p1k4ppa10 · 2 years
Save the dialet, minchione!
“I think and speak in Calabrian, it’s faster, it’s more comfortable. When I have to swear, I do it in Calabrian.”GENNARO GATTUSO (more…) “”
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agentc0rn · 9 months
Reading this comic hurghhyh got me all sad 😭
For context, the loyal three fights against Pecharunt and, as expected, it gets mad. It demands okidogi why he is going against it, telling him that they’re so close to retrieving the masks (again) and finally go back to see the old couple. But okidogi says that (not direct words) that they’ve fallen asleep for eternity, which Pecharunt then tears up, shouting “Liar, liar, liar, they’re not gone!” at okidogi. Munkidori and fezandipiti joins to resist/fight off Pecharunt and its chains, while doing so, okidogi apologizes to Ogerpon for the bad deeds (not exact translation!) and pleads her to help wake up Pecharunt from its “dream”.
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therewillbenoromance · 2 months
will wood typing quirk
using two k's instead of one, uppercasing everything but I's, and replacing s's with 2's.
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nahokura · 2 months
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Cosplan cosplan cosplan cosplan cosplan
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rose-tinted-wings · 3 months
Okay BPD besties
Anyone have any recommendations for DBT workbooks?
My MIL is really struggling with Reaction Vs Response and family communication
I have Covid Brain and am struggling to function 🫠
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freackthejester · 7 months
Like the thing about Homestuck is that there is this game, right? And you need to play the game to live. And first they tried (dancestors) but they got distracted b y interparty political bullshit so they failed so they rebuilt (hivestuck act five trolls) a society that is BUILT To PLAY the game (murderous children) so they fixed that by creating a world (alpha kids) with truly caring parents, but they failed, so they created the beta kids' universe (jane is a whale player with sense, jake is a whale without sense, roxy is drunk, dirk is mentally illy writing a webcomic) so that they create the cherub universe (lawful good true fan) verus EVIL DESTROy and then tou h zks
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jvzebel-x · 10 months
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erosdoceamargo · 1 year
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on contradiction, by mao zedong
the marriage of heaven and hell, by william blake
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pattytacuri · 7 months
poetry: a lesson in dialectics
I wrote this poem in March of 2023. one of my favorite shirts How many times have I lied to myselfwhen I was young I believed some man’s lovewould save me-could complete mewhen all it ever did was decimate meBreak me over and over againbut I refused to believe love could be anythingbut beautifulUntil one day I learned to be honest with myselfand it was a lesson in dialecticsof how love can be…
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twothirdsgenius · 10 months
you know what. just a few months ago the way i felt earlier tonight would’ve sent me into an hours long spiral and probably involved a few calls to different suicide hotlines but right now i am eating fucking delicious little sandwiches on hawaiian rolls and am about to start reading one of my favorite wips from the very beginning because it was updated a few days ago. this beautiful 300k narumitsu fic that caters to my every wish and whim. i think i am going to confess my love to the author
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liberty1776 · 1 year
Hegel, Wokeness, and the Dialectical Faith of Leftism
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Undead Unluck's worldbuilding being set in the real world will never stop being funny to me, there's just so many gonzo implications and I love it. Like, countless people are doing research and writing essays and having arguments about the origin of sexism, pouring hours and hours of their life into it, and none of them know it was invented by God to fuck with two specific people. Everyone discussing the ethics of how we treat animals has no idea they're actually ontologically evil. Dialetical Materialism is a cool and all but actually history is driven by God's pure and divine hatred for at most 1000 people. Learning about the rules would be mindbreaking eldritch horror if any of the negators had a humanities degree
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therewillbenoromance · 3 months
teenagers by mcr is mind coded. about heart. it's mind talking about heart. and how he resents heart. this is completely canon btw i'm mind
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maverickbabes · 1 year
1 + 1 = 3
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1 + 1 = 3
Ole'ekytan!Neteyam! x Pregnant!Tsahik!female!reader
Neteyam is 28 and Reader is 26
Warnings: contractions, amniotic fluid (water breaking), unknowningly going into labor, cursing, tsaheylu, worried Neteyam, fluff and cute ending.
Summary: You were helping Mo'at doing tsahik things when suddenly you start to feel pain (contractions) in your abdomen, not knowing your water broke and you're in labor.
prrnen - baby/infant yawne - beloved mawey - calm
tisraw - pain sraw - painful oe tisraw - I'm in pain
yawntutsyìp - darling
You waddled towards the hut where Mo'at was, carrying a basket full of herbs and flowers against your hip. A sharp pain shoots through your abdomen and you dropped the basket then placed your hand on your bump as you grabbed the doorway frame for stability.
"Ooo okay little one" You said letting out a shaky breath while rubbing your bump. "Y/n. What is it? What's wrong?" Mo'at questions as she rushes over to your side. "Nothing Mo'at, just a small cramp is all" You assured her as you knelt down to pick up the basket before walking into the hut.
A few minutes go by and you are sitting on the mat, crushing up some herbs while Mo'at sort the flowers to their designated jar. Small sharp pains pop up every now and then but they only last for a few seconds so you thought nothing of it.
they were just small cramps, nothing else. right?
Another huge sharp pain shoots through your abdomen causing you to groan in pain as you hunch over, trying to relieve any of the pain. Mo'at turns and comes to your side as she places her hands on your bump. She closes her eyes and gasps in shock.
"What Mo'at, what is it? Is prrnen okay?" You asked worried that something was wrong. "Prrnen is coming" Mo'at says quick and you watch her hastily grab the supplies she needed. You open your mouth to say something but another contraction hit you making you buckle over.
