#dianthe: writing
danelloevee-sky · 2 years
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May you continue to watch over us and guide our light
Gratitude for the Ascended is a general day of remembrance for those who’ve made their final ascension to the Light. Throughout the day, friends and family gather to share stories about those who have passed and to catch up with one another.
On the very last hour at the dead of night, home shrines all across the realms begin to light up one by one. Curious skykids have tried to investigate the phenomenon but it’s said that if you come near the shrines you will hear a strange voice singing a song. A song one has never heard but still feels familiar. These sky kids wake the next day on the ground with no memory of what transpired the night before.
This is the work of the last living Herald, who commemorates their fallen kin by replenishing the Light of the shrines, ensuring that the Children of Light will never stray from their intended path.
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druidgroves · 1 year
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got hit with sudden inspiration
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
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If there is life after the Earth-life, will you come with me? Even then? If we're meant to be something, why not together.
Dianthus of Oenoe (also called Dia or very rarely Dianthe) is my main sona / self insert / etc. She's basically me but if i was in Hade game's setting <3 more info below! ( Art credits: Laurel (TH) / 2nd drawing is by me )
She's physically in her 20s and about 5'4. Her father was a human merchant from somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, and her mother was Chloris, a nymph-goddess from Etruria. Due to being half nymph Dianthus has some powers over plantlife herself, but they're very weak and mostly useless. Her hair and body will sometimes sprout flowers or even fruit, but it tends to happen randomly, and like any flower they eventually wilt overtime! She met Theseus while still alive, and aided him in his battle against the Bull of Marathon. Afterwards Theseus returned to Athens, but he intended to return to Dia's home so that he may have her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, however, Theseus was soon sent off to Crete to deal with another bull problem overseas, and Dia had to leave her home to avoid an arranged marriage. After this and up until her death, she became a Maenad, a member of the retinue of Dionysus, and thru him became associated with the Eleusisian mysteries. When she died, her body was transformed into a carnation. Later, in Elysium, she reunited with King Theseus, and helped him again, this time in the task of bringing Asterius to Elysium! Within the blessed fields, she works as a librarian. She's a rather sweet girl for the most part, and tries her best to be kind to others. However... she can also be a bit arrogant and self centered as well. She's very stubborn and headstrong when she needs to be, but also won't hesitate to give up on a task if it proves to be too much- she's very concerned for her own rest and relaxation, after all. When it comes to Theseus and Asterius, she often has to remind them to take breaks as well! Silly funfacts: ~ She writes gay fanfiction of heroes even more ancient than those of greece. ask her about her gilgamesh/enkidu yaoi collection (don't actually ask her she'll get embarassed) ~ within a plaza of elysium, there's a board within the plaza where shades can come by and pin things they've written. one user of this board is only known as "championsgirl01" and writes some very passionate posts... most of them in defense of the king himself.
~ Her favourite flower is actually the sunflower, but she also loves pink roses and carnations, her namesake. ~ She collects merch of the champions, and is the vice president of their fanclub. She also watches every match! ...In reality, though, she really doesn't care that much about the sportmanship thing. She just likes watching sweaty buff guys battling it out. ~ Friends with Patroclus, Achilles, Dusa, and surprisingly, Alecto. Has a weird frenemies thing with Zagreus. Co-workers with Hypnos but he's always asking what Asterius is up to which makes her look at him with daggers in her eyes </3
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seastarblue · 21 days
Enter: Sea’s Story #1– Deathless (Masterpost)
Characters (linked to their bios)
⚔️⚜️ Kaiden Evania ⚜️⚔️
🦋✨ Felix BonaDea ✨🦋
🌱🧪 Zhao Li Hua 🧪🌱
🎶🪙 Harper O’Kennedy 🪙🎶
♠️🔪 Noha de Escarra 🔪♠️
🧭🔥 Mehri Al-Adwan 🔥🧭
🧊🪓 Aleksi Eskola 🪓🧊
Dianthe of GentleBright
Lloyd Santhuff
Vivirette Hawthorne
The Midnight Butcher
Saffron and the Fifth Order
The World
The Nations
Gods and Beliefs
The Azari Knightage (Ask)
The Noble Houses of Nialon
Masterpost here!
