millie-the-windmill · 5 months
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I threw this post together in like 5 minutes to prove that I am alive and that BenDex still rots my brain
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 4 years
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this came to me during my sleep-deprived state
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karagwolf · 6 years
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The idea isn't mine, I just did my Bendex version ;)
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4 times Ben and Dexter almost kissed +1 time they finally did
I wanna thank my bestie @weenieuyenie for giving me the idea of Ben passing out on Dexter's shoulder before they could kiss!! That prompt inspired me to make this post so thank you!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The lab was pretty quiet. Well, that was expected. There were only two people in there after all.
Dexter placed a hand on his chin, thinking deeply, "That seems right, but also wrong. Hmm..."
Ben raised an eyebrow with an amused expression. He chuckled before placing a hand on Dexter's shoulder, pulling him slightly closer. He leaned in and murmured to the scientist, "If you think too hard, your brain will explode."
There was a huff from Dexter.
Ben couldn't help but laugh quietly at his reaction. He moved his hand from Dexter's shoulder to back, "You know how much fun it is to mess with you?"
Dexter finally turned to look at him, ready to make a comeback but stopped when he realized how close their faces were. He felt his cheeks burning as he whispered, "Is that so?"
"Mhm," Ben hummed, leaning in a little more so that their noses touched.
Dexter slightly leaned in, awaiting the moment their lips met.
Both boys immediately jumped away from each other, acting like nothing was going on between them a mere moment ago.
Buttercup looked between them with a raised eyebrow but then shrugged. She placed her hands on her hips, "Professor Utonium wanted me to fetch you, Dexter. He wants you to take a break from your lab."
As Dexter nodded and cleaned up his workspace so he could rest, Ben could only let out a string of curse words in his head. He was so close! ...Maybe next time.
Dexter would be lying if he said this was the first time he had to do this. It happened the same way every time. He would be relaxing in his lab when Ben could come back from a mission, injured. He would then get his first-aid kit, take off his lab coat and gloves, roll up the sleeves of his turtleneck, and get to work.
So there he was once again. Dexter carefully wrapped Ben's arm in bandages, making sure to not wrap it too tight. He moved slowly, but efficiently.
Ben had his head resting on his other hand. He looked tired, but that was expected. Finally, after a while of comfortable silence, he spoke, "I'm still surprised you have this much medical knowledge."
Without missing a beat, Dexter replied, "As a scientist, lab accidents are expected to happen. There will not always be someone present when something goes wrong, so it's good to have medical knowledge so you can heal yourself if you are not too injured."
Ben whistled, impressed, "Have you been asked that before? That was a quick response."
Dexter shook his head, "No, I haven't. Maybe my concentration is helping me think of replies at a quicker pace than usual."
There was a laugh from Ben, "Doesn't your brain work at a hundred miles per hour on a normal day anyway?"
Dexter felt himself smile at the joke, "Maybe so."
Ben leaned in so that he and Dexter were on the same eye level, "I can help your brain slow down a little."
A dark blush spread across Dexter's face, "Are you flirting with me?"
Ben shrugged, "Maybe." He leaned in once more, "Would you be angry if I was?"
Dexter looked away, suddenly feeling shy, "Not at all."
Ben smiled warmly at him. He placed one hand on Dexter's cheek and leaned in...
The two of them pulled back and looked in the direction of the noise. There stood Einstein, Dexter's cat, with his tail waving happily in the air. He seemed pleased to his owner. He crouched down before pouncing and landing on Ben's lap.
Ben used his free hand to stroke the cat's head. Damn this cat and his cuteness.
Dexter waited anxiously by the entrance of DexLabs. He paced in circles, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrow. Mr. Green had told him earlier that the recruits were coming home. This has been a rather hard mission so Dexter made sure to give every recruit extra arms. One of them had been Ben. Yes, Dexter worried about all the recruits, but that stupidly handsome brunet was on his mind the most.
