msdaisymacnair · 5 years
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Daisy’s wedding party: Beverly Hookum, @zephyrbcll, Sybill Trelawney 
Walden’s wedding party: @zahishafiq, @bazlestrange @themalcolmgreengrass
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dirkcressed · 5 years
Too Much || Self-Para
May 9, 1980 4:19 AM
Dirk stumbled into his living room, too exhausted to brush soot from his clothing.
His lip trembled as he looked around the place. He’d been warned that Aurors had searched it when he was brought in for questioning, and it didn’t feel safe anymore. Thankfully they hadn’t fully trashed it, but he could tell. That drawer wasn’t shut. That blanket was unfolded and sitting on the wrong side of his chair.
Tipping his head back, Dirk finally let the tears he’d been struggling to hold back flow. It wasn’t his first time crying tonight. He’d cried twice while in custody. Once during questioning as an Auror he didn’t know continuously pressed him to admit why he’d done it. He pushed Dirk all the way to the edge, but the final straw was him leaning in and sneering, “If you were trying to stop her from expanding the Riff-Raff Reform from including your kind, you’ve failed. Mudbloods will be the next ones under Ministry surveillance regardless of who runs the show. I think your little display tonight has seen to that.”
“I didn’t do it!” he’d choked out, tears finally falling.
The man looked at him in disgust and left. Dirk had cried again a few hours later when no one had come to check on him and he’d gotten too far into his own head. Despite his own innocence, Dirk had been sure they were going to throw him in Azkaban for this.
Then he’d received a “heartfelt” apology and a promise that he was free to go without scrutiny. 
Without scrutiny. That was laughable, he thought to himself as he slid down the wall next to the fireplace. He rubbed his palm against his face, trying to clean himself up. His reputation was in tatters, and Dirk hadn’t done anything to deserve it. First The Prophet had published those nasty rumors trying to implicate him in a scheme that didn’t exist. Now this. Now he was a murder suspect. Even though he’d been cleared and someone else charged, Dirk was never going to be able to live without that hanging over his head.
A loud “mrrow!” pulled his attention, and Dirk coughed out a laugh as he saw Sylvia pop around the corner. 
“Did they harass you much?” he asked as she climbed onto his lap. 
She chattered at him for a moment before turning in a circle against his legs and lying down.
He wiped his face against to get rid of some of the excess moisture before dropping his head down to rest against her fur.
Dirk stayed there on the ground for nearly an hour before he’d fully cried himself out and drag himself up, finally letting Sylvia down. He picked up his blanket, but Dirk couldn’t find the energy to refold it. He placed it back in a pile, but at least now it was in the right spot. 
Sylvia called again, this time from his bedroom, and Dirk figured he should listen to the instructions. He kept a hand along the wall to steady himself as he walked into his room for the first time.
Things were more in disarray in here than the living room, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he mentally prepared himself to clean it all up tomorrow. 
Dirk flopped down on his bed, freezing when he head the slight crunch of glass. He sat up, flipping down his blankets.
In between the layers was the photo of Dirk with his parents and sisters that normally lived on his bedside table. He stared at them through the fractured glass, growing cold as he wondered how it had gotten there. Hesitantly, he flipped it over, and the words he found there had him dropping it back onto the bed.
Cute family, it read in a sloppy scrawl on the back of the frame.
Whoever had written it had deliberately left as a gift for him to find, though a gift Dirk didn’t see it as. He couldn’t see how it would be anything other than a threat.
He’d been so careful to keep his family separate from him. He’d skipped Christmas and missed birthdays. He’d sacrificed so much in concern for their safety.
And it was all for nothing.
All at once, Dirk sprang into motion, moving without thinking.
He had to fix this. He had to leave, to do something. Dirk threw some clothing in a bag before heading to the bathroom. His toothbrush and a soap dispenser gifted from his mother. The living room: his blanket and the papers from his fire safe. A book Asher had thought he would like.
Dirk’s bag was small, but he stopped to pack another. A jingly mouse, yarn ball toys, and a collar all went into it, although with a half-empty bag of cat food.
Sylvia meowed at him suspiciously, and he scooped her up to press a kiss to the top of her head. “You’ll hate this,” he said as he deposited her into the carrier usually reserved for vet visits. She protested loudly.
Dirk looked down at the few bags in front of him. This was it. His whole life, and this was all he had to take with him.
He looked over at his desk. He should write. He should at least let Asher know what was going on, maybe say goodbye to Amelia and Edgar. Maybe even Henry.
He blinked back tears again. No, if Asher saw the letter before Dirk convinced his family to get out of the country, it would be all over. Asher would follow him and try to talk him out of it. But Dirk’s mind was made up.
He had to put his family first.
And there was so little left for him now.
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englishmeninny · 11 years
Luca speaks English, Latin, Greek and Italian.
Damien speaks Greek, Latin, French and English.
Elliot speaks English and French.
