#rosesfromcth blurb
rosesfromcth · 5 years
Omg congrats on 200!! It is a big number, don't underestimate the power of 200 people lmaoo I hope you're having a great day! And also I'd like to ask for a 🌹 and a ⛵ pretty please! I have an about page and oh god i don't think I've updated it? What was my face tag again? Do I even have one? I think I don't, I deeply apologize. Also, something I haven't updated is that I'm planning on going to Australia at the end of the year! A working holiday thing and I'm so excited! Again, congratulations!
Hi babe sorry this took so long.  I’ve been swamped with school and the onlyreason I am doing it now is as a study break. It’s been so long since I’vewritten anything not school-related so I am so sorry if it’s shit.
You would be fucking cute as hell with Luke Hemmings.
So I really think yall would just have a zoo of animals.Like so many dang dogs. I think you would love to go for walks with them andspend time outdoors with them. Maybe you’d go to the park with them all thetime and just play Frisbee or have picnic lunches. Anyways, you love nature,you guys would definitely go for hikes and beach days and you’d love to walkthrough the city and check out new shops and get ice cream.
“Hey babe, look at me!” Luke cries from his own blue yogamat. You groan but turn your focus away from your own pose and look at him. Heis standing there in what looks like almost a tree pose except he has an applebalanced on his head.
“I’m an apple tree,” he exclaims.
“Where did you even get that apple?” you question the tallboy, he pouts that you don’t laugh at his attempt. “You are tall enough to be atree.”
He removes the apple from his head and takes a large biteout of it.
Luke had recently been trying to get into yoga with you. Itwas something you had loved for years as you always felt so much more at peacewhen you did it and it helped you to combat stress.
He loves the idea of doing it with you as like a couplesactivity. It’s almost become a transition for him to getting into mediation aswell, he has started to practice that more often now especially using itas  preshow ritual.
The thing he loves the most about doing it with you as thatyou don’t have to talk, you can but it’s sucha n intimate experience especiallywhen he takes it seriously. But he also loves to goof around with you while youdo it, making up his own poses and different variations. He loves to watchvideos online and trying to copy them. He does make fun of the form a littlebit but he truly enjoys it. He’s tried to get petunia to join him and do poseswith her but it never goes as well as he would like. He’s also been trying toget into to couple poses with you. He loves to set up his phone to record thetwo of you trying one for the first time.
“Babe, let’s try this one.” He asks as he shows you apicture of a new pose. The male is on the bottom with his legs in front of him,sitting straight up. His arms are over his head holding his partner’s legsabove his head and she has mimicked his pose but she’s doing it upside downwith her arms on his legs holding her up in the air.
You laugh, you know it won’t end well but you agree. He setshis phone up to record the two of you and gets into the position. You walk overtowards him and place both of your hands on his ankles before slowly raisingone leg at a time into his hands. He tries to push them up and doessuccessfully for a minute until his hands start to raise over his head. Hisarms begin to shake and so do yours as you try and lift your body your legsgrow wobblier the higher in the air you get until you’re both laughing andcollapse onto your sides. However your hands never release each other’s legs asyou fall to the ground.
After recovering from your fits of laughter Luke gets up andcollects his phone for the two of you to watch. You giggle at how shaky youboth are and Luke says he is for sure going to be posting it on his story laterfor all the fans to see.  
“You look so stupid.”
“Because you aren’t strong enough to hold me up!”
“Well we both look stupid. I am strong enough, we just haveto keep practicing till we get it right.”
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cakesunflower · 4 years
Idk if you watch tik toks but all I can think about is making tik toks w cal, like prank wars or the dumb joke ones or the one that’s going on now where you walk out naked in front of your bf, or kissing your best friend or climbing into their lap while they doing makeup, etc. and I just would really like to hear about this concept
omg fuck off i saw one of those kissing your best friends one and i can totally imagine this. like. idk you’re like best friends with him duh and you’ve seen a couple of those tik toks and when you find out the concept behind them your stomach gives this little flutter at the thought of doing it with calum. like you overthink it for a moment, wondering if a dumb tik tok was worth potentially making things awkward with him. but you also knew him well and knew that he wouldn’t let something for the sake of a video possibly ruin your friendship—he wasn’t that kind of guy, especially with you. so you talk yourself out of the nerves and go for it, figuring the worst that can happen is that he’s kind of just like wtf about it. so you make the video, the first one or two clips of you just filming him under the guise of making a snapchat video, a clip of him sitting across from you while the two of you grab coffee and another of you both in the middle of playing a video game or something. and then the moment comes to kiss him, and you don’t overthink it. the two of you are on the couch, the phone is set up discreetly to record, and you kind of just lean in towards calum, hand gently placing itself on his jaw to turn his face towards you. and you note the flash of confusion in his brown eyes as he watches you lean in, but you close your eyes and press your lips to his. the butterflies go haywire in your stomach at the softness of his lips, and you think you can revel in the feel of them, and you’re about to pull away, to put an end to this because really it’s not supposed to last long. an then suddenly calum’s hand is on your cheek, his touch warm as he pulls you even closer, lips moving with yours and your breath catches in your throat as he leans more into the kiss, deepening it. now your head is spinning as you kiss him, the thought of the video completely forgotten as your tongues meet and he groans softly against you, this kiss something he apparently had been waiting for for so long. yeah.... the video was totally out of your head now.
