#devil vs mangle
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devil tore mangle limb from limb
moving on to the next round: devil (moon girl and devil dinosaur)
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katerinaaqu · 1 month ago
I don't know if you are aware of it but EPIC the Musical is about to end. The final saga of the concept album will be released on christmas. It will be about Odysseus's return to Ithaca and while there is a whole song about the killing of the suitors I doubt the killing of the servants will make it in to it.
With that I wanted ask you about your opinions on partially sanitising mythology for modern audiences. To alter certain details to allow them so that they fit better into our morals to allow them to be apprciated by a larger audience in the ways it was probably intended at the time as most people propably won't be willing to or able to learn the moral standarts of the time and judge mythological figures based on that.
Forexample most people today accept and understand that after a war it was normal to take suplies and treasure from the defeated foe but many people can’t look at making the defeated slaves as well even though that was a normal thing to do in greek mythology and ancient greece depending on the time period even though there were tragedies written about it.
Ofcourse leaving out those parts can lead to erasure of certain aspects of certain stories as well. If you don't include the concept of bride prizes you can’t tell the full story of Cassandra forexample. Or leaving put Zeus's assault to make him more morally in the right would impact Io's story
Yes I am aware and of course you know that for my part I am like "fucking finally!" But yeah I am aware and I am preparing myself again for a bunch of things swarming my profile for Christmas hahaha 😆 but yeah I am like "finally it is ending" although somehow I know I won't hear the end of it. But okay I expect we will hear plenty of nice melodies too indeed.
Well that being said I haven't seen any retelling touching the material before (for example even 1968 Odyssey didn't show the killing but did show the way that they were forced to clean the bodies) and when they do it is to somehow make a villain out of the character or make a statement (I believe the book Penelopeia somehow touching the death of the maidens but to show only how poor souls they were) or the mangling of Melanthius (the slave that had his nose and ears chopped off for his betrayal)
I think the answer is terribly simple: modern audiences have been so influenced by the Hollywood ideas of "good guys vs bad guys" that in their mind the heroes of a story would never make an action such as this aka a mass execution or something even if a punishment is redeemed by the time they are making it. Unless the victim of the punishment is depicted somehow as the devil himself then the punishment will not be shown or in cases like Epic for example they need Odysseus "be the monster" to make that thing work 🤔. In their mind only a villain makes things happen or a monster or a man who has lost his moral compass. They do not consider it part of the ancient moral code or justice system in the first place
And thus this is according to me the reason why most of retellings are failing so big time in the first place. Because if one filters these scenes with this kind of perspective of "morality" instead of seeing them as part of history in the first place then they always get the wrong idea. But at the same time people find it hard to relate with the main character that is also associated with the protagonist if they do use such means of justice or punishment so if someone wants to be seen as the hero then they do not use this kind of punishment and if they do then the punished party needs to be seen as someone "who had it coming". So in most people's minds especially with the feministic retellings and all the maidens either did nothing wrong or if they did they are forced (of course the latter could be true as well as I answered to a previous ask a long time ago) and the potential of their own personal choice as possibly presented by Homer is dismissed either as "misogyny" or as something else and therefore in their minds Odysseus punishing them for treason is a concept that doesn't fit to the hero figure they have in their brain. Much less Telemachus who carries off the punishment and he even changes it (Odysseus suggests to kill them by the sword Telemachus decides hanging).
Which I think is wrong in the first place. If people expect things to be cut and clean to "good guys vs bad guys" then no wonder that works of art like Homer become all time classics for thousands of years while the retellings become forgotten eventually. When for example someone pictures Achilles mangling the body of Hector as a punishment because Hector "had it coming" misses totally the point of Achilles performing ultimate hubris against the dead in his anger. When someone says that Achilles is the total villain for doing so because he is crazy villain and Hector was an innocent soul who did nothing wrong they miss the point of Hubris Hector performed when he killed an unarmed Patroclus and bragging about it when Patroclus was stripped off his armor by Apollo. What Homer said was "this is the mistake Hector performed and this is the mistake Achilles performed". Neither side is sanitized and neither side is stripped off their responsibility of the moment. Likewise with Polyphemus incident and Odysseus with which I made an analysis in the past as well, we have Polyphemus who is definitely the force to fight with but also Odysseus performing hubris. There is no doubt that Odysseus is still the hero but the hubris part is not sugar cotted and it is clear it is in the wrong even if his situation can be understood the way Homer presents it (unlike retellings like Epic)
I think the moment someone stops seeing moments like that as the justice system of the time and they make it sound like a monstrous act only a villain would perform the game is lost. On one side yes someone can understand how unfair or even wrong it sounds to have a mass execution but on the other hand is like someone making a movie about a case where multiple people went to jail and either show that the criminals were absolute villains and had it coming or the opposite that the judge is a corrupt villain who laughs maniacally into the night for convicting them.
This is why I wrote my own story of Ismarus as well because this side is left out. I think we need to stop showing these hard moments as a story between villains or heroes and start showing them without sanitizing or villainizing them in the first place otherwise showing them just to show "who is the monster" also does more damage than good
I hope that answers the question.
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starrbar · 2 years ago
Isn't it funny how when rad-antis do their cute little "PSA" thing, and their target tries to defend/explain themself, the ones doing the callouts take common, true, scientifically-backed statements and call them "red flags"?
I've seen so many posts going "Oh god guys, we'd better watch out for this dangerous person. 😨" and their evidence is just a screenshot of the "Fiction doesn't equal reality" bullet on their profile/Carrd, or a similar statement in a rebuttal against claims that they're a Literal Child Rapist™ because of their Pixiv bookmarks.
Like, "how DARE you say the most obvious response to the garbage I'm spewing that's been debunked time and time again?" Next, they'll be saying that citing doctors and professionals to back up their points is a "red flag". xD (I don't remember the exact wordings, but I 99% sure I've actually seen one of them say something like that.)
And okay... to play devil's advocate, this makes sense when you consider, for example, how phrases like "free speech" and "anti censorship" mean very different things coming from a Conservative vs. a Progressive, and those are also simple concepts that I think should be supported for their true meanings, but it still looks quite ridiculous when you start saying that phrases like "anti-harassment" and "fiction ≠ reality 1:1" are "proship dogwhistles", as if there is no context in which those statements have any merit.
(and then I started ranting)
❝ No, of course, only CHILD PREDATORS think that abusing and bullying people is wrong, because the ONLY time anybody ever gets bullied is when they've done something to DESERVE it, right?? There are no people on this earth who hurt innocents. Justice is always served. Therefore, "anti-harassment" is a pro-abuser stance! ❞ /s
❝ And obviously "fiction ≠ reality" is always code for "I just really like Stonetoss comics and drawing porn of child actors, but those are just pictures, so they don't mean anything!" It's definitely not like many people who make the former statement would immediately recoil in disgust and block anyone who uses it that way. Nah, we're all just secret predators who formed a club where we worship sexual abuse and bigotry. ❞ /sss
See, that, up there, is why I've started specifically referring to "radical antis" because they ACTUALLY embody these extreme stances, and they have repeatedly blown my mind with how exaggerated they can be, but they're 100% serious.
If you're an anti and the above obnoxious strawman doesn't apply to you, you may very well be just fine. But I'm really just tired of essentialist dickheads spear-heading one harassment campaign after another in the name of "reducing harm", and sadly those people take your genuine beliefs and warp them to create those situations.
I'm sorry you have to be associated with them tbh! /gen
I genuinely don't know how things ended up like this, but unfortunately there are people with genuine, valid concerns about fiction's affect on reality who aren't being taken seriously because a bunch of abusers take those concerns and mangle them until they're unrecognizable, probably on purpose so they can justify torturing other people for fun.