Rhys speaks English, Afrikaans, French, Russian and Italian.
Eli speaks English, German, French and Spanish.
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                                               I hate my  w e a k n e s s e s
                                                  they made me { who I am }
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
*ahem* Last words... for Katie.
@zephyrbcll @remuslxpns
Dear Katie,
I love you, sweet girl. You’re beautiful and special and talented and the best person I could ever hope your papa could raise. I hope by the time you see this that we’ll have had years and year together. I hope you’ve met my children and that you are as close to them as a big sister. I hope I’ve gotten to watch you grow up and grow into the sass I know you’ll have.
I hope your papa and daddy have given you everything in life they dreamed of.
Time is hard right now, Katydid. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the air, and I’m sorry you have to grow up in it. 
I’m scared. I’m not afraid to admit that to you either. I don’t know how old you’ll be when you see this, but know that when you first came to live with your papa, I was scared to death both for you and for the world. It’s not a good place right now.
But it’s full of good people. Find them, Katydid. Find the people whose hearts are as good as yours and surround yourself with them. Even when you go separate paths, they’ll be there when you need them most. Your papa was for me.
I hope whatever happened to me that he’s still there for you, and I’m so, so sorry if he isn’t. The same can be said for your daddy. I don’t know him as well, but I know he loves you just as much.
If I’m not around, I don’t know what women you’ll have to turn to for support. I get it if you need someone else who understands your body or your situation more specifically, but don’t keep silent from your dads just because you’re embarrassed. They’re embarrassed too. You’ll get through that together, and they’ll either give you the best answer they can or find someone who can answer it better. 
If you aren’t at Hogwarts already, you’re going to love it there. If you already are, treasure each memory. I know it’s hard to tell now, but it will go by so fast. Soon you’ll be looking back and wondering about the stupid things you did with your friends. I certainly do about your papa. And if you’re out of school already and started with your adult life, I am so glad we got so much time together, Katie. You’re one of the most special people in my life, and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.
I love you, and I wish for you all the blessings I can in your life ahead.
Your Aunt Daisy
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intcrdirearchive · 11 years
Daniel is really passionate about being a producer. He can't wait to leave school so he can start working with his dad on it. If he starts talking about it, he won't stop.
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((The more I think about it, the more I feel like in human verses/other verses, Daniel wouldn’t be related to everyone else?? He’d maybe be a neighbor or something? I can’t imagine he and Gabriel not being super close and they’ve probably known each other most of their lives, but I just feel like he wouldn’t be a sibling?))
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Damian hates it when people refer to their friends as 'bro'. Fucking hates it. He won't even stop himself from slapping you upside the head if you call him that. 
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englishmeninny · 11 years
Luca has gotten a PhD in History and Economics.
Damien has gotten a PhD in History, Philosophy and Literature.
Elliot has gotten a PhD in Literature and Politics.
Rhys has gotten PhD in Law.
Eli has gotten a PhD in Neuroscience, Literature, Law and Management.
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                                     here we go again, another night of being bummed
                      I  [ keep to myself ] , avoid the sun, and cancel plans with everyone
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
& (zephyr, who probably remembers when she got it. )
Pain tw, Trauma tw (these sound bad, but I’m just covering my bases for something involving dark magic)
@zephyrbcll (and @toomcnairtocare since he’s mentioned)
Daisy shivered as he ran a hand along the small smattering of marks across her lower back. This is why she didn’t wear crop tops very often. “Just because you know it’s there doesn’t mean you can touch,” she said swatting his hands away.
Zephyr held them up in surrender, but from the look in his eye, Daisy could tell he was remembering how she’d gotten it.
Some genius in their sophomore Transfiguration class had messed up and messed up bad. He’d said the small wrong, and instead of adding scales to the replica lizard in front of them, an explosion of scale-sized specks of dark magic radiated out. Daisy had been next to him, facing away toward her own table. She and another girl had been hit full force in the back. Both had screamed at the pain of the spell melting through clothing and burning their skin.
Thankfully it hadn’t had lasting effects of any kind, and Zephyr had been the one to carefully carry Daisy to the nurse’s office. No healers had been able to undo the scarring, although it had faded enough that Daisy could pretend it wasn’t there. Walden, thankfully, had asked once and otherwise treated her like it didn’t exist.
“Come on,” Daisy said, grabbing Zephyr’s arm to pull them both from the memory. “Race you to the gate? Let’s see if those scrawny legs are worth anything.”
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
Home Travels with The Heart || Self-Para
Daisy’s visitors
Daisy licked her lips, nervous about what it was Walden wanted her to see. He'd been practically buzzing all week, but he refused to tell her what it was about. Clearly he wasn't about to proposal, so she didn't know what else could have him so excited. House plans were underway, and he wasn't about to poof a house into existence for them. Such things took time. Even with magical assistance, Daisy doubted he'd have it finished in time for the wedding, even if she did like the idea of being able to walk over that threshold as husband and wife instead of his abuela's house.