The moment he saw Ben walk through those doors, Dexter launched himself at the other teen, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug.
Ben was shocked for a moment, but his brain finally caught up and he wrapped his arms around Dexter's waist, returning the hug with equal force. He whispered in Dexter's ear, "It's okay. I'm home."
At this point, almost every recruit was aware of the tension between the two, so the sight before them did not phase them. All they wanted was for the two to actually kiss and ask each other out.
Dexter pulled away slightly so he could see Ben's face, but he did not let go of him. His eyes were wide with worry, but also relief. He quietly spoke, "I was scared you wouldn't come home."
Ben only smiled reassuringly at him, "Well fear no more. I'm here."
The two stared at each other, the tension growing stronger with each second. It seemed they had the same idea since they both leaned in at the same time.
Before their lips could meet though, exhaustion overtook Ben and his head fell on Dexter's shoulder. He promptly passed out.
Dexter stumbled under the sudden weight, but he shifted so that he could support Ben without either of them falling.
There was a collective groan of annoyance and displeasure from the crowd.
Dexter smiled shyly at them, an apologetic look in his eyes.
Neither of them really knew how they ended up in this situation. They had snuck outside of DexLabs so that Dexter could get some fresh air. What they did not expect, however, was the sudden downpour.
Dexter curled up on himself slightly as he walked, trying to preserve some warmth.
Ben was close at his side, squinting his eyes so he could see ahead. Although, with it being a cloudy night and having nothing but streetlights to illuminate their path, it was useless. He turned to Dexter, "I'm really sorry about this, Dex. I should've checked the weather before I snuck you out."
Dexter smiled at him, "Please don't apologize, Mr. Tennyson. I'm still getting fresh air...and for the record, I haven't encountered rain in quite some time too, so this is acceptable."
Ben couldn't help but chuckle, "I should get you back soon though. They'll have both of our heads if they find out you snuck out, especially in the rain."
Dexter felt his hair dripping as he nodded, "I happily accept that risk whenever I sneak out with you."
Ben looked at the road and blinked, "There's one thing I want to do before we leave." He suddenly jumped into the road and splashed in a puddle.
Dexter yelped in surprise as water flung in his direction. He blinked rapidly, his brain struggling to catch up. He then slowly and cautiously stepped into the road as well, finding a smaller puddle to step in.
"It's fun isn't it?" Ben asked with a goofy smile.
Dexter nodded. He felt his heart bubbling with happiness.
Thus, the two of them spent the next while messing around in the rain. Splashing in puddles, chasing each other, or simply just enjoying getting soaked.
At one point, Ben held Dexter's hand in his and used his other to grab him by the waist and pull him closer, quietly giggling. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against Dexter's. The two of them just smiled at each other for a minute.
Finally, Dexter closed his eyes and leaned in, Ben following suit. Before their lips could touch, a loud clap of thunder echoed in the sky.
Both of them jumped in surprise before they laughed.
"Let's go home," Ben whispered.
They found themselves back in Dexter's lab, talking. Nothing, in particular, was being discussed, just whatever came to mind. Simply a conversation to ease both of their minds.
Ben listened as Dexter talked, but his gaze kept traveling to the redhead's lips. He wanted to kiss him, but given his track record of interrupted kisses, he almost backed out.
The fifth time's the charm, right?
Dexter had stopped speaking for about a minute now. Noticing a lack of response from Ben, he looked up at the alien hero, "Are you alright?"
Ben snapped himself out of his stupor. He laughed apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck. He then sighed and leaned against the table behind them, "Hey, Dex, would it be alright to kiss you?"
Dexter froze at the sudden question and his face burned a bright pink. He looked at the ground, murmuring, "I wouldn't mind at all..."
Ben pushed himself away from the table and stood in front of Dexter, lifting his head up with a hand underneath his chin. He placed the other hand on Dexter's waist.
Dexter placed his hands on Ben's chest and closed his eyes.
