eiochevart · 1 year
Remember my little sign language post from before?
Well, guess what. I have even more thoughts.
You know how Ravio’s name is a mash-up of “rabbit” and “violet”, referring to his two most recognizable physical traits? Guess what else typically uses physical (or abstract) characteristics as a base for naming conventions?
That’s right; name signs.
Like, how much sense wouldn’t it make for Link to cast one glance at this purple-clad, rabbit-hooded boy, then promptly start referring to him as “Rabbit-violet”, totally ignoring whatever his given name may be?
Don’t come at me with how this might be a stretch lol, a headcanon is a headcanon and in the end of the day, it’s just something we create for entertainment. However it is especially fun when a headcanon turns out to make some sense in canon!
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boydykedevo · 7 months
This is not me saying to stop I think it’s fun but it makes me laugh every time someone refers to me as Devo. He and I are slowly becoming one
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medicalunprofessional · 9 months
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ooops haha🫶Dissectijg my wife
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Hi dear, I was wondering if you could write an aheadcanon about Gojo and a non-sorcerer reader. The reader is very cute (very short lol) and after Gojo kidnaps her, she is scared at first but then she gets used to him and falls in love with him. The reader is very upset because Gojo comes home late because he is a sorcerer.
When he comes home from work, she immediately hugs him and starts to cry
"Toru. *sobs* your job is very dangerous, please stop it. Quit your job if you love me. I'm so afraid that something will happen to you..."
Yandere Satoru Gojo
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"Toru. *sobs* your job is very dangerous, please stop it. Quit your job if you love me. I'm so afraid that something will happen to you..."
That's how you greeted him at the front door when you rushed in for a hug. That day, Satoru was late for work and didn't get to inform you.
One day you would be the death of him.
Satoru fell in love with you as soon as he saw you. You worked as a customer service in a cafe where he went. You were always sweet and encouraging. Your presence would calm him down so much.
At first, Satoru tried to get over you. He tried to forget you and even stopped going to the coffee shop. However, it didn't work. The only thing Satoru could think about was you. For a moment he thought that you are a Jujutsu Scorer after all and this is your technique.
At some point he would snap and kidnap you.
The beginning was really rocky. You really wouldn't take kindly to this. Saturo really couldn't work that well. However, over time things got better.
And now here you are...
Satoru had never been so close to quitting. However, he knew that was not possible. Not even if you press into his chest tightly and refuse to let go. In these situations, Satoru cursed that he had to be the strongest.
"I-I can't dear. I can't stop my work. You know that. *hugs you tightly* However, I'm staying fit. You've seen how hard it is to hurt me. Don't worry your man is strong *smile*"
Yeah... One day his heart would stop because you were so sweet.
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bonhughbon · 2 years
hello darling I’m back😭😭(sorry lmaoo) but maybe 👽 and/or 🎭??? honeslty I’m also intrigued abt what 💄 would entail but whatever is easiest for you:)) xoxo
Oh, it's alright. Don't worry lmaooo! But thank you for sending more in! 🫶🏼
👽 - a headcanon about a weird quirk of there
Robert tends to nibble the end of his pen whenever he overthinks while doing his papers. Especially during his first few months as the new Earl of Grantham, even with his wife assuring that everything's fine, he's still not confident at himself. With a lot of burden, and still in the process of his father's death, it's quite a lot for him to handle
He still tends to do so, and will only stop if he...well, when he isn't obviously holding a pen. All it takes is a pen to get him in his weird quirk
Cora, on the other hand, constantly correct other people's grammar. She was always careful whenever she's speaking or writing for her grammars to be right. It always triggers her sometimes that other people don't just do it right...so she took it upon herself to correct them
To others, it may seem annoying, but to her family...they're quite used to it. And unfortunately, her two eldest grandchildren, now both studying in school, have come to slowly pick up her quirk as well
🎭 - aheadcanon about what they lie about
They have similarities on this: They both lie that they're alright, especially if they're physically unwell (if the injury or condition is not that visible and will not hinder them from doing normal things)
One great example for that was Cora's cancer (or so we thought) in ANE. Robert tried to hide when his pain in the stomach (emphasis on tried). But long before that, they hide each other's physical pain to one another, in fear that the other will be too angry and/or worried about them...which they don't want to
💄 - an appearance headcanon
I MEAN....DO I EVEN HAVE TO EXPLAIN CORA???? like other than she is the most beautiful human being to ever cross the bloody earth, she looks more like Isidore more than Martha (she's also a Daddy's princess, so that's that). From her jet black hair to her beautiful sky blue eyes, she's literally Isidore Levinson's female version
Robert is more of a mix, but more dominant features coming from Violet. The only one's that he got from Patrick was his dark brown hair and nose, the rest of his features are courtesy of his mother. He wasn't really considered a handsome man until he reached his teenage years. But nowadays, the only person who finds him attractive more than ever...is of course none other than his lovely wife :))
Headcanon Asks!
