msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Adelaide stood still, watching people rush through Diagon Alley. It was interesting, she thought. Today was a day irreparably seared into her mind, but watching others walk around, shopping and laughing, it was clear that they had all but forgotten. Perhaps the Prophet would run a little memorial story, and that would jog their memories, but by and large, the Diagon Alley attack was in the past, ancient history.
Not to her.
Adelaide unconsciously ran her hand over the scar on her forearm, one of the only physical reminders of that day, and stared at the empty block that, only two years ago, had been Obscurus Books, where she had been shopping with her mother, unaware that her life was about to change forever. And not for the better.
“Weird, isn’t it?” She wondered aloud. “It’s almost like it never existed. Seven people died here, you think they would put in a memorial, at least.”
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Daisy was in the final moments before school started back up, and while she’d saved her maternity time for the beginning of the school year, prepping for a substitute to start the year still kept her busy--well, busier than Estrella did. 
As she walked through Diagon Alley, she slowed, seeing Adelaide standing and staring at an empty place. Her heart dropped as she listened to Adelaide talk. Daisy had forgotten there was a Kane on that fateful list. She didn’t quite know how to answer. The practical answer was that most people in charge had probably thought people would want to forget, but Daisy wasn’t callous enough to say it. Besides, Adelaide was right. It wasn’t the kind of thing that could be just tossed aside and buried.
“There’s always the possibility of adding one,” she said, trying to keep her voice even. Perhaps that was the kind of thing to bring up to Alex for The Quibbler. “How are you feeling?”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
A sacred space. It was more a necessary safe space, but Alex liked the way Daisy put it. It made it seem less- intense, less strained. Less scary. More like he was taking a meditative break from the hustle and bustle than hiding in a corner of his bedroom because he was seeing things. He almost hadn’t ventured out today, except that he knew he needed to work on the paper, and because he wanted to see Daisy. She always seemed to understand. 
He followed her back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly at the praise. “Yeah? I think so.”
At the question he sobered. Xenophilius’ death was…. “horrifying” was an understatement. Alex still couldn’t believe sometimes that it had happened, but it was impossible to ignore now that he was standing among the remains of his friends’ life’s work. 
“I want to keep their spirit alive,” he said softly, leaning against the doorway to the small kitchen. “Keep it- subversive, and open, and strange. But I want to take on the Prophet, too.” His expression darkened slightly. “And the Ministry, even though Alastor… you know. But there’s too much terror these days, and too many lies, and I can’t just stand back anymore. Not after what happened.”
He paused a moment before his next words. “I know you have so much happening right now, that you’re due- almost any day? But you were their friend too, and I know you used to work with them. If you ever wanted to be a part of it again, in whatever capacity, just say the word. I’d love to have you.”
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Originally posted by xbellarketrashx
Daisy started a kettle before settling herself into a chair at the table, her hands automatically settling against her stomach. She was trying not to let her pregnancy change her life, but the frequent resting was fine if she could stay with it. Still, it was almost easier to think about the baby and not the life around them if things could happen like what happened to Xeno. She understood why some people found them odd, but that was no reason to put him through such a horrific death.
“I think we need a voice like that,” Daisy said, her voice gentle but firm. She reached out to put her hand on Alex’s arms, a bit of reassurance for him. “You’re taking on so much, and I just want to say it once before you go into denial about it all: You’re so brave. I’m happy to help in any way I can.” She meant it too. Daisy couldn’t imagine all the horrors Alex had gone through personally, and he was taking on a huge risk of a legacy by continuing to operate as The Quibbler. He was one of the bravest people she knew, and Daisy suspected he would never claim such a title.
“I do have to put the baby first,” she admitted. “I only have a couple months before we go back to school, although I am trying to save my maternity time for the very beginning when we go back. I don’t know how useful I can be from a writing standpoint until mid-fall once I have life a little back under control. But, if you don’t mind a potential delay, I have no problem reading over or editing things if you need another pair of eyes.”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
The construction was almost finished, but the fact that it still wasn’t done frustrated Walden. The new property was supposed to be completely finished by the time Estrella was born, and while the important rooms - the master bedroom, the nursery, the kitchen, and whatnot - were finished, the sun room, the library, and Daisy’s study were still under construction. On top of that the landscaping still had to be done, but Walden had spoken to the contractor and told him to prioritize the interior before worrying about the grounds.
For now, Daisy had set up a make shift office in the dining room, papers spread out across the glossy hardwood tabletop, some even floating as she arranged and sorted her work. Or perhaps it was students’ work that she was going through. Walden stood in the entrance way, peering from a distance in admiration of his ambitious, dedicated wife. As his eyes scanned the pages, he thought he could make out different handwriting, but he really didn’t have the best vantage point to judge.
