#did i drift of in simeons part? yes i did
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atmajolish · 2 years ago
Headcanons for Beelzebub, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Simeon with touch starved gender neutral s/o?
thank you for requesting, i hope you like it!
with beel it’s not ‘you are touch starved’ but ‘you were touch starved’. beel is naturally affectionate and since he doesn’t think he is good with words, he tends to show his feelings with actions instead.
he will cuddle you when you sleep, holding you close because that way he is assured you’re actually alive and the nightmares don’t get to him as easily. he will hold your hand when he’s eating something that he is able to eat with one hand, wanting to show you that he values you more than food.
beel will never let you go without touch for too long, because it’s the way he shows his love. so if you ever tell him how you felt before, he will make even more of a point to show you how much he cares even more often
diavolo likes to present himself as approachable and easy-going, especially in front of you. he wants you to like him after all. however, he is not exactly the best when it comes to touch, even after you open up to him about being touch starved.
the issue lies within the fact that he is the prince of devildom with his father having been asleep for a time far too long for humans to comprehend. he’s doesn’t exactly have many opportunities for figuring out how touch works and what counts as casual and what does not.
you will have to communicate with him a lot in order to figure this out for the both of you. he really wants to help you, but he doesn’t really know how. it’s far away from anything he knows, so he’d appreciate it if you could help him with that. you are his priority after all and he is fine with being vulnerable like that in front of you
he probably knows. barbatos is nothing if not observant and he pays especially close attention to you. he can count the people he truly cares about on one hand, so it’s only natural he’d be aware of any of your struggles.
the thing is, he doesn’t quite know how to help you. barbatos has lived for a long time, yet in all this time he has never been quite as close with someone as he is with you, so physical touch is not exactly his expertise. he’s not uncomfortable though, so he is more than willing to figure it out.
he's busy most of the time, having an entire castle to keep clean and going along with diavolo’s shenanigans is sure to keep him busy, but if you need his time for anything, he’s willing to freeze it just for you. he will hold you whenever you want, you merely have to say the word.
simeon is good at communication and thus also good at helping you with this specific struggle. he’s not uncomfortable with touch and tends to be affectionate already, so he’s happy to help out.
unless he has any duties to attend to, he’s pretty much free whenever you need him and he’s more than willing to indulge you, giving you a hug as a greeting and holding your hand as you walk. simeon is good at giving gentle affection that doesn’t feel overwhelming
he will make sure you feel cared for and that you know he is there for you whenever you need him, so feel free to ask for his help, he will reassure you as many times as needed that you’re not a bother to him and he will do what it takes to make you feel happy
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devildomdisaster · 4 years ago
I’d like to request a body switching scenario with [Satan, Asmo, Beelz, Solomon, Simeon] and an Gender Neutral MC with undisclosed chronic health issues. Like brittle bones that break if you step a little goofy, stress ulcers, sensitivity to light, joint pain, poor stamina, etc. I just want to see the boys go “You live like this?!”
Satan has a habit of collecting rare magical objects. Somehow quite a few of these cause body-switching incidents.
The cursed object causes the two of you to lose consciousness for a few minutes. When he wakes up he is in immediate pain.
His first thought is that the spell must have caused this and you must be in pain too! If he, a demon, is in this much pain it must be excruciating for a human.
He rushes to you or tries to. But falls to his knees in shock as a shooting pain runs through him.
He blinks watering eyes and sees his body stirring on the floor and realizes you’ve switched bodies.
You sit up feeling better than you’ve felt in years. Wondering if this is ‘normal’ or if that cursed object gave you super healing.
It’s only when you hear your own voice calling your name that you realize you and Satan have switched bodies.
You can see the tears in his(your body's) eyes and know exactly what's happening. You’ve had chronic pain for years. And Satan is sitting in just the right way to send shooting pain up your spine.
“Lay down on your back,” you order him. He has just enough control to follow your order and lower your body down slowly.
You can see Satan’s relief on your face as the pain eases slightly. It takes a moment for the worst of the pain to subside and his breath to even out.
He’s staring at the ceiling when he speaks, voice still a little shaky, “You live like this?”
You hum out a yes.
“All- all the time?” he asks, horrified.
“Sometimes it's worse than others. If I move or sit in certain ways it gets real bad. But if I avoid those movements it’s bearable.”
Satan turns to you “This is what you call bearable?!”
You shrug, “That position is usually pretty safe. So yeah probably.”
He is careful to move your body a little as possible as he shifts to point at a spellbook. “That book-”
“Are you going to change us back?” you ask.
“I-” he hesitates. Clearly not wanting you to be in pain again.
“Look, Satan it’s not that I don’t enjoy being pain-free. But I’ve dealt with it for years now. I’ve learned how to function around it. I had to. You on the other hand are going to be laying on the floor for most of the day if you stay in my body.”
“I’m going to find a way to fix you.” He says firmly as you place the book in his hands.
“Promises, promise,” you sing, preparing yourself to experience the pain in your body again.
“I mean it. As soon as I can move again I am going to find a way to help you. Devildom magic has to be better than human medicine.”
Asmo bought you matching bracelets. “Look Mc, I bought us these bracelets! They are supposed to bring us closer together!”
Well, they did bring you closer together. Just not in the way Asmo intended.
When he clasped the bracelets on, you felt a shiver go down your spine and when you opened your eyes you felt...different. Better. There was no aching pain. For once the dazzling lights of Asmo’s room didn’t cause you to wince. That's when you realize you’ve switched bodies.
Asmo on the other hand immediately cringed and squeezed his eyes closed, clutching his(your) head.
Asmo groaned pitifully, teary eyes squinting at you “Mc, how do you do anything like this??”
He curls up beneath his covers, and you make your way around his room turning off all the lights and closing his curtains. Once the light is gone, Asmo peers out from beneath the covers, “Do you live like this all the time?”
“Mostly, yeah.”
“No wonder your room is so dark. I thought you were just being dramatic.”
You shrug at him, “The Devildom is better than the human realm. There’s no bright sunlight here.”
Once the spell wears off, Asmo keeps the bracelet on both as a reminder of how you live with this chronic illness and as the intended purpose of showing how close the two of you are.
He buys you super dark glasses to try and filter out some of the bright light that bothers you.
and asks Solomon to help him find any magical treatments that might help you.
Beel and you switch bodies after eating some of Solomon’s cooking.
Neither of you wants to eat Solomon’s cooking, but you had the misfortune to be the only two people who couldn’t find an excuse to get out of it.
Beel doesn’t know how it happened, Solomon doesn’t know how it happened, you sure as hell don’t know how this happened. But here you are with a strange magic ‘cake’ in hand, looking at your body from Beel’s eyes.
Your first thought is how strong you feel in Beel’s body. Like you could do anything. The exhaustion and joint pain you normally deal with is gone.
Is this how normal people live? Although you suppose a demon doesn’t count as a normal human, so it’s not such a good comparison.
You watch as Beel catches himself on the counter as he adjusts to the symptoms of your illness.
He lowers your body to the ground. Sitting gingerly as the movement causes the joint pain to flare.
“Mc, is this how you feel every day?” He is so so concerned about you! How do you function if you feel like this all the time? “Why haven’t you told anyone about this?”
“It’s ok, Beel. I’ve figured out how to deal with it.”
“It is not ok. Mc, we could have helped you!”
It’s strange to be lectured by your own voice and body. But Beel does a good job of it. He insists that you have to tell him when your symptoms act up and convinces you to let him speak with Lucifer about trying some magical treatments.
The potion doesn’t wear off for several hours. You feel a tad bit guilty about enjoying this when Beel is so obviously suffering, but you can’t remember the last time you felt so good. So capable.
Once the spell wears off Beel insists on carrying you around so you aren't as fatigued and to avoid aggravating your joint pain.
Be prepared for trying a string of different potions and spells to treat your illness, under the watchful eyes of Beel and Lucifer.
After hearing about Lucifer and Satan’s body-switching incident Solomon went looking for another cursed book.
He’d heard some rumor about Satan’s book having a twin and was determined to find it.
And find it he did.
You accidentally touched the book at the same time as him and switched bodies.
Solomon is more intrigued than anything else. “Do you live like this all the time? If so, you do a remarkable job of hiding it.”
He is going to test the limits of your body’s capabilities. He wants to know what situations cause pain or discomfort so that you can’t pretend to be ok when you aren’t.
You’ll have to warn him if he is doing anything that might permanently harm your body.
Unlike some of the others, Solomon doesn’t immediately look for a way to switch back.
When the spell wears off Solomon has a near-complete understanding of your condition. He knows what causes pain, what doesn’t, and what situations you should absolutely avoid.
“Mc, you need to stop pretending you are ok when you’re not. I’ll be here to help you when you need it. And if that help happens to be stopping you from doing foolish things to save face then so be it.”
Solomon keeps a close eye on you from now on. He respects you enough to not tell anyone about your condition if you don’t want him to, but he will also come up with the strangest excuses to remove you from activities he knows will aggravate your condition.
If there is magic that can be used to help you Solomon will find it. Just be prepared to feel a little bit like a lab rat while he figures out the perfect spell or potion to help you.
Simeon wants to know what it feels like to be human. He thinks it would give him a greater understanding of humanity.
He mentions this to Solomon, who being the chaos loving wizard he is, makes a potion to allow Simeon to switch bodies with you.
The problem occurs when Solomon 'forgets’ to tell you both that he’s already put the potion in your tea.
Simeon is shocked. He finds himself in your body. Looking at himself through your eyes. And by god does your body hurt!
“Mc, I’m dreadfully sorry, but I think Solomon’s little joke may have gone wrong. I-everything hurts.”
You blink at Simeon...er Simeon in your body. Mind taking a moment to catch up with the sudden body switch. You feel great. Part of that might be due to being in an angel's body, but mostly it's due to the lack of pain.
“Oh, everything's fine on my end. So it must be my chronic pain. It’s worse today than others.”
“Wh-what do you do when it’s bad?”
“Usually I try to distract myself. Or try to take a nap and hope I wake up feeling better. But we’d made plans and I didn’t want to cancel so…”
“So you decided to deal with extra pain for my sake? Oh, Mc. You should have told me you live like this. I can help”
“There’s no point, Simeon. Not a single doctor I’ve been to has found anything wrong with me. I didn’t want anyone here to pity me.”
“I am an angel, Mc. I’m quite sure I can do a bit more than your human doctors.”
You help Simeon to his room where you spend the afternoon watching human world movies to help distract him.
Simeon sleeps fitfully next to you and as you drift off you wonder if that is how you always look when you let your guard down enough to show your pain.
When the potion wears off you are both asleep, curled up next to each other.
When you wake up you are back in your own body. Simeon is sitting next to you slipping a charmed bracelet onto your wrist. “This is from the Celestial realm. It should help keep your pain at a more manageable level until I can find a more permanent solution.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years ago
Okay so I have a personal head cannon that demon hunters are a thing in the Obey Me World. So I wondering if you could do the brother and undatables finding out that a bunch on demon hunters kidnapped MC while they were in human world because they found out of MCs packs. Your writing is so good, honestly this is one of my favorite Obry Me accounts.
Thank you! It gives me pride for being one your favourites!
I love expanding the world of obey me and idea of hunters is one that seems realistic in a world of demons and angels and just in general, really interesting. Before I joined writing on Tumblr I was actually a Wattpad author and one my books was about a monster hunter who got in a love square with Frankenstein's monster, Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde
Never finished it but it was fun concept so any type of supernatural hunter already just wins in my department
Do I have a thing for making the demons violent and showing off a more aggressive and bloody side to them? Yes, I really do
Warning: kidnapping, gore-ish, violence, religious themes, angst, guns, mentions of torture, long
Your breathing grew heavier as the crushing feeling on your chest continued to grow, your heart slamming against your ribcage. Begging to be released from its suffocating prison. If it weren't for the lump in your throat you were sure your heart would of leapt out of it. 
your feet pounded against the street beneath you; you were running faster than you’ve ever ran before. How did it get to this situation? well, you didn't have time to reminisce but to make a long story short - a group of demon hunters revealed themselves to you and are now chasing you down as you refused to cooperate. they wanted to use you for your pact and you didn’t want to be involved, especially seeing as they were literal demon hunters! they were going to kill your friends! 
but sadly, fate was not on your side. your ankle twisted to the side, pain shooting up from your ankle all the way to your knee. rope surrounded you, you thrashed against the net as your body slammed to the floor. The last thing you saw was the hunter tower above you, the butt of their gun coming down on your head. 
when you finally woke up you already had a gun back in your face, you tried to escape but you were forced backwards. chains rattling behind you. you looked behind you to see you were chained to a cross, both your wrists and ankles were bound.
Your situation only grew worse when the hunter Infront of you snarled down at you. Demanding you used your pacts, spitting on your face. You thrusted forward, matching their snarl as you bared your teeth at them. Demon mannerisms have rubbed off on you but it wasn't doing you any good. The gun clicked, unlocking off safety mode.
Your heart sunk immediately.
"Use your pact or else."
You could only hear the blood rushing through your ears. Trembling as their finger slowly pressed on the trigger. You knew they were going to kill the brother's if you did but you were terrified that were going kill you. You shook your head, letting it hang low as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
You kept refusing to use your pact and summon the seven demons. Every time you refused they'd hurt you; kicking you, slamming the guns butt down on your head, throwing your head back on the cross. You could barely hear what they said, they just kept screaming at you. Calling you filth and a traitor to mankind.
Despite all the pain you were grateful they weren't killing you. You just had to keep pushing your luck. You couldn't summon them no matter how scared you were. You refused. You couldn't do it.
But fortunately, Magic doesn't always act the way you want it to. Your soul - your entire being BEGGED to be saved. You wanted to save yourself, you desperately tried to spark at the chains and remember any spells but your mind was at a blur. nothing was processing.
You cried out when you saw the large magic circle appear on the floor. You tried desperately to close the summoning circle, cursing to yourself. You demanded your magic to listen to you but it wouldn't work. The brothers symbols appearing in each part and soon enough, they appeared in full demon form.
his wings blocked at the rapid bullets going their way
His whip quick to come out and wrap around a hunters wrists, he twisted his hand around it and pulled the poor hunter towards him
"This isn't very welcoming, now is it? How bold."
the hunter went flying, the brothers dodging in time
He smirked, a bullet between his teeth and more between his fingers
Steam was drifting off them but he just crushed the metal bullets with no other thought
"How nice of ya to give me a gift~! You really know how to make a demon happy."
He spat out the last bullet and it went flying, hitting a hunters eye
The ground shook beneath you, many hunters missing their shot at his brothers
A crab like beast bursted out of the ground, sewer sludge splattering on the floor
It swiped and grabbed at the hunters, screams filling the space, bodies snipped in half in seconds
"You're all worse than Normies! You took the wrong human from the wrong demons!"
he back hand slapped a hunter that approached him, growling
He leapt off the crab, grabbing the nearest hunter to him by the head
Their neck snapped to an odd angle and they immediately dropped
"This isn't how I expected to spend my evening but you took my reading partner....you won't receive my mercy."
He shoved his clawed hands through their chests and spines, ripping out the first organ or bone he could grab
He didn't lie, he didn't show an ounce of mercy
His wings flapped behind him, he dragged his claws along the backs of the hunters he flew past
Giggling as they screamed in pain
"Aww I'm just flirting, was it really that bad?"
He pouted before swiping at their faces
Shoving another hunter towards his more violent brother
Whilst he had no issue letting himself get wild, he saw how scared you looked
He didn't want to get too dirty or else how could he comfort you?
Beel could be ruthless if TRUELY provoked
And hearing your whimpers when he arrived stirred furious anger within him
When he finally saw your beaten state it made him snap
Hungry for blood
Hunters head being crushing with ikr hand
"You don't even look appealing to eat, you're worst than Solomon's cooking."
He took a chunk out of one hunter when they aimed at one of his brother's
Refusing to let his family get hurt
We all know he's cold blooded
So it was no surprise blood was gushing everywhere
His dream dust filling his area and nightmares surrounded the hunters
"They're mine....and yet you stole them and hurt them, you're disgusting."
hunters would disappear into the mist and not come back out alive
Bodies littering the floor as he swooped through
As soon as things got gory your eyes were sealed shut, trying to shut out the sound of flesh tearing and screams of agony. Whimpering as you thought about the brothers smiling faces, how gentle and soft they usually were. Chanting in your head that they were here to save you, you were safe, they're still them.
You screamed as your body was lifted off the platform you were on, the cross rising. You were now fully crucified; feet slipping as you struggled against the cross. The chains were barely supporting your weight so you just dangled, fear rising in you.
Mammon charged towards you, his brothers continuing to fight against the hunters. He ripped the chains out of the cross, you fell right into his arms, your heart thumping against your chest.
"look at what they did to you....I shouldn't of protected ya, I hope you'll learn to forgive me - they busted you up real bad."
He caressed your cheek; eyes glaring at your busted lip and the many bruises forming on your face. You winced when his hand touched the side of your head, he recoiled feeling something warm on his palm. It was blood. YOUR blood.
He almost broke down right there and then, looking at how hurt you were - he couldn't handle it.
"thanks...that makes me feel so much better." You let out a pained laugh, hoping to make him feel better.
He only frowned more, softly rubbing his thumb on your cheek. It was obvious he was struggling to keep himself calm. You held his hand, showing off your best smile.
"i don't blame any of you, the hunters did this, okay? You didn't do anything wrong."
Your sweet moment was ruined when the 6 brothers backed all bumped into the two of you. Forming a protective ring as the hunters surrounded them; it seemed like there was no end.
You raised your shaky hands, magic swirling around your wrists and to your fingertips. You barely had enough strength to put on a little light show but you weren't going to just let the demons defend you without even trying to help.
It your lucky day as suddenly, the hunters hideout doors bursted open. You could barely make out the outside but there was blood coating every wall, steam coming off dead bodies. Soon enough four figures emerged and your heart almost leapt out of your throat.
Lucifer growled as he strangled a hunter, turning his attention to the new comers.
"I'm surprised you came so late, espically with the company with you, my lord."
Diavolo laughed, his hands coming together as his magic flared brightly. Barbatos had his arms behind his back, smiling to all of you.
"Forgive our tardy timing, these hunters are determined."
"don't forget us, though I may of caused us to take our time, it's been so long since I've fought this many people."
Solomon adjusted his sleeves, his many pacts glowing against his skin. Simeon, unlike the others, looked completely untouched by the chaos. Smiling as he kept his hands together.
"I beg for your forgiveness (Y/N), It appears we've angered Lucifer more than the hunters have."
Time slowed down within the room, only the hunters going still
Their movements frustratingly slow
"I think it's best to clean up this situation whilst you take (Y/N) back, they've seen enough."
He looked at Lucifer, both men nodding
The prince moved freely through the frozen room, eyeing the amount of hunters
He bowed to the brothers, offering you a comforting smile
"I must agree with my lord, things will get rather unpleasant."
He slowly slipped off his gloves
He approached you, gently handing you his gloves and patted your shaky hands
A silent request to keep them safe for him
The wizard blew the steam off his wand
Smirking as he pointed it towards the magic still present around your wrists
"Isn't it good I came along? You're going to fall sleep if you keep using your powers, little apprentice, let me open a portal for you."
Just as he finished talking he summoned a portal to the devildom
He gave you a small salute
He hastily rushed towards you all
Checking on each brother for any serious harm, thankful they were okay
He turned his attention to you, doing the same
"all is going to be okay, I promise, I'll bring over some desserts when we get back - tell Luke I won't be long, I know he's anxious about your safety."
He walked you to the portal, caressing your hands
You got a gentle push towards the portal
Once you were all through the portal, you completely shattered. Crumbling to the floor as you broke down sobbing. The brothers tried to approach you again but your nostrils flared, face scrunching up in disgust. They reeked of blood and guts.
Beels mouth was covered in blood, flesh between his fangs. Levithans hands trembling from adrenaline red and stained with blood. Belphegor was showered in the red liquid, a feral look still in his eye. Mammon was the most clean out of all of them but he had blood dripping down him. Asmodeus had flesh on his nails and blood on his cheek. Satan looked just as drenched as belphegor, his shoulders shaking with anger. And finally, Lucifer was the second cleanist but he still was no better than the others.
"i need time to- time to calm down....just.... please just wash."
They all accepted your wishes, hesitant but they understood your predicament.
You laid on the floor, chains still on your wrists and ankles. They felt so tight on your limbs, you whimpered as they scratched at your skin. It took one small burst of magic to make them drop; you were finally free.
You continued to just lay on the floor, shakily grabbing a nearby pillow. Inhaling the sweet comforting scent, letting it fill your scenes. Everytime you even smelled a faint swift of the gore-ish scene from before you just took in another deep inhale.
You laid there for what felt like hours. Silently crying as you hugged the pillow.
You grounding yourself. Reminding yourself you were safe and back in your room. The brothers were safe and they weren't mindless beasts.
You rolled on your side, something poking your hip. It was your phone. You pulled it out from your pocket and began to type, messaging Luke that Simeon was okay aswell as you, apologizing for not seeing him in person. You sent him a quick selfie of you smuggled into your pillow and tried to look somewhat happy. Hoping it'll comfort him.
It wasn't a moment later until you heard a knock at your door. You questioned who it was.
"we're all clean now, meet us in the living room if you want....I made your favourite drink~" Asmo's voice was soft, gentle on your ringing ears.
A small smile appeared on your face. Shuffling out of your room still hugging your pillow, trailing after the lustful demon. Soon enough, you were both entering the living room.
The room was dim, the fireplace being it's only lighting and warming the room up nicely. There must of been something with the wood as it smelled so comforting. The brothers all sat along the sofa, Some on the floor. Everyone had their own drink, blankets and pillows surrounding them.
You curled up in the middle of the sofa, letting yourself be engulfed in multiple hugs. Everyone touching you in some way and you all just sat there. In peaceful silence as you just hugged.
You really needed this....
"thank you for saving me."
"We'll always save you"
"you can always count on us-!"
"I won't let this happen to you again, I promise to protect you better."
"no one is allowed to touch you like that, I won't let them."
"You don't need to thank us, darling."
"I will always make sure you're safe, no Matter what."
"I won't fail you again."
you all hugged each other even tighter, embracing each others comfort and warmth. Tears falling and soothing words shared, each brother did their best to be strong. But even they couldn't stop themselves from shedding tears when the adrenaline died.
They almost lost you. You were kidnapped and hurt because of your connection to them. They were never going to let you get harmed again, no matter the cost.
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
MC is Half Demon and Blah Blah Blah-
Time for the Group Retreat!
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
I’m quite hyped for this one, ladies, gents, and esteemed readers! For simplicity’s sake, since this is before M!MC and A!MC arrive, L!MC will go back to being referred to as just MC. Enjoy the Headcanons!
Since the previous Underground Tomb incident ended much less violently, Lucifer is now more worried than angry about MC’s rampant shennaniganery.
Like... his kid was poking holes in his totally foolproof “Your cow-uncle went to live on a farm in the human world” story. What if MC somehow got into the attic and got hurt?!
It didn’t help that they were still in this weird phase of their father/child relationship. On one hand, Lucifer obviously cares for his kid, and his kid likes him... but it’s also only been less than three months and we all know how emotionally constipated Lucifer is.
MC’s also getting REAL sus of all the secrets their dear old dad is keeping... doesn’t help that they STILL haven’t went up into the attic.
Anyhoo~ the announcement for the retreat was a barrel of laughs.
“I’m proposing, a group retreat!”
Everyone met Diavolo’s announcement with the exact same confused reaction. It’s like the entire assembly hall was doing the ‘Guy Blinking’ meme.
“A... group retreat?” Lucifer repeated slowly. “For what reason exactly, Lord Diavolo?”
The Crown Prince was giddy with excitement as he explained. “MC told me about their middle school overnight trip and it sounded like it would be quite fun!”
Simeon, Luke, MC, and Solomon were all seated next to each other in the ‘exchange student seats of less importance’. Luke leaned over and whispered a question to MC.
“Why are you so friendly with the crown prince?”