Smiling softly, Ben took that as an invitation. He leaned in and finally, finally, their lips met. The kiss was slow and gentle but full of love.
After a long moment, Ben pulled away with a smile. He rested his forehead against Dexter's, "I love you, Dex."
Dexter kept his eyes closed, but felt himself smiling as well, "I love you too, Ben."
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4 times the PPGs thought Ben and Dexter were dating +1 time they confirmed it
I wanna start off by saying thank you to @bk-179 for inspiring me to write this!! One of our conversations about BenDex mentioned the "everyone knew before they did" trope and I had to write it. Thank you bestie!!! Your support has helped me get my inner English teacher going!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let it be known that Blossom was no idiot. No, really. She wasn't. So when she saw what was before her. She pieced it together almost immediately.
A few recruits had come back after a mission. A successful mission. Ben was among the few recruits.
The alien hero was sitting in front of Dexter, jacket off, and arm being gently held by the scientist, who was wrapping bandages firmly around the many scrapes. He would occasionally lean forward and murmur something to Dexter. It would make the small ginger smile softly.
Blossom was intrigued. She watched as Dexter finished patching up Ben, his hands staying in place for a second longer before letting the taller man go.
Oh, she was so going to tell her sisters about this.
Buttercup was asked to retrieve her adopted brother and his...best friend. Professor Utonium wanted Dexter to take a break from his lab, so he sent the daughter he knew could convince Dexter to do so. She, of course, was more than happy. She was always ready for a chance to pick on the feisty redhead.
The raven-haired girl slipped into Dexter's laboratory and waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. She kept as quiet as she could. She wanted to give her brother a scare. As she approached the desk where he worked, she noticed Dexter wasn't alone.
Ben was there too.
Buttercup's eyes widened when she noticed that Ben was standing very close to Dexter, his left hand resting on the scientist's hip. They were leaning over a large piece of blue paper with white lines all over it. She knew they were discussing plans, but was the touching necessary? She cleared her throat and watched with amusement as the two boys jumped away from each other.
"Yes?" Dexter sheepishly asked, his cheeks pink.
"Uhh, yeah, Dad wanted me to fetch you so you can finally take a break from here," Buttercup gestured around the lab.
Dexter nodded, "Ah-yes...I'll be out soon."
Buttercup smirked. She thought Blossom was just overthinking it at first, but now she too believed the two were dating.
Bubbles was ready for bed. She yawned as she stumbled quietly through the halls of her home. She passed by the living room and peeked inside for a moment. She was about to gasp, but quickly slapped a hand over her mouth.
So Buttercup and Blossom weren't just messing with her.
Dexter sat on the couch with his lab coat and gloves off. He was reading a book silently, holding it with one hand. The other hand was stroking Eistein, who slept peacefully by Dexter's side. Ben had his head resting on Dexter's lap, using his jacket as a makeshift blanket.
Bubbles figured that Ben had gotten there first so the cat was forced to sleep by Dexter's side. She looked closer and noticed the few red marks that poked out of Dexter's turtleneck, staining the pale skin.
The blonde girl giggled and hurried away. She definitely had a story to tell her sisters before bed.
Professor Utonium knew the details of many things. He, however, did not know the details of Dexter's relationship with a certain someone. Needless to say, he was surprised when he saw Ben with his arms wrapped around Dexter's waist, resting his head on the ginger's shoulder and looking over a report with him.
Utonium knew the two didn't notice his presence, so he simply let it stay that way. He would be given more time to piece it all together. After his daughters told him their findings, he just assumed they were being dramatic, but there was a small voice in the back of his head screaming at him that the two were together. Especially after Bubbles' story.
Now he knew. They were definitely dating.
Honestly, Utonium thought, good for them. He was happy Dexter finally found someone to settle down with.
Dexter was slightly shaking. He was so nervous. His adopted father and sisters (including DeeDee) were sitting in front of him. He sat next to Ben, holding the brunet's hand tightly. He was the one who asked them all to talk, so he shouldn't be the one scared, but this was something big. At least it seemed big.
