#deuce finally gets his boyfriend lol
grave-st0ned · 1 year
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hype hype hype
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bunni-v1 · 1 year
Hello! Can I request malleus x reader angst?
Malleus breaks up with reader because he is afraid he will hurt her after putting her under a sleeping curse during his over blot
Malleus Afraid to Hurt Reader Again After Blot
TW: Poor Attempt at Angst, No real resolution either, Mild swearing, Bunni hasn't actually written something in a while give them a break, please
Info: Short fic; Angst; Malleus x Reader
🍓I... didn't have much thought process when going into this. I just kinda wrote, and I think I did what I wanted to do? I'm not sure, but I did have fun writing it! This is less focused on Malleus and more focused on the readers internal thoughts and how they dealt with it. Idk I don't like Malleus, so I'm not gonna pity the guy lol. Anyway, enjoy lovelies!
Summary: In the title
Malleus had become… distant since his blot. Despite everything having been solved, you ultimately deciding to stay in Twisted Wonderland, and Malleus generally being forgiven for his transgressions he had only seemed to close off more than before. Of course, that made sense. Overblotting was traumatizing, and he had so much weight on his shoulders before and after it happened. The distance was natural. But it had been a month, and he had been avoiding you like the plague.
You tried to be patient, tried to be understanding. With reassurance from Lilia and Silver and even Sebek that he was fine, you were making it through, but… you missed your boyfriend. You were also experiencing pain from the overblot, from multiple overblotts. All you wanted was to heal with your boyfriend, but he was shutting you out. It wasn’t fair.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim agreed — in fact, they seemed more passionate about it than you were, adding fuel to your slowly growing angry fire. Every time you came crying to one of them with your woes, they only seemed to get more and more exhausted and livid. Deuce always tried to comfort you (pathetically), while Ace and Grim ranted on about how you should ‘just break up with him,’ and ‘he doesn’t deserve you if he’s gonna treat you like this.’
You were beginning to agree with them. Weeks of this was weighing on your poor heart and mind, getting in the way of your studies and day-to-day life. The only reason you were social was because Ace wouldn’t let you hole yourself up. ‘Hiding yourself away just means you’re letting him win, you don’t want him to win this one.’
So, with your head held high, you did your best to pretend everything was fine. You went to classes, spent time with your friends, worked at the Monstro Lounge, and continued your regular schedule. Except now, instead of running to Malleus when you were done with your long day, you met up with Ace and spent your time decompressing with him.
Occasionally, you would feel Malleus’ eyes on you. You would turn to give him a smile and a wave, but he would always turn away before you could lift your arm. So, you just stopped. You stopped trying. Your chest still ached, but you couldn’t allow this to be the end of your life anymore. You deserved to be able to function, and Malleus would come to you and talk to you when he decided to grow up.
In Malleus’ eyes, however, this was the final nail in the coffin.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
That morning you received a knock on your door. Grim, Ace, and Deuce were out cold on the floor after one of your bi-weekly, ‘hangouts,’ (which were just sleepovers), so you were expecting Trey or Cater to come to fetch them. When you opened the door, however, you were greeted by Lilia’s little grin. He seemed a bit… off, upset, though you couldn’t place why.
“Good morning little one, I’ve got a letter for you.”
“An invitation... from Malleus…?” you wondered allowed.
“You’ll have to read it and see,” he paused, “please remember you are always welcome to come and speak with me. You are like family, and I am here for you always.”
You said nothing, simply giving him a confused smile and nodding as he walked off. With a sigh, you shut the door and flipped the letter in your hands. Rich black paper with a red wax stamp and your name in pretty gold letters — most definitely from Malleus. You couldn’t stop your heart from leaping in your chest at the revelation. Maybe he would apologize, and things could go back to normal?
You took a few deep breaths to calm your excitement. Be realistic, you reminded yourself. You quietly crept to the kitchen, carefully opening the envelope and unfolding the letter. It was short, less than half the page of Malleus’ gorgeous cursive.
“My Dearest,
Firstly, I must apologize for my absence from your life. I’ve had much to think about after my blot, and I could not think clearly around you. I realized quite a few differences between the two of us. Firstly, you are human, and I am fae. I have a much longer lifespan than you, and am far more powerful than you could imagine. You have a small lifespan and are magic-less. You are easily affected by even weak magical spells, and the toll that my magic has on you is immense. As I saw with my blot, you are fragile and easily harmed. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you would be safer and happier if we put an end to our relations with each other. You will be well, as I have seen your friends care for you deeply. Please find it in yourself to forgive me for what I have done."
You stared at the letter blankly, your mind struggling to comprehend what you were reading. Malleus had… broken up with you? Via a letter, of all things? Perhaps it could be worse, but a letter was Malleus’ equivalent of magicam… so could it really be? You hadn’t realized you were crying until you saw your tears blurring the ink on the paper.
You didn’t want to cry. You were more angry than sad, but the hurt stung worse in your heart, so you stood at the kitchen counter and sobbed. And you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed over a man who did not have the decency to face you in person. You cried so loud that it woke one of your friends, and you could hear the creaking of the floorboards as they grew closer until you saw the red hair in your blurred vision.
“Yo,” he said awkwardly, “watcha cryin’ about now…?”
You let out a half-hearted ‘nothing,’ but Ace wasn’t having it. He rounded the counter, settling awkwardly at your side. Somehow, Ace was worse than Deuce when it came to comforting you. He noticed the letter on the table and -- with a defeated shrug of your shoulders -- picked it up. You could see him grow angrier and angrier as he read it.
“Who does he think he is, huh,” slamming the letter down onto the counter, “couldn’t even do it in person. What a coward!”
You sniffled, wiping at your face. It was hard to disagree, especially considering the circumstances. 
“He isn’t even worth cryin’ over, so wipe those tears,” he grumbled, “you, me, and the other losers in there are going out and getting your mind off of that dumbass. Go get dressed, and I’ll get them up.”
You nodded, wiping up the rest of your tears and stumbling up to your room to do as you were told. The first thing you did when you arrived was look in the mirror. Your puffy eyes, ruffled hair, and tear streaks down your cheeks, and for what? A guy who ghosted you for weeks on end, who couldn’t even break up with you in person. What a joke.
Ace was right. He isn’t worth crying over. He isn’t worth worrying about anymore. So, why did your heart still ache? It wasn’t fair. Still, you cleaned yourself up, got dressed, and resigned yourself to a life without Malleus. If you could do it before, you could do it for the rest of your life. He would be graduating soon anyway, and you wouldn’t have to see him again after that.
Who needs him anyway? You’ve got your friends to take care of you. 
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s7-evermore · 6 months
Ch. 4 - Tender Performance
Sorry this took a while to get out. I was busy af with college and everything lol. I haven’t edited this one yet, so I’m sorry in advance for the mistakes. I just wanted to get this one out of the way before finals take over my body and kill me—
The Boyfriend Contract Masterlist
Ch. 3 | Next Chapter
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The Tender Performance of a contract means to offer or attempt to perform the agreement… and damn did he deliver.
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It was fake-breakfast-date Tuesday. But Yuu’s nervousness was anything but fake.
She didn’t want to leave Grim behind on his own, so she made sure to text Azul ahead of time if it would be alright to bring him along.