MC smirked and shrugged. “Lucifer had the Demon-Flu and couldn’t go meet with Lord Diavolo last week so I went for him. Lord Diavolo’s surprisingly bad at Connect Four but has really good luck in Snakes and Ladders.”
Luke’s jaw dropped in complete and utter shock and horror.
“We’re playing CandyLand and the Game of Life next time, want to come?” MC added.
“Play CandyLand... with him..?” Luke looked at Diavolo, who was still explaining his plan for the retreat, then looked back at MC. “I’ll only go to shield you from his corrupting influence.”
“Yeah... Corrupting...” MC had to hold back a laugh at the thought of Diavolo, who during MC’s visit lit up like a Christmas tree upon being called ‘Dia’ and believed that Mood Rings were the greatest human invention ever, being a corrupting influence.
“MC! Torture dungeon or no!?” MC was snapped out of their conversation by Mammon shouting at them from his seat.
“Do ya think there’s a torture dungeon under the castle, or not?”
“I’m not sure,” MC turned to Diavolo. “Lord Diavolo, is there a torture dungeon under the Demon Lord’s Castle?”
There is in fact, no torture dungeon. Presumably...
Everyone packed up and headed out to the Demon Lord’s Castle!
The fabulous seven all broke several speed limits and traffic laws in order to be there early. Listen, they had to get there before Purgatory Hall, it was a matter of pride.
Besides, what’s the Royal guard going to do? Arrest six of the seven rulers of hell and a kid? Ha. No. Not when Diavolo controls their paychecks.
The rooming situation remained the same, Asmo, Simeon, and MC were roomed together, and MC got to watch Asmo get psychologically profiled by Simeon. It was truly a sight to behold.
MC was nice enough to assure Asmo that they really liked him and thought he was very sweet.
Asmo, not used to being complimented on his personality, almost started openly weeping.
So, the tour of the Demon Lord’s Castle began! Asmo got yelled at by his ex in the painting and the usual batch of idiots got sucked into the catacombs under the castle.
Lucifer wasn’t terribly sure how or if he should express his concern for MC being stuck in the labyrinth.
All these new fatherly feelings of worry are very very odd. He didn’t worry this much for Satan, mainly because Satan was usually the threat.
Even as a baby...
Lucifer found himself checking his DDD every few minutes to see if MC had texted or called from wherever the painting dragged them to, never mind that if they did text he’d hear the phone ding.
“Lucifer, don’t worry too much,” Diavolo patted Lucifer on the shoulder, a bright smile on his face. “Your brothers and MC will be perfectly fine! There’s nothing too dangerous in the catacombs that they wouldn’t be able to take care of.”
Resigning himself to the fact that MC was under the care of his last choices for babysitting, Lucifer put away his DDD. “I know they’ll be fine, but I’m not overly pleased with the situation.” He shot a glare at Helene in the portrait, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“Lucifer worrying about someone, I’m truly, genuinely shocked.” Hearing Satan’s attempt at goading him, Lucifer, flawless demon that he is, resisted the urge to throw his DDD at his brother.
“Quiet, Satan.”
“ITS HENRY 1.0!”
MC and Levi continued their screaming match as the group ran for dear life from a giant snake.
Yeah... nothing the brothers couldn’t handle... sure, Lord Diavolo...
They made it out of the scary catacombs... don’t worry.
Lucifer did that parent-thing where he cleaned the catacomb dust off MC’s face with a napkin.
Yay! Parenting!
Failed pillow fight attempt #1 happened that evening. Because Mammon was obsessed with being the fun-uncle and saw his brothers encroaching on his place as favourite uncle.
MC doesn’t know how to break it to him that he’ll probably always be the favourite uncle and he doesn’t have to be such a dumbass to keep his spot.
Scavenger hunt went on as canon dictates.
Asmo had his diva tantrum and stormed off, but MC also wanted to win so they didn’t go after him.
Clearly expecting someone to go beg him to come back, Asmo was very annoyed when no one went after him.
“Um, helloooo? Anyone going to comfort me~?”
“Well I don’t want your comfort anyway, SOLOMON.”
It was very close, L!MC insisted their loss came from sabotage. No evidence was found but just LOOK at Satan’s face.
Time for the Formal Dance~
If you’re wondering why Luke didn’t say anything when MC was suddenly poofed into their demon form, you’re assuming that Mammon wasn’t in on the “let’s prank the chihuahua” plan.
“Mammon..? Is MC behind you?”
“Nope! Why?”
MC was able to get to the other side of the ballroom with Luke none the wiser! Hell yeah, nothing like screwing with your friend!
So it’s canon that Lucifer is like, a solid 20/10, therefore MC is ADORABLE. What I’m saying is, some of the younger demons asked them to dance.
Asmo was also being MC’s hype man, which was very nice of him. Mammon also tried to give advice on how to be cool and suave. Beel was there for moral support.
“Alright kiddo, you need to be aloof and mysterious! People love aloof and mysterious, that’s why I’m so popular.”
“Don’t listen to him, MC. He flew into a wall as a kid and it killed all his brain cells. Just be proper but not snooty, sweet but not saccharine, friendly but not annoying,”
“Ask them if they want to share some of the hors d’oeuvres.” 
“Okay, first, aloof and mysterious are the last words I would ever use to describe you, Mammon. Second, Asmo I have no clue what you’re asking me to do. Third... Beel that’s the best advice I’ve received in recent memory.”
None of that mattered anyway because MC got swarmed with dance offers.
“Well,” MC smirked and held out their hand at the demon that was bold enough to ask them to dance first. “I admire the confidence.”
The demon’s smile brightened, then dropped completely when their gaze drifted behind MC. “I uh... on second thought... I’m gonna...”
MC’s potential dance partners all quickly scattered to the snack table. The half demon growled and turned around to see their father acting like he didn’t just scare away MC’s groupies.
“Father! What was that for?!” MC huffed, Lucifer rolled his eyes and grabbed MC’s wrist and began to pull them away from the dance floor.
“You’re too young to dance.”
“That’s crazy! They looked like they were my age.” MC protested, their wings fluttering in annoyance.
“Even if they looked to be your age, MC, they’re hundreds of years older.” Lucifer said calmly.
“What about that equivalent age stuff you told me about? Like how Luke is hundreds of years old but by angel/human standards he’s technically younger than me?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” Lucifer lightly pushed MC towards the hallway that led back to their room.
“But I want to dance with someone!” MC felt their wings involuntarily fluff up.
Lucifer turned and smiled at his dear little brat, crouching slightly to get to their level. “Not on my watch.”
MC’s face was literally this: >:0
Lucifer is out here being the dad in every comedy that involves someone bringing home their partner to meet their parents.
MC was banished to their room, they spent their time angrily reading the manga they had packed.
When Levi escaped the party slightly later MC grilled him for details of what went on after they left.
“Nothing too interesting... except... um...”
“Spit it out, Levi!”
“I can’t understand you, stop mumbling.”
“Lord Diavolo and Lucifer danced together...”
So yes, MC’s desire to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping stems from VENGEANCE!
How DARE their father send MC up to their room and make them miss their OTP dancing together!?
So they call up their troupe of idiots and get ready to go be menaces to society.
MC also invites along Asmo because he seemed like he could use the adventure.
And because MC couldn’t plan the prank without Asmo noticing so it was better to just implicate him as well...
MC brightened and clapped their hands. “I know that growl!”
“It’s not my stomach, I packed snacks.” MC couldn’t see this, considering the room was pitch black (it must’ve been some kind of magic because demons have excellent night vision), but Beel waved a bag of chips in the air and got to eating.
“No, I’m not talking about your stomach, Beel.” MC skipped towards the source of the growling despite Mammon and Levi’s pleas for them to stop.
Ah! There he was!
“Cerberus!” MC cooed, the three headed dog stopped growling and barked happily. “Whose a good boy? Is it you?”
Cerberus let lose a bark that would probably make anyone crap their pants, but MC giggled and kept petting him. “Yeah! You’re the good boy! You like cuddles! Yes you do! Yes you do!”
A flash of light from a camera caused MC to drop their baby talk voice and stare angrily in the direction where the light came from.
“Whoever took that picture better delete it or I’m going to feed you to the dog.”
Cerberus growled in agreement. What a good boy.
“Well, as nice as this is...” Asmo huffed. “We’ve clearly been duped because this is not Lucifer and Diavolo’s room.”
“Oh well!” MC chirped and continued to pet the three headed dog. “Look at the doggy!”
“MC, you’re crazy. Dontcha ever forget that.” Mammon whimpered as Cerberus growled at him.
So yeah, they couldn’t get out of the room, so they ended up opening up the other door and falling into the catacombs like a bunch of lemmings.
Asmo charmed Henry, and they got out of the labyrinth no problem.
Yay! No consequences! Oh no- hi Lucifer.
Lucifer gave them all the mother of all lectures. Satan showed up with the rest of the gang and brought popcorn.
Belphie wasn’t there, okay? Satan needed to be a little shit for him.
Ah yes, the pillow fight... Mammon’s crusade to be the best uncle culminated in a massive pillow fight that ended with MC, Lucifer, and Diavolo standing over everyone’s unconscious bodies.
So they uh... won the pillow fight.
MC couldn’t sleep. They legitimately couldn’t. As exhausting as the pillow fight victory had been, everyone was snoring, and MC was bleary eyed and awake at one in the morning.
They eventually sat up and looked around, Asmo was passed out in a very unflattering position, Solomon was chanting god knows what in his sleep, Levi was half hanging off Simeon’s bed, Simeon and Luke were sleeping like angels (hehehehe-), Beel was in the middle of eating his pillow in his sleep, Mammon appeared to be dreaming about winning the lottery, and Satan was... suspiciously absent.
He was there a minute ago... weird.
Deciding that this wasn’t worth it and they should just go sleep somewhere else, MC got out of bed and avoided stepping on anyone as they vacated the room.
The Demon Lord’s Castle at night could rival the House of Lamentation in terms of overall creepiness. MC had gotten used to the spirits and curses that littered their home, but they had only been to the Demon Lord’s Castle once before, so they were extra careful not to accidentally touch anything. Their stomach rumbled and they frowned.
Damn, they had the midnight munchies... they needed a snack.
MC made their way to the kitchen and on there way, noticed a peculiar room through a half open door. Taking a few steps back to peek into it, they noticed... doors. A lot of doors. And ivy covered steps. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to any of the placements, and the room was... weirdly chilly.
“You can come in if you’d like, MC.”
Barbatos’ voice nearly caused MC to hit a high note that they hadn’t been able to hit since their voice began to change. They straightened out their wrinkled pyjamas and stepped inside.
The butler himself was walking down one of the flights of stairs.
“Um...” Quickly remembering their manners, MC straightened their posture and cleared their throat. “Good evening Barbatos.”
Barbatos smiled and inclined his head in turn. “Good evening to you as well, MC.”
“How did you know it was me outside? You were up there a second ago.” MC asked.
“It’s a part of my powers. I can see possible futures, and I foresaw you passing by my room and getting curious.” Barbatos explained.
“Oh,” MC said, half nodding and continuing to look around. A the sound of a door closing out of MC’s vision made them squeak and look around for the source of the noise. “What was that?!”
“It’s nothing to be worried about.” Barbatos raised his hands in a placating gesture. “These doors in my room are gateways to different timelines and some are gateways into the past of this particular timeline. That was another version of me passing by.”
“Does this... happen often?” MC knitted their eyebrows.
Barbatos hesitated before answering. “Not really. It’s quite rare. Lord Diavolo has expressly forbidden me from using my full powers freely.”
“Ah... makes sense...”
“Now, I believe you came down for snacks?”
MC blinked in surprise. “How did you- oh... the time magic...”
“Yes, the time magic. Now, would you prefer yogurt and fruit, or apples and peanut butter?”
“Yogurt and fruit please!”
I’m sure MC’s knowledge of how Barbie’s room works will totally not come into play later. I’m sure.
Solomon and MC graced the brunch table with their cooking. I think you can guess how it would have turned out if Barbatos hadn’t intervened.
Rest In Peace to Beel’s tastebuds.
Anyway, the rest of the retreat was all fun and good.
MC may or may not have slipped up and called Diavolo ‘Dia’ in front of Lucifer. It would’ve sparked a lecture if Dia’s puppy-like excitement wasn’t so damn adorable.
Lucifer’s got a heart... somewhere... it’s probably all shrivelled up and tiny, but I’m sure it’s there.
Everyone went back home, brought closer together through... pillow fights and surviving Solomon’s cooking I guess..?
Anyway, MC got home, unpacked their stuff, watched Kakegurui with Levi and Mammon, let Asmo paint their nails, made and ate dinner with Beel, continued their piano lessons with Lucifer, and received a 100% fake smile from Satan.
It was a nice day with their new family, MC curled up in their bed and prepared to go to sleep.
“Help me!”
MC lurched upwards in their bed, whipping their head from side to side, trying to find the source of the voice. Their room was completely empty, the perks of being half demon extended to being able to see in the dark. No new smells either, they were alone in the room.
Auditory hallucinations were common before falling asleep after being sleep deprived, creepy, but not too unusual.
Okay- that one couldn’t be ignored. It was common knowledge that the House of Lamentation was definitely haunted in some capacity, but the ghosts never really bothered the demons living inside, MC was partly convinced that some of the ghosts didn’t even notice that the demons were there. So it couldn’t have been a ghost calling their name.
“MC! I need help!”
The voice reverberated through their head, like it was trying to hit every part of their skull to make sure it was at least felt if MC couldn’t hear it. MC massaged their scalp and got out of bed.
The House of Lamentation at night truly lived up to its haunted reputation. Cold, clammy, dark, even by demon standards. No spooky old house was going to scare MC though, they walked down the hall with their head held high.
They walked closer to walls and furniture, knowing that the floor was less likely to creak in those areas. How did they know that? Mammon had told them it worked like a charm. Well, it’d work better for him if he stopped tripping over the furniture and alerting Lucifer.
MC was much more nimble and careful, stepping slowly and lightly around the hallways until they reached the door to the attic. They reached out to clasp their hand around the doorknob, then froze. It smelled like…
Oh no.
MC leapt away from the door like it was rigged to explode if they touched it and practically dove for cover into an alcove. The all too-recent smell of Lucifer’s fancy cologne and the increasing sound of someone coming down the stairs made them clamp their hand over their mouth and crouch down.
What was their father doing up there?
He had said the attic was full of old junk and there was no reason to go up there, so why exactly did he-
The door slammed open and Lucifer stomped down the hallway back towards his room, MC presumed. They were about to let out a sigh of relief when the footsteps paused. MC felt their heart drop right into their gut when they heard the footsteps coming back in their direction.
What were they going to say to him when he found them? ‘Sorry! This isn’t where the bathrooms are!’ The last thing MC wanted was to add to their father’s ever growing list of stresses. MC was totally responsible and grown-up, their father didn’t need to worry.
MC clamped their eyes shut and tried to slow their heart rate. Demons were beings of darkness and shadow, they could blend in quite easily. They took a deep breath, cleared their head, and felt the shadows of the hallway shift and cover them like a blanket.
Lucifer’s footsteps stopped, MC heard a tired sigh, then the footsteps started up again, this time in the direction of his room.
They allowed themselves a sigh of relief before relieving themselves of their hiding space and opening the door leading to the attic staircase.
If the rest of the House of Lamentation was considered clammy, cold, and foreboding, the attic staircase was that multiplied by a factor of twelve. MC felt themselves shudder involuntarily when they stepped closer to the staircase. Every primal part of their brain was telling them to turn around and walk away, but one tiny part was holding them back. They placed their foot on the first step, waiting for any kind of resistance, nothing other than the feeling of passing through invisible cobwebs.
Upon hearing their name, MC craned their neck to try and get a look at what could be waiting for them at the top of the stairs.
“Are you coming, or not?”
The cascade of warning sirens that began to blare in MC’s head went ignored as they continued to scale the staircase.
When they reached the final step, they were met with a long hallway, with a single door on the right side of the wall.
“H-hello?” MC tried to instill some force into their voice, but it still ended up quavering a little.
“Down here.” Someone knocked on the wall next to the door, almost causing MC to jump.
Oh. Oh no. MC stood straight in front of the door, and when they saw who was looking back at them they nearly passed out.
Belphegor’s eyes flashed as he gave MC a once over. His eyes narrowed when his gaze snapped to MC’s. The analytical expression melted into a lazy grin.
“That’s me,” he said softly. “Nice to finally meet you, MC.”
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obae-me · 4 years ago
Upside Down CH-1
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Author’s Note: Hi, yes, hello, welcome to the fic series that no one asked for! Do I have other things I need to finish? Yes! But has this been the only thing on my mind for the past four days? Also yes! For some reason I was incapable of writing anything else! Thanks, brain, for this out of the blue obsession! 
Tags: Reverse AU
Word Count: 4587
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                                                      Next Chapter
Hell Away From Hell
Wrong. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was a mistake. It had to be. Although, with every clink of your restraints, your reality was becoming ever clearer. The chains rattled, echoing down the hall like a set of twisted wind chimes. Ones that sung of your dismal fortune. The demon ahead of you yanked the lead attached to your cuffs, sending you stumbling forward. You bit your lip to keep from cursing. Steading your body, you took their less-than-subtle message and picked up the pace. Keeping your eyes glued towards your destination, your stomach sank to your knees. Why? Why had you been brought to the castle? You hadn’t done anything wrong. Well, not anything to warrant being escorted by the palace guards in chains. And as they led you silently inside, past the polished halls and gaudy antiques, your fate pounded just fervently in your mind as your heart was in your chest. 
They were going to present you in front of the prince. 
It was torture in and of itself just making it to the throne room. The worst part about it all was your rampant imagination. You could only imagine what type of horrific techniques the prince was aware of. Halting in front of the large double doors, the demon behind you moved to open the entrance. Holding it open, the guard tugging you along guided you in. You managed to take only a few steps inside the room before you were practically thrown inside, your body tumbling over the ground. Both the guards smirked at you, flashing their pointed fangs in their conceited gestures before shutting the door, leaving you alone inside. 
“MC.” All the air inside your lungs had conveniently escaped. Lifting your chest off the ground, you tightened your lips as you met his gaze. Those glistening emerald eyes pierced right through you. Quickly, you lowered your eyes, attempting to show as much respect as you could to gain his favor. 
“M-my lord.” 
The melodic note that left his throat was a mix between a laugh and a coo. “Now, now, none of that groveling. I had you brought here to ask you a favor!” You could hear him stand to his feet, and you watched his shoes approach, clicking against the marbled tile. Then, you felt the smooth skin of his hand caress your right horn. The sudden sensitive feeling had your tail rapidly twitch and tuck under your leg. He pushed your horns back, raising your chin so you could look up at him. His dark hair drifted down across his forehead, curling around his horns that curved above his head like a broken halo, his face soft and inviting, and yet your gut wouldn’t let you believe it. “Please, from now on, just call me Simeon.” 
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Simeon hummed as he lifted his tea cup to his lips. He had been hospitable enough, but you still couldn’t shake this feeling of unease. Plus...what he had brought you in to ask you was...well, something short of insanity. You continued to rub your wrists where your constraints had been. And as much as the prince of hell apologized for his guard’s brutish behavior, you had a feeling it was purposeful. A message of sorts. Even now, as he had his little servant bring in sweets and tea as sickly sweet as it could get, it all tasted bitter to your tongue. “So let me get this straight,” you started. “You want me to be a member of this…” 
The prince tilted his head, eyes practically shining. “Restoration program.” 
You cleared your throat after the little scone this blonde demon had given you made your throat run dry. “R-right. And I’m assuming I don’t have a choice in the matter?” 
His voice was soft, but the light reflecting off his horns and his fangs suggested another answer. “We all have choices, MC.” 
Swallowing your nervousness, you lowered your head again. “But, with all due respect, sir...why? Why a restoration program?” 
Another voice chuckled behind your figure. “Because, why not?” You strained your neck, getting a view at the newcomer behind you. White hair, a mischievous smile, and something unknown swimming at the back of those dark eyes. Not only that, but the figure was wearing clothes as pure as clouds, with a certain glow to him. 
Simeon stood, hand out to greet this person as if they were an old friend-and for all you knew, they might’ve been. “Solomon, how good to see you.” 
The new guest-now known to you as Solomon-beamed. “Likewise. You’re looking well.” He turned, giving you a once-over to take you in before nodding. “And you are MC, yes?” 
Glaring, already feeling your skin about to burn, you leaned away from him. “And you’re an angel.” Your distrustful attitude let him frown for just a moment, but whether it was just his angelic nature or his personality, that smile was right back on his face. 
“Yes, well, the plan requires an angel, so Simeon personally asked me for my hand in this matter.” 
The both of them could tell that you were unbelievably confused, so Simeon gestured for the angel to take a seat at the table. “Luke.” The prince gestured to his small servant, the one who had not only brought you sweets but had taken the liberty to be staring you down the entire time. Finally, he turned his attention away from you. “Please do me a favor and get our new guest some refreshments.” The lesser demon squinted at you, nearly growled at the angel, and then took his leave with rapid little steps. Simeon laughed quietly to himself. “Don’t worry about him, he’s not used to others quite yet. But, MC.” With your name mentioned, you straightened your posture. “I’ve been planning this for quite some time. It’s been a desire of mine to bring the three realms closer together.” You couldn’t help but wonder why, what purpose it served, but you kept your mouth shut. “And while I’ve started to make decent progress fixing the old wounds between the Devildom and Celestial Realm, most of my kingdom and Solomon’s people refuse to make connections with the humans.” 
Mortals...even just the mention managed to leave a heavy pit in your stomach. “If I may speak.” You waited for the prince’s go-ahead before speaking your mind. “What would be the point of connecting with the humans? They serve little purpose. They’re either so corrupt they destroy their own kind or they think they’re so pure they isolate themselves or get themselves killed in the name of their twisted justice.” Speaking so passionately against the idea, you didn’t realize your nails had grown into talons, leaving marks in the wooden table. You took a breath, reclaiming your typical form. “They can’t even do themselves any good, what makes you think they’d be good for our realms?” 
Solomon, an expression of understanding mixed with pity, bounced a little in his seat. “That’s the question, isn’t it?” He turned his head to Simeon, who was nodding at you with a bit of approval. 
“That’s what this plan is all about. Testing them, observing them. We’ll be watching these humans, and at the end of this project, we’ll be able to determine if they’re ready and worthy of being brought together with us.” The ruler crossed one leg over the other, his tone making it sound as it was as simple as eating pie. 
Setting down the fork to your pastry, you felt a sense of dread wash over you. “And by we you mean?” 
“Why, you and Solomon of course! A demon and an angel, both working together to restore the bond between the human world and ours! The Demonic and Angelic Restoration program! Or D.A.R. -dare- for short.” If it weren’t for the horns, you’d almost think this demon was an angel with the way he eagerly talked about restoring bonds and bettering the nature of the realms. But, then you felt nauseous. 
“What...what exactly do you need me to do to help with this...program? And why me?” 
It was actually the angel that spoke up. “I’m sure you’re aware of the Morningstars?” 
It was such a silly question, you ended up scoffing. “Who doesn’t down here? Those brothers are filled with so much corruption and chaos they end up fueling about half the lesser demons down here...why?” 
They both straight up ignored your question and instead asked you some of their own. Simeon leaned forward, looking at you intently. “It took me quite a bit of time to find you MC. Most people don’t know you exist, and those that do hardly know your name. You simply are known to most as Isolation. Is it true that you’ve never made a pact with a human? Rumor is that you even refuse to subsist off their sins. And you’ve never taken a soul? That’s typically unheard of nowadays.”  
Shifting in your seat, you gave it to them straight. “It’s true. I do whatever I can to avoid contact. Haven’t even seen a human in the past millennia. Haven’t talked to one in about twice that time.” 
Clapping his hands together, Simeon let out an amazed sigh. “Perfect. You will be able to have a fresh eye! A clean slate. An unbiased--well, mostly unbiased opinion. You won’t be tempted to corrupt them, you’ll give me honest answers.” 
