#devotional activities apollo
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eclectic-soulss · 8 months ago
Listen to music you associate with Apollo
Go to concerts
Have a solo dance/singing party
Read poetry or write your own poetry
Spend some minutes under the sunlight
Practice various divination methods or master one in particular
Take care of your health (mental and physical) this can include brushing your teeth, showering, eating right, moving your body, going to therapy, etc)
Tell the truth and aspire to be an honest person
Practice healing magic or master one in particular (for example herbal healing)
Look at the bright side of things, at the light at the end of the tunnel
Paint or draw something
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saintly-yves · 8 months ago
one thing i find sweet is that i seem to be apollo-coded from the day i was born. i was born on a sunday (im also a july baby), and at a time that was when the sun was at it's peak -- and then later in life i grew obsessed with herbology and homesteading and especially divination.
greek mythology didn't come to me until much later, but i like to think that it was only a matter of time before i started worshipping apollo, lol, especially considering the obsessions i had with lyres and harps (and to be honest, that obsession is still there)
i grew up writing poems and songs about the sun and napping in the sun and just lying outside in the sun; could that have been he himself reaching out to me? guess we'll never know (at least until i ask)
anyways, what ive been trying to say this whole time, is apollo i love you <3
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↑ one of my favorite paintings of him
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theic-manic · 4 months ago
When the ravens are quiet
And the Ibises are out
Steer the course,
For the signs are loud.
Active meditation insight.
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s1utforvampires · 1 year ago
getting through my ancient greek translations by telling myself it’s a devotional activity
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celestialdeadpoet · 9 months ago
Little HelPol Tips
Having a himalayan salt lamp as an eternal flame for Hestia
Candles and incense are good low-energy offerings
Dedicating baths/showers to Aphrodite
If you have pets, devote taking care of them to Artemis
Do what you can and what feels right!! Each person's practice is different
You are in fact allowed to make mistakes
Making a snack/beverage and offering it to a deity/deities, or inviting them to share it with you
If you're learning a language (or multiple!) dedicate it to Hermes
Make playlists for your deities
If you make art/ play any musical instruments, dedicate those activities to Apollo
Try to look for the theoi in your everyday life, even in the mundane things
If you workout, dedicate that to Ares
Similarly, if you play sports, dedicate that play to Hermes
If you have a garden or plants, dedicate taking care of them to Demeter and Persephone
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vanillashay · 4 months ago
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Devotional Acts I do for Apollo
(as someone who practices in secret)
- take my medicine (I have a bad habit of forgetting)
- taking at least 5-10 minutes to meditate out in the sun in the morning.
- attempting to take time everyday to admire the sunset.
- do a creative activity at least once a day
- letting the sun shine through my window
- light his candles when I can
- make jewelry
- make sun water
- organize his altar
- eat oranges & bury the peels (usually they are offerings)
- drink lemon water
- listen to his hymns
- listen to music when I can
- wearing his sun + citrine keychain offering
- wearing his devoted bracelet
- admiring Artemis and her beauty
- taking walks
- eating healthier
- researching clairvoyance (other similar things as well)
- taking photos of the sunset
- learning other forms of divination
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seasaltandwisdom · 11 months ago
i love you, king zeus.
i love you, lady hestia.
i love you, lord apollo.
i love you, lady athena.
i love you, lady aphrodite.
i love you, lord poseidon.
i love you, lord hermes.
i love you, gods that i don’t actively worship.
i’ve been slacking on my devotion lately but i’ll always love the gods and they’ll always understand. they know that as long as i’m alive, i am living for them.
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confused-theist · 4 months ago
what story are you planning 👁️👁️
girl help how does one balance school studies, social life, creative projects and religious practices
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asuyaka · 8 months ago
Guess who's back for that monthly movie list requesting? That's right, your favorite Satosugu sucker!💃💃
All jokes aside tho, I am in some *desperate* need of quality Yuji content that doesn't involve my boy getting yeet'en around like a ragdoll in Shibuya😔
So here is my prompt for today!
Yuji has a rich boyfie(reader) who is like- deadass the hottest thing to exist ever since Apollo, and they just love to spoil Yuji rotten in shape and form possible, being basically that dreamy kind of lover that gives their partners royalty treatment lol
Like, Reader is very gentle and soft with Yuji and isn't afraid of expressing their love and devotion to him, buying him expensive gifts, taking him to all sorts of dates and indulging in whatever couple activities Yuji proposes, cuddling with him on the couch, giving him those affectionate kisses(cheeks, forehead, the tip of the nose, back of the hand, whatever's in the menu) and just overall the definition of perfect lover you'd see in the books: fashionable, romantic, chivalrous, flirty, teasing and fun to have around. Also for the sake of simplicity, let's just say that Reader is a sorcerer as well.
I am a shameless simp if it wasn't obvious already, also if it isn't much of a bother- could you maybe write a bonus scene where Yuji shows up to Jujutsu Tech with some jewelry(could be a necklace, a pair of wristbands or one of those simple golden earrings) that Reader bought him the day before and Nobara, being Nobara, immediately notices the clearly expensive accessory and confronts Yuji about it, only for the boy to bluntly say something like "oh, my boyfriend gave it to me", cue to Nobara and Megumi swarming Yuji with questions cus they had no idea Yuji could bag someone, let alone someone who had enough money to buy something that you'd only see someone like Gojo wearing so casually.
