#dex fan fic
imyourbratzdoll · 9 months
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
 ♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐚 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤 ♡
summary - the apocalypse strikes out of nowhere while you are shopping, thankfully there's a good-looking man that rescues you and makes you fall for him in a short amount of time.
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 4 months
its so nice to see the ship name for Stinex has been catching on all of a sudden
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bagheerita · 7 months
In my SGA watch-through I finished "The Intruder" and then jumped ahead to season 4 (bc i missed Carter and Todd) so I'm back to continue season 2 now. I picked up with "Runner" and WOW this is a really good episode!?
First of all, I always forget that Lorne is such a sassy bitch. Right out of the gate he has NO patience for science of any flavor (a position he theoretically holds constant on through "Remnants"). (There's also a scene at about 5 min, where Sheppard runs up a few steps before turning to talk to Caldwell, just so he can have the high ground on their confrontation and I love it.)
But there is so much in here I never really paid attention to before that sets up Ford and Ronon as narrative foils. Ford is fleeing his friends in search of Wraith. Ronon is fleeing the Wraith in search of friends. Ford is alone to protect himself; Ronon forgoes the company of others to protect them. Ford is so utterly convinced of his own correctness in his theory of persecution he doesn't actually hear a thing McKay says to him, while Ronon (who has actually been persecuted) is so eager to believe everything Sheppard and Teyla tell him that he actually gives them a chance. Ford is obsessed with the shortcut advantage of the enzyme giving him increased strength and wants to use it to "create a whole army of supermen"; Ronon has fantastic strength and combat abilities he got the hard way. Ford says getting the enzyme is "the best thing that ever happened to me"; the next scene is Ronon having a flashback to when not-quite-dying of Wraith was the worst day of his life. Ford accuses McKay of giving up on his friends when it seems rather obvious that Ford is the one who has given up on letting his friends help him; and then Ronon, having just undergone surgery without anesthesia where he allowed someone to help him, tackles Ford to the ground because he's not going to give up on these people he just met.
In the end of the episode though, both Ford and Ronon are unable to return home.
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fruitjedi · 1 year
Chapter 2 of unmatched! Here’s chapter one if you haven’t read it https://www.tumblr.com/fruitjedi/720394908079390720/so-like-heres-chapter-one-of-unmatched-its-a
Fitz (2)
Fitz Vacker had a problem. His whole society in the lost cities depended on matchmaking. For marriage, for children, for everything, and Fitz … Fitz was raised to believe that is how it should always be. He even broke up with his “perfect match” Sophie Foster because she was unmatchable.
Fitz followed the rules of marriage and dating. Until it came to one Dexter Dizznee that is. Dex … Complicated things. Tremendously. Dex was carefree, rule adverse, and the child of a bad match, and Fitz… Fitz didn’t seem to care. Fitz seemed to keep watching him anyway.
Fitz felt the same way about Dex as he did Sophie which was confusing as he liked Sophie and Fitz couldn’t like Dex that way because he liked Sophie romantically and he couldn’t like Dex romantically because that is just wrong it’s worse than a bad match it’s wrong. So Fitz couldn’t act on these feelings. He just couldn’t.
That was until Sophie came along. Sophie had decyphered his feelings for Dex (of course his cognate had he couldn’t keep anything from her) and she thought he should act on them, she thought Dex might even surprise him instead of laughing in his face, and most importantly she thought his feelings towards Dex were valid which was practically unheard of in the lost cities.
Fitz was at home in Everglen when he got a call on his Imparter. He accepted it to see Dex’s smiling face beaming at him.
“Hey, wonderboy!” Dex said excitedly “I’m working on a device that can mimic telepathy and I need a telepaths help”
Fitz smiled. He loved seeing Dex excited about an invention it made Dex so happy to talk about it and it was a joy for Fitz to see. “Why didn’t you ask Sophie?” he asked curiously
Dex sighed “She’s at the Shores of Solace with Keefe”
Given that Dex was Sophies best friend Fitz assumed he knew about her relationship “Yeah, good choice picking me there probably making out”
Dex laughed. A glorious sound that made Fitz’s heart beat faster “Yeah probably so” Dex played with the wrench in his hands “So what do you say? Wanna help me mimic telepathy?”
