#mike talks🐺💬
redwingedwolves · 8 months
We Tied the Knot!!!
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We did it! We are officially married! I cannot believe this day has finally come, but it's here and omg I'm so freaking happy!!
@chickenwingexpert @definitelynotdabi
We did it! We really did it!!! I... I cannot put into words really how much I adore these two, and the simple fact that I now get to call them my husbands is simply more than I could have ever imagined. I have dreamt about this day for over a year now, and to have finally reached it is simply incredible.
Keigo, we have talked about this before and have been planning it for more than just our engagement. We've probably known we were committed for the long haul since we both realized just how in love we are. To think we're finally here, and we've finally taken that final step is simply beyond words and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Dabi, when you came into mine and Keigo's lives a little more than a year ago, I never would have imagined what you would eventually become to us. You have single-handedly made our lives complete, and we simply wouldn't be the same without you here. You are our third, our completing side. A triangle needs three sides to be whole, and you are that for us. We simply wouldn't be complete without you, Dabs, so thank you for joining us. For joining me.
I absolutely love you both, and I cannot thank you enough for choosing to stay with me for the rest of eternity. So here is to forever, my loves, until our last breaths and even the there after. I love you both!
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I don't need therapy. I just need to be fucked so hard my brain turns off.
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🌟🎬 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens”! Or more accurately, “Keeping Up with Bella’s Most Awkward Movie Date Ever.” 🎥🙄 Today, we’re diving into the cringiest third-wheel adventure known to humankind—featuring Bella, Jake, and Mike. It’s an uncomfortable love triangle, complete with awkward hand placements, a puking incident, and, of course, the infamous flu. 😂💀
So here’s the setup: Bella, bless her heart, is just trying to enjoy a “friendly” movie night, but we all know what’s *really* going on. Jake is full-on (and painfully) trying to win her heart, while poor Mike doesn’t stand a chance but gives it his best shot anyway. 💔 Mike’s all in, despite the fact that he’s basically the third wheel, and Bella is doing everything in her power to *firmly* place Jake in the friend zone. 🛑 But Jake? He’s having none of it. 😂
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The rest of the group, of course, bails on the movie, leaving Bella smack in the middle of Jake and Mike. Naturally, both of them have their hands on the armrests, palms open, practically begging for her to hold them. 🖐️🖐️ It’s like an unspoken competition for Bella’s affection, and she’s just trying to focus on the screen, pretending not to notice the passive-aggressive hand positioning happening on either side of her. 🙄🍿
Then, the real chaos begins. Mike, clearly not built for horror movies—or maybe just the love triangle tension—gets *really* sick. 🤢 Bella’s already trying to manage the awkwardness of the situation, and now she’s got a barfing Mike to deal with. They have to leave the theater *mid-movie* because Mike is about to explode! 💀
As Mike is hunched over the theater restroom toilet, Jake, sensing his big moment, decides it’s the perfect time to have a heart-to-heart with Bella. 💬 He basically tells her that he’s not giving up, and that he’ll keep trying to win her heart. And Bella’s thinking, “Really, Jake? Now? This is what we’re doing while Mike’s puking his guts out?” Talk about timing! 😂💀
Thankfully, Jake is quick on his feet and, smart guy that he is, grabs a popcorn bucket for the ride home to spare his freshly fixed rabbit from Mike’s barf. 🍿🤢 And it's a good thing, too, because Mike was definitely not done. 🛠️✨ Crisis averted—sort of. After dropping off Mike, Jake starts feeling sick too, and they assume it’s that flu that’s been making the rounds. 🤧 Bella’s thinking, “Great, now it’s my turn to feel like death,” and she’s not wrong because, that night, she catches the infamous flu as well. 🤒💤
Now here’s the part that really gets me—where the heck is Edward? 😤 This is prime boyfriend material. Your girl is passed out, feverish, and in desperate need of some TLC, and you’re just missing in action? 👀 I’m actually *pissed* about this. Edward, my guy, this is your moment! Wouldn’t Alice *see* Bella’s suffering and give you a heads-up? And you just... let her deal with the flu all alone? Not cool. Meanwhile, Ben is over here being the best boyfriend, taking care of Angela while *she’s* sick. Take notes, Edward. 😠
