#did i intentionally schedule this for 3am?
aching-tummies · 8 months
RP Starter: Manufactured Ache
It's about 5:45AM on the first of two days off. My little tummy woke me with a deep, hungry growl. Right…I did skip dinner the night before in favour of getting some much-needed sleep. I've been stressed to the nines lately, waking up at 4AM or 5AM on days off to deal with timezone nonsense as I make calls to head-office stuff across the country for various things, mostly banking-related.
Normally, I get up around 8AM for work, but my tummy doesn't handle food/digesting stuff well until closer to 10AM so I usually hold off on breakfast until then to avoid a painful tummy ache (the kind that literally makes my toes curl). On days off, I often hold off on putting anything but water in my tummy until closer to 1PM or 2PM, even if I am hungry.
I've been sitting up in bed, languidly rubbing my tummy since 5:30AM as it's been clenching uncomfortably, letting out loud growls thanks to the mouthful of cold water I gulped down to chase away a case of cotton-mouth. I can feel another growl building beneath my palm. My stomach is clenching, seemingly consolidating it all for a big gurgle. As it comes, you stir to my right in bed, having heard this second growl. You slide a hand onto my belly before you even open your eyes, feeling the tense muscles under my skin.
"Hmmm? Morning, babe." I murmur, still stroking my belly as the aftershocks of the gurgle reverberate around my gut. I give a small belch, the little bit of air that got displaced with the gulp of water coming up and out with the pressure of both of our hands on my tummy. "It's not even 6--go back to sleep. It's too early to be up on a day off." I mutter tiredly as I shuffle back to lying down. I was only up to indulge in the sensations caused by that gulp of water. I wasn't expecting my guts to be active so early in the morning.
Your eyes snap open at my statement and you sit bolt-upright in bed, eyes wide and tell-tale grin on your face. Day off? Time's a-wastin'!
You've had this idea in your head for a while now, having seen and tended to my stressy tummy aches for weeks on end. Today marks the first true day off after over a month and a half of stressing out over responsibilities for me. The first in a long, long, long period of stress-induced upset tummy aches. It didn't help that I contracted a bit of the flu for a couple of days at the start of this stressful period. My schedule during those days was brutal: tossing my cookies from 3AM-6AM, trying to soothe my sickly tummy from 6AM-8AM, working an 8-10 hour shift at any of my three jobs, getting home after 9PM and immediately falling asleep--at the dinner table, at the entrance trying to remove my shoes, etc.--only to rinse and repeat.
The stressful period was out of our control. The effects of the flu was out of our control. While you certainly enjoyed tending to what was there, a part of your brain has been wondering about intentionally causing a tummy ache and how a manufactured ache would compare to all of the ones that have simply developed due to circumstances. Right now, we're dawning on the first of back-to-back days off. Our schedules have lined up for the first time in forever and we are almost 6 hours down of a potential 48 for fun and indulgence. You pat at my tummy, a wide grin blooming on your face as you think of all the possibilities.
Well then, what are you going to do first?
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camels-pen · 3 years
Day 6 Witching hour - Routine
Ectober Month 2021 - Day 6: Witching hour vs. Twilight
Summary: Every Wednesday night, at 3 o'clock in the morning, Danny sits at the fountain in the center of town. On occasion, his friends keep him company and he can have a nice, quiet night.
Tonight, however, is not one of those nights.
Ao3 Link
Every Wednesday night during the witching hour, Danny is compelled to be in the center of town. There's nothing special to it, just a vaguely satisfying feeling when the clock hits four am and he’s stayed in the right place for that hour. He thinks it's some ghostly instinct forcing him to properly haunt the town, but considering Clockwork’s amusement the last time he asked, he thinks it might be something much more embarrassing.
Usually he's alone those nights, since school starts only four hours later, but, occasionally, his friends will join him on a call through the Fenton Phones or just show up to sit next to him on the rim of the fountain.
His friends keep him company, either in companionable silence or in quiet conversations. In the dead of night, he’ll hear the sound of them shuffling under their covers, or leaning into him for warmth whenever he chooses to stay human. Sometimes, he’ll hear their steady breaths as one or both of them fall asleep in the middle of talking. It reassures him, hearing those breaths and sitting quietly in the chilly night air as he watches the stars above, that they're all alive, that they've survived another day, that things aren't spiraling towards disaster as he fears it one day will.
Those times, most of all, are the ones he treasures.
“What kind of animal lover plans to poison a guy’s sandwich with rotting meat?!” “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s glowing, not rotting.” “Either way it’s probably radioactive!”
Of course, most often, he hears loud arguments about complete nonsense.
He loves his friends, really he does, but tonight all he wants is to bask in the peace and beauty of the late night sky in silence.
“I just—I can’t believe you. After all that talk about the moral high ground you give Danny you’re gonna be a hypocrite?” “That’s because if he doesn’t do the right thing, innocent people could be hurt. You don’t qualify.” An offended gasp sounded right near Danny’s ear where Tucker was leaning around him to yell at Sam. The goth, leaning on his other side, made the audible noise of sticking out her tongue.
Seriously, he's been awake catching ghosts since early morning yesterday, he’s pretty sure he’s earned a quiet night. He told them as much and they promised they wouldn't take long to hash it out.
It's taken nearly the whole hour.
What started out as a hypothetical question about cows on the moon being the cause for it to be made of cheese, led to a whole thing about meat versus veggies that left his two friends seriously arguing about living on the moon and questionable necessity of dairy to a person's diet.
Danny tried leading them to a different discussion by not-so-subtly asking about how long it would take to pass gas to make a cloud as big as Jupiter, which led to cows again and a different version of the first argument.
Again and again, deflection after deflection, they just kept rounding to the same argument. He could say what he wants about them, but Tucker “meat is literally essential to your diet, you're just caught up in plant-based conspiracy theories” Foley and Sam “meat-eaters have questionable morals, vegans are objectively superior” Manson are nothing if not consistent.
He gave up after the most recent deflection of Plasmius being the worst.
The conversation managed to stay civil for a while, even expanding to talk about all of Plasmius' pals also being the worst without any arguments.
He should've known it would be too good to be true.
“I mean, the Fez’s are a bit much, right? It’s not just me?” Tucker asked, sitting next to him with a thin green blanket held tightly over his yellow hoodie. He shivered as a cold breeze blew by them, but Danny, clad in his usual white t-shirt and jeans, and Sam, wearing a winter coat with the hood pulled up, seemed wholly unaffected. “Nah, Tuck, I get it. Harry, Larry, and Moe need to tone it down. Now, if they wore a couple tiny fez’s like thimbles on the end of their wings? That’d be different—” “Wait, wait, wait,” Tucker said, “I thought we were naming them after the three stooges?”
“Yeah. Those are their names: Harry, Larry, and Moe.”
“Isn't one of them named Curly Joe, though?”
“And wasn't there a guy named Shemp at some point?” Sam added.
Danny shrugged lightly, careful not to jostle them. “I don’t know, those are the names I remember from the movie Lancer showed us.”
“And you’re mostly right, but one of them was Curly Joe.” Tucker leaned forward a bit to look at Sam. “Who’s that Shemp guy? I don’t remember hearing his name.” Danny nodded in agreement.
“He was one of the first ones.” Danny turned toward her with a blank stare. With how her eyes flicked to the side, he imagined Tucker was mirroring him. “Y’know, like, he was part of the earlier version, The Six Stooges.” Six? Didn’t their whole gimmick hinge on having only three people? Danny kind of wanted to ask, but Tucker spoke up before he could.
“I’m a little afraid to ask why you know this stuff. Isn’t slapstick comedy like, one of the worst offenses to a goth or something?”
“Where do you learn about goths, on the back of a teen girl’s magazine?” Tucker slid closer down Danny’s side and was trying (and failing) to hide himself behind Danny’s t-shirt. “Unbelievable. I am literally next to you most of the day: we’re seat partners in every class, we patrol together every evening, and you come over to my house so often to steal food, you practically have your own shelf in the fridge.”
Tucker pulled out of his hiding place to retort, “Last time I tried asking about goth stuff you kicked me!”
“Because you said, and I quote, ‘Sam, if your antisocial practices and distaste for the patriarchy were a result of intense narcissism, you’d tell me, right?’” Sam threw her hands up. “What was I supposed to do? Not kick you?” “Yes! Obviously!” “Well tough, you were being an ass.” “Hold on, what.” Danny turned to Tucker. “Dude, why would you ask that?” “I read something about it in an article—” “Magazine.” “No, Sam. It was an article. Now shh.” Sam mimed zipping her lips. “Okay, look it was talking about how goths are kinda stuck up sometimes and then made a connection to narcissism that sounded fishy so I wanted to ask Sam.” “And that’s how you did it?” “We’re getting off track here. Sam wanted to talk about her nonexistent Stooge, Shep.”
“Shemp.” She lightly kicked Tucker’s ankle. “And come on, don't you remember his original appearance on the Six Stooges? Or how he left and had a successful independent career only to choose to come back to the show to save Moe and Larry’s careers?” Both boys offered negatives.
“We literally only play Doomed and hunt ghosts.” Tucker groaned. “I don’t think I could function if I did anything else on top of school.”
“Yeah, what Tucker said.” Danny’s eyes narrowed. “And since when do you have enough free time to magically become an expert on old timey comedy shows? Didn’t you get into a bunch of other stuff already? Like joining that Gloom-and-Doom writing circle.”
Tucker nodded. “And volunteering for that youth voting campaign.”
“And meeting with the rooftop gardening community.”
“And running the horror movie club at school.”
Sam waved a hand. “I get my stuff done before I leave school and a lot of those commitments are just showing up somewhere once a week for fun, but that doesn't matter right now.” She shifted and sat up straighter, looking at both of them with a determined gaze. “Focus. The goal here is to have one of them named Shemp.”
“You mean your goal.” “No, Danny, it’s our goal.” “But then they won't rhyme!”
Sam smirked at Tucker. “Not if we take out Moe.”
Tucker scoffed. “His name’s Curly Joe and no, we are not renaming him.”
“Renaming?” “Yeah, that’s what you said.” Sam paused for a moment. “Right, renaming, that is... definitely what I said.”
Danny didn’t believe her in the slightest, but seeing as her eyes remained locked on Tucker, he decided it wasn’t his problem.
He had another brief respite of silence before Tucker’s brain finally caught up and he squawked, “You want to literally take him out? Like turn-to-goo, no-coming-back, gone-forever take him out?” “You can just say ‘kill’, Tucker. Not like you have any problems killing animals.” Tucker made a funny noise. “They’re ghosts, not cows!”
“So you admit to being an animal murderer.” “You’re literally impossible.” “Thank you.”
Something about Sam’s answer niggled in the back of Danny’s mind. He briefly debated the merits of letting it go and it possibly coming back to bite him in the ass later before ultimately deciding he should get it over with.
“Hey, Sam?” She grunted. “What were you gonna do if you did end one of them? There’d still be a pile of radioactive-ish goo to clean up and you’re not the type to just dump it in the park.” Sam leaned back a bit, just so she could smirk at Danny without Tucker noticing. “I know someone. They’ve got an iron cast stomach.” Tucker sputtered. “Ex-Excuse me?!” Sam said nothing. “Were you going to—” “No, that’s ridiculous; I'm vegan.” “That's not what I was going to—” Tucker half-climbed on top of Danny to yell over him. Danny simply slumped further down, resigned to his fate. “Were you going to trick me into eating ghost vulture meat?!”
“I just said no, didn't I?”
“Oh my god. Oh my god, I can’t believe you. You think just because I like meat, I’m not gonna notice glowing green goo in my sandwiches?!” The blanket fell from his shoulders as he leaned even further forward to try and glare at Sam who was using Danny as a shield between them. “I'm a meat-eater, not a moron!”
“Could've fooled me.”
And on and on they went for the better part of the hour, arguing in circles about the same old topics. He stayed mostly silent himself, content to watch the stars and focus on the warm weights on either side of him rather than listen to all the same reused arguments over and over.
When his alarm for four am went off, he sat up and stretched, not bothering to wait for them to finish their argument before starting to move south towards Sam’s house. His two friends quickly caught up and walked on either side of him, bumping elbows every once in a while.
“I frickin hate you.”
“Feelings mutual, Tuck, feelings mutual.”
Danny heaved a sigh of relief and briefly lifted his head to thank whatever higher power finally made them stop when he spotted something. A flicker of soft green light shining down from above them, curving across the sky. It was gone as soon as he blinked.
He slowed his walking and craned his neck to look directly above him, but couldn’t see anything beyond the stars.
“Hey guys, did you see that?” The other two stopped and turned to him. Tucker made a questioning hum and Sam asked, “See what?” “There was a light above us. It looked like a giant ghost shield.” “Where was it?” Tucker asked. Danny pointed right above him and they both followed his finger.
The sky was clear. Sam started walking again, Tucker following after her. “Make sure you didn’t get ectoplasm in your eye or something.” “And don’t wipe it on my shirt this time, dude.” He blinked a couple of times, but the sky stayed clear. On a hunch, he tried switching to his ghostly vision and gasped quietly at the sight.
Strings of all sizes, colours, and thickness trailed down from the centre of the dome’s ceiling with all of the strings being loosely pulled together towards him. They were all twisted and coiled and wound tightly together into a thin gold thread connected to his chest. He held it up, running his fingers up and down the smooth material and squinting at its light that got brighter the closer he looked at it.
He slowly pulled it taut, going through the motions of inspection again, and then strummed it. He felt the small vibration echo in his core and watched as it moved along the line up to the dome, gaining more and more force as it went. He watched as it moved down to the other end of the strings, losing its speed and power the further it travelled.
The end of two strings were close by, one being a thick rope woven from fraying hairs the color of the forest floor in autumn and another being a smooth electrical wire with seamless light blue casing.
Sam and Tucker both shivered as their strings’ vibrations flowed over their bodies from where they were attached at their backs.
“Fuck, it’s cold,” Sam cursed, rubbing her sleeved arms. Tucker just curled up tighter in his blanket. “Danny, you coming?” They were connected. All of them. Maybe even the whole town considering how many strings were up there. And he could sense them, through their strings. When he held up Sam’s line, he could feel exhaustion and a need to be right, Tucker’s nearly mirroring hers exactly, but with more worries in the mix. He was probably thinking about the assignment due later that day. Danny should probably work on that later.
He was tempted, for a moment, to find his parents’ strings before dismissing the thought.
It should feel at least a little creepy, reading their emotions so freely like this, and he should maybe look into that later, but right now he just wanted to ignore his responsibilities for tomorrow and have a nice walk home with his friends.
Danny grinned. “Yeah, let’s head back.”
“A security blanket,” Danny deadpanned.
Clockwork hummed, flipping a page in a book. Danny has no doubt they’re not reading a single word of it. “That would be the nearest translation for it, yes.” “You’re saying all that,”—he mimed a dome and plucking strings—“was because I was worried about people so often, my ghost half just decided to make the equivalent of a baby monitor for every single person in Amity Park?”
“It’s more of an early warning system, really.” They held up their book a bit higher, hiding their mouth.
“Uh huh. Try saying that again without that smug look on your face.”
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I blame you sunshine anon for this sin I'm committing.
Armin having a crush on you while you're with Eren hc
{ Armin x reader, implied Eren x reader | tw:possessive tw:unhealthy-friendships, tw:lowkey-toxic tw:jealousy | pinning, angst, drama, thirst | modern }
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{ "The pool by the garden gate" by Thomas Edwin Mostyn 1864-1930 }
You met outside the library, he's was looking forward to relaxing after a long day with his new stack of books he just checked out, too lost in his own daydreams that he didn't see where he was going when bumping into you.
Quick to apologise, he helped you up. Instead of getting mad you chuckled at his clumsiness after he explained what caused him to not pay attention, and for some reason the sound of your laughter made his heart just beat a bit faster.
Summoning all the courage he's been building up, he invited you to the nearby cafe, his treat.
Armin doesn't do well with strangers nor small talk but by whatever miracle, talking to you at that cafe didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Listening to you talk about the weather while sipping on his strawberry milkshake was actually quiet nice, your voice was quiet nice.
He thought you were quiet nice and lovely.
The two of you ended up exchanging numbers after that, he went home that day with a little more bounce to his steps and a little more curl to his smile.
You ended up texting all night. And by the end of the week, you've managed to keep a streak of daily texts and calls despite your busy schedule. He listened to every voice message, he reread every sweet text, he admired every picture you sent.
And by the second week, the two of you agreed to meet again. So he took you to the nearby beach, you had a nice walk, collected some really pretty seashells and shared an ice cream and he was enjoying every second of it.
By the third week, you called him at 3am for a really important reason. He listened to you despite how tempting sleep was, he was understanding and compassionate, he managed to relate to your worries and calm them at the same time.
Despite it being around 5am when the call ended, he found himself not really minding it or even bothered by it, because it was you.
And by the end of the month, when the two of you drove to a farm to pick up fruits together, he realised how deeply in love with you he has fallen.
You couldn't look more perfect under the sun with a basket full of strawberries if you tried. You looked like an angel in his mind.
He was in love, and every thing you did together just made him fall more and more for you.
You went on walks together, he got you into playing chess and you introduced him to your hobbies.
Hanging out with him was the most comfortable, you'd listen to music while each of you did their own thing. Maybe even watch a murder mystery movie or two after and trying to guess who the killer is together.
Day by day it only got better, it was going good..no scratch that, it was going great actually. He's never felt so in rhythm with someone before, so comfortable to be his true self while still trusting you wouldn't judge him.
So he decided to push things to the next level, he wanted you in his life and to tell you how he felt. It's been three months since you've met and so far you've showed nothing but green flags.
That's when he decided to confess, but before that he had to introduce you to his friends, the most people he cares about in one room! What could possibly go wrong?
Everything, apparently.
More specifically, introducing you to Eren, the biggest mistake of his life.
Because instead of the usual teasing Armin would get for being late to his friend's house or texting them less frequently, It was Eren getting the teasing.
The only difference is, Eren had no shame, he didn't feel a need to justify himself for hogging all your time, for ditching the plans he makes with Mikasa and Armin just because you called.
If anything Eren had all the audacity to pull you to sit beside him whenever they hang in a group, or to just casually wrap his hand around your shoulder, even interrupting your conversations with Armin just so he can tell a joke to make you laugh.
And that turned into Eren being the one driving you back home despite Armin bringing you here.
Somehow and for whatever reason, Eren seemed to latch on to you. Taking you to movies, late night drives with him, even introducing you to his mom.
Armin likes to think the best of his friends, and Eren is his childhood friend, even his first ever friend. So you can't blame him for hoping Eren would read between the lines and take a fucking hint.
Eren had to know, he had to. But he's a good friend, he wouldn't steal someone Armin made it clear he's interested in right.
1am, Armin has been sitting up in bed for a while, he can't sleep. The project he's been working on is doesn't want to work out right and Armin is slowly losing patience with the deadline creeping over.
He doesn't even realise how long he's been lost over-thinking in his head till the laptop's screen turns black and goes into sleep mode, he stares at his tired reflection.
He feels lost and stuck at the same time, he closes his eyes and tries to clear his mind.
You pop into his mind, he glances at the phone for a good minute before dialling your number.
It rings, and rings, he's getting anxious.
It's alright, he tells himself, this isn't the first time he called you late at night, you actually called him at really late times too so what is he stressing about.
Why is there a feeling of dread in his chest.
The ringing stops, you pick up and for a second he seems to light up a bit.
except it wasn't you who picked up the phone.
It was Eren, answering him from your phone, sounding like he just woke up.
At 1am.
And it was Eren walking around with hickies on his neck the next day.
Armin felt emotions he never thought he'd ever feel towards his best friend when he got out of the shower that day, marks and hickies littering his skin.