Picrews (more on the way!)
Skits (more on the way!)
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tanoraqui · 5 months
Sentences Saturday
@thelordofgifs tagged me to share "some sentences" from a WIP (side note: I love how far this has devolved from neat tag memes like "Five-Sentence Friday" or even "WIP Wednesday). As it so happens, I spent yesterday and today writing a short little thing for the Chronicles of the Kencyrath, so here it is in full! Tagging @finxwrites, @smallblueandloud and @words-writ-in-starlight to go next if you want :)
Smothering, twisting darkness swirled around them in a dancing duel with silver-pale weirding mist, and the mist was winning. Where it cleared away the taint and then itself, it revealed a silent battlefield—exhausted, watching the center where the Tyr-Ridan stood, the living all still alive for now and the dead all staying dead at last. Rathilien was saved. Perimal Darkling was destroyed.
Yet darkness still loomed in front of them, utter, absolute Darkness. Ahead and behind. The ground had stopped shaking—Mother Ragga stood watching with the rest, not far away. But something still shifted unsteadily beneath Jame’s feet. Some loose thread—loose steering rope, loose fate whipping in the winds of history—was left untied.
"We have to go back." Her lips were numb with the realization. "We have to go back and start it all."
Kindrie shouted, a wordless rathorn cry of grief beyond endurance. He turned away and strode to where Kirien stood, not far behind them (or maybe distance hadn't mattered in…about as long as time hadn’t mattered).
He took her in his arms and kissed her fiercely, then pressed their foreheads gently together. The serpent cloak on his shoulders wrapped around them both.
Jame looked away to give them their privacy.
The final battlefield was full of friends and loved ones, kith and kin, more alive than she would have expected. Timmon and Gorbel were leaning heavily on one another, as were Trishien and Dianthe of Danior, all surrounded by Kendar of a melange of houses. Randiroc’s jewel-jaws were feasting on his corpse, which was fair. A few steps away, Death’s-head had started eating the Dark Judge’s corpse, which would probably give him indigestion. Before Ashe had finally gone still with the rest of the haunts, she’d sat back to back with Harn, who was gritting his teeth over a mangled forearm while Sheth, kneeling beside them, tore and tied his black coat into a hasty tourniquet.
The Kencyr had gathered closest to their lords and lady, but they were far from alone on the field. Gran Cyd bent a bloody-speared Chingetai into a passionate kiss and showed no sign of stopping. Wolvers began to howl, a rippling harmony of triumph tinged with mourning. An assortment of Tai-tastigonian gods, Bashti ancestors and other deities still ran amok, mopping up shadows with spears, fire, frying pans and odder weapons, egged on by Old Man Tishoo soaring above. Through the howling chorus, Jame heard a distinct quonk! Further yet, Arribek sen Tenzi was already stalking around, rallying his hillmen for whatever came next.
He wasn’t the only one. Countless people looked back at Jame and in their eyes she could see that one word from her, the slightest nod, and despite their wounds, exhaustion, and dawning sense of relief, they would stand and follow unflinchingly into the darkness. Brier was already getting to her feet, with blood coating her side and a mulish set to her chin. Yce was glaring past Jame, past Tori, straight into the heart of Perimal Darkling, teeth bared and legs coiled to pounce on the enemy that still hadn’t fully vacated her territory.
Kindrie let go of Kirien at last, and she of him. As he walked back to his cousins, the serpentine Cloak pressed closer and closer to his skin until it sank in completely, leaving only a ghost of snakes’ heads at his shoulders. As it faded, Kindrie shone brighter and brighter, with a white light so pure that it burned Jame’s eyes.
She turned away, and dropped the ivory Knife from her right hand. It disappeared into the shadows curling around her feet and never landed; in its place her claws slid out, longer and sharper and more natural-feeling than ever before. Each would be deadly with only a scratch. 
As usual, Torisen was the last to join them. He hasn’t reacted at all to Jame’s words; his head was bowed over the Book still open in his hands, his shoulders hunched.
