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Kidney Function Test: The Complete Guide
The kidneys are crucial in maintaining our body's internal balance, filtering waste products, and regulating essential substances like electrolytes and water. Kidney Function Tests are vital tools medical professionals use to assess the health and efficiency of these vital organs.
Whether evaluating kidney function in patients with existing kidney disease or detecting early signs of kidney problems in seemingly healthy individuals, these tests are indispensable in diagnosing and monitoring various renal conditions.
This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth exploration of Kidney Function Tests, covering their types, purposes, results interpretation, and significance in maintaining overall health.
Understanding The Types of Kidney Tests
The most common purpose of a kidney function test is to determine the kidney's overall health, which includes its filtration rate, the amount of waste it filters out of the body, and how well it performs. Some tests also reveal the kidney's structural makeup.
1. Blood Tests
A blood test can measure the levels of urea and creatinine in your body. Urea is a protein waste product that is produced when muscles contract, while creatinine levels are influenced by muscle activity.
2. Urine Test
A urine test determines the amount of ketones, glucose, and proteins in the urine. Additionally, you may be able to spot any aberrant bacteria or cells in urine.
3. Imaging Exams
Medical imaging techniques such as MRI, ultrasound, and CT scan can accurately view the kidney's anatomy.
4. Blood Urea Nitrogen Test (BUN)
This test measures the amount of nitrogen in your bloodstream because urea, a by-product of protein breakdown that the body produces but cannot properly eliminate due to kidney dysfunction, builds up in your blood.
5. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (EGFR)
When your GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is lower than usual, it means your kidneys may not be working correctly, resulting in a buildup of waste products in your bloodstream. The purpose of this test is to assess your body's filtration level.
The Best Way To Get Ready For A Kidney Function Test
If you have kidney problems, the kidney function test can help you understand your kidneys' general health and the early warning signals of kidney malfunction.
Follow these steps ahead of a kidney function test:
Fast for at least eight hours before the test. Try not to drink any water to get accurate results.
Manage your blood sugar levels before the test if you have diabetes. Inaccurate results can be brought on by high blood sugar.
After the exam, replenish your fluid intake to avoid dehydration.
Share any drugs you're taking with your doctor, as some can alter the outcome of the test. The doctor could advise against taking certain medications before the test.
The day before the test, refrain from vigorous exercise.
Visit The Importance Of Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Kidney Disease for more information.
Interpretation Of Test Results
If you have a kidney condition, are at risk of developing one, or have already been diagnosed, your doctor might ask you to undergo additional testing. It is important to verify with your doctor first because certain reports may cause confusion and lead you to mistake the results for something else.
The serum creatinine test, which aids in estimating the creatinine levels in your bloodstream, is frequently used globally to identify renal dysfunction. Kidney function may become ineffective as a result of high creatinine levels. The body's muscles engage in activity that produces creatinine, which is then eliminated through the kidney.
Factors At Risk For Kidney Disease
The significant risk factors of kidney disease are:
Growing old.
Blood pressure problems.
Poor lifestyle choices and obesity.
A history of kidney illness in the family.
Treatment For Kidney Diseases
For patients with kidney disease, there are numerous therapeutic options. The optimal course of action can only be taken when a diagnosis has been made and the primary cause and severity of the problem have been determined through renal function tests.
The treatment usually involves dietary adjustments, medications that reduce blood pressure, or, more specifically, a kidney transplant or dialysis.
When Should I See A Doctor?
If you experience any symptoms related to your kidneys, seeking medical assistance is crucial. The kidneys play a vital role in eliminating toxins from the body, and it is important to take care of them. This involves maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, and following a balanced diet.
The Final Say
Comprehending kidney function tests is important because they increase your health awareness. Understanding different test kinds, how they function, and the findings they provide can also give you more information and make it simpler for you to speak with your doctor, who can then correctly address your concerns and help you maintain sound kidney health. For more details, see the pathology department at Bansal Hospital and the nephrology and urology departments.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
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Testele de glicemie pentru diabetici, insuficiente
Pacienţii cu diabet atrag atenţia că testele oferite de stat pentru verificarea glicemiei nu le sunt suficiente. Aceştia primesc câte o sută de teste la trei luni, deşi ar avea nevoie de patru astfel de teste zilnic. Ministrul Sănătăţii consideră, însă, că programul naţional derulat de statul român pentru diabetici este mult peste cel al altor state europene.
Prezent la ceremonia de deschidere oficială a Campionatului European de Futsal al persoanelor cu Diabet – DiaEuro2017, ministrul Sănătăţii, Florian Bodog, a afirmat că mişcarea este foarte importantă atât în prevenţie, cât şi în tratarea bolilor, iar diabetul zaharat nu trebuie să fie un obstacol în calea activităţilor sportive.
Mai mult, oficialul a ţinut să laude Programul naţional de diabet zaharat spunând că „este foarte bun” şi că pacienţii care suferă de această boală beneficiază de decontarea unor „insuline speciale”, ba chiar de „ultimele descoperiri în materie”.
„Suntem aici pentru a da un semnal referitor la faptul că pacienţii cu diabet pot să aibă activităţi sportive, pot să obţină performanţe şi în acelaşi timp să dăm un semnal cu privire la faptul că sportul, mişcarea este foarte importantă atât în prevenţie, cât şi tratamentul bolilor”, a spus, ieri, ministrul Bodog, subliniind: „Suntem alături de pacienţii cu diabet”.
În ciuda laudelor ministrului Sănătăţii, diabeticii se plâng că nu au tot ce le trebuie pentru a-şi controla boala.
„În primul rând, testele de glicemie sunt insuficiente. În condiţiile în care noi trebuie să facem patru pe zi, primim 100 la trei luni. Faceţi o socoteală. (…) Doctorii diabetologi au foarte mulţi pacienţi, probabil nu au timp să explice, şi asta duce la o lipsă a educaţiei”, a explicat Florin Chivu, unul dintre jucătorii de futsal ai României, care face parte din echipă de şase ani şi a fost diagnosticat cu diabet în urmă cu 18 ani.
În perioada 16-23 iulie, Bucureştiul este, în premieră, gazda Campionatului European de Futsal al persoanelor cu diabet
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol https://blogville.ro/testele-de-glicemie-pentru-diabetici-insuficiente/
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