#devil dog: the hound of hell
fuzzyghost · 8 months
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (TV Movie, 1978)
XETV6, San Diego, 1981
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 month
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Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell (1978, Curtis Harrington)
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prrplefungi · 2 years
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available as print, happy Halloween!
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comic-covers · 1 year
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redwingedwolves · 4 months
We Tied the Knot!!!
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We did it! We are officially married! I cannot believe this day has finally come, but it's here and omg I'm so freaking happy!!
@chickenwingexpert @definitelynotdabi
We did it! We really did it!!! I... I cannot put into words really how much I adore these two, and the simple fact that I now get to call them my husbands is simply more than I could have ever imagined. I have dreamt about this day for over a year now, and to have finally reached it is simply incredible.
Keigo, we have talked about this before and have been planning it for more than just our engagement. We've probably known we were committed for the long haul since we both realized just how in love we are. To think we're finally here, and we've finally taken that final step is simply beyond words and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Dabi, when you came into mine and Keigo's lives a little more than a year ago, I never would have imagined what you would eventually become to us. You have single-handedly made our lives complete, and we simply wouldn't be the same without you here. You are our third, our completing side. A triangle needs three sides to be whole, and you are that for us. We simply wouldn't be complete without you, Dabs, so thank you for joining us. For joining me.
I absolutely love you both, and I cannot thank you enough for choosing to stay with me for the rest of eternity. So here is to forever, my loves, until our last breaths and even the there after. I love you both!
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teaghoulart · 10 months
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Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell
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rufinator · 2 years
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Entity Caught on Camera
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toonvasion · 2 years
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-a guardian spirit of crovirus
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theplaguedogs · 1 year
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machetelanding · 2 years
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visplay · 4 months
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Chris: Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell is a 70’s tv movie, proper horror about a doggie demon, amazingly better than many recent horror films, Watch: On Subscription Service.
Richie: It was pretty good for a tv movie, the effects at the end with the dog make it a watch, Watch: On Subscription Service.
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ravenbohique · 2 years
Token for the Hell Hound. The 5e design I feel is a huge upgrade from previous editions mangy rat dogs.
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redwingedwolves · 3 months
Hi hi!! How about Duality and Dogma for Dabi and Hawks?
Hiya, Ghosty! Thank you so so much for the ask! ^^
Ask Game.
dogma - what kind of aesthetic do you associate with your f/o?
For Keigo it varies. His aesthetic is kind of all over the place a bit. If I had to really put a word to it, it would probably be closest to carefree. He just goes with the flow and projects an air of not really taking anything serious.
Dabi is full-blown gothic punk/grunge. He is very "devil may care", and is definitely the type you'd easily find in a dive bar in a seedy part of town. lol
duality - how long have you known your f/o? how long have they been an f/o for you?
(Going to answer this lore wise and IRL)
Lore wise, I have known Keigo for going on six, maybe close to seven years now and have been dating him for around four of those years. IRL, I met Keigo right around early January 2022, and he became an F/O that same year on the 30th of that same month. He has been an F/O now for two years.
Lore wise, I met Dabi through Keigo. Keigo was working a case in which he was using Dabi as an informant, and well, somehow Dabi learned about me and decided to use me against Keigo. It didn't really work out for him, though. XP IRL, I actually met Dabi before I met Keigo(because of when they both appear in their source), but while I found Dabi attractive I didn't really consider him an F/O at first. Then I was introduced to the ship of Dabihawks by the fandom, and well, why have just one when I can have both? So, in August I officially decided to add Dabi in as a third to mine and Keigo's relationship and the rest, as they say, is history. Dabi has been an F/O for a year(he was F/Od the same year as Keigo just in August so it hasn't quite been two years yet).
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cosmicvenusnebula · 14 days
⋆☾⋆ Devil's Advocate ⋆☾⋆
Characters: Lucifer x Gn!Reader x Diavolo AU: Canon Universe
Description: Headcanons about being in a polyamorous relationship with Lucifer and Diavolo.
Contents: Fluff, Romance, Becoming a demon, Suggestive but no smut (cuz I am 17)
Word Count:
⋆☾⋆ When you first came to Devildom, neither of them really liked you, but it didn't take long for you to gain their trust.
