#devils have one thing more powerful than them and it’s secretaries
rainbow-femme · 2 months
I think it would be really funny if you could get Wyll out of his pact by having Withers reclass him
Mizora over here pissed off because she didn’t anticipate Wyll being friends with the god of paperwork who would get him out of his devil contract for 100 gold, meanwhile he’s punching trees in half because he’s a monk now and giggling the whole time
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bluebellhairpin · 5 months
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Katsuki Bakugou X Secretary!Reader
Summary: Working as the secretary to the famous designer Katsuki Bakugou hasn't been easy - however you find out you have it easier than most. Soon after that, you find out why.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Power Dynamic (VERY inappropriate boss/employee relationship). Swearing. Smidge of making-out. Bakugou probably gives off manipulative yandere vibes. Reader; wears a skirt, is called 'baby', otherwise is g/n (unless I've missed something T-T).
Listening to: 'Donatella' by Lady Gaga - "I wanna dress you up in silk taffeta, tailor these clothes to fit your guilt, what's your size?"
Masterlist || Ko-Fi || Art inspired by the fic
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The Bakugou brand was known all over the world. From Gucci to Balenciaga, Bakugou was a name everyone in the fashion industry respected - and when it came to the man behind it all, it was also a name to be feared. 
Katsuki Bakugou, with his grown wealth, fame, and the power that went with them, was practically a god on earth. 
You were the one lucky (or pitied) person chosen to work closely with him. A secretarial assistant job to none other than the man himself was a job so many people would die for. It was also a job many before you had almost died while enduring. No one had lasted longer than a year. It barely took a week for you to figure out why. 
Katsuki wasn’t just a diva, or a bitch (although he certainly was those things too) - he was the devil in Christopher Goodyear Welt’s. 
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By three months working under the blond tyrant, you had decided your life could be worse. You weren’t sure why all his previous assistants weren’t able to handle it - not until you walked into work this morning. 
Katsuki was already in his office - a situation you hadn’t come across yet since he had a strict nine-to-five schedule he adored - and was practically roaring at someone down the receiver of his landline. He had a temper on him, sure - he was as famous for it as he was for his designs - but you’d yet to see him quite this angry before. 
“You wouldn’t know corduroy if you spent your nine months in the womb with it!” you heard as you set your bag aside and hooked your coat up. “Get me Eijirou you shitty prick!” 
You settled at your desk, eying his shadow through the frosted glass as he paced back and forth as you powered on your computer. Your eyes flickered down to the phone on your desk - if you picked it up you’d be able to hear the person on the other end - however if Katsuki caught you eavesdropping more than you already where (not that you had much of a choice right now) you would be in a whole new world of trouble. 
“Put me on hold, I dare you.” Was the final thing Katsuki said before slamming the phone back down. It became eerily quiet. You barely dared to breathe. 
Hearing his footfalls softly stalk across the carpet of his office, you tucked your head down and opened a random email to look busy. 
“Where the fuck have you been all morning?” Your eyes rose to meet his vermilion ones. He had on that black button down that made his shoulders seem extra wide. For a moment words failed you - but you kicked your brain into gear quickly. 
“Sir, it’s only eight thirty?” 
“I’ve needed you here since six.” he said, leaning forward with a hand sprawled across your desk, looming over you in a way you had become quite accustomed to, and sending a dizzying waft of his cologne in your direction. 
“I was very unaware of that,” you said, almost apologizing, but then thinking otherwise. You had been learning quickly the things Katsuki liked people saying, and the things he liked less so. “What can I do now?” 
“Absolutely fucking nothing. You’re useless now.” he leant back, waving you off and sighing. “I need a coffee.” he said, turning on his heel back into the office. 
“Useless my ass - who else gets you coffee?” you mumbled, quickly clicking through the email so you didn’t forget to later. Katsuki could be an absolute bitch, but at least he hadn’t yelled at you specifically - yet. 
The little kitchenette across from your desk made coffee runs very easy - the only issue was that it still took a while. No instant or pod coffee’s for the great Katsuki. 
Ten minutes later and you were pushing the door to Katsuki’s office open with one hand full of cayenne pepper infused coffee, and the other holding the latest Vogue magazine that had just been dropped at your desk. 
You wordlessly placed the coffee on a coaster, and the magazine went from the table into his hands before you could even put it on the table. He likewise silently started flicking through the pages - but you had things to talk about. 
“What was the issue this morning?” You asked, straight to the point. He didn’t look up at you when he answered, instead stayed focused on the pages as he fingered through them. 
“Some extra who can’t get his head out of the twentieth century.” He said, taking a large mouthful of his drink. If he liked it he’d say nothing - often the only time he gave his opinion on things was when he didn’t like something. “He won’t call back.” 
“They always do.” You said, standing firm until you had the answers you sought - coming back to ask the same thing twice was such a hassle for the both of you. “I’d appreciate knowing what to say when he does.” 
“I don’t care,” he said, flicking the magazine down in exasperation to look up at you with a heatless scowl. “If it’s Eijirou you can patch him through, everyone else is a complete waste of time.” 
Your eyebrows raised in something akin to surrender as your hands smoothed down the fabric of your skirt. 
“Don’t forget your meeting with the seamstresses after lunch.” You said, then left to return to answering your emails and phone calls.
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You always took your lunches with Hanta - a seamster two floors below Katsuki’s office. You found him extremely chill after having to deal with your whirlwind of a boss. He was like your lifeline - better yet, he could keep secrets like it was nobody’s business. 
“I walked in this morning and I swear the glass for the whole floor was rattling.” you said, looking down into your cup of canteen-supplied orange juice. “If I wasn’t so sure he wasn’t going to hurt me I’d probably quit.” 
“You know I’m like ninety percent sure you’re his favorite.” Hanta said. Your eyes shot up to his, but he wasn’t looking at you.
“I doubt that would be hard,” you said slowly, “His past secretaries sounded super incompetent for a job this fast-paced.” 
“No, not just a secretary, but a person. I think your his favorite person in the whole world.” he said, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. “He can scream at me, hell he’s thrown punches at Kirishima, and he’s Kirishima - you though? He acts like you’re porcelain.” 
You felt your face scrunch up into a frown, and a huge smile cracked over Hanta’s face. “I can see why he likes you - you look just as scary as him when you make that face.” 
“Hanta Sero, you take that back!” You said, voice almost too shrill besides the hum of the lunchtime cafeteria rush. 
“I will do no such thing,” he said, leaning back in his chair, and crossing his arms and legs in a slow, cat-like manner. “I think it’s hilarious. Needed something new to tease you over anyway.” 
“I am simply going to ignore you then.” you said. You felt your face scrunch even more, before you took a deep breath to relax. “You don’t deserve my attention right now anyway.” 
Hanta huffed a laugh, leaning forward on his elbows. “I think we both know who really wants your attention, and I’m not going to be the person to fight him for it.”
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Katsuki’s afternoon meeting had gone smoothly - you thought that it must mean some catastrophic hurricane was due later that afternoon. Or maybe you’d get hit by a car on the way home. Either way, the pleasant meeting meant Katsuki was either in a really good mood - or a really bad one. 
On his way back into his office, he threw an order to call Eijirou at you over his shoulder, before throwing the doors open and entering his office. 
“It’s important.” he said, and that was where the conversation ended. When you dialed the number only to be met with the receptionist - not even patched through to Eijirou’s assistant Denki - you practically rolled your eyes. 
“I’ve got Marcel!” Silence was the stern reply. You’d spoken to him a few times - not the nicest guy in the world, so in your opinion Katsuki’s hatred of the man was valid/ You didn’t want to speak with him either, so you hung up. 
Then there was a call of your name. 
“Come here!” You sighed, but obeyed and walked around your desk and into Katsuki’s office. You were met with a sight that wasn’t foreign to you - but it made your heart stutter all the same. He was leant back in his chair, a large drawing pad against his folded knee, and a pencil pressed into his cheek. He was watching you closely as you walked in, red eyes partially covered by a set of half-rimmed reading glasses. 
Your boss was mean, but his looks could make the devil cry. 
“I am… Promoting you.” he said. You felt your mouth fall open in shock. 
“I - Sir, I don’t -”
“Katsuki.” he said, voice now as hard as his stare. “No more ‘Sir’. You call me by my name. Understand?” 
“Okay…” you said, voice breathless as joy swirled in your chest (finally, your hard work and patience had paid off!), “Katsuki.” 
At the sound of you saying his name, he declined further back in his seat, and smiled - wide and showing off both canines. 
“That’s much better,” he said, as if he’d been waiting for the change of title formalities, “Now sit down, we have a lot to talk about.” 
You went to sit at the chair in front of his desk but he shook his head, almost jumping to his feet like he’d had hot coffee spilled on his lap. His suddenness had you freezing. 
“No no, not there,” he said, waving the chair away with disgust, “Over there.” He pointed over to the chaise as if it was the most obvious place in the room to sit, then sat back in his own chair again. 
Turning, you took a tentative seat on the sofa, and looked across at him expectantly with your tongue between your teeth. His pencil had found a new home on the open page of his sketchbook, and you quickly realized he was going to be multitasking this impromptu meeting. However he was making little to no effort at starting this ‘talk’ he seemed so urgent to begin only moments ago. 
“So is there anything else to this promotion besides being able to call you ‘Katsuki’, or is that it?” you asked. His eyes flicked up at you, pencil stopped, and the side of his mouth quirked up, before his expressions changed completely to one of disapproval again. 
“There’s more.” he said. You could see how tempted he was to not say more, if only to push your patience and see just how far it went. “You probably should know about it, considering just how personal things are going to get around here.” 
You felt your heart beat pick up as he stood to stalk around the desk. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You’re going to need to find a new you, let's start with that.” he said, and pushed your shoulder back with the eraser end of the pencil. You fell back against the couch, and the pencil moved to guide one arm across the back of the chair - then crossed one leg over the other - then moved your other hand on top of your knee. Before you knew it you had been moved to pose like a sketching doll. 
Katsuki gave you a once over, looking very pleased with himself (or how easy you were to manipulate), then walked back over to his desk. The pencil started again. 
“You want a new secretary?” You finally heard yourself ask, voice coming out far too weak for your liking. 
“More like you need an assistant.” he said, attention clearly divided between whatever he was designing, and your conversation, “Your schedule is going to be a lot busier as of now.” 
“What do you mean?” you asked again. His head shook.
“If you ask that question again I’m going to have this conversation with you some other time.” 
“You do know how badly you’re explaining this ‘promotion’, right?” you asked, voice coming out a little harsher than you knew was appropriate. But being proper can be damned, you wanted answers. 
He just looked at you for a long moment with a knowing, albeit smug, smile. The sketchpad was dumped on his desk, pencil and glasses dropped on top. 
“I’ve been hit with a new wave of ideas.” he said, “They’re amazing. New. Iconic. These designs fly off magazine racks and clothing store hangers like nothing else before. I couldn’t tell where the inspiration came from, not until I thought of when it all started, and the only thing notable about that was you starting to work for me.” 
As he explained he stood slowly, came to stand before you again, now with the side of his leg pressed to your knees. Katsuki’s hand rose, and the backs of his fingers trailed across your cheek in a manner that was almost too soft, and too shy, to be an action coming from the harsh man before you. 
“I need you with me, everywhere, from now on.” he said, voice low, softer than you’d ever heard it before. “I need you with me, and I don’t know how else to make sure of it besides making it your job.” 
“Of course, what use is an artist without their muse?” You had to admit, that forked tongue of his was making your knees weaker by the second. Was he truly saying you inspired  him? 
“You couldn’t have just asked?” 
“I don’t need to ask,” his hand came down to grip your chin, thumb momentarily pressing on your bottom lip, “I get what I want.” Where his voice was getting stronger by the second, yours was sounding even weaker.
“Maybe I don’t want to.” 
“You don’t want to?” Katsuki asked, hand slightly releasing pressure on your chin - as if shocked at the thought of someone willing, and unafraid in telling him no. “Everyone wants to. Don’t you?” 
“No,” you said quietly, completely letting your heart take over, no matter what could happen after. “I do want to.” His face broke out into that same wolfish grin as before - his hand snuck around to the hair at the base of your neck and found a firm home there. 
“Then why not get paid for it while you do.” he said, an air of finality about the matter, and then leant down to capture your mouth in a searing, hard kiss. Hard enough that you could almost feel his teeth and jawbone trying to meld into yours - searing enough that you could feel heat swelling in your stomach and knees at how fierce and needy it all was. It took your breath away completely. 
After a few long moments - long enough to have your eyes fluttering closed and your lungs burning - he pulled away. 
Katsuki didn’t even look at you as he walked away, acting as if what he just did was a casual kiss on the cheek - while you were left feeling flushed on the sofa. Only once he sat down again with his sketchpad and glasses on did he look up at you. He licked his lips, as if making sure to taste whatever of you was left. His smile this time was very smug indeed. 
“See baby, now you look perfect.” he said, then went back to drawing. 
“What?” you asked, still breathless with your nails digging into the fabric of your seat. 
“The lighting in here is foul, absolutely horrendous.” He said, “You needed a glow about you. Now you’re all flustered. it's perfect. With you finally in front of me, these designs are going to be breathtaking - just imagining them on you -” he looked up at you, quite suddenly stopping his train of thought, before wordlessly returning to his sketch. 
From the way your heart felt like it was going to beat right up and out your throat you guessed he accidentally said too much. Had been too sentimental. Maybe Hanta was right - perhaps you were his favorite person. 
You took a deep breath and stood to leave - only to be stopped. 
“Where are you going?” Katsuki asked, voice almost a bark. “I need you here - you can’t leave now that I have you right where I need you!” 
“I need water.” you replied, awkwardly pointing towards the kitchenette with wide eyes as if you were a child caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. He shuffled in his seat, huffing. 
“Be quick,” he said. You could swear you saw the skin of his cheeks flush a tinge of pink as you turned away. He liked efficiency, and it was something you were pretty good at, but you hadn’t moved quite that fast before.
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When you had agreed to your ‘not-so-little’ promotion, you were sent home with a whole new list of Terms and Conditions and - the more alarming of the two - an NDA. 
With your lips still tingling from your apparent kiss from Katsuki, and your knees still weak, you weren’t able to do much more than graze your eyes over bits and pieces before deciding it was all okay. You should’ve taken the time to read it all. 
You should always read the fine print when making deals with the devil. 
The next day, almost as soon as you stepped into the building, you were met with Katsuki’s not-quite-other assistant, Mina, and whisked away to the seamstress floor. There you met Hanta, who himself had been up for the most part of the night - slaving over the newest design Katsuki procured as of just yesterday. 
When you were told to get into a change room and strip - the carcass of a new dress in your hands - you were just shy of shocked. 
“What - why?” 
“Like I know how the mind of Bakugou works.” Hanta said, waving his hand around tiredly, trying to push you to close the curtain. “You know normally I have models in for this sort of thing - I mean you definitely fit the bill. The measurements, the dress is practically made for you. But it’s weird to me too that he got his secretary to do this job instead.” 
“I’ve never done this before.” You whispered, clutching the covered mock-up to your chest.  
“You’ll be fine,” Hanta replied, just as quiet, with his hand ready to close the curtain on you, “I’ve seen it on a mannequin - it’ll look fantastic on you. Just be confident.”
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You tried your best to be confident - as pretty as the dress was, even unfinished with an unfinished hem and seams half-done - but it was leaving you feeling more exposed than you were used to. 
The small changing cubicle had a mirror on one side - what for you weren’t sure. You’d seen plenty of models walk out of them only to have most of it adjusted with pins and cut off with scissors - often by Katsuki himself. You supposed it didn’t matter how bad it looked - you’d get manhandled until it looked the way it was supposed to. 
With your hands smoothing the fabric on your hips - a nervous habit you showed too often - you took a turn in front of the mirror. It did look nice, even if it was only ivory muslin. 
“ - Taking so fucking long!” Quite suddenly Katsuki’s voice could be heard - and even more suddenly you felt a great need to curl up somewhere and hide. He’s going to see you like this. He’s going to hate it. You are not prepared for this. 
Your heart felt like it was going to beat right out your chest and leave a little blood trail all across the floor. 
A hand curled around one side of the curtain divider and pulled it back. You let out a small startled yelp, bringing up your hands to cover your chest as if someone had dropped glass over a marble floor.
It was him. 
“Oh shut up, no one else can see you.” Katsuki said, rolling his eyes before they laid on you in a hard stare up and down. He was right, besides the half-open curtain, you couldn’t see anyone through his broad chest and shoulders - not to mention the cheshire grin that was taking up half his face. “But I wouldn’t blame them for wanting a peek, give me a turn.” 
You stood gobsmacked - where you seriously still processing what was going on? - and watched as his hip cocked to one side and his hands landed on his hips below the huge coat over his shoulders. 
“You are starting a habit of forcing me to do things for you myself.” He said, taking hold of your hips and turning you slowly. His hands were warm as  they moved you around in a small circle, leaving almost a burning trail behind over your hips, lower back and stomach. “I’ll let you know that’s not why I decided to fuckin’ like you.” he said. 
His voice was soft, almost completely without its usual rough baritone. It shocked you, and as you looked over at him he wasn’t meeting your eyes - instead focusing on how a seam at your hip wasn’t seeming to sit how he wanted it to. 
“What?” you asked quietly, aware there were probably others outside - Hanta even - and you supposed both yourself and Katsuki didn’t really want to let other people know exactly what you were talking about. Especially since it definitely sounded more personal than Katsuki ever had been. 
