The darkness lurks
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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nathan’s head tilted to the side a little, “i actually don’t think i’ve heard of something like that but from what you explained it sounds like a good idea! you want any help building it or am i just here to hold the supplies and look pretty while you do all the work?” he said teasing him.
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He shook his head, smile still in place. "Of course you can know, love; you're the one that gave me the idea, albeit inadvertently. Have you ever seen one of those Little Free Libraries? Why not put one out front? I can't possibly be the only one in town desperate for fresh reading material, so maybe opening up the chance for personal collection exchange could help. I certainly have some of my books I wouldn't mind donating to the cause." At least not the rare first edition prints.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“oh wow.. i’m well i’d say i’m sorry but i’m sure you’ve heard that more than you’d want to.” evan said rubbing the back of his neck. “i um, i do owe you an apology though. the way i ended things with us was not cool.”
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odette paused and shook her head "no, the first night we got here we got into an argument and she didn't listen to people warning her about what was out there. she went for a walk and the next morning i found her body" she carried a lot of guilt for years over her moms death, that maybe if they hadn't had that argument she would still be around. "it's okay, i've had plenty of time to come to terms with it all"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“i don’t think you’ll be able to, people have tried in the past and it’s never worked.” koda said with a little shrug. it was always awkward for them to look through other peoples places even if they were told where to look but did it anyway. “i don’t think i’ve heard of any of these before.”
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"Oh, I know, we're gonna make you a video game person," Donovan replied with a bit of a smirk, picking up his glass of water before he moved to sit down. "Mmm, not as much as I had out of here, that's for sure... You can take a look. They're in the closet over there."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“teasing or not cut me a break and yes you are the one with the ex.” malcolm chuckled but then hit ben’s hand away as he was flicked in the forehead. “you better watch yourself before you lose a finger.” now he was rolling his eyes again, he knew that his best friend was trying to be helpful he was just feeling like his self esteem was shot. “i doubt that, it’s not like i’m just out here telling these people ‘i’m hotter than you so we can’t date’ cause well that’s fucked up. i’m tired of the hook ups man.”
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"One, I'm teasing, my dear, dear, Malcolm... Two, I'm assuming I'm the one with the ex, huh? Trust me, I think it's a good idea. I'm trying to grow up... Three," he paused, leaning in to flick him in the forehead. "You're a fucking catch; people just don't think that they can have you, so they settle for what they can. Thus the fucking-- hookup bullshit. Understand me?"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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tiana was still looking over at lucas when he said that, chuckling a little at the question. “i don’t think you’d make it weird no. if we’re being truthful here i’d say you’re probably also my closest friend.”
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"Would I make it weird if I told you you're probably my closest friend?" He murmured through the quiet, the sound of the film the only thing filling the room between their words. He could relax around Tiana, he didn't have to think to much or too hard. She was genuine and he knew what to expect.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“keeping up with..?” leo chuckled. “it’s watching movies, you’re telling me with all your traveling you never just popped on a movie during commute or something?”
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Sam gave a sheepish smile as he scratched the back of his head. "Only a year now. I used to travel for work, so keeping up with pop culture was never really feasible."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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olivia nodded at the suggestion and looked up at fletcher after the kiss before leaning up to kiss his cheek. “that might be a good idea. i’m gonna go lay back down, will you at least join me to cuddle a little bit? pleeeaaaase.” she said batting her eyes at him.
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"Of course," he leaned his head down to kiss the top of her head. "If you're not well then you should go back to bed. Maybe you just need to sleep it off." He murmured. Any time anyone got sick it was a concern. Their limited resources could only do so much and if they had something that medication couldn't fix then there was nothing to do but wait.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“really?” nathan chuckled but made a mental note of that. “oh, yeah sure let’s go to the hardware store. can i know what your idea is or is it a surprise?”
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Edgar smiled at the joke. "Actually, I wouldn't be opposed." He used to see those mini libraries people set up in front of their yards when he went on runs. Maybe building something like that would be a good idea. At least gave him a new project. "Actually, want to go to the hardware store with me? I think I have an idea."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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she was tired of waiting, she knew she was and everyone in her life was telling her she should be more direct with him so she decided that’s what she’d finally do. “i don’t think you’re in trouble with me, not unless you count this as trouble.” savannah stepped into his space and moved her arms to around his neck before leaning in to finally kiss him softly.