“Plus,” the angel agreed, “if you have the strength and willpower to live without human sustenance and influence for this long, you probably will have the patience to keep from killing them. If anyone could manage to live with the Morningstars, it would be you, from what I’ve heard.” 
You were grateful you had put down your drink a while ago. Your breath caught in your throat. “Wait, excuse me, what did you say? Live...with the…” 
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“Mr. Morningstar!” A laugh, a handshake, even a pat on the shoulder, it nearly made you ill watching the upcoming king of the Devildom greet a human like this so casually. You couldn’t help but sneak glances at this mortal...one of the Morningstars, the eldest. The one who fueled the most demons without even knowing about it. People down in the Devildom called him by Pride. A human world CEO-whatever that meant. He was powerful, influential, not to mention ridiculously rich. And he’d do whatever it took to keep his status, even at the misfortune of plenty of other people. His suit and posture told you pretty much all you needed to know about him. A fancy well tailored pitch black suit, a striking red tie with a subtle but regal diamond design, diamond cufflinks, the works. It was as if dust and winkles knew to avoid him entirely. His hair was as dark as his suit, save for the ends which were greying. He didn’t seem that old, so you wondered if it was intentional or simply stress. You thought you heard someone say that once, that humans could get grey hair from stress. Did they all possess capabilities to change their hair based on their emotions? That human lady you saw outside the building with the blue hair must’ve been feeling something intense. 
“Mr-” The human you had come to see was cut off. 
“Please, you know to call me Simeon by now!” 
The mortal cleared his throat. “Simeon…” The human glanced at you, and raised his chin as he took Simeon by the shoulders and brought him away from you. If you had been a human, it would’ve been a decent tactic to keep you out of earshot. Unfortunately, you could still hear everything they were saying. “I know you have good standing with the company, and I’m pleased to know you respect and trust me with such a task, but...this is far from business.” You could feel his eyes on you. “I have to respectfully decline your request. I don’t think I can allow them to live with us for a year. You know my family.” 
“It would only be for a year, and I know you have plenty of room in that house of yours!” Simeon laughed a bit and then lowered his voice. You could feel the alluring pull of his influence flood the space. The human stiffened, his intuition picking up on a shift in the room. “Besides, Lucifer. You know I wouldn’t ask for a favor like this without some proper and well deserved remuneration. Listen...I happen to have something on the head of that business owner that’s been butting heads with your company. Wouldn’t it be nice to have them completely out of the picture? Not only is that increasing your profit, but if they happen to...I don’t know, completely go bankrupt, that little building of theirs on the corner of Main is some prime real estate.” Reaching into his pocket, Simeon pulled out a small...plastic...rectangle of sorts, with metal on one end. “I got everything right here.” Smiling, one hand firmly against Lucifer’s upper back, he looked him right in the eyes and whispered something you knew would have this human caught. “You can’t let them bother you like this. You need to show them and everyone else who you are, and that you’re not to be messed with.” 
It took the mortal a moment of internal struggle. Decline the offer and figure things out himself without assistance? Or swallow the smallest bit of ego for self satisfaction? Either way, this mortal was past helping. Already drowning in pride. Eventually, he gripped the object, tucking it into a pocket beneath his suit jacket. Despite being handed assistance, he still found a way to be demanding. “Alright, but no more than a year, and if I feel like anything is going awry, I’m sending them away. Is it really too unreasonable to just set them up on their own? Surely for you it’s no problem.” 
Backing up slightly after his incentive worked, Simeon shook his head. “I would feel endlessly guilty leaving alone, desolate, isolated, after what happened. Poor thing...they haven’t even said a word to me in days.” That last part wasn’t a lie. You’d nearly refused to say anything to him since being dragged to the human world. Prince or no prince. “My poor cousin, suddenly losing all their family like that. It’s tragic, isn’t it? Losing people you love?” 
Lucifer, with his arms folded, let his hand tightly grip the fabric of one of his sleeves. His eyes lowered the slightest touch, his jaw tightening. “It...is...I know it all too well.” You caught a hint of some emotion from the mortal. 
“Then you know that what would be best for them right now is company. Trust me, I wouldn’t have brought them to you if I didn’t think it would help. Besides, this is a win for all parties involved, right?” Simeon gestured to the gift Lucifer had tucked away, and the last string of resistance had been snipped. 
Sighing, the human looked at the luxurious watch on his wrist. “I’ll take them home. Let my brothers know what’s happening. Is it too much to assume they’ll be better behaved with a guest in the house?” 
Laughing once more, the prince shrugged. If only Lucifer knew who he was in the presence of. “You’ll all just have to find out!” Patting the other man on the shoulder, Simeon then came over to you with his arms outstretched. “It’s all settled, MC!” He pulled you into a hug, taking the time to speak quietly to you. “Remember to keep your identity a secret. I’ll be checking up on you and Solomon once a month for a report. Keep them safe. Play nice.” He pulled apart, coming around behind you and settling his hands on your shoulders. “And remember, what Mr. Morningstar is doing is unbelievably nice, so make sure to thank him and keep yourself out of trouble.” 
You broke your vow of silence out of irritation. “I’m not a child you’re sending away to school. I know how to keep my own head on my shoulders.” You attempted to brush his hands off but the grip was tightened. Swallowing your frustration, you kept yourself from grimacing, looking at the fabled Lucifer Morningstar. “Thank you...for letting me live with you.” 
For a human, he had a tenacity for picking up on things. He noticed your lie, giving you a stare down of his own before grabbing his phone. You only recently figured out what those devices were. Simeon had made sure he gifted you one of your own, since apparently it was the main source of communication in this realm. Too strange, but you picked it up fairly quickly. Lucifer just raised his head and pressed his cell against his ear. “Just make sure you refrain from being as irksome as my brothers.” The line he was dialing picked up. “Yes, have a driver prepare to come pick me up. And someone please contact my brothers for me so they know I’m bringing home a...guest.” 
It was going to be a long year…
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The...metal contraption rumbled, making your head feel light. Without magic to get around, they had to use...these things. The movement slowed till it came to a stop. Looking out the pane of glass, you peered forward to see what the issue was. A big red circular light shone a bright crimson in front of the lane. Was it a threat? If so, why was the world seemingly filled with them? Then the eye turned green and the long carriage rumbled back to life. It was completely different than the last time you had been here. 
“Before you even step foot in my home, we need to set some ground rules.” Even just the sound of his voice almost physically rubbed you the wrong way. You bit the inside of your cheek. Play nice, the prince had said. How long could you keep your patience around these mortals? You looked up at him, feeling him stare you down to the corrupt depths of your soul. “Since you’re going to be living with us for so long, you’re going to have to follow the same rules I give my brothers? Understand?” 
Was this all worth it? Would having your soul be torn to shreds be that bad? “Yes.” 
He nodded, then decided his attention would be better focused towards whatever he had on that electronic device of his. He gave you orders without even looking at you. No wonder all the lesser demons who fawned after him were so pretentious. “No parties. No pets. You can stay up however long you want, but you must be back at the house no later than midnight. You can have your own room but you must keep it clean, don’t expect me to hire a maid for you. You’re responsible for looking after yourself. I might be providing a roof over your head, but anything you need is up to you. You break anything, you’re responsible for replacing it. Just use the basic level of common sense and we should have no trouble. Hopefully the year will be over before we—oh excuse me.” Without another word he picked another call, his third one since you’d been blackmailed into this ride. You just gave a gentle sigh and stared out the window. Just a few days ago you’d still existed in your botherless existence. A personal utopia of your own making. Now you were in this...hell away from hell, the scent of smog and exhaust still burning the inside of your nose. 
The rest of the ride was spent with you trying to think of ways to escape this fate, but finding none in sight. You didn’t need to fully see the building to get this overwhelming wave of impurity. The tempting allure of sin. Practically a demon buffet. These morons were just screaming to be killed or worse, eaten. Even just approaching the gate to the driveway, you could see remnants of spirits, demons without full forms clawing at the fence. Wisps of black sinking into their sidewalk. But not even those, you could smell the presence of other lesser demons...but more dangerous ones. Outside the gate were small crowds, not too many, but enough to safely conceal their presence. Photographers, journalists, fans, wherever they were, they were eager to get in. And amongst the rabble stood demons pretending to be mortals in an attempt to sink their fangs into one of the Morningstars. You slunk down in your seat, trying to conceal your presence, but you were sure they’d be able to feel you. The car slipped past all of them, approaching the first set of gates. Whoever was patrolling the vehicle pressed their fingers against a small pad attached to a pillar by the gate. It waited for a moment, then made an affirming noise before the gate swung open. The cries of mortal and hidden demons alike pleading for the smallest sliver of attention from this human made you feel sick. 
Despite having nearly ignored you the whole time, Lucifer scoffed. “You’ll get used to it.” The curved metal fence shut behind you, and the sound of the crowd slowly faded as you pulled up in front of the massive house. If anything, it reminded you a little of home. It was an old fashioned looking house, but fanciful nonetheless. With dark stone, piercing towers, arched windows, and an overall gothic aesthetic. You managed to take a moment to breathe. At least there was one silver lining. Lucifer stepped out of the idle vehicle first, paying you no mind as he approached the steps to the door. Slightly panicking, you tried simply pushing the door before noticing the small handle. Pulling it unlocked it, and you rapidly exited, feeling the motion sickness fade with your feet on the ground. You followed the mortal to the door, and was slightly pleased when he put his phone away to open the door, leaving it open for you. Lucifer shut the door, a small high pitched noise ringing through your ears. You turned and watched him mess with a little panel near the door. “Our security is top of the market. I make sure the code is changed every day, so if you’re not inside by midnight, I hope you enjoy camping.” 
You were about to speak up about that, but both of you were bombarded with noise. A noise you would later learn to get used to. “Oi! Lucifer!” A bundle of energy came racing down the stairs. Wild hair, dark skin, rings on nearly every finger, you recognized this individual without having to ask his name. You could feel the influence. Greed. Demons almost loved this brother more than Pride, because from what you’d heard, he’d make deals impulsively with demons without knowing their true intentions. As long as money or something expensive was in front of him, he’d jump for anything. It had gotten him in more than enough trouble, and it made him too much of a prime target. At least Lucifer knew how to look over his shoulder. The second brother confronted the eldest. He didn’t even glance at you. “Hey, I need some cash! For some reason my card keeps declining...you can spot me right?” 
Lucifer didn’t even hesitate. “No.” 
“Eh? Why not?! I did that thing the other day for you, remember?” 
“Hm?” Lucifer tilted his head, taking the time to recall-or pretending to. “Which thing would that be? Would it have been before or after you stole and immediately maxed out my card?” Lowering his eyes, the older one gave off a menacing smile. 
Mammon took a step back, muttering. “O-oh you found about that, huh?” 
The smile turned into a full on yell. “Of course I found out! I got a call from the bank as soon as they saw the purchase! What exactly do you need a golden tiger statue for, Mammon? Seriously, you’re absolutely ridiculous! I returned it by the way, and in the meantime I cancelled all your cards.” Mammon went to open his mouth in anger but didn’t have the chance to say anything. “You can try to find some extra work to pay off all the bills you’ve left me with. And if I think you’re ready, I’ll reopen your accounts in two months.” The effort of shouting sent Pride’s eye twitching. He lifted a hand to press against his forehead, the blood draining from his face. You shifted ever so slightly in your spot and he groaned. “Right, you’re here. Mammon, this is MC.” 
Eyebrows raised, he jumped a little when he finally spotted you were in the room. “Wait, wait, wait, that whole thing with someone staying with us for a year wasn’t a joke?” 
“No.” Although the slight warble to his voice seemed that that fact was just now settling in. “It wasn’t. And since you’ve so kindly volunteered yourself, you can take their bags and show them to their room.” He simply turned. No welcome, no tour, no warmth in those cold eyes of his. 
“Hey! Come back here!” Yet the younger sibling showed no signs of chasing after him. “Lucifer!” His older brother just quickly headed up the stairs and disappeared into the house. Was it really going to require a full year of observation? Just from what you were seeing right now, you wanted nothing to do with humans. Nothing. Mammon ran a hand through his hair, one of his strands getting stuck in one of his rings, but he tugged it out without noticing, like it was a daily occurrence. “I can’t believe this.” You could watch as the anger started to swell within him. “Screw this, I’m out of here!” You were ready for him to leave, to give into his emotions. He had wrapped his hand around the door handle before he stopped. Pausing, he just tutted to himself before shoving his hands in his jacket-pockets, looking in your direction but not fully at you. “You want the guest room we have upstairs or down?” Loud, brash, rude in some ways, but there was a weird sort of innocence about him. You simply shrugged. He nodded, grasping one of your bags suddenly, gesturing you to follow. “I’ll give you the downstairs one. Most of our rooms are on the second floor, so it’s a bit quieter down here, plus it stays cooler.” He led you past the entrance hall and back into the rest of the house. “Plus, it’s easier to sneak out from here, but you didn’t hear that from me. I’m guessing Lucifer gave you the whole rule spiel?” 
You restrained the urge to roll your eyes. “Yeah.” 
He hissed in air through his teeth. “Sucks, man, are you sure you want to stay here?” 
The pain around your wrists was still too prominent. Etched into your skin was a mark, a line of runes and symbols around your wrists. Who knew demons could give temporary pacts to other demons? Simeon ensured you a small fraction of his power, just in case you ran into trouble. But in exchange he had a hold on you, able to summon you to him whenever he needed you. It was your chain keeping you imprisoned here. There was no running. There was no hiding. “I didn’t have a choice.”
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inhuman-obey-me · 4 years ago
An Angel’s Uncertainty
#HappyBirthdayLucifer2021 ! This was written as part of a collab project for Lucifer’s birthday -- you can check out all the artist/writer combos at the Lucifer Birthday Collab Twitter! 
Words:  1062 A look at Lucifer's thoughts during a birthday of his in the Celestial Realm, before the War. Angst ahead.
Can be found on AO3 here.
His day of creation. It was supposed to be a celebration.
“A day of commemoration in the name of our very own Morning Star!” Michael grins, raising a glass of sparkling celestial water, the rays of sun passing through it as if it were liquid diamond. The others clap and cheer in a flurry of feathers and halos, all surrounding Lucifer in adoration. Everyone always had so much admiration for him, their dazzling light-bringer.
His siblings and other fellow angels would come together around this time, singing his praises and gifting him small items to show their appreciation. It was never an extravagant affair -- above all, their duties as angels came before anything else, and parties were for the immoral. Lucifer didn’t mind -- he enjoyed the calm moments, whenever he could get away from his usual long list of responsibilities and making sure his siblings weren’t up to too much trouble.
So then why did today feel so … empty?
It was a question he already knew the answer to, but acknowledging it would force him to face a truth that he had been trying so hard to push away.
So he smiles. He engages. He laughs and gives his thanks for all of the platitudes and generosity. He wants to be present , in the moment, no thoughts of the future and the growing doubts in his heart interrupting and dimming the light in his eyes.
But that was easier said than done. The aching in his heart never dissipates, the nagging feeling that something was off, something wasn’t right, something was amiss. As the day wore on, he felt his mask slipping -- and he wasn’t the only one who noticed.
“Lucifer,” He turns to see Simeon, his fellow seraph, giving him one of his usual gentle smiles. “I thought I saw you slip away to this garden. Are you doing alright?”
“Yes, of course.” No . “I just needed a little break from Mammon’s and Leviathan’s squabbling.”
“I see. They’re as rambunctious as ever, aren’t they?” Simeon laughs softly, coming to stand by Lucifer’s side, following his gaze out to the calm waters of the Eastern Spring. Together, they pass by a few moments in silence.
A soft breeze rustles the leaves of the trees surrounding them, long wispy branches reaching over the water, as if grasping for something that couldn’t be seen. The petals of celestial flowers drift through the air, vibrating with a heavenly chime as they made contact with the surface of the spring, as if they were singing a song for just the two of them. It was a beautiful sight, but just as one could see all of the charm in such a vision, one could also feel a strange sense of melancholy.
“What is it?” Lucifer finally asks.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You’re still staring at me from the corner of your eye, Simeon. Something you want to say?” Lucifer raises a brow inquisitively, turning to his friend.
“Well,” Simeon starts, glancing behind them to ensure no one else was nearby. He lowers his voice before continuing, “You seem … down. Like something has been weighing on you. I can’t help but wonder.”
Lucifer sighs, running a hand through his raven locks. He wasn’t completely lying earlier -- he did want to get away from Mammon, who always seemed to see straight through him. There was no need to concern him -- not just yet, not when he wasn’t truly certain on what these feelings were. However, he forgot that Simeon also had the unfortunate knack of reading him a bit too easily with those piercing cerulean eyes.
“It’s … nothing. I’ve just had a lot on my mind, with all of these changes, and these annoying meetings I’ve been forced to have with the Devildom prince.” He waves his hand, as if dismissing the thought. He couldn’t let Simeon know of this growing doubt, like a pit opening wider and wider in his chest and consuming him whole. He is one of the top angels. He follows his father’s command, believes in his Great Plan, believes in all that the Celestial Realm stood for and more.
Doesn’t he?
It wasn’t as if his recurring diplomatic meetings with Prince Diavolo were making him question more and more why his father had not tried to achieve peace amongst the Three Realms, making him question if all they had been taught about demons was true, making him question if being an angel was truly the most divine and freeing thing one could be. It wasn’t as if they were merely soldiers, merely messengers, merely arbiters. It wasn’t as if he had been imagining what it would be like to rise up against his Father, what the best strategy would be to challenge that which was to never be questioned, who would play what role, who would join, who would oppose.
It wasn’t, it wasn’t, it wasn’t . . .
“Well, if you say so.” Simeon smiles at him again, delicately placing a gloved hand on Lucifer’s shoulder. “But know that you can come and speak to me anytime. You order me around plenty as it is, you can share whatever other burdens you have with me as well, alright?” He pauses, his brows knitting for a moment. “Unless, of course, it has to do with Raphael. He gets testy enough with me as is, so you are on your own for that.”
“Thank you, Simeon.” Lucifer manages a smile, a genuine one as the other angel laughs at his own remarks. “I appreciate it, but you really don’t have to worry. Now, let’s return to the others, shall we?”
Simeon nods, and together they rejoin the gathering. The morning star observes his family fondly -- Asmodeus was braiding Lilith’s hair, Beelzebub was showing Belphegor along with a couple other angels a new defense move he had learned recently, and Mammon and Leviathan were still arguing over something inconsequential, much to the amusement of Uriel who almost seemed to be goading them on.
He pushes all of his doubts away, all of his questions of the future and what it held. It was blasphemous, turning away from all of this just because of uncertainty. What a fool he was, to even imagine what a revolution against this idyllic peace would be like.
After all, they would be together like this forever … right?
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theinariakuma · 4 years ago
First One to Know
Rated: SFW (Rated T for language, mentions of mensural cycle, and Pregnancy symptoms)
Obey Me!
Polyship! Female MC
Includes: Datables, Diavolo, and Simeon
This is based off the idea of how Female MC would tell each boy she was pregnant. They’re all the ”first to know” concept. 
For precaution. All under the cut. 
She sat in the bath, huffing a bit before she sank her chin under the water. How does one tell Lucifer they're pregnant. 
Lucifer was this... All powerful, all important person. While, yes, she could just tell him. It felt like she needed to do something else.
She had plans for everyone but him and Belphegor. They were the two more difficult brothers. 
Part of her wanted to bring Diavolo into the planning to tell him, but she knew it would likely end up as a few things. A party, a big thing... And she didn't want anyone but Lucifer to know first.
"One of your daddies is going to drive me crazy." She spoke in a quiet time, fingers brushing over her stomach, it was far too early for anything beyond knowing there was a baby, but talking to them comforted her. "He's impossible to surprise."
With her luck, he'd know before her anyways. 
So, she kept planning. Each idea fell flat in her mind. She'd been more focused on how to surprise Lucifer that she only half paid attention at RAD. 
"Long day?" Lucifer often walked her home, just like cooking was Beel's time and Naps were Belphie's. The walk home belonged to Lucifer. He'd made a claim to it early in the start of the relationship. 
"Mm something like that." She moved her arms around his neck, giving him a slow, happy kiss. 
His hands drifted to her hips, gently holding her as he returned the kiss. The affection she showered him and his brothers with often caused them to relax. Years of pent up tension lovingly eased away by her. 
It wasn't until half way home she noticed how his hand would occasionally drift up to her belly. She'd found herself unconsciously doing the same since she found out. 
"You know!" She turned to look at him. Eyes narrowed as she pointed in his face.
The smirk on his face and the light joy in his gaze said everything. 
"You knew! And I was going crazy trying to think of how to tell you!" She glared at him, but Lucifer just laughed. 
"You didn't hide the test as well as you thought. Asmo saw the box." 
Her cheeks went red and she began walking faster. Despite her annoyance, hearing his laughter made her smile. He was happy about the news. 
She sat on the edge of her bed, fingers pulling and smoothing her skirt down. 
"Alright, what's on ya mind? You keep doing that..." His hands began moving in a ringing motion, the way she was abusing the fabric of her skirt. 
"I'm trying to think of how to tell you. You're... Well. I wanted you to know first. You were my first man after all..." The soft memory made a smile appear on her face. 
Mammon quickly shut up as his cheeks began glowing red at the words. "Y-You bet your ass I am..." He muttered, eyes looking away. 
"I... Well." She bit into her lower lip. "I'm pregnant."
Out of everything Mammon expected, that was the last thing he could have thought of. It did make sense. She was being shared by seven powerful demons. It wasn't too surprising that her birth control failed... 
Mammon was hesitant, his fingers as gentle as possible, cupping her cheeks. "Say that again..." He was terrified. He was greedy and selfish, but oh how he wanted this. Wanted to be a dad, even if he didn't feel like he deserved to be one. 
"I'm pregnant... You and the others are gonna be dads... And you're the first to kno--oh!" Mammon kissed her deeply, his fingers cradling her face as he cut her off, kissing her slowly, deeply. She couldn't see them yet, but the man was crying, he was so happy. She made him so happy and made him feel so loved.
Fingers stroked the back of the girl laying against him. Her face tucked into his neck as she quietly dozed off. She'd lost interest in the anime about two episodes ago. Not that Levi blamed her, it was boring, but he was always one to finish a series... Well at least the season, no matter how dull or trash it was. 
It was nice just being able to hold her.
His attention kept drifting to her, the woman was half curled up in his lap, her arms loosely wrapped around him, her breathing soft against his neck. 
"Oi, Levi. You got more shit from Akuzon." Mammon didn't even bother knocking as he brought in the package. 
"I didn't order anything." Levi's brow furrowed as he held his hand out. Mammon almost scoffed, but he wouldn't make him move. The dozing girl against him looked so peaceful. 
"What is it then?" Mammon, being the jealousy boy he was, did not leave, much to Levi's annoyance. Today was his day with her.
Levi began opening the box, only to pause at the items. A box that held a smaller version of his game controller, some other miniatures, and a plastic sealed shirt. The invoice settled in the package told him that it indeed was not his order, but the girl in his arms. 
"Why do you need a tiny controller?" Mammon asked, confused as he saw Levi looking at the box. There were more miniature size items inside the box that only furthered his confusion.
The soft giggles against his neck made Levi arch a brow. "I see you're awake. Want to explain?" 
"Look at the shirt." She smiled and nuzzled into him after waving to Mammon. 
Pulling up the white shirt wrapped in plastic, he saw the logo clear as day. 
Black clouded his vision, the last thing he remembered was hearing the two cry out at him.
"Oh my god, Levi!"
"The fuck, man!"
The woman held her hands over her mouth, not expecting that reaction.
"He fainted." Her voice turned to soft giggles, "Only you Levi." She moved to gently lift his head, pulling him to lean into her, stroking his hair. Her poor nervous Otaku couldn’t handle the news.
Mammon got a glimpse at the shirt before shaking his head. "Course Levi would pass out over news like this." Part of him was both annoyed and amused. “I’m gonna tell everyone.” The grin appeared on his face as he snapped a picture to send to the group chat. 