“You did things for yourself. I liked that.” he said. Then, as if you didn’t just share what was most likely the most intimate moment of Katsuki’s adult life, he pushed the curtain back fully and grabbed you by the hand - exposing you fully to the handful of seamstresses waiting. 
With a few barked orders, a flurry of people were at your sides, making adjustments. The neckline loosened, waist was made tighter, the blade of a scissor made another slit up your legs on the opposite side to the one existing. Your hands almost rose to clutch at the fabric at your chest in case it all fell away. Katsuki's hands rose to knock yours away. 
“Don’t get in the way,” he mumbled, standing back. The others backed off too, apparently all taking a moment to look at what remained of the dress. “What do you think?” he asked, looking you right in the eyes. Your mouth parted, as if to answer, but the look in his eyes said he wasn’t even talking to you. 
“One of your best.” Hanta said, barely needed to look up from where he was taking final notes to read his long-time associate. “Probably will be once it’s done. Beautiful.” 
“You mean fucking divine.” 
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“You’re joking.” you said, carelessly holding the new dress in one hand as you stood angrily looking down at Katsuki. 
“Does it look like I’m joking?” he asked, looking at you over the rims of his glasses. 
He’d brought you back up to his office after the fitting downstairs, only to demand you change into another dress. The reason this time was completely unknown, and he was refusing to elaborate yet - worse, there was nowhere to change up here. 
You’d have to strip and change here (with him in the room), or out behind your desk (right in front of the elevator anyone could use). 
“I can’t believe…” you said, scoffing, now slightly gobsmacked along with your anger. “I’m not doing that.” 
“If you think it bothers me, you’re mistaken.” He said, standing slowly and leaning over his desk. “Get changed. If you’re so protective of your modesty you can run along into the kitchen, see if I care. Just whatever you do, do it quickly. You’re making me wait long enough as it is.” Then he reached across and squished your cheeks between his fingers, pulling you closer so you leant over the desk too. 
“If you really thought I was the kind of man to mix pleasure and professionalism then I’ve got news for you.” he said, wobbling your chin back and forth in his hold. “The only time you have to worry about that is if I invite you home, okay baby?” 
While half of you was wanting to continue to defy Katsuki, you knew you were treading a fine line. 
Letting out a huff, you pulled away, turned on your heel and held the dress out in front of you. It honestly wasn’t much more than a silk slip, but you’d had enough of an interest in fashion over your time to know this was very tame compared to many other dresses. Even compared to the one you wore not even an hour earlier. 
Grinding you jaw in thought for a moment, you thought ‘fuck it’. Katsuki said so already but you knew someone getting almost naked in his office wouldn’t bother him - why should you let it bother you too? 
The dress was thrown onto the chaise, and you pulled off your shirt as you slipped out of your heels. Your skirt shimmed off, and the dress came on. Despite refusing to look behind you to see what Katsuki was doing, you couldn’t help how your heart felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest. 
At least your underwear was matching, thank god. 
You were about to do up the zipper when he made it clear he had indeed been watching you. 
“No, take that thing off.” Your head whipped over your shoulder. 
“Excuse me?” If looks could strike someone dead, a lightning bolt would’ve shot right through that window into Katsuki’s back. “I am not getting changed again.” 
“No you bitch, I mean the bra. Take it off, it’s making the dress look daggy.” The way he said it made your face heat up. Duh. 
“You could’ve said that before I put this much on, you’d think you’d have known that before now.” You grumbled, shoving the sleeves down again to unclasp your bra and toss it aside. Turning around again as you did up the zipper, you looked at Katsuki again, and the red of his eyes seemed darker than ever. You wondered if you’d said something wrong. Then his lip quirked up a bit. 
“There’s my favorite secretary.” he said, and imminently tilted his head down to start sketching.
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midnightkolrath · 6 months
Quick thought ideas on a DMC2 remake potential
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Thinking about DMC2 recently and how a remake could benefit into making the story MUCH better than how it unfortunately ended up (due to the messy development of the game but alas). These are just things I've thought about off the top of my head on how they could easily benefit from remaking 2 and putting in much needed reworks and additions because man this game has potential still if redone right. I threw these on Twitter recently, but I'm giving abit more expansion here. I'm sure there's more ideas, but this is all I've gone to throw on the floor for right now.
Give Argosax an actual personality that matches their description of being a demon lord and rival to Mundus in territory terf war. They also have a cult like Mundus, as DMC2 has highlighted, so...surely they need to be represented better as a threat, yeah?
Make Arius much more of a threat. He’s a sorcerer, so have him FLEX that alot more. He made Lucia and the secretaries, who're artificial demons, and he ends up taking in Argosax's power...so like...keep him abit hammy if you want but make him the SCARY kind of hammy.
Potentially have Dante and Lucia’s campaigns be steamlined into one consecutive storyline. Alternate as the story goes on like in DMC5. I feel like since the two campaigns were mostly, iirc, copy paste parallels...they could just have the two stories basically run side by side. Give Lucia's side more room to be more unique.
Have more lore for the Protectors (The group Matier and Lucia belong to). They fought Argosax and worked together with Sparda, so like…an added crumb of flashback or so wouldn’t hurt imo. I'm not asking for like a whole big thing on it, just... [pinches fingers together] abit more.
Have Dante and Lucia interact abit more. Lucia being outted as an artificial demon is something I feel can have more connection there. A ‘Devils Never Cry’ moment, if you will. As cheesy as it can be seen nowadays, the series IS named after it. Well....moreso the fact that any demon encountering Dante 'may cry', but you get what I mean. Plus, its stated Lucia has a crush on Dante....so like...give that more to lean on? I'm not saying they have to build to anything actually happening, as we know how Dante is, but juuust enough, you know?
Have Dante’s brooding be more akin to, say, how the first DMC anime handled it. I feel like he was a good balance of ‘Man I’ve been through shit’ tiredness but still ‘I got some snarky humor and understanding towards others’.
The obvious rebalancing of weapons so it isn’t just GUN 24/7, but they can be cheeky and add an achievement referencing that, sure why not.
Maaaaybe add styles. Though acrobatic Dante with the movement he can do in this game, while silly, is still kinda fun. Trickster DOES have its roots from this game, as an inspiration.
Give the bosses in this game personality, please I am begging. They’re barely, if at all, memorable because they’re plain as hell. Remake them, replace, idc, I just want that boss banter.
Speaking of, make the Argosax fight less a pain and maybe better utilize that fact that it reuses the DMC1 bosses. I feel like we can go more body horror on it, esp if Argosax gets more a personality. Like…Argosax’s title is literally Argosax the Chaos, go crazy on that.
Speaking of Argosax having potential...did you recall that they casually flip genders in the second form they turn into? To me, you can make that unsettling in the sense that you can make Argosax sound more unsettling. Like the idea brewing in my head is to make it sound like more than one person speaking at once...like a legion. Or akin to how the true final boss for Sonic Frontiers was handled voice wise. Like I said, you can REALLY potentially run more with the fact that Argosax has 'Chaos' in the title.
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miraevanlynch · 11 months
Maybe Crowley is a Seraphim because there are 4 Seraphims flying around the god, but only 2 have been identified as Metatron and Seraphiel, Lucifer aka Samael is said to be the 3rd, and the 4th is still a mystery.
But I think Crowley is not Seraph because he doesn't like to work in the choir of heaven, flies around the god all day and sang : "Holy holy holy", is terribly boring, but in the season 2 we see him creating the universe, he has a lot of knowledge, so in my opinion he is Ophanim responsible for enlightening and manifesting God's creative power (Creating the stars), giving mankind the knowledge of God ( you know, Crowley feeding Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit ) and being entities of imagination and constant awareness of what is around them ( Crowley always asks questions ). Ophanim is associated with the image of a flaming wheel constantly moving and changing shape (it suits Crowley so much) and what makes me support this Theory the most is that the Ophanim are said to have a special and intimate relationship with the Cherubim. The Good Omens Prime twitter account just dropped a little Easter Eggs in the short video at the beginning of episode 1 that Aziraphale used to be a Cherub since the universe wasn't created, so we can see why Crowley and Aziraphale got bundled together, that's my hypothesis.
I'm not sure, because after two days of struggling with the last 15 minutes of episode 6, the thing I wonder most is Crowley's angel rank. So I googled for documents and came up with this theory, actually at first I thought Crowley was the Vitures (the ones who monitor the stars and the universe) But this rank is lower than Domination, so I think Ophanim is the most reasonable, and Ophanim is a lower rank than Cherubim (which explains why Aziraphale knew the universe would be destroyed after 6000 years and the pre-Fall Crowley don't ), but also strong and powerful enough to open the Gabriel's information file, and more importantly why Metatron and Crowley doesn't seem to like each other (imagine how stress a CEO's chief secretary would be when the Director of Designer kept asking him questions about the Project he worked on, then ask you to submit a recommendation to the general boss, raise hand to refute you in the project announcement meeting, while you are just the face of the boss and can't decide anything but implementation, while that Designer can do what he like and refute petitions all day long) Metatron must have been so bitter about Crowley, he didn't like that dandy devil, because he couldn't do anything to smite Crowley? ( angels of the same Rank all have equal strength and power, more or less hierarchical in being closer to God or not).
This is just a hypothesis that I came up with and drew from the details in the series and the Bible, so it's best to wait until SS3 to see how awesome the Pre Fall Crowley is, whether attached to Seraphim or Ophanim, Crowley still deserves the award for the coolest entity (simpest entity) in the universe 🔥😈
Thank you for reading !
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Why I like Asa and Yoru
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"Hypothetically…if one person in class…had to jump off a roof…and that person was to be chosen by a vote…I think they'd all vote for me. I'd vote for me too."
Chainsawman has probably my favorite cast of female characters in any action shounen manga. Something about the way this author writes women just really works for me.
I always hate in manga when a female character is just the male lead's friend, or the male lead's love interest, or the male lead's mom, or teacher, or secretary, or dog walker or whatever... Basically, they tend to either have no character or life outside of the male lead's world.
Something I really like about Chainsawman is that all the girls and women act like they could be the protagonist of their own stories. They all act like they have their own problems, their own goals, their own sh*t to deal with... They all feel like actual characters and not just things to be added to the male lead's story. If something happened to Denji and he were to die or something they each would still have a life to live and a story to tell.
So when I saw that part 2 of the manga would focus on a girl as the new protagonist, I got really excited!
(spoilers for Chainsawman)
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And just as I imagined, it took me just one chapter to completely fall for Asa. I love this girl.
Just like all the other girls in the series, she feels like she has her own struggles to deal with. She hates devils and yet has to live in a world where everyone's biggest hero is a devil, both of her parents are dead and she has no friends which means she's always alone, and everywhere she goes she keeps attracting bad luck after bad luck, be it a devil trying to kill her, her classmates trying to kill her (in more than one ways), or the crazy girl inside her head threatening to kill her.
But what's really interesting is that, even though she deals with a lot (and it really is a lot, my God I feel sorry for her...) she is always true to her ideals.
Even though Asa has probably all the reason in the world to just be the most miserable person alive, she never stops being a nice person. Any time she's offered the option to help someone right in front of her she takes it, even if things don't work out in the end and she ends up getting really hurt as a result.
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Something that I don't feel many people often realize is that being a selfish jerk is easy... Like, absurdly easy. There is nothing more tempting than just saying "My problems matter more than yours, so deal with it!"
Again, by all accounts, Asa should be the world's biggest supervillain because almost everyone and everything treats her like garbage... And yet, for some reason she still remains a good girl, never betraying her standards.
I'm not sure if it's because she knows how ugly it is to be a bad person and she refuses to be like them, or if the little love she received in life is enough to stop her from falling into temptation, but for whatever reason, she still continues to be one of the noblest heroes I've ever seen, even despite all the misery she faces every day.
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But aside from being a noble and kind soul, Asa also has amazing chemistry with her internal roommate, Yoru.
I've always been a big fan of this trope, the two souls in one being, the devil in your ear, the demon that hides a secret power in the protagonist's body.
I liked it in Naruto with the fox, I liked it in Bleach with the inner hollow, and I also liked it in Soul Eater where they have people turn into weapons and have their souls literally connect, or in the Kane Chronicles where they have the protagonists be hosts for the Egyptian gods.
It's just a really fun idea with the concept of establishing a strong bond with another being and having them understand you on a deeper level than most people would. Having someone that knows your whole story, your secrets, your fears, your worries... It's kinda scary but at the same time fascinating because you have someone constantly looking at you and making you realize things about yourself you didn't even know about.
And that's exactly what Yoru is.
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She's always pushing Asa to question and challenge her ideals. making her see who she truly is, and what she truly wants. It's like having a psychiatrist inside your head, constantly talking to you about who you are... And they do it in such a charming way.
Yoru keeps going back and forth between being this threatening creature holding Asa hostage to this complete dork who has no idea how the real world or how people work. It reminds me of Shen and Po how Asa goes from being scared of her to just being baffled by her.
These two have such good chemistry, probably the best one I've seen from this trope. I could watch them just talking to each other forever.
I love how Yoru keeps acting like she's so elegant, sophisticated, and gracious always making these exaggerated poses as if she was in a perfume commercial or modeling for a magazine... But when you hear her actually talking she kinda sounds like she's five years old, and you just have Asa looking at her antics and trying to process how to even react to her. It's just great mood backlash that really works.
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I know it's weird to like a character so much when these two only had about 10 chapters of existence so far... But even from the little pieces I've seen from them I feel so many things clicking just right for me.
Great chemistry, great ideals, great personality... And I didn't even talk about how awesome their "war powers" are.
I completely adore this duo and I'm very happy with this new direction for Chainsawman!
Favorite character list>>
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ ⚝  Ꞌꞌ    : Яₑdₑₘₚₜᵢₒₙ ━━ ; THE PPROLOGUE
━━ WARNINGS ; swearing, interpolations of hell / heaven, kinda shit, so is the pacing but that's only BC I had a very limited time 🖤
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Sitting at your desk you typed away at the laptop you were provided for so you could do your job. While it was boring to be the devil's personal secretary you did manage to get all the juicy details a normal devil or a high ranking demon could only dream of knowing and also, since SATAN was having extreme trouble with his relationships - or better known as sulking because he doesn't have a boyfriend - you were given the responsibilities of attending all of his meetings, and those meetings included meeting GOD, yes that same entity that billions devoted their lives for.
When you first started this job you honestly didnt expect any of the things that did happen to you. For one you were given your own rank within the demon society, leading the hierarchy to go like this : ADAM & EVE - the original sinners, the rulers of the underworld, feared and loved by all the miserable and dammed souls of hell, notably Eve has much more power and status over Adam, since after all it was her who took the bite from the apple, once they died due to their new morality they were sent to a place under the the land they lived on, quickly they claimed it as their own and swore for revenge against god. SATAN & DAMIEN - the son and grandson of the original sinners, though adam and eve have the most power they are barely ever seen, if not they are NEVER seen thus leading satan (their son) to take over the place, but due to his lack of responsibility and want for a relationship he created Damien though he also sucked at the job causing the need for you. [ NAME ] - yes you get your own little rank? aren't you lucky? though you dont have much power and your rank is barely even acknowledged by other demons its still there, making you much much more important than other demons. DEMONS - demons are low ranking, most of them barely even have any powers and they are forced to work, though not as much as devils do. Many demons are rich and boast about it. DEVILS - devils are the lowest of the low, no devil has any powers, they are forced to labour and never catch a break.
You were honestly so happy you had your own rank, it meant that you were something, not an ordinary sinner or hell-born like all the rest. Though now, you couldnt focus on that, instead you tired to type away- trying to plan another meeting with the royal family of the southern rings to discuss their want for more land. Key word "tried", your attention was drawn to a blinding light that shown through your office, a small white letter with a golden wax stamp of angel wings, leading you to immediately register that it was indeed from heaven. You left your email half-way done, crimson red hands holding the letter. You scoffed, heaven was so under-developed, they practically all refused to develop heaven and introduce technology, wonder what this remind you of. Opening your letters, your jet black eyes scanned over it's contents
Our god wishes to speak to your sinner self, you must arrive at 7:33am exactly for the two of you to speak.
If you arrive late, as your kind tend to do, you will not be let into heaven
You rolled your eyes at the language used by the angels, while they loved to preach about how wonderful they are, they hated anything that wasnt them, degrading them silently as to not fall from grace if god hears them. Though after some thinking, you rose a brow- what did god want to talk to you about? All of your meetings with it was completed and done exactly on schedule ( as you tended to have a hate for showing up late ) , werent they? Perhaps it just wanted to have a normal chat with you, the two of you have done that previously as it had gained a 'fondness' of you - its words, not yours - and enjoyed your presence. Deciding to just stop thinking about it you looked at the time, ' 7:30 ' , great you had three minutes.
Standing up you fixed your outfit (which consisted of an overly large beige turtle neck and a long lack skirt that clung to your fiery red skin) and made your way up to heaven via the Latin based spell that you memorized just for these occasions " Peto ut anima mea, licet peccatis mortalibus infecta, ad portas terrae sanctorum perducatur, deus caelorum ingrediendi coelorum potestatem mihi concessit. "
Within seconds you were at the golden gates of heaven, two faceless angels guarding it, wearing normal ancient roman like armor, glass spears in their stiff hands, silver rings acting as helmets . Upon noticing your arrival, though not having faces you knew they scowled and yet still they let you in. It didnt take long for you to find the palace of god, entering it you were greeted with the figure of it. God wasn't a large white man, with a long beard and white robes, God wasnt a reptilian monster who was the same height of a ten year old. God was a voice, a feelings, a thought, it wasnt physical but for the sake of it's subjects it forced itself to have a physical form one that consisted of a tall lanky person ( no one could tell if it was a male or female thus leading people to refer to it as well . . . 'it' ) with long white hair that stretched out like branches that belonged to a tree, long lanky limps and most noticeably it had no face, only a body.