⋆☾⋆ Not long after you started living at the House of Lamentation, you snuck out once you thought Lucifer was asleep and pretty quickly you got caught by Cerberus, and he was just a little (big) cuddle bug.
A few hours later when everyone woke up, they started freaking out when they couldn't find you, but Lucifer noticed Cerberus was gone too and went out to find him, hoping his dog didn't attack you.
It only took Lucifer a couple minutes to see you asleep nuzzled up to Cerberus right outside the mansion. He couldn't even be mad at you for falling asleep where any demon could get you when he saw how cute you looked cuddled up to Cerberus, a demon hound that only ever obeys Lucifer.
⋆☾⋆ To earn Diavolo's trust, you started helping him at the castle and delivering messages for him. That isn't what gained you his trust though, actually he thought you were incredibly suspicious for going out of your way to help him when he has Lucifer.
He only started to trust you when he overheard you talking to Asmodeus about how hot you thought he was, and asking Asmo for advice. His face turned bright red and that night he was going on and on about how he might be in love with a human to Barbatos.
⋆☾⋆ After you started warming their hearts, Diavolo asked you out, and when you asked Lucifer if it was safe to say yes, he started freaking out. Practically dragging you by your hair to the castle to "talk" to Diavolo.
Things started to get heated when Lucifer said he also had feelings, they started fighting over you. Eventually you had to interrupt their fighting and tell them you had feelings for both of them, and that they could just share. They had completely different schedules so it wouldn't be hard to spend time with one when the other is busy.
Diavolo was fine with sharing, but Lucifer is possessive, and he feels that you would be in danger if you went out with the demon prince, but he agreed to it anyway because he wanted you to be happy.
⋆☾⋆ After you've dated both of them for a while, you started spending every other week in the others rooms. Diavolo ended up giving you your own personal portal directly to his castle so you didn't have to make the trek back and forth through hell.
You aren't sure when it happened, but they started using your portal so they could spend time with you together, all three of you spending nights in each others beds. Lucifer had to use a spell to soundproof his bedroom because you got to a point in your relationship that you started bothering his brothers.(¬‿¬) *wink*
⋆☾⋆ After your year in Devildom was up, Diavolo made a pact with you that allowed you to stay in their realm......he even asked you if he could turn you into a demon so you could stay with them for eternity.
The only downside was that you would technically die, but then you would reawaken in the best form of your body with horns, a tail, and wings.
When you accepted his proposition, you awoke with a blinding headache and a sudden lustful desire that made up your entire being.
Both Lucifer and Diavolo only have a set of wings now. Their bottom set of wings being torn off and used in magic to create your new form. Your wings look like Lucifer's but with red feathers, and your horns also look like Lucifers but red with gold on the tips like Diavolo's, and your tail matches your horns.
I kinda just rushed through this and I am too dissociative to know if this is any good or not.
I am def gonna make a longer fic about them sacrificing their wings to create Mc's demon form at some point.
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vidavalor · 4 months
Wrong Boy
What Bildad the Shuite, Mr. Dalrymple and Warlock's birthday party can tell us about what's going on in the 2.06 Final 15. Another post in a series about how "The Metatron" with Aziraphale at the end of S2 is actually Satan.
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Warlock Dowling. The kid Crowley and Aziraphale took care of for a few years, believing him to be The Antichrist. Not actually The Antichrist. The wrong boy.
Warlock's 11th Birthday Party. The reason why Crowley and Aziraphale were there was to try again to stop Armageddon. Hell was supposed to show up at the party. The Devil was sending a gift to his son-- a dog. The Hell Hound. The gift, once accepted by The Antichrist, was supposed to signal the start of Armageddon.
Crowley and Aziraphale were undercover at the party in an effort to stop Warlock from encountering and naming The Hell Hound and starting the end times as a result... but The Hell Hound was late. The moment that results in them realizing they got it all wrong starts out with dialogue that is referenced again in S2-- in relation to The Meeting Ball.
Aziraphale followed Crowley out to The Bentley, mortified by having put on a terrible magic show in front of Crowley. Crowley, though, was gentle and caring in his reply. He tried to reassure Aziraphale and gas him up a bit.
Aziraphale: "That was all a bit of a disaster, I'm afraid."
Crowley: "Nonsense. You gave them a party to remember. Last one they'll ever have, mind..."
