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Cringetober Day 22, Candygore
#candygore#Josh Devoleb#watercolor art#my oc#cringetober#i had ta take tha eye#i only have the one (1) au for my ocs where Josh gets injured severely and the only fully visible injury was him loosing that eye
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yoj tub gnihton uoy gnirb taht seibboh devoleb od ot efil ruoy rof gnithgif uoy evah lliw dhda
adhd will have you fighting for your life to do beloved hobbies that bring you nothing but joy
#it's the guilt of not having done 4 million things you need to do first yet. which you dont do anyway#<- prev tags#desrever teg#adhd
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a abma abmac abmar abmel abmor acia acial acleh acleyt acnulodno acric acricalav acrut ad adla adlanilam adlatsa adle adleminav adna adnen adnil adnis adra adrav aes aev agna agnaf agnas agnatra agni aiakke aiam aklut alac alal alav allah amilac amilis amirí amiríf amlaf amlatadnin amli amlis amrac amrap amrat amratlenem amroc amám amár amír amírrana amór amóralav anavú ani aniatsah anidnorím anilac anilam aniplet anirah ann anna annadle annaure annavay annaylem annein annele annemór anno anrayh anrayneiviuc anrev anrom anromelabmut anromeruat anron anár anáv aníh anír anírrele anón anór anórabma anúl anún anút apa ariam arian aruas assen assur assurabma assuraynim assurayta asáv atala atara atat ataynivne athas ati atlan atna atnaynivne atnec atnecesse atneuq atneuqalav atneuqamál atnit atnoclet atpel atpelepleyt ats atsahala atsel atseuq atseuqamrap atseuqrat atsey atsi atsim atsimessal atsoh atta attem atteuq attim auq auqla ava avacnulodno averonaëf averónilav aváh aván avéidnollayh avéidnollof avéiladle avéilayt awgne awnav awniradle awnirodlon ay aylatta aylen ayliv aynaf aynav aynen ayneuq aynim ayniv ayran ayric ayricalac ayrif aytat ayte aytin aytip aëdne aëdneta aëf aëferia aël aëlatpeleyt aëmól aëmólil aëmólileruat aëruat aëruatelabmut aërím aëródlop aëssere aëvlala aíram aörh bul cisum col daerb de deciov dednah dednim dehgis deid deipucco delaeh delixe dellewej delliks denrael denroh denworc depahs der deriah derram derramnu derrohba desselb detaf detalimissa dethgis detlaxe detoof detoved detraped detserofyellavpeed devoleb dewodahsynamtserof deyats
dezinacilgna did dlihc dliw dlobwolloh dlog dlohgnorts dlrow dluow dna dnah dnaheno dnahyvaeh dnaireleb dnal dnalfle dnalnevle dnalrag dnalsgnik dnalsi dnalymoolg dnan dnartsgnal dne dnegel dneirf dnim dniw dnoces dnorle dnuom dnureg dog drah draziw driht drofxo drol drow drows ebmul ecaep ecaf ecalp ecar ecarg eci ecnad ecnaidar ecnaillirb ecnirp edirb ediseb edistuo edlin eert ees efiw egailof egaruobrah egaugnal egdelwonk egduj egnir eh ehs eht eid eilayt ein ekilnam elahw elav elbarimda elbarised elbon elbuod elcric elddim eldrig eledniferual elgae elixe elkcis elohw elpoep elsi eltnamyerg eltsac elttil eluy emalf eman emerpus emilbus emit emod emoh emohnevle emong eno enots enotsfle epoh eramla eremrorrim eremwodahs erif erohs erutcurts eráynebmal esab esiarp esiw esoht esoper esow essenretsew esuoh etaf etanracni etihw etihwreve etnail eulb evaw evissessop evitineg ewnasó f fael feihc fladnin flah fle fo frawd gnawtew gni gnicnef gnidih gnidnirg gnidreh gnieb gnignis gnigrof gnihgual gnik gnikam gnilkraps gnillewd gnilur gninekawa gninihs gninnigeb gninokcer gninruom gniohce gnir gniraor gnisira gnisoohc gnivaew gnivigsknaht gnivil gniw gniwolb gnol gnorht gnorts gnos gnuoy grubelkcim h hceeps hctaw hgih hguot hsa hsivle htaerb htairod htgnerts htims htiw htrae htrim htron htuos i ibmel idlenama idlenamú idlinnavay idlinoros idlognayte idneuq idneuqalac idneuqial idneuqirom idnoriaf ilidnele ilidnen ilidneniu illece illocannat im inatanórh inatanún inavarh inoirudlisi inracoro inrotsarayh
