#devsisters when i get you
windfannumbuh1 · 5 months
So anything but wind archer huh ?
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About the new update:
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1. She seems like a distance cookie and I like distance cookies
I think I'll max her
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2. AAAAAAAAAAAAA she's so prettyy thank goodness I saved up rainbow crystals from last update yasss
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3. Pondy is growing up with the game and I am honestly living for that. Look at her. It's so pretty. Look at the skrunkly.
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4. I get that this is a placeholder for flat tofu when he arrives, but... GINGERBRAVE WHY ARE YOU BLUE WHERE IS YOUR OXYGEN-
Devsisters, why exactly are you choking your MC?
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3ct0plasma · 1 year
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cookie run fans when a 10 year old casual player misgenders dog food cookie on the fandom wikia
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gootarts · 1 year
as of 8/3, the most recently updated version of this post is here (it's a reblog of this exact post with more info added)
as a lot of you know, limbus company recently fired its CG illustrator for being a feminist, at 11 pm, via phone call, after a bunch of misogynists walked into the office earlier that day and demanded she be fired. on top of this, as per korean fans, her firing went against labor laws---in korea, you must have your dismissal in writing.
the korean fandom on twitter is, understandably, going scorched earth on project moon due to this. there's a lot currently going on to protest the decision, so i'm posting a list here of what's going on for those who want to limit their time on elon musk's $44 billion midlife crisis impulse purchase website (if you are on twitter, domuk is a good person to follow, as they translate important updates to english). a lot of the links are in korean, but generally they play nicely with machine translators. this should be current as of 8/2.
Statements condemning the decision have been issued by The Gyeonggi Youth Union and IT Union.
A press conference at the Gyeonggido Assembly will occur on 8/3, with lawmakers of the Gyeonggi province (where Project Moon is based) in attendance. This appears driven by the leader of the Gyeonggi Youth Union.
The vice chairman of the IT union--who has a good amount of experience with labor negotiations like these--has expressed strong support for the artist and is working to get media coverage due to the ongoing feminist witch hunts in the gaming industry. Project Moon isn't union to my knowledge, but he's noted that he's taken on nonunion companies such as Netmarble (largest mobile game dev in South Korea) by getting the issue in front of the National Assembly (Korea's congress).
Articles on the incident published in The Daily Labor News, Korean Daily, multiple articles on Hankyoreh (one of which made it to the print edition), and other news outlets.
Segments about the termination on the MBN 7 o' clock news and MBC's morning news
Comments by Youth Union leaders about looking into a loan made to Project Moon via Devsisters Ventures, a venture capital firm. Tax money from Gyeonggi province was invested in Devsisters in 2017, and in 2021, Devsisters gave money to Project Moon. The Gyeonggi Youth Union is asking why hard-earned tax money was indirectly given to a company who violates ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles.
Almost nonstop signage truck protests outside Project Moon's physical office during business hours until 8/22 or the company makes a statement. This occurs alongside a coordinated hashtag campaign to get the issue trending on Twitter in Korea. The signage campaign was crowd-funded in about 3 hours.
A full boycott of the Limbus Company app, on both mobile and PC (steam) platforms. Overseas fans are highly encouraged to participate, regardless if whether they're F2P or not. Not opening the app at all is arguably the biggest thing any one person can do to protest the decision, as the app logs the number of accounts that log on daily. For a new gacha such as Limbus, a high number of F2P daily active users, but a small number of paying users is often preferable to having a smaller userbase but more paying users. If the company sees the number of daily users remain stable, they will likely decide to wait out any backlash rather than apologize.
Digging up verified reviews from previous employees regarding the company's poor management practices
Due to the firing, the Leviathan artist has posted about poor working conditions when making the story. As per a bilingual speaker, they were working on a storyboard revision, and thought 'if I ran into the street right now and got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't have to keep working.' They contacted Project Moon because they didn't want their work to be like that, and proposed changes to serialization/reduction in amount of work per picture/to build up a buffer of finished images (they did not have any buffer while working on Leviathan to my knowledge). They were shut out, and had to suck it up and accept the situation.
Hamhampangpang has a 'shrine' section of the restaurant for fans to leave fan-created merch and other items. They also allow the fans to take this merch back if they can prove it's theirs. Fans are now doing just that.
To boost all of the above, a large number of Korean fanartists with thousands of followers have deleted their works and/or converted their accounts from fanart accounts to accounts supporting the protests. Many of them are bilingual, and they're where I got the majority of this information.
[note 1: there's a targeted english-language disinformation campaign by the website that started the hate mob. i have read the artist's tweets with machine translation, and they're talked about in the second hankyoreh article linked above: nowhere does she express any transphobic or similarly awful beliefs. likewise, be wary of any claims that she supported anything whose description makes you raise eyebrows--those claims are likely in reference to megalia, a korean feminist movement. for information on that, i'd recommend the NPR/BBC articles below and this google drive link of english-language scholarly papers on them. for the love of god don't get your information about a feminist movement from guys going on witch hunts for feminists.]
[note 2: i've seen a couple people argue that the firing was for the physical safety of the employees, citing the kyoani incident in japan. as per this korean fan, most fans there strongly do not believe this was the case. we have english-translated transcripts of the meeting between the mob and project moon; the threats the mob was making were to......brand project moon as a feminist company online. yes, really. male korean gamers aren't normal about feminism, and there's been an ongoing witch hunt for feminists in the industry since about 2016, something you see noted in both the labor union statements. both NPR and the BBC this phenomenon to gamergate, and i'd say it's a pretty apt comparison.]
let me know if anything needs correction or if anything should be added.