Sad day for survivors all across the board, huh? :/
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paperanddice · 10 months ago
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Gilded devils are the personal servants of the archdevil Mammon, lord of greed. Seemingly crafted out of gold and other precious materials, though after destruction it's revealed that they're just tin and other low value material disguised as valuables. They tempt and corrupt with promises of wealth and the power it can bring, providing coin and treasure straight from Mammon's vault in exchange for deals. They will disguise themselves as advisors, merchants, and wealthy nobles to best appeal to their next victim, though no matter the guise they take they will always wear some kind of ornate and valuable piece of jewelry. This is at least partially for defense, as they can shape their ornament into a magical flail, but it's also just out of vanity and a love of treasure. Wearing any kind of jewelry or valuable around a gilded devil is dangerous, as they can warp such things into vicious spikes that drive into the wearer's body, puncturing ears, mangling fingers, or crushing throats.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Gilded Devil Creature 7 Medium, Devil, Fiend, Unholy Perception +15; greater darkvision Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, telapathy 100 feet Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +16, Crafting +17, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Religion +15, Society +15, Thievery +15 Str +3, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +3 Items coin mail, jewelry worth 1,000 gp AC 24; Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +17; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 125; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 10 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses holy 10 Speed 25 feet Melee war flail +15 (disarm, magical, sweep, trip, unholy), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning plus Scourge of Avarice. Melee claw +13 (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 2d6+4 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 23 ; 6th scrying; 5th illusory object (at will), translocate; 4th suggestion, translocate (at will); 3rd illusory disguise (at will); Divine Rituals DC 23; diabolic pact Betrayal of Riches [2 actions] (divine, polymorph, unholy) The devil attempts to transform up to two pieces of nonmagical precious material worth at least 50 gp into twisted barbs and spikes. A creature wearing or carrying an item transformed this way must attempt a DC 23 Will save. The devil can't use Betrayal of Riches again for 1d4 rounds. Critical Success The item is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Success The creature takes 1d8 piercing damage. Failure The creature takes 2d8 piercing damage and Twisted Jewelry for 1 minute if appropriate. Critical Failure The creature takes 4d8 piercing damage and and Twisted Jewelry for 6 hours if appropriate. Scorn Base Metals (divine) The devil's Strikes ignore the item bonus to AC granted by nonmagical armor made of bronze, iron, steel, or other non-precious metals. Scourge of Avarice [1 action] (divine, polymorph) The devil forms 1,000 gp worth of jewelry or coins into a +2 striking war flail. A creature hit by a Strike by this weapon must attempt a DC 23 Will save, becoming stupified 1 for 1 minute on a failure (stupified 2 on a critical success). The flail reverts to its base components 1 minute after leaving the devil's grasp, or upon the devil's death. Twisted Jewelry A creature that fails or critically fails its save against Betrayal of Riches while wearing the targeted item takes an additional effect based on where the item was worn. Arms The creature is enfeebled 1. Hands The creature drops anything it was holding and is clumsy 1. Ears The creature is deafened. Eyes The creature is blinded. Head The creature is stupified 1. Feet The creature takes a -10 foot status penalty to its speed. Neck The creature is stunned 1 and unable to breath for 1 round. Voracious Greed [1 action] (divine, healing) The devil consumes non-magical jewelry or coinage worth up to 1,000 gp. For each 200 gp consumed, it heals 1d8 hit points. The devil can attempt to consume items worn by a creature it is grappling by making an Athletics check against the creature's Fortitude DC. On a success it can consume a single worn item (two items on a critical success).
13th Age
Gilded Devil 5th level spoiler [devil] Initiative: +8 Scourge of Avarice 8 vs. AC – 15 damage. Natural Even Hit or Miss: The target takes a -2 penalty to MD (save ends). R: Betrayal of Riches +8 vs. MD (1 or 2 nearby enemies) – 8 damage and the target is hampered (save ends). Natural 16+: The target is weakened and hampered (save ends both). Limited Use: 1/battle. Must target an enemy wearing some amount of jewelry. Devil’s Due (Voracious Greed): When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against a gilded devil, you lose 2d6 gp and the devil regains that many hit points before taking any damage. Scorn Base Metals: An enemy wearing metal armor uses its unarmored AC against the gilded devil. Resist Fire 13+. AC 21 PD 19 MD 19 HP 66
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rileys-battlecats · 3 years ago
Do you think you could show us the thingy you wrote for The Garden? That you talked about in the new video? If not that's fine, but I'm very interested
I was gonna use screenshots, but i realized that if anyone was using a text-speech thing it wouldn’t work for them, so I just copied and pasted it!
Some of this stuff isn’t really what I ended up doing in the video; like in the original script here, Mudpaw was a lot more explicit in his planning of killing Wrentail, while in the final version, he’s more of just attacking out of frustration, and the kill is more spur-of-the-moment!
Tear it down, tear it down around my head
(Looking at clan/camp)
I need you to bury this beneath my bed
(Mentor in frame: Wrentail)
The crows in the garden are laughing at my expense
(crows appear, mudpaw snarls at them)
Drowning out all the lies that I might have told instead
(Looking somber, regretful? of outburst. The birds are both a distraction and lie, symbol of all his troubles. They mock him and he hates it, but then hates that he hates so much. he doesn’t know what to do with all his anger.)
My stone, my shield, my steady hand
(Flash to combat training with the other apprentices; wide shot of training ground, then close up of apprentices, then focus on mudpaw, chin tipped down looking at the others/crouching)
(4 shots on beat. Maybe training? The others’ good relationships vs his?)
Hold your light to the darkness in my head
(Something something apprentices/other mentors are light, then he’s staring at Wrentail, maybe unsheathes his claws?)
Put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat
(He’s desperate for someone to notice him hurting; either look and listen to his pain or kill him, cause otherwise he’s gonna do something he’s not sure he should. I Have No Clue How To Illustrate This.)
Give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes
(He wants to be something better than he is, but isn’t sure how. Show him how to be better, see his cry for help)
My darling, the devil knows my name
(Murder time decided; zoom in shot of Wrentail from Mudpaw’s POV, switch to straight shot of Mud’s face, going sort of emotionless)
(Maybe a throw back to the dead birds of the first vid? Staring down at his bloody claws and the mangled bird beneath them. Connections between Wrentail and prey.)
Lay me down, pour the dirt into our bed
(Walking together, reminiscent of Johnny animatic. This time, Mudpaw’s face is just a teensie bit murderous.)
Tell the crows they can have their pound of flesh
(Over the shoulder shot from Wrentail, mudpaw with a VERY intense look on his face behind him. He snarls, and leaps at Wrentail)
The ghosts at the window echo all our quiet prayers
When they come for us, they'll come with hammers and nails
(mudpaw slips over the edge of a waterfall, but Wrentail catches him, and pulls him up)
(Wrentail stands there panting, still angry but like. He’s not gonna let his apprentice fall off a cliff cause he’s frustrated.)
My darling, the devil knows my name
(Mud’s POV; looks up at Wrentail, looks at cliff. BYE BYE WRENTAIL. Right off the falls. this is THE climax, gotta make the shots dynamic and punchy)
My name
(Standing looking over the edge, Mudpaw’s face is blank, with wide eyes. He can’t really process what he just did)
My name
(Closer look at Mudpaw’s face. Eyes are still wide, shock and sort of numb. He really did it.)
(Mudpaw bringing other cats to where Wrentail fell, dragging the body into camp, warriors mourn and a few approach mudpaw to offer comfort. He has no idea what to do with this. He’s lied about what happened, and everyone is finally looking at him, noticing his hurt, but they aren’t seeing what’s really there, are they? They sit vigil)
Get on your knees and dig up the garden
(Burying Wrentail, mudpaw is helping dig. The same way he dug the graves for all the small birds he killed before: burying his shame.)
Won’t you throw down that spade and
(Wrentail is buried, patting the dirt down)
Dig up the garden, darling?
(Other cats give more condolences and comfort to mudpaw, and then leave)
Get your hands dirty and rip up the garden
(Shots of birds surrounding the grave and mudpaw. Flash to his face, he looks conflicted, and confused.)
Won't you cut down that apple tree for me?
(Shots of Mudpaw’s back, sitting by the grave, emotion indecipherable. Cut to black.)
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aion-rsa · 3 years ago
Streaming on Plex: Best Horror Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in October
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When October hits, the folks at Den of Geek almost exclusively consume horror content. Any spooky story that has ghosts, ghouls, goblins, or any chill-inducing monster that doesn’t start with a G is fine with us. Whether it’s a campy B-movie or “prestige horror,” we embrace all horror subgenres and relax with old favorites and new cult classics in the making alike. Now that Spooky Season is in full force, we are grateful that Plex TV is here so we can stream all of the creepy content that our black hearts’ desire for free!
Plex is a globally available one-stop-shop streaming media service offering thousands of free movies and TV shows and hundreds of free-to-stream live TV channels, from the biggest names in entertainment, including Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Lionsgate, Legendary, AMC, A+E, Crackle, and Reuters. Plex is the only streaming service that lets users manage their personal media alongside a continuously growing library of free third-party entertainment spanning all genres, interests, and mediums including podcasts, music, and more. With a highly customizable interface and smart recommendations based on the media you enjoy, Plex brings its users the best media experience on the planet from any device, anywhere.
Plex releases brand new and beloved titles to its platform monthly and we’ll be here to help you identify the cream of the crop. This month, we’re keeping things strictly scary, but view Plex TV now for the best free entertainment streaming, regardless of genre, and check back each month for Den of Geek Critics’ picks!
The Ninth Gate
Though director Roman Polanski is a horrific figure himself, this 1999 neo-noir horror film, The Ninth Gate is superb. Thirty years after Rosemary’s Baby, Polanski conjured the devil once again and injected it with some of the pulp from his noir classic Chinatown in a movie that finds Johnny Depp as a man in Satanic Detective mode. Depp is a classic book authenticator hired to authenticate De Umbrarum Regis Novum Portis (The Nine Doors To the Kingdom of Shadows), a book believed by cultists capable of raising Satan to Earth. 
The Ninth Gate doesn’t provide cheap thrills; it tightens the suspense like a noose. Polanski subtly creates an uneasy atmosphere using minimal effects. The director knows where evil lives and lets the settings and sound make the invitations with subliminal references to recognizable horror and cinematic danger, using framing and music similarly to Stanley Kubrick. The Ninth Gate packages its scares with classy style that the characters deliver with sexily provocative intelligence. Dean Corso may be Johnny Depp’s greatest spiritual transformation, from odious to ultimate evil and the audience cheers on his descent, happy to ride with him straight to hell.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Perhaps the world’s first horror film and a go-to example of early German Expressionist filmmaking, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari has been unsettling audiences for over a century. 