come talk to me about Calum
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Jenna, tell me about how you would meet calum in the park, at like a nature walk/pond. And how years later, after dating, he would propose to you in the same spot and there would be frogs croaking, interrupting him and you’d laugh and he’d get mad at the frogs. And just tell me everything about meeting him there and then getting engaged there
Literally why would you ask me this you know how I feel about this
okay so you’re kinda into nature like fresh air and pretty flowers are kind of your thing so when you found a new path that lead you around a pretty pond with water lilies and cute animals, you knew something special was in the hands of fate. You’d be sitting by the pond, just chillin in the naturey air when a bull frog would bellow and almost make you fall in. “Shit, did you hear that?” The dark haired man was definitely as spooked as you were.
“Yeah, you can tell it’s a bull frog because it sounds like a cow.” You giggled, looking at the giant frog in the water. 
“Hey, do it again.” He said, mooing at the frog. 
“You sound very realistic.” You giggled, watching him stare at the frog. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” 
“I’m Calum. Would you like to walk with me?” He asked, smiling softly. 
“I’d love to.” You giggled softly, linking your arm with his. 
Now, after that day, you and Calum would go to that park literally all the time. You’ve been dating for like 2 and a half years and by now all of the other boys are married and you’re kinda huffy cuz you wanna be married so like Calum would take you to the park and you'd be at the pond and you’d have your arms crossed while sitting on the bench and Calum would look at you and halfway through saying your name a frog would bellow and Calum would just clench his fist. 
“Are you talking to me?” You looked at Calum.
“Trying to.” He mumbled, rubbing his pocket. “Y/N, we’ve been together for almost 3 ye-” Frog bellow. 
“What?” You giggled, looking at Calum.
“I said, we’ve been together for almost 3 years and I think it’s time we took our rela-” Another frog bellow. “Son of a bitch!” Calum groaned, standing up. 
“Cal, calm down.” You giggled, looking out at the giant frog floating next to the platform. 
“I’m trying to ask you to mar-” Deep frog bellow.
“I have never wanted to drop kick a frog more in my life.” 
“Cal, just talk over the frog.” You laughed, scooting closer to him. 
“God, fine.” Calum huffed, getting down on one knee. “Y/N, will you marry me?!” Calum yelled, birds in the trees flying off from the loud noise. 
“Yes, Calum, I would be honored.” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep kiss.
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devilatmydoor · 4 years
✨devilatmydoor’s 1k celebration!✨
omg guys! i hit 1k! i can’t believe it! tbh i had no idea anyone would want to follow this blog of mine! I love each and every one of you with my whole heart! i want to thank you all by doing something for you this upcoming weekend (Friday September 4th - Monday September 7th) you can send your requests whenever you want! (special thanks underneath keep reading) 
🎨 moodboard - whatever you want!  📝 blurb  (or send your own prompt) - prompt lists   🧡 💚 💙
🎶 music recommendations - (either you can send me one or i can recommend a song/artist for you)
☪️ vent / say hi! come talk to me about literally anything! 
also this post wouldn’t be finished without thanking my amazing mutuals. i love each and every one of you with my entire heart; you guys are truly amazing and i wouldn’t have made it this far on tumblr without you and your amazing blogs and personalities! I love you all so much 🖤💙
@pxrxmoore @sublimehood @talkfastromance4 @talkfastcal @myloverboyash @sexgodashton @spicycal @ukulelecal @haikucal @twilightmomentswithyou @notinthesameguey @himbocalum @suchalonelysunflower @blackheartedcal @blackbutterfliescal @wastelandcth @burstintocolor @honeybunchcalum @wheniminouterspace @calumrose @tirednotflirting @mcavoyd
@redrattlers @wonderland-irwin​ @lukeysdimples @jbhmalum​ @littledrummerangie​ @icyicejuice​ @tpwkatsumu​ @kaleidoscopeminds​ @cheekysos​ @ashsun​ @loxerofmine​ @calmfolklore​ @calumscalm​ @sanrioluke​ @killmytyme​ @castaway-cashton​ @rawtitty​ @mashlums​ @mikeycliffords​ @atlcalm​ @calmlftv​ @ghostoflrh​ @highscal​ @canyon-moan​ @lukeisbaby​ @calumswildflowerz​ @calumswldflwer​ @clemmings​ @adoringlrh​ @thatscoolbaby​ @wildflowerirwin​ @rosesfromcth​ @malumsmermaid​ @makeupbychio​ @cthwldflwr​ @sunflowerxcal​ @singt0mecalum​ @softforcal​ @findingliam-o​ @saintlaurentcalum​ @ohhmuke​ @halcyonnhood​ @lilacsos​ @flowers-on-the-graves​ @heartbreakgirlisagoodsongcalum​ @goth5sos​ @c-dizzle-swizzlex​ @honeybunash​ @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind​ @egyptiangoldhood​ @calumfort​ @calumspeachy​ @boytoynamedcalum​ @kaleidoscopemlnd​ @calumance​ @talksopretty​ @feliznavidaddycal​ @calpops​
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
Hey, uh, remember that one ask that was like “overly affectionate best friend Cal” ? Could you pls pls pls expand
a continuation of this blurb
okay so like i was saying, really fucking drunk affectionate cal. y’all are probably standing around chatting, he’s behind you with his arms wrapped around your middle and his chin resting on your shoulder. he’s holding you close to him and occasionally kissing your cheek, which is what you’re used to from drunk him. what you’re not used to though, is when he starts leaving the kisses along your jaw and neck. what the hell cal? you’d ask him. and in response he’d just softly shake his head and laugh and turn back toward the conversation happening in y’alls group.