Fitz smiled. He couldn’t say no to that boy “Yeah of course I’ll be right over”
Fitz light leaped over to Rimshire and was greeted by a snow blast from Lex, Dex’s younger sister. Lex had just gotten her ability and had decided Fitz was the perfect target.
Fitz groaned and went to Dex’s room knocking on the door first. Covered in grease and machinery gunk Dex opened the door smiling. His smile quickly fell, once he saw the top half of Fitz absolutely covered in melting snow.
“I can’t believe she did that to you,” Dex said visibly annoyed
Fitz shrugged “It’s nothing I can’t handle”
Dex sighed “Still, at least let me get you a towel your freezing” Dex went over to his dresser which had a surprising amount of towels on it, and grabbed one before handing it over to Fitz
Fitz smiled and quickly dried himself off “Thanks Dex you didn’t have to do that”
Dex shrugged “Course I did, I asked you to help me and you got blasted by my sister, Anyway my device” Dex walked over to what looked like a modified circlet “This is Transmittertron hopefully it can transmit messages straight into peoples brains”
“That’s really cool! Transmitting is really useful and to have a device do it for you would be really cool”
Dex’s face lit up “ I KNOW RIGHT” Dex walked over to another circlet-like device and brought it over to Fitz “This is the Brain Reader it can read brain waves and stuff I was hoping you could transmit a message to me and I could use this to read it”
Fitz nodded and put on the device “Ok so just like transmit you anything?”
“Anything, I just need to read your brain waves”
Fitz was feeling a little brave so he took all of his courage and transmitted “You kinda look cute with that grease all over your face”
Dex beamed at Fitz before turning over to look at the readings. His face was full of pure excitement as he took those readings and immediately went to work. Several minutes later Dex was out of his “technopathy trance” and turned to Fitz”
“Ok, I’m gonna try transmitting to you. Tell me if you get it”
A moment later “You look kinda cute too” arrived in Fitz’s brain. Fitz beamed he took a leap and instead of falling he just jumped higher than planned. Fitz was over the moon with excitement.
“Yes,” Fitz said “I got your message”
Dex pumped his fist and did a happy dance. Dancing around the room in pure joy.
Then just when Fitz thought he was done Dex made his way over to Fitz and reached out a hand “Wanna dance good sir?” Dex asked giggling nervously
Fitz nodded and took his hand. They had no music, no rhythm, no nothing, But to Fitz dancing with Dex was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For wip ask
Ronon gets mad at sheppard
ooh this is a good one! it's a classic miscommunication trope- ronon finds out john and rodney are together and gets pissed off (for reasons unknown) and john assumes its cause theyre gay and gets pissed off and they act dumb until rodney and teyla scheme and make them get their shit together and talk like adults (this one is almost finished and im gonna post it soon so i dont wanna post spoilers but it has a happy ending i promise)
“Are you two together?” Ronon asked in a cold, harsh tone. John took a step back- he never would have imagined Ronon would react like this, and he suddenly felt protective of Rodney. Since coming to Pegasus, the dangers they faced were from space vampires and crazy societies hell bent on nuclear domination; he had almost forgotten about dealing with petty issues like bigoted beliefs. Would he suddenly have to deal with a homophobic team member? Sheppard glared back at Ronon.  
“Yeah. We are. Is that going to be a problem for you?” John needed to ask, but he really, really didn’t want to hear the answer- especially since he had a sinking feeling he knew what the answer was going to be. Ronon narrowed his eyes at John, and took a few steps closer, towering over him. John hardened his glare.  
“I’m not the one with the problem.” Ronon growled, and with a final glare at Rodney still sleeping, he turned and stalked away.  
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thegreatcrowdragon · 2 years
A little more lore on the whole Pokemon-human fusion thing
There's only one person who managed to survive the experiments, a girl who was fused with Shaymin. The powers, however, proved to be too powerful for her, as she pretty much instantly destroyed the entire building, turning it into an overgrown mess. She disappeared along with the other test subjects, whom she took with her. They all live with each other in a “family” of sorts, and they all refer to her as “big sis”. 