The film’s main story centers on two young friends, Francis and Alan (Friedrich Feher and Hans Heinrich von Twardowski), who, while jockeying for the affections of Jane (Lil Dagover), visit a local traveling carnival. There they take in the act of the mysterious, top-hatted and wild-haired Dr. Caligari (Werner Krauss). As they watch, Caligari awakens his somnambulist subject, Cesare (the great Conrad Veidt), who under hypnosis answers questions from the audience. When Alan jokingly asks when he will die, Cesare responds “Before dawn.” We’ll let you guess the rest.
The film isn’t remembered much for its story, but for its arresting visual style, featuring painted backdrops that make the entire production feel like a fever dream. The painted townscape is filled with curved and pointed buildings teetering at dangerous angles, almost as if they were alive and shrieking. Roads twist and spiral to nowhere. The perspectives are deliberately mismatched and inconsistent, with the props and sets sometimes being too large for the characters, and others too small. The result is a transgressive, deeply influential film that has been unsettling audiences for over 100 years.
The Exorcist III
Based on his 1983 novel Legion, writer-director William Peter Blatty’s Exorcist III arrived 17 years after William Friedkin’s The Exorcist. Despite the still-looming pop culture presence of the original, The Exorcist III is sneakily the most interesting film in the series. Less a horror movie than a psychological thriller with supernatural and spiritual overtones, The Exorcist III takes place 17 years after the events of the first film, and with no reference whatsoever made to the events in the second. It finds Lt. Kinderman confronted with the apparent reappearance of two figures from his past who had supposedly died. The first is father Damien Karras (Jason Miller), who had died after bouncing down an endless flight of steps while performing an exorcism in the original movie, and the Gemini Killer, a serial killer loosely based on the Zodiac Killer that had been executed 17 years prior. However, there’s been a new string of murders around town carrying all the hallmarks of the Gemini.
While the studio famously mangled Blatty’s original cut of the film, there’s still a lot to like here, including a terrifying performance from Brad Dourif. Blatty is fantastic at creating dread-inducing atmosphere and has a keen attention to character and detail. It may not be as exciting as the original, but it’s a smart-slow burn film worthy of the Exorcist mantle.
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The Devil’s Rejects
An homage to sleazy ‘70s C-movies, Rob Zombie’s sequel to House of 1,000 Corpses will leave you in the need of a shower, but it’s delightfully demented and the musician turned filmmaker’s finest effort. The shock-fest finds the Firefly clan, Otis (Bill Moseley), Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie) and Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig) – on the run from die-hard determined sheriff Wydell (William Forsythe). What unfolds is a nasty thrill ride full of twists, turns, and more gore than most audiences are comfortable with. How Zombie still manages to make such repulsive content entertaining, how he manages to get you to almost root for the despicable Firefly clan, is inexplicable magic trick, but indebted to Zombie’s use of black humor and deep knowledge of genre conventions that he sometimes subverts, but often gleefully leans into.
Train to Busan
The overused and increasingly predictable zombie genre got a shot in the arm with Train to Busan, a South Korean film from director Yeon Sang-ho about a young father desperately attempting to get his little daughter to her mother via train as a zombie pandemic breaks out all around them. Even if it veered close to outright sentimentality at times, Train to Busan differed from most of the films and TV shows we’ve seen in this genre due to its genuine bond of love between its main characters, and the flickers of empathy and humanity found therein. 
And on a technical level, Yeon crafted his film with a kinetic energy that had been missing from the genre as of late. Train to Busan was not just a monster hit in its native land but amassed an international following as well, along with critical acclaim across the board. It’s easy to see why given the film’s well-drawn characters, subtle social commentary (some on the train feel they are more worthy of survival than others) and frightening action sequences that add up to a thrilling and emotionally powerful ride.
More Horror Films Available to Stream FREE on Plex TV
The Descent  
Train To Busan  
The Ninth Gate  
Night Of The Living Dead  
The Host 
Hannibal Rising  
The Devil’s Rejects  
I Spit On Your Grave  
Eden Lake  
Wolf Creek  
Day Of The Dead  
The Collector  
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari  
Red Lights  
The Wailing  
Grave Encounters  
Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse  
Diary Of The Dead  
Black Death  
Alone In The Dark  
The Descent: Part 2  
Ginger Snaps  
John Dies At The End  
Black Christmas  
The Last House On The Left  
Nosferatu the Vampire  
The Void  
Deep Red  
The Changeling 
The Prophecy  
Open Grave  
The Blob  
The Exorcist III  
Vanishing On 7th Street 
House On Haunted Hill  
Eye See You  
The Werewolf 
Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud 
Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
Sugar and Fright Collection
Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies 
All Cheerleaders Die  
Another Evil  
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes  
Bad Milo 
Better Watch Out  
Bitter Feast  
Corporate Animals  
Dead Snot 2: Red vs. Dead  
Deep Murder 
Drive Thru 
Fear, Inc.  
Ghost Killers vs. Bloody Mary 
Hansel & Gretel Get Baked  
Hell Baby 
Hellboy Animated: Blood & Iron 
Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms  
Hobo with a Shotgun  
John Dies at the End 
The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu 
Lesbian Vampire Killers  
The Love Witch  
Night of Something Strange  
Nina Forever  
Office Uprising  
Snoop Dogg’s Hood of Horror 
Stan Helsing  
Suburban Gothic  
Survival of the Dead  
Turbo Kid  
Yoga Hosers 
The post Streaming on Plex: Best Horror Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in October appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3AiKhkI
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mexcine · 5 years ago
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Brain of Blood (1971) review: The late Al Adamson has become something of a cult "bad film" director, in large part due to films like Dracula vs. Frankenstein, Blood of Dracula's Castle, Horror of the Blood Monsters, et al.  Ironically, a glance at Adamson's directorial filmography indicates he made more "straight" (non-horror) movies than fantasy films, and in fact was probably happier shooting action films and Westerns like Hell's Bloody Devils, Satan's Sadists, and The Female Bunch.  Brain of Blood seems to reinforce this supposition: although sold as a horror movie, the picture has a basic science-fiction premise but is, sadly, mostly an action-thriller (albeit one with very small doses of actual action and thrills).  
       In addition to the lack of significant "horror," Brain of Blood is tediously padded, although not with extraneous footage.  Instead, Adamson inflates the running time of every scene far beyond the limits of audience toleration.  Henchman Gor is sent out to find a suitable body for a brain transplant; he inexplicably chooses a shifty-looking character who turns out to be a burglar.  We get to watch Gor trailing the crook; the crook climbing into an apartment through an open window; the crook ransacking the apartment, then hiding in a closet when the young woman who lives there comes home; the woman removing her blouse, opening the closet door, then turning around to see the hulking Gor; the burglar fleeing, pursued by Gor, and finally the burglar falling off a fire escape to his death.  To add insult to injury, this sequence is intercut with an excruciatingly long scene of Dr. Trenton removing the brain from his patient: no detail of this operation is too trivial to be included, such as Trenton's assistant Dorro shaving the man's head, electronic equipment being turned on, the incision being made, the brain removed, and so on.  
     You want more?  How about an "exciting" car chase that lasts longer than the Indianapolis 500?  Or Bob chasing a man across numerous rooftops, briefly pausing to exchange blows every few moments.  Or Katherine wandering aimlessly through the apparently vast cellar of Dr. Trenton's house.  Or the interminable "climax" consisting of repeated shots of Dr. Trenton, Gor, Bob, Tracy, and Katherine wandering around a mountainside.  Brain of Blood isn't talky, it's "walky," with a significant portion of the 87-minute running time consisting of characters walking around (or driving around).
     Amir is the leader of a Middle Eastern country; he's stricken with cancer, and is dying.  As a twist, Amir is a good guy, not a dictator. Tracy has hooked up Amir with scientist Dr. Trenton, who agrees to transplant Amir's brain into a healthy body.  Amir's personal physician Bob and aide Mohammed (Zandor Vorkov of Dracula vs. Frankenstein fame is actually rather good in this role) take Amir's corpse (wrapped in tinfoil) to Trenton's lab in the USA.  However, as frequently happens, the mad scientist sends a less-than competent assistant on a vital errand: in this case, the mentally-challenged and horribly scarred Gor is entrusted with finding a recipient for Amir's brain.  The burglar's corpse is too mangled to use and time is short, so Gor has his brain removed and Amir's is stuck temporarily in the body.
       Amir wakes up and--just as in every other horror movie about transplants--vacillates between his own consciousness and atavistic remnants of Gor's personality.  Dr. Trenton and Tracy are involved in some side hustle, while Bob attempts to help Amir return to his country.  After a final "twist," the film pads its running time with flashbacks from the film as Amir makes a speech.  