Sincerely, '🌈' Anon.
★ - wowie you guys really like the rich reader troupe huh,,,
☆ - Yuuji Itadori x Rich! Male Reader!
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You spritzed a bottle of Eros Versace on your wrists, rubbing the scent on your neck and behind your ear. Slipping on a pair of sneakers and making your way to the park where you and your boyfriend, Itadori Yuuji, decided to meet up.
You were taking him out on a date to celebrate your one-year anniversary, a date Yuuji excitedly texted you about at twelve in the morning.
"[Name]!" Itadori exclaimed, crushing you in a tight hug as soon as he spotted you walking into the park. You smiled as your boyfriend lifted you off the ground and spun you around, putting you back on the floor with a smile that rivaled the sun. "Happy anniversary—wow, you smell good! Is that a new cologne?"
You kissed his hand. "Happy anniversary, prince. It is a new cologne, I ordered it yesterday just for the occasion."
Yuuji blushed at the pet name, averting his eyes when you intertwined his hand in yours. "So, um, where are we going? Telling me to dress 'casual' doesn't explain anything."
Itadori was wearing a black jacket over a white zip-up hoodie with a black cross in the middle, paired with black jeans and a pair of red Converse.
"I'm not spoiling the rest of the date, but I will tell you that we're going to a mall."
Yuuji perked up. "A mall? Sweet!" He squeezed your hand as the two of you walked to a nearby mall, humming occasionally as your boyfriend ranted about everything that happened the past week.
The trip to the mall was an excuse to spoil Yuuji. Anything he wanted, he got. If he looked at an item for too long, you bought it. If he expressed any kind of positive emotion towards something, it was his. Hell, if he asked, you'd try buying the entire mall just for him because it was what your prince deserved.
Hoodies, zip-ups, shirts, pants, rings, necklaces, matching plushies, cologne—something similar to yours but not exactly so he smelt like you— and hats. Whatever your boy wanted he got.
After spending at least ten thousand yen at the mall, you went to a small burger chain Yuuji loved for a lunch break. Seeing him happy as he ate... three burgers brought a smile to your face, especially when he was concerned at your minimal order of french fries and ice cream.
Discreetly, you bought a bouquet of lithiasis flowers, tulips, and white roses; surprising him when he walked out of the burger place.
"Oh my God," Yuuji flushed, taking the flowers and pressing a kiss on your lips. "You're so sweet, babe, I love you so much."
"Lithiasis flowers mean an everlasting bond, tulips mean deep love, and roses just mean love." You kissed Yuuji's cheek, a smile on your face as the tips of his ears tinted red. "I love you too, Dear. Happy anniversary, and much more to come."
Yuuji sniffled. "[Name], I'm going to start crying if you keep this up— I promise you."
You giggled and kissed his cheek again. "As long as they're tears of happiness, prince, I think we'll be okay."
That made Yuuji audibly keen, wrapping his hands around your waist and putting his head in the crook of your neck. "You're so perfect... what did I do to deserve you?"
You patted your boyfriend's hair as you kissed the crown of his head. "You did nothing but exist, prince. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. You'll always be the love of my life."
You meant it too. You couldn't love anyone else like you loved Yuuji, and Yuuji couldn't love anyone else like he loved you. You were two peas in a pod, always together, no matter the circumstances.
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"Where the fuck did you get that?" Nobara pointed at the Kirby sweater her friend was wearing. The Kirby sweater that she knew was over nine-thousand yen the last time she checked (which was two days ago).
"Huh?" Yuuji looked down at his hoodie before smiling. "Oh, my boyfriend got it for me!"
Megumi looked at the pink-haired boy from over the couch. "Boyfriend?" He and Nobara said in unison.
"...yeah? My boyfriend got it for me for our anniversary! It's super comfy, probably my favorite hoodie other than my yellow one!"
"Yuuji," Nobara started, "It's not April first, and you're a shit liar. C'mon, tell me where you got the hoodie from because I know you don't have nine thousand yen as pocket money."
"Dude I'm being so serious! You believe me, right Fushiguro?"
Megumi shrugged. "Not really."
Itadori gasped. "I told you guys like three days ago I was going on a date!"
"Yeah, with yourself." Nobara rolled her eyes. "Now stop lying and tell me where you got it from! Did Gojo-sensei buy it for you? I knew he had favorites but I always thought it was Megumi 'cause, you know, he's his dad and everything."
"Gojo-sensei isn't my dad." Megumi interrupted.
"Yeah, and I'm Jennifer fucking Lawrence."
"Don't disrespect Jennifer like that!"
Nobara groaned. "Yuuji, I swear on everything I love if you don't tell me where you got that and all the other expensive shit in your closet I'm hammering your hand to a wall."
"I told you already, my boyfriend got it for me!" Yuuji exclaimed, pulling out his phone to show them a picture he had taken on his anniversary.