Ben just gently rubbed his thumb over the top of Dexter's hand, knowing words were not what was needed right now.
"Um...so...me and Ben...we're dating," Dexter forced out.
"We knew," Blossom finally said.
"Huh?!" Dexter and Ben in unison.
"Yeah, you two weren't exactly the most secretive," Buttercup added, shrugging.
Bubbles and DeeDee just nodded, both of them trying to hold in their laughter.
Dexter buried his face in his hands. He was so embarrassed.
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millie-the-windmill · 9 months
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Shh…the boyfriends are judging
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millie-the-windmill · 2 years
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Me, grabbing Ben by his shoulders and shaking him: Why are you, as a man, always standing next to another man? Because you love him? Because you enjoy his company? Because you feel comforted being around him? Because he smells good? That's kinda gay
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Can you guys tell him and the powerpuff girls are besties? If there are any other fusionfall characters you guys want me to, let me know!
The flags used are the mlm/nblm flag and demisexual flag. These are just headcanons so please be respectful.
Also, I've been searching on google, but I can't find this one image. It's official art (at least it looks official) of Dexter but Bubbles is leaning on his shoulder like she does with Buttercup. Am I the only one who saw that image? 😭 Someone please help me find it. I love the best friend energy it gives off
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4 times Ben got cockblocked by Einstein and 1 time he doesn't
Yeah, so you read the title and I don't know what you're thinking right now, but it is what it is. I know most of my writing has been more fluffy up until now, but I do want to say that this one treads on more PG-13 stuff. Nothing gets completely written out, but there are hints of it more towards the end. So I'm really sorry for this (I am literally so embarrassed writing this) and I hope you all enjoy it! (Btw there WILL come a day when I will write something that isn't a variant of 5+1, but I need to find a prompt to write a short story) Also thank you very much to @weenieuyenie for giving me ideas for this post!!! It helped me a lot so I really appreciate it bestie!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As usual, Ben was inside his boyfriend's lab. He was always careful not to bother him if he was doing something important, but right now, Dexter wasn't going anything too important. So it was a perfect opportunity for Ben to bother him.
Ben watched him work for another minute before stepping closer. He slowly inched his way behind Dexter before leaning down to press a kiss to the back of his neck.
Dexter let out a yelp of surprise and whipped around to face Ben, his eyes wide with surprise. He opened his mouth to speak, but it took a moment before he actually got any words out, "M-Mr. Tennyson, what was that?"
Ben smiled in amusement, tilting his head a little, "A kiss." He then gently grabbed Dexter's arm so that he was fully facing him. He leaned in again so that his lips were mere inches from Dexter's, "Although I'd prefer to kiss you here."
Without wasting any more time, Ben placed his hands on Dexter's waist and closed his eyes, pressing their lips together in a deep and loving kiss.
Dexter's eyes fluttered closed and he took off his glasses, placing them aside before wrapping his arms around Ben's neck and kissing him back.
Ben moved one hand to Dexter's thigh, slowly trailing his fingers upwards and underneath his boyfriend's lab coat. The tips of his fingers brushed over Dexter's belt.
The two of them froze.
Dexter pulled away and raised an eyebrow in confusion. He grabbed his glasses, putting them back on before looking at the ground. His expression softened, "Oh, Einstein." He picked up the cat, holding him against his chest. He pressed a kiss to the cat's furry head, smiling.
Einstein's tail swished side-to-side happily and a faint purring sound could be heard from him.
Ben had to stop himself from groaning.
Needless to say, Ben needed cuddles.
After going on back-to-back missions, he was thankful for a break. So he decided to treat himself by spending some alone time with his boyfriend.
Ben had Dexter in his lap, his arms wrapped around his waist and his face buried in the redhead's neck. His eyes closed as he felt Dexter gently stroking his hair.