iníhoroklem inēsroklem io irabmaörh iramlaf iratno irava iredne irelet irialú irutnaëf irát irátnele irátnemek irólep irúmulu irútteuq israv issinaváh iwgni iwnaörrim kaep kam kaolc kcab kcalb kcalbyellavpeed kcor klof koob krad ksud l la lab lacudna lagna lahp lamro lanigiro larulp latnanosnocib latnanosnocinu latnanosnocirt latrom laud lauteprep layor leceh lei leidnorele leimla leimódnit leimódnu leinaf leináhtli leinéniu leir leiratlan leirdalag leirátla leirátlac leiríf leirím len lenadren lene lenem lenemrat lenilia lep leremódnit lerodnorele lerua leräo letse lewej leynam li licadn licadnemrayh licadnemór licadrabmu licam licamlac licamlenem licammele licammilac licamran licamrom liceh licrat lid lidlenem lidnadle lidnalav lidnama lidnamám lidnata lidnavárh lidnayric lidnele lidnelua lidnemoro lidnemulet lidnemún lidnenro lidneräe lidneuq lidnewia lidnewnam lidnirif lidnoiris lidnolon lidnomlu lidnorov lidnuru lidram lidrana lidranim lignir liht lihtir lima limúr linadla liniul linrac linräe lir liramlis liris lirúdna lisi lisran lit liteuqinat litnoros live liw liwgni lla llaf llafnwod llat llaw llef llew llih lloc lo loag lodn lodnassur logñ loop lot lu lufhtiaf lufrewop luk lát lé m ma maerd man maof mef meg mirrihor mlaer mleh mlehfle modgnik mood mossolb mot muiradnegel n na naerónemún nahám naidraug nairamla nairicalac naironaef nalap nalc nam nama namara namon namow namoweldeen namsdrows namure namutsav nan nanacnulodno naneródnilerual nanirasat nanirion nar nara narralap naráiric naródlon nata natale natallah natara natayric nataúr natham natsanim navarh
navlis naxa nayricalac nayricrat ne nec neddih nediam nedlog nedoow nedraw neerg neeuq nei neiklot neinrevra neira neiramlis neireplet neiródlih neiról neirúluc neiváy nekasrof nele nem nemec nemli nemow nemrayh nemrof nemrut nemór nemún nemúnureh nenisín neniu nenéiviuc neramla nerdlihc nereh neriam nettogeb nevaeh nevah nevle newli newren newräe ni niar niatfeihc niatnuom niawenots nihp nihure nil nilacrana nilerual nilia nilialagna niliavul nilleról nimadra nimi nimól nir niracla niradnil niralav niramli niranút nirava niravliv nirawliw niraynav nirebmel niredneuqalac nirelet nirodlon nirodlonaráy nirodnan nirólo nirút niulleh niulli no nodnil nodnim nodnimlac noi noilac noilav noili noilisran noilit noillimi noilliramlis noimól noiplis noipmahc noiradla noiradle noirasat noiratsi noirayniv noireplet noirepleyt noiris noirit noiritso noiritsole noiro noirána noirátanata noirús noisiv noisnam noissalaf noitacinummoc noitaerc noitanibmoc noitatibah noitcudorp noiure noivírh noiwgni noiwnara noiwnif nomed nomilacna nomilón nomirí nonna nonnarat noom noradla noramroc noratraxana norewgni nori noriam noro noroc noros noruas nos nosirp nosrep noynim noyric np nrehtron nrehtuos nretsae nretsew nrettap nrob nrogara nroh nruter nu nus nén nés n��sure o obmacre obmut ocrutanúl ocuar od odlatsa