Megumi stared with a blank expression. "It's photoshop."
"It's not fucking— do you want me to call him right now?"
"Sure, call this so-called 'boyfriend' of yours. We all know your charisma is horrible, Yuuji."
Itadori pouted as he clicked on your contact. "My charisma isn't horrible," he muttered, putting the phone on speaker as the call rang.
You picked up on the first ring. "Prince? I just woke up, apologies if my voice sounds weird, but did you need me for something?"
"Yeah, remember when we had our anniversary three days ago?"
"Just checking, you bought me that Kirby hoodie from Hot Topic right? With all the other stuff I put in my closet?"
"I did, is the hoodie not to your liking anymore? I can go buy a new one if you want."
Yuuji stared at his friends surprised expressions, a smug grin forming on his face. "No, I just wanted to make sure. Sorry for bothering you, go back to sleep!"
His boyfriend laughed on the other end. "Alright, love. I'll call you when I wake up, good night."
Yuuji kissed into the mic. "Sweet dreams, I love you!"
"I love you too, Dear." He ended the call and placed his phone back on the table. "I fucking told you so."
"Where the hell did you find a guy that has Gojo-sensei money?!" Kugisaki yelled, pointing an accusing finger in Yuuji's face.
"Where did you find a guy who can sit through you talk about the Human Eathworm?"
Yuuji crossed his arms. "You guys are acting like I'm ugly or something!"
A silence stretched and his friends looked the other way. "Well... you aren't exactly good looking that's for sure."
"Shut the fuck up, Kugisaki!"
"You wanna go? Don't think just because you have a ten-thousand yen worth hoodie on I won't beat the shit out of you!"
"I thought it was nine-thousand?" Megumi asked.
"Shut up Fushiguro!"
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winxanity-ii · 4 months ago
⌜Godly Things | Chapter 02 Chapter 02 | melody⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Knowledge of EPIC: The Musical isn't technically needed; this can be read with just common knowledge of Greek mythology and The Odyssey..
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The sun shone brightly, a golden orb in a cloudless sky, casting warmth over the bustling marketplace.
The air was filled with the hum of activity—the laughter of children running around, their small feet kicking up dust as they giggled, weaving in and out between makeshift stalls.
Shopkeepers called out their wares, their voices blending into a melodic cacophony.
Stands made from old wood and vibrant fabrics offered fruits, spices, and handmade crafts, creating a colorful, bustling scene that felt almost like a miniature city.
Aleka moved through the crowd, her face beaming with a bright, content smile. A woven basket rested in the crook of her arm, filled with a few goods already purchased.
Her clothes were simple yet well-made, comfortable, and hand-knitted from good material—dyed in soft, earthy colors. Her long hair was pulled into a low bun, stray wisps framing her radiant face.
But what had the beautiful woman smiling most was the wide-eyed, joyful toddler clutching her hand.
"____," Aleka called gently, her voice filled with warmth as she turned to look at her child. The both of you stopped in front of a fruit stand, and she knelt down to your level, her hands reaching up to cup your soft, chubby cheeks. "What would you like, my sweet one?"
You turned your gaze from the bustling crowd to your mother, your eyes brightening as you grinned. You pointed to your favorite fruit—sweet figs, their dark skin glistening in the sunlight—your voice ringing out with excitement. "Figs!"
Aleka giggled at your enthusiasm, nodding. "Alright, my little dove," she said with a smile, rising to her feet to do the transaction with the older woman selling the fruits.
As your mother began to barter, you found your attention drifting away, your ears catching a soft, gentle sound—a melody drifting through the market.
There was something about it that pulled at you, a feeling you couldn't quite explain.
Your small hand slipped free from your mother's as you slowly wandered away, drawn by the enchanting tune.
The music led you further into the marketplace until you came upon a small crowd seated in a semi-circle around a young man who was playing an instrument—a lyre.
Your little form managed to squeeze its way to the front, giving you a close-up view of the musician.
The young man was slender, with a boyish face, his features gentle and kind. His hair was short, dark, and neatly kept, with a laurel wreath resting upon his head. His skin was tanned, sun-kissed from days spent outdoors, and his eyes were a light brown, glinting almost golden in the sunlight.
He strummed the lyre with deft fingers, his voice smooth and melodic, weaving an ode to Apollo.
"Apollo of the golden lyre, bringer of light and muse's fire, may your radiance never fade, and guide us through each night and shade..."
You listened, enraptured, your young heart swelling with an inexplicable warmth. The words were beautiful, filled with devotion and reverence, and something in the music seemed to speak directly to your soul, filling you with awe.
The melody wrapped around you like a comforting embrace, and you found yourself swaying gently to the tune, unable to look away from the lyre or the boy who played it.
As the last note of his song faded into the air, the small crowd erupted into applause, the people around you clapping enthusiastically as the young man gave a polite bow, a soft smile on his face.
He began to pack up his lyre, but as his eyes swept over the crowd, they landed on you, lingering for a moment.
A hint of confusion flickered across his features before his lips curved into a wider smile. He walked over to where you stood, bending at the waist so that he was at your level.