“But of course,” he replied. You know, in the most unshady way he can via text.
“This better be worth it, Yuu,” Grim deadpanned as he slumped over her shoulder, “Seriously? You’re actually dating this guy?”
“Didn’t Ace and Deuce already tell you?”
“They did! And I thought they were messing with me!” He exclaimed with a prominent frown.
“And what would they gain from lying about this?” It was another stupid question from her, given that Ace would probably pull this type of prank on Grim.
“Because this is absurd!! It sounds like a lie! It sounds fake!!” He exclaimed louder, practically yelling into her ear. “Azul?! Seriously?! You’re dating him?? You agreed to date him?!”
She sighed, “Grim…”
“No— not even that! I can’t believe I had to hear this from Ace and Deuce first! We literally live together! How come I never heard about it?”
She felt guilty, but Grim was Grim. He’ll come around eventually.
“We tried to be discrete,” she simply replied.
“Man…” he sighed, “whatever, it’s probably none of my business who you date. Wish it was a better person though.”
“What’s wrong with Azul?”
“That’s such a stupid question,” he rolled his eyes, “like you weren’t there when he scammed us, or when he overblotted.”
Despite how he normally was, Grim knew Yuu well. They both knew each other well. Which was why she didn’t know whether to reveal to him her contract with Azul. However…
One of the terms stated in her contract with Azul was that only the two of them were to know the complete and clear details of their contract, and under no circumstances are they to tell anyone else.
The Leech twins probably already knew. While she knew that Azul wouldn’t tell them due to their contract’s terms, the twins were smart enough to know what had conspired between them. They didn’t need details to know everything when they were involved behind the scenes.
It took the whole night for her to process the fact that she would be fake-dating Azul for a while. It was Monday yesterday, and she was now on her way (with Grim) to one of her breakfast dates with Azul. One out of…well, many. Maybe.
She didn’t exactly discuss an expiration date, but Yuu had a feeling that things would calm down a bit when Azul’s end of the contract would be fulfilled.
That being said, she didn’t exactly have enough time to psychologically prepare for the experience of having breakfast with Azul as his…partner. Will the Leech twins be there as bodyguards? Will it just be the two of them with Grim third wheeling???
She hoped she was keeping a good exterior, because her mind was a train wreck.
Yuu didn’t expect much from the breakfast date aside from the subtle awkwardness between them. But for some reason, she didn’t expect him to be early…
Really early. He looked like he had been there for a good several minutes before she arrived.
“He’s early,” Grim said, speaking exactly what was on her mind.
She approached the Octavinelle Housewarden, who was seated at one of the empty tables. He was looking at his watch when she tapped his shoulder.
“Hey,” she greeted him with a small smile, “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Yuu,” he stood up from his seat with a polite smile before turning to the cat-like monster on her shoulder, “To you as well, Grim. Good morning.”
“Yeah yeah mornin’,” Grim said rather dismissively. “Didn’t think you’d actually be here.”
“Who do you think I am?” Azul frowned, dismayed by Grim’s remark, “I’m not one to ditch on dates, you know?”
“Don’t go thinkin’ you can drag my hench-human around just ‘cuz she agreed to go out with you!”
“Why, I would never think of doing such a thing!” Azul exclaimed, “Courtship is a consensual agreement. I asked for her consent and she agreed.”
Yuu sighed and looked down at Grim, “Come on now, Grim. Enough of that, didn’t you say you were hungry?”
“We should get some breakfast now,” Azul looked over at the buffet. “It’s still early, but the cafeteria will get filled up by students soon, so we should hurry up.”
“Sounds good to me!” Grim suddenly cheered, his mood lifting up at the sound of food.
She noticed the small quirk of Azul’s lips as they ordered their food.
“What will you two be having?” Asked one of the chefs.
“I’ll have two pieces of buttered toast and black coffee,” Azul replied.
Her eyes scanned the food at the cafeteria concessionaire before adding, “I’ll just have some Omurice, a glass of water, and a carton of chocolate milk.”
“I’ll have this, and this, and that grilled fish over there, and—“ Grim got off her shoulder and suddenly started pointing at a bunch of dishes.
“Hey! Calm down that’s too much!” Yuu scolded him, “Just limit it to two dishes!”
“We’re gonna have a full day today! I gotta make sure I don’t go hungry in between you know!”
“We still have lunch, you’ll be fine!” She stressed. “Ugh… seriously.”
“Why do you have to worry? Isn’t Azul paying for all this?” Grim asked, looking genuinely confused.
“Huh?” She gaped at him, “What?! No! That’s not how it works!”
She looked over at Azul, only to find him already pulling out enough thaumarks from his wallet to pay for their meals.
“Woah—“ she placed a hand on his and stopped him, “what are you doing? You can’t pay for my stuff.”
“I can’t?” He blinked, looking just as confused as Grim.
“No!” She retaliated, “just ‘cause you’re a dude it doesn’t mean you have to pay for my meal.”
“And why not?” Azul asked.
“Well… it’s just… you don’t have to, okay?” She then leaned closer to him to whisper, “that’s not the kind of fake-dating relationship that I want.”
“Yuu,” he said, rather seriously, “this isn’t about me being a… ‘dude’—“ he cringed slightly at the word, “—you’re saving money aren’t you? It’s also part of our contract’s terms.”
“But you don’t have to pay for everything,” she said with a groan. It’s precisely because of this kind of thing that I’m saving money.”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, just…don’t, okay?” She fiddled at her own sleeve, “it’s just, I don’t like relying on people when it comes to simple things like this. I definitely don’t want to become indebted to you more than I already have…”
Azul stared at her for a moment, making her more nervous. She hoped that she wasn’t breaching anything in their contract.
Yuu found it hard to rely on others, even when it comes to things as simple as paying for her food. She didn’t want to come off as helpless, or as someone who couldn’t provide for herself. Even before she came to NRC, she was used to getting by on her own, and she didn’t really need anyone’s help. She’d rather be the helper than the helpee… y’know?
“Then… just think of it as proof.”
“Grim doesn’t seem to believe that we’re together. A lot of your friends don’t seem to believe us either,” he explained, “If I do this for you, then they won’t question the credibility of our relationship.”
“But—“ she paused for a moment, realizing that she hadn’t exactly told most of her friends the “status” of her relationship with Azul. Most of them (like Leona, Vil, and Riddle, for example) probably wouldn’t believe them, they knew Azul well enough after all.
They weren’t close, but they knew Azul and his tendencies.
I wouldn’t peg Azul for the type to blackmail a girl into being in a fake-relationship though… she thought.
“Do— do you think they’ll believe it?” she hesitantly asked.
He moved…closer, his breath tickling her cheek, “Do you think I would give just anyone anything without a price?”
Right. They don’t know their act. If they simply see Azul being generous to her, like a boyfriend would be, it would be believable enough. He wasn’t that kind after all.
He’s a little complicated, though.
“I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I didn’t at least try to pay for our meal,” he said, louder this time, enough for Grim and anyone nearby to hear.
“Come on, Yuu!” Grim encouraged her with a mischievous smile as he stood on the concessionaire counter. “Just let your boyfriend treat ya!”