odle odlem odlogni odlognidneuq odlogra odlon odn odnallap odnam odnamagna odnanurodram odnayh odnayhagnas odnecalap odni odniloc odno odnocara odnoilac odnokurut odnor odnorele odnorh odnorrasac odnorut odnuc odnum oerónilav og ognu ognul ohw okuaralav olep olloc ollocadnis ollocidnis ollognis om omana omat omatram omayric omilús omitiam omitóno omlacureh omle omletse omlisi omlogni omlu omras omri omritnele omro omrocleyt omuruc omán omátsemór onan onatra oniple onmutu ono onrocara onroplet onác onácara onácednif onácurut oro orov orut oránacia oránatra oránaëf ossoruat ot otnaf otnahpurut otni otnoros otrabma otrabmu otroc otrocamrat otseratra otsirh otso otsodno otsorút ottoc
ottokirom ottor otára otárabma otáradnif otáragna owt peed peehs pihs pmal pot prahs pu q r ra rabm rabma rabmarut rabmaräe rabmoralaf rabmu rabmul rabmurat rabmäe racadle racalav racallah racam racamlenem racla raclanata raclanim racleh radlamisín radle radlerat radlerep radnil radnusamrat raeb raed raef raey raf ragnafadna ragnilure rahan raht rahtava raiamú ralav rallip ram ramadle ramayniv ramayta ramewgni ramilav ramlaf ramlas ramlattim ramleceh ramárremún ran rana ranama ranemiah ranmelet ranneuq rannoëlua ranén ranónapa ranónnim ras rasac rasat rassele rasódnom rat rata ratadneuqli ratala ratanata ratanna ratara rataván ratavúli rataynivne rathem rathemilac rathemulet rathenirom ratho rathonim ratnalac ratnara ratnarayh ratnoclet ratnoros rats ratsacra ratsi ratsneve ratsorat ratsorof ratsorrayh ratsorro ratsudna ratsunrayh rauqniplet rauqnireplet rava rawgne raxanahám rayh raylatta raylen raynama raynamala raynamava raynamú raynav raynim raytat raë raö re recifitra redips redirts redliubpihs rednammoc rednif rednu redro redrob refingis regnis regrof rehatra rehayric rehctaw rehodno rehotso rehtaerb rehtaf rehtom rekaerb rekam reldnik reldnikrats relet relur reme remeeder remmus remoc remusnoc reniadro reniram renú rep repleh reppoc reraf rerednaw rerised reruop resir resufer retaw retfa rethguad retsam retsamerol retuo revaelc revaew revaewmoolg reve revig revir revlis revol rewener rewolf rewot reyals reyarp rezag ria riah rif rih rihodno rimadla
rimadra rimadrav rimanata rimatra rimatsac rimatsoh rimlidnele rit ritnalap ritnele ritnemrayh ritsanim ritsinrac ro rob rocuan rodlemadle rodlih rodlon rodloñ rodn rodna rodnalav rodnan rodnerolednil rodnilocamroc rodnirat rodnog rodnorat rof roirraw rojam roklem rolo rom romlognebmal romureh ronadle ronaëmól ronein roniagna ronilav roreuqnoc rotciv rotnoro rots roñ rud rudlenem rudlisi rudnalav rudnaëv rudnele rudnelep rudnelua rudnemec rudneräe run runia runräe ruolav rut rutaynim rutayric rutnalam rutnaxa rutnaëv rutsalaf rám rán ráuq rén rëitnacra rís rîh ródne rú s sa sadnoracla sagnilroe sah saklut sarabmor sarat sayricra sbmot sdepib sdnal sdnalhtron sdnalni sdnaltsae sdnaltsaehtuos sdnaltsew sdnaltsewhtuos sdneirf sdnoces sdnuos sdraebgnol sdraw sdrawrats sdrawtsae sdraziw sdrib sdriht seert segaugnal segavas selgae seman seno senots sesira setanracni seugnot sevaw sevle sevrawd sfeihc sgnik sgnilretsae sgnir sgniw shtiarw sidnere sidni sidnif siliccilein sin sinatra slanna slewej sliramlis sllaw smle snaws snediam snevaeh sniatfeihc sniatnuom snigiro snrettap sodnam solenemra somadnin somilac sonemrof soñrom sraey srats srehcram srehtaf sremocretfa sreraeb sreregnil