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gracies-blorbos · 3 months ago
Big sigh
I'm doing a things guys a sort of oc intros
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? Lewis, probably
03: Do you regret anything? I mean, yes, everyone has something
04: Are you insecure? Not really
05: What is your relationship status? Married
06: How do you want to die? Either from old age of while climbing
07: What did you last eat? Vegan "meatballs" with ketchup and kuskus
08: Played any sports? Yes, kickboxing and rock climbing, used to play soccer
09: Do you bite your nails? No
10: When was your last physical fight? Probably back in highschool
11: Do you like someone? Yes
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Probably not
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Not genuinely
14: Do you miss someone? Yes, dog who passed in 2018
15: Have any pets? Yes, a dog
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Tired
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Yes
18: Are you scared of spiders? No
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? No
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? Like a few days ago maybe
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Visit family back in Wales
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? Nope, none
23: Do you have piercings? How many? Yes, my lobes
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Sucked at school, but maybe geography
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Not really
26: What are you craving right now? A hot cup of coffee with cream
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? No
28: Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I know
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes
30: What’s irritating you right now? The fact that it's slightly too cold
31: Does somebody love you? Yes
32: What is your favourite color? Green
33: Do you have trust issues? No, don't think I do
34: Who/what was your last dream about? Monster energy drinks
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? Lewis
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? No
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive
38: Is this year the best year of your life? Probably no
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? No
51: Favourite food? Crempogs
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yes
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Walked my dog
54: Is cheating ever okay? No
55: Are you mean? I don't think I am
56: How many people have you fist fought? At least 3
57: Do you believe in true love? Yes
58: Favourite weather? Rainy, stormy
59: Do you like the snow? Yes
60: Do you wanna get married? I already am
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Only when it's Lewis
62: What makes you happy? Climbing, hiking
63: Would you change your name? No
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Not at all
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Gently let them down
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yes, it's my husband
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Lewis
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Lewis
69: Do you believe in soulmates? Yes
70: Is there anyone you would die for? Yes
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dnpredacted · 6 months ago
Dan falling off the couch in the latest vid and i can't stop myself looking between his legs. Chat am i a whore?
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cynister-little-sister · 7 months ago
She's giving the tail pats
" ... Wuh??- "
- The short-ish drone is absolutely confused on why you hath just pat her tendril- tail.. Things. -
" Who?? Wuh- "
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medium5 · 2 years ago
like actually tho name any manga and i can tell you how Go Nagai has influenced it
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kkk699 · 3 months ago
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Baru ii ni aku terjumpa sorang minah ni dia kira senior aku lh dia ni salah sorang pp yg hot lh kt seklh sebb kan dia ni rajin buat service....nk jadikan cerita time blk seklh aku tertido dekat kelas aku bgun ii tngk kawn ii kelas aku semua dh gerak blk tinggal aku sorang je dalm kelas time aku nk kemas ii blk aku terdengar suara org mendesah dekat kelas sebelah btw kelas sebelah aku ni kelas minah tu suara org mendesah tu macm ni"AHH AHHH SEDAP SIAL ARGHH LAGI ARGHHH" lepas aku dengar suara tu aku cepat ii gi kelas sebelah aku nampak minah tu tngh melancap pakai kayu penyapu lepas dia nampak aku dia cepat ii campak kayu tu...aku pon ckp lh kau ni jannah kan..."YEE AKU LH TU"saut jannah aku pon ckp "KAU BUAT APE TDI" jannah jawab"TKDE BUAT APE AKU GARU PUSAT AKU TDI" aku saut"KAU MELANCAP EH RELEK JELH AKU PON HORNY JE" jannah terdiam sambil membetulkan seluar dia...aku pon ckp kt dia"WEI JANNAH JOM MAIN AKU DH LAMA AIR TERTUNGGAK NI" jannah pon angguk aku pon apa lgi terus bwk keluar rudal aku...aku suruh dia isap dulu lepastu aku terus masuk dalam pepek dia"ARGHH SEDAP SAYANG MACMTU SEDAP PANCUT SAYANG ARHGHG" jannah bersuara..dh dekat 2 jam aku rogol dia aku pon pancut kt dalam pepek dia aku ugut dia kalu dia bgi tau sapa ii aku buat dia pregnant aku viralkan vid dia lepas 6 bulan jannah sah pregnant budk seklh semua panggil dia pelacur
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postsofbabel · 3 days ago
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emmasexslave · 19 days ago
Hai Emma, dh lupa abg kn, dah ada org henjut sampai Lupa abg kn, takpe lh,
Mn ad lupa
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saintsmith · 1 year ago
i probably ought to give a bit of a primer for tenuvo pronunciation. it's the same for all dialects, they just shape words and phrases a bit differently with the same sounds. gonna put a readmore bc this got a little longer than i anticipated.