" my friend " it refered to you making you bow out of respect, though many sinners hated god as they thought it was the reason for all the angel's bitchy attitudes it had no control over what it's 'children' did. God always referred to saints as ' my children ' and sinners as ' My lost followers ' hell it even refers to adam and eve, satan and Damien as ' My opposites ' but he always called you ' my friend ' it made you wonder.
" Yes, holy monarch ? " you raised you head, making 'eye contact' with it. " My friend, due to your respect for me and all angels, your sinless actions towards everyone. I have granted you the gift of redemption " it spoke gently yet firmly, not caring to call you out on your shock at the words that felt its mouth " what ?! " you yelped, wondering if this was some type of trick " You heard me, friend, i'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself and join me withing the heavenly walls of peace. The question is, will you take this chance ? " you answered it's quetion with a breathy 'yes' still quite shocked with it's random and sudden proposal " That is most wondeful, my friend. Though you cannot simply be granted redemption just for your acts here, you must prove yourself even more to me. " " How, holy monarch ? " " I will send you to a mortal town, by the name of south park. You are to go there and preform acts of purity " it stated calmly " But. " of course there was a but " You must. MUST. " it's voice boomed, showing how serious it gotten " Follow two rules, understand? " " Yes . . . " " One, you are not to tell anyone what you are or speak in your tounge, their mortal brains will not be able to handle such information and will be forced to end their own lives " though the rule sounded extremally over dramaticated you nodded " and Two, you are not to fall in love with any mortal. Breaking these two rules will never grant you a place in heaven. You will be chained to hell forever. Am i clear? " You nodded, those rules were simple. Simple enough for you to follow and never break, while you were a 'demon' from hell you liked to think you were different from Adam and Eve, they broke god's rule, you will not.
" I will grant you the knowledge of mortals and send you to their land " God's boney hand reached out to you, once making contact with your forehead you felt a rush of adrenaline fill you, your impish body not being able to handle the contact from a god fell onto the cold, damp cloudy ground, everything going black.
" do not disappoint me. my child "
An extremely strange and new hotness engulfed the town of south park as the earth's crust burst opened, the screams of the damned filled the town's silent atmosphere and a figure of a girl landed on the ground, the snow crunched under her weight, the moonlight shown on her face making her look almost angelic if anyone was there to see her, though due to nights reign over south park no one was there to see how she rose up groggily, looking around.
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TAG LIST ; @ky-uwu @mishstuff
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rodent-king-buunii · 1 month
Were more than halfway done, this is eps 9-12. I put pictures + screenshots in this time.. Bare w me here
TW: Death
Episode 9:[not much happens]
The street clip is back
The real life footage is fuckin trippy stop!
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Alien Freddy Kruger has made an appearance..
Oop- damn she found a Knight..
O no.. what is she bout to do w track 44?
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Not her mimickin the sister’s babble on the banana phone
This episode has a lot of info + big words i don't entirely understand, i just know that Lain is bein duped in the wire like a deepfake matrix
Episode 10:
THE FUCKIN STREET CLIP[i feel like i should have a counter for this shit too]
Not them beefin by readin each others minds out loud… this is the shittiest fuckin battle ive ever seen HELP
Why have a desk for someone that dosent exist?
Lain havin an existential crisis part 12..
They made this whole fake ass family to keep this creature[Lain] in a state of calm? She is some sort of experiment, her state of mind and body are separated. Like some sort of computer simulation that has made itself believe that its real..
As if she was a real girl but somethin happened n her consciousness was uploaded into an A.I. n is remembering that this fake world is hers, shes the god of her own world.. She is everythin n nothin
Dude2 finally made an appearance but bout to get EUTHANIZED!!
O shit the mom that the delivery dude was tryna get w got fucked up too
Kid didnt even notice…
The men in black are supposed to be the good guys but o my fuckin gods they talk like super villains- i liked it better when they didnt speak
They denounced the emo God for both worlds.. He cant be Hannah + Miley anymore
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Wait okai so it made sense when the dad said he loved her but when Eminem said it it made me confused??
Mfer look like the one meme
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God is a dick dude “i created you” “love me” “theres no one else”
Episode 11:[empty episode]
Openin up w/, what i can only assume is, Lain hookin up to her set in this empty house she once called a home.
It feels like a music video you vaguely remember seeing as a kid, is about to start.
Were Lain + the dead classmate actually friends?
Were any of her friendships real?
Was any of it real?
After 8 straight minutes of never starting a music video we got to the plot?
Emo god is back-- fucker
She understands but doesnt at the same time + i feel her for that.
The dead girl + the guy from the club are playing angel + devil on her shoulder, playing the suicide game + trying to vaguely convince her not to..
Alice’s teacher “rumor” is still in hot pursuit
O its just Lain bein weird.. Nvm..
She is the wired
Love that for her
Shit Lain passed it on like a fuckin virus
Episode 12:
“I was overthinking things all along” --Lain
What a fuckin mood
Alice is onto Lains ASS
Fuck Lain is bein creepy af usin her power to creep out her “best” friend
Taro is still up on the “i kissed an angel” thing-
Lets all love Lain
The man is tryna blend everyone + everythin usin Lain
Alice comes to the Ikura residence + walks though this trashed deserted house. Hits some gas, sees the skinwalker w/its head split in half, still babbling in search for Lain
Lain sleeps in a cocoon bed like i do :>
“Watching what?” Lain: :>
Lain thought she was loving Alice, Alice thought Lain was bat shit outta her mind + hated her.
Theyre connected without having connected
“Alice, i love you” girl don't-
Alice is a better friend than i am…
Not Lain talkin back to EMO GOD
I love her questionin him, tellin him that theres a god before him
Lain fuckin leaves him to go with Alice so he threw a fit + created a body… fuckin pussy
These girls watched as a false got destroyed himself
Death Count
+5[theres no telling how many global Knights there were]
New total ≈19
I shouldnt have laughed as much as i did during episode 10 +12. God was givin v musty.
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timelostobserver · 2 years
@fallesto​ continued from xXx
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Another human, another mortal... Another dull, dreary creature who soaked itself in self-righteous fury and luster that all shone the exact same. Day in, and day out, every soul he’d witnessed in the end was the same. Simply the weight of their burdens, and the weight of their life before were what set them apart.
It was tiring.
Even more so when he was so rudely pulled from the deepest pits of Hell by mortals seeking boons. Seeking for him to grant them some otherworldly power to do as they pleased.
They’d never get it, not in the ways they wanted it, at least. He was no angel, not any more. He’d fallen from that grace, long before humans truly knew what the Divine truly meant. Even now, they don’t. Ignorant as they are...
The witches who saw fit to pull him from his work were such individuals. Summoning a Demon in hopes of it obeying their whims, obeying their cries for destruction and chaos. Demanding dominion over a Demon and it’s Sin.. His was Pride.. always has been.
Their only cries would now be lamentation as he sent them down to Hell. Their bodies little more than smears on the ground.
But ah... so rare it was for him to walk the world of man. So rare for him to finally leave his desk to gaze upon what had become of the world of man. How much had they changed it from their ceaseless fighting sand bickering. How many more times must it be destroyed for ‘Father’ to finally do something?
Never.. that was the answer.
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And now a man stood before him. He was.. quiet, looking through the man, at his shimmering, righteous soul. Yes.. Father would like this sort of person, wouldn’t he. It was blinding, but even in it’s depths, it was simply human. There was shadows to that light. They all had it... Flawed creatures as they were.
“Safe passage? You seem to not understand what passage I even ‘seek’, human.” The demon tilted his head to the side. Demon, devil.. Fallen Angel.. he was many things. Humans always seemed to have a new name for them as ages went by.
“The Gates of Hell do not simply ‘open’ for one who glimmers so brightly as you. Unless you mean to employ the same rituals as the ones who summoned me here plan to do. Those wretches you call ‘Witches’.” The ones who brought him here were dead now. His one way ‘home’ gone. But... well he lashed out in anger, in stress.
One might do the same if they were so brazenly taken away from their work, after all.
“That so?” His eyes narrowed at the man.
“I seek no contest, or fight with you.. I’m in no mood for such things. I am not like some of my brethren who cake themselves in entrails and blood...” If anything,  he was tired all the time. A secretary who saw to the souls of the dead and damned. While others carried out infernal, eternal punishment on the souls of sinners...
He was stuck with all the paperwork.
“Very well.. if you can truly offer ‘safe passage’.. then you best know my name.” He placed a hand on his chest, a light bow.
“I am Hades.”
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arvandus · 3 years
Icarus (Overhaul x F!Reader)
Ah yes, once again so late on this. This one gave me grief because the characters kept deviating from what I had originally planned. >.< But I worked through it, and here we are.
This is for the BNHarem's “On The Job” Collab for May, which you can find here.
Also, don’t judge my super simple title headings for my fics 😂 I always do these late at night when I should be asleep, so generic background with fancy text is the best I got to offer.
Trigger Warnings: 18+ ONLY!  1 instance of aggression/abuse (hair grabbing/pulling - nonsexual), unprotected sex (fun in fiction, dumb IRL), mutual masturbation, overstimulation, bondage via quirk abuse, degradation...
I think that about covers it.  Once again, I’m terrible at TWs so let me know if I missed anything or if anything is inaccurate. 😬 I just kinda write what I want and don’t really think about the labels when I’m doing it.
Pairing: Overhaul x F!Reader
Word Count: 8281
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You hadn’t meant to get caught.  Really, you weren’t even sure what had possessed you to do it in the first place. Desperation? Horniness? Stupidity?
 All of the above?
 All you knew was that it was a poor decision brought forth by the gradual culmination of a single annoying, unavoidable fact: you were disgustingly, shamefully, sinfully attracted to Kai Chisaki.
You weren’t exactly sure how or when it started. There was no “aha” moment, no “big bang” of desire.  Instead, it was subtle, gradually coating your unsuspecting mind like layers of sediment. A shiver down your spine when he spoke your name.  The quickening of your pulse at the briefest of eye contact. And the ever-growing presence of intrusive, curious thoughts.
 Like his hands.  You always noticed them, the white of his gloves drawing your attention like a beacon whenever he was within eyesight.  They were dangerous hands, deadly weapons that you’d seen in action firsthand.  They were a thing to be feared and avoided.  But some strange part of you couldn’t help but wonder... what did they feel like?  You imagined they’d be soft and perfectly manicured, oddly delicate for such a violent man; gentle hands packed with destructive power.
 Or his lips.  They were always covered by his mask.  You never, ever saw him without it.  You imagined what your name would look like on them as he spoke, how they’d feel on your skin.  Would his lips also be soft? How about his kisses? Would they be cautious and controlled, or rough and hungry?
 It didn’t help that he was, in his own way, very attractive.  Just like how his dangerous hands were hidden within innocent white gloves, he was the devil hidden behind a pretty face. A sharp, beautiful jawline. Smooth porcelain skin. A crown of auburn red hair, closely cropped, but still long enough to run fingers through.
 You bet that part of him was soft too.
 The one part of him that wasn’t soft were his eyes.  They were beautiful, certainly… as gold as Heaven’s gates and framed in long, perfect lashes.  But they lacked the warmth of Heaven.  Instead, they spoke of cold arrogance. And if you stared into them long enough, you could see a barely contained disgust lurking beneath their haughty exterior.
 The disgust didn’t bother you, not anymore.  Everyone disgusted Chisaki, and everyone in the Shie Hassaikai knew it. He even made his closest confidants, some he’d known since childhood, wear masks so he wouldn’t share the same air with them.  
 He had you wear a mask too, of course. Simple and white, it covered only your lower face, much like his own.  That much you were grateful for, considering some of the masks you’d seen others wearing.  Your only explanation for the slightly less coverage was that your secretarial position made you a frequent point of contact for those outside of the organization.  You handled incoming calls, visitors, and scheduled meetings between Chisaki and his affiliates.  No doubt he wanted to ensure you were making a good impression while still operating within his mysophobic requirements.
 First impressions were everything to Kai.  Even more so since he took the Boss’s place under dubious circumstances. Still, his long-held reputation for extremist thinking and violence preceded him, and not everyone was in support of his unexpected promotion.  As a result, many people within the organization parted ways following Chisaki’s rise to power... and soon after they mysteriously went missing, never to be heard from or located again.  You had no doubt that it was Chisaki tying up loose ends by sealing loose lips.  After all, they say the mouth is the source of disaster.  And Chisaki valued confidentiality above all else.
 The message he sent was clear: adapt or die.  When given such colorful options, the choice on whether to go or stay became a simple one.
 So, you adapted.  As long as you followed orders, kept your eyes down and your mouth shut, you were safe. After all, it was better to be the right hand of the devil than to be in his path.  The only person you really had to fear was Chisaki himself, and you knew him well enough by now to know how to stay on his good side.
 And all in all, it really wasn’t all that bad.  Sure, you had to orchestrate the occasional clean-up when he disposed of someone who displeased him.  But that wasn’t much different than what you’d dealt with when you worked for the Boss, either.  Sure, the aftermath was messier and it happened far more often.  But violence was violence, and when you worked with the Yakuza long enough, you got used to it.  And despite the odd working conditions and ever-present undertone of danger, you remained good at your job. As such, Chisaki brooked no complaint. He tolerated you, and you tolerated him. Interactions were brief, words exchanged were polite and respectful even though they lacked warmth.  But it was just a job, right?  You didn’t need warmth.
 So why did you feel so dissatisfied?  Why did you constantly feel that something was missing, a longing you couldn’t entirely describe?
 The need only ever waned when Chisaki was in your presence, whether it was to discuss upcoming meetings or simply passing by your desk to get to his office. The dissatisfaction would melt away into a warmth that extended deep into your fingertips whenever the cold-hearted man bothered to look you in the eyes. And when he wasn’t looking at you? It was like being thrown into a winter blizzard, the aching cold returning to pull the corners of your mouth down into a silent frown.
 You craved his attention.  It was shameful and pathetic and you could only imagine the scorn he’d give you if he knew, but you didn’t care.  To be graced with the attention of a man who cared for no one brought a different kind of satisfaction.  The rare treats of attention Chisaki did grant you, whether intended or not, scratched an itch that only he could scratch.
 As time passed, the intrusive thoughts became more frequent, evolving from odd curiosities to shameless lust.  They began to occupy your dreams, forcing you awake with a hot ache between your legs. That was when you really began to realize how in deep you were.  It wasn’t just a simple “attraction.”  You wanted him.  At first you tried to deny and ignore, suppress and excuse.  After all, this was Overhaul.  Wanting him was like wanting the sun in your hand, and just as dangerous. Apparently though, it made little difference to your hormone-addled brain.  It didn’t help that the secretive, forbidden thoughts brought their own special addictive flavor of the taboo.  
 You began to act different in front of him.  Nothing too obvious, of course.  After all, you knew Chisaki wasn’t the type to indulge in desperate women. To be honest, you weren’t even sure Chisaki indulged in women at all.  All you did know was that whenever women tried to gain his favor through flirtation, Chisaki quickly and harshly shut it down.
 So, it was little things... the extra second to release a paper from your grip after he’d grabbed it, the lingering of a glance.  You didn’t so much change the style of your attire – skirts and blouses were already the norm for your position – but you changed the colors. A blouse that matched the purple feathery softness of his jacket, golden jewelry that matched his eyes.  Little messages waiting in secret to be picked up, yet subtle enough that they could be excused as nothing more than coincidence. It was risky, but the thrill of the game gave you an outlet for your roiling feelings.  In the end though, it made no difference.  There was nothing about you that seemed important enough to turn Chisaki’s head more than was professionally necessary.
 Which is where the state of things were when you found yourself alone in his office one evening. You had thought he was still working at the time. You’d stepped away to shred some incriminating documents and burn the scraps in the kiln outside.  It was your last task for the day, so you’d entered Chisaki’s office to announce your departure for the evening.  Except when you entered, the space was empty, with all traces of him gone.  No papers remained on his desk.  His gloves and plague mask were gone.  With an annoyed huff you had stood there, bothered that you’d missed him.
 Quietly, you walked to his desk, and gently caressed the mahogany wood.  It was immaculate of course, free of dirt and fingerprints.  You knew it would be because he cleaned his space every evening before he left, and you cleaned it every morning before he arrived.
 You sighed as you retrieved the paper towels and cleaning solution.  No harm in giving it a second scrub to save yourself some time tomorrow morning. It wasn’t like anyone would be foolish enough to enter this space without Chisaki present anyway.
 You should have just left it at that.  But as you walked around his desk to wipe the surface with the damp towel, your bare legs just below your skirt bumped his chair. Soft leather, still warm from where he had sat, greeted your exposed skin.
 That should have been your first clue.
 But your mental alarms never sounded.  Instead, you figured you had just missed him.
 You should have just left, but you didn’t. The warmth on the chair was enticing you. He was gone, right?  Left for the evening.  What harm could it do to indulge just a little bit?  With your heart pounding with excitement, you carefully sat down in the warm leather. Immediately the scent of Chisaki’s body wash and clean clothes cradled you.
 That should have been your second clue.
 But you were already too wrapped up in your enjoyment.  You relished in the sensations, leaning back as you closed your eyes.  It was the closest you’d ever felt to him, as if his very presence was there with you. Your desire purred deep in your gut at receiving its first nibble of satisfaction.  If you closed your eyes, you could pretend he was there, holding you.