She bit her lip, still uncertain. Even back when she was in a relationship— a real relationship, she didn’t like leaving this kind of thing to her partner. Even more so with a guy she’s fake-dating now.
“Is there a catch though?” She asked him quietly.
“None,” he replied, leaning down to whisper again, “this is just to honor our contract. We must look convincing enough, especially to your dorm mate.”
She bit her lip and hesitated. Grim ate a lot, and just while they were talking, he not-so-secretly added a cookie and a piece of coffee bread to Azul’s tray.
“…alright,” she finally relented before nodding over to Grim, who cheered.
After that whole back and forth (and the whispers), they sat at an empty table, Azul sliding next to Yuu, while Grim ate happily across them.
“Eat slowly, you’ll choke,” she warned him.
“Yeah yeah,” she lost him. He was too busy munching on his free meal to pay attention to whatever she was saying.
“Watching him eat all this gives me heartburn,” Azul said with a sigh, picking on his own food.
She shook her head before turning to him, “Grim tunes out the whole world when he’s this hungry.”
“I can only imagine how much you go through to feed this…creature.”
She shrugged, “I’m used to it. Anyway…” she leaned in closer to him, letting Grim wander off into his own world as she said in a low voice, “So, where were you born? Did you live in the Coral Sea your whole life or…?”
He raised a brow after taking a sip of his drink, “Is this one of your green-card marriage interview questions?”
His lips quirk up when she giggled, seemingly pleased with himself for making her laugh.
“I’ve lived in the Coral sea my whole life,” he replied, “The Atlantica Memorial Museum is but only a quarter of the whole area. There’s much to see there, but I’m not sure if it’s something you’ll enjoy.”
“Why not? I happen to like the sea.”
“I recall you saying that the sea is scary.”
“But it’s interesting,” she shifted on her seat to get comfortable. “Back in my world, more than 80% of the ocean has never been explored, mapped, or even seen by humans. Literally a great number of stars and planets has been explored more than the ocean floor! Isn’t that insane?”
“Hard to imagine, as a merfolk, that is,” he said. “If you’re so interested, then perhaps I should take you on a date somewhere in the Coral Sea someday…”
With the way he spoke, Yuu almost thought he was serious. But Grim was right next to them, and, with the cafeteria slowly filling up, who knows who could be listening in on them.
“That would be nice,” she said softly, feeling kind of shy all of a sudden.
He smirked, sensing her shyness, “Perhaps I can take you to my mother’s restaurant.”
Okay, now she was sure he was teasing her. Yuu didn’t want to go as far as to meet his mother. This was only a one-time fake-dating thing, and the last thing she wants is to extend the lie to Azul’s parents.
She rolled her eyes before saying, “I did hear from Jade that your mother runs a restaurant in the Coral Sea…”
“Yes, it’s a very popular restaurant. If you ask any local for directions, they would probably take you there themselves,” he spoke with a hint of pride.
She giggled, “I see where you get your business side from. Does your mother know you’re running mostro lounge here at school?”
“She invested in it,” he smiled, “and of course, every time I visit I show her documents of our profit— to show her its success.”
Wow. It was kind of weird to imagine that he had— or has, she’s clearly still alive— a mother. A family. You know… all those warm homey stuff before he became a tall, (handsome) intimidating, infamous cafe manager.
“She must be really proud of you,” she said.
“And your father?”
“Which one?”
She blinked, “Shit, you have two?”
“My biological father and my stepfather,” he answered, “both of my biological parents got divorced when I was young, and my stepfather was my mom’s divorce lawyer. Well… you can imagine what happens next.”
“Huh… I actually didn’t expect that,” she muttered, “Did you learn contracts and stuff from your stepfather then?”
“You’re smart. Yes, he taught me all about them,” he replied.
“I don’t know if I should thank him or not,” she sighed, “do you see your biological father often?”
“He calls every now and then to see how I’m doing, but other than that, very rarely,” he replied. Yuu wondered if it was a sensitive topic, but Azul didn’t seem bothered by it at all.
She looked over at Grim, who was now chugging on a mug of water. He inhaled his food like it was nothing.
“Well that was fun,” she said when she finished the last of her food.
“Does breakfast end here?” Azul asked as he watched her clean up her plate.
“Well I wouldn’t want to be late, and Grim might insist on more food if we don’t leave soon.”
Azul checked his watch, “We still have lots of time.”
She stabbed her straw into the carton of milk before taking a small sip, “Yeah but our classrooms—“
“Where were you born?”
She blinked at him. Oh, did he want to get to know her too?
Knowing Azul, it was likely for the sake of getting information about her, but truthfully, she would have to disappoint him. There was nothing remarkable about her, after all.
“In another world.”
He rolled his eyes, “I knew that, but where?”
“You wouldn’t know either way.”
“It would still be nice to know,” He insisted.
She pursed her lips, “Yokohama, Japan. I moved to Tokyo for college though.”
“Tokyo? Is it another city?”
“It’s the capital of Japan, my home country,” she replied.
“And why Tokyo?”
“My dream college is in Tokyo. It’s a little difficult to get in it, but I got a scholarship in the end, so all is good.”
His eyes widened slightly, “A scholarship? You must have worked really hard.”
“Not having a social life helps sometimes.”
He chuckled, “And what were you going to take?”
“Visual Communication,” she said, “there’s a master’s degree program too, so if I do exceptionally well in my undergraduate degree then I’ll hopefully be chosen for another scholarship for the masters program. Which I REALLY hope I get.”
She internally groaned at the thought of all those sleepless nights in high school, trying to keep her grades up while balancing odd jobs. She knew she would have to work twice as hard in college, given that college means more work, more brain power, and more money. Next time she would have to work night shifts more often.
“Your parents must be quite proud of you for getting that far, right?”
Yuu froze for a moment before giving him a stiff smile, she didn’t really want to think about it too deeply. It had already been years, after all. No use on dwelling in the past.
“Speaking of, what are your parents like?”
Azul nearly choked on his black coffee. “I’m—“ he coughed a couple of times and composed himself, “I’m sorry—“
She smiled and shook her head, “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t that much of a sensitive topic to her anymore, honestly. In fact, the way she responded to him so bluntly was kind of funny. Like an incorrect tumblr meme or something.
“I…I see,” his face was in its neutral expression— the kind that often made her nervous. It wasn’t that he looked scary or anything, he actually looked somewhat professional.
He really is handsome… she thought shamelessly. Honestly, he looks like one of those serious-looking CEOs from one of those K-dramas or manhwas.
She studied his face as he silently stared at her. It made her a little uncomfortable, both his silence and the fact that he looked so focused on her face as if he was trying to unearth every single little secret of hers.
She flinched at the sudden voice as she looked away from Azul.
Standing before their table was the Heartslabyul Housewarden, accompanied by his usual retinue, that being Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce.
“Woah! So the rumors were true!” Cater beamed at the sight of the unexpected couple, “You guys really are dating.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” She asked him, “Weren’t you the one who took a photo of us?”
Cater raised both his hands in mock surrender, “Hey now, don’t get mad at me! How could I not when it was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen that day?”
Ace made a disgusted look, “Ugh, seeing you two make those googly eyes at each other is so cringey. Glad I’m not Grim.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!” Deuce elbowed Ace before smiling down at the Prefect. “But…Ace is kind of right though. You guys look really close.”