everything is basically the same as english, with a few small changes/caveats. "c" is never pronounced like "s" or "k," always being "ch" as in the english "chat" or "batch." "g" is always hard, like "goat." "h" by itself tends to be a bit throatier than in english, but there are some other uses for "h" i'll get to in a bit. there's a separate letter for "kh," which is like the "ch" in scottish "loch" or german "ach". there's also a separate letter (in the script tenvo use) for the "ng" sound, which usually comes at the end of syllables but can also come at the beginning. "q" never makes a "kw" sound, instead being a kind of "hard k," coming from the back of your throat, very much like the sound "q" makes in arabic. "r" is usually tapped, not like the english "r" but more like the spanish "r." "sh" has its own letter in the tenuvo script, pronounced like english "shy". "th" has its own letter, pronounced usually as the hard "bath," but dialectical variation sometimes allows for "this" (try saying both words; you'll find there is a difference!). "y" is always a consonant, pronounced as in english; most consonants have a special form for when "y" follows it. also, consonants can geminate (double), and technically this produces a unique sound compared to a single consonant, but it's rarely phonemic (as in, matters for telling between similar words) anymore.
aspirated consonants:
there are also "aspirated" consonants. ("kh" is technically one, but it's the only one that gets its own character. the rest are a combination of the normal consonant and the letter "h".) aspirated consonants are kind of breathier versions of the regular consonant, kind of the same as aspirated consonants in indian (as in the subcontinent) languages. just pronounce the consonant like it has an "h" right behind it (which it kind of does lol). aspirated consonants include: bh, dh, fh, gh, jh, kh (which has its own character), lh, mh, nh, ph (never pronounced like "f"!), qh (often very similar to kh tbh), rh, sh (as in s + h, not the "shy" sound), shh (this is sh + h, the "shy" sound), th (as in t + h, not the "bath" sound), thh (this is th + h, the "bath" sound), vh, wh, xh, yh (last two are very rare), and zh.
so vowel length, while not always like.....actually length related, does matter in tenuvo! it's just a thing of the actual vowel sound being used mostly now. short "a" as in "cat," long "a" as in "father," short "e" as in "bed," long "e" as in "hey," short "i" as in "hit," long "i" as in "seat," "o" always as in "oh" (no length differences here), short "u" as in "cut," long "u" as in "boot." some diphthongs (all are technically "long" vowels): "au" as in "ow," "ai" as in "eye," "oi" as in "boy." (all diphthongs are rather archaic, but "aurena" uses one so yeah. there's also "oe" which is a long "cut" sound, but it's extremely archaic lol. never used anymore.) vowels preceded by a "u" develop a "w" sound, as in "Uodh" and "Uorh." if a vowel would be preceded by a long "i," the "i" is replaced by a "y."
small note on how vowel length is written: there's a few rules. typically a vowel followed by a single consonant (or none at all) is considered "long," but a vowel followed by a cluster of consonants (unless the first consonant is an "r"!) or a geminated consonant is considered "short." in some cases, though, you want to force a "long" sound even when the following consonant is geminated. to do this, you write in an "h" right between the vowel and the geminated consonant/consonant cluster.
however, as you may have noticed by how i've been writing most names, there's an alternate way of denoting vowel length: doubling the vowel for a long vowel. so for "shiaaj," for example, the "i" is short, making the "hit" sound, whereas the "aa" denotes a long "a," making the "father" sound. if it was written "shiaj," the "a" would make a "cat" sound. and, of course, the "i," being short, does not turn into a "y."
consonants as vowels:
"l," "m," "n," "ng," "r," "s," "sh," and "z," as well as their aspirated counterparts, can also be used as vowels! take, for example, the "r" at the end of "olsekr," "otr," and "utstr." that "r" at the end is a vowel! it's basically like putting a short "u" in front of the "r," but it's said so quickly that the "r" sounds like it's on its own, just floating there. the "s" in the middle of "utstr" is also serving as a vowel between those "t"s! that ends up sounding kind of like a "psst!" but with a "t" at the beginning instead of a "p." i've written some words with vowels that technically don't need them, mostly for ease of reading. for example, the southern peninsula of "gurduu" would be spelled in the tenuvo script as "grduu," with the short "u" implied and wrapped up in the "r." "olsekr" could also be spelled "olskr!"
i might be forgetting some other things, but i'll leave it here for now! i'll append this if i remember
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sesmiq · 11 months ago
i know damn well my kr professor did not just say "if youre afraid to fail the class, remembers theres international student here LOL" 💀 right before exam,, dh lh muka mcm nak londer gi kubur,, gila doh
mulut melebar 😭😭
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amekere · 8 days ago
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Mlm tu wife ak tdo umh mk dye..ak blek tgk pia ngn kirah tdo kt ruang tamu ak pun mand ..ak bring x dpt tdo mlm sunat wife xde snggap lh..ak pun tgk porn dlm fon'. Sesekali ak tgk adkipo ak 2 org ni germ jugak tdo pkai seluar pendek ketak ngn bju simis...ak mule dkt ngn dye ak duk ats sofa smbil tgk porn..