         As noted above, the publicity (drawn by comic book artist Gray Morrow) for Brain of Blood depicted it as a horror film, with artwork of a raging Gor attacking a young woman, as Dr. Trenton shoots lightning bolts into his exposed brain.  In the film, Gor is more like Lenny in Of Mice and Men, killing people accidentally or when compelled by Trenton.  The fact that he's physically a "monster" is irrelevant (Gor's face was badly scarred by acid in a flashback--this apparently also had the effect of doubling the size of his cranium) to the plot.  Once you get past the brain transplant premise, Brain of Blood is essentially a routine thriller.
The Gor makeup isn't horrible, but it's pretty bad.  No one thought about gluing down the seams of his bald cap, and in some long shots it's obvious that actor John Bloom's real hair is showing from underneath the flap.  Curiously, Gor undergoes a brain transplant but when he moves the bandages from his head, there is no wound or scar--in contrast, Bob injures his hand, bandages it, and later in the movie removes the bandage to reveal a still-unhealed wound, a nice bit of continuity that few people would notice (unlike the hulking Gor, whose unmarked, watermelon-sized head is on display for most of the second half of the film).  
     The performances in Brain of Blood are satisfactory. Al Adamson's parents had both worked in Hollywood since the silent era, and he was well known for hiring veteran performers for his pictures.  Brain of Blood features Kent Taylor, Reed Hadley, and Angelo Rossitto--whose screen careers all dated back to the 1930s--as well as Grant Williams, whose one moment of fame was the title role in 1957's The Incredible Shrinking Man.  Rounding out the cast are Regina Carrol, Vicki Volante (whose entire film career seems to have been in Adamson movies) and the aforementioned Zandor Vorkov. 
     Surprisingly, the production values of Brain of Blood aren't terrible.  There's a good mix of actual locations and adequate sets, and the photography, sound mix, etc., are professional calibre.  However, this reinforces the unsatisfactory nature of the final product: Adamson is known for being a "trash auteur," and when he makes a technically competent film, he loses that cachet, becoming just another journeyman director of mediocre product.  Add to this the excruciating pacing and the misleading publicity which sells the film as something it certainly isn't (a sleazy, exploitative horror movie with an evil monster), and Brain of Blood is a disappointment.
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twobitmulder · 5 years ago
Heroes vs Dracula
Since it’s October and I haven’t done anything but outlining for weeks, I thought I’d do a quick scene from my old “MCU but its Victorian public domain characters” idea. In the interest of not just novelizing the scene with a name swap I changed some stuff around. I don’t normally put narrative writing on here, but since it’s not really a fully fleshed out original story like the stuff I’ve been outlining, nor is it anything approaching a full fanfic, I thought I would put it here. 
           Central London was a pockmarked battlefield. The Tripods formed a wall—an honest to God wall—across the horizon. Somewhere, dim in the back of her mind, Mina knew they were metal shells. The invaders were creatures like the Count, tiny weak flesh and blood things that hid in their war machines, but looking on them, tentacles writhing they might have been creatures from the deepest parts of the ocean or the nightmares of a madman.
           The Count stood before them, clad in plates of the same impenetrable brass colored metal. He flashed his fangs at Mina and her companions. The wounds on her neck burned. On her left Adam rolled his massive shoulders. His sallow face was set in a feral grimace.
           “Let’s kill him properly this time.”
           Mina hefted John’s curved knife in her hand. The three of them could do it. They had strength and speed. All they had to do was sever the head from the shoulders and maybe with him gone, the Tripods would follow suit.
           Ash rained down and Mina knew it was folly. Even if they defeated Dracula there was no defeating his army, and there was no getting close to Dracula with his Tripods watching. It was over. They were alone. The schoolmistress with the neck wound. The Alchemical Man. The Great Detective.
           “It has been many centuries since I knew the thrill of conquest.” Dracula’s voice carried across the no man’s land that separated them. “Thank you for reminding me of my greatest joy.”
           Mina started forward and the others followed in lock step. The guns on the Tripods hummed and started to glow. Maybe Adam would make it through. If just one of them got to Dracula it would be alright. Holmes limped beside her. The only mortal man among them. His friend’s sword cane gripped tight in his fist. The guns came about. Mina felt the hairs on her neck stand up. The air tasted like copper. This was it. Dead before they even struck a blow. Still they marched.
           Dracula raised his fist and the glow of the Martian cannons dimmed ever so slightly. There was a tremor, and, though Mina might have imagined it, the Lord of Vampires looked scared. The ground cracked between them and a mass of stone rose to just about waist height. The sun, still blotted out by the clouds of smoke, seemed to shine upon it all the same. A sword, in the Roman style, stuck up from the rock.
           Mina looked to Holmes. “Is it…?”
           The man who was never surprised looked shocked. “The hour of greatest need” he whispered. “But no Arthur to wield it.”
           When the ground had settled Dracula’s eyes fell on the sword. His thin, crimson lips split into a wicked sneer.
           “No savior? Your legends betray you.” He raised his arms. “Come, strike me down if you dare.”
           “Sod it” Mina felt her incisors threaten to burst and grow into real fangs. “Let’s end the f--ker.”
           The three of them broke into a run. Mina’s legs carried her with the swiftness of the dead. She reached the count first and slashed at the Count’s head with Johnathan’s Kukri. The Count bent at the middle, pulling his upper body out of the path of the blade, which whistled harmlessly through the air. Still Mina pressed on. She fought with the speed and ferocity the Count had granted her when he tried to steal her soul. Slowly, inch by inch, the Count gave ground.
           Then it was Adam’s turn. The Alchemical Man, last son of the House of Frankenstein swung his powerful arms at the Count, pummeling him to a degree that no mortal man could survive. But the count was not mortal. He took the blows, barely moving under the weight of Adam’s fists until…as Adam slowed, the Count lashed out and caught his arm. Using Adam’s own momentum against him he flung Adam through the air. The giant’s body sailed over no man’s land, landing in a heap at the base of the stone.
           That was when Mina saw him. Broken and bloody, dark hair falling all across his grease streaked face. He looked like a great bird of prey that had been mangled after colliding with a mountain side. He clambered onto the rock and wrapped his spindly fingers around the hilt of the Roman sword. Dracula’s sneer faded and the ice in Mina’s veins began to crack.
           There was no rage on the Great Detective’s face, no grin of triumph. He was all grim serenity. Mina doubted he even realized what pulling the sword meant. He was a knight, and there was sword and a dragon to be slain. As the blade slid from the stone Holmes’ body began to straighten. The wounds looked less severe. The limp was gone as he leaped off the stone. He pulled Adam to his feet and joined Mina before the count.
           Now Dracula’s looked properly pissed. He drew his own sword from its scabbard and snarled like an animal.
           “Your flayed skins will be my tapestries. Your blood will fill the moat of my stronghold. Your—”
Something crackled in Mina’s ear. It was the radio device Challenger had built to communicate with them…so long ago, before the tripods had landed, before Dracula had secured his victory.
           “Misses Harker.” Mina’s breath caught in her throat. It couldn’t be. “Sorry we’re late.”
           The clouds parted and Mina’s heart soared. There was a wall—not of Tripods but of familiar faces. It was…It was everyone. Challenger marched at their head, clutching the device of brass and wire that he had said would scramble men’s bodies, discorporating them so they might travel great distances in the blink of an eye. Behind him two Thunder Lizards roared, feathers bristling. Mina caught site of Challenger’s daughter and the reporter Malone on saddles atop the beasts. More mounts crested the hill, elephants in elaborate armor, and the boy from the jungle, Mowgli astride the head of herd. Lord Roxton and an assortment of soldiers, brandishing shiny brass rifles, Challenger’s designs. Loveday Brooke, Lestrade, Hopkins, and the women of Scotland Yard. The Doll Woman. The Egyptian witch. Then, atop white steeds—Mina’s heart soared—Johnathan, Arthur, Seward, and Quincey. Behind them Van Helsing, Carnacki, and Dr. Silence. Lucy, dark haired and pale skinned, flanked by two other vampire women, the Karnsteins. The Warriors of Maple White Land and the Emerald Army of the Otherworld formed ranks. A Tripod moved too close and one of the Thunder Lizards took its leg in its jaws and wrenched the thing to the ground.
           “Sorry we’re late” Dr. Watson called from beside Challenger. “Had a devil of a time gathering the cavalry.”
           Holmes’ face melted at the site of his friend. Mina clapped him on the shoulder. Dracula’s face shook with rage and—Mina was sure this time—fear.
           Mina flashed her fangs. “The game’s afoot.”
           Adam pumped his fists. “Follow your spirit, and upon this charge—”
           Holmes raised the sword. “Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George.”
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mucky-puddler · 5 years ago
Here is Kubrick blog no. 2
So, this week I’ll be looking at Kubrick’s early work (again), Paths of Glory, and the introduction of Depth of Field; Stanley Kubrick, film, and the uses of history – yes, that is the whole title.
