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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 8 months ago
who: tiana and ana maria where: and they were roommates @ambercast
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"hey roomie," tiana said chuckling and smiled at her, "how's the book club going? you have to let me know when you guys are reading the next book so i can join in for that one."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 8 months ago
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tiana slowly nodded along with what lucas was saying, she could relate to it all to well with cab. "yeah out there you only have to worry about the usual kinds of accidents but in here you have a whole new thing to worry about. now we have to worry about if someone messed with their stuff during the day."
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"Yeah exactly. It's kinda been years since we've been in the same place so to see him is great but I wish it wasn't here. It's just an added concern you know? Wake up ever day wondering if he made it home the night before. When he was out in the world it was just normal things I had to worry about here it's... yeah."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 7 months ago
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"i'm hoping for the not family recipe otherwise i'm going to buy it from them in bulk."
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"or if it is some secret family recipe then we need to hope that they decide to keep selling it after all this. They'd make a killing"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 9 months ago
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"i don't think anyone can ever get used to humidity." tiana said chuckling. she paused for a second trying to think of a way to describe the taste, "well it is essentially just coffee yes. honestly it can taste bitter it really depends on the person and how much they enjoy espresso but the amerciano will get rid of that bitterness if you didn't want to try the shots by themselves."
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"Oh iced, definitely iced. You'd think being from Hawaii I'd be used to humidity, but this shit always gets me." Arthur quirked his brows at the suggestion of the shots of espresso. "Can't say I ever tried that. What do they taste like? Or is it just coffee, but that swift kick in the ass we're going for?"
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 7 months ago
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"i don't mind who's house it's at if you don't." tiana offered with a laugh. "i just have a roommate but she runs a book club so if we plan it for one of those days so we don't have to disturb her, if you can find a babysitter for your gaggle of chaos demons," she teased, "but i'm happy to have it at yours if you can't."
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"See now you're talking my language." He grinned. "Though I suppose I should make it up to you if it's at my place or not. Last thing I want is to subject you to my gaggle of chaos demons."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 8 months ago
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"oooh that's cute though, is everything working out so far with that?" tiana asked. she chuckled a little and nodded, "at least she trusts you enough to step up, that's good."
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"Oh um..." Tari smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up. "We're dating. It hasn't been very long, we're still getting use to being in each others space." She still wasn't sure it wasn't a dream. How else could she explain getting something she had wanted so badly. "It means I have to step up for a while but I'm sure she'll be back."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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tiana was still looking over at lucas when he said that, chuckling a little at the question. “i don’t think you’d make it weird no. if we’re being truthful here i’d say you’re probably also my closest friend.”
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"Would I make it weird if I told you you're probably my closest friend?" He murmured through the quiet, the sound of the film the only thing filling the room between their words. He could relax around Tiana, he didn't have to think to much or too hard. She was genuine and he knew what to expect.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 9 months ago
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tiana laughed a little, "i got what you mean don't worry and i'm sure. you won't be imposing at all i promise." she smiled at him, expression softening now. "that must be bitter sweet, happy to see him but not here kind of situation?"
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It was hard for Lucas to accept gifts or help or anything really. Too hard an upbringing, too long a struggle. "Sorry, I'm terrible at accepting thing. I... yeah. Alright. If your sure. I don't want to impose. Aw shit there I go again." He laughed awkwardly at his own behaviour. "Yeah he's been in town a couple weeks now. I haven't seen him in years."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 9 months ago
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"is there anything else going on between you two or has he just been helping you out because you're coworkers?" tiana asked curiously. her head tilted as well before she ended up nodding. "oooh, okay that makes sense. now that you mention it i think i remember reading about it a long time ago."
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She nodded. "He is. It's been an adjustment for me. It isn't easy to be in a new space where I don't know my way around but he's been very helpful." Tari tilted her head. "Oh i'm sorry I thought most people knew. She adopted a little one so has been taking some time to adjust to her new role."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 7 months ago
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"excuse me, last i checked we're both in the same boat of missing all these things." tiana said with a slight laugh and a smile. "hey actually, what if we ask that tech person if they have any of the new movies and have ourselves a movie marathon?" she suggested.
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"Tiana you're breaking my heart here. Don't remind me of all the adventure I might have missed out on." He clutched at his chest like his heart was aching.
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 9 months ago
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"i know you don't but you do so much for other people i wanted to do something for you for once." tiana smiled back at him, she would've done this for anyone who offered honestly. "oh, i didn't know you had a brother. when did he get here?"
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"Is this what it's come to? Bribing me with food?" He chuckled. "Nah you know me. Don't like to take what I don't need." Lucas smiled. Too many years making himself small having a lasting effect on him. "Let me know if you need an in at the commune. My brother is staying over there."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 8 months ago
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"we absolutely should do that, hopefully it's not some secret family recipe because having this on another summer day relaxing by a pool maybe reading a book? sounds like the perfect day."
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"I bet we can find out who made it and we can ask what their secret is. They might have a list of who was doing the food and drinks at City Hall if we can't figure out who made it today."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 9 months ago
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"well that's sweet of him," tiana said smiling, "is ransome the one you've been staying with then?" she asked curiously, mostly wondering what was going on there but the mention of em having a little one took her by surprise. "wait, she has a little one now? was she pregnant?" did she miss that? she swore she didnt.
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"It's still a little difficult for me to get around, especially without Kovu but Ransome has been walking me in every day to help. We've been taking stock of what is damaged and what isn't we've been somewhat lucky. Plus I've had a little more to do now Em has a little one at home."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 7 months ago
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tiana only smiled at the comment and took a sip of her drink as he talked. "okay you have a point there, i suppose i was looking at it as age instead of the obvious." she chuckled a little and added, "who knows. there's probably a couple dozen more because there's so many avengers and if each get multiple movies that's quite a bit."
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"That's exactly what an ageless goddess would say." He joked before shaking his head. "Right but that's less about age and more about being stuck in Huntsville with no access to the internet. I don't know how many marvel movies I've missed. What if something wicked happened and I missed it."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 10 months ago
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"well i was going to offer by paying you with dinner but if you truly don't want me to pay you then i guess i won't." tiana teased with a smile. "that doesn't seem to out of the normal, i know for some people it's probably not preferred but if they're not the ones trading then it's none of their business."
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"Tiana, work is covered by the mayor's office. You don't have to pay me anything." He leaned against the counter. "I heard there's had to be more than a little trade talk with the commune because a shit ton of crops got screwed up."
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ghostsbrokenbyfairytales · 4 months ago
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tiana sat in silence with a small smile on her face, something about being around lucas made her calm. she could tell something was off with him though but didn't want to push it, only pulling her attention away from the movie when he spoke. "of course, you know i'd hang out with you even if marvel films weren't involved." she turned her head to look at him, still smiling, "i enjoy your company lucas, honestly."
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Lucas sighed, settling against the couch. He was tired and hanging out with Tiana seemed to be the only reprieve he got these days. As the film started his attention wandered a little. He'd been so none stop recently there was a tiredness in his bones that always seemed to linger. "Thanks for hanging out with me." He murmured. "Even if it is just to watch Marvel films."
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