Very, very ugly emotions.
Mikasa asks what is Eren getting ready for when he begins dressing up fancier than usual. "Date with y/n" was all he said before leaving
Armin still swears Eren looked at him with a knowing look just before he left.
He tried to reason with himself that it probably wouldn't last long, Eren is either messing with him intentionally or it's just a fling that's taking too long right?
It's been 6 fucking months, Armin has been counting.
And you're still with Eren, and he's still just as clingy and possessive as when you first met. Apparently the honeymoon phase wasn't a phase because he still insists you only sit near him, he still acts like you're the only two in the room with little regard to what's socially appropriate.
Armin internally cringes whenever Eren wraps his arm around your waist, or puts his hand on your thigh.
His stomach turns whenever Eren whispers something in your ear, his fingers dig in his palm whenever you look away flustered and slighly red after that.
He's not jealous, he tells himself while scrolling through the third picture Eren posted of you on his story, you're laying on his bed, his head on your thighs as he looks at the camera with smug eyes.
Armin almost cracks his phone screen.
"It was supposed to be me" he thinks each time Eren pulls you for a kiss simply because he felt like it.
It was supposed to be him surprising you with a gift on valentine's day, it was supposed to be him kissing your neck after getting a little too drunk, and now it's Eren doing it instead.
It was supposed to be him...it was never supposed to be Eren, it's not fair, he knew you first.
It was supposed to be beach trips and funfair dates, it was supposed to be reading books together and watching mystery movies, just you and Armin.
Not fucking Eren.
why, why would this happen to him? He was going to confess to you, he even prepared a letter and date plans and everything.
It's not fair how much it hurts, how much he misses you.
He knew you first, he wanted you and goddammit he still does even with you dating his bestfriend, he still wants you with every part of his body and mind.
And it eats him up at night, the guilt and bad thoughts of knowing just how wrong it is to wish Eren and you would just break up already, to wish he could just swoop in and take you from his arms.
It's a constant cycle of feeling high on love, feeling anger and then feeling the crushing guilt.
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT 127
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➣ Taeil ☾ taria 
taeil is the Sole Protector of aria’s sanity 
taeil loves his maknaes so much, but he literally looks at her like she put the stars in the sky 
the Proud Dad smile :’)
when aria first debuted, czennies thought that she was the same age as jungwoo - because she acted older than her age - but with taeil she lets her inner kid come out 
highkey dependent on his approval for things in relation to singing
“was, was that ok?” “perfect, ari.”  “ (O_O;)  - (◕‿◕)♡”
she will fight mark and donghyuck for his attention, and she will win
for a while, the two had shared a dorm room before they were rearranged, and taeil let her slip into his bed when she was feeling homesick 
the offer is still open, but aria takes him up on it less and less
taeil is NOT sad about that. absolutely not.
he’s vehemently against any and all diets she tries - saying that if she gets any smaller he’s going to be able to pick her up with one hand
que him dragging her out for ice-cream after a promotion, paying no mind to her protests
aria helps taeil with translating a lot of things into english during lives and interviews - so much to the point where he’s picked up a bit of an irish accent and the others never fail to clown him for it 
taeil still has the small braided bracelet that aria gave to the members on their first anniversary of nct (he keeps it in the drawer beside his bed)
aria is his self-professed happy virus. he told czennies in a vlive once that her smile makes him feel really happy and he wants to protect it to the best of his ability
aria always fixes his micpack before they go onstage if its crooked, because she comes out after him in the lineup
they have monthly movie nights and they alternate who chooses the movie / show (taeil normally goes for mystery or drama themed ones, while aria enjoys making them both sob miserably)
aria and taeil singing “I See the Light” from tangled for the NCT Music channel, and the tears that were shed by both moonis and realtai alike. sm really popped off with the staging and the lighting of the whole video - between the smiles that were on both of the singers faces and the whole ambiance created, its a cinematic masterpiece 
no one was surprised when it hit 2 million views in a day, and a lot of solo stans were born from that video
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➣ Johnny ☾ johria
indisputable siblings 
there is not a single czennie who ships these two romantically, and that’s because they’re just too wholesome 
johnny is one of the few members that aria calls “oppa”, mainly because of the age gap and sm wanted her to appear respectful, but also because he thinks she looks so cute
very chill, excellent vibes
their vlives are either chaotic messes or the closest thing to therapy since ice cubes 
the blanket on aria’s bed? that was a gift from johnny - she had been complaining to mark about how cold she always was anemia tings
czennies are begging for sm to allow aria to open up a solo instagram account, becuse they see the amount of pictures johnny takes of her
in the park? he’s making her pose in front of the flowers. backstage before a show? the lighting, c’mon.
big big bear hugs - the height difference make nctzens want to die 
185cm vs 158cm? p l e a s e she’s so tiny in comparison  (/ =ω=)/
when she gives him backhugs it looks like a little kitten trying to wrestle with the family dog 
play fighting about vernacular:
very vocal about her wellbeing, and has asked fans before to remind her to take better care of herself and get to sleep sooner
aria, starting a vlive at 3am: hi hi~
the comments: NO GO TO BED
johnny helped her a lot when it came to the style change in choreography, as aria was used to soft, flowing movements and not the powerful, sleek style that most nct dances have 
consistently forgets the fact that she is not the fourteen year old he first met, and is, in fact, an adult now. “you’re a child” “im 18″ “...no”
is the person to get angry on her behalf when interviewers belittle or ignore her 
during a fansign, a fan asked aria who did she think was the most comforting when she was stressed (besides mark and donghyuck) and aria said johnny. “he’s so, constant? like nothing seems to knock him or throw him off, and that’s really comforting when i feel unsteady.”
johnny is now known as aria’s weighted blanket. 
that is all. 
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➣ Taeyong ☾ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally, but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective older brother meets life coach type beat? 
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio for the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to 
“please? i don’t like it.” *gasp* “how dare you.” 
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late! 
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be 
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured, but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip intentionally her
taeyong had just been awarded the solo bedroom on the last night of the Mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..” 
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while on the video edited captions appeared with the words, “a cute maknae, asking to room with a younger member...”
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➣ Yuta ☾ nakamiya
the president of realtai 
this man is absolutely, completely and irrevocably whipped for aria and she is not afraid to use that to her advantage
she beat him at arm wrestling because she pouted at him - she’s too powerful 
aria.exe stopped responding when yuta started to playfully flirt with her the first few times
*winks* “hu-wha-”
one of the most outwardly protective members of her, because he feels a sense of responsibility for the younger girl
he was one of the trainees she first befriended, aria’s korean not being good enough to hold a decent conversation, and yuta happy that there was another japanese trainee 
9 times out of 10, when the members are making their way through crowded areas like airports yuta is always behind or directly beside aria
during a fansign one of the fans asked why he did that, and he said that he needed to keep her in his line of sight or else he’d get anxious that she’s so small that she could get swallowed in the crowds 
yes aria hit him for the short comment 
yuta, 50% of the time: you’re not allowed date until you’re 35
yuta, the other 50% of the time: bro where’s your boyfriend
he complains that she isn’t as sweet as she was when she first joined, and that hyuck must have corrupted her (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
he let’s her braid his hair when its longer, them both sitting on a bed with yuta in front and aria kneeling behind him so she can reach 
he was the first person to take her home for the holidays, because ireland was too far to go back for a week over christmas 
“what do you mean you’ve never been to japan???” 
bitching about the other members in japanese? more likely than you’d think 
when aria turned legal in korea, yuta took her out drinking and made sure to post pictures of her with her flushed cheeks on his instagram story with the caption “aish, i told you to pace yourself....” “happy birthday riri”
you know that one clip of the sasaeng getting absolutely trashed by nct’s bodyguard and taeyong jumping 7 feet into the air? 
well taeyong wasn’t the only one startled; standing beside yuta, aria was closest to the wall of fans when the girl ran forward towards the members. aria jumped in fright, while yuta barely made a face (#unbothered). he simply wrapped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her around to the other side, tucking her underneath his arm.
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➣ Doyoung ☾ dori
*ahem* WHIPPED *ahem*
doyoung adores aria so much 
was he unsure about a girl being added to a group of boys? yes but it was moreso concern about how he was going to make sure she wasn’t accidentally trampled
they bonded over a night in the recording studio when he found her sitting on the floor with music sheets scattered around her 
a whole mentor when it comes to singing 
aria always turns to him after singing - especially when it wasn’t planned, like at a fansign - to see if she did a good job
doyoung has yet to tell her that she hasn’t but sue her, she appreciates the validation
the original mother and Will Not Let Taeyong Forget It
doyoung, dragging aria out of the studio: now listen here young lady-
kitten and bunny friends RISE
no seriously sm released merch of a kitten and bunny plushie and it sold out in a day
when aria had the accident that led to her two month hiatus, doyoung was the one who rode in the ambulance with her after refusing to let go of her hand 
“i’m sorry sir, only family are allowed in at the moment-” “we are her family” *nurse looks around the room at the 14 other boys sitting anxiously*
he is a weak, weak man he will crumple on any decision if she smiles and slash or whines at him even slightly 
carries band-aids and support strapping in his practice bag because he knows that she gets really bad blisters when she hasn’t practiced while wearing her heels in a while, and he makes her wrap her ankles for the first few sessions incase she falls 
NCT 127 Take a Friendship Test (Glamour - 2020)
“ahh, my first impression?” *laughs* “actually, we first met in a recording studio, at like. 3 o’clock in the morning? he stuck his head in the doorway and i was so tired that i thought i had died and an angel had come to save me...”  (*μ_μ) 
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➣ Jaehyun ☾ jaria
you know how cheetahs in the zoo get emotionally support puppies?
this is the same type of vibe
very snuggly together? but only in specific scenarios, like when jaehyun is too tired to move after a movie night, he’ll just kinda engulf aria in a hug and make her sleep on the couch with him 
any back hug she gives him turns into a piggy back, its non-negotiable 
likes to randomly compliment her to see how red he can make her face go
did she have a crush on him when she first moved to korea? yes, but who didn’t
that faded really quickly though once she started into the group officially - now they are more like siblings
they don’t interact that much on camera? rip to the jaria shippers
but that doesn’t mean they aren’t close with each other its just that a lot of their interactions happen off-screen
naturally, jaehyun began to think of her as a younger sister over the years they performed together 
jaehyun will end anybody who lays a hand on aria 
a little bap bap if you will 
he asked her to take him ice-skating one day, and the entire time was spent with aria laughing her ass off as he ate the ice nearly fourteen times before getting the hang of it 
he takes her out for food when he notices that she’s been put back on a strict diet plan (aria thinks she’s good at hiding those pieces of paper, but she forgets that when she puts it on top of things, that other people are a lot taller than her and have a higher vantage point)
the prince and princess of nct? check 
head pats
he likes to pat her head and she’ll swat it away immediately until she gets tired and just lets him do his thing 
jaehyun was wearing a flower crown placed carefully on his head as he bent down slightly to run his hands through the damp grass. a soft shutter sound went off, before he heard a hum coming from behind him. “jaehyun-ssi, could you take off the flowers? we can’t see your face clearly because of the shadow.”
jaehyun glanced backwards at aria’s retreating figure, being chased by donghyuck with hands still stained green from the grass she had shifted through to find the fallen flowers. she stopped and waved at him before resuming her run.
“i’d rather not, if that’s alright. i think it fits quite well with the theme.”
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➣ Jungwoo ☾ ariwoo
oh my god someone please stop these two
once jungwoo taught aria about the power that aegyo holds for persuasion tactics against the older members of 127, they were unstoppable 
you should be afraid of them
100% have plotted someone’s murder before (and have succeeded, czennies always wondered where that last manager went after The Incident)
aggressively cute together - to the point where your teeth will rot 
jungwoo will intentionally flirt with aria just to fluster her because its “so easy to do”
not very physically affectionate, but jungwoo has no hesitation calling out “uri fighting haeyadwae!” to her when she looks like she needs a little encouragement 
jungwoo is the reason she wants to do a bachelors degree after finishing high school 
he used to help her with her maths assignments after school when she was struggling with managing her time 
they’re called the “aegyo duo” of the group, and there has yet to be an outright winner of the competitions to find the cutest member (its aria. jungwoo said it himself, its aria but we been knew)
they have an odd dynamic of looking like best friends the first second, evil masterminds the next and then siblings who want to murder each other but they make it work 
will and has flopped down on her while she was laying on the practice floor and then whined when she tried to get up 
he spilled the tea that aria gets super emotional and affectionate when she’s drunk 
cutest shit ever that made ariwoo shippers lose their absolute minds was the clip that got released in the behind the scenes filming of Kick It, where jungwoo was half asleep in the corner and aria just pops up out of nowhere to shove a folded jacket under his head and made sure to prop it in a way that he wouldn’t get a sore neck when he woke up
jungwoo is the reason she knows korean curse words (dont tell doyoung)
aria wobbled in her heels slightly as she stepped out of the van, trying to hold a blanket up to protect her legs while she slid off the seat onto the ground. jungwoo extended an arm around her waist, gripping the blanket in his other hand and carefully holding her to make sure she didn’t trip on the cobbled stone.
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➣ Mark ☾ mari
1/2 of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny 
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable 
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible 
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired 
mari being confused in foreigner: ??? 
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?” 
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi 
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile(tm)
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it” 
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself 
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc. 
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합... 結合..... le chéile.... le... le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ Haechan ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together 
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long 
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely. 
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night 
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else 
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates 
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat 
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever 
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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kingofdinosaurs · 2 years
um for the ask meme. jackie valentine if you feel so inclined? 🎃
– Overall opinion of them: jackie i love you sooooooo much oh my god. i'm easily convinced by artificial purpose-built people who slowly grow to have their own desires and beliefs and she's like. one of my favourites, because she feels so intentionally tied to guilty gear's thesis that everyone is uniquely important and deserving of their own life
– Gender/sexuality headcanons: oh god i genuinely don't know where to begin. she's like. a silly rabbit. and she's bi.
– Favorite moment in canon: her time in jam's arcade mode changed me as a person i think. i remember i came away from it thinking 'this is so... weirdly antithetical to gg's normal themes? so she's a person of her own, but also she's destined to die to bring back aria and we're just not gonna address this?' and like. whatever you think about strives story you cannot deny that they Did In Fact Address This.
– Favorite moment in a fanwork: oh god i don't know. i think just in general that thing you wrote about her sits in my brain all the time i can't pick a moment.
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise: i'm sure there's some suitably philosophical line she has somewhere but i don't remember it so instead you get chipp psychological wambulance torment
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– Characters I love seeing them interact with: i'd really like to see her hang out with the other valentines more... i think their whole situation and the variances between initial purpose given to them and what they are now are like. really interesting. i think they should talk about it. also id like to see jack-o talk to dizzy, like. isn't there so much to talk about?
– Last thing before sleeping headcanons: she tucks each minion into bed one by one by one and reads them a bedtime story and gives them a little kiss.
– Sleeping habits headcanons: i think she has a really weird sleep schedule because before the Justice Incident she was basically asleep her whole life. so if she's in the kitchen at 3am systematically annotating every book in the house it's because she's making up for lost time. 1/3 of those times you'll find her passed out in one of said books with ink on her face.
– First thing after waking up headcanons: try a new breakfast! she's got so much of the world to experience! she's gotta have something different every day.
– Favorite locations headcanon: i like to think she still feels a little nostalgic for heaven's edge, so she likes to go to beaches. she lets the minions splash around and posts up in a rubber ring with a book and occasionally has one of the little beasts haul her back closer to shore
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thevodkadidthis · 5 years
Hickeys and Sharpies.
Pairing: Female!Reader x Professor!Sebastian. College AU.  Warning(s): some light smut, cussing, age gap and fluff(?) Word Count: 2.2K words  Summary: when a supposedly one-night stands ends up with a twist.  Note: some 3am ideas came in mind, lmao. pardon me for being t h i s lame, hope you like this anyway! 
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Cursing for what felt like the hundredth time even though you just got up from bed, you quickly paced around the room to pick up the discarded clothes that are scattered on the floor. You glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table and frowned upon seeing that you are already a few minutes late for the first period.
Wearing nothing but your undergarments, you contemplated whether you should take a bath or run for class. Apparently, you still reek of alcohol, a bit of sweat and a bit of him. “Fuck it.” You muttered under your breath and went for the latter idea. You settled in wearing a printed over-sized shirt and denim pants, spraying a bit of perfume to try and hide the absence of a decent bath. You tried to comb your hair and fixed your appearance in front of the mirror. After a couple of attempts, you finally breathed a satisfied sigh and went on to attend the first period.
You didn’t want to be late, especially now that you are supposed to meet the new teacher for Linguistics. Throughout the trip to the campus, you couldn’t help but to visualize the things that had occurred the previous night, while trying not to mind the growing headache on both sides of your head.
Feeling reckless and adventurous, you and your friends decided to drink in a club that is a bit far from the dormitories, a bit far from the campus—to try and meet new people, and to try things out in other places. One of your friends recommended a certain place, and as you arrive at the front, you could already see the neon lights and other bright lights that seemed to shoot into the sky. You felt a wave of excitement in your gut as you entered the place; a crowd of dancing people drenched in sweat welcomed you, loud music boomed and reverberated from all places in the darkly-lit room. A friend immediately approached the bar and called all of you for a round of shots, tequila is always the best starter for a fun night, you thought, as you downed 3 shots of it. Quickly aiding the burn in your throat with a slice of lemon and salt that sits on the counter, you winced and closed your eyes as the familiar sensation caused by the alcohol slowly creep its way into your skin, and into your bones. Feeling a bit loosened up, you dragged one person from your group and headed to the center for a dance when one of your favorite songs plays. You swayed your hips and bobbed your head to the beat of the music. There were a couple of boys who started to dance around you yet you paid no mind, all of them looked wasted and shit-faced—you didn’t want that. After a couple of minutes, you approached the bar for another drink. Wiping the droplets of sweat that formed in your forehead, you asked the bartender for a tequila shot and fanned yourself using your hand to try and get some air.
“That dude right there wants to pay for your drink.” The bartender approached and handed you two shots of tequila, along with a slice of lemon and salt, like how you took it earlier. You glanced to the direction where he motioned and saw a man wearing black and tight sweater that obviously hugged his well-built body. You narrowed your eyes to try and get a better look, he certainly does not look like any college student. He was staring right back at you and raised his glass of beer, you mirrored his move and mouthed a thank you to him and drank the shot.
You entered the main entrance and checked for your schedule that’s in your phone, and started sprinting towards the room for your first class. Clearing your throat, you slowly opened the door in the back of the room and quietly settled into the seat on the farthest part of the room—however, everyone seemed to look at you despite of your efforts at trying to stay quiet upon entering the room, you even had your head down to pay some respect to the professor. Looking back at everyone, you couldn’t exactly decipher the expressions they have on their faces, they were simply looking, as if it’s the first time they encountered a student that is late for her class.
Then you stared at the front, where the professor stood, arms crossed on chest.
Jesus fucking Christ, you’ve got to be shitting me.
He didn’t try to stop the smirk that forms on his lips as he continues to stare at you, “Sorry I’m late, sir.”
“I was just discussing about the rules and regulations in the room, more specifically, how I do not encourage latecomers or tardy students.” He started to sit on the edge of his wooden table, your gaze dropped on his incredibly tight jeans that accentuates his thick thighs, your breath was caught on your throat because he knew where exactly you’re looking. “But I’m going to let you slide today, since you look like you had a rough night.” He continued, emphasizing the rough word and you felt your head spinning even more.
Everyone already stopped looking at you so you took that time to close your eyes and curse, again. Dropping your head low on the table, you mentally tried to remember the events again, as you try to come up with an explanation as to why you are stuck in a situation like this.