“It’s only natural,” Azul spoke up first as he pushed his glasses up, “She’s my girlfriend after all.”
Riddle made a funny face at the word ���girlfriend”, and yet he remained strangely quiet.
“Wow, I really didn’t expect this from you, Azul,” Trey chuckled, albeit rather awkwardly, “Then again, you’re always ambitious— I guess it’s no different when it comes to love, huh?”
“Speaking of, how long has this thing been goin’ on?” Cater asked. “It’s kind of sudden. I can’t tell if you guys are just that good at hiding it or you had to blackmail Grim to keep it under wraps.”
“Hey!” Grim pouted, “For the record, I didn’t know about it either until Ace and Deuce told me!”
“What?! For real?!” Cater looked quite appalled at the revelation. “Dang! No wonder we didn’t know about it… Grim isn’t exactly the best at keeping secrets, you know?”
Grim snarled at Cater’s remark.
“How long have you two been… seeing each other?” Riddle asked reluctantly as he eyed them.
Riddle always remained suspicious when it involved Azul and the twins, that was the only reason Yuu could come up with when she saw the scrutiny in his eyes as he looked at the two of them.
It made Yuu quite nervous. She had been friends with Riddle for quite some time now, and it made her feel just as guilty to lie to him like this. Aside from that, however, Riddle also had an acute sense of responsibility and justice. If he felt something was amiss, he would surely look into it, just as he did during the incident with Savanaclaw.
As though sensing her apprehension, Azul placed his hand on top of hers, and it was…weirdly warm. He was always warm, and it was comfortable…for some reason.
Damn, leave it to a touchstarved girl to feel warm about Azul.
“For a while,” Azul replied with an amiable smile as he held her hand on top of the table— a sign of their relationship. “But if you’re curious of the specifics, we’ve been seeing each other for over a month and a half.”
Azul gave her a look and a soft smile.
Right, okay. So that’s their story. A month and a half of “secretly dating”.
“I’m sorry we kept it from you guys…” She suddenly said, “We just… wanted a little privacy, you know?”
Riddle stared at their intertwined hands without a word.
“Why apologize?” Trey spoke up instead, “you guys did nothing wrong. Besides, it’s probably Cater’s fault that your peace was interrupted.”
“Hey!” Cater looked at Trey in horror, “how come I’m the only one to blame here?! You were there too!”
Azul chuckled, “It’s not a problem at all. In fact, I think it was a good thing, for the both of us. We don’t have to keep hiding it any longer.”
He turned to her, “Are you finished eating?”
“Huh?” She looked down at her now empty plate, “Uh, yeah…”
“It seems that Grim has finished as well,” He stood up and stretched his hand out in front of her.
“Shall I walk you to your classroom?”
She ignored the stares of disbelief from her friends as she took his hand, “Of course.“
“We’ll be off now,” Azul looked at the five Heartslabyul students with his signature smile, “I hope you have a good morning.”
“I’ll see you guys later!” She exclaimed, “let’s go, Grim!”
Her furry companion hopped off his seat and followed the couple as they walked hand-in-hand out of the cafeteria, leaving behind several stunned students in their wake.
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somekidnamedkai · 2 years
if the request are still open can you do riddle , ace ,deuce , vill and malleus with an mc who suddenly started ignoring them and making excuses to not see them,but they found out on their birthday that mc was making a surprise party for them and in the end to apologize to them they hugs them ( and maybe kiss their cheeks ) if this request is too complicated it’s fine you don’t have to^^
Ignoring Them For A Surprise Party
Authors note: Welcome to the start of me being bad at titling my stuff lol. I had a lot of fun writing these, thank you for the request anon!
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Vil Schoenheit, Malleus Draconia
Warnings: None. I have the vocabulary of a middle schooler so some words are repetitive my apologies.
Gender neutral reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle first noticed you ignoring him when you would jolt out of the classroom, not waiting for him so you two could walk together. Whenever he tried to ask you about it, you’d turn and walk away. Or blatantly ignore him and talk to Ace or whoever was nearby.
He began to wonder what was going on. Did he do something? Did he forget something important? No, your birthday wasn’t for another few months. And your guys' anniversary was just a few weeks ago. Riddle remembered every important date. So why were you ignoring him?
Did someone spread a rumor about him? If so, they would surely pay. Riddle went to ask Cater, who would surely know if something was going on. Nothing.
Riddle decided that maybe you’ve been having a bad week, so he’ll take you on a date.
He arrived at Ramshackle to make sure you were free. “Oh, sorry, Riddle, I have something important going on. A big test, yup, really big.” You said hesitantly. A test? On a Saturday evening? And was that Ace and Deuce in there with you?
After his visit to Ramshackle, Riddle was beginning to stress over it even more. Why were you avoiding him? What did he do?!
He demanded Ace and Deuce tell him, but they wouldn't budge. Luckily, Trey was there so he convinced Riddle to not collar the duo.
As the days, which felt like weeks to Riddle went by, he began to feel frustrated and crushed. Was this your way of breaking up with him? By just avoiding him till he got the point? Or were you? No, you would never cheat on Riddle. And he wasn’t going to accuse you of cheating.
Finally, it was on the 6th day, but who’s counting? Riddle saw his phone light up with his ringtone playing. At first, he ignored it. Until Riddle remembered that he muted everyone except for you, he wanted to be sure that he never missed anything. Riddle practically leaped over his bed to grab his phone, dropping whatever schoolwork he was doing.
The second Riddle grabbed his phone he answered your call. “Sweet tart? Hello?” He spoke desperately. Which is what he was. Riddle was desperate to hear your voice. Listening to old voice messages over and over again didn’t help much.
You smiled when your boyfriend answered and began to talk. You missed him, “Hey, love. I want-“
You couldn’t even finish talking before Riddle spoke again, “I miss you! I’m so sorry for whatever I did! I really am. Please don’t ignore me again! I miss you so much, sweet tart!” He blurted out. “Y/N?” He asked when you didn’t answer.
“You didn’t do anything, dear, but can you come to Ramshackle?” You asked him, and he immediately agreed.
It took Riddle about 5 minutes to get to Ramshackle, and then he knocked on the door. Riddle heard a little bit of noise before it went silent. “Come in!” You shouted.
When Riddle opened the door it was almost completely dark, which was shocking considering the number of broken windows in the dorm.
The lights came on right after Ruddle walked in, “SURPRISE!”
Riddle stumbled back in shock, but you caught him before he could fall. “Happy birthday, my love,” You told him.
“It’s my… birthday?” Riddle asked. He had completely forgotten about it amongst you, ignoring him. So that was the important date he forgot about.
A small laugh escaped your lips, “yes, silly. I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. It’s just that I was planning your party with everyone.”
Riddle let out a sigh before regaining his composure. “Well, Don’t do that again, please. You worried me.”
You kissed Riddle on the cheek, then a quick peck on the lips. “I promise I won’t. Now, let’s enjoy your party, birthday boy.”
Ace Trappola
At first, Ace just thought you were trying to prank him by only really talking with Deuce and Jack. But when Deuce said that you weren’t pranking him, Ace got annoyed. Why are you ignoring him? Was it because he pranked you just a week ago? You’ve never cared about his pranks, so why now?