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scramblescrew · 6 months
Yandere Hollyberry, Cacao, Golden Cheese, and Pure Vanilla Cookies when Y/N tries to escape them by swimming through dangerous waters
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Dark Cacao Cookie would be PISSED, how can you be SO FOOLISH that you’d jump into the Licorice Sea. Didn’t you know that you could die!? Drowning, being eaten by a monster, stolen away by Mer-Cookies, anything bad could happen to you and this ancient king wouldn’t let that happen. Dark Cacao Cookie would take off the heavy pieces of his armor as well as his cape and dived in to get you. Unfortunately for you this king, being a bigger & taller cookie, quickly caught up to you and dragged a struggling you back to shore and then- back to your isolated room. When you were chained back into place, Dark Cacao would then let out a long berating session about why you ever would have thought to run away from him, and especially trying to swim in the Licorice Sea. But after the tangent, Dark Cacao Cookie kissed your forehead and cuddled you for the rest of the night.
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Now HollyBerry Cookie understands why you were trying to leave. It really wasn’t right to keep another cookie locked in a place without access to the outside world, but it was for your own good. Other Cookies would have taken you away from her, and she could never handle that. So seeing you try to swim away from her was heartbreaking. But same as DCC, she would put her shield down and jump in to get you back. Once she got you and dragged you back to shore, she would have Wildberry Cookie take you back to her room, have you dry off (within the privacy of being alone in your room, Wildberry isn’t gonna watch you!-), and redressed into warm clothes. After which she would come in, locking the door behind her, and tuck you into your bed, then lightly scolding you for trying to run away, noting that you would’ve gotten seriously injured by doing that. But after she was done, she’d cuddle up to you and let drowsiness take over the two of you.
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“Y/N COOKIE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The guards shouted as they searched the floating kingdom, but it was no use, you had gotten out of the kingdom disguised as a Cacaoian merchant and were riding a horse away from the area. you had made it to a coastal gummy bear village and had sold the horse for a decent amount of coins before a few guards and Pure Vanilla found you, you quickly took the money and ran, thinking of how you could escape now. you then looked into the water while running and remembered and it would take awhile for the sogginess to harm you, so you secured the gold to you and jumped into the water and swam as fast as you could away from the guards. Pure Vanilla Cookie’s guards quickly ran in and swam after you, they quickly gained up on you, capturing you and dragging a thrashing Y/N Cookie back to the sickeningly sweet Ancient.
The same ancient who wrapped his robed arms around you so softly and took you back to the floating kingdom then to the shimmering white and light yellow castle. locking the both of you into a warm, SAFE room where you belong, warm…safe…alive….happy….and in his arms……
“Why must I be imprisoned by the cookies who love me so” Rang through Y/N cookie’s mind
((Hello EveryCookie! The author here, I just wanted to say that I don’t own any of these characters, the Ancient cookies belong to DevSisters and even Y/N Cookie belongs to you all! I
also wanted to thank you all for reading this first attempt at posting on Tumblr! I hope y’all enjoy it and I would love to write your guys’ requests if you have any! Have a great day/night!))
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 6 months
Just a random rant about how I want a new Dark Cacao update-
TW: Mentions of emotional neglect and ab*se
Yeah, as I brought up in my live stream yesterday, I really want another Dark Cacao update because my main problems with the game's story lie within the Dark Cacao characters and their writing.
It honestly infuriates me that Dark Choco's character and trauma are so watered down in the games, to the point where it's almost put in a positive light, ESPECIALLY his relationship with his dad. It's heavily implied in episode 14 that Dark Choco was neglected emotionally by Dark Cacao when Dark Choco says this: "In this kingdom, I knew no love nor sweetness, but rigid cold! What makes you think I care about you or this forsaken land?!" Obviously hinting that Dark Cacao is emotionally neglectful.
I hate that the fandom and Devsisters just glosses these issues aside and portrays their relationship as happy and healthy when in reality, Dark Cacao likely had Dark Choco only as an heir to the throne when he gets too old to rule. Don't get me wrong, I love these little moments, but these issues must be addressed. It would be an amazing way to show survivors of emotional neglect that they're not alone.
Maybe in this new hypothetical update, these issues can be addressed properly by having Mystic Flour Cookie, one of the beast cookies, attack the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Dark Cacao is forced out of the citadel and it's up to him, Caramel Arrow, Crunchy Chip, and Dark Choco to save the kingdom. (Dark Choco would more than likely be nearby and he decides to help)
During their journey, some old memories, both positive and negative, are brought up as Dark Cacao and Dark Choco start to catch up after what happened. However, something mentioned by Dark Cacao (more than likely his non-apology in episode 14) touches Dark Choco's nerve and an argument ensues. Dark Cacao says that he apologized to him and that sends Dark Choco off the rails.
He screams at him that what he apologized for was not the real problem. The REAL problem was the fact that he emotionally neglected him for all his life and then he endured more abuse as a member of the COD. He goes on about how badly he was treated, how Pomegranate used his own trauma against him as punishment, and how he beat himself up for something that was caused by a sword that he thought was going to help save his kingdom and would finally have his father notice him. Hearing his son explain everything that happened to him broke Dark Cacao's heart. He truly felt like pure scum as Dark Choco ran away in anguish.
After Dark Choco runs away, Caramel Arrow and (possibly) Crunchy Chip talk with Dark Cacao, taking Dark Choco's side in the manor since they would likely see the neglect firsthand. However, they obviously don't go off on him since, well, y'know. After their talk, Dark Cacao fully realizes that he fucked up and now he wants to give Dark Choco a proper apology. BUT! Not until Mystic Flour comes in and does some evil shit, probably taking Dark Cacao hostage or something.