 Your kept your eyes closed as your imagination began to take root like weeds in your mind, making your skin feel hot.  Your fingers grazed the inside of your thigh, dipping beneath your skirt while your heart pounded.  What if those were his fingers?  The vision combined with the sensations of touch and smell were delicious, and you wanted more.  You dragged the pads of your fingertips up even higher, your arm starting to push your skirt up with it.  Your legs parted easily, as you let out a shaky breath.
 You shouldn’t be doing this.  Not here of all places.  But there was something so sinfully satisfying about it, the danger only heightening the sensations.  After all, the reward was only as great as the risk it took to earn it.  And this was the highest risk you could take, short of literally throwing yourself at him.  Besides, it wasn’t like your fantasies were ever going to come true. Maybe satisfying yourself - right here, right now – would be enough to finally give you the peace of mind you needed.
 And dear God, did you need it.  You could already feel the heat growing in your loins, the moisture dampening your panties.  Your fingers finally brushed against the warm cotton fabric covering your sex and you let out a soft gasp.
 What Chisaki didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.  He was gone, right?  And you were going to clean up any traces of your little visit before you left.  He’d be none the wiser.
 Your fingers slipped beneath your underwear to meet the hot, slick flesh of your folds, your clit already plump and ready with arousal. You knew it wouldn’t take you long to cum, but you wanted to enjoy this, to savor it as the only opportunity you’d get.  You certainly weren’t going to do this again.
 So, you teased yourself, fingertips softly dragging slow circles around your entrance before dipping in.  A shaky moan left your lips, the quickening of your breaths matching the racing of your heart.  In and out you dragged your fingers, relishing in your sleek, sensitive walls, occasionally breaking your rhythm to spread your juices over your swollen labia. You revisited your clit and stifled your moan with a bite of your lip as you began to slowly massage it with practiced skill.  It felt so fucking good.  The scent of yourself mingled with the scent of Chisaki, and you spread your legs wider, leaning back farther into the seat.  You could feel the surge beginning to swell, and you knew it would be soon. Vivid fantasies danced on the inside of your eyelids, and you were fully enthralled, fingers skimming fast circles over your swollen bud as your other hand began to massage your breast through your blouse.
 “Fuuuuuckk....Kai....” You moaned.
 “What do you think you’re doing?”
 The familiar voice made you jump so hard, you nearly fell out of the chair as your eyes flew wide open.
 There was Kai Chisaki, staring down at you from across the desk – his desk. And there were you, sitting in his chair, spread eagle.
 Your breath was knocked out of you and you felt light-headed with panic.  You caught sight of the shoji screen behind him, wide open to the evening air.
 FUCK. Of course.  You forgot to check outside.  He must have stepped out for some fresh air before returning to his office.
 Shit. Shit, shit, shit.  You hadn’t heard him enter.  How long had he been standing there??
 “I asked you a question.” The man seethed through his plague mask.  His gloved hands were clenched into angry fists, and his eyes... eyes that you’d always craved to see you... well, they saw you now, and you were terrified.
 Immediately, you closed your legs and stood up from his chair. Your mouth babbled soundlessly before your voice finally came, tight and small.
 “I’m sorry.  I’m so so sorry.”
 “I didn’t ask for an apology.” He hissed.
 “I know, I’m sorry.” You blubbered.
 “Come. Here.” Chisaki demanded.
 You obeyed, struggling to adjust your skirt as you approached him from around his desk.
 “I didn’t tell you to touch your clothes.” His tone was quiet and constrained yet sharp as a razor’s edge, each word uttered with meticulous precision.
 You stared at him in shock as you slowly removed your hands from your rumpled clothing.  His eyes raked over you, top to bottom, and left you feeling... exposed.
 “Look at you...” he grumbled.  “Disgusting.”
 His mask was unnerving, blocking the lower half of his face and keeping you from being able to fully read his facial expression.  His gold eyes were threatening – predatory like a wolf.
 He was going to kill you.  You knew it was coming. He’d killed others for far less.  But you weren’t ready for it.  You didn’t want to die.
 You dropped to your knees and bowed low in front of him, shrinking yourself to fit beneath his harsh glare.  “Please, Mr. Chisaki-“
 “Overhaul!” you corrected, as you bowed your head lower to the ground. “Please forgive me.  I meant no disrespect.”
 “No disrespect?” he sneered.  “You debase yourself in my seat, my place of business, and claim no disrespect??”
 His left hand reached forward at lightning speed and grabbed you by your hair, forcing your head back until you were looking him straight up at him.  You winced against his harsh hold on you, yet clenched your teeth in an effort to keep your silence.  He glared down at you as his next words came out through what you could clearly hear as clenched teeth.  
 “Clean it up.”
 With that, he shoved you away from him. On shaking, clumsy legs you pushed yourself to your feet and made your way back to his desk, your skin hot with shame and your ears ringing.  
 You did as he commanded, grabbing the cleaning solution and spraying his seat before carefully, meticulously, wiping every inch of the rich leather.  Minutes passed in silence as you made sure that no spot went unnoticed, even ensuring that the table was once again cleaned as well. By the time you had finished, Kai’s temper seemed to have dwindled to a simmering flame.  His hands were no longer clenched in fists at his sides. Instead, they were tucked deep into his pockets as he supervised you.  It did little to comfort you though... you knew that Chisaki’s reflexes were faster than you could dodge.  He’d catch you before you even reached the door.
 Not that you’d try to.  You knew better.
 When the chair was finally pristine, you disposed of the last of the soiled paper towels in the wastebin and returned the cleaning solution to its home. The task was done, but you didn’t stop. You picked up the trash can with the intent of disposing of its contents; you knew Chisaki wouldn’t want it sitting in his office.  
 It was all to buy you time. Time to figure out what to say or what do to convince Chisaki to spare your life.  But you didn’t even make it to the door before Chisaki’s voice halted your retreat.
 “Where do you think you’re going?”
 “I... I was just...” you stammered.
 “I didn’t give you permission to leave.”
 You swallowed and set down the trashcan.  He approached you slowly, until he was a mere few inches from you. He was so close that you could smell his cleanliness and see the pupils of his eyes dilate as he stared at you.  Slowly, he grabbed the mask that was covering your mouth and nose and removed it from your head.  You stopped breathing.
 There was something... electric in the air.  You could feel it on your skin, making your hairs stand on end and your flesh tighten with goosebumps.  His eyes peered at you intently, taking in every subtlety of your face.  Your lips, your eyes, your skin... and beneath the weight of his stare, you could feel the fear start to transform, replaced by something else entirely.  Something familiar that’d been plaguing you for months, lighting your veins with fire and threatening to incinerate you if it wasn’t released.  After all, part of his allure was the danger. And he hadn’t killed you yet, which meant... something.
 Chisaki’s gaze began to wander beyond just your face, taking in your still rumpled clothes.  The top couple buttons of your blouse were undone, exposing the skin of your neck and the edges of your bra.  Your skirt was still askew, and although he couldn’t see it, you became acutely aware of your still-damp underwear trapped between your folds from when you had hastily closed your legs earlier.  You stared back at him, waiting for him to do something, say something.
 And that’s when you noticed it... a faint flush across his pale cheeks, peaking out from beneath his mask. His chest was rising and falling with each breath, and it was as if he were contemplating something, silently weighing a decision in his closed-off mind.
 A strange bubbling sensation began to build within your chest, foreign and oddly out of place.
 Finally, Chisaki spoke, his voice unusually calm considering the trouble you were in.  “Follow me.”
 Not one to disobey him, you did as he requested as he made his way over to his desk and sat down in his chair.  Then, with an open hand, he gestured at his desk.
 “W-What??” you stuttered.
 “I said sit.” He replied.
 You did as Chisaki commanded, fitting yourself between his legs and his desk before hopping up slightly onto the surface you’d just cleaned. You were right in front of him now, your hands in your lap and your ankles crossed as you realized just how perfect this arrangement was for him to see directly up your skirt.  You worried your lip between your teeth as you watched him assess you.  His elbow was resting on the armrest of his chair, his fingers supporting his face along the jawline as he stared at you with his head cocked at an angle. If it were any other situation, you’d say he looked almost bored... but the glint in his eyes spoke of something else entirely.
 “Continue.” He stated.
 “What? What do you mean?” you asked.
 His eyes stared at you knowingly.  “You didn’t get to cum, did you?”  You shook your head, stunned at his words.  “Continue.” He repeated.
 “Right here?”
 “Where else?  It was good enough for you earlier.”  His tone dropped slightly as his eyes narrowed.  “Continue.”
 Your heart pounded in your ears as you uncrossed your ankles, and with shaky hands began to trace your fingers up your thighs just as you had done before. Except this time, the experience was entirely different. Instead of closing your eyes like before, you kept them open to stare at your observer, watching for his reaction.  So many times you’d fantasized about this... about his eyes being on you and only you... and you weren’t going to miss a moment of it.
 With your eyes locked on each other, you inched your way up to the space between your thighs, your legs parting to grant you access.  Chisaki didn’t look down.  Not right away, at least.  Instead, he continued to watch your face, his body still and silent.  With the heat of his gaze on you, you finally reached your center where your warmth greeted you.  It was still slick from earlier, your fingers sliding easily along your labia as you began to tease yourself for the second time that evening.  You let out slow, shaky breaths as your fingers rubbed slow, lazy circles over your glossy lips.  
 Chisaki still didn’t break his gaze from your eyes, and a part of you wanted him to.  You wanted him to acknowledge what you were offering him and know that he liked it. A small, devious smirk found itself on your lips as you pulled your fingers away from your pussy to show him the evidence of your arousal stretched across your fingers.  It caught his attention just briefly, eyes flicking to your display, before he watched you lick the glistening strands from your fingertips, the soft sounds of your sucking filling the empty, quiet room.
 Chisaki’s eyes narrowed, and the smirk on your face widened.  Soon your fingers were back between your legs, massaging your clit again as your skin began to feel flush with heat.  Round and round the pads of your fingers went, with painstaking slowness that you drew out just for him.  You wanted to show him how good his presence made you feel.  You wanted him to see how badly you wanted him.  Your lips became more swollen, your clit more sensitive. Already you could start to feel the tension build.  It was almost too easy, your body ready to surrender at the drop of a hat.  But you weren’t going to let it happen, not yet at least.  You wanted to draw this out, to savor it in case it never happened again.
 With half-lidded eyes you stared at him as you parted you folds for him, fully exposing yourself. For the first time, his eyes drifted from your face to stare directly at your desire for him – your tight hole open and waiting, every inch of your swollen cunt drenched in glistening arousal.  Chisaki was captivated and you felt your blood surge.  You needed more. With your fingers still spreading yourself open, you dipped your middle digit into your tight heat.   Pleasure bloomed within you and a soft groan vibrated from the back of your throat. With each draw of your fingers, your breaths quickened, your back arching as the tension began to build.
 You struggled to keep your eyes open, to watch Chisaki as you brought yourself closer to orgasm, but it became increasingly difficult. You were single-focused now, chasing your much-needed release with each plunge of your finger into your soft depths.  Your body accommodated it welcomingly, and so you added a second, once again relishing in the renewed stretch that caressed your inner walls. The faster you pumped your fingers, the better it felt until your nerves were singing that familiar hum.  You flowed seamlessly into the final phase, your wet fingers leaving your entrance in favor of rubbing hard, fast circles over your clit.  The finish line was in sight now as your body sprinted with tense, aching muscles and breathy moans.
 You came with a gasp, back arching and thighs twitching as you rode out your orgasm. As you neared the end of it, you dipped your fingers in one last time as your walls gave one last final spasm of pleasure.  Gradually the wave of your euphoria calmed, returning to the gentle, lapping waters of desire that still moved within you to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
 You opened your eyes to see Chisaki still staring at you silently, his eyes once again locked onto yours. The flush across his cheeks was very much apparent now, yet his posture remained unmoved. Still, out of curiosity, you dared a quick glance down to his lap to see his hand strategically placed over the bulge in his pants.  Was he trying to hide it?  Because he was failing.  Or was he stroking himself through his clothes when you weren’t looking?
 “Again.” He ordered.
 Your eyes bulged.  “Again?”
 He didn’t bother to answer, instead waiting silently.  You were a bird trapped in the golden cage of his eyes as your mind struggled to recover enough from the hazy aftereffects of your orgasm to think straight.  He wanted you to do it again?
 At first you were hesitant. You knew your body was still sensitive from what had just transpired.  But then again… your eyes stared at Chisaki’s crotch again as he waited for you.  No doubt he saw you staring, yet he did nothing, said nothing.  It almost felt like an invitation… or a dare.  Do it again and see what happens.
 Fuck. You’d already gotten under his skin... might as well see how deep you could go.
 Between your orgasm only moments before and the juices still coating your pussy, the sensations of your touch at first felt almost... numb.  Except for your clit.  That part was still sensitive, making your muscles twitch and your breath hitch in your throat as you moved your fingers over it experimentally. You kept your touch gentle at first, careful to give your body time to respond as you reawakened the lust that still lurked in your core.  With dark eyes you began to stroke yourself for him again, pulling soft pleasurable moans from your gently parted lips.  It was definitely more intense this time, and you could already tell that this next orgasm would surpass the one before it.  Still, you drew it out as you watched Chisaki.  Or, more specifically, watched his free hand.
 It didn’t take long... you watched his fingers grip around his hard-on through his pants, his hand slowly moving up and down his restricted length.  You bit your lip at the sight and immediately felt a generous wave of hot arousal bloom between your legs, your nipples hardening achingly.  It wasn’t enough to capsize you into ecstasy, but it certainly pulled a needy whimper from your lips.  
 You dipped your fingers into yourself, feeling your walls flutter as you imagined what it would feel like to have Chisaki inside of you.  With each curl of your fingers the heat grew, like the sun reaching its zenith.  You wanted it.  You wanted to cum so badly.  But you wanted to see him even more.  So, you neglected your puffy clit in favor of unbuttoning your blouse just enough to grant you access to your sensitive breasts.  You pushed aside the cup of your bra to free the plump flesh, the bud at its center tightly puckered.  With deft fingers you massaged the soft skin before rolling the nipple slowly between your fingers, pulling more soft gasps and gentle hums from your lips.  The more you groaned and teased yourself, the more Chisaki stroked himself as he watched you, his eyes glowing with hunger.
 It wasn’t until you began to lose yourself, your eyes beginning to drift closed as you moaned and whined to the ebb and flow of your pleasure, that your patience was finally rewarded.
 You could hear it over the sounds of your lewdity – the ‘click click click’ of a zipper being pulled down.  You opened your eyes, not even attempting to hide your eagerness, as Chisaki freed his cock from his pants.
 It was beautiful just like the rest of him; long with a slight curve, its tip red and shining with precum.  Veins stood out in relief, trailing his length like vines, thick and beautiful. You swallowed at the sight of it, desperately wanting to know what it would feel like to have that in you.
 You hadn’t realized your own movements had frozen until Chisaki’s smooth voice cut through your thoughts.
 “I didn’t tell you to stop.” He said, as cool and professional as ever as if he didn’t currently sit before you with his dick in his hand.  
 He was gloating, you knew it... your stunned silence at the sight of his cock stroked his ego just as much as you touching yourself for him did. And you knew that, above all else, Chisaki loved to have his ego stroked.
 “Y-yes Mr. Chisaki...” you whispered, before your fingers began moving again.
 You continued to stroke and play, penetrate and rub as you watched him take his long cock in his hand and begin long, steady strokes.  Even now, he still kept his gloves on, and somehow that made his every move even hotter.  He was no longer propping his face up with his other hand.  Now, he was sitting up straight, eyes on your needy cunt as you put on your show for him.  You could see it, the tension in his temple that came and went, hear the ragged, quick draws of his breaths through his mask.  Your own arousal grew in response, egged on by him searching for his own sweet relief at the lewd sight of you.  It blossomed like a watered seed as you drank in the man in front of you – his hand pumping, precum dripping.
 It was the push your sensitive body needed.  You came surprisingly fast, your orgasm crashing over your body with greater intensity than the first.  Moans and gasps ripped from your throat as your body spasmed, and you made no effort to quell your cries, too consumed by your own pleasure.  With eyes squeezed shut, your hips rocked as you grinded yourself against your hand, your entire body singing in unbridled bliss.
 You were given no respite.  As soon as the pleasure eased just enough for your hips to still, Chisaki spoke.
 Your eyes, still closed, flew open to look at him with incredulity.  You weren’t even recovered yet, your cunt still twitching with the aftershocks of pleasure. You knew that touching yourself without some sort of break was going to lead you down a jagged, torturous road of overstimulation.  It made your legs start to close up instinctually in denial.
 Your mouth moved silently before you pushed the words out.  “B-But... I can’t....”
 Chisaki’s eyes narrowed, his brows lowering... and along the edge of his mask, you could see his cheeks lift slightly.  He was smirking at you. Cruelly.  
 “You can, and you will.” He said.  A wave of his fingers told you to reopen your legs for him, and you did, slowly, as if you were a puppet on strings.  “Again.” He repeated.