Ace would try to get you to stop ignoring him by pranking you even more. One prank Ace did was kind of small, but it’d get you to talk to him, was to take the ink tube out of your pen. Or if you were using a quill, he’d replace it with a regular feather.
Unfortunately, his plan backfired. Whenever you would need a new utensil you would immediately go to Deuce. Or even Grim. Why Grim?! Seeing how his little prank didn’t work, Ace made his pranks a lot bigger. If his small ones weren’t catching your eyes, these would. Yeah, it didn’t work.
Fine, whatever, ignore Ace all you want. He doesn’t care. Yes, he does. Ace would begin texting you, telling you that it was important and that he needed you to go by asap. But you would only leave him on read.
Ace thought luck was on his side when Riddle said there was going to be an unbirthday party. You never miss an unbirthday party. Even in past times when you and Ace argued, you never missed an unbirthday party.
That night Ace texted you, letting you know about the unbirthday party. To his shock, your reply was quick and simple “can’t. I'm busy.” What do you mean you can't?! You’ve never missed a party
That was it. Ace finally admitted. He probably did something wrong and you weren’t just pranking him. So for the next few nights, he would ponder over what he could’ve done. Deuce wasn’t any help with it either.
At the unbirthday party, Ace tried to coax it out of Riddle or Trey, or anyone for that matter, on why you were ignoring him. But they all claimed to either not know. Or they wouldn’t tell. Rude.
It had been about a week of Ace complaining to Deuce about you again. He missed you. Your laugh, your smile, your everything. The way you would hug Ace after a long day. How good of a kisser you were.
Deuce just suggested that he talk to you at ramshackle tomorrow. But Ace said that you wouldn’t answer. But Deuce promised that you would.
So here Ace was, at ramshackle. He knocked on the door then it opened. He stepped into the shockingly dark dorm. A second later and the lights turned on, and confetti was thrown at his face. “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
Oh yeah! It was Ace's birthday. He kind of forgot in his efforts to get you to talk to him. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” you told Ace.
This boy didn’t realize how much he missed your voice until now. Ace practically leaped himself into your arms and squeezed you tight.
“Please don’t ignore me again!” He said as he looked at you. You had your beautiful smile that made him smile.
You kissed Ace all over his face before you looked at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to be sure your surprise party stayed a surprise party.”
Ace nodded. He looked past you and at the others who were watching. “You’re forgiven. Now let's go enjoy my party!”
Deuce Spade
Deuce almost immediately noticed you ignoring him. It started with you not holding his hand after class, to you only talking to Ace at lunch, and now you wouldn’t even answer his texts.
He’s been spamming your messages, asking if he did anything wrong, but you didn’t answer. He’s been (bothering) asking Ace if he’s done anything. No answer from him either.
A few days went by. Deuce finally stopped blowing up your phone with text messages. Now he’s passing you notes in class and sending gifts to ramshackle. Deuce even got your attention for a minute when he grabbed your pen as you took it out of the bag.
“Why are you ignoring me?” Deuce asked as he held the pen out of your reach. You didn’t answer. Instead, you looked to Ace, who gave you a new one. Defeated, Deuce threw your pen back down and sulked in his seat.
Deuce began to message you and see if you wanted to hang out, only to get ignored. He would tell Ace to shut up so you would listen to him instead, and then Deuce would invite you on a date. “I’m busy.” The boy began to sulk again.
Cue the disaster of what is Deuce for the next few days. He’s a mess. He misses you a lot and has no idea how to make it up to you. He’s tried apologizing. You said it was nothing. He’s asked you on dates, and you always say you're busy. He’d give you flowers then you’d just put them aside.
The morning of Deuce’s birthday arrived. And he was dreading it. It wouldn’t have mattered how many ‘happy birthdays’ he got or how many small gifts like pencils or chocolate Deuce got. He just wanted you. And a hug.
Deuce wanted to stay in bed, but Ace convinced him to get up or Riddle would off with his head. “Fine, whatever, partner snatcher.” Dang. Ok, Deuce. We get it you’re mad, but no need to resort to name-calling.
“I’m going to ignore that. Anyways, remember our plans at Ramshackle today. Don’t be late.” Ace told Deuce as he left the room. What plans at Ramshackle? What were they doing?
Wait. If Deuce’s other friends already had plans today... Did they forget his birthday? “Oh, happy birthday, by the way.” Nevermind. At least Ace remembered.
Deuce, after a few years, finally arrived at Ramshackle. And when he opened the door, he walked inside to see darkness. Oh no, did the lights break before he got ther- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
The surprise knocked Deuce back a few feet. “Happy birthday,” You told Deuce as you walked over to your boyfriend, who was going through the five stages of grief when you walked towards him.
The second you spread your arms out, Deuce dove into them for a hug. “I love you,” He muttered into your chest while you two held a warm hug and you kissed his forehead.
“Hey, listen. I’m sorry for ignoring you. I just thought that it would be the best way of keeping your party a surprise,” you explained to Deuce.
Deuce nodded as he felt a few tears. He was so happy, “It’s ok. But please never do that again.”
You nodded as you backed away and smiled at your boyfriend. You kissed him on the cheek before guiding him over to the others to celebrate his birthday.
Vil Schoenheit
At first, Vil thought you were having a bad day and needed a little space. He’d lecture you for being rude another day. But when the next day came around and you still weren’t talking to him? You would just walk in front of him and not say anything.
Vil, to say the least, was not happy when he realized you were ignoring him. He doesn’t have time for your shenanigans. Vil would try to get your attention and ask you what’s wrong or send you a message but you would either brush him off or just not respond.
He would go through the next few days thinking about what was wrong with you. Did someone say something to you? If so they would surely pay. Were you just trying to prank him? Whatever. Vil wasn’t going to stress over your attitude. He needed to maintain his complexion.
Don’t be fooled though, just because he wasn’t stressing out over it? doesn’t mean it wasn’t affecting him. Vil loved you. A lot. And he missed cuddling you at night before he went to sleep. And he was really upset you were ignoring him.
Vil’s birthday was approaching and he had hoped to go on a date with you. So he showed up to Ramshackle with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and candy. “Pumpkin! I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date. Tonight or tomorrow?” He asked when you answered the door, giving you the flowers and candy.
“Oh... I’m busy. Tonight and tomorrow. Sorry, sweetie.” You closed the door before Vil could say anything in response.
Dejected, Vil went back to Pomefiore and looked over some of his schoolwork when a thought came to his mind. If you want to avoid him so badly, he’ll send the vice housewarden after you.
“Of course, anything for you Roi Du Poison!” Rook would immediately agree and then head out to Ramshackle, although it was not to spy on you, instead, it was to plan.
It was the day before Vil’s birthday when he decided he had enough. Vil felt like a different person without you. And he didn’t like it.
Vil saw Ace, Deuce, and Jack and asked them what your deal was and what was going on with you. They said it was nothing. So then Vil went to Epel to coax it out of the boy. He didn’t budge.
Remember when Vil wasn’t stressing over this? Now he is. You were the love of his life, and now you were avoiding him, and he had no idea what to do.
On his birthday, Vil got a text from you, “can you come to ramshackle? it’s important.” Vil immediately went out to the rundown dorm his prefect stayed in.
