#did i make this post just because it says the tags haven't been updated recently?
matan4il · 4 months
what does it mean when you call us nonnie?/genq
It's just a cuter (in my mind) way of addressing an anon.
And in my attempt to catch up with replying to asks (all of which you can find in my ask tag), here are a few more with responses:
yo, as an openly jewish person, i just wanna make this post to appreciate you and give you a virtual hug :)
Thank you sooooo much, Nonnie, I'm so happy that I can do anything that helps fellow Jews! I hope you're doing good and taking care of yourself throughout this, and please know my blog is ALWAYS open to you if you need anything. Sending much love! xoxox
I vaguely remember someone saying Hamas/Gazan health ministryss numbers haven't been reliable despite that being the quote that keeps getting passed around. Do you know where this was discussed?
I've discussed it a lot on my blog, and you should be able to find posts about it, more and less recent ones, between my UN tag on my blog and my resources one.
congratulations on Independence! I only have some Jewish ancestry but I grew up being taught what an amazing miracle it was that Israel was established, that the hope of thousands of years of exile came to pass! The people who hate you only ever convinced me to dust off my duolingo Hebrew lessons. I really hope I get see your beautiful country for myself one day עם ישראל חי
Thank you so much, Nonnie, and I absolutely believe in the same thing, that our return to our ancestral land, de-colonizing it, re-establishing our ancestral language and culture, reviving our native roots, allowing us to walk the same streets and sites our ancestors (and yours!) did is nothing of a miracle. This should be a cause for celebration for all people who believe in native rights, not just for people with a Jewish identity and our allies. That notion is only reenforced by the fact that the generation who got to see this dream realized included so many Holocaust survivors, people who were human skeletons in May of 1945, and were called to defend the Jewish state from the invasion of several Arab armies in May of 1948, people who somehow won that war, despite having inferior numbers of soldiers, weapons, less training, no British help (including donated airplanes, weapons and even British commanders in the field) like the Jordanian and Egyptian armies did, and when many of these survivors were not even all speaking the same language (so just imagine how difficult even giving a simple order was)... Truly, even when I put Jewish sentiments aside, Israel winning its Independence War is a true miracle.
Just take a second to process that the people on the left are also the people on the right, who won this war, a victory the anti-Israel crowd mourns, because I guess they think it would have been better if these Holocaust survivors would have been subjected to a second genocide, this time at the hands of the Arabs? For having the audacity to return to their ancestral land after Europe almost completely wiped out their families and their people?
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I love that you're studying Hebrew! :D It's so beautiful and so rich to me, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Don't hesitate to listen to Israeli songs as well, it def contributes to learning and to enjoying it! And congrats to you as well, since it feels like you're very much a part of this celebration, too! Am Yisrael chai! <3
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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chipped-chimera · 9 months
Just wanna say sorry to people over the past month ... months? That tagged me in WIP Wednesdays, I'm sorry I haven't really been doing much of anything creatively, feeling kinda rough 💀 But thank you so much of thinking of me, I love seeing everything that you do!
Partial? Explaination/Life Update under the cut I guess.
Hi! Hello. First off, thanks for being interested. It warms my heart people care about me so much, that I've made an impact and people are happy to see my stuff. I wish so badly I could be making stuff like this all the time! Doing those things (whether art, or modding or just my dumb screenshots) and seeing people enjoy what I was making really got me through the hardest parts of this year.
This year has been a massive turning point in many ways. It just hit me I MADE this blog this year like, holy shit guys! I've felt so welcome in the Cyberpunk 2077 space and consider a lot of people my friends, whether we talk outside Tumblr or not. I'm just so happy to see your posts and your thoughts! 💖 For someone who just through how life shook out to end up really socially isolated irl, you guys have helped form the bedrock of a place I can come back to that always makes me feel better.
It's why I wish I did more. That I could contribute to that more and in turn, maybe help someone else as much as it helped me. But it's hard. Really hard.
I have realised a lot of things about my life in recent months, and I think it's a good sign - that I'm in a more solid place mentally to unpack things that have been sitting boxed up for years because I was just too exhausted to deal with them. They've both been great to unpack ... but painful at the same time. It's kind of in moments like these my passion to create things starts to suffer. It's hard to muster up enough motivation sometimes to just do what I want to do because I'm constantly struggling with a brain and body that just doesn't do what I want it to do - and that fact often makes me feel even worse and want to do even less.
I'm kind of stuck in one of these spirals at the moment. I have some idea of the way out but ... I don't know. This might be a period of grief for myself or something. It took me a long time to realise I'd been lying to myself about a lot of things - stuff I'd did out of necessity for survival at the time, basically becoming water and pouring myself into whatever mold I thought would be safe, that people would like me in. Online spaces, that I carefully curate, detached from any real-life connection have been my home in the absence of feeling myself for so long - especially as the world around me shrank.
I'm hoping in the new year, as me and my psychologist start working on the C-PTSD that apparently had roots way, way deeper than I could even imagine - things might get easier. I'm hoping like hell that maybe my fatigue is connected, that it'll ease - because to finally, finally be in a place with a supportive parent who is attentive and I have the words to explain what I need, and for that to be respected - to finally be myself - only to be held back by my brain and body because the damage went so deep I just can't is agonizing.
I'm gonna keep believing that this is just the bottom of this mountain, this turn around point. It's gotta be, I feel like my entire life has been leveled. And I know it's not going to be easy to climb back up there, repair the damage, get where I want to be. I don't even know if I'll get to where I want to be but ... at least I'll be myself. For the first time in my life.