On Daisy’s left, the dining chairs had been cleared to make room for one of Estrella’s bassinets. In the several minutes Walden stood there, Estrella lightly cooed once or twice, but aside from that, barely made a peep. Of course she was the perfect baby, quietly resting while her mother worked; she was a combination of both of them after all.
It was a perfect scene and Walden hated to interrupt it, but Daisy was needed elsewhere in the house. He stood up from the frame he was leaning against and walked over to his wife. Standing behind her, he reached down and gave her a kiss on the cheek before resting his hands on her shoulders. As he spoke, he began massaging. If he had to take her away from her work, he was going to soften the blow with an impromptu shoulder massage.
“I know you’re in the middle of working, but the workers are ready to start painting your study and they need a final decision on the colour.”
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Daisy’s curriculum last year had been good, but without a clear picture of where students had been meeting her, she’d slowed some of it down. Now that she’d had them for a year and understood them a little better, Daisy was trying to be methodical in her changes. She had essays strewn across the desk in front of her as she considered previous essays. Some of the pureblood fourth and fifth years were still really struggling with the concept of a telephone, so Daisy wondered if they shouldn’t start with a review of muggle technology. 
She was aware of Walden but didn’t really focus on him until he’d kissed her. Daisy let out a contented hum at the feeling of his hands massaging her neck, eventually looking up, the back of her head against his chest from how close Walden stood.
“What a way to apologize for interrupting,” she teased. Daisy stretched out her arms, then slipped up out of her seat and shifted around to cuddle in against her husband’s side. “Lead the way,” she said softly. The Monitoring Charm she was using for Estrella’s nap would follow her around, but Daisy still glanced at it one more time before leaving the room to make sure their baby was as sound asleep as she’d been earlier.
“I’m not particularly fussy about the color,” she admitted as they headed down the hall. “Something light, something airy.” Daisy had found a few swatches she’d liked, but she appreciated that Walden was turning it back to her again for the decision. As much as he’d overseen in all this, she loved how much he’d turn to her on the details that made it their home.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
For the record, Patrick was aware that women would probably not like a strange man watching them while they fed their baby, he did have enough sense to realize that and god knew that he wasn’t going to do anything to make a woman feel ashamed or uncomfortable about it. Even if she was a muggle and in another country, Patrick was certain he would be able to feel his mother slap the back of his head if he criticized a woman taking care of her baby.
He would have wandered right past and left the stranger to her privacy if not for the sound of the woman swearing and it was instinct to check, to see if it was something to be concerned about. It wasn’t any problem for him as it turned out, but Patrick was quickly able to see the issue for her, a piece of material caught by the wind while she struggled with her baby. Judging from the infant’s size, it had to be a newborn or else it was a baby that was born prematurely.
Regardless, she looked like a new mother that was struggling and Patrick did have manners, he wasn’t just going to ignore a lady in distress and so he quickly retrieved the cover for her, approaching the woman and clearing his throat so that it didn’t seem like he was trying to creep up on her.
“Just thought you might want this back,” Patrick offered, keeping his eyes firmly on her face as he held out the cloth for her. “If you want, I can stand here with my back turned like a windbreak. Not trying to be a creep, I swear.”
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Daisy looked up, her eyes following back at forth from the cover to his face. He seemed to have only good intentions, and for that, Daisy was relieved. If he’d been the wrong sort of person, Daisy would have had to tell Walden, and she pitied the poor soul who crossed him in relation to Estrella and herself. 
“Thank you,” she said as she carefully held Estrella in one hand and reached for the cover. “I’d really appreciate that actually.” Daisy waited until he had moved, carefully situating Estrella. As soon as the baby had latched and seemed content there, Daisy lowered the clothe over for a little more privacy.
“You can turn now.” She looked up at the man, curious if she’d met him before. Daisy didn’t think she had. “I’m Daisy MacNair. I really appreciate your help just now.” She knew she was repeating herself, but when she considered how stressful that moment could have been, Daisy wanted to be sure he understand how much his small act of kindness had meant.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Enson Clementine is the man responsible for Daisy’s writing career and her memoir. He was the editor at Patriotic Potioneers who first gave Daisy a job as an internal and then as a political journalist who yes, sometimes published potions recipes but only ever collections she curated, never any she’d created herself. 
