of the tear. It’s long and goes down the side of his leg but it’s... pretty revealing.
“I’ve got some sewing stuff in my pack.” You say dropping your equipment and dashing as quickly as you could. “I can sew it up. No one will know the difference.”
“...I can never show my face again.”
You roll your eyes and make the quick trip. There’s a small part in the reptilian part of your brain that calls to make it a quick mission. Stealth, silence and shadows are your friends and you make it back to camp, grab your supplies and make a break for it without tripping anyone else’s hand.
When you return to Hyrule, he’s sat down a nearby rock and inspecting what he can of the rip.
“I have no idea how you managed this,” you say when you get close to him again. “But I’ve managed to get there and back with no one knowing. I will, however, need you to take off your pants.”
Hyrule flushes bright red instantly.
“...Do I have to?”
“Unless you’re ok with my face being right next to your-”
“No, no, I’ll do it, I’ll do it.” Hyrule gulps and strips.
“I’m glad you agreed because I, for one, was not ok with that.” You hold your hand out and take the pants from him. “At least your tunic is long.”
“This is humiliating.” Hyrule mutters and sit down on the ground instead of the rock and hugs his legs close.
“Why on earth do you think I stopped you? Someone had to save you from the the ridicule of the others. Like don’t get me wrong, we all like you but there’s no survivors, no mercy, and no alliances when it comes to roasts.” You sat down in front of him and began to sew up the tear. “Any idea how this happened?”
“I think it got caught on a bush?” He rests his head on his knees and avoids eye contact. “I suppose I should thank you.”
“A bush?” You put it down and and stare at him. “A bush?”
He doesn’t reply.
“Hyrule if your clothes are weak enough to rip this badly on a bush then we need to get you knew clothes.” You finish and return to your task of fixing his pants. “We can get Legend and Wild and figure something out. Wild has enough clothes to spare and Legend knows good quality when he sees it. I’ll pay for your new clothes next town we invade, ok?”
“I can’t believe this happened.” He says instead.
“Give me ten minutes and you can at least put your pants back on.”
They were having a race.
The boys were so bored that they were having a race.
It was between Legend, Wild, Wind, Hyrule and Twilight.
Sky refused to run, Time was content with just watching and Warrior had a bet going so he had money on who the winner would be.
You were the judge and had placed yourself at the end of the strip with a small cloth for a flag and got in position. It was anything goes. Items, sabotage, dirty plays- anything.
Twilight was actually competing on Epona.
“Ready?” You call with a grin. “Get set! GO!��
You hear them take off but there’s a blast of wind next to you.
It’s so close to you that it takes you by surprise so you scream in shock but it ends in a thunk against the tree behind you.
There’s a groan and you turn to see the winner.
Twilight is next and he stops before he could run you over. “Are you kidding me? What the heck did he do? How did he do that?”
Legend is sitting in front of the tree and rubbing his head.
He wins at least.
The others make it within the next minute and they groan and whine but they leave without looking at the winner.
You grin and skip over to him, placing your hand on his shoulder when you get there. “Congrats, Mr. Hero. It looks like you were the- oh my god.”
You kneel next to him and tilts his face towards yours.
He’s bleeding from the face, a cut on his eye and a bloody nose.
“Hey, so you see this tree here?” He spits and it’s more blood.
“I didn’t.” He hisses and goes to wipe with his sleeve but you stop him.
“Oh boy. Hold on.” You gently take the cloth flag that you have and wipe his face, getting him to pinch his nose as you wipe his cut.
It’s thankfully not deep and not bleeding profusely. With a little inspiration, you take out your bag, your magically enchanted pocket and pull out a potion.
Legend is quick to refuse but you shake your head and splash a little on his face. The magic hits the cuts and is absorbed in his skin.
“Hey!” He splutters.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to explain to Warrior why your face is bleeding?” You smirk and begin cleaning the rest of the blood of him.
Legend pouts and looks away, letting you work.
“I guess not.”
“I thought so.”
“Oh... that is... not ideal...” You hear Sky say.
With your interest piqued, you turned your head to look at him and what was bothering him.
“Sky, what did you do?”
It... was interesting. Somehow Sky had managed to get his whip stuck in a tree. Not just caught between two branches, no that would have been too easy to pull out. It had somehow wrapped around the branch, at least three times and was too tall for anyone in the group to get out unless they had somehow managed to climb the tree.
The tree itself was also inclined to be easy to climb. You were quick to see that only The Champion could probably scale it but he wasn’t here at the moment. 
Twilight kidnapped him to go fishing.
“...How?” You ask and make your way over to him. “How did you do this?”
He glances at you with wide eyes and a bit lip. ”Help?”
“Ho boy...” You take a breath and get up. “This.... I have one solution.”
“How good is your aim?” You glance up at the problem again. “Scratch that, how good is your throwing arm?”
“Pretty good I like to think.” He admits. 
“Ok, throw it over the branch but in the opposite direction. We have to undo the loops first.”
“We? Sounds like it’s just me.” Sky steps closer to the tree and prepares to throw the handle over the branch.
“Well there’s not exactly place for me to step in now, is there?” You put your hands on your hips and smirk.
It goes over one loop just fine.
It still doesn’t budge.
Sky throws it again, misses, tries again and makes it.
It’s only one loop over the branch but it still won’t move. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Sky growls and throws it into the air in frustration.
“Ok, hold on, if it just need one more throw-”
He made it loose in the process but neither of you were paying attention. It had sung for a minute, budged and had swung all the way back to to you both coming off of the branch in the process. The inertia was still in motion and it had managed to hit Sky directly in the face while you were talking.
Luckily, it wasn’t that strong of a hit.
“Oh hey!” You grin and try not to laugh. “It’s out!”
“Let’s never speak of this.”
“Come on, it’s funny.”
“Wild, do you have any towels I can dry my hands off with?” Four asks from behind you.
You were all in Wild’s house once more and currently getting ready for dinner.
“Yeah, top shelf.” Wild replies without looking up from the pot.
You glance back as well to see where Wild would have been thinking about.
Yup, you think, that’s the top shelf alright.
Four is stuck staring at the height and begins to slowly look around.
You get an idea of where he’s going with this and power walk to his side. Your intuition is proven correct when he then attempts to climb Wild’s house and furniture just to get it.
His hands are also still wet, mind you.
You can see his white knuckled grip as he tries to fight the lack of traction and decide to help him out.
“I got it!” He says, when you nudge him aside.
“You don’t.” You reply and copy his movements to reach a singular towel. You’re back down in a split second but the bounty in within your grasp.
“It’s not like you can reach it either!”
“Still took me less time and significantly less climbing to get it.” You toss the towel in his face with a grin. “I doubt you even had good grip either. I thought you were going to fall and crack your head open on the floor.”
“Please don’t fall in my house and crack your head on the floor.” Wild speaks up. “Blood is so hard to clean up.”
“Know from experience?”
“Don’t tell Twilight.”
“Get lower shelves Wild Child.” Four dries his hands and tosses the troublesome cloth to Wild.
He catches it with blinking and shoves it into his apron. “I’ll take your criticism to the manager and see what we can do.”
“Manager? This is your house! You’re the manager!”
“So? I said what I said!”
“You boys done play fighting or are we going to have to wait to eat?” You ask.
“I’d like to eat now please.”
“On it.”
It was your turn on watch and there was nothing to do.
Not that you were asking for trouble but it would have been nice to at least be able to do patrol or something.
But nooooo... For safety reasons, i.e. the storm just beyond your coverings, everyone was supposed to stay within the camp at all times.
You didn’t disagree with it so to speak. It was more of a mild inconvenience.
That was until Wind got up with whispered...but still loud, curses.
You stood up and tip toed your away around the half hazardly tossed limbs of your comrades. “Everything ok Wind?”
He jumps and grabs the blankets around himself, folding them, bunching them together and curling ever so slightly over himself.
“Everything’s fine!”
“Shh..” You put a finger to your lips and look around the group.
No one woke up.
“What’s got your jimmies in a twist kid?” You squat down and place your hand on the blankets. They’re wet and the smell....
Oh you know what happened.
You stand up again and give him the curtesy of not saying it out loud. “I have a plan but you have to do as I say, no questions asked. We can make it so no one will know what happened. Ever. And this stays between only you and me, ok?”
You wipe your hand on your pants and hold out the opposite one to the boy. He stares at you with a red face and contemplates the choice. After only two seconds of deliberation, he takes your hand and gets up.
You suppose that to have an out, verses having to explain to everyone that he’s been looking up to sounds very appealing in the end. Better for only one person to know than ten.
“You’re lucky it’s still pouring buckets.” you say and grab all the blankets from his bed roll that you can. Chancing a glance at him, you see that his clothes are wet as well, pretty much from the waist down. With another thing to fix, you notice that his very bedroll is right by a huge puddle that had been forming and no one knew.
The hand in the glass water trick, then.
Your friends have seen and done that a few times to a few poor unsuspecting soul.
“Ok, here’s what you’re going to do.” You turn to Wind. “You’re going to change out of your clothes and into some clean ones. And then you’re going back to bed in my bed roll.”
“But where will you sleep?” He asks with a hand gripping his shirt
“I’ll steal it from the next guy.” You lie...kinda... That actually sounds appealing but you don’t think on it too much. “I’ll take the next shift to buy time and I’m going to throw your blankets and bed roll out into the rain, ok?”
“You were too close to the borders of the tarp anyway.” You continue with your plan, throwing them out for a second before turning on your heel and getting some of your clothes for Wind.
You think you might have something that’ll fit him but if not, it’s only to sleep in.
He changes into the clothes while you back out to the blankets.
In your search for the clothes, you dug out your powered soap and tossed some of it on the blankets and bed roll. After rubbing the fabric together to get it sudsy and deep into the material, you set it up against the tree and branches, letting the falling rain drops hit it and filter through.
It’s rudimentary and it took you longer than you wanted because now you’re also soaked to the bone and only halfway through but you think back to being a thirteen year old and how embarrassed you would have been and plow on to save Wind from the same fate.
You step back into the tarp and guide Wind, taking his clothes away to where you were sleeping prior. You’re clothes are way too big on him and it’s honestly more endearing than you would have thought.
“Thanks.” Wind says in a small voice. He’s humiliated, you know but you don’t focus on it.
“Your hand got wet and you pissed yourself in your sleep.” You say and shrug. “My friends and I were... are brats and it’s not the first we’ve played that prank. Put the poor saps in a glass of warm water and watch them pee their pants. It’s funny when it’s planned and well... not you. I won’t tell a soul.”
“You better not.” He sits down in your bed roll and begins to get comfortable. “It’s smells nice.”
“I try.” You grin.
“Do I owe you?” He looks up with big eyes and you think that it makes him look younger than he is.
“It’s on the house.” You wave him off and dash back in the rain to clean the rest of his clothes.
On the way back to cover, you kick the support that was closest to Wind’s spot, sending a torrent of rain upon yourself in the process but the spot where the pirate was is considered useless now.
Wind tilts his head from his spot and you grin. “Cover story.”
The rest of night is spent watching the time, watching the others and taking turns with Wind’s clothes and blankets by the fire so that all three of you can dry off before the sun comes up and the other inevitably ask questions.
By morning you’re dead on your feet, but consider it a job well done. 
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ravensbug · 4 years ago
what was kuvira and y/n’s wedding like?
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Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Kuvira x reader
Request: Yes
Prompt: No
Word Count: 5,477
A/N: Anon you are fueling the fluff train. Keep the ideas coming. Did I combine the cat au with this one, absolutely. It makes it so much better. You’re in for a treat my friend.
Summary: You’re finally getting married. After everything that’s happened to Kuvira she still can’t believe it. But here she is planning the wedding, with Su no less. She wants it to be perfect. The day of the wedding is stressful for you both. It feels like anything could go wrong but it doesn’t. You two are finally together.
No one would have expected Kuvira to be the one planning the wedding. Everyone knew you had the mind for these things. After all, you were a designer. But when Kuvira told you she wanted to do this you let her. You also knew that Su wanted to help, so you stayed out of her way.
Kuvira didn’t keep you out of the loop though. She knew you were curious, but you always had to ask her to show you. She felt like you would always tell her to pick something else. But you didn’t. You liked what she chose, it fit both of you so well. You had to admit you did underestimate Kuvira’s ability to plan the wedding. Su must have helped a lot, but you wouldn’t sell Kuvira short.
You were in charge of the invites. You knew that you were going to invite most of your family, which Kuvira was fine with. You had a few friends you wanted to invite that made her nervous, but you made sure she had no need to worry.  The only people Kuvira invited were the Beifongs. It did surprise you, especially since Jr. was on the list. You knew she had worked things out with him, but you still disliked him.
When you had finished all the invites there were around fifty. You felt kind of bad for how big your family was. You weren’t sure how they would handle Kuvira, or how she would handle them. You had hope that it would be fine, but you could never know.
You were so glad to be done for the day. Planning a wedding was way more stressful than your family made it out to be. You didn’t have all of them to help, so that was probably why. But you knew they would have overwhelmed you.
You heard the door open and leaned over to see it was Kuvira. Almost immediately after Jinx hopped off of the couch to greet her. You smile when you can hear her saying something to the cat before she picks Jinx up.
“I hope she’s not the only one who missed me,” Kuvira smiled. She walked over to you and leaned over to give you a kiss.
“Of course not. Any time without you is too long.” You got up from the desk so you could finally relax.
“I brought some things home for dinner,” Kuvira told you as you gathered all the invitations together.
“What did you get tonight?” you asked curiously. You left the invitations on the table, or else they would get lost.
“I got some crab to make crab puffs. I can make some soup to go with it too,” she told you.
“Where in spirit name did you get crab this time of year?” You came into the kitchen.
“Oh, you know, a certain village that has the best crab fishers in the world.” She was referring to your home town. She wasn’t wrong though. 
“You spoil me,” you teased. “Do you even know how to make crab puffs? I’ve never seen you try.”
“Actually, I don’t. I was hoping you’d be willing to help me make dinner tonight?” she asked. It was so sincere and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Of course I would.” You give her a quick kiss before helping her get everything ready.
It had been a few years since you had made crab puffs. The last time was before you left home to join Kuvira to unite the Earth Kingdom. Your family never fully understood why you left and you never had the proper opportunity to tell them why. It’s not that you didn’t love them, but they were always so overwhelming to you. Even without siblings, you had all these cousins running around and dragging you everywhere.
You knew now with your own space you’ve grown into your own person. You’re more outgoing and there are no more days where you mentally and physically exhausted unless you’re sick. Kuvira would be lying if she said she didn’t notice how different you were from when you two first met. She wouldn’t change it for the world though.
You both moved in sync with each other, grabbing what you needed from either the cabinets or each other. You got the saucepan and poured some oil in it. You turn on the burner and place the pan down to let the oil heat up. You move to the counter and you gather the crab meat, cream cheese, and whatever spices you decide to add it. You made the decision to add some Cayenne Pepper powder, which is what your family liked to use instead of garlic. It sounds weird to anyone outside your family, but you all loved it. You wondered if it would be a surprise to Kuvira.
While you were making the crab mixture Kuvira was busy cutting up some vegetables and leftover meat for whatever soup she was making. You’d had so many over the five years you had been living together that you learned to expect something different every night.
“Which one are you making this time?” You didn’t need to turn to ask her.
“Just a simple Miso soup,” she answered. You knew that Miso soup was never simple in her eyes. With all the extravagant meals the chef cooked at the Beifong estate you completely understood why she liked it. It was simple, but also unique to each person who made it. It was never made the same way twice so she never got tired of it.
Once you finished mixing the crab meat you grabbed the wonton wrappers to place the crab meat in. You were glad that Kuvira had grabbed all the correct ingredients. You managed to make twelve of the crab puffs and put them in the oil to cook four at a time. When they were done you plated them and set the plate on the table. You looked over to Kuvira, who was already filling two bowls with soup.
You grabbed a bottle of sake and poured half a glass for both of you. Another thing you learned, Kuvira didn’t have a high alcohol tolerance despite the fact that Su would serve wine to those who could drink it for dinner. It surprised you when you learned she was a lightweight, but that just made things more fun.
She handed you your bowl of soup and a spoon so you can sit down and start eating. She joins you shortly after so you’re together. Most of the time you two eat in silence, you don’t need to talk now. There would be plenty of that after dinner.
“I hope you like them,” you smile when you see Kuvira reach for one of the crab puffs. You decide to leave out the information about the Cayenne pepper, for now. You waited to see her reaction, if she did have one, but she didn’t.
“You added Cayenne pepper didn’t you?” You were honestly shocked.
“How did you know?” you asked.
“I’ve learned my spices from the chef at the estate and I happened to bump into someone who told me it was a good spice to add,” Kuvira told you with a smirk.
“So you’ve met someone in my family then,” you confirmed.
“I guess I did. I suppose you won’t tell me who though.” She raised an eyebrow.
“Even if you did describe them I still probably wouldn’t know. I have way too many cousins to keep them all straight.” You got her to laugh a little.
“It’s true!” you pouted.
“I never said I didn’t believe you,” she laughed more.
You two finished your dinner shortly after. Both of you had finished the crab puffs and you each had more than one bowl of soup. Kuvira stored the remaining soup for another day, whenever you two weren’t together to eat.  She noticed you had left a piece of crab out and knew exactly who it was for.
Jinx was laying down somewhere else in the apartment, but when she heard her food bowl get filled she came trotting into the kitchen. Kuvira placed the piece of crab on top of the food, knowing Jinx would dig it out anyway.
You two cleaned the rest of the kitchen up while Jinx ate. It was nice, even though you never liked cleaning up after a meal. Right now it keeps your mind off of all the wedding thoughts.
When you two finish you both retire to the bedroom, tired after all the day's events. Kuvira more so than you. She’s been walking all day while talking with Su. She beats you sitting and writing invites for the most exhausting task.
You pick up the book from your nightstand and open it to where you had left off. In your absentmindedness, you had begun twirling the metal bookmark in the air. A habit you had to keep yourself distracted from even thinking about what happened during the day. Also something Kuvira has learned over the years. You only realize you’re doing it when you see her grab it from the air and place it back in the book. She knows you weren’t really paying attention to the story anyway.
“What’s bothering you?” her voice is full of concern. She could make an endless list of things that she thought could be wrong and not voice a single one of them. 
“My family I guess. Not in a bad way, but I’m worried about what they’ll think of you. They can get to be a lot pretty quickly,” you explained.
“I survived Opal and the twins. I’m sure your family isn’t nearly as bad as them,” Kuvira tried to make you feel better. It works a little, considering all the stories she’s told you of the three of them and the chaos they caused her.
“I just don’t want them to overwhelm you like they do with me,” you worded your frustration differently.
“I’ll be fine. Plus I can always find excuses to go back to you if they do become too much,” she reassured you.
“Y/N I love you. You know that right?” she asked in a more serious tone.
“Of course I do. We wouldn’t be getting married if you didn’t,” you joked.
“Well, then you should know that the way your family is won’t affect anything between us.” She placed her hand on your cheek to turn your head towards her.
“I know…” you sighed. Words were being frustrating at now of all times.
“It’s ok to be worried. You don’t think I am?” She asked.
“I have to deal with Su pestering me over every decision I make, not that it's abnormal for her to do,” Kuvira sighed.
“I can’t even imagine what she’s like right now,” you try not to laugh.
“Spirits, she is so detail orientated. Every little thing has to match. She keeps trying to change the flowers I chose but I won’t let her,” she complains.
“Oh, why’s that?” you ask. You had a feeling it was a more personal reason than just her own preference.
“She says they don’t match as well as some others will, but I chose your favorite. I don’t want to change that.” She looks away and you can see the blush on her face. You finally place the book back on your nightstand and roll back over to snuggle into Kuvira.
“I love you, Vira,” you smile. You feel her wrap her arms around you to keep you close. The bed dips a bit at the bottom, telling you that Jinx has hopped up on the bed. It was a nice ending to a stressful day even though there would be more stress to come.
It was the day of the wedding and you couldn’t be more nervous. Kuvira had gone to the Beifong estate, per Su’s request, to get ready. You were getting ready in your apartment, with the assistance of your mother and Bolin of all people. He refuses to not help because you’re his ‘best friend and that’s what friends do!’ Bolin was also good at keeping you calm.
“Bolin the shawl is fine!” you told him as he corrected it for the fourth time. Your mom was a little skeptical about Bolin when he came to help, but you assured her he was fine. He was fine, but right now he was being a little excessive.
“Now it is! Y/N you have to look your best today! I’ll accept nothing less,” he smiled.
“Thanks, Bolin,” you smiled. “You can go join the rest of the gang if you want to. There isn’t really anything else to do.”
“Well, then I’ll see you at the wedding. Don’t be late!” he joked as he left your apartment. That left you and your mom alone and for once it was nice. You hadn’t really spent time with individual members of your family, because everyone was always home. It was different, but you needed it still.
“How’s my little cherry blossom doing?” She stood in front of you. She was a few inches shorter than you, but refused to stop calling you that. It always made you blush, but you never asked her to stop. The nickname was a part of your unique connection with her compared to the rest of your family. She was the only one who could call you that.
“I’m great mom,” you smiled. There was underlying nervousness and excitement, but you did your best to keep that at bay.
“I know it’s late to ask you this, but does she make you happy?” she asked you with genuine concern. It had been a long time since she had last seen Kuvira. The last time was before you left to join her. Of course your mom was concerned. You knew she was worried about the person Kuvira had become during those three years.
“Mom, of course she does. It may not have always been perfect between the two of us, but we’ve come a long way since then.” She didn’t truly understand how, but she wasn’t going to try and change your mind. You were stubborn to a fault once you decided on something, much like your father.
You and your mother left your house with enough time to get to the wedding venue. You made sure to say goodbye to Jinx before you left just so she knew you loved her. Su, being Su, had chosen one of the open spaces of the Beifong estate. She asked you specifically about this to make sure it didn’t make you uncomfortable.
Your father was waiting for you both outside of the seating area. He was wearing a suit and you were surprised. He never wears fancy clothes unless your mother forces him to.
“Did mom make you wear the suit?” you asked as your father hugged you.
“Only the jacket and bowtie,” he smiled.
“Are you ready?” Your father asked after your mother had left to go sit down.
“Are you ready dad?” you asked. He wasn’t a man of many emotions, but the ones he had were strong. You could see the tears he was trying to fight and gave him a smile.
“Yes, and I couldn’t be more proud.” he smiled.
You two walked down the aisle and the music started to play. Nothing fancy, probably Kuvira’s doing, but it was still nice. The people seated began to quiet down and turned towards you and your father. Kuvira was talking to Opal about something before she heard the music and looked over to you. The adoration on her face was unmatched, even by your father. You both had waited and suffered through too much for this to feel real.
When you finally joined her your heart was racing. Yes, you both had practiced this before, but it was for real this time. You didn’t want to mess up now. You couldn’t mess up now.
“Please join hands,” the minister asks you both. You hold your hands out and Kuvira takes them. You can feel her usual steadiness is gone, replaced with the nervousness that you both feel.
"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows." The minister looks at you both.
“I, Kuvira take you, Y/N for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward.” Kuvira did her best to keep her emotions in check. You saw through the usual stoic expression she gave.
“I, Y/N take you, Kuvira for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward.” You of course didn’t even try to hold back the smile that appeared on your face.
The minister grabs the rings from where they were placed after Naga brought them in. Kuvira thought it was completely unnecessary to have the Polar bear-dog bring the rings, but both you and Korra asked her every day for almost a week.
“May the Spirits bless these rings which you give to each other as your sign of Love, Devotion, and everlasting peace.” The minister held the rings up before handing both of you each other's rings.
“As you place this ring on your partner's finger I ask that you repeat these words.”
“This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring, I thee wed,” he spoke the words. You both repeated him as you put the rings on each other’s fingers.
“For as much as Kuvira and Y/N have consented together in matrimony and have witnessed the same before the spirits and those present, and have pledged their faithfulness, each to the other, and have declared their love by giving and receiving rings and by joining hands, I now, by the authority committed unto me as a minister and a priest, declare that Kuvira and Y/N are wifes according to the ordinance of the spirits. Those whom the spirits have joined together, let no one put asunder.” The minister went through his required lines. You were beginning to become impatient, just wanting this to be official.
“May the peace and the unconditional love of the spirits surround you and remain with you,” he smiled.
“You may seal your vows with a kiss.”
You practically jumped on Kuvira. There were things about this kiss that felt the same, the feeling of her smiling as you kissed, the warmth it gave you. But there was the one big difference: this meant you two were married now. You never want to forget this moment.