So um. Thank you. For being around. For being my foundation through this. Wish you guys all the best for 2024, and I hope I'll be able to share more cool things with you soon 💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤
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elskamo · 2 months
Dafuq is happening with Ron? The Masterpost!
Hey all, sorry it's taking me a while to update you properly about what's going on IRL. There is... a lot that's been happening and some of it has taken me awhile to wrap my head around and figure out how to explain so please bare with me.
If you just want to know what's happening with my various blogs and accounts (on Tumblr that'd be this blog right here and @official-fresh-tv-blog) then feel free to skip to "My Fandom Situation" at the end of the post (hence the Total Drama tag attached). At some point I'll be updating the abouts on both blogs so if you CBA to read this then you can at least get a vague idea of what's changed when those update. You may also be able to kinda twig one of the main announcements from the tags as well.
I'm gonna put all this shit under the cut because it is LONG. As always if I forget to tag something please let me know so I can add it ASAP. And if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask me outright.
My Health Situation
As I've mentioned before both my physical and mental health are utter shite that I barely get any help with. I have very little recollection of my childhood, especially before age 8 or so, as an adult when it comes to my dissociation I only lose a couple of days memory at most. Despite this I recently lost two whole months of my memory, hence my disappearance around late April/early May to late June/early July.
A couple of weeks ago I was finally able to speak to a doctor on video call about my mental health and to get a clearer picture on what my dissociation actually is. Given my background and anecdotal evidence from friends (but not family because they notice absolute fuck all) I'm pursuing a more up to date diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder which the doctor agreed is likely (as well as FINALLY getting an official C-PTSD diagnosis). In total honesty I've had my suspicions since around 2018/19 when friends started mentioning suspicious changes in my behaviour and voice as well as my apparent use of a completely different name at one point.
When I finally started interacting with other people who dissociate within the Total Drama fandom during the lockdown in 2020 I realised what might be happening and kept telling myself to reach out to other users but I was far too scared to say anything due to my own lack of knowledge on DID and Dissociation in general and my confusion about how I could possibly not know for so long. If there are any users with DID that are willing to reach out I'd really appreciate it, especially as I'm getting used to the various terminology and figuring out how to interact with the rest of the system, most of which understandably ignore me for the most part given some of my previous shitty and ignorant behaviour and reluctance to get properly diagnosed.
I still haven't told the family I am in touch with simply because they don't particularly give a shit about my mental health, they tend to just assume they know what's going on and run with that. The fact that zero people in my family noticed anything strange when other people around me did also put me off saying anything, right now I'm planning to wait until I have an official diagnosis but I may say something sooner.
I'm waiting on two appointments, one with the same doctor to catch up in September and one with a psychologist who'll have a deeper understanding of trauma and Dissociative issues. I'm also waiting to start new meds as mine have been completely overhauled, this means I'm currently having withdrawal symptoms coming off the old ones and when the new ones are finally ready I'll likely be a bit erratic for the first few weeks due to the side effects. Apologies in advance, I promise several people IRL have been informed and will be keeping an eye on me to make sure I'm okay until the meds kick in properly.
Following my two month memory lapse I also had Covid for the majority of July and am still kinda foggy now, which explains the rest of my absence. I'm not entirely sure what my physical health is like due to having lost my memory but my chronic pain doesn't seem to be flaring up at the moment at least, that being said I was having major problems with my chronic pain prior to my two month dissociative period.
On the plus side of things I finally have an appointment booked with a new NHS gender identity clinic in London so that I can get assessed to start Testosterone therapy! At the moment it's tentatively booked in for September 3rd however I've been told they may be able to move it to a different time slot if they can find one with one of their newer staff given how difficult it'll be for me to travel up there for the early morning (for context it takes about 3 hours to get to London from where I am in Dorset and another 3 hours to get back, most of the appointment slots are at 8 or 9am!)
My Home Situation
Absolute fuck all has changed with my home situation. I'm still stuck at the house where I was previously abused a lot and am not currently in a position where I can find a new place or move in with someone else. A couple of friends have offered to let me sofa surf back and forth between them if needed but I have no immediate long term plans.
I found out a couple days ago that Damien decided to make a post on my behalf venting about my home situation which I will now be deleting. Essentially while everyone in the household caught Covid last month my relationship with my Mum swung back to being quite abusive again and she threatened to kick me out. That being said, I will acknowledge she has genuinely been trying to understand my situation and be a better mother towards me since I became homeless the first time around back in 2018 and no physical abuse has taken place since then.
Right now it appears I'm safe but at the time Damien posted there appeared to be a very high chance that I was going to be kicked out and have nowhere to live. My mum hasn't brought up her threats again since Damien's vent post so hopefully we still have somewhere to stay for the time being.
My Money Situation
Leading on from my home situation, my money situation has worsened drastically. As many of you know I've been fighting a losing battle for years attempting to get my disability benefits back and since being made redundant twice I've been living solely off of the single component of Universal Credit which amounts to less than £400 a month to cover all my living expenses. My housing benefit is gone until I'm able to leave Mum's and I'm still waiting for my appeal to get the unfit for work/sick portion of my Universal Credit back.