As they're sitting in The Bentley and after communicating with Hell during this scene via the radio, they realize that they fucked it up. The kid they thought was the spawn of The Devil is not actually that. Warlock is not The Antichrist. They had the wrong boy this whole time.
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Nonsense. The meaning of "balderdash" and "piffle"-- the words spoken by "The Metatron" when he first arrives in 2.06. The first word of what Crowley said to Aziraphale in the "wrong boy" scene.
The gift for the "son". The Hell Hound. The Coffee.
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A disaster termed "a night to remember": The Titanic.
The Titanic. Big ship, first of its kind. Hit iceberg. Was thought to be unsinkable. Turns out, it could very much sink. Angels can be tempted. They can sink-- can fall-- to the bottom of the ocean floor. Aziraphale falling is "The Titanic" of his story and the story overall.
If Warlock's birthday party = The Meeting Ball, then Crowley and Aziraphale have the "wrong boy" once again at the end of S2.
Instead of Warlock being mistaken for The Devil's son, "The Metatron" is really The Devil... who appears in the form of the closest thing Aziraphale has to a father-- The Metatron.
"My Heart Will Go On." Theme song from the film 'Titanic' and on Aziraphale's playlist for S2. Uh oh...
Then, there's this:
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"It will be a night to remember!" Aziraphale, describing his then-upcoming Meeting Ball in an episode-ending bit of important dialogue while pointing Upwards, foreshadowing both Crowley going Up and Aziraphale's "going Up to get Down" that happens at the end of this Titanic hitting the iceberg. Crowley will actually wind up trying to keep most of the partygoers from not remembering as much of the events of this party as possible... ironically, since Aziraphale says "a night to remember" to Crowley in reference to the kind thing Crowley said to him about the kids being happy to remember Warlock's birthday party.
The next morning, Crowley will use dialogue that references Warlock's birthday party again... either consciously or unconsciously. Either way, it's a dialogue reference to it for us to notice... and it makes sense that Warlock's party would fit into 2.06's Final 15 here because the dialogue we're talking about is from a scene that's actually after the party... and this is all taking place after, well, a party.
The dialogue shows up here:
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Crowley: "Oh, I know you. Last time I saw you, you were a giant, floating head, mind."
Welcome to the only other scene in the series in which Crowley has used "mind" at the end of a sentence but for the casual time he did post-Warlock's birthday party. It's calling our attention to the late Hell Hound not arriving at that party... in the moment that "The Metatron" has just arrived here, in the aftermath of the mirrored party.
The Devil himself is here this time.
It might also be worth noting that when Crowley and Aziraphale figure out that Warlock is the wrong boy, it's because of Crowley having just spoken to Hell via the radio in The Bentley... which is also how Satan attacked Crowley in 1.01. Those two scenes are then tied together and both of them are in play in 2.06.
The show also takes pains to call the meeting a "party" several times. Besides Aziraphale saying "we're having a ball", the character who is of The Devil and whose actions let The Devil Himself into the bookshop-- Shax-- twice refers to what's going on as "a party." When she arrives: "how sweet-- they're having a party" and, later, she corrects Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets when he says that what is going on is a meeting. She tells him that it's not a meeting because they were "dancing." That it's a party is referenced several times, further drawing correlation between the climax of S2 and Warlock's 11th Birthday Party.
Crowley-- a demon-- is called upon by "The Metatron" to identify him to everyone else after every single other being in the room fails to recognize him. Every single other being in the room besides Crowley is an angel and *all* of them fail to recognize this being as The Metatron. Every one of them. How can five angels fail to recognize the leader of Heaven? Maybe because that's not actually the leader of Heaven? Maybe because The Devil had to get someone he can control-- and we've seen that he can control Crowley in 1.01-- to tell everyone else that he's The Metatron... which is exactly what happens in this scene?
Crowley identifies the being in such a way that the other angels see him as The Metatron. No one questions him. Rather hilariously, since angels who don't like Crowley are in the room, everyone just believes him and takes what he says at face value. This includes Michael, who has now done this twice-- they also did this during the Job minisode, which we'll look at in a moment.
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Michael (gloriously bitchy, asking THE question): "And who are you?"