The first thing Nathan had us all do was shout out any themes we could think of that Kubrick had used in the films we had watched so far. This list ended up being ridiculously long and appeared to contain every film under the sun (which is something I never understood – creatives don’t really think about themes when creating things, it just kinda happens, so what is the point in listing themes to look at?). Here are a few examples of themes we named;
- Madness
- Masculinity
- Obsession
- Photography
- Chess
- Brutality
- Violence
- Animalism
- Sport
- Fathers/mothers
We then reviewed the Seafarers (again) and looked deeper at the shot composition used; one of the more obvious ones was the shot change from machinery to people, suggesting that within the seafarer community the people are simply machines designed to complete certain tasks.
Let’s move on to the man himself. It has been suggested that Kubrick makes his films for men, and the evidence is as such – his characters fulfilled the stereotypes of having the damsel in distress and the knight in shining armour, making his female characters weaker and in need of assistance, he would often utilise the male gaze to sexualise women (as seen in the Seafarers when the camera pans up and holds on the image of a naked calendar), all of which makes him seem misogynistic. Alternatively, Kubrick could just be representing the world around him – personally, I think we give people who grew up during the 40’s and 50s much more credit than they deserve – there is no way we can assume that so many people during that time felt the way we all feel now, because the times have changed so much and we don’t want to ruin our idealised, romanticised perspective of a different time. I’m not saying that there weren’t people that thought this way, I have no doubt that there were, I just don’t believe that everyone thought that way. In every single piece of media I have studied where there is some injustice, the argument has always been made that they were “representing the views of the time”, inferring that the creators did not have the same views when it is entirely possible that their own views aligned with the unjust perspective they present.
Okay, rant over for now.
Something else I picked up on, that is somewhat related to what I’ve said above, is how Kubrick used his camera to give himself as much freedom as possible. Kubrick was commissioned to film the Seafarers as a promotional piece, meaning there was very little creative liberty given to Kubrick – what he did have control over was the camera movement. It would appear that his favourite were the long tracking shots, giving the audience long takes of the food hall (and the food itself, to a pornographic extent).
Another clear feature is Kubrick’s sense of humour – his sense of humour was young, like that of a teenage boy (hence the calendar shot). He would sneak as much suggestive evocative imagery through the loopholes into his films to entertain his audience.
And now for our word of the week – Gematria; Greek for geometry, turning letters into numbers, giving the numbers power, meaning texts have hidden codes.
It has been suggested that Kubrick used gematria in his films – critics and fanatics have spent hours poring over his films, trying to discover the hidden meanings behind the numbers and text he leaves in the shots. The numbers 7 and 3 are said to be popular numbers in Kubrick’s films but no one has figured out why yet. I personally don’t see the point in obsessing over every pixel in a shot to mangle it into an alternative meaning, but some people enjoy it, so you do you.
The last thing I took from the lecture was that theme and style should be considered together, especially over the many films brought to life by a single director. For Kubrick, we should look at similar themes through films like 2001 and Spartacus and Lolita, just to name a few.
Now onto the film – the film we watched this week was Paths of Glory. Like all of Kubrick’s films so far, it starts with a lovely bit of narration and a somewhat boring long shot – expositional, some would call it. Both these features together let us know that we are in for a war-time film. For almost the entirety of the rest of the film, I couldn’t understand what these characters were saying, So I had to gather the deeper plotlines from context. Something I drew from the film was how realistic it was for a film of that era; it does not romanticise war like others have, it is a good example of strong men being scared to obey orders, then suffering the consequences.
Here is something about the film that confused me – there is a single shot that pans around the characters to watch them leave, and a washing bowl that was used at the beginning of the scene comes back into the shot – why? It is not referenced at all in the scene, or even the rest of the film. Why was that shot included? Was it because it looks cool? Thinking about it deeper, the character played by Kirk Douglas was using it at the beginning of the scene – this character goes on to defend the men who get called to trial for ‘not following orders’ but assigning their deaths anyway because of the the decision of the court. To someone who grew up religious, this sounds familiar (that’s right, we got Jesus imagery right here). Kirk Douglas’ character could be reflected as Pontius Pilot – he washes his hands of the blood of the men under his command (as demonstrated by the washing bow) – making the men that were sacrificed as an example to the rest a reflection of Jesus – they were strung up to poles.
Let’s now talk about authority, an obvious theme in this film. There appears to be two types of authority – those who care about the mission, and those who care about the people. The general, who is the former of these two authorities, could be considered obsessed with winning the battle and then the war, and does not consider casualties (he’s a bit of a dickhead). On the other hand, the colonel’s concern is for the men and the logic behind why they did not obey orders (which makes sense). There is, as there is with reality, challenge and contention within and between the ranks; everyone wants to either impress their superiors or undermine them. Within the theme of authority, I’m going to make up a sub-theme – authority vs reality; those in higher authority have an idea that they want to execute, and put it into action without thinking about the factors that could make it possible e.g. the men that would have to die to make their ideas a success. The reality of the ideas is that it most likely isn’t possible, and hundreds of men would die in the process before the authority would begin to realise. One of my favourite scenes from the film is when the fate of the selected men are being decided by the colonel and two generals, one of whom is for killing them in a court-martial, the other hearing reason and willing to give them a fair(ish) trial. The colonel is framed between the two generals, and at first, I thought it would have made more sense to have the more neutral general framed between the two arguing parties. However, after a second thought, the colonel is the one frames between two opposing but equal forces – they are the angel and devil on his shoulders (hell year).
Ah yes, we love a courtroom drama, a turn I did not expect this film to make – it reminded me of the courtroom scene in Hacksaw Ridge (such a good film), and I feel this is a fair comparison; the intensity was continual and high, there was a ‘will they, won’t they’ vibe to it, and an all-round good scene for both films. Only with “Paths of Glory”, I hated the son-of-a-bitch prosecutor and the court for clearly favouring him, giving way to another sub-authority theme – humanity vs the court. Like the overbearing general, the court sides with the authority rather than reason – I thought the defence was not given the opportunity to give their case to the fullest extent, even though their evidence was solid.
The final theme I’m going to look at is religion (catholic flavour) – there isn’t a whole lot to say here as it doesn’t play a huge role in the film, the only religious figure (other than the Jesus imagery) is the father that comes to bless those who were chosen to be sacrificed as an example to the others.
Okay, onto the reading – this reading doesn’t really have anything to do with the film specifically, and I only got through the introduction again. These people really need to calm down with their intros because I’m never going to actually read something of merit if they keep their intro’s long. The book I read is called “Depth of Field: Stanley Kubrick, Film, and the uses of History”. One of the first things it discusses is the phrase ‘depth of field’, because it’s meaning it two-fold; the first is concerning photography, as depth of field refers to how sharp and in focus parts of a shot are (which is relevant to Kubrick because he loved photography, so would be able to use depth of field to his advantage), and the second is in reference to researching and trying to understand as much about an area of expertise as possible (this could be Kubrick researching for his films, or could be these critics learning as much as they can about Kubrick – I suspect it’s the latter).
Also, they spoke very briefly about how what is in the frame is the only thing that can “portray the world of human emotion/feeling and action realistically”. I completely disagree with this statement – there are so many elements that goes into portraying human emotion, like music, rhythm, acting lighting, just to mention a few.
Something else I don’t quite understand is how/why directors are praised for working in multiple genres over their career – how is it different to a student having to do multiple courses or modules at the same time? Surely, they just work in whatever genre they want to at the time?
This might just become a list of things I don’t understand because we already know that Kubrick liked to have control over every single aspect of the film, but according to this introduction, he let the cast and crew experiment with their tasks? How does that work?
A quote I found interesting is this – “…seen as bringing the terrible news of the twentieth-century history…to a mass audience” – sorry what? What is this even saying? Is he translating what was happening around him into film for other people to better understand? But if that is the case, then the ‘terrible news’ would have already passed because of how long it takes to make and distribute a film. Why aren’t these people reading the news? Surely no one relies solely on film to give them ‘terrible news of the twentieth-century history’? Or does this mean the people outside of America, seeing as global news was not yet prevalent?
Adorno is a man that pops up a few times in this intro and is said to have said “art and ideology are becoming one and the same thing” and I honestly love that because it’s kinda true. This is also the same guy that said “poetry became impossible after Auschwitz” which is the kind of deep, philosophical shit I enjoy.
This intro really does jump all over the place because then they discuss how Kubrick primarily adapted texts that weren’t already popular, with the exceptions of The Shining and Lolita, so his audience could judge his work as his own rather than an adaptation. This seems a little selfish to me. Like he’s not acknowledging the fact that it’s someone else’s work?
I do plan on reading more than just the intro’s to the actual readings, but it’s so difficult because the intros are so long! Also, somehow this blog ended up being longer than the last one, I don’t know how that happened, please don’t hate me.
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Some other crap (as an English-Russian speaker with a handful of French and Hebrew):
Making up hybrid words by warping language A into language B (paper towels -> попотавка, features -> фитчи, mini-croutons -> засыпучки, etc)
Family-specific gibberish words
As mentioned by the above people, the inability to translate various terms and seeing profanity as way more serious in one language than in another (my mother has no problem saying 'fuck those sons of bitches' or with me cramming fifteen profanities into one sentence in English, but I nearly got my mouth washed with soap for saying черт побери (roughly 'dammit', literally 'devil take it') when I was 9, by which point I already knew how to call someone a ball-busting bastard in English).