maybe he went to go get y’all both another drink and when he comes back he stands in the same position, except this time his hand that isn’t holding his drink has wandered a little lower. resting just so, fingers lightly brushing the skin above the band of your skirt. you let out a little shiver and feel him pull your body more into his. once you get used to the feeling of his hands on your skin he starts trailing kisses on your neck again. occasionally his tongue will slip out, drawing soft whimpers from your throat. their never load enough for any of your friends to hear, but you know he does because he just smirks against you.
as the night draws on your group moves to a booth. calum pulls you into his lap. again nothing new for yall. except for that he rests his hand on the upper part of your thigh. his fingers awfully close to your center, due to not only your skirt riding up when you sat down, but also do to the fact that he had slightly bunched it up when pulling you into his lap. calum, what is up with you tonight? you’d whisper, extremely curious as to what the fuck was going through his mind. i just want to love on my best friend, can’t i do that? he’d ask you and lightly suck on your next. you’d let out a shaky breath in affirmation and lean farther into his body. in response his hand would move all the way up your thigh under your skirt. his fingers would start to lightly brush over your center. is this okay babe? can i keep going? you’d nod and try to subtly push yourself more into him. as his fingers push your underwear to the side and start to work over your clit you try to keep a straight face and stay attuned to the conversation happening. not wanting to give away any indication as to what was going on under the table. you’d like to think you’re doing well at masking what’s going on as cal continues to work you up. it’s taking all of yourself control to not let out your whines and grind down into his fingers for more friction. every time you want to let out a noise you take a sip of your drink and hope that everyone assumes that your flushed cheeks are from the alcohol coursing through your system and not the hand in your pants. luke had just told a joke and you were mid laugh when he finally slid his fingers inside of you. you slightly choke/moan out the rest of your laugh and hope no one notices. he really starts to work you then, whispering in your ear about how you’re being so good for me sweetheart and that maybe when we leave here we can go back to mine yeah? i can show you how much i really love you then. you swear nothing has felt so good in your life, not knowing if it was because of the drinks or because the man you’d been harboring feelings for seemed to share the same ones. at this point you’d given up on trying to keep up with what everyone was saying. you were more focused on the way your best friend was making you feel and keeping your expression neutral. your drink sits abandoned on the table half empty. your hands had fallen under the table, one gripping his thigh and the other the edge of the seat. one particular stroke of his fingers has you clenching around him. your grip on his thigh tightening, giving him the indication that you’re getting close. that’s it babygirl. i know you’re almost there. cum for me yeah? he’d prompt. his words pushing you that much closer. his other hand that had been holding your hip moved to softly brush up and down your side under your shirt, fingernails softly dragging across your skin. the mix of his lips on your neck, his hands everywhere, and his encouraging words are what brings you to your edge. white hot bliss rolling over your body in waves. you close your eyes and turn your head into his chest in order to hide the blissed out look you know is covering your face. he slowly works you through your orgasm, soft words helping bring you down. you okay? ashton asks you, slightly concerned. I’m fine. ‘M just really tired was your semi honest reply. C’mon we can go then. You can crash at mine tonight. cal would say while simultaneously pulling his fingers out of you. you’d nod in agreement, whimpering slightly at the loss. everyone gives their quick goodbyes and yall make your way outside to wait for the uber. cal throws one arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. meanwhile he slips his fingers into his mouth to clean you off of him, moaning slightly at the taste. god i can’t wait to get you back to mine sweetheart. can’t get enough of this taste.
okayyyy so this is probably more than you wanted but i got a liiiiitle carried away lol. hope you like it! please let me know what you think! 
you can get added to my taglist here
special tag for @dukehoods and @flannelpunkcalum because i know that they’re both going to come yell at me for this.