A small smile crossed Dexter's face, his head resting against Ben's. He had taken his gloves off so he could feel the softness of his boyfriend's hair. He whispered, "My dear commander..."
At the pet name, Ben's face felt a little warm and he squeezed Dexter, making the scientist let out a small, quiet laugh. Feeling a need for retaliation, he nipped at Dexter's neck.
Dexter's body jolted and he gasped. He stared at Ben with wide eyes and pink cheeks, clearly at a loss for words.
How cute. Ben thought as he continued to kiss and nip at Dexter's soft skin, happily listening to his boyfriend's soft moans.
A sudden weight came down on Ben's shoulder, making him let out a pained noise. He turned his head to see what it was but was met with a face full of fur. Ah, it was Einstein again.
Dexter clicked his tongue before scratching his cat under the chin, smiling fondly at him.
Ben could only lower his head as Einstein perched on his shoulder like he was some hot shot.
The couple was currently in the headquarters cafeteria. To their own surprise, they were early.
Being early also meant they were the only ones in there. Einstein too, of course, since the cat seemed to love being around the two of them whenever he could.
Speaking of the two, they were standing in comfortable silence. Dexter leaned against one of the tables, his arms crossed and his jaw clenched, indicating that he was thinking about something.
Ben had to stop himself from giggling at the sight of his boyfriend staring off into space with a serious look on his face. However, he was smirking. He wondered if Dexter knew of his own habit. He looked around the empty cafeteria, suddenly getting an idea. He glanced back at Dexter, "Hey, Dex."
"Hm?" Dexter's head perked up, but he still looked like he was thinking.
Ben tried to put on his most innocent face, "How about a secret kiss before people come in? Please?"
Dexter's gaze suddenly snapped to him, eyes wide. His posture then relaxed and he got off of the table, moving to stand in front of the taller man. He took his glasses and placed them on the top of his head, looking up at Ben, "Go for it, Mr. Tennyson."
The alien-shifting hero smiled, placing one hand on Dexter's cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to the scientist's lips while admiring the sight of Dexter without his glasses covering his face.
Just before their lips could meet, Einstein let out a loud meow, clearly demanding attention. He was sitting on one of the tables nearby, his tail thumping against the surface as he waited for love.
Dexter covered his mouth with a gloved hand and turned his head away to hide his laugh, trying to spare Ben's feelings. He was clearly amused.
As the sound of people starting to come into the cafeteria filled Ben's ears, he glared at Einstein, feeling very pissed. Damn that cat.
The silence was comforting.
Ben and Dexter had just returned from a mission, both mostly unharmed. However, it doesn't change the worry they both felt when seeing their lover in a battle.
They had taken to hiding out in Dexter's laboratory, sitting against a wall and leaning on each other. Einstein was curled up against Dexter's side, silent except for the slightest rumble of a purr.
Ben moved his arm to wrap around Dexter's shoulders, pulling him closer and having the scientist's head rest on his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of Dexter's head.
Dexter stayed resting against Ben for a long while before slowly pulling away to look up at him with a soft expression. His hand rested against Ben's cheek, gradually pulling him in for a tender kiss.
The alien hero placed one hand on the back of Dexter's head, keeping him close, while the other hand removed the redhead's glasses.
Their kisses started out soft and emotional before delving into more desperate and deep kisses, ones to remind themselves and each other that they were both there and, for the most part, okay.
Ben's hands slid down to Dexter's hips, pulling him closer as their kisses only grew more needy. He froze when he felt something soft rub against his fingers. He reluctantly broke the kiss and looked down, seeing Einstein rubbing his furry cheeks against his hand.
If you asked either one of the boys, Einstein looked almost...sad.
Dexter rested his head back against Ben's chest, slowly petting Einstein as the cat settled into his lap.
Ben rested his head atop Dexter's, one hand on the scientist's back and the other petting Einstein as well.
Yeah, this was fine.
