twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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The Cullens
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
I love your tumblr
thank you. There will be alot more on here soon so keep checking it out :)
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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Who is your favourite member of the Cullen Family?
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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From Sweet Little Girl in Various Films and Television Programmes such as Cat in the Hat and Uptown Girl to The Evil Vampire whose part of the Volturi in The Twilight Saga Films. But I still Gotta love Dakota Fanning :)
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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The Brothers - Jasper Hale & Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale (born Jasper Whitlock) is the husband of Alice, Adoptive son of Esme and Carlisle and the adoptive brother of Emmett, Edward and Rosalie. He took the name Hale to pass as Rosalie's Sibling. He was born in Texas and joined the Army in 1861 to serve in the American Cival War. Jasper was turned into a vampire in 1863 by a vampire named Maria when he was 19 years old. After transformation, he gained the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around him. Jasper's responsibility was to train young vampires and then kill them when they were no longer useful. After about a century of this he grew weary of his lifestyle and decided to leave to join old friends Peter and Charlotte. Jasper left the two eventually, not wanting to feed on humans because he could feel his prey's emotions as they died. Alice, foreseeing that they would be together, met him in a half-empty diner in Philadelphia, and together they sought out the Cullen family.
Emmett Cullen (born Emmett Dale McCarty) is the husband of Rosalie, adoptive son of Esme and Carlisle and the adoptive brother of Edward, Alice and Jasper. Emmett is tall, burly, extremely muscular and to most humans the most intimidating of his adoptive siblings. Despite his physical attributes, he is actually the joker among the Cullens. He is always eager to engage in fights, and is often described as Edward's favorite brother. Emmett was 20 and living in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 1935 when he was mauled by a bear. The injuries from the attack were severe and he was found by Rosalie, who had been hunting in the area at the time carried him over a hundred miles to Appalachia, Virginia where Carlisle was, asking him to spare Emmett's life by turning him into a vampire. Emmett joined Carlisle's coven but initially had trouble adjusting to the family's diet of animal blood. At first he was unsure about Bella joining the family and took some warming to it but now she is like his little sister and in the final installment of the films he teaches Bella to fight as there is an upcoming battle with the Volturi.
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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The Sisters - Rosalie Hale & Alice Cullen
Rosalie Hale is the adoptive daughter of Esme and Carlisle. The adoptive sister of Alice, Jasper and Edward and the wife of Emmett Cullen. Her physical age is 18. After her transformation, she tortured and killed those who had attacked her, including Royce, but did not drink their blood. Apart from Carlisle and Edward, she has the most self-control and appreciation for human life and has never tasted human blood. Rosalie is bitter that her life as a vampire prevents her from having children and experiencing the normal changes of life and her desire to be human is so strong that she would give up her immortality and beauty for it.
Alice Cullen (Born Mary Alice Brandon) is the wife of Jasper and adoptive daughter of Esme and Carlisle. She is also the adoptive sister of Edward, Emmett and Rosalie.Her special ability is to see the future an enhanced version of her ability to have premonitions as a human. Her ability is limited she is only able to see the outcome of a decision once it is made. Due to this decisions made in the spur of the moment can not be foreseen. Alice can see futures involving humans and vampires but is unable to see those involving half-breeds such as Renesmee and the werewolves.Alice's early history is vague, as she remembers nothing about her human life and woke up alone as a vampire. It is eventually revealed that she was born around 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi, and was committed to an asylum because she had premonitions. Alice was transformed by an old vampire who worked at the asylum to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her. After some research, Alice found her grave and discovered that the date on her tombstone matches the date of her admission to the asylum.
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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The Parents - Carlisle & Esme Cullen
Carlisle Cullen also known as Stregone Benifico is the adoptive father of Edward, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Rosalie. His physical age is 23. Unlike most vampires, he is not at all tempted by the scent of human blood, due to the over 300 years he has spent holding back his temptations. For a short period of time Carlisle lived with the Volturi in Italy before leaving and travelled to the new world. Carlisle transformed Edward into a vampire, and Edward became his companion. Soon after, in 1921, Carlisle moved to Ash-land Wisconsin where he treated Esme, Carlisle felt compelled to save her and transformed her into a vampire, subsequently falling in love with her, and later marrying her. He later transformed the rest of the Cullen clan into vampires after meeting them on his journey through life.
Esme Cullen previously Esme Platt and Esme Everson is the wife of Carlisle Cullen after being changed into a vampire in 1921. Her Physical age is 26 but she has lived for well a while Esme married Carlisle and they later adopted Edward, Alice, Emmett and Jasper and now they all live happily in Forks, Washington. She is Vegetarian Vampire which means that her and her family only feed off the blood of animals as this is what Carlisle taught them to do and to fight the urges.
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
Edward Cullen
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Edward Anthony Cullen - Edward is a telepathic vampire who, over the course of the twilight saga books and film, falls in love with, marries, and has a child with Bella Swan, a human teenager who later chooses to become a vampire as well. He fights a growing attraction to her, but after saving her life on several occasions, he succumbs and eventually falls in love with her. Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father, Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the Spanish Influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois. So throughout the twilight films and books he falls in love with Bella and all the drama along the way shows that he is generally a nice guy who fell in love with a human. Thank god shes now a vampire :)
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
Bella Swan
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Isabella "Bella" Swan – Bella is the protagonist of the Twilight Saga Books and Films. She is clumsy and attracts danger. When she moves to Forks to live with her father she starts a new school and like every other new student to a new school is nervous. This is where she meets Edward Cullen, an intriguing looking guy who she just wants to know more about. When Edward doesn't show up for classes Bella instantly becomes more intrigued. Edward then shows up and saves Bella's life and this where their love story begin. Bella starts to question how he managed to stop the car and so digs deep until she finally discovers the truth, Edward is a vampire. And I really don't have to explain the rest its just an endless love story full of drama and Bella Swan is right in the middle of everything. Her character really brings the whole story together and without her well there would be NO twilight and we wouldn't like that would we :)
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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I'm taking this moment to thank Stephanie Meyer because without you WE ALL WOULDN'T HAVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA and I wouldn't be able to create this site. So Thank you your awesome <3
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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Ashley Greene
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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Breaking Dawn Part 2
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
You better hold on tight, Spider Monkey
Edward Cullen Twilight
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
Bella Swan: "Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?" Edward Cullen: "Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it."
This scene in the restaurant from the first film used to always make me laugh.
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twilightzone92-blog · 12 years
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Ashley Greene & Xavier Samuel on the set of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Movie
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