if you’re crossed out it’s because it wouldn’t let me tag you 😭
taglist: @angelbabylu @alloutofcashton @calumspeachy @pagesuponstpages @cxddlyash @dukesnumber1 @rip-lukes-balsamic @calumscorgi @vintagehoods @thirlyhood @cthoodaf @tequila-clifford @caffeinatedcalum @irwinkitten @babylonduke @findingliam-o @gorgeouslygrace @myloverboyash @aspiringwildfire @cal-pal-cuddles @calsangel @moonlightgodcalum @rosesfromcth @5sosbabey @babylon-corgis @asht0ns-world @boytoynamedcalum @Baloonafi @lockthisheartinchains @ohhmuke @inspirationcal @calumsmermaid @imorganedetoi @quintodosuniversos @lovableah @httpspook @calssunflower @Sheaaunique @lukesbabie @haileypotter124 @who-do-you-love-5sos @isiteasierash​ @aulxna @myemptywallets @nikkixostan @sublimehood @dammitbands
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tydelwve · 5 years
Can you do an Ashton and the reader go to Disney with the boys and their girlfriends and maybe gets engaged 🥺 and her best friend crystal knew all about it and helped ash plan it and record it 🥺
(i was gonna do a full fic but it would have been mainly filler and hella boring in my opinion so i made it a blurb)
“Did you get the slipper from my room?” Ashton rushed out in a whisper to Crystal.
Crystal nodded, “It’s in the top of your backpack.”
Ashton let out a sigh of relief. “I just don’t want this to go wrong.” He glanced around to see you buying Mickey ears from a shop nearby.
“It won’t. You’re proposing in probably one of the most ideal ways for her. It’s her favorite place and favorite person,” she gestures to him, “but it’s nothing that is really big and over the top. You got this.”
Ashton nodded, giving you his seat once you walked over. “Ashton’s got what?” you asked.
“Beating you in Space Ranger. This time I’m not going to take it easy on you,” Ashton smirked. 
“Ash, you and I both know that’s not going to happen,” you laughed.
A few hours later, Ashton’s eyes widened as he glanced back at Crystal as she started recording with a grin on her face. The entire group had fallen back in preparation for the moment that would change your lives forever.
Ashton loosely wrapped his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear, “Have you had a good time so far?”
You smiled as you looked at him, giving him a small kiss. “It’s been amazing. I'm glad I’m getting to spend every moment with youstill be the reigning champ of Space Ranger.”
He shook his head, “I don’t understand how you’re so good.”
“It’s an experienced past,” you shrugged.
“Can you hand me the water inside my bag, please,” he requested as he placed his hand in his pocket.
You nodded as you unzipped his backpack to see a glass slipper on top of all his things. You raised an eyebrow as you pulled it out, and questioned, “Ash, baby. Why do you have a glass slipper in your bag?”
He took off his backpack as he turned to you, gently placing his hand over your on the slipper. “Well, you know how I call you my princess…” he started as he cleared his throat, “Well, I wanted to get you something to resemble that from your favorite place in the world.”
You blushed as you looked down. “Thank you, Ash. I love it.”
Ashton’s heart was racing. The words were right on his tongue, but they felt like the most lethal words to say at the moment. He couldn’t handle it going wrong.
He took a deep breath. “Y/N, you are one of the best people to ever come into my life. You make everyday worth living. I don’t know what I’d do without you for the rest of my life, so,” he takes the ring out of his pocket and gets down on one knee with a smile.
Your eyes widened as your hands shot up to cover your mouth, “Ashton…”
“Y/F/N, when I look at you, I see my entire future. You’re my princess. Will you make me your prince by marrying me?”
A few tears fell down your face as you nodded. Ashton’s eyes lit up as he placed the ring on your ring finger. He pulled you into a kiss as all the people around began to cheer.
He looked down at you in adoration as he spoke softly, “I love you, princess.”
“I love you more, my prince.”
*tags under the cut*
@meganwinchester1999 @gigglyirwin @cashton-queen @fayesfairylights @suburbanaesthetics @biba3434 @flowers-on-the-graves @balsamicashton @lights-up-hazza @hopelessxcynic @lmao5sosimagines @therainydays4 @charismaticcal @youngblood199456 @sincerelycalum @5saucewho @watermelonhighs  @valentine-in-my-quinjet @adcrjngs @itjustkindahappenedreally @claredolphinbear24 @norawashere @tswizzlemyfizzle @rosesfromcth @jpgluke @mycollectionofnuts @rosecoloredash @freckleslikeflowers  @exoticcal @satan-i-guess @empathycth @you-of-ghost @lustingforwonder @ohhmuke @katiaw2 @calssunflower @moonlightgodcalum @marvelfan8 @sunnysideblogs @mysteriouslycali @1dthewantedlove @dissapontedbutnotsurprised @softboycal @larryologymajor @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @5sosfanficrec @fallfrxmgrace @caswinchester2000 @lovey-doveycth @harrysgucciclothes @therealmrshale @damselindistressanu @josierosie @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @bitchsike1 @ashtonwahs @afuckingunicornn @freewave28 @bcbycakes @bodaciousbonzi1996 @ilumxna @keithseabrook27 @blocdmoney @britishstan @jazzyangel242 @g-l-pierce @natdhamon @mateisit-balsamic @sunnysidesblog @cxddlyash @cashtonasff5sos @prfctbarnes @wildflowerxcth @megz1985 @cthxx503 @flameraine @calumsgirlcrush @krizxoxo @katielizabeth @myloverboyash @mysticalhood-main
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rosegoldquintis · 5 years
Maja’s 2 year celebration
so today my blog turns 2 years old and to celebrate this I though id do a blurb night week to try and spark my inspiration so I can start posting longer fics again, even tough they aren't that good lol. Also, thank you to every singel one of you for following me and putting up with my depressing posts and my ugly selfies. 