My mum refuses to budge on the amount of money that I pay her to stay each month and she has recently been getting me to pay for more frivolous expenses like multiple takeaways because she hasn't been buying enough groceries and being ill has left the three of us unable to cook. Factor in other expenses like transport to get to appointments, the most basic phone bill I can get away with, and unexpected emergencies like my tech breaking and I'm no longer able to cover my living expenses at all and no longer have any savings money left to cushion the blow.
I'm now at a point where I'm in my overdraft every month and resorting to begging friends for loans to keep me afloat so I don't get charged. The situation with my health has not helped with being able to find work, either freelance or a permanent role, so unless I'm able to get money from things like my Ebay, Etsy, or Redbubble stores I don't have anything else coming in that can help me cover my most basic needs.
I'm doing my best to get back on track with job hunting as both the job centre and the local Restart program I've been forced to go onto are insisting I need to be applying for a certain amount of jobs per week and attending regular face to face appointments with them otherwise they'll take away my benefits. I've almost finished updating my CV and website and have a mandatory job fair I've been told to go to on Wednesday so hopefully I can find work again soon, but given my health situation and the fact that I shouldn't actually be working this may still be very difficult.
I know I post about this a lot and many of you have your own financial struggles but please if you're able to, donate to my Ko-Fi page or buy something from one of my stores. Even if you're not able to help me directly just sharing them with your friends/followers can make a huge difference!
My Fandom Situation
You may have noticed by now that my Etsy store has been closed for a few months and I've gone back to posting a lot more infrequently on my Tumblr, DeviantArt, and Archive of our Own accounts. I've also been letting asks pile up in my inbox. I'm attempting to catch up on my fandom stuff as fast as I can but obviously I'll be doing this around all the IRL stuff I'm dealing with.
For some reason a lot of the asks and messages I've been receiving have been straight up disappearing, right now I only have one ask on each blog and one private message to my knowledge, everything else has somehow gone. If when I post answers to both asks you don't see yours answered please feel free to send it again and I'll get to it as soon as I can! If it's something I'm not comfortable answering I'll say so outright so you know that I did receive and view your ask.
I have a massive backlog of fics and art I'm trying to finish off and post, again I'll get to these as and when I can before starting on any new projects. I've been keeping a spreadsheet of all the smaller pieces I want to work on for people to vote on once I've cleared my backlog. My larger projects will take a little (okay, a lot) more time to post.
I'll only be reopening my Etsy store once I'm certain I've got a handle on my health, as usual I'll only be accepting a few orders at a time and keeping the prices fairly cheap so they're more affordable for people that want to buy. As always, Redbubble is always active as is my Ebay account, though there are still a few products I need to update or upload on both platforms that aren't on there yet. If there's any art you'd like me to prioritise adding for you to purchase on Redbubble please feel free to reach out and let me know.
I'm going to be updating the about posts on both my Tumblr blogs soon to better reflect what they're for and who is posting. I'm currently planning on making the Ronnie Rambles tag my personal one instead of using it just to show which posts have been queued up ahead of time. The two alters that I've talked to will definitely have their own tags as well though I have no idea how often they'll be posting.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
WIP Ask Game
Tagged by @flossy2003 and @majorabbey (I got tagged twice! That made me so happy for some reason. Being tagged in anything make some so happy so huge thank you to the both of you!)
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I actually did a post a while back with the biggest WIPs I had at the time as well as snippets! But I was just thinking the other day how I had a umm... A couple of new ones... I write waaaay too much but here's what my Tangled fics folder looks like right now:
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As you can probably tell... Some names are more descriptive than others!
And within the Tangled Sisters AU my current WIPs are:
The Three Disciples
The Adventurer and the Prince
The Making of a Thief
Stuffed Animals and Hidden Animals
Even Queen's can get sick
Adopting the Thieves Who Stole His Heart (technically just needs editing)
Silent Screams and Loud Memories
Vardaros' New Fossil Exhibit
And AUs of the Tangled Sisters AU WIPs:
Three Outlaws
Never Found
Lost at the Gallows
Yes, I have 36 Works In Progress, while having three fics which update regularly. (And there's probably fics outside of Scrivener I've forgotten.....)
You'd think most of these WIPs had little content but no, lots of these WIPs have well over 10k, some even 30k words. But because I have such a packed schedule I try only to upload fics when they're complete! It's a quick and easy way to avoid abandonment.
I once had a beta reader tell me my brain was like a squirrel jumping from tree to tree with no focus, rhyme or reason and... They were 170% correct!
Anyway, thanks again for tagging me and I'm tagging @the-writer1988 (I haven't seen you tagged anywhere yet! I don't care you did a post about this recently, I'm tagging you anyway) and @descendants-extended
(Also, anybody who hasn't been tagged yet but want to do this, just say I tagged you, I'll nod and confirm! xD)
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annoyingfobbie · 1 year
WIP WEEKEND was just tagged in this by @beleaguered-ringmaster and it totally made my day and encouraged me so THANK U SO MUCH
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in or just post.
Girl peterick (this is probably gonna be the next one i post, it's in response to a bandom kink meme request for lesbian peterick)
Dom Patrick (this is one i've been working on for a long time that probably won't come out for another long time lol but it's a dom!patrick sub!pete fic)
Scotty! (my scotty doesn't know chaptered fic that i haven't updated in too long. sorry about that)
SKIRTRICK 3 (part three to the skirtrick verse)
Catrick (a fic where patrick wakes up with cat ears and a cat tail..... i don't even know)
heres a snippet from my girl peterick fic, which i've been working on most recently. this picks up in the middle of a conversation and i'm not giving u context, so good luck:
Patrick can’t hold her laugh back anymore at that one, and neither can Pete, apparently, because the two of them devolve into giggles.