The context clues suggesting this being's fake identity that led everyone to believe it after its reveal were planted by "The Metatron" upon his arrival... and that's familiar, too. We've seen that one before... Crowley did it earlier in the season.
Remember where we saw that and another significant who are you? one before?
Here, with Sitis:
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Crowley gives Sitis suggestion as to who he will appear to be to her, even if they've never met before. Who is he? He's "an old friend, here to offer some comfort." Sitis is having A Day over here and is somewhat resistant at first to influence and she's never met this being before so she naturally has this question:
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She's paralleling Michael in 2.06 here. All who are you and why are you interrupting me? I'm a bit busy over here... and what did Crowley say?
"You tell me." Crowley gave her the answer he wanted and when Sitis was resistant and Crowley needed to get to the kids to save them, he influenced her so she'd help him get to who he wanted instead of standing in his way. Crowley seeks to protect the kids, obviously. He has the opposite motivation of Satan in 2.06 but the methods are the same.
Sitis falls under Crowley's suggestion at "you tell me"-- she responds normally-enough but there's enough of her reaction at the start that shows that her mind is being influenced. She gets a little quiet, her eyes widen, she's staring for a brief moment... kinda like Crowley in the chair before he speaks in after "The Metatron"'s arrival in 2.06. Crowley was in Sitis' mind and made her say back to him what he'd told her to say:
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"Bildad" quite literally means "old friend" so Sitis basically regurgitates Crowley's "just an old friend" by translating it into a name in her mind. Crowley's "sure" is comedic but this is also an example of Crowley using magical influence over someone-- one of two that happens in S2. In both times, Crowley's use of it is benign in overall intent but it's still not really with the full awareness of the person he's using it on.
This kind of power when used by The Devil, though? Yikes...
The second time we see Crowley do this is with Mister Dalrymple. And what did Crowley suggest-- at Aziraphale's request-- that Mister Dalrymple do? So that Aziraphale could have time to try to lure Mister Dalrymple into his way of thinking-- though the opposite wound up being true?
Invite them to stay and have a chat... over a drink.
A chat over a wee tipple of whiskey. That moment has a paralleling friend in 2.06, too...
A chinwag over a large oat milk latte with a dash/hefty jigger of almond syrup...
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Now, we're also referencing The Resurrectionist minisode in The Final 15. You know, the one where Crowley is dragged back to Hell in Edinburgh... the same place Aziraphale went to alone during S2. When asked where Aziraphale was during that time by Shax, Crowley replied that Aziraphale was:
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Stocktaking. In the basement. On the surface, this is an excuse Crowley gives Shax to explain why she can't see Aziraphale through the window of the shop while Aziraphale is in Edinburgh. Shax clearly doesn't buy it and tracks down Aziraphale in The Bentley on his way back from Scotland. But this is also a metaphor on two different levels.
The first is that Crowley was dragged back to Hell in Edinburgh in 1827 and that Hell is the basement of the whole Heaven/Hell skyscraper office situation. Edinburgh is Hell is "the basement" to Crowley. While Aziraphale was there, he was working on some of his trauma related to 1827-- taking stock of what he had and where he was at in order to move forward. Aziraphale going to Edinburgh actually is Aziraphale metaphorically "stocktaking in the basement"... it's just that it also potentially foreshadows that once Shax actually gets through that door, it's the start of how Aziraphale is going to wind up doing some further stocktaking in the actual basement that is Hell.
Jump back to Sitis for a moment. Why does Sitis say "Shuite"? It's more important than it seems.
We already looked at why she says "Bildad"-- it's because of Crowley's "old friend"-- but why does she say "the Shuite"? It's not what Crowley said this time, so much as what he did-- jumping into her mind.
Remember later when Crowley uses a homophone-- "Shu-ite" and "shoes"-- and cracks this joke:
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Crowley says "shoes" and Michael says "the land of Shua" but Bildad is Bildad "the Shuite" because Sitis was trying to say the other word that's a homophone for "shoes" and "Shu-a" here: "shoo."
Was there was a part of Sitis that was aware of Crowley in her mind was telling him to get out, to leave, to go... or was the fact that she had been trying to get Crowley to leave before he influenced her a factor in how she came up with his identity?