Einstein was sitting on Dexter's lab station, cleaning himself in all his feline glory.
His beloved owner, as usual, was spending his time with the other human wearing a green jacket. The two started off with a simple conversation, but the tension in the room started to grow and now the two were locking lips heatedly.
Einstein, out of respect and love for Dexter, had his back turned on the scene. He blissfully ignored the soft noises coming from his owner. He had the thought of interrupting them once more but decided against it this time.
A cat needs to be cute when they do something irritating after all.
Therefore, Einstein continued grooming himself. He glanced up from cleaning his paw as Dexter was led out of the lab by Ben. His heart yearned to follow them, but he knew where they were going and what their intentions were.
They would need some privacy.
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Bendex in a nutshell. Just this audio,,,
REAL!!! THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT!!! I thought the exact same thing! When I heard that audio for the first time, my first thought was "yeah this is basically BenDex"
I'm so glad someone sees it too!!! Ben is being an absolute idiot and Dexter is just falling in love, while also questioning his taste
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millie-the-windmill · 2 years
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Is my first post really a ship post of these two? Yeah, it is. (Please be nice! If you don't ship it, move on. I'm already very nervous since this is my first post.) Credits for the template are in the image! :)
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BenDex fans come get your food
I forgot a few headcanons so Imma add them here - For no reason, Dexter will put on Ben's jacket if he's not wearing it and it's just laying around -Ben will randomly start poking Dexter's freckles or try counting them. Dexter gave up on trying to stop him -Just for the fun of it Ben will kiss the back of Dexter's hand. He loves how embarrassed Dexter gets by it
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2 times Ben almost confessed +1 time he finally did
Dexter was going on about his latest experiment. He seemed so happy to have someone to explain it to, so Ben decided to not interrupt him, despite not understanding almost everything he was saying. He just watched him with intrigue.
"One of the most vital parts for an experiment to be accurate is to change only one variable at a time. With that in mind, I-"
"Hey, Dex."
Dexter's rant stuttered to a stop. He looked at Ben curiously, "Yes? What is it, Mr. Tennyson?"
"I love..." Ben didn't know why he said that. He didn't know why his voice suddenly went weak. He was just about to confess, but it didn't happen. Maybe it was because it was the wrong timing. Maybe because he didn't know how Dexter was going to react. Maybe because he was worried about losing his best friend.
Dexter tilted his head, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "You love?"
"I love your experiments. They're really cool," Ben murmured. Weak save, but it was an attempt. It wasn't a lie either.
Dexter smiled. His cheeks dusted pink and he looked away as if he was embarrassed, "Thank you."
Ben's heart squeezed. He sighed, "Sorry for interrupting. Keep going."
"Let's see... where was I," Dexter crossed his arms and tapped his finger against his lips. "Oh, right. As I was saying..."
The confession could wait. Ben was certain there would be a good time soon.
"Do you know how dangerous that was, Dex?" Ben took off his jacket which had most definitely seen better days, and placed it over a chair in the kitchen.
The two had just come back from a mission. Dexter had joined them on said mission and although Ben didn't doubt that Dexter knew what he was doing, he pulled a risky move by getting too close to fusion matter just so he could get a good hit in. Had he been any less wise, there was no doubt that the fusion matter would've severely injured him. Not that they weren't injured in the first place, but it was better to have cuts and bruises than huge open wounds.
"I assure you, Ben, I knew what I was doing," Dexter replied, dusting off his lab coat. He didn't sound angry, but there was a misleading calmness to his voice.
Ben narrowed his eyes, "That's not the problem. You were putting yourself in danger."
"Isn't that necessary to win a war? All of our recruits put themselves on the line so we can win," Dexter commented.
Something about that didn't sit right with Ben. He groaned, "Yes, it's okay to take risks, but not stupid ones!"
"I did what was necessary!"
"Surely there was another way!"
"Isn't it enough that we're alive, Ben?"
