casruncorn · 4 years
Chaos was something that Cas approved of in general, he tended to thrive on it even if he wasn’t the one causing it, but the riots were something that he couldn’t quite endorse. Not that he had anything against rioting, but it was causing him problems in this case because he wasn’t part of it and that made all the difference.
The bell above the door chimed and if it was someone else thinking they could smash things, Cas was going to turn them into a pincushion. He liked his job and wanted to keep it, something that wouldn’t happen if the shop was trashed or destroyed, but the young woman that entered was someone familiar instead of destructive stranger.
“You got caught out here in this mess?” Cas asked as he circled the counter, checking her over for injuries as he heard yell from outside. “You can hide out here with me if you help keep them from attacking. You don’t even need to worry about me ratting you out if you use an unforgivable.” @miriamclearwater​
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thebaileyshaw · 4 years
Science Bros!
“Hi! Are you talking to Edith again? What did you want to work on? Is it for work or fun? Were you at the Valentine’s Ball a few weeks ago? I saw a dead body and it was the most terrible thing I’ve ever seen, I had to start brewing dreamless sleep potions for myself. I was going to buy some because it’s easier but people have been getting poisoned, did you hear? Everything seems terrible now.”
Bailey spoke at a rapid pace upon seeing her friend again, not even realizing that she’d spoke more in a minute than she had in the last several weeks, both the product of normally being alone and also not realizing that an unconscious part of her considered Miriam a more precious friend than she ever realized. After all, Bailey didn’t like conversation at all, but Miriam was one of those people that not only she didn’t mind talking to, but derived some satisfaction from it. And so much had happened since they last saw each other, besides. 
“Oh! It worked, by the way!” and without preamble she transformed into her animagus form, a juvenile kestrel that could easily have perched in Miriam’s palm. She hopped around the table between the cauldrons, fluttering her wings, looking up at Miriam, little bird heart bursting with as much pride and excitement as it had been filled with dream mere seconds ago when talking about death and poison. 
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obertlyalessa · 5 years
What was the point of Aurelio ranking higher than her if he couldn’t get her answers on a simple question? Alessa had no idea. Well, she did. He was protecting them and sacrificing even more than she was yada-yada, but still, was it really that hard to find out if they were planning something with Miriam. Not that Alessa cared, but she did. A little. The girl had potential, she was charming, she was so many wonderful things, of course, she had a bad taste with friendships (Alessa excluded) she was eighteen! And if that foolish kid had tricked the dark lord, Miriam was more than entitled to believe he was a friend.
Alessa took a deep breath before walking into the restaurant. The only reason she had set up lunch was that she thought she’d have something useful to say to Miriam, but since that boat had sailed Alessa hoped she wasn’t making a mistake by associating with Miriam in public. And also that they’d have that eggnog she liked. As was usual in her, Alessa seemed unfazed. “Miriam! I’m so glad you could make it. I hope I didn’t have you waiting long! How are you?”
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nigel-twycross · 5 years
Nigel sat in his room on the floor at the foot of his bed, thankful that his shift at St Mungo’s hadn’t been too exhausting that morning. As a healer he tended to see a lot, and deal with a lot, and though he loved his job there were days that were certainly more stressful than others He reveled in the silence, a book unfolded in his lap as he read by the natural light coming through his curtains. He had only gotten to read a chapter before hearing a knock at his door, looking up and out in the direction of the noise.
He hadn’t been expecting anyone, so Nigel wasn’t quite sure who could be at his door. In his confused state, there was a second knock, to which he snapped out of his thoughts and sprung up to answer the door. Standing on his toes to reach the peephole more properly, a wide smile formed on his lips as he saw a familiar blonde girl standing at his door. Swinging it open, he welcomed Miriam with a hug, not even giving her a chance to say anything. “What are you doing here? Hi,” he laughed, pulling her inside.
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Mentoring, of a Kind
Rodolphus found her in a bathroom, having noticed the retreating figure of Nigel Twycross- the healer had a particular way of moving, and his stature made him easy to pick out among the other Death Eaters- and been curious if someone was hurt. Her mask was in her hands and she looked shaken, and part of Rodolphus found the display pathetic, but the other part of him noted how young she was. 
Miriam Clearwater, from what he knew, was a halfblood. She’d chosen the right side but she wasn’t used to violence. She hadn’t grown up with it as a birthright the way Rodolphus and many others had. 