The young man hummed thoughtfully, his eyes studying you with curiosity. "You know," he said softly, "you must be favored, little one." His voice was kind, and there was something almost knowing in his gaze. He reached up, plucking the laurel wreath from his head before gently placing it on yours, the leaves brushing against your hair. "May Apollo's blessings follow you always," he whispered with a gentle smile.
Suddenly, a voice called your name, tinged with urgency and relief. "____!"
You looked over to see your mother standing a few feet away, a small bag of fruit in her hand.
Her eyes were wide with concern, but as soon as they landed on you, her shoulders relaxed. She hurried over, her eyes shifting to the young man, who had straightened up and was now watching her with a polite expression.
"Is this your little one?" the musician asked, his smile never fading.
Aleka nodded, her lips curving into a warm smile as you skipped over to her, wrapping your arms around her thigh and looking up at her with a bright grin. "Yes, she is," Aleka replied, her voice soft with affection.
The young man bowed slightly. "She is a special one. May Apollo continue to bless her," he said, his words carrying a weight that made Aleka freeze for a moment.
It was as if he knew something more—something he shouldn't know; but she quickly forced a smile, nodding in thanks. "Thank you, truly," she replied.
With that, the young man turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd, his lyre slung over his shoulder. Aleka watched him go for a moment before looking down at you, her eyes softening at the sight of the laurel wreath perched on your head.
"Come, my little dove," she said, her voice gentle as she took your hand once more, and the two of you began making your way back home.
The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink as you and your mother walked along the familiar path.
You chattered happily about the marketplace, the laurel wreath still sitting snugly atop your head.
Neither of you noticed how, as the sun dipped lower on the horizon, the wreath shimmered softly, the leaves turning a delicate shade of gold—glowing faintly, as if touched by a divine hand.
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Apollo's favor came in small, gentle ways at first—a gift that always seemed sweeter than it was meant to be and far more complicated.
Your favorite flowers always bloomed a little longer in the fields near your home, even when they should have withered with the changing seasons.
The fig trees that bore your favorite fruit remained lush and plentiful, giving you their bounty when others turned barren.
Even from a young age, it was clear that you were different—a prodigy.
Your mother would often take you to the bustling marketplace, letting you listen to the musicians who played their instruments with skill and passion.
You would watch, enraptured, until one day you finally plucked up the courage to pick up a lyre and sing yourself.
From that day forward, music came naturally to you; your fingers danced over the strings of the lyre without thought, and your voice flowed with melodies that had the power to still hearts and even bring tears to the eyes of Hades himself.
People whispered that you were a reincarnation of Orpheus himself, because when you played, your melodies held the power to stir even the coldest hearts, to make flowers bloom, and to soothe wild beasts.
But favor with the gods was a double-edged sword—fate had its own plans for those touched by divinity, and those plans could be cruel, even for someone like you.
The curse that had lingered over your family for generations had finally come.
A curse that began with Aphrodite herself, who had been slighted by one of your distant ancestors—a beautiful, radiant figure who had fallen deeply in love but failed to pay homage to the goddess of love, thinking that true love alone was enough.
Aphrodite had other ideas. She was vindictive in her beauty, jealous in her divinity. She cursed your ancestor and all their descendants: every family that dared to find happiness would inevitably face heartbreak.
The tragedy that was meant to strike your parents—losing their beloved child—had been prevented by Apollo. But fate could not be denied so easily.
An illness swept through your household—a sickness that drained strength, dimmed eyes, and stole warmth.
Yet, you remained untouched.
You had always kept your golden laurel leaf close; its soft glow and delicate form seemingly held some protective power. You would sit by their bedside, clutching the laurel, hoping its light could extend beyond you and touch them too.
But no matter how tightly you held it, you couldn't change their fate
So while your parents fell ill, you remained strong; the sickness passed over you as though repelled by the leaf's light.
And despite all their efforts, your parents were not as fortunate; they succumbed, leaving you alone in the world—an orphan with no one left to turn to.
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You wandered the countryside, your stomach empty, your feet aching, your heart heavy.
It had been months since your parents passed, and everything seemed to crumble after that. The clothes you wore were now nothing but rags—tattered, worn, and barely able to protect you from the elements.
Your once soft, comfortable dresses were replaced by frayed garments, hanging loosely off your thinning frame, stained with dirt and the remnants of long, restless travels.
Your feet were bare, the soles cracked and bruised, covered in cuts from the rough terrain.
The wind bit at your exposed skin, and the cold crept into your bones, unrelenting.
The melody that had once been in your heart felt distant, replaced by the hollow sound of emptiness.
The gods' favor seemed to have abandoned you.
You were alone, cold, and hungry—until you heard it.
A sudden melody drifted through the air, soft and haunting, a tune that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. It was the kind of song that made the heart yearn, tugged at the spirit, and it carried a warmth that wrapped around you like a comforting embrace.
You followed the melody, your feet moving as if drawn by invisible threads, leading you away from the barren landscape.
As you stepped closer, the music grew louder, guiding you over hills and past clusters of trees until the sight of a village appeared just over the horizon, bustling with life and movement.