With a deep breath, he straightened. The Book flared and fell into ashes in his hands. The fire licked down the bonds that tied the Knorth to their lord, and the Kencyrath to their Highlord, and set them all loose before any could be drawn into the Darkness before the three of them. Pure Creation remained, unbound, and the Kenthiar on his neck blazed as brightly silver as his open eyes.
Jame snapped her few bonds with a flick of her wrist, as easy as breathing for Destruction incarnate. With her other hand, she turned her claws carefully away one last time as she took her brother’s scarred hand, and leaned her shoulder against his. Her odd, black-purple glow was dark against his silver, though still bright against the Darkness.
On her other side, Preservation gripped the loose sleeve of her d’hen, just in case the road was rough.
And so the three faces of the Kencyr god, Torrigien, Regonereth and Argentiel, walked out of Rathilien and into the Darkness beyond worlds, beyond time.
A little while later and thirty thousand years earlier, the Three-Faced god bound together the Kendar, the Arrin-ken, the in-between race that would be known as Highborn, and the short gray folk who had always called themselves Builders, and charged them to fight the purest malevolence of entropy until it was defeated—and then upon its defeat, to the stupefaction of many on a small, divinity-packed world far down the Chain of Creation, released them all at last.
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rlainarin · 1 year
tagged by @big-cheesy-productions to do nine ship songs, so let's check in on my video game children and their beloveds!
1: Angharad/Zevran - Collar Full - Panic! at the Disco
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
2: Arinda/Morrigan - Jet Pack Blues - Fall Out Boy
She's in a long black coat tonight Waiting for me in the downpour outside She's singing, "Baby, come home" in a melody of tears While the rhythm of the rain keeps time
3: Cyara/Alistair - Not Yet/Love Run (Reprise) - The Amazing Devil
It seems oh it seems To me That you You can’t dance For shit
4: Hawk/Anders - Stigmatized - The Calling
I believe in you Even if no one understands I believe in you, and i don't really give a damn
5: Dianthe Hawke/Fenris - A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me - Fall Out Boy
I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it So, say, what are you waiting for, kiss her, kiss her I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
6: Neil Hawke/Merrill - Get It Right The First Time - Billy Joel
I'm not much good at conversation I never was too smooth at comin' on real strong If all it takes is inspiration Then I might have just what it takes If I don't make no bad mistakes
7: Talbeth Adaar/Sera - Save World Get Girl - I Fight Dragons
Nowhere to runaway, not today Outnumbered, that's the trick of it No more to lose, and so here we go now Don't turn around, we wanna show
8: Adall Lucrez/Ifan ben-Mezd - Laughter Lines - Bastille
You took me to your favourite place on Earth To see the tree they cut down ten years from your birth Our fingers traced in circles round its history We brushed our hands right back in time through centuries.
9: Kameru Inase/Daeran Arendae - It's Not A SIde Effect of the Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love - Fall Out Boy
Put your hand between An aching head and an aching world We'll make them so jealous We'll make them hate us
tagging @wild-houseplant, @mocha-writes, @jellydishes
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sigmalied · 3 months
Do you plan to write more dianth stories or do a continuation of gbtq 2.0 with her?
It is not likely, as we shall see, the events of GBTQ 2.0 and the dynamic between A&T will be bit more complex than 1.0. I don’t have everything between them written out yet though, just a general outline, so I would have to do an analysis to see if it’s at all feasible or if things are too fucked up for something like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cathplayssims · 8 months
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The Witch And Her Puppy Part - 5
(Notes: I changed up the writing style but don't worry it still fits into the plotline that I have planned, this part was soo fun to make, it's far from perfect but hey, it worked out at the end?🤔 In this part Candice got herself in trouble during her battle with Dianthe but her cute puppy ended up saving her in the end).
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
29 for azren/viconia and/or 7 for dianthe/octavia?
7. a kiss on the eyelid or undereye. | prompts | pairings | AO3 link this got nsfw for no reason real quick and for that i am absolutely not sorry.