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Hai!! Can you do a dexven fic where Raven spot Dexter kissing Cupid on the chicks ( perharps smutty? Between dexven)
First no hate to Cupid. Not here to villainize her or throw hate at her this is just for the fic purpose
Anyway I’m a ride or die Dexven shipper and while I appreciate dex/cupid shipper Dexven is the one for meee
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
Raven didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t this. Briar had organized a party for some occasion she couldn’t remember and to say it was… intense would be an understatement.
Streamers and banners lined the walls, two lines of tables filled to the brim with food and drinks, she’d even managed to get a disco ball.
“Come on Raven! We’ll be old hags by the time you get moving.” Raven listened to Apple as she pulled her further and further in the hall, leading her to Grimm knows where.
In truth she didn’t really want to be there, she had already had a full booked weekend and a party on a Monday night was not something on her bingo card.
But after all her friends urged her, saying it wouldn’t be the same without her, she’d obliged and now here she was getting dragged by Apple.
“Raven!” The two girls turned to look at Darling who was speed walking to them. They slowed down and walked in pace with a slightly panting Darling.
“Everything ok?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah Dexter asked me to tell you that he was looking for you.”
“And he couldn’t tell her himself because…?
“Oh it was in case he couldn’t find her.”
Raven felt her heart flutter a little at the mention of the one prince who made her heart swoon. Maybe it was because he was one of the only people who didn’t treat her like a monster when he first saw her or-.
“Last I know he was by the photo booth.” Raven blinked as she realized she’d been lost in thought. Heat of embarrassment made its way to her cheeks as she nodded at Darling.
“Thank you.”
She quickly walked off, a small pep in her step as she looked around. Hoping to catch a glimpse of his dark hair or blue eyes, eyes that seemed to mesmerize her.
But as she made it to the photo booth, Dexter was knower to be seen. In fact the only people near were a group of fan girls and Daring by a table.
Raven internally sighed as she made her way over. She’d figure that his brother would have seen him if he was here earlier.
“-and then I unleashed my sword at the dragon-.”
“-fire blasted everywhere and… oh hi Raven, what are you doing here.”
Raven gritted her teeth, she really didn’t have the patience today and Daring was testing to its limits. “Just wondering where Dexter is.”
Daring paused for a second, turning his attention to her and behind her head searching for his brother. “Sorry but I haven’t seen him.”
She quietly thanked him and walked off in further search.
Dexter pushed through heaps of dancing bodies as he searched for Raven. Hoping to catch a glimpse of her violet eyes or ebony hair.
Tonight was the night, he’d decided, that he would finally confess to Raven his feelings for her. It seemed the right time after spending the last few weeks together constantly.
Suddenly as he passed by the photo booth he turned his head as he thought her heard her voice. Sure enough there he found Raven talking to… to Daring.
Why did she always have to be talking to Daring? Whenever he seeked her out, surprise surprise guess who is there making her smile. Daring.
He felt agitation rise within him, felt a bitter sort of jealousy as she walked closer to his brother.
Without an other word he spun on his heel, walking straight to an open table without looking in front of him.
He heard a feminine shriek as he slammed straight into a girl. “Oh Grimm I’m so sorry- Cupid? Here let me help you up.” Cupid giggled as he offered his hand, dusting her dress off.
“It’s ok. Accident happen. Anyway why do you look so glum? Not enjoying the party?” She lead them to the table, sitting next to him on the couch.
“No… it’s just- never mind. How’s your night going Cupid.” The girl smiled, her eyes lighting up as she scooted closer her heart bursting.
“Oh it’s going alright. Although… I really want to dance.” She fluttered her lashes at Dexter hoping that the message came across loud and clear.
Sometimes boys were slow.
“Then would you care to dance?” Cupid was jumping up before he could finish his sentence, pulling him up with her and practically running to the dance floor.
Just then a slow, gentle love song from some famous singer came on. Cupid rested her cheek on Dexters shoulder, a content smile on her face.
They swayed in the music for what felt like forever for her. The atmosphere screamed romantic and the buzz inside her yelled at her to test the waters.
So Cupid lifted her head, gazing directly to a seemingly distracted Dexter as she rose to the tiptoes. She’d kiss him and see where things went from there.