He was also the person who reached out to Daisy when he realized she’d been living without magic and convinced her to write a memoir for publication. As far as she knows, that awful title was out of his hands.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
The MacNair family has a few house elves, but Winny is absolutely her favorite. Winny has always been the kindest to her and the least offended by Daisy’s desire to do things for herself. When she got so used to doing certain tasks by hand, they became a kind of stress relief for her now. Winny understands that isn’t an insult when Daisy makes her own tea. Winny is also quiet and gentle, and Daisy has begun to rely on her for assistance with Estrella.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
There was no doubt in her mind that Daisy and Walden would be incredible parents.  They had taken her in without question back when she was lost.  Maybe it had been more Walden than Daisy, but Daisy had hardly objected – and if she had Miriam would have left immediately.  She knew she wasn’t any trouble, but her presence itself might have been.  So she felt so grateful to her and was thrilled as she welcomed her daughter into the world.
“Sol isn’t nearly as beautiful as Estrella though,” she shrugged.  “you certainly nailed the celestial body aspect though.”  Miriam approached with a small smile.  “She’s beautiful.  That little nose, oh my goodness.”
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Daisy couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She wondered if Miriam hoped for children someday, but it was an inappropriate question given the moment’s potential to create pressure. Besides she was young enough that she had plenty of time to actually decide. 
“We did pick a good name,” Daisy agreed, then laughed at Miriam’s comment. “And created a good nose. Would you like to hold her?” Daisy knew she’d been a bit territorial of the baby thus far, but Walden trusted Miriam explicitly and so did she.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
“She’s lovely! I’m a sucker for sun names, but I’d say this one fits her, she’s got the cutest sparkle in her eyes.” Sofiya exclaimed. How come babies managed to be so lovely so effortlessly? It probably had to do with their size. But they were delightful. “One of her birthstones is moonstone, too, I think the sky just really likes her.”
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“A little twinkle to fit her name,” Daisy agreed. She knew she was biased when she’d been the one to give birth to Estrella, but she seemed like the most darling child in the world. She supposed most mothers felt this way. Daisy looked up at the mention of moonstone. “Is it really? I hadn’t done any looking yet, but that’s positively wonderful. My celestial baby, I suppose.” 
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
You're distancing yourself from your american roots for your husband
“I don’t think that’s fair. Most of the supposed distance I’ve added had been for other people. I stopped saying nomaj because it got me funny looks. I started adding the extra u to my words because people kept telling me it was wrong. Sure, I’m focused on the here and now at home, but Walden’s not the one critiquing my Americanisms.”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
@hanestlythebestlee @levibulstrode @ladylilianazabini @zahishafiq
Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.
This means any minor ‘background character’ in my Muse’s life, such as a relative, coworker, friend, rival, etc. that they interact with in their personal canon. 
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Daisy took a deep breath as she settled back onto a bench. Lovely as this whole fair was, she was tired. It had been barely a week since Estrella’s birth, and that left Daisy both tired in her own right and a little on edge about having her baby around people so soon. The healers had promised that as long as she used her judgment about letting too many people handle Estrella. 
In the pram, Estrella fussed a bit, and Daisy looked around to see how closely she was being watched. It seemed fairly clear, so she got everything settled into position, including her cover up on her shoulder ready to pull down as soon as she had Estrella situated. “Hungry, baby girl?” she cooed as she picked Estrella up.
Except this was one of those moments where things were easier said than done. The wind was making it difficult to keep her cover where she wanted it, ready to lower one-handed once Estrella was positioned. And also she was still fussing a bit and should have been ready to eat, she wasn’t latching. Daisy tried to remember what the mediwitch had told her to help with that, but in her distraction, she wasn’t ready for a wind gust that tore her cover right off her shoulder. 
“Shit,” she swore softly, looking after it. Naturally that was the moment Estrella was finally ready to latch, and Daisy jostled her. Wonderful. She’d told Walden she was fine if he checked out a few things without her and reported back, but now suddenly she was wishing she’d never told him to go.
She heard someone clear their throat, and Daisy jerked her head up, willing herself not to be ashamed of the fact that she was currently uncovered. “Can I help you?” she asked, trying not to sound as huffy as she felt.
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
“Isn’t she lovely?” Daisy asked, rocking Estrella back and forth in her arms. “I knew I was cutting it close on days, but I had no idea she’d come that fast. Poppy took one look and declared me too close to delivery to risk the floo.” Instead a couple St. Mungo’s healers and Walden had rushed to her, thankfully making it just in time. Only after the healers had been happy that both she and Estrella were comfortable and stable had they all transferred to St. Mungo’s. 