Dark Choco notices nearby and it's up to him, Caramel Arrow, and Crunchy Chip to save him. During this section of the story, we can have Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow interact more (because I love Carachoco lol) as they make their way to wherever Dark Cacao is being held. After that, they save him and Dark Cacao gives an ACTUAL fucking apology and they all live happily ever after. The End.
Also, some other small bits of shit that I would love in this update:
-a Dark Cacao buff -Dark Choco's magic candy -Caramel Arrow's magic candy -Crunchy Chip's magic candy -Affogato's magic candy (maybe-) -More bond stories that involve Dark Choco -Matching costumes with Dark Choco, Caramel Arrow, Crunchy Chip, and Dark Cacao
That's it lol. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
I want to write this post just to feel nostalgic and remember what the game used to be like for me. I’ll say right away that I won’t describe past updates, but will simply share my thoughts and later what I’m NOT happy with in the game now.
Is there anyone here who, like me, started playing in December 2021? Remember how the game used to be simple without any unnecessary donations? Do you remember how before it was impossible to change the background music and in winter the special music was always turned on? Do you remember how before there was only a dragon in the guild? Do you remember when the first special story with Creme Republic just came out and before we all in the fandom thought that Clotted Cream Cookie was a villain? Do you remember in the game was given a special item for achieving a master in the arena? Do you remember when there wasn’t even Alliance? Do you remember when the update with the Black Pearl just came out and for many it became the best update in the game due to many unique mechanics? Remember how in the game, as a bonus for the new update, cookie cutters were given for promoting cookies? Remember the old mileage system? Remember before there were no special stories, only the main and tropical soda island? Remember how before the max level was only 60? Remember when there used to be only story and dark mods? Do you remember when there were no souldrops in the game? Do you remember how before the game only had common, rare, epic, legendary and ancient? Remember how everyone used to love the Tower of Sweet Chaos? Do you remember Cookies of Darkness? I haven't seen them for a long time.. This is really annoying. Like, we've already been seen the main story of the Dark Cacao kingdom. Is it really so difficult to reveal other tribes at least a little? For example, many people likes Licorice cookie. I'm sure everyone was looking forward to the update with him(
Now there is nothing left of this former feeling. Devsisters add everything to the game and add innovations that are not really necessary. The plot became completely incomprehensible. The character wanders aimlessly here and there, with no clear intentions. Although before, the entire goal of the main team was very clear - to stop Dark Enchantress Cookie. And knowing Gingerbrave, he logically would have done this a long time ago, knowing how reckless and brave he can be. Nothing is clear about the villains at all. It's like they decided to take a vacation. Well, or they were already eaten by that strange substance from the dough. This would explain the reason for their absence. Seriously, they had so many chances to attack the main team. And don't even talk about retreat. Because this “retreat” seems to have been going on for them for 3 years already.
The most important problem right now is donation. There's too much of it. At every corner you are forced to pay. The last time I played, it was difficult to even get into Master II. And that would be okay. Devsisters haven't even optimized the game yet. Even Genshin with an open world and high graphics works several times better for me. If they get so much money from whales, then they definitely have the opportunity to optimize the game. But 3 years have passed and there is still no optimization. Disappointment..
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Finally, I want to say thanks to the game itself - for all the warm memories it gave me back then. I can't believe it's been 3 whole years since I started playing this game. It seems like it’s not that many, but at the same time it seems like an eternity. Most of all I remember those carefree summer days. I still remember how I was riding on a tour bus while listening to Sorbet Shark theme song 🥺
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uwukillmenowowo · 8 months
Spoilers to CRK: Secrets of the Silver kingdom
Dont read if you dont wanna get spoiled
You’re still here?
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crkstuffidk · 2 months
Warning to all you White Lily defenders, or just people that like her a lot, this is yet another post of me ranting about something I don't like about her. If you don't want to read this, don't, that's your choice, and this is also just my opinion that you are allowed to not agree with. Just don't come after me for it.
Okay so, there is one thing that I really don't like about White Lily, and it's that she was forgiven way too easily, and instead of feeling bad about everything she did, she felt bad about the one thing she did, after making it right(the beasts being freed) but them Dark Choco when he left the COD and abandoned the sword, he didn't want to instantly go back home. He went out to explore and(idk if this is correct I haven't gotten that far yet) help others to redeem himself. I mean Dark Choco literally went back home to give his kingdom the cure and safe everyone that was sick. That's an action worthy of being forgiveness, and also might I mention White Lily caused this. She's the reason that Mystic flour is free, and I'm pretty sure she has something to do with the cursed sword aswell. And yet she only felt bad after the beasts were imprisoned again, when she was the reason they were freed to begin with. I don't understand how they can write a pretty great redemption arc for one character(Dark Choco) where he instead of just assuming he's forgiven, he leaves to go find ways to redeem himself. But then they write an, in my opinion, stupid redemption arc, where she only feels bad after fixing one of the many wrongs she has done. And she didn't even fix it(as we now know)
And another thing that i just thought of, this is more about the way the story is written. It really seems like with White Lilys update, devsisters were trying to like shove it in our face that White Lily isn't bad or at fault for her mistakes, I feel like it was just trying to get us to like her. I understand that since White Lily is in game fully now, that means Dark Enchantress won't be our main antagonist, and to continue the game it needed an antagonist, so I get that, but I wish they hadn't gone about it that way.
That's it, that's all I have to say this time. Again, this is my opinion, you are all free to have yours, just please, please don't come after me for this.