Dexters eyes widened as he saw Cupid reaching up, her lips slightly puckered and her eyes fluttering closed. He didn’t want to kiss her, so in his panic he turned his head.
He didn’t want to embarrass the poor girl, clearly he was giving her mixed signals. Instead he turned his head and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
Raven found Dexter pretty quickly after, it was hard to miss him when he was standing in the middle of the dance floor with Cupid, swaying to some love song.
She thought her heart couldn’t construct much more, that she couldn’t feel more jealous and remorseful as she watched them.
But then his lips met her cheek, and his kissed her.
Raven let out an unconscious gasp, her hand clutching her skirt tightly as she went to run off. Yet as she did her eyes suddenly met his own.
They stared at each other for only a second before Raven tan off, her mind dizzy and swimming with endless possibilities. Did she get it all wrong?
Did she think Dexter liked but instead she was getting mixed signals? Maybe she read into it too much. Besides they weren’t even a thing, or anything close to one.
She paused in her steps, shivering as the cool air hit her bare skin. She watched as Dexter ran after her, his eyes nearly frantic.
“Wait please!”
She did. Grimm curse her she did and stayed rooted on the spot as he now stood before her, his hair softly blowing in the wind as she stared at her.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
She tilted her head, why was he even concerned with telling her this when they so clearly weren’t together.
“I don’t understand…”
“The kiss with Cupid. It’s not what it looks like.”
Dexters eyes were searching her face, no doubt for any hints of what she was feeling. Instead Raven gave him a friendly smile as she stepped forward.
“There’s nothing to explain. It’s very clear Dexter.”
“I know but-.”
“You really don’t need to. I completely understand.”
“You do! Oh thank Grimm I-.”
“We are just friends after all. So it doesn’t… matter.”
Dexter was left to gaze at where Raven once stood as she gave him a little smile and walked of.
Friends… of course they were friends.
If I had a coin for every time these two unintentionally friend zoned one an other I’d be riiicchhh
Anyway got science exams starting Monday and safe to say is that I’m going to kms because tf do you mean I already have exams
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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crippling-pages · 2 months
~mya's (new) intro post~
Hello there! My name is Mya! And this is my intro post! <3
Facts About Me:
Mya [] Girl [] She/her [] Minor [] 13-17 [] Aromantic Asexual (Aro/Ace) [] Arab [] Bookworm [] Writer [] Quotevain [] Swiftie [] OneRepublic Fan [] Pinterest Addict [] Tam Song Obsessed [] Tam Song x Biana Vacker is my life []
Keeper of the Lost Cities [] LEGO: Ninjago [] LEGO Friends [] Percy Jackson [] Hooky (Webtoon/Book) [] Lockwood & Co. [] Shatter Me [] The False Prince/The Ascendance Trilogy [] The Land of Stories [] A Tale of Magic [] A Good Girl's Guide To Murder [] Five Survive [] Trolls [] The Reappearance of Rachel Price [] The Inheritance Games [] Fairy Tale Reform School [] Royal Academy Rebels [] Miraculous Ladybug [] Malibu Rescue [] Erin & Aaron [] Sonic the Hedgehog [] Richie Rich (2015) [] Ducktales (2017) [] and more! <3
KOTLC: Tam and Biana {} Dex and Stina {} Sophie and Keefe {} Fitz and Dex {} Keefe and Fitz {} Linh and Marella {}
PJO/HoO: Percy and Annabeth {} Nico and Will {} Frank and Hazel {} Jason and Piper {} Leo and Calypso
Ninjago: Cole and Vania {} Nya and Jay {} Zane and Pixal {} Kai and Skylor {}
LEGO Friends: Mia and River {} Emma and Ethan {} Emma and Matthew {} Olivia and Jacob {} Mia and Martin {} Olly and Paisley {} Leo and Zac {} Zac and Sky {} Nova and Liann {}
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy and Lockwood {} George and Flo {}
Hooky: Dorian and Monica {} Dani and Nico {} Will and Damien {}
Miraculous Ladybug: Chat Noir and Marinette {} Ladybug and Chat Noir {} Marinette and Adrien {} Marinette and Luka {}
Sonic the Hedgehog: Silver and Blaze {} Sonic and Amy {} Amy and Shadow {} Knuckles and Rouge {}
FTRS/RAR: Gilly and Jax {} Heath and Devin {} Sasha and Logan {}
The Inheritance Games: Max and Xander {} Avery and Jameson {} Nash and Libby {}
Other: Pip and Ravi {} Bel and Ash {} Red and Arthur {} Conner and Bree {} Branch and Poppy {} Chote and Gina {} Tobias and Amarinda {}
-My Quotev Account
-My Ao3 Account
Some of My Fanfics:
"Hashtag Hilarious" - A KOTLC Human AU, with Tam and Keefe being besties and roommates; one day, Keefe convinces Tam to make a shared social media account together. Chaos follows.