I love all of you and you mean the world to me, thank you thank you thank you thank you and a million more thank you’s, you guys might not know it but I consider all of you friends and some of you even family, I can't put into words how much some of you have helped me though these past two years<3
The blurb night starts today, Sunday the 17th of November and it ends on Sunday the 24th of November.
Here are some small guidelines/rules I've set because I have no self-control lol
1. The blurbs won’t be over 1k
2. You can send a scenario, a boy or just a boy or just a scenario.
3. You can send how many asks as you want, I just love getting them,
4. All the asks I get during the week will be answered but I can’t promise that they will be published this week:(
So yea, I hope I get some asks because I really want to write again and yea, so again thank you for following me these past two years, I've gotten some amazing friends that I’m so grateful for and I just can't believe that I get to know so many cool people
I’m also tagging some of the best people so you guys can follow them as well;;
@mathildahilda @lukeinblue @i-calumhood @futurewriter2000 @notexactlylegal @irwinkitten @thatssoalx @cal-pal-cuddles @toofadedtofight @blahehblah @singt0mecalum @calsophat @rosesfromcth @foreverbeingthunderbuddy @rosesvillage @panimation @ocean-calls-me @bellero @uglycryinginthekitchen 
I probably forgot some of you and i’m sorry:(
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calpops · 5 years
masquerade made | 3 | c.h.
AKA: fake dating college!cal
@outerspaceisbetterthannothing said: okay, maybe I've seen ‘to all the boys...’ one too many times (sure I did), but like, doesn’t Cal need to properly ask her to be his fake girlfriend? and like, why would she agree? does she get anything in return? or she just agrees to help him because she’s nice? and do they set rules? is there a ‘no kissing’ rule??? please, write it, Eve!! 
You make to leave, headed for the double doors at the end of the building after a class that got a little too heated in your debate with Calum. His ex-girlfriend had approached and stopped both your apologies short. You felt as though the discussion may have kept going; gone somewhere less arbitrary than pretending to be a couple. You know very little of Calum, only the reputation his football career had carved through university halls and on campus gossip. He seems much more than all those whispered words and big pays on the field. The few discussions you’d had leaving you wanting to know more. The fact he is your fake boyfriend as a lie to his ex-girlfriend leaving you curious.
“Hey! Wait!” It’s Calum’s voice behind you, his hand lightly grabbing your shoulder before you could reach for the handle of the door. You stop and turn to face him, he’s a bit flushed with eyes that frantically search yours before coming to a still.
“Everything okay?” You manage to ask, letting your hand fall from the door; fingers curling into a fist as he nods.
“Everything’s fine,” he assures, his hand moving from your shoulder to his dark curls. “Except, d’you remember how you said you’d be on standby in case that double date were to happen?”
You blush, vividly remembering the night under the stars at the frat house the entire masquerade had begun. It’d only been days ago. “I do.”
“Think I could call you in for that?” Calum asked, voice hitching on the last syllable, eyes pleading. “She mentioned it again. Don’t think it’s a good selling point of our ‘relationship’ to keep her waiting.” His fingers came up into air quotes and though you know it’s all a ruse—one you had agreed to—the motion settles something uneasy in the pit of your stomach.
“Of course, I always keep my word,” you say, trying to keep it light.
Calum smiles and flings an arm around your shoulders, pushing the door open for both of you to walk out into the sunlight.
“Guess we have some things to talk over, huh?” He asks as he keeps leading you on, you gladly follow his direction; having no more classes for the day.
“Like what?”
“Couple things,” he says with a small smirk. “How we got together. When. Where. Why. Maybe—maybe some rules?”
“Rules?” The one word falls out of your mouth in utter confusion.
“Boundaries, you know, set the line of what you’re comfortable with.”
“Oh,” you say in shock, pleasantly surprised he’s mentioned your comfortability. “You think we should talk about this somewhere more private?”
Calum bites his lip but keeps his stride as he thinks it over and then nods.
You pick a neutral territory; a study nook in the library that affords privacy without being too intimate. It’s neither exclusively your world or his. Dorm rooms being out of the question for the moment. You keep your voices low, sit close but not too close and begin discussing the ruse. The rules. The intricacies of your fake relationship. No kissing unless the situation is dire. Hand holding is a must. No real feelings; strictly for show. You bargain for the rights of his hoodies and he willingly takes you up on such a deal.
“So I asked you to be mine during a party?” Calum suggests, and you laugh. It’s nearing the truth, he had lied about being together at a party. Keeping it as close to honest as possible seems the most logical, the less tangled mess the better.
“You know you haven’t even properly asked me to be in this fake relationship.”
Calum smirks, eyes alight and hand reaching for yours. He takes a deep breath, faux nervousness trembling his lips. “Will you officially… fake date me?”