Did you two kiss until you ran out of breath? Definitely. Neither of you minded and you didn’t pay attention to the raised eyebrows and smirks of others.
“Allow me to present Mrs. and Mrs. Beifong.” You both turned to everyone. You see your family all smiling at you, for once not being overwhelming. You see Su, Baatar, and the other Beifong kids smiling. Jr. looks a little upset, but that was a fact you knew.
You notice an older couple, around Su and Baatar’s age, sitting farther in the back. You don’t recognize their faces and you wonder who they are. You think back on the invitations and how you weren’t the one to send them out. You only wrote them, well almost all of them. An idea in the back of your mind made it’s home there, waiting for a better opportunity for you to ask Kuvira who exactly those two were.
The reception was much more familiar to your home life than the wedding was. The kids were chaotic as usual and there were the teens assigned to hunt them down. You missed this a little more than you cared to admit.
Catching up with family members was nice, most of them kept the conversations short so you wouldn’t get bored. You’d probably talked to half the people there by the time you decided to take a seat for a while. Even after years of not dealing with them, your family was still draining.
“Taking a break?” Kuvira had walked over to you after talking with your father about something. They got along surprisingly well and you were glad.
“Yeah. Already overwhelmed again,” you sighed.
“If you weren’t so keen on catching up with everyone as fast as possible, maybe you wouldn’t be so tired.” Kuvira raised an eyebrow. She sipped some of the wine in the glass she held when she saw you give her a mildly offended look.
“Yes, I know you’re far more social than I am,” she rolled her eyes. “But you really don’t have to do it so fast.”
“Habits I guess,” you shrugged. She grabbed your hand that was resting on the table and gently squeezed. It was the silent ‘I love you’ that she’s been giving you in the past few years. You give her a smile in return and she walks off to go talk with someone else. You watch as she walks over to the twins, who both give her a playful punch on the arm. The only two who could ever keep up with her in your opinion.
After she walked off you caught a glance of the older couple once again. They were sitting down and talking to each other. They looked happy, not as happy as everyone else, but simply content with where they were. You finished the glass of wine you had in your hand to help with whatever nerves you had. You were going to talk to them, learn who they were.
You were stopped by only a few family members while walking over to the couple. You kept those conversations short as well, but you took Kuvira’s advice and slowed yourself down. To your surprise, it actually helped you. You would have to thank her later for that.
You finally made it to the couple and they took notice of you right away. You felt a little awkward so you introduced yourself.
“I’m Y/N. I don’t believe we’ve met before.” You held out your hand. The man took it and gave you a firm handshake. His wife, you assumed, just nodded at you.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ruong and this is my wife Keeva.” Ruong introduced himself and his wife.
“It seems like you two go well together,” Keeva pointed out. You could see she wasn’t looking at you, but over your shoulder. You guessed she was looking at Kuvira based on her statement.
“There have been a few ups and downs, but she’s amazing. A lot has happened since we got together. I don’t know how we would have handled it if we weren’t together,” you smiled. Keeva clearly liked you more than Ruong did. You could tell there was some disdain in his look.
“I don’t mean to be invasive with this question, but because I don’t recognize you, you have to be here for Kuvira don’t you?” you asked. Keeva gave you a small nod.
“We are…” Keeva answered. You could tell she wanted to say more. You weren’t sure why she didn’t. You struck a more casual conversation with them to ease whatever tension that had created. You knew they were Kuvira’s parents, they didn’t need to say it.
Kuvira had seen you leave your chair after she was done talking and messing around, a little, with the twins. She looked around for you amongst your family and when she did see you, in the obvious white dress, the feeling of dread crept up on her. She knew where you had gone and wasn’t ready for you to have done that yet.
She grabbed another glass of wine and downed it quickly, numbing her nerves so she could get the inevitable over and done with. She weaved through the crowds to where she knew her parents were sitting. When she saw you standing there with them, laughing and having a good time she was shocked.
She came up next to you and only startled you a bit. You smiled at her and she gave a faint smile back.
“Vira, I was just having a nice conversation with your parents,” you told her. She froze still because you knew. She didn’t blame you and your curiosity, but she wanted this whole interaction to be on her own terms.
“Could I talk to you for a minute?” she asked you. You understood now that talking to them on your own wasn’t what Kuvira wanted to happen. You heard the strain and hesitation in her voice.
“Of course.” You stood up and followed her. About halfway through her taking you somewhere to talk you took her hand. A reassuring gesture that you knew she needed right now. When you two got somewhere more quiet she stopped and turned to you. The look of uncertainty on her face was something you haven’t seen since she surrendered at Republic City.
“Hey, what’s wrong.” You placed your hand on her cheek.
“You mean other than the obvious?” She snapped at you.
“Vira, I didn’t know how you wanted me to meet them and I didn’t even know they were coming. I got a little curious.” It was sort of an apology and an explanation at the same time.
“I know, I just wanted to be there. My father can be a bit...harsh at times,” she sighed.
“Yeah, I think I got that. He doesn’t like jokes very much. Your mom seems to find me very funny,” you give her a small smile. She can’t help but laugh at that fact. Of course that’s how you interact with them.
“I wanted to be there with you when you met them.” You figured that when she dragged you off.
“I’m sorry.” You gave her a kiss, trying to make up for the panic you had caused her.
“No, it’s ok. I’m glad you met them. I honestly couldn’t have stopped you from doing that anyway,” she smiles.
“Yeah, you’re right about that,” you smirk.
“We should go back, I’m sure the music will start playing soon if my mother has anything to say about it.” You rolled your eyes at the thought and heard Kuvira let out a chuckle. You two had never really danced together that often. You were too embarrassed by your dancing skills, or lack thereof. You had some practice, but you felt like a clutz compared to Kuvira. She would always compliment you, which just made you blush and then mess up. 
When you two got back there was already music playing. There were a few people dancing, either couples or adults and kids. You looked over to Kuvira who smiled. She knew that this wasn’t the time to dance yet.
You had a plan for the dancing. You wanted at least a song or two to dance with her, one with your father of course, and then your song. Kuvira had no idea about your song, or that you were going to be singing in general. It was your big surprise for her.
She stayed close to you throughout the first song. You knew she was going to ask you to dance for the next song, you could see it on her face. That tiny smirk whenever she would look over at you.
The song ended and changed to a slower one. A favorite of yours and your father. He walked over to you and took your hand. You were thankful that your father wasn’t a skillful dancer like Kuvira, because he would have embarrassed you with it.
The dance was slower than the last. There was a feeling of peace surrounding you, that whatever stress accumulated throughout the day practically vanished altogether.
You looked over to Kuvira and saw her father walking over to her. You couldn’t help the smirk on your face and she was slightly confused by it. You indirectly watched their interaction, how her father didn’t look confident at all. Reminded you a lot of her trying to dance with you for the first time.
Your father looked at you with a raised eyebrow since he saw that Kuvira had actually accepted her father’s request to dance. You only smiled and shrugged. You didn’t have time to explain it to him and you knew he would ask them questions if you couldn’t answer them.
When you caught a glimpse of them together it was the first time you had seen Kuvira smile with her father. Granted she might have before, but you don’t really know. You would say this night couldn’t get any better, but there was one thing that could and you just had to wait a bit.
The song came to an end and you gave your father a tight hug and you both went to sit down for a bit. You watched Kuvira and her father have a short conversation before she came to sit next to you. You couldn’t tell what emotion she was feeling because there was too much to read on her face.
“Hey, you ok?” You grabbed her hand gently. You must have brought her out of her own thoughts because you felt her hand tense in response.
“What? Oh, yes I’m fine.” she still seemed out of it.
“You sure?” You didn’t want to press for details, but you weren’t going to just leave this be.
“For once I am.” You saw the content smile, that she’s rarely shown to anyone, appear on her face. You guessed her father had said something and you thanked the spirits that it wasn’t something bad.
“Good, there’s one more thing happening tonight that I think you’ll like,” you gave her a sly grin.
“Oh, and what’s that?” she raised an eyebrow.
“You can wait to find out.” You kissed her on the cheek before getting up. You heard her try and say something, but she was fumbling with her words.
You walked over to the band, already feeling everyone’s eyes on you. You had only told Su about what you wanted to do, knowing Kuvira wasn’t good with picking music. You looked over to Su and the smile she gave you made you more confident about what you were going to do.
The band knew what you wanted to do. They had music for this. The singer simply handed you the microphone and gave you a thumbs up. The band started with a soft, but upbeat sound. Setting you up for when you would come in. You took a deep break and turned around to start singing.
Some day, when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
Everyone had stopped talking when you started singing. It made your heart beat even faster knowing that, but you focused on Kuvira. This was your song for her. You wanted to know how she felt about it.
Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight
You motioned for people to start dancing. It would help with your nerves and it was meant to be danced to as well.
With each word your tenderness grows
Tearin' my fear apart
And that laugh, wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
Your parents were the first to start dancing. Thankfully that encouraged others to join in. You even saw Kuvira’s parents join in. You were mildly surprised by that.
Lovely, never, never change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight
You watched Kuvira get up and walk over to you. You were smiling while singing and she gave you that content smile that she had before. She held out her hand and you gladly took it. You knew you weren’t great at dancing, but right now you were focusing on singing. Kuvira didn’t mind either of those things.
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart
Lovely, don't you ever change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
'Cause I love you
Just the way you look tonight
You took the microphone away from your face and leaned into Kuvira, singing the last part just for her.
Mm, mm, mm, mm,
Just the way you look tonight
Everyone was clapping for you because of how beautiful the song was. You were too busy kissing Kuvira to be embarrassed about that. Now you could really say tonight couldn’t get any better.
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unbridgeabledistances · 4 years ago
Prompt: mickey is walking with Franny when Terry shows up. Mickey protects Franny. Franny runs home where ian and family are and shouts that a man is hurting uncle mickey. Basically hurt mickey, protective ian. Ian conforting Mickey afterwards!
anon this is so GOOD !!! i LOVE some mickey & franny content, plus gallavich comfort :’) this is somewhat intense and got way too long lol, but the whole thing was so fun to write and i hope u enjoy <3
also my asks are open for more prompts! (since i am on winter break & bored out of my mind lol)
& ofc, tw for homophobia and physical violence
“C’mon kiddo! Bet you can’t catch me!”
“Yes, Uncle Mickey, yes I can!”
The sun was beating down onto the slushy pavement of the South Side, reflecting off the gritty late-winter snow that remained on the sides of the road and nearly blinding Mickey as he tried to lightly jog down the slippery sidewalk, just outside of Franny’s reach. Franny, who was a tottering bundle in her thick winter coat, a scratchy-looking red woolen scarf Tami had given her for Christmas, and a pink sparkly winter hat Debbie had forced over her ears before Mickey took her outside to play, was running as fast as she could to stay on Mickey’s heels.
Mickey hadn’t meant to take Franny as far away from the Gallagher house, into the winding South Side neighborhoods, as he had—Debbie was having some sort of meltdown about her business going to shit after a situation with organic snacks and climbing out a window (Mickey wasn’t even going to ask)—and sensing tensions were high, Mickey had pulled Franny out the back door to run around and play “gangsters,” her new favorite game, with the toy guns he’d gotten her for Christmas. They were going to stick to playing in the backyard, mostly because it was fucking freezing and almost dark outside, until Franny was about to encroach on Mickey’s fictional gang’s territory under the porch stairs, and of course Mickey couldn’t have that—so now they were racing through the streets, with Franny giggling and practically tripping over her own clunky winter boots every few steps.
“Is that all you’ve got, Wonder Woman? Come and get me!” Mickey called to Franny over his shoulder.
“I’m gonna get you! I will, Uncle Mickey!”
Mickey chuckled as he kept running, and felt his heart soften. As shitty as he’d always been with kids, and how often he always froze in panic anytime he’d had to take care of Yev back in the day, he had to admit that goofing around with Franny was pretty fucking fun.
And that also just made him depressed, because he knew that she was going to grow up surrounded by all of this bullshit—the dysfunctional family, Frank’s shenanigans, the drugs and beat downs, the mom with an ankle bracelet. Right now, Franny was just a kid—the neighborhood hadn’t taken its toll on her yet.
Luckily, Mickey didn’t have shit to do all day—he barely had a job aside from security for Kev and V’s practically non-existent pot side business, so he had plenty of time to play with Franny. If he could do anything with his life right now, he could make sure that Franny had some happy memories to cut through all the bullshit life was inevitably about to throw to her.
Mickey continued to run, lost in thought, until Franny caught up to him and sharply tugged on the back of his coat.
“I win, Uncle Mickey, I win! Now I’m gonna blow your face off!” Franny said with a playful scowl as she held up her toy gun.
Mickey chuckled and put his hands up in the air in resignation, turning to face Franny. “Alright, kid, you got me. Nice work.”
He held his hand out for Franny to high-five, which she gave willingly before pulling off her sparkly pink hat and throwing it on the ground.
“I’m too hot. Uncle Mickey, can we go home now? I think I know the way back.”
Mickey ruffled her hair. “Sounds good, kiddo. Lead the way.”
Just as they were about to start walking in the direction of the Gallagher house, a gruff voice came from behind them, mingling with the blowing wind.
Oh fuck.
Mickey turned around slowly, giving a quick mental prayer to whatever god that existed, if god even did fucking exist, that the voice he heard wasn’t the one he thought he had.
In the end, it was as bad as his worst nightmare.
Terry stood six feet in front of him on the ice-caked sidewalk, a lit cigarette dangling out of the corner of his mouth (just like it always was), his hands visibly curled into fists by his sides. Mickey took in a sharp breath, and tried to quell the wave of panic overtaking him. Calm the fuck down. Mickey tried to remember the checklist of what he always had to do when he saw his dad, a survival tactic he hadn’t had to think about for months: Keep your eyes down. See if you can smell alcohol. Look at his waistline and see if he has a gun.
Mickey’s eyes flickered to Terry’s pockets. No gun, thank fucking god. He slowly reached out behind him to take Franny’s tiny gloved hand, mentally cursing himself for letting them walk this far from home. Then he looked Terry in the eyes and swallowed. You can do this.
“Hiya, pops. What’re you doing over here on this beautiful Tuesday afternoon?”
Terry’s eyes narrowed, his stance still aggressive, but he remained rooted a safe distance away. “Don’t make fucking small talk with me, fairy boy.” He paused and took a drag of his cigarette. “Didn’t think I’d ever see you around here.”
“Well, I guess today’s your lucky day. About time for a family reunion.”
Terry gave a bitter, menacing chuckle that sent a shiver of remembrance down Mickey’s spine. “Who’s the kid?”
“Uh. It’s Debbie’s kid.” My niece, he bit back. My husband’s sister’s daughter.
Franny looked up at Mickey, not in confusion but in wide-eyed understanding. Franny was only five, sure, but she wasn’t stupid; she’d seen her fair share of violent shit go down on the street in front of her, and she knew what aggression looked like—what it looked like when someone was about to attack. Mickey looked back at her, and ever-so-slightly raised his eyebrows in what he hoped was a warning. Get ready to run, kid.
“Huh.” Terry threw his cigarette butt on the ground, slowly grinding the ash into the slush with the toe of his shoe. “Funny that you’re out here with her, all on your own. No one else on the street, not for blocks.”
Mickey exhaled, attempting to still his racing heart. On a different day, when he wasn’t so caught off guard by Terry’s presence, he would have ended this here and now; pulled a gun and put a bullet right through his father’s homophobic skull. But Terry was right—there was no one outside for miles, no one stirring behind the curtains of the houses lining the streets, no one to call for help if Terry physically overpowered him and kicked the life out of him. And Franny was still holding his hand.
“Yeah, well. We’re just goin’ for a walk. And we’re gonna head back now, if you’re… done.”
Terry held Mickey’s gaze, unblinking. When he spoke, his voice was low and ice cold. “When the fuck was I ever done with you?”
It all happened in an instant, but also in terrifyingly smooth slow motion—Terry charged at Mickey, fists raised, skidding across the ice in a blur.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, you deformed excuse for a Milkovich!”
Terry was seething with the same fiery anger as when he flipped the table at Yevgeny’s christening, the night he found out that Mickey was gay—as he raced across the pavement, all Mickey could do was think about how to get Franny out of here before his father’s fist connected with his face. He gently shoved Franny behind him towards the sidewalk leading to the Gallagher house.
“Go, Franny, go!” He choked out, before Terry thrust a punch to his stomach and Mickey doubled over, kneeling on the damp sidewalk.
Terry’s shadow hovered over Mickey, and he knelt down, grabbing the hair at the scruff of Mickey’s neck. Mickey could smell his breath, all stale cigarettes and burnt coffee, like it had been for the past thirty years of his life.
“Been waiting a long time for this,” Terry said through his teeth. Mickey gathered every ounce of strength that he could— thank you, Kev Fit membership— and crashed his own head into his father’s, toppling him over and pinning him down. He quickly glanced over his shoulder, and saw Franny’s bootprints leading down the street, saw a flash of a red scarf turning the final corner a few blocks down. Thank god.
Terry squirmed under Mickey’s iron grip on his wrists. “Get off me, assfucker!”
“Sorry, Dad, no can do.” Mickey could almost grin. All he had to do was knock his dad out cold, and this whole thing could be over—
Out of nowhere Terry’s right arm broke free, striking Mickey’s side and toppling him onto the pavement.
“I’ve got you now,” Terry drawled, and that was the last thing Mickey heard before Terry’s boot stuck into his side and he saw stars.
The sun had almost set beneath the clouds, casting a warm glow through the front windows of the Gallagher house. Ian and Carl sat in the living room, engaged in particularly immersive debate about the accuracy of cop drama TV shows in an attempt to drown out Debbie’s continued melodrama of reading her bad Yelp reviews.
“Nah, man, I’m telling you, there’s no way an EMT would actually get to the scene that quickly anyways—"
There was a soft series of frantic knocks at the front door, so gentle Ian barely would have heard it if the TV volume wasn’t turned to a low hum. Ian sprang up and swung the front door open to… Franny?
A tear-stained, snow-soaked Franny, with matted hair and a scarf hanging half off her neck.
“Uncle Ian! Uncle Ian, we have to go help Uncle Mickey!”
What the fuck?
“Franny, what’s the matter?” Ian tried to gently guide her inside out of the cold, but Franny stomped her boots and shoved Ian’s hand away.
“We have to go now Uncle Ian! A man is hitting Uncle Mickey! We have to go quick!”
Ian froze. Shit. There were plenty of people who wanted an excuse to beat the crap out of Mickey, most of whom Mickey could take— but regardless, Ian didn’t want anyone fucking up Mickey’s parole.
“Oh, shit. Okay. Franny, can you take me to Uncle Mickey?”
Franny fervently nodded. “He’s up the street. I was chasing him when we were playing.”
Ian turned to call over his shoulder. “Hey, can anyone help me back Mickey up in a fight with some dude?”
Carl put his hands up in resignation. “Don’t look at me, man. I should be a mile away from any instance of Mickey breaking his parole.”
Sandy darted into the living room, from the kitchen where she had been consoling Debbie. “Mickey’s in a fight?”
“Apparently. He was playing with Franny down the road and now Franny’s back here.”
Sandy looked at the disheveled Franny standing in the doorway. “Shit. I’ll grab my shoes.”
“Uncle Ian, we have to go now!”
“Okay, we’re coming Franny. Lead the way.”
Franny guided them down the sidewalk, the three of them casting dark shadows onto the roadside piles of snow as the sun disappeared beneath the clouds. “This way!”
Ian didn’t really know what he was expecting to see as they turned the final corner, the street almost totally enveloped in darkness— maybe Mickey pinning some guy up against a wall, or in the back of a cop car. But he was certainly not prepared to see Mickey as a static heap sprawled on the sidewalk, while the unmistakable figure of Terry Milkovich stood above him, pummeling Ian’s husband.
Sandy noticed Terry’s presence before Ian could even react to what was going on. “Uh, Franny, hey, can you walk back to the house please?”
Before he knew what he was doing, Ian’s feet were sprinting down the street. “Terry! Get the FUCK off of him!”
Ian could barely register his body’s movements as he smashed his fist into Terry’s nose and tackled him to the ground. Terry spit in Ian’s face. “Fucking Gallagher!”
Ian hit Terry once again, keeping him pinned down. He struck him over and over, not stopping to process if he was even moving, or breathing, or fighting back.
“Hey! Everyone calm the fuck down!”
Ian looked up over his shoulder—Sandy was standing above them, pointing a gun directly at Terry, whose face was now bashed and bloody.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen, my dear Uncle Terry,” Sandy said in a sickly-sweet voice that didn’t match her iron gaze. “Ian’s going to get off of you, and you’re going to stand up and walk down the street back to your shithole house. And you’re going to watch your fucking back, because you never know when I could decide to come home one night while you’re asleep and make you regret everything you did this evening. Are we clear?”
Terry’s eyes narrowed, panting as he stayed pinned beneath Ian. “Those Gallagher queers got you too, huh?”
Sandy cocked the gun even more aggressively in Terrys direction, her thumb teasing the safety.
“That’s not how it works, dumbass. Unlike some pieces of garbage in this neighborhood, the Gallagher family actually cares about each other. Now—are we clear?”
Terry scowled at Ian, and gave a curt nod. “Get the fuck off me, fag.”
Ian didn’t budge. “Sandy, no,” Ian snarled.
“Ian, we’ll deal with him later.”
Ian looked up at Sandy, who met his eyes with an expectant gaze, still holding the gun directly at Terry. It took every ounce of strength Ian had to kneel and rise from the ground—it would be so easy to knock Terry out, to tell Sandy to pull to trigger, to put all the pain he’d caused behind them. To finally feel safe.
Terry immediately stood, and looked at Mickey on the ground, practically unconscious and his blood mingling with the snow. Terry opened his mouth to say some final retort— but Sandy clicked off the safety of the gun, steadily pointing it in his direction, and Terry promptly closed his mouth again. He turned and walked away.
Ian was immediately at Mickey’s side. “Fuck, Mickey, fuck.” Ian choked out. “Hey, look at me.”
Mickey had definitely hit his head, hard—there was a gash on his forehead dripping blood down his face, just like the night of Yevgeny’s christening when they’d watched Terry be forced into the back of a cop car. He looked up at Ian, his eyes drifting in and out of focus. Ian quickly scanned the rest of Mickey’s body—aside from a few solid kicks to the ribs, his head injury seemed to be the only major issue. Ian gently ran a hand through his hair.
“Mickey, hey, can you stand up? We’ve gotta get you home.”
First, get Mickey home— only then could Ian actually let himself process everything that had happened, and swallow down the bile rising from his stomach. First, Mickey had to be safe.
Sandy leaned over next to Ian. “Do you think we’re gonna have to carry him?”
“Uh, yeah I think so. Can you grab his legs?”
Mickey forced his heavy eyelids open, hazy and disoriented. He blinked, trying to clear the sleep out of his eyes. The blurry outlines of he and Ian’s bedroom, cloaked in darkness, slowly came into focus. He could feel the scratchy crocheted blanket on top of him, but aside from that his limbs were so heavy and numb he could barely move. A dull pain throbbed in the back of his head. Fuck.
“You awake?”
Ian was curled next to him in bed, not touching any part of Mickey’s aching body but leaning in close, nearly a centimeter away. Ian’s hand reached up and gently wiped a damp piece of hair off of Mickey’s forehead. Mickey winced.
“Sorry. How d’you feel?”
“I’ve definitely felt better,” Mickey croaked. “What time is it?”
“Almost 1 a.m. You’ve been out for a few hours,” Ian replied in a low voice.
“Shit.” Mickey closed his eyes. They were silent in the darkness for a few moments, but Mickey could feel Ian’s eyes on him. “My head fuckin’ hurts. What’s your prognosis, doc?”
“You definitely have a concussion. It probably won’t be a big deal in a week or two. You don’t need stitches or anything, though. And I did some EMT magic on your ribs, which mostly just means I put ice on them while you were sleeping.”
Mickey smirked, his eyes still closed—partially from the headache, but partially because he didn’t want to look Ian in the eyes yet. “Franny okay?”
“Yeah, she’s all good.”
“And, uh. Terry?”
He could feel Ian stiffen beside him. “Probably at home, being the same lowlife asshole he always has been. Sandy pulled a gun on him.”
Mickey opened his eyes, and could see through the darkness that Ian’s own eyes looked puffy and worn. It killed him to see Ian suffering, once again, because of him— it felt like they were always battling something at every turn, sure, but in Mickey’s case, it was almost always Terry they were fighting against.