"But what if I had lost you?!" Ben shouted, gripping Dexter's shoulders.
Dexter's eyes were wide in surprise.
The older teen's eyes burned with unshed tears, "Do you know how scary that thought is? Do you know how much I-"
Do you know how much I love you?
Ben held in a sob as he wrapped his arms around Dexter's waist and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. He buried his face in Dexter's shoulder.
Dexter raised an arm and gently patted Ben's hair, "I'm sorry."
Something about those words and the way Dexter said them made Ben finally break. He cried into Dexter's shoulder, holding him tight, reminding himself that the small scientist that he loved so much was still here.
The confession could wait.
"What's the matter, mon chéri?"
Ben slightly jumped at the sound of Dexter's voice. He looked over his shoulder to see the redhead walking towards him. He smiled, "Nothing much, really. Just needed some air."
He had been standing on the roof of DexLabs and watching the sunset, hands in his pockets, and hair getting ruffled by the wind. He was bored and had returned from running chores for some of the other agents.
"You looked like you were in deep thought, that's all. I was worried something was bothering you," Dexter quietly replied, resting his hand on Ben's cheek.
Ben placed his hand over Dexter's and leaned into the touch. Something was bothering him. He had been meaning to confess for a couple weeks now dammit. He needed the right moment, but between Dexter's experimenting and Ben going on missions, there hasn't been a right moment. Maybe...right now was good. The two were alone and sunsets were romantic, right?
Now or never.
"Dex," Ben started.
Dexter hummed in response.
"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."
Dexter's eyes widened.
"I've done some thinking. I know I'm not as smart as you are, I know I can be a little reckless and a bit of an idiot. I'm not the strongest or the greatest, but Dex...I love you."
The smaller teen took in a shaky breath.
Ben took Dexter's hands, interlacing their fingers, and rested his forehead against the other's, "I love you so much, Dex. I want you to know that."
Dexter opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His cheeks were red. He let out a huff of embarrassment and leaned away so he could rest his head on Ben's chest, "I love you too."
Ben just chuckled, resting his head on top of Dexter's, "You really are too cute sometimes."
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millie-the-windmill · 9 months
You Will Be My Girl
It's been a while, sorry! I've been busy lately and my motivation to write has been on a roller coaster. Either way, I'm back with another FusionFall post. The BenDex server introduced me to the ship of today's post, DeeDee and Numbuh 5. It was a really cute ship idea and I just had to write about it! I'm sorry this isn't very long either. I wrote this in bits and pieces during my free time. I also didn't spend a lot of time revising so my apologies for any grammatical errors! Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Dexterrr!"
Dexter had been working on the blueprints of his latest invention when he heard his sister's voice echoing through his lab. His grip on his pencil tightened, threatening to break it as he willed a headache to stay away. He fully prepared himself to be bothered. He muttered, "DeeDee, please keep your voice down. There is no need to shout. What do you need?"
DeeDee was beside him at record speed, looking oddly nervous. She nibbled on her bottom lip like she tried to think of how to work her dilemma.
"Spit it out. I don't have all day."
"How do you tell someone that you like them?" DeeDee asked. She spoke fast, but not fast enough for the scientist to not catch it.
Dexter almost dropped his pencil, his eyes widening a fraction, "Pardon?"
"How do you-"
"No, I heard you, just-" Dexter cut himself off, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to collect his thoughts. He inhaled deeply through his nose before trying again slowly, "Why are you coming to me for relationship advice?"
DeeDee fidgeted with her dress, "I thought you would know how to show someone you like them. You know, because you and Ben..."
Dexter's eyebrows furrowed, "Ben and I are different people from you and the person you are interested in. What works for one couple might not work for another."
DeeDee started to pace back and forth behind the redhead, unusually antsy, "Well, Ben is friends with Numbuh 5, isn't he? Surely you or him know a few things about her that could help me."