Once Vil got there, he opened the door and stepped inside. He didn’t knock. You told him to go there anyways, so who else would you expect?
It was pitch black when he walked inside. “Is this a-“ “SURPRISE!” Everyone jumped out, and the lights got turned on. Vil looked around, all of his friends were there, and streamers decorated the front lobby
“Happy birthday!” You told Vil as you stepped towards him. He gave you a big hug, squeezing you tight and not wanting to let go.
You returned his hug. “I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. I was so excited about your party, and I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” You explained to him. Vil understood now. But he wasn’t going to let this go.
“It’s alright sweet potato. But we’re going to talk about communication,” Vil told you as you audibly groaned and muttered a ‘fine.’ Vil smiled for the first time in the last few days.
You began to give Vil small kisses all over his face. A kiss on his cheek, one on his nose, his forehead, then his temple. “Let’s enjoy your party.”
Malleus Draconia
You thought you could get away with ignoring him? Good luck. As soon as Malleus noticed you were ignoring him he would get very upset. The clouds would be dark and thundering.
He missed you more than he could explain. You were his first real friend and first partner. And now he didn’t have anyone. He missed your guys' conversations and holding your hand and walking around with you. You didn’t even go to the club meeting with him to look at and study the gargoyles.
Malleus would drop by Ramshackle to make sure you were alright, but you either weren’t there, or you ignored him to talk with your friends. He would sulk or storm away to go by another time.
Listen, I hope you aren’t scared of thunder and lightning because that’s how the weather is going to be until you start talking to him.
Sebek will be hunting you down, so I hope you have a place to hide. And if he finds you, be prepared for the lecture you were going to get from him about ‘hurting the young master’ and ‘you're being a mean person.’
You tell him about the plan for Malleus’ party. He’s still not happy about it. Sebek will leave with final words to talk to him.
During one of his daily walks by ramshackle Malleus spotted you, without your friends. He hoped that today would be the day you talked to him. With a bright smile, he walked over to you.“Child of Man! Would you care to accompany me for a walk today? We could go out to eat after as well.”
You motioned for the boxes in your hands, “I can’t. I have to get these boxes inside and unpack them. Thank you for the offer, though!” You said and began to walk inside the dorm.
Malleus was right behind as you were walking, “I can help you,” he offered but you brushed him off saying you got it. You closed the door and Malleus stood outside.
He left the dorm just as Silver and Sebek came by looking for him. Malleus went back to his dorm to sulk in his room. Did someone threaten you to not talk to him? Did he do something that made you mad?
The next few days came and went. Malleus missed your walks and dates. The talks you two would have. You were the love of his life. He felt empty without you.
And now, it was his birthday. He woke up, got dressed, and checked his phone. Malleus didn’t know how to use a phone, but he could at least do the basics, like enabling his text messages. When he turned the phone on, Malleus was half expecting no notifications, but he hoped there would be. Malleus practically leaped for joy when he said your name on his phone. He opened your text, a request to drop by Ramshackle later.
Time felt like it was going by slower than usual. Malleus was so happy when he opened the text, he was about to go to your dorm that instant, but he decided to wait as you asked him.
Malleus had an extra prep in his step as he walked up to the door and knocked on it. “Come in!” He heard your voice. Malleus opened the door and walked in.
He then almost tripped, not expecting the dorm to be completely dark. “Child of-“ “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” He was interrupted by a bunch of cheers and the lights turning on.
You and some of his classmates were in the dorm with handheld confetti cannons. You immediately ran to Malleus and gave him a big hug. “Happy birthday, Tsunotarou!” You told your boyfriend happily as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
Malleus didn’t want to let go of the hug. He’s missed you, and now that you’re in his arms, he wants to stay that way forever. “Was this all for me, my love?” He asked and looked around the decorated dorm. You nodded in response. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. Thank you so much child of man.” He answered your question as you smiled and gave him a quick kiss. “Now let's have some fun!” you told him as you pulled him towards the others.
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blues824 · 1 year
Can you have the overblot boys to have a scarlet witch s/o? I haven't seen anyone does it yet. They can also defeat their overblot
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Literally three requests for this, so I decided to get three birds with one stone (hehe like the Mind Stone lol). Targeted towards a female reader, but no gender-specific pronouns are used.
Spoilers for Malleus’s part.
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Riddle Rosehearts
For the first few days in Twisted Wonderland, he saw how you stuck to yourself and Grim and how you avoided everyone. There really was nothing about you, so he couldn’t get to know you. However, one day the ADeuce duo was causing too much trouble and Ace in particular was trying to bother you so Riddle had beheaded them. You went out of your way to thank the Housewarden for saving you, and from then on you were kind of attached.
You, to pay your now-boyfriend back, once removed Ace’s mouth once you caught him talking trash about him. Of course, Deuce was freaked out that his peer’s mouth was now missing, but you honestly did the entire dorm a favor. IBUProfen finally lasted longer than normal because no one got a headache from Ace.
During his overblot, Riddle stood no chance against you. Your powers were too strong, and he was not expecting it. In class, you had only shown a tiny sliver of the true amount of power that you held, and thus you had the element of surprise. In the infirmary, you told him how you got your powers, and the story was just heartbreaking to hear.
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Leona Kingscholar
When you stepped on his tail in the greenhouse, he was about ready to throw hands. However, he saw how absolutely terrified you looked and he felt bad out of nowhere. He was still pretty annoyed that his nap was disturbed, but he had a different priority: making sure that you were actually alright.
To learn more about you, he actually started going to classes actively. You weren’t a part of any club, and you were the Prefect to the Ramshackle Dormitory. Your ‘magic’ was very different, and he had no memory of ever hearing about a Scarlet Witch in Twisted Wonderland. In his training as a prince, he heard no tale about it.
During his overblot, he noticed how you were able to reconfigure the things he turned to dust, even if it was an actual person. Not only that, but you physically restrained him and entered his mind to make him relive his past. Being overlooked, but seeing how his nephew viewed him as the greatest ‘Unka’ ever. You even put in a message that he had done enough to prove himself, and his shoulders visibly relaxed. In the infirmary, he thanked you for helping him.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Upon hearing that Ace, Deuce, and Grim had made a deal with a certain merman, you were understandably furious. However, you went to Azul and formally introduced yourself to him. By now, you were pretty confident with yourself, and so you demanded that the dumbass trio be let out of their contract. The cecaelia laughed as he explained that a deal was a deal.
However, you did not like that answer. So, you looked right into his eyes and entered his mind through your powers. In just a few seconds, he relived all of his childhood trauma, and tears were coming out of his eyes. You decided that you were done being nice, and left him to try and compose himself before the next customer came into the Lounge.
During his overblot, you proved yourself stronger than he could ever dream of being. You basically drained him of all the ink until he was in his ‘pitiful’ (his words, not mine) mer-form. In the infirmary, you told him that you were sorry for putting him through such immense pain, and together you both came up with a better system for the Mostro Lounge. Thus, you both created the point system that is implemented now.
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Kalim Al-Asim
You didn’t want too many people knowing about your power for fear of people taking advantage of your abilities, and thus when you were stuck in the Scarabia dorm during the break, you did not use your magic to break out. Plus, you could see that the students were truly suffering and thus looked into it. From the start, you knew that Kalim was being controlled by Jamil. It wasn’t hard to see, considering you were also well-versed in hypnosis. The Mind Stone can do that to a person.