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Ak pun cube selak selimut pia ak suluh wah gebu pha pia...ak pun cube tolak2 pia tgk tdo mti ke x ak kocok sah tdo mti. Ak pun selak selimut kirah pulak lg cute punggung kirah dri pia ye pun tdo mti...ak duk tgah2 kaki dye org smbil tgk porn.ak keluar kn btg ak ak lncp plan2 tbe2 pia pusing meniarap..ak msuk dlm selimut pia ak tarik seluar plan2 npk lh punggung pia ak pun bukak selimut pia npk lh ponggeng dye x besar tp gebu ak megcngkung ats ak letk btg kt lurah jubo pia ak gosok2 dh puas ak bukak kirah punye pulak tp jubo kirah memang padu
PEJAL molek..ak pun jilat punggung kirah sdp punye pasal x sdo smpai ke jubo ak jilat...ak letak lidah kt lubg jubo kirah ak tekn terase masuk dlm...ak maen2 tbe2 kirah sdor tp ak cpat2 peluk kirah..
Kirah..abgme wak npe ni jilat jubo kirah ke
Ak...kirah jgn lh kbo sape2 abgme sgap
Kirah...buleh tp kirah nk tgk gane abgme jilat jubo pia
Ak..akpe kne g2..
Kirah...sbb bia pdan muke abg mey
Ak...ad upoh x
Kirah...wak dulu mcm abgmey wk ke kirah xd
Ak pun g kt pia ak pun selak luroh jubo ye npak lubg jubo pia..ak pun jilat lh tp sdp kirah lg
Kirah..wekkk kto goh lh jubo adk pun abgmey selere...
Ak..tp abgmey lg suke hok kirah pejal
Kirah..akpe?? Rase gane sdp op
Ak..dap ah
Tgoh smbg pia lop pusing npk terus burik pia
Kirah...jilat cpt
Ak pun terur jilat ak sdut smpai basah dgor pia megerang mgkin dye ingt mimpi... Sdap ngt jilat tbe2 besembur air burit pia kuor terus ak tutup selimut msuk bilek..
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Ak pun pejam mate byang burik pia smbil lncp..tgah syok tbe2 kirah mengcngkung ats muke ak cute sgat burik kirah ni ak pun jilat lh kirah pun lancp btg ak lame
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medium5 · 2 years ago
wait how many poll tournaments r u running actually
just finished lh/dh butbthats starting a s2, bluehair is startingna s2 after this final round, cringefail is still going, and I have two that havent stared yet at all (ocs and smth wrong w/ them)
ACTIVELY i'm onky running two but at its peak it'll be five ^.^
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all-the-tyler-talk · 2 months ago
That trainer posted another story with TH and tagged him. Also, appears LH is only with DH in Tahoe but she’s skiing by herself per her Strava
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postsofbabel · 10 days ago
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starstruckavenuewombat · 6 months ago
Pgvfc Spanish trail Ln cf Tennessee on paid on on laids cfd TV laid paids paids paids paids df TV bh,-500 paid dxc paid paids gh laid loc stixx Ln Tennessee paid laid cfd TV paids bhgv television laid hbgvgy paid lh paids rf paids fc paids tfr paids tyfg paids pgvcf laid ygh paids fcdxzsa paids yh laid pin paids loc must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Loc. Mail KIY Key card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Loc. VVoiced on paid. On. Paid. Loc. Remove kover. Paid. Loc. Remove cover. Paid. Loc. Parked. Paid. Loc.
0 notes
ruin-swifeband · 7 months ago
Ah Ax
Bh Bx
Ch Cx
Dh Dx
Eh Ex
Fh Fx
Gh Gx
Hh Hx
Ih Ix
Jh Jx
Kh Kx
Lh Lx
Mh Mx
Nh Nx
Oh Ox
Ph Px
Qh Qx
Rh Rx
Sh Sx
Th Tx
Uh Ux
Vh Vx
Wh Wx
Xh Xx
Yh Yx
Zh Zx
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ilovenizam · 9 months ago
Happy mensive yang kedua ya sayangku ngiahaha maaf dh klo mensive kdua ni hebih bat (suka suka gua, gsh protes lu). Aku seneng bisa punya pacar imut, lucu, gemesin kaya kamu fakdem km jgn salting. Drpd minta maaf aku bakal berterima kasih sama kamu karena kamu udh mau sama aku terus, udh mau ngasuh aku fakdem aku bukan bayi melainkan aku adlh adik, aku juga makasih karena kamu udh mau ngertiin aku yg kaya babi ini ngiahaha maaf lh. Aku seneng bgt bisa kenal sm kamu /cium kamu (maaf pke garming lah ya suka suka gua). Tetep jdi pacarku ya, sayang. Harus ngelakuin apapun sama aku pokoknya soalnya kamu pcrku jdi harus sm aku terus gblh sm yang lain. Aku mau makasih juga sm kamu soalnya kamu udh ngasih yang terbaik buat aku jiakh sa ae lu maliah, aku juga bakal usahain yg terbaik buat kamu okeee kita harus sama sama usahain yg terbaik. I'm deeply in love with you, zam
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