“Hey, whats going on over here?” Joe calls from where she and Andy are walking over. They’d moved to another picnic table to eat their lunch when Pete has started trying to convince Patrick that sex in a reststop bathroom was a good idea.
“Patricia still won’t have sex with me,” Pete announces. Patrick punches her shoulder for the use of her given name.
“Thank god,” Andy says, making sure to take a dramatic sigh of relief.
“You guys just don’t know what it’s like to have the worlds hottest girlfriend and live in a van with her for weeks with no sex,” Pete grumbles. “I feel like a priest or something. Like my virginity has been reinstated from going so long without sex.”
“We literally fucked last week when we got that motel.”
“La la la la,” Joe chants, covering her ears, “did not need to know that!”
And I tag EVERYONE on this post. Thats right, I'm talking to YOU specifically. If you write and you're seeing this, you better participate in this, and you better tag me so that i can see your wips!!
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Can I talk about something? Out of character, I mean.
It's a long post, but you don't have to read it if you're not interested. It's more of a vent post than anything else.
I've been having a hard time with this blog. Not in the popularity sense, this is what I expected from this kind of thing. I mean like... I don't know what to do with it. I've experimented with a few things(You can go way back in my post history if you want to see what I mean), but those ideas sorta fell flat, no?
This was originally meant to be a storytelling blog. I wanted to share my little synopses of my characters and plot points or whatever, because I was genuinely proud of what I've done so far.
Then I resorted to trying to be a comedian. I would try to post something funny under most reblogs, leaving them be if I couldn't come up with a remark of any kind.
It wasn't until recently that I decided to turn this into a Pokemon IRL blog, and I'm not even doing that well with this. That, and I'm afraid that I come off as self-centered, so I cut any posts that give that kind of vibe. Heck, I even tried doing a playthrough series, but I keep forgetting about it, and when I do remember that it exists, I just postpone the next update to oblivion.
I really want to keep this blog going, and trust me when I say I'm going to, but it's not going anywhere, and I feel like nothing is happening. At first, I thought it was just Tumblr having boring days, but I realized that I'm just not doing anything entertaining. My blog just turned into a pool of reblogs with the occasional Pokemon-related post or rant. And I mostly wait for either @the-one-from-dres or @drizzileiscool to bring up the occasional topic that I might have enough insight to talk about. Sorry for @'ing you guys, by the way, I just need folks to know who I'm talking about. Y'all the goats.
Once I got my drawing tablet, I thought that I could do a bunch of art stuff, but then it devolved into the same potential self-obsession problem, where I would just draw that one character(which is literally just a Samurott with anxiety and a Goku complex, let's be honest with ourselves here) over and over again. I have other characters I can draw, and I'm even taking free art requests. Granted, I haven't gotten any requests yet, but the option was still there.
And that's how we got here. I have to retake my Regents in literally under 24 hours, and I'm bitching and moaning about how I'm not getting anywhere in my ha-ha internet blog, which everyone already takes as a joke anyway.
If anything, I think my problem comes from a lack of communication. There was this like, 4 day period that I didn't hear a word from Dres, and I thought he hated me for something I did, until he involved me in 3 back-to-back reblog games literally the next day.
I still feel awful about it now, it was so petty of me to even think that way. For context, Dres might as well be my day one, and he's inadvertently taught me the ins and outs of Tumblr, like how to use tags and things like that. Hell, we even played DnD together once. No exaggeration, he's the closest thing I've had to a real friend in years, and I'm convinced that's only the case because he hasn't seen me in person.
I love him deeply, and only wish the best for him. To think that he'd leave me after I did basically nothing, I've really hit a new level of desperate. He likely had his own things to do, while I'm still stressing about things that probably don't even matter in hindsight.
Back to my original point, I want to do a lot more on this blog, and I also wanted to make it a chill place.
That's one of the reasons why I don't talk about politics myself. I don't want to get involved in things like that at all, because I want people to live without worry. The furthest I go with that kind of thing is "Stop being dicks to each other. We're people, deal with it." I know it's more complicated than that, but at this point, I'm almost scared to get involved in that kind of thing. I don't even know what a terf is. I didn't know Rowling was a bad person until recently when Drizzile was talking about her.
And it's like, I don't even know why it's so hard to talk to people for me. But at the same time, I think I really have something wrong with me, but I'm too scared to get it checked out. And, while I'm not getting into personal details, I don't have the right circumstances to even have that happen in the first place. That's the out of character reason why I say I might have ADHD, instead of outright saying I have it. I literally can't get it diagnosed myself if I wanted to, and I don't do the self-diagnosis stuff because I always get paranoid and think my problem is worse than it is. For example, I've convinced myself three times within the past year and a half that I had appendicitis, because I would get this really specific pain in my stomach. Guess who I told about it?
No one. I was terrified of wasting someone's time just for it to be me freaking out over nothing, and if I'm being honest, I still am. At this point, I have a plethora of things wrong with me, I know that now, but I don't ever get them checked out. I'm doing well so far with them, why worry about it now.
I just don't want to offend anyone. All I wanted to do was make a place where I and other people could have fun.
This is still going to primarily be a Pokemon IRL blog, but I'm doing something different. Please, if there's anything you all want to see on here, let me know. Stuff for Guy, art stuff, whatever floats your boat besides the obvious. And I'll do my best to keep up with my stories and fanfics or whatever. Once I get my stuff settled again, obviously, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm doing this for myself.