"Yeah. He would. He's so nervous like that." She chuckled, watching Mammon hold up the "Baby download in progress" shirt she bought to send a picture to it to the rest of the guys. 
"I'm glad. Ya know, to be here. Even though ya probably meant to do it alone with him." Her cheek leaned into Mammon's touch, the Avatar of Greed moved to stroke her cheek as he crouched down next to her, staying with her as she stroked Levi's hair, waiting on him to wake up from his unconscious state.
Satan felt his temple pulse as he was growing steadily more annoyed and angry. 
Three times today alone she's avoided him. He was growing to detest sharing her with his siblings if this was how she was going to act. 
He loved the woman, she was his kitten, sweet and loving. Yet the past week or so she'd been acting off. That off act had soon turned to her avoiding him and he wanted to fucking know why. 
His eyes narrowed a bit as he glimpsed her and Lucifer talking. 
Somehow, some way. This was Lucifer's fault. 
He'd rather blame Lucifer then believe that she was willingly avoiding him. So he waited until she left off to who knows where again to go to Lucifer's study.
"What did you say to her that is making her avoid me?" The dark aura coming off the blond was dense, his wrath was dense and when Lucifer looked up from his desk he was surprised that the blond wasn't in his demon form with that much anger. 
"I haven't said anything, Satan." His eyes narrowed. Their little human and he had been working on a contract for her to allow her to stay as a contracted ambassador for Diavolo for the Human world... So she could stay. 
The past week she'd been insistent about getting this done as soon as possible. 
"You're lying!" That was all it took before his tail whipped out, lashing at the desk separating them once his demon form came out. Breathing heavy as the desk and all of its paperwork went everywhere. 
"She won't even look at me! She avoids me! And you're the only one who would tell her anything!"
The crash had startled her, she'd gone to grab some tea for her and Lucifer. 
A while ago she'd noticed she'd missed her period. For her it wasn't too unusual for it to be a little late, however when one week turned to three. She began worrying. 
Earlier in the week, she'd taken a pregnancy test and well... It came back positive. All of them did, actually. 
Anxiety had filled her to the point she started avoiding Satan because he could read her like an open book... And well, she was scared. What if he wasn't happy? What if the others weren't happy?
She wanted Satan to be the first to know out of the brothers. He'd quickly become someone she could always rely on and he was almost as patient as Asmo and Mammon with her--despite their quirks.
However, her stress began raising as she realized she was two months off from the end of the exchange program. She wanted everything to be settled for her to stay... She didn't want to stress any of them out more than what the first bit of news would do. 
The last thing she wanted was someone yelling at Diavolo And putting Lucifer in a bad place stuck between her, his brothers, and his loyalty to Diavolo. 
"Satan, stop!" She saw him pinning Lucifer up to the bookshelf, hissing low as his tail whipped around. 
She didn't dare go further in. Satan would never intentionally harm her, but she didn't want to risk it accidentally. 
"Why should I?" Blonde hair and vivid green eyes turned to her, pain and fury in his gaze. "Since you'd rather abandon me for him anyways! You've done nothing but avoid me! Something is wrong with you and you refuse to tell me!"
"Satan, you need to calm--"
"Oh, shut up, Lucifer!" His anger diverted back towards his elder brother. Surprisingly, Lucifer was not fighting back against his assault.
"Because I'm pregnant!"
Both demons were looking at her now, Satan's hands slipping from where they were once clenched in Lucifer's shirt. 
"What?" The breathless tone. Neither demon suddenly knowing what to do.
"I found out earlier this week. I wasn't avoiding you because I was upset at you. I was avoiding you because I was scared because I knew you'd ask what's wrong. I knew I never could... Never would  want to lie to you or the others... I needed to figure things out."
"That's why you've been so insistent about getting this contract done quickly." Lucifer's voice was just as awed and breathless. 
All seven of the brothers shared her. And a baby... Her getting pregnant was really the last thing any of them thought of. 
"I was going to finish this... Then tell you."
Satan's demon form almost melted away, hesitating as he went to her, fingers moving to cradle her face. "Tell me?"
"I was going to tell you first... Then the others... But I needed to be sure I could stay first. That... Diavolo wouldn't have to send me home. That you guys wouldn't put Lucifer in a bad spot... That he wouldn't be stuck in a bad spot, between his duty to Diavolo and me and you guys..." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. 
"You silly, amazing, foolish, stubborn human." His forehead pressed to hers, his shoulders beginning to tremble as a sob left him. 
Satan hadn't expected that. He didn't expect her to try and take on so much to give him such peace of mine. 
Lucifer didn't approach yet, he'd talk to her...let his own emotions out later. Right now, this was between her and Satan. 
"I'm going to be a dad." 
"You all are." She closed her eyes. "You all are fathers. And the first time I hear any of you arguing over who's the blood father of the baby, I'm going to be mad."
Arms pulled her close, awe was still flooding him, unsure of what to say or what to do... Just knowing that he loved her so much. 
"I'm sorry, Lucifer." His voice was low and it was only then that he approached the two. 
"It's alright, Satan. I understand why... Our little human tends to drive us all a bit crazy and quick to act without thinking." Lucifer moved to press a kiss to her knuckles, not pulling either out of their embrace. "You need your rest now. You can tell the others later, but right now, you need your rest. When I sort out..." Lucifer sighed as he looked to the destroyed desk, "That. I'll bring the paperwork to you and I'll contact Diavolo. We're not letting you leave.. I refuse to let you go as much as Satan and the others will."
Satan began gently ushering her out the door, energy zapped after such a cold splash of reality diffusing his anger. They'd both get some rest... He wasn't going to let her leave his arms for a while.
Asmodeus was nothing if not perceptive. While he did not always show it, he did make sure to always pay attention. So when his little darling was a bit easier to excite than usual, he noticed. 
Eyes softened as he saw her. Out of all the brothers, Asmo was the softest with her. He liked the soft touches, forehead kisses and hair stroking, things that were intimate but not so much sexual. 
He loved sex, he would never deny that, but him offing intimate affection outside of sex was both something he did for just anyone. 
"What's in the bag? Did you go shopping without me?" Lips moved into a pout at his darling as she just laughed and gave him a soft kiss. 
"I promise you'll like this gift and be less annoyed and pouty after you see it."
"I don't like when you shop without me." He huffed a bit, pulling her into the bed with him. She just laughed and snuggled back against him, letting him fuss with the sealed gift bag for a moment. 
Despite his general nature of liking to surprise people, Asmodeus hated surprises. 
Yet, when he tugged the tissue out of the bag and pulled out what he thought was a T shirt, his heart stopped. 
A soft pink onesie. It was tiny, made for a newborn sized infant. On it was careful handwriting stating, 'Of course I'm cute, look at my Daddy.'
"You..." Words, for once, escaped him. 
A squeak left the woman as she found herself pinned under the Avatar of Lust, kisses peppering all over her face. 
"You beautiful, amazing woman... I can't.." he was choked up, unable to form proper sentences as he pressed soft kisses over every inch of her face, the final one ending at her lips, drawing her into a slow, lingering kiss.
He never knew such happiness before.
Beelzebub loved cooking for his little human. His two greatest joys next to spending time with his brothers. It was a routine between them. On their days to cooks, they spent time together. He may have had to share her, but he would claim these moments happily and selfishly. 
However, recently he noticed how her face would go pale and she'd rush off. The smell of his cooking bad been making her sick. 
"I'm okay, I promise." Her words were soft, but he knew she wasn't feeling the best after getting sick. 
When it became a consistent issue, he began truly worrying. Not only was his sweet human sick but his cooking caused it. Had his his cooking gotten as bad as Solomon's?
"Are you sick? Do I need to get a doctor? Let me get Lucifer!"
"Beel, baby. I'm okay."
"You can't keep food down... Is my cooking bad?"
"Oh Beel, baby... No." Her hands reached up to touch his cheeks, he leaned down so she could touch him easier.  "This isn't your fault. I suspected it, but I didn't know until this morning." 
His eyes were lit up with confusion. Didn’t know what?
"I'm having a baby, Beel. You guys are going to be dads."
The awe on his face before he swept her up into his arms, laughing and nuzzling into her Affectionately making her laugh. He was both relieved and excited.
Belphegor was currently snuggled up to his precious human. Despite being probably the laziest of the brothers, he was also one of the smartest. It was why he got along with Satan so much and why he also clashed with Lucifer... Well that and several reasons. 
He'd noticed it very quickly, probably before she did. She was usually full of life and energy. However the past couple of weeks she'd been exhausted, not quite to his level of sleep, but enough that people were worried. 
However, pressed into her for their naps, he noticed several things, her temperature was not up, so no fever. And areas of her body were more sensitive. 
"Come on. It's dinner time."  He nudged her after Beel texted him. "We can come back upstairs after eating. I know you're tired."
She almost whined in protest, "I'm not really hungry. My stomach has been pretty upset when I eat." She thought maybe it was just her period about to start. 
Belphie sat up and gazed at her, "Are you pregnant?"
Her lips parted before shutting again. A thoughtful look on her face. "What day is it today?" 
Arching a brow, "The tenth." 
He watched her face for a few more moments before looking at him, "I... Maybe?" She hesitated. She hadn't even thought about it. "I am late this month. I thought maybe it was stress? It wouldn’t have been the first time I was late because I was stressed out." 
Belphie sighed and drew her up into his arms, causing her to snuggle into him more. 
"Can we... Go after dinner to pick up a test? I don't wanna say anything to the others until we're sure." She snuggled against him, her mind warming with exhaustion again. She just wanted to stay here and go back to sleep.
"Yeah, of course." He dropped a kiss to her brow. "Any idea who the father would be?"
The question earned a smack to his chest. 
"What?" He saw her annoyed glare. 
"All of you. And if you ask that again, I'm going to yank your tail next time." Despite her annoyance, it made him smile to see her so protective of everyone, calling them all the fathers.
"Alright. You're right." He sighed and moved to get up, pulling her along. "Food then the run to the shop.... If it is, can we tell Lucifer last?" 
She rolled her eyes, taking the lead as she tugged him by his hand. 
Later that evening, when the three little tests all came back positive, she just gave Belphegor a look. "How the fuck--"
"You're exhausted, constantly. And sensitive. But you're not squirming like when you’re on your period,” She was almost always uncomfortable, and always wanted to munch on something. Not that he or Beel minded, “or running a fever.... And you haven't been really wanting to eat."
"I can't tell who's more observant, you or Lucifer at this point." Lucifer magically knew what they were doing so often she'd tease him about spying, yet it seemed Belphie was just as observant if not more so. 
"It's kinda funny. You knew before even I noticed." She laughed a bit, earning a smile from him.
Diavolo was a special sort of person, and to say she was surprised he was willing to share her, was massively down playing it. 
The Prince had truly been a man with a golden heart and a fist of steel if pushed enough. 
"Barbados did mention I had a little bird in my office." His laugh was low, the large man moving to look at the girl who was currently leaning against his desk. "Lucifer was nearly panicking when someone mentioned you weren't home."
She blinked in surprise before pulling out her D.D.D. "Woops. I forgot to turn the sound back on." She was gonna get a lecture about that later, she just knew it. 
"Now, Princess, why are you waiting on me and not letting Lucifer know?" A large hand stroked her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. 
"Cause he'd ask why and I wanted you to know first?" Bright, soft eyes gazing up at him as her hands moved to gently hold his hand. After a moment she moved his hand from her face to her abdomen. 
There was a moment, a pause before it clicked. Golden eyes seemed to grow brighter. "Are you sure?"
The way her smile grew only caused a massive one to spread across his face. Politics be damned, he was too happy about this.
He moved to pull the smaller woman into his arms, holding her close. 
Being an Angel meant a few things, even if Simeon knew he was on a path of damnation like Lucifer and his siblings had.
He loved the woman currently snuggled in his bed, his fingers ran through her hair as his gaze softened. 
A new life was blossoming. 
A new life that belonged to them. He didn't care about the lineage, it was still his child within her, whether he sired them or not. 
Fingers carefully caressed along her body, the touch was intimate and soft, just admiring her. Tonight she was with him in Purgatory Hall before she'd go back to the House of Lamentation. 
"Mmm... Morning, Simeon." Her voice was groggy and soft. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Very well, my feather." He whispered as he leaned down. "I love you." He nuzzled into her soft hair, earning a soft, happy noise. 
"You're so lovey this morning. Did I miss something?" She ran her fingers through his hair. 
"You're pregnant, love." His words were soft in her ear and just the honesty of it stole her breath. "It's a very new life, but I noticed this morning."
Fear flooded her first but then joy did. Because even if she was scared, even if she was nervous, she had Simeon and the others. "Are you happy? I”m a little scared...  but happy." 
"I am happy. Because this is ours... Yours, mine, and the others. And have no doubts they'll be as excited as I am. Even if they are a bit scared."
Simeon was as terrified as she was, he was an Angel that broke all the rules, teetering the edge of falling from grace. Lucifer was one that had already fallen and was now a demon... A powerful one. 
But he knew, no matter their fears, hers or theirs, they'd love her and their child. No matter what. And nothing would ever harm them.
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thenextchapter22 · 4 years ago
PART 2! Sleeping in the Devildom!
Description: Your first night was an easy sleep, but your second not so much...
or….adventures and cute stories with a reader/MC who carries stuffed animals around all over Devildom.
Pairing(s): NONE!
Word Count: 1,615
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Author’s Notes:  Okay so I was not expecting so many likes for this, but thank you very much to all those reading! :3 I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Part One
Sleeping in your room while several demons slept in the same hallway was actually pretty easy the first night. You had passed out in the shockingly comfortable bed after dinner with the brothers (and wow was that a crazy time, you lived alone so you always ate alone and the banter was fun to watch, but the food was weird too) and snuggled close with your Panda stuffed animal Po, rubbing your cheek and nose in the ultra-soft plush tummy of the black and white bear that was about the size of a pillow. You even woke up with drool on her.
The first morning before school you had an eventful time meeting angels. Simeon was so pretty and kind, and Luke was hilarious with his huffing and puffing, but super energetic.
They didn’t seem to mind your stuffed animals, either, which was great. You said you stopped caring what people thought, but these were… immortal beings… so it was a little bit different than normal ‘people’.
Meeting the Angels
It was the morning of your first day at RAD and the room was full of demons, waiting for the new arrivals. You sat on the sofa between Belphie, who was falling asleep into his pillow, and Asmo, who was looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his eyeliner. Why, you weren’t sure. He looked gorgeous. You wore very little on your face, only a bit of liner and Chap Stick that was cherry flavored.
You held one of your oldest stuffed animals to your chest, trying to comfort yourself as best as you could. Meeting the Demons first was so shocking you didn’t realize how much it would have helped to have a soft or squishy friend in your arm until now.
Then, they strolled into the room. Lucifer stood to greet them, nodding his hellos, while you stared in awe. They gave off an aura that was so beautiful. Not a visible one, but it was like your soul was brighter, and your eyes were more open.
There were two of them, one was taller with dark hair, and the other shorter with blonde hair. Both wore white outfits, but had no wings which was sad. But you had only seen a few demonic forms so far—Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, his butler, and Lucifer, when you first came yesterday—so it wasn’t that surprising they would look human. It was probably easier to maneuver in hallways without huge wings or appendages like tails.
“And this is our newest human student.”
Oh, you were being introduced. You stood up and nodded your head, smiling a little shakily at them as Lucifer gestured to you. “It’s so nice to meet you!”
Simeon, the angel who seemed to know Lucifer after watching how they interacted, gave you a handshake that was elegant in the way he held your own hand like you were a princess or something. “A pleasure to meet you as well.”
The smaller one, named Luke, glanced up at you with a wide grin and said something of the same, but didn’t shake your hand. “You’re so pretty! And—oh, what is that? Is that a dog? You brought a dog to the Devildom?! Simeon, I want to bring a pet, pleeease?” He turned his eyes to the taller angel and begged.
Simeon chuckled. He pat Luke’s little head and the blonde haired angel huffed. “Celestial Pets would not survive here unfortunately. And I don’t think it’s a real dog, Luke.”
You shook your head. “Nope, it’s my stuffed animal. His name’s Fido. I know, super original, but I’ve had him since I was a kid.” You held him out for them to see. He was about 10 inches and was squeezable, and you felt he was perfect to take on your first day at RAD.
Simeon smiled kindly. “He’s lovely. Do you have others?”
Mammon spoke up from his place behind you on a separate piece of furniture. “Oh yea, loooads of ‘em. The entire bedroom is full, it’s insane.”
There was a smack, then a moan from the Greed Demon. “Shut up, Mammon, you insensitive prick,” Satan spoke up. “We’ve all got our collections.”
You were surprised Satan defended you but also happy about it. Knowing Mammon from the breakdown you had yesterday, he probably didn’t mean it to be insensitive, he just spoke before thinking.
“Well, then, I look forward to seeing more of your collection.”
Luke agreed. “Oh, me too! Do you have any with wings? Like a dove, or a peacock, or what about a flamingo!?”
And you all chatted for a bit, and you felt pretty excited for your first day. You were told you were going to meet one more person at RAD, and it had you giddy. Would they be just as kind? You hoped…
So yes, the first night was good, but after your first day at RAD—and that was a whole other story on craziness that included being overloaded with information on demon history and new math you would probably be terrible at, and also potions was a scary subject because you immediately thought of Harry Potter, and not to mention the many, many demons looking at you and probably wanting to either eat you or kill you—you just could not shut your eyes the second night.
It was past 11pm, the second day of school was tomorrow, and you had to get a good night’s sleep. It was obvious Lucifer demanded good grades from everyone. Sleep was an important part of that.
Maybe an almost midnight snack would help?
So you got up, put on a sweater over your long sleeved pajamas because it was pretty cold here at night, put your fuzzy pink slippers on, tucked Po under your arm, and went down the hallway as quiet as a mouse. You had a surprisingly good memory of places, and mazes were easy for you, and seeing as this house was a maze you found the kitchen quick.
You poured yourself a glass of milk—it looked like milk, and smelled like it, so you prayed it was milk—and sat on the barstool drinking it. Warm milk would be better, or tea, but you didn’t want to open cupboards and have anything bang or start the oven or stove, it looked way different from the ones at home.
There was a flickering of light in the corner of your eyes. You followed it to a room with books stacked high along the walls, and a couch and chairs around a fire going all by itself with brick towering above. Magic, perhaps, kept it burning.
The couch facing it directly was cozy looking so you sat on it, and sipped your milk staring into the hearth. Fire danced in your eyes and it hypnotized you. The warmth was great, and cascaded over your body like you were sunbathing. You liked the sun but heat without light was better, and this was perfect.
You found your eyes shutting and quickly placed Po beneath your head and yawned. Then you drifted into dreamland for a while, the heartbeat of the fire lulling you.
A soft touch on your body woke you up from slumber. The fire was blocked by a body, and your eyes opened and you glanced up to see Belphegor with his own black and white companion, his pillow, and noticed a blanket thrown over your body.
“The fire goes out at 4am, so you’ll get cold,” he said monotonously, then went to the next couch over and copied your position of laying on your side cuddled to your panda stuffie but him with his pillow instead, and you watched as he transformed in the blink of an eye. He was like a cow-hybrid, and had the tail just like one. He also had curled up horns, and you remember seeing those on other transformed demons. Was that a trait they all had?
His eyes glowed purple when he looked at you, mesmerizing like the fire but in a different sense. “Sleep, it’s late,” he said, curling his tail over himself like a small blanket.
And you did sleep, sort of instantly, too, the Sloth Demon following suit. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep you had in a long time.
“Aahhh~~ So cuuuteee!!”
The sound of photos being taken from a phone, and the squealing, woke you up. It felt too early, and you groaned, pressing your entire face into Po. “Uhhh, noo mom, please turn off the lights,” you begged.
A soft coo, then a poke to your cheek. “Aw, sweetie, it’s time to get up, although I hate to move you looking so darn adorable.”
You blinked away sleep and groaned, rolling your head back to see Asmodeus standing over you, dressed for the day in his uniform, and his D.D.D in hand, and still snapping pictures of you with it.
You covered your face with one hand. “No, stop,” you sleepily pleaded. “Too early, ‘m ugly.”
He shushed you and tapped your hand until it moved, and giggled when you cried as he took another picture. “You’re second to me in beauty, darling, don’t say such things! You and your cute little stuffed Panda bear, this is Devilgram worthy~”
There was a soft chuckle, and you shot your head over to see Belphie laughing at your face. “Beware, Asmo will post that almost instantly.”
“Already done!” the Lust avatar declared. “You’re famous, my dear~” he winked.
“You guys are so mean,” you pouted, shoving your face into Po. But little did they know, you were smiling the entire time.
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mageofseven · 4 years ago
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The Undateables version! Here's the Brothers' post~
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Not Obey Me related, but I recently found this picture and felt is was fitting lol
His Queen had only been living with him for a few days at this point.
The couple had been dating for two years and the prince had finally decided to bring up the subject of MC moving in with him.
He had wanted to for a while now, but was a afraid to seem too pushy with his Sweetheart.
Plus, part of him worried that they wouldn't want to. After all, there's always something fun going on at House of Lamentation. In comparison, his castle is a quiet, cold place.
That only made the prince want his human to live with him even more though
So when the two discussed the idea and MC said yes, the man was overjoyed.
It's been three days since his Sweetheart moved in though and they seemed rather anxious.
This night, the prince had been working late and was finally ready to retreat to his room for the night, but upon seeing his bed empty and Queen missing, the man grew concerned.
Diavolo stopped his butler in the hall, who was also retreating for the night, to ask where MC was.
Barbatos had informed his lord that the human was in the kitchen, baking some sort of cookie-brownie hybrid treat.
Diavolo raised an eyebrow before thanking his friend and heading to the kitchen.
Just as the other demon said, MC was in the kitchen. The human sat on the floor in front of the stove, watching the treats bake.
"My Queen?"
The human jumped, but upon noticing it was their boyfriend, gave an anxious smile.
"Oh... hi Sweetie."
The prince sat on the floor next to the human, laying his hand on their leg.
"What's wrong? Why are you sitting on the floor at this time of night?"
The human didn't answer, just went back to staring at the stove and wrapping their arms around themselves.
The big demon pulled them into his arms, embracing his Sweetheart.
"MC, you know you can talk to me."
The human buried their face in his chest, breathing in their boyfriend's scent and letting themselves find peace from it.
"I just...please don't be upset..."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Why would I be upset?"
The human sighed and explained it to their boyfriend.
When Diavolo had asked them if they wanted to move in with him, the human became anxious. They weren't really good with change and didn't wanna leave the Brothers, who had become family to them
But they also felt pressured to. Not by Diavolo, but by unspoken expectations. Wasn't two years a long time to date without moving in together? They didn't have anything to compare it to, but they assumed so.
They worried that by saying no, they'd be halting the progression of their relationship and acknowledged that even if they loved living at House of Lamentation that surely they couldn't do so forever.
MC agreed because it felt like it was inevitable that it would happen at some point.
For the first two nights, MC could push through because they got to cuddle their boyfriend as they fell asleep, but since he worked late tonight, MC became so unbearably lonely
And all they could think about was how if they still lived at House of Lamentation that they could have gone to Levi's room to play games or head to the kitchen with Beel and chat as he ate or be comforted by Asmo when gets back from a party or stop in to check up on Lucifer and bring him coffee
But they couldn't because they weren't there and that made the human incredibly anxious and sad.
The human knew it wasn't as if they'd never see the Brothers again, that it was just that they were restricted to the daytime
But their anxiety about the change was still enough to push the human into keeping busy, hence the baking.
The prince felt so guilty. He kissed his Queen's forehead.
"I'm so sorry, my Sweetheart. I did not know that this would be such a difficult adjustment for you."
"I...I didn't say anything so of course you didn't know. Please don't blame yourself."
Diavolo kept his human close and stroked their hair.
"What can I do for you? Would you...would rather move back in with Lucifer and his brothers?"
MC pulled back and gave a small smile to their boyfriend.