 Chisaki took a moment to remove the glove from his stroking hand before giving his cock a couple more languid strokes.  You stared at the exposed skin in awe.  It was everything you imagined it’d be... pale, smooth, nails clean and perfectly trimmed.  Between his hard cock and his ungloved hand, you stared in shameless longing as an excited chill coursed down your spine.  Maybe… maybe if you were good…
 You swallowed the dryness in your throat and returned your fingers to your core, flinching as you brushed against your sore, overstimulated clit.  Chisaki returned to pleasuring himself as you performed for him, his hand pumping steadily.  Watching him masturbate to you was delicious.  He didn’t rush, instead opting to taking his time, his hand moving smoothly from base to tip, occasionally pausing to run his precum over the head, the shine glinting in the light.  You subconsciously licked your lips, wondering what it would taste like. Would you lick it from his tip? Or his finger?  Maybe both?
 You matched your pace with his, letting his own strokes guide your hand.  The synchrony made your pussy ache more than ever, even as your body screamed for freedom – a break from the constant wave of stimulation that you were subjecting yourself to.  It made you feel closer to him, more connected - as if he were a part of your pleasure without actually touching you.
 But dear God, you desperately you wanted him to touch you.
 He continued his strokes, slow and easy.  Whether it was for him or for you, you weren’t sure... you weren’t even sure if he was aware that you were pacing yourself with him.  His speed gradually quickened, the muscles of his forearms tensed and twitching as he pumped his hard cock with growing fervor. It was the hottest thing you’d ever seen, his eyes starting to roll back in his head as he began to lose himself to the pleasure, legs twitching slightly as he came close... Your heart pounded with excited anticipation as you dipped your fingers into your core, feeling your walls flutter with need.  It was happening... he was going to cum...
 But he never did.  Instead, his pace began to slow as his eyes refocused on you. That was when you realized….
 Chisaki wasn’t trying to cum yet… he was edging himself.
 Maybe he was waiting for you.  Or maybe he had his own agenda.  But either way, it was clear to you that he was delaying his orgasm.
 The hypocrite.
 Still, you wanted to please him. You wanted to give him want he wanted, because then maybe he could give you what you really wanted.  But no matter how hard you tried, no matter how fucking hot the entire situation was, your own orgasm evaded you.  
 It was more than just the repeated orgasms and overstimulation.  The real issue was that your fingers no longer satisfied. Not after seeing what he had to offer, and certainly not after seeing how horny you made him.  You wanted him to touch you, to put his hands on you, to feel his cock in you... A frustrated whine escaped your lips as you felt your resolve break.
 “Please, Mr. Chisaki...” you begged.  Chisaki’s eyes left your open pussy to lock with yours.  Their golden depths burned holes into you, and you licked your lips under the heat of his stare. “Please touch me...”
 Chisaki froze mid-stroke.  “Touch you?” He said it as if the idea repulsed him, yet his eyes betrayed him as he looked back down between your open legs.
 “Please,” You begged.  “Don’t you want to?”
 His brow was deeply furrowed, and you knew he was having his internal debate, just as he’d had before.  After all, what you were asking was no small order.  You knew how he felt about touch.  No doubt he would have already been balls deep in you had it not been an issue for him.
 But that was why you begged. And pleaded.  And groveled.  Anything to make him set aside his golden rule, even if just for one night.
 “Please...” you whined one last time.  “I’ll do anything.  I need you, Kai...”
 Something about you using his given name did something.  His eyes widened slightly, his flush reaching down to his exposed neck.  Then his eyes narrowed, as he stood from his seat.  You watched with a mix of excitement and trepidation as he carefully removed his jacket and loosened his white tie.  He towered over you, his stare pinning you somewhere between his contempt and his hunger as he undid the cuffs of his black shirt and rolled up his sleeves to the elbows. It made your pussy throb and your heart pound as you stared back at him, completely vulnerable.  He stepped forward slightly, filling the space between your legs with his presence.  Even just the graze of his pants against the inside of your knee was enough to set off fireworks on your skin, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.  His cock was still out and hard, mere inches from your tight, needy cunt, and it took every ounce of willpower not to scoot down and close the gap between you.
 You waited.
 “Touch you...” he muttered through his mask, his voice low.
 Chisaki’s eyes raked over you, taking in every inch of you.  Your trembling, parted lips and large pupils; your exposed breast with its perky, hard nipple; your swollen and glossy cunt framed in ruined underwear that was carelessly shoved aside; the sweat from your thighs coating his desk.
 “So fucking filthy.” He breathed.  The profanity sounded strange on his lips, almost more like a prayer than an insult.
 He stared at one of your thighs as he slowly placed a warm, gloved hand on it. You reacted immediately, gasping at his touch, and his eyes darted to yours.
 “...And needy.” He added.
 From your peripheral you could see his other hand grip his cock and begin to pump it. You tried to watch... you wanted to watch.  But the heat of his hand on your thigh made nearly everything else fade away until it was all you cared about.  Your breaths began to come in hot pants as your body trembled beneath him.
 “I didn’t realize that you were so desperate for me.” He said calmly as he continued to stroke himself.  His gloved hand squeezed your soft flesh until you were moaning from the mixture of pleasure and pain. “Pathetic.”
 You were pathetic.  But you didn’t care.  You’d say anything, do anything, just to have him keep touching you.  And if he wanted you to beg?  To cry? To humiliate yourself to earn his cock?  You’d do that too.
 His hand slowly eased its grip as it began to move up, up, up until his thumb nestled in the crook of your thigh, just shy of your sensitive, swollen folds. Your hand immediately made way for his as you laid down completely onto his desk, your world spinning.  A warmth fell over you like a blanket, every fiber of your being pulsing at a low hum; you were a glass vibrating at a frequency just shy of shattering.
 Chisaki’s voice floated through your haze like a faraway song carried on the wind. “You were so eager at first.  So willing to shame yourself – shame me – to get what you wanted.”  He scoffed. “Now you can’t even do as I say.”
 You could feel his thigh twitch against yours as he began to pump himself faster. His cock was so close to your pussy that it was torturous.  It made you want to cry.  You could feel the warmth of fresh juices begin to flow from you, coating your entrance in invitation, as you prayed to all the gods above and below for him to enter you without mercy.
 But it never came.  And his hand never ventured further.  Slowly, your thoughts trickled back ever so slightly, and you realized he was waiting for you to speak.  Slowly, around a heavy tongue, you made clumsy words.  “I... I’m sorry...I’m trying... is hard...”
 Chisaki tsked.  “You’re afraid.  Afraid of pushing past your limits. So now I’m going to help you.”
 His gloved thumb crossed the threshold to your swollen bud, and your world exploded into color as a sharp zing of pleasure erupted from between your legs. You cried out, your body spasming, hips writhing to escape his touch. It was too much...
 “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded.
 Then he did something you didn’t expect – his bare hand released his cock and slammed down onto the desk.  The surface rippled beneath you, transforming until smooth arches of dark mahogany wrapped themselves over your arms, effectively pinning you down.
 Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, your breaths coming out in quick, panicked gasps.
 “Kai!” you protested.
 He bent over you and grabbed your jaw in his gloved hand, his plague doctor mask inches from your face. “You wanted me to touch you,” he whispered.  “Now you’re going to get what you asked for.”
 The look in his eyes wasn’t as controlled as before.  Sure, the disgust and hunger were still there.  But there were more emotions now, peaking through the cracks of his practiced façade.  Anger, contempt, fear, desire, longing... and something else; something wild and unhinged.
 Something within him was on the verge of breaking, of being set free, and you were the one responsible.
 He straightened himself up and returned his gloved hand to your sopping core, his cock once again in his bare hand.  His thumb found its home again, nestled firmly against your engorged clit.
 He wasn’t gentle, he wasn’t slow.  Instead, his thumb ran swift, relentless circles, the digit igniting every frayed nerve. Each swipe had you crying out as wave after wave of sharp, jagged pleasure assaulted you, without so much as a second of recovery in between.  And as Chisaki raced you towards that inevitable cliff, his own hand pumped himself hard and fast.  His strokes began to become erratic, his composure slowly slipping as you began to unravel before him, your whines and cries luring him to follow you to the point of no return.  You could feel his own legs began to spasm against your inner thighs, his hips beginning to jut forward with each drag of his palm along his hard shaft.  The gap between your two bodies began to close, until you could feel the tip of him brush against your core. In that instant, you came undone beneath him with his name spilling from your drooling lips.
 The temptation was too much.  He entered you as you came, his cock burying itself within your clenching walls with a single thrust.  Your legs wrapped around him instantly as your body exploded into a mess of tears, shrieks, and trembles.  With one hand on your hip and one working your clit, he fucked you through your orgasm as you cried and panted, his own grunts joining your one-person symphony as you felt every fiber of your being shatter with white hot pleasure. It was all-consuming, disorienting.  You weren’t even sure you were a person anymore.  You could feel nothing else, see nothing else except the man inside of you, hovering over you, filling your existence.
 It didn’t stop. Even after you were a blubbering mess, tears streaming down your cheeks, your thighs and cunt sore, Chisaki kept going, his cock reaching new depths as it dragged against your spasming, sensitive walls.  His breaths were heavy, each pant labored until he ripped his mask off his face.  It was like a switch had been flipped, changing Chisaki from a man in control to nearly animalistic.  Teeth bared, sweat beading across his forehead, golden eyes absolutely feral. His thrusts took you past your orgasm, unrelenting, and you cried and babbled for him to stop, it was too much, your body couldn’t take anymore.  But even as your string of incoherent words begged for the end, your body spoke of a different kind of freedom, your legs tightening around Chisaki’s waist in an effort to pull him impossibly deeper into you.
 Chisaki snarled, releasing his hand from your cunt as he continued to fuck you, and removed his remaining glove with his teeth.  Suddenly, the white fabric was being shoved into your mouth, gagging your broken words behind its white cotton that smelled and tasted of you.
 “Shut up.” He growled.
 You could see the hives breaking out across his damp, flushed skin now at the contact, but it no longer seemed to matter to him.  And it didn’t matter to you either.  You were wrapped up delirium, your eyes glossing over and rolling into your head with each drive of Chisaki’s hips. Your hips couldn’t even keep up with his thrusts anymore; his movements were too rough, too fast.  All you could do was lay there and receive him as he pounded you without restraint.  That familiar knot was forming again, a dark beast built from the broken pieces of the last. It was a terrifying thing, a formidable presence that you felt building within yourself that would surely decimate you.
 “This is what you really wanted, isn’t it?” Chisaki grunted through clenched teeth. “You wanted me to fuck you senseless, to ruin this tight pussy of yours like the greedy, selfish bitch you are.”
 His words washed over you and you gave the faintest of nods, your mouth still gagged.
 “So, you’re going to take what I give you. You’re going to cum when I say, as often as I say.”  His cock hit deep as his thumb gave a final press against your clit. “Now.”
 You screamed around the cotton in your mouth, back arching and arms straining against the wood trapping you as the tension finally erupted.  It tore through your veins, making your fluids gush and your pussy clench like a vice around Chisaki’s pumping cock.  Not a moment later, you heard him groan followed by the hot sensation of his cum coating your walls.  It only enhanced the waves of pleasure still wrecking you and your pussy milked him greedily as he emptied himself in you.
 The comedown felt like it would never arrive. Your nerves still sang too loudly, the aches echoed too deep.  But finally, Chisaki’s hips stuttered to a stop and your own body lay limp beneath him. It felt like you were submerged under water, every sense dulled or muted, as you stared hazily at the ceiling.  Chisaki was still in you, his dick twitching sensitively each time your body gave a weak aftershock. You had thought he would pull out, leave you there like the ruined mess you were to go clean himself up.  Now doubt he’d return to his senses any moment and be repulsed by what transpired.
 But he never did.  Instead, he braced himself over you, his heavy, hot breaths coating your exposed skin as he settled through his own comedown while you warmed his cock.  You felt the desk ripple beneath you and suddenly your arms were freed from their restraints, the wooden surface back to its original state.  A moment later, he filled your view as he leaned over you, and you had a brief moment of panic, wondering if you were next. Was he going to overhaul you now? After all, he got what he wanted...
 But he never did that either.  Instead, he removed the glove from your mouth as his eyes traced over your face, marking every feature, every nuance.  Your parted, chapped lips... your glossy, sweat-stained skin... the exhaustion in your eyes...  His thumb came up to wipe away at the tears drying along your cheekbones before running the smooth pad over your lower lip.
 Then he did something you didn’t anticipate, something that surprised you above all else. He bent down and captured your mouth with his, his wet tongue gliding into your stunned, open mouth.  It was strangely slow, uncharacteristically tender, and entirely unexpected.  The fog you’d been swimming in a moment before lifted slightly, and you began to kiss him back, your arm wrapping up around his shoulders before tangling your fingers into his damp, auburn locks at the base of his neck.
 Whatever it was, it was short-lived.  He brought a hand up to grasp the hand you had around his neck, his fingers twining with yours as he placed your hand back down on the desk, pinning you within his hold. He pulled away from the kiss and stared down at you with a dark smirk tugging the corners of his wet lips.  And his eyes... his eyes burned gold like the sun. Not a beautiful, gentle gold that kissed open delicate flowers and melted winter snow.  No, this was a force of unrelenting destruction, the kind that burned deserts, scorched forests... and melted wax wings.
 You were Icarus, fueled by foolishness and arrogance. You’d flown too close, fueled by a false sense of confidence that you could handle whatever it was that lurked within him, that your lust was enough to match his.  But you were quickly learning you couldn’t.  His fire burned too hot, his hunger too deep. He was going to devour you until there was nothing left.  And really, what did you expect from a man who denied himself every human urge in his quest for perfection?  
 The sun could never be controlled.
 And Pandora’s box can never be closed.
 Slowly, he lowered his face next to yours until you could feel his lips brush against the shell of your ear.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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irondadfics · 3 years
just out of curiosity, what fix have you found the MOST? cuz I've seen like at least three people ask about love dares you to change but i was just curious about what fic you've been asked about multiple times. Does it get easier to find that fic if its already been asked about or is it just ad hard as one that hasn't? Have a great day !!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Interesting question! Off the top of my head I’d say we’ve featured these fics several times on the blog. There’s certainly more, but these are the ones coming to mind. All of them are very good, so give them a read if you haven’t yet!
 Regarding it being easier to find a lost fic, I think that just depends on how the ask is worded. If the ask is similar to another ask that we’ve received in the past then yes, it does make it much easier to find the lost fic. However sometimes two asks looking for the same fic may be recounting two very different scenes and so they come across as looking for different fics. There’s also been instances where even if one of us has read the fic, we may have forgotten the detail the asker is recounting. I think that’s why our follower outreach program is such a great help to us. We’re very grateful for our followers help.
All the Devils are Here by @yellowdistress​
Peter knows deep down, in the glass that is his mind, that he couldn't have stopped it. He couldn't have known that on a freezing night, May Parker would step out in front of a moving vehicle and die. All the while, he was laughing with Ned, their voices carrying through the streets of Queens. Peter knows deep down, he couldn't have fathomed the events that would follow. An abyss of never-ending ache and the disorderly behavior that grown men weren't supposed to exhibit, but Tony Stark would manage to display anyway. Peter knows all of these things, but still manages to be eaten alive, every single day.
Chapter 5 of Five Times Peter Parker Pretended to Be Asleep by @blondsak​
…and the one time he actually was. Or: sometimes, faking sleep can work to your advantage. When it comes to trying to fool a certain genius, overprotective, superhero mentor, Peter finds this to be doubly true.
I Never Knew I Was Broken by @gotmyinkpen​
Peter Parker has been living in HYDRA ever since his parents died at age four. All he can remember are the lessons HYDRA taught him and a series of words that strike fear into his heart. The only thing driving him forward are the memories of meeting his hero The Winter Soldier when he was seven and the goal to one day be as great an assassin as him.
At age sixteen Peter finds himself tangled in the lives of the Avengers and can't help but wonder if there's more to life than what he's been told.
Tony wants to help him, no matter what.
… and when you can’t crawl … by @jolinarjackson
In the aftermath of the Vulture and May finding out about Spider-Man, Peter should be happy. May is allowing him to continue his patrols and Tony is making good on his promise to mentor him. Peter is anything but fine, though. Struggling with nightmares and his insecurities, Peter’s life begins to unravel for good when he becomes the target of a violent school bully, and his only refuge in his duties as Spider-Man is destroyed following a tragic failure. Tony and May, trying to figure out the dynamics of raising a teenage superhero between the two of them, are forced to watch from the sidelines as Peter refuses to accept help out of fear of appearing weak … and reaches his breaking point.
Damaged At Best (Like You’ve Already Figured Out) by @jolinarjackson, 
”Don’t come any closer,” Spider-Man said, his hand raised threateningly, his fingers resting against a trigger mechanism nestled into his palm. ”Alright,” Tony answered. For a moment, they looked at each other – Tony stuck to the wall on one side of the alley and Spider-Man stuck to the other – then Tony opened his helmet to show his face. ”Hey, there”, he said. ”Nice to finally meet you.”
The Avengers are left shaken in the aftermath of the Sokovia Accords. With half the team under house arrest at the Compound, Tony finds himself seeking refuge in Avengers Tower and starts forming a tentative friendship with the neighborhood vigilante Spider-Man. A friendship which is quickly threatened by Secretary Ross doubting Spider-Man’s intentions and integrity. Tony is left wondering who to trust, especially when Spider-Man manages to uncover the one secret Tony never wanted anyone to know about: the child Tony had with a woman named Mary Fitzpatrick sixteen years ago.
Peter and the Jailbirds by @beautifullights1
“If you did play chess," Ross said, "you’d remember that a pawn can become a queen. The most powerful piece on the board, Parker, remember that? But—” Ross smiled— “only if it obeys.”
He adjusted his tie, stood, and looked down at Peter. “I’ll ask you again,” he said. “Eventually. You may feel differently after you’ve been living in a six-by-six cube without sunlight or fresh air for a few years.”