It shows that a person under suggestion by a supernatural being in Good Omens is forced to say and do whatever that being is forcing them to say or do but they might have some mild level of resistance where their words are concerned, if they can find a way to do so. Crowley was not exerting a terribly powerful influence over Sitis because he prefers to not do this at all. But The Devil himself is not going to have any such qualms... and we've been shown in 1.01 that when he takes over Crowley, Crowley really can't resist the influence. Still, he might have been trying, since The Devil needed him to speak and it was Aziraphale in the crosshairs.
And, of course, back in 2.06, The Big Damn Villain Music in the score goes insane at this moment here when "The Metatron" looks at Crowley without Aziraphale noticing-- a look that can be interpreted not just as a glare but as instructions. It's what keeps Crowley in the bookshop. It furthers the suggestion that "The Metatron" is magically influencing Crowley and since Crowley's main contribution is to identify him as The Metatron, well... casts some serious doubt over the idea that this is anybody but the one being who can exert that kind of control over Crowley-- Satan.
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Now, go back to Crowley and to "...last time I saw you, you were a giant, floating head, mind."
Aziraphale doesn't totally seem to realize it but the events of the previous night letting everyone into the bookshop has, well, let everyone into the bookshop. Aziraphale thinks of the bookshop as a safe haven where Crowley's concerned and, until The Meeting Ball, it was. But Shax allowed in tipped the dominoes and now means that the bookshop is now overrun, all of Hell can get in, and Crowley's no longer safe from Satan while inside the bookshop.
"...giant, floating head, mind" isn't just about Warlock's birthday party.
It's a reference to The Devil taking over Crowley's mind in 1.01.
It's a reference to that for us and, if Crowley is able to resist at all or is trying to on some level, then it's an equivalent to Sitis saying "Shuite" in an attempt to say "shoo"-- it's a word Crowley is choosing sneaking out in the influence that Satan has over him in that moment. He's screaming wrong boy wrong boy wrong boy and he's in my mind beneath the calmer way that Satan is having him identify him to everyone as The Metatron and hoping Aziraphale will get it.
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Everyone believes Crowley when he says the being before them all is The Metatron because the reveal of it makes sense with the clues laid out by what "The Metatron" has said upon his arrival. Old British white guy-sounding being? Using old language-- "balderdash", "complete piffle"? Being a smarmy, patronizing dick towards Michael? Yeah, that sounds like The Metatron... enough that everyone doesn't stop to notice what else this being says the moment he has them all convinced. Phrases like "spit spot"... the signature line of the Hell-aligned 'Mary Poppins'... but we'll look at all the 'Mary Poppins' in end of S2 in another meta.
Back to our next bit of dialogue referencing signifying the presence of The Devil in 2.06. That is "go on." Whether this is just a clue to us from the other scene or whether it's also Crowley, trying to resist the influence to try to warn Aziraphale is interpretable but, either way, when Crowley stays put and doesn't seem to notice Aziraphale silently trying to get Crowley to come with him and The Metatron, there's this dialogue:
Crowley: "Go on. Day can't get any weirder."
Weird means strange, unexpected, unnatural... Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong is what Crowley's basically saying. But it's the "go on" that's the real 👀 because of what it references from earlier in the season...
Remember this?
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Crowley: "Go on. Have an ox rib."
Yeah, that's a direct dialogue comparison that calls what "The Metatron" is doing with Aziraphale temptation... which means "The Metatron" is The Devil.
Gabriel showed up in S2 and what he could remember was a quote from The Book of Job-- something God said that night Crowley and Aziraphale found her speaking "to Job" (really: to them, but it's unclear if they've figured that out yet.) God warned at the beginning of S2 that Aziraphale needs to remember the Job minisode something fierce for what's to come. He's being tested. He's being tempted. The Devil shows up in 2.06 to tempt him... and it parallels the ox rib scenes by both echoing and inverting it, like the mirror that it is.
Angels actually can be tempted but that's not really what Crowley was doing in Job's cellar. The ox rib scene is actually about consent. Let's look at the start of it.
As the storm started in 2500 B.C., Crowley started pouring wine. He poured two glasses and offered Aziraphale one. Aziraphale did not take it.