Once separated by a bar counter and a couple of tables, you and the stranger who bought you a drink somehow found a way to touch each other. You were suddenly back on the dance floor again, more loosened up than ever as you feel a pair of hands caressing your sides as he guides your hips and you just kept on swaying, you turned your back to him and danced harder, intentionally bumping your ass towards his groin and you heard how his breath got caught on his mouth, you smirked at him, feeling a bit more bold and confident, knowing you had that kind of effect over him. Reaching out to grasp a handful of your hair and tilting your head to the side, “Do you want to get out of here?” he asked and he didn’t need a verbal answer because you were already pulling his hand away and towards the exit.
You took out a notebook from your bag along with a black pen and started writing scribbles on the pages, momentarily looking up to the teacher and pretending to pay attention, but your mind is simply wandering away and into the memories from last night. You knew why his eyes always lingered on you longer, but you are always the one to break it off by drawing lines and odd shapes on your notes.
After a painfully long ride towards your dorm building, his impatience and growing desire was finally satiated as his lips crashed on you the moment your keys unlocked the front door. His hands were all over the place: one, it was placed on the back of your neck to press you more against him; two, he dragged it downwards to cup your breast; three, it was moving up and down on your sides while both of your tongues fight for dominance and power.
Deprived of air, he pulled away, and his eyes glistened with pure lust and desire under the dim lights of your room, “You’re wearing too much clothes.” He grunted, you pulled the hem of your dress upward and completely taking it off. He took a couple of seconds to stare at your body, drinking in your appearance.
You tried to pull his shirt away and you felt your thighs pressing against each other as you stare at his body, he had the most beautiful body you have ever seen and you knew you weren’t going to last long with him, you’d fall apart, almost immediately.
His lips found its way back to yours, with more force now and hunger, “I’ll make you feel so fucking good.”
Chewing on the other end of the pen, you looked outside and at the windows as you keep on reminiscing. You really tried to pay attention and to listen to him, but your gaze kept dropping on his smooth and pink lips, the way his arm muscles flexed whenever he raises it, and how he lick his lips from time to time while speaking in front of the class. Then, you remembered the bitten marks on your chest and a bit on your collarbones while you were wearing your bra and the shirt earlier. You kept on looking down at your groin as the vision of your physical connection flashes by in your mind.
It felt good to be on top of him while his hands grip on your hips tight, you swore it will bruise the day after but you didn’t mind. He felt good inside of you as he fills you up and you continue to pound into him, your fingers made its way to your bundle of nerves and started to touch yourself but he was quick to spot the move and he swat your hand away, replacing it with his own.
Go on, let it all out
Moan my name
Come on, baby, you’re doing so, so good
That’s right, keep on doing that, just like that
His deep voice whispered, grunted and moaned into your ear as you felt a familiar pressure forming in your abdomen. You were trying to keep your voice down, at minimal level, or else everyone residing on the same floor as you will know just how loud you are during sex. But he wasn’t helping at all, he wanted to hear you, and he was either muffling your moans with his full mouth kisses, or he is urging you to moan out loud.
After a couple of thrusts, praising and moans from him—you fell apart, with shaking legs and labored breathing, you reached your climax and he was still going in and out of you in a dangerously slow pace, riding out your orgasm, when his movement shifted and got too fast again, you knew he was chasing his own. You collapsed on top of him, the side of your face resting on his chest and you tried to recover, to grasp for air again, as he did the same. He assisted you and laid you down on the space beside him, you were about to clean up but he draped a blanket over you and snaked an arm right at your waist, it was a very comfortable feeling, a safe one even, despite of how he is just a stranger and you literally met each other a couple of hours ago.
He kissed one shoulder as he hug you from behind, “You did well tonight, darling. Sleep tight.”
The bell rang, signaling the end of the first period. You were quick to put your things away and shove them into your bag, ignoring the mess it would make on the inside of your bag, you didn’t care anymore, you just suddenly had the strong will to escape from this embarrassment.
“Miss? The one from the back.” You heard him call out, turning to his direction, you tried to know or to confirm if he was talking to you. And he was. With a sly smile on his face, “I need you to sign some papers here—attendance, since you were late.”
You swallowed hard, but continued to walk over him anyway.
You got into the wooden table and picked up the paper he was handing down, but you were surprised because it wasn’t a list of the class, there wasn’t any name printed on the sheet. It was a scratch paper, with words written in pencil.
Don’t go out yet, stay. Wait for the others to leave.
Your gaze immediately shot back to him but he was looking at the other students, bidding them goodbyes with the most polite smile he could ever give.
So you waited, until the last student got out.
“You didn’t send a text.” He started, with a hint of disappointment on his face.
Your mouth fell open, not quite sure what he meant, “What?”
He moved closer and reached out for your right arm, lifting the sleeve and exposing the skin on it. The way his fingers gripped you and how his skin felt hot against you sent shivers, but you looked at your own arm and you noticed the small numbers written with a sharpie.
He smirked, “I’m surprised it’s still there, thought it got washed away.” He picked up his book and re-arranged the his stuff, “I could still smell the sex off of you.” Then it was followed by a chuckle, as he head towards the front door, about to exit.
“Call me when you want it to happen again, I’m Sebastian, by the way.” Were his last words before completely exiting the room, leaving you breathless and wide-eyed.
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isolctions · 4 years
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@thvndcrstrvck​ asked: ultimate relationship tag for mars & teyani :~)
relationship tag*
*only accepting for established ships. (domo gets a pass bc i luv them <3)
who is more likely to raise their voice? — i feel like they do an equal amount of voice raising. the only real difference is that i feel like mars is more loud in tone & the type to go “i’m not yelling!!!!!” whereas teyani’s yelling takes on more of a stern tone. who threatens to leave but never actually does? — mars, prbly. who actually keeps their word and leaves? — teyani. she absolutely served him papers while he was at work. who trashes the house? — nobody, tf? they’re too old for that shit. do either of them get physical? — i...would think not. because teyani is extremely passive & if mars would’ve tried it, she would have left earlier. so no. how often do they argue / disagree? — it prbly wasn’t often in the beginning of their relationship, but one of those “when it happens it’s messy” type of arguments. now, best believe it’s an argument every two hours as their relationship is incredible strained. who is the first to apologize? — teyani.
it’s me having no idea what their sex life is like bc we haven’t plotted out this far, #help. they did the do until they no longer liked each other, now they don’t.
we also didn’t plot out this far. but i mean, teyani having her daughter is canon so she and ines were/are a package deal (like was she pregnant before this relationship??? after??? was ines already born??? chile, idk.) and i’m sure mars was cool with helping her while they were together. mmcht.
who likes to cuddle? — teyani is a big cuddler. who is the little spoon? — truthfully, mars! as much as she likes being held, she also likes to do the holding. you never know when ur partner needs that kinda comfort. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? — while doing this, i kind of have this idea in my head that neither would like to inconvenience the other when they’re doing smthn important. but if they’re watching a movie on the couch or some shit, teyani might be the one to start sneaky touching. who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? — boffum. depends on the mood. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? — if they’re not already asleep, maaaaaaybe an hour? hour and a half max? who gives the most kisses? — teyani. what is their favorite non-sexual activity? — teyani likes hand holding. mars might like doing smthn hands on like helping cook or some shit. where is their favorite place to cuddle? — the practical places, such as the couch while unwinding or in bed before going to sleep. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? — maybe mars. how often do they get time to themselves? — not mf often!! which is why teyani tries making the most out of it whenever they’re around each other.
who snores? — mars. do they share a bed or sleep separately? — they once shared a bed, but now they sleep separately. either in different rooms or one is in a different location all together. if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? — used to cozy up until one steals a blanket or gets hot. who talks in their sleep? — prbly teyani. what do they wear to bed? — um...pajamas? are either of your muses insomniacs? — it would more than likely be teyani. it can be hard to sleep sometimes when spirits keep bugging you at all hours. can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? — nope. do they wrap their limbs around each other or stay side by side? — it prbly was a slow transition from being wrapped around each other to laying back to back. real divorcee shit. who wakes up with bed hair? — um, mars keeps his hair short & teyani got a bonnet or a scarf on. who wakes up first? — teyani’s always been an early bird. plus she was prbly already up anyway. who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? — NO ONE!! get ur ass up to eat! like, they’ll make a PLATE for the other but you better get tf up if you wanna eat it. what is their favorite sleeping position? — teyani tends to lay on her side curled up, while i feel like mars is more of a ‘lay on the stomach sprawled out like a starfish’ kinda guy. who hogs the sheets? — mars. so selfish. do they set an alarm each night? — ya, they got jobs. can a television be found in their room? — i wanna say, like...tv’s in bedrooms are so common now...but also...i feel like no??? idk i’m making shit up who has nightmares? — mars? i mean he for the streets, so i’m sure he has nightmares? who has ridiculous dreams? — teyani has visions that mars would prbly write off as ridiculous dreams, ergnerjk. who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? — i said mars so it’s the law now what time is bed time? — uh? idk? 11pm maybe? any routines / rituals before bed? — bathing & brushing teeth. teyani does skin care and moisturizes and twists her hair. mars does...whatever he does...idk him like that who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? — depends on how much sleep they got
who is the busiest? — they both have busy work schedules, considering they both have full time careers. but whereas teyani has more of a schedule, mars has the most unpredictable hours & his lil’ hannah montana ass double life. who rakes in the highest income? — hannah marstana. are any of your muses unemployed? — nope. who takes the most sick days? — maybe teyani? i mean she has a one year old? who is more likely to turn up late to work? — i feel like neither, but again, it would likelier be teyani. who sucks up to their boss? — eye roll. i think teyani did at first. what are their jobs? — computer analyst / medium. surgeon / liar. do their muses enjoy or despise their careers? — nah, i think they both enjoy it. are your muses financially stable? — with or without mars, she good!!
who does the washing? — teyani. who takes out the trash? — boffum. who does the ironing? — teyani bc she already does laundry bc she likes it. who does the cooking? — boffum. who is more likely to burn down the house just trying? — HMMMMMMMidk. who is messier? — teyani is honestly more prone to being messy, but at least she cleans up! who leaves the toilet roll empty? — i feel like men always do this. so i’m choosing mars. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? — teyani. but again, she goes back for it later. who forgets to flush the toilet? — ew, no one. who is the prankster around the house? — the spirits that follow teyani around. i’m not joking. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? — teyani. who mows the lawn? — they pay somebody to do it, idk. who answers the phone? — whoever is near the damn phone? duh? who does the vacuuming? — they do their fair share. who does the groceries? — both? they’ll go together if it’s smthn specifically they want but it’s mostly just whoever calls the other and goes “hey what do u want” who takes longest to shower? — teyani if she’s washing her hair, but mostly mars. who spends the most time in the bathroom? — teyani! she has big hair! and glowing skin!
is money a problem? — no. teyani gets paid fairly well, mars is a surgeon, and also has...extracurricular activities. how many cars do they own? — teyani has to take a train to her job, so i guess one overall? maybe two if she has to go out somewhere? do they own their home or do they rent? — owned, but teyani now rents an apartment. do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? — closer to a coast. do they live in the city or in the country? — city, babey. do they enjoy their surroundings? — i mean, it’s what they’re used to. what’s their song? — ..........we’ll come back to this. what do they do when they’re away from each other? — teyani just works, really. she has a few hobbies that she tends to. has ines to care for. mars i feel like is the errand runner, and would spend his day like, doing Something. where did they first meet? — this is literally killing me i’m never doing this for a brand new ship again how did they first meet? — UHHHH whatever let’s go with they were set up. who spends the most money when they’re out shopping? — neither? at least, not intentionally? if so, it’d be on practical things like groceries. who’s more likely to flash their assets? — neither. who finds it amusing when the other trips over? — teyani. like mars is so serious...when he does smthn dumb, you just have to laugh! any mental issues? — i mean, teyani had a bout of postpartum once. who’s terrified of bugs? — not terrified, but teyani’s not exactly fond of them. who kills the spiders around the house? — mars, while teyani fearfully leads them outside. their favorite place? — the crib! who pays the bills? — boffum. do they have any fears for their future? — they are literally in the middle of getting divorced. maybe if one of them died or smthn? who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? — mars, when he feel like bein sweet. who uses up all the hot water? — mars. which is fine. who’s the tallest? — prbly mars. but teyani isn’t exactly short, either. she 5′7. who’s more likely to just randomly hop in the shower with the other? — teyani. who wanders around in their underwear? — neither. who sings the loudest when singing along with the radio? — teyani, but mostly to be annoying. what do they tease each other about? — teyani sneak-helps gianna make fun of mars abt literally anything. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense sometimes? — i mean...they both dress kinda basic i think? do they have mutual friends? — shit, prbly. who crushed first? — teyani. any alcohol or substance related problems? — i don’t...think so? who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? — uh, maybe mars? who swears the most? — boffum.
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holocene-days · 5 years
it’s 3am and i cant sleep i’ve been tossing and turning since 11 and my eyes are so tired and i just wanna knock out!!! i didn’t really sleep much last night either and i think it’s bc i’m intentionally trying to sleep more and develop better habits before i go to sleep and i think that’s getting me really in my head and then my mind just goes and won’t shut up and i get random songs stuck in my head or think of different storylines from tv shows or movies i’ve been recently or feel like i’m scrolling through my brain and my brain just will NOT turn off and it’s so frustrating bc i really wanna get good sleep and have energy but now that i’m focusing on it happening and finally making it a priotity it’s not able to happpen. :(((((
i have my alarm set for 7 bc i’m trying to wake up earlier and stick to a schedule and plan out my days to have more structure to them bc right now they’re all just blending into one and bc i wake up so late i’m missing on a lot of my day and skipping meals and that’s fucking with my mental health... also trying not to be on my phone right before i sleep and instead read a book which i did until it was time for me to go to sleep but then i just started tossing and turning.. i even did some stretches and masturbated to get my body to relax and wind down and those helped make me feel ready to sleep but they didn’t make me more sleepy ahh
i am getting up when my alarm goes off and going about my day and hopefully my body will adjust after a couple days of doing it and i’ll get some good sleep finally and get on a good schedule
thank you for coming to my 3am quarantine-is-fucking-with-me-majorly ted talk y’all have a lovely day
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misterquickwitted · 6 years
((Oh man, I love me some tuckington okay))
Who was the one to propose: Uhhhh probably Tucker. He’s goes from like zero to sixty, so as soon as he’s sure he wants to stay with Wash long term, he’s buying a ring... and then forgetting about it for six months until Wash finds it in his drawers and then Tucker decides he might as well just pop the question right then. 
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Probably Wash? I can’t see Tucker worrying too much about it. As long as there’s food, booze, and some good music for the first dance, he wouldn’t be too bothered by the preparations, but I can see Wash spending hours on the seating chat like it’s a battle plan. 
Who decorated the house: I don’t see either of them caring too much about decorations, but probably Tucker, just cause he would actually have some dumb posters or pictures to put up. He probably has a whole wall that’s just cute pics of Junior. 
Who does the cooking: They probably alternate. I figure Tucker’s decent at some basic stuff, like pancakes and eggs, but if Wash wants to eat anything other than breakfast foods, he’s gonna have to step up and make it himself. They’re probably both decent cooks and have only set the kitchen on fire once. 
Who is more organized: Wash 100%. Tucker and organization do not go together. He can sort of keep on a schedule, but Wash is the one that has everything sorted neatly into individual drawers and folders and whatnot, and probably even has all of that labeled just so he knows for a fact when Tucker intentionally put something back in the wrong place. 
Who initiates bedroom fun: 9/10 times probably Tucker. He can’t help himself. Wash is hot as hell and he wants a piece. However, once in a while, Wash probably surprises him and just tackles him into bed or something.  
Who suggested kids first: Well, Tucker’s already got one, so he’s not really thinking about more. If either of them suggest kids, it miiiight be Wash, but it could go the other way too, although I don’t know that they’d want more. 
Who’s more dominant: Definitely depends on the day and situation. In most things, I would say Wash, buuuut in the bedroom, sometimes Tucker turns that on its head and takes charge for a bit. 
Who’s the cuddler: They both enjoy a good snuggle. Tucker probably initiates cuddles most of the time, but sometimes Wash will just flop on him and silently demand attention.  
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Tucker really likes it when Wash reads to him. He kind of has a hard time focusing when he tries to just read on his own, but there’s something really nice about Wash’s voice when he starts telling a story or even just going over a schedule or something. 
Who comes home drunk at 3am: Tucker, definitely. Sometimes he’s just gotta go out drinking with his bros. I don’t really see Wash as being a big drinker, so unfortunately he’s gotta deal with Tucker’s drunk ass now and then. 
Who kills the spiders: They both very carefully carry the spiders outside so they don’t upset Caboose. I don’t see either of them having a big problem with spiders... although it would be pretty funny if Wash did...
Who falls asleep first: Usually Tucker. They both probably have trouble sleeping now and then, but Wash has it a bit worse and sometimes just spends hours staring at the ceiling, wishing he could get Tucker to stop koala clinging to him without waking him up.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Freshman Year (Chapter 3) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles​
Title: “The Coffee Shop Talk”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Malia Tate, Cora Hale, Ethan,  & Reader/OFC
Summary:  There had been two more attacks since the first night they encountered the vampires. Scott and Stiles have devised a plan for capturing the dangerous creatures of the night. They gather the gang at a coffee shop on campus to break down the threat, and Lydia gets jealous of Stiles flirting with Y/N.
Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four
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"And then she walked away before I could tell her about the merits of being a long suffering Mets fan over being a Yankees fan. It was borderline offensive." Stiles lectured to Isaac Lahey, who was sitting across the coffee table from him, on the opposite couch, with his mouth agape. He wasn’t sure how Stiles had managed to move the conversation from Isaac’s shitty first test in his environmental science class to you not being a Met’s fan.
"Is he talking about her being a Yankees fan, again?" Scott asked as he brought over cups of coffee for his friends. He sat down next to Isaac and pushed Stiles’ coffee across the table.
“Yea, he is, and now I’m really curious to see what this girl looks like.” Isaac commented in a hushed tone.
“She is actually really pretty in Stiles’ defense.” Scott said.
"I'm just saying." Stiles exclaimed, pointing his hand in Scott’s direction in agreement. "So how did Cora close up the shop?"
"I told my boss that I was the only one able to work tonight and I didn't feel comfortable walking home alone at night after the third attack." Cora Hale said in a pretend weak tone, knowing full well that she could beat the hell out of any vampire that tried to jump her. She pulled up a tattered armchair to join her friends around the massive coffee table in the center of three worn-down couches in the dimly lit and cozy campus coffee shop.
"When is everyone else supposed to get here?" Isaac asked.
"I said 6PM in the text, so about ten minutes." Scott replied, wiping the whipped cream off of his lip.
"Y/N said she'd come after her class, so she should be here soon." Stiles said, staring at his phone, his leg jiggling in nervous anticipation.
"You are so obsessed, dude." Cora said, as she shook her head.
"Listen, Sassywolf, I am not obsessed. I just think she's cool and gorgeous and... She's a witch, and that, you cannot deny, is awesome."
"Yea, okay, Stiles." Cora teased.
"Yea, okay, Cora, whatever." Stiles mimicked her.  
Their ribbing of Stiles was interrupted by a knocking on the door to the coffee shop.
"We're closed, can't you read the sign?" Cora yelled at the door, annoyed.
"Umm... I'm sorry, I was supposed to meet..." You poked your head through the door that you held ajar.
"Y/N, hey!" Stiles exclaimed, a big smile spreading across his face, as he sat forward on the edge of the couch, all but jumping up at the sight of you.
"Hi." You said quietly, quickly raising your hand to wave, and then looking around for a seat. Stiles moved closer to the arm on the loveseat he was sitting on, and placed his backpack on the floor, indicating for you to sit down next to him. You smiled at Stiles, your face filling with rosy color, and sat down next to him. "How are you?"