"You're too sweet." The human leaned in and kissed their boyfriend. "Dia...thank you. I want stay here with you though; I want to give this a chance because...I know if I can adapt that we're going to be so very happy."
Diavolo smiled back at his Sweetheart and pulled them back in for a tight hug
...then starting smelled something burning.
After handling the now charcoal-looking treats, the prince carried his Queen bridal style back to their room, loving his human so deeply and cherishing this time with them as they both fell asleep.
MC was staying the night at the castle with him. It was the first time the two of them have ever slept in the same bed
And ever done some...others things.
Tonight was definitely a milestone for the couple.
After the nights activities, the two had fallen asleep.
At some point though, Barbatos woke up with a sudden gnawing feeling as if something was wrong
And glanced at the other side of the bed to find that the human was gone.
After getting dressed, the man wandered the castle in search of them and found MC in the kitchen.
"My Dear?" The butler stepped inside just in time to see them pull the pie out of the oven.
The human smiled nervously at him.
"Oh...hi." They looked away. "Sorry, I just...yeah."
Barbatos raised an eyebrow.
"Is there something on your mind?" He approached the human as they set the pie on the on the counter.
MC stared down into the pie.
"Barb...are you really okay with settling for me?"
The man pursed his lips and stared at them for a moment before laying his hand on their cheek.
"I am sorry I that ever made you believe such a thing was worth asking, my Pet. I assure you, 'settling' is not the case. Life has gifted me with you and I treasure you above all else."
"E...Even though I'm human?"
"MC, I have no issues with your race. You are a person, same as I, and a lovely one at that."
The human launched at the man, pulling him into a hug. Eyes wide, Barb started stroking their hair.
"Is this why you're out of bed and...baking in the middle of the night?"
"Mhmm." His Dear mumbled from against his chest. "I just...I couldn't sleep after...you know...and these thoughts filled my head and I just wanted to keep busy so I didn't have to focus on them."
"Do you regret it, my Dear? Did we move too fast?"
"No!" MC pushed back. "I was ready...I was so happy. I just...afterwards, it just felt kinda scary. You make me feel so incredibly loved and it's overwhelming since I don't feel as if I deserve it."
The human took his hand and squeezed it.
"I love you. This...this is just me. This is my issue and you help just by loving me despite it, okay?"
Barbatos leaned in and kissed their forehead.
"Alright, my Dear." He told them. "Now, is there anything you need?"
MC glanced at the pie then smiled shyly.
"...Wanna eat some cherry pie with me?"
He gave them a small smile in return.
"If that is what you wish, my Dear."
MC was spending the night at Purgatory Hall with their boyfriend.
It was around 1am when Solomon felt the other human slip out of bed.
Assuming they just needed to use the restroom, the man didn't think much of it and let himself drift back to sleep.
About an hour later, the man turned on his side and reached out to hold his little Minx to his chest, just to find the space next to him still empty.
The sorcerer frowned, not able to fall back asleep with MC unaccounted for.
He gave a sleepy groan before kicking off the blankets and rising from the bed, heading towards his door.
He found the other human in the kitchen with the counter covered with peanut butter cookies and a plate of their own with them at the table with a glass of milk.
"Little Minx, was this really necessary at 2am?" He asked, smiling at them in a mild amusement.
The other human jumped at his voice and accidentally dropped their cookie in their milk, causing a splash and small drops of milk to spill on the table.
MC pouted, causing their boyfriend to give a small chuckle.
The sorcerer took a seat next to them and grabbed a cookie for himself, taking a bite as he watched MC try to fish their own cookie out of their milk.
"Why are you awake?" MC asked him softly.
Solomon raised an eyebrow.
"I believe that's my question for you, little Minx."
Silence. MC stared down into their milk, giving up and letting the cookie somewhat float inside.
The man frowned.
"I cannot help if you don't talk to me, MC."
"W...What's going to happen to us?" MC started to fidget in their seat. "I mean...summer is coming and...the school year is ending..."
Solomon watched the other human, letting them continue since he could tell they were trying to find their words in order to continue.
"Are you...is there..." MC bit their lip. "Are we gonna be invited back next year as exchange students? If not...are we...can we still be together? Or do we have to...ya know..."
"Do you honestly think I'd break up with you if we couldn't attend RAD anymore?"
The man sighed and pulled his Minx into a hug.
"This relationship isn't just something to past the time during my stay here. If that was all it was, I wouldn't have dated you or anyone." He told them. "I'm with you because...it's simply what I want to do. There's something here with you that I never had with others. Something I don't think I could ever let go of."
"Really, little Minx." He smiled at them. "I may not be sure when or if we'll be invited back here, but that will not be a factor in our relationship. We'll simply be happy in the Human realm for a while."
He pulled them in and gave them a long, sweet kiss.
"Now, let's finish off a few cookies and get back to sleep, alright, little Minx?"
MC was spending the night at Purgatory Hall after a game night. Lucifer allowed it, thinking MC would sleep in the extra room in Purgatory Hall, the one that originally would have been theirs anyway if Diavolo hadn't decided that they were safer at House of Lamentation.
Of course, MC was actually in bed with their boyfriend; the other two housemates knew of their relationship at this point and wouldn't tell others their secret.
At some point during the night, Simeon jolted awake. Did he have a bad dream? The man honestly didn't know since whatever he might have dreamt faded quickly as he focused on his breathing and reached out for his Feather--to find that they were no longer laying next to him.
For whatever reason, he had this sickening feeling in him as if something was wrong. He rushed out of bed and went in search of the human.
He found them in the kitchen, asleep on the floor in front of the oven
Which had smoke coming out of it.
The angel ran over and picked up the human, waking them in the process as he sat them by the entry way and went back to deal with the small fire in the oven.
"S-Simeon?" The human called him, sleepy and confused.
With the fire out, the man sighed in relief and returned to his Lamb's side, lowering himself to the floor and pulling them into his arms.
"Oh, my Feather..." He said softly, not losening the embrace.
MC's sleepy brain had finally caught up with the situation.
"Oh my...I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear!"
"You're okay." The man pulled back and eyed them up and down. "You are okay, yes?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
Simeon pulled them back in and held them for a minute more before kissing their forehead.
"Now what were you doing, my Lamb? Why were you out of bed?"
"I was...baking."
"...MC, it's 2am."
The human looked away.
"I know..."
With a pained expression on their face, the human spoke of the bad anxiety they have been feeling as of late, how they were hoping that by staying the night here and sleeping by his side that such anxiety would dissipate, but all it actually did was remind them of all they are scared of.
This relationship...it's so delicate. They cannot openly be with each other without risking ruin. If the wrong person hears, if the Celestial realm even suspects it...everything could fall apart.
"I've just been scared of losing you and it's hard no being able to confide in Lucifer or Mammon or Beel or any of them like I usually do...so the anxiety I've been feeling just built up and I couldn't sleep so I decide get up and I eventually just thought I could bake a few cookies and just busy myself so I don't have to think about it, at least for the time being...but I guess I fell asleep anyway."
"My Feather...you should have told me." He wiped a tear from their cheek, one MC never knew had fallen till then. "I'm so sorry for the stress this has put on you."
"I couldn't...I...I'm scared. I was worried that if I told you how I felt, you'd leave me thinking it was best for me, but in reality, it would crush me."
"MC, I would never. This...you are everything to me. I love you so deeply that I simply wouldn't have the strength to do that."
"You promise?"
"I swear on my very soul that I will do all within my power to stay by your side."
The two stayed huddled together on the floor for awhile, taking comfort in the closeness.
"Well, this...ordeal explains my sudden consciousness earlier."
The angel explained his sudden jolt of panic as he searched for them in bed. When MC asked what he meant, the man continue.
"We seem to have an...unofficial covenant though I'm not quite sure how."
"What's a covenant?"
"It's...I suppose you could compare them to your pacts with the brothers. A covenant is the binding agreement with an angel and a human when they seek protection and Celestial blessings in their life, in exchange for them to serve and help the angel in the Celestial realm for a time after their death. It's to help humans while also serving as another way of expanding the Angelic population." He explained. "However, we have not made such a covenant nor could we if we wanted to...such an agreement cannot be made with those who have made pacts with demons. Still...somehow my soul is reacting to you as if we had made one."
The couple had more questions than answers about their lives together, but it was nothing they could solve that night.
The two talked for a while before Simeon picked his Lamb up and carried them back to bed.
The two fell asleep in an embrace, all worries still in place, but both still feeling that regardless of it all, where they truly belonged was right next to each other.
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old-hyper-super-clover · 4 years ago
Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 3
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
Find the first parts on my masterlist.
Story continues under the cut. Enjoy the thirst!
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[The amazing artwork belongs to @tokamiart, permission to post was granted, don´t repost!]
Clover and Simeon were giving out drinks at the bar.
The girl was handing over all sorts of bottles, glasses and ice cubes if needed. Simeon then put it all together with such grace and beauty that Clover often found herself gazing at him, until the brunet would turn to her with a smile and ask her to let go of whatever she had been wanting to hand him.
At one point, without any customers walking up to the bar, Clover sat down for a quick break.
"Tired?" Simeon asked, having decided to clean the counter in the meantime.
Clover chuckled at the sight. "Oh, is this going to be the classic 'I tell the bartender of my problems' scenario?"
The angel blinked in confusion. "I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about... But I'm always there to lend you an ear, if that's what you're aiming at."
"I'm fine", she laughed. "I was only joking... I must admit, though, you really suit this job. I'm sorry if I'm misjudging you, but how come an angel is looking so perfectly fit for serving drinks?"
Simeon blessed her with a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment. As for your question... You might be surprised, but angels do know how to have some fun, too."
"Oooh" Clover grinned. "So the whole turning-water-into-wine thing wasn't just a myth?!"
At that, Simeon only put his finger close to his lips in a "shhh" sound, giving her a secretive little wink before both broke out in soft giggles.
A little while later, their attention got caught up by a situation at the tables.
Luke was cleaning dirty dishes off of an emptied table, when a demon approached him.
A little flustered, they exchanged a few words before Luke gestured towards the public toilets.
"He's doing so well" Simeon hummed, leaning on the counter as he watched his angel friend with a proud smile. "It had been very difficult for him to adjust to life in the Devildom... But I'm glad to see he is finally finding his own pace of things."
Clover's head jumped back and forth between the two celestial creatures.
"It's because he has a great friend who's watching over him" she smiled.
"Huh? Oh, no, I don't want to take any credit for that. It's all thanks to Luke's own strength that he's able to go through this so well."
Suddenly, Luke hurried over to them, a full tray of dishes in his hands.
He looked SO disgusted.
"Waaah... What's wrong with those demons...!" He let the tray slip onto the counter. "Has nobody here learned how to properly behave in a restaurant?! The tables are sticky, the food is all over the cutlery, or even worse...!"
He held up a fork.
... Or better, what was left of it. Which was only the handle. The upper spikes got bitten off almost completely.
"Who eats a fork?!?!", Luke cried out. "That's... That's... Ridiculous!"
Clover gave an awkward laugh, she got over the point of wondering long ago.
"I am pretty sure I know who would..." she mumbled.
And truly, stepping out of the kitchen, the culprit looked at the fork with a guilty expression.
"... Don't tell Lucifer" Beelzebub mumbled as he came closer. "He'll get mad if he sees that parts of the cutlery are missing..."
"... 'parts'?!" Luke repeated in disbelief. "You mean this isn't the only one?!"
"... Those were accidents..." Beel whined, holding his grumbling belly.
He let himself plonk down on a chair next to Clover, then huddled over the counter in a pout.
"Ugh... And what am I supposed to do with that now...?" Luke said.
"Hm..." Simeon thought. "Clover, Beel, could you watch the bar for a moment? Luke, let's go bring the dishes to the kitchen... And that thing into the trash."
They excused themselves after Clover gave her okay and Beel gave some kind of grumble.
The girl´s head drifted over to look at the demon...
And her heart skipped a beat.
She checked the situation.
His tail? Exposed.
His thoughts? In some far away land about food.
The others? Gone.
The perfect chance for a squeeze? Right fucking NOW.
Clover swallowed the raising anxiety in her stomach.
She had lurked around the angels in hope of squeezing one of their tails, but now that they were gone, she had missed that chance...
The more she thought about it, the more did Clover feel like hyperventilating. It was such a stupid thing to fuss over, but sadly, her habit of over-contemplating would always stress her out in unnecessary situations.
After what felt like eternity of convincing herself, she moved her arm.
Beel almost immediately turned his head.
"... You look like you want to eat me." He said.
His grumpy face mustered her.
"But I will eat you before you could possibly eat me, so don't even try."
Clover's already red face curled in confusion.
"I didn't want to..." she mumbled.
"Why were you staring at me, then?"
"I-I... Was thinking about how to help you with your hunger..." she lied.
"... Oh. Sorry for accusing you of something else, then."
"N-no, it's fine..."
Before Clover could talk herself into more bullshit, Simeon came back, and the holy boy was there to save her from her own misery.
"Beel" he called out. "Luke and I will soon return home for a bit. I can bring you some sandwiches, so stay strong, okay?"
"Simeon...!" Beel cheered as his euphoria made him stand up and engulf Simeon in a hug. "You're a true angel...!"
Clover felt quite shitty afterwards.
Beel hugging Simeon was an adorable sight, but she hated herself for being such a coward.
After dodging another encounter with Solomon, she had pulled back to help Belphie at the casino area, trying to get her mind off of the competition for a little...
Alright. I hope you´re not bored yet, because the chaos hasn´t even properly started yet.
Also, nearing ourselves to half-time, now is a good opportunity to sum up a few events as well as the overall squish-score so far.
Violet was leading with a total of 12 points. Besides the mentioned scenarios, she had also encountered Mammon a second time, and she was lucky enough to find Luke having a life crisis over another eaten fork.
Heck, Violet even managed to squeeze Clover's tail once, and her friend hasn't noticed!
Clover, on the other side, has had a great start, but did rather poorly the later it got.
With five points, she only had another chance with Asmo, who, tbh, had been begging for someone to pay attention to his booty. (But to be clear, he did not notice the squish.)
Over time, she got desperate, but that only fueled Clover's fears of getting caught.
It nearly let her to internally quitting, if not for Violet to pull her back into the game once more...
Most of the crew was busy working when the clock struck midnight.
A nearby bell tower announced the change of day -- and with that, also the change of clothes.
The customers as well as the staff looked up when a certain voice echoed through the speakers.
"Good evening, my sweethearts~!" Asmodeus cheered, sitting on the bar counter and waving at the crowd. "Or should I say good night? Good morning? I hope you are having a good one, to say the least!"
He gained a small round of laughter.
"Yes, yes, a cheery mood is what we want! And now that we passed midnight... It's time for a special surprise!"
He stood up onto the counter, striking a nice pose while smirking widely.
"Those with weak minds -- and weak ovaries -- should brace themselves, cause things are about to get hot~!"
The crowd applauded and cheered. A group of thirsty (asmodeHoes) fans threw in some... naughty exclamations, but Asmo had already jumped onto the floor again, gathering the staff members around him.
Barbatos at his side, he was handing out another set of clothing. "Please get dressed quickly", the butler said.
And so they went off...
"I CAN'T go out like his."
"But... But Clover... You know what must be awaiting us outside..."
"ARGH... I'm not ready for that either..."
Clover was sitting on the floor again.
This time, their outfit consisted of a classic black playbunny suit, ears and tail still included of course, arm sleeves as well as a shirt's collar that was held together by a bow tie.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna go without you..." Violet protested.
"But HOW am I supposed to face those frickin´ snacks” Clover cried out. “I'm a fucking potato compared to them, also Violeeet, the moment I see any of them my mind will SIN and I won't ever be able to look into Simeon's eyes ever agai-"
They heard voices on the other side of the door.
"Woohooo, is that Lucifer?! Shirtless?!" They heard Asmo go. "And and, kyaaaa, Beel, those ABS!!"
The girls exchanged a glance.
Then dashed out of the womens' toilet once again.
Stumbling out of the room, however, there was no one to be spotted at all.
A little confused, the girls noticed too late how a cheeky Asmodeus had been hiding behind the door, pushing the latter shut to have a perfect view on his girls.
"Got you~!" he hummed, leading the girls to turn around.
He had a camera in his hands and seemed to be already filming.
"What a view~", he continued. "Could you do me a favour and turn around as well?"
"Asmo!!" Violet hissed, her cheeks gaining a pink blush out of angered embarrassment.
Not as much as Clover's face was heating up, though, as she prompted the demon to put his phone down.
"Not going to happen, sweetie~" he chuckled. "Devilgram will love those bashful expressions...!"
"WhAt?!" Violet covered her body immediately. "You WON'T upload this anywhere!"
"Uhmmm... That's kind of not possible, you know? This is a live broadcast."
Then, another person stepped out of the males' bathroom.
"What's all the noise about?"
Lucifer's annoyed voice echoed through the corridor.
When he stepped closer, however, his attention got caught up by the girls' appearance.
"Oh~?" he purred, inspecting the girls (but Violet in particular hehe) with a pleased smirk on his lips.
"L... Lu..." Violet's voice broke off.
She just... Died. Nothing more to say about this, really.
Because only now both, Violet and Clover, realised that not everything of Asmo's bait had been a lie...
The demons were actually shirtless, their chests bare as they were wearing only arm sleeves and, in Lucifer's case, a bow tie around his neck, while Asmo's neck was decorated with a ribbon. Rather tight-fitting black trousers and the bunny accessories completed the look that had left the girls speechless.
Lucifer's smirk grew wider.
"No, that's no good... I think I will have to speak to the manager. Those outfits are way too distracting... Isn't that so, Violet?"
"H-huh?!" The girl did a little hop.
Thankfully, Asmo jumped in to her aid.
"Fufu~! Lucifer, do you mean the girls are getting distracted by us, or is it that YOU are getting distracted, hm~?"
Lucifer crossed his arms in a contemplative manner.
"Well... I admit to a pleasant view when I see one, so..." He pinned Violet down with his eyes. "I guess I will have to be extra careful from now on... Then again, I might need a more detailed view, just to be sure..."
Asmo gave an excited giggle.
"Lucifer, you beast~!"
Then Asmo turned to Violet again.
"But judging from her red cheeks, I feel Violet might think the same... Isn't that so, darling~?"
"U-uhm...", Violet stammered, trying really hard to make her brain function again. "Well I... Think there's no point in denying that... Uhm..."
She glanced over at Lucifer, but every time she did, her head got dizzy all over again.
"Go on, please" Lucifer suddenly said. "There is no need to deny what, exactly?"
And her brain got stuck in an endless loop of not being able to cope.
Lucifer seemed to have plenty of fun with that, so he kept teasing her for the time being.
We do remember, however, that there was another still girl left to completely destroy.
And Asmo took it upon himself to achieve exactly that.
"Don't worry, Clover!" He said as he tackled the girl into a hug, simultaneously dragging her away from the two lovebirds. "You're just as charming, of course."
"Th-thanks..." Clover mumbled.
"Hm? You don't seem to believe me."
Clover pulled away, now only holding hands with him, giving a shrug. "You know what I think of my looks, Asmo..."
The avatar of Lust gave a sigh.
"There we go again... If you're so self-conscious… why don't we go ask for some opinions?"
And if the god of fateful anime encounters had planned it, the remaining demon brothers happened to have finished changing as well. The door to the men´s bathroom swung open…
"Oh!" Asmo smelled his chance. "Look, there comes our audien-"
He got cut off by the weird sound Clover made.
In a single movement, she had let out a squeal that a human throat should not be able to do, had completely destroyed Asmo's pretty hand by squeezing it in excitement, while in the end she was hiding behind Asmo, only peeking over his shoulder to glance at the mass of hotness coming out of the bathroom.
"Clover…?" Asmo sounded confused.
"Too much hotness", she mumbled into his shoulder. “I can´t-“
"Huh?" Asmo sounded genuinely confused for a second.
Then a smirk curled his face.
"What?!" he spoke extra loud, extra dramatically, so everyone could hear. "What did you say, Clover?! You think they're all sooo hot?!"
"A-asmo, be quiet...!" Clover mumbled.
But he continued.
"What? You love how much skin we are showing?!" he yelled.
"Whaaat?! You'd even pay them to strip down even more?! Clover, you wild animal!"
She punched the demon in embarrassment.
The next second, a certain scumbag stood beside them.
"DiD I hEaR 'P-p-p-PAy'?!" Mammon stuttered, literal cash-symbols in his eyes.
Asmo grinned at him, covering Clover's mouth so she couldn't protest.
"Our dear Clover here wants you to strip for her~"
Clover shook her blushy head.
"That's not trrngh..." she tried to press out between Asmo's fingers.
Mammon stared at her for a moment.
"… 10.000 Grimm."
Clover had freed herself again.
"... What?"
"15.000 and I'll do pole dance too."
The second born looked almost disappointed when Clover declined his offer.
But Asmo was already moving on with his mischiefs.
"What? Clover?? You want to do WHAT with Beel's abs?!?!"
"No you won't~" Asmo grinned, turning to give his brothers a view on Clover. "Guuuys, I need your help! I dare you to give this little lady a rating in this sweet costume of hers."
Most of them looked confused at first,
but, seeing one, her outfit, and two, how much she was unable to cope, a few were ready to assist in Asmo's tease.
"I'd need a full view to judge" Satan grinned.
"Yeah" Belphie agreed. "Could you turn around slowly, Clover? Maybe do some poses as well?"
Clover shot them some angry glares.
"... You could do that pose were you form ears with your hands…" Levi dared to add in a mumble.
"Hrrrgh...!" Clover was fighting her embarrassment. "All of you are awful... Beel over here is the only nice guy, honestly...!"
She glanced at him in a pout, hoping he'd defend her... Or at least say something as well...
"... So you're not going to pose for us?" Beel said in a pout.
Clover.exe stopped working.
"Fufu..." Asmo grinned. "See, my dear? Even Beel demands a show... Now come on, we're waiting~!"
You can probably guess that Clover wasn't going to get out of this situation anytime soon.
While this part of the group enjoyed this mess of a person, let's switch back to the other girl whose brain was doing about as poorly.
Lucifer had kept Violet by his side, making sure she wasn't going to help Clover in her dilemma… Or going elsewhere in general.
However, one certain jealous bean soon couldn't bear that Lucifer was hogging Violet all for himself.
"Oi, Lucifer, back off of Violet already!"
And Mammon pressed himself in between them. "She's one of my humans after all!"
Visible displease grew on Lucifer's face as he got cockblocked yet again.
"And what would give you the right to claim her for yourself?" The eldest grumbled.
Mammon crossed his arms.
"... Because I just said so."
Lucifer pressed out a sigh, to then simply push Mammon's body away again.
"LUCIF-", Mammon hissed. "STOOP...!"
"You are distracting us, Mammon."
"B-but... That´s not fair…” he shouted. “M-maybe I want Violet to notice me as well!!"
Lucifer stopped, while most of the surrounding people went silent.
Then Levi gave a laugh.
"Oh my god MAMMON, that was so desperate lolol, SO uncool!"
Belphie spared him a pityful laugh. "Are you really that desperate for some attention, you idiot?"
The avatar of Greed was gritting his teeth.
"Hnngh... Shut up, all of you...!"
The situation around them escalated a little, even more so as Diavolo and Barbatos joined in on the chaos, having changed clothes as well.
But Violet felt bad, especially since she wouldn´t have expected Mammon to act like this. So, in a silent second where everyone seemed busy in their personal chaos, she sneaked over to Mammon.
After -- of course, what did you expect -- quickly poking his bunny tail, Violet also gave his shoulder a tap.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Mammon looked a little surprised, responding with a huff.
"...'s a wolf..."
"Lucifer's a wolf!" Mammon repeated, awfully loud and both feared that the eldest brother had heard him.
A bit more timid, Mammon continued as Violet could only look at him in confusion.
"... Ya can't just go hop around in such an alluring outfit when there're guys like Lucifer around. He could go full beast mode and, dunno, do some weird stuff to ya."
Violet suppressed the nasty thoughts approaching her brain, her heart beating drastically as she mumbled a faint "I see".