And don’t even get me started on Charlie. Bella said he probably went to work just to have a “free bathroom.” 🚽 Really, Charlie? Your daughter’s passed out on the bathroom floor with a fever, and all you do is leave her a glass of water before you head off to work? Sure, you put her to bed that night, but come on! If she had passed out from her fever, you’d be a strong contender for Worst Dad of the Year. 😒
A couple of days later, Bella starts feeling better and naturally, she starts calling Jake’s house to see how he’s doing. She’s been trying to get in touch with him, but he’s completely MIA. 📞 When she finally gets a hold of him, Jake drops a bombshell: “I don’t think I have the flu…” He’s all confused, not knowing exactly what’s happening to him yet. Meanwhile, Bella’s still thinking it’s just the flu, while we, the audience, are sitting here like, “Oh sweetie, if only you knew…” 😬🐺
But here’s the kicker: Edward would *totally* have lost his mind if he knew about this awkward movie date. You *know* how jealous Edward gets over Mike of all people. The fact that Bella was caught in a third-wheel situation with Mike? Edward would’ve been mentally planning how to “accidentally” leave Mike in the woods for the wolves. 😤 It still kills me how much Edward was jealous of Mike at this point. Poor Mike doesn’t stand a chance, and yet, here’s Edward, low-key (or high-key) wanting to murder him. 😂
In the end, this whole thing was a *complete* mess. Bella’s awkward love triangle movie date turned into a flu-ridden disaster. Mike’s puking, Jake’s confessing his undying love while holding a popcorn bucket, and Bella’s trying to piece it all together while dealing with the flu. And where was Edward? MIA, as usual, during the one moment where Bella actually needed him to be there. 😒
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redwingedwolves · 8 months
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Happy Anniversary, birb! Today marks four years that we have been together(two irl and I cannot believe that either).
Four years doesn't seem like a long time, but we were also friends for a few years before that too so it definitely feels like longer. I've said this before, I think, and I'll probably say it again, but if I had known that walking into on-coming traffic would have made the biggest positive change in my life to date, I would have done it a lot sooner. lol
You didn't just save me from injury back then, you introduced me to the man who would become damn near everything to me. I love you, Keigo. More than I ever originally thought possible. I love you. More than any words in any language could possibly describe. I love you. More than I have ever loved anyone ever before(beyond one other). I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And you once said you would say these words until I got sick of them, but birdie, I'm still waiting. I love hearing you say them, over, and over, and over, and over again. I don't think I'll ever grow tired of hearing them. Let alone saying them myself.
Love to me before was a fickle thing. It was fleeting and it usually always meant heartbreak. And I'd be lying if I ever said that you haven't broken my heart at least once, but you have been the one person to always make sure you were still there to help me put the pieces back together. You stuck with me, thick and thin, through it all.
You have been with me from my lowest moments to my highest and you have lifted me up when I couldn't stand, and raised me higher when I finally could. You have been my rock, my shoulder, my shelter, and my home. You are home to me now. Home is no longer a place it is a person. Wherever you are, birb, I am home.
You are my home.
You are my everything.
And I cannot wait until the day finally comes that we exchange vows and official become each other's everything. We've already committed, birdie. Now we just gotta make the date. lol
I am yours, Keigo. Truly, utterly, and wholly. And just the same you are mine. I know you are because you have shown it and said it enough times that it's tattooed inside my very veins at this point.
We are each other's.
And I really wouldn't have it any other way.
So here's to four absolutely amazing years together, Keigo. And to many many more to come. Thank you for saving me, and thank you for showing me what love really means.
I love you, Keigo.
Forever and always, until the day that I no longer draw breath.
I love you.
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redwingedwolves · 2 months
Thinking of ditching the spicy side and just being completely unhinged here instead. XP I'm kinda tired of switching between the two when I wanna post spicy shit.
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redwingedwolves · 5 months
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Your honor, this man is extremely bisexual.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
I'm gonna start making a little more true on one of the little snippets in my intro for my own personal benefit.
Basically, I'm really going to go ham and just start posting whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, because it's all for me, myself, and I anyway so why worry?