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Aziraphale did not take it because Aziraphale, at the time, was not interested in wine. He didn't wish to drink. "The Metatron" manipulates Aziraphale's emotions when it comes to the coffee. He preys on Aziraphale's need to be polite and on how afraid Aziraphale is of The Metatron. Aziraphale has never had any such fear of Crowley-- he hilariously was pretty direct about his distaste for wine back in Job's cellar. The Devil gets Aziraphale to take the coffee by manipulating his trauma but Satan's minister Crowley? Back in 2500 BC? He didn't push Aziraphale to drink.
The ox rib scene is actually about choice and consent. It's important to Crowley that Aziraphale feel safe with him. When Aziraphale expresses that he doesn't want to drink and doesn't want to get drunk, Crowley is fine with that and offers food instead, pointing out that you can't get drunk on food. He's a little mischievous and dry when replying that "angels can't be tempted" to Aziraphale's question of whether or not Crowley was trying to tempt him but it's because he's actually not. He's trying to have a little date with the angel, not get him to fall to Hell. He likes him. He's amused that Aziraphale is finding the offers of food and drink to be tempting-- that he's into it and wants to give something a try. There's no manipulation, just the offer of it.
It's Aziraphale's own choice to try the ox rib. He chooses to take it.
He chooses to try something new and see things a little differently and spend some time with Crowley. It's a healthy choice. It's the polar opposite of the choice Aziraphale makes when The Devil offers him the one thing he wants: a way within his control to be with Crowley forever.
The conversations at Marguerite's that Aziraphale has in S2 are interconnected. He sits at a table there separately twice-- once with Crowley and once with The Devil. Again, Crowley offers Aziraphale a glass of wine-- this time now thousands of years after Aziraphale rejected the first offer of one. Aziraphale drinks now. He and Crowley have shared a thousand bottles of wine since.
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They never get to food. Aziraphale doesn't actually eat in the present at all in S2. (Which is the whole damn problem lol.) Doesn't have an eccles cake. Doesn't dine at The Ritz. No vol-au-vents at The Meeting Ball. And, at Marguerite's, he doesn't have a glass of wine and a little late lunch with Crowley. He has one sip of tea in the present for the entirety of S2 before That Damn Coffee-- to try to teach Muriel to do what Aziraphale has actually been rejecting while being in his Heavenly feelings during S2. The healthy choice is actually some food, a glass of wine, and Crowley... not a trauma-loaded coffee from The Devil.
Crowley and Aziraphale joke about temptation where each other is concerned and it's off of the scene in Job's cellar. We've seen it in Rome in 41 AD and we've seen it in the S1 finale in 2019. This is what temptation between them looks like:
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They can poke fun at the idea of it because their relationship is built on the idea that they see each other as individual people who make individual choices and that Heaven and Hell don't own them. They own themselves and they choose to share themselves with one another. It's the opposite of the manipulation of temptation, which is why it both parallels how Aziraphale falls prey to The Devil-- by how he does being the opposite of what he has with Crowley-- and why it's over Crowley that Aziraphale falls in the first place... not because loving him is "bad"... for the exact opposite of that. Because loving him is good and it's not loving him to try to find a solution to their problems by saying that the people who have harmed the two of them should come first. That's the point-- no nightingales.
Aziraphale doesn't want power. He doesn't want to run Heaven-- he rejected that first attempt to tempt him by The Devil. He doesn't want to go back. He wants to stay on Earth and live his life with Crowley and he wants so much to never be apart from Crowley. The two things that Aziraphale wants most in the world are both related to Crowley-- he wants to be with him forever and he wants Heaven to admit that they fucked up and that Crowley is good.
Aziraphale already knows Crowley is good. He loves him as he is. He's just furious at Heaven and at The Metatron for what they've done to the being he loves and he's incensed at God for allowing it. Aziraphale has been an angel this whole time and, in his mind, he's been powerless to do anything to fix this. He can't stop Crowley's pain over falling-- over the fact that he still feels like he's unforgivable in the eyes of God. He can't stop him from being hurt by Hell. And Aziraphale has had that rage on simmer for 6,000 years.
His every "I forgive you" is an attempt at, since he's an angel of Heaven, trying to give Crowley what he needs and can't get from Heaven... and Crowley knows it is but he hates it because what he truly wants and needs is just Aziraphale himself. Aziraphale's love is enough.