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artemthevictorious · 4 years
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The First Wand
At age eleven, a then female presenting Artem was dragging all the way to France for school shopping, primarily because Alanna wanted her half-Veela daughter to have a wand as exotic as she was. She also insisted on a Veela hair core, despite the fact that none of the wands really spoke to Artem. The child kept gravitating toward the simpler wands, but Alanna spoke over the wandmaker they were working with to get exactly what she thought Artem needed. The wand they walked out with was a firm 8 inch African Blackwood wand with a Veela hair core. Everything from the wood to the core radiated a stubborn and finnicky personality that Artem never clicked with. Even the ornate design of the wand was hard to hold. They did terribly their first year at Hogwarts, and in hindsight, Artem blamed their wand.
Artem can’t even pretend they snapped the wand accidentally because they looked their mother in the eye and broke it in half. She was understandably pissed, and Artem suffered the consequences of it all summer. Once they had a new wand, though, Artem couldn’t help feeling it was worth it.
The Second Wand
Artem’s father took them to Ollivander’s at the end of the summer because they couldn’t well be sent back to school without a wand. He had a much more hands off approach, but Artem also suspected that Ollivander wouldn’t have let himself be bullied as much as the French maker had. He helped Artem select a wand that in some ways was similar to the last. It was on the shorter side and unyielding, but instead of the finnicky stubbornness of the other, this one felt like an ally Artem could trust from the moment it was placed in their right hand. It was 9 1/4 inches of fir wood with a dragon heartstring core. It was simple but sturdy, and that’s what Artem needed.
It’s been hanging at their side ever since.
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malevolentmagic · 6 years
Alexi isn't really a Valentine's Day kind of dude, but he is the type of person to give someone an actual, literal heart for the holiday.
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pov: hamlet is your comfort character
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wheatormeat · 3 years
Mob is aro because I said so
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diibsister · 4 years
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gaz is shorter than zim in canon this is straight from the art book , you’re welcome
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camp-max · 6 years
3 7 8 16 19!
3) i wanna say max is a cat person in that he himself has more of a cat personality but also in that most cats are more self sufficient and max wouldnt always be able to keep up with the energy of a dog.
 7) i think max hasnt been able to experience  a lot of holidays to their full extent. his parents didnt celebrate a lot of them and then didn’t actively do anything for the rest of them. he hasnt had a real christmas and probably got to go trick or treating for the first time (like real trick or treating and not just hitting up the neighbors) this year so i’d say his favorite so far has been thanksgiving. its not a holiday that needed all the stupid decorations and costumes and friends. it was a warm family gathering where he felt good. he got to eat a lot and talk and laugh and probably let his walls down a little. and david probably said something mushy for what he was thankful for that made max’s little heart happy though he’d deny it till he died.
8) fist fight sounds so extreme. max isnt an active fighter, hes a schemer. he’s a talker. buutttt he’s had his fair share of bullies i think. i think max gets too cocky and says the wrong thing to the wrong person every now and then and gets beat up on the playground. he’s new at his current school so he’s a prime target. he’s good at talking himself out of scuffles i think but sometimes not enough when he’s faced with a dumb kid who thinks with his fists. so he’s gotten into fist fights kinda but mostly its just him being punched in the face or gut before a teacher breaks them up.
16) in max’s opinion the best gift he could get would be something he doesnt have that other people also do not have so he can be above everyone. in reality the best gift for max is anything meaningful. literally anything with a little love and effort goes such a long way for him. its christmas and all you have is some macaroni art? fuck it hes in love with it. 
19) if max could choose one food to eat for the rest of his life itd probably be som kraft mac and cheese but like……………..
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liveshaunteda · 5 years
me @ google: dude a bitch just wants to know if asl signs ‘kiwi’ or ‘kiwifruit’ and how nzsl does it too... is that too hard to ask
edit: found the nzsl, and it’s just ‘kiwi’ followed by ‘fruit’
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kaienmoved · 4 years
Hmmmmng im hyped up on being a gay but I need to finish my renji and byakuya art bc hmmm character introspection and its got aheadcanon ive always wanted to bring up hnn
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let-it-show · 4 years
Aheadcanon/story concept: Caligula and Drusilla are blots of shame upon the pillars of Rome - but the pillars of Rome are tarnished by greater evils. And Caligula and Drusilla only claimed divinity, while Elsa and Anna shine with a magic gifted them by spirits strong and tangible. Anna cries out in ecstasy as Elsa brings her raptures of pleasure, as their naked bodies twine like Roman ornamentation.
DANG ANON. This ask is written like poetry. Very cool idea, not one I would have thought of at all! I like it a lot!
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puns-parce · 2 years
i aheadcanon you have short hair .... and also ur fashion sense is very good
yes my hair is short!! my sense of fashion is okay I think…my actual wardrobe and clothes that are comfy for me, however—
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artemthevictorious · 4 years
☯: Do they believe in karma?
They don’t believe in it in a true spiritual sense, but they do think the universe has a certain level of give and take to it. Doing kind things and being positive makes positive things more likely to happen while negativity and spiteful behavior will absolutely catch up. 
❥ :Opinion on love from the first sight
By batting their eyes and tilting their head just right, Artem could have half the room declaring love in an instant. Kind of kills the mood of believing in genuine emotion based on a first encounter.
✟ : Religious beliefs
Artem wasn’t raised with any religion in particular. Their family celebrating Christmas, but more as a collected opportunity for presents than any kind of religious reasoning. The closest thing Artem feels to religion is a belief in magic itself, that it will always work according to the rules that had allowed allowed it to work. But they don’t think much of it.
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