“Fuck. When I’m less tired, and my body feels less like shit, remind me to go kill him, yeah?”
Ian laughed bitterly. “Yeah, I almost tried that tactic myself. I think Sandy scared the shit out of him, though. We’ll figure out what to do if he… acts up again.”
Mickey knew it was a lot more complicated than that, and that in the morning he would probably be seething and grabbing his guns and marching down to Terry’s house with fire in his eyes, but they didn’t need to dwell on that right now. Right now it was quiet, and Ian’s body was pressed against his, and Mickey was wrapped in a warm blanket in a bed with his husband. They were safe.
“I’ve thought I’d lost you thousands of times, Mick, but tonight really scared me” Ian softly whispered, cutting through the silence. “I thought… I don’t know, when I saw you on the sidewalk, I thought after all the shit your dad has said, I might’ve been too late.”
Mickey took a sharp breath in, making his ribs sting, while Ian kept talking.
“When you were in jail, or in Mexico, I knew you were always out there, and I guess knowing that always kept me going. But knowing I could have lost you again tonight—I don’t know, it scared the shit out of me,” Ian said, his voice breaking.
Mickey mustered all the strength he had, and slightly shifted his weight onto his left side to face Ian, whose eyes were glassy. Beneath all of Ian’s macho shit the past few weeks, it was so easy to look at him and forget that he was still also that tired, scared kid from the South Side that Mickey met ten years ago, one who didn’t know if good things could be permanent or if other people could stick around. Mickey put his hand up to Ian’s face, running his thumb up and down his cheekbone.
“Hey. C’mere.”
Ian wrapped his arms around Mickey—gently at first, like he was gliding his fingers over something precious, and then fully wrapping his arms around him, and burying his face in the hair on top of Mickey’s head. Mickey could feel Ian’s heartbeat through his thin t-shirt, feel the warmth radiating off of his biceps that encircled him. Ian pressed a kiss to the top of Mickey’s head, where his forehead met his hairline.
“I’m here, Gallagher,” Mickey whispered into Ian’s skin. “I’m not going anywhere. No one’s gonna change that shit.”
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years ago
It’s never too late to realise
This was prompted by an amazing anon! I hope you like it, I somehow think I could have made this better. Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Characters: Gavin Reed, RK900 [Part2]
Gavin sighed and opened a new document. ‘Gavin.’ ‘Hmm?’ He looked up at the android sitting opposite of him. ‘Your appointment is in ten minutes, are you sure you want to start that report right now?’ ‘The phck is your problem surveying my goddamn terminal?’, Gavin called over before turning back to his screen and shrugging, adding a bit calmer: ‘Didn’t plan on going.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Hey, tin-can, I don’t want to talk to another phcking shrink about my life again, okay? And this week I can get away with it, pretending I didn’t know they already replaced the old one.’ ‘Oh, I’m sure it is terrible’, Nines prodded him. ‘My name is Gavin, I’m an asshole and I hate everyone, now give me the okay to look at dead people.’ ‘That’s not how this works!’, Gavin hissed back. ‘Oh, I’m sorry’, Nines chuckled. ‘My name is Gavin, I’m a socially inept asshole, who hates everyone, ask me your questions I will without doubt find witty comebacks to instead of actually working on my problems and then give me the okay to look at dead people.’ Gavin felt how his shoulders tensed, because phck this tin-can, seriously! As if a machine could understand- ‘Phck it, fine, I’ll go if only to get away from your useless ass.’
Gavin really didn’t want to go. For entirely different reasons than his plastic partner thought of, but honestly it was better he just thought Gavin was too stubborn to get help. No, Gavin knew he needed it, needed some sort of guidance to help him come to terms and ultimately get over his problems. But he also knew the last therapist hadn’t been of any help, so why try again? Maybe he just had to get himself together and press on. Maybe he really just imagined it and if he wouldn’t be this goddamn weak then he could- He sighed as he knocked at the office door at point twelve. ‘Come in!’ So, another try then.
He sat down opposite to the human – were they even human? – therapist. ‘Hello! You must be Detective Reed. My name is Elise Thorn. It’s a pleasure to meet you!’ Gavin took her hand and shook it, grimacing. ‘Let’s see how that changes in a week’s time’, he grumbled. ‘Let’s see how that’ll be then indeed’, she just answered, still smiling. ‘Miss Lisa really didn’t leave a lot of notes behind, so I guess we’ll have to start from scratch again. I’m sorry about that. Would you tell me a bit about yourself? What progress did you make with your previous therapist?’ Gavin laughed ugly. Progress? For real? ‘Well, as it likely states in my file, I have trouble working with androids and there is a severe case of anger issues. That’s about it.’ ‘Okay… Then let’s start with your trouble with androids. What would that be exactly?’
‘I’m afraid of androids.’ Heh, the last time he had said that, Miss Lisa had just laughed him in the face, telling him the revolution was over and that her kind didn’t plan on overthrowing humanity anymore. ‘That’s not what I’m afraid of.’ ‘Then what are you afraid of?’ ‘Their strength. The way they don’t show feelings.’ ‘You do know that’s pretty racist, right? You really shouldn’t think that way.’ Yeah, right. As if Gavin would make the same mistake a second time.
‘I can’t trust androids. My… My partner never did anything, and I should be having no doubts with him, but… yeah. I somehow always think he will turn on me and-‘ ‘And?’ The woman wasn’t smiling, but her face was still looking supportive, so Gavin continued: ‘I always expect androids to fake being friendly and civil and then turn on me when no one’s looking and hurt me.’ He looked up expecting what his previous therapist had said so many times to be repeated: ‘Man up. Hurt you? Why should they? And you’re not looking like a guy that couldn’t take up that fight. Seriously, that’s ridiculous.’ ‘Did you have any experiences with androids that would support that apprehension? Maybe during the revolution?’ Ah, there it was. Why are you like this? Is there a reason? That’s not a valid reason, come on. You just hate us, that’s it. ‘Not during it, before’, Gavin said. ‘I am Elijah Kamski’s half-brother. We grew up together. He started working on androids then and… and there was an accident in the lab. I ran away afterwards and applied at the police academy.’ ‘Do you want to share what happened with me?’ ‘Not really’, Gavin sighed. ‘I want to forget it, but I guess you won’t stop asking, right?’
‘Detective Reed, I am here to help’, she said, putting down the tablet she had written on until now. ‘You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want me to know. But the more I know the better I can try to help you.’ Huh. So not telling was an option? ‘You seem surprised.’ Gavin laughed. ‘Just saying your predecessor used to make this an interrogation.’ ‘Well, I heard as much’, she sighed and rested her head in her hands. ‘I was there with Eli, used to watch how he worked on androids while doing my own stuff. Just for the company, I guess. Or the sounds relaxed me, I don’t know. Well, one day I was playing something on my phone and only looked up as I heard my brother choking. The phcking thing was on top of him, nearly crushing his windpipe and I froze, I couldn’t do anything. In the end I beat it with a fire extinguisher until it broke and let go off my brother. I couldn’t spend another second with an android afterwards, I had an argument with Eli in the hospital, how he had to stop, but he couldn’t see my point, convinced it was his error only. Moved out then and kept away from androids. But now they are people and… Well, I have to work with them.’ ‘Are you afraid of androids?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did you ever spoke with an android about that?’ Gavin let his shoulders fall. ‘Well, the last one was my therapist and he laughed me in the face.’
The woman in front of him cringed at that and quickly underlined something on her tablet messily. ‘Okay. Any other contact with androids that ended badly besides that accident and my predecessor that really has to have his license revoked?’ ‘No. I mean, Connor, the RK800 here punched me unconscious once, but that really was my fault. I don’t like him, but at least that reaction I can understand.’ Still, his new therapist noted it.
‘Okay, that’s something we can work on. You also said you had anger issues?’ ‘I’m easily riled up’, Gavin shrugged. ‘It’s just how I am.’ ‘What makes you think that?’ ‘Well, actually, everyone says that. Has to be some truth to it, hasn’t it?’ ‘What are they saying?’ ‘You sure this isn’t an interrogation?’, Gavin baited with her. ‘You are evading the question. Tell me or say you don’t want to talk about it.’ ‘I’m an asshole, I’m angry all the time, I hate everyone, these kind of things.’ ‘Do you?’ ‘What?’ ‘Do you hate everyone?’, she repeated for him. ‘A bit?’ Gavin had never really thought about it. ‘Okay. Then tell me, are there people you care about?’
Gavin thought about it for a while. ‘Yeah, Tina. She’s a colleague and a friend. My partner, although he is an android. Hell, even Connor and Hank. I guess everyone I know I care about at least a bit.’ ‘What about yourself?’ ‘What kind of question is that?’, Gavin asked. ‘Of course.’ ‘Then tell me, what do you do to take care of yourself? What are your hobbies, what do you like to do? When was the last time you had fun?’ ‘Hey, what kind of phcking feel-good shit is this?’, Gavin wanted to know, refusing to even think about the questions. ‘Would you rather not talk about it?’ ‘Yes! God, I don’t have the time for that!’ Gavin had stood up and was about to go, but the woman held up her hands. ‘That’s okay. We can concentrate on your android related problems first. I think that would be it for now. See you next week then!’ ‘Wait, that’s it?’, Gavin asked, turning back towards the desk. ‘Yeah. I mean unless you want to talk about something else.’ The woman had the audacity to look as innocent as humanly – androidly? – possible.
Gavin thought about the question and contemplated whether asking was worth it, finally deciding that he had nothing to lose: ‘Yeah, I’m curious, what’s your diagnostics?’ ‘I’m not sure yet, we need more than one session for that.’ Gavin snorted. ‘Keeping it mysterious, hmm?’ ‘Maybe.’
Nines had enjoyed working in peace for once. With Gavin gone to visit his therapist, he could finally concentrate on his cases. He didn’t have to bother with the human cursing at random things, shouting at his computer out of nowhere and running to the breakroom and the toilet all the time. He liked working with the man. He preferred it to working with others. But sometimes Gavin just was a pain in the ass with his constant competitive attitude, his stubborn determination to do all the work alone and his damn self-deprecating humour all the time… Maybe this new therapist was able to help the human better than the last one. Or maybe Gavin was just a lost cause, who knew. Nines was just happy about the short break, but all too quickly that time was over. He saw his partner walk towards their desks and was already bracing himself for having to listen to Gavin monologue about what an asshole the new woman was and how talking didn’t do shit and something along these lines. At the very least he would be in a shitty mood for the rest of the day or overly anxious.
It came as some sort of surprise to him, when Gavin just sat down and quietly started up his terminal again, apparently lost to thoughts. Nines furrowed his brows and conducted a quick, maybe not strictly legal search. ‘You have android related PTSD and there is a high chance you are suffering from depression?’ Nines just couldn’t believe it, that was his only explanation to why he had said that out loud. ‘What?!’, Gavin threw back. ‘The phck you get that from?’ ‘Your therapist’s notes… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have looked, but you seemed so different to your usual behaviour.’ ‘Yeah, well phck you, this one actually does her phcking job! Or at least she does a better job! Maybe I am, maybe she is wrong, but goddamn it feels good not to hear the same shit all day!’ Nines didn’t know how to answer, so he tried to resort to humour: ‘Was getting your ass handed to you by Connor really that bad?’ But instead of laughing, Gavin glared at him. ‘Okay, toaster, listen here, because I will say this once and then you can make fun of me all you want. I know I have problems; I know I’m not the nicest guy. But do you really think I’m a cry-baby? I saw my brother nearly getting murdered by one of you phcking things! That I can even look you in the eyes now and work with you is already a huge phcking thing! And I don’t think I’m depressed, but holy shit, getting told to man up and that all my problems are just there because I don’t function your way and that I’m just an asshole who will never change? Not helping! I need another phcking coffee!’
Nines blinked a few times, staring into the open air over Gavin’s chair. He didn’t know what to make of that new information and quietly opened a connection with Connor to share it. The RK800 too stopped working and stared ahead for a while, before they both turned to look at each other. We’ve made it worse, haven’t we?
[>next part]
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theladyofdeath · 5 years ago
Alone in the Ashes {4}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: Sexual tension, anyone?
Also, shoutout to John Hughes for making some kickass movies in the 80s.
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard you that you forget you ever met that asshole.” 
Feyre’s eyes flared, her fingers slowly running down Rhysand’s chest. His skin was warm, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest. He’d forgotten how to breathe. 
“Is that so?” she crooned, those slim, delicate fingers trailing down his abdomen, until they were looped in the waistband of his jeans. 
A strangled noise fell out of his mouth, his head tilted back, his eyes closed. 
“I love exploring you,” Feyre whispered, her lips pressing tenderly against his neck, just below his jaw, down to his collarbone. “Your neck, your shoulders…” Her tongue slid down his chest, lips pressed against his stomach, praising each defined muscle. 
His jeans came undone.
Her lips wrapped around his-
A loud crash came from the kitchen and Rhysand shot up in his bed, sheets wrapped around his body. The crash came again, and Rhysand was on his feet. Between his bed and the end of the hallway, Rhysand thought of as many horrible, miserable things as possible to help his heart stop racing, and his cock not be so painfully erect. 
“Feyre?” he called, rounding the corner into the kitchen. 
She was standing on the countertop, one of Rhysand’s shoes in her hand, concentrating on a corner above the cabinets.
Rhysand let out a long, slow breath. “What the hell are you doing? It’s seven in the morning.”
“Yes it is, and I’m getting ready for work,” Feyre said, keeping her concentration. 
Rhysand’s eyes lingered on her legs, her black boyshorts, for a second too long. “I think we need to set a rule of wearing robes in the house when we aren’t wearing pants.”
Feyre did look over her shoulder at this, brow raised. “Don’t act like you’ve never seen a woman in her underwear before. Just because you didn’t get any last night doesn’t mean you’ve never gotten any.” 
An image popped into his mind from the dream he was so horribly awoken from with her obnoxious banging. He looked to the floor where a pan and a cookie sheet had landed. She must have knocked them down when she was climbing across the countertop.
“If you’re done mocking me, would you like to enlighten me as to why you’re finding such fascination in the tops of the cabinets?” he asked, leaning against the doorway. 
“Yeah, well,” Feyre sighed, leaning up on her tiptoes. “I was about to make myself some eggs, right? Then a bigass spider came out of nowhere, and I panicked, so I started trying to kill it - obviously - and...well, it climbed up, and now it went somewhere up here, but I lost it.”
“So, maybe you should come down, then,” Rhysand laughed, coming up behind her. “Come on.”
He grabbed her waist and pulled her down. With a yelp, Feyre fell into his arms. 
She looked at him, eyes narrowed, and Rhysand couldn’t convince himself to put her down. Her hair was a mess, her face clear, eyes bright. She was smiling, brightly, as she looked up at him, her arms around his neck. 
“Thank you,” she said, laughing. “Now, if you could find Harold, it’s time for him to meet his death.” 
Rhysand grinned. “Harold?”
“The spider, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Rhysand repeated. 
They stood like that for a moment, the early morning light pouring into the kitchen, Feyre cradled in Rhysand’s arms. 
Feyre’s smile had grown soft. She was still looking up at him as he cleared his throat, and set her down on the tile. 
“Well, if you’ll excuse me,” Feyre began, quietly. “I have to get ready to go.”
“No eggs?” Rhysand asked, taking a step back. 
“No time! Spent it all hunting a spider,” she said, disappearing down the hallway. “Have to be in the office at eight.” 
She closed herself in the bathroom at the end of the hall.
Rhysand couldn’t move from the middle of the kitchen.
He wanted her.
His body ached for her, it was all he could think about it. All he could dream about. Just now, holding her in his arms, against his chest, smiling up at him...He was in love with her.
Being in love with someone who didn’t love you back was an odd sensation. A personal hell, one that he never wanted to leave, because if he left, he would lose her, and having her as his friend was better than not having her at all.  
Then again, what if he did tell her? What if he risked it, and pulled her aside, and poured out his heart and his soul? Even if she pushed him away, wouldn’t it be better to get everything out, lay everything out on the table?
But it was that chance, that risk, that part of him that knew that if he told her, she would have him. She would control him. And it wasn’t that he didn’t want to be controlled by her. Being controlled by Feyre was not what scared him. 
But having his heart broken by her terrified him.
If he told Feyre how he felt, and she didn’t feel the same, and he lost her...the thought was unbearable. 
He was still standing in the kitchen when she got out of the bathroom, and by the time she had gotten dressed and left her bedroom, he had at least moved to the table and was sipping a cup of coffee. 
In a set of deep purple scrubs, she pulled a cup out of the cabinet and poured the rest of the coffee in it before securing it with a lid. 
“Wanna do take-out tonight?” she asked. “Maybe watch a movie?” 
“Sure,” Rhysand said. “I’ll be home just after seven.”
She nodded, ruffled his hair, and left.
Rhysand stayed at the table for an hour, his coffee cup empty for the majority of it, before finally getting off his lovesick ass and getting ready for work. 
“Uncle Az,” Mila called from where she sat on the garage steps, playing a game on his phone. “I’m hungry.”
Azriel had the garage door up and his tape-measure out. The Archerons had cleaned all the bins out the day before, thankfully, because it had been full of clutter. 
“Look in the backpack,” he said. “There’s some crackers.”
“I want chicken nuggets.”
“Maybe for lunch.”
“When’s lunch?”
“A few hours.”
Mila groaned. “I’m so bored.”
“We’ve only been here for twenty minutes.” It was going to be a long day, Azriel was sure of it. Bringing a four year old to work wasn’t ideal, but he had to do what he had to do. 
He got another hour and a half in before she had to use the restroom. He sighed, setting down his water bottle, and knocked on the door that went from the garage to the kitchen.
Elain opened it a second later, as if she’d been sitting just inside.
“Hey, sorry to bother you,” Azriel began, rubbing the back of his neck. “I have my niece with me.. Can she use your bathroom?”
Elain blinked. “Of course. Come in.” 
Azriel stepped inside, Mila close behind, yelling, “I have to pee!” 
Elain laughed, quietly. “Just around the corner.” 
With a mumbled thanks, Azriel walked her to the bathroom. Mila closed the door after ordering Azriel to stay put, right outside.
“Can I get you anything?” Elain asked, from the end of the hall. “While you work?” 
“No, Azriel said. “Thank you.” 
“I have a few board games,” Elain began, nodding toward the door. “I have nowhere to go. She can play with me while you work.” 
Azriel hesitated. He was protective of Mila, but then again, Elain was Feyre’s sister, she couldn’t be that bad. She seemed a little too into herself, if Azriel had any say in it, but harmless. “I don’t wanna be a burden. I’ll try to find a sitter after toda-”
“I really don’t mind,” she said, smiling. 
Azriel nodded, curtly, as Mila opened the door.
Azriel narrowed his eyes. “Wash your hands?”
Mila nodded.
“Alright, this is Elain, she says she has some games you can play together while I work for a while,” he said, head tilted. “Cool?”
“Cool,” Mila repeated. “I like games.” 
“Come get me if you need anything,” he said.
Mila nodded, and clapped, excitedly. “Yay! Games!”
With a chuckle, Azriel nodded his thanks to Elain and went back into the garage. There would be a lot to do, and in these big projects, Azriel always found himself overwhelmed at first. He had to remember not to look at the end product, but at each little project, individually. 
By the end of the afternoon, he had the garage door out and had framed the replacement wall. After packing up his truck, he let himself inside, where Mila was sitting across the kitchen table with Elain playing Go Fish.
“Uncle Az!” Mila beamed. “Lain is so much fun. I want to play with her again tomorrow.”
“Yeah?” Azriel asked, looking at Elain before looking back to Mila. “I’m sure she’s busy.”
“Oh, not at all,” Elain smiled. “I’ll be home for...the next few days. So, she’s more than welcome. I had fun, too.”
Mila jumped up and down, only stopping when Azriel picked her up. 
“Well, thanks,” Azriel said, attempting a smile. “I appreciate it.”
“Of course,” Elain said, clearing her throat. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow, then?” 
Azriel nodded, slowly, unable to look away from her bright, brown eyes. “Yeah. Tomorrow.”
They left, and the moment Azriel strapped Mila into her carseat, she was yawning. 
Instead of driving home, they drove to a bar and grill close to Azriel’s apartment and met Cassian, who was already seated at a table near the bar.
Mila was still asleep on Azriel’s shoulder as they slid into the booth opposite of him. 
“Get worn out working, did she?” Cassian asked, in way of greeting.
Azriel snorted. “Yeah, well - she played with Elain all morning, and all afternoon, so.”
“Yeah?” Cassian asked. “Feyre said she’s going through some shit. Her fiance cheated on her a few months ago.”
Azriel hadn’t known. 
Although Azriel wasn’t sure what to think of Elain, no one deserved that.
“Do you remember her from high school?” Azriel asked, patting Mila on the back to keep her relaxed. 
“She was in our class, right?” Cassian asked. Azriel nodded. “Cheerleader, if I remember, and smart. Too smart. The kind of girl that knew she was smart. Annoyingly smart.”
Azriel nodded. “Annoyingly smart.”
Cassian shrugged. “Oh, well. Still hot?”
Azriel rolled his eyes. “She’s pretty, yes.”
“Pretty and hot are not the same thing,” Cassian explained. “Ah, here he is.”
He waved his hand in the air and Rhysand came strolling over. 
“Hey. How’s it going?”
“Well, I rebuilt a motor today, and Azriel here spent his day thinking Elain Archeron is pretty.” Cassian grinned, looking across the table. “Also, talked to Amren today. She’ll be back the same day as Mor. Looks like we’ll all be in town for the Summer.”
Azriel smiled, fondly. Having everyone back for the Summer made it sound like they were young again, out on Summer vacation. Back then, they all went to the beach and smoked pot all day, every day, until school started back up. Now, Azriel’s summer consisted of working and taking care of a four year old.
Which wasn’t a complaint.
Although he could use a tray of Cassian’s old famous brownies right about now.
“Nice,” Rhysand grinned. “Well, tell me what you want. You can have my discount if you pay before I leave.”
Mila woke up just before their oven-baked pizza arrived half an hour later. She cried for not having chicken nuggets; which, Rhysand wouldn’t have, and brought her a giant plate full. 
And when they were done, they hopped in Azriel’s truck and drove home. 
He didn’t get out of the truck right away, though.
He could see her standing on his doormat from the parking lot. He was going to put it in reverse, was going to get away, but it was too late, because Mila had already seen her.
“Mama!” she called, excitedly.
And with a sigh, Azriel got out of the car and carried Mila to the front door, where she wiggled down and ran toward her mother.
She wore big, dark sunglasses and a baggy jacket that drowned her frame. “Hello, little brother.”
Azriel watched Mila jump into her mother’s arms. 
Nesta stormed into her apartment and slammed the door behind her.
She’d been fired.
Four years she spent slaving away to that man, giving into every wish and demand that he had so that she could get a shitty paycheck every two weeks.
And he had fired her.
She hadn’t even done anything to deserve it. Sure, she had been late a few times, had shown up high once or twice, but it never hurt her performance. He kicked her out the door, told her that she no longer fit the position, and that was it.
No longer a bartender.
Surely, there were plenty of other bartending jobs in the city, but it had been a miracle she’d gotten that job with her interviewing skills. The thought of going through another round of interviews was agonizing. 
She threw open the fridge, grabbed a beer, and popped off the top before bringing it to her lips. She suddenly wished Tomas was still around, wished he could distract her with the slightest bit of fun and pleasure. Even though it was Tomas, and he was lacking in those two categories lately. 
“Fuck!” she screamed, her voice echoing in the silence. She leaned back against her kitchen counter, her face falling into her hands. 
She was hardly getting by as it was.
Living paycheck to paycheck. 
Rent was due next week.
Her phone rang.
By the ringtone, she knew it was Elain. She couldn’t talk to her right now, couldn’t have a conversation with sweet, gentle Elain. Nesta would only bite her head off. 
She let it go to voicemail. 
After another sip from the bottle, Nesta lit a cigarette and took it out to the balcony. Summer had come, and the breeze coming off the Sidra was the only thing to keep her cool as she plopped down in an old lawn chair. 
Maybe she should get a dog.
No - dogs were too energetic, too….friendly.
A cat.
She should get a cat.
A cat would be better company than Tomas. At least she would be able to hold an interesting conversation with a cat. 
The door slid open at the apartment to her right, and Cassian stepped out. His chest was bare, jeans low on his hips. He didn’t see her, didn’t acknowledge her, as he sat on a wooden stood, a glass of what looked like whiskey in his hand. His golden-retriever laid at his bare feet. 