"I'm great, yea, great, you? How are you? Did you find this place okay?" Stiles mumbled, literally biting his upper lip to stop himself from continuing to ramble.
"Yea, I've been here before." You chuckled quietly to yourself.
"Great, great.. oh um, you know Scott, and this is Isaac Lahey and Cora Hale, friends of ours from Beacon Hills." Stiles explained, remembering that there were other people in the room besides the two of you.
"Oh hey, Stiles told me about you guys. You're both werewolves, right?" You asked and Isaac nodded. "Are you students here, too?"
"Yea, we both are." Cora explained, leaning over to place her hand on Isaac's thigh, making it clear that he was taken.
Cora got up to pour Y/N a drink and hugged Ethan and Malia as they walked through the front door and took seats with the group on the last empty couch. Cora brought over more drinks and watched as Stiles introduced Y/N to the newcomers and then continued trying to make small talk. Lydia walked through the door and sat down next to Malia.
"Who's this?" Lydia said agitatedly, gesturing to you and looking around at her friends.
"Lydia, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Lydia." Stiles made introductions.
"The witch?" Lydia questioned. You nodded at the overtly beautiful redhead.
"All we're missing are Derek and Kira then." Scott said aloud, cutting everyone off from their separate conversations.
"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you. Derek isn't coming. Something about Braeden having morning sickness all day... I don't know how babies work. I just know he’s not going to make it tonight. I'll just fill him in later." Cora said as she refilled Isaac's black coffee, and rubbed his shoulder lovingly.
"And I don't think Kira is coming either..." Lydia said hesitantly, locking eyes with Scott.
"Oh... did you talk to her?" Scott asked, trying to hide his disappointment.
"She wouldn't answer my phone calls but I finally got her to answer my texts, and she said that she was busy. I'm sure it's just difficult to get all the way across the Bay at this time of night. I mean, it's not like she goes here." Lydia reasoned.
"So?" Stiles quipped, contorting his face, showing his disapproval at Lydia's hollow reasoning and Kira's non-commital attitude. "You go to Standford, Lydia, and you managed to get here on time. San Francisco State is like half the distance of Stanford. We have to face the facts, Kira is trying to phase herself out of the group. She doesn't want to help, and frankly, we don't need her then." Stiles spoke matter-of-factly.
The room was filled with silence for a few moments, as everyone tried hard to not look at Scott.
"I'm sorry, buddy." Stiles offered to his best friend.
"Well if everyone is here then, we should just start." Scott finally proclaimed, trying to change the subject, as he pulled out a stack of papers from his backpack. He handed a few to Isaac on his right and a few to Malia on his left, gesturing for them to pass them along. "So Stiles and I worked with everyone's class and work schedules and we figured out patrol shiifts."
"So far all three of the attacks have been on South Campus, and it’s been near or in Magnolia Park. I think that’s where we should focus, cause they’re probably staying near there for a reason. Everyone is going to split up into pairs, about two each night, about five and a half hours each." Stiles interjected.
"Lydia and Parrish are going to take the first shift tonight, and Cora and Ethan are going to relieve them around 10PM, and then Stiles and Y/N are going to relieve them around 3AM." Scott explained.
"Then tomorrow, Malia and Isaac have a long shift that Scott and Kira are supposed to relieve..." Stiles continued.
"I can call Derek or Peter or Mr. Argent and see if they can pitch in if Kira bails." Scott mumbled. "We have to stop them from hurting anyone else. They've already gotten three people."
"Is there anything in the bestiary, Lydia?" Isaac asked.
"No, which is really weird, but I've been doing research online and trying to sift out what is legend and what is truth." Lydia explained quietly, as she watched the new girl whisper something into Stiles' ear.
"Oh, it's this book that belonged to our friend, Allison's family, and it has all this information on supernatural creatures, but stuff that's actually true, not the crap you find online." Stiles whispered loudly back to her, as Y/N nodded.
"Ahem," Lydia fake cleared her throat. "I think that either Gerard never came in contact with vampires, and they are incredibly rare, or it was intentionally left out or taken out of the pages. But from what I can gather, they really don't like the sun and I don't think the garlic thing..."
“Do we know why they’re here?” You interjected, causing everyone to turn their focus to the new girl. “Like, is this a reoccurring thing that happens in Berkeley or have they migrated here from somewhere else?” You asked rhetorically, knowing that no one could answer that question yet, but understanding that it was a question that you all should be trying to answer.
“I’ll make sure to ask them the next time I see them.” Lydia dismissed her question, annoyed at being interrupted.
"No that’s a good point, maybe they really don't exist on the East Coast and that's why you didn't think they were real." Stiles interrupted Lydia again to talk to you.
"What are you talking about?" Lydia questioned, growing more agitated by yours and Stiles’ back and forth.
"Oh it was something Y/N said the other day about them not being in New York... Maybe they aren’t, maybe they do migrate.” Stiles answered Lydia, not noticing her irritated face.
“Maybe Twilight was onto something." You gestured to Stiles, making him laugh. "No, seriously, Washington state is sunny and warm in the summer time, but cloudy and rainy the rest of the year, and San Francisco is incredibly foggy and rainy in the Spring and Summer, starting around this time of year, so maybe they move up and down the coast attacking people and using the weather as a cover so they can go out in the daytime."
“Or maybe our presence brought them here.” Isaac inserted himself into the conversation. Stiles nodded at the guess.
"I really hope that they don’t start attacking during the day, but Stiles, you should have your Dad and Parrish look up incident reports during the crappy weather months in Washington, Oregon and California for similar injuries and attacks." Scott suggested.
"Yea, I’ll call him later... that was a great catch." Stiles smiled at you and patted your knee, lingering a moment too long for Lydia's liking. You smiled back at him, your dimples making Stiles blush.
Lydia huffed. "Well, Jordan just texted me and he's here, so I guess we should stop this Pack meeting, plus visitor, and start our shift." Lydia said, standing up abruptly and shoving the schedule into her bag. 
“Don’t listen to her, you’re definitely part of the Pack already.” Stiles whispered to you, nudging your side. Lydia rolled her eyes, but he missed it because you glanced up at him, a warmth in your eyes, directed towards only him. 
"Remember, we aren't doing anything to them now, just recon. That's it. We need more information before we fight them again." Scott reminded the group.
"Oh, and before I go, I have an announcement." Lydia stated. "I thought that I could help sufficiently from Stanford, but I just can't be useful from there, and I don’t like being so far away from you all, so I put in an application for transfer to here for next semester. So next year, I'll be in school with all of you again."
Everyone clamored around her, happy and congratulatory at the news, except for Stiles, who was still sitting on the sofa with Y/N, devising their game plan for their patrol later that night.
"Oh by the way..." Stiles said as he walked you towards the shuttle bus that would take you from campus to your apartment. "Our friends Liam and Hayden will be up here patrolling in two weeks, on Saturday, and we got invited to this big party by this guy in mine and Scott's martial arts class the same night. Usually I hate parties but this should be decent, everyone will be there, I was wondering if you wanted to come."
"Oh, um... like a date?" You mumbled, staring at your shoes, hoping that a cute boy had finally asked you out at your new school, and a bonus that it was a boy as cute as Stiles.
"N.. no, no, no, no, no, god no, everyone is going to be there, and you can bring your roommates or boyfriend, or whoever. It'll be fun. It'll be a grand old time.." Stiles rambled, pushing his fist through the air.
"Okay, sounds great. I’ll bring my roommates. I'll see you around 2:45?" You said as the shuttle doors closed in Stiles face.
Isaac walked up behind Stiles and put his hand on his shoulder, startling him. “And you said, ‘N.. no, no, no, no, no, god no’ to it being a date because?”
"Because I'm an idiot." Stiles muttered as he walked back towards the coffee shop with the blonde werewolf. “But you heard her, right? She said she’d bring her roommates not her boyfriend, so she probably doesn’t have one, right? Oh come on, Isaac, stop running. I’ll stop talking about her! ISAAC.” Stiles threw his hands up in the air as he watched Lahey jog away from him.
Chapter Two <- -> Chapter Four
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xxlying-from-y0u · 7 years
Introverts Reveal The Incredible Lengths They’ve Gone To Avoid People
1) My roommates decided to have a random study party, with like 20 people in our apartment that is only 800 sq feet. Because of the unexpected intrusion, I got into the router settings and throttled the internet to dial up era speeds. When my roommates were trying to figure out what was happening, I told them we simply had too many people splitting the bandwidth and in annoyance they all left for the library. Best eight hours of silence ever.
2) If someone is browsing a section of a shelf at a grocery where I need something from, I pretend to look at other stuff until they go away.
I swear though today I think I was waiting for someone to leave the canned soup section while they were waiting for me to leave the salsa section diagonally behind them.
3) I just took a new job where I basically interact with dogs all day instead of people. It is bliss.
4) A few summers ago, we had to replace the air vents in my house so my parents hired a few guys from an air conditioning company. To change all the air vents, the men had to go room to room so naturally, I thought I could avoid them by literally camping out in the closet which had no air vent so why would they even need to check? The closet in question was actually a teeny walk-in closet in my parent's room with a door that opens inward like a bedroom door. So I grabbed my pillow, 3DS, and a snack, and was ready to brave the long day in there.
Unfortunately, I didn’t think far enough about what to do if they did happen to come upon my hiding spot. I think I was in there for about an hour when I suddenly heard footsteps nearby and yep, they were opening the door. I never panicked so hard in my life because how do you even explain this to someone? “Hello, I didn’t want you to know I was here so I decided to make this closet my home."
So what did my panicked dumbass do to make it even more awkward? I started PUSHING back on the door to shut it and I can just imagine what this poor guy must have been thinking. He finally stopped pushing, knocked politely on a freaking closet door, and asked if there were any air vents in there. I could only squeak out a mortified no.
I do have social anxiety which makes me do some pretty stupid things, but I definitely learned my lesson that time to not avoid people. Or better yet, not be an idiot!
5) My grandfather has died like 15 times to get me out of social engagements. What a champ.
6) It's Saturday and my phone is on flight mode to avoid calls and text messages, the curtains are all drawn so it looks like I'm not home, and I'm going to watch movies all day. Sounds like my ideal day, really.
7) I had this office job for about 6 months where I didn't really like anyone I worked with, so every day for lunch I would go out to my car to pretend I was going out to get lunch, and instead drive to a nearby mall parking garage, park, and eat the lunch I'd packed for myself. I could've saved gas and time by just sitting by myself at one of the tables at work. But then someone might've tried to talk to me.
8) I remember one time, we had a door sales man at our front door me and my wife hide underneed the window we laid down on the floor. The man looked inside and saw us hiding there. He slowly walked away....
9) I volunteered for a position in another country where I don't speak the language so I could avoid conversations with my coworkers.
10) I didn't get up to use the restroom on a 12 hour flight because I didn't want to bother the guy next to me. Also didn't refuse the drinks they kept offering in fear of being rude. Some of the worst pain I've experienced..
11) Once I had two meetings scheduled at the same time. I called both, said I had to go to the other, and went to neither.
12) My roommate is very talkative. She'll talk at me for hours on end if I let her. Sometimes when I'm not in the mood for it, I'll hop in the car and drive until she goes to bed.
13) One time someone tried to small talk with me and I literally just said "I dont talk to people" and walked away
14) I was having a "bad day" with being a introvert, so I used one of those Grocery Delivery services, and texted the driver saying wasn't home at the moment and to just leave the stuff on the porch.
When I heard her drive up I literally stood in my hallway where I couldn't be seen from any windows and listened carefully.
I heard her come up to the door, knock, knock again, drop the bags and drive off. She sent a text that she had dropped the stuff off and I should hurry because some of it is perishable.
I opened the door and got my groceries.
That might be one of the lowest moments in my life. I still get pangs of shame whenever I think of it.
15) I call it "anti-stalking"; I'll make a note of a person's routine, times, dates, locations, and use this information to intentionally avoid them, lest I have to have... shudders small talk, or something.
16) call it "anti-stalking"; I'll make a note of a person's routine, times, dates, locations, and use this information to intentionally avoid them, lest I have to have... shudders small talk, or something.
17) I moved to Japan because you don’t have to make small talk with strangers ever.
18) I went down the elevator with a colleague. We use the same subway line to get home, and I knew if we walked down together we'd also have to sit on the train together and make small talk for the next 45 minutes.
So at the building exit I said I had an errand to run, walked the opposite direction, and used a different subway line that added another 20 minutes to my commute. Worth it.
19) Picked up a girl at the bar once... I was 19 (didn't get carded) she was 26. Around 3AM I decided I want her gone. So I go around the house and set all the clocks forward to 630AM. I even went out to my truck and changed that clock. I woke her up and told her I had shit to do, it was morning. She was very confused, prob only slept about 30 mins.
I passed a f*cking bank on the way to her house... Big ass bright clock at 3am.
She was not happy.. never spoke again.
20) Leave the office through the back door to avoid saying bye to people.
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maskydoo-old · 5 years
Nightmare Neighbors 3
(I’m writing out scripts for upcoming storytime style youtube videos, and posting what I have here. Note that this is a true story. Feedback is welcome.)
I went through a period for a few years where I had a lot of stress in my life from just too many sources.
For one thing, my work schedule was insane. I worked full time, and often overtime, with unpredictable shifts. I’d often work first, second, and third shift all in the same week, sometimes with 12- hour-shifts with only 8 hours off in between, all subject to change without notice. At the same time, I was also a full-time student, trying get my bleary eyed self through some of the most difficult classes I’d ever taken in my life. And it absolutely assassinated my sleep schedule.
My dog got sick and needed enough she had to be hospitalized for several days, and then after she was home had a complicated medicine regime of half a dozen meds she had to take several times per day. Then just as I was getting a handle on that, it was my cat’s turn to get sick and she ended up having emergency surgery.
And then, my elderly rescue dog got so sick she suddenly she couldn’t even stand and couldn’t even eat or drink on her own, so I had to do it all by hand. I was hoping she would recover, but it didn’t happen and sadly needed to put down. And to top it all off, I got badly sick myself with an especially nasty sinus infection, that made my eyes hurt too much to keep open and had me sneezing blood.
Between being sick, exhausted, and overwhelmed, my concentration was shot. I knew I was in trouble on my exam when I struggled to concentrate enough to just to write my own name. That class was necessary for the career program I was in. And in the end, I failed.  
And I had to deal with all of this pretty much alone.
My boyfriend had a job that had him out of the country for months at a time.
I didn’t have time to go out and do anything fun. No energy for hobbies I enjoyed. And my only regular social interactions were decidedly hostile, but more on that later.
I remember CGP Gray’s video on how to be miserable, and yeah, I was basically following all the instructions for sailing the saddo ship.
As I tell the rest of this story, with all these increasingly outrageous encounters with the Feckwads next door, remember that all of this is what’s going on in my life at the time. This is the background.
I didn’t sleep well at night when I was home alone. I was starting to have strange feelings I couldn’t shake. Odd feelings that there was someone just outside my house, or at my door.
My dogs acted up at odd hours, barking at nothing as far as I could tell. I’d never see anything.
I’d compulsive get up to check that the house alarm is armed.  
I tried to brush it off as nothing. I told myself I was just being paranoid. I was stressed. I was tired. I wasn’t used to living alone. Of course I was imagining things.
But on this night I had a sinking feeling, stronger than normal, that something was wrong. It kept me awake. I tossed and turned, but got got no rest.
Finally, I pulled myself out of bed. I had to be at work at 3am, and I’d mostly given up on getting any sleep anyway.
I was always nervous when in my driveway. My motion-sensor light was broken and it was nearly pitch black out. On the way to my truck, I heard something, and I’m not sure what. I stopped in my tracks. The sound came from somewhere off to my left, in the direction of my neighbor’s house. I couldn't see anything. I didn’t see anything, and didn’t hear anything else.
When I got to work, it turned out I only wasted time and gas. The schedule changed, and no one bothered to tell me. My shift now started at 7am, not 3. I could have slept, or at least tried to sleep, a little longer.
When I got back home, I checked the area with the beam of my headlights, as I always did when parking anywhere at night. That isn’t even my suspicion, it’s good practice to be aware of your surroundings.
I saw nothing.  
I took two steps towards my house, then suddenly I heard a man’s voice shout.
On instinct, I yelled, reached for my pepper spray, and… fell on my ass for no reason.  
Yeah. Not really my finest moment there.
It could have been anyone in the dark. A mugger, a kidnapper, a murderer!
But it turned out it was the neighbor guy, Toony.
That’s a relief!
Oh wait, actually no it isn’t. What the hell is he doing out here at like 3am? And where was me when I was shining my headlights earlier?
Ok, guys? Seriously Never do this kind of thing. Have some awareness about the lives women lead. You may mean well, but we don’t necessarily know that. Catching a women alone, cornering her in an elevator, or on the street, or in the dark, yeah those are all incredibly threatening situations for women.  
Toony: “Sorry” He wasn’t.
What was the problem now? Toony says he’s been finding trash in their unfenced front yard, and was certain it was my fault.
Apparently some stray rubbish was a much bigger offense, than, oh say, scaring the living daylights out of women alone at night.
Now, I have no problems with neighbors bringing issues to my attention, but seriously “hey, can you make sure your bins are secured?” is a quick enough thing to say. Or it should be. But he just kept going on and on about.  
But I know the trash isn’t mine. It was windy lately, it often was. Bins were getting blown over all through the neighborhood. Everyone had trash in their yards. Even I did, on my corner lot.
It’s not a big deal. Just be an adult and pick it up. It’s part of home ownership.  
I nod to keep the peace. Usually I find just agreeing with people ends conversations the fastest so they’ll stop talking and I can get on with my day. And I really just wanted to go back to bed. It wasn’t worth my time to argue, so I agreed to keep an eye on my bin, if only to end the exchange sooner.
But it didn’t work on this guy. I agreed with everything he said, leaving him nothing to respond to, yet he still would not shut up and let it go. He kept going round and round, not even saying much new, just repeating himself.
Then said something that sounded a bit like a threat, how it would be a shame if we were to stop getting along.
He was keeping me busy. I didn’t even notice Loony flank me. She appeared out of nowhere from the shadows of a tree.
She stopped when I noticed her.
Now Loony wanted to yell at me about some eggs.
A few weeks before, I found a carton of white eggs smashed on the ground, right in front of our shared mailbox. I assumed one of the Feckwads must have dropped it while checking the mail, and then just left it there like a slob.
I knew it couldn’t have been mine. I get my eggs and milk from a delivery service, and not to my mailbox. Also, my eggs brown and the company used a different carton. So again, it wasn’t me.
Later, I found the shells in my yard. I assumed it was the work of squirrels.
Loony insisted they were mine. And now, weeks later, she was mad about it.
She even admitted proudly that she was actually the one who threw the shells in my yard.
Sorry squirrels, I blamed you unfairly.
So the irony here is that these people are mad at me for getting trash in their yard, which I didn’t even do, while they were actually the ones intentionally throwing trash in my yard, which they saw absolutely no problem with.
I’d been surprisingly patient for someone in my situation, but my shock was wearing off and my brain was catching up. Now I was really thinking about how weird this all was.
Why did she suddenly want to complain about eggs now, not the weeks ago when this actually occurred. It didn’t make sense, but this was back when I was still trying to make sense of their behavior. I didn’t make the connection at the time, but it fit a pattern I noticed later. When the eggs were on the ground, my boyfriend was still home. Now he was gone.
And would they be bothering me about this now, as in, at 3 am? What were these people doing awake and outside at 3 am? These aren’t normal human hours.
I realized that I never heard their door open or close during this whole thing. They had to have been already outside when I got there. Why?
And what were they doing out here at my property line? Their front door and their car are on the other side of their property.