It was Apollo's first favor since your family had died—a small sign, a chance to keep moving forward; the warmth in the melody was unmistakable—like a whisper from Apollo himself, urging you onwards.
The music pointed the way forward, leading you to a small village just over the horizon.
The people there were bustling around, merchants calling out their wares, food sizzling over open fires, the scent of spices and salt carried in the air; it reminded you of the marketplace back at home.
Among the bustling crowd, you caught snippets of conversation—a ship soon to depart for the island, Ithaca, carrying traders and travelers, a passage to a new beginning.
After overhearing this, you followed the murmurs, your feet sore and stomach rumbling; your eyes were wide as you spotted the ship at the docks, its sails billowing in the breeze.
You weaved through the crowds until you came across a group of men readying the ship—shouting orders, hauling crates, their voices loud over the creaking of the docked boat.
You slowly moved forward, attempting to slip between the stacked boxes, hoping to get closer unnoticed.
"Aye, little lad! Where do you think you're going?" The voice called out, deep and gruff. You froze, looking up to meet the gaze of a towering man, his brow furrowed as he stared down at you. You swallowed, your throat dry, stepping out from behind the crates with trembling hands.
"I-I was just... looking for something..." you stuttered, your voice trailing off, uncertain and nervous; you were pitiful, covered in dirt, your hair tangled, and your rags hanging loosely off your gaunt frame. Your face was streaked with grime, and your eyes—though bright—were hollow with hunger and exhaustion.
The man eyed you suspiciously, his brows knitting tighter. "Where are your parents, kid?" he asked, his voice now slightly gentler but still gruff.
You looked away, your gaze dropping to the ground as a sadness washed over your features. "They... they're dead," you whispered, your voice barely audible, the pain still fresh even after all these months.
The man was silent for a moment, his eyes softening. He glanced around, then back down at you. "Do you have a place to go?" he asked, his tone now a mix of concern and disbelief. "You look a little young to be wandering on your own."
You pressed your lips into a thin line, refusing to cry. Instead, you stared back at him, determination shining through the exhaustion etched on your face.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, kid," he began, "my ship is heading out towards Ithaca for some trading. I heard Queen Penelope's looking for some hands. She needs workers in her halls, people to help out. It ain't much, but it's something."
Your heart leapt at the chance, and you quickly nodded. "I'm a fast learner, sir. I can do anything, whatever you need. I promise I won't be any trouble." Your voice was earnest, filled with a desperate hope.
The man huffed again, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly as if fighting off a smile. "Alright, alright, we'll see about that. Get on, then, but don't be causing any trouble."
Relief flooded you, and you nodded quickly, stepping forward towards the ship, ready to prove yourself—ready for whatever awaited you in Ithaca.
As you stood near the ship's railing, looking out into the endless distance of the sea, the waves shimmered under the sunlight, and the salty breeze whipped through your tangled hair.
You gripped the railing with your bruised and dirt-covered hands, the wood rough under your fingers.
Your heart skipped a beat. You had nothing left here, no family, no home, no future. But Ithaca—it offered a chance, however small, at a new life.
And perhaps, in the halls of Penelope, you might find purpose again—a reason to keep going, a hope to cling to amidst the uncertainty of the open ocean.
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calvalia · 2 months ago
Shipping an OC with a living god that is actively worshipped as part of an ethnic religion is weird
(I think I need to clarify that this is supposed to be a ship between an OC and the character Apollo from a mix of modern media he features in, like Hades, Epic the Musical, and Blood of Zeus, as well as my own interpretation of him. It’s not supposed to be religious in any way lmao and I always tag it as such.
But I do have to ask, with that logic do you also find people who ship their OCs with Marvel’s Loki and Thor weird? Because they’re also deities worshipped in Paganism. And what about people who do have special relationships with their deities and consider themselves married to the actual deities within those beliefs, through practices such as godspousal?
[Also to clarify, godspousal is a modern word meant to serve as an umbrella term for ancient practices where people would marry or fully devote themselves to a deity. The type of relationship in a godspousal can vary and is not always romantic, it could also be a familial or devotional relationship similar to priests or nuns]
And while on that subject, Hellenic Polytheism is open practice, actually. There are many Hellenic Polytheists today who aren’t Greek. Mostly because it went extinct for a little while due to the expansion of the Roman Empire, who forced the population to convert to Christianity and destroyed most records of the religion’s practices and temples.
But even so, if the Greek physician Galen could ship his OC Crocus with Hermes by literally copying Hyacinthus’ myth [because the addition of Crocus’ myth is actually a very recent development in comparison] and it being a completely acceptable thing, what is stopping anyone else from doing the same??)