“Were you hurt?” he drew off his mask- much as he chided Bella for removing hers, they were in a small enclosed space, and they really could get stifling- and raised his eyebrows. “Your name is Miriam Clearwater, yes?”
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edith-clearwater · 5 years
Through the Night
Edith hadn’t forgiven Miriam for her stunt that she pulled, ignoring her on their designated twin day, and hadn’t shown up the next week, either. If her sister was going to blow her off, she would be cut off. Once, she had relied on her twin for everything. They did everything together, after all, regardless of the boundaries and barriers they had had to overcome. But now, she was moving on to other things, becoming more independent, and making her own set of friends outside of Hogwarts. Hell, she was at a ceilidh with her best friend, and having an amazing time. 
Dancing with Valerija had been more fun than Edith could have imagined, even if they weren’t the best dancers. It had proven to be difficult, dancing in heels, though she was quite used to it now that they were a few hours in. As Valerija slipped away after a dance, Edith took the opportunity for herself to sneak outside for a breath of air. It wasn’t that she couldn’t handle the amount of people, but it was a bit warm in there, and stepping outside would help cool her off momentarily. Of course, she kept her wand on hand as she left, mingling with a few people she passed along the way before slipping out. 
The night air was cool on her skin, but not cold. A rather refreshing change, as she stared up at the sky. When she heard footsteps behind her, though, she turned instinctively, hand defensively ready to grab her wand just in case. “Oh, it’s you...” she sighed, seeing the familiar blonde staring back at her.
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lucianollivander · 5 years
The news about Nigel had hit. 
       At least Lucian assumed that was the catalyst for seeing Miss Clearwater. It seemed to put some of his party on edge, the way the article presented itself. It seemed very much like separate from innocent or guilty he had been handed to them in some way. Lucian couldn’t quite think of anyone who would do such a thing. However, he did understand why people might want to appeal to his better nature in this time. He worked for the Ministry, he had familial ties on the other side of the war. He was shrouded in shades of grey that he couldn’t shed. They were apart of him whether he wanted it to be or not. 
       “Can I get you something to drink Miss Clearwater?” He asked, looking over to her. It was not often that Lucian has guest in his home, mostly because he didn’t want the company. However, this felt like an interaction that would benefit from the lack of speculating eyes. “I’ve got all the usual things. And if not I can send a house elf out to grab anything I don’t have,”
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
✉ miriam
[unsent] Don’t throw away your life for their cause
[unsent] You don’t really seem that enthused. Do you want to talk about it? 
[unsent] If you ever need a sister conversation, I’d like to think I’d be good at that.
[unsent] How does someone as sweet as you end up on involved in such ugly business?
[unsent] Do you ever wonder if Edith picked the right side?
[sent] I enjoyed our diner visit last month. Care for another stop?
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zahishafiq · 5 years
Zahi rubbed his eyes as he waited for the blonde woman in front of him to hurry up in her potion selection. Finally he grew impatient. “Do you mind?” he said dryly. “Some of us know what we want.” Healing potions were about the only thing he didn’t brew himself, and he reached around her to pluck up two bottles of essence of dittany, but he needed an anti-burn potion too and didn’t see one.
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waldxnmacnxir · 4 years
House elves flitted around doing last minute cleaning and preparing for the afternoon tea service as Walden sat on the couch with Estrella. Walden didn’t often meet with people for purely social reasons, but Miriam was one of the few exceptions. The two had grown close when Daisy and Walden had given her refuge last year, and both he and Daisy liked to check in with her every so often to see how she was doing. Though he hadn’t realized it at the time, counseling and protecting Miriam had been, in a way, practice for the new position he found himself in now.
As they waited, Walden cradled Estrella, gently rocking her back and forth. She was too young to glean anything from Miriam yet, but as she grew older, Walden potentially saw Miriam tutoring Estrella in potions. If Hogwarts only hired teachers a competent as Daisy, then there would be no need for it, but Walden highly doubted they would ever raise their standards that high, so additional education would most likely be necessary.
A house elf briefly announced Miriam’s arrival as she walked in, after which it and the others promptly vanished from the room. Walden set Estrella down in the nearby bassinet to properly greet his guest. “It’s so good to see you,” Walden said as he walked over and hugged her. “How have you been?” While Walden ached to boast about his daughter, proper etiquette had to be observed first.