Because you saw this, you tried to get the Housewarden alone to try and convince him that he was being mind-controlled by his Vice Housewarden, but to no avail. There was simply no way that his best friend would betray him like that, he said as he brushed your accusation off like it was a spot of dust on his cardigan.
During Jamil’s overblot, Kalim watched as you drained the ink from his friend as well as blocked off each attack put against you. You were the one who had also gotten them out of the desert before that, so yeah. Your magic was definitely surprising to him, as he realized that you could do multiple things at once.
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Jamil Viper
He was aware that his hypnosis did not work on you, and that made him panic a bit. It was his best card in the hand that he was dealt; a King card, if you will. But in the game of War, you had an Ace in your hand and your power easily topped his. You both specialized in mind fuckery, so you both went toe to toe very often during the break.
Again, you were a bit more confident with yourself now that you knew how to use your powers for good things, so you once influenced one of the Vice Housewarden’s dreams. You made him picture his younger sister Najma, tearing up as she learned about the evil things that he had been doing during his time at Night Raven College. He woke up in a cold sweat, and a small sense of regret crept up in the back of his mind.
During his overblot, you basically flew everyone out of the desert and proceeded to beat his ass without giving him a chance to get back up. In the infirmary, you apologized for hurting him to that degree, but he understood why you had to do it. He did ask if you gave him the nightmare of his sister, and you admitted to it and as an extra apology, you told him about your twin, Pietro.
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Vil Schoenheit
From what he had heard from Epel, you were incredibly powerful. He had to admit that he thought about employing you to deal with his rival, but it’s an urge somewhat akin to wanting to burn your house down after a spider that you just barely looked away from disappeared. Plus, he could get arrested, and he doesn’t think that orange would be the best color to go to prison in.
That aside, you had to admit that you were very intimidated by Vil. You may be physically more powerful than him, but he had public influence. However, he did see you and your powers during each of the overblots, and Epel as mentioned before has told him about you, so he was intrigued by you and your abilities.
During his overblot, he got a firsthand taste of the true power you held within you. The feeling of all the ink leaving his body was a weird feeling, but a peaceful one. You used your powers to make him conjure an image of his father reading him bedtime stories to make him relax which made the withdrawal of ink an easier process. When he was in the infirmary, he thanked you deeply for your actions.
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Idia Shroud
He has seen you fight against the overblots, and he has to say that you remind him of a character from his favorite superhero franchise: Maroon Sorceress. He had noticed that your magic seemed to be focused on the mind instead of the body like the character, which he found fascinating.
However, he could never muster up the courage to talk to you. You treated Ortho so tenderly, like a parent, and it made his heart flutter. The one time he did meet you in person, he accidentally bumped into you and you made sure that he was alright. You both were kind of shy, but you could tell that he was flustered because of how pink his hair got.
During his overblot, he tried to modify his gear to withstand your magic, but it didn’t work. Your powers were more broad than just mind trickery, and thus he was screwed either way. You did make sure that you extracted the ink from the overblot before you started attacking, but it did take a while because he wouldn’t stop going after you over and over and over again.
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Malleus Draconia
Alright, so, you were more powerful than the most powerful mage (and that is not Malleus). He didn’t think it was a matter to be concerned about until he saw how scared it made you. He particularly noticed it when you had to deal with Azul. You were scared that the merman would see your abilities and put you under a contract to extort you. He had to comfort you and confirm that if anything were to happen to you, he would be there to help.
Your walks with him in the moonlight did wonders to allow both of you to wind down from the responsibilities you have to face on a day-to-day basis. This was how Malleus had fallen deeply in love with you, and you with him. He was the Vision to your Wanda, so to speak.
During his overblot, you were deeply upset that he would try and put a sleeping curse on everyone. You had trouble trying to drain him of ink because he was a powerful mage himself, but you were the Scarlet Witch and thus you had the advantage. You distracted him with images of his childhood with Lilia tossing him gently into the air and smiling. In the infirmary, he apologized for everything, and you held his hands in yours as you stated that you understood his pain.
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midnightmah07 · 5 days
bare with me 😍-
in idia’s vignette, ace 100%, played “20 questions” with her awhile grim was away. And one of his questions were “do you really want to leave twisted wonderland?” Like 😀 girl couldn’t answer she froze but anyway i am going to do a scenario later on
this song is so bluecherry, like they like each other, but do they LIKE LIKE EACH OTHER???
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“And maybe we should stay friends” i think Ace doesn’t want to go out with Winnie bc he thinks that he may screw up and make her sad and making her sad would make him sad and they would part ways 😔 DID YOU GET IT?!?!
Okay onto the next thing:
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bonus points, bc he kissed her to shut her up after their show in VDC (before they lost lol), BUT IT WAS SO IMPULSIVE THAT WHEN THEY NOTICED JAMIL, GRIM, KALIM, DEUCE AND THE OTHERS JUST STARE AT THEM LIKE 😦 and then when Ace was mad bc they lost, she takes his hand and just “^^” WAITING FOR HIM TO CONFESS ANDNTHEN HE FINALLY SAYS IT.
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i just imagine ace’s head being this as he finally realizes he likes winnie hehejdgjwhdjsm
they are cute
also small hcs, maybe ooc, but who cares is bluecherry:
Winnie would write small love letters to Ace, before they were dating. But the love was so subliminal that he couldn’t figure so when she asked him if he read her letter he said “yeah, cool poem. you should show malleus.” AND SHE WAS LIKE “:(“
Ace would give her his jackets bc when he gets them back has her smell. Which is fresh fruity scent with caramel notes.
she knows how to sing and loves story telling, so ace when ace cant sleep he asks her if he either can come over or she can try to send an audio (she is like an old lady trying to do so)
he doesn’t like pda, surprisingly but he is the type of guy who screams “THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!” Everytime she does something badass 🥹
Ace keeps demanding Whitney could be allowed to join a club instead of cleaning the school with the staff.
i do think ace ask help for his big brother but he uses “a friend of mine” “you mean you, ace?” “A FRIEND OF MINE😡”
Double date daiggie and bluecherry would be iconic tho, like imagine Whitney and Daisy forgetting they have boyfriends in the middle of the date and start walking alone together awhile talking
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*ahem* ok I'm fine I'm normal. ((I'm not
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twisted-confessions · 2 months
Im so tired rn and came up with the funniest dumbest thought lol. So this is like if Mal and Bella get together (i'm still debating cause I have too many crushes lol (dw anon i'm still responding to your ask)) and Bella still has almost no clue about internet slang and acronyms.
Text Messages: Ace: soooooo… ur bf is a dragon? Epel: ACE- Deuce: Dude cmon Jack: Bella should have her right to privacy about any romantic endeavor she has. Bella: uhhh Ace: don't act like none of u ain't curious about this shit, i know yall wanna know 2. Jack: … Epel: eh true Deuce: we uh Deuce: We just wanna make sure no one messes with her you know?! Bella: Since WHEN?! Ace: fine whatev Ace: Anyway Ace: Yuusabel Ace: Bells Ace: Bellabellabella Bella: I GET IT. PLEASE JUST LET ME SLEEP. Ace: do u got a dragon bf now?? Bella: Yes??? Where the Hel is this coming from? Epel: wait Epel: ACE WAS RIGHT FOR ONCE?! Ace: HEY- Bella: Yeah, i dunno why you guys are surprised i have a dragon bf, you've seen me with him before. Deuce: WHAT WHEN?!?! Ace: I KNEW IT!! Jack: Great Seven… Bella: Well I mean, you've all met Toothless. You guys know he's my dragon bf. All: WHAT?!?@!?11?!!