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meadowmusing · 1 year ago
random Cabin 10 / Aphrodite kids headcanons
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They keep a meticulous track of who is dating who, whose crushing on who, who isn't is rejecting who, ect. They also have a betting pool around certain relationships and campers. artistic rendition of Aphrodite campers presenting their romance predictions for the summer:
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They host charity events around Valentines. Its important to them that people spend the day with their loved ones, but also to make sure that love is shared around everywhere and with everyone. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
They may not be as big readers as the Athena kids, but they do have each their own favourite couple in history and media that they are ride or die for. They can even go toe-toe with Athena's kids in debates over these couples, arguing about their favourite relationship's historical legitimacy/basis or canon. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Aphrodite kids aren't known for enthusiastically participating in training or camp activities, but like water is to Percy, love is a powerful adrenaline rush. When they're fighting for someone or something they truly love, they can become incredible warriors and protectors even if its only for a short time. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Marilyn Monroe was a child of Aphrodite. I will die on this hill. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Despite their reputation of being quite vain, children of Aphrodite can be intensely devoted and self sacrificing when it comes to those they care about and matters of love. Being loved by a child of Aphrodite means discovering what it means to be worshipped like you are the moon to their tide, the air to their lungs. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
If you have a nasty break up with a child of Aphrodite, the next few dates you try to go on will go terribly and embarrassingly wrong. The bad luck will fade eventually, just long enough to create a few truly cringe worthy memories. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Cabin 10 campers host make up and wardrobe workshops semi regularly, giving advice to those that want it. They also collaborate on theatre projects the Apollo and Dionysus kids sometimes put on, mostly in make up/costuming/hair, but occasionally as captivating romance leads or as script consultants for love stories (in fact they get quite offended if you don't even ask any of them to at least read over your script). ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Weddings or engagements where part of the couple is a child of Aphrodite is massive affair. The whole cabin gets together for it, no matter where they live at this point in their lives. They also perform some really old ancient rites to honour Aphrodite and to ask her to bless their sibling in their relationships future. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
When children of Aphrodite go to battle, they wear something of their lover. Sometimes something simple like a picture of them, favourite jewellery of their lover's, their lover's lucky underwear, a hair piece from their love ect, or it can be as something as intimate as a lock of hair or even an ash diamond (if they've passed away). If they don't have a lover, then they wear something symbolic of their mother for her protection. Most popularly this is a dove feather or pearl jewellery, even both at once.
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nysus-temple · 1 year ago
Apollo & Dionysus [Part 1]
MAN. not sure if i know what i'm doing, they're very complicated and this won't be my only essay about them. But I've been delaying this essay for way too long, to a point in which I was close to crying about it.
Hope you enjoy, in any case, how i give you all the connections, both good and bad, of my favourite god figures from the Greek Folklore.
1. Karneia [Καρνεῖα].
One of Dionysus' main characteristics is how he's depicted with horns. It's part of his identity as a god, it's horns what (according to the Orphic hymns) made him look like Persephone's son. you can't take away his horns and pretend he's still Dionysus. Euripides knew that well.
Apollo, on the other hand, not many are aware that he sometimes was represented with horns, as well ! This festival, held mainly in Sparta, was to honor Apollo (and a couple of other gods but, he was the star of the show).
The reasons for why this festival was held vary; like Pausanias saying it was to calm him down so he wouldn't send a plague.
But, you see, the main reason this festival is mentioned here: the Spartans would stop any military activity to honor a horned Apollo, he resembled Dionysus during that time. And not only that, but he also was related with vines during it, and that's Dionysus sacred plant. Just like the laurel (or bay, i think it's called in English) is the sacred tree of Apollo.
Seeing Apollo with that plant, and harvesting grapes while having horns, has a strong conection to what Dionysus is.
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2. Delphi's Oracle.
It's still Apollo's Oracle, wether Dionysus kept it while he was gone at Hyperborea or not. He killed Python, Gaia's big-ass snake, in order to get it.
While Apollo had to leave during the winter time to go to Hyperborea, it was Dionysus OF ALL GODS the one who kept Delphi, and thus, his festivals were celebrated there.
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On one side of the main temple, you could see Apollo with his twin sister, Artemis, and his mother, Leto.
And on the other side, it was Dionysus.
Dionysus wasn't related to prophecies, at all. Maenads did shenanigans during the time Apollo wasn't there.
But it's, you know... Interesting, that Apollo's most important oracle was kept by Dionysus during the time that he wasn't there.
With this, you should think "then, they're in good terms, right?" Yeah, well, they're supposed to be, there's nothing stating that they have a bad relationship, it's the other way around, actually !
But the next point... Is gonna leave us all confused.
3. Orpheus.
Or, as i like to call it:
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And my favourite part of this essay, gotta say !
Orpheus brought many cults to the Greeks, according to Pausanias. Like the Eleusinian Demeter one, for example. And not to forget, Orphism gets his name from him, as well as the Orphic Hymns, obviously.
But, apparently, besides doing all that, at the end of his life, he claimed to not care about any gods, not even Dionysus, the main figure of Orphism, that weren't Apollo.
And his death was explained in a lost play of Aeschylus, one that two different writers describe; Eratosthenes and Pausanias, so pick your favourite:
P: 1. the maeneads saw Orpheus refusing to worship Dionysus, and killed him.
E: 2. Or, the interesting one: Dionysus saw that Orpheus devoted himself to Apollo and Apollo only, and got... Jealous. Jealous of his devotion to Apollo.
He was the one who started Orphism, the one who wrote many hymns for him. Seeing him being devoted to someone else than him apparently wasn't a good move. In this version he sent the maeneads to kill him, they didn't go for their own will, which makes it more peculiar.
