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who: dewey and delphi where: lake party @backmaskcd
"hey delphi!" dewey yelled to her and jogged up until he was in front of her now. "i saw you at the set but didn't get a chance to talk after. what'd you think of it? did you like it?"
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dewey let out a small sigh of relief he hadn't even realized he'd been holding in when she said she'd still like to go on the date. "awesome," he said giving a smile, "as for the questions if you had any for me i'd be happy to answer. i know it's a lot and i don't expect you to just like. . be on board one hundred percent or even at all if that's what you weren't comfortable with but i just wanna do this right, i don't want to just spring something like that on you."
If she was being honest, Delphi didn't really know how she felt about any of the information she had just learned. It was nerve wracking enough to confess her feelings to any degree; but she'd never even thought about having a relationship where she shared her partner. "I guess.... I don't know how I feel about it." He was being open with her; the least she could do is return the favor. "I've never been in this situation before." She chewed on her lower lip for a moment before nodding. "Yeah; I would still like to go on a date with you. Learning that doesn't make the way I feel about you vanish. It just.... makes more questions pop up that I need to sort though."
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Piers Polkiss - the Bully
If you're a JK fan, you may know that Rowling takes great care in naming her characters something that gives the readers an inclination as to their purpose and their goals; the less obvious ones present a puzzle. I enjoy researching and finding hidden or obvious meanings in names and I'll briefly cover the more obvious examples to keep you intrigued before I cover the more difficult-to-pin-down Piers Polkiss.
I confess here and now though that some connections I have made may only be circumstantial suppositions, but will explain my thought processes that led to the presented conclusion.
Remus Lupin is so painfully obvious, it's a miracle none of the students guessed that he was a werewolf upon introduction. Romulus and Remus are the legendary infant brothers raised by a wolf who went on to found Rome. Lupin, lupine... dog, you get the picture.
Many of the names from the Black family tree are stars, contellations, or star clusters (many of which have greek or latin mythos attached to them): Sirius (a star in the dog constellation), Bellatrix, Andromeda, Pollux, Orion, Regulus, and Draco too as his mother was a Black.
Narcissa is no star, but her name is the feminine form of Narcissus, a greek god who fell in love with his own reflection.
Nymphadora is an obvious nod to the greek nymphs who could change their female like forms into a tree and vice versa, an obvious nod to the character's abilities as a metamorphagus.
Lucius, another name for 'the enemy' who is pleasing to the eye. You know, Lucifer?
Lily and Petunia are named for flowers and Dudley means a dewey meadow.
Hermione is a main character and perhaps was thought of more thoroughly, so her name might deserve the same attention. Her name is the feminine form of Hermes the greek messenger god who was at odds with Apollo (the god in whose temple resides the prophetic vessel called delphi) until he gave him a lyre he made and he was loved and hated as a child by the goddess Hera for his half-blood parentage (moreso because Zeus had committed adultry than because of his mother I assume). Later Hermes was acknowledged as a full god and became part of the Olympian instead of a demi-god as his parentage should have decided. And if you've read Percy Jackson and the Lightning theif you may know that he is considered patron of thieves and travelers. Hermione, had a falling out with the discipline of divination in her third year and while not a halfblood, was considered inferior or the best, depending on who had the opinion. And let's not forget she had all those handy travel items as well as a bag she could very well have kept the four winds in if she'd wanted. Also, she often seems to act like a vengeful or patron greek godess on occasion: Rita Skeeter and the jar, Edgecombe and the zits, Harry and the coins, her parents and their memories - take your pick. I wouldn't be surprised if her preliminary name had been Athena or Minerva as I am strongly reminded of situations with Arachnia, Perseus, Achiles, Medusa, and the like.
As you can see, JK Rowling thinks much of what she names her characters, often too much if she changed her mind about Hermione's middle name partway through the series; she didn't want Hermione to have the same middle name as Umbridge, whose first name Dolores means lady of sorrows. I hope this all was intriguing enough to expound upon Rowling's tendency for meaning and symbolism in her naming of characters. If she had known the cerberus means what it does, she totally would have renamed Fluffy as Spot.
With that, we'll move on to the little seen, little used character of Piers Polkiss. Piers was easy to search for and ascertain the intended meanings; it is Stone or Rock, from Latin. But English is a verbal language, not just a written one. The word 'peers' sounds the same as the name JK picked. Multiple word and contexts come to mind: peer pressure and peers into the gloom for instance. So I may have to factor those into any refined and derived meaning if JK had the character actually do or be any of those things.