My blog, my safe space to do as I please. And damnit I'm going to actually start acting like it.
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redwingedwolves · 7 months
I'm sleepy.
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redwingedwolves · 9 months
# Tag List #
💚 #mike talks🐺💬 ~ text tag
💚 #snarls and growls🐺🗯 ~ vent tag
💚 #.answering howls🐺💌 ~ ask tag
💚 #painted pawprints🖌🐾 ~ art tag
💚 #written pawprints🖋🐾 ~ writing tag
💚 #thinkin' 'bout you and me🐺💭 ~ imagines tag
💚 #and that's my gueue🐺📣 ~ queued posts
💚 #us against the world🐺💢 ~ negativity tag
💚 #sending you my love🐺🫶 ~ positivity tag
💚 #odds and ends🐺🖇 - miscellaneous tag
💚 #ask and ye shall receive🐺❔ ~ ask games
💚 #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
💚 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
💚 #tastes like spice🐺🌶 | #mdni ~ suggestive/what it says
💚 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ s/I tag
💚 #the birb™🧡💕 ~ Keigo tag
💚 #hot stuff💙🔥 ~ Dabi tag
💚 #-🦅 ~ posts by Keigo
💚 #-🔥 ~ posts by Dabi
💚 #winged wolves🐺🦅 ~ me/Keigo
💚 #hell hounds🐺🔥 ~ me/Dabi
💚 #flying devil dogs🐺🦅🔥 ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
💚 #i ship it like fedex🐺💟 ~ other's selfships
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redwingedwolves · 4 months
Am currently suffering through blood moon, and I just wanna say I'd like to die.
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redwingedwolves · 5 months
Am very eepy. 😴😴😴
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redwingedwolves · 5 months
Just had someone follow me who had "proshit dni" in their pinned. Honey, baby boo. I am the proshit in which you refer. Why is you following?
They have since been blocked and deleted.
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
TFW you wanna reblog fandom related stuff to your F/O like x reader stuff, or fan art, but you're afraid the person's gonna think you're weird, and you could lose your viewership because of it. XP
It's a struggle, man. I see so much pretty art and amazing x reader things that just fit us and our dynamic and I wanna reblog it, but the risk of losing access to it is just too great, so I don't. XD
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redwingedwolves · 6 months
Sorry for the sudden spam, guys. XP Finally getting around to answering all the asks in my inbox that have unfortunately been sitting for a couple of months now...
Sorry for the long waits to anyone who's sent one, but they are getting answered! I promise. I'm just super freaking slow. lol
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redwingedwolves · 8 months
Ayo! Guess what?
It's @definitelynotdabi's birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Dabi!!
Me and Keigo are going to spoil you so much today, whether you like it or not! I promise!!!
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Also, look at my mans, he's so cute!
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# Tag List #
🧡 #mike talks🐺💬 ~ text tag
🧡 #snarls and growls🐺🗯 ~ vent tag
🧡 #.answering howls🐺💌 ~ ask tag
🧡 #painted pawprints🖌🐾 ~ art tag
🧡 #written pawprints🖋🐾 writing tag
🧡 #thinkin' 'bout you and me🐺💭 ~ imagines tag
🧡 #and that's my queue🐺📣 ~ queue tag
🧡 #us against the world🐺💢 ~ negativity tag
🧡 #sending you my love🐺🫶 ~ positivity tag
🧡 #odds and ends🐺🖇 - miscellaneous tag
🧡 #ask and ye shall receive🐺❔ ~ ask games
🧡 #of games and things🐺🎰 ~ reblog games
🧡 #tw: | #cw: ~ trigger tags - fill in the blank
🧡 #the wolf🐺🐾 ~ S/I tag
🧡 #the birb™🧡💕 ~ Keigo tag
🧡 #hot stuff💙🔥 ~ Dabi tag
🧡 #-🦅 ~ posts by Keigo
🧡 #-🔥 ~ posts by Dabi
🧡 #winged wolves🐺🦅 ~ me/Keigo
🧡 #hell hounds🐺🔥 ~ me/Dabi
🧡 #flying devil dogs🐺🦅🔥 ~ me/Keigo/Dabi
🧡 #i ship it like fedex🐺💟 ~ other's selfships
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