"Lilies For Lilly" - A Ninjago fanfic in where it's the anniversary of Cole's mother's passing, and this time, he goes to drop off some Lillies.
"Don't Touch Me (Don't Talk To Me)" - A Trolls one-shot, in where Branch let's himself be rude to John Dory (A second part to this is called "Wet William" which is Bruce's turn).
"Random Hooky Stuff" - Just some Hooky content there's almost 0 out there. Drabbles, headcanons, incorrect quotes, ships, fluff, and angst. All of the above!
"Tiana One-Shots, Skits, Memes, And More!" - A Quotev book with a bunch of Tiana (Tam and Biana) related content is in, blessing the world with more Tiana.
"KOTLC Characters React And Have Fun!" - A Quotev fanfic in where the KOTLC crew react to human stuff and just have fun.
"5 Days {KOTLC Sleepover Fic}" - A KOTLC Sleepover Fic on Quotev, and this sleepover lasts all week. Drama appears, and fun memories are made.
Some Fanfics in The Drafts (or in my head)
KOTLC Human Coffee Shop AU ("Keepers of the Coffee")
KOTLC Rewrite
KOTLC Human Musician Mash Up Tour AU
KOTLC Road Trip AU
Ninjago Movie Secret Identity AU ("Two Faces Of the Same Life")
Ninjago Regular/Human Tea Shop AU
Ninjago Normal Life ("Cuckoo Crazy")
Hooky High School/College AU
Percy Jackson x KOTLC Crossover
Ninjago x KOTLC Crossover
Hooky Coffee Shop AU
KOTLC Hogwarts AU
KOTLC Song Twins Circus AU
Some Quotes:
"Because when I annoy, I annoy hard." -Tam Song, Nightfall.
"Look, I know I don't talk about it, but it happened to me before. Losing someone dear to me. I can't let that happen again." -Lockwood, to Lucy.
"Better question; are you a narc?" -Tiny Diamond
"I am the M.C... the Mighty Cole!"  -Cole, Rebooted
"I guess I'll just send some happy shadow thoughts into your head." -Tam Song, Flashback 
"-And dying to see Tam. My sister's a fan of silver bangs." -Fitz Vacker, Unlocked.
"Quick, quick Tell me something awful Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy" -I Hate It Here, Taylor Swift
"Kill him then claim my throne and my queen." -Dorian Wytte, to Monica. 
"I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid" -You're on Your Own, Kid, Taylor Swift
"Dude, save your daddy issues for another time." -Tam Song, Neverseen.
"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean you stop trying." - Tam Song, Legacy.
Side Blogs: @flasher-boi-endal @a-poet-yet-forced-finance-guy
DNI IF: Homophobic, racist, sexist, Trump fan, Israel supporter, etc etc. THIS IS A SFW BLOG! PLEASE RESPECT THAT!
That's about that! <3 Have a beautiful day or night! Mya out!