One might say he succumbed to peer pressure to chase and beat up Harry, and that peer pressure was exerted by he and Dudley to prevent the freak from having and friends, again by chasing and beating them. Or one might say his fist or his presence is hard like a rock when he means it to be. One could say he looked for Harry often, or actually JK said that when she said Dudley's gang chased Harry until he suddenly found himself on the roof of the school. She also said the gang chased away potential friends and that they chased him from the park.
At first, Polkiss was a tough customer, but eventually after looking at a bunch of similar sounding names I may have discovered JK's motivation behind naming Dudley's friend who goes to the London Zoo with the Dursleys and participates in the bullying of his friend's cousin.
I skimmed over the obvious "we know it all" posts on his name that are word for word on the Google search engine. The name meaning website I trust the most, even with serious holes in their library, is at familyeducation.com and they didn't have Polkiss or Polkis, but they had Polk, Polak, Palczewski, and others, which seemed to suggest that the character was of Polish descent (possibly Jewish-Polish) or an immigrant, which I can easily picture because desperately wishing for any friend can make it very easy for someone to become someone they'd disdain.
I almost embraced this definition, but I kept looking for the ironic twist JK sometimes likes to insert into the names of her literary works. After all, if I can be embarrassed to discover that the revered and mysterious parseltongue language (by readers and fanfiction authors obviously) really is what it sounds like when someone with a hissing lisp says "partial tongue", then I would have to consider other avenues that might be ironic social commentary, especially of the place where she grew up and writes of (the UK). After all, she did make Hermione into an ineffective symbolic William Wilberforce for the enslaved house elves.
So I ineffectively searched for historical meaning of kissing a pole, perhaps even a maypole, but found no valuable source material. I realized I was thinking too hard about something that should be simple and immediately went back to sifting through more similar sounding names and almost immediately struck paydirt.
It was when I read the meaning of Palka that I read this:
"Polish (Pałka) : from pałka‘truncheon’, ‘club’, used as a nickname applied either to a thin or stiff person, or to one who used a truncheon as a weapon."
I looked up images of 'truncheon' and as soon as I saw these photos I thought of Dudley and his fancy school cane which he used to hit things. Then I thought how uncanny it was that Polkiss could sound like the word 'police', and since the UK has no shortage of unrefined slurs for keepers of the peace like "copper" someone who can be bribed with a copper piece to look the other way, it is easy to see that JK may have meant for Polkiss to have one purpose and one purpose only.

So, yes Piers is a variation of Peter which means rock, but it also sounds like the word 'peers' like someone searching for you like Piers often did or like 'peers' because he's in Harry's age group and pressured him and them to exert his 'authority'. But Polkiss, I suspect is rooted from JK's desire to label him immediately and irrevocably as a bully who looks for Harry so that he can hit him with a big stick.
#piers polkis#piers polkiss#cerberus#fluffy#sirius#hary potter#names#jk rowling#symbolism#meaning#literary foreshadowing#puzzle#black family#hermione#hermes#remus lupin#romulus#remus#rome#character#character name#naming characters#apollo#zeus#hera#athena#minerva#greek themes#palka#bully
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Self-mastery & The Role Of Consciousness In Creating Reality
For ages, mystics, philosophers, and prophets have declared mind or consciousness as the prima materia of the universe—one of the original substance that gives rise to all else. Consciousness is so essential to experience and yet remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern times. Mind, as defined by the ancients, is consciousness itself, more than just logic, reason, or mind chatter, it is also an order-maker, bringing coherence to chaos, and life to the unliving. Although mainstream science has failed to discover what the ancients long knew, other pioneers have begun to recognize its power, albeit indirectly. The way in which life organizes a physical body is one such example, as researchers have previously discovered.
Electric Universe theory is the study of phenomena, whether the very small or the very large, governed by the premise that the physical cosmos is fundamentally electric in nature. This field of study, although completely dismissed by the majority of mainstream scientists, provides breathtaking insights into the nature of material reality, where gravity comes from, how the solar system and atom are governed, and even the nature of consciousness.