“What pawns do,” Peter said, voice shaking slightly, “is sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I have no regrets.”
He had a lot of regrets.
Like, a lot. A crapton. A shitload. An overloaded dumpsterful.
“When I visit you on the Raft,” Ross said, “you’ll be old enough to grow a beard.” The cell door clicked shut behind him.
[Rated mature for graphic violence.]
Stay in the Cage by StarryKitty013
OR 5 times Peter helped an Avenger's kid and one time they (kind of) helped him
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: A month passes by: a month filled with her around his office, with her lingering touches and flirty looks and Alfie begins to realize that he has taken the devil herself out of her cage.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
“Bite your lip once more, I dare you.”
“Get in line, sweetheart.”
He had made his decision. And made it quick.
The room is quiet, nothing but the sound of cold wind seeping through the open windows. The inside of the apartment is scarcely decorated but there is flowers everywhere, some roses resting on the floor and some on the small table next to the lavish couch. The date and the occasion checks out while nothing moves inside.
It’s your place.
The you a month ago is a foolish girl, you realize. Someone who had hope for good things and perhaps miracles but not anymore. Although you think that maybe the way you had gotten a job and your own place had been a long-time wish granted. You don’t think much of it, just act and react to get through the days.
He’ll be here soon.
Without a cane in hand, you notice lately. He seems younger, acts like it too. He smiles more but you ignore the thought. He’s tough around the said bakery, shouts too much and is always angry but never with you. His eyes are softer, a little more merciful when you grace him with your presence, although it’s less often than he’d like.
The boarding school is in the other end of town, a bit too far to walk but his driver takes you sometimes. You find out his name is Ishmael, has a nice smile but he’s not a smooth flirt. You don’t comment on it, seeing as Alfie has done you a big favor and you find some sense in being good for a while.
But only for a while.
The game is still on, you’re sure it has never stopped, not when you and him are alone. You see it in his gaze, the hunger and the need to have you but you’re his employee now, someone under his wing and he’s not quite sure where that puts him. You know for a fact that he doesn’t give a single damn about employee and boss policy but it also has to do with the fact that you’re subdued around people since appearing out of thin air.
He doesn’t hate it.
Not exactly. He knows you have the upper hand behind closed doors, so much so that he’s ready to give you his life if you ask but around his employees, you act like there’s nothing between you and him. Little do you realize, the men don’t flirt too much and avert their gazes when you’re walking by and so you conclude that he has already spoken to them about not sparing a glance at you.
It doesn’t bother you as much anymore.
You still go to clubs but you don’t have to sneak out anymore, seeing as you have your own place. Men around are still hesitant, due to you being called ‘his girl’, although you’re sure that it’s the other way around since you’re the one who has him wrapped around your pinkie.
The horn outside is loud, so loud that it makes you want to scream but the neighbors don’t dare complain when they see the big black car with the scary boss in it. Far too scared to utter something as you get into the car and shoot him a smile.
The inside of the bakery is quiet, it’s a bit too early but you know he’s giving you day off tomorrow so you don’t complain. He settles in his office, sleeves rolled and the golden chain of his glasses reside around his neck. He smells all power and musk, some vanilla in his scent as Cyril walks around.
You still haven’t slept with him.
You came to close, too close last week when he had his hands under your skirt and was about to fuck you against the desk but gathered himself. You revel in the fact that it has been months and months of knowing you and yet, he still wants to be proper. You find yourself wanting him, just let him have you in the back alley of somewhere but you’ve perfected the art of covering up what you truly feel so he’s clueless.
Annabelle comes to visit every now and then, to see if you’re safe and checks your chest for bruises or possible hickeys but finds nothing other than small splinters on your hands. When she leaves, Alfie calls you over and carefully takes them out one by one, with a gentleness that seems foreign to him.
You clear your throat, wanting him to talk as you stand in his office, right in front of the door. You’re wearing a tight dress today and it makes him gulp when you take your coat off. His eyes don’t leave the paper for a solid minute, too afraid he’ll slip up and have you right there in his office in the early hours of the morning so he takes his sweet time composing himself and discarding his thoughts.
“Do you need anything?” you speak, a bit informal now that you see him on a daily basis. He’s still Mr. Solomons in front of the employees excluding Ollie, he’s Alfie in private.
Your Alfie.
You don’t grow attached, you repeat to yourself each night when you’re in the bath and the thoughts of his lips against yours find you. He’s a good kisser, you know that from first hand experience but it doesn’t surprise you anyway. He knows what he’s doing, as you find just how much he values your pleasure whenever he’s kissing you like there’s no tomorrow. 
But it takes him longer to pull himself together.
He’s getting more careless each time, greedier and certainly a lot more hungrier. His touches get deeper, his kisses turn into bites after a while and he’s panting, actually losing his breath, when he feels your naked skin against his each time you let him kiss your neck and collarbones.
You bite your lip while waiting for him to talk and at that same moment, he finds enough courage in his poor heart to look up to meet your eyes but the sight feels like a bullet wound and he falls short of breath, in the very early hours of the morning.
He’s fucked.
Ollie knows this, sometimes even mutters it under his breath and finds it far too amusing for his own good. The lad is not blind and he knows Alfie well enough to point out certain things.
Things like how his mood shifts in the best way possible when you’re around, or how he fights a smile each time you enter his office. It takes Ollie a while to realize these since he’d thought of Alfie as a lone soul but he realizes, soon enough, that Alfie no longer wants to keep that status.
Alfie gulps and realizes you’re not even biting your lips as a seductive act but it’s too late. You catch his gaze and immediately catch on, far too smart for your own good, Alfie thinks. You offer him a slow raise of your eyebrows and you lick your lips once more, although he’s too focused on the entire image of you.
He clears his throat and you bite your lip, too aware of the effect you have on him.
“Bite your lip once more, lass.. I fuckin’ dare you.” he speaks without measuring his own words but you don’t care. You’re used to the burly old man speaking to you this way.
A gentle smile graces your lips and he knows, he knows, you have already ruined him in many ways. He has been with his share of women but after you, he’ll be ruined for life. You’ve ruined the others for him, he thinks, there’ll not be another one for him.
You shake your head and speak in a gentler tone, far too gentle for him in this soft morning as he watches your lips move. “I asked you if you need anything from me. If not, I’ll go to my office, sir.” The words left your mouth as you emphasized the last part and watched his eyes darken.
Ollie knocked on the door once and didn’t wait for the answer to come in.
The tension hung in the air, thick enough to go through it with a blade but the lad was already in. He looked at Alfie’s sitting form and you before repeating the motion again. Opening his mouth, he knew his boss was about to give him a load.
“Alfie, there’s a man who wants to talk to you.” he said, no apology for intruding as this was how men did things, with no manners.
You held the stack of papers against your chest as Ollie spoke and licked your lips, looking at Alfie the whole time. His eyes didn’t leave yours while Ollie spoke, only when he was done speaking did he direct his eyes to the lad. You thought he was either going to shout or go off on the lad but he did neither. He just spoke with a calm yet annoyed voice.
“That why you fuckin’ barged in ‘ere, aye?” he spoke, voice gruff as he sat behind his desk. 
Ollie was used to this, far too used to the harsh talk coming from his boss so it didn’t faze him nor you.
“He says he wants to speak about the shipment to the East side. He has lads with him, Alfie.” Ollie spoke, all in one breath and it was easy to see the glints of fear in his features. He was good at hiding it but after being around him for some time, certain things became recognizable.
Alfie looked at you first and then the lad. It was far too amusing, knowing he was afraid of something happening to you. You knew how to defend yourself and use a gun, a good one at that but the big boss was still adamant on protecting his pretty little secretary.
Before he could speak, a shout came from the corridor. A loud one that made Alfie reach for his gun and one that made Ollie close the doors to Alfie’s office but it made you laugh.
“Alfie Solomons!” the shout echoed, loud and clear.
It was much more than a shout after that, so many more loud noises that filled the bakery. The rest was quick, the way Ollie grabbed your arm and tried to grad you to the back side only to be stopped by Alfie.
There was another shout after that, much more vile and vulgar and it only made you smile. Men were animals when they were angry. The shout echoed through the now empty corridors and you listened, eyes on Alfie the whole time.
“Fuck you!”
You chuckled, a bit too taken back by the clearness of the message and uttered something under your breath, something that was accidentally audible for the rest of the room as you spoke. “Get in line, sweetheart.”
Ollie ignored the glint in Alfie’s eyes as you said but his eyes never left yours anyway. He reveled in the fact, would repeat the words to himself for the next month or so but he needed to take care of the animal outside of his office now, even though he’d make sure to bring your point up.
You offered Alfie a small smile in the midst of all of it and he would get back to you on it, just needed to deal with something beforehand. Ollie took you to the back side of the said bakery where there were more guns and better safety and told you to stay out.
And seeing as you wanted to stay alive, you did just that.
There’s no blood on his shirt this time.
He looks angry, stale almost as he walks through the empty corridors. Something is bothering him, something that managed to actually hit a nerve. You stayed in the small back room, shoulder against the door frame as he walked towards you. 
The nerve had hit you.
You straightened as he walked, not stopping even he was too close into your personal space. His steps only altered when his nose almost pressed against yours. Contrary to what it looked like from the outside, this wasn’t a sign of affection.
He was livid.
Breathing through his nose, Alfie looked down at you while his breath hit your face. Ollie was on guard, he knew Alfie wouldn’t hit you but he wasn’t sure of anything at that exact moment.
“Who the fuck is Henry, lass?” he asked, voice calm as opposed to his flaring nostrils. 
He watched you panic, lose your calm all in one second right before his eyes.
Henry was not a nice man.
You had played this game with Henry too, somewhere along the line when you were much younger. He was one of those men who became obsessed with one thing: having you. He had hurt you, the scar on your inner thigh would vouch for that and soon after, he’d been arrested due to your uncle’s complaints. He never listened, though. You knew he was bound to show up but this was the worst possible time.
“He was....he was here?” you spoke, voice breaking in the middle of the sentence which said everything that needed to be said. Alfie took a step away from you, no longer in your personal space while he looked at you.
This fucker was about to get a beating.
He needed to know who he was and why he had been screaming around his damn bakery first, so he spoke. “Yeah, he was. Fuckin’ shoutin’ your name and everythin’.”  he said, still cautious.
“I thought he was dead.” you spoke with a hesitant voice and did not meet his eyes.
Ollie watched the whole thing, fully knowing he would meet this lad to end his life soon.
“He fuckin’ will be.” Alfie spoke and your eyes met his at last. 
This was a bad idea.
The games were all fun and all but you didn’t want someone to die because of you. Henry was a good choice but the most you’d done was a kick in the crotch and knowing he would be on the other side of the soil very soon because of you didn’t sit right with you. And you didn’t want extra blood on Alfie’s hands because of you, knowing he had plenty of it.
Ollie was long gone so you felt yourself walk a step closer to Alfie with attempts to calm down.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” you spoke, hand reaching for his upper arm and residing there. The touch was natural at this point, just another reminder he had dangling right in front of his face.
“What did he do to ya’?” he asked, and started placing things together.
You knew how to stitch wounds back together and did exceptionally well in situations that had immense amounts of blood and panic so it only made him think that you had suffered those things yourself and your calmness came from experience. 
You shook your head, more than ready to dismiss the whole thing now that he had asked that question. Your voice shook in the slightest as you spoke.
“Nothing...not too much I mean just-” He placed his finger under your chin and tilted your head so you had to look directly at his face as he stared down at you and spoke with a firm voice.
“Tell me, lass.” he spoke, his embrace magnetic as you stood close to the man.
Your eyes flickered between his own, a gulp present on your throat as you looked at him. You wouldn’t tell him now and he understood that soon afterwards. It was something that needed to be talked about later on, not now.
“Alright.” he said, getting the hint after you looked at him with nothing but a soft plea in your eyes. His hands clasped against the air and he spoke once again, Ollie also appearing around the corner of your eye.
“Up you go then.” Alfie said, climbing the stairs to his office behind you.
His hands were on you, quick too as they caressed your back. They would surely end up on your ass, squeezing and lightly slapping soon but you took your time while kissing him so he would remember the feel when you’d leave. His shin was right under yours as you straddled him on his big chair, you were sure Ollie had tried to come in a few times but realized what was going on.
This was the first time you were kissing him in his office this way.
You had earned the workers’ trust first and made friends with them, then you moved on to the next step which was screwing their boss. You had remained perfectly proper until now but they had all known that this was coming the first time you’d walked in as his little guest.
You broke the kiss but his hands didn’t let go of you, only recoiled around your arms and waist even tighter than before. You chuckled at the action, the protective big boss reluctant to let go of a thing half his size. You looked at his eyes as you spoke, lipstick no longer on your lips but more around his.
“You can kill him.” you said, out of breath and it took him a minute to snap back.
“What?” he said, gathering himself a little but his hand was still holding you in place by your waist. Your finger caressed his cheek, finding a napkin to get some of the lipstick off of him.
“Henry, I mean.” you said, face impossibly close to his and he realized that he was often finding himself inches away from your lips.
And for good reason.
“Lass, I’ve been fuckin’ kissin’ you for the past half an hour and that’s what you’ve been thi-” he spoke but you cut him off, still trying to wipe off some of the make up on his face as your hands held his head in place.
“No. Only for the last minute or so.” you said and watched his laugh which only made you smile in return but you kept speaking, you had been thinking of the terrible lad and you wanted justice to have its way.
“I’m just saying that you might even gain something from killing the bastard.” you spoke, as a matter of factly.
Alfie was a businessman and he was good to make deals with, so that was what you were doing.
You knew Henry had been disturbing some of the girls from your old school lately, Annabelle had told you so and a smaller girl had confirmed it. You had Alfie wrapped around your finger and so far, it had been proving to be very useful. The job and your own place were the first fruits of the harvest but this was bigger, this would impact other people’s lives for the better.
He raised his eyebrows at you and spoke, voice gruff as you sat on top of him. “How’s that, pet?”
“Get rid of him and you can ask one thing from me.” you spoke, getting up from his lap since he was distracted enough for you to be able to do that.
This was an in, an in you were giving Alfie and you’d never done that before, not with anyone and certainly not a gangster. It was usually the other way around, men owed things to you but the situation was different and you had grown slightly used to being around this man, so might as well give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Anythin’?” he asked almost immediately and you smiled, fixing your skirt and opening a window even though it was cold.
“Anything.” you said, too soft for his poor heart and he smiled at your words.
Wheels turned in his head, a small smirk apparent on his plump lips as he watched you close the door to his office after walking out. He knew you’d be the death of him but at this point, he couldn’t find it in himself to care in the slightest. He enjoyed the old game of push and pull and screamed for Ollie the minute you were out the door.
He wouldn’t ask for sex, he knew that had its time.
He’d ask for something much better but first, he had to get rid of the poor bastard.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @fuseburner @r-rose08 @innerpaperexpertcloud @caffinated-tree @cathartichaoss  @ihavefandomsssss @thatchickwiththecamera @sugarcoated-lame @alainabooks143​ @enrapturedbythemoon​
a/n: I hope you like this one!! I think i’ll have a few more chapters out and see how things go but do let me know what you thought of it <3
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noneatnonedotcom · 3 years
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the art is by @exp1016 and it was so good that i decided to write a story for it. this was edited by @thatorigamiguy
Business and Pleasure
Jaune was somewhat disillusioned with being an adult. Not that he hated his life or anything, It was more that he had come to understand that ninety percent of life was bullshit to fill the time; the other ten percent was screaming in terror as you tried to stop the cock up cascade that had just started before it hit critical mass and destroyed a town.
Married life was not too dissimilar though the most significant change was that Jaune knew that Yang was there for him despite everything. It meant that there was a level of happiness that Jaune could never truly dip below. It also meant the high points of his life were significantly higher.
This is why it wasn’t too hard to focus on the paperwork in front of him. He and Yang both made money through the protection of the town as their resident Huntsmen, with their payment typically coming in the form of food and board with a little pay when the town had sold their harvest.
Jaune had since added in a few techniques for homesteading his dad had taught him as a boy, and as it  turns out, he would have made a damn good farmer if his heart wasn’t set on being a Huntsman. Since most of the techniques to improve the harvest were by their nature passive, it means the town had a lot more time on its hands and a lot more food and money to go around. This, of course, was not without its drawbacks. 
More food and money, meant more commerce to their town. More Commerce meant more people flocking to their town, settling down, and either becoming farmers or starting their own trade. More hard working people meant more output, and with more output came an economic growth. So then, what exactly was the drawback of having more people, more workers, and more commerce?
Well for starters, idle hands are the Devil's favorite playthings. With the townsfolk having to work less hours, that meant it was time for them to cut loose and have fun. And “fun,” often meant either having one to many down at the local tavern and acting like a drunk idiot, starting fights with people and causing property damage; or it meant that the local youth liked to go around causing trouble for others through either mild, but annoying pranks, or through going around and breaking things and acting like complete hooligans.
 With less time spent on working hard to distract them, now they spent that time hardly working and acting like complete menaces around the town.
Then, there was of course, less pleasant folk that started coming around as if late. These were the undesirables, miscreants, thugs, and other would be thieves that came wandering into town thinking they could make an easy profit by robbing the people of their hard earned coin. Why bother to put in the work, when you can just take it off those who've already done it for you? So, the town had decided that they were in need of a Sheriff, and Jaune had all but been given the title through an all around unanimous agreement from the townsfolk.