Not having quite the right adjectiveTM and using one from the other language that means almost the same thing but you and the person you're talking to both agree it makes more sense.
Alternatively, doing the thing mentioned above but in a language the other person doesn't quite speak and then they try to find the term in their language and it's not in the overlap language and you're trying not to go too crazy.
"These aren't [term in mutual language] in [their first language], they're [term in their first language]." "Same here, it's more accurate to say its [term in your first language]." *argument over semantics and pedantic bits and pieces of your language's term of origin and the linguistic differences*
Certain words translate phonetically and certain words do not. Good fucking luck figuring out which ones, especially if you're from a bilingual family and all of you mispronounce words.
Realizing certain sounds don't come up very often in language B as opposed to language A, making a shortcut to simply avoid this sound, and therefore mispronouncing several words that you didn't know before implementing this rule.
Perpetually pronouncing certain names/sounds with your first linage's phonetics, no matter what language you're speaking in (I cannot pronounce Slavic and Jewish names with an American accent without making a massive effort and prefer to pronounce all names like that, but have been told it's better to just mangle them the American way).
There's a sound that's made two different ways, you switch from A to B and suddenly you're fresh off the boat from your first languages country (I wasn't even born in Russian, but ask me to pronounce the r from the tongue instead of from the throat and watch as I magically am riding a bear while chugging vodka)
*Mispronounces word from language B with language A accent* *blank stares* *Mispronounces same word but language C style* *more blank stares* "the [describe word] one" "Do you mean [correclty pronounced word]?" "THAT'S THE FUCKER!"
Not being able to pronounce that exact same fucking word literally 2 minutes later (merengue especially, I cannot pronounce, spell, or type out without autocorrect because in Russian it's бюзе (бюзешки for the separate little ones))
Either perfect pronunciation in a new language or you will literally never learn how to say a single thing correctly (French vs Mandarin with a Russian base)
Gender being weird and weirder depending on which language you speak in. Russian genders verbs (I went [female] to the store, He brought [male] shoes, etc), so does Hebrew (and unlike Russian, it also genders the plurals), English doesn't gender verbs but somehow feels worse for misgendering, and then you talk to people who grew up with 6/7 gender pronouns or only one gender-neutral pronoun in their native language and you're all just vibing
Translating certain texts makes you wish this author had just been born with Language B instead of Language A.
You make the wrong sound in the wrong language and now you sound like you're trying to hack up a hairball.
Baby-talk is done in your first language's gibberish, yes it's a different gibberish
Same with nicknames and cutesificaiton
*Yelling with Language B accent in B* "haha nbd" *Yelling with First Language accent in B* "End me now"
Different formalities in different languages and constantly mix and matching them however you want.
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im going to have a stroke
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thefamilythatneverages · 7 years ago
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The Simpsons Epsiodes that I would rewatch over and over (the list will keep growing after the start of the 30th season …. plus the order will change due to this fact).
Bart the General
The Crepes of Warth
Left Behind
Bart the Genius
Cape Feare
Flandder's Ladder
Hormer vs. The Eighteenth Amendent
Looking For Mr. Goodbart
Marge vs. the Montrail
The Devil Wears Nada
Jazzy and the Pussy Cats
Hormer's Phobia
I Won't Be Home For Christmas
Special Edna
Lemon of Troy
The City of New York vs. Hormer Simpson
Itchy & Scartchy Land
The Food Wife
Behind the Laughter
Bart vs. Australia
I, (Annoyed Grunt) – Bot
The D'oh-ical Network
22 for 30
Super Franchise Me
The Great Phatsby Parts 1 & 2
Smmer of 4ft. 2
The Wreck of an Relationship
Ned 'n Edna's Bend
Holidays of Future Past
Mr. Lisa Opus
Hormer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Mommy Beerest
The Kids Are All Fight
Them, Roborts
Moho House
You Only Move Twice
Frink Gets Testy
The Kids Are All Right
A Father's Watch
Flaming Moe
Reality Bites
Haw-Haw Land
Caper Chase
In The Name Of The Grandfather
Helter Shelter
A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Would Never Do Again
Please Hormer Don't Hammer 'Em
The Days of Furture Furture
The Man In The Blue Flannel Pants
Bart vs. Lisa vs. The Third Grade
Two Bad Neighbores
The Book Job
Singin' in the  Lane
Hardly Kirk-ing
The Cad and the Hat
I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can
Treehouse of Horror XX
Replaceable You
Gone Boy
Bart Gets An F
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Treehouse of Horror V
Fears of a Clown
Chief of Hearts
Home Away From Hormer
The Wife Aquatic
Dark Knight Court
3 Scenes Plus a Tag from a Marriage
The Winter of His Content
Funeral for a Fiend
King Leer
Burns Cage
The War of Art
Mathele's Feat
Friends and Family
Hormer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
The Bart of War
Tree House of Horror
Bart's Dog gets an F
The Ned-Liest Catch
White Christmas Blues
American History X-cellent
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Fraudcast News
Springfield Splendor
Bart Stops To Smell the Roosevelts
Treehouse of Horror VII
The Last of the Red Hat Mama's
The Falcon and the D'ohman
The President Wore Pearls
Bart the Murderer
The Italian Bob
Wavery Hills 9-0-2-1 D'Oh
Midnight RX
Throw Grampa from the Dane
Hormer Is Where the Art Isn't
Treehouse of Horror VI
This Little Wiggy
Treehouse of Horror XXII
The Great Simpisna
Four Regrettings and a Funeral
Judge Me Tender
Lisa Gets the Blues
Bart Gets Famous
Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Hormer's Enemy
Treehouse of Horror XVIII
He Loves to Fly and  He D'oh's
Bart Has Two Mommies
Hormer Goes To Prep School
Treehouse of Horrow XIX
Coming To Homerica
The Town
Whistler's Father
Treehouse of Horror XXVI
Dangers on a Train
Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-NE-HE-CH4
Waiting For Duffman
Three Gay's In A Condo
Wedding For Disaster
The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
Lisa with an 'S'
Monty Burns 'Fleeing Circus
Grampy Can You Hear Me
Treehouse of Horror XXV
The PTA Disbands
Dad Behavior
G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)
There Will Be Buds
Children of a Lesser Clod
Nightmare After Krustmas
Moms I'd Like To Forget
Treehouse of Horror XXIV
Much Apu About Something
Lost Verizon
The Serferns
E Pluribus Wiggum
The Simpsons Roasting Over A Fire
The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used To Be
Bart-Mangled Banner
Springfield Up
Treehouse of Horror XXI
Hormer Scissorhands
All About Lisa
Halloween of Horror
The Bob Next Door
Havana Wild Weekend
Treehouse of Horror IV
You Kent Always Say What You Want
Today I Am A Clown
Thursdays with Abie
Treehouse of Horrow XI
The Saga of Carl
Brick Like Me
Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
Regarding Margie
Treehouse of Horror XIII
Yellow Subterfuge
Forgive and Forget
The Last Traction Hero
Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Kill Gil Volumes I & II
Bart the Fink
Hormer's Paternity Coot
Marge's Son Posioning
The Mook, The Chef, and the Wife Her Hormer
Don't Fear the Roofer
Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)
A Tale of Two Springfield
The Spy Whom Learned Me
Treehouse of Horror XV
The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
The Yellow Badge of Cowardge
Treehouse of Horror XVII
To Couirer With Love
Pranksta Rap
Treehouse of Horror II
Pulpit Fiction
Specs and the City
Hormer's Night Out
Trust and Clarity
That 90's Show
Treehouse of Horror IV
Life on the Fast Lane
Mr. Spritz Goes To Washington
Treehouse of Horror XVI
Angry Dad, The Movie
The Bart Wants What It Wants
Krusty Gets Busted
To Cur With Love
The Father, The Son, and the Holy Guest Star
Treehouse of Horror III
Pranks and Greens
Adventures In Baby Getting
The Color Yellow
The Mansion Family
Brother From Another Series
There's No Disgrace Like Home
The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Midnight Towboys
What Animated Women Want
Co-Depenedent's Day
Gal of Constant Sorrow
Penny Wiseguys
My Fair Laddie
Dial 'N' For Nerder
Girly Edition
Orange is the New Yellow
Lisa the Veterinarian
Treehouse of Horror VIII
Father Knows Worst
Friend With Benefit
Homer's Odyessey
The Daughter Also Rises
Stealing First Base
Thank God It's Doomsday
Opposite A-Frack
Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
All Fair In Oven War
Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life
Stop! Or My Dog Will Shoot
Das Bus
Fland Canyon
Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapers
The Ha-Hawed Couple
Mobile Hormer
Scuse Me While I Miss The Sky
Lisa on Ice
There's Something About Marrying
The Ziff Whom Came To Dinner
Little Girl In The Big Ten
One Hurndred and One Greyhounds
Smoke On The Daughter
On A Clear Day I Can See My Sister
The Curse of the Flying Hellfish
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teens and Gays
The Man Whom Came To Be Dinner
Hurricane Neddy
Weekend ot Burnsie's
Girl's Just Want To Have Sums
Brake My Wife, Please
Sky Police
How Much Is That Birdie In The Window?