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kcrabb88 · 1 month
Starting to toodle around with my QuinObi week fics, and made myself laugh with parts of this one for the sick fic and/or tender kiss prompt (in which Obi-Wan has a migraine)
“Make a noise if you’re alive, babe. I’m enough of a medic to do mouth to mouth, but--”   Sprawled on the bed in a pair of sparring trousers and a commemorative t-shirt from Dex’s, Obi-Wan cracks his eyes open.  “I said make a noise, not open your eyes.”  “Brain’s not working,” Obi-Wan mutters, and he runs a hand through his grown-out hair. “As there’s currently a set of Gamorrean dueling knives slicing through the space behind my right eye.”  Quin bites back a laugh and brushes a thumb along Obi-Wan's hairline. “I know. Stay still a sec. Gonna give you this so maybe those knives will go away.”   He places the hypo Bant gave him against Obi-Wan's neck and dispenses the medication. At even the prospect of relief, some of the tension in Obi-Wan's body releases. The curtains cover the window entirely to block out any light, and Quin has set a fan next to Obi-Wan's bed—that usually helps with his migraines. Obi-Wan, who far-too-often in these days since Qui-Gon's death considers asking for personal help as some kind of failing that applies to him and him alone, still becomes a younger version of himself when one of these strikes. Vulnerable. More willing to accept assistance—from Quin, at least.   “Thank you, dearest.” The sliver of blue visible in Obi-Wan's barely open eyes shines with appreciation and a little bit of mirth. “Now, about that mouth to mouth--”  Quin snorts. “You don’t need it. You’re breathing just fine.”   “You’re a cruel Kiffar denying me things when I’m so very ill.”   Rolling his eyes, Quin presses a brief but warm kiss to Obi-Wan's mouth, and amusement catches in the back of his throat when Obi-Wan doesn’t quite want to let go.  “If the medicine doesn’t work,” Quin tells him with a wink, “we can try some other things instead. Right now, I’m pretty sure too much movement would make you throw up.”  
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moistvonlipwig · 2 months
supercorp 1 8 9 16 20
right on 🫡
What is my absolute favorite of their scenes and why do I love it so much?
Oh I don't know...there are many good classic scenes. For the sake of spicing it up I'll talk about a moment that I don't often see people discuss and that is actually from an episode that I otherwise don't really like, namely: the scene in 5x19 where Kara is on the ground with kryptonite coursing through her veins and then Lena's anti-kryptonite device flies in and attaches itself to her suit and before it's even started working, Kara smiles and laughs. Just...the fact that Kara is in (if we are to believe her assessment in S3) incredible pain and that doesn't even matter to her because Lena's on her side again. I think that's a really sweet moment and it captures a lot of what I wish S5 & S6 had been about for them lol.
8. Am I most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
Angst, humor, & plot are all good with me. Fluff & smut tend to bore me.
9. What is my ideal endgame for them?
Hm, I could envision several good endgames for them (none of which include Lena being a witch or Kara becoming editor-in-chief or revealing herself to the world lol). I think ideally Kara would eventually become known as Superwoman and maybe would become more of an independent freelance journalist, while Lena would run the Lena Luthor Foundation which presumably funds Good Things. Lena would keep kryptonite on hand in a secret vault in case of emergency and Kara would be cool with it, and Lena would also design all kinds of suits & accessories for Kara (sorry Brainy but your Supergirl suit design was not very good). I like the idea of Kara having a longer, more stately cape especially as she grows older and more confident.
I do think they'd both want to get married, probably in a Kryptonian or Kryptonian-inspired ceremony. I think they should get a cat or a dog or both. I like lena-in-a-red-dress's fic where Lena adopts Dex-Starr the Red Lantern cat so let's say their cat is Dex-Starr. And their dog can be Rex from sango-blep's comics. Rex is cute.
I like the idea of them having kids, though I also think they'd be OK without them. If they did have kids I think the kids would be Luthors, not Danverses or Luthor-Danverses. They would also probably be created via birthing matrix or a similar technology invented by Lena because I can't imagine either Kara or Lena wanting to get pregnant lol. I like Leo Alexander as a name for a boy. I'm less sure about names for girls (maybe Sasha? Elizabeth? Linda?) but I don't like Lori, I know that's popular because of an old comic where Lena has a daughter named Lori but I am not a fan.
16. What are three of my fic recs for this ship? And (in the event that I’ve written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I’m most proud of?
Catfishy Business by whythinktoomuch is an iconic and deeply funny fic.
lena dies on a wednesday by karalovesallthegirls is a GREAT time loop fic that ingeniously puts us in the shoes of someone who doesn't know they're in a time loop. I think you've said you've read it? Still, it bears re-reading.