I don't want to turn this into a pity party. I really don't. At this point, I'm sick of having people worry about me. Whenever they do, I feel like I'm being an attention hog, and it sucks. If you did read this, thanks for listening. I just needed to get this much off my chest.
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rainbowtyrant · 2 years
Ok so I did it with the previous fic I read and now I'm doing it with this one
This fic is... magnificent in the way it explores what a healthy relationship can look like between Dean and Cas. I relate to fanfic Dean a shitton, and it's given me some perspective on ways to make my relationships work better. Not saying get your therapy from fanfic, y'all, I'm pretty sure that's unhealthy in some way.
Some quotes, nowhere near the best of what this fic has to offer, but they impacted me so maybe they'll do the same for you. (Also, while the quotes are all from a section where they discuss sex, the fic is not about that. They rehash a shitton of topics and this is just the one I related to the most because most of my issues stem from sex (I'm demi and navigating that has proved difficult with my intense fear of rejection lol))
"...and you twist it up with romanticism and identity and politics, and you both treat it like it is a sacred act worthy of profound poetry and like it is meaningless and perfunctory, and it does not make any sense..." (I would like to say that if you read the fic, there are some parts in this section that I don't agree with but it's Cas's perspective and he wasn't raised human so)
"I don’t know how to condense my feelings into English and I haven’t put much consideration into lust because it felt so —— selfish and confusing and overwhelming"
Ok anyway the fic is Just Being by Englandwouldfall
There's also a sequel called Just Having but be warned it's a WIP. Seemed to be updated recently, and it's hella good too, no huge cliffhangers that left me gutted so far so at least to my taste it's safe to read without being finished.
Anyway also I haven't really been on Tumblr since the big log off over the nudity filter, I don't even know what the name of my old account is or what email I used, but adhd aside what I'm really trying to say is idk how to tag, if you have some time please help. Just show me what tags you'd use on this post in the comments or whatever. I don't know what the etiquette is anymore and it's making me insecure lol
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sincerely-krp · 1 year
mewe au anon here's my rundown, admin presences are important to me so if ik what they're like i'm including them: antiferal / standard a.b.o. krp, sounds like the classic community u find on that side of au krp. couple friends were there for a bit, they left bc of life but not bc of drama in the krp so it's probably okay. astral dynasty / also kind of chill, their summary makes it seem like they do a lot of things but tbh at least when i was there it was just a normal au. some strange/bad eggs but lots of good brains! admin/s are obvious tho lol. from my experience they were super on top of things and really approachable! i left because after a while it just wasn't my cup of tea. glad to see they're going strong tho!
the elites / no idea who these guys are, but they just got accepted so that's probably why lol.
nightworld / ...well, like some other guys are pointing out, most people in mewe au krp either were at nightworld or knew someone at nightworld who told them to stay far far away. the admins were not necessarily bullies they just didn't care about people who they didn't have their eye on and so a lot of the group was ostracized. aka, it's the nightworld clique and then the rest of the people scrambling for scraps. they make lore decisions, like really big ones, and never update their community so a lot of people felt like they were being purposely made a fool and stuff. to give them credit though, people blow those issues way out of proportion, and dming the admins those feelings might have been the easier solution here lol.
nocturne / same admin friend group. got a lot of hype on here because one of the people there was the good guy in a situation against an actually horrifying krp admin group (check proof tag) and then everyone realized they were nightworld's clique and took them off the pedestal they were put on. great lore though and these writers might be messy af but they're good to write with! if u can seperate ooc and ic u'll be fine. haven't joined yet but i plan to, just want to see what pops up before i commit to a krp bc i only have time for one.
rupesnigra / probably the only krp i don't have tea on, but idk if that means they're dead or not lol. krphub took them off but then added them back and said they were revamping so i'm curious to see what they do. i almost joined a long time ago but life just swept me up and i never did tbh. i did dm the admins to get started on an app process and they didn't get passive-aggressive when i didn't know something on their blog or make me feel stupid for needing to have stuff explained, so i can get the hype behind their team. obvs not an indication of their general admin style but that's important for me!
make your judgements yourself tho. i'm not one to post to sincerely much but au krpers on this blog are rancid sometimes, so. also, there was a wave of one au krp's salty members dragging a bunch of other krps on another blog a long time ago, so just be wary of that and those people taking chances to take shots at au krps! like admins if someone says something questionable maybe ask them to submit proof of their application or presence there recently? that's how verse is keeping reviews from being completely anon and i think it's smart.
thank you, that was helpful to know and we will do this!
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ppangjae · 1 year
It's been a while! I searched through my tag on your blog and found out that I last sent you an ask on 18 Jun last year :( It's been so long, I missed coming here and just being able to talk to you.
How've you been, Alex? I read through some of your replies to other anons and found out you've found a partner 🥺 That is really wonderful news! I hope you're both happy individually and together ❤️
I wouldn't bombard you with copious amounts of updates about my life in the past year, but I will say that renovations are finally underway after a lot of setbacks that almost did not make it happen! My family & I are currently in a condo while it's happening and we'll be returning to our newly renovated house in a few weeks!