Another researcher, Rupert Sheldrake proffers the theory of morphic fields and resonance, that is, the non-material forces that govern mind. Morphogenetic fields, also something posited by Sheldrake, suggests that biological expression—the morphology or shape a living thing takes—seems to be similarly governed by electrical processes. According to Sheldrake, and several others, like Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dewey B. Larson, and many more—suggest that mind and electrical interactions are intimately linked.
While the nature of mind and consciousness is little understood, especially within fields of study ostensibly tasked with divining its true nature, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest life and consciousness is a field phenomenon.
Phantom pain associated with amputated limbs is one such indication. Similarly, electrical and magnetic fields affect the formation of living tissues, as the following video demonstrates.
Briefly, electromagnetic interactions are dynamic in nature, meaning that they are constantly in flow and flux, an ever-moving river of energy at the smallest imaginable scale. Microcosmic interactions are holistically integrated with the macrocosm, as the emergence of life at any given point on the earth is influenced by the geomagnetic field, which in turn is influenced by the sun/earth system, which in turn is influenced by the local star cluster, which in turn is influenced by the galaxy, and so on. In this sense, life is a cosmic emanation, a property of cosmic influences, precisely as the visionary Rudolf Steiner suggested.
Even mainstream science has admitted that electricity seems to play a part in the formation of fundamental biological components that make up living things. And astronomers have also detected complex organic material throughout the known universe.
DNA seems to act as a duel in-flowing and out-pouring antenna—it receives information from without and radiates information from within. Consciousness, mind by any other name, seems to act on the material world through the agency of electricity, giving order to chaos, and producing life in the process.
This is possibly why some creatures who have the capacity to regrow limbs can do so. There is an energetic or electrical field interaction that acts as a guide for the more subtle activities of materials in the body, like cells, proteins, tissues and so on. These living electric fields seem to provide a framework for the material aspects of the body to build structures.
Fritz Albert Popp is a biophysics researcher who discovered that living cells emit and absorb what he calls bio-photons—highly coherent and stable energy units containing information. This information seems to be instrumental in the maintenance of living tissues. When under stress, cells release more bio-photonic light, suggesting that inter-cellular communication is increasing.
But what could these tiny units of life (cells) that make up our body be talking about when exchanging bio-photons?
Given the study of embryology, and a pioneering body of research termed German New Medicine (GNM), as the body enters into a fear state, various biological programs are activated, stimulating the production of tissues that are meant to assist the organism in overcoming some threat. For example, during certain conflict active phases, the lungs can produce more alveoli (air sacks), so that more oxygen can be absorbed by the body for use in dealing with an exigent crisis. Upon resolution of the crisis, the emission of bio-photons decreases, and the excess tissue is reabsorbed, accompanied by what GNM calls healing symptoms.
According to GNM, these physiological processes are governed by the psyche (mind), which is the same essential premise asserted by Sheldrake, Lipton, and Dispenza.
What this suggests is that mind, or consciousness (if you prefer that term), is a priori or comes before material organization, that is, the mind or animating feature of life is a precondition, not an a posteriorifeature—something that comes after.
In other words, life is not the random assembly of material that sometimes produces coherent structures (body) and behavior (consciousness) as mainstream science asserts. The opposite appears to be true. That is, consciousness is not the byproduct of matter; matter is the byproduct of consciousness.
Biological life is the consequence of a living field, a divine field as Dispenza calls it, which governs the behavior of living things.
Ancient hermetic philosophers, to name one out of a litany of sources from antiquity, have long asserted that mind is primordial to matter and the physical realms.
Walter Russell, a mystic genius from the early 20th century who inspired Nikola Tesla and many others, asserted that the living mind of the Creator is still magnetic light, given dynamic form by pressure differentials in polarized swirling electric fields generated by conscious thought and attention.
Simply put, awareness (the receptive in-flowing, cathode-like, or feminine aspect of consciousness) and will (the active out-flowing, anode-like, or masculine aspect of consciousness) come together and form a union of order we recognize as life. In the physical realms, this life takes on a fractal form, as energy systems produce extreme coherence (order). In the mental realms, life takes on coherence of logic and reason, along with emotion and feelings, giving rise to insight, creativity, and sense-making thoughts.
Rupert Sheldrake’s assertion that living things engage in a kind of telepathy, with varying degrees of information transmission, is further confirmed by the work of Dr. Michael Persinger.