There are so many other great fics I could rec but I'll rec one that is a little bit lesser-known, since I've already named two very well-known fics. Which is and darling (is there a cure for this hunger?) by m_oliverfan, aka There Are Consequences To Sending Nyxly To Eternal Torment Land, Actually.
I've only finished one fic for SC so far which is laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it, which I believe you've also read. ^_^
20. How and when should they have gotten together?
I think in a better S5 where they started talking to each other sooner -- end of 5x13 would've been a good time -- and had some time to work through some stuff, I could see an end-of-S5 confession or kiss working. In terms of the actual show, which was never very good at writing romance, I think a Korrasami-style 'they end up together or are implied to end up together as part of Kara finding herself' would've charmed me.
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amberlynnmurdock · 8 months
to celebrate ill post chapter 1 of my dex fic TONIGHT HEHEHE
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imyourbratzdoll · 9 months
Hello! I was wondering if you can do something with dex from zombieverse? I recently finished the show. Maybe like a zombie au version with fluff? Like how they protect each other and like little sweet simple cute actions if that makes sense like when she gets cold etc 😭 I feel like dex is being slept on since I haven't found anything like an x reader. He deserves some love 🙏
hi! hi! hi! thank you, thank you, thank you for requesting him!!!!! I've been wanting to write for him since I saw the show and how hot he was!! I really hope you enjoy this and feel free to request more of him in the future!
summary - the apocalypse strikes out of nowhere while you are shopping, thankfully there's a good-looking man that rescues you and makes you fall for him in a short amount of time.
warning - zombies.
I couldn’t find a gif, the picture isn’t mine:(, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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You thought going out and getting some essentials from the grocery store was going to be fine, what you didn’t expect to see was people being attacked or dragged into the back room with your hand still gripping your bag. “Hey! Hey! What’re you doing?!” You yell, slapping whoever’s hands are on you only to stare wide-eyed at a zombie coming in your direction, a small scream escaping you. “Okay! Keep dragging me! But quickly! We’re gonna die!” 
You both make it into the room, door slamming and you turn to finally look at who it was. Your eyes widen and your jaw falls to the ground. “Holy shit, you’re hot!” If it was even possible, your eyes widened even more, slapping your hand over your mouth as the rest of the people in the room laugh. You quickly bow your head and move over to the table taking a seat. 
Thirty minutes go by and everyone has come up with a plan. You can’t help, but sneak glances at the man in the green tracksuit only to turn away flushed when he continued to catch you. Someone snaps you out of your thoughts with a groan, complaining that they are hungry. “Oh!” You pull your bag up, waving it around as there’s some snacks and drinks packed inside. “I remember packing this in here so I didn’t have to grab a basket. Here.” You hand it over, watching them tip the contents out and go through them, sneakily you grab a bottle and some food before making your way over to the man that saved you. “Excuse me…” 
He turns, staring down at you. “I thought that you might like some before it’s all gone.” You hand the food and drink over shyly. Dex smiles, taking them from you.
“Thank you… I am Dex, by the way.” 
You grin, “Y/n. Thank you for saving me.” You continue to stare into each other’s eyes, only looking away when someone clears their throat. You both turn and pay attention, you feel a soft poke causing you to look over your shoulder and see that Dex is offering you some of his food. You didn’t know it was possible to fall in love so fast. 
Your eyes widen even more. “Huh?!” Your head whips around, seeing everyone is staring at you with their eyes wide and jaws dropped. “Did I say that outloud?!” The women begin to giggle, covering their mouths before they direct the attention back to their planning. 
Dex taps you again, looking down at you with a gentle smile. Without any words, he offers his drink and you feel yourself become flushed when you realise he’s already taken a sip and it’s like you would be kissing him. You didn’t know what was wrong with you, you had only just met this man and you’ve already confessed your love and now your thinking about kissing him… He was very handsome though. “Thank you… I’m sorry about before…” 
He waves you off and you swear your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as his eyes drift over you, checking you out. Time passes, you and the remaining survivors have made it into a truck, tucked away in the back as two members of the group sit in the front, driving. You shiver, you weren’t expecting to be out all night so you didn’t dress for when it got extremely cold, your head was also drooping to the side from how tired you were, but you didn’t dare sleep. You didn’t want to fall asleep incase something were to happen. 