"Ya human should better stick to the great Mammon! I'd treat you nicely, y'know."
Violet raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"... 'Treat me' how, exactly?" She asked in an almost teasing manner. "What were you planning to do, Mammon?"
And it landed a critical hit.
"I-I-I-I mean tr-treat as i-in... I'd protect you from all those beasts around you!" he stammered, his cheeks a blushing mess. "Nothin´ weird, I swear!! Its just… There's plenty of those beasts! Actually, maybe you should go home. If all the customers see you like this... Argh... I have to tell Clover, too...!”
He turned his head to search for the other girl, only to realise the group was about to return to their work. "Ahh... Oh no, she´s already been caught..." Mammon pressed out.
"Mammon" Violet called out again and treated him with a smile. "I assume you´re saying this because you´re worried about us, right? Thank you for that, you´re really a good friend. We're having a shift together later, right? So, until later, okay?"
He seemed confused again, but nodded in the end.
"Ugh... Fine... Just stay safe, ´kay? Promise!"
"I promise" she laughed, then Mammon finally seemed to have calmed down.
At least he was fine enough to turn around and go bother Levi with something.
Violet was watching them in amusement, then felt a presence behind her.
"Turning your eyes off of me already?" A deep voice purred almost right into her ear.
Ah, yes, there it was again, the drastic heart rate.
"Lucifer..." Violet turned around at the mellow voice. "I just wanted to tease Mammon a little. He seemed a little down."
"Sure, suit yourself..." Lucifer mumbled casually. "But I seem to be a little down as well... To think you'd end our conversation so quickly..."
Violet exploded into a puzzled blush.
"N-no... That's not... I ... You..."
Lucifer was pinning her down with his gaze, waiting for a coherent reaction. “Then how abou we pick up where we left? I think there´s something you wanted to tell me…”
"Y-you look... A-... Amazing..." she stammered.
"Hm? Could you say that again? Your voice appears to be awfully thin."
She breathed a heavily stressed breath. So Lucifer continued.
"Pardon me? Violet, you appear to be overheating. How come? I would assume your clothing is revealing enough skin to make that impossible..."
Aaand Violet's brain shut down as well.
"Should I help you?" he hummed, stepping even closer. "In comparison to you, I seem to maintain a way cooler head than you do..."
And, being the most flustered he has ever been, Lucifer continued to tease the shit out of Violet for as long as he felt the need to...
The group was about to dissolve and (finally) head back to work.
The girls, however, had stayed back for a strategy meeting.
"This is bad", Clover blabbered as she was trying to calm down. "I couldn't get up to them with shirts on, how am I supposed to even TALK to any of them when they're in maximum sexy mode?! And it's not only maximum hotness, but did all of them collectively agree to unlock their secret teasing-modes, too?!"
Violet gave a blushing shrug. "... Are you complaining, though?"
"Hnngh... No... But I'm so short on points... If I don't start playing risky, I'll loose..."
Violet smirked at that.
"Yeah" she agreed. "That's a good idea. Look, Solomon's over there all alone, why don't y-"
"Nope” lover interrupted her immediately. “Not going to happen. Nope. I'd rather go up to the demon prince himself. I'd rather get killed by Barbatos TBH."
"Oh, you would get killed..." Violet shivered, thinking back of what happened in the store room earlier.
"Don't care" Clover persisted. "Like, come, demon lord, if I was to touch Solomon's tail today, you may kill me right this instant...!"
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rsa241 · 4 years ago
Home ( Part 2 of Replaced )
Author : I don't really have anything to say but, I might get the side characters personality wrong or out of character so...I'm sorry for that. I also don't know if Purgatory Hall have extra dorm room so, let's pretend that they have extra rooms.
Just a quick note for the characters colour :
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie. Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, Solomon.
Anyways, enjoy~
As Jinx landed in front of Purgatory Hall, Simeon walk towards us with a confused face.
" Ayumi, what are you doing here? "
" Oh Simeon, Is it...okay if I stay here for a while? With my Jinx also. "
" Of course! You and Jinx are always welcome here. "
" Thank you, Simeon. "
Simeon carried my bag, even though I can carry it by myself. He insisted and carried it all the way in Purgatory Hall. While we we're sitting on the couch, I saw how Simeon looked conflicted. It was like, he was debating himself.
" Simeon? Do you want to ask something? "
" Oh, yes but, I'm not sure if your comfortable with it. "
" I won't know unless you ask. What is it? "
" Did you ran away from HOL? "
I hummed in affirmation while, stroking Jinx that was sleeping next to me.
" I heard a slap from my room. So, I thought Freya was hitting Jinx. I ran and pushed her too hard. I didn't know where she hit her head since, I was too distracted seeing if Jinx was hurt.
" I see, but you still have to apologise. "
" I know, I'm in the wrong too. I'll apologise to her later. "
" That's good, I'm glad your able to see both view and not just yourself. "
" I have always been like that. "
Simeon chuckled and teases me being similar to Lucifer's pride. Of course I was offended about being similar to Lucifer but, I felt slightly better after ranting my problems to Simeon. After a few minutes of chatting, Simeon offer me to sleep in the extra room to rest. I thanked him and lay down on the bed.
I turn on my D.D.D and open the chat application. I scroll down to see my contacts to see if I have Freya phone number. Surprisingly, I saved her number. I started typing...
" Hey Freya, I'm sorry for pushing you earlier. I will admit that I'm wrong for pushing you but, it doesn't mean that you can hurt Jinx. You're still partly at fault here. "
I was about to turn off my D.D.D. until I got a reply. That was fast...
" Why should I be at fault when you've done worse. I was merely playing with the cat. And even if I did hit Jinx, he can heal in only a few seconds. He is a cat from hell after all. "
I'm speechless...I was hoping that I'm wrong about pushing her but, I guess she needs more than a harsh push.
" Blame me all you want, I have done my part. Goodnight. "
I block Freya's number and put my phone aside. I wanted to hit her...a lot...Suddenly, Jinx woke up and went to me. He sits on my lap and looked at me with his beautiful gold and emerald eyes. I stroke his head and let my anger washed away by his soft purrs. I sighed.
" Thanks for coming to me Jinx. Let's go sleep now, we'll wake up late tomorrow if we don't sleep. "
I went to change my clothes, put on some of my night skincare, brush my teeth and went straight to bed. It took me a few hours until I can feel my eyes slowly closing and drift myself into a deep slumber.
After the incident, all of the demon brothers ignored me. They didn't even bother to spare a glance at me. It's irritating so, I did the same. I didn't bother to pay attention to them nor spare a glance.
After a few days, I was debating myself where could I have place my earphone. I looked all over Purgatory Hall but no luck. I went to Solomon's room and asked.
" Hey Solomon, can you help me with something? "
" What is it? "
" I can't find my earphone. "
" Have you tried finding it in your room? "
" I have searched the whole Purgatory Hall, but I still can't find them. Can you do a tracking spell or something? "
" I can on one condition. "
" What is it? "
" Taste my new recipe after this. "
" No thank you. "
" Come on! Simeon and Luke won't taste them. Your my only hope here. "
" I don't want to get food-poisoning. "
" Is my food that bad? "
" Yes. "
After a lot of desperate persuasion from Solomon, I decided to sacrifice my tastebud to find my precious earphone.
" Anyway, why are you desperate to find that earphone? "
" It's a gift from someone I treasured a lot. "
" Oh...okay, give me a minute. "
As Solomon was casting the tracking spell, the location of my earphone is at HOL.
" Alright, guess I better head there now. "
" Don't forgot about the deal. "
" Yeah yeah. "
After I arrived at HOL, I stood there for a solid minute to recollect my thoughts before entering. I opened the door quietly and see if there is anyone at home. Luckily, the demon brothers hasn't returned yet from their student council meetings with Freya.
I walked down the hallway and enter the bedroom that I used to sleep in. I closed the door behind me and looked around the room. I often put my earphones at the side table so, I immediately search it there. Luckily, It didn't took long until I found my earphone. As I was about to leave the room, I saw Freya stood in front of me.
" Oh Ayumi, what are you doing here? "
" I forgot to take my earphone here. Excuse me- "
" Hey Freya, can you play with me- Ayumi? "
" Yo Levi!!! is my turn to be with Freya...Ayumi? "
" What are you doing here? "
" I'm just here to take my earphone. I'll leave now. "
" Where have you been? "
" At Purgatory Hall, why? "
" You know what would happened if you went out without permission. "
" Of course. I was about to ask for one either way. "
" Ayumi, you shouldn't talk to Lucifer like that- "
" I didn't ask you Freya. Leave yourself out if you don't want me to do the same thing to you. "
" Ayumi! "
" You have gone too far darling! "
I walked past through them and head downstairs. As I was about to reach the door, my legs stopped moving. I tried to move but I couldn't. One of them must have put a spell on me. I turn my head to see Lucifer in front of me.
" Just where do you think your going? "
The others we're with Freya and clings to her like a puppy. Cute but pitiful.
" I told you, I'm going to Purgatory Hall. "
" Why are you going there? This is your home. "
" Home? "
I laughed bitterly at the word " home " I answered.
" I rather eat Solomon's food than live here with...her. "
" Your just Jealous that we're paying more attention to Freya more than you. "
" Maybe. "
" Ayumi...you could've told me... "
" A mere stranger is not worth telling about anything. Especially, hearing that coming out from you. "
" I understand...it's not like everyone will like me. "
" You shouldn't look down to yourself Freya. "
" You are more loved than you think. "
" Yeah! The Great Mammon will prove it to ya! "
" Don't blame yourself Freya, Ayumi is the one to blame here. "
" What Belphie said darling! "
" I wish we hadn't make pacts with Ayumi. "
" Ayumi, you are banned from coming here. Unless you beg me to return then I might consider it. "
" Pfft- In your dreams. And oh, you have my full consent if you want to break off the pact. It's not like I can't protect myself. I hope your happy with your decision. "
I walked toward the door and left HOL. I started to walk faster and didn't turn back. I take my earphone out of my pocket and start to reminisce the past. I wanted to shout...How could I let myself get hurt again. I hold back my tears that almost escaped from my eyes, It would be embarrassing if someone notice this weak state of mine.
After I feel stable again, I continued walking so, I could forget these terrible feeling that's boiling in my blood.
To be continue~
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The aftermath of No Time To Die (Diavolo POV)
Trigger warnings: Character(s) death(s), violence, depression, suicide, angst obviously
Summary: Diavolo disappointed his father and cannot live with this pain. He has to do something to make this right or else he won’t ever forgive himself. This is for the greater good of the demon race, he tells himself.
This is a continuation to my story No time to die, I suggest you go read the first part before this one, or this won’t make any sense. If you want to read this one first anyway is up to you.
Part one: No Time To Die
This is taking place right after MC’s performance of the song "no time to die".
How was he supposed to explained himself to his father, to the brothers, to Lucifer particularly and to all the demons. They all had grown to love you, you showed them a different view on humans and it’s when he saw all the demons present, crying over you that he came to that realization.
The brothers, Solomon, Simeon and Luke followed you off the stage. Diavolo told Barbatos to go with them, he would returned to the castle alone. He knew his plan had failed and that he couldn’t just go with all of them to say goodbye to Solomon, Luke and Simeon and then ask you to stay in the Devildom after what had just happened. He had to find another plan and quick.
Diavolo’s head was spinning as he flew back towards his castle. What was he supposed to do now? With one last hope, he anxiously waited for Barbatos to come back, maybe you would change your mind? Maybe Lucifer took his side and tried to convinced you to stay?
Of course, all hopes were crushed when Barbatos came back alone, simply telling the demon Lord that every exchange students had gone back home, including you.
Diavolo knees gave up on him as he fell to the floor. What was he going to say to his father? How dare you leave him like that. He had offer you everything you needed, showed you the most beautiful places in the Devildom and that’s how you repaid him?
Barbatos made him some tea that night, while Diavolo started to think of another plan. Alas, every time he thought of something, it was ruined by you somehow.
The whole point of this exchange program was to gained the trust of the Celestial Realm as well as the Human World. What if you’d told the angels of his true intentions? He knew for sure that you’d told Lucifer since he refused to came to the castle and Lucifer never refused anything from him since the day he fell from the Celestial Realm.
The next hours turned into days and days turned into weeks as he tried to found a solution so his plan could get back into action.
He could not start over again with another human, the brothers didn’t trust him anymore and the new human he would bring would learn of his plan sooner or later.
He still didn’t know if you said anything to the angels weeks after your departure and it was hunting him every passing moment. Diavolo knew full well he could be severely judged for his plan to rule the three worlds by the Celestial Realm and he knew they wouldn’t be kind to him. How disappointed would his father be if he lost the human that was supposed to help him reach his goal AND if he got judge for his actions by the Celestial Realm. His father would dishonored him on the spot.
Diavolo also knew that taking over the Human World and the Celestial Realm by force wouldn’t be a choice either, the demons of the Devildom would never follow him after he had lied to every single one of them by acting like he truly loved you. Demons cannot be trusted, but the future ruler of the Devildom should be trusted by his people.
Diavolo also knew that the brothers were going to the Human World quite often to see you and it pissed him off so much. Were you all trying to make a plan against him to dethroned him? Not only did he have to fear the punishment of the Celestial Realm, the failure he was to his own father, but also you and the brothers potentially wanting to take his place on the throne.
As the weeks passed, Diavolo became more and more depressed and paranoid. He reached the breaking point about three months after you left the Devildom. He hadn’t slept in what felt like weeks. He would sometimes drift in and out of sleep, before Barbatos would wake him up. But he refused to leave his office, he would find a way to make this right to his father one way or another.
By the middle of the fourth month, Diavolo started hallucinating that you were in his office mocking him for not being good enough to reach his goal. He screwed everything and his father was going to be so mad, that’s what you kept telling him over and over again while you laughed at him. He would scream for you to stop only for Barbatos to run into the room and witness his Master crying into his hands.
Barbatos wanted to do something, but he couldn’t go against his Master’s orders. So instead, he watched the prince fell more and more into madness. Barbatos had tried to talk to Lucifer, he had thought that Lucifer could potentially ask you to come back, not for long, just enough to show Diavolo his hallucinations weren’t real.
Barbatos cannot say he expected Lucifer to say yes, but he also didn’t expect Lucifer to tell him to fuck off before slamming the door to the House of Lamentation in his face.
Barbatos really tried everything he could to save Diavolo, but when he looked into every future possible, he couldn’t found any that ended well for the prince of hell. At this point, all Barbatos could do was prevent his Lord from hurting himself more than he had already done.
One day, after about four months and three weeks, Diavolo finally stopped seeing you in his office. The hallucinations completely stopped. Actually, he stopped feeling anything at all, he felt numb. He thought at first that he had died, but Barbatos assured him that he was still alive, much to Diavolo’s disappointment.
He took this opportunity to wrote one final letter to his father. His head was finally clear and he knew exactly what his new plan was going to be. He felt like himself for the first time in months and he knew he had to act quick if he wanted to go through with his new plan.
He explained everything in his letter to his father and he knew there was no going back now. He would make this right somehow. Diavolo asked Barbatos to send the letter ASAP and to not read it or let anyone read it under any circumstances. Barbatos was worried of course, this was the first time since he started working for the prince that he hid something from him, but he was a Butler and he had to respect the orders he received.
Diavolo knew he only had a few minutes before Barbatos came back, so he quickly opened a portal leading to the front of your house and immediately walked into it.
It was the middle of the day in the Human World. Diavolo knew he would need to be careful so nobody would notice him while he was breaking into your house.
Lucky for him, one of the windows on the first floor was wide open. Diavolo carefully squeezed himself through the window. It was a tight fit, but he still managed to get inside without making too much sound.
Diavolo could hear some noise coming from one of the rooms on the first floor. He quietly made his way towards it and there you were, sitting at your desk that was back to the door, making it easy for Diavolo to not be seen as he approached you from behind.
As he walked towards you, Diavolo noticed that you were wearing headphones. You really should be more careful, you never know when someone will sneak up on you.
He was now standing right behind you as you still had no idea that you weren’t alone in your house. Diavolo didn’t waste any time as he spun you around to face him, ripping your headphones off in the same motion. He didn’t let you time to react as he grabbed your throat with inhuman force and slammed you against the nearest wall.
You looked at him with so much fear in your eyes that Diavolo almost felt bad for doing this, almost. He continued to squeeze your throat until you passed out. He truly wanted to kill you in this moment, but he had to remind himself of his plan and killing you would ruin it, so he chose to lay you on your bed instead. He let out a deep breath and even a small chuckle as he looked at your unconscious form. Humans were so weak it was laughable.
Diavolo stood there, right next to your bed as he waited for the next part of his plan to go into action. It only took about two minutes before he felt a pair of hands grab him from behind. Finally, he told himself.
Diavolo knew exactly who it was and where he was being taken to, so it came as no surprise for him when he got dragged into what he could only assumed as a portal, as his vision went black for a couple of seconds. The next thing he saw was the opposite of the pitch blackness he just witnessed, it was the purest white anyone could see. A white so bright it blinded Diavolo for a while until his eyes adjusted to the brightness of what he easily recognized as the Celestial Realm.
Ah. The Celestial Realm where everything is the complete opposite of the darkness and the sorrow of the Devildom. It disgusted Diavolo. This was the opposite of everything that he was and standing in front of him was someone who was the opposite of who he was. Michael the Archangel, the fatal enemy of his once right hand, Lucifer Morningstar.
This came as no surprise as Diavolo was very aware of the fact that the Celestial Realm was watching demons from above every time they went to the Human World, to make sure they weren’t corrupting souls or whatever angels thought demons were doing back in the Devildom. Every time Diavolo went to the Human World, he always felt like someone was watching him, judging him.
Diavolo was less than thrilled to be on this holy land, especially since he knew what was awaiting him, but he still spoke up.
“Hello Michael, we haven’t met in a while. How have you been?” Diavolo asked mockingly.
“Hello Diavolo. I suppose you already know why you are here right now, but just in case I will tell you. You injured an human and you know we cannot let demons do such a thing.” Michael replied.
“Insightful as always Michael. Let me cut this short if you will, the sun of the Celestial Realm is already burning my skin. I’m here to confess something that you already knew off, I’m sure. To put it simply, the human I injured was no random human and this was no random act, she was one of the exchange student from my program. My plan was to marry her so she could take my side when I would finally take over the Human World and then the Celestial Realm.” Diavolo knew at this point, that he shouldn’t say more if he didn’t want to die, but he couldn’t back down at this point. This was all part of his plan after all. “Well, actually the whole student exchange program was just a stratagem. I created it to make it seemed like I wanted the three realms to live in peace again, but that was never my real intention. It was all a selfish act.” Diavolo added.
Michael couldn’t understand why Diavolo was so blunt with him, he knew that this information was enough for him to be sentenced to death for treason.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” Is all Michael managed to asked.
“Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m doing this. Simeon and Luke must have already told you all of this already. Why didn’t you come for me sooner? Where you trying to torture me by making me paranoid and then attack me when I least expected it? Is that it?” Diavolo was getting frustrated as the angel in front of him acted like he didn’t know anything about this.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, Simeon and Luke never mentioned anything of the sort to me and I know they would have if they knew about it. They would never hide anything from me.” Michael answered.
Diavolo was taken aback, he couldn’t believe you hadn’t told the angels of his plan knowing that they could protect you from him, at least as long as you stayed in the Human World. But it didn’t matter, he had come this far and it was already too late for him to turn back. Diavolo couldn’t live with the thought of his father being disappointed in him and his constant selfishness wasn’t suitable for the next ruler of the Devildom. His plan had to work this time, no matter the cost.
“I have no choice but to formally accuse you of treason upon the Human World and the Celestial Realm. I think you already know what the sentence is.” Michael told Diavolo.
Of course Diavolo knew of the punishment awaiting him, but he simply nodded. He knew this was just a formal accusation and the one who would officially accused him would have to be no other than God.
Diavolo almost laughed, how ironic was it, that the next ruler of the Devildom, the son of the King of hell, was now going to be judge for his actions by God himself. How pathetic was it and all of this because of a simple human that turned out to be less stupid than he made them to be.
Judgements like this usually took place in the Devildom and Diavolo would be the one doing the judging. With no place to take Diavolo while he was waiting for his judgement, Michael had to chained him to one of the pillar of God’s residing place to make sure he wouldn’t escape or do more damage while he was up in the Celestial Realm. Every angel passing by could see Diavolo chained to the pillar like the beast he truly was. It was a hit to Diavolo’s pride, being displayed like this, but he reminded himself that this was less painful than the constant reminder that he was a failure to his father.
It took what felt like eternity, but was probably only a few minutes, for someone to come take Diavolo inside God’s castle.
The one who took him inside was no other than Simeon. No words were spoken as they walked towards the Golden Gates behind which God was residing.
Diavolo’s judgement was short, on accounts of conspiracy against both the Celestial Realm and the Human World and for injuring an innocent human, Diavolo was sentenced to death, taking place immediately.
Diavolo knew when he hurt you and then admitted everything to Michael, that he wouldn’t leave the Celestial Realm alive.
He was so focused on his new plan that he didn’t think about anyone but himself in that moment. He didn’t think that it would hurt his Butler, his dearest friend, to not being able to prevent him from dying or even to say goodbye to him.
Even as Diavolo thought of Barbatos, he knew it was better this way. Barbatos couldn’t go back in time to prevent this from happening, he couldn’t reasoned with Diavolo to make him change his mind. Not telling Barbatos anything was the best thing to do.
He already wrote his final letter to his father, there was nothing left to do for Diavolo. This was how it was supposed to end. His father would find a more suitable ruler, someone who wasn’t a coward like him and eventually everyone would forget about him. Diavolo was at peace with his decision. When he would take his last breath, it would mean one of his plan had finally worked and that he had finally made it right to his father.
Since Diavolo was a true demon and such a powerful one at that, the only way to kill him was to use the Night Dagger.
It didn’t take long before Michael handed Diavolo the Night Dagger. They were still in God’s castle as there were no where suitable for this to happen in the Celestial Realm.
Diavolo knew he would have to basically commit suicide since angels could not kill. He turned to Simeon and asked him to make sure his final letter would reach his dad.
Diavolo then looked at the Night Dagger sitting in his hands. There was no turning back now, this was it. The final act, his redemption to his father. Diavolo took in one last breath, he pointed the dagger towards his demon heart and before landing the final strike he whispered to himself: “I made it father... everything is perfect... my plan finally worked.” Right after he finished his sentence, Diavolo stabbed himself straight into his heart in a perfect motion. It looked like he had rehearsed it a thousand times.
Simeon and Michael watched as Diavolo’s body turned to dust. Michael immediately opened a portal to the Devildom, sending Simeon there to make sure Diavolo’s last wish was granted.
Back in the Devildom, minutes before Diavolo took his own life, Barbatos could feel like something wasn’t right. All the doors to any future or any other timelines were locked. For as long as Barbatos has lived, this had never happened before. Barbatos ran back to Diavolo’s office with the letter still in his hands. When he entered the office, Diavolo was nowhere to be found. Barbatos quickly opened the letter in his hands despite the order his Master gave him, this was an emergency.
“Dear father,
This is your son again, I know I wrote to you about five months ago, but I have to tell you about what happened after the last letter I sent you.
My plan did not work. The human, she found the letter I sent you on my desk and she only told me about it on the last day of the student exchange program. When she told me, I did not try to manipulate her or to keep her here by force. I foolishly thought she would change her mind about leaving me and the Devildom so I let her go.
This was my second mistake, as you see, she told the seven avatars of hell of my plan and I am sure she told the angels as well. I know that the Celestial Realm will come to get me soon. I lost the trust of all the demons in the Devidom, including my right arm, Lucifer. The only one who is still by my side is my Butler, Barbatos.
I did not realized how much the demons appreciated the human and they all know now of what I did to her. Least to say, the higher ranking demons were not pleased that I lied to them about the human and I being in love and they are probably already looking for a more proper future king to present to you.