These lazy mornings are few and far between for the Queens, and Dianthe takes each one of these precious moments of morning intimacy with her wife, savouring the haziness of their newly wedded bliss before their royal responsibilities come knocking on the bedchamber door.
Octavia moans against her lips, one set of fingers running through her dark curls, the other gripping the pillow beneath her, as Dianthe’s own brings her to her peak; her hips eagerly arch against the palm of her hand, thighs pressed around her wrist to keep her in place. Octavia’s silk and lace nightgown has risen above her stomach now as she writhes in pleasure, baring herself to the unusually cold spring morning. She pulls her lips away from Octavia, whispering sweet encouragements to her as she guides her through her climax.
As Octavia relaxes, she smiles. Underneath her, the half-elf’s legs slacken against the featherdown mattress, and the fingers in Dianthe’s hair drop to cup her cheek. A thumb brushes over golden freckles dusted over dark brown skin.
“Mmmm,” Octavia hums, the noise a pleasant thrum in the base of her throat, “good morning, Dia.”
Dianthe laughs softly, letting her soaked fingers caress her oversensitive folds to savour every post-orgasm shudder and tremble of her wife’s. She leans in to kiss her again, their tongues brushing over each other, letting Octavia taste herself on her mouth.
“Good morning to you too, my love,” she whispers as she pulls away. Her breath is hot against Octavia’s flushed skin, their foreheads resting against one another as Octavia takes precious moments of what little time they have before needing to hold court to catch her breath. They link hands, fingers flexing against one another. She savours the gentle dig of nails, in need of a slight trim, into her skin.
“What a pleasant way to start the day.” Octavia unwinds herself for a moment, stretching out to her full length before running her hands over Dianthe’s voluptuous form, under the light nightdress. “But now it’s my turn.”
Octavia rolls them over so Dianthe lies spread across their bed, her halo shimmering in anticipation. Bright brown hair falls around their faces as she leans down to kiss her sweetly - first on her forehead, then just beneath her bright green eyes and over her freckled cheeks.  The mischievous sparkle in Octaiva’s warm blue eyes and her parted lips makes desire curl in her belly, setting her heart racing in anticipation as Octavia pulls at her nightgown’s neckline to kiss a heavy breast, and her clever fingers slip between her legs.
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jaigny · 2 years
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Dianthe (means divine flower;Greek Origin) for @bumblingbunny Love & Conquest Challenge!
Alluring, Animal Enthusiast, Loves Outdoors, Neat
Age Unknown but looks to be around 19-20 years of age
(whatever pronouns and ethnics deity's use)
Being one of the many children of Gaia (Mother Earth) certainly had alot of responsibilities that Dianthe certainly wasn't expecting.
Though she is goddess nobility (I have no idea what else to call it RIP) she has always despite many or her brothers and sisters has managed to stay humble and kind to all.
Most the time she is seen in the vast wilderness, blessing her gifts amongst those who ere having crop troubles and just in itself blessing nature as she sways through the forests of Henford,Granite Falls, Glimmerbrook etc as winters chill began to fade into the first blooms of spring and giving nature's new saplings a little nutrient boost in their early life.
Most times you know she's about as when she walks trails of flowers behind her like her grandmother.
She's unsure of her father but deems it to be related to a priest of Apollo and was born on a secret unknown alter of an unknown deity. (hence the horns)
Some say she is sometimes disguised as a very light brown fawn with blue green eyes or hare or as a tall looming willow like tree harboring off white flowers that give off a pleasing and alluring scent that made blood in your veins "sing or hum" if you were nearby.
Real self and download below the cut
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Daivya Titan
(Means Divine being; Indian origin)
Zen Guru Aspiration - Spa membership
High Maintence,Proper, Animal Enthusiast
A only child who grew up with high expectations from her grandparents after the unfall of her parents that were swept away in a flood after her father saved her by hoisting her into a tree with a small bag of supplies of flares,water and some non perishable food and her mothers necklace and fathers silver watch as memorabilia to their memory.