“Oh I don’t know,” You begin dramatically but squeeze his hand. “What’s in it for me?”
“All the perks of having a fake boyfriend; a study buddy, free football tickets, my charming company.”
You pretend to think it over; it’s truly a no brainer when he’s pleading subtly with his eyes and his hand continues to hold yours. You sigh and nod. “For the football tickets.”
He laughs and it flutters your heart, influences you to giggle in harmony with him. His laughs stall and he stares at you, silently sending a thank you before speaking up. “We’ll be the best fake couple this university has ever seen.”
You arch an eyebrow in surprise. “The entire university?”
“Word is gonna get around. We gotta sell it.”
Okay so while Tumblr figures out the bug that's attacking asks this will hopefully be the way I finesse around it for big blurbs like this (hopefully it’s not happening with text posts, yikes). Hope you guys don’t mind <3 
Tagged: @rosesfromcth @rexorangecouny @thefireisgone @dammitbands @rosecolouredash @cheyennejoy5sos @cthoodsthetic @gorgeouslygrace @aestheticsarereal @xhaileyreneex @reallylucas @calumsmermaid @empathycth @cuddlemecalx @flowerchild8341 @outofmylimitcal @phil-coolins
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blurb based on thisss
okay so you and cal have been dating for a decent bit and he knows youve got a couple pieces of ink (which were originally done by mike and that's how y'all met), but in the length of your relationship, he'd gotten three smaller tats and you hadn't gotten any. when you finally decided on a new thigh design, ofc you're gonna have cal do it. He'd brought you to all of his, and had begged you to bring him when you planned another. when you walked into the shop with coffee and sandwhiches, the guys swarmed you shouting their thanks as calum pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss to your head. pulling you to his office, you guys chatted while you ate before deciding to just set up on the couch bc it's more comfortable. you wore a dress so your pants didnt rub against it when it was done, and seeing you sitting there so excitedly and inocently has him shaking his head to clear his thoughts. he lays down the design and the firm grip of his fingers has your mind instantly drifting to dirtier places and durin a break he sees the kinda dreamy look in your eyes so you know our boy is checking up on you, but when you answer that youre okay, he can def tell where your mind is. luckily hes almost done do he allows himself to sneak a couple glances up at you, watching you bite your lips and your cheeks are flushed and damn if he isnt slightly distracted by his jeans being too tight atm. when he finishes, obviously hes gotta wrap it, and you know that his cheeky ass lets his hands brush up against your core. youd twitch in place before cal suddenly pushes you back to hover over you, gripping your jaw to pull you into a heated kiss. you grab at his shoulders, and he allows his hand to wander down the side of your body, appreciating your beauty. trailing his hand over your underwear, you whine into his mouth when he lightly brushes over your clit. bucking your hips in a silent plea for more, calums raspy laugh breaks your kiss as he tilts his head to watch his fingers dip under the band of your panties, slipping into your dripping heat. his eyes go back to your face as you quietly moan, moving your hand to tug lightly at his dark strands. calum pumps his finger at a steady pace, giving you a moment to adjust when he adds another, as the sounds of your wetness become more audible. his fingertips press seep into your core as his thumb rubs circles on your clit. "c'mon pet. show tha boys how good 'm makin you feel." his lewd words mixed with the pleasure of his fingers stretching you push you closer. arching you back from the sensations, cal takes the opportunity to mouth along your neck, biting and sucking, making it obvious that you were his. Cal increases the pace of his fingers, desperate to watch you come undone so he could take you home and make you scream. when you fell over the edge, with a high whine and nails digging into calums shoulders, he groaned at the sight, loving how debauched you looked. with your skirt rumpled around your waist, red cheeks, panties pushed to the side and wet thighs surrounding his hand, cal couldn't think of a time where he was more desperate to feel you. gently removing his fingers, he sucked the wet digits into his mouth, moaning at the taste of your wetness. "get dressed. we're going home now, I'm not done with you yet" (and if the others wold whistled at your similar messy ahir and flushed cheeks, cal just smiled and kissed your head before heading out the door, the others grumbling about having to close up) @vintagehoods @heartbreak-5sos @rosegoldquitis @rosesfromcth @blahehblah @flannelpunkcalum @aspiringwildfire @singt0mecalum @casht0n-hoodwin @cakesunflower
College!sos and Tattooartist!sos au weekend!
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
followers celebration
hi guys!!! so we have hit two hundred! i know that’s not a huge number but i’m really happy considering the amount of time i’ve been here. i want to do something to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to come and look at my account, follow or like/rb one of my posts especially my longer blurbs and such!
in order for me to do your request,
you must;
-REBLOG(likes only count as bookmarks)
-send it into my ASK and NOT my messages. (it makes it a lot easier on me to have them all in one place)
-if you want a ship or blog rate, please don’t do anon. (i want to get a better sense of who you are, also feel free to send me your about me page(you can do this in my messages) or tell me more about you in your ask.)
i’m thinking you can send me a certain emoji for a blurb, a ship or a blog rate.
send me a 🌹 for a blog rate which will follow these lines
Url: | not my style | decent | good | great | amazing | perfect!!!