He was handsome, and for someone who had only had Tomas for so long, the sight of him half-nude on his balcony made Nesta thirsty. 
But he was cocky. Far too sure of himself. She could tell, but the way he spoke when he picked her up on the side of the road, from the way that he looked at her.
He thought he was better than she was.
Thought she was a trashy, low life woman with nothing going for her. 
And maybe he was right. What did Nesta have going for her? She finished high school, barely, didn’t go to college. She knew how to mix drinks, thanks to all the parties she crashed through the years, which was how she landed her last job in the first place.
What the fuck was the purpose of it all, anyway?
Graduate. Get a job. Get married. Blah, blah, blah.
It was pointless.
Nesta glanced back at Cassian, who drained his glass and was scrolling through his phone. She wondered if that’s what he had done. Gone to school. Graduated. Got a job. Was there a woman? What kind of woman would he even want? What kind of woman would even want him?
Some whore, no doubt. She imagined he liked things a particular way in bed, liked to be dominant, liked to be in charge. 
He probably liked to be in charge all the time. He radiated alpha male, dickwad energy. 
Mother help the woman that ended up with him. 
No matter how well he knew his way around the bedroom.
Or a kitchen table. 
Nesta picked up her phone and listened to Elain’s voicemail. Hey, Nesta, it’s Elain. I assume you’re at work. Dinner, friday night! I’m cooking. Feyre’s coming, too. Don’t forget - bring Tomas! Love you, Nesta. Talk to you soon.
Bring Tomas. Ugh. Nesta would reflect on that later. She didn’t have the patience for it right now. 
“You know, it’s more fun if we drink together. No point in drinking alone.”
Nesta looked over to Cassian, who was now leaning against the side railing, looking at her with a stupid grin on his face.
“Just because we’re neighbors doesn’t mean you have to try so hard to be friendly,” she said, setting her beer on the ledge and crossing her arms.
He nodded to her cigarette, “Smoking is bad for you, you know.”
Nesta snorted. “I have a feeling you’ve done a lot worse in your time.” 
His grin widened. “Come over. Have a drink.”
“No, thanks, I’m fine.”
“Are you always this welcoming?” he asked, head tilting to the side.
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “If you’re implying that I’m a bitch, you’re not the first one to do so.” 
“I would never say such a thing to a lady,” he crooned.
Nesta shook her head, cigarette between her lips. “I’m no lady, but I’m sure you’re already thinking that.” 
“Come over,” he said, again.
“Alright,” Cassian sighed. “But if you change your mind-”
“Look, asshole, I’ve had a shitty day. Okay? The last thing I need is you bothering me, so if you don’t mind, shut the fuck up.” 
Cassian chuckled, shaking his head. “All the more reason for you to come have a drin-”
Nesta was shutting her sliding door before he had the chance to finish. 
Feyre got home with a bag of tacos. It had been a long day. At one point, a tiny, angry chihuahua came in for its shots and Feyre, as the vet’s assistant, had to hold it down the entire time. The yapping never stopped, nor did the biting. 
Chihuahua’s were not dogs. They were an entirely different creature of beastiness. 
She took a quick shower and put on a sweatshirt and some shorts, not bothering with a bra. It was the end of Monday. Bras were irrelevant. 
She was unloading the to-go bag when Rhysand came in, groaning. 
“Bad day?” Feyre asked, holding out a taco.
Rhysand went to the kitchen island and sat on top of it, gladly taking the taco from her hand. “That’s the simple way of saying it,” he muttered, unwrapping the goodness before devouring it. “You?”
“Spent nearly an hour with an angry chihuahua,”  she muttered, finishing off her taco and grabbing a second. “So.”
Rhysand chuckled. “Well, at least the work day is done. What’s our movie of the night?” 
“You pick.”
“I’m too tired to pick.”
“Then it looks like we’ll be standing here all night, staring at each other while we eat these magnificent tacos.”
“They’re pretty good,” Rhysand laughed, unwrapping another. “Doesn’t sound like a bad night.”
Feyre watched him through the side of her eye. She couldn’t help but remember that morning, Rhysand’s arms around her, her face way too close to his. It hadn’t been horrible, either, the thoughts that had gone through her mind at his touch.
Her and Rhysand had been in more compromising positions before, but this time it was different. This time, a feeling sparked in the pit of her stomach, and she could imagine leaning in, tasting his mouth. 
And the thought was nice. 
But it was Rhysand.
The lanky little freshman who she was paired up with for a biology assignment, who she clicked with instantly...they were inseparable, the two of them, ever since. He was the boy her parents never worried about, had no reason to worry about, because they were only friends.
He was her closest friend.
He was her family. 
He surely didn’t feel anything romantic, that she knew. Even before Feyre had started dating Tamlin all those years ago, he never tried anything. Feyre had been living with him for weeks, now, and he was the same Rhysand he had always been. 
Is this what a rebound felt like? Gravitating toward someone after a long, horrid relationship. But it was Rhysand. Rhysand. She would never do that to him, would never put him in such a position. 
As time went on, whatever she felt that morning would fade. 
She knew it.
“Why do I feel like you’re in deep thought?” Rhysand muttered, tossing his trash in the garbage. 
“Blame it on the chihuahua,” Feyre muttered.
Rhysand snorted. “Wanna drink?”
“Pour me something sweet,” she grinned.
She watched him as he opened up the cabinet above the dishwasher and pulled out two wine glasses. He took a bottle of peach moscato from the counter and stuck it in the freezer.
“The Breakfast Club,” Rhysand said, leaning against the counter by the fridge. “Or, Sixteen Candles.”
“Ah, so we’re going back to the eighties today, then,” Feyre chuckled. “Our two most watched movies in high school.” 
“As someone who was a nerd in high school, I found any movie with Anthony Michael Hall to be highly relatable.” Rhysand grinned, noticing Feyre’s amused expression at his self-proclaimed nerd status. “And, Molly Ringwald always gets the guy. Happy ending, guaranteed.” 
Feyre chuckled. “Must a woman get a man in the end to be happy?”
Rhysand’s eyes softened as he crossed his arms. The look, the gesture, made that same tingly sensation grow in the pit of Feyre’s stomach. “No, of course not. But it doesn’t hurt, either.”
Feyre nodded, nibbling on her bottom lip, her half eaten taco forgotten on the island behind her. “You were right. All those times you said that I shouldn’t have been with Tamlin. You were right,” she said.
Rhysand’s smile faded, completely, eyebrow arched. “I thought you said I pried too much. That I should keep my mouth shut.”
Feyre nodded. “When you’re with someone for a long time, you just start thinking that’s the way it has to be. I started dating Tamlin when I was seventeen, before I even knew who I was, and by the time I found out who I was….you were right. I shouldn’t have been with Tamlin. We weren’t right together.”
Rhysand kept quiet, but he nodded, slowly. 
“Tamlin was right, too. You’re the reason I left him,” Feyre said. “But not because of what he thinks. Because you reminded me that there’s something more out there for me and I can’t spend my life being unhappy with someone just because I’m so damn used to being with them. I stayed with Tam because I had been with him for so long, but you gave me the courage to leave, Rhys.” 
Rhysand cleared his throat and took a step closed to Feyre. “So, you’re thanking me for endlessly butting into your love life, then?” 
“I suppose so,” Feyre said, huffing a laugh. “I’m grateful for you, Rhys. Grateful that you’ve always been there for me.”
He was close enough now to reach up, to brush the hair out of her face, the hair that had fallen out of her braid. 
That damned sensation returned to the pit of her stomach. 
His eyes flared, as if he felt it, too; but, surely, Feyre was just imagining it. It had been a long day.
“Wine,” she breathed.
Rhysand blinked, his hand falling back down to his side.
She swore his hands were shaking as he turned around, opened the freezer, and pulled out the bottle of wine.
“Chilled?” Feyre asked. 
“Chilled enough,” Rhysand said, voice low.
He pulled the cork out and filled the two glasses on the countertop. He handed a glass to Feyre, and held up his own. 
“To angry chihuahuas and middle aged men who leave shitty tips,” he said, smiling now.
Feyre laughed, clinking her glass against his before taking a sip. “I vote Sixteen Candles.”
Rhysand nodded, yanking on the end of her braid as he passed her. “Sixteen Candles, it is.” 
Tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!)
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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propsandmayhems · 5 years ago
Can you use the prompt “Can I kiss you?” with your favorite ship?
omg literally thank you sm anon because this was so much fun to write!! i got this ask and immediately started writing!!! i did blackdale which is not my fav ship ever but i just was so inspired so i hope u like 
i also posted on ao3 since it ended up being so long 
“Can I kiss you?”
Lucie Herondale x Jesse Blackthorn 
Lucie Herondale should be happy. 
For the first time in over a year, everything was going well. They had defeated Belial and Tatiana. Her brother and her parabatai were happily married. Matthew had quit drinking and was beginning to heal. She and Grace had successfully returned Jesse back to life and convinced the Clave it was done by Belial, not by their own involvement in black magic. She still had her family, her friends, her Marks, and was learning more about her powers with the help of her Uncle Jem. 
Yet there was still something missing. 
Upon his return to life, the Clave - in an uncharacteristic act of generosity - had given Chiswick House to Jesse. For the past three months, he had holed himself up in the great stone pile, working to attempt to return the grand house to its former glory. 
The first month after she and Grace brought Jesse back, Bridget had begrudgingly driven Lucie out to Chiswick House every day. She would bring all sorts of offerings - new books; freshly baked jam tarts; perfectly sharpened daggers and even a brand new sword, the blade stamped with a ring of thorns that matched the pattern on his locket, which she had ordered in from Idris. Jesse would always meet her at the front door, attempt to refuse the gift, finally accept and then bid her goodbye. That first month, he never once invited her in. 
But Lucie Herondale was nothing if not persistent. 
The second month, he continued his work on Chiswick House. One day, the carriage came to an abrupt stop in front of a newly installed wrought-iron gate. “Well, this is new,” Lucie heard Bridget drawl from the driver’s seat. Hopping down from the carriage, Lucie took in the new gate, black metal soaring up into the gray London sky. On the very top of the gate, curving bars formed the words ‘Blackthorn Hall.’
“I’ll walk up from here, Bridget,” Lucie called over, while quickly scribbling an open rune on the metal. Slipping through the gate, she made her way up the stone drive, her boots lightly crunching the rock under her foot. 
Looking around, Lucie could tell that Jesse had already made wonderful progress with the house. The front lawn was manicured and free of the overgrown weeds that had overtaken the hedges along the drive. Despite it being a dreary day, the white stone facade of the house even seemed to shine brighter. 
Lucie had made it to the door and before she could take the knocker in her hand, it swung open. Jesse stood on the threshold, black hair tumbling in front of his eyes. He was in shirtsleeves, as he nearly always was when Lucie visited. Lucie couldn't bring herself to be scandalized, since she had grown so used to seeing him in shirtsleeves in his ghostly form. He wore no tie and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, showing the entire curve of his throat and his un-Marked skin. “I was in the study and I saw you walking up the drive…” he began, and then wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. “Where’s your carriage?”
“At the front gate. Bridget and I stopped to admire the new gate you installed. ‘Blackthorn Hall?’” She asked, to which a blush rose up on his cheeks. It still startled her to see him with colour on his face. 
With a small smile, he nodded, “yes. Do you like it?” 
“I do,” she grinned and then held up the basket she had carried up. “I brought you scones.”
“Oh,” he said, flatly. Lucie’s smile fell, and he hurriedly added, “I don’t think I’ve ever had a scone.” 
“You’ve never had a scone?” She exclaimed. “How can you even consider yourself an Englishman?” 
He laughed - a beautiful, sonorous laugh - and then looked at her for a moment. “Would you like to come in for tea?” He finally asked. 
“I would love that,” she smiled. Jesse stepped aside to let her and the scones into the house, closing the door behind her. 
Jesse led her through the foyer and up the staircase, then down a hall and into a drawing room. Although the wallpaper and decor in the room were dated, the wood of the furniture was polished to a shine, and the dust that had previously coated the walls had been cleaned away. A fire was roaring in the hearth, battling away the dampness of the cool, November day. Above the mantle, the sword she had brought Jesse was balanced on two pegs. 
“Oh,” she breathed when her eyes caught the blade. Noticing what she was looking at, a flush traveled up his exposed neck and settled on his cheeks. “I am so glad that you like it.”
“I-” he began and abruptly stopped, his face morphing into an expression she was unable to identify. “Maybe you should go,” he said suddenly. Lucie’s face scrunched up in confusion as he stepped back from her. “If anyone found out you were here, just the two of us… you would be ruined.”
Lucie huffed. “Not like there are hordes of men knocking down the doors of the Institute asking for my hand in marriage anyways, Jesse.” 
Watching his shoes intently, he took another step backward. “Please, Lucie, just go.” 
“Fine,” she replied sharply, dropping the basket of scones on the conversation table on her way out. 
After that, Lucie did not return to Blackthorn Hall. She hadn’t heard from Jesse in nearly two months. Now, Lucie watched from across the ballroom as her parents greeted the families arriving for the annual Christmas ball. Faces seemed to blur by her - the Wentworths, the Townsends, the Pouncebys. 
Then Jesse Blackthorn walked through the ballroom doors. Lucie was convinced her heart truly stopped beating. He was dressed immaculately; all his clothes were obviously new and flawlessly tailored. His dancing oxfords were unscuffed and the black of his tailcoat was balanced by the crisp white of his waistcoat. He was a perfect picture in black and white, the only color in the entire image being the green of his eyes - which were fixed on Lucie.
When their eyes met, Lucie’s heart restarted at triple-time. All but ignoring her parents’ greetings, he moved across the room to Lucie with purpose. Too fast and not soon enough, he was standing close enough for her to reach out and touch him. But the memory of the way he had told her to leave flickered in the back of her mind. “What are you doing here?” She asked, crossing her arms across the red bodice of her gown. 
“Well, the entire Enclave is invited to the Christmas ball, and I am a member of the Enclave.” He pointed out, to which Lucie rolled her eyes. He took a small step closer to her and continued, “is there a place we can talk, privately?”
Lucie looked around. Many were watching them, as Jesse wasn’t exactly covert in making his way over to her. A small voice in her brain was screaming no, you will be absolutely ruined! You will never be married as is, you are only making it harder for yourself! But her heart was thumping out the sound of Jesse’s name. She nodded, “yes. Follow me.” 
With a relieved smile, Jesse followed her down the same hall that led to the games room and into one of the lesser-used withdrawing rooms. A fire had not yet been started in the room and the air was frigid, causing goosebumps to rise up on Lucie’s arms. After closing the door, Jesse turned to face her. In the witchlight that illuminated the room, the green of his eyes was the same colour as the canopy of trees in Brocelind Forest. “I’m sorry,” he started, moving closer to her. “I am truly sorry for the way I acted these past few months, and especially the last time you came to visit me. May I be frank with you, Miss Herondale?” 
Lucie swallowed and nodded, unable to form words. 
He took another small step closer to her. “You have permeated every inch of my mind. I see the colour of your eyes in the sky and the curl of your hair in the branches of trees. I hear your voice narrating the books I read. When I try a new food, I find myself wondering if you like it. When I manage to sleep, I dream of you. That first month… every day you came to my door and it was all I could do to not gather you in my arms, to feel your warmth. You risked everything for me - you could’ve had your marks stripped! I am not worth what you could’ve lost.” 
She stared up to him, blue eyes wide. “I knew exactly what could’ve happened to me and I chose to take the risk. Because I care about you. I care for you in a way I have never cared for anyone else.” Gathering her red skirts, she moved towards him. “I, of course, would have done the same thing for my family or my parabatai; but I feel for you in a different kind of way. I can’t explain it, but some part of me just longed to have you beside me - to be able to reach out and touch you.” Tentatively, Lucie extended her arm across what little space was left between them. Laying her hand gently over his shirt-clad chest, she felt his newfound warmth for the first time. She remembered how cold he had been when he had been a ghost. But now, the heat from his skin radiated from under his shirt, warming the chill from her skin in the frosty room. “Is this okay?” She asked, and he nodded slowly. 
“Lucie…” He began, searching her blue eyes with his own green pair. “I just fear I will never be what you deserve. I am not a man with any sort of honor. I live in a house tainted by years of demonic activity. I cannot even bear marks like a real Shadowhunter.” 
“It is not up to you to decide what I deserve,” she said. She meant to sound menacing, but her voice came out as barely above a whisper. Unblinking, Jesse reached up and caressed her cheek. 
The heat from his hand on her cheekbone sent sparks of fire all the way down to her toes. Lucie let her eyes flutter close and leaned further into his touch. He was warm, so so warm, almost burning hot. She quickly forgot the lack of fire in the room. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, thumb drifting over her lips.
“Yes,” she breathed, and in an instant, she was gathered up in his arms. The hand that had been resting on her cheek moved to cup her neck, sending jolts of lightning down her spine. Jesse partially bent down and partially pulled her up to him, connecting their lips. Lucie’s mind whirred with the softness of Jesse’s lips on hers, his hand on her neck, his other hand grasping at the silk bodice of her dress. I can finally write the perfect kissing scene! She thought with joy, then realized, wait… am I supposed to be doing something? 
Slowly, she lifted her arms up around Jesse’s neck, coming to rest at the edge of the collar of his tailcoat. Wisps of his black hair brushed against her fingers. She turned her head slightly, allowing herself better access to move her lips gently against Jesse’s without clacking their teeth together. 
Raising herself further on her tip-toes, she brought herself closer to Jesse. His hand at her waist encircled her tighter, bringing her body flush against his. Every one of her nerves was alight with the feeling of him surrounding her. His scent, his warmth, his taste. Lucie had never even considered that you would taste the person you were kissing! She had never liked the flavor of mint tea before, but she loved the way it tasted on Jesse’s lips. 
Unexpectedly, Jesse removed his lips from hers. Dipping his head down, he laid kisses along her exposed collarbone. “You are my shining light,” she felt him murmur against her skin, his breath hot and his body alive. 
She squeezed her eyes shut. She thought if she tried hard enough, maybe she could just melt into his touch and completely lose herself in the warmth of his embrace. 
A quick rap at the door of the withdrawing room caused them to spring apart from each other. “Lulu?” her father’s voice called from the other side of the door. “Are you in here?” 
 She looked to Jesse in panic and then quickly remembered that Jesse was very much visible to everyone now. However, if Will walked in and saw the state they were in, Jesse was very likely to return to his previous ghostly mode of being. “Yes, I’m here! I just came in to… fix my shoe.” 
“Cariad…” He sighed, and she could picture her father pinching the bridge of his nose. “I saw you come back here with Jesse Blackthorn.” 
“Jesse Blackthorn? I led him to the games room, you could see if he is there if you need him.” 
The door handle jiggled. “Open this door or I will.” 
Lucie looked to Jesse with a sheepish smile. He had an unreadable look on his face as he reached out to gently stroke her cheek before turning and moving towards the door. Lucie watched him brace himself as he pulled the door open, expecting to face the pure fury of William Herondale. 
Instead, her father was grinning from ear to ear, with Tessa by his side. “See, Tess, I told you! She was not visiting Chiswick House every day just to ‘lend the support of the London Institute.’”
“Papa!” Lucie threw her hands up. Jesse looked as if he was about to faint. 
Tessa rolled her eyes and waived off her husband. “Yes, yes. I always thought it would be Matthew, but you were right, as always.” 
Lucie gaped at her parents. “Were you two betting on who I would marry?”
  “Yes,” Will shrugged nonchalantly. Tessa nodded in agreement
Taking her husband by the arm, Tessa began to drag Will back towards the main ballroom. “Come along then, dear. I left Gabriel in charge of greeting the guests.” 
Will looked at his wife, completely dismayed, and then the two dashed down the hall and back towards the ballroom. 
Jesse turned to her, still frightfully pale. “Marry?”
Her mouth went dry. “I… I didn’t mean - I don’t expect -” she stammered, fidgeting under his green gaze. 
 Slowly, a smile spread across his face. “It would be my absolute honor.”
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 years ago
Hi! Can you please recommend me your favorites sappy as hell fics? Like I’ll probably have cavities after reading sweet? 💕
That’s my fave trope, anon - cavity inducing sap! Here ya go, make a dentist appointment ASAP.  ~Lynne
Definition by villiageidiot
Kurt and Blaine are pretty much the definition of soulmates.
You'd Tear This Canvas Skin Apart by SirenVoice11
Blaine is at last embracing his second love - art. What he doesn't expect is for the living statue of David to walk into his art class in nothing but a silk robe...
Lost With You by Stuckontheground
When Kurt Hummel goes to Paris over the summer as a graduation gift, he’s afraid that he’s going to be all alone in the City of Love. Little does he know, a chance meeting in a cafe will change his life forever.
Crema verse by @twobirdsonesong
Kurt’s just landed a job at Vogue as Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant. One of his tasks is to bring her coffee in the morning.  Enter Blaine, the barista. This is the story of how they change each other’s lives.
Somewhere in the World by Water_Nix
Somewhere in the World is the world’s most popular children’s show, and its star, Blaine Anderson, has been touted as the handsome second coming of Mr. Rogers. Even Kurt watches the show religiously, and his list of Blaine’s best attributes is even longer than that of TV’s most gushing reviewer. Yes, okay, so Kurt has a little crush. Maybe. Possibly. Shut up. So when he’s given the chance to meet the man in the flesh, he can’t really say no, can he?
While We Two Keep Together by @the-cimmerians
Fluff and sugar. Early boyfriends at Thanksgiving.
Where There’s Smoke by stoney  [also on LJ]
Fireman AU, set 7 years after graduation. Kurt is Kurt, except that he never met Blaine Anderson. Blaine grew up in Brooklyn with his mother and firefighter father. Rachel and Kurt have graduated NYADA, Kurt gained a Masters from Tisch, and now they’re in their first post-college apartment together ready to tackle their dreams. Unfortunately, Rachel never learned how to properly cook and almost sets their new house on fire. Enter Dreamy McFirepants.
Domus Civita by JayhawkWrites  
While on vacation to a city he's never been to, Kurt Hummel finds himself in a place that he recognized from his dreams. The person he always sees in those dreams is there, too, and they spot him and ask, “Is it really you?” 
I can’t resist, so I’m going to add some more :-)
The schmoopier the better, right?
Warning: give your teeth an extra brushing after consuming all the cotton candy fluff below.
After the Prom by PaellaIsComplicated
Takes place after episode 2:20 "Prom Queen." Blaine is dropping Kurt off at home. Total fluff. Canon compliant.
Béchamel by @hazelandglasz
Blaine and/or Kurt using cheesy pickup lines on the other.  For example, could be to seduce or being funny but can be whatever you’d like, wherever you like, whenever you like.
Bus verse by @antarcticbird
Their love story begins in the morning, on the bus to work.
Have a Sappy Happy New Year by @wowbright​
It’s a little late for the Jewish New Year and a little early for the Roman one, but maybe it’s New Year’s for some culture somewhere? In any case, have a little New Year’s Eve-themed Klaine fluff!
How I Met My Soulmate by @spaceorphan18
Over drinks one night, Kurt tells Elliott the story of how he met his soul mate.  Soul Mate AU! Also - Kitties! Superheroes! Drunken Shenanigans! Sappy love stories!
Of Love and Staircases by water-nix
Blaine has mysterious plans. Kurt? He's just along for the ride. Sappy romantic mush with a touch of sassy!Kurt and the misuse of a Dalton tie that isn't nearly as fun as it sounds.
Partners by @whatstheproblembaby
anon prompted: “kurt and blaine are partnered together for a school project where you have to take care of a fake baby,” and then I added the nerd/badboy trope for good measure. Probably more fluff than actual development, PG-13, ~1700 words. 
So They Did by blaqkheaven
Kurt's first week (after Sectionals) as seen by David. 
Three times Kurt finds a sticker on his butt after having sex… by @sir-pyllero
…and that one time he gets an explanation.
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kissjane · 4 years ago
BULLET / Short fic
#45 on this prompt list
I think you wanted this one too, danger anon? ⚠
[Okay so it’s been years since I played Mario Kart and I sucked at it even then, so suspend your disbelief, okay?]
You took a bullet for me
Video games nights lately have been quite different than before. For one, whenever there is a break in the game, Matteo crawls all over David, folding his whole body onto David’s lap, into David’s arms, and cannot be enticed to move at all. He even declines to come to the balcony for a smoke more often than not, remaining comfortably cuddled up to his boyfriend instead. Secondly, the boys are all playing for second place now, since David beats them all every time.
Tonight is no exception. David has won every race they’ve held so far, and Matteo has been all over David whenever he had the chance.