And why did Loony approach me from the side, leaping out from behind a tree? What was she doing there? If she came from her house I would have seen her coming, so she had to have already been behind the tree when I arrived.
And why couldn’t I see either of them in the beam of my headlights when I pulled in?
So what were they doing here, the both of them, lurking outside my house at 3am? It couldn’t have been to talk to me. I just left earlier that hour, and they had no reason to expect me back so soon.
And then I had a question for myself. Why the heck was I still listening to these people ranting, especially with the attitude they were giving me? I’d stood outside in the dark for going on 20 minutes, when I could have been in bed.
You know what? I don’t have to take with this. I cut them off.
“It’s 3AM. I’m going to bed. Good night.”
I heard Loony say something an angry tone to my back, but didn’t catch what it was. And I didn’t care what she had to say. Now, I was only thinking of what they were doing. And the more I thought, the more wrong it all seemed.
The dogs weren’t barking without reason, and I wasn’t imagining things. There really were people creeping around my house at night.
No surprise, I didn’t get any sleep.
I resolved to fix that motion light as soon as I could. I didn’t want to get ambushed again.
Join me next time when I get ambushed again.
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proofsaretalk · 7 years
rapidly barreling toward that 1k mark
The title is not what this post is about. (cw: five pages of boring navelgazing)
Sometimes, when I get really close to going to bed after staying up for far too long, I will say things like “What are you doing?” And I normally think about that as just my not-quite-totally-mentally-healthy ass’s way of saying “go to bed bro”
But somehow when I said it tonight the question sounded a lot more urgent. A lot more confused. A lot more like a question, in other words.
And I think best in writing.
So here are the basic facts:
I am very tired right now (4am)
I was (less) very tired about four hours ago
I intentionally chose to not go to bed four hours ago, 
After watching a really good SGDQ run.
I actually very much enjoy SGDQ runs.
But I did not spend the intervening four hours watching SGDQ runs.
Primarily because I knew I would not stay awake by doing so.
I more or less knew, when I made that decision, that I would be awake at 4am.
See 3.4.
I have been going to bed around 2-3am for the last couple days.
This schedule initiated by me staying up way too late on Sunday of last week, for reasons that were equally unreasonable but at least more familiar.
I need to be awake in 3 hours, or, at most 4 hours.
I have known for several days that I would need to be awake at 7am on Monday morning.
Less basic facts, with notably more reporting bias, probably:
The reason that I need to be awake at 7am on Monday morning is because I am going on a road trip with my dad and my roommate.
I am mostly going on this road trip because I want to spend more time with my dad.
And also because I want to signal to him that I want to spend more time with him.
Which I definitely feel like I have not, although I have had dinner with him for three nights this week; in no small part because I was in Montreal when he arrived and have not done a lick of work to help care for my grandmother while he was in town. 
In particular I don’t really care about where we’re going or what we’ll do there.
I intended to drive both ways— which I never told anyone that I was intending to do, which I suppose was good because I will certainly not do that now.
Maybe we’re approaching the actual reason I am doing this obviously stupid thing, Part I:
My main goals this summer are, in priority order
to get a fucking advisor, 
a.k.a. to work hard enough and deep enough on commutative algebra to determine whether it is a good idea to be Christine’s student, and
if so, to then decide whether I should work with Vic anyway.
to reach the 1k posts in 1k days goal with OTAM, 
which requires essentially exactly two posts per day every day for the remainder of the summer
which is, to an unbelievably strong level of consistency (like literally I do not believe it), four hours +/- 40 minutes of work.
that’s it
i fucking hate it when my family asks me “what have you been doing lately” because it’s like
Anything I do beyond this is— though it be, to some extent, necessary for keeping my sanity— something I perceive as an annoyance and do with a fair bit of guilt (which I do try to put off until after doing the thing, usually pretty successfully).
and you know what, yes, if I’m being honest, that includes spending time with my family
even though this is 110% my own damn problem and if I had locked myself in my room this week, my dad (in particular) would totally have understood
although he lives 1600 miles away, and is only here for two weeks, and his birthday is tomorrow, and I missed out on seeing him the first week because Montreal, because my dad is a pure cinnamon roll lol no but is (in particular) genuinely understanding about this stuff; the whole midwesterner guilt trip passive-aggressive thing is very much not his aesthetic
and also I really haven’t spent that much time with my family besides this week so. [ At most 3hrs/week previously ]
I have two blog posts scheduled for tomorrow and another one besides; that is, enough that I can go on the trip and wake up late on Tuesday and I won’t experience any interruptions
I was highly embarrassed that I had to miss the second Friday post this week
I spent a lot of time on Saturday working with the specific intention of having a large enough buffer to make sure that this did not happen again on Tuesday.
aka 4 blog posts
aka 12 hours of blogging, because the rate of 2hr/post only applies to the first two posts in a day, after which the evidence suggests (more on that below) that it’s a complete shitshow.
aka nothing else got done, which is relevant because
For the first time on our regularly scheduled Thursday meeting time, Christine actually gave me something to do — previously it was mostly entirely me being like “I’m reading the book, here are my questions”.
I have done essentially no work toward doing that thing.
See 3.4
See also 2.2 from the previous section.
I have never felt happy about the amount of time that I’ve been devoting to the algebra 
See 1.3.5 oh god this is becoming a labrynth isn’t it
Christine seems oblivious to this, or perhaps thinks that, since I bring it up every week, I am just trying to preempt any criticism she might make
which to be honest isn’t wrong but
I have experience with being advised by someone with fairly low expectations of me and yeah it drives me right up the fucking wall
and I am definitely keeping my eye on her essential silence w.r.t. progress
In particular, I don’t feel happy about the fact that I have been spending so much more time on the blog than on the algebra because the latter is clearly infinitely more important for my continued ability to support myself by doing the thing that makes me incredibly happy.
There are good reasons I have made this choice but I definitely expected that these would disappear after returning from Montreal
which they have, and hence my continued inability to spend time doing algebra is even more disappointing to me
despite the fact that new reasons obviously exist that are also obviously temporary since dad will leave on the 4th.
and that I also do strongly value my familial relationships and am extremely bad at showing this; and I understand that what I have chosen to do for the past week is a very shrewd calculation to maximize the number of people who have firsthand experience with my show of commitment (however obviously performative it may be)
to be clear, I do not know if it is obvious that it is performative
I do not even know if it is performative
The fact that my algebra assignment for the week came from Christine, and not from a vague sense of “you should probably finish this book”, adds a particular urgency to the task... 
...and what seems to be my inevitable failure to complete it, since I have only Tuesday and Wednesday; and Tuesday is the 4th of July so that might as well not exist, productivity-wise; and I still have to write the usual two blogposts for Wednesday so it’s not like I can cram a 14-hour session (which I have done before).
I do not know whether I am more concerned about potentially disappointing Christine or myself
(even though the former is so unlikely that it is almost certainly anxiety)
Okay that’s nice exposition but doesn’t actually explain why you’re awake at 4am (hint it’s 5am now), Part II:
When I walked out of Christine’s office on Thursday, I definitely did not think that I would be spending all of Monday, and essentially all of Friday, and a good half of Sunday, to be spent with family. (Of course, I still expected Tuesday to be shot.)
However, all of that was clarified by Friday afternoon, so I’ve had a couple days to mull on this.
I certainly did not make the decision to stay awake in hopes that I would get any work done.
In fact, if I am being honest, this was an intentional part of my thought process and I made the decision in spite of this fact.
What I did not consider is that, if I have to cancel the plans for today because I did this stupid thing, I certainly will not be able to fucking do anything tomorrow since I will have to sleep through everything. 
Dear God, the sun is rising through my window
I closed the blinds, whew
What I did end up doing over this four-hour period is mostly read career posts on math blogs, and reading PhD, with a little bit of SGDQ and a pinch of assorted internet clicking thrown in.
It is perhaps not obvious to anyone else that this has the feel of a self-care session to me.
The only thing that I could possibly have been consciously self-caring for, though, was the expenditure of energy at my dad’s birthday party today.
(Anxieties about the Christine reading only started appearing in the later phases of this period.)
And surely sleeping would have been equally good dramatically better self-care.
I definitely have a sometimes-useful tendency to want to do a single thing for as long of an uninterrupted period as possible, up to and including completely destroying my sleeping rhythm (which accounts for much of the ‘sometimes’ in ‘sometimes-useful’).
The part of me that likes to make needlessly grandiose statements and read into shit too much, is squawking about how I probably feel like I had expectations for how I would be spending my time (I did), and feel like I’ve been forced into a time-consuming alternate direction (which, again: no), and therefore making this stupid decision is a juvenile way of exercising control by breaking from what would probably be “expected” of me (i.e. fucking going to sleep before a day-long road trip)
I am currently convinced of this but also
I am even more tired than when I started writing this post and
I don’t trust my tired brain to be right about anything of this scope (based on extensive experience with incorrect sleeping decisions).
That’s all I got.
No alternate theories.
So, shit, that’s gotta mean it’s right, huh?
Actually, continuing on the sleeping-as-control riff, I am quite experienced with (and, if I may say so, fairly good at) managing an awful sleeping cycle. Perhaps the stupid decision was not about controlling how I spend my time but rather more direct: demonstrating control in my life via crisis management w.r.t. sleeping.
This is actually a testable theory, at least in the sense that if I have something similar come up soon, I could replace “not sleeping” with “playing Starcraft”
[ it’s not perfect because I would also not be sleeping in that setting, but then the not-sleeping is a side effect rather than the actual display of control; and I think that I could (after the fact) actually distinguish between those two. ]
(and arguably, this has already been played out in prior incidents, but I am way too tired to examine whether similar issues were at play in those cases.)
And finally
I am equally concerned with the fact that this post has cost me two hours of sleeping as it has cost me two hour of algebra work,
which is to say, not at all, in either case
although I do perceive very little of value was gained by my writing it
which is a very confusing triplet of true statements, to me, at this moment.
I may have to cancel the road trip.
Perhaps this was my subconscious goal all along.
But I’ll go to sleep take a power nap and we’ll see.
If your sorry ass thinks that I’ve been writing this shit for two hours without theorizing how I could sanitize it into an OTAM post then frankly you don’t know me at all.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
BloomingViolets.com (Pearlet) - Leatwerpenn
A/N - Hey guys, so, this was something that I was working on while I was trying to get back on track with Stars. This is an extremely long One-Shot based around the song Violet by Hippo Campus. (I saw a prompt on here a really long time ago to write a fic that included this song. So. Ta Dah!) This is actually based an an asian movie If you can guess the movie we need to become best friends instantly! Enjoy. >.<
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BloomingViolets.com See with golden eyes the novocaine, lullaby Matt sat back on his desk chair, sighing loudly. The stack of paperwork in front of him was making him feel  depressed. God, when is this going to be over? “Matt, get on with it, I needed that report done like, yesterday. How am I able to give you this next case, if you’re too lazy to close this one? You like your job? Right?” Santino towered over Matt, yapping at him like an annoying dog. Most of the time, he liked to ignore Santino; It made him go red and this vein always seemed to pop out from the side of his face. He made Matt laugh, not intentionally of course. Matt however, had heard about a new and exciting case through the gossip mill, and he wanted in on it. Badly. Am I going to have to eat your ass before you give me something other than boring online betting scandals? He mused. He got his head down and started on the pile of paperwork. Much to his dismay. Matt, was a 26 year old man. Very gay. And very single. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get a partner. He was a one-night stand type of guy, he didn’t like to get attached. His parents were flaky and that was who he chose to blame for his own physiological detachment problems. He was also not ugly, this made random hook-up’s a lot easier. He just walked into a bar and all guys, and some women, fawned over him. His sandy blonde hair was usually styled to appear messy. It was shaved shorter at the sides, which complimented his strong jawline. Out of work, he would describe his style as ‘effortless slob’. In work however, he was always dressed to appear as dapper as he could, given the uniform. Matt’s best feature however, were his sparkling blue eyes. They were a beautiful shade of aquamarine and they sparkled in the light just like the jewel. “You done?” Santino barked. He stood next to Matt’s desk flicking through the papers. Matt studied him as he flicked through his work. He was sporting a frown but was feeling confident. “This is actually really good Matt.” “You sound surprised?” He replied. “I’m impressed.” Santino smirked, and pulled a folder from behind. “This is your next assignment. It’s different to anything you have ever done. One of our biggest cases right now. And we need you to catch her.” “Okay?” Matt stated, raising a quizzical brow at the comment. He took the file from Santino and opened up to the front page. Staring back at Matt was a screen-capture of a website. A beautiful women laid spread out across the front page, her creamy skin exposed. Her waist was tiny and her legs we’re to die for. What caught Matt’s attention though, was her face. She had beautiful golden chocolate eyes which seemed to stare right into the depths of his deep blue oceans. They were hooded, and seemed to hold so much mystery. He was speechless. Matt knew he was gay, but right now, this women had him captivated. Maybe it was the lingerie? He thought ideally. Matt started to flip through the case file, and the little that had already been gathered was quite telling of who this mysterious women was;  Name: Violet Chachki (Likely an alias)  Age: Unknown (Approx. 18 – 25)  Location: Unknown (Suspicion of an eastern time zone location)  Website: www.bloomingviolets.com Wanted for: Internet Prostitution. Alleged black market dealings. (Further charges may arise upon investigation)  “For now, just find out what you can online. She only comes out to play at night – as far as we know, and you can work from home. I’m switching your shift to nights while you are on the case. I need daily reports though. Got it? Catch her, no matter what. I’m counting on you Matt.” Santino patted Matt’s shoulder and walked away from his desk. Fuck my life. Matt groaned. “And remember, ALWAYS follow protocol!” _________________________________________________________ Reach and crack the sky With an open mouth, peace inside Matt became an officer of the law because he wanted to help people. He liked online crime because, quite frankly, he was lazy. Online cases meant he could do a lot of his work from home. Online evidence was hard to fight with in court, which made his job easier. Some 10 odd years ago, online crime wasn’t even a thing. But now, you could do just about anything online. Betting, robbing, trading illegal substances, and now, apparently prostitution. Matt looked down to his keyboard and typed. B-L-O-O-M-I-N-G-V-I-O-L-E-T-S-.-C-O-M He scoffed at the name and loaded the website. The figure from the screen capture stared back at him. Just like before, the beautiful women stared at him longingly. God, she is pretty. Those golden eyes. Matt tried to enter the website, but noticed that you had to create a profile. To create a profile, you had to link it to various social media sites and an email account. Fuck, she is careful. Matt spent most of the evening re-activating his alias Facebook and Instagram account’s. Luckily - as an officer of internet law, he was required to have all sorts of fake accounts. Linked to other officer’s with fake accounts. He found the whole thing irritating but it was the only way to catch perpetrators. Matt started to enter his “personal”, fake information, into the website. Please choose a screen name – Matt glanced around his small apartment, taking note of his décor. He loved the sea. He collected everything to do with the ocean. His favourite painting caught his attention. P-E-A-R-L. Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt stared at the video feed in front of him. It was currently paused with the announcement ‘Next live feed in 1 hour’ written across the still paused image. Matt studied the image, taking a screen capture, and printing it. Violet was good. Her background was very non-descript. The room was well lit, with a bed towards the back wall. The bed looked inviting, it was decorated with an array of pillows and blankets, all in different shades of purple. Above the bed hung a large photograph of the women herself. It was a black and white close up, you could clearly see all of the details on her face. She is gorgeous. The rest of the set up was plain. A leather office style chair was just to the side of the camera, with what Matt assumed, was a desk in front of it. The walls were painted a creamy colour. Perhaps a rented property? He couldn’t tell from the photo if it was inside a studio or a private residence. From the left side however, he did notice the change in lighting.
Large windows? Natural lighting? Matt made notes and started to navigate himself through the website. He noticed it had 4 tabs. Home. Videos. Images. Archive. Matt started with the ‘Images’ tab. He printed every photo, making more notes as he went. He noticed most of the photos seemed to be taken in the same location as where her live feed was set up. She wore many different outfits and posed in varying positions on the bed. None topless, or showing too much though – he pondered. Matt selected the ‘Videos’ tab and was greeted with only a handful of videos. He played each one and it was mostly very similar to the photos. Never nude, never showing too much skin. Damn, this might be harder than I thought. He clicked on ‘Archive’ and noticed a schedule for when Violet seemed to go live. She did sessions between 6pm and 3am – and then again from 6am – 8am. She was never consistent in her timings though. Why does she do two sessions? Matt noted down her schedule. He went to his small kitchenette to make himself a coffee and snack. He cracked his back a few times stretching as the coffee brewed. He then changed out of his work uniform and into sweatpants so he was more comfortable. Matt pulled his laptop over to the couch and waited for the live feed to begin. He found himself getting shaky with anticipation. Why am I nervous? Suddenly, the live feed started to move. He noticed that the look of the page also changed. The video grew larger and moved over to one side. Whereas, down the left hand side a text box appeared. At the top of the page he noticed all of the user’s whom were logged on and waiting. Violet Chachki has 389 viewers. The box read. Holy shit she’s popular. Matt sat back and watched the comments section explode. Trixie: OMG wat is she ganna wear. _SH3A: Where you at ho I want my show. FaMe: Violettttttt hurry uppp I need my fix. Matt watched the comments in fascination. Now he understood why this case was so hot. The comments kept coming in. All asking for the beauty to make an appearance. Matt’s eyes focused on the screen. He jumped a little when the women in question sat down on the desk chair. She pulled the chair up close to where the camera was situated, and pulled a keyboard out to sit on her lap. Fuck, she looks adorable. She wore her hair in soft waves around her cute face. A cream and pink coloured negligee-nighty style dress clung to her slim figure. The nightwear had an adorable pink coloured nightgown over the top to give her some coverage. Her make-up was minimal, with a little pink blush and eye shadow to bring the look together. She looked like a Japanese Lolita girl, and Matt was digging it.