“If we’d known she’d be arriving on the Solstice, maybe we would have named her for the sun instead of a star.” But Daisy didn’t think they probably would have. Estrella had been their favorite name choice, and looking at her baby girl, it seemed like a great fit. 
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
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Estrella Elaine MacNair
Born June 21 at 3:14 PM
6 pounds, 4 ounces and 16 inches long
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Cissa didn’t mind the dog barking– it was what dogs did, after all– but she still found herself looking around to see if they’d caught anyone’s attention. Maybe she should have taken Lucius up on his offer to accompany them, but she’d wanted to spend some time with just Daisy. 
“I’m sure they’ve got it all under control,” she laughed, “but I miss my students. I swear, I’ll go back and they’ll have all grown a foot.” Merlin, she was going to have to take so many pictures of Draco. Kids grew so fast. “What about you? Are you planning on going back to work after, or..?”
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Mo popped up on Narcissa’s leg, although Daisy didn’t love her jumping, she pressed her lips together rather than chide her again. She was excited, and Daisy supposed she could understand why she’d be so excited. It was an exciting time.
“What age do you work with?” she asked. “I’m planning on it, although I’m still a little worried about what it will look like.” She wasn’t sure if she should admit to her plan or not, but Daisy figured Narcissa was a safe person to share it with. “I haven’t talked it over with Dumbledore, but I think I might have her at school with me if it seems like it would work. A few nursery charms, and it would be easy to keep an eye on her during. I’ve got maternity leave at the beginning to help make that decision, though, and Walden and I need to talk about it some more.”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Alex swept Daisy into a firm hug the minute he saw her, unable to hold back  a grin when he finally set her down. 
“It’s great to see you, Daisy. How have you been doing?” he wanted to know everything. They’d both be back to teaching together in the fall, but Alex wasn’t willing to wait that long to try putting his life back together. 
“Sorry there’s not much to the building right now,” he said somewhat sheepishly, glancing around the small space with only a desk and some printing presses he was working on fixing. “There’s a kitchen space in the back though and I’ve got tea started. I’d’ve invited you to the house, but the wards these days are…” 
He sucked in a quick, painful breath. He and Alastor’s home was so warded he wasn’t even sure the Dark Lord could find his way in. Bringing in guests was more than a bit of a hassle because of it. “Anyways, I’m glad to see you.”
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Originally posted by bellamyblake-imagine
Daisy sighed as Alex pulled her into a hug, even if it was a bit awkward with how large her stomach had gotten. She knew she didn’t have much longer until her baby decided it was time to meet the world, but Daisy was trying to make the most of that time until then. She had hurried to wrap up all her end of the year paperwork and immediately started on maternity plans for the beginning of the school year since she wasn’t yet sure exactly how long she was going to wait before going back. Meeting and helping Alex wasn’t technically a required step of all that, but it was one Daisy was happy to take.
“It’s great to see you too,” she said with a smile as they stepped apart. She’d missed seeing him at school and couldn’t even imagine what he’d gone through. Daisy shook her head at the mention of the house. “You need a sacred space without people. I get it. Here is just fine.”
She looked around the space first before they headed back to the kitchen. “It looks like you have some great potential.” Daisy didn’t want to admit that she couldn’t really stand as long these days, so she started moving back toward the kitchen as if tea was her only goal. “So are you hoping to run it the same way it has been, or what were you thinking?”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
Cissa was not going to be ashamed of wearing a loose sweater and jeans to go on a walk with a friend. That would be ridiculous, especially considering Daisy was just as pregnant as she was, and yet. She couldn’t help hoping they didn’t cross paths with too many other people, even though she knew there was no way she was getting very far in heels without Lucius to hold onto.
“The puppy’s wonderful,” she laughed, bending down as much as she could to pet her. “And as long as she’s moving slow, we don’t have to take the credit. This should be my busy season at the gym, but I’m hardly allowed to do paperwork. Let alone demonstrate.”
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Mo hopped about Daisy with a few loud barks that Daisy quickly shushed. It would be such a big deal if they at the park or still at the estate, but Daisy didn’t want to give anyone reason to bother two pregnant women and see if they needed help. She and Narcissa didn’t, but she knew they were probably quite the sight as they were.
She grinned as she watched Mo preen for pets. She was such a good girl, and Daisy was lucky Walden had done such a good job getting her trained once Daisy had gone to school and gotten used to a schedule of only being home on the weekends. “At least you can rest knowing they’re doing a decent job at it? Or at least I hope they are. I kind of assume you would have refused to be unallowed if everything was being mucked up in your abcense.”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
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