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ashuribbon · 3 months
Ashur! How do you feel about Devsisters' racism in TOA? To me, as an African American, it is foul 😭
Apparently the GC Kingdom was close to getting misrepresented as well
In short, me @ Devsisters:
In long... (More under the cut)
I feel you, anon. I really don't blame you for being resentful about TOA's racism and how the Golden Cheese Kingdom was the closest we got to actual representation.
Trust me, being someone who is an indigenous SWANA (Iranian and Bakhtiari), it just felt really godawful that Devsis would just up their racism to 11, especially after the multiple Yogurca instances. I have close friends who are African American, one of whom not having played any CR games in years and just got back into CR through TOA, it just felt... unsettling that of all the things they did, they had to be that insensitive and stoop an all-time low. It's not my place to speak about either of these, but even I know that it's damning and insulting when you add Native American outfits as a prop for aesthetic (especially given how they were talking about why it shouldn't be treated as such) and depicting Africans as monkeys and demonizing voodoo. Also, Plaintain Cookie's design... yikes... /vneg
I'm even hearing about some people on Twitter mentioning that the people in the TOA Discord were literally downvoting any criticisms involving the racism in the game. The amount of ignorance I'm seeing is just so heartbreaking, especially since the CR community is extremely diverse. The whole "Devsisters didn't know!" and "They're just cookies!" shtick isn't going to save them from this one, especially considering they have made racist depictions in the past.
If I were an executive at Devsisters, I would actually go to people who ARE Native, SWANA, African, etc. and just ask them for advice and help on the do's and don'ts. Hell, I even recall having to go to people I know who are from cultures they represent for help on a character I am designing or get research. Even one of the people I know in the animation industry commissioned me to help redesign his DND character since he knows I'm SWANA. I can name different video games and movies that did a better job in doing the task of researching things and getting help from the minorities representing the culture than did Devsisters.
Now, I'm not discouraging people from playing any Cookie Run game. I've played the games for years and still find it to be a piece of comfort since it saved me during my lowest point in life, so it means a lot to me as a whole. However, it's important to understand the issues and listen to affected minorities when we discuss about the racism in the Cookie Run games, and TOA is one of the games that we have every right to criticize. People shouldn't throw hissy fits when we say that Devsis shouldn't depict voodoo in a bad light, or depict those who are African as monkeys, or treat Native American clothing as an aesthetic.
As much as I love Tower of Adventures, I am begging that we take action and slap some sense to them and realize their mistakes.
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gacha-incels · 3 months
dunno if this is the right blog at all (if not feel free to delete this ask) but considering youve posted about devsisters:
they might be getting sued? korean players werent satisfied enough with what changes they made (which last i heard was the whole ancient+ thing, company being greedy is the tldr) and from what i know there was a law implimented that if there is something with probablilites in a gacha game that they *must* show those probabilities and devsis hasnt acted on that law or something and thats why they might be getting sued, thats the most ive understood out of this situation and i thought itd be interesting to report
Yes failing to show rates is a serious illegal action that will absolutely get you sued, the most recent incident similar to this I can think of was Nexon being fined 11.6 billion won for lowering some of their maplestory lootbox rates as low as 0% and not publishing these numbers anywhere for the players to see
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hopefully the passionate fans going through with all of this can get the misogynist company devsisters for it 🤞it seems from this post they want to bring the issue to the FTC who fined Nexon and they want to keep up the LED truck protests they’ve been doing.
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with some of the comments on their Reddit fan page, you can see how some users see this company as kind of a friend or a central part of their identity, which is similar to the reaction we’ve seen some project moon fans have when defending that company. this is an antifeminist company banking on you becoming a gambling addict for gingerbread man OCs like you don’t have to defend them lol but I’m sure like limbus a lot of these users are probably quite young. I’ll be curious to see how this all pans out.
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sharkpedia · 2 months
Devsisters is lying to you.
Ok, bit of an exaggeration, but I'm not crazy, I promise. Hear me out.
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This little thing. We've all been in love since we say them day 1 all the way back in the Tower Of Frozen Waves update for Ovenbreak, all the way back in 2020. After all, the design is pretty damn good and also cute, and they were a really fun character. And I love them too! Otherwise, this blog would not exist. But... A feeling has been creeping up on me. A slow realization, the makings of a weird conspiracy.
We take the fact that they're a child for granted. After all, how could they not be? Look at their size! The sheer cuteness factor! ... Not everything is as it seems. At least, it used not to be.
I realize most of Cookie Run's audience these days inhabits Kingdom, since it's a much more casual-friendly game and the one with the fancier degree of presentation. But, let's not forget, Sorbet wasn't introduced there. And they had not been called a child until Black Pearl Cookie came out. In fact... Let's look at everything one could examine for the possibility of Sorbet being a child before Cookie Run Kingdom came out, why don't we? Let's look at Ovenbreak, and Ovenbreak only.
1. Stature/Proportions
This is what immediately made people think Sorbet Shark is a child. They're incredibly short, and their limbs are stubby, as far as the land form goes. But... Come on, you can't get any more superficial than that. Let's look at 4 examples that deconstruct this notion.
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A) Lychee Dragon Cookie: Stubby limbs, incredibly short. This CANNOT be a child, despite Mangosteen Cookie being a disguise used by Lychee, simply because... Look at them. This thing not only takes design cues from succubi, but also has similar abilities. Obviously removed from the more explicit connotations, but they're still there. There is no such thing as a kid-friendly succubus. B) Snow Sugar Cookie: Proportions are about the same as just about everyone else who isn't freakishly tall. Still a child, though, since they were featured in the Junior Cookie Challenge from the LINE game. C) Ice Juggler Cookie: Shockingly, not a child. Incredibly small, definitely has some behaviors that could be considered child-like; fooled me at first! Yet, according to the Lost Holiday event, she's not at all a kid, and outright denies it, and is presumably insulted by the fact Walnut Cookie might have thought she is one. D) Alchemist Cookie: I have seen... So much age discourse around this one over the years. So, so much. And yet, in all these years, with attention being called to cookie age a few times, she's never been included with the ones deemed children. She's just short. Incredibly short. In fact, about as short as Sorbet.