Now, to say that Jaune was less than pleased with this sudden responsibility would be an understatement, but not for reasons you might think. Jaune was more than happy to take the role of Sheriff for the town, they needed one after all and Jaune found that he fit into the position quite well. No, what had really annoyed Jaune was that the townsfolk had also decided he was the best fit for the towns Headman position as well, something that was quite unexpected and one that Jaune found to be a pain in his side more than anything.
In other words, Jaune was basically handed two of the most powerful positions of a rapidly growing and expanding township, with all of the unfortunate responsibilities of both words to go along with it. 
The only upside of Jaune's sudden shift to a leadership position was that he and Yang were moved into the Headsman house, which was more of a manor than a simple house compared to the rest of the townsfolk’s lodging. Jaune and Yang would later learn that the community had been started by the servants of a long-dead noble household that used to tend to the manor, and their descendants have been living within the town ever since.
So Jaune found himself spending less time in the field, and more of his time spent in the office filing paperwork and guiding his deputies around to do most of the legwork for him. Was it the most exciting thing in the world? No, but Jaune found that he enjoyed the work and was quite content knowing that he was providing for Yang and setting up a strong foundation for their family when they got around to making one. 
Jaune's thoughts were interrupted when his secretary came walking into his office, and she instantly caught his eye. She was a knockout with long blonde hair, a shirt clearly too tight for her that he could only assume was combat certified with the force those poor buttons were under. A pencil skirt clung to her hips, and as she looked at him through her glasses, Jaune knew that today he was going to have quite a bit of fun at work. “Mr. Arc, I believe that is all for today,” she began, “maybe it’s time you took a break?” 
Though her tone was light, she spoke with an air of confidence as she slowly approached his desk. The approach was slow, her hips swaying from side to side in a mesmerizing manner, while she had a light, almost mischievous smile on her face as she kept eye contact with him. She wasn’t merely approaching him, no, she was stalking towards him like a big cat eyeing up her prey, all feline grace and confidence. She knew what she was doing to him, and she was reveling in it. Jaune stood, smirking at the challenge, and walking around his desk. A lot of seduction was posturing, non-verbal communication and like most forms of communication, the more you did it with someone, the better you were at it. He and his secretary were no strangers to this dance, but he still loved every second of it. Just as much as he loved his wife. “Then do you have a suggestion as to what I could do instead,” he asked, letting his voice go lower. Something you would feel more than hear and she, for her part, tilted her head down and looked up at him with her eyes. Making her seem so small, so vulnerable, but the apparent lust in her eyes only served to enhance the image. “Well, I’ve got a few things in mind,” she said with a smile, her hands trailing  absentmindedly across her body, making his eyes follow her curves, “there are three things, in particular, I’m going to have you do.” “Miss Xiao-long, what would my wife say if she heard you,” he gasped out in false shock. She only smirked at his question, before her hand came up to his chest, pushing him back lightly till he was leaning against the desk. She kept her hand on his chest, caressing his pecs in a soothing manner while she reveled in the feeling of hard, corded muscle hiding beneath his work shirt. “Mrs. Arc will never know sir, I promise,” she stated in a reassuring manner, before she leaned in and placed a slow sensual kiss on his lips. He felt the hand on his chest unbuttoning his shirt in a well practiced manner, exposing his bare skin for the world to see. Her eyes lit up at the sight of his toned body and defined muscles, before she started to lay down a trail of kisses starting from his chest and ending with her on her knees by the time she had made it to his abs.
“So why don’t you let me help you relieve all that pent up energy,” she said from her kneeling position, lilac eyes fogged over with lust as she began to slowly unbutton and unzip his pants, “it seems so wrong to keep something like you caged up.” “Something like me,” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “An apex predator, an animal,” she said with a lusty smile, before gasping in awe at the size of the now freed cock she held in her hands. Her mind was clouded over with lust as took in the sight of the member she held in her hand, her mind unable to formulate a proper response. “I look forward to being devoured,” she all but whispered out, unable to take her eyes off his member.
Jaune only smirked in response, before he wrapped her silk-like blonde hair around his hand, and forced her mouth down his shaft, groaning in pleasure as she took it all in.
By the ancestors, he loved his job.
Hours later, Jaune and Yang found themselves laying on the office floor, bodies covered in a sheen of sweat as they held their naked bodies in one another’s arms. Usually, the furniture tended to be obliterated in the process of their fun(and at one point, the whole office when they both activated their semblances), but this time was more about the seduction and worshiping each other than it was about the act. That wasn’t to say that they didn’t enjoy getting rough with one another still, but as they got older, they had started to develop more refined tastes into their lovemaking. That, and it was less money spent having to replace everything that was broken in their fun, and less embarrassing having to explain to the repairmen how everything had been broken in the first place. Jaune couldn’t stop the smile spreading on his face as he looked down upon the sleeping form of his wife, before he leaned down and planted a quick peck on the top of her forehead. He was slowly drifting asleep himself, until eyes shot open as he felt a small hand trail down his body towards his member once more. He slowly felt his eyes drifting back towards his wife, only to be greeted with her smirking visage as her hand was wrapped firmly around his member, slowly getting ready for another round. “I heard you were with that Xiao-long slut you call your secretary again.” Jaune tried to fake a denial, but Yang only chuckled in response, “I don’t mind, you’re a strong man, more than enough for the two of us. But I do need to remind that whore just who belongs to who.” Yang slowly arched a leg over him, letting him feel her smooth skin as she carefully positioned herself on top of his now hardened member, “So why don’t we teach that slut just who’s the Wife…”Jaune let out a pleasurable moan as she lowered herself onto his shaft, gritting her teeth as she took him in, inch by inch, before she fully sheathed herself against the base of his groin. She let out a sigh of pleasure, before leaning over to give him a faceful of her large, warm, breast, a sensual smile on her face as her lilac eyes once again fogged over with lust. “...And who’s the Mistress.” As Yang readied herself to keep going, she found her concentration ruined when Jaune, breaking character for a moment, lowered her down so that he could plant a loving kiss on her lip.
“I love you so much, you know that,” he said with a happy smile on his face. This caused Yang to break her own character, as she began blushing harder than a schoolgirl lusting over her crush, before she covered her face in embarrassment.
“JAUNE,” She screamed, “YOU JUST CAN’T DO THAT WITHOUT WARNING!” Jaune only laughed in response to his wife’s overreaction, before he thrusted up into her with a determined look on his face. Yang, clearly caught off guard, screamed his name in surprise, pleasure, and still a fair bit of embarrassment from the earlier unscripted affection. The older you got, the less magical the world became, and it started to become clear that not everything is as good as it can be. It becomes clear that life is full of ups and downs, and a never ending cycle of trying to balance responsibilities to keep yourself from crashing and burning too soon. but it was small moments like these that could only make Jaune think one thing:
‘I love being an adult…”
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twopoppies · 4 years
Hi! ☀️ Can I request a rec for some fics featuring uncommon kinks?
Hi sugar. Yes, of course... So this is my smut masterpost. It has a lot of different things listed, including various kinks. But I’ll try and make a new masterpost of just kink. I honestly have so many, so this is just part one.
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Devil in my brain, whispering my name by @lunarheslwt (E, 9K) i i thought this author struck a great balance between the dirtiness of a demon defiling an angel and the way the angel gave in to his desire to be defiled. Super sexy. (Wing kink)
Allegro/Adagio by coffinofachimera (E, 9K) everything I’ve read from this author has been so beautifully written, and this is no exception. Yes, it’s filthy, but they give such depth to the characters’ reasons for the way they “play”. And this is one of the rare fics that really take us through the build up to the scene, straight through to aftercare. I really loved this one.
no one's gonna know by jishler / @snowjosh (E, 9K) This author always does such a wonderful job of writing an established relationship fic where there’s so much warmth and expression between the characters, while also showing how much lust and passion there is. This is chock full of edging, exhibitionism, and dom/sub dynamics and it’s such a good read. (Exhibitionism, Humiliation, Orgasm delay/denial)
Tend Me Black And Blue by hostagesfic (E, 3K) Somehow poetic while still just being dick slapping and voyeurism. 😆😆😆 (Sadism, masochism, voyeurism, Exhibitionism, overstimulation, cock slapping)
The Lost Art of Breeding and (Mis) Behavior by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 14K) Breeding kink just isn’t written enough in this fandom and this one takes a beautifully unique approach. It’s got the flavor of Captive Prince, combined with the feeling of reading about soulmates that you get with Harry and Louis. Super sexy and beautifully written. (Breeding kink, virginity kink, humiliation kink, slave play)
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) by Brooklyn_Babylon / @twopoppies (E, 18K) This one is mine. Make sure you read the tags on this one because it’s not your conventional fic and Louis is definitely super manipulative. But if you like the idea of secretary Harry in lingerie, CEO Louis, copious amounts of dirty talk, some power imbalance, and exhibitionism… this could be for you. (Praise Kink, Humiliation Kink, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism)
i can't wait to see what you find by enbyharry / @non-binharry (E, 13K) This is such a well-written exploration of gender, independence, and intimacy. I thought the shift from Louis being a separate third part of a couple’s dynamic, to falling for Harry, himself, was handled very smoothly and I particularly loved the development of Harry’s character as he opened up and let Louis see more of who he was. (Cuckolding, praise kink, voyeurism, Exhibitionism)
I Love My Hands Around Your Neck by @fournipplesau (E, 6K) Hello... this was really hot. I just loved the dynamic between the two of them—you really get a sense of the difference between them when they play and how they interact when they’re not. Also, just really hot. Did I say that already? Yeah. (Breathplay, Breeding Kink)
it's all for you, everything i do by moonshinelouis (E, 2K) This short little fic is made up of one of my favorite tropes: Louis feigning disinterest while Harry begs for his attention. I really enjoy the way this author is able make their fics feel more than “just” a PWP. (Service kink)
Make Tea, Not War by adventuring, howdoyouwhisk (popsongdelusional) (M, 21K) I love this xfactor canon fic with baby Louis slowly realizing Harry’s service kink. It’s sexy and charming and so well done. 
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by flowercrownfemme (E, 26K) I loved everything about this fic, from the setting to the characterizations to the slow way Harry discovers himself and how Louis supports everything about him. It’s just beautifully written and wonderfully moving. I don’t think of this as a kink fic, necessarily, but there’s a lovely couple of scenes that I think warrant the Marriage kink tag. 
gets me overwhelmed by crybaby (E, 7K) Read the tags on this one because it has a number of things in it that some may not enjoy, but if it passes your test it’s a super smutty good read. (Size kink, exhibitionism)
til you get what you want by eleadore (E, 5K) This is one of my favorite authors, so if you enjoy this one, please check out their others. This one is is such a fun combo of smut and banter. (Size kink)
just a flicker in the dark by @falsegoodnight (E, 57K) I just finished this one last night and it was so good! The super original story and great pacing definitely had me on the edge of my seat. It had everything in it: hate to love, exes to lovers, scary supernatural elements, warm friendships, plus a sexy and emotional smut scene. (Sir kink - mild)
Champagne by fanshae / @blueylouie (E, 3K) Super smutty, super sexy. A little but of everything in under 3K. Whew! 🥵Daddy kink, praise kink, feminization.
smile in slow motion by istajmaal (E, 24K) One of my favorite Daddy kink authors, this one is lighthearted and funny while also being super sexy. Plus it’s got great Zouis friendship. Daddy kink, exhibitionism.
To Be the Friction in Your Jeans by orphan_account (E, 20K) Well this is non stop porn and written in 2012, so the characterizations feel a bit dated, but it’s a fun read. Exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgy. 
violence of my own touch by 25postcards (14hrflight) / @got2ghost (E, 5K) I’m so moved by the way this author portrays both Harry and Louis—the exhaustion, the confusion, the sadness, but also the deep love and need for each other. Asphyxiation, daddy kink, impact play.
Strip That Down by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 (E, 8K) I particularly liked the way this one worked in the pain kink and body worship in a different way than I’ve seen it done before. Sexy, fun read.
baby, i’m speeding, and red lights are run by benzos (E, 7K) this author has such a gritty, realistic way of writing. I really enjoyed all the little details that made you feel as though you could get inside and understand the characters. Plus, super hot smut. Size kink.
if they find out, will it all go wrong? by blankiehxrry (E, 3K) This little canon fic is another one that packs a lot in. Gender identity exploration, daddy kink, feminization, size kink... all the good stuff
however do you want me, however do you need me by moonshinelouis / @moonshinelouis-archive (E, 7K) I just love a bit of baby boyfriends and kink exploration. This one does it so well. Pain kink/sadism.
Watermelon Sugar High by @rosemarianthyme (E, 2K) I’ve only recently discovered this author but I love what I’ve read so far and this one is….wow. So incredibly sexy. I love the way they write about kink, in general, and gender play in this one. So good! Food play, gender play. 
Gentle Sin by userkant (E, 8K) I love when people write about kink discovery and kink exploration. This one was sweet and sexy and I loved their dynamics. Pain kink.
do you know me by heart by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 7K) Read the tags on this one because it’s really visceral, raw, and real. The writing was intense in the best of ways, but this is not a fluffy fic. Humiliation, daddy kink, orgasm delay/denial
i cannot reach your heart by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 10K) This is the second part to the one just above and it’s equally as well written, and has just a hint more happiness for these characters. Pregnancy kink, breeding kink. 
But When We Kiss...  by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 8K) At last this author has graced us with another fic and it’s a filthy, fantastic Sugar Baby Harry fic. Hallelujah! But seriously, their writing is so good, the dynamics are so hot, and Harry is just the perfect kind of desperate in this one. Go read it! Spoiling kink, humiliation kink, discipline kink, daddy kink. 
When The Wolves Come Out by @rosemarianthyme (2-part series, E, 7K) This is the first time I’ve seen anyone write ABO as kink exploration and I loved it. I loved how open and supportive Louis is in this series and how much that allows both of them to explore and connect. The second part of the series is actually a prequel, FYI. ABO kink
give me forever for a while by mercutionotromeo / @hazlouquitefinished (E, 5K) This one involves a collar, but in a slightly different way – this time it’s kitten play. I always love the way this author writes their smut and this one is full of dirty talk and soft dom Louis using Harry. Praise kink, daddy kink. pet play
Never Never Never Stop for Anyone (Sheylinsonverse) by aimmyarrowshigh, spibsy (lucy_and_ramona) Yes, here I am again, putting this series on a list. Probably 10 people in this fandom like it as much as I do, but I don’t care. I have read all 440K words more than once, and will likely do it a few more times. Yes, it needs editing, but even so…really well written, super sexy (if you like reading BDSM and can handle Larry + someone else), and such interesting character development. One of my favorite things about this fic is how the authors differentiate between the ways the different characters inhabit their Dom and Sub personalities. Size kink, exhibitionism, voyeurism, tattoo kink.
Hello, Heaven (you are tunnel-lined with yellow lights) by objectlesson (E, 3K) Baby boyfriends discovering kinks. Lingerie, embarrassment, feminization….plus really good writing. Daddy kink, praise kink, humiliation.
Vinyl and Lace by objectlesson (E, 8K) Similar theme to the one above, but fleshed out more. Always excellent writing and pacing. Their smut is always terrific. Servitude kink, crossdressing kink, humiliation kink.
Only Write By The Moon by orphan_account (E, 5K) I love this author’s writing, there’s the gorgeous delicacy to their descriptions. This one is just wildly sexy and full of kink. Consensual somnambulism, orgasm control,  overstimulation, consensual non-consent.
Lay So Still by yougotmetieddown (E, 3K) Somehow this author really gives you a sense of their relationship in just a few thousand words through a PWP. It’s so well done. Objectification, service top Harry. 
sonic sounds by glasscushion (E, 6K) So, so smutty and such a sexy exploration of kink discovery. Humiliation.
we can take the long way home  by eleadore (E, 27K) This is just beautifully written (like everything this author does), so well-paced, and I just find the way their relationship is described to be so touching and realistic. Impregnation kink, breeding kink, humiliation.
Switch Out The Batteries by istajmaal, LoadedGunn (E, 88K) So, one of the things I really love about this fic is that because it’s dual POV, you get this story told from both the Dom POV and the Sub POV which makes it super fun and interesting. These authors always write truly amazing smut and this is no exception. Daddy kink, paddling, flogging, orgasm control, sensation play, exhibitionism, sex toys etc etc etc. 
Could you love me anyway by @sadaveniren (E, 13K) I particularly like the way this fic handles both kink exploration and Harry’s internal monologue of negative self talk – both felt really well realized and realistic. Spanking, paddling, name calling. 
it's you i want to take apart by orphan_account (E, 6K) I always love fics where Louis is both supportive of Harry’s quirks and kinks, while simultaneously wildly turned on by them––it makes this one sexy and sweet. Crossdressing, make up, feminization. 
like poison coursing through me by orphan_account Canon fic with major dirty talk and kink... can’t help but love it. Praise kink, watersports, omorashi, daddy kink, desperation play
honey is it time to spin by alongthewatchtower (NR, 4K) I mean…pure filth. Strangers to lovers, age difference, messy subby Harry. Filth. (Watersports, desperation play, exhibitionism)
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Prompt 25 with demon aizawa x gn reader?
I wrote for Demon!Aizawa before for a Halloween event, I feel nostalgic!! So I will continue from my previous idea (click the sentence to get to that scenario!). Thanks for requesting ♥
“You came to me, begging me for a contract!”