Still, she was trying to be positive. Walden's mother had proven to be an ally to her lately, and Daisy couldn't be thankful enough about it. The woman had made a flippant comment the day after Daisy had returned home about not being sure if she'd last. Daisy found that a bit offensive when she'd picked up her entire life to come be with Walden, and the wedding was so close, she could nearly see it on the calendar. August grew closer every day. Then again, Daisy could kind of see her point. Daisy had been a nice girl, but one her son had just brought home. Now she was the woman who had stood by him during a trial and kept their private disagreement as private business, not telling anyone but the man whose house she had stayed in.
"What is it?" Daisy asked as she came down the stairs. "You made it sound so urgent, but I don't-" Daisy cut off with a cry of glee as she hurtled herself down the remaining stairs. Waiting in the foyer was Bev.
Daisy nearly slammed into her sister with the strength of her hug, but Bev was right there to catch her. "Hey Daise," she said, rocking them slightly.
Daisy didn't want to let go. "What are you doing here?" she asked, unable to process that her sister was right here in her own home. The very idea of it seemed like a dream. 
"Walden wrote. He said that you were missing a bit of home and hoped that we could come earlier."
It was so in line with she and Zephyr's conversation that Daisy wondered if her boys had finally gotten over themselves and talked. Since he wasn't there, Daisy suspected Walden had come up with it on his own, and she didn't know whether to label it better or worse. She was touched by his thoughtfulness.
"Where is he?" she asked, looking around.
"He said we should have this moment for us," Bev replied, but Daisy's attention had snagged away.
Standing in the doorway behind Bev was her husband Don. Daisy wasn't surprised to see him, but bouncing on his hip was their baby girl. "Oh my goodness," she cooed as she stepped forward. "Is this Kim?"
The little girl ducked shyly into her papa's chest, but she peeked back out at Daisy, looking between Daisy and her mama.
"This is your Aunt Daisy," Don told her.
Daisy's heart sang at being called Aunt Daisy. She'd been using it with Katie for the past few months, but even though she loved that little girl, there was something else entirely connected to Kim. "Can I hold you?" she asked the little girl, ducking her head but looking at Kim with a smile.
The little girl dove back into Don's chest, but a moment later she seemed to change her mind and reached out for Daisy.
"Oh, thank you!" Daisy said as she pulled Kim from Don's arms. She smiled at him in appreciation as he helped make sure the little girl was comfortable. "How are you? Still putting up with Bev being bossy."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He laughed, and Daisy was aware of Bev walking up behind her.
"Right answer," she said firmly and put an arm around Daisy's waist. 
Kim reacted by hanging over Daisy to be nearer to her mother, but she didn't demand to move arms again. 
"She's a quite one," Bev said as she looked at her daughter fondly. "How old did you say Zephyr's is?"
"Katie turns one this month, so she's a little behind Kim." Daisy made a face that set Kim off in giggles. "She's sixteen months, right?"
Bev nodded. "You kept up."
It was hard not to when Daisy was holding her niece for the first time. She'd overcompensating by learning and memorizing every fact she could, using books to know about how big she'd be if it had been a while since Bev had mentioned it. She'd sent pictures, but it wasn't the same. It couldn't be.
Don gestured toward the stairs. "Walden said we're in the room next to yours?"
Daisy brightened. "Of course!" she exclaimed, bouncing Kim slightly. "Shall I show you up?" She and Walden weren't used to having immediate neighbors, but Daisy wasn't worried. She was over the moon. "Did he say if we're setting up Kim in yours?" For the couple's sake, Daisy hoped not. Walden was possessive enough about their alone time that she hoped he'd considered that of her sister and Don.
"She's on the other side," Don answered.
The little foursome walked upstairs together, and Daisy felt her heart growing lighter and lighter with each step. Everything was different. It had been almost two years since she'd last seen Bev, but she was still the same person. She still felt like home.
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
Daisy was a precocious child who lived to be the one to make up the rules of whatever she was playing. She didn’t always let herself win, but she made it an interesting fight.
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msdaisymacnair · 6 years
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Despite the four year age gap between sisters, Daisy and Bev have always been close.
Because of the four year age gap, Daisy has always felt a certain level of mothering toward Bev.
Despite the whole ocean between them, Daisy and Bev continue to write to each other.
Because of the whole ocean between them, Daisy misses Bev every day.
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
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The puppy
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Enson Clementine is the man responsible for Daisy’s writing career and her memoir. He was the editor at Patriotic Potioneers who first gave Daisy a job as an internal and then as a political journalist who yes, sometimes published potions recipes but only ever collections she curated, never any she’d created herself. 
He was also the person who reached out to Daisy when he realized she’d been living without magic and convinced her to write a memoir for publication. As far as she knows, that awful title was out of his hands.
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