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pippaxstrout · 5 years
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Miriam Clearwater, Monstrous Indifference; a Playlist 
My name is Brutus and my name means heavy So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my Enemy My whole life you were a teacher and friend to me Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I too have a destiny This death will be art The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history And I'll be great too I don't want what you have I wanna be you I always knew I could be the one Though I feel the endless pain of being and I am scorched by The sun Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex My name is Brutus but the people will call me Rex
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casruncorn · 5 years
double bubble trouble
“So, I hear you’re not too bad at stirring up a cauldron yourself,” Cas said conversationally as he dropped a rat tail into the potion, steam rising up as he did so. It really went without saying that Miriam was good at potions considering she had an apprenticeship in that very practice, but it didn’t hurt to play nice in the beginning. “Stir that, would you?”
Moving away from the cauldron, Cas moved to collect a few of the vials that lined a shelf on the wall and set them on the work table, keeping an eye on Miriam progress. “So you know what to add to a potion to make it work, but what do you add to mess it up? We know potions are addictive and bad for you in big enough doses, but we’re going to make it worse.”
That was their job, after all, to tamper with potions and have Miriam slip them onto the shelves where she worked in order to cause problems for anyone not in their ranks. “Should be easy to add heartburn to a pepper-up potion, but I think we should be more creative, don’t you?” @miriamclearwater​
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thebaileyshaw · 5 years
Twin Talk Time
“So, I finally kept that stupid leaf in my mouth long enough, now I just need to wait for a lighting storm. Want to help me with a calendar?” Bailey was still talking as she led Miriam into her lab at Shafiq Manor, nattering away as if nothing at all was wrong. Which it really wasn’t; Bailey would appreciate Miriam’s help tracking weather patterns. It just wasn’t the real reason she’d asked her friend over. 
Bailey closed the door behind them and took out her wand to perform a locking charm, before turning back to the room. Which now contained both Miriam and Edith Clearwater, Edith having been invited to the lab earlier with no idea that her sister would also be coming. Ditto for Miriam. 
“I’m tired of you fighting,” she announced, before either had the chance to react. “Its annoying, and counterproductive to my work.So no-one is leaving this room until you’re alright with each other again.”
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@miriamclearwater @edith-clearwater
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yulia-in-flames · 5 years
Joining the Death Eaters had seemed like an obvious choice. She had been involved with everyone in that world anyway, it was the logical decision, otherwise she would have been outed and definitely thrown in Azkaban by now. Joining the Death Eaters gave her contacts, safety, especially as a halfblood. Yulia knew she was useful, a killer for hire in the current time? She had never had so many jobs. It was like her birthday all the time. 
It had also introduced her to people like her. People with jobs like her. Because a lot of the time, her work was very solitary. There was no Christmas party for assassins. Wouldn’t really be wise. Meetings were boring though, usually, unless they were planning a specific attack. And meetings were where she’d met Miriam. The blonde who looked like a doe in headlights a lot of the time. So young, especially for an executioner. She wasn’t exactly sure how it’d happened, but Yulia had sort of taken her under her wing. Walden was good at the teaching part, Yulia just tried to be some form of support, support she thought Miriam might need. 
“So, do you have a date for your first time yet?” Yulia asked as she tapped the ash off her cigarette, smirking at Miriam. 
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nigel-twycross · 5 years
Nigel had successfully managed for the most part to steer clear of the fighting, which was entirely surprising to him considering everything was chaos from the moment they had crashed into the building. Several times he had to cast a few spells to knock people back so that he could get to some of the death eaters who had been injured, quickly remedying them enough to keep them fighting and once again fleeing the main scene of the crime. 
He happened to look to the side at one point to see someone fleeing as well, running into what looked like a bathroom, and from first glance he swore he recognized their stature. He decided to risk it and run after them, identifying them almost immediately. Miriam and Nigel were the same size, and he had known that she too got dragged along for this against her will, which was why he found it important to seek her out. “It’s me, you’re not hurt are you?” he asked in a somewhat panicked voice. 
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toomcnairtocare · 5 years
☎ (miriam)
“The housekeeper asked me if you were real yesterday. You scaring the help?”
“Well he crossed himself and kept glancing over his shoulder so I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re a ghost. Something about how your room is immaculate but he notices things move?”
“It’s your home, Mir. Make it as messy as you want for fucks sake. It’s not like I’m the one cleaning it.”
“Also maybe introduce yourself to Manuel. Just so he knows you’re alive.”
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