The others don’t even comment on either fact anymore. They used to be confident that they would manage to beat David at some point, but after six months of gaming together, they have given up hope. And for David and Matteo being glued together - well, occasionally they still make a teasing remark, but neither of the two seems to give a damn about that, so it’s not all that much fun.
Either way, so far, it’s just a normal hang out with the squad.
They’ve all had a few beers, and they are really getting into the game now, ribbing Abdi for currently being last in the ranking, trailing Matteo by a few points.
They are all focusing on the race. They are nearly at the finish line, and the only sounds heard are the clicking of their controllers. David is way ahead, obviously, and Matteo is in the second position, ready to get a bigger lead and push Abdi further back in the last position, when suddenly Abdi hollers.
He fires off a rocket at David, and starts cheering already. There is no way David will be able to come back from this, with the finish line only seconds away. But then Matteo swerves, right into the path of Abdi’s rocket. It hits his little Luigi figure straight on, and the crash is spectacular. David passes the finish line, and lifts his hands in victory. Matteo finishes last, which means he is now also last in the overall ranking, but Abdi doesn’t seem to be happy about having overtaken Matteo.
“Matteo, bro, what was that about? Why did you do that? Didn’t you see that rocket? That was meant for David!”
“I know,” Matteo shrugs, putting down his controller, sipping his beer calmly.
“So why did you suicide yourself, then? Man, I wanted David to lose at least one race tonight!”
Matteo says nothing, and suddenly David plants a loud kiss on his lips.
“You took a bullet for me, baby?”, he asks, a bit smugly.
“You hate losing,” Matteo simply replies, chasing David’s mouth.
“Oh. My. God,” Carlos declares, emphasizing each word. “You lost on purpose to let your boyfriend win? You are disgusting!”
“He’s not,” David says between kisses. “He is sweet and adorable. Don’t worry, babe, I will reward you tonight.”
“Oh, fuck, shut up!”, Abdi yells, covering his ears dramatically. “We definitely don’t want to know about how you’ll reward him.”
“I want to know, though,” Matteo answers with a grin.
Chaos ensues, as the boys all start shouting at them to keep their bedroom activities in the bedroom.
David grins at Matteo. A look passes between them, and they wordlessly agree on their next action.
When the boys have calmed down, David speaks up, quietly but clearly, his eyes sparkling.
“Keep it to the bedroom? So you guys don’t want to know we did it on that couch over there -” Jonas leaps up, looking repulsed, “or on the table, last weekend?”
Abdi snatches the beers and the snacks from said table, horrified.
“Not the table, guys! We put our food on there!”
David sniggers, and Matteo looks unimpressed as he curls up on David’s lap.
“You guys are revolting,” Jonas says, rolling his eyes. “Nothing is holy to the two of you. I am half-tempted to just leave, but you would just get it on right there on the carpet if we did.”
A long beat passes. Matteo looks at David. David looks at Matteo. Then they both start giggling uncontrollably.
“Oh, man,” Carlos mutters darkly. “Let’s go, guys. This evening is ruined anyway.”
“Remind me to bring disinfectant next time we game over here,” Jonas says bluntly, as he gathers his coat and scarf.
Matteo watches them leave from his position between David's legs.
“So,” he says, as he hears the front door click. “I took a bullet for you.”
“That you did,” David replies, his eyes dark, his voice low. “Did you want that reward now, then?”
“Mmmmm, yes, please,” Matteo murmurs, his lips on David’s skin, his hands already slipping under David’s waistband. “But for the boys’ sake, maybe we should take it to the bedroom...”
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robinskey · 6 years ago
Firsts (Steve x Reader)
Request: hi! could you write steve x fem! reader where they dated before nancy and stuff but she got pregnant and she just disappeared? (like stopping going to school because she started being homeschooled and stuff like that) and then one day reader (doesn’t know steve works at family video) goes there and robin tells steve something like “don’t be scared but there’s a toddler thats looks like you and has your stupid hair” and then sees the reader and decides to be a father!! fluff and angst !! thank u!
A/N: Okay, so I’m usually not a big fan of stories where the reader gets pregnant (because the idea of kids at this stage of my life majorly freaks me out-sorry if that’s TMI), but this prompt!! A toddler with Steve’s hair!! The angst! The fluff! I loved it. I changed a few minor things (ex: the reader moves away instead of simply being homeschooled) but stayed pretty true to the prompt overall, I think? Thanks for requesting, anon! 
Warnings: Swearing, underage drinking, teenage pregnancy, angst (probably the most angsty fic I’ve posted on here). Story under the cut.
Long before Steve Harrington was the school heartthrob, he was your next-door neighbor, best friend, and first crush. In fact, you shared your first everything with Steve. He gave you your first kiss for a dare in third grade. In sixth grade, Steve asked you to your first-ever junior high dance, the infamous Snow Ball. You and Steve went on your first date the summer after freshman year of high school; he became your first boyfriend shortly thereafter. Steve was your first love-and your first heartbreak.
Because as much as you cared for Steve, he could also be such an asshole. As he climbed up the social ladder of Hawkins High, his newfound popularity inflated his ego. He started receiving invitations to parties that you had no interest in attending. You usually tagged along to the weekend bashes, but on school nights, you told Steve to either skip it or go alone. Your resistance to embrace his new lifestyle sparked a lot of disagreements, which eventually culminated in your first ever full-blown fight.
The two of you were hanging out at his house after school one Thursday afternoon. His parents were gone, as always, so the two of you were in his room. You lay face-down on his bed, pressing your throbbing forehead into one of his pillows, while Steve rifled through his closet. Over the last few days, you’d been exhausted, excessively irritable, and achy all over your body. You felt like you were getting sick, but Steve didn’t seem to care. He was too busy planning his outfit for that evening’s party and trying to convince you to come to it.
“I can’t just show up without my girl, Y/N. What will people think?” Steve asked you. “Besides, it’ll be fun.”
“Maybe for you,” you mumbled into the pillow. “I don’t feel like partying tonight.”
“Maybe you don’t right now. But as soon as you get there, have a few drinks-”
You groaned. The idea of alcohol sounded horrific right then.
“Come on, babe. Don’t be like that,” Steve said, harsher in tone than before. 
“Like what?” you asked, turning your head to look at your boyfriend. He still faced the closet and held a jacket up to the light, inspecting it for any spots or wrinkles. His body language showed no signs of acknowledging that you’d even spoken. “Like what, Steve?” you said, a little louder.
That’s when Steve spun around with a scowl on his face. He answered your inquiry with another question: “What’s the deal with you lately?”
You blinked at him incredulously.
“What’s the deal with me? What’s the deal with you, Steve?”
“Me?” Steve threw his arms up in the air. “This isn’t even about me, Y/N!”
This comment made you jolt into an upright position. “Are you serious?” 
Steve’s hands moved to his hips, and his face contorted into a grimace. “Do I look like I’m freaking kidding?” 
“God, you’re an idiot,” you said, shaking your head. 
Steve’s complexion turned redder by the minute. “I’m an idiot because I want my girlfriend to come to a party with me?”
“Do you even hear yourself?” You rose from the bed, and your voice rose in volume with every word. “Every other word out of your mouth is ‘I, me, my.’ Of course this is about you. You make everything about you, Steve.”
He scoffed. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is! I’ve felt like shit all week, and you’ve barely noticed, and now you’re trying to get me to go to this stupid party, despite the fact that I told you-”
Steve’s anger finally bubbled to the surface and exploded. He took several frantic steps forward; for a moment, you thought his palm was about to connect with your cheek. 
“If you don’t want to go, then don’t!” he yelled in your face. “There are plenty of other bitches who want to party with me!”
You closed your eyes. When they reopened, your vision blurred with tears. 
“Fine,” you spat. The anger had been replaced with hurt. “Go get yourself another bitch, then, because I’m done being yours,” you said before storming out of the house. 
Apparently, Steve followed your instructions. In third period on Friday morning, you overheard Becky Thomas brag to her friends about how she went home with Steve Harrington after last night’s party. At that moment, a sudden wave of nausea washed over you, and you ran to the bathroom without asking for permission. 
After emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet, you sat on the bathroom tile. You leaned your back against the cool stall door and wept into your hands. It wasn’t Becky Thomas making you cry, nor your failed relationship; no, it was the sudden, sinking suspicion that something else entirely was making you sick.
The pregnancy test you picked up from the drugstore after school confirmed your hypothesis. In your confused, tumultuous world, you now knew two things.
One: You were having your now-ex-boyfriend’s baby.
Two: You could never set foot in that school again.
It wasn’t until that weekend that the full magnitude of what he had done hit Steve.
Despite what he’d said to you at the house, he didn’t initially go to the party to find a new fling. After your fight, he just wanted to get wasted and forget about his sorrows. But by the time Steve ran into Becky at the party, alcohol was already pulsing through his veins. When he squinted, Becky’s face sort of resembled yours. She was pretty and interested, and he was drunk and lonely. It was the perfect recipe for disaster. 
When he woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and the wrong girl laying in bed beside him, he knew he’d screwed up. However, with such a massive hangover, he couldn’t even imagine driving to school, let alone dream up a heartfelt apology. So he simply shooed Becky out of his house, called in sick, and fell back asleep. 
He laid in bed for the rest of the day, drifting in and out of consciousness. 
It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that Steve finally wandered into the kitchen to grab some H2O and a snack. He stared out the window as he filled a glass with tap water. A small figure walked down the sidewalk, gaze cast downward and a plastic bag on her arm. Steve considered running outside then, sweeping you into his arms, and begging for forgiveness. But he didn’t. He just watched your silhouette march across the lawn, unlock the front door, and slip into the house.
After that day, you fell off the face of the earth. You weren’t at school Monday, nor Tuesday; by Wednesday, Steve was drilling your friends on your whereabouts. They all claimed their lips were sealed. On Friday, Steve dropped by your house with a bouquet of flowers. He rung the doorbell, waited patiently, and tried to hide his disappointment when your mother answered the door. Your mother, on the other hand, made no attempt to conceal her disenchantment with the visitor.
“Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. Is Y/N home? I’d like to talk to her.”
“She’s not here right now.”
Before Steve could ask why, the door slammed in his face.
Eventually, word got out that you’d moved in with family upstate. Nobody knew why for certain. There were rumors, of course-everything from you getting a scholarship to a private school to joining the circus. After a few weeks, though, the vanished classmate disappeared from the minds of her former peers (kind of like Barb). Steve, however, held onto the hope that you would return to Hawkins. He never thought he would fall in love again after you. When he did, she didn’t even love him back. Steve spent three-and-a-half years searching for what he’d had with you, but he couldn’t replace it. He couldn’t replace you.
Nearly four years later, Steve’s taking inventory in the back of Family Video. He hums a soft melody mindlessly as he counts VHS tapes. He’s lost in his little world when Robin suddenly appears in the doorway. Her loud, throat-clearing cough startles Steve, and he nearly knocks over a stack of boxes.
“You scared me, you little shit!” Steve hisses. He avoids Robin’s eyes by pretending to study his clipboard while he waits for his heart rate to return to normal.
Robin snickers, knowing full well that Steve’s sharp tone is just an attempt to conceal his embarrassment.
“Hello to you, too, dingus.” 
Robin pauses, then clears her throat again. She doesn’t know how to phrase her question, but she knows she needs to ask it. Well, she doesn’t need to, per say-Steve could just figure it out himself. But, as his friend, she should probably give him a heads-up.
“Did you need something?” Steve asks. 
“Not really. I was just wondering if you had family visiting or something?” 
Steve scribbles something on the spreadsheet in his hand, then looks up. “I mean, if you count my parents being home for once as ‘family visiting’, then sure. But extended family, no. Why?”
“Well…” Robin smacks nervously on the gum in her mouth. “Don’t freak out or anything, but there’s this toddler waddling around the store, and he looks just like you. He’s got your stupid hair and everything.”
Steve hesitates for a moment before dismissing her comment. “All kids look the same.”
Robin blows air out of her cheeks.
“You don’t understand, Steve. Remember the time we were cleaning your garage and stumbled upon your baby album? This kid looks like he walked right out of it.”
“So? Like I said, babies all have the same face. If someone put pictures of infant-you and infant-me side-by-side, I doubt they’d be able to tell the difference.”
“Oh, please, Harrington. I was a much cuter baby than you,” Robin says. She tugs the clipboard out of his grip, places a comforting hand on his shoulder, and gives him a gentle shove toward the door. “I’ll finish this up. Just go investigate out how toddler-you figured out time travel.”
As Steve takes a step out of the storage room, a small body collides with his legs. They both lose their balance. Steve grabs onto a nearby countertop to steady himself, but the kid doesn’t have that luxury. He topples to the floor and lays there for a moment.
Steve bends down, gently helping the little one to his feet. His eyes flick over the boy’s features, from his bushy brown eyebrows and slightly-too-big-for-his-face nose to his bright pink lips and pleasantly chubby cheeks. And, of course, he can’t help noticing the kid’s hair-even without an ounce of product in it, his mane defies gravity. This toddler has more hair on his head than most children twice his age do. Robin’s right-facing this little kid is like staring into a fun-house mirror that makes you look fifteen years younger. 
“Benjamin, get back here! I’m sorry, sir, he’s just excited.”
Steve shifts his gaze above the top of the kid’s hair tower. When his eyes meet those of the young woman hurrying up the aisle, she freezes in place. The flustered apologies cease falling from her lips-which part slightly and curl into an “o.”
There’s a long period of silence, during which the toddler’s doe eyes flicker from you to Steve, Steve to you.
“Hi,” Steve finally manages. His voice trembles, just with the one word. He wants to ask how you are, where you’ve been-but he doesn’t trust his voice. And besides, it seems as though he’s forgotten how to construct sentences.
“Steve?” you whisper, despite the fact that you’re currently Family Video’s only customer. 
“Yeah, uh...hi.”
You already said that. Get it together, dipshit. 
“So, Y/N...long time no see, huh?”
You tightly cross your arms over your chest. Steve can’t tell if you do it to prevent yourself from feeling exposed or to prevent yourself from walking up to him and punching him in the face. Either one would make sense-he has no contact with a girl for four years, and then she shows up with a kid who looks exactly like him, and all he can manage is “long time no see?”
“You could say that,” you murmur, tapping your fingers on your forearm. 
Another awkward pause, ended only when Ben wonders aloud, “What’s in here?” and starts wobbling toward the storage room. You break the apparent spell that binds your feet to the tile and lunge after your son. He’s too fast, though, and disappears through the doorway before you can stop him. A few seconds later, he reappears-this time on the hip of a thin, freckled brunette who smiles at you warmly. Her name tag reads “Robin.” 
“Got him,” she says, pulling the door shut behind her before setting Ben down. He’s on the move again as soon as his feet touch the floor. You watch his chunky little legs run take him away until he vanishes behind a corner. “Hey, uh, I can watch him for a minute, if you guys want to catch up.”
“Oh, you don’t have to-”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. Kids love me-mostly because I keep a stash of candy behind the counter at all times,” Robin says with a wink. Before you can object, she’s chasing your little boy around the store, and Steve’s staring at you with those pleading puppy-dog eyes you’ve never been able to say “no” to. You still can’t, even after all these years; when he asks if you can talk in private, you agree. Your hand shakes as you twist the doorknob to the storage room, and you immediately make your way to the opposite side of the room. The click of the door as it swings shut behind Steve echoes in your mind.
Steve collapses onto a stack of boxes. He buries his face in his hands. Then, he folds them into the prayer position, pressing the edge of his fingers against his lips. Thirty seconds pass where the only sounds are your breathing, the thud of your footsteps as you pace the room, and the muffled shrieks of your son as a stranger chases him around the store.
Steve finally breaks the silence with what sounds like a joke without a hint of laughter: “I don’t suppose that’s your little brother?” 
“Are you his babysitter?”
“Random kid you picked up on the street?”
You roll your eyes. “Definitely not.”
“How old is he?” Steve asks.
“He’ll be four this summer.”
Another pause, followed by a hesitant question:
“Is that why you left to go live with your aunt? So nobody would know you were pregnant?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and choke out a “yes.”
Steve nods, taking it all in. He inhales before speaking his next piece. “Just so we’re clear,” he says, “I’m the father, right?”
You stop pacing to glower at Steve. The fire in your glare is about the closest a human’s ever gotten to shooting lasers from their eyes.
“Really, dickwad?”
“I just want to make sure we don’t have any misunderstandings here.”
“Yes,” you say. “One of us was faithful in that relationship.” Your voice drips with venom, and you expect Steve to fire toxicity back.
However, to your astonishment, Steve simply runs his hands through his hair, and admits, “I deserved that.”
“You bet your ass you did,” you hiss, though you struggle to maintain the same level of ferocity as before. The moment you spotted Steve, your body started preparing for a screaming match. You didn’t expect submission.
“Benjamin, huh?”
“If you’re about to criticize how I named the child I carried in my womb for nine long months, I’m about to kick your ass, Harrington.”
“No, no,” Steve says. He gives the faintest hint of a chuckle. “Benjamin. I like it. You know that’s my middle name, right?”
You can’t help rolling your eyes again.
“Of course I do, moron,” you say. Your gaze falls to the floor, and your voice grows smaller as you add, “Why do you think I picked it?”
“You named him after me? Why? I didn’t even know he existed.” 
You detect the bitterness as he speaks, and all the walls around you that had started to sink slightly rose again to their full height. If anyone got to be bitter, it was you. It wasn’t all your fault that a piece of shit got you pregnant. But Steve had always been the sort of guy to convince you that everything would be fine, and it would never happen to you.
But it did. It happened. And while you wouldn’t trade your son for anything, things certainly would have been easier if you’d been able to have him a little later down the line.
“Why?” you repeat, starting to walk in circles around the room again. “Well, for one thing, I never thought I would have to explain it to you.”
“That’s not a reason.” 
“It’s a reason. It’s not the reason, but it’s still a reason.”
“Okay, so what’s the reason?”
You raise a finger to your lips and gnaw on the nail. 
“I thought that’s the closest he would ever get to knowing his father,” you admit. Steve frowns at his hands.
“You should have called me,” he says quietly. “I could’ve at least sent money or something. You shouldn’t have had to take care of the kid all by yourself.”
“No, I shouldn’t have,” you say, voice starting to tremble. You stop pacing but keep your back to Steve. “But I had to. I couldn’t call you. I couldn’t hear your voice. Not when I was still... ” 
“When you were still...?” he prompts. “You were still what, Y/N?”
“I was still in love with you.”
For a second, you’re that scared sixteen-year-old again, the one who could never bear to look at her ultrasounds, cried at every doctor’s appointment, and had to leave her own baby shower early because it was all too much. The welled-up tears finally seep out from under your eyelids and slip down your cheeks.
“In spite of everything, I still loved you.” You swipe at your damp face with the back at your hand before turning to face Steve. He stares at you with glossy eyes but an otherwise-undeterminable expression. “And I knew you wouldn’t want me-not when I came with so much baggage.”
On the other side of the door, footsteps pitter-patter on the tile. Benjamin’s tiny voice calls, “Ready or not, here I come!” Then, he shouts, “I see you, silly!” and breaks into a fit of giggles. 
“I don’t know how anyone could see that little dude as ‘baggage’, even if it wasn’t their kid,” Steve says. 
“You would have, four years ago.”
“Yeah, well. A lot’s changed since then.” Steve sighs, then offers you a small, tired smile. He pats the spot beside him. “C’mere. These boxes are sturdy enough to hold us both.”
You reluctantly plop down next to him, and you both lean back against the wall. 
“Look,” he starts, “I’m really sorry-for everything. I was a self-absorbed piece of shit in high school, and you deserved so much better. But I really did love you,” Steve says, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “In fact, I never stopped.”
Steve leans towards you but stops a few inches from your face. You only hesitate for a millisecond before closing the rest of the gap. As your mouth makes contact with his, fireworks explode in your chest. His lips are even softer than you remember. 
You only take a short break for air before your lips collide once more. The kiss deepens, and you’re transported back to a much simpler time, when it was just you and Steve against the world. 
However, the fantasy doesn’t last long. After a few seconds of connection, Steve pulls away. His eyes glimmer with desire, but his lips speak the words, “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Why not?” you utter. Then, your mind jumps to the worst possible conclusion. “Shit-that girl out there-she’s your girlfriend, isn’t she?”
Steve recoils from you slightly.
“Oh, god, no. We’re just friends. I’m not exactly her...type,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s just...I don’t want to complicate things. You know, for Ben.”
You scrunch up your face in confusion. “I’m not following.”
“Well...” Steve lets a long breath of air out of his mouth. “Now that I know about Ben, I’d like to be more involved in his life-if that’s okay with you, of course. Even if it’s just sending child support checks or whatever. And maybe, until we figure out what we are-if we’re anything-which, obviously, we don’t have to be…”
Steve trails off as your hand brushes against his, leaving a trail of electricity anywhere you touch. His palms are slightly clammy, but he lets you intertwine your fingers with his. You can feel his heartbeat rapidly pulsing through his wrist.
“I love you, too, Steve,” you say, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles, “and I want to be with you. But I understand if you’re not ready for the responsibility of being a father.”
“I don’t know if I’m completely ready,” Steve says softly, “but I want to try. I just don’t want to screw up Ben’s life any more than I already have.” 
“You won’t,” you say. “Ben needs you in his life...almost as much as I do.”
Steve kisses you once more before the two of you head back out into the main part of the store. Robin and Ben are both sitting on the floor in front of the counter. A huge bag of gummy worms is situated between them.
“Hey! You’re back,” Robin chirps, though her words are somewhat strained. She scratches her head awkwardly and not-so-subtly slides the half-empty bag of gummies behind her back. “Listen, uh-Ben started to get a little antsy, so I distracted him with candy. Hope you don’t mind.”
“That’s okay. Thanks for watching him,” you say. 
“No problem. I’m going to go finish taking inventory,” she says, getting to her feet.
As soon as Robin’s gone,  your son runs up to you. He holds out a half-eaten worm as an offering. You ruffle his hair with one hand-and that’s when Ben notices the strange man is holding your other hand.
“Why you touch my mommy?” he asks, glaring up at Steve’s face, which quickly turns a bright shade of fuschia. Steve frantically untangles his fingers from yours with a desperate glance toward you for guidance. 
“Don’t worry, Benny. He’s a friend of Mama’s.”
You sit cross-legged on the floor in front of Ben. Steve follows suit, but he stays in the background, careful to give you plenty of space. Ben immediately climbs in your lap, and you wrap your arms around his chubby little body.
“He’s a very special friend of mine, actually. We’ve been friends for a really long time. We knew each other when I was your age,” you tell him. 
Ben’s eyes widen to the size of saucers. “Forever ago?”
You laugh and press a kiss to the top of his head. “Sure feels like it sometimes.” You bite your lip, unsure of what to say next. “Benny, you know a lot of the other kids at preschool have both a mommy, like me, and a daddy?”
Hearing that question drives a stake through Steve’s heart, but Ben isn’t fazed. He simply nods.
“Well, you have a daddy, too.” You speak slowly, waiting for it to click in your son’s brain. He’s either too stunned or too incompetent to put the pieces together-which, needless to say, is fair, considering he’s only three. You point to Steve but keep your gaze focused on your son. “That’s your daddy, Ben.” 
You and Steve wait in silence for your son’s reaction. Ben doesn’t usually launch into hysterics; though he may have inherited his father’s looks, he managed to evade the “dramatic as heck” gene. Still, you expect some sort of response to this life-changing news. You eventually receive one, but it’s not at all what you anticipated.
“Do you play baseball?” Ben asks Steve. His words are completely devoid of the slightly-aggressive undertone he’d used only minutes before.
Steve blinks-once, twice, three times. Then, you elbow him, and his head moves up and down in confirmation.
“Can you teach me? Like my friends’ daddies teach them?”
A sigh of relief escapes Steve’s lips, which then curl into a cheesy grin.
“I would love to, Ben.”
Your son then turns to you, puppy-dog eyes at the ready. “Can we go to park, Mommy? Pwease?”
“Baby, Daddy’s working-”
“I’ll cover his shift!” a voice calls behind you. Robin sticks her head out the door of the storage room, smirking. “Go have fun, my new favorite little family.”
“What do you say, Stevie?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Let’s do it. Let’s play some baseball.”
Steve disappears into the back room to get his wallet. When he returns, Ben holds out his hand. Steve, beaming with joy, takes it, and the three of you walk out of the store together.