sretsam sretsamerol srevol srewollof sria srieh ssalo ssap ssarg ssenkrad ssentsaf ssenyerg sserediorb ssertrof stfig sthgieh stirips stiurf stne stoor stsaoc stserof stsrif su sunácni suoirolg susej susron suséy swodahs swonk syad sín t ta taerg taht tebahpla tem temoro tesnus tessur tfel tfig thgie thgieh thgil thgiliwt thgilnoom thgilrats thgim thgin thgirb thgirwpihs thguoht til tirips tiurf tluavworrawd tnailav tnargarf tnavres tneicna tnemal tnemegduj tnuah tnuocca tnuom ton toraván tpa trabṃ trof tsae tsaeb tsafdaets tsal tsap tseiloh tser tserof tsethgirb tsew tsif tsim tsirhc tsiroa tsomdnih tsrif un unia ure ureh uruc urut wal war wen wodahs wolliw wons worb xiferp xiffus xirteneg yad yadgnir yahk yaw yb ydal ydnah ydob ydotsuc yellav yenruoj yerg yks ylenol ylevol ylfrettub ylkcis yloh ymene ynam ynapmoc yram yriuqne yrolg yrotciv yrotsih yrtnuoc ytfol ythgim ytic ytinirt ytip ytsah yttep ytuaeb ám
ámugnul äe ér ë ëbmal ëbmaladnil ëcni ëcnirata ëdl ëdleminav ëdlen ëdles ëdlih ëdliri ëdlirí ëdlit ëdnairalam ëdnairalav ëdnanerual ëdne ëdnele ëdneuq ëdnev ëdnewlal ëdnif ëdnifatra ëdnil ëdnilodno ëdnires ëdnis ëdnol ëdnoladle ëdnolauqla ëdnolayniv ëdnolirih ëdnologni ëgniv ëi ëidlen ëidnol ëidnollayh ëidnollof ëil ëilacuan ëiladle ëilanron ëilatat ëilayno ëiledneuq ëillasac ëillene ëillimi ëinassen ëinemrabma ëinemre ëinratsi ëinédudla ëinéy ëinúdna ëir ëirama ëiranno ëiratnoure ëireme ëirám ëiríminrac ëiródnil ëirónadnis ëitnac ëitnacre ëitónonéy ëiviuc ël ëlabmut ëladnil ëladnilunia ëlatial ëlatialure ëlatnah ëlatnahure ëlatrun ëlednif ëll ëllatnit ëllimaure ëllirati ëllopmot ëllot ëlua ëlón ëlús ëmilacna ëmirí ëmla ëmlic ëmlicesse ëmlidrav ëmlisi ëmoro ëmrac ëmracesse ëmracneio ëmracodnus ëmreykure ëmrocelec ëmulet ëmárräe ëmódnit ëmódnu ëmól ëmóladla ëmólanromeruat ëmólisíh ëmúl ëmúlanno ëmúnoros ënapmasamál ëniud ëniudna ëniudnun ëniul ënrac ënraf ënraforo ënritse ënritsele ënro ënódnil ënól ënóllava ënórabma ënúdna ëplet ëpleyt ëramli ëramroc ëratsey ërattem ëria ëriaf ërial ërialloroc ërialoio ëriana ëriav ërom ërual ërualacam ërualagni ëruat ërá ëráyn ëráynadle ërí ërím ërímadra ërímmele ëródne ëról ërón ërónara ërónatsel ërónemún ërónilav ërónimól ërónivlala ërónodno ërúmoio ërús ëssal ëssalaf ëssalafadna ëssalocial ëssanim ëssar ëssaraynafra ëssawgnet ësse ësselutne ëssi ëssidnil ëssil ëssilure ëssirí ësso ëssol ëssoloio ëssor ëssorele ëssoruar ëssunácni ësíh ëthevadle ëtiam ëtiamagna ëtiamaló ëtiamalólen ëtiamalóre ëtiamalótta ëtiammelet ëtiamrap ëtnailognu ëtnalata ëtnalodlon ëtnarayh ëtnorof ëtse ëtól ëtóladle ëtóleuqnin ëtóligniv ëtóllemún ëtóläe ëuqnil ëuqnilanar ëuqnin ëuqniracla ëváy ëvírh ëvúli ëw ëwgni ëwia ëwle ëwlen ëwlo ëwnam ëwnara ëwnaörrim ëwnel ëwnele ëwnif ëwnifacrut ëwnifanac ëwnifara ëwnifaras ëwnifaylen ëwnifaytin ëwnifaytip ëwnifirom ëwnifolon ëwnifulet ëwnifuruc ëwnorov ëwnöe ëwrom ëwrun ëxarac ëxaracleh ëy ëynaradra ëynattem ñ órro ú údna úr ānro ă ēdnay ōdologñ ōn
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To her (😍😍😍)
ughhhh! So… I’ve been extremely content with focusing most of my attention on my daughter and myself after my divorce (around 2 years). This has been fairly easy and i can def say I’ve grown since. Of course there’s the occasional crush and rarely the fling, but I’m totally up front and it happens organically. So whats the fucking problem then?