Bella's phone begins to light up from 4 phone calls at once, all of them are screaming out of concern. It isn't until she finally says "Well yeah, bf means best friend right? Toothless is my dragon best friend ofc." that they all collectively go "oh" when they finally remember she's still learning internet slang lol. Then they start screaming again when she says "Toothless is my dragon best friend, Malleus was my other dragon friend but now hes my dragon boyfriend😊" while Ace gloats. The group chat is popping OFF-. Sebek finally reads the group chat hours later and all of NRC can hear his screams. The dogs are howling, Toothless and Grim's ears are in pain, Silver is awoken, Malleus has been sneezing for an hour, Bella can hear Doom music and feels chills while Sebek either starts a war path or write a 300K essay in the group chat about her not being worthy of Waka-sama. All this because Bella didnt know "bf" means either best friend or boyfriend lol.
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zayray030 · 2 months
🐝 anon
I was trying to do something cute but once again it turned to angst lmao. I love me some hurt/comfort. I think I sent this last year? But I’m pretty sure tumblr ate my ask so lemme rewrite it all out
So like treyace early stages yknow, they’re all cute and gross and everything is great until ace starts doubting how trey feels about him. This is before they’re together but they obviously like each other and they’re flirting alllll the time but whenever it seems like more is gonna happen between the two someone needs help for whatever reason and Trey drops everything to go help. (For extra angst and a splash of jealousy I’m gonna say riddle is the one that needs things a lot). So like ace tries to get one on one time alone w Trey but he keeps dipping and ace just withdraws bc he’s so upset
I think a lot of the hurt would be ace feeling like he’s second place all the time like, his parents didn’t exactly play favorites but his older brother always seemed like the gold standard and more well liked. He feels like his friends kinda like each other more than him and he’s the after thought of the group. All his upperclassmen have their faves and he feels he’s not one of them. So when Trey starts paying attention to him more he feels like he finally has a person that puts him first and that there’s someone who values him for the first time. Which is why it hurts so much when he feels like he’s playing second fiddle once again.
So Trey notices that ace is suddenly cold and tries to ask what’s wrong but ace isn’t great and admitting his feelings and kinda shrugs him off. I think the firsties start to notice he’s sad and colder so they try and figure out what’s wrong and there’s big emotional admissions and the firsties promise to try and make ace feel like he’s not the 3rd wheel to them all and they help him with telling Trey how he’s feeling.
So then there’s another big emotional display and Trey realizes that he’s still kind of a yes man and tries to be better while ace works on being more open emotionally and the firsties regret helping bc now ace and Trey are going to be cute and gross all the time lol
Oh I do remember this ask! I just kept on second doubting myself and not knowing how to answer thos properly but by god the extra addition?????? 👏👏👏👏👏
Ace feeling like second best is kinda what inspired me to write the one fic where the senpai just started to PRAISE him and I can kind of imagine this happening in a different scenario except the first years don't go to all the senpai they just go to trey since he's the boyfriend and they all try and basically try to get Ace to open up more
I can imagine Ace overlooking a lot of things at the start of the relationship because he's too bust focusing on the fact that he know has someone where they believe he's special and good enough but then he starts to see Riddle as competition and it destroys the good feelings he had
OH THE PRE-RELATIONSHIP ANGST????? Ace just constantly getting annoyed and thinking that things will change when he and Trey finally get together
OH, TREY NOTICING???? HE is EMBARASSED when he realises that Ace realises that he thinks he's second best to anyone in this school, including Riddle, and is trying to hard to prove it but every time he tries he's confronted with the fact that Ace is right
OH THE BREAKDOWN WITH THE FIRST YEARS????? I JUST KNOW IT HURT!!! ACCUSATIONS!! YELLING!!! INSULTS!!! TEARS!!!! OH my god by the end of it they're all puffy and red and all massaging ice onto their face to help with the swelling whilst still sniffling
From then on they make a group calender where they make sure that there is a group activity between a pair or a trio of the group where they are hanging out. Ace-deuce. Epel-jack. Ortho-ace. Jack-sebek-epel. Something like that so that they're all hanging out and they have a day where they're all together and they sit and talk no matter how humiliating it is
Trey deciding that the best way to truly show Ace that he is serious is by making it public. He stands in front of the cafeteria and loudly declares he can not be bothered to help anyone and he will in fact be focusing on himself and his relationship and Ace for the foreseeable future. He then smiles, princess carries Ace, and walks out to ravish him with attention 🩷
The first years are now forced to hear Ace gush giddily about Trey forever more but at least they get free dessert out of it
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
1 for epel/deuce? No pressure though!
you know i love any excuse for the beloved applejuice boys!!!!!!!
Prompt 1- Small kisses littered across the other’s face. [...i technically completed the assignment. This just didnt end up being the focus LOL]
Summary: Deuce and the other first years get together for Epel's birthday when he returns to campus after visiting his hometown.
[Posted to Ao3] [Prompt List]
“Why are we going to Savanaclaw?” Epel asked as Deuce took him by the hand and led him through the mirror into the dorm to which neither of them belonged. “Did Jack ask us to come over?”
“Uh… Yeah!” Deuce said with a crooked, nervous smile. “Something like that!”
Something like that? Epel scrunched his brows together in confusion. He’d only just gotten back to campus a few hours ago from visiting his family in Harveston for his birthday, and Deuce immediately texted and asked Epel to meet him in the hall of mirrors as soon as he was free. Still, Epel was happy to see his boyfriend, and wasn’t about to complain about hanging out with him and Jack for the rest of the day. 
The sun was setting as they arrived in Savanaclaw, and Epel did his best to stifle a yawn.
“Just a little further,” Deuce reassured Epel as the two of them approached the familiar door that led into Jack’s dorm. 
Inside Jack’s room, however, was neither Jack nor any of his roommates. Instead, what waited for them was a dark room, lit dimly with only a few strings of LED lights coming from within what appeared to be a blanket fort set up on the floor on Jack’s side of the room.
“Happy birthday, Epel!” Deuce said, wrapping his arms around Epel and pulling him down into the fort and collapsing down together with him into the pillows and blankets clustered together in a sort of nest. He leaned over and pressed several, gentle yet excited kisses to Epel’s face. “I know you were only gone for the weekend, but… I really missed you!”
Epel laughed in surprise, wrapping his arms around Deuce in response as Deuce continued to spread kisses across his face. “I missed you too! But… Why did you bring me to Jack’s room to hang out…?”
“Oh, well-”
Deuce’s answer was cut off by a pillow hitting him square in the face.
“Quit bein’ so GROSS!” Ace complained as he climbed into the blanket fort and settled in up against Deuce’s other side. “SOMEONE apparently forgot that the rest of us were here waiting to surprise you