She moved so she was sitting cross legged on the chair, and that was when he noticed that she was wearing white lacy knee high socks. She had on a pair of adorable pink fluffy slippers on her feet. Careful now - he warned himself. Violet, very considerately, placed headphones into her ears and moved a microphone over in front of her pink glossy lips. She fluttered her long lashes at the camera before speaking. “Hello everybody. What a lovely Tuesday it has been! I see a total of 9 new users today, so, welcome!” She spoke very clearly and carefully. She had an odd voice though. It sounded deeper than most women, but Matt was kind of digging it. “Now, just so you know how this works. I am going to explain. The first 10 minutes are free for everybody. After that, you must pay 10 dollars per half-hour to view my stream. Every so often, I may perform a private show. These are won on a bidding system, highest bidder wins my time for 10 minutes!” She spoke robotically, reciting the rules and guidelines of the website. Fuck, this shit is expensive. “So… What do you guys want to see from me today?” She asked. Matt glanced to the left hand side of the screen, scanning through the comments. butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: Fuck my pussy with a rake mom. Trixie: Show us your outfit! _SH3A: Shut up and get to bidding. FaMe: I got paid today! I can’t wait to get to bidding! Matt continued to read through the comments.  Gaysgodie: You are all disgusting faggots. Matt sat and stared at the comment for what felt like minutes.  What? Matt went back to looking at the different screen names. He noticed that a lot of the names were female.  Wait, was this a lesbian prostitution website? “Oh look guys, our regular troll ‘Gaysgodie’ is here again. Well, this bitch paid $100 this morning to watch me perform a private show. And we all know what goes down in private shows.” Violet said, winking at the camera. Matt was confused. He started to write notes like crazy. He knew that this case was different, but he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Oh look, Gaysgodie logged off. What a fool!” Violet giggled into the camera. Violet continued to converse with a few of the commenters for a couple of minutes. He noticed that she seemed to have favourites. She spoke about Trixie and someone she referred to as ‘Katya’ a lot. “Alright, hoe’s. We’re going to bid now. As always, this is how bidding works.” Violet moved another laptop down onto her lap. Matt noticed that the look of her page changed again, with a ‘Bid Now!’ box appearing underneath the bottom of the live feed. “The bid will last 30 seconds. You can only go up in 5 dollar jumps! Highest bidder wins! Everybody is eligible to bid today. So good luck!” Violet moved the second computer to her left. “Three, two, one! Bid” Suddenly, the bid screen went live. Matt hit a few buttons on his own laptop to record the process. He needed to understand how it worked so that he could do it at a later time. butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: $10 Trixie: $15 _SH3A: $20 FaMe: $25 Dax: $30 Matt watched in fascination as the total went up and up. A small sound alerted the end of the bidding session. “$275! Jesus!” – Matt exclaimed. “See you guys soon!” Violet winked and the live feed froze again. The comment section also disappeared. The words ‘Be back soon’ were pasted on top of the paused feed. Matt sat back. Studying Violet’s face. He noticed her eye’s the most. The golden brown orbs were mesmerizing. Something about her was really captivating his attention. She seemed so comfortable and confident in front of the camera. He couldn’t understand how someone, who was clearly so intelligent, was wasting their time on internet prostitution. What are you hiding? Matt sat back and continued to stare at Violet’s paused image for what felt like a lifetime. He felt his heart get warmer just staring into her golden eyes. He felt at peace. Careful, Matt. _________________________________________________________ American eyes Cherry cheeks and bloodshot eyes Matt was 3 days into the case. And he was now starting to realise why it was such a tricky one. Violet was VERY careful. She never moved the camera, she never spoke about her personal life, and she was strictly business. The only thing that Matt could muster up was that she must be somewhere in the same time zone as himself. Or, perhaps an hour either way. Matt lived in New York, and finding someone here was like finding a needle in a haystack. He had a feeling she was also in New York. He wasn’t sure why… She just seemed to give off the vibe. Call it a cop’s intuition. It was Friday night, and, instead of going out and partying with his co-workers or friends, he was sitting in front of a laptop; “Investigation: Internet Prostitution”. Fuck my life. Please enter your username. P-E-A-R-L
Please enter your password. V-I-O-L-E-T Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt sat back and scrolled through his phone, looking at what his friends were up to tonight. He didn’t have many friends, only a few. But they were all he needed. He liked a few of his friend Jake’s Instagram posts when he saw that Violet’s page had gone live. Violet Chachki has 11 viewers. Huh? That’s a drop from the rest of this week. Matt made a note that Friday was her least busy night to date. Violet came into the camera view. She was dressed a little differently than all of the other nights. Today, she wore a long bronzed wig, but had on quite heavy make-up. Her eyes were dusted with tones of deep maroon and orange. Her outfit was much more relaxed. She wore a black bra, and matching panties, with an open white men’s shirt over the top. She wore adorable thigh-high socks and her normal pink fluffy slippers. It was in that moment that Matt noticed how young and vulnerable she looked. How old are you Violet? “Hi everybody! It’s Friday night! Why aren’t you guys out having fun! I always say, never log in on a Friday! Go and get some trade!” Violet giggled into the camera and took a sip of her drink. Trixie: I’m just heading out, just wanted to say hey before I left! butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: coming for you Barbra! Trixie: Katya – stop being crazy! Dax: I’m also just stopping by, I have a Grindr date! >.< butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: Trixie, shut your hole. Dax. Be my date! Matt frowned at the comments. Grindr? What? Matt usually didn’t type in the comments. He didn’t want to get involved. But now, with so few people online, he felt like he needed to say something. “Let’s see who is online! Hi Trixie. Katya, have you taken your medication?” Violet raised a brow at the camera and Matt laughed to himself. He had noticed that this ‘Katya’ character was a tad crazy. “Humm, let’s see… Pearl! I haven’t seen you before. Are you new?” Violet stared into the camera, Matt felt like she was looking into his soul. God. Why did you have to be so pretty? Pearl: Hi That’s okay right? Violet started to laugh, really laugh. He thought that the sound was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Trixie: Hi Pearl! butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: Fuck me Pearl! Dax: Hi Pearl, welcome to the insanity. Matt chuckled to himself. “Yay! He types!” Violet clapped her hands in front of her like an excited child. Matt thought it was adorable. Matt then stopped - frowning to himself. Pearl: How do you know I’m a guy? He noticed that Violet frowned into the camera. He glanced to the left and noticed the comments explode. Trixie: Well, none of us are really women are we? butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: oohhhhhhhh Dax: aren’t we all guys??? Why would women be here LOL! Matt sat back confused. He decided not to type back a response. “Okay, I think it’s time to bid! Let’s go!” Matt didn’t participate in the bid, his mind was still a little clouded. So are they not women? Are they men? Perhaps transgender? Or… It was almost like a light was switched on in Matt’s brain. A spark was ignited. Was Violet a man? That would explain why he felt attraction towards her. Matt glanced back at the screen and had noticed that she had gone into a private session with somebody else. Knowing he had some time, he decided to make himself a snack and a drink. He re-read all of his information on her while he waited. Everything seemed to be falling into place. He had googled the name Violet Chachki and had no results back. He knew it wasn’t her real name, but he hadn’t imagined that Violet could have ever not been female. Santino’s head will explode with this news. Matt needed to know. “Hey, we are back!” Violet spoke into the camera. She looked exactly the same as she did before the private session. Matt really did wonder what went on in them. He glanced at the viewer count out of interest. It was nearing 12pm on a Friday. Violet Chachki has 2 viewers. butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: Bye bye baby, speak and see you tomorrow. Thanks for the private. 
Matt felt his heart speed up. Violet Chachki has 1 viewer. “Well – this is a tad awkward!” Violet giggled. Matt sighed. Pearl: You are awfully pretty. “Thank you, but I’m really nothing special… Not under all of this anyway.” She gestured to her body, and Matt couldn’t help but shake his head. Pearl: I’m sure you’re lovely. Matt was a little stuck on what to say. He didn’t want to outwardly ask for her gender. He felt conflicted. “So, tell me about yourself Pearl. Are you cute?” Violet brought her knee’s up as she spoke. She laid her head sideways and stared at the camera. Pearl: If I was a guy I wouldn’t kick me out of bed. Violet giggled. “Jeez, I bet you are a right heartbreaker.”  Pearl: Not intentionally, I just… Nevermind. “It’s okay. I don’t expect you to tell me anything. That isn’t why you are here anyways.” Violet looked down as she spoke. “Well, I guess I’m your cheap date tonight. You will get me for 5 dollars.” She sounded so sad when she spoke. It was a complete contrast to how she spoke in front of her larger audience. This is how I will get to her – Matt thought. But do I want to ‘get her’? Matt felt an internal struggle in his heart and brain. He stared at her features and noticed how broken and tired she appeared. He knew he had a duty, but he really didn’t want her to do anything she didn’t want too. “Okay – Let’s start the bid then.” Violet’s website transformed into its bidding interface and Matt nervously punched the amount in. Pearl: $5 The screen didn’t wait for the normal 30 seconds; instead, Matt was taken straight into the private screening session. It looked the same as the open one, except you couldn’t see any other users. The background on the webpage also changed to a deep red. Matt attempted to take a screen capture, but he didn’t have the heart to do it. Instead. He just sat and watched Violet. “So, what do you want me to do? We haven’t worked together before, so I’m not sure what you would like to see. Most guys want me to touch myself? Is that what you want Pearly?” Violet spoke seductively into the microphone. All Matt wanted to do was to tell her to stop. Pearl: No, I just… I dunno… “You paid your money. You are entitled to whatever you want.” Violet spoke carefully.  Pearl: Honestly, you are so beautiful… all I want to do is look at you.
Matt watched as Violet rolled her eyes.  Shit – stop being a pansy!
Pearl: Okay, I just kind of want to know what your website is about. I’m a gay guy and I had no idea this world even existed.
He watched as Violet’s features softened. She bit her lip as if she was thinking of the correct way to respond.
“Well, you know I’m a man. Many of the men that visit my website are either closeted or, just into it. It could be a fetish I guess. For me, I’m here because my family don’t know my sexuality or what I think about gender. So this is a way for me to make a living without judgement from them.”
Matt’s heart broke at hearing that she wasn’t out yet.
God, I hope she is old enough to be doing this. Otherwise, Santino is going to have a field day. “So, what are you into then? You only have a short amount of time remaining.” Violet smiled sweetly at the camera. He had to give her some credit. She was very good at her job.
He knew how easy it would be to just get her to undress and fuck herself. He could take the screen capture and that would be it. Line could be traced. Case closed. But as he sat and stared at her beautiful eyes, he couldn’t help but notice the red around them – which was clearly from tiredness, malnutrition, or a combination of the two.
… Or lack of love and self-worth.
Pearl: It’s okay – I’m not in the mood, I just wanted you to get your money :)
Matt felt like a pussy as he typed it. But – he just couldn’t do it.
Careful now – Matt Thought. _________________________________________________________ American eyes
See peace on earth and truth in lies
Matt actually had to go into the station today. He had a review meeting with Santino, and he would want to know what Matt had discovered so far.
He was dreading it.
Matt had a lot of information, it just probably wasn’t the information that Santino wanted.
He wasn’t even sure if he was going to inform Santino that Violet wasn’t a women.
Matt had been visiting her website, almost daily, for the past 2 weeks now. He often slept through her morning sessions, but her evening ones, they always garnered his attention.
He was noticing trends as well, Fridays and Saturdays were the least busy – and she only worked until she had too. In contrast, Sunday’s were the busiest. Last Sunday, one guy bid over 500 bucks for her time. Matt was gobsmacked.
He also realised that Wednesday’s were her early nights. She logged in at 6pm and was finished by 8pm. Matt knew that a lot of his local gay bars and clubs operated at their best on weekends and Wednesdays. This only made him suspect that Violet lived in New York even more.
Matt and Violet hadn’t conversed alone much. He didn’t want to become too attached, even though he found himself doing exactly that. Two nights ago, they had their first disagreement.
Pearl: Why do you do this? You are clearly intelligent enough to work elsewhere.
“Why are you so self-righteous Pearl? You are paying to view just like everyone else!” She responded.
Violet had got really mad, and Matt had quickly logged out.
It was now Monday morning and Matt couldn’t help but to think about his webcam crush and her beautiful eyes. He sat back in his chair while he sipped his morning coffee. He was lost in thought while he was stirring in the creamer, when he heard someone clear their throat above him.
“Matthew, can you please step into my office. I would like an update on Violet’s case?” Santino stated with a tone of authority.
Careful now. Always stick to protocol. No lies.
Matt got up from behind the desk and followed Santino into his office. Santino shut the door and sat behind his desk, casting a frown in Matt’s direction.
“By the look on your face, I’m going to assume it isn’t all good news then?” He quizzed.
“Not exactly. I have her schedule mapped out and I understand the bidding system. But she is very careful about not divulging any of her personal information. The amount the police provided me with to bid is never enough – she is very popular.”
Lie.  Matt scolded himself inwardly as he broke one of his own warnings. In all honesty – Matt hadn’t even used any of the police stations allowance to bid. He knew that if he did, they would expect the money shot. The screen-capture which would bring her down.
“We will up the allowance effectively immediately. Keep going Matt – if we still know nothing in a few weeks, we may have to try a different tactic.” Santino smirked at Matt but he was afraid to ask what the different tactic could entail.
He stood and left Santino’s office feeling even more confused than before they spoke. He knew he had a job to do. But, he couldn’t help but wonder how Violet had gotten so desperate to do such a job.
More than anything, he just wanted to help her.
It wasn’t till the following Saturday that Matt even had much of a chance to talk to Violet. Whenever he was due to work – she was constantly in privates, and when he knew she would be less busy, his friends insisted on dragging him out to the clubs.
“Dude, you seriously need to get laid.” Jake stated while he handed Matt more shots. Matt was the king of getting dick whenever he wanted it. But lately, he just wasn’t feeling it. He even found himself staring at guys who resembled Violet in the hopes that he might find her. Knowing full well she was working. But he didn’t care. He just wasn’t into it.
Grow a pair you idiot.
Matt glanced at the all too familiar computer screen once more.
Please enter your username. P-E-A-R-L
Please enter your password. V-I-O-L-E-T Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt swung around on his desk chair like a child. Admittedly, he was slightly drunk. He couldn’t help it. He decided to blame Jake. Santino would kill him if he knew that Matt was visiting the website not during working hours - but also when he was intoxicated. However, Matt couldn’t help it. He had been thinking about her all night. Violet Chachki has 1 viewer.
“Oh hey Pearl, I was just about to go. You are on pretty late! Do you want a private?” Matt smiled as Violet spoke to him. He felt like she was staring into his soul.
Pearl: Fuk yess.
Matt typed his $5 bid into the bid box and was quickly entered into the private session. This was only his second time in a private with her. He knew he should feel nervous, but the alcohol was clearly giving him confidence.
“So – we haven’t done this before, what do you want me to do to myself Pearly.”
Matt glanced down at his crotch and noticed that he was becoming aroused.
Fuck protocol.
Pearl: I wantt u to duck yrself
Matt knew he was drunk typing. But he didn’t care. He wanted to see Violet in her most beautiful state. He had been thinking about it since the first time he saw her. When it came to Violet, all rational thinking seemed to leave his brain.
Violet giggled as she read what he typed.
“Is someone a little bit drunk?” Violet asked, she sipped on a milkshake that had cream on the top, and then proceeded to lick her lips. Matt found the entire thing so erotic that he nearly blew his load just from looking at her. With shaky hands, he replied.
Pearl: Mayb my friends took me out to get som but I wasn’t feelin it.
“Well, I’ll make you feel everything you desire baby. You ready?” Violet put her milkshake to one side and stood up from the desk chair. She moved back to the bed and removed her panties.
Matt was gobsmacked, as she laid back slightly on the bed. Her dick was hanging limply between her legs. She spoke seductively.
“Like what you see.” Violet winked at the camera and Matt just growled. He started to touch himself as she took one of her fingers into her mouth and sucked on it. She then moved so her legs were spread out on the bed, with the camera facing her front on. Matt had a clear view of her hole and it was driving him mental.
Violet began to finger herself, sliding a single finger, in and out. Slowly.
Fuck. Matt groaned as he released his own dick from the confines of his pants and boxers. He was fully erect. He could currently see that Violet wasn’t aroused. But Matt didn’t care.
That was when Matt noticed the change to Violet’s page. Suddenly, he could see that his own camera had gone live. Luckily for Matt, he had previously put tape over the camera out of fear that someone might ever want to spy on him. Matt let go of his dick and stared at the screen in confusion. He reached for the keyboard to type when he heard Violet speak. “C’mon Pearly. I will give you a better time if I get to see you.” Violet was still fingering her hole. Only now, he noticed that her dick was starting to become harder. Fuck protocol. Matt angled his laptop screen down so that she wouldn’t be able to see his face. He then ripped off the tape from his camera and took a hold of his dick once more. “Yes!” Violet moaned. Her moaning only spurred Matt on more, and he continued to pump his dick. Up and down. Matt’s pumps soon gained a rhythm that matched Violet as she moved her fingers in and out of herself. He also discovered that she was now fully erect also. He could feel his balls starting to tighten, so he slowed down a little to admire Violet in her most vulnerable state. She looked beautiful. He noticed that her lips were parted slightly with the nape of her neck on show. Matt wanted nothing more than to kiss her neck right now. His eyes moved down her stunning body and stopped on her dick and ass. She looked painfully hard and it only stirred him on more. “Come for me Pearly.” Violet whispered seductively, and that was the final straw for Matt as he blew his load all over himself. He noticed that soon after, Violet came apart. Writhing on the bed as her cum dribbled down her length and onto her hand. Fuck. What did I do? Matt got up and stumbled away from his laptop. He suddenly felt much more sober. He cleaned himself up and put a new piece of tape over his camera. As he sat down in front of his laptop, Matt noticed that the private session had ended, and his camera screen had now disappeared. Violet Chachki has 1 viewer. Matt stared at the viewer icon while he waited for Violet to re-appear. He noted mentally that she was taking far longer than she had before when she has exited privates. Soon, she re-appeared, with just a loose kimono style nightgown wrapped around her petite body. “Hey, sorry. That doesn’t usually happen.” Violet spoke very daintily and carefully. Matt was certain she looked unsure of herself. Pearl: What do u mean? Matt felt his heart speed up as he awaited a response. “I don’t usually come when I’m on camera. I just show what people want to see. I never get off.” Matt just stared at her on the screen. He didn’t know what to say. “Fuck! No! I didn’t mean that I just… I have to go.”  Suddenly, her screen was blank and Matt had never felt more confused. Who are you Violet? _________________________________________________________ Violet, trying to start your riot Time to get on with it and go So the world will always know Last night was blurry. Matt remembered going out. He remembered drinking. But after that… He could only put bits and pieces together of what happened. He remembered going on camera to Violet. She had officially seen his cock. Strangely, that didn’t bother him. Violet seemed to cause Matt to feel things that he didn’t even know he could feel. The only thing that bothered him was that he was stupid enough to have done it on his company laptop. God I’m an idiot. It was now 10am. Matt was standing in the computer shop, staring at laptops. This was the last place he wanted to be on a Sunday. However, if he wanted to talk to Violet the way he wanted too, he couldn’t do it on his work issued computer. He could feel beads of sweat starting to build on the back of his neck. He hadn’t owned his own computer in years. He has always managed to sponge one from work.
I’m so stupid – He thought. Of all of the scenario’s he imagined buying his own laptop, he didn’t think it would be this one. Even though he had taken the plunge and bought the laptop. He hadn’t had the courage to set it up. In fact, he hadn’t done much of anything for the remainder for his Sunday. He was afraid to log into his work laptop, out of fear that they would find out what he had done. Additionally, he didn’t want to set up his new laptop because then he would want to log into Violet’s site. He wouldn’t be able to use his police alias, in case it ever got back to him, and then he would get into even more trouble. The entire situation was a mess, and Matt hated it. Monday morning rolled around much quicker than he would have liked, and once again, he was sitting in front of Santino, giving him an update. Only this time, he had barely anything new to report. “Matthew, I gave you this case because I thought you would be the man to crack it. Perhaps I should give it to someone else.” Matt felt his heart speed up. No – if Santino gives the case to someone else, they might find her and arrest her. “No, I’m sorry. This has just been an off week. I will 100% catch Violet.” Matt looked Santino dead in the eye. He felt sick as he spoke. “Fantastic, then you are dismissed. And remember…” “Always follow protocol – Yes Sir.” Matt nodded his head at Santino and left the office.  _________________________________________________________ Violet, you and your fucked up riot It’s time to get on with it and go So the world will always know Wednesday rolled round fairly quick. Matt had been grabbing screen-captures of Violet whenever he could. Monday and Tuesday’s were always so busy though. He never won a bid. He wasn’t exactly trying to win at the same time, he knew as soon as he won, he would have to get the money shot, and god did he not want to do that. Everything is so fucked up. Tonight however, his friends were dragging him out to get drunk, and hopefully - laid. Matt was so focused on Violet that he hadn’t realised that it had been a really long time since he had been intimate with anybody. Matt was hoping that being able to blow off some steam, literally, would help him get back to being focused on the case. Matt poured himself a glass of wine as he logged into Violets site. After last time, he knew he shouldn’t drink on the job, but fuck it. He was going out in an hour, and if he didn’t already have one drink down him, he would never hear the end of it from Jake. Matt glanced at the familiar computer screen again.
Please enter your username. P-E-A-R-L
Please enter your password. V-I-O-L-E-T Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt squinted at the viewer count, and groaned. Violet Chachki has 135 viewers.