"Come, we must get to your hut" She says putting your arm around her shoulders so you have some leverage. You guys practically sped walk back to you and Neteyam's shared hut, where you overhear Mo'at telling one of the na'vi to get their Ole'ekytan.
You let out a groan as you leaned on the pole for support while the contraction hits you. "You must lay on the mat dear child" She says and you give her a quick nod as she helps you down onto the mat. "Where's Neteyam I can't do this without him" You ask through gritted teeth while Mo'at sets out her supplies around you two. "Mawey child" Mo'at says then places her hand on your arm.
As if on cue, Neteyam comes bursting through the front entrance flap with a worried look on his face. "Oh ma yawne" He says quickly closing the flap as he rushes to your side then kneels down immediately grabbing your hand. "Ma 'teyam" You say then cry out as you squeeze his hand hard.
"Drink this" Mo'at instructs, putting the cup to your lips and tilting it as you drank the liquid. Mo'at begins to untie your loincloth while Neteyam looks at you and moves the stray hairs out of your face. "AHHH" You screamed out as you dug your nails into your mate's hand. Neteyam winces as he feels your nails dig into his flesh
fuck he was not excepting that
Mo'at checks how dialeted you are and smiles "It is time" She murmurs and you both nod your heads in unison. "Okay y/n I need you to take a deep breath then push for me" Mo'at instructs and you give her a small nod before taking a deep breath and started pushing. "Ahhhh" You let out as you let your head fall back, tears streaming down your cheeks while Neteyam gives you small kisses.
"Just a few more pushes for me sweet child" Mo'at encourages you and you brought your head back up to look at her. "I can't do it" You whimpered as you cried and Neteyam grabs your chin then turns your head in his direction.
"You can do it yawntutsyìp, I know you can. Just a few more pushes then we can meet our child" He reassures you and you give him a weak smile before taking a deep breath and used all your strength in this push. The sound of a baby cries filled the air and you let out a exasperated sigh as the tears flow freely.
"A beautiful baby girl" Mo'at says in awe as she hands the newborn to you. "Oh my, she's perfect" You whispered and Neteyam looks over to see his beautiful baby girl. Mo'at gets up and leaves the hut, making sure the front flap was closed to give you two privacy.
Neteyam sniffles then smiles as he grabs your chin then leans down giving you passionate kiss. "We have a baby girl" You tell him smiling and he gently grabs his daughter's tiny hand and nods. "We have a baby girl" He repeats and you both chuckle as you two admire your guys beautiful daughter.
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shupito · 7 days
Your art is so amazing!! Especially the one with the kitten slashers! I was very happy to find you on my Dash!! :DD Could you make an art of the kitten Jigsaw too?
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Thank youuuu!!!♡♡♡ Apreciate it so much :>
My first drawing after surviving first week at collage. Not my proudest one but I like the dialeted eyes.
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bardicbird · 7 months
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Working on my own Disco Elysium skills! Individual art pieces and descriptions (in the style of the game) below the cut :]
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Examine verbal landscapes. Get to the truth of the matter.
Cool for: Logicians, Philosophers, Asshole Devil’s Advocates
Dialetics urges you to look beyond the basics of conversation. It encourages you to discuss theories, truths and falsehoods, until you exhaust everyone around you with your sheer affinity for taking the most convoluted routes to your deductions—but, hey, it works! Those people are only *really* annoyed because you very accurately psychoanalyzed them.
At high levels, Dialectics will help you reason with even the most convoluted of situations. You will be an unstoppable detective, who may occasionally suffer from some unintended side effects such as: your brain and mouth moving too fast, overcomplicating little things, becoming an insufferable jerk, and joining your local debate team. With low levels of Dialectics, you’re going to have a difficult time seeing through both worldly and interpersonal deceptions. You may find yourself being taken advantage of. 
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Recall emotions and imagery. Paint complete pictures of the past. 
Cool for: Visualizers, Chronic Observers, Witnesses Of Crimes
Evocation allows you to call forth memories that may otherwise be lost in the recesses of your mind. Previous instances of sound, touch, taste, feeling, sight—all of these are at your beck and call: able to be summoned within and around you in a great miasma of experience. You will be able to relive important events, even those that were only mere seconds, and examine them closer to reveal what you couldn’t comprehend in the moment. 
At high levels, Evocation will help you reimagine scenes that may have happened years ago, lasted the length of a blink—or, perhaps, even allow you to picture memories that you were not present for. You will find yourself constantly transported to the past: a single whiff of a familiar perfume enough to completely derail your senses. With low levels of Evocation, you’re going to have a hard time remembering simple conversations and potentially important visual details. You will have to rely on others in such scenarios. 
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Know your rights. Remember fun courtroom trivia. 
Cool for: Lawyers, Law-Evaders, Stick-In-The-Muds
Body Of Laws is responsible for your ability to follow the law at any given time—or don’t! Just because you know the rules doesn’t mean you have to play by them. Regardless, it certainly allows you to recall a, frankly, embarrassing amount of your government’s regulations, and may encourage you to ‘stay in your lane’, so to speak, regarding them. Governments aren’t the only entities that enact rules, though: you will also find yourself privy to understanding unspoken boundaries set by people, nature, and even your subconscious self.
At high levels, Body Of Laws will either make you an *extremely* insufferable goody-two-shoes, or a *wildly* effective cheat-of-the-system. You may end up feeling suffocated by all these restrictions you can so clearly see, causing you to become complicit with the movings of the machine—or potentially apathetic to why we need some of these restrictions in the first place. With low levels of Body Of Laws, you may find yourself accidentally violating boundaries you didn’t know existed—whether they be legal, personal, or cultural. 
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