Even though she was young bout the age of 5, she grew up slightly spoiled by her grandparents but still was respectful to others. (hence the high maintenance and proper trait)
She's a very outdoorsy and loves to garden , yoga, experiment in the arts (music,painting,writing etc) and helps out in her grandmother's Remedy & Florist shop and also at the local Spa where she's a part time zen instructor.
She's saving enough simoleons to go to Brichester and study at either Foxbury Institute or Brichester Academy -- She's unsure though of what subjects she wants to major for as she has so many choices due to her academic skill achievements.
When she's old and grey and had children she retired she wants to start up an animal sanctuary for animals though it could change in the future.
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danelloevee-sky · 10 months
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Cecania’s birthday
During this time, when a child was born with particularly strong light, they were taken in and trained to be a priest. Light priests are responsible for clearing away any darkness that is too dangerous for common folk. Some also regularly enter Eden as a group, with careful consideration to who will journey to the mountain during that week, in order to continue restoring the light.
After some major incidents, becoming a priest is now voluntary and one can retire whenever they choose to
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druidgroves · 1 year
i need to do another dianthe play thru before i write fictions between her & gale 🤔
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cautelous · 3 years
✧・゚  𝟔    𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄
Tell us about 6 things you only learned about your muse after you started writing them!! REPOST, don’t REBLOG. TAGGED BY: @novascuro TAGGING: Aimz on any of her blogs, @amechanicalgirl
Julian Raines!
Firstly, his entire conman backstory - initially, he’d just been a pickpocket after running away, but I read some books on turn-of-the-century conmen and boy, did I have to include that. He had a lot less of a connection to playing cards originally, but as soon as I hit on this it all clicked into place...
A lot of the specifics about the Marchands, beyond them just being the generic evil Disney villain family. A lot of it hasn’t really made it onto here, but boy are they... people, alright! (I need to get portrait headshots of them all sometime, but that’s like... 7 people...) A lot of Julian’s reactions to things/behaviors sprung up from this.
That he’s mostly into men lol. I originally thought his attraction split or whatever was 50/50 but actually no he’s a big fan of fellow fops and Ezra maybe but also not and Caitlyn’s just the right woman at the right time. Caitlyn Huxley’s alter-ego of Thomas Duvalle is a one-hit K.O. for Jules.
What a massive piece of shit he can be, if you push him. I went through a few iterations of Jules and Jules-adjacent Cs (don’t ask me about the C universe don’t ask me about 100) that highlighted different aspects of him, and that + realizing what a nest of vipers the Marchands are really cemented the fact that he can and will say things that hit you straight in the heart if you get in his way.
Ezra Dianthe. That is all. (Just kidding, it’s that Ezra plays such a crucial part in Jules’ character and backstory that I really can’t imagine how he’d have developed otherwise.)
He likes getting pastries from local shops :). Nah, for real though, I realized that he doesn’t really often cook for himself. He’ll make simple meals but he’s really not a chef.
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Worldbuilding: Take 2 - Alfea
Author’s Note: God help me. This thing took me in total like four hours, my back hurts and I drank two big cups of black tea. Anyway the outline of this thing isn’t mine, it’s based of this https://springhole.net/writing/magical-school-development-questions.htm .
So Alfea, the most prestigious educational institution, or as we simple mortals like to call it a school, for Fairies.
It’s students are, as I said before, Fairies (no Sprites here). They come from all over the Realms. The atendence begins around 17-18 years of age and ends when the Fairy achieves her Enchantix around her 20-21 years.
It’s students are mostly human but sometimes there is also someone from the native-native inhabitants of the planets. However thanks to the fact that sometimes some ‘aliens’ have advantages in some regards, some adjustments need to be made in order to achieve the correct results. For example, Dryads have easier time controling nature especially plants, therefore exams from Draíocht Nádúrtha (Nature Magic) need to be more difficult for Dryads.
Students are selected based on power. The school council is going to decide based on some small trials, if the participating Fairy is worthy to study in Alfea. They will accept the strongest 90. While doing that, they also decide who is going to be in WIngs together.
The school is capable of hosting up to a 270 students at a time.