And I also got to read your recent (as recent as it can get, I guess? LOL) fic for chef!Jaehyun and also found out that you're now planning for a doctor!Jae?!?! All the research it must have taken to come up with the backbone of your last fic, now you're diving into a hospital scene?! — the respect to your dedication and my interest in your masterlist have definitely rekindled big time after having been so busy! I even especially liked the details of the food when OC is preparing them, seeing as I've recently been watching a lot of Gordon Ramsay's videos on YouTube. And how it perfectly matches to Jaehyun in NCT DJJ film! My gosh, I wish I was able to squeal about that with you! It was what I remembered when I watched the video, but I was held up with a lot of things at the time; but I'm glad to see so many other anons gushing about it. It was so cool to see chef!Jae come to life in actual NCT content! I bet you were just as surprised when you saw it — but I'm really happy you got to feel the excitement of that! ❤️
Ahh, this is getting longer and I don't want to overwhelm you, but I really missed sending you messages, Alex 🥺 I hope you've been doing very well and taking care of yourself. I'll definitely give chef!Jae fic a reread and patiently wait for doctor!Jae!
Oh — and it's my birthday again! This was soooo my last ask from last year, too 🫣
Anyway, I hope your day has been/is going well! Missed being here. All the love, dearest Alex! — ♡ anon
oh my goodness, it's been quite a while! no worries, love, because i got swept up with how busy my life has been so i haven't been on tumblr quite frequently (honestly, i haven't been on tumblr for a while too sjkdhfd)
i have been doing well! i've just been busily living day by day LOL and yes! i do have a partner, we actually hit our six months last month hehe (speaking of, we're reaching seven months in a couple of days). i am happy! he makes me happy hehe and although we've only been together for six months (and counting), it feels like we've been together and known each other for years.
i'm so glad to hear that you and your family are going to be able to move into your newly renovated home soon! that's so exciting! i always love when people move into new homes or renovate because there's always something exciting and anticipating about it LOL i hope you've been doing well, love!
ahhhh i see that you've read chef!jae hehe yeah, it's been months since i've posted it (and then completely disappeared after kjshdfkjshdf) but yes, i'm currently brainstorming and planning to write a doctor!jae fic! i think after posting the chef!jae fic, i realized that i like to take my time writing fics because it allows me to brainstorm more and to fully immerse myself into writing. chef!jae was just so fun to write!
honestly though, i didn't even know about chef!jae in that DJJ video until nikki texted me about it. funny enough, i was work when it all happened kjsdhf so pretty much, i've been so busy that if nikki hadn't sent me a text about it, i probably wouldn't even know about chef!jae in the DJJ video sjkdhfsdf. but it did feel nice and super thrilling to see a glimpse of chef!jae in the video - and just live out five plus one jae with an actual visual sdjkhfsd
and don't be sorry for sending me long messages! i love hearing about how everyone has been doing nowadays, especially with how busy life could get LOL
AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope your birthday wishes come true!
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melongumi · 4 years
Very important saucy thoughts:
Wei Wuxian collecting salacious gossip about himself and bringing it home to laugh about because otherwise he would cry -- mostly with Wen Ning, b/c Wen Ning is willing to listen, and they probably walk the boundary lines on a regular basis or whatever I guess,
Until somewhere between an account of ghostly courtesans (“okay so I did used to summon some spirits to drink with me back at Lotus Pier, but it wasn’t like that--”) and abducted princesses (“Where did they even get that one? Wen Ning, do you think someone in town caught a glimpse of your pale complexion and made assumptions? Ha, but whoever heard of a princess as tall as you? You are pretty enough, though--”), Wen Ning hits his breaking point and is like: fuck it, and makes a move. 
A very small move, that’s willfully misinterpreted and which he doesn’t bother clarifying. I mean Wen Ning riffs a little on one of the stories in a leading fashion, and Wei Wuxian takes the bait.
They use the gossip and stories as verbal roleplay scenarios, is what I’m getting at here. And then maybe they... act them out a little,, in a fashion that is chaste but desperately sexy. 
They are behaving somewhat as if they don’t know what sex is but they do know... that vampire seduction tropes or whatever - in this case i guess they’re switching off playing at being an abducted princess - are Highly Interesting,,
Probably they do end up kissing, but relationship progress here is... minor. We’re staying canon-compliant so far, y’got me? So then canon happens. And then postcanon happens.
And Wei Wuxian has been travelling with Lan Wangji, and Wen Ning has been travelling with Lan Sizhui, and when they all return to Gusu they have traditional reunion activities, such as talking.
So Sizhui gets hugs, but then Sizhui runs off to catch up with his friends first. So it’s Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Wen Ning at a table sharing stories from the road. And it starts with accounts of night hunts, of course-- or funny anecdotes about Sizhui making a teenaged miscalculation, or Wen Ning knocking over a tree, or some innkeeper’s wife mortifying Lan Wangji with very obvious flirting, 
But then Wei Wuxian brings up hearing another one of those tall tales about himself. And, force of habit, Wen Ning riffs on it. And then, force of habit, Wei Wuxian reciprocates and escalates with a morbid naughty joke. 
And suddenly there’s a lot of UST at this table, and Lan Wangji is like. I Am Looking. I Am Looking Lasciviously.
anyway a week later a very flustered Ghost General (wn) is kidnapping a poor helpless maiden (wwx) for his Dread Master-- when ah! Salvation! A righteous cultivator (lwj)! Please righteous cultivator, rescue me, I’ll do anything. Anything, says the cultivator. The maiden trembles unconvincingly from where he’s thrown over the Ghost General’s shoulder. Oh yes, the maiden says, anything at all.