So, proportions are a no-go. Specially because once the shark form comes into play...
Woah there, when did you get so big?! In fact, looking at sprites, Shark form is about 2x as big as Sorbet's base form!
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And... Hey look, the arms are a LOT longer too! In both sprite size and proportions between the two main renders! Hell, if you look at other known underwater cookies such as Lobster, Mocha Ray and Electric Eel, all adults, they're either perfectly on par or actually stubbier!
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So... Not proportions. Then, maybe, ingame dialogue..?
2. Tower Of Frozen Waves
This is the only event Sorbet actually participates in as far as Ovenbreak goes, to my knowledge. So, let's look through it! Above is a link so that you can check the dialogue yourself if you so desire.
Okay, first scene and- HEY WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE BUDDY
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Ok, let's get something straight here. It's not stated that this is an alcoholic beverage. But come on. Sure buddy, pirates are totally gonna be partying with non-alcoholic beverages. And no, it's not "ohhh it's for kids they're not gonna have ACTUAL alcohol in there" because one, Vampire Cookie is constantly drunk off his ass, two...
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We have literally seen cookies get drunk. Yes, this is from Kingdom, but this is about what the brand does and doesn't allow, so this is a good indicator (Besides, getting drunk isn't the worst when you have gotten somewhat comfortable with showing blood- er, strawberry jam.) There is no universe in which you could convince me that Sorbet isn't drinking totally-not-rhum here. Specially because everyone is drinking the same thing, out of what looks like a standard traditional beer mug. So either Pirate Cookie is encouraging underage drinking, or... Well, let's not get too caught up in that now. Let's keep going.
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We meet Captain Ice Cookie, captain of a navy ship, who hunts down pirates and takes them into custody. Let's establish something now; Captain Ice Cookie is very, very motherly. It's a core component of her character. She let Peppermint on board simply because the kid thought her ship looked like a whale, and really wanted to get on it. A navy ship. Her weak spot for children seems to be something she can't really control, otherwise, she wouldn't be letting a child on a navy ship full of weapons used to hunt down pirates. Her nature is on display many, many times in various bits of text.
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So, if she saw a child on a pirate ship, she would probably be concerned and ruthlessly berate Pirate Cookie for letting a child on board, right?
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Nope. Absolutely not. Her soft spot for children is not even remotely on display here. Not for a second. And this endures through all of Tower Of Frozen Waves.
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So either A) Sorbet IS a child, and Captain Ice is... Stupid, I guess? And couldn't recognize that? B) Sorbet is a child, but more importantly a pirate, and in Ice's eyes, any and all forms of basic human respect is something a pirate is not deserving of, no matter their age (Which, although funny, is... Absolutely batshit insane.) C) Sorbet wasn't written as a child during this event, at all.
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The closest Captain Ice ever gets to showing any sort of concern for Sorbet is this moment, and even then...
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For just about the entirety of the event, Peppermint is FREQUENTLY referred to as "little one" by Captain Ice, something Sorbet never once gets.
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They're also a constant reason for Captain Ice to remind Peppermint to never trust a pirate, which would be... Really, really weird for her to insist upon if this was just a kid.
So, Sorbet and Peppermint go to Sugarteara, no one once addresses Sorbet as anything but an equal, or in any way imply that they could be a kid, they get Sea Fairy out of there, etc. Sorbet and Captain Ice never interact during the last few cutscenes. So not once, not even a single time, has Captain Ice demonstrated any sort of motherly nature towards Sorbet, not even the most basic one, past, you know, trying to get them not to die. Which is in her best interest, and probably part of her general moral compass. She only wants to arrest pirates, not kill them.
And... To my knowledge, Sorbet never gets any dialogue anywhere else in OB events or story bits! So... In the text, there's no implication as to Sorbet being a kid or at all young. They're just kind of inexperienced at being a pirate, because for most of their life, they were a shark, not a cookie. Speaking of...
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Sorbet's Story card! This was later reused for Kingdom, which as we'll later see might have been a mistake, but either way... Phrasing here is very, very important. There might be hyperbole, but "Once upon a time" implies that this tale happened a decently long time ago, supported by the line "Saddened, the shark disappeared into the sea for ages.", which implies a decent chunk of passage of time. Not once is any indicator of youth ever stated here, and in fact, depending on your interpretation of the text, it's very easy to see the text indicating the exact opposite.
This isn't really related to Tower Of Frozen Waves specifically, but I felt it was worth noting.
3. Lightning round
Ok, this is just where I put miscellaneous things that may add to my point. Let's look at Sorbet's costumes real quick.
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Pirate Overlord and Noctilucent Vigilante Apprentice!
One is Sorbet Shark in what's presumably the future, having made a name for themself as a Pirate Lord, commanding the seas and striking fear into those who hear their name. Pretty well decorated! Yet, despite the passage of time that would have taken place for Sorbet to get to this position, the proportions remain the same. They're even rocking some shiny black eyeshadow or something of the sort! Hmm... The other is Sorbet having joined Electric Eel Cookie's Noctilucent Vigilantes, a hypothetical group that cleans up trash from the oceans. It looks like a nightclub outfit. That's probably the point. They're even shirtless, and get an ear piercing. Would be real weird to do this with a child, not gonna lie.