Dr. Persinger, who helped invent the infamous God-helmet along with Stanley Koren, theorized that the influence of coherent magnetic fields on inter-mind communication—as demonstrated by experiments Dr. Persinger conducted with famous remote-viewer Ingo Swann—suggest that mind is not localized within the body, although it is responsive to it. Going even further, this suggests that magnetic fields not only allow information to be exchanged between minds in a way mainstream science doesn’t fully understand, but that the field also stores information in a kind of global-mind memory system—the collective consciousness of humanity.
And what’s more, various secretive military industrial complex projects have already developed advanced electromagnetic devices capable of influencing the body-mind system, transmitting voices, images, and feelings, and even memory augmentation.
All of this suggests that consciousness is far more instrumental to reality and its dynamics than what mainstream science has dared to admit.
This also implies that when a mind develops the capacity to auto-organize, it can inform the field and not just be controlled by it; in other words, self-directed evolution can occur. The greater an organisms coherence the greater it’s capacity to impart coherence to the outer-world, by way of entrainment.

However, there is a growing body of researchers, truth-seekers, and practitioners who are abandoning this materialistic viewpoint and have gained immeasurable governing power over their own being.
“I warn you, whoever you are…
Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside.
If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies?
In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.
Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods!” — Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi.
It seems that science, spirituality, and life experience itself all points to the development of consciousness, the mastery of mind and self, as the greatest thing anyone can do to empower themselves in the gaining of a prosperous life.
In order to tap into the all-organizing power of mind, one needs to develop a real practice of self-mastery.
This seems to be greatly assisted by a holistic and eclectic viewpoint on reality. That is, the greater one’s capacity to become aware of information (open-mindedness), organize it coherently (singular knowledge), and act within it (wisdom), the more powerfully that person’s mind can organize their reality, whether biological, mental, emotional, or spiritual.
In other words, what we choose to do with our time greatly impacts the order we give to our lives. If one denies that they have this power, if they believe that they are the victim of external reality instead of its conductor, then they will never develop these essential self-organizing skills. But if one dares to believe that they can accomplish almost anything, if they set their mind to it, seemingly all things are possible.
In this sense, the lives we live are not unlike a ship cast adrift on the seas of experience. Those who find the time to learn how to raise the sails, steer the rudder, and plot a proper course, will navigate the oceans of uncertainty with ease.
By: Justin Deschamps
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from https://youtu.be/5BRkOpFy4WY January 03, 2020 at 01:34PM
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who: dewey and delphi where: founders museum @backmaskcd
"why am i here?" dewey looked around then at the person next to him. "why are you here?" and because he was a little shit and saying random things he added, "why are any of us here?" he chuckled and went back to looking around. "seriously though, i thought this was something else and now i feel like i have to stay."
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"Well... I don't know, I've always sort of just felt that way," Delphi flushed. "Compared to Denny, I'm not really anything exciting or interesting to look at. He um - my twin brother used to be a pretty big vlogger, so he'd get a lot of attention. I just sort of blended into the background - which is fine." Delphi paused for a moment, biting her lip. "Well.... His name is Dewey. He's one of the guys in the band - the ones that all have those cute little ducktales names? He's really funny, and sweet, and he has that floppy hair that makes me weak in the knees."
“Exactly! Except this nonsense about a guy being out of your league, what is that all about?” Mylene asked with raised brows. “You are stunning and absolutely wonderful, no one is out of your league,” she insisted. “Tell me about this guy, I bet he’s just as into you as you are to him,” she grinned, always a sucker for romance.
#delphi tremaine ; threads#delphi and mylene#i figured this can just be A Thread now vs an event one
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closed starter for @ghostsbrokenbyfairytales (dewey)
Her conversation with Myles had been churning in her brain for a couple weeks now; agreeing to try to ask out Dewey was one thing, but actually going through with it? Delphi wasn't sure if she could handle the embarrassment of him turning her down.
"Hey Dewey," she wanted her voice to be a lot more flirty than timid, but she just wasn't that kind of girl no matter how hard she tried. "I was wondering if um, maybe you wanted to go to the drive in sometime. Like, um. A date?"
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"fuck yeah they are and we play there like practically every other day, if you're not busy friday that's when we play next." dewey said flashing her a smile. "honestly might not be far off, we were all adopted after all so maybe you're right and we have some questions we have to ask him."
As she walked out the door, Delphi offered Dewey a shy smile. "Well, when you put it like that.... feels like the planets are aligning. Sure, I'll come see you guys play the next time you're in, just let me know." She couldn't help but laugh. "It is pretty funny; honestly I just kind of assumed he put out a Craigslist ad for three boys with those specific names."