All Aziraphale wants is for Heaven to admit they fucked up because he thinks forgiveness from God will help Crowley. He thinks it will make this better:
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If Crowley were an angel again, would that stop the pain that Aziraphale can't stop? Aziraphale wonders if it might. Because he can't stop it. He's tried. He's not enough. It's a lot of pain to watch the being you love still suffer and try to do what you can to make it stop but to not be enough-- Crowley and Aziraphale both know what that feels like.
The solution is not to run away and it's not to go to Heaven. It's to just make like Gabriel and Beez and choose to live their lives together. If enough people say "nah" to Armageddon, there's no Armageddon. You can't have a war without war. Aziraphale doesn't understand that at the end of S2 yet, though, so when The Devil shows up in the form of the abusive dad who never loved him and basically says:
You know, you were right-- we need people like you. The way you live isn't a sin. I made a mistake. You could come back to Heaven and show us how to be better-- how to do things your way. You could bring your husband. We can all be a family. He can be an angel again and you'll never again have to worry that you'll lose him. You can be together forever...
This is all Aziraphale has ever wanted. The angel who was losing his mind hosting a party for the first time the night before-- one where his human friends and Gabriel mingled together and where everyone knew Crowley was his and they got to dance together like everyone else-- well, that angel is tempted as all fuck.
He falls for (falls in love with) Crowley and he falls (falls from Heaven) for Crowley.
It started, in part, with an arrival at the door. Not "The Metatron"'s arrival. Bildad's much happier, paralleling one:
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This is also a note to us: remember him-- Bildad the Shuite. It's important that we do if we want to understand what comes later when a group of people, some of them angels, can't recognize who just came through the door... for the second scene in this season.
Right on cue to ask the Big Damn Question in 2500 B.C. was the first arrival at the bookshop door in S2 and the character most representing Aziraphale's inner struggles in S2... and the one who had been sent away for his own good by the point that The Devil arrives in 2.06...
Gabriel, asking THAT question: "Aziraphale, who is this?"
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He. Says. He. Is. God told Aziraphale to remember this but he seems to have forgotten that he and Crowley cloaked Crowley's real identity for greater good purposes but the opposite of that could just as easily happen. He didn't really listen to the messenger God sent him-- Gabriel, whose name literally means "messenger"-- when he told Aziraphale to remember Job and so Aziraphale didn't recognize The Devil when he, like Bildad before him, came through the door.
In a sweet way, it's because he so loves Crowley that he doesn't really see him as demonic and so couldn't make a connection between Bildad and "The Metatron."
The Body Swap. Crowley and Aziraphale each pretending to be one another to survive the end of S1. They fooled everyone around them by looking like someone they, technically, are not. In both cases, they were forced into suicide by Heaven/Hell-- by getting into a bath of holy water and by stepping into flames of hellfire-- and survived it because neither of them actually were who they said they were.
Aziraphale's fall parallels the body swap plot as it's a fall of despair.
"We call it 'The Second Coming'." Aziraphale knows who was really at the door in this moment. He knows that there is no Supreme Archangel job, no promises of safety and an eternal life with Crowley. There never was. He made the wrong choice. He let his despair rule him and now the fall he thought was coming in 2500 B.C. is actually here.
Upon realizing that he's been fooled-- has played himself for a sucker, as is the case with negative thought cycles-- Aziraphale steps into the elevator.
S1-- they save each other from being killed by Heaven and Hell in methods that look like forcing them to kill themselves.
S2-- Aziraphale effectively tries to kill himself by getting into the elevator, now knowing who it is who is holding open the door.
He knows the likelihood of his memories being erased is high, which makes choosing to get into the elevator a form of suicide.
Banana, fish, gorilla, shoelace, with a dash of nutmeg. Aziraphale's mantra. His magic words. In the bookshop attack and through the end of S2, though... a banana peel thrown at Maggie. Shax referencing "the sushi." Only the banana and the fish are here.
The Bananafish. A short story by J.D. Salinger about PTSD, trauma and suicide. After some short interactions with a girl representing a daughter-like figure to the main character (Maggie, in Good Omens, who kicks off Aziraphale's S2 plot and provides his motivations throughout)-- the seemingly-fine man who is actually a traumatized war veteran suffering from PTSD suddenly and quickly succumbs to the pain he carries around and the cycle of negative thoughts he suffers and shoots himself dead.
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