Matt took a screen capture and noted the view count. It wasn’t overly busy, but it wasn’t overly quiet. Matt knew this was the ideal time to bid. For some reason. He felt nervous. Like a robot, he watched Violet as she started to recite the rules and guidelines of how to bid. Before he knew it, the bidding screen had opened. “Three, two, one! Bid” Suddenly, the bid screen went live. He felt bile rise in his throat as he watched the amount start to accumulate. butyourdadjustcallsmekatya: $10 _SH3A: $15 Jaymezee: $20 Dax: $25 FaMe: $30 Matt took a deep breath. Pearl: $35 Matt continued to watch the screen as the countdown continued to get lower, and lower. Before he knew it, he only had seconds to bid. 5.
Pearl: $105 1. Matt swore his heart had stopped as he was taken into the private bidding screen.  Violet smiled warmly at the screen. “Hey Pearly.” She breathed. Matt swore he felt his heart break. Pearl: Hey Matt’s fingers hovered nervously over the record keys on his laptop. It killed him to do it, but he hit them, and then downed the rest of his wine. “What do you want me to do today?” Matt panicked, he couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He was about to possibly get someone arrested, who was clearly struggling. He suddenly felt an explosion go off in his brain. With shaky hands, he turned the recording function off, and began to type. Pearl: I’m so sorry Violet. I think you are beautiful and do not take this personally, but I have to go. Matt then did something he hadn’t done before. Pearl: X Matt held down the power key, and his laptop shut off. I’ll blame it on a power cut. Matt poured himself another glass of wine, downed it, grabbed his coat, and headed out the door. _________________________________________________________ Then you’ll come to me With a bitter wind, in agony
Matt awoke in the early hours of Thursday morning, feeling well and truly sorry for himself. Once again, he hadn’t managed to hook up with anybody. Everybody just seemed so, bland. He kept finding himself looking for golden eyes in the crowd, and he was always greeted with nothing but disappointment. Matt rolled onto his back and glanced at the clock.  5am.  Why am I awake so early? He groggily sat up, feeling a wave of nausea hit him as he did. He wrapped the duvet around himself and made his way to the bathroom. A while later, once he was feeling slightly more human. He again found himself staring at the log in screen to Violets page. He had never visited her website in the morning before. It felt odd. Why does this feel different? Matt sighed as he entered his information to gain access to the website.
Please enter your username. P-E-A-R-L
Please enter your password. V-I-O-L-E-T Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt squinted at the viewer count, and sighed. Violet Chachki has 5 viewers. Thank god I am not the only viewer. He glanced at the viewer’s online and found that he didn’t recognise any of the screen-names. What? Bob: Violet. Can you just get to bidding already? I need my shit. Th0rgy: No! I need it more! AcidTrippBetty: Shut the fuck up and let her get to bidding you fucktards. AleXXXis: Who is Pearl? Matt didn’t recognise any of the user’s screen names, and Violet wasn’t currently on screen. The live feed was paused. And why were they asking who he was? Why does it feel like I have walked in on something that I shouldn’t have?
Matt just sat back and waited for Violet to appear. The chat went fairly quiet and nobody was really saying anything of interest. Matt’s police instinct took over slightly, so he grabbed a screenshot of the chat and printed it, just in case his intuition turned out to be correct. Minutes later, Violet appeared. Matt felt his features soften at seeing her. She didn’t look much different. He noticed that her make-up didn’t seem as tidy, but apart from that, she still looked perfect to him. Violet placed her headset on her head and tucked her legs under herself. “Morning bitches.” She then seemed to stop and stare at the computer screen, a frown gracing her features. Matt bit his lip, frozen. “Pearl, why are you here?” Violet asked, very directly. She sounded angry which startled him. Pearl: Because I pay subscription? Matt wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to say. He sat back and waited, tapping his foot. “Pearl is a first time customer for morning sessions so he get’s this private. Sorry ‘bout it.” Violet spoke so direct and robotically, much like how she did when he first encountered her. Matt found it extremely odd. Suddenly, he was pulled into the private screen without entering any kind of bid. What is going on? “You idiot, why are you here in the morning? What the fuck are you doing?” Violet’s nostril’s flared as she spoke. Matt had never seen her so pissed off. Matt ensured that the tape was over his camera before he started to type. Pearl: I wasn’t aware that I couldn’t log on during the day? What is your deal? Matt breathed heavily while he watched her reading his response. “You can’t be here during the day. These guys, they are a different crowd to the night bunch. They want…” Violet looked down as she spoke. Matt noticed how broken she looked. He was confused. Pearl: Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong? Matt felt his heart break as he watched a tear slip down her face. “These guys… they just want different things than the night crowd. I do different things… I provide different services. I wish I could explain but I really shouldn’t. I know the cops are after me. I bring in a lot of money for doing stuff that I shouldn’t. Someone in New York is after me because my security systems have alerted me to it.” Violet was picking at her nails as she spoke. At the mention of the police, Matt felt his heart stop. “Just, don’t log on during the morning okay? I don’t want you to think of me as the bad guy.” Violet looked up, staring directly into the camera. Matt felt tear’s pricking at his eyes at the sight of her so sad. Pearl: I could never think you are a bad person Violet. Just lost, or maybe desperate. We all do questionable stuff when we are desperate. Just, be careful. Okay? Matt could see his hands visibly shaking as he typed. “I always am. Do you mind logging off as soon as you leave this session?”  Pearl: Of course. See you later. “Bye Pearl.” Pearl: Bye Beautiful x Matt logged off and sat back, running his hand over his face in exasperation. Fuck, what else is she doing online? _________________________________________________________ Clean the sea you’ll see The sky is lost in the company Matt knew he was in trouble. As soon as he arrived at work, there was a note on his desk, asking him to see Santino. IMMEDIATLY. Matt gulped as he sat in front of Santino. He nervously tapped his foot in anticipation.
“Matthew, I gave you the Violet case because I thought you would be the one to crack it. Now however, I am not so sure.” Santino rose and moved over to sit on the desk, next to Matt. “I swear Santino – I really am trying. I am so close to cracking it.” Matt could feel the sweat building on his brow as he spoke. He knew, that as soon as the case was handed to someone else, that they would be able to figure out that Violet wasn’t a women, and that he had been keeping that from them. “It’s not good enough Matthew.” Santino spoke sternly, narrowing his eyes at him. Matt gulped. Fuck, just give him a crumb. “Santino – Just let me have longer. Look, here is some information I have gathered just over the past few days! I swear, I think I’m close!” Matt shakily handed over the case file of what he had on Violet so far. Or, at least what Santino thought Matt had on her so far. Fuck.  Matt began to nervously bounce his leg up and down again while Santino flicked through the case file.  “Interesting.” Santino stated. “But still, not enough. I’m going to bring Detective Donigan on the case to work with you. That way, we should have enough evidence by the weeks end.” Santino sounded cold as he spoke. The weeks end! “What? no! We will need more time! Trust me, she isn’t an easy one to crack.” Matt felt like he was fighting a losing battle. The only thing he could think about now was running home as fast as he could to tell Violet to get away from her website and never look back. “I know this, which is why I thought I’d put my best men on it. Now, take this case file to Detective Donigan and please brief him on everything you have gathered thus far. You will both operate at separate times, this way, we can watch her almost all of the time. Goodbye Matthew.” Santino got up and held his office door open to Matt. He quickly snatched the case file off the table and marched out of Santino’s office. Fuck Donigan. I need to get home. Matt put the case file through the shedder, grabbed his jacket, and ran home as fast as his legs could carry him. _________________________________________________________ American eyes See good on earth and truth in lies As quickly as Matt could, he made his way home to his apartment. When he got home however, he realised it was only 3pm, hours before Violet was due to log in. For the next few hours, Matt busied himself destroying all of the evidence that he had gathered on Violet. The only thing left was his laptop, which was going to be the most challenging to wipe. Matt did some research on his own laptop, trying to find places that would be able to take care of it for him. But, he was failing with no such luck.
He was also trying to come up with some kind of story as to WHY all of his evidence had disappeared. So far, he was coming up blank. Fuck, why did I have to fall for her? I should have just stuck to protocol!
Wait. Fall for her?
Matt felt stricken with panic, as the reality of the situation was starting to sink in. He had fallen for a man, whom he had never met, online. And he didn’t even know what this man truly looked like. He had never been so confused. This wasn’t who Matt was. He wasn’t a lair. He wasn’t anti-social. And he certainly wouldn’t break the law. With a heavy heart, he sat down in front of the laptops, growling at them slightly with resentment. I should have known. 
It was, once again, Friday night. And Matt was sitting in front of his laptop’s. He booted up his work laptop, and his personal laptop simultaneously. He couldn’t delete the Pearl profile yet. He needed to, somehow, inform Violet that she was in danger, while not alerting the police to suspicion. Fuck. Please enter your username. P-E-A-R-L
Please enter your password. V-I-O-L-E-T Welcome to Violet Chachki’s page. Matt squinted at the viewer count, and sighed. It was still only 6pm, and even though it was a Friday, the viewer count wasn’t as low as he would like. Violet Chachki has 7 viewers. He glanced at the list, he would need to find out what Detective Donigan’s alias would be. He didn’t know the detective that well, which wasn’t helpful. However, luck seemed to be on his side, as she only had 1 viewer whose name he didn’t recognise.
Wait. 1 new viewer? Fuck, is that Donigan? Violet was speaking, very politely, to the new viewer. Matt felt his stomach drop, knowing who she might possibly be talking to was driving him insane. He glanced at the chat to see if the username gave anything away.  Milk: Oh Violet, you are so cute. I cannot wait to get you on your own. Milk? What kind of name is that? Matt started typing when he heard Violet speak his name. It was like music to his ears. “Oh hey Pearly. How are you gorgeous?” Matt smiled at her calling him gorgeous, but now was not the time to feel  flattered. He needed to get her into a private as soon as he could. Pearl: Hey Vi, quick private before I go out? Matt never would normally directly ask for a private. But he needed to try and get her on her own as quickly as he could. She didn’t respond, and that made Matt nervous. Milk was continuously flirting with her through the chat and it was driving Matt insane.  “Alright, this bid is about to get heavy!  Start your engines, and may the best bidder win!” Violet winked at the camera as the bid went live. Matt was prepared to win this bid. No matter what. Milk: $10 Pearl: $15 Milk: $20 Pearl: $25 Milk: $30 Pearl: $35 “Woah – looks like it’s only a two horse race tonight!” Violet giggled.
Matt’s heart was racing, he could feel sweat building up on his brow in anticipation. The possibility of losing the bid was killing him. He waited until the final possible second before submitting is final bid.  Pearl: $75 He then sat back and glared at the screen. Praying that he would be the final bid. He glanced at the countdown and noticed that it had 1 second left till it would be over. Oh no. Milk: $80 Milk has entered a private session with Violet Chachki. “NO!” Matt yelled, grabbing the laptop and throwing it at the wall opposite.  Everything is over. All of the possible scenarios were running through his head at Olympic speed. What if Milk caught her straight away? What if she was convicted and put in prison? What if he was called to testify? What if he ended up in prison too? Matt couldn’t take it and he broke down. Tears were flowing like waterfalls and he didn’t know what to do. In times of crisis, he often went to his friends. But how could he possibly explain any of this to his friends? Matt was lost. Once his breathing returned to normal. He stomped back over to where his laptop had fallen and opened it up. He was at least going to try and warn Violet. He knew that as soon as Donigan had the evidence, he would track her location and she would be put under arrest. He would need to warn her straight away. Matt was shaking while he waited for her to be done with her private. Strangely, as soon as he logged back in, he noticed he was the only person online, and the session was already over? Pearl: Hey, I need to talk to you. Can you put us into a private? Matt knew he sounded desperate. But he has asked to talk to her privately twice now, surely she would realise that what he needed to say was important? Violet looked like she has been crying when she finally made eye contact. Her make-up was running slightly and her nose was red. Pearl: Hey, are you okay?  The seconds Matt waited felt like minutes of silence. Pearl: Vi? Answer me. Go into a private now. She still didn’t respond. She looked so broken. Fuck, did she know? Matt then noticed the bid screen go live, only this time, he didn’t even have to submit a bid before he was taken to the private screen.  Pearl: Violet, I have to ask you, did you take your clothes off, and show your body to that Milk person? Matt sat back and awaited a response. Violet still wasn’t moving. “I’m such an idiot. Detective Matthew James Lent.” Violet’s voice broke as she spoke the last part, and Matt’s brain froze. He didn’t know what to do or what to say. He just kept staring at her, speechless. Knowing that she knew who he was, he ripped the tape off of his camera and showed his face for the first time. Violet’s brow crossed and he swore she looked even sadder than before. Matt then turned his microphone on and asked: “Can you hear me?” Matt’s voice was shaky. He was so afraid. “Yes.” She whispered. “Violet, I am so sorry. And I would love to explain to you who I am and why this is so messed up. And I would love to know how you figured me out. But, I cant right now because I fear that you are not safe.” Matt explained. Choosing his words very carefully. He didn’t want to upset her any further. “What do you mean?” Violet queried. “Your last private? I have suspicion that Milk was a detective. Meaning, if you exposed yourself on camera, that he may have taken evidence, and it could be enough to arrest you.” “Oh.” She didn’t even seem phased. Matt’s brow knit in confusion. “No, I didn’t, he was just asking about any new customers whom I have been getting close to. That’s when it all kind of clicked that you were the original officer sent to arrest me. His time ran out – obviously, he didn’t do his research and didn’t realise that he only had 10 minutes. As soon as he logged off I banned his username, like I always do, when anyone is suspicious.” Violet explained. “Thank god. You are safe. For now, but you must stop Violet. I have destroyed all evidence on you, so they will have to start from scratch. But, they will send in as many officers as they need to catch you.” Matt felt his heart breaking for her. “I cant though, I need the money and I don’t know what else to do with myself.” Violet hugged her knees to her chest, as tears started to fall. “God I wish I could comfort you.” Matt breathed, not realising what he said. “I wish you could too.” She replied. “You know I can’t log into the website anymore right?” He stated. “I know.” Her voice sounded so small and tiny. He had never seen her look so vulnerable. “Violet, be safe okay. You are clearly intelligent if you found out who I was before I found out your real name. Please, use that intelligence. God, you would make a fantastic cop.” Matt laughed to himself at the irony. He noticed that she cracked a small smile. “Are you on your work computer?” She asked. “Yeah, why?” He responded. “God, you are so dumb. They could be recording this entire conversation. I was going to tell you my real name, but I can’t. I need to keep myself safe Matt.” Her lip quivered. “So, this is goodbye?” He asked. He hadn’t even thought that they could be recording all of his interactions with her remotely
Fuck, I’m doomed. “I guess. Goodbye Pearl.” Violet’s eyes were watery again. “Goodbye Violet, you are the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.” Matt could feel his own eyes starting to water. Not wanting to end on a sad note. He winked at the camera and she giggled. He then pressed and held the power button before the computer turned off. As soon as that was done, he walked into the kitchen and placed the computer on the floor, before grabbing a hammer from under the sink and smashing it into pieces. Matt laid back on the tiles and cried for what felt like days. _________________________________________________________ Violet, time to start your riot Time to get on with it and go So the world will always know Matt could hear the sirens as he laid on the kitchen floor. The past few hours were a blur. After Matt composed himself, he bounced straight into action. He then ran from his apartment as quickly as he could, dumping his laptop into the river on his way to the bar. He picked a fight with a butch looking bear-type and proceeded to get punched in the face numerous times. Then hurried back to his apartment and trashed it. Making it look like a burglary. He then laid on the floor, and phoned the police. Weeping into his phone. “This is detective Lent. I have been robbed, please send someone.” This is the biggest lie that Matt has ever told. But, what calmed him was that at least it would be his last. Matt was then escorted into an interview room. Santino stood over him with a frown on his face. “They only took your work laptop? And some jewellery that was on you? Isn’t it weird that they didn’t take your other computer?” Santino questioned. Matt’s heart sank at this realisation.  “My other laptop wasn’t in view. I think they just didn’t see it. “Do you think it has something to do with the case?” Detective Donigan asked. Matt frowned at Donigan. “No, it wasn’t Violet. She has slim build. This man was big and bulky.” Matt hoped that they believed him. Of course, they would never find the culprit. “We can check the buildings security cameras. But you said they came through the window?” Santino questioned. “Yeah, they did, and they left through the window too.” Matt lied. “Or, at least I think they did, I was fairly zoned out by that point.” Matt explained, as he removed the ice pack from his face, which was starting to turn 10 shades of purple with the bruises that were forming. “Okay, well, I think it goes without saying that you are off the Violet case Matthew.” Santino crossed his arms as he spoke. “I figured.” Matt sighed. “You don’t seem too fussed, before, you seemed so desperate to stay on it.” Santino stated. “I’ll be honest Santino. This case has made me realise that perhaps, the police, or being a detective, isn’t my calling. Perhaps I was meant for something different.” Matt glanced at Santino, who just looked confused. “So, I am handing in my resignation as of today.” Matt handed the envelope to Santino, and he snatched it from Matt’s hand. “Fine, you can leave. Best of luck. And we will keep you updated on the robbery.” Santino left the room leaving Matt alone with Donigan. “You found out everything about her. Right Matt? That’s why you are giving up the case so easily?” Donigan questioned. “Not everything, but enough to not want to catch her.” Matt explained, with tears in his eyes. He then stood, and left the room. “Donigan, be kind if you do find her. She’s just trying to make ends meet. Like we all are.” Matt said, before turning quickly on his heels and leaving. Matt wondered who Violet was every single day. He even searched for her website, to find it no longer existed. This made Matt extremely happy, but sad at the same time. He then wondered, where was she? What was she doing if it wasn’t working online? He tried looking for the golden chocolate eyed beauty everywhere he went. Every time he went to get his computer fixed, he hoped he would bump into her. Every time we went out to find a hook-up, he hoped it would be her. Every time he scrolled through Grindr, he hoped he would match with her. He never found her though. Over the next year, he set about re-constructing his own life. He now worked in a youth hostel. Helping young kids find their own way. He loved it. He always told each of the kids that he got to work with, that he started working in the hostel because of “one kid that got away that he couldn’t help”.  Every day, his boss would tell him. “You can’t save them all Matthew, you need to let go.” He couldn’t though. He didn’t know if he would ever let go of not thinking about Violet. He loved working with young people though. It wasn’t nearly as demanding as being a cop, and on weekends, he even had the chance to get back into art. He was now selling portraits online and he was happy. The only thing that still haunted him was not knowing what happened to Violet. _________________________________________________________ Violet, you and your fucked up riot It’s time to get on with it and go So the world will always know A year and a half had passed, and Matt was finally starting to get over Violet. He still thought about her, always keeping an eye out for her beauty. But, she didn’t consume him anymore. He had started to hook up with random guys again, and this made his friends happy. Jake stood next to him in the club, with one arm slung around him. It was Jake’s birthday, and he was fairly wasted. Matt however, was only 2 drinks in and still felt fairly sober. “It’s my birthday Matty… We have to get you to go home with someoneeee.” Jake whined, handing Matt a shot as he did so. “No, we have to get YOU to go home with someone. C’mon.” Matt grabbed Jake’s hand and dragged him over to the bar. “I’ll be your wingman – anyone tickle your fancy.” He asked, scanning the club. Jake’s eyes were glazed over slightly.  “I dunno, what about him?” Jake stated, pointing to a slim guy with dark hair. He was slightly tanned and dressed with heavy influence of 90s grunge. “He is cute, go talk to him.” Matt nudged. “I dunno, I think he may be option B because that cutie over there has totally got my attention.” Jake stated, nudging Matt in the shoulder and pointing over to a different guy. Matt froze. He felt the hairs stand up on the back of his head, as he stared at the guy from across the club. He wore his hair up in a bun, with a cute white t-shirt and floral printed shorts. He finished his outfit with a pair of adorable pink glasses. Matt’s mouth went dry as he stared. It was the man’s features however, that had him captivated. He had a long pointed nose that lead down to the most delicious looking lips. Matt couldn’t see the man’s eyes under his glasses, but he would bet they were golden brown. Jake nudged him out of his daydream and the words that left his mouth were sobering. “I think I’m going to go and buy him a drink.” Jake stated, as soon as he went to walk away, Matt grabbed his arm and pleaded Jake with his eyes. “Please don’t.” Matt begged, Jake’s brow creased in confusion. “Why not? He’s a cutie!” Jake pouted in protest. Matt had told Jake about Violet once, it was just after he had quit his job and he felt vulnerable after a night of shots. Jake had never brought it up since. “Because, he isn’t cute. He is beautiful, and I need to go and tell him.” Matt stated, before he moved over to the bar. He could hear Jake yelling his name behind him but he didn’t care. He needed to know if the man standing across the bar, whom he had not stopped thinking about for the past year and a half, was in fact Violet Chachki. “Umm I hate to be so forward, but, you are gorgeous and I wanted to ask if you would like a drink.” Matt was staring at his feet as he spoke, he was afraid to look up. “Sure, can I have a vodka and diet coke?” he replied, Matt knew that voice. He would recognise it from anywhere. He finally glanced up just as he was removing his glasses from his face. He tucked them into the collar of his shirt and Matt felt a heat burn in his pants.  “Thank you. Matt.” He smiled, and Matt could have sworn his heart exploded with happiness. As quickly as he could, he grabbed the man’s face and kissed him with more passion than he had ever kissed anyone before. They kissed for what felt like a lifetime, before Matt broke away and whispered; “I finally found you.” He kissed the man again, only this time, much more tenderly. “What on earth is your name?” Matt begged. “Jason. Jason Dardo.” The man replied, holding his hand out for Matt to shake. Matt took it and shook it carefully. He then brought Jason’s hand to his mouth, and kissed it tenderly. “Beautiful.” He said again. “Wanna’ get out of here?” He asked. “Fuck yes.” Jason replied. _________________________________________________________ You go go go You go go go Matt kicked the door closed to his apartment as he pushed Jason up against the wall. Jason was moaning into Matt’s mouth and it was driving him insane. Matt could feel Jason’s erection against his own crotch and it only spurred him on more. “Wait a sec, I wanna play you something.” Matt said, kissing down Jason’s neck. “What is it?” Jason asked, holding Matt’s hand as he dragged him over to his stereo. Jason laughed at Matt slightly and Matt frowned. “Why are you laughing?” Matt said, while he placed a CD into the stereo. “You still have CD’s. Fuck, you are old.” Jason laughed as he spoke and Matt found it adorable. “Don’t act like you aren’t digging it.” He stated, winking at Jason as he said it. He then stepped towards Jason as he started to kiss him again. “For the past year and a half, I would listen to this song. I feel like it summed you up so perfectly. And, whenever I would listen to this song, I would think about how good you would feel around me. Are you ready?” Matt whispered seductively into Jason’s ear as he spoke to him. Jason could feel his whole body starting to tingle. “Fuck yes I’m ready.” Jason stated, just as the opening guitar riff started to play in the song. Jason then pulled back and looked at Matt, smiling. “No fucking way!”  “What?” Matt asked, still kissing Jason’s neck. He was now pulling Jason’s top over his head. “I called myself Violet because of this song.” Jason stated, looking down. Matt then took Jason’s chin in his hand and forced him to look at him. “Then that explains why you are so perfect Pumpkin.” “Jason just stared, while Matt continued to trail kisses down his torso. He was gentle until Jason was begging for more. It was only then that Matt let him truly have it. He was putty in Matt’s hands and he loved it. Jason stripped the rest of his clothes off so that he was completely nude. He noticed Matt’s dick at this point, making a tent in his pants and wanted nothing more than to make him feel good. He pushed Matt over to the bed and climbed on top of him. His kisses were still slightly nervous as he was still learning how Matt liked to be kissed. Jason turned around so that his asshole was right near Matt’s face. Matt smirked as Jason took all of Matt’s length into his own hot mouth. Matt moaned at the contact, hissing as Jason moved his mouth up and down his shaft. Matt hadn’t been blown in a really long time, and he was afraid that he might blow his load too early. Jason didn’t care though, and he pumped Matt’s dick with his mouth, moving up and down, over and over. “Fuck.” He moaned, before he shot his load inside Jason’s mouth. Jason swallowed every gulp, before pushing himself up slightly so that Matt could start to open him up. “I’m assume you are the bottom in this situation?” Matt asked. Jason laughed slightly before replying. “Do I look like I have ever topped anything in my life?” He laughed at Jason’s honesty in such a vulnerable moment. Matt couldn’t help but feel like they had done this before. Maybe, he had dreamt about this so much it was although they had made love a million times. Matt continued to open Jason up, inserting one finger to begin with, and then more. Jason moaned in pleasure at the feeling. He could feel his dick hardening as Matt continued to fuck him with his fingers, so he just moaned in pleasure as a response. He felt Matt move behind him on the bed, and could feel the familiar feeling of cold lube around his asshole. He turned to look at Matt as he placed a rubber over his length. Jason thought Matt looked perfect. His eyes were mesmerising and he was definitely the most handsome man he had ever seen. Jason felt like he had hit the jackpot. Soon, Matt was pressing his dick into Jason’s asshole and he swore he saw stars. Matt started to pound into him. Hard and fast, just the way he liked it. Matt rammed into Jason as hard as he could. He soon found his prostate, and kept tapping at it over and over, which was making Jason make the most animalistic noises. Jason came fairly quickly, shooting his load all over the bed sheet below. Matt took a little longer, and he flipped Jason around so that he was facing him. He kissed Jason tenderly as he entered Jason over and over. Jason reached underneath Matt and inserted a finger into Matt’s hole. This was what Matt needed and he soon reached his own orgasm. Moaning Jason’s name over and over again. “I am so glad we found each other.” Matt whispered, while he trailed circles around Jason’s nipple ring. “Same.” Jason agreed, kissing Matt tenderly. “I don’t feel like a fucked up riot, now that I have found you.” He whispered, taking Matt’s hand in his own. “We can be fucked up together? We have so much to talk about. But, we have the rest of our lives to figure all that shit out.” Matt said, stroking Jason’s cheek as he looked into his eyes. They kissed, and made love for the second time that night. And they were both right. They had from now until forever to figure it out. You go go go You go go go Song: Hippo Campus – Violet.
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sunnydawn444 · 7 years
New Post has been published on Sunny Dawn Johnston
New Post has been published on http://sunnydawnjohnston.com/blog/are-you-a-night-owl-or-a-lark-how-i-changed-from-one-to-the-other/
Are you a Night Owl or a Lark? - How & Why I Changed from One to the Other
Do you know someone that simply hates mornings… prefers late late evenings? I know, hate is a strong word… one I don’t usually use. In this case though, I know several people that truly do hate mornings. Maybe you too despise those mornings when the alarm goes off, or the dogs get you up early or the kids wake up way before you have to get up. Maybe you hit the snooze 5 times wishing for just 10 more minutes of sleep.
Mornings are tough for a lot of people. I know, I used to be one of them… I was your typical night owl. Staying up until 2 or 3 am was my typical schedule. Now however, I am usually up before my alarm goes off. Today, I woke up at 3:45, meditated and did my appreciation journaling. I got out of bed today at 4:30 and started creating my day intentionally. I wake up excited about the day ahead and all that I can create in it. I also love the quietness of the mornings. The stillness of the early 4-5 am … and then the birds waking up and singing and the sun shining its rays of light on us. I absolutely LOVE mornings!!!
I used to be a NIGHT OWL … SO, I do understand … the struggle is real!!
Did you know that studies show that larks … that’s what they call us early risers … tend to be healthier and happier than night owls. The study says that early risers are healthier physically – likely because they head to bed before the nighttime snacking begins, have greater productivity, worry less/sleep more and are generally happier. Now, I know … to give credit to you night owls … you consider the late late night the same as we early birds do … sacred time. I really don’t think there is a right or a wrong here, unless of course it isn’t working for ya, and you know you need a change 🙂
Click here to see who else rises early … and why (this is really interesting)
So first off, if you are happy being a night owl … you are a happy energetic person creating the life of your dreams … and being a night owl serves you well … WOOHOO!!!!!! I think that’s great and there is no reason to change! Keep it up!!!
For me, switching from a night owl to a lark has helped me in so many ways. I am sharing this for those of you, especially you Janice (that asked me to write about this) and many of my longtime clients, that are always saying they wish they could get up earlier, but they just can’t. This article is for those of you that WANT to be a lark instead of an owl:) It’s for those that feel a bit of depression, isolation, disconnection or just plain can’t get your ass in bed early enough or out of bed early either.
So if you want to make the change … Here is what I did … and why:)
Let’s start with WHY?
Well, there were several reasons.
I woke up in reaction mode. Reacting to the alarm, to being late, anxiousness, to the pressures of moment-to-moment living. The feeling of reaction in my body was very comfortable, in an uncomfortable sort of way. I wanted to create my day in a graceful and loving way; yet everyday, I would wake up to chaotic stressful energy … within myself.
 I was missing time with my husband: He got up at 3am to work construction in the summer, and he went to bed by 8 … at the latest!! I went to bed at 2 or 3am and got up at 7am because my son was up. We were on opposite schedules and didn’t have to be. He couldn’t change his schedule, but I could. And, if I didn’t go to bed with him, I wouldn’t have any “special” time with him.
I realized that I needed to change my nightly routine because I would sit and eat at night … bored and nervous eating. My body showed the physical signs and my mind the mental berating of myself every night and every morning. I recognized this pattern for years before I did anything about it. YEARS!!!!!!!!!
I was going to bed at 3am and having to get up at 7am to get my son off to school. I was tired and bitchy and short-tempered. It wasn’t his fault … it was my responsibility.
My intuition told me that I would feel better, be kinder to myself and others, be intentional and committed and proud of myself … if I would JUST DO IT!
I knew that with a name like Sunny Dawn, I was destined to be an early bird 🙂 :): )
First off – I decided I wanted to get up early – It is a choice! If you want to get up, you CAN!!! You just need to commit to YOU!
Here are some of the things I did, in no particular order, to become an Early Bird. Maybe some of them they will work for you too:)
Create a morning ritual or routine. Many people that start their days early create the time for meditation, exercise, journal/writing, reading and even a healthy breakfast. I do the first four, but threw in breakfast, as that can be an important one for many.
Start slow, don’t make any major changes. Start by waking up just 20 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to that, then do another 20 minutes. Do this gradually until you get to your goal time. Waking up earlier should signal your body to fall asleep earlier as well. If you’re waking up 20 minutes earlier in the morning, you will likely fall asleep 20 minutes earlier in the evening … eventually. This doesn’t always happen right away. Be patient!
Put your alarm clock/phone on the other side of the room. This forces you to get up out of bed to shut it off. Mission accomplished.
Choose to be proactive. I can’t tell you how many mornings I woke up late, rushing around trying to get my son ready for school or feeling rushed because I didn’t have enough time to get something ready. And man the stories I told myself in my head about how no good I was … they were terrible. When you are running late, you are reactive. When you have created plenty of time, you are proactive.
Go to sleep earlier … even if you don’t think you’ll be able to fall asleep … and read an old fashioned book (no screens) while in bed. If you are tired, you’ll fall asleep much sooner than you think. Remember, you are training your body to a new way of living.
Watch the sunrise. There is something about watching a sunrise that reminds us that no matter what happens, on any day … ever … the sun will come up again. Witnessing that breaking of the dawn and the start of a whole new day … reminds you that it’s your life to create as you wish.
Go into the bathroom and pee … or to the kitchen and get yourself a glass of water, make a cup of coffee or tea. Move your body away from the bed. Immediately.
Stay on a sleep schedule – even on the weekends my friends. Let your body get into a cycle. Human beings are cyclic; it will be much easier if you will stick to a sleep cycle. Changing it on the weekends, especially in the beginning, will surely sabotage your early bird goals.
Do something important and use your time wisely. Don’t waste your time on Facebook or social media. Do something productive. Set your intention for the day or write in your gratitude journal. By the time 8am rolls around, you’ll have done more than most people do all day.
Stay Committed – Don’t listen to that head of yours when it tries to talk you out of it. Give it a 21 day chance … at least.
Whether you choose to be an early bird or a night owl … I LOVE you! If whatever you are doing isn’t working for you, just make some baby-step changes. Try out something new. Eventually you will find what works best for you … and remember … you just never know. Just because you’ve always done it one way or been this way … doesn’t mean it is best for you for now! Venture out and try new ways of being and living if what you are doing isn’t working for your highest and best good any longer.
ALL my LOVE, Sunny
PS: Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you do any of these routines and do they work for you? Will you incorporate a few of these steps into your life? I’d love to hear. Please share in the comments below – SDJ♥
PPS: Sign up to receive my morning affirmations in your inbox everyday and start the day off right:) Simply click here to sign up
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yelir-atsirk · 8 years
1.Name Krista 2. Age 23 3. City that you live in Kansas City 4. What do most people not know about you? I have terrible stage fright 5. What do most people know you for? I hope people know me for my kindness, my sillyness and genuine nature. 6. Hobbies I love to sing and paint. 7. What are your passions? People, Love, Joy, Travel, God, Family and Service in pursuit of those things. 8. What do you search for in a significant other? Intellect, kindness, a humble nature, generous, goofy and gentle. Deep, soft, eyes and a hearty smile. 7. What are you most proud of? My ability to stick to my guns and do the right thing when it really matters. 8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love? My mother and I often have those. Outside of that, it has been quite some time that I've had a real milestone conversation with a love of mine own. 9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it? Not really? Coffee mugs are abundant, I keep little memorabilia from all over and can never seem to quit collecting pens. 10. List 10 things off of your bucket list. Visit Ireland Cross country road trip Ride in a Hot Air Balloon Cooking Class Take Piano Lessons Preform Live on stage Death Cab for Cutie live Grand Canyon Graduate College Attend a Murder Mystery Party 11. What was the last thing you learned? My Mom was teaching me how to make an omelet. 12. How many relationships have you been in? I count 3 legitimate one. 13. Turn ons Make me laugh, play with my hair and shut my mind up. Good kissers, strong arms, steady hands. 14. Turn offs Bad breath, insecurity, tough lips and try hards. It's meant to be fun, don't take it all too seriously. 15. Favorite food Pizza, melty cheese. 16. Favorite drink I love dr.pepper, sweet tea, blue moon and ice cold water. 17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? Chicago Trip was pretty awesome, Gambino trip was equally awesome. 18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, no doubt. 19. Do you sleep during class? Not intentionally. 20. What is the most expensive thing you own? Do student loans count? 21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? Key rings and Carribeaners 22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone? Yikes, lots. 23. Text or call? I love phone calls. 24. Opinion on long distance? It just doesn't work long term, plain and simple. It's like having half of a relationship. 25. What is your definition of success? Happiness. A balanced life. Simplicity. 26. Favorite song? Impossible to say. 27. Favorite artist? Death cab for Cutie, Alt-J, Mayday Parade and Kelsey Wild. 28. Celebrity crush/crushes? Ben McKenzie, Kit Harrington, Chris Evans and I lady crush on pretty much all of the Emmas. 29. When was the last time you read for fun? Last summer, working on that now. 30. Favorite flower? I love Gerbera Daisies, Sunflowers and Dahlias. 31. What is the best gift you could receive right now? Time off and some far away destination to travel to or someone to kiss on the regular. 32. Any guilty pleasures? Plenty. 33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself? Two words, Lazy Heart. 34. What do you search for in a friend? Real, honest, down to earth, supportive, silly and slightly crazy. Must not envy, manipulate or play stupid. 35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? Oh lots, I'm sure. To a significant other? Zilch. 36. Where did you last go other than your room/home? Walgreens. 37. Why do bad things happen to good people? Not all bad things are bad. There's a lesson to learn in all that we experience. 38. In your opinion, what hurts more: Being left out or being stabbed in the eye? Eye stabs, like no fucking question. 39. How many green shirts do you own? Roughly 4. Not my color. 40. Do you like anime? Nope. 41. What do you invest the most time in? Work. TV. Sleep. Family and Friends. In that order. 42. What was the name of the last book you read? "The Testing" 43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone? Loving someone implies a vulnerability, wether voluntary and mutual or not. 44. Where are you most productive? Where ever I feel most inspired. 45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends. Drinking. Eating. Talking. 46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone. Painting. Planning. Listening. 47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist? I don't. Humanity is far too fragile and fallible. 48. Do you have any allergies? I think not, but I will knock on wood anyway. 49. When was the last time you cussed at someone? Tonight's playoff game. 50. What was the last promise you made? I'm sure I promised a table I'd make something happen for them. 51. What was your last dream about? TEETH FALLING OUT. 52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be? My Mom, Riley, Brooke, Kristin and Gabby. 53. How many countries have you visited? One. 54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.) Music without a doubt. 56. When was the last time somebody complimented you? I got a hair compliment today. 56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself? By my hair. 57. Do you consider yourself mature? I do, but perhaps that's naive and immature of me. 58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? Meh, a week possibly. 59. What is your favorite quote? "Our limited understanding of the truth has no bearing on whether or not the truth exists." 60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be? I won't. 61. What is your greatest accomplishment? I've yet to feel as though I've had one of those. 62. Do you believe in the death penalty? I do not. 63. What are your goals for life? Live a life that follows God. Have a family, see the world, spread love and joy and know it deeply myself. 64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? Sleeping. 65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world. Somewhere sunny and green. 66. What were you like in 2013? I was 20, broke, and having a boatload of fun being both. 67. Do you have a job? Always. 68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend. She's still my best friend, and will always be. 69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? It's hostility towards its own ignorance. The numb nature of education and the aggressive stifling of creativity and critical thinking. 70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before? Plenty. I'm a bit messed up. 71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? It's all about that buzzfeed life. 72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars? Play a series of mini games and answer trivia questions on live Tv. 73. Does money equal happiness? In the right hands. 74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime? Oh plenty, but it's always fleeting and reserved simply for that moment only. 75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime? Lots more. I feel a constant state of grief for time and youth and change. 76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told? Your mom. 77. When was the last time you looked at the news? Facebook counts, right? 78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? You are only temporary, but you are breathtaking. 79. What is your favorite animal? I love sea turtles, whales, humming birds and elephants. 80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it? Like lie still and be buried dead or disappear for 3 years dead? The first I could not, and the second would be so hard to do without friends or family let alone to them. 81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at? Self discipline, accountability, consistency and honesty. 82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? 3am average bed time, 8-9 hours average length. 83. Does age necessarily equal maturity? Fuck no. 84. What is your favorite clothing store? Rue 21, Target and Gordmans. 85. In the winter- beanies or gloves? Gloves. I got a weird shaped head. 86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail? Wings, duh. 87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? All life has value, doesn't it? 88. What do you fear the most? Failure. Never taking any risks because of my fear of failure. 89. How many digits of pi can you recite? 3.14. 90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be? 21-22 was a damn good year. 91. Describe yourself in one word. Real. 92. Describe your last victory. Scheduled close all weekend, didn't close once. 93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? I'm sure it was something I've found in the fridge. My family is bat shit insane. 94. What is something you will never forget? Apartment 508. 95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail? Vivid detail. 96. Have you ever broken a bone before? Knock on wood, no. 97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody? Hate, by far. 98. Coffee or tea? Coffee. 99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way? Positivity, church, planning, self care. 100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? Just the time to take this.
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