englishmeninny · 10 years
for those who wish to know: yes, the mun is still very alive and can now be found over here.
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englishmeninny · 11 years
i'm going to bed. cramps are killing me :c
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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               "Yeah, it's not like this is totally wrong and I'm a pervert but hey, as long as the teenage queen gets her shag with the mysterious, tall, older guy."
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         "Everyone in there was doing the exact same thing! And you approached me, not the other way around. Are you planning on being pissy about this for much longer? Only you’re kind of ruining a good thing."
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englishmeninny · 11 years
My muse has been kidnapped for experimental 'research.' After months of searching, yours has finally found mine. How does your muse react to the condition mine is in?
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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                "Oh no, don't put this on me now! You were in a club, filling up on booze! You were the one who made it seem like you were in your twenties. A man can't check the ID of every girl he wants to shag."
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       "And you forgot to ask, so don’t put all the blame on me. If it makes you feel any better I’m closer to nineteen. I don’t see how this is a problem, anyway. We had fun, a number doesn’t change that.” 
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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              "Nope. You conveniently forgot to mention that before you ripped off my shirt last night. And yeah, eighteen might be legal but I'm like ... ten years older than you!"
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           "Wait— What? No. I told you that. I’m pretty sure I told you that. It isn’t a big deal, anyway. Eighteen’s legal.”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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               "Please tell me you've got a fake ID that says you're younger than you actually are because there is no other way to explain the fact this ID says you're eighteen."
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englishmeninny · 11 years
give me an age difference relationship for tommy or eli.
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englishmeninny · 11 years
guys, i am so bored. please entertain me :c
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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             "I would've told you if I'd found my mate across the ocean."
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          “Oh please, Rhys. If you’re going to pull that trick on me, I can tell you about the times you did shit and didn’t tell me about it either.”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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            "No, she won't, Lucas! Remember what the mating bond did to me!? And you were a decent mate to have!"
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          “Take it easy, alright? She’ll be fine.”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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              "Perhaps. Since when have we stopped telling each other what goes on in our heads and lives?"
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          “I think you already did. Is that bitter disappointment I hear in your voice?”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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             "Great. Just great."
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          “He’s her mate. They did the bonding thing. He’s not leaving, Rhys.”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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             "You've changed, little wolf. I have yet to decide if it's for the better."
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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             "Excuse me?"
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          “            He’s her mate, Rhys.”
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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           "Serena..." Jonathan let out a gentle sigh, dropping his chin for a moment. "I'm sorry. I cannot. I am involved in things that would harm you if you know of them. Nothing illegal, I can assure you. Just...sensitive."
"As if a hundred calls could be described as few," She was exaggerating. "Where were you? Better yet, why didn’t you call back? Why it took you so long to … Jonathan, just explain yourself," The brunette let out a gentle sigh, her hazel irises glinting with anticipation.
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englishmeninny · 11 years
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            "If you want to believe that arsehole's little act, fine. I won't. I know his type of guys and I won't let him ruin Michelle's life. Do you understand me, Lucas? You can do whatever the fuck you please but Christian Mayfair is not entering this house."
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          “You’re feeling extremely judgmental today. If Michelle trusts him, so do I. Have you not seen the way he makes her smile, Rhys? It’s not one I’ve seen on her ever since we met. Do you not remember what a mess she was when she left? Now she’s able to genuinely laugh whenever a joke is made. Earlier today she told me she’s actually looking for a small job to pass the time with in London. It’d be foolish to think that man hasn’t got something to do with it.”
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