ANYWAY And Then They All Bang. You kind of get the notion that they’ve been doing this all week in various switchy combinations and show no signs of stopping, it’s great. :)
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hkblack · 3 years
Hello :) I have a question about communicating with beta-readers: When I'm updating my fic, am I supposed to tell my beta-readers that I just uploaded a new chapter (that they previously edited) or is that unnecessary?
Oh good question! I think the answer is "it depends."
Is it a story that is complete and you're just dragging the posting phase out? Is it a story that isn't complete but is on a set schedule for posting? Did this reader do just one chapter or all of the chapters? If the story is still a WIP, is this reader sticking with you for the long haul?
Personally, I subscribe to any multi-chapter fic I have beta-read that is not posted in one go, or any multi-chapter fic I am actively beta-reading that is a WIP.
I'm doing a long answer behind the cut for you anon, cause I started a new job last week and my brain is mush. So this counts as this weeks Weekly Post.
I asked @ambrasue, who beta-read Beyond Grace (Good Omens, T) for me, for her thoughts. BG started posting after it had been completed. We were 100% done with the editing process when the first chapter was posted. I actually talked out a posting schedule with Ambra as part of the beta-reading process. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it all at once, stretch it out to once a week, or clip along at twice a week. Ambra ultimately helped me decide to post two chapters a week, because she and I both knew I was going to go back through every chapter for a final brush up before posting. Giving myself a few days in between each chapter gave me the ability to do that. So she knew when to expect chapters. She has informed me that despite knowing the schedule (and despite me interrupting many conversations about totally unrelated things going "oh shit I forgot it's a BG chapter day, hold on. Pick a snippet for tumblr I can't choose"), she also subscribed to BG, so she got notifications that way. She says that much like me, she subscribes to multi-chapter fics she's read as they are posted. I think I can speak safely for both of us when I say, it's sort of part of the cheerleading process. Seeing that last chapter post, even if you haven't looked at that story in a hot minute because the heavy editing is done, is the actual moment when you get to put your beta-reading hat down and go "YOU DID IT! WE DID IT! CELEBRATE!"
When it comes to WIPS, I've recently started working with @aethelflaedladyofmercia on Custody Battle (Good Omens, M, Mind The Tags). When we first were diving into the story together, she let me know that she posts chapters on Saturdays. Like I said, Custody Battle is not complete, so me knowing that schedule is essential to our beta-reading relationship. I have a deadline for myself for each chapter so that Aethelflaed can have the time to make changes. I have also subscribed to Custody Battle so that I can see when those chapters go up. Do I need the subscription? Probably not, because I know that things get posted on Saturdays. But it's nice to see when in the day things were posted. If the chapter goes up later and I didn't get the editing done until later in the week, it might not be my fault that that chapter went up "late" but it's a reminder of my part in the process. If it goes up earlier, I know that when I said "no really, this is perfect, don't change anything," there's a shared confidence there. Or like. I dunno. Maybe Aethelflaed is going to the zoo and wants to get the chapter up earlier so she doesn't have to think about it later. Doesn't really matter. But by subscribing, I can start to see what "normal" is for Aethelflaed so I can adjust my own reading schedule to match.
So again, it depends.
Is the story complete, and are you just stretching out the posting timeline? You should tell your beta-reader that the first chapter is posted, and maybe let them know what your posting schedule will be (maybe if you aren't sure what kind of schedule to keep, you can use them as a sounding board as you did for the rest of the story). In my opinion, you don't need to let them know about every individual chapter.
Is the story a WIP, and you're posting as you go? Then your beta-reader should already know when you're posting. They need to know what they can still help edit, and what has been locked by virtue of being published. Maybe you don't have to send them a link every time you post, maybe they will subscribe themselves, but you should at least be providing a running commentary on your process, "Hey I'm skipping posting this week because I'm going to the zoo," "I know we're not 100% satisfied with this chapter, but I'm going to post it as is. Let's move on," "Here's the line of no going back! This is all posted so we're working from this highlight on!"
What if they only read one chapter in a long multi-chapter work that you needed help on? You should treat it as if it was the first chapter. "Hey, I posted the chapter, here's a link to the whole story, the chapter you helped with is chapter x, thank you again!"
And of course with all of this, you should give credit where credit is due. I do beta-reader shoutouts in the first chapter and final chapter for someone who is with me the entire way. And if someone provides expertise for one chapter, or only does a single chapter for me, I'll say something in that chapter's Author's Note.
I hope this helps!
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punkbxt · 3 years
I saw the first green spock = antisemantic years ago in 2015?
Anyway I'm still partial to green blush but I have since seen Hulk spock and read a lot on how that's antisemantic. Also it makes a lot of my Jewish followers uncomfortable so - green spock antisemantic. I agree.
And I didn't see green spock for years - and I'm CRAZY obsesive. Since 2014 every since day I have scrolled the spock tag every single day for new content of my boy(hey! Hey this is important to wat I'm saying dont come at me I have plenty of other hobbies, it's just 5-20 minutes. Some folks read news, I look at spock)
Anyway after that thing bubbled up I didn't see green spock for ages.
Then I did late 2020 I rember that day, cold chilly the art was good. But he was green and I don't reblog green spocko for my fam.
So I leave a comment
Hi I love ur art its very good. But did you know 'drawing spock green' is 'antisemantic' because of 'quoted reasons.