Secondly, I wanna address something that probably furthered the notion that Sorbet Shark is a child.
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On land, they're just about entirely non-verbal. People online seem to have... A bit of a problem, when it comes to even partially non-verbal characters. They're often babified, treated like children even if they're not. I've seen this happen countless times; non-verbal characters either get treated as "Ooooh so cool and mysterious" or "Awww babyyyy i wanna protect themmm" no matter the author's intent. Not a callout on anyone in particular, of course, but there's a pattern there.
Next, the concept art.
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So... At some point, Sorbet was meant to be taller. And, although hard to tell, it's possible they may never have been intended to wear a shirt at all, just... Ever. If so, that would be really weird to put on a character meant to be a child from the start. Oh, and the shark form got slightly bigger between the concept phase and finalized design. Interesting, isn't it?
Now, for the crux of this whole thing. If you look at Ovenbreak, there is no proper, logical reason to believe Sorbet is a child. It's fine as a headcanon, it's whatever, but there's more to indicate that they're not one than there is for them being one.
And then the other game came out.
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Kingdom has taken the series in... New directions. Some good, some bad, some... Interesting. Some blatant ripoffs of other more successful mobile games! Such as one with a 2-word title, with the initials GI, made by a company whose name ends in "hoyo". Either way, Kingdom makes... A lot of changes. A new backstory entirely for Dark Enchantress, the existence of kingdoms once implied to be left in complete ruin, etc.
I think you see where I'm going with this.
Eventually, Sorbet Shark came to Kingdom. There were no indicators of being a child, other than... Frankly, being woobified quite often by the characters around them. They kinda just existed to sit there and look cute and do absolutely nothing important. They save some people near the end offscreen, and that's about it. And, oh hey, costumes made their return, I wonder what Sorbet Shark g-
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... Interesting. From Pirate Overlord to... Little sailor outfit. Quite the difference, right? Though it almost checks out, with how they were treated beforehand.
Oh yeah, Soda Islands also directly contradicts the Story card they reused from Ovenbreak. Fun!
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They try to imply that Sorbet simply just went underwater for, idk, 20 minutes, and popped right back out as a cookie! Even though that makes no sense, as the Story card says that they disappeared for a long time.
And, to make things even more inconsistent...
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Black Pearl. Buddy. You don't live in the Soda Islands. You live in the Duskgloom Sea. Hell, you have your own set of islands named after you. So either Sorbet went mach speed to the Duskgloom Sea, entered the cave, got the wish, and swum back to the Soda Islands, all in about an hour or so tops, or that makes absolutely no sense. Nonsense on top of nonsense! How incredibly fun!
You're seeing what I'm seeing right. Everything about Sorbet's age coheres in Ovenbreak, but then Kingdom... Yeah, it's a mess. Kingdom is trying to sell to you that Sorbet is a child, when plenty of information from Ovenbreak contradicts it; hell, it contradicts itself, since they reused the Story card from Ovenbreak, instead of making a new one that fit this canon. Said canon wouldn't even make sense if they did, since Sorbet would have had to make an incredibly fast trip from one sea to the other in order to participate in the Soda Islands story at all. And these two know each other! They have dialogue together! You can't even say Black Pearl is talking about someone else, because they have unique dialogue that calls back to this!
So... Here's what I'm trying to say;
Sorbet's current age is a retcon.
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To those of you who don't know, a retcon is when a story makes an addition that either contradicts or alters pre-existing material. For example, Dark Enchantress actually being White Lily was a retcon. Not all retcons are bad! But if they contradict previous material enough, it becomes hard to take them seriously, and it calls into question the consistency and/or quality of the source material.
Sorbet Shark, by all accounts, is NOT implied at all to be a child in the source material, or at all young, is suddenly a child in Kingdom. And all the means used to imply that are direct contradictions of pre-established material.
But... Why? Why exactly would this be done?
Now's when the conspiracy theorist hats come on.
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I sincerely, thoroughly believe that the reason Sorbet was turned into a child with Kingdom despite previous contradictions, is because it made them more marketable. I'm not kidding. See, the thing that's made Sorbet so popular is their cuteness factor. The people at Devsisters knew this damn well. So here they have their new game, absolutely booming with players, full of opportunity for people to sink money into their favorite cookies. And that's not even accounting for possible merch revenue!
So, they have this character who sells well due to cuteness factor. Obviously, if they want it to sell even more, they need to do something. And so they did! They leaned into the cuteness factor as much as possible. That's like, their primary purpose now. They're only in shark form for about 2 cutscenes, and 1 small one that you need to find on the map itself. Most of the time they exist, it's in land form, the small, cute, marketable one. So they give them a cute little sailor outfit, and... Hm, what else could they do?
Well... People already see them as a child in the larger fanbase, right? And people find children cute! They want to hold and protect and care for them, and it instills that feeling of wanting to keep said child close to them. So...
Why not birth fanon into canon?
Many modern writers fall into this trap. After all, if the audience sees something a certain way, that must be because they prefer it that way. And if you wanna please an audience or sucker money out of them, why not change a character to be more the way they like? We've seen it happen countless, countless times in many pieces of media. Cinema, anime, comics, games, the works. As a Dragon Ball fan, I'd know! They turned my main man Goku into a complete bumbling idiot in Dragon Ball Super! He's never been book smart, sure, but he's experienced, has emotional tact, and can get really good reads on people. He's not stupid, just smart in his own way. Super just makes him an idiot. Because people kept making jokes and parodies where he's depicted as such, so Toei wanted in on the joke. And it backfired. Hard.
