#did I go overboard on this? maybe.
kathonyy · 19 days
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murmel-malt · 1 month
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Aeron getting knighted post-War for the Stepstones
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
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NaruFox AU
Naruto finally learns to make basic clones lol right on time for Kakashi decide they should take the chunin exam.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Just popping in to say i LOVE UR ART SO MUCH WAUGH!!!! Its soooooooo exoressive and u get across emotion and movement SO WELL!! I love ...littlr apple ...so much.....u imbue this donkey with Such Chaos
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I love this little chaos creature, we should all forfeit our mortal possessions to her.
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I was wondering if you could write headcanons for the Bone Boys as dads. ( you can pick one or multiple) (ie. Seeley, Jack, Lance, Zack, or any of the squinterns) I loved your hodgins fic sm <3 take your time!!! Thank you!!!
Oh, I love you for asking this 💕Any opportunity to write for my Jeffersonian family. And my squinterns? You didn't have to ask twice. If anyone want a part 2 let me know. I didn’t include a bunch of squints or my boy Aubrey
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Seeley - over protective, caring, goofy, stern, willing to do whatever he needs to to make his kid happy. I mean, just look at Parker - that kid turned out so well adjusted and happy. Booth just loves him to pieces - and Christine? Apple of his eye. Any kid this man has will want for nothing and know nothing but pure unrelenting love. Sunday afternoons of throwing a baseball around - I don't care what gender, any child of Booth will know how to throw a curve ball. And the hockey games? Oh, the kid(s) will be wearing Flyers jerseys before they can walk.
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Lance - we were robbed. Robbed of seeing this beautiful man raising a child. Sweets would be such a good dad too. Caring, affectionate, understanding, patient, hilarious, and with one disappointed look have his kids in line apologizing.
Oh, I could just imagine the first few weeks of sleepless nights. Lance, being so excited, but also so terrified of messing up. He knows what its like to have shitty people looking after you, and he'd never want to be that way. But he also knows what it's like to have two loving (amazing) people take care of him and love him with unconditional love.
This of course, would cause him to take the brunt of the middle of the night feedings/check-ins. Lance, sitting in a rocking chair, softly singing Coconut by Harry Nilsson. It's no surprise when the kid knows all the words before they know the alphabet fully.
Just, ugh, nothing but love and laughter.
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Any child of Jack's will be showered with affection, over the top gifts (what do you mean a thousand dollar playhouse is too much? It has a fully functional kitchen and a mini lab!), and a love and appreciation for all the beautiful things around them (bugs and all).
"Whose my little prince/princess of the lab?"
Jack would realize his mistake during the preteen phase. "Honestly, I don't know where the sarcasm is coming from. They're too quick for their own good." This of course, would be met with eye rolls, and really? No DNA test needed here. King of the Lab? More like King of Sass.
Jack would love to take the kid(s) to the lab. "This is a Carabidae, they belong to the Adephaga." He'd love to see their little faces light up with wonder. He'd never feel more elated then hearing the little giggles when he puts the beetle into his kids tiny waiting hand.
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Wendell would be the sweetest most down to Earth dad. No child of Wendell's would ever know what it means to struggle - not if he had anything to say about it. That doesn't mean his kids wouldn't know the meaning of hard work - that's the one thing Wendell prides himself in. Working hard and knowing you deserved to be there.
Considering his own mother induced labor on a roller coaster, I'm sure Wendell would be there for unconventional methods. His kids would also know how to defend themselves - verbal and physically (No one would ever talk down to his kids and get away with it. And boxers fracture? His kids would know how to throw a punch and mean it - "only if they deserve it, you can't just go around just starting fights with anybody."
His favorite memory would be the first time he took his kid(s) onto the rink. Seeing them persevere and keep going until they got the hang of it - "That's right, you got it!"
Wendell would raise his kids to be prepared for absolutely anything. Car broke down? They would know how to fix the engine. Someone broke their heart? Cry, feel it all, then take a deep breath and keep going. Because no matter what - he'll always be there to back them up.
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Vincent would be a dotting dad. A little over the top, but that's why his kids would love him. Any child of Vincent's would know more random facts than any other five year old. The calls from the kindergarten teacher would always be...interesting. "Yes, yes, I can see why talking about the amount of insect legs found in chocolate would be upsetting to the other children."
That of course would not and could not stop him from prattling out more facts every night. Facts were his love language - his bonding time. Every night, without fail, he'd tuck his little one into bed, rambling about any random thought that popped into his head until his child fell asleep.
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Colin, sweet morbid hopeless Colin. Would have no idea what to do with a child until one evening when he hasn't sleep for four days straight - he can barely see, his mind and body more fuzzy than normal.
He's looking hopelessly at his baby in his arms, "What? what do you need from me?" His voice growing more weary and desperate. Until he see's it, a smile - then a small gurgle that could be mistaken for laughter. "Oh, you like that, huh, my misery?" He's welcomed by another gurgle and big beautiful eyes blinking slowly back at him. He feels it then - the warmth- the happiness creeping up in his bones. He's got a shot now - at something he never thought about before.
Oh, his kid wants to paint his nails? Sure, he's always got the time, and maybe some tips, a little sloppy on the corner there. It's okay- you're only six we'll get you there, kid.