Most students here continue their education that they started before on some other school, depending on where they’re from. After they reach their ‘final’ form, they can continue studying on their own with a menthor, try to get into another school or start working, or anything else that a student of Earth highschool would do after graduation.
The students live inside the school on the first floor. Rooms house one to two students each. The Wings live in the same dormitories. Bathrooms are included and anything else they for day to day life (such as a small kitchen, that is suplied by the school). The school library is also present near the rooms, next to the staircase leading onto the ground floor. It has its own research system, though not that many students dare to use it, because it is known to get rather volatile when asked about certain topics, reacting with hurling books towards whoever the unfortunate student or staff member is.
The schools crest is a geometric golden camomile on golden field, surrounded by a golden circle. The reasoning behind this is that it grows all around Alfea and it is used in many potions, especially in healing potions.
The school has no mascot.
The students get up when the sun comes out (7:00) and go to classes hour later. There is a pause at 10:00, when the students and staff have breakfast and than continue with classes. There is a five minute pause between each. They end when the sun is highest at the sky (13:00) and the students go for lunch. After hour of doing what ever, there are seminaries, that last anywhere from hour to two hours.
The school is a castle built in a style that resembles a modern renaissance style. Its walls are in a pale shade of pink and its roofs are cobalt. It’s built around the courtyard.
The school lies on the south shore of Lake Roccaluce, surrounded by the Gloomy Wood Forest, which is in this part made mostly of pines and some oaks. The ground is filled with grass, shamrock and camomile. Quite a lot of animals enjoy company of Fairies, namely red deer, hares, hedgehogs and loads of different birds, that are native to Ireland here on Earth with the occasional badger or fox. For the ‘mythical’ creatures there can be found unicorns or, the less welcomed, kelpie, that normally live in the north deeper part of the lake.
The closest city to Alfea is Magix, the capital of the same-named Magix. It was built 50 years ago, before Bloom comes into play. It is neutral ground and it’s used for solwing conflicts between the Realms. Even though most of its people didn’t live here for long, they are quite friendly.
The school has a fairly (pun intended) good reputation, known for its students who achieved great deeds through their life.
A lot of people in Realms are born magicless, but they think of Alfea just as highly as those who are born with magic.
Alfea has a lot of rival Fairy schools all around the Realms. The most well known is Solarian Fairy academy Beta, that has been competing with Alfea ever since its establishment 500 years ago. They are ran in similiar fashion, however Beta begins accepting their students a year earlier. However exculding schools for Fairies, the most well known rivalry is with the Cloud Tower - school for Witches and Warlocks.
The subjects in Alfea can be put in two groups - magical and nonmagical. For subjects where magic is applied we have: potionology (potion making / partially chemistry), metamorphosis (low ranking shapeshifting of other subjects), flying lessons (teaching students how to fly), magic defense (teaching students how to use magic shields), magical offense (how to use magic to deal damage) and applied convergence (teaching students how to combine their magic with other members of their Wing). For subjects that don’t use magic we have: magiphilosophy (morality of magic, etc.), history of magic (that), magic in nature (how does magic effect ‘natural’ world) and good manners. Than there are the seminaries, but they depend on the teachers.
The type of magic that taught at Alfea, and Fairy schools in general, is ‘light’ magic, that feeds of positive energy. It’s variations depend on the Fairy who wields it. Teachers need to readjust their teaching, when it comes to such students.
Surprisingly enough, most accidents happen during flight classes when students run out of time during their transformations and fall down. This has been prevented many times thanks to parachutes that students are required to put on before their transformation.
Studies on this school are determined by Trans Realmal Department of Magical Education (TRDME). Small things can be changed by the Headmistress.
Anyone qualified for the job of teacher of magic, can try to apply for job at Alfea. The teachers are chosen by the school council, just like the students. Unlike the students however, teacher can be either male or female.
Just like the students, teachers can be from any Realm and unlike the students, magic is not required. It’s a plus, but it is not required.