This, to me, is what happened to Sorbet. Much like Goku was turned into a complete idiot because the fanbase seemingly saw him that way, Sorbet was turned into a child because the fanbase largely saw them as one, and because it'd potentially help drive up sales related to the character.
This is all speculation, of course; you could argue endlessly about the why of the matter. But the fact is; Sorbet's age in Kingdom is, undeniably, as proven above;
A retcon.
... You know, assuming Kingdom and Ovenbreak are even the same timeline. Which, considering we've seen Gingerbrave escape from the Witch's Kitchen about 4 times now, all through different means and framed differently... Yeah, there's a good chance they're not really the same timeline anymore. So there's a possibility that OB Sorbet is not a child, while Kingdom Sorbet is a child, despite the designs and personalities (mostly design) being the same. So, either retcon, or split timelines. Pick your poison.
So, what I'm getting at is...
If you see Sorbet as not a child, and would prefer to keep it that way, you're damn well within your right. I know I never did, and I never liked the notion of them being one in the first place. Take it from me, an exhausted writer and (sort of?) fic creator, who loves overanalyzing media.
Peace out. Don't fight people over this little thing's age, because really, it's pointless.
Not even the creators of the character know what they're doing, after all.
See you all later.
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moonlightcookie · 6 months
a love letter to seamoon
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disclaimer this will get Very long. majority will be under the cut. this will be very personal
i didn't grow up seeing lgbt media, only glimpses of gay fanart and fanfiction, created by fans. openly gay or trans characters in media didn't really exist when i was a child, and when they were, it was all homophobic and transphobic stereotypes, meant to get a laugh out of the cishet audience.
i grew up in a society where being gay (or trans), was a bad, shameful thing to be. the very first time i came out to anyone, it was my best friend in 7th grade. i texted her, crying bc i was so ashamed of myself, and afraid of her reaction. i texted her, bc i couldn't bear to say it aloud. she was the only one i had told, for years.
It's terrifying to even think of outing yourself when your peers were like hungry wolves, taking any opportunity to find anything wrong with you. i was already fat, ugly, a teacher's pet, etc. I generally kept to myself, and other kids didn't like that. especially since i was poor, and would often show up to school in old, torn clothes every day. nooo way i felt safe enough to come out to anyone else, until a few years later in high school (which was still super scary btw!!)
imagine how i felt as a teenager, seeing Steven Universe on air, especially after the Ruby + Sapphire reveal. a kid's cartoon with largely female/nonbinary characters AND canon lesbians? with onscreen lesbian kisses? on the MOUTH?? nowadays it might seem silly to praise SU for its lgbt representation, when now there's a lot more (by comparison) of openly lgbt media. but i feel like people, esp young people who grew up alongside SU and other openly lgbt media, don't realize just how revolutionary (and recent!!) SU was for its time. SU had actually been cancelled shortly after the Rupphire wedding, for obvious reason. before then, people would jump thru hoops to say that Ruby and Sapphire were sisters, or just "very good friends" . other countries would censor their relationship or not air it at all. sadly, i still see the same happen to other sapphic characters/relationships, including seamoon.
All of this is to say, i just want to let out how important Sea Fairy and Moonlight, and their relationship, are to me.
I first learned about Cookie Run 6-7 years ago when kinning CR characters was a big thing on tumblr lol. one of my mutuals would post about it, and the characters i saw looked cute, so i went to the wiki to look at some more. immediately i was drawn to Moonlight Cookie, and getting her on the official CR personality quiz didnt help either lol
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then when i saw Sea Fairy's page, and her mentioning her deep love of the moon, i immediately knew she was really talking about Moonlight, and that seamoon was intended to be canon. this was all before the relationship charts, mind you. all we had were Sea Fairy's inital LINE/Kakao release event, and both Sea Fairy's and Moonlight’s loading lines to go off of
even back then, people were upset at the possibility of them being in love, headcanoning them as sisters or just "best friends", others would say Sea Fairy was talking about the literal moon, or even the moon that Moonlight rides on...
frankly, it was obvious to I and many other sapphics that seamoon was canon. the moon affecting the sea's tide IRL, Sea Fairy being the legendary released after Moonlight, with her entire story up to that point was of a sea fairy who was cursed to be frozen upon trying to reach the moon she so loved. Both their lines referencing longing + loneliness, the City of Wizards and the Tower of Frozen Waves's proximity... it all added up.
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finally, on November 14th 2019, Devsisters released the "I Want You Every Day" MV. where we finally get real confirmation of Sea Fairy and Moonlight's relationship, and especially Moonlight's reciprocation of Sea Fairy's feelings, with this legendary moment:
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(gifs from @/kumiihocookie) to finally have confirmation- there is no sentence in the English language that could accurately describe my feelings. Elation, jubilation, vindication, ecstatic, the list goes on. literally where else am i supposed to find a character who's just like me, including being canonically sapphic?! to have a character i see so much of myself in, be confirmed to be in love and in a relationship with another woman, one who loves her so much as to literally go to the ends of the Earth(bread) for, i cannot find the words although LDRs arent for me, they are the reality for many lesbians, including my own at one point. seeing these two women continue to love each other unconditionally despite their distance, despite the very real reasons they cannot physically be together, brings me hope as a lesbian.
i hope that i too, can find a love that will always look to the sky, thinking of me. a love that will love me unconditionally, the way Sea Fairy loves Moonlight. a love that can bring me peace and comfort, the way that Moonlight does for Sea Fairy.