Icon: | not my style | decent | good | great | amazing | perfect!!!
Theme: | not my style | decent | good | great | amazing | perfect!!!
Posts: | not my style | decent | good | great | amazing | perfect!!!
Overall:  | not my style | decent | good | great | amazing | perfect!!!
Following?: | no sorry but i love you! | now following | yes! | FOREVER & ALWAYS 
send me a 🥰 for a blurb, for these it can be anything, just give me like a concept and i’ll write it.
send me ⛵️ for a ship, be as detailed in your ask about who you are as a person so i can try and decide who i think you’d be best with it. (please don’t be offended if you don’t get who you wanted)
-for ships you will also get a very small blurb.
i will do blog rates as a get them. ships and blurbs will be started this coming weekend!
again, thank you all so much!
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blahehblah · 5 years
It’s the Fourth Of July!
While I both love and hate this holiday, I’m going to be celebrating on here!
Send in as many blurb requests as you’d like, I have a link in my bio for a blurb prompt list -that I was gifted by the lovely Mae, @calumsnatchedmyheart -, OR you can create your own!!!
Remember to please specify who you’d like me to write for!!! I am willing to write for Harry Styles, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Micheal Clifford, Calum Hood, and Shawn Mendes. If you have any other person you’d like me write for, PLEASE PLEASE let me know!
It can be smut, fluff, angst, you name it!!! Once again, PLEASE SPECIFY.
THANK YOU and Happy Fourth Of July from the states!
Tagging some lovely people: @rosesfromcth @calsophat @singt0mecalum @heavenlyhemminqs @rosegoldquintis @cal-pal-cuddles @calssunflower
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5sosdrfluke · 6 years
5sosdrfluke's 1.5k Celebration Sleepover
I can't believe I'm at 1.5k! Thank you so much for following me! It means a lot to me!
So for the next three days/nights, I'm going to be doing a sleepover!!! Thank you @parkerspicedlatte and @dancingonanemptywallet for the ideas! ❤
Tonight (Jan. 9) I'll be doing concepts! So you can send those in tonight with a 🍓 in front of it so I know it's a concept.
Tomorrow (Jan. 10) I'll be writing some of those plus sized blurbs I've gotten and other blurbs that have come in! So if you have any extra ideas, send them with a 🍑 so I know it's for blurb day.
Friday (Jan 11.) I will be doing ships! So for a ship I'd like you to send a 🍒 with a small description of yourself.
Ships include:
-Your 5SOS dreamboat and a little snippet with him
-Your bff and a cute little snippet with him
-A quote your boyfriend will say at some point during your relationship
-A song that goes with your relationship
I will be doing as many of these as I possibly can! I may have some plans coming up in my personal life and I'll write around those!
I would appreciate it if you wanted more than one of these, if you could split them up between asks! That way I can keep track of which day to post which things!
Thank you so much for being here and for wanting to follow such a dork. I love you all so much and I'm excited to get back into 5SOS land.
Lots of love,
-Kenzie xx
Let's Celebrate (Ask)!
Tag List
@irwinkitten @perfectlywrongforashton @purple-hayes0209 @hearts-to-the-sky @baby-loba @dxmncalum @dancingonanemptywallet @blackplaidcalum @lashtonchesthair @24kcalum @itjustkindahappenedreally @toofadedtofight @boytoynamedcalum @hemmomfg @mistletoemichael @5secondssofssummer @norawashere @mylilbreadstick @cozyfivesos @tequila-clifford @aspiringwildfire @harrysgucciclothes @ashscherrypie @myescapefromthislife @acidrose6 @cocktail-calum @really-lucas @wonderlust-irwin @band-blurbss @spookysopphh @booksandteaandcandlesandmagic @rosesfromcth @maxwell-demon-archives @iconictaika @samcroslut
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
Rosesfromcth Masterlist
Calum Hood
Too Hot (frat boy!Cal x Y/N- y/n hates calum purely for the reason that he’s too hot and calum wants to change that, enemies to lovers) #collegecalum #fratboycalum #enemiestolovers
Cocktail Chats (fluff Burned before, Calum wants to show the world his love for y/n) #drunkcalum
Get Your Own Jacket (fluff-Calum warns you to bring a jacket in case it rains, but you are too stubborn to listen) #boyfriendcalum
The Breakup (angst-in which, Calum and y/n break up in order to avoid hating each other) #sadcalum
Kiss Me (fluff-it’s your wedding day and time for your first dance with calum) #groomcalum
New Years (fluff-Calum surprises y/n with a cute night in on new years) #boyfriendcalum #cutecalum #holidaycalum
Something’s Wrong (angst with some fluff?-y/n is struggling and calum begs her to open up to him) #supportivecalum
Comfy, Sleep Shirt (Calum accidentally ruins y/n favorite shirt, how does he make it up to her? mundane life w cal) #boyfriendcalum
Scratch my itch. (Fluff-Calum is clinging but y/n has an issue she needs a hand with) #clingycalum
Ashton Irwin
Play It Again (Fluff- Ashton meets y/n in a cute little bar after a concert) #meetcuteashton
New Years (fluff- date night in with ashton) #holidayashton #cuteashton #boyfriendashton
Crashing Coffee Cups- 1, 2 (fluff-y/n works at a radio station, and Ashton ruins her favorite blouse by quite literally crashing into her and her coffee.) #meetcuteashton
Luke Hemmings
The Middle- 1, (fluff-y/n is a fan and somehow stands out to luke at a meet and greet. slow burn, slow updates) #fanstoloversluke #friendstoloversluke
I Need You (angst-y/n is struggling with luke being on tour and like surprises her) #supportiveluke
My Girl (fluff-luke and y/n have been seeing each other for awhile, but he’s leaving on tour soon. what will they do?) #softluke
Valentine (Plus Sized Reader) Fluff-Luke meets y/n, a plus sized model, at a party where she doesn’t quite recognize him. make out sessions?) #meetcuteluke
Michael Clifford
Play With My Hair
Shawn Mendes
Spill Your Guts(Fluff-Famous reader X Shawn Mendes. James corden tricks Y/n into dating shawn maybe?) #softshawn
Birthday, blurbs and other random
-roselukes birthday smut
Drunk party time with Calum
Puppy Love with Calum request
Best friends to lovers with calum request
Marry Me (cth/Happy birthday Hannah!)