Political view differes from teacher to teacher. Especially if they’re from different planets. And students too. Most of the time it’s: respect the law and don’t get anywhere near Strigas (Witches and Warlocks)
There are holidays very similiar to Wheel of the Year. There is Autumn Equinox (21. 9. - 24. 9.), Day of the Rose (9. 10.), Day of Those who Left (2. 11.), Yule (21. 12. - 1. 1.), Spring Equinox (19. 3. - 22. 3.) and Day of the Oak (20. 6.). And the Big Break of course (1. 7. - 31. 8.). On Equinoxes, Yule and Big Break students get to go home and on the Days classes are cancelled, so the students can either go home or stay at their dorms.
The school is protected by many magics, notably its protective shield (radius 500 metres) won’t let any nonmagical creature in, unless the Headmisterss allowed it. This does not affect animals, who come in and leave as they please. Headmistress can enforce any other protective magics if she desires.
School provides all the supplies its students will need, including any books, potion materials or anything else.
Any magic without teacher insight is prohibited. Even if the risk of harm is not grand everytime, the rule still applies.
Alfea used to have dresscode in the old days, however the latest Headmistress, miss Isabella Faragonda, because she consider it ‘old’ and that the students ‘should have as much freedom in their clothes as in their magic, as long as the Head of Discipline says it is alright’. Needed to say some students believe she should’ve kept the dresscode, just for that reason alone.
Students can assemble in any free time of day and do whatever they want unless it violates code of school. Which also means they can go to Magix, to the Gloomy Wood Forest or to the Lake. Or anywhere else for that matter, just make sure to get back before sunset. Sport activities are allowed as well on the field behind the school, courtyard or small beach next to the Lake.
Students are given breakfast, lunch and dinner by the school in the school canteen. If they want to eat anything between the breaks they can, however it is food that they made in their small dorm kitchens. The food from the canteen is made in school kitchens by professional magic chef Sfoglia. From what students and staff say the food is apparently delicious.
Students can create clubs. As said before when students are chosed by the school council, they also put them into Wings - teams of Fairies, that help one another during battles. They can make drama clubs or history clubs or tutoring clubs or whatever clubs.
Injuries are handled with extreme care in school infirmary led by nurse Ofelia. However if something worse happens there is always the Hospital of Magix.
If student breaks the code of the school (the law in Magix), they can be expelled. A student can appeal and go to the Court of Magix, and try to get their scolarship.
The school was founded almost 750 years before Bloom comes to the picture. It was founded by well respected Guardian Fairy of Solaria, Dianthe Messia Apelles. It was founded for the need to properly train young Fairies in order to protect their Realms from threats. And also because there is School for Strigas right across the Lake.
Miss Faragonda has been part of Company of Light, group of great warriors and Fae (and one Witch), who fought in the War for the Flame. She has managed to defeat large portion of the cavalry of Voluky, large insect like creatures, created by fairy Mandragora, on her own
Many of Guardian Fairies have studied on this school. Not only them but also Magical Healers, Researchers or Fighters. All of them are considered pride of the school and an idle for every Fairy who goes through Alfeas gate.
There are secret tunnels bellow the school, that begin with hole in the wall of a well in Alfeas courtyard, which go under the Lake and connect to cave near the Cloud Tower and go directly to Red Fountain, army school with numerous specialization for the students to choose. They were built during the War in order to make sure that the students and staff can quickly move to safety, if they were attacked.
The school building has been damaged during the first wave of attack during the battle for Alfea and comple of times after that, but it was nothing too big. Overall the school looks quite the same, just like when it was constructed. The entire castle has been built at once. Some changes were made to the interior of classes and canteen and dorms and rooms are changed almost everytime a new student moves in. Curently there are plans to expand the greenhouse and basement parts of the school. And there has been added a bus stop, with a bus that leaves to Magix every single hour, from 9: 00 to 16: 00.
There aren’t many legends connected to the school. However there were few legends about ghosts and monsters in the night roaming the halls. That thing is partially truth, because during the War extremly agressive minotaur were send to guard the halls while the students slept. They were prohibited from leaving their rooms because there was a high risk of the creatures attacking them. However they had since been removed, though the rumors are still around.
There are no unsolved mysteries present in Alfea.