Colin would be the type of dad to always complain about being dragged to something, but he would secretly love it. Sappy teen movie playing in the background? No, he's not interested. He's just going to stand here for 30 minutes eyes glued to the screen. No, he doesn't want to sit down. Wait- rewind - what are they arguing about? He missed it.
Colin would have a little mini me - both the complete opposite of him and so similar it was scary. His little partner in crime.
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Zack would like to think he knows exactly what he's doing but he has no idea. He buys every parenting book known to man. Spends hours of research looking up different child development theories.
No, the baby did not in fact laugh. It's only been a month, a baby can't laugh until at least 5 months. He states that firmly until the next few days when Zack swears up and down he made the baby laugh doing an impression of Hodgins. I know I said that, but perhaps the baby just has my intelligence and early development.
Zack will be there front row and center for every recital, game, or event. Doesn't matter if he has no idea what the rules are or what is going on. He'll be there cheering from the side lines.
His favorite afternoon snack to make? Macaroni and cheese.
Zack is just happy to have made his family a little bit bigger. He never thought he'd be proud of anything outside of the Jeffersonian, but he was happily proven wrong everyday.
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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late night cuddles
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agentcricket-art · 2 years
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(please click for fullsize)
y’all i’ve never felt so compelled to make d20 fanart before, so when i tell you that the brainrot is Severe
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paging-possum · 3 months
EGADS OC LORE!!! (is that how you spell it) idk if you wanted to know the gory maybe death for jadele so ignore this if not,,,
Basically since Janette has the flower curse (if she cuts her skin she bleeds flowers and they try to tear away at her skin/body) and if she fought adele she would get a LOT of cuts- so would adele- therefore. if she got stabbed/shot/wounded in the chest/stomach and she hugged adele.
so these flowers will try to tear away at anything that stops them from growing and adele being infront of their growing path basically would mean they would stab her. like. kebab her on flowers. SO JANETTE TECHNICALLY KILLED HER WITH FLOWERS AND HUGS./Silly
which means sadly janette would die since the flowers would puncture her lungs/heart/vital organs when they grew out of her wound but she took adele down with her (NAT I NEED TO DRAW THIS SCENE SO BAD BUT IDK HOW.) but yeah this ending will probably be canon but idk what are your thoughts? (this ending makes me so sad and so ill/pos).
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Idk if you can tell but i like this ending very much…hope i did them justice! :D
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coldblooded-angel · 5 months
Oh god, see now I’m scared I made Felix a little too sadistic in this AU. GET THIS MAN AWAY FROM ME, OLIVER DOESN’T STAND A CHANCE.
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beesinspades · 10 months
how much do you think tristamp vash is going to hate himself for even thinking that if he hadn't convinced wolfwood to spare livio on the sandsteamer, maybe wolfwood wouldn't have had to die
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l0nesome-dreams · 2 months
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@gregorsmissingarmor your girlies too 😌✨I couldn’t just draw one… had to include the whole crew ^^
(I feel like their horns express their character, so I gave them all unique ones. Ik they’re clone but oh well… maybe they alter/train them at a young age like some plants yk)
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ravi-617 · 8 months
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she's just like me
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wishmcker · 2 months
i hope people know that i'm not, like, actively avoiding writing action scenes so to speak. i am genuinely just shit at writing them so they intimidate me and i get all weird, haha.
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i genuinely just look like this meme for days on end.
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sweetlovingfictionals · 11 months
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Fucking wheezes maybe I did go overboard on the character ‘orgy’ request commission. Shdjjfjfjf because all of them x this fucking twink
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cinnamon-phrog · 7 months
Sorry for clogging all of your dashboards I've been in a good mood bc!!! I got awesome news today!
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#HE'S BACK! re-ordered a yellow and completely forgot!#also uh. yesterday i talked about taking a year to myself what if i did that NOW#there are a lot of things i want to do and solve for myself#i've had no time to actually take care of myself. i've been TREATING myself but that's done nothing but make me crave more#but actually sorting my stuff out. internal external what have you. THAT has helped me a lot#college has been a bad experience overall and i put it down to me just not being ready for it. too much change in only a few months.#it made me jaded and i'd like some whimsy thank you very much. only if i try though#🎨🌻#🦆📋#🍝👄#🚦🏠#i've seen people become jaded bc of their traumas and it's saddening. and i need to learn that maybe not everyone needs fixing no matter-#my intentions and sometimes i DO go overboard and come off brash. when in reality i'd hate that to happen and only wish people the best#i learn things everyday and i'm still so young. not even 17 yet. i still have time for improvement in myself#i will ALWAYS apologise. ALWAYS extend kindness. ALWAYS admit fault bc that's just all i can do.#so anyway OUPPETS!!!!! I wanna keep them safe i'm thinking of making a box dedicated to little trinkets of Them.#i've been sheltered and Her lessons are still ingrained on me and i'm slowly [but surely!] unlearning them and not using Her as an excuse-#for laziness or my ability to talk to people and guessing everybody wishes me the worst when really they have other things on their mind.#college smollege i am not a character stuck in a narrative! i am nbot the narrative! i am me! and i say my lessons lie outside of there.
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kerbula · 2 years
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Drawing silly owls as Rowlet until Pokemon S/V day 7
Day 6 | Day 8
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