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
hot tub sex, i’m thinking something like calum pulling you onto his lap the way peter kavinsky pulls lara jean onto his lap in to all the boys i’ve loved before
oh fuck yes. okay so like maybe it’s like this thing where y’all aren’t quite dating, but yet aren’t quite just friends either. and like y’all are all hanging out one night at a house y’all rented off of airbnb and it has a pool/hot tub so everyone’s out there chilling or inside. you and cal are like chilling in the hot tub talking and flirting. kind of drunk. kind of high. sun starts to set so everyone else makes their way to the beach to watch it go down and then have a bonfire, but you and cal decide to stay back. and maybe once the sun goes down one of y’all complain about not being able to see the other because of how dark it is, so cal’s bright idea was to grab your hand and pull you into his lap where you’re straddling him. and his hands are resting at the top of your thighs/on your hips while yours are resting on his shoulders/the back of his neck. and he’s talking but you can’t stop staring at his lips. and then all that’s going through both of y’alls minds is how much y’all want to kiss each other. so you eventually lean down to kiss him and his instant reaction is to pull you flush to him by your hips. and then it’s all roaming hands and hot breaths. and then he’s nibbling on your bottom lip and bucking up into you and you’re moaning and pulling on his hair so he pulls away to suck on your neck causing you to grind down onto him, meeting him thrust for thrust. he eventually moves his hand to the front of your bottoms. “can I?” he asks and grazes his fingers over with just enough pressure to make you shiver and let out a soft moan. “please” is what you moan out. he slips his fingers into the side of your bottoms and rubs one over your clit before sliding another inside of you, causing your head to fall forward into his neck as you let out a low moan and grind onto his hand. he steadily works you up, adding another two more fingers before it get’s to much for you and you’re begging him “please cal i need more.” at that he pulls his fingers from you and slides his shorts down enough to pull his dick out before he pulls you more into his lap, guiding himself into your wet heat. “fuck babe” he deeply lets out and lets his head fall back as his hands help your hips move over his. y’all are so overwhelmed with each other and the feeling of finally being connected this way that y’all don’t even pay attention to the water sloshing over the edges of the hot tub. to y’all all that matters is the pleasure y’all are giving each other, slowly helping guide each other to the blissful end.
come yell and me in my inbox! it’s @rosesfromcth and my blurb weekend! she’s our little fluff ball while I’m feeling a little spicy!!
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singt0mecalum · 5 years
Calum’s hands??? let’s talk about them pls tell me about them
Yes we can. Thank you for coming to me about my biggest kink.
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I even came (lmao) with visuals. But like these babies? He can put them anywhere and everywhere on my body.
Can you imagine them grabbing onto your hips or thighs as he fucks you into a wall? Or maybe on your ass as you ride him? Or around your throat as he pounds into you? Ooooo how about, slipping inside you causing you to whimper and squirm until he brings you to the edge? Oof the possibilities.
Come yell at me for mine and @rosesfromcth blurb weekend!
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
5SOS Blurb Weekend
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hey everybody!! so @singt0mecalum and i will be doing a blurb weekend this coming weekend so start sending in those requests!!
i will be doing fluffy/soft blurbs and she will be doing smut blurbs and both of us will be doing angst.(but don’t make us too sad!!)
we are both pretty open to writing any concept i think. she loves disney. i love college aus. make us soft and hard.
well start answering asks and requests on friday so start sending them in now so we have time to prepare ourselves mentally!!
this weekend (4/17-4/19)
5SOS blurbs
@singt0mecalum = smut and angst
@rosesfromcth (me) =fluff/soft and angst
we will write anything. (or almost anything)
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