You must wonder why I am telling you all of this when I know how disappointed you are going to be with me. It is simple father, I am a coward. I am scared everyday of the repercussions of my actions and the humiliation that will come when the Celestial Realm will finally come to punish me. This is why I am making a new plan and I will not rest until it is completed. I was a disappointment to you, father and I promise that the next ruler won’t be a coward like me.
First, I will go to the Human World, to her place in particular. I will break into her house and injure her just enough so she will be unconscious, but not dead. After all I did to her, it would make me even more of a coward if I was to kill her, especially when she least expects it. She does not deserve to die, at least not yet. I know the Celestial Realm is watching her from above and they will be quick to take me there to receive proper punishment.
This won’t do, I need to take responsability for all of my sins. I will tell them of my previous plan whether they already knew about it or not. I know the only proper punishment for this is death and I am ready to accept it. With me dead, you will be able to choose a king who can rule the Devildom better than I could and who will truly think about what is best for us demons. I was selfish and I placed my hunger for power above everything else. Please choose wisely the next demon king. I will make it right to you and your legacy, father, I promise.
Your son,
Barbatos felt a rage coming from within him as he read the final words of the letter.
In the House of Lamentation, Lucifer could feel that something was wrong. He didn’t know what, but he knew he had to go to the castle even if he hadn’t talked to Diavolo in months.
As Lucifer reached for the door and entered the castle, he could feel like a huge weight was taking of his shoulders and off his soul. He felt free from any bounds for the first time since he fell. In shocked, he locked eyes with Barbatos who’s aura radiated pure wrath that could only rivaled with Satan’s.
They both knew what this feeling meant. Diavolo was dead. Barbatos was now free from his Butler duties and Lucifer was free from his oath.
Barbatos was the first one to react. He saw red as he started thinking about how all of this was your fault. If you weren’t so dumb you wouldn’t have fell for Diavolo in the first place! And if you valued your life you wouldn’t have left him the way you did and turned everyone against Diavolo, his Master, his friend.
Barbatos wanted to kill you, to make you feel the same pain Diavolo must have felt. In this instance, he didn’t care about the consequences, he had to make it right to his friend. What was a Butler without his Master and who was Barbatos without Diavolo?
As he started making a portal to the Human World, he felt a hand pulled him backwards. He thought this was Lucifer and he was ready to latched at him until he saw that it was Simeon that was standing behind him.
“What are you doing here? You wanted to rub in our face that your Lord won over ours?” Barbatos spat at Simeon.
Simeon calm as usual, told him: “I’m simply here to make sure Diavolo’s last wish is granted. For your information, this was his decision and I’m guessing you probably already read the letter, so you should already be aware of that fact.”
Lucifer still had no clue what was going on. Simeon resumed to him what had just happened back in the Celestial Realm.
Simeon then told Barbatos that he wouldn’t leave until he was sure the letter was sent to the king. Barbatos not wanting to see the face of an angel any longer, delivered the letter himself to the king. He had to go to the deepest pits of hell to reach the King. There was a moment where Barbatos wanted to jump into the lava, where the statue of the king was in.
But at the last minute, he could see in his mind the face of Diavolo telling him to live his life as a free demon and to not worry about him. He had made peace with himself. Wether that was an hallucination or truly Diavolo speaking to him, Barbatos had to listen to his Master and went back up to the castle where Simeon and Lucifer were waiting.
Lucifer spoke first: “Barbatos we understand you are mad, but we cannot let you hurt MC and we will do everything in our power to protect her no matter what.”
Barbatos sighed, this would be hard as hell to get through the death of his best friend, but he had to respect Diavolo’s wishes and since he was a pretty grounded demon, it didn’t take him much time at all to think about the consequences that would come if he was to hurt you. Instead, he decided to let you live your life as far away from his as possible.
With Diavolo’s death and the king incapacity to rule the Devildom because of his old age, the seven Avatars of hell had to take over and rule the Devildom. Naturally, the main ruler was Lucifer as he was the oldest and the one who was in the best position to take this role and make sure his brothers weren’t causing even more trouble than usual.
Barbatos decided to stepped back and as soon as everything was settled at the castle and that Diavolo had a proper funeral, he left the Devildom completely. It was too much of a reminder of the lost of his best friend. Instead, he decided to explore the Human World, sometimes accompanied by his long time friend, Solomon.
The only good thing for Barbatos was that he wasn’t afraid of running into you by accident since he learned from Solomon that you had officially moved back in the Devildom. In the castle with the brothers, to be exact. The brothers had to renovated the castle entirely since you did not feel comfortable living where Diavolo once lived, especially if it looked the same as before.
You did attend Diavolo’s funerals as well as Simeon, who was mostly there to make sure you were safe. This gave you the opportunity to forgive Diavolo for everything he had done to you and move on for good.
There was nothing left for you to do now in the Human World and no one preventing you from living with you true family, the brothers.
From the day of Diavolo’s death to the day you finally moved in with the brothers, you kept having nightmares that kept you up at night. You would always see Diavolo in your nightmares and you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was actually him and not just your brain imagining things.
Thankfully, during your transition from the Human World to the Devildom, at least one of the brothers would stay at your place with you to make sure you were safe. They always felt guilty for not protecting you twice, once when you where in the Devildom and the second time when Diavolo attacked you at your house. They had to constantly wake you up because you were always screaming at the top of your lunges for Diavolo to stop hurting you.
As soon as you officially moved into the castle with the brothers, the nightmares stopped. It was probably because they all decided to sleep in the same bed as you, in the hopes that the nightmares would finally stop. Oh well, it didn’t matter what the reason was, all you knew was that with them being the new rulers of hell, you knew you were safe, even in your dreams.
I hope you guys liked part 2! If you enjoyed, please leave a like or reblog, it’s very much appreciated. Love you ❤️.
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softlilacmoonlight · 4 years ago
Simeon x Reader - Promises
(Y/N) pov:
ACHOO! Ugh. I grab another Kleenex and once more blow my nose. I'm all congested, my throat is past the point of no return, I feel like I can barely breathe, and the cold is seeping into my very bones. I'm going to have to tell Lucifer that I can't make it to RAD. I'm barely able to stay awake.
"(Y/N)? Come one! You'll be late for breakfast and there'll be nothing left." exclaims Mammon as he barges into my room.
I try to talk, but it ends up in a coughing fit. "Mammon. Get. Lucifer." I whisper.
Mammon's eyes widen and he jets out of the room as fast as possible. I can barely hear his feet hitting the ground. In a matter of seconds, I faintly hear several feet and voices heading this way. Quietly, the door swings open and uncharacteristically, there is no noise.
Gently, an un-gloved hand touches my forehead. "She's terribly sick," states Lucifer softly. "Asmo. Get Solomon, we need his human knowledge."
After that, I drifted off to sleep. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Everything feels heavy and sluggish. I just can't seem to function at all.
Third-person pov:
Once (Y/N) had fallen asleep, the brothers quickly got to work. They layered her in blankets, warmed up her room temperature, and Lucifer anxiously called a doctor. Partway through all of this, they were joined by Solomon.
Solomon, very carefully, began to assess your sick state. Much to his displeasure, he was of little help. "She needs that doctor. Now."
Thankfully the doctor came soon after to also examine you. Which is what resulted in you being rushed to the hospital and put on immediate breathing assistance with medicine. You were so tired that you had no way to register any of the changes in your location or state of health.
Simeon pov:
I wonder where (Y/N) is? I haven't seen her all day. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the brothers either or Solomon. It's weird. The bell just rang for lunch, and I'm so used to her presence.
Quickly I chide myself. That's unholy and greedy. She is an independent woman and my girlfriend. She can handle herself just fine... but I'm still worried. Sliding in next to me, Luke starts to eat his lunch.
"Luke." I inquire. "Have you by any chance seen (Y/N) today?"
He shakes his little head, part of a cupcake shoved into his mouth. "No. She hasn't been in any of our classes this morning."
Noticing my hum, Luke quickly looks towards me. "I'm certain she's fine Simeon. It's (Y/N) after all and while I hate to admit it, the brothers do take great care of her. Maybe something came up in the human world."
"I don't think so," I respond fastly. "Something's wrong. I can just feel it."
In Private Chat with Lucifer
Simeon: Lucifer sorry to bother you, but (Y/N) hasn't been in school all day. Is everything alright?
Lucifer: No. She's in the hospital. When Mammon went to wake her up this morning she was... in bad condition. We aren't sure about anything at this moment in time.
Simeon: I NEED TO BE THERE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND! Can you PLEASE get me out of class? Lucifer! I'm begging you!
Lucifer: I just sent a text to Lord Diavolo informing him of the situation. He says that you are dismissed.
Simeon has gone offline
Standing up, I sprint as fast as I can out of the lunchroom. I don't care that I left behind my backpack, and Luke can take well enough care of himself as far as I'm concerned. Or should I say that Barbatos can take good enough care of Luke? After all, he swiftly sat down with little Luke at the lunch table. Regardless, they'll be fine. Right now, my little lamb needs me.
I pick up speed, not even really looking where I'm going. I'm running into people, and the picked-up wind of the incoming storm nips at my heels. My coat/cloak (not sure what to call it. If you guys have any ideas hit me in the chat) starts to have a mind of its own and whips around and into my face, but I don't stop. Why? Because I can't. (Y/N), my precious (Y/N), needs me right now.
Coming up to the hospital, I can see Lucifer waiting for me outside of the doors. I try to rush past him, but he quickly grabs my arm. I try to yank it away in desperation, but he won't let go.
"Simeon." And suddenly, he pulls me into a hug. "Listen, Brother, for that is what you once were. Calm down, and breathe through your nose. If you rush in looking like that, everybody will be worried about you. (Y/N) will be especially worried-"
"Is she awake?" I question out of breath, cutting him off.
Lucifer pulls away from the hug and grips me by the shoulders. "No, she's still asleep, but you can sit by her bedside. I'll help you get the room to yourself."
Shakily, Lucifer guides me inside and sits me down on a chair to calm me down for a couple of seconds. "What is she sick with?"
"A human disease," answers Lucifer shaking his head. The little crease in his brows giving way to his ancient age. "The doctors called in pneumonia. It makes it hard for humans to breathe and makes them terribly cold. If they don't get treated then they die. (Y/N)'s going to have some very serious physical therapy for her lungs after this."
"T-T-Therapy?" I stutter.
He nods his head. "Yes. She'll have to have breathing aids like air tanks, a machine to pump air while they're asleep, and so forth. That way they won't run out of oxygen partway through the night."
After a couple more minutes of panic attacks and short-term terror, Lucifer gently pulls me up by my hands and leads me to the elevator. Once we're inside, he presses the button for the fourth floor. From there the elevator ascends upwards. The doors are opening painstakingly slow, but after what feels like a lifetime we are finally met with the hallway. Lucifer walks slightly ahead of me so he can lead me there when he suddenly stops outside of a door.
Grabbing him by the shoulder, I stop him from entering the room. "I want (Y/N) transferred to Purgatory Hall. It doesn't have to be permanent, but I want to take care of her as her boyfriend. I have that right Lucifer."
"I know," he whispers sadly. "I knew you'd say that, so I already got Lord Diavolo's permission. The others and I will move over some of her clothes and comfort items while you're here with her. That way when she wakes up she has something familiar."
"Thank you Lucifer." my gratitude shining through the words.
Upon entering the room, seven heads turn to look at us. Lucifer gently shoos his brothers and Solomon out of the room much to their protests and refusals. Eventually, they leave, but not before Mammon leaves one of his rings on the nightstand, Beel his necklace, Belphie carefully positioning his pillow under your head, Asmo left a picture of the two of you together, Satan left his book with instructions to read it to her, Levi left a little anime keychain from his phone case, Solomon left his casual star cape for an extra blanket, and Lucifer left his cuff pins. Their little momentos left me in tears. They really do care for my girlfriend, my little lamb.
Sitting in the chair next to (Y/N), I gently grasp your hand. Letting out a little whimper as I hold your small cool hand. I can't help but think about how much you always liked it when I would rub circles into your hand, but I can't do that now. As long as that IV is in your hand, I can't rub it or disturb that area.
Against all of my wishes, tears quickly start to fill my eyes. Before I can grab a tissue or stop it, the tears start to spill over and out of my eyes. Except I don't want to stop. It feels good to finally be able to cry, to let it all out. Hiccups puncture through my cries as I sob.
"S-Simeon." hoarsely whispers a quiet voice.
My head snaps up to meet (Y/N)'s beautiful (eye color) eyes. "(Y/N)! Shhh. Shhh, my little lamb. Save your voice."
"Simeon. I. Love. You," she mumbles.
I lean down and gently kiss her forehead. "I love you too. Please sleep. Everything will be alright. I've gotten you transferred to Purgatory Hall, that way I can take care of you. Alright?"
She nods her head and gently leans into my touch. "Simeon. I. Promise. You-" she starts to slip into a coughing fit, and I quickly grab some water.
"Shhh. It's alright dearest. I promise too. I promise to spend the rest of your life and the afterlife with you. I promise to protect you mentally, physically, and emotionally. I promise so many things my love, and I can only hope that I'll be able to properly fulfill each and every one of them." I don't think. I just say what my heart tells me because it's the truth.
(Y/N)'s pov:
I slowly start to drift off to sleep once more during Simeon's love proposal. "I. Like. That."
With that, I start to fully relax further, and the darkness starts to close in around my eyes. On the last available wisps of my hearing, I hear one last thing. "Sleep well, my love." And that I did.
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aspenflower17 · 4 years ago
Finding You (Part 11 of ??)
Hey everybody! I am back with another update! This one’s a bit shorter, but with the holidays coming, my brain’s been a bit fried lately 😅
I also have two other wip’s that have been trying to grab my attention, so keep an eye out for those! I do want to say that the angel event never happened in this story. My Simeon, Michael and Diavolo never did that. That being said, I want to write something for the angel event to try to... finish it and explore it a bit more.
For people who might be stubbling across this here is the link for Part One.
Tags for le people:  @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling
Word Count: 1,390
Mc yawned, eyes zoning out as she stared at her scrambled phoenix eggs. She had stayed up way too late at the ball, and when she had finally been able to sleep, she had another dream about Satan, this one about helping him make dinner for all of his brothers. While it had been pleasant, she was still feeling a little melancholy from it.
Michael sighed, Luke rolling his eyes a bit before asking, “Michael, is everything okay?”
“Well, I’m trying to figure out how I offended Satan last night.”
Mc perked up a bit at the mention of his name as Luke continued, “What’d you say?”
“Well, someone pointed him out as the Satan, so I decided to go over and talk to him, and just wanted to confirm his identity, so I asked if he was Lucifer’s son.”
All sounds stopped at that point. Mc looked up to see everyone else in the room staring at Michael. Even Barbatos raised an eyebrow.
“And you’re still alive?”
Mc wasn’t sure who asked the question because no one had moved when she tried to figure out the source.
“Am I wrong about it?” Michael asked, genuinely confused.
“It’s… difficult to explain,” Diavolo said, looking a bit uncomfortable.
“Why?” Mc asked.
“Well, he was born from Lucifer’s wrath. Satan, from what the others have told me, feels like he owes his existence to Lucifer and Lucifer’s pride doesn’t allow him to say otherwise, which just irritates Satan even more. Whenever someone reminds Satan of that connection, he… Well, let’s just say that demon was in a coma for a month. So, we don’t bring it up here. I’m amazed we didn’t have a fight break out last night honestly.”
Michael’s eyes widened in understanding as Diavolo spoke, “Seems I was very fortunate last night,” then, after a moment, “Should I apologize to him?”
“I would probably suggest against it, unless you have a good opportunity to. It could come across as even more demeaning.”
“Seems I have a lot to learn about how to properly interact with demons,” Michael chuckled uncomfortably.
“Did you ever end up being about to speak with Lucifer?” Diavolo asked.
“No. He ended up evading me the whole night,” Michael sighed.
“Well, maybe I’ll have to invite the brothers over for dinner sometime,” Diavolo mused, then after thinking for a bit and pulling out his DDD, “Yes, I think I’ll do that. Though… Mc, would you be willing to play something for us? I know you’ve been working on that piano piece.”
“I will definitely for you all. It probably won’t be that piece since it’s not finished yet.”
“Whatever you can do should be fine. Sometimes I just need to give them a good incentive to come,” Diavolo smiled, typing away on his DDD.
A bit further into dinner, Diavolo’s DDD dinged, “I have a date set for dinner! We shall have it in three days!”
“Isn’t that a little soon?” Michael asked.
“Of course not! All that needs to be done on my side is make sure there’s enough food for everyone plus Beelzebub.”
“Ah, he still eats a lot does he?” Michael asked.
“Well, as the Avatar of Gluttony, I’d say he eats more than “a lot”,” Diavolo laughed.
“... How much does he eat now?” Michael asked, looking concerned.
“Well, let’s just say Lucifer and I have had serious discussions before about if the Devildom can sustain his level of hunger.”
“He always had an appetite in the Celestial Realm, but…” Michael sat back looking concerned.
“Don’t worry. Lucifer and I have a couple different plans on how to keep him and the rest of the Devildom fed,” Diavolo smiled.
“What about the others? How have they changed?”
“Well, you’re just going to have to find out in three days.”
Mc stared at the envelope on her desk. She was going to save the letter for later, not quite ready to read the contents yet. Her thoughts drifted back to part of her conversation with Mammon.
“I got ta go ta ya art show with Satan. I was really impressed with ya art. Satan was explainin’ a lot of it ta me since it was my first show.”
“He was?” Mc asked, the disappointment from their first meeting still fresh.
“Yeah. I know he’s really impressed by ya art, and all.”
“Ah. Good to know,” Mc said, tone noncommittal.
“Yeah. He’s actually a pretty good guy. Well, for a demon anyway. He just struggles a bit expression’ himself sometimes.”
“He does?”
“Yeah. I know he’s been havin’ a rough time lately with… everythin’ goin’ on.”
“Is that right?” Mc could feel some of the worry she’d been holding to dissipate with his words.
“MmmHmm,” Mammon smiled at her, but he blanched seeing something happening behind her, “Uhh, I’ll be back, ‘k? I gotta take care of somethin,” and with that he disappeared into the crowd for a bit.
Mc picked up the letter, and opened it:
Dear Jane,
I am so glad you decided to read my letter. I would like to apologize for my behavior the other day. Though there’s really no excuse for my rude behavior, I’ve been dealing with some personal issues lately, and I ended up making those your problem.
I wanted to tell you that I do remember you from before. I remember you called the fleeing demons a stampede. I remember you had a large leaf stuck in your hair. You also mentioned feeling very lonely sometimes. I don’t remember what I put in that letter, I wanted to let you know your thirst for knowledge really impressed me, and reminded me of myself. If I was able to help you on your quest for knowledge I will consider it a job well done. If it is not too much of an imposition on your time, I would love another chance to talk at length with you about art, literature, or anything really. Maybe over coffee sometime?
I will be looking forward to your answer,
Mc sat back, feeling most of her tension leave her body. He didn’t hate her and actually wanted to talk with her again. She smiled, and reached for a piece of paper to pen her response.
Mc poured over the Devildom encyclopedia she had found. It had started as a way to figure out what kind of flower she had seen outside in the castle garden, and had just turned into learning all about the Devildom in general.
“What are you doing Sis?”
“Hmmm… Oh, hey Luke. Did you know the climate here is much like a high altitude desert in the human realm? Super cold in the winter, but really hot in the summer?”
“I guess that makes sense.”
“Also, most of the plants here grow from moonlight. Many of the weeds in the Devildom are those that metabolize the moonlight the fastest and most of are actually edible.”
“You found an encyclopedia, didn’t you?” Luke asked.
“Yup. There’s also a lot of reference books here, so everytime I find something I want to know more about, I just write it in my notebook.”
“How many pages so far?”
“Well, this notebook is new and it’s already halfway full…”
“How are you going to look up all of those?”
“I’ll figure it out. I’ve heard the InterWeb is useful, though I’m not great at using it yet. Oh, there’s also this little-”
“Okay, I think that’s enough research for one day,” Luke said, taking the encyclopedia.
“You need to go outside or something.”
Mc huffed a bit, “I was outside already today. That’s what caused me to come back in. I had a question about a flower I saw.”
“Well, go eat something. You haven’t eaten since breakfast have you?”
Mc was about to argue when she realized she was actually very hungry, “That might be a good idea.”
“Come on silly. Let’s get you some food.”
Mc sighed, starting the song over. She hadn’t been able to get any further in her composition, not getting any inspiration. Despite telling Diavolo she wouldn’t be able to perform it, she had still tried to finish the piece. It really was lovely. She just wasn’t sure how to finish it.
She played up until the last note she had composed again, and sighed, lowering her hands from the keyboard.
“That was beautiful,” a deep voice called from behind her.
She turned around, “shocked, “Satan?!”
So, fun fact, I live in a high altitude desert, and if the climate here isn’t Hell, I don’t know what is 🙃
As always, likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Chapter 12
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dontenchantme · 5 years ago
Rated E, simeon x mc.
did pursuing something she truly wanted make her a sinner?
fics masterlist
She took a deep breath as she wound her hair around her hands, holding up the long locks and baring her neck. She felt his breath ghost over her exposed skin, and she shivered.
Soft, gentle lips pressed lightly against the back of her neck, trailing from her hairline down to her collar. His arms looped around her waist, drawing her closer. He was so warm, and she squeezed her eyes shut, her heart racing in her chest. “Are you sure?” she asked.
Her voice was barely louder than a whisper. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to change his mind or not – they were already here. And she did want this. But at the same time, she was afraid, not just for herself but also for him. Was this allowed? Would he end up being punished for her curiosity? He would do anything she wanted, that much she knew.
“Yes.” His breath was warm, and she bit her lip, holding back a little moan. “You don’t need to worry about me. I know how to handle myself.” His elegant hands lingered on her torso, his fingers pressing into the soft cotton of her dress. “But are you sure about this?”
“I am,” she answered, though her voice wavered a little. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled, and she relaxed against him, drinking in his familiar, heady scent. He reminded her of sunshine and flowers and the gentle spring rain. “I…I’ve wanted this for a while.”
“Okay.” That one word was filled with affection. “Look at me.” She turned her head, meeting his gaze, her face burning – clear blue eyes met hers, and he smiled, pushing some of her hair behind her ear. “You’ll tell me if you feel uncomfortable? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’d never hurt me,” she said, certainty in her voice. “I know you won’t.” He studied her, his gorgeous eyes searching hers, and then he leant forward and kissed her forehead.
“You have too much faith in me, love,” he said, and he sounded melancholic. She wanted to ask him what he was thinking about, but then he cupped her face in his hand and pressed his lips to hers. She immediately forgot what she had been thinking about.
A few seconds later he parted from her, and she felt his hands leave her, going up to the buttons at the back of her dress – she held her breath as he undid the first button, his every movement agonisingly slow. She tried her best not to squirm. “Simeon…”
“Yes? What do you want?” he murmured as his hands dropped to the next button, and she wondered if he was teasing her, dragging this out so that she would plead for him.
“Could you just…” Her voice trailed away as she blushed, unable to speak the words on her mind. Simeon laughed, a rich and melodious sound, and he pressed his lips to her cheek.
“I know, love. I know,” he whispered. At that moment he sounded so seductive, so unlike his usual self that for a moment she wondered if she had imagined it, but then she gasped as his fingers darted from button to button, her dress falling apart around her. The air kissed her bare back and she shivered, painfully conscious of his gaze fixed on her exposed skin.
“Simeon.” His name was a prayer. She could feel his breath against her shoulder blade, and he pushed her sleeves down – she gladly shimmied out of them, allowing the dress to fall off the upper half of her body. His fingers traced delicate shapes across her back.
“You’re beautiful,” he said in a voice filled with reverence. “And I’m blessed to have you.” She wanted to say no, that it was the other way round, but then he pulled her flush against him and the words died on her tongue. He was so warm, and she felt protected in his arms.