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moyonote · 3 months
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come get your cookie models over here models extracted with animations, but some of them are borked for few. i don't know how and why…. i think i do have skill issue with assetstudio 💀
▶ Game: Cookie Run Tower of Adventures ▶ Developer: Oven Games ▶ Publisher: Devsisters Corporation
▼ DOWNLOAD ▼ (please read the notes here carefully before using!)
before you ask me:
yes you can port them to MMD, SFM, VRChat, etc i really don’t care what you would do with these model rips (heck i don’t even care if you use them for nsfw)
if there are new game content updates, i’ll try to remember to update my dump too
my only rules for these gamerips are:
CREDIT THE CREATORS (AKA THE GAME DEVELOPERS) OF THESE MODELS, ESPECIALLY WHEN USED FOR IN-GAME MODS. you don't even need to credit me, i only ripped these out effortlessly (most of the time).
DO NOT DIRECTLY SELL THE MODEL RIPS. (if you wanna use them for commissions, such as kitbashing or porting to other 3d softwares, that's up to you... but NEVER SELL OR PUT THE RAW MODEL RIPS BEHIND PAYWALLS.)
if you do not agree to these rules, DO NOT USE MY GAMERIPS.
DISCLAIMER: i am only sharing these model assets for the sole purpose of letting other users to study and utilise them for personal projects. i do not seek compensation, monetary gain, nor profit over these assets as extracting them from games is already in the gray area in the first place.
so please use common sense whenever you use these model assets, and i, the uploader, do not, and will not, claim ownership over these model assets.
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t-t-tau-me · 3 months
Mystic Flour and Cultural Confusion: part 1 
Hello there, stranger. I see the smell of cookies has guided you through the white mist. Why don't you kick back and relax while I talk your ear off about the cultural significance of a baked good…
This is what I'm doing with my life.
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So, Cookie Run: Kingdom. A game that starts with the tone of Dragon Tales and somehow mutates into Lord of the Rings territory (Which I love by the way). Cookie Run as a franchise has always had dozens of characters from all different walks of life, many of them inspired by our real world. Devsisters dedicate a lot of time and effort to getting the cultural significance of their characters and plot lines correct, and they do a pretty good job…
Mostly…(I ain't going anywhere near that until I get more research and opinions on it.) 
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When pulling direct inspiration from a real-world culture and introducing it to an audience of a separate one, It can lead to a surprising amount of confusion. A good example of this would be when something originated in one culture, but is far more known in a different one, causing some people to believe that a certain thing only belongs to one culture.
Incomes the main subject of this post. (finally,) One of the first cookies baked! The hero of Volition turned beast of apathy! Put your hands together for Mystic Flour Cookie!
She's excited, I swear.
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So…what does an overdesign treat have to do with what I just said? A lot actually. But alas, there's still one last thing I need to clarify, less I get mauled to death for not covering my bases.
Now, I'm not going to disclose the entirety of my identity as I care about my privacy. All you need to know is that I'm a minority in the Western hemisphere. The reason I feel it's important to disclose this is because people will use my identity, or lack thereof, to discredit anything I say, all because I MIGHT be some white guy in my 30s. One of the reasons for this behavior could be people trying to make sure someone isn't just trying to profit off of someone else's beliefs or culture, which I completely understand. I know what it's like when people attempt to use your identity just to benefit them in some sort of way, Even if it's not on the level of a religion or practice. It completely erases you as a person and just makes you an accessory.
However, the problem comes when you overdo it. I've seen a decent amount of people being attacked over interacting with cultures outside of their own, All because they don't fit the criteria of being enough of a certain ethnicity to do something. It's understandable to be mad when someone's making a mockery of what you care about, But it's entirely different when they're actively trying to learn and you still treat them horribly. It's kind of hard to learn about something when you're being told You're a monster for trying to do so.
To those who are curious or want to get in touch with your ancestry, You're still valid even if you don't breathe that culture every day. The only thing you really need is patience to learn and respect to understand.
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Oh yeah, you're still here. (Whoops) 
The reason why Mystic Flour Cookie is important to this conversation is due to her cultural influence of Buddhism. Those who are at least somewhat familiar with the belief could probably pick up on the inspiration just by looking at her. (Keep in mind, children play this game so not everyone is going to know this.) From what I've seen, a sizable amount of people think Mystic flower is Chinese-inspired which…isn't wrong, But there's a bit more to it. I'll be showing quotes in links I used in my research, feel free to do your own digging. if you like.
Before I go ahead and start going into detail on Mystic Flour, I'm actually going to split up this post into 2 parts so it's easier for people to read. If you're interested you shouldn't have to wait long, and thanks for even bothering to read this.
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Interview: So Cookies (including the Editor), what do you think about the changes of the Ancient+ Rarity and the new Awakening system for the Ancient Heroes?
After seeing the powercreep and banner issues that came with Mystic Flour last month, having an immediate follow-up Ancient+ with Dragon Lord Dark Cacao when I already have regular Dark Cacao just sounds like a desperate cash grab and a whole mess of trying to balance and justify the whole thing despite having the whole player base descending on them.
It took another live truck protest outside their HQ to get them to nix this concept. The last time such a campaign was a success in this community was them protesting the addition of Invocation Cards! And that was a whole 3 years ago!
As for the newly proposed Awakening system… well… they’d be better off peddling a sort of magic candy equivalent for them like they did for the Legendaries, and even then they’ll find a way to monetize it and make it as unfair in balance as possible. That’s the direction I’m imagining this Awakening system going as of now.
All I can say beyond this is that Devsisters should watch their step for the time being. Tower of Adventures is releasing soon, and I’d rather not have an angry KR player base complaining about CRK’s misadventures in greed overshadowing this whole release.
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