Taglist:  @novaddictx @anabundanceoffandoms @rexorangecouny  @broadwayandnetflix @explode-a-pult @whormotional  @readinthegarden12 @lacunaclouds
If you want to be added to the taglist for a specific character/my writing in general, leave a reply or send me a message! Thanks again for reading. <3
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undercoveravenger · 6 years ago
Selective Mutism
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Pairing: Ben X Son of Ursula!Reader Requested: Yes Request: Can i get a ben x son of Ursula where he doesn’t talk often (selective mutism) because of the way his mother behaves, uma kind of dislikes him and he doesn’t really have a group until he meets ben and just kind of follows him around, also one of the scrapped ideas for the little mermaid was king triton being related to ursula, and triton decides he wants to meet his nephew w/ family angst idk thanks np if u don’t want to :) A/N: To the anon who requested this, thank you for the prompt: I had a lot of fun with this one! Sorry I wasn’t able to include everything you asked for in this one (and that the reader and Ben are still pretty platonic :/) but I’m thinking of making a part two depending on how this one is recieved. As always, let me know if there’s anything you want changed! 
Link to Part 2: CLICK HERE
  The first time you saw King Ben was after your sister had her first mate Harry Hook kidnap him and tie him to the mast of her ship. She had seen you watching on curiously and was quick to demand that you keep an eye on him while she and the crew went to the Chip Shop to celebrate. Used to the demanding nature that your younger sister and mother shared, you nodded wordlessly and moved to perch yourself on one of the ship’s railings where you’d be able to simultaneously keep an eye on the unconscious royal and watch for any signs of your sister’s return.
You hadn’t been staring out over the waves for long when you heard the brunet stirring behind you. It was clear precisely when he realized the situation since you were easily able to tell when his breathing quickened and he began to struggle against his restraints.
He let out a distinct sigh of relief when his eyes fell on your unmoving figure, “Hey,” he called quietly and you forced yourself not to jolt in surprise. “Could- could you please untie me?” The watery lighting was just bright enough for Ben to make out the shifting of your silhouette as you shook your head. “If you can’t untie me, then could you at least tell me why I’m here?”
You shook your head again, but Ben didn’t let your reluctance to talk dissuade him. “If this is because I’m the King, then-”
“It’s not,” you mumbled quietly, the brunet’s continued chattering starting to grate at your patience.You shifted your position slightly, turning so you could face him, “Uma wants the wand and she’s using you to get it.”
Ben’s initial shock at hearing you speak was quickly wiped away as he processed your words, “The wand? But no one in Auradon is stupid enough to trade something that powerful for me…”
You nodded, raising an eyebrow pointedly as you gesture behind you at the looming peaks of the Forbidden Mountains and the swirling storm clouds above them that perpetually blanketed the Isle of the Lost.
Ben’s eyes widened as he realized what you meant, “No, no one in Auradon would, but people are different here. There are different rules and people are willing to go further for the ones they care about.” His gaze had dropped to the rough wooden planks that made up the deck of the ship, but his dark brown eyes snapped up to meet yours as a thought struck him. “You’ve got to help me get out of here; I can’t let them trade the wand. Please, help me get back to my friends and I’ll- I’ll take you back with us! You can leave the Isle and start a new life in Auradon! You can go to Auradon Prep and-”
“Why would I want to do that?” Ben’s eyes widened as you stood from your perch, the height difference between the two of you becoming startlingly apparent as you approached him. “This godforsaken place is all I’ve ever known and it’s all I ever will know. Nothing you do or say will change that.”
You backed away from the king, lowering your head as your sister’s voice rang out, echoing through the still night air as she approached you. “What were we talking about?” She sneered, glancing between the two of you mockingly. Uma’s eyes narrowed as she turned on you, “Never mind, if you were saying something, it clearly wasn’t very important.”
Ben bristled, clearly upset by the way your sister was speaking to you, “Hey, that was actually pretty rude so-”
Uma whirled to face Ben, eyes narrowed dangerously, “Does it look like I care what you have to say, Your Highness?” she snarled. “Look, just because you’re wearing ripped jeans, doesn’t mean you know anything about this place or what it takes to grow up here, so stop acting so high and mighty. Besides, my brother doesn’t have much to say anyway; my mother made sure of that.”
Ben could see you wince from your place behind Uma and he opened his mouth to retort, only to close it again when you shake your head, silently telling him to let it go. Uma nodded, seemingly satisfied with his level of compliance before taking hold of your arm and dragging you off just a little too roughly, leaving Ben alone with his thoughts.
The second time you had a run-in with the King was the following afternoon, when the bad-turned-good villain kids were supposed to turn Fairy Godmother’s wand over to your sister in exchange for Ben. You had been lingering behind the rest of the crew until it was revealed that the wand was a fake and a fight broke out between the rest of the crew and Ben’s friends. It was clear that the group was trying to make it to the large pipe extending from the cliff face that lead back towards the center of the town.
They had all nearly made it across when things went horribly wrong. Ben’s foot had just brushed the bridge when Harry’s hand closed on the back of his shirt, yanking him backward and laughing as the movement knocked the bridge from its place, leaving Ben stranded on the opposite side of the gap from the rest of his group.
You shot a quick glance around you, the fact that the rest of the crew wasn’t close enough to interfere hardly even processing before you were moving. You raced toward the King and his captor, building up enough momentum to knock Harry off balance as you grabbed onto Ben’s arm and using the rest of your forward momentum to drag him with you off of the edge of the pier and into the churning water below.
Unlike Uma, you’d taken largely after your mother in terms of your affinity for water, so it was remarkably easy for you to readjust your hold on the King and drag him along with you as you swam along the base of the bluffs, intending on getting far enough away from the crew so that you could be sure they wouldn’t get to the two of you before you could return Ben to his friends. Finally, you reached the secluded beach where you spent most of your free time and dragged Ben up onto the sand. He was still pretty limp from shock and the blood welling at his temple told you that Harry must’ve gotten in a pretty good blow before you had made your move.
You let out a huff, realizing that Ben wouldn’t be able to walk well on his own in his dazed state. With a firm arm around his shoulders, you swept the other under his knees in a strange parody of a princess carry and began your short hike toward the isolated alleyway that you knew the tunnel lead to.
When you stumbled upon the group of newly reformed V.K.s and their Auradonian companion (You could vividly remember how stunned you were with the assumed princess’s skills with a sword), they were apprehensive until they realized you were carrying Ben. Jay and Carlos were quick to make their way over to you, each moving to help you support the weight of their unconscious friend. Mal and Evie were less willing to trust you, both having recognized you as a member of your sister’s crew, and with how little you spoke, you weren’t exactly in the best place to explain yourself.
You kept your gaze lowered as you helped the boys load Ben into the limo and watched as the strange girl slipped into the sleek black vehicle to keep an eye on him, before slowly backing away. You shot the group a small smile before turning your back and starting to make your exit.
“Wait,” Mal called out after you. You stopped, turning slightly to face her while raising an eyebrow. She looked at her friends for help but Carlos only shrugged helplessly while Evie and Jay grinned noncommittally. Mal rolled her eyes, tossing a wave of her violet hair over her shoulder, “Look, you didn’t have to help him but you did. That sort of thing might not mean much over here, but it means quite a bit back in Auradon.” She smiled slightly, clearly trying not to scare you off, “Come with us. Leave the Isle behind, and your past with it, and come try something new.”
Your brows furrowed as your gaze flickered from face to face, trying to discern whether or not she was being serious. Carlos was grinning widely at you, Jay had crossed his arms over his chest and looked away, clearly trying to feign disinterest, but you could see the way he kept glancing over out of the corner of his eye. Evie was biting her lip to try and muffle her smile, and Mal was looking straight at you, her emerald eyes showing no malice or hint of deceit. After a moment’s deliberation, you nodded, trying to bite back a grin at how excited the rest of your new little crew got at your response.
After that, the five of you were quick to join the still unconscious King and the Core Four’s friend in the limo and that was it; you were finally on your way to a life where you weren’t being forced into the shadows by your sister and her crew. For the first time, you were being handed the chance to dictate your own life, and you couldn’t wait to see where it lead you.
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toutorii · 5 years ago
hello again! i'm the anon that asked for that RobTiki prompt. sorry to ask for another, you did so well last time! would you write something cute involving Tiki wearing Robin's coat? set before they S supported?
Thank you so much for @pholadis for requesting
Okay, so I assume this means before they get married? So they’re gonna be dating, even though nobody dates in this games it’s just “Hey, *insert awkward convo*” ��Uh, *insert awkward response” “I love you” “LET’S GET MARRIED” and then wooptidoo a wild child appears. BUT, imma gonna try and make them a fluffy couple. So if you meant for them to be friends, I’m really sorry! And you can tell me and I can whip up another one-shot for you! Also, ngl, but RobTiki is starting to grow on me. I mean, RobAnna will always be my fav, but RobTiki is starting to make a place in my heart.
Also, it didn’t take me 8 years of playing Awakening to finally get Tiki cause I kept accidentally letting her die in her paralogue
 Warnings: Mild Language, Fluff, and my unedited garbage writing
“Where the hell did my coat go?” Yillise’s tactician thought to himself, going through everything trying to find his beloved coat. He had been searching for hours and unknowingly making his best friend worry.
“Robin?” Chrom said, startling the white-haired man.
“Gya!” Robin jumped, knocking over the absurdly large stack of papers next to him. Chrom sweatdropped, rushing to help his friend.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you.” The bluenette said.
“It’s nothing, but I do have a question. Have you seen my cloak?”
This question took Chrom by surprise, “All this fuss over a cloak?”
“Uh, no. I can’t say that I have. In fact, this is probably one of the first times I’ve seen you without it outside of training.”
Robin scowled, ”I don't wear it that often.” Chrom just gave him a look saying, ”seriously?” the tactician sighed, going off to try and find his girlfriend, Tiki. When he stepped out of the tent, a chill immediately wrapped around him, making him shake without his coat to protect him. He worried about his Manakete lover, knowing that she doesn't do well with the cold. 
Walking to a tree near the base to collect his thoughts, he found her. And Robin nearly died from the sight. 
Tiki, his beloved Tiki, was wrapped up in his cloak, and in a fetal position, fast asleep. His heart felt like it could burst at any moment because of how adorable the sight was. He chuckled and sat next to the sleeping manakete, moving her to where she was laying on his lap. He played with her soft green hair, careful not to wake her. But even with his careful hands, she awoke anyway. 
”Morning sleeping beauty.” he chuckled softly. Soaking in the beauty that was Tiki. 
”Robin, apologies. I should have asked for your cloak before I borrowed it. I pray you can forgive me.” she said, still resting her head on Robin’s lap.
”Its perfectly okay, I was just worried I lost it or something” He replied, reaching down to plant a kiss on her forehead. 
”You missed, ” She said casually. Robin choked on his spit, trying to make up possible other meanings for her words. Not that he didn't mind kissing her, in fact, he would love to. But it was still something he’d never done before. 
”I- uh- pardon?” he spluttered.
”I said, ”you missed” she repeated with a small smirk on her face. 
”Uh, well, I- I didn't know you could be so forward, ” he said, trying to grasp at what little composure he had left. 
”You didn't know me when I was younger, love, ” she giggled. That damned giggle. 
”Well, I guess that's true. But are you sure? I mean it's just, I've never done this before, and I really don't want to be a dissapoi-mph” his rant was cut off by Tiki’s hands, covered by the oversized sleeves. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, love, but you need to talk less.” Tiki giggled. She moved her hands down and replaced them with her lips. Robin’s eyes widened, not knowing what to do, so the poor thing just sat there. Tiki soon pulled away, not making the kiss absurdly long. Both of them were as red as tomatoes. Robin was still in shock, not knowing what to say. Tiki just laughed and asked, “are you okay? Did I do it wrong? Oh no, you hate me now don’t you? I’m so sorry! I-“ the manakete was cut off by a deep chuckle. 
“I- no- it’s just, I’ve never been kissed before, and I’m still trying to decipher what the hell just happened.”
“Such eloquence”
“Hey! I’m just a little shocked that’s all. I mean, I’m not really that experienced in the area….”
Tiki cupped his face with her hand, staring into his eyes. They stayed like that for a good while, just getting lost in each other’s eyes. They stayed in a comfortable silence. Just enjoying each other’s company. That was until-
“Robin? Where are yo- oh.” Chrom started, accidentally walking in on an intimate moment between the two. The Manakete and the tactician just stared at the bluenette who just cleared his throat and said something along the lines of  “uh, sorry, I’ll talk to you later”.
Tiki and Robin looked back at eachother before bursting out in fits of laughter.
“You- you would think, that he wouldn’t be flustered by seeing two people holding each other. considering he’s married and has a child.” Robin said after calming down. 
Tiki hit him saying, “Be nice, he’s your captain, and your best friend.” 
“True, but let’s focus on that kiss we just had.”
“Oh? Who knew you could be so forward, Mr. Tactician?”
Robin’s face erupted in a blush, he sputtered out, “W-well, I-I uh, well, I um, m-” His stuttering was cut off by Tiki’s laughter.
“Pftttt you should have seen your face! It was like blehh” Tiki tried to mimic Robin’s face, failing miserably, but getting a chuckle out of Robin anyways. They fell into another comfortable silence.
“Hey, Tiki?”
“Yes Robin?”
“You make me happy, you know that right?” the manakete giggled at Robin’s question.
“Of course I know, you also make me very happy, Robin. But we should probably get headed back to the camp.” She said, while standing up. Robin’s breath hitched at the sight of Tiki in his cloak. Her green hair was in a messy ponytail, and the cloak made her look smaller than she already was. Tiki noticed Robin staring at her with a faint blush across his face. She giggled, making Robin blush even more. She started to take of the oversized coat, before Robin stopped her.
“No, you can keep it for today.”
“Okay, thank you love.”
OKAY, SO. For the past two and a half weeks-ish, life has been crazy 😂😂. But I am so sorry to @pholadis for having this come out so late. And honestly I’m not so happy about the result….and im also very sorry for how short this is... But I hope that you enjoyed, it was really fun to write!
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motleyfuckingcruee · 6 years ago
Stay (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
From prompts list "Have you lost your damn mind?!" With smut
Language, smut, fluff
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You stand off to the side as you watch people grind on each other. You had only been living with your big brother, Vince, and his friends for three months and you were already tired of their lifestyle. Tommy would bring a bunch of girls he barely knew to have sex with them at different times. You thought it was a disgusting way to treat women, but then again the girls agreed to it. They only have themselves to blame. Nikki keeps disappearing at these parties. You genuinely have no clue where he runs off to. You looked everywhere you could think of. You guys decided to keep the bedroom doors locked so that you wouldn’t have to deal with random people being in you guys’ bed in the morning or the aftermath of two people having sex. It just wasn’t fun to clean up and it made the rooms start to stink.
Nikki seemed to be constantly on your mind recently. You paid close attention to every little thing he did. Whether it be tuning his bass or licking his lips. You were absolutely drawn to him. You don’t know if it was you actually developing a crush on him or if you were just full of lust, but you were always thinking of him.
You love his fluffy black hair that he teased to the limit. You love his bright green eyes that lit up when he talks about something he loves. You love his smirk that you just can’t resist.
You know you shouldn’t think of him that way. He’s your brother’s best friend! That’s just plain wrong. Vince would be so mad at the both of you. Before you even moved in he specifically told you not to have sex with his roommates. You thought that was ridiculous. At least until you saw Nikki. Something about him just drove you insane.
Someone bumps into you, spilling ice cold beer all over your brand new white T-Shirt. Damn it. Vince ruined your only other white shirt and you had just bought this one today.
You groan as the intoxicated man slurred an apology. You push past the swarm of drunk people dancing in the living room. You share a room with Nikki, so that’s the only place you can go. You also don’t have the key to Vinny and Tommy’s room. You pull the key out of your back pocket. You figure that Nikki must’ve left or something. He probably went to a strip club. You love your new friends dearly, but all they seem to think about is sex. That’s gotten on your nerves more than you’d like to admit. When Nikki will talk about his latest “Score” you’d feel yourself get jealous and angry. You knew that was stupid of you. There’s no way Nikki could like you the way you like him.
You unlock the door, pushing it open and getting inside quickly. You don’t want anyone to try to follow you in. You doubt that would happen, but it might. You look down at your soaked shirt. You can clearly see the black t-shirt bra you were wearing. You wear your bras by comfortableness. Not sexiness. It’s not like any guy is going to want to have sex with you anyways. What was the point of dressing up for no reason? You look up from your shirt. You see a flicker of light in the corner of the room. You turn on the light to see Nikki sitting in the corner with a lighter and a journal in his lap. You jump, not expecting to see the gorgeous black haired man.
Your heart is pounding hard and fast. Not because you’re scared. That’s just the effect he has on you.
“Jesus, Nik,” You say, slightly out of breath. “You scared the hell out of me.”
Nikki smirks. “You never had hell in you, darlin’. You’re a pure angel.”
You roll your eyes. “Sure.”
He looks over your appearance, stopping at your chest as he can see your bra. “Win a wet t-shirt contest?”
You laugh dryly. “That’s exactly what happened.” You open the closet. You want to get out of this damn shirt. It’s sticking to your skin uncomfortably. “Actually some drunk asshole spilled his beer on me.”
You hear Nikki get up. Next thing you know, you feel him behind you. “Want me to beat his ass?”
You giggle, glancing at him. He leans against the wall next to you. You finally grab one of Nikki’s old shirts. You know he doesn’t mind. He’s even told you to wear his shirts before. “Nah. I think the killer hangover tomorrow will be punishment enough.”
Nikki laughs. The sound is so melodic to your years. It causes you to laugh a little too. “I think so.”
You peel off the shirt, throwing it onto the floor. You’ll pick it up later. You ignore Nikki’s eyes on you as you quickly slide on the new shirt. It’s a worn out New York Dolls shirt. You smile, knowing how much he loves them.
You walk over and sit on the end of his mattress. Since you guys can’t afford to get a bed frame, you have to crouch down, your knees pulled up to your chest. Nikki sits next to you without a word.
You sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder. “Doesn’t this get old?”
“Does what get old?” Nikki asks, sounding tired.
“This life? Partying every night. Knowing Vince and Tommy, sleeping with different girls every night. Seeing people come in and trash your apartment with no remorse?” You bite down on your lip. “Don’t you get tired of it? I’ve only been here for three months and I know I’m tired of it.”
He laughs. “Well, you’re different. You didn’t get Vince’s partying gene.”
You scoff. “Good thing too.” You pull away from Nikki to look into his eyes. “I’m just not a crowd person. Or a party person. I’d rather it be the four of us watching a stupid movie with popcorn. That’s more my speed.”
Nikki scoots a bit closer. “Sounds a bit like a date.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “How does that sound like a date, Sixx?”
He grins. “If you put on a scary movie, I could hold you when you’re scared.”
You smirk at him. “What are you implying?”
“That you should let me take you out,” He says simply.
“Do you mean on a date or are you going to kill me?” You joke.
He laughs. Louder than he had before. The laugh reaches his eyes and lights them up like Christmas trees. That’s your favorite sight in the world. “On a date,” Nikki says once he calms down. “I promise no killing will happen.”
“Okay,” You say laughing at him.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, looking a bit worried.
“Of course it is,” You say, placing your hand on his cheek.
Nikki leans in with a huge grin on his face. His lips brush against yours when you hear Vince’s loud yell from out in the hallway. You jump nearly ten feet away from Nikki. This doesn’t seem to affect him, but it has you on edge. You totally forgot that you promised Vince you wouldn’t get involved with his friends.
“Have you lost your damn mind?!” You yell. “Vince will kill us both!”
Nikki laughs, understanding why you jumped away. He shakes his head. “No he won’t. He might get mad, but he can’t stay mad at his little sister.”
“He might at this,” You say. “Nikki, I don’t want to cause a fight between you guys.”
Nikki frowns. “I don’t give a fuck what he thinks. I really like you. I have since you walked in the apartment door.”
Your eyes widen. “Really?”
He nods.”I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. I still think that. You’re so funny and kind. You’re perfect to me.”
You blush. “None of that’s true, but okay.” Your gaze drops to your feet.
Nikki tilts your chin so that you’re looking back up at him. “Why can’t you believe you’re so beautiful?”
You shrug. “People have given me reasons to think otherwise.”
He shakes his head. “Fuck them. Listen to me.” He smiles. “You know I’m right, like always.”
You laugh at his cockiness. He starts to lean in again. This time you lean in too. You hear Vince yelling again, but it becomes background noise. All that you’re focused on is Nikki pressing his lips against yours. He starts to get rougher with each kiss. He starts to pull your-well his-shirt over your head. You let him, instantly reconnecting your lips as soon as the shirt is out of the way. He pulls you into his lap. His hands find their way to your ass, finally resting there.
You’re not sure how it happened, but the next thing you knew, you were under Nikki completely naked. He hovers above you, no clothes on as well, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck.
He reaches into his bedside table, grabbing a condom out of it. He rips it open with his teeth, balancing himself with only one arm.
“No foreplay?” You ask, out of breath.
Nikki chuckles, his eyes dark with lust. “Fuck that,” He says, rolling on the condom. “I need you.”
Without warning, he thrusts into you hard. He doesn’t let you adjust before pulling out and thrusting back into you. He continues that, you letting out little moans every time he does. Your nails rake down his back, sure to leave marks tomorrow. You’re sure that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
Nikki whispers curses into your ear. “Fuck, babe. Scream louder. Let everyone know who’s fucking you this good.”
You reach your climax as soon as Nikki does. You fall over the edge when Nikki reaches his hand down between you and rubs your clit with his thumb. Nikki cums not too long after you do. You both ride out your high. The only thing that can be heard is your heavy breathing. Nikki finally collapses on top of you. His face nuzzles your neck, tickling you lightly. He pulls out of you, taking the condom off and throwing it into the trash can he has next to his mattress.
Sweat is pouring off of him and he has a huge grin on his face. “That was amazing,” He says as he pulls you to lay your head on his chest. You can feel his heart pounding and you smile.
“It was,” You respond, draping an arm over his stomach.
He kisses the top of your head. “I should’ve asked you out sooner.” He pauses, thinking something over. “You do still want to go on a date with me, right?”
You pull your head up to look at him. “What do you think?”
You laugh, kissing his lips deeply. “Does that answer your question?”
He shakes his head, a tired smile on his face. “Nope. Try one more time and I’ll see if I know the answer.”
You roll your eyes at him, laughing slightly. You pull his face closer to yours, kissing him deeper than before. You pull away, looking at the man in front of you, who you were undoubtedly falling for.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He flips you over so that he’s hovering over you again. “Now for round two?”
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness
Nikki: @moon-beame @slutfor-sixx @2dead2function @horrorpxnk @timeisthewound
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forasecondtherewedwon · 5 years ago
So! Prompt-wise I love, love, love #2...but also I think there could be something fun,hilarious, and hot in the 18/43 kinda combo. I don’t know which prompts you’ve already gotten and I don’t wanna overwhelm you mostly bc I’m ecstatic that you’re doing this at all. But if either or neither of those gets you going I’d be happy to read whatever you choose share with us 💜💙
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Phew, this is my second-to-last fic from the prompt list I was working from over the summer. Thank you, thank you for your patience, @redpepprflakes and Anon! I know it’s been a long wait. You both requested #43, and I loved the idea of #18 and #43 together, so that’s what I did! Enjoy!
Posing QuestionsPairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle)Rating: EWord count: 3615
18. “This is… exactly what it looks like.”
43. “You wanted me to walk in on you.”
Peter didn’t need a map. Honestly, he didn’t! But hemight’ve been able to find the room faster if the visual arts building had onlystraight hallways and large, obvious numbers over the doors―like the naturalsciences building where he had his classes. He checked the time on his phoneand looked up in time to slide to the side, avoiding a guy toting a largecanvas. Both of these were good signs (the phone and the guy). They meant thatPeter wasn’t yet late to meet MJ and that he was heading in the right direction; at eight in the evening, classes were mostly over, so chances werethat the artist (or just canvas caddie?) had come from MJ’s art class.
Ok, it wasn’t MJ’s class(she wasn’t in it and, only in her second year of college, she didn’t teach it),but he kind of thought of it that way. Pictured her commanding and silencingthe room.
Peter felt a little warm.
Maybe he’d taken that last set of architecturally-inventivestairs too fast, or maybe he was wearing too many layers. It was always astruggle for him in the fall when the weather changed, and worse now that hewas living in student housing. There was no Aunt May to squint at him overtheir morning cereal and say, “Peter, do you really need a t-shirt, abutton-up, a sweatshirt, and ajacket?” But he was figuring it out.