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««  
You couldn’t complain, and you couldn’t refuse the tug on your collar as he urged you closer. You were at the top of your league, your company running more smoothly than any other on the planet, and your bank account looked as if dirt was the new money, and you, a gardener. But seeing him again made all of this seem like a small achievement, remembering you that it wasn't you who made you what you were.
“Here, Kitten~” he chuckled, amused by the unhappy glare you sent his way.
It was bad enough that he showed up at your company’s headquarters, dressed as if he was a businessman in suit and tie, saying he had an appointment with you. Strangely enough, every secretary he had to pass didn’t say anything to him as he shuffled by them, no one complained or held the strange man back - yet, he certainly was not your next appointment, that much you knew.
Then again, it wasn't so strange. He was a devil in disguise.
What he thought to be a leash to have you act on demand, was an invisible collar around your neck, something you easily ignored most of your days as it seemed irrelevant to you with its non-visible features. But now it was back to ruin your day, digging into your skin stiffly and cold as he maneuvered you how he pleased.
“Wha--” you were interrupted by another rough pull, cutting off your voice harshly. Reaching up, you tried to grip the collar, but it was in vain as it was snug tightly around your throat, not even enough space for a nail to dig in between. “--What brings you here?”
“Payment, little Kitten. You haven’t forgotten about me, no?”
The way his lips curled into a smile was more frightened than the investor meetings you had been going through, building up your company. There had been so many moments which you had feared and shivered before, but they seemed sweet against the one you were facing at that moment. “What?! Now?!” you gasped, and with a last firm pull, you stumbled forward, landing directly in his arms, tightly embraced by him without any hesitation to touch you.
You knew how body contact felt with another person, and this wasn’t one of those experiences. It almost felt that under the clothes he was wearing, there was no body to fill them at all. And despite it being sunny outside and no AC running in your office, the man felt as if he had just stood outside in a blizzard - and you were the next one to freeze.
By the demanding tugs at your collar, you were forced to look up, gulping as you met the deep nothingness of his eyes, still looking the same as you remembered them from your first meeting. Just two black holes, soaking you up into them. His hair was a complete mess, strands falling everywhere and down into your face, but they didn’t keep away the goosebumps you felt from being so close to him.
“I gave you what you wanted, right? Sucess, enough power to support your family. The last time I checked, you were so good, your peers shivered before you.”
“That’s- That’s true...” you had to admit meekly, lowering your gaze which he immediately demanded back with another tug.
“Then it’s my turn now. You did offer yourself up to me, remember?”
His grip around your waist grew stronger, a wave of panic running over you. With an unexpected attempt, you managed to push yourself away from him, staggering backwards as the demon looked after you confused at first, then displeased. “I have... and I will! Just... Just a few more weeks, okay? We are in the middle of discussion ground-breaking new inventions, and I have to attend those, they rely on me!”
“P-Please, I am so close, I will fulfill the contract! I- I--”
A long sigh escaped his lips as he looked away, seemingly in thought. You couldn’t put it past him that a being like him didn’t need a lot of time to think, he wouldn't be someone to be led by feelings or compassion after all. Still, you hoped the best for yourself; that he may find the understanding and rationality in himself to let you go for the day.
Your hopes were shattered as he looked back up at you again, shoulders heaving another long breath. “I am done with waiting,” he eventually muttered bitterly. “You humans are greedy and self-serving, and none of you want to pay up even though I am so generous with your wishes.”
You felt your sturdy mahogany table in your back, cutting off your way to flee as Shouta took deliberately slow steps towards you, undeterred by your outstretched hand. “And I will--”
“You came to me, begging me for a contract!” he reminded you, voice raised so he could speak over you. “And I’ve been nothing but understanding and kind, Kitten. It’s time for you to humor me.”
“P-Please,” you mumbled, gripping the wood behind you until your knuckles turned white. “I’m not ready yet! There is so much to do still!” Your voice was faint, unable to stay strong without shivering with every word.
“There’s nothing else for you, then to obey me, Pet,” he hummed, his prior stern expression, growing almost soft from affection as he had you in his grasp again. But without any expression in his hollow eyes, it was hard to tell if he was feeling true emotions or simply acted on his boredom as a demon. His hand brushed under your chin, lifting it, so you had to look at him, despite you wanting nothing more than to avoid those soulless eyes of his. His thumb brushed up, poking against your lips before drawing along their curve, a sound emitting from his chest that sounded like a mix of a purr and pleased hum.
“I’ll have so much fun with you, don’t worry.”
“M-My company... and my family...”
“They don’t have to concern you anymore, Kitten. You are mine, and you had been ever since you came into my realm, begging me for help. The only thing you should be concerned about now is me.”
It wasn’t like you needed to hear this, well aware of the conditions of your contract, but you could only shake your head in disbelieve still, not wanting to hear it from him. “You’ll come around to liking it. My domain can be splendid if you live in it long enough to get a real taste of it.”
“Please, Sir,” you tried one last time. “Please give me more time.”
Your pleading fell on deaf ears, but your expression, scared of the unknown future that laid before you, seemed to amuse him. That, or he was already thinking up things he was going to do to you once he had you all to himself, his smile being undefinable. “Shouta,” he reminded you. Out of respect and fear to summon him, you hadn’t said his name after you went back to your life, but now it sounded even more horrid in your ears than even the thought of it was.
“Please, Shouta,” you repeated with shaking breath, correctly this time. His grin turned into a teeth-showing smile, as he shook his head, forehead wrinkling almost pitiful of his little human before him.
“Time’s up, Kitten.”
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traincat · 4 years
if you dont mind i would love to hear your thoughts on how and why peter seems to be more fulfilled by lower paying jobs (i.e photography, teaching) rather than by high paying jobs in STEM
(Sorry for the wait, anon! I did get this first ask, as you can see, it’s just that sometimes I tend to hoard asks that I want to give long in-depth answers to and then they get buried.)
So I think to best answer this the first thing we have to do is look at Peter’s 616 employment history -- what jobs he’s had when and for approximately how long. So here we have a more or less definitive list -- I may have skipped over a few minor jobs that aren’t important in the long run of the character history, but for the most part this is accurate. For the sake of brevity I am not going to count things he’s done as Spider-Man that have earned him money, like a brief bodyguard stint or his occasional time with the Avengers, because this is really more about his identity as Peter Parker and how his civilian employment plays into his life as Spider-Man than about his life as Spider-Man.
Works for the Daily Bugle on and off, through a variety of positions from part time to salaried, from the age of 15 onwards. Primarily a photographer. How good of a photographer Peter actually is varies from writer to writer, but he remains unmatched in his ability to get certain shots ranging from ones of Spider-Man (duh) to particularly high risk environments (different duh). He also briefly worked for rival newspaper the Daily Globe, the Bugle’s main competitor. His position as a full time newspaper photographer is his most well known (and most consistent) job.
A TA in grad school at Empire State University. At this point in time he labeled himself as having “the wrong temperament” for teaching -- and I would personally say I think his stints teaching college are much less engaging than high school.
Published author. His book, Webs, a collection of his Spider-Man photography, was a major bestseller that sent him on a book tour around the country. I hesitated sticking this on here because it’s very tied into his work with the Bugle -- and he was still working for the Bugle when the book was published -- but I figured it was worth including for the novelty of the fact that Peter’s technically a best selling author/artist.
Peter worked as a scientist at Galannan Alternative Research for Immunization Development (GARID) in Portland after his clone Ben Reilly took over the identity of Spider-Man. Although often overlooked in discussions of Peter’s job history, I think his stint at GARID is important in part because it illustrates how much of Peter’s time being Spider-Man took up and how a job with flexible hours was necessary for that balancing act. When he was working at GARID, Peter wasn’t Spider-Man, so it wasn’t difficult for him to keep a position at a laboratory. 
I mean granted the GARID job didn’t last long and there was sort of a whole big mutated monster case going on with it but you know. Anyway he pretty quickly moved back to New York and started working for the Bugle again.
Peter’s next major job at a lab comes in another period where he’s supposed to have quit being Spider-Man. (Which he did, very temporarily, and then he very much didn’t. Anyway, you’re seeing the pattern here.) He briefly worked at Tricorp, a private brain trust. This is a really short-lived position, even as Peter’s science gigs go, because -- Spider-Man.
At this point things get dicey employment-wise as Peter heads into a weird period of canon where Mary Jane was presumed dead. She wasn’t! But everyone thought she was. It was weird. When MJ came back (and promptly left for LA, not that I blame her), Peter exited this period of limbo by becoming a science teacher at his old school, Midtown High. This is the main career, beside news photography, that I think he really shines in.
Civil War/One More Day/Brand New Day hit and completely tank the direction of Spider-Man history. Peter’s marriage is erased by the devil and also he’s not a high school teacher anymore, for some reason, even though nobody remembers he’s Spider-Man anymore which is the reason he initially lost the Midtown High job. Make it make sense. Anyway, in Marvel’s desperate scramble to take Spider-Man back to the unmarried basics, as if they even got new readers that way, Peter returned to photography. When Dexter Bennett bought the Bugle out from under JJJ while JJJ was sick, Peter began working for the newly minted “DB” as a tabloid photographer. It wasn’t great.
He also briefly at some point in here worked at a comic book store for like five minutes. Mostly he complained about people who read comic books and made jokes about how he doesn’t get along with the X-Men. 
Under Slott’s run, Peter began working at Horizon Labs. Slott had a pretty major problem with Peter’s genius not being “recognized enough” and constantly had him inventing new things, showing off, etc. 
Horizon Lab became Parker Industries under Otto Octavius when he bodyjacked Peter during Superior Spider-Man and made himself CEO. When Peter got his body back, he was still CEO. It was bad but Peter did tank the company on purpose so that Otto and also nazis couldn’t get their hands on it, which was sort of fun. 
Peter went back to work for the Bugle, but as their science editor, because Slott was still in charge and there was some weird commentary about photography not being an adult job. Which I think is pretty weird in a medium that’s very dependent on visual art. But okay.
Then Peter got fired because he was busted for plagiarism of Otto Octavius’ work... that Otto did himself... while he was in Peter’s body... and Peter couldn’t reveal this because then he’d have to explain... and maybe I hate comics. 
In MC2 he becomes a forensic scientist! I really like this for him actually. I think it combines his interests and experiences in a very thoughtful way. But I do want to note it’s after a Spider-Man career ending injury, so again there’s not a real conflict there between his work as Spider-Man and a career.
Peter I think is an especially interesting case in how his character ties into his employment history because one of the first things he does in his story is figure out how to make money, and he does this because the Parkers don’t have any. If Ben and May were comfortable -- even comfortable enough that their teenaged nephew was unaware of financial pressures -- Spider-Man’s story would be completely different. But Peter immediately feels he pressure to use his new powers to earn money, at first with brute strength. And what he says he’s going to do with his earnings is that he’s going to take care of Ben and May:
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(Amazing Fantasy #15) So the concept of Peter as someone who is very aware of financial pressure and who is pretty explicitly linking money to support is present from the absolute beginning. But at the same time, there’s a kind of selfishness presented in him here -- he’s only going to take care of Ben and May. They’re the only ones he cares about here, because as he’s stated they’re the only ones who have ever “been kind” to him. Peter at the beginning of his story is very rooted in his anger and his bitterness, and it takes him losing Uncle Ben -- because it wasn’t Peter’s “job” to stop the burglar -- to get him to the point where he starts to be able to see beyond that.
Ben’s death also heightens the Parker’s financial pressures -- Ben is the primary earner in the household. (Aunt May in the original context of the early 1960s was most likely a homemaker, and as an older woman especially she wouldn’t be expected to have a job. But even moving the timescale up to a point where she would be expected as a woman to hold down a job, it’s important to note that early in Spider-Man canon Aunt May is depicted as being in very poor physical health.) While it’s not clear in the initial Spider-Man stories what Ben did, it’s clear that with his death whatever income the Parkers had coming in abruptly stops:
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(ASM #1) This sets in concrete one of the central conflicts Peter and May have -- both of them lie to protect the other. Peter feigns being an ordinary boy in order to protect May from the stress of his secret life as Spider-Man, worried that she wouldn’t be strong enough to handle the danger he regularly puts himself in. But this is a learned behavior, and here we see that he most likely learned it from May: she doesn’t want him to worry about the very deep financial troubles they’re obviously in, so she pawns her jewelry, and she stresses to him the importance of his education. Again I have to note that there are some pretty significant social differences between the 1960s and today in regards to this story -- Betty Brant, for example, notes that she had to drop out of school and become a secretary because of her own family’s financial problems, something she’s ashamed of. So early Spider-Man is very rooted in money, class, education, and how those things intersect. I think it should be noted that the only early Spider-Man characters who are financially well-off are Liz, Gwen, and Harry. (We don’t know anything about Flash’s financial situation in early Spider-Man comics but retroactively we know his family situation is not well-off.) In high school, Liz’s father is a bigshot who owns a dining club, but later on the Allans experience financial hardship with Liz quite literally being on the streets when Peter reunites with her when he’s in college. Harry’s father is a rich businessman, but from the beginning he’s depicted as emotionally negligent, caring more about money than spending time with his son:
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(ASM #40) “After all... I had a business to care of! Money was the most important thing of all! I had to get rich! I needed wealth... for that was the key to power!” So right away you have this link between wealth, corruption, and negligence. Norman’s pursuit of wealth is his given reason for his neglect of Harry. Later on we’d learn that Norman’s father was also abusive and that that abuse formed Norman’s ideas about power and wealth. (Spider-Man! It’s about cycles of abuse!) There’s a very contrast between Norman’s attitudes here and the Parkers loving (but poor) household. Gwen is the only exception here -- she and her father are depicted as comfortable, most likely edging into wealthy, although on nowhere the level the Osborns have been elevated to. But compared to Peter, Flash, and Mary Jane especially -- all from poor households, with MJ and Flash’s fathers both being abusive -- Gwen’s home situation is the picture of stability, both in terms of economic status and in terms of her loving and very present father.
My goal in outlining all of this isn’t to say that Spider-Man’s message is definitively “money is bad” because I don’t think it is. I think as a series Spider-Man is very aware of the comfort that money can provide. But I think there is a frequent message about excess in Spider-Man -- excess power, excess wealth. As Norman says above, in his eyes, money is the key to power. With great power, comes great responsibility. In Norman hoarding and abusing his wealth, he abuses his power. If he provides for Harry, it is solely through money -- there is no love or devotion in Norman’s money-focused world. And I think that’s important when you look at where Peter starts in his story, before Uncle Ben’s death. He’s going to use his powers to make a lot of money and he’s going to provide for Ben and May but he’s not going to care about the world outside of that. I think one of the interesting things about Peter -- and this is where Slott’s run especially fails the character -- is that he’s not interesting in getting rich. He’d like to be comfortable, for sure -- he’d like to have enough money to not have worry about it, to not have the need to hustle impede what he can do as Spider-Man, to be able to take care of his family. (And there’s some machismo stuff linked in here for him too -- in the early days of their marriage the fact that Mary Jane earns much more than him is something he struggles with.) But he doesn’t care about being rich. He doesn’t care about the money; he cares about the support that the money would bring. 
That feels like a simple statement but I think it’s actually a really big distinction, especially when you’re analyzing a character. And I think it’s because Peter understands that value that it makes him so empathetic to others who have financial struggles. One of my favorite short self-contained Spider-Man stories is called Windfall, from Marvel Fanfare #42, where a mixup with a check embroils Peter in the personal affairs of a bank teller, a young single mother who is fired from her job ultimately because she refused the advances of her boss. Peter gets her her job back -- through blackmailing the boss for his other sexual affairs, which some people might think is immoral of him, but I think really speaks to Peter’s understanding of how the greater world works, and what he’s prepared to do to get bigger justice. But more importantly he uses his own money to pay the young woman’s rent, and he does it in a way where she never even knows it’s him. Because he understands her situation, the way someone who had grown up comfortable never could. And that understanding I think puts him a place where it’s more important for him to both keep that understanding and maintain that ability to act relatively freely, in the way that bigger, more prestigious positions in scientific fields might restrict him. There’s a reason he keeps getting fired from these scientific positions and it’s not that he can’t get them, because we can see from his employment history very clearly that he can. It’s because the freedom to act as Spider-Man and what he can do as Spider-Man is ultimately more important to him.
And while high school teacher is my number one favorite profession Peter has ever had, I think that his position as a newspaper photographer is also very important to the character’s history, in part because the Bugle is such a big part of his life and the connections he’s made but also because the Daily Bugle itself is important. I think it’s interesting to note that two of the biggest superheroes of all time from both of the big companies -- Spider-Man from Marvel and Superman from DC -- have had long running journalism jobs, Peter as a photographer and Clark as a reporter. I don’t think I really have to go into a whole thing about how good journalists are so important and why it matters that we have these incredibly famous mythic figures that are positioned in the roll of journalists specifically. But I do think it is important to Peter that he’s put in that position as someone who cares about uncovering the truth. So ultimately I think what I mean when I say Peter is more fulfilled by his jobs as a photojournalist and as a high school teacher than by his comparatively more high paying stints working as a scientist in a lab is that Peter gets the most fulfillment out of careers where he can actively see, day by day, that what he’s doing is helping people, and that it’s a very direct line from him to the people he’s helping. His efforts can’t be twisted, they can’t be used for other purposes the way they can within a larger organization. He has a line of control in what he can do to help other people. It’s like how Spider-Man functions best as a street level hero: what he does best is saving and helping individual people, on a case by case basis. And you can turn around and demonstrate that in his civilian life best in jobs where he gets to directly interact with people. And ultimately to Peter making that difference is more important than a better salary.
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(Marvel Knights Spider-Man #9)
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