I'm not writting down Ovid's version because it doesn't fucking count.
Plato also says some odd thingy, that "the gods imposed on Orpheus the punishment of dying at the hands of women for not having had the courage to die for love like Alcestis, daughter of Pelias, who had died in the place of her husband Admetus." ... Which, yeah, sure, I guess, whatever you say, buddy. We have to keep in mind Plato's texts are more related to philosophy than anything.
People always say it's Apollo the one who was envious of Dionysus' talents and parties, (for... some reason i guess) specially knowing how he had two of his muses related to him (tragedy and comedy) due to Dionysus being, after all, the god of theatre.
But, surprise ! It was the other way around. Dionysus was jealous of Orpheus' devotion to Apollo. "If you won't devote yourself to me, you won't devote yourself to anyone".
And, well, either because the sources didn't survive or because he wasn't considered his son in these versions, Apollo didn't do anything. In fact, we never see him doing anything towards Dionysus.
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So, what now, Nysus? What was their relationship exactly, after all of this?
It's... Complicated !! Okay !!! This needs more research from my part, plus we all should keep in mind that, while all the authors mentioned here were Greek, they were different guys. You always need to keep in mind the place, person, era... All of that, before starting to judge how a dynamic between two gods work.
( If you enjoy my badly-written posts, please consider buying me a kofi ! You're not forced to, though, but please, reblog this post at least if you are gonna leave a like ! 💕 That's what will motivate me to keep working on my essays )
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theoi-crow · 5 months ago
Hi! I’m a baby hellenist and I was just wondering how I’d devote a pice of jewelry to a deity (A smiley face pin for Apollo) and then, maybe wear it as a devotional act?
Thanks for you time :D
Gentle reminder to use Hellenic Polytheist and not Hellenist because modern Greek people use that to refer to their culture and identify each other.
You can devote a piece of jewelry to a deity in a few ways:
1) The simplest way is to just state it, either say it out loud or think it in your head:
for example you could say "I dedicate this piece of jewelry to Apollo and will wear it as a devotional act to him," or some kind of variation which makes it clear who that gift belongs to and who you are wearing it for. So long as it comes from your heart and you truly mean it, you'll be fine.
2) If you would like to make a ceremony for it you can but it is NOT required:
(I personally suffer from depression so I try to give advice that would cause the least amount of spoons in case the other person also has a condition that might limit them or if they don't have the means or time) but you're welcome to do something extra if you'd like, have the time, means or spoons.
There is no ceremony you have to follow, the ancient Greeks would give their gift to a priest to put in the temple along with an animal sacrifice (LINK) that would also double as a form of divination for the gifter because the priest would read the entrails of the animal (LINK), but the old religion died in it's original form with no surviving active temples, no priests who learned the old ways from previous priests and the religion has been revived with no more animal sacrifices which were a big part of the old religion and people now rely on bits and scraps of evidence pieced together by scholars and archeologists with big gaps missing, you are free to invent your own ceremony or look up "Greek reconstruction" tag to get ideas from others who may have made a format in case it helps, here is a site that's dedicated to bringing the ancient religion to the modern world: (LINK) and here is their guidance on gift giving: (LINK) but please keep on mind this site follows a lot of Orphism which was a mystery cult that was more popular in ancient Italy than in Greece because the city-states in Greece would follow rituals approved by the state via religious practices approved by the polis that were closely monitored by their city-state government.
3) My ceremony format in case you wish to follow it:
As mentioned earlier the follower would give the gift to the priest because it was rare for the follower to be allowed inside the temple so the priest would put it in for them, along with an animal sacrifice which would result in divination advice from the god to the gift giver.
So given this format you could go to your altar (if you keep one or whatever space is most sacred to you or one that's most energetically comfortable to you) then offer food maybe cooked meat or a piece of cake or some kind of bakery treat, offer the gift with a small prayer and then follow it with some form of divination (tarot perhaps or whatever you use that's most comfortable to you).
But again, it could be as simple as the first method I suggested at the beginning of the post because:
The gods will accept anything your heart wishes to give them because it's not about the value of the gift but the heartfelt dedication of the one giving the gift that matters.
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May Apollo bless you with the light to guide you on your journey to honoring the gods and celebrate your future fortunes!
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emptypapertowelholdermodelx · 8 months ago
weekly rituals with my deities - a study in motivation, worship, routine, & relationships
while working with apollo today he approached the subject of my lack of relationship with the deities i have been worshipping. he acknowledged how it bothered me. while praying to hekate, she pushed the word “try” into my mind several times as i lamented about how i “couldn’t” keep up with everyone i wanted to, and how my faith was waning as i lacked devotion, focus, and motivation. apollo and hekate, together, suggested i pick a day of the week to worship each deity separately. j can continue my small, daily routines (sleep for hypnos, yoga for the morrigan, pills for apollo, etc.), but i may find it easier to pick a day to devote to each deity as well. i worship seven deities, and there are conveniently seven days in the week.
all of this was confirmed when i saw a post here about how i should do the same. i knew apollo and hekate sent the post my way to confirm what they were already telling me - sign, if you will. confirmation.