You don’t notice the recently nominated leader beside you, watching you or that he unzips his green and white jacket until he places it over your shoulders, giving you a smile. Dex pats his shoulder, pulling you closer gently as you rest your head against him. Slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep, he smelt so good even though you’d been through so much. The group watched as you slept and Dex stared at you with a small smile on his face before looking out and watching for danger. Something inside him wanting to make sure you weren’t in danger. 
You wake when the truck comes to a stop, squinting out you notice there is another truck and a car blocking the road. Everyone gets out and you pull Dex’s jacket closer to you, slipping your arms through the sleeves so that you aren’t so cold. “What’s happening?” You cover your mouth as you let out a small yawn, leaning your head against his arm, subconsciously. 
“We can’t get through unless we move them, but we’ve noticed that this is a delivery truck so we’re going to check for essentials.” You nod, listening to him.
“Why don’t we just drive around? There is enough room?” You look at the road, wondering how you are in a group of not the brightest people. “But we take the delivery truck. We could either fit inside or find a secluded place to look through and find what we might need.” You look up at him, noticing he’s staring down at you with a look of admiration. “What?”
“Maybe you should be leader.” You shake your head with a small smile, “I mean it. We could lead together? I’m sure that the group would allow it.” He nods to himself and you stare at him, this is the most he’s talked this whole time together and you only just realise he talks the most when he’s around you and no one else. 
Lee Si-young appears behind you. “I am happy to give up my position, I didn’t really want it in the first place and you two seem like a better team.” She smiles and before you can think about thanking her, she disappears. 
“Zombies! Quick!” Dex wraps his arms around you, moving you away just in case. You whack him.
“You dumbarse, if you are protecting me, who’s protecting you?” Your cheeks puff out, glaring up at him.
“Shh, get back into the truck.” You comply, something in his tone makes you want to obey him and only him. 
You guys manage to get both trucks and drive to somewhere where it looks safe and secluded before you all begin to search the delivery truck. Dex finds some chocolates and begins to make his way over to you, clearing his throat so you can turn your attention toward him.
“Here…” He hands them over, looking down at his feet and your face heats up, a soft smile appears as you gently take them from him and grab his hand, pulling him somewhere away from the group and you sit, pulling him down with you. 
You open the packet and hand him one, your eyes connecting as you both take a bite of the chocolate. Neither of you notice that the group has hidden behind something, heads peaking out as they all watch you with giant smiles on their face.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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potatus-et-molassus · 2 months
for explanation I’m obsessed with charli xcx right now so ofc I’ve got to project that onto one of the keeper characters for my current fic!! i accept propaganda!!!! brattiest charli xcx fan can mean whatever u want
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doylldonmagar · 1 year
Thoughts about fandom culture:
Something really cute that fans do is when they adore the very very minor characters and give them fanart and fanfics and theories and storyline of their own. Sometimes I forget that some characters only had a few scenes because I see so much fan love for them.
A few examples are Brad (and to some degree Morro) from Lego Ninjago, Dex from KotLC, most of Harry Potter's friends, multiple characters in Carmen Sandiego (2020), Madge Undersee from The Hunger Games (although a lot of hunger games fics have friend groups with cato, clove, thresh, rue, etc; despite them not have much actual screen/page time), a fair number of Percy Jackson characters, and some others that I can't think of right now.
Like these characters have very limited screen/page time. And that's not to say they are unimportant or don't have impact on the story or other characters, but they get so little content about them but fandoms absolutely fall in love with these minor characters and its so precious to me
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
girl I don't know how to send you private messages so I'm doing it here (you don't have to post it if you don't want to) I READ YOUR FAN FIC BIANEX AND THE MOMENT WHERE DEX KISSED HER THE SECOND TIME MADE ME SCREAM please make another fan fiction with sokeefe watching a movie (Keefe is multilingual) and at the end they kiss or something MAKE SURE I HAVE BUTTERFLIES IN THE BELLY AHHH I REALLY LIKE YOUR WAY OF WRITING
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
John felt himself smiling. The tension in his chest lessened slightly as he thought to himself. Ronon was right. Nothing could stop John from finding Rodney
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