Ah, so that's who she's interested in? Dexter thought. He rested his cheek on his hand, "Oui, they are friends. However, my knowledge of her is not enough to help you with a confession."
The blonde frowned a little. She stopped pacing and tilted her head, looking as if she was thinking. She then sighed before turning to make her way out of the lab.
"Hm?" DeeDee looked over her shoulder.
Dexter's expression softened a little, "Don't go too far to impress her, alright? Just be yourself. I'm sure Abigail will appreciate that more than you know."
DeeDee looked a little surprised for a moment before smiling at her brother, "Thank you." Then she left the lab.
It was approximately an hour and a half later before Dexter heard the sound of someone else entering his lab. He narrowed his eyes as he called out, "DeeDee-"
"It's me, Dex," replied the familiar and amused voice of his boyfriend.
Ben just chuckled before peering over Dexter's shoulder to see what he was working on. He watched in silence for a good minute before speaking, "So your sister has a thing for Abby?"
Dexter sighed, "She told you?"
Ben shrugged, "She caught me and dragged me into a conversation- no, scratch that. She dragged me into an interrogation about Numbuh 5 and what she likes."
"Oh dear," Dexter hung his head.
"You didn't have a gossip teenage girl talk with her?"
Dexter raised his head to give Ben a look.
Ben gave Dexter's rear a light smack, earning a yelp from his boyfriend, "Kidding."
DeeDee and Numbuh 5 were sitting across from each other at a small white table underneath a gazebo. The blonde fidgeted with her hands underneath the table, nervous.
Numbuh 5 simply smiled at her, patiently waiting for her to say what she needed to because clearly, the other girl had something she wanted to say.
DeeDee hesitated before saying, "I...Um...thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I know it's really sudden, but I wanted to tell you something."
Abby tilted her head, curious, but still smiling, "Of course. Tell Numbuh 5 what's on your mind."
DeeDee sucked in a breath before blurting, "I think you're really pretty!"
Abby froze, taking a moment to process the sudden compliment. Her eyes were wide underneath her hat and her cheeks felt a little warm.
"You're not only pretty but also cool, kind, and smart! You're an amazing woman, Abby, and...and so...I..." DeeDee paused and swallowed. She raised her head and looked Abby in her eyes as she exclaimed, "I really really like you!"
A silence filled the gazebo for a moment before a soft giggling could be heard. It took DeeDee a second to realize that Numbuh 5 was laughing. But for what? Did she say something funny?
Abby's laugh grew louder before she calmed down and smiled once more at DeeDee. Her voice was calm and sweet, "You're really cute, you know that?"
DeeDee's heart skipped a beat, "Oh, thank you, I-"
"Numbuh 5 really really likes you too," Abby interrupted her gently. She reached across the table and waited for DeeDee's hand to rest in her's before she raised it to her lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of the blonde's hand. She peeked up through her hat, "Would you allow Numbuh 5 the honor of being-"
"Your girlfriend? Yes, I would love to!" Now it was DeeDee's turn to interrupt Abby.
Abby chuckled, "You really are so cute."
"And so they finally got together," Ben spoke as if he was concluding a story. He smiled at Dexter, whose back was resting against his chest, "Not a bad ending, don't you think?"
Dexter hummed thoughtfully before nodding, leaning further back into Ben's embrace, "Definitely not. I'm happy for her."
Ben kissed the side of Dexter's neck, "It's always the ones that have months of tension and unspoken feelings built up between them."
Well, that sounds awfully familiar to the couple. The scientist made a noise of amusement, "It is, isn't it?"
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millie-the-windmill · 2 years
Ben: Hey Dex
Dexter: Yes, love?
Ben: Let's say, hypothetically, I did something kinda stupid and now everyone is running around and panicking outside...would you still love me?
Dexter: Oh no
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Should I make a Bendex discord server
If you're willing to, it would be amazing!! Let me know the final decision!!
It's such an amazing idea <333
I'm taking all the BenDex content I can get, so this means a lot
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