As said before the dresscode was changed only recently, but other changed rules include: keeping pets (as long as it isn’t dangerous to people around it), ability to go to Magix and bunch of other minor things that aren’t really important.
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forestofschwarzwald · 4 years
I gotta know, so Victoria and Reiji. Did you ever plan to do any arranged marriage with your children. I recall that as time went on they were more unexpected. But were there ever any plans to arrange a political marriage for them?
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Quite the interesting inquiry. I will open my response by saying that ultimately, it is the Queen’s decision what determines the fates of our children, given how easily I could… —he clears his throat — let us say her empathy is far more trained than mine, thus I trust her to guide our children away from the torment of immortality.
Political marriage, was it?
The prior generation, Karlheinz’, made extensive use of it first through Cordelia, daughter of the prior demon lord, second through Beatrix, who was part of a noble vampire clan.
There is a popular rumour amongst one of its members, the clan I am talking about is of course the Bathory clan.
Christa-sama’s case was quite different, she was part of my father’s clan and he forced her to marriage after tainting her honor. This is perhaps the biggest shame of our family, given that Christa was recognized as a woman of value in our family… what was left of her stayed trapped in the tower until Subaru ended her misery.
Beyond my father is a mystery, given that he erased records of the family tree and rebranded our clan as “Sakamaki”. It is my assumption that he lived over a thousand years, and that he was interested in the infamous Vlad Tepes, since I’ve found some leftover research papers.
Back to your question about what would be the third generation, the position of our family is currently as the sole rulers of the entire race.
After I killed Karlheinz, traitors were quick to arise under the belief that I was in some way inferior. Plenty of heads were displayed in our wake after Gin was kidnapped, whoever dared to defy me met their painful demise.
While immortals do not mind death, they do care about a comfortable eternity, and so… many begged I pardon their clan. Instead, I exterminated all main branches and left the rest to their own devices.
Of course war ensued, since there were quite ambitious vampires looking for my position.
Eventually every single family known to us became a loyal vassal of the Sakamaki, those in hiding are too weak to move out of their cave.
Being the sole ruler, a better way to describe Victoria and myself would be Empress and Emperor respectively, but we have grown accustomed to being Queen and King.
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Fufu~ Now… I believe we should crown ourselves again... 
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Reiji, the point-
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Ah of course, well… with such power, there is no need for us to make use of arranged marriages. It would create power imbalances and instability, rivalries that we do not need.
The old tradition dictates only one person is in power for their generation, marriage will not be a way to steal the Sakamaki family’s power, unless the next generation so wishes.
By then, Victoria and I will have gone our own way, and it would not be our concern whether they follow or not our path.
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Reiji talks so much doesn’t he? I think he really likes this type of conversation.
Honestly, it never occured to me, I was born in a time where arranged marriages were considered an anti-women practice.
I focused mostly on their education and on being a good parent to them, so that they can grow healthy and strive until they are tired of being around.
After years of reading, writing, signing and stamping papers, I realized my deepest desire was to leave with Reiji somewhere peaceful.
Only then did I get involved in their preparation to inherit the crown, and it is quite decided already that it will be Dianthe who takes our place.
Honestly, the only reason Reiji is king is because Karlheinz would have gotten in our way, so to live peacefully and to give Reiji power I endorsed him.
I’m a little bit proud that he revived the legend of Vlad the Impaler for a little while… ~
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… I can still terrorize humans for your entertainment if you order me to…
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Let’s leave that for later...
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gefdreamsofthesea · 3 years
My Changeling character: *finds out her Fetch married her girlfriend*
Character:*is devastated*
Shay's character, Misty: Hey what's your sign?
Dianthe: Pisces
The horoscope:
This is a beautiful time in the Pisces HQ. A time of writing the concluding chapter for something that has been rather special to you. Take a moment to look back at both the good and the bad times as you give thanks for it all. On the work front, keep the long-term goals in mind rather than looking at short-term gains. This will give you an edge over your competition. Not that you needed us to tell you that!
Cosmic tip: You’re writing the final chapter of something that’s rather special to you.
As a player I'm delighted, as a character, I'm so mad.
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