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she wasn't playing fair. axel put his hand on his chest when she walked over to him, convinced his heart was going to give out on him "is that so? i think i'm in trouble with you"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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“no i don’t have anywhere to be but it was doctors orders that i get plenty of rest because of my arm and you’re currently putting an injured man to work right now. that’s messed up clay.” leo teased right back, grinning at the fact he knew it’d be hard to fight against that joke or not.
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"maybe, but it worked." he pointed to him with a grin. the fluffy dog was the secret weapon. "what you got somewhere to be? am i second best to your plans? you wound me, leo. look at me so wounded" he teased in his dramatics, the back of his hand over his forehead.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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"don't worry me and branches are no longer on speaking terms. i'm keeping a closer eye on them to make sure they don't come out of no where from now on." leo chuckled. he knew she didn't believe it but fuck it he had to keep the bit going.
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"i don't make the rules, the big fashion houses do apparently. runway and high street trends are set in stone a year in advance" she's learned a lot from speaking to some of the more fashion forward people in town "sure, you do that. just try not to be attacked by any branches again, yeah?"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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zach had gotten up to go to the kitchen to grab himself a snack but he did notice the wince, sitting back down next to her and held the bag towards her. "you okay? seems like you have a headache every time i talk to you now."
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"yeah, exactly that" she smiled over at him. the ryan family each had their own way of showing they cared about one another, some more effective than others. the question hadn't reached her ears in full capacity, when aoife had felt a sharp pain in her head. she winced and brushed it off to focus on her brother "wh- ah yeah, yeah there's plenty of snacks in the kitchen for you"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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dewey let out a small sigh of relief he hadn't even realized he'd been holding in when she said she'd still like to go on the date. "awesome," he said giving a smile, "as for the questions if you had any for me i'd be happy to answer. i know it's a lot and i don't expect you to just like. . be on board one hundred percent or even at all if that's what you weren't comfortable with but i just wanna do this right, i don't want to just spring something like that on you."
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If she was being honest, Delphi didn't really know how she felt about any of the information she had just learned. It was nerve wracking enough to confess her feelings to any degree; but she'd never even thought about having a relationship where she shared her partner. "I guess.... I don't know how I feel about it." He was being open with her; the least she could do is return the favor. "I've never been in this situation before." She chewed on her lower lip for a moment before nodding. "Yeah; I would still like to go on a date with you. Learning that doesn't make the way I feel about you vanish. It just.... makes more questions pop up that I need to sort though."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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"oh yeah there's lots of spidermen, how long have you been in this place? video games aside they actually made a movie where three different spidermans came into a single universe and the miles morales one also deals with multiverses and has different versions of spiderman."
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His confusion only became more apparent. "There's....more than one Spiderman?" Sam was the first to admit he had a pretty surface level grasp on pop culture. He just never really had the time.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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tiana sat in silence with a small smile on her face, something about being around lucas made her calm. she could tell something was off with him though but didn't want to push it, only pulling her attention away from the movie when he spoke. "of course, you know i'd hang out with you even if marvel films weren't involved." she turned her head to look at him, still smiling, "i enjoy your company lucas, honestly."
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Lucas sighed, settling against the couch. He was tired and hanging out with Tiana seemed to be the only reprieve he got these days. As the film started his attention wandered a little. He'd been so none stop recently there was a tiredness in his bones that always seemed to linger. "Thanks for hanging out with me." He murmured. "Even if it is just to watch Marvel films."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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olivia nodded lightly to confirm and let fletcher touch her face, smiling a little at how concerned he'd gotten so quickly but mostly because it made her feel loved by him. "i feel fine in my head if that makes sense, i don't feel like it's a cold i just feel nauseous and tired." she admitted, leaning forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder and wrap her arms around his waist more. "tea does sound good though, can you add some honey to it?"
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"Your stomach hurts?" Fletcher frowned, gently putting his hand against her cheek then her forehead to check her temperature. "You don't feel warm." He murmured in concern. "Okay, don't worry about breakfast. I'll make you some tea, maybe that will calm your stomach a little?" He gave her cheek a stroke with his thumb.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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"really? wow, am i gonna have to start asking all these new comers if they brought any books their willing to part with when they arrive?" though it sounded like a joke it was something nathan would do for edgar, maybe not as they arrived but after they'd gotten settled he definitely would. "for once i'm up to absolutely nothing, it's strange i don't know what to do with myself."
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Setting his book down on the table, Edgar sighed. "After seven years I think I've finally read every possible book at the library." God he missed book stores. The library here was nice, but it was a small town and only had so many options. He looked over to this fiancé. "What are you up to love?"
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