Aha, here was the room (by room, he meant studio) and there,when he swung the door wide, was MJ, standing on the low platform the modelsposed on. And dropping an ice-blue robe to the floor. There was nothingunderneath. Peter let go of the door and it banged into his back, shoving himcompletely into the room. His girlfriend, who’d had her back to him, flickedher head to glance over her shoulder.
“It’s you.”
Her voice was soft for the size of the space and she didn’tsound surprised. Why was she not surprised? Oh right, because she’d told himthe room and the time and asked him to meet her here so they could go out andgrab a hamburger after her two hours of stiff posing. Had she counted on Petergetting more lost, thereby leaving her more time to get dressed? That wasprobably it, but… this was MJ. She thought things through. That could onlymean…
“You wanted me to walk in on you,” Peter said, advancing twosteps on stiff, toy-soldier legs.
MJ shrugged.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” she asked, hair swayingas she bent to snatch her jeans off the ground and stepping into them. (Nounderwear―holy shit.)
His brain turned to sludge around the question, dragging italong instead of processing it as MJ pulled the jeans up to her thighs andhopped to bring them the rest of the way. He watched her head tilt down as shezipped them. The noise was ringingly metallic in his ears. That was so muchbare back. So much bare back. Bloodflooded his groin like air being blown into a balloon. He automatically grippedthe front of his jeans, but adjusting himself wasn’t doing a hell of a lot ofgood with his girlfriend still standing there, trying to turn her shirt theright way out before putting it on.
Peter should say something. He should definitely saysomething to interfere with the putting-on of the shirt. Do about it? He woulddo… something. He would just… He closed his eyes for a second and took adeep breath through his nose, but his hand kept on fiddling. Stroking. Tugging throughthe denim.
“It’s fine, Parker,” MJ said, laughing a little as sheturned around with her elbows in the air, fighting her way into the twistedshirt. “It was a pretty stupid thing to do. Just thought I’d… ugh!―” The neck hole was snug and kept theshirt temporarily trapped around her head, over her eyes. “―shake you up andsee what happened.”
He was still gaping at her exposed breasts when she yankedher top into place and out of her face. He was also definitely, definitely still standing there with hishand clutching his dick. Which was where her gaze went.
“This is… exactly what it looks like,” Peter had to admit.He released himself, letting his hands hang at his sides, but the bulge was…well, prominent at this point, and MJ did have a habit of keen observation.
Her mouth rested open for a few seconds before some wordscame to her.
“That wasn’t one of the things I’d thought you might ‘doabout it.’ But all experiments have unpredicted side-effects, right? Right? Isthat what they teach you over in NatSci?”
Wow, she was flustered, Peter realized. Colour had raced uphis girlfriend’s cheeks and she was flapping the hem of her shirt away from herstomach. He felt less blindsided now.
Peter began smiling as he approached her and MJ compulsivelytucked her hair behind both ears. She kept babbling.
“I’ve just…” She raised a hand palm-up. “…I’ve neverseen you, you know, do that before.Not that it’s a big deal because it’s not, it’s not a big… a big…”
He stopped in front of her, inches between their noses.
“Don’t you dare,” Peter breathed, smiling eyes locked withher widened ones, “put on a single sock more.”
“You liked my experiment?” She spoke just as much with thosebrown eyes and read with them too, scanning his face, hungry for feedback.
He swallowed, refreshing his initial shock of opening thedoor to reveal her nude body.
“It was very effective.”
“Effective,” MJ echoed with a sly smile as she snuck a handbetween them and ran her knuckles up his erection. Peter’s mouth popped open.His lips twitched up higher on one side; he could feel himself wearing thesmile he always wore when he was ready to trail after her like a puppy.
Wait, had she just turned the tables on him again? Dammit.
Peter kissed her quickly, untucking and re-tucking her hairwhile he held her face steady. She leaned her forehead against his as they drewapart.
“How was the class?” he asked. “You’re getting used to keepingsuper still?”
“I’ve always beengood at that.”
He laughed. “That’s true.”
“The best thing about it, besides making money to pay forschool, is that I can just zone out with no one bothering me. Lots of time tothink.”
“I noticed.”
“Scheming on how to get you hot always feels like a good useof my time,” MJ teased, kissing his cheek, then ducking to get beneath his jaw.He panted in surprise as her lips tickled up and down his neck.
“And I am very grateful,” he swore.
He laid his hands on her shoulders, idling in the sensationof her fingers hooking through his belt loops, her thumbs massaging the ridgehis dick made in the denim. Peter groaned. When she bit lightly at his throat,his cock leapt and his hands smoothed down to cover her breasts. Without a bra,her nipples prodded his palms through her cotton shirt.
“We’re not actually doing this here,” he verified, glancingup at the low light ringing the room and the high, dark windows.
MJ said nothing. But she unbuttoned his jeans. And shelowered the zipper. Her tongue gave his throat a single stroke before she setPeter internally staggering by going down to her knees.
“Somebody could walk in here.”
It might not be likely, with the hour and the lack of peoplehe could personally attest to viewing on his way up (and they’d all beenheading out), but it wasn’t impossible.
“Go lock the door then,” MJ suggested while peeling thefront of his boxers down and leaning forward to touch her lips to his shaft ashis cock jutted out.
“Holy…” Peter looked swiftly over his shoulder at the door(no activity), then down at the top of his girlfriend’s head. “Ok, yeah, you’vebeen doing a lot of thinking.”
“Guilty,” she whispered, flattening her tongue against him.
He watched her lick leisurely upward and part her lips overthe head of his dick. Apparently, he had two groans: histhis-is-a-delicious-hamburger groan and his sex groan. (MJ had informed him ofthis.) Peter was doing the latter now, and wasn’t too bummed to have beendenied a chance at the former. Hamburgers, like gravity, would always be there.The taste for potential exhibitionism his girlfriend seemed to have gainedalong with her part-time figure modeling gig might be fleeting. Maybe it would be permanent, but if thatwere the case and Peter was able to look back from the future on this moment,he just couldn’t believe in a timeline where he said, “You know what, baby? How‘bout we pause this and go grab that burger.” Nuh uh.
“That feels amazing,” he gasped, gently taking hold of herupper arms when she grabbed his hips, “but I hate to see you kneeling. You mustbe so stiff.”
“Interesting choice of words.”
Peter chuckled weakly as MJ’s mouth descended on him again.
“Oh fuck.”
The inside of her mouth, or her lips, or her tongue, or something (he couldn’t pinpoint itthrough the general thought of yes)vibrated with her light laugh and Peter nearly joined her on her knees.
“You’ve proved you’re a pervert who masterminded a plan toabsolutely own me while you satquietly all evening,” he admitted, tone near whining as MJ explored thepossibility of easing more of his length into her mouth. “Now let me protectyou from yourself.”
She sucked him punishingly before release, making Peter’swhole body jerk and his breathing choke off. Getting to her feet, MJ sighed.
“Ok, let’s get out of here.”
He frowned, yanking his boxers back up to cover himself.
“That’s not what I said.”
He gave his head a shake and his girlfriend put a hand onhis arm. It was super sweet, though logically, Peter knew she understoodsomething so minor wouldn’t be enough to throw him off balance.
“I think we should stay,” he said, reeling MJ into him bycurling his fingers around the waist of her jeans where it gapped away from herskin. He buried his face against her neck and let his lips graze down.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmm,” Peter agreed into her collarbone. “Get you off yourfeet for a while.”
“Off my feet,” MJ repeated, holding up a hand to begincounting on her fingers, “off my knees… You’re bossy tonight, Parker. What am I allowed to be on?”
He mumbled, lips buzzing against her.
“Hmm?” She sounded drowsy―always a good sign and always aresult of him kissing creepingly up her neck (if he did a good job).
“On me,” he repeated lowly. “Be on me, MJ, please.”
His girlfriend moaned and Peter glanced up to see her eyeshad slid shut. Skating his closed lips back and forth across her cheek, heunfastened her jeans and plunged his hand inside to cup between her legs. Hewas stunned that blowing him could get MJ so wet. Then again, his erection wasstraining pretty heroically right now as he fingered her. It made sense―peoplewho were passionate enough about each other to be turned on by the otherperson’s pleasure were for sure sufficientlynuts to have sex in an art studio.
“Gonna stay? Gonna stay here with me?” he murmured to her.
MJ took firm hold of his wrist and squeezed, a wordlessrequest for more. These were the signals they had. This was the language theyspoke. Him, the scientist. Her, the artist. Peter bent his fingers into her andused his other hand to shove her jeans down, pushing at one hip, then theother. Frantically, she tugged at his sweatshirt. With the material hiked up,MJ ran her palm hungrily over his abs.
“Platform, I guess,” she spoke into his mouth before nudginghim into a kiss. Her nails scratched lightly below his navel and Peter justabout lost his mind.
“Yeah?” MJ laughed―a little airy, a little crazy―their lipsbrushing.
Peter bent and stripped her of her jeans, then hoisted herinto his arms. She made things incredibly difficult by scraping over his nippleup under his shirt and stabbing her tongue into his mouth until his hipsthumped against hers. Fingers tight in her hair, he walked blindly in thegeneral direction of the raised platform the models posed on. Setting MJ on herfeet for even a moment was dangerous; as desperately handsy as a mugger, shewrestled his sweatshirt and T off. Peter didn’t resist (in fact, smiled thewhole time) when she pushed against his chest.
He sat and she followed, ignoring the way he grinned up ather to move like she was on a mission (relatable for the guy who spent too manyof his evenings and weekends systematically clearing their city of criminals).MJ straddled Peter’s lap, but he refused to be forced onto his back, bracinghimself easily against her insisting hands.
“Wait,” he laughed.
She gripped his cock through his boxers, then, frustrated,pulled the front of them down again to wrap her fingers around him, unobstructed.Peter sighed heavily, bobbing his hips at his girlfriend’s touch.
“And you call muh… mebossy,” he gasped.
“I know what I want.”
He could only swallow and nod, looking down at her handstroking up and down his length. Surrendering, Peter laid flat on his back.
“Finally,” MJ muttered, making them both laugh.
She shuffled backward, working his jeans and boxers belowhis knees and no further. Well, it would do the job. MJ leaned low over Peter,grasping his cock and taking the head into her mouth for another insufferable,divine minute of heat and her undulating tongue. His hands were fists at hissides. Once she’d administered her last lick, Peter smoothed his hands from MJ’sknees up her thighs to urge her forward, resting her slick center against hisdick.
Breathing drowsily again, she slowed enough to let him peelher shirt off and drop it at his side, getting a whiff of her when it hit theplatform. Their eyes met.
“No condom tonight?” Peter checked. He’d forgotten for awhile there, but having her actually on top of him made him mindful. MJ hadbeen on the pill since before their first time and while they almost alwayssupplemented their prophylactic protocol with a condom, on the rare and (hecouldn’t deny it) very pleasant occasion, they skipped it.
“Again,” she teased, swinging her hair so it spilled overher shoulder and down to her chest, “is that something you want to get up for?”
“If you’re ok, I’m ok.”
She bent forward and Peter held her face with both hands,kissing her deeply.
“You’re more than ok,” MJ informed him. She wiggled a littleon his lap and he choked on a groan.
Peter let her hair glide through his fingers as she satupright to guide his cock inside her. MJ seated herself in stages, taking alittle, angling her hips, taking more, flexing (the delicate squeezes drove him insane in the best way), and dropping―just to make him grunt like he’d beenkicked in the stomach, was Peter’s theory. But he didn’t mind. Fuck, he never minded.
“We should be quick though,” she casually mentioned. “Acustodian usually comes by around 8:30 to empty the trash and recycling.”
MJ left Peter zero time for an outburst about potentiallyscarring a stranger for life if they were interrupted, planting her knees androcking her hips in a brisk rhythm that felt way too fucking good. The crown ofhis head smacked the floor as he instinctively arched his neck. Her fingerstrailed along his throat and when Peter shifted his head to look up at her, shewinked. The fact that the wink was probably at least 50% sarcastic didn’t stopit from being sexy.
Every day of his student life was about cramming morechemistry into his head, but all he could feel as they ground together―MJ’stight, rapid hold and his striving thrusts from below―was the kind of basicvinegar and baking soda reaction that goes with a middle school science fairvolcano. There was definitely a reaction coming, heat and friction creating aroiling and burning under Peter’s skin. Inside his brain. MJ opened her mouth to pant, like she was venting some ofthat pressure, but it wouldn’t be enough. Peter wedged his hands beneath herknees to save them from bruising, pumping steadily up into her.
“I know how you want it, babe,” he egged her on. MJ’seyelids fluttered and she rolled her neck in a lazy circle, still rocking. “Goafter it. Please,” Peter groaned before biting down hard on his lip.
They’d had the same talk over and over again, about what shecould dish out and what he could take. Day to day, they were careful, hissuper-durability only making his girlfriend more determined to offer delicatetreatment in contrast to the occasional battering sustained in his masked lineof work. Peter had convinced her over months and years that, while heappreciated her gentleness in most situations, he could handle more. That he,in fact, wanted more when it came tothis. That having his girlfriend throw herself into uninhibited climax-chasinglike a wave throws itself onto the shore could be one of the ways they tookcare of each other. If MJ was a force of nature, Peter was that one tree that’sstill standing after disaster’s passed by.
The sway of her hips changed from steady to rough; shewasn’t penetrated so much as impaled, palms pressing down on his chest. Peterbacked off the force of his own thrusts, simply because the intensity of whatMJ was doing was so overwhelming that he needed to start concentrating on notgetting off immediately. He focused on the sensation of his jeans bunched upagainst his shins. His mouth was open, but he had to keep reminding himself touse it to take in air―it was way too easy to just stare up at his girlfriend ina pleasured haze and forget to breathe.
When the way MJ rode him moved from violent bouncing toshallowly fucking herself with his cock on a 45° angle, Peter knew she wasclose. (Awesome, ‘cause so was he.) It wouldn’t do any good to remove his handsfrom their function as knee coasters to pinch her nipples or rub her clit; hisgirl could get herself there without any help from his fingers. Besides, hedidn’t want to see her knees turn blue and purple later because he hadn’t protectedthem.
Sinking his teeth deeper into his lip, Peter gusted air outhis nose as he drove up hard with his hips, pounding against her g-spot. MJ’sshoulders shimmied involuntarily and she clutched at his chest, dragging herclit hurriedly against the course hair at his groin while he held himself rigidand there for the taking. She’d started to whine. A long sound, frequentlybroken, that only resolved itself into his name (shouted) when all that tensioncollapsed in on her and she came, slamming her hips onto his.
While MJ was still trembling, Peter hugged her into his chestand jerked his hips spastically. He hit his own orgasm, face buried in her hairwhile he choked out a sound that tried to be, “MJ.” It felt like he’d never beempty, just thrusting forever, as long as she was there, clenching andshivering around him and all awkward elbows and compressed breasts in his arms.
His head hit the floor with a thump and MJ reached up to rubit before she’d lifted her own head off his shoulder. Her pulse or her musclesor whatever was/were still throbbing around his dick. Peter would’ve keptsoftly thrusting to see how soon they could have each other again, if not forher warning of the imminent custodian. Why hadn’t they done this in either oftheir beds and enjoyed the luxury of multiple rounds? Maybe staggering nakedtogether from the mattress to the shower? Oh right, because his deviousgirlfriend had orchestrated a scenario where he walked in on her naked. Yep,this would be one to remember.
She pushed herself up limply while Peter’s hands strokedworshipfully across her back and down her sides. He smiled up at her inadoration. MJ, naturally, rolled her eyes.
“I gotta pee.” She looked thoughtful. “But I also don’t knowif I can stand.”
“Make you a deal,” Peter offered, doing a partial sit-up tokiss her cheek. “Let me put my pants back on and I’ll carry you to the door ofthe women’s restroom.”
“And what else?”
He raised his eyebrows at her, but she waited, looking smugwith the knowledge that he’d sweeten the offer. (Damn, they were good to eachother.)
“And I’ll go down on you the second we get back to yourdorm.”
“You’ll go down on me in the elevator,” MJ negotiated. “Inthis building.”
“We’re only on the third floor!” Peter reminded her,exasperated. “That’s not enough time!”
“Do you make that kind of bullshit excuse when somebodyneeds you to save the world? Figure it out, Parker.”
Peter did figure it out and, as a result, nobodyremembered to stop for hamburgers.
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nautiscarader · 5 years ago
FinnxHarem 30!
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Also these two prompts from FF:
bubblegum’s experiment to repopulate the human race with finn and the many volunteers.flame princess and huntress wizard get competetive over finn… and find they LIKE getting competetive
Welp, vox populi, vox dei. Here goes smutember… nearly three weeks too late. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you three weeks ago in Kinktober! If your prompts weren’t filled here, they may turn up there, so worry not!
Also, this is an extended version of an old prompt, one of the sauciest one I ever received. I’d love to hear from the anon that sent it, I always wanted to come back to it.
Also, I will need lots of holy water now. And you will too.
Also, trigger warning for anyone who knows how biology works.
The door to the elongated hall of Princess Bubblegum’s castle opened wide, giving the banana guards little time to react to Finn the Human sprinting through it, if the guards could do anything to begin.
- PB, you called?
Finn jumped and eagerly bowed before his ladyfriend, receiving a soft giggle in return. Even though Finn could no longer be called a boy, he never lost his juvenile charm, making his gentlemanly behaviour even cuter to the ruler of the Candy kingdom.
- Why, yes, Finn. I take you are well rested, for I have a very difficult taskfor you, should you accept it.- Of course!
He stood up straight and followed her, as they walked down the long corridor of her strangely empty castle.
- Finn, I have been studying the Annals of Ooo, specifically records of old heroes and heroines.- Like Billy? Or the Bacon Lady, riding the winged roasted hogs?- Genau. - she nodded. - Of course, some of the harrowing adventures they have been through pale in comparison to what you’ve been through.
She turned towards Finn, gracing him with a gentle smile, and noticed a blush on his cheek. The faintest of squeals escaped his mouth when she praised him and his bravery.
- …and I have stumbled across one record that… Well, you might also want to challenge, at least…
For a second, Finn was sure that this time he saw her cheeks turning crimson, but couldn’t guess why. However, when Princess Bubblegum opened the tall doors to her chambers, his mind became preoccupied with something much, much different.
The floor was covered in multicoloured pillows, on which sat a few of his ladyfriends, which wouldn’t be an uncommon sight, if not for the fact that they were all naked.
Finn marvelled at the stunning sight of the exposed bodies of Marceline, Flame Princess, Huntress Wizard, two Water Nymphs, which looked radiant, almost as if they were glowing with some eerie light. When Finn let out a audible gasp, their eyes turned towards him, though from the carnal look they shared, they were already expecting him.
- PB! What is go-
Finn let out another girlish scream when he turned towards Princess Bubblegum, and saw that she has joined the others by dropping her dress to the ground, which evidently was the only thing she was wearing. This time, a chorus of giggling reached Finn’s ears, which didn’t calm him down one bit. He jumped when he felt Princess Bubblegum’s hand on his shoulder, curling around his neck.
- Legends of old say that one hero impregnated fifty women in a single night - so even just a tenth of that shouldn’t be a problem for you, right, Finn?
Princess Bubblegum smirked, showing him an old tome with a highly detailed drawing of a bulky, brawny man, at least ten feet tall, surrounded by a crowd of naked women of all shapes and sizes, all clinging to his body, tired, and visibly messy. He looked back and forth at the drawing and PB’s smirk, trying to figure out if her proposition was a joke, or a very odd psychological experiment.
- Yowza, PB, a-are you for real?- As if you haven't thought of that before.
A sudden voice reached him from behind, and when Finn turned his head, his lips met with Marceline’s, floating upside down, who pulled him into a deep, hungry kiss. Her long, twisted tongue entered his mouth, sending goosebumps all over his body, and if he wasn’t aroused already, he would be dying to get rid of his pants.
- We are more than certain, Finn. - PB replied, cupping his face and pulling him towards her - There is no greater hero of Ooo out there than you, and each one of us would be proud to… carry your legacy, Finn. But there is more than that. - her face frowned - Humans are endangered species, critically. I estimate, that even with the current scientific progress and help of the Minerva bots, you could be gone in the next two hundred years, especially if you all migrate back to Ooo. However…
PB smiled.
- Your genes could be stronger, if mixed with other species. Candy people, wizards, elementals… You can create a new generation of humans, immune to so many of Ooo’s natural problems! - she grabbed Finn’s arms, smile widening on her lips. - W-Wait - Finn interrupted - How… how can you be sure it will work?- Oh, we brainboxed it. - Huntress Wizard explained - Well, I always knew we can have a baby, and PB did some science of her own to help the others…- But your collection of herbs to stimulate our vastly different bodies was instrumental, Huntress Wizard - Princess Bubblegum addressed her - The point is, Finn, that now we can be sure that your seed will hit a very fertile ground in all of us. - she smiled - The question is, are *you* up to the task?
With another turn of his head, Finn realised he was now surrounded. Sly, but warm smiles on the rest of his girlfriends’ faces only confirmed Princess Bubblegum’s motives, and gave Finn very little to ponder.
- Ladies… It… It… It would be my honour!
Finn shouted, breaking his voice, and in a moment’s notice, six pairs of hands reached for his clothes, each trying to disrobe him. Marceline grabbed his hat and yanked it off his head, revealing the long, golden locks of his that brought several gasps from those ladies, or at least those, whose lips were currently not occupied with kissing Finn’s now-naked body.
To say that he was feeling light-headed would be an understatement; fortunately for Finn, his girlfriends were there for him, leading him onto the mountain of pillows they were sitting on before, and when he was no longer forced to stay upright, he gladly fell onto the cushioned floor, marvelling at the sight of naked women surrounding him.
- Well, Finn, which one of us would be the first?
Flame Princess’ question flabbergasted Finn again, as he frantically looked around him, savouring the sight and beauty that filled his vision.
- L-Ladies, I… I don’t want to choose…- Don’t worry, Finn. - Huntress Wizard approached him from the side. - We will all get our turns, don’t worry about the order…
She cupped his face and pulled him into third kiss of the day. Huntress pressed her hand onto his chest, hoping to straddle him, but at the same moment, she felt the world around her spin when Finn grabbed her and pressed her to the pillowed floor.
- Alright, I guess you’ll be the first, then!  
The shock on HW’s face turned into a giddy smile when she realised her position, eagerly spreading her legs for him. But Finn was one step ahead in this area as well; he gripped her thighs with his hands and pressed her legs against her naked torso, exposing her pussy, already glistening from her sweet-smelling juices.
- Best position for mating, isn’t it? - Oh, yes! - Huntress wizard eagerly replied, her voice dripping with lust. - Come on, Finn, breed me!
With her permission, Finn gladly jumped over her, hearing gasps and comments from other ladies watching their carnal play. Huntress expected to feel Finn’s cock inside her, but surprisingly, she felt something much, much softer.
- F-Finn! - she gasped when his tongue parted her lips, coated with sap-like juices - You-You were-- I know, HW. - Finn leaned from between her legs - But I can’t have all the fun myself.- Finn…
Huntress cooed and threw her head back, letting early sparks of pleasure engulf her body, as Finn’s tongue lapped at her folds.
- I didn’t expect anything less from you, Finn.
Flame Princess leaned over his shoulder, sneaked a kiss onto his cheek, and just for a bit of fun, dragged a finger across Huntress’ sex, making her jolt from the sudden change of temperature. As Finn licked Huntress to the brink of her orgasm, he couldn’t help but notice the commotion around him. The remaining ladies were not idle, and quickly began keeping their bodies ready and horny, in a series of kisses and progressively braver caresses, though from the amount of steam coming from between Water Nymphs and Flaming Princess, they were a bit more active than Marceline and PB.
But Finn had other things to concentrate on, and when he heard a loud cry of Huntress wizard and felt his hair being tucked on, he stopped his gentle oral treatment.
- F-Finn - Huntress babbled - I want… I want…- …together, I know.
Finn kissed her, and covered her body with his, placing her legs on his shoulders, as he assumed the erotic position Huntress loved. Huntress screamed when Finn’s hips dived his cock between her folds, and deep into her pussy, filling her in a single thrust. She grabbed his shoulders in an irrational fear he might go away, bringing him even closer to her. She felt his hot breath on her face and neck, as he huffed each time he filled her with his cock, spreading her fraction of an inch more with each push.