in that case, i’m writing my routines and devotional acts out here, as a way to stay motivated, accountable, and have it on hand whenever i need it.
every day i plan to pray to them more intensely than usual and offer something small, whether that be a portion of my meal, a flower i found, or a cool rock.
sunday; apollo’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. sunbathe in the window, or outside, in the morning. make a point to dedicate my medicine-taking to him. journal a little, and do a weekly tarot spread to honor his divination aspect.
monday; the morrigan’s day. pray to her, offer something to her. read one of my books about her. do an intense yoga routine to get the blood pumping - no skipping out on this! journal while praying to her.
tuesday; anpu’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. do some shadow work - this could be free writing, a tarot spread accompanied by journaling, or following some prompts. i’ve found that anpu really appreciates when i perform shadow work, and as a death deity, i think ill start a trend of working through my death trauma with him on tuesdays.
wednesday; hyacinthus’ day. pray to him, offer something to him. on wednesdays i will make a point to talk and pray to him while i water my plants, pick weeds, and check on the overall health of my garden and health plants. i’d like to also do some introspective journaling on love and the trauma i am working through, as hyacinthus’ main goal with me is to build a healthy relationship with my partner.
thursday; hypnos’ day. a soft, calm day. not much goes on. i offer to him, and pray to him. perhaps i can take an extra long nap. i can cleanse my bed altar, make it all tidy, and do some devotional prayers and restful activities in bed. i will also make a point to dedicate that night’s sleep to him, and invoke him to appear in my dreams if he’s willing.
friday; hekate’s day. offer to her and pray to her. read one of my books about her. perform a magical spell or ritual, no matter how big or small. right now it’s hard to do full blown spells as i’m working in the broom closet at my christian sisters house, so i don’t have much of my supplies. but manifestation and intention setting will be one way i can accomplish this.
saturday; hestia’s day. pray to her and offer to her. clean my room and tidy up my space in dedication to her. light a candle while i pray to her, and let her energy fill my room. maybe do some baking in her honor, like a sweet desert or an attempt at bread.
i am hoping to follow this routine for my gods and myself. this will help me refocus on my practice and get in touch my deities again, who i’ve been slightly neglecting in favor of doing nothing all day.
i had an insightful time with apollo and hekate, and hope they’re proud of me as i implement their ideas into the coming weeks <3
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a-sip-of-sunshine · 27 days ago
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An important practice in hellenic Polytheism is the offerings. Many people already have an idea about what they are, so this post is more centered towards worshippers that stress around this concept since I'll be talking about how to handle it/how I handle it.
Offerings can range from a wide amount of things. A quick classification I can make up from the top of my head is: food offerings, other objects, and devotional acts.
When you first get introduced to hellenic Polytheism, food offerings appear as one of the main ways of building Kharis with the deities, since in general, that's what offerings do. The problem begins when we take libations and food as the better way to do offerings, putting them in some sort of subconscious pedestal over the other "methods".
Many followers can't afford to always do them to honor the gods, myself included. So, when all we see is an inability to offer things to our gods that way, it leads us to feel guilty and disappointed.
This is where I start to give tips from my own experience !
First, think of offerings as gifts. It is said to us that gifts don't always have to be something material to be significant. The same concept applies to offerings. I mentioned at the start that there were also other objects that could be given and devotional acts too. Intent is what matters. The gods don't care if you do offerings a certain way, but if the feelings are genuine from your part.
Other objects include jewelry/devotional jewelry, toys, books, etc. Basically, anything that isn't food. Devotional acts, as its name suggests, are activities that you can dedicate to your deities as long as it falls under their domain. Example: I have given Apollo a mouse fidget toy and also dedicate drawing, divination, dancing, etc.
It is as simple as that, trust me. It doesn't have to be elaborated. Now that gets me to the second point: check your resources.
You guys already know I struggled from following recon concepts and practices. You're totally free to follow them too if you can and want, but simply, some of us can't. Many sources for information about helpol come from a recon point of view, or simply others put things way more complicated/elaborated than they really are. Again, people are free to do them, but I'm focusing here on beginners/revivalists. Analyze your information and don't stay just with that. Search for easier ways to do things and overall avoid possible frustrations.
Getting back to my practice, I found out that libations didn't necessarily need to be poured out outside on the ground ! They could be poured down the sink or in a cup. Simple, right? This is mostly for those who still want to offer their gods food but in a more accessible manner. Another one is leaving the first or last bite of your food as an offering. (For Hestia, you leave both of those bites)
Note: Before applying these, know that rules still apply to Chthonic gods, not ingesting, eating, or drinking the offerings !
So now that you have both of those tips, I'll tell you one last thing: don't be afraid. It is also a shared sentiment that us helpols stress over our gods' images of us, our relationship with them, to treat them with respect and, overall, not fuck things up. Relax with your offerings, ease down. That constant worry also affects your feelings towards them, and we don't want that ! It is something that not only makes your deity happy, but you as well. The gods care about your happiness.
That's it for today ! If you want more of my rambles, feel free to interact with this post ♡ I wish you a good journey.
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