Politcally Inept, with Hormer Simpson
Call of the Simpsons
Bart's Comet
Simpsons Tide
The Marge-ian Chronicles
Hormer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Faith Off
Grade School Confidental
Lisa's Wedding
Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(ANNOYED GRUNT)cious
Bart After Dark
Little Big Girl
Dead Putting Society
How The Test Was Won
Skinner's Sense of Snow
How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
Elemetary School Musical
Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Lost our Lisa
Girl Code
Who Shot Mr Burns (½)
The Musk Whom Feel From The Sky
To Surviel with Love
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Three Times
Every Man's Dream
Tell Tale Head
Moaning Lisa
Half Decent Proposal
Hormer the Moe
Trash of Titans
The Great Wife Hope
The Man Who Grew To Much
24 Minutes
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
You Don't Have To Live Like A Refree
Boy Meets Curl
The Fight Before Christmas
Team Hormer
The Great Money Caper
Margical Histroy Tour
Some Enchanted Evening
Treehoue of Horror XII
Peeping Mom
Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Moe From Rags to Riches
Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles
Hormer Badman
At Long Last Leave
Treehouse of Horror X
Cue Detective
Worst Episode Ever
Treehouse of Horror IX
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themangaguide · 4 years ago
They behave like absolutely
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mangairo - What a wonderful manga!
mangairo tale takes place in the far future from today, concerning 40 years later on. The Planet continues to be gotten into and it is currently at fight with extra-terrestrial the Nova was called by creatures. Adhere to a Japanese teenager, Kazuya Aoi, a youngster that's merely signing up with a for females genetically changed (having a distinct muscle mass within their back) called Pandora experienced to deal with along with their male buddy, Limiters, created to utilize special capacities named" to restrict the Nova's motion. As a result of misconception on his component, he matches with Satellizer el Bridget who's seemed to be most likely the most effective in her course that has to pick a limiter. Despite schoolmate cautions, he chooses to become her limiter.
Tale: Plot-smart, a dramatically much deeper concept than it seems to end up being is taken by the manga. A a number of possess the energy due to their bodies yet in fact then, they're not spared from death or rage. Buddies and lovers aren't any kind of exemption towards dismemberment and the mangling. mangairo displays people of all country's operating together to deal with for humanity, which shows the significant scenario that World is in using the Nova. There are absolutely a huge quantity of battle views and regardless of all of the ecchi-ness and fanservice, the fights are now really excellent-- (though there's no feeling in pandora-vs-pandora having a battle raving on). On one more notice, no feeling was generated by the brother or sisters arc closing. After terrorizing her to the phase of aphephobia (a being dealt with) throughout her youth, they behave like absolutely nothing takes place adhering to the concern is fixed. It had actually been additionally interrupting to get around within the week, as well as a day's duration.
Art: sora yori takaku miyashita akira manga - As this area, everything is done instead effectively for. Consistency and number designs is highly-detailed, aiding you watch on who's who utilizing the distinct functions in the direction of the numbers continually being put into the tale. The back ground is congratulations, making use of the very same amount of high quality whilst the numbers. Wherever your body is strangely presented or extreme battles can be rapidly embraced and there aren't any type of areas. Each movement might cover to some whole site for that simplest steps, for example stabbing a device via somebody's tummy or adding to get a tremendous transfer in one cell. The expressions in it will additionally be very detailed. While Pandoras/Limiters accomplish their limitations, it's clearly noticeable on their people as well as the systems.
Characters: Along side countless individuality enhancements characters are launched with while checking out mangairo manga. They each originated from various countries with their own volt weapons that are special, nova-kind gear utilized for fighting with Nova which might be ranged to bit beam of lights. Separately, my personal favorite character was Chiffon Fairhchild that's named whilst the Grinning Devil' that was 'Unequaled, placed number 1 within the whole planet. (SPOILER: Right before her death, I 'd just no connection at first to her whatsoever, however the means she lessened her presence to conserve her good friends was also much. )
Review: All do not, in all court a guide. This isn't for you personally if you're looking for some hentai of the type. Yes, it's partial nakedness nevertheless it also supplies some dismembered and also gore components of the body, however that's to become prepared for in battle. Piece to not complex for that regular manga target market and is good. The-art is properly-attracted and likewise the figures are positive. Certainly, you will certainly locate a couple of numbers as you have the ability to gotten to like within the bargain. Though I'm virtually finished to conclude, this manga was a satisfying one. If you're fan of manga as well as typically review manga online, give it a shot and you'll be satisfy! Get informed by this related post: https://japanesemangaguideblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/26/tdi05gt6c0h5fnlquyrutnn1616790709/
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yourhealthmattersblog · 4 years ago
They each originated
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ijousha no ai manga - What a good manga!
ijousha no ai manga story happens in the far future from today, regarding 40 years later on. The Earth continues to be attacked and it is currently at fight with extra-terrestrial the Nova was called by creatures. Follow a Japanese young adult, Kazuya Aoi, a youngster who's merely joining a for females genetically changed (having an one-of-a-kind muscle mass within their back) called Pandora experienced to deal with in addition to their male friend, Limiters, made to utilize unique capabilities named" to restrict the Nova's movement. As a result of misconception on his component, he matches with Satellizer el Bridget who's seemed to be probably the most reliable in her course that needs to pick a limiter. Regardless of schoolmate warnings, he selects to become her limiter.
Tale: Plot-smart, a considerably deeper idea than it appears to come to be is taken by the manga. A several possess the power as a result of their bodies yet actually after that, they're not spared from death or craze. Friends and enthusiasts aren't any type of exemption towards dismemberment and also the mangling. ijousha no ai manga displays people of all country's operating together to fight for mankind, which displays the serious scenario that Earth is in making use of the Nova. There are absolutely a large quantity of battle sights and also irrespective of every one of the ecchi-ness as well as fanservice, the battles are now really fantastic-- (though there's no sensation in pandora-vs-pandora having a fight surging on). On an additional notice, no feeling was produced by the brother or sisters arc closing. After intimidating her to the stage of aphephobia (a being handled) throughout her young people, they behave like nothing happens following the concern is solved. It had been likewise disturbing to obtain around within the week, in addition to a day's period.
Art: my friends little sister is only annoying to me - As this region, every little thing is done rather extremely well for. Uniformity and number designs is highly-detailed, assisting you keep an eye on that's who making use of the unique functions in the direction of the figures continually being put into the story. The back ground is congratulations, using the exact same amount of high quality whilst the numbers. Wherever your body is oddly offered or excessive fights could be rapidly taken on and also there aren't any kind of sections. Each movement might cover to some whole site for that most convenient steps, as an example stabbing a tool via someone's tummy or adding to get a remarkable transfer in one cell. The expressions in it will likewise be very outlined. While Pandoras/Limiters accomplish their limitations, it's certainly noticeable on their individuals in addition to the systems.
Personalities: Along side countless individuality renovations personalities are released via while reading ijousha no ai manga manga. They each originated from numerous nations with their very own volt weapons that are distinct, nova-kind equipment utilized for combating with Nova which may be ranged to bit beams. Separately, my personal favored individuality was Chiffon Fairhchild who's called whilst the Grinning Devil' that was 'Unequaled, ranked number 1 within the entire planet. (LOOTER: Just Before her demise, I 'd merely no link at first to her whatsoever, nevertheless the ways she reduced her existence to save her friends was additionally a lot. )
Summary: All do not, in all judge an overview. This isn't for you personally if you're searching for some hentai of the type. Yes, it's partial nakedness nevertheless it likewise supplies some dismembered and also gore components of the body, however that's to come to be anticipated in fight. Item to not complex for that typical manga target market and is good. The-art is properly-attracted and likewise the figures are pleasant. Absolutely, you will locate a couple of numbers as you have the ability to come to like within the good deal. Though I'm virtually completed in conclusion, this manga was a pleasing one. If you're fan of manga and normally read manga online, offer it a shot and also you'll be satisfy! For more useful reference, kindly visit this link - https://greatlightnovels.wordpress.com/2021/03/22/r4pyz0z1a3am6gs8gdloe1616435963/
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localocksmithnearme · 5 years ago
Cadillac Fob Keys And Remote Program Woodbridge NJ
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Woodbridge Key Replacement is a capital fountain for adroit, trusty and brisk roadside <strong>Cadillac locksmith</strong> service in Woodbridge NJ. Our lock smiths are on a line of duty 24 hour to arrive to your juncture with today's Cadillac laser key cutters, key programmers, lock-picking and lost key made equipment and moreover hand on experience in the business to be able to help you out of any type of Cadillac key, ignition and lock related pains evading the towing service to the regional Woodbridge NJ dealer, so you don't need to compromise on your safety. We can rekey, replace and repair previous ignition lock, electric push-button start ignitions and door lock cylinder in addition to cut and program smart key, laser cut and transponder chip and many more onsite.