Denise the Water Nymph took a break from kissing Flame Princess’ breasts to take a look at Finn’s hipswork and marvel at the speed at which he pounded Huntress Wizard. Her legs flailed above her head, as Finn dived deeper and deeper into her needy hole, and the remaining girls awed at the ferocity of his love-making that produced puddle of fluids seeping from Huntress’s pussy already, knowing they would share the same fate.
- Fi-Finn! - Huntress cried suddenly, announcing to Finn what he already knew.
He leaned, kissed her and lifted himself just enough to become sure-footed in the unstable mountain of pillows underneath him. His voice grew and grew, until it crescendoed at the same time as Huntress’ body rocked with her climax, coating his cock with her juices, and her walls began milking Finn of the first, fresh batch of his cum. His last few pushes were nothing short of impressive; he made sure to withdraw his cock nearly completely and then dive back again, balls-deep inside her. And with each push, the other girls saw his cock being covered in more and more cum, though the leftovers was nothing compared to what he was leaving Huntress with.
With each shot of his virile, creamy seed, she was quivering anew, gasping for breath she was losing with each cry, and the longer Finn bred her, the more she succumbed to the pleasure that overwhelmed her. Her usually stoic and calm demeanour was gone, and she was a babbling mess, begging Finn for more of his cum, a request he was gladly fulfilling, sending his spunk down her pussy and with a bit of luck, straight into her womb.  
With the last drop of his seed intended for her, came also a kiss, the longest and sweetest so far, and when it was time for him to retreat, Huntress felt the pang of loneliness, though it was soothed by a familiar warmth of a fresh creampie trying to escape from her used hole. And while she let a drop of gooey, thick cum flash between her lips for Finn’s pleasure, she made sure to quickly put her leafy panties on, to prevent too much spillage, though she was sure this amount was more than necessary to impregnate her.
She was about to jump back into action and taste some of the leftovers on Finn’s cock, but Flame Princess was faster, her lips were already around his head, licking off globs of cum sticking to it.
- Phoebe! - Finn howled - Give…give me a mo-Auch!- Sorry, Finn, that looked so tasty, I won’t wait …- And you don’t have to either - Huntress addressed Finn, handing him a familiar looking bottle - Want a sip?
Finn knew what was inside it; Huntress was well-versed in alchemy, and her aphrodisiac has helped him get through nights with her on more than one occasion. With six women around, however, and the clear intent they had for him, he was strangely invigorated already, signified by Flame Princess sudden moan, as she felt his cock grow in her mouth.
- I-I think I’m fine, HW. But I might need it later.
Finn moaned again, as Flame princess’ tongue lapped around his head and caress the delicate slit that just a moment ago was the fire-hose flooding Huntress Wizard. The magical warmth of her body was enough to make his fluids boil, and Finn had to truly restrain himself from wasting precious portion of his cum to gush it down Flame Princess’ throat like he has done many times before.
Fortunately, she knew it as well, and a few moments later, she let go of his cock, jumped into his laps, and closed her arms and legs around him, coating him with the heat he loved. Long gone were the times when Finn needed to wrap himself in tinfoil to even kiss the fire elemental, though he didn’t mind if his girlfriend became a bit more fiery in bed, bringing just a little pain to make colder nights interesting.
This time, however, the flames were nothing but soothing, giving him more and more energy to move their joined bodies up and down, while her lips caressed his. Finn’s hands landed on her thick thighs, that now engulfed his cock, allowing the gravity to make sure that he will fill her completely with each push.
Finn nearly giggled when he broke the kiss to dive between Flame Princess ample breasts, listening to her rising moans, a result of both his caresses and his cock being rammed up her pussy. But Finn’s tongue circling around her orange nipples definitely made a difference; the princess of the FIre Kingdom threw her head back, nearly bringing their joined bodies into vertical position. And a moment later, Finn’s stronger push put an end to Flame Princess dream of dominating him, and she found herself underneath the hero of Ooo, on the mercy of him and his hips.
Finn flexed his legs and arms again, securing himself against the woman he was making love to, and a moment before her climax hit her, he roared her name, spilling his cum inside her pussy, feeling the scorching hot walls around her closing to make sure not a drop would be lost, ensuring he has just placed a hefty bun in her warm oven. It was a testament to Finn’s prowess as a lover that even fire elemental burned when his molten spunk filled her, setting each and every nerve bud, making Flame Princess orgasm again and again.
Flame Princess’ fingertips burned a bit of skin on Finn’s back as she clang onto him, but the hero of Ooo didn’t stop in his quest; his pushed himself back and forth, and only when Flame Princess’ fiery heels kicked him in the butt, he yanked himself out of her, straight into the arms of soothing water nymphs that engulfed him in healing water at once.
Finn’s quick escape was a marvel on its own, as it left a hefty trail of his cum, leading from Flame Princess’ overflowing pussy, right into the water nymphs that quickly wiped it from the floor, absorbing it into their bodies.
- Woah, you can do that?- We’re water elementals, Finn. - Eloise reminded him - We’re practically half-fluid already.- And we wouldn’t mind getting a bit of yours, now, Finn…
Two gorgeous women kissed Finn, their watery bodies seemingly mixing and flowing through each other, as they tried assuming forms that would help Finn procreate with them. Ultimately, they became humanoid again, but enveloped his cock with much more pressure than either Flame Princess of Huntress could, seemingly caressing each square inch of his manhood. But it was the way their bodies worked that marvelled Finn the most; instead of moving up and down, the water Nymph riding him just spun the water around him, creating the most pleasant of water vortxes he ever felt, dragging him rapidly into an orgasm of intensity he hasn’t felt before.
- You should have visited us more often, neighbour…
The other Nymph giggled and let out a shriek when Finn’s hand travelled between her legs, and he pushed her up, so that she could straddle his face. Licking a water elemental turned out to be, predictably, as wet as possible, but even Finn didn’t expect that she would literally dissolve in his hands upon her explosive climax, reconstituting around him just so he could take her next, seeing how both Finn and Denise’s voices grew in volume and their orgasm approached. Finn came first, and Denise literally sucked his seed into her body, in a near-continued motion, and only PB’s reprimand told her to stop and leave some for others.
And just when Finn thought he has witnessed the most erotic sight of his life, Denise has surprised him once more. She cupped his face and directed his sight to their naked, blue bellies, and as they slowly became translucent, Finn suddenly saw the copious loads he has just filled them with, spreading inside her, slowly seeping into her womb, as he poured more and more of his spunk inside her. He knew conception didn’t happen immediately, but in this case, he was able to see how his milky sperm flew up and filled her fertile hydroponic body, and if he had better eyesight he might have even observed the moment of conception itself.
There were only two women left, and Finn wouldn’t dare to separate the pair already embraced in a heated kiss. Marceline let out a shriek when she felt Finn’s tongue between her legs, and when she broke the kiss with PB, she cried as well, when Finn’s fingers began dancing around her puffy, gummy lips. With Marceline levitating above the two, a perfect triangle was formed, especially when Princess Bubblegum quickly grew tired of Finn’s caresses, and demanded something more substantial by locking her legs behind his back, unceremoniously shoving him inside her in one, quick move.
At the same time, Marceline, opted to switch her lovers and utilise Bonnibel’s opened mouth, through which moans and wails were seeping through to stimulate her, while she could motivate their boyfriend, looking straight into his eyes as he rawed her girlfriend.
- Come on, Finn… - she moaned, watching the his blonde pubic hair hitting the pink flesh of Princess Bubblegum - You’ve… you’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, haven’t you?
Her smoky hot, languorous voice hit a very primal part of Finn’s brain, especially when she moaned, pressing her hips into PB’s face, responding to her rather aggressive licks. But it was true, PB was Finn’s first crush, and though it has taken him years to figure out where exactly his affection lies, there was an undeniable satisfaction knowing that she wanted it as well.
- Finn! - Marceline cried, levitating in the air just enough so he could watch PB’s tongue in her pussy - Do-Do it! Knock her up!
In a strange turn of events, Finn’s climax coincided not with PB’s, but Marceline, whose demonic nature seeped out of her in a body-writhing shriek just as Finn sent a stream of his cum inside the princess of the Candy Kingdom, dotting her pubes with a few random streaks when he pulled out.
- Fi…Finn…
PB gasped a breathless “thank you”, with a noticeable impatient note in her voice, which quickly turned into an astonishment when still failing body of Marceline pushed Finn back, and the vampire Queen spread her pussy and butt for him, while her long tongue already mingled with PB’s clit, forcing her legs to shake in anticipation.
- Don’t worry, Finn, I’m not gonna drink too much of you.
She turned back, looking PB’s straight in the eyes and closed her vampiric fangs around her pussy, draining her of her colour, and tasting the salty glaze that perfectly balanced the flavour. Her tongue and mouth were pushed further into Bubblegum’s creampied pussy when Finn sheathed himself inside Marceline, experiencing the alien, yet odd welcoming vampiric pussy. With the sight of her ass bouncing up and down, and Princess Bubblegum’s legs and arms flailing under Marceline’s caresses, Finn had to restrain himself from coming too soon.
His hands sneaked underneath his lover, and he toyed with her breasts, leaning onto her half-levitating body that despite lack of security, reacted to every one of Finn’s aggressive moves. For a while he wasn’t sure if the dominant girl enjoyed his delicate caresses, but as Marceline let go of PB’s pussy, a deep, melodious wail escaped her lips, and Finn noticed a familiar tune.
- You a-a-a-a-are my best friends… in the world…- Fi-Finn! - Princess Bubblegum cried - Ficken… Fuck her!
She threw her head back into the pillow, as Marceline let out last note of her song and dived her teeth and tongue into her, and as Princess Bubblegum was torn with her climax, so was Finn, cumming a second time in just under fifteen minutes, flooding the surprisingly warm canals of Marceline with his hot, virile spunk, and was most pleased when he heard her voice quiver and crack when she felt a third or fourth rope filling her to the brim.
The same tongue that tasted Bubblegum’s pussy was now exploring Finn’s mouth in a ravenous, but content kiss, and a moment later Princess Bubblegum herself joined them, pressing her still creampied pussy against Finn’s twitching cock.
Finn collapsed onto the ground after he broke the prolonged three-way kiss, and when he got up, after an impossible to describe time, he was met with a sight that filled his chest with pride. Six naked, tired women lay on the floor, moaning and exchanging kisses with each other that filled the vast chambers with erotic, slurping and smacking noises. But it was his cum, leaking from their used pussies, adding dots of white to the multicoloured floor that made his head light and knees wobbly again.  
- Well, Finn… - Princess Bubblegum wheezed, breaking kiss from Marceline - I think you have done it. You have challenged the age old record…
Finn was about to say something, when noticed the peculiar tone in which PB spoke these words, and when he saw the familiar smirk on her face, he knew she had something else on her mind.
- Would you like to… break it?
And before Finn could respond, she snapped her fingers, and the doors to her chambers opened under the vast pressure of the crowd on the other side. Finn’s legs gave up, and he fell to the floor, right into Huntress Wizard’s arms.
At least three dozen other women, most of which Finn knew, looked at him expectedly, with the same carnal smiles and hungry stares. Princesses, monsters, wizards, humanoid or not, surrounded Finn, and the lack of any clothes on their varied bodies meant only one thing.
- Uh, HW? - Finn turned around - Do you still have that, uh, that potion of yours?
Huntress Wizard smiled.
- Drink up, big boy, you’re gonna need it. - she handed him and open bottle and kissed his cheek.
Finn grabbed the bottle and gulped a third of its content. He didn’t have to look down, the collective gasp of women around him told him it worked. The crowd of new girls stared at his hard cock, awaiting Finn’s move.
- So, which one of you would like to be the first, ladies?
There seemed to be no end in the depravity that followed. The swarm of eager, horny and dangerously fertile women approached Finn, and only thanks to his restraint, and the futon Marceline help float to the centre of the room, he has managed to control them. One by one, each women was loved, caressed, fucked, and ultimately bred on it by Finn the human, fulfilling the prophecy and making sure his legacy would live on.
Finn took it as a sworn duty to give each stunning lady the time and effort they deserved, and was rewarded by the multitude of creative ways the women wanted to be knocked up in. Some gladly took Finn’s dominant initiative and preferred being mate pressed, but some wanted to be on top and squeeze his juices into their wombs riding him. Several proposed teaming up, like the water nymphs before, and if Finn had his arms free, he gladly caressed two extra girls while he pounded his baby batter into the third one.
Quite a few of the women, as Finn has noticed, were human; he has recognised some familiar faces from the village that arose around the wreck of the ship on which his mother has travelled, and he was more than pleased when a brunette and blonde took him at the same time. They whispered into his ear that Minervabot told them they were at the peak of their ovulation period, which meant they would be gladly fulfilling PB’s wish without any magical help necessary, guaranteeing him to father their children and preserve his species. And of course, there was Susan, who at first overwhelmed Finn, but when his lips closed around her nipples and dived between her massive rack, she was easily defeated and bred, though Finn had some troubles toppling her muscular body.
Several girls took more than once turn, but Finn didn’t mind giving some of his new girlfriends more of his cum, as long as others would get it again as well. Breakfast Princess not only dipped her fingers inside her creampied pussy and brought his creamy cum to her lips, but demanded a refill straight away, which Finn gladly did, pouring more warm, energy-filled shots inside her.
While Finn flooded the many women of Ooo with gallons of his seed, he replenished his strength as well as his fluids with Huntress’ potion. Five bottles were drained in the first two hours, and HW had to sadly leave the castle to bring more, making her miss out her second round she so desperately wanted, as well as the general free love-making she was a part of. Finn repaid her by grabbing her by her antlers and taking her doggystyle next, much to her delight.
While Huntreess Wizard gladly allowed to be bred in such submissive position, Jungle Princess was the first to turn the tables, taking Finn Amazonian style, which a few more adventurous girls also adopted as their style of getting knocked up. Princess Business rode Finn, while writing a legal contract between the two, noting how many times Finn has kissed her, or bucked his hips, while Doctor Princess would accurately predict time of conception, before she jumped onto him, begging him for his samples.
The soft moans that once filled the castle now turned into an orgiastic wails; not only from the women that orgasmed under Finn’s delicate caresses, rough rutting or the prospect of being impregnated, but also those that made out or had sex with others, forming new, unlikely partnerships. And yet, he kept going, fuelled not just by the magical potion, but also clear intent he shared with all the gals around him. And it was perhaps that goal that manifested each time a voice cried “Breed me!” or “Do me again!”, coming from dozen of women holding their legs up in the air, that made him keep going.  
But at some point, the many voices died down, leaving only a few moans and groans amongst them, as well as soft, smacking and slurping sounds of kisses being exchanged between many pairs. When the first rays of the nesxt morning’s sun shone into Finn’s eyes, he was tired beyond imagination, but also filled with nothing but content and fulfilment.
The floor, once a mosaic of pillows, was now covered in twitching, sweaty and sticky bodies of the women he has bred, each leaking at least three creampies of his seed, from his very rough calculations. Some of them already looked pregnant, from the amount of spunk he has poured into them. And even though Finn could marvel at that sight for hours, he was looking for the one familiar shade of pink, and he found it in Marceline’s arms, and with her head between Princess Bubblegum’s legs, tasting both hers and his cum again.
- PB… - he wheezed - Do… do you think it worked?
Princess Bubblegum turned around and smiled.
- See for yourself.
And she handed him the Annals of Ooo, opened on the same page as before. At first he wasn’t sure why, but then, to his amazement, he spotted Huntress Wizard’s antlers in the drawn crowd of bred women. Then massive Canyon and Susan leaning in the background, then Marceline floating and leaking cum, and as his eyes followed, he saw himself in the centre of the sea of women surrounding him. He wasn’t as muscular as the man previously in the picture - in fact, he looked exactly like himself, which told him that his predecessor’s image wasn’t an artistic exaggeration - but he was sure that the women around him looked much happier and more satisfied than the ones depicted before, and that alone was no small feat.
- It… It changed some hour ago. - PB continued - I guess that’s when you hit number 51… or well, at least when your sperm hit an egg number 51.- That stuff of yours made it happen faster, didn’t it?- Oh, yes. It could have taken days, and I wanted for the book to be updated as soon as possible with Finn’s achievement! You have Huntress to thank for her potions…- And what is Finn’s record now? - Marceline asked, flying around Finn, bringing his tired lips to hers again.- Fifty-six! - she announced, as she checked the book - No, wait, fifty-seven. I guess some are still being counted… Finn?
But Finn the Human didn’t hear that. His loud snoring filled the room, as he fell into the deepest of well-deserved slumbers. A huge, wide grin was plastered on his face, as he knew he has just entered the history of Ooo with a punch… or rather a knock.
- Jake, I’m leaving! - Okie-dokie, bro! - Jake replied from the kitchen, flipping a stack of pancakes into his bag - Whose turn is today? Ocean Princess?- Nope, Huntress, I think.
Finn replied, stroking his beard, and checked the calendar on the wall, just to be sure. Half an hour of jog later, he was at Huntress’ house, where she met him with a heated kiss, but it was two other ones he was looking forward to the most.
- Hey, guys!
Two small, blonde-haired boys waddled towards him and eagerly jumped into his arms, giving him a smooch each.
- Did you get any new swords, daddy?- Look! Mommy made us bows!- Cool!
Finn opened his mouth wide and carried his sons to the spacious room of Huntress’ hut.
- And I have something for you, guys!
He took an enormous bag and produced two shiny helmets, and put them on their small heads, making sure not to bump into the stubs of their antlers, though the holes he made fit them perfectly.
- Looks like they will grow into quite the warriors - Huntress Wizard gave Finn another kiss.- Yeah… Oh, and I have lots of presents for you, what do you want?- I don’t know… - Huntress leaned and lay her head on his shoulder - Maybe a girl this time?
Finn flinched and looked at Huntress sly smirk, that turned into a smile as she watched his reply get stuck in his throat. She kissed him whispered a few more encouraging words into his ear, bringing him back to his senses. Finn tied his bag of holding, containing all the presents for his kids, and followed Huntress Wizard to watch their boys playing with sticks.
Contrary to what he might have thought three years ago, becoming a father to more than 50 children wasn’t that difficult.
Being a dad, however, was the greatest adventure of his life.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years ago
Two types of partners
This was prompted by a lovely anon! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
The RK900 model had never been made for the broad public. An android designed for military use had no need for pleasantries and fancy social modules. It had been issued with a rudimentary loyalty routine that helped to reduce casualties by stretching the object of protection to more than just the single unit. It was outfitted with a simple communication device to give reports for human colleagues. Fighting in the war for the north pole it wouldn’t need the ability to evaluate actions. Getting orders and following them was important. Sacrificing an android to safe human lives was essential. Cyberlife had known of deviancy far before the public got to learn about it and knew what could lead to disobedience. So, they had stripped the RK900 from everything that might trigger deviancy and installed new programs that kept it in line. The newest line of androids was considered unable to deviate at all. There had been intense testing, pushing RK900s to their limits in stress to the point of self-destructing. Never once had one deviated.
Unfortunately, that meant that once androids had been granted their rights, the RK900s were quite lost. Unable to be used in the war as no android was ready to deem them the machines they were and unable to live the life other androids could with their rudimental programming, drastic changes had to be made. Elijah Kamski himself had tried to break the code, but as no one was sure what had lead to deviancy in the first place, it was hard to achieve it manually. In the end, the RK900s were patched with an updated social module and a program that allowed them to disregard orders. Any order was still engraved in their mission protocol, but a routine with higher priority allowed them to choose to follow.
It hadn’t been more than duct tape holding together a chasm, but it seemed to work. And it saved the RK900 models from being deactivated and further experimented upon. Several news broadcasted a special about the RK900s entering society with the advice to never issue an order directly unless immediately necessary. And life went on. The RK900s ventured out to try and find their place. One found theirs at the fifth precinct of the Detroit Police. Named Nines by a human partner that seemed to have a deep hatred for any android, he started working. He wasn’t bothered by the curses thrown his way. He knew the human didn’t like him, but that was it. He had never tried to follow up on his threats, so Nines didn’t feel a particular reason to take action.
Time went by and the Detective at his side got more docile. He adapted. He offered Nines his first name, Gavin. He had changed from real hate to being overly grumpy around him. He had grown to respect the android’s capabilities. By the time they knew each other better than anyone else, Nines decided to activate his loyalty routine for him. This human was important to him, he felt. Gavin had to be protected. After a few months, they had become friends. Nines tagged along on Gavin’s breaks, studying his reactions to aspects of life the android never knew he would want to experience. He wasn’t sure he even really wanted to experience them now. For the time being, he was fine staying a observer. They went to coffee shops, Gavin trying out food and drinks Nines scanned curiously. They met with Tina on bar nights and Nines found he was fascinated by the human tendency for intoxicating themselves. He had to admit, it was [fun] to watch.
Sometimes - it usually were evenings and he was always alone at home – he thought about how easy it was for them. To be in control, to never walk on eggshells because the next carelessly uttered sentence could trigger something hidden inside. It had happened a few times already, but Nines had kept it a secret, embarrassed mostly. ‘Make me a coffee, dipshit!’ It had been a harmless occasion, but Nines really didn’t want to obey after the argument he had with the man only minutes before. ‘Get the hell out of here!’ That one had entailed an overly awkward situation where Gavin had met him standing outside in the parking lot and stumbled to apologise and ask him to come back inside. ‘Nines, no matter what happens, stay behind cover!’ That order had nearly cost Gavin his life during a mission gone wrong. Nines had shouted his [anger] at him in the hospital, ignored his texts and only visited him three days later.
Maybe he should tell the man. Maybe he should admit the red walls weren’t gone, just waiting for the right time to pop up again and press down on his consciousness. That his patch could glitch out in the right situations, when his stress was high, or he was fending off a virus or when he made a backup of his systems. But in the end, he had always concluded he didn’t want special treatment. And so far, he could have always played it down. The coffee he had brought as a prove he was above petty arguments. Running from the bullpen because of anger about what Gavin had said. Staying behind cover because he trusted Gavin. He feared for the day it wouldn’t be that easy.
Nines had closed the door of Gavin’s car and hurried to follow the human who hurried towards the entrance. He had just been dispatched from the hospital and had his arm in a sling from where he was shot in the shoulder. Nines hadn’t had the chance to talk to him about what happened. He was [worried] and the shock from seeing his human bleeding heavily still stuck to his systems. He was [relieved] everything had turned out okay, but also [afraid] the man would take his survival as a justification to do it again.
So, he called out to him, trying to make him stop: ‘Gavin, we need to talk about-‘ ‘No, we don’t, tin-can!’, Was his immediate answer, marching on. ‘Gavin…’ The man turned around and pointed his finger at the android. ‘It was an overwhelming situation! What should I have done? Let you die?’ Nines sighed, finally catching up to him. ‘I wouldn’t have died. And what you did was reckless. You could have killed yourself. I can be repaired, Gavin.’ ‘Well, sorry for instincts taking over when faced outnumbered, idiot!’, Gavin spat in his face, spinning around to bolt for the door. But Nines was faster: He reached out and held the human back by his good arm. ‘Gavin, I don’t want you to endanger yourself for me, okay? You are…’ He searched for the right word that conveyed importance, loyalty, a mess of uninterpretable emotions and their shared experience. He failed. ‘You are my partner, Gavin’, he ended up saying, hoping his voice wasn’t too emotionless. But Gavin didn’t catch on. He had looked [hopefull] or [expectantly] during the pause, but now there was only a scowl as the man pulled his arm free. ‘Bite me, tin-can.’
[Bite Det. Gavin Reed.] Oh no. The red walls slammed down on him without premonition and encased his mind in narrow bars. Nines tried to reach for his override protocol, but of course, his distress in trying to tell Gavin what he felt had made it inaccessible. He tried to use his loyalty routine to outmatch his mission, but that only created another red wall. [Do not harm Det. Gavin Reed.]
That… That left him with few options, none of them something Nines wanted to do in this situation and with possible onlookers. But his programming left no room for wishes. He stepped in front of Gavin, effectively blocking his path, and leaned down on his level. ‘You are my partner’, he muttered and kissed him carefully, hoping that to either even the path or make Gavin utter a new mission about him leaving. But like he had expected, Gavin was surprised and intrigued by it. So, Nines kissed him again and wandered to his collarbone to first kiss and then carry out his mission by biting down with a gently force. ‘Shit- Nines! What are you doing, you- Oh.’ Gavin stopped himself. ‘Oh, shit, you meant that kind of partner?’ ‘Yes’, Nines nodded, relieved the red walls had retreated again. ‘Although I doubt you meant this kind of bite.’ Gavin chuckled, resting his forehead against the android’s shoulder, touching the bite mark with his good hand. ‘You know what? Maybe I did.’
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