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"oh that's cool, weird balance of having family around and not cause you probably miss the brother that's not here but like glad he's not here all at the same time." dewey knew that's exactly how he'd feel if it came to one of his brothers. he grabbed the spot where he hit and dramatically fell to the floor, laying there for a moment. "ugh, oh no, i'm damaged, you hit so hard, my arm, i think i'm dying." then he stopped and looked up at her before jumping back to his feet. "let's go get the drinks and float around before my arm falls off." he teased.
"Yes; Denny works at the diner. I usually just call him my twin, depends on the day," she laughed a little. "I have two brothers, actually. But one is back home. Like, outside, Huntsville home. So he's safe." She let out a soft gasp, playfully hitting his arm. "How dare you! I'll just have to cling to you and drag you down too, then!"
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"well great news for you then because we usually play in the daytime, no need for missing your bed since you'd have plenty of time to get home." dewey said finally walking out the door, holding it open for her by leaning against it. "thanks, it was our uncles fault. huge disney fan, thought it would've been funny, it was actually also his idea we should go by these for our stage names."
"My brother's been a couple times," Delphi admitted. "I've almost tagged along, but I don't want to spend the whole night in a place that isn't my bed. But there's not a lot of bands in town, so people talk, and it's like like you three don't look like you belong in a band. It's cute, by the way. The name thing."
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dewey nodded a little, he really wasn't expecting it. "i guess i was second guessing myself? like saying that i was just imagining it or whatever." he admitted before he continued explaining the other thing. "no, no i'm not dating anyone else. i just mean like.." fuck this was so much harder than he was expecting it to be now that he was actually saying it out loud, "short answer is i'm polyamorous. i'd really like to date both of you because both of you make me feel things, good things, in different ways but i also know that not everyone is cool with that you know? i'd um.. still like to go on that date though, if you'd want but i understand if that's a lot."
"You weren't?" Delphi replayed their interactions in her head - maybe she had been a little too withdrawn and convinced she was being silly. However, when he said he needed to be honest, she could feel her heart sinking. Of course there was going to be someone else. Someone who was probably far more confident and way prettier than she was, but he had said he liked her too. "Oh - are you already dating someone else?" She sounded unsure if she should even be asking. "I mean... it's normal to like other people, I'm pretty sure."
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"yeah! i'm not against drinking or anything like that i just don't like it makes me feel is all so feel free to drink away." dewey offered with a smile as he nodded, "didn't know you had a brother too, what else you hiding from me huh?" he teased then headed over to where the drinks were, turning around to walk backwards. "i'd dunk anyone baby gender doesn't make you safe from it." he said with a smirk now.
"Oh - are you sure?" Delphi flushed a little out of embarrassment. "I find it helps with my general anxiety about being some place where I can't constantly hide behind my brother." She let out a gasp. "Dewey! I can't believe you'd dunk a girl!"
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"fine but only a small pass," dewey agreed with a smirk. he nodded as he started heading towards the door to leave and walked backwards to talk to her. "i do, huey and louie, uncle gave us the nicknames it's a long story. how'd you know we play there if you've never been though?"
"No!" Delphi flushed with embarrassment. "It's a fairly new establishment, I think I get a little bit of a pass for that." She paused. "You play there? Oh, you have a band with your brothers, right? I think I've seen you guys before. Not performing, obviously, but out and about."
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"awesome! i'm not really a drinker but i can just grab a water i really don't mind and we can just chill on the tube. fair warning though i will end up dunking myself multiple times in the water aaaaaaaand maybe you." he joked and looked over at her with an innocent smile.
"Yeah! We can hang out," Delphi flushed at the idea of spending more time with Dewey, and in an already fun environment instead of having to make their own fun. "We can start with tubing. Or trying one of those margaritas I've been hearing about all day."
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"alright, i'll definitely think about then." dewey said with a little smirk. however her admitting she'd never been to sammie's made his jaw drop, "never?! okay that settles it then we're going there. i play there a few times a week so i can show you the ins and outs of the place."
"You can just show up once, and maybe you can convince me to bring you food outside of it," she could barely believe the words were coming out of her mouth, but Delphi opted not to think about it too much so as not to throw off the vibe. "I've never actually been to Sammie's Place," she admitted. "So maybe that's the best option."
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