So last week I went to Smith’s (grocery store) for some milk and cereal so might daughter will stop bugging me! At this point I’m focused as i had other errands to run. More often then not, i end up getting like 20 more things than i plan on when shopping, so I’m looking at tomatoes and i look up briefly and there’s a lady and her son in the cart right in front of me. I head over to like the cereal isle and i see her again. Long story short, we crossed paths multiple times and i felt like she probably thought i was being a straight up perv! Finally I’m going to check out and had way more than cereal and milk so self checkout was out of the question. I glance over at self checkout and there she goes! This time eye contact was made and then she actually comes to my line.
At this point, I’m still like “no, no need to bother her”. She then leaves my line and goes back to self checkout. While I’m checking out we share one more glance and then I’m like “YOOOOOOOO WTF, cashier please hurry up! Im all 😍😍😍 over her" (and pointed her out). Getting to the point, I missed her and I feel like I’ll never see her again haha. Every time I got to smith’s now I’m looking.
#black tumblr#artists on tumblr#lasvegas#vegas#las vegas#missed connections#devoleb media#devoleb.com#devoleb#jayshotyou#jayshotyou.com
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I would ping Tsu if I knew what their tumblr was-
;~; peew a sdnah ym ni mih dloh I -devoleb ym dogdaY
There were many failed attempts at bringing the Toon Critters to life. Many of these rejected toons were tosses aside, left to be forgotten.
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1st project completed
The video for Reallionaire Jream’s “wannaBe” was actually completed the day after Christmas, but thats beside the point. In anticipation for the release, I’d recommend checking out Reallionaire Jream and his work @:
Website: http://www.rjreamworld.com/
IG: @rjreamworld
#jayshotyou.com#DEVLOEB MEDIA#DEVOLEB#photography#photographers on tumblr#photographer#lasvegas#Vegas#Reallionaire Jream#Reallionaire#Think Abstractly#7 magic mountains#Dry Lake Bed#wannaBe
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spntumblr are you okay
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www.facebook.com/againstthegrainphoto for Photos from Bat City Presents: Hellectra Ascending!! #batcityproductions #againstthegrainphotography #devoleb #blicky #mixedmessages #substation #seattle #concert #concertphotography #againstthegrainphotography #hellectraascending (at Substation)
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Please be sure to check out Reallionaire Jream’s ‘wannaBe’ at:
IG: @rjreamworld
#las vegas#vegas#vegas artists#las vegas artists#wannaBe#Reallionaire Jream#Reallionaire#DEVOLEB.com#DEVOLEB MEDIA#vegas culture#jukeboxgroup
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Cringetober Day 18, Fandom AU
#can you tell i spent most of my motivation on one character#Josh Devoleb#Creeper Cat Carol#ccc#c.c.c.#Jacob-Pidgeon Pigeon#Lusus Naturae#Issa Ovhui#fakir doesn't get a love interest in my oc au because creeper cat is a lesbian#shes the only character of mine i can see deciding to sword fight a princess ballerina#jacob gets to be mytho bc hes not cool enough to be anyone else. he gets dragged through the plot by Josh/princess tutu for season one#and gets his Evil Against His Will Fun Times in s2#Issa is the Raven bc in my cannon for her she like. half raised lusus. and shes incredibly evil.#Lusus gets to be Rue because hes Bi and has an Evil Mom#Josh gets to be Ahiru because hes Bi and Fun To Draw In Dresses#im drosselmeyer bc they're my characters. i made them. they're my guys. and ccc (fakir) is vaguely related to me#cringetober#princess tutu#art#my ocs
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OMAU. “Come on, I’ve seen Alix do this stuff a million times…” Chloe hissed as she thumbed through her girlfriends spell books. “AH-HA! If some Akuma thinks it can tear us apart without a fight, it doesn’t know Chloe Bourgeois!” The blonde spat as she pricked her finger with a dagger and dibbled blood into a bowl alongside her favorite picture of them. “XilA, devoleb ym kees!” The werewolf chanted as a steam of embers from the bowl pointed south. “Now it’s time for me to save you.” Chloe panted.
what the heck just happened im missing so much context
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give me a chance, and i’ll make your body my religion
worship your lips, your eyes
that wonderous flush on your cheeks that i cause
all your perfect little stutters
perfect little noises
the softness of your flesh
in the presence
god devoleb ruoy fo
#your beloved#my beloved#and all those perfect noises#oh the irony#of worshipping you#body worship#catered to you
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sac ym devoleb
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#devoleb #batcityproductions #substation #hellectraascending #seattle #againstthegrainphotography (at Substation)
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