Models: DTS, Vizon, BLS, CTS-V, CTS, SRX, Aurora, DeVille, Evoq, Escalade, Ciel, XTS, ATS, ESV and Sixteen
Cadillac keys replacement in Woodbridge NJ
Our <strong>Cadillac lock smith</strong> is a contemporary source for a bargain and excellent <strong>Cadillac replacement keys</strong>, bypassing the ferrying to the dealerships and wait irrelevant time for your turn. Woodbridge Key Replacement dispenses unstationary remote fobik keys, OEM transponder, ignition key made, keyless entry or ignition switch replacement at your location, including a 24 hrs emergency lock-out service for experiences like misplaced keys generation, cracked ignition key extraction or stranded keys in car or trunk and more. Woodbridge Key Replacement accommodate top priority <em>Cadillac transponder keys</em> services in Woodbridge NJ onsite.
About Cadillac key lock system
Cadillac is a USA automobile manufacturer creating line of comfort cars. From 1997  Cadillac key and lock instrumentation operates on a transponder chip instrument and in 2007 adopt the <strong>Adaptive Remote Start & Keyless Access</strong> as the push 2 start ignition and keyless entry concept for mightily all of its cars. <br/><br/> The electronic transponder key sends a very low level signal to the immobiliser that will only be recognized when the right encoded key is in the switch, otherwise the fuel injection and the car wouldn't start and conceivably locked for several mins. <br/><br/> This anti theft systems is helping the automobile manufacturers, insurance companies and car owners in defeating crime and save a lot of money globally, nevertheless replacing stolen, broken and lost keys or even duplicating an extraneous key will be far more expensive.
Ignition switch repair
The ignition switch feeds current from the car battery to close to all of your electronic car parts and accommodate small mechanical and electrical parts that customarily bias to worn out as a result of heavy traffic using  for many years.   <br/><br/> If your Cadillac ignition key wont turn in the ignition cylinder, key turn freely in the ignition, key have problems turning in the ignition and dash board lights squinting, it's most likely a syndrome of overused ignition switch or key due to a foreign object inside the key-hole, dent ignition key or bad ignition switch contacts that can all provoke the ignition cylinder to fall short, countering you from starting your car. <br/><br/> While operating a car, poor ignition can shut the engine down during driving, which may be terribly unsafe, which is why we recommend owners not to tamper with the ignition cylinder by incompetent person that most likely going to induce a deeper hardship and risk. <br/><br/> The only thing a person can do experiencing ignition or key complications is to ensure you are actually trying to light up your very own car and call a vehicle lockman to arrive to your juncture to reprogram, replace  rekey the key or ignition which will costs $145–$345.
Transponder chipped key generate
In the 90’s and maybe even preceding to this, most auto makers has started providing requisite electric immobilised car computer and chipped keys keylock in their cars as an extra safety feature to eliminate vehicle thievery. <br/><br/> The key consists a chip, initialized with a unique enciphered code and the vehicle computer flashed with the same code. As soon as the key is placed into the ignition key crack, the key transmit an RF enciphered message to the immobilizer. If the inscribed message does not verified, the ECU disarm the fuel injection and the vehicle wouldn't ignite. <br/><br/> The drawback of using  electrical immobilised ECM and chipped keys key and lock is that in most cases to restore a lost or stolen key, the immobilizer must be re-coded by suitable programmer which means that you will must call a vehicle lock-man or haul your vehicle to the dealer-ship.
Cadillac keyless entry
Cadillac keyless device anable a driver to unlock and lock the door to your vehicle likewise running the vehicle while avoiding using a key, and starting at 2007, a lot of Cadillac vehicles in the market are fitted with some type of a keyless entry device technology that comprised of a brief distance remote transmitter. <br/><br/> With a smartkey, opening the door to your Cadillac is normally attained by emitting an audio and infrared waves indication message from a transponder in the smart-key to a car computer module on an encrypted channel when the user solely walks within a distance of 5 feet of the car with the keyless entry device on a key ring or in the pocket. <br/><br/> This combination of audio and infrared indication message and the <strong>Cadillac smartkey</strong> instrumentation, by the same token enable push 2 start ignition (also called Crash starting or Clutch popping). Using this method a user is adept of firing up a car engine by pushing a push buttons on the dash-board console alternatively to twisting a key in a key-pocket.
Copy vs lost car keys
Car keys these days cost way more then $1.99 mechanical keys at one of your local hardware or walmart store. Present-day Cadillac keys have gone high-tech  high security, key-fob, switch blade key and proximity key involving chipped keys that should be programmatically synced with diagnostic equipment to the motor vehicle immobilizer. If the car computer system doesn't identify a matching chipped key, the fuel supply will block and the vehicle wouldn't start. This infrastructure arranges a safety feature insuring the car will forget a stolen or misplaced key. <br/><br/> Even though dash-board platform is accessible on few outdated cars to comfortably duplicate keys, generally to get a supplementary key programmed, the transponder in the key should be programmatically synced by a specific programming machine carried by a locksmith or the dealer-ship which commonly cost close to $60-$120 on top of the price of the key blank. <br/><br/> Misplacing a key to a vehicle is a complete different occasion, as the car main computer should be decoded to adopt the new key and deny the old one which means that you will have hire a mobile car key-smith or tow your car to the dealer. <br/><br/> Utilizing this routine arranges a safety feature insuring the car will forget the stolen or misplaced key, nevertheless key recovery, instrumentation available only to the Cadillac dealer or a licensed locksmith and subsequently will costs $180–$270.
24 hour vehicle lock out
If you’re being subjected to the unfortunate incident of locking your keys in the car while late night in a dark ally or shopping in the mall, Woodbridge Key Replacement same day <strong>vehicle lock-out</strong> sharp techs are able to arrive at your location instantaneously to skillfully unlock your car door for any type of Asian, Japanese, German or American automaker in a flash, put you back into your vehicle and salvage your tranquility of mind.
Vehicle locks modify
Whether you want to duplicate your keyless entry device, you need to re-code Cadillac car computer, you mangled the remote keyfob or your old Cadillac key got ripped, we have local car locksmith who proffer <strong>Cadillac updating</strong> services 24hrs. We have a sizeable spectrum of locks and keys for Cadillac and our workmanship have innumerable years of background monitoring ANY type key programming and cutting and lock re key services. Alternately to hauling your car to the dealer, call our customer care office and an skillful will drive to your juncture to get your ignition or lock corrected at your side.
To sum up
Did you broke your keys in the ignition, can't find the keys to your car or purchase a copy key-less entry and need it programmed? Congratulation! Our workers in service 24 hours and will come out to you in no time at all to conveniently afford drivers with replacement keys, ignition repair and car lock-out) on premises. If you can't get your ignition key to turn or locked your self out call us (973)200-4870. Our specialists have lock-cracking and key programmer hardware and will be with you immediately to replace a lost key, repair your ignition switch or unlock your car door onsite and have you back behind the wheel as soon as possible. . If you’re looking for Cadillac key replacement service 24HR in Woodbridge New Jersey, call (973)200-4870 for a reliable local mobile locksmith, lost car keys made, ignition repair, transponder, keyless entry remote fob cut and program.
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holdharmonysacred · 8 years ago
I was in the middle of writing a post on how the live action Beauty and the Beast movie looks mediocre because it appears to be cashing in on the live action Cinderella movie without understanding what made Cinderella's remake GOOD by comparing it to how good Tangled was VS how mediocre Frozen was, but then realized my Frozen salt could make it's own post, so here's some Late Night Complaining(TM): The thing about Frozen that makes it so sucky is that. like. Disney didn't just deviate from the original path, they COMPLETELY IGNORED IT to dick around with a half-assed new path. They STARTED as an adaptation of The Snow Queen, but then just went "nah" and scrapped THE WHOLE PLOT for pointless reasons. Tangled at least followed the source framework, and the times it DID stray from the path were understandable. Tangled's story was able to remain strong because it followed the source's plot, whereas Frozen was cobbled together with five billion Disney cliches pulled out of Disney's asses that come together to make something that is sweet to the point of being sickening and honestly super obnoxious. They said they wanted to make "Elsa" not a villain after composing her theme - except, they didn't even HAVE to do that because there is no One True Villain in The Snow Queen. The devils who made the mirror that causes the plot, while definitely EVIL, have no relevance outside the backstory of the mirror shards. Gerda encounters an assortment of antagonistic figures in her quest, from the sorceress to the robbers. The Snow Queen herself does nothing except kidnap Kai, and you can make her a morally ambiguous figure simply by elaborating on her motive for doing so. You don't NEED to make her The Villain, she's not actively interfering with Gerda's quest, she could just be an enigmatic fair folk Big Neutral. You could even get EXPERIMENTAL with this antagonist layout. You.... You don't need to mangle the Snow Queen's character to do this. The whole "subverting the fall-in-love-with-prince after one day trope" thing is also utterly pointless given the source tale - Gerda and Kai were CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. They ALREADY subvert it because they've known each other for such a long time, this is the very REASON Gerda goes to rescue him in the first place. It was NEVER a girl-meets-boy-three-days-later-they-kiss situation, why the HELL would you try to use The Snow Queen to subvert a trope that never even applied to it? Like, they ALREADY had a really good fairy tale plot they could've used to play with the tropes they wanted to play with. And they discarded it????? Completely???? What the FUCK
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