When he started to trail gentle butterfly kisses across her shoulders, she closed her eyes, an indescribable feeling welling up within her chest. It hummed, warm and low, spreading throughout her body until the tips of her fingers and toes. She leant her head against his shoulder as he pushed her hair to the side, whispering her name against her neck. They’d kissed before, yes. But this – this was different, even if she couldn’t quite understand why.
Her breath hitched when she felt him suck gently on the curve of her neck. She reached back, her hand seeking his, and she felt his fingers slip between hers – then Simeon ran his tongue over her skin and she gasped, her body trembling at his touch. Everything was so sensitive, and something within her ached for his touch. Ached, yearned to have more.
“Please.” She opened her eyes and turned her head to face him again, and she caught him looking almost conflicted, his blue eyes narrowed in thought – he held her gaze for a second before leaning in to capture her mouth with his. She sighed into his kiss, a part of her hoping that he could just hold her in his arms forever.
“You have no idea what kind of thoughts you put inside my head.” He pulled back, his lips curving slightly when he heard her dissatisfied whine. “I want you to feel good, all right? Promise that you’ll tell me if you ever want me to stop.” His blue eyes were earnest.
“I promise. But right now, I don’t want you to stop,” she said, surprised by her boldness – he chuckled, catching her chin and turning her head so that she faced away from him.
“If that is what you wish. But I would like you to keep looking straight ahead – you can do that for me, can’t you?” he hummed, and she nodded, too mesmerised by the sound of his voice to say anything more. “Good.”
It was strange, not being able to see him. But exciting too. She wondered what he was doing, but then she stopped thinking when his finger hooked her bra, sliding down the material to the clasp that held it together. His hand lingered there, right over the clasp, and for a moment she thought he was just teasing her, that he would move on to elsewhere. But then she felt him undo the clasp and his hands were moving, gently cupping her breasts as she jolted, a quiet whimper escaping her lips. “Is this okay?” he whispered.
She nodded. Her fingers fisted the blanket in anticipation, and he murmured something in a language she didn’t understand – then he suddenly squeezed her breasts, his thumb and forefinger pinching her nipples, and she arched back into him, her eyes widening as fierce pleasure shot through her entire body, leaving her trembling.
The feeling of someone else’s hands touching her this way – it was like there was a direct line between his fingers and her groin. She clenched her thighs together, biting her lip as Simeon leant his chin on her shoulder, one of his hands leaving her breasts to sweep her body, drifting down to her hips. She tried to tilt herself and allow the dress to slide further down, baring her completely, but then his hand seized her waist and kept her still.
She wanted to say something, to protest perhaps, but he tilted his head so that his lips just barely brushed her ear and he told her in the softest of whispers that he loved her. She wanted to kiss him right there and then, but she remembered their agreement and she kept her gaze fixed on the wall ahead, resisting the urge to turn around.
His hand left her waist, sliding further down past her navel to the hem of her underwear. His fingers danced along the edge, and her grip on the blanket tightened. “Would you like me to remove this?” he asked, his voice husky. She didn’t think she could speak even if she wanted to, so she nodded and his fingers dipped beneath the hem, sliding slowly, languidly across her skin. She squirmed, unused to having someone else's hand there.
She had touched herself. She had experimented before, though it always embarrassed her a little to think about it. But having Simeon touch her in such an intimate place…he wasn’t even near anywhere sensitive, but knowing his hand was going somewhere no one else ever had before sent an unfamiliar thrill through her.
He tugged her panties down, but he didn’t remove them entirely. She wriggled a bit, trying to get them off, but again he held her still and she bit her lip, her breaths quick and shallow. “Yes, I’ll give you anything you want. But this – please allow me this,” he said, and she found herself nodding. It was impossible to deny him when he sounded so soft, so pleading.
Simeon’s hands left her, and she didn’t turn around, not wanting to break their promise. No sound came from behind her, and after a while, she had to wonder what he was doing – did he leave, maybe? But Simeon wasn’t the kind to just abandon her like that, she knew that. She fidgeted, beginning to grow restless, but then a second later his hand caressed her arm and she sighed, pleased that he had come back to her.
But when she felt him press against her body her eyes widened and her face flamed – she could feel his warmth bleeding into her back and she knew then that he had removed his clothes, that if she turned to look right now he would be entirely bare. She was curious, she couldn’t deny that; she wanted very much to peek at him. She had never seen anyone else naked before, or if she had she didn’t remember. “Simeon, can I turn around? Please?”
He chuckled, his lips brushing against her ear – she shuddered, her sensitive skin tingling from the tease. “Later. You can look all you want later.” His voice was low – it reminded her of sin, even if it slipped from the mouth of the purest man she knew. It was a voice that wrapped securely around her, cocooning her in an embrace so loving and gentle that she felt heat pricking her eyes. “But right now, I…” he paused, and then he whispered in a voice so quiet that she almost didn’t hear him. “I want everything to be perfect for you.”
“The fact that it’s you already makes it perfect,” she answered, and Simeon paused – she felt his arms tense a little around her, and she worried that she had said something wrong.
Then he relaxed with a sigh, his breath ghosting against her ear. She inhaled. “Love, you…” She thought he sounded choked, but he cleared his throat and his grip on her tightened. “I haven’t been this close to anyone in a while,” he admitted. “Not in this way. And sometimes, I wonder if you would eventually regret this – but every time you smile I fall deeper for you.”
“I won’t regret Simeon. I promise,” she told him, her voice as gentle as she could manage. It was nothing like his angelic croon but Simeon still nuzzled against her shoulder, as though seeking comfort – she yelped when she felt his tongue flick out against her skin, her thighs instinctively clamping together. All he had done was touch her – innocent, gentle touches, his fingers running across her back, dancing over her skin. But it made her crave more.
His hand cupped her cheek, turning her head, and then Simeon was kissing her – her eyes widened as she realised this was not his usual gentle, sweet kiss. He tugged lightly at her bottom lip, taking advantage of her gasp to explore her mouth with his tongue. His hand kept her in position, loving but firm, and she reached for him, barely able to support herself, her mind going blank from the newness of this, from how different everything felt.
Simeon pushed her beneath him, but he was careful not to be too rough, and when his weight settled over her she exhaled, looping her arms around his neck. He always looked tender, that was nothing new – but the adoration in his eyes made her feel precious; like she was someone worth protecting. She would willingly drown in his clear blue eyes.
She was still half-wearing her dress at this point, but Simeon helped her tug it off with a newfound impatience that made her heart jump to her throat. But he didn’t toss it to the floor – instead, he draped the dress carefully across a nearby chair, and even the way he took off her undergarments was delicate, almost reverent.
She took this chance to gape at him, to admire the flawless lines of his body – Simeon was lean and sensual, and his nude figure made her face warm. She averted her gaze and was abruptly reminded of the fact that right now, she wasn’t wearing anything either. At once she raised her hands to her chest, trying to cover herself, unused to being completely naked, but then Simeon captured both her wrists in his hand, making her lower her arms.
“There’s no shame in nudity,” he said, a mixture of humour and affection in his eyes. “And you don’t have to feel embarrassed about it. The fact that you are willing to bare yourself like this, vulnerable and exposed…” He hesitated, and his blue eyes widened just a fraction before he shook his head and smiled at her. “What would you like me to do now, love?”
“Touch me.” The words spilt from her lips, unrestrained, yearning. She reached for him, her arms opening, and he gladly entered her embrace. His body fit perfectly against hers, almost as though she had been born to wrap around him like this, and she felt giddy as he whispered her name, his hands sliding over her breasts, her waist, between her thighs.
“Anything for you.” His fingers lingered over her core, and she trembled in anticipation, a strange feeling blossoming in the pit of her stomach – she yearned to know how it would feel for Simeon to touch her so intimately. She was so curious it hurt. His gorgeous eyes met hers, an unspoken question in his expression, and she nodded, biting her lip.
He carefully separated her folds and she gripped the blanket again, her eyes half-closing as she watched him, afraid of what he might think, afraid of how she might feel. Simeon let out a quiet sigh, his blue gaze flicking up to meet hers for just a fraction of a second before a slender finger slipped inside her and she gasped. It was a foreign sensation, new to her, but as she grew used to it, squirming slightly at his touch, she found that it was…pleasurable.
She could feel herself getting wet as he slowly fingered her, his thumb delicately circling her clit – he made sure not to actually touch it, and as the sensations continued to build, she let out a whimper, her legs unconsciously spreading for him. “Simeon!” she gasped. Her voice was high-pitched, breathy, nothing like the way it usually was. He paused at the sound of his name and she wanted to cry – she hadn’t wanted him to stop. “Faster. Please.”
“Faster?” Simeon repeated, and she thought she could see a little smirk on his face. She had to blink once or twice, unsure if she was seeing things. Simeon, smirking? That sounded like a contradiction in itself. But then he lowered his head so that his dark hair hid his eyes and, without warning, he slid another finger in her, stretching her further. She arched her back, her eyes fluttering closed at the sudden fullness she felt. It didn’t hurt, and when he began to move, she threw her head back and just gave herself over to the pleasure, over to Simeon –
His other hand slid beneath her thigh, propping her leg over his shoulder, and when he sank his fingers in and twisted, she jerked up from the bed, whimpering. If she had been more lucid then she might have wondered how Simeon knew how to touch her, how he was so skilled, how he was able to make her body sing so willingly for him – but all she could think about right now was how good his fingers felt. Her mind was steadily going blank, and it felt like she would explode soon if he carried on touching her this way.
“I’m…I’m –” she panted, meeting his gaze, her eyes watering slightly. He seemed to know exactly what she meant, and seconds later he hooked his fingers within her. Stars exploded behind her eyelids and she let out a sharp cry, her body quivering as Simeon pushed her over the precipice on which she had been teetering so precariously – she free-fell into emptiness, her thoughts devoted entirely to the man who loved her, who stared at her adoringly with barely-concealed heat in his eyes. She reached for him, her hands weak, her lips parted in a soundless scream, and Simeon approached her, nuzzling against her palm.
“Look at me, love,” he whispered, and she forced her eyes open just in time to see him lick the wetness off his fingers, his gaze fixed on her. She groaned, still aching between her legs, desperate for something other than his hands. “What else do you need?”
“You,” she breathed. “Please. Please.” She was ready, wasn’t she? She knew she was. Even if it hurt, she didn’t care – she just wanted Simeon now. He exhaled, his gaze flitting all over her face, then he lowered himself slowly onto her – she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist, biting her lip. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous in the slightest, but there was no one she trusted more than Simeon. He would never try to harm her.
“You’re sure?” he asked, maybe more to convince himself than her. She wasn’t changing her mind now, not when they had come this far. She had wondered about this, had fantasised about maybe one day giving him her virginity – she had thought it would be a pipe dream, that as an angel he would never be able to partake of such carnal pleasure.
But one day when she drunkenly admitted to her very physical attraction for him, he smiled and said they could discuss that when she was sober. A straightforward, embarrassing chat a few days later eventually led to this. “Yes. Never surer,” she answered, her voice shaky.
“Promise you’ll let me know if it hurts.” Simeon leant his forehead against hers, and for once she saw something fierce in his eyes – she nodded, her throat suddenly constricted. Simeon paused for a second, some unidentifiable emotion flitting across his face, then with a quiet exhale he pushed forward, the tip of him slipping inside her. She instinctively tensed, but he pressed a kiss to her neck, his lips lingering where her pulse thrummed. “Relax,” he told her, his voice reassuring. She placed her hands on his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin.
He didn’t rush her. He wasn’t impatient at all – he held himself there, simply waiting for her to become comfortable, and after a while she finally exhaled, her grip on him relaxing. “Yes. Please.” She swallowed, blushing at the gentleness in his expression – when he slid further in she found to her surprise that there was no pain; just a strange feeling of being spread apart, being filled. It wasn’t unpleasant. “Are you okay?” he checked, pausing halfway in.
“It feels good,” she whispered back, flexing her feet, spreading her thighs just a tiny bit more. He looked relieved, and she knew he had been reassured – but even she didn’t expect the way he suddenly rammed himself inside her. She gasped, the breath ripped from her lungs when he filled her so unexpectedly, and now that she could feel every inch of him she closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the sensation of him, by the knowledge that they were one now.
“Tell me when I can move.” He kissed her jaw, right underneath her ear, and she moaned at how soft he was – he looked back up at her, his eyes burning with quiet intensity, and she reached up to cup his face between her hands. He was so beautiful like this, lying on top of her, watching her like she meant the world to him. What was it about her that he found so precious, that he felt this immense need to protect? She desperately wanted to know.
“Please move.” His gaze clouded over slightly when she spoke those two words, and then he pulled almost completely out of her – she wanted to protest, wanted to wrap her legs tight around his waist and pull him back to her. But the very next moment he called her name and his hips slammed down, and she was crying out, her hands flying towards the bed, her mind going blank at how deep he was. “Simeon…” She could barely breathe, overwhelmed by the way he took her, how he was firm and gentle and loving and terrible, how he almost cried as their lips met, their bodies intertwined, tangled up in each other.
It didn’t take long before she was chasing her second orgasm, and it seemed like he could sense how close she was as well – his thrusts sped up even as he dropped a hand between their bodies, teasing her clit, his gaze meeting hers. Desperation shone in his eyes and she whimpered, warmth spreading throughout her body. There was so much tension; she felt like a wound-up spring ready to break, and she ran her hands over his back, her nails grazing his skin. She could feel herself beginning to tremble, her body quivering –
“I love you. I love you,” he gasped, and those were the words that sent her toppling a second time, a cry of his name escaping her lips as she came, clenching tightly around him. He continued to thrust into her as she held him close, forcing her into greater and greater heights, drawing out more cries and moans as he teased the line between pleasure and pain – but just when she thought she was too sensitive, just when she thought she could take no more, he shuddered and slowed, spilling himself inside her with a quiet groan.
For a moment, neither of them said a word. He looked at her, so much affection on his face that it was almost blinding. She was content to just stay here with him, both of them wrapped up in each other – she was floating through a dreamy daze, an immense feeling of satisfaction flooding her entire body. “I love you,” she whispered, finally finding her voice – he brushed his thumb over her cheek and leant his forehead against hers once more, and she felt her heart, her chest swelling with all the overwhelming feelings she had for him. She loved him. He loved her.
“You have no idea how happy you make me when you say those words,” he answered, and she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. He slid his arms beneath her shoulders, returning her hug, and for a while, they just stayed together like that, neither of them willing to move. Moving would break the spell, would shatter the peace she found with him. “I know you worry about me,” he murmured, hiding his face against her neck. “And you don’t have to. You don’t need to.”
“But this – aren’t angels not supposed to –” He cut her off with a kiss, and when he pulled back a few seconds later she had already forgotten what she wanted to say.
“I’ll handle it.” His voice was soft but firm, unyielding. She rarely heard him sound this way, and she knew better than to protest – Simeon wouldn’t lose his temper at her but he was so good at deflecting her questions that she’d get nothing no matter how hard she pushed. Instead, she chose to stare up at him, wishing she could sink into his blue eyes. They were like twin pools of clear, calm water, and she wondered just how deep they went.
“No matter what, I’ll be here for you,” she promised. He chuckled, rubbing his nose against hers, and once again she noticed something flit through his eyes – it was gone before she could put a finger on it, and then he was giving her that patient, wonderful smile again.
“I know.” And with those two words, he pulled away from her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Would you like me to help you clean up, love?” he asked, glancing in the direction of the bathroom, and she nodded, a little shy at the thought of showering with him – then again, they already had sex, so what more was a shared bath? He held a hand out to her, and she slid off the bed, gasping as she felt the warmth of his seed spilling out, dripping down her legs.
She didn’t notice the thoughtful look on his face as he walked beside her, his arm draped across her shoulders. She didn’t notice the way his eyes darkened as he studied her body, lithe and slender, the bare expanse of skin almost begging to be marked, to be taken – she didn’t notice any of it, and Simeon was glad she was still so pure, so naïve.
The last thing he wanted was for her to know just how far from innocent he was. How close he already had been to falling. If she knew, would that change her impression of him? She was a delicate child, a mortal who knew little, and he was drenched, almost dripping in sin.
But she looked at him with eyes that sparkled with adoration and he convinced himself that everything was fine – as long as he held his tongue, as long as he continued to say nothing, as long as he carried on devoting himself to her every wish, her every desire – this was fine.
Everything was fine. It would have to be. He didn’t want to think about what might happen if it wasn’t.
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caffeinatedfantasy · 5 years ago
The Seal pt 10: Avarice
{ Chris: [bio] Pt [0.5] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] / ?? [Set 8-10 and beyond] [ AO3 Link ] { this one starts mentioning naughty things...}
Our pursuit of Lucifer's photo... Did not go as planned. I knew something was going wrong the moment I met up with them. While Simeon's presence had grounded me against Asmo's lust. These three were just... I felt their emotions. 
No, their "sins". 
Hitting me like waves beating against the shore. Hunger just from looking over at Beelzebub, a nagging jealousy when stepping closer to Levi and an undercurrent of wanting MORE hitting me strongest from Mammon.
My head reeled for a moment. I could deal with this, though. I was familiar with ignoring such feelings. Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Once. Twice. I had to let the feelings wash over me, through me, focusing on why I was out here. Opening my eyes, only Mammon was looking at me. Not worried, at least. He seemed to be trying to get me to agree with him as he argued with his brothers.
I could only shrug. I hadn't had a ton of time to plan anything, and had [probably stupidly] relied on them to come up with something. It might not work, but if Asmo's offer extended after the retreat, I'd have a better chance, probably. For now, I was taking what I could get.
Even though our attempt at sneaking soon ended up with us in the Labyrinth.
I was glad I'd ended up on top of their pile, knowing that my body was the least able to deal with this sort of thing. I shouldn't have been surprised that Henry found us again, eyeing us hungrily. Mammon grabbed my hand, getting ready to run. I could feel his power. And the desire for more struck me.
Solomon's magic...
I breathed in.
I wanted it. So badly that my whole body ached with it. This was the power of avarice. [Levi’s hand was on my shoulder now too, trying to get me to move, but that only fueled the feeling roiling in me.]
I don't know if Mammon could feel it from me, but I made a decision then, pulling my hand out of his and copying what Solomon had done before. I don't know how I knew it would work. But I knew. And that fueled me.
I felt the crackle of the magic rushing through my veins as I called upon Asmodeus. The power was like adrenaline. And the moment Asmodeus was there, I could feel his power mix with the others and my breathe was coming in faster. The avatar of lust was starting to question what was going on instead of doing his god damned job, and I didn't stop to answer a god damned thing, calling upon the magic to lend power to Asmo.
It wasn't my magic, I didn’t think. But there was a part of me that didn't think it was Solomon's either. Not just his at least. It... Tasted different. There was no other way to describe it. It moved through me, using me as a channel to push into Asmo. Warm and electrifying and instantly turning erotic the moment it touched the Avatar of Lust. And I could tell he felt it too. Whatever it was. Because he gasped slightly as the magic drug his demonic form out. Watching his horns and his wing form around him, his clothes changing, was... Fascinating.
Once the danger was out of the way, the desire to just fucking jump him right then and there rose up, welling up in me enough to make me press my thighs together in an attempt to get relief. This was... I took a deep, steadying breath. Asmo was eyeing me. He could tell. I know he could. But the six hours should be wearing off soon and...
I had to swallow around the lump in my throat, looking away from him. "Let's go."
My voice was horse. But luckily none of them argued. I stood closest to Beel as we made our way out of the Labyrinth. The gnawing hunger in my stomach was far easier than the lust pooling between my legs, but the combination was making me want to stop Beel and drop to my knees. I wanted to reach down the front of his pants and pull out his--
I had to stop that thought before I let it continue, Especially when Asmo sent me another knowing glance and my whole body went warm. It should be wearing off soon. At least I prayed that it would. Because if it didn't... With me sharing a room with Asmo... Even with Simeon's calming effect, something was going to happen.
Because all of my carefully thought out reasons to resist the temptation were fading fast. I'd never been one to value chastity, after all.
I was relieved to find that the feeling did indeed fade by the time we escaped the labyrinth, coming face to face with Lucifer, a scowl on his handsome face. The image of kneeling in front of him and having his cock in my mouth did flash across my mind, but I was able to stomp it down immediately, leveling my gaze to his collar as the lecture began.
And it wasn't until they spoke that I realized that Luke and Solomon and Simeon were out here too. [I tried not to stare too long at Solomon when he denied lending me his power. I hadn't actually named him, after all. Who knew if he was going to get in trouble for it?] I certainly was going to though, it seemed. Especially when Asmo announced that he was going to make a pact with me.
His hand trailed along my arm as he spoke and I could see the heat in his eyes, despite the casually playful tone to his words. A moment of panic went through me, wondering if it would affect me like it had before, but I had done all of this to make the pact. So I nodded.
This time making the pact, I felt it. I don't know how, but I did.
Solomon's magic should have worn off, which meant that it should be the same as before, with the others.
But it wasn't.
And I couldn't read the expression on his face to gauge if he could tell either. I didn't have time to ask him about it as we were all ushered back to our rooms, Asmo's arm draped around my waist, smiling at me. I was legitimately surprised he didn't immediately start striping me the moment the door closed. [If Simeon hadn't been there, or had been fast asleep, I suspect he might have.]
Instead he began inspecting me, examining every piece of my body he could see. My hands were fine, though my cheeks burned when he moved onto my ears, and I pulled back when he slid his finger along my lips, trying to coax me to open my mouth. Simeon came to my rescue once again.
But only for a short time. The avatar of lust was so focused on me, his hands moving across my body, that I jumped when Mammon burst in and started shouting. Followed shortly by the others here to see what was going on. He must've seen my panicked expression, because Mammon's insistence on getting Asmo to get away from me was a relief, even if it didn't really deter him. And me trying to tell him that yes, he was a bit too close didn't entirely work...
"I don't mind snuggling, Asmo, just... This is a little..." His hand had slipped under the hem of my shirt and his fingers ran across where the seal was. And he paused. "A little much right now. Especially with..."
He just chuckled and made innuendo laden promises for later. His hand stayed where it was though, too focused on how flustered I was getting by his touch.
Until Mammon hit him with a pillow. I pulled back a little as the two started yelling at each other, trying to avoid getting wrapped up in their squabble. Solomon was at my side when they started throwing pillows at one another, his sly smile firmly in place as he pulled me out of the way a little.
"My my, are you enjoying your demons fighting over you?" He teased me, pulling me towards him. I wasn't even sure how to respond to that. And it didn't matter much as Mammon shouted at him next, trying to draw him into the argument. But a full blown pillow fight soon broke out entirely when Lucifer and Diavolo burst in as well.
At some point I figured why the hell not and joined in as well. I managed to get a hit in on Lucifer a couple times. Though the pillows had just bounced off of him, really, but none on Diavolo. Though at one point while trying to, he'd picked up the pillow I was holding, taking me along with it, and didn't even realize it until he went to hand the pillow to Lucifer and paused to grin at me.
"My sneak attack failed." I muttered to him and he just laughed, tossing me over his shoulder as a ‘prisoner’ for my attempt.
"That it did! Stay here out of Lucifer's aim." He still handed my pillow to Lucifer, far too pleased that he'd caught me as I pouted. He was strong enough that I seemed to weigh practically nothing to him, my presence not even stopping his rhythm as he kept passing Lucifer pillow after pillow. At some point I managed to wiggle myself off of his shoulder and back to the floor. Lucifer had sent me a warning look and I hadn't attempted to go for Diavolo again.
It was chaos for awhile longer. And I don't know how long it was before I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I noticed that none of us had really made it into any beds. [Except Simeon. Somehow.] I had managed to be practically on top of a pile of demons-- "my" demons, to be precise, Mammon and Asmo were curled around me on either side, while I was using Beel's chest as a pillow and one of my legs was tangled across Levi.
It was... Nice, actually. And I let myself fall back asleep like that. Maybe it was Asmo or Mammon's influence, but I didn't mind that the four of them were curled around me like that, even if Asmo's hand had drifted under my shirt or that Mammon's head rested on my chest. I smiled a little bit, stroking my fingers through their hair as I drifted back off.
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