Anyway love it but I can't reblog it.
At this point I was msging someone new. I considered hey I haven't seen any discourse posts recently, maybe they're new here and arent aware and this is an innocent honest mistake.
Little did I know....
They knew, and they, and their entire fanbase was F uRiOus.
My inbox, my tags were being picked up and beaten.
'what is this 2015!?!? I know u rude ass bitch and I dont listen to that shit' or something along those lines. As well as my comment screenshot and posted.
So to start with I was like?! Oh was this discourse wrong and I missed out on a important update? But after a little investigation I discovered this wasn't so.
The op was simply evil. Not because of the racist art alone. For if they had simply said 'I know I drew this in?? And I didn't want to delete' I would have been more understanding - although I maybe would have suggested editing the work and adding a message. Like 'I spent 8000 hours on this I don't want to delete but green spock is racist please don't draw him like this'
But no. No instead I was bombarded with nasty comments from op - and hate anons from people-I wasn't even talking to??? Like mind yo damn buissness -
I litterally felt like I'd gone on a famous YouTubers pages dissed them, and then that famous YouTuber had sent a horde of sweaty, stinky fan baby freaks to me to bully me. Like? Was I wrong? Anyway I no longer give a heads up to artists drawing green spock I get hate. - I GET HATE.
I've never sent hate and I'm real sorry u did gate I can't even imagine the stressxxx
Anyway I think if peope see a comment worded:
Op Did you know "thing" is "racist/sexist/ect" because of "loose quote/ or place to find information"
Then other folks the comment isn't directly addressing should mind their own buissness. Also if anyone wants to use that as a template message go ahead.
Anyway. The green spocks are on the rise. And I dare not slip into their anons, which thus is creating more green spocks.
Who will Kindly let these people know? Perhaps by even using said template... I feel the wrinkles coming on, time is calling me, and stress has me lined in the execution block. I can no longer carry on my polite msgs, for not all who draw allow anons. Will anyone ever keep my work up for me when I am gone? How could they when I still breathe and do not. It is but a weary, polite, kind notification to give.
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
Omg congrats on 200!! It is a big number, don't underestimate the power of 200 people lmaoo I hope you're having a great day! And also I'd like to ask for a 🌹 and a ⛵ pretty please! I have an about page and oh god i don't think I've updated it? What was my face tag again? Do I even have one? I think I don't, I deeply apologize. Also, something I haven't updated is that I'm planning on going to Australia at the end of the year! A working holiday thing and I'm so excited! Again, congratulations!
Hi babe sorry this took so long.  I’ve been swamped with school and the onlyreason I am doing it now is as a study break. It’s been so long since I’vewritten anything not school-related so I am so sorry if it’s shit.
You would be fucking cute as hell with Luke Hemmings.
So I really think yall would just have a zoo of animals.Like so many dang dogs. I think you would love to go for walks with them andspend time outdoors with them. Maybe you’d go to the park with them all thetime and just play Frisbee or have picnic lunches. Anyways, you love nature,you guys would definitely go for hikes and beach days and you’d love to walkthrough the city and check out new shops and get ice cream.
“Hey babe, look at me!” Luke cries from his own blue yogamat. You groan but turn your focus away from your own pose and look at him. Heis standing there in what looks like almost a tree pose except he has an applebalanced on his head.
“I’m an apple tree,” he exclaims.
“Where did you even get that apple?” you question the tallboy, he pouts that you don’t laugh at his attempt. “You are tall enough to be atree.”
He removes the apple from his head and takes a large biteout of it.
Luke had recently been trying to get into yoga with you. Itwas something you had loved for years as you always felt so much more at peacewhen you did it and it helped you to combat stress.
He loves the idea of doing it with you as like a couplesactivity. It’s almost become a transition for him to getting into mediation aswell, he has started to practice that more often now especially using itas  preshow ritual.
The thing he loves the most about doing it with you as thatyou don’t have to talk, you can but it’s sucha n intimate experience especiallywhen he takes it seriously. But he also loves to goof around with you while youdo it, making up his own poses and different variations. He loves to watchvideos online and trying to copy them. He does make fun of the form a littlebit but he truly enjoys it. He’s tried to get petunia to join him and do poseswith her but it never goes as well as he would like. He’s also been trying toget into to couple poses with you. He loves to set up his phone to record thetwo of you trying one for the first time.
“Babe, let’s try this one.” He asks as he shows you apicture of a new pose. The male is on the bottom with his legs in front of him,sitting straight up. His arms are over his head holding his partner’s legsabove his head and she has mimicked his pose but she’s doing it upside downwith her arms on his legs holding her up in the air.
You laugh, you know it won’t end well but you agree. He setshis phone up to record the two of you and gets into the position. You walk overtowards him and place both of your hands on his ankles before slowly raisingone leg at a time into his hands. He tries to push them up and doessuccessfully for a minute until his hands start to raise over his head. Hisarms begin to shake and so do yours as you try and lift your body your legsgrow wobblier the higher in the air you get until you’re both laughing andcollapse onto your sides. However your hands never release each other’s legs asyou fall to the ground.
After recovering from your fits of laughter Luke gets up andcollects his phone for the two of you to watch. You giggle at how shaky youboth are and Luke says he is for sure going to be posting it on his story laterfor all the fans to see.  
“You look so stupid.”
“Because you aren’t strong enough to hold me up!”
“Well we both look stupid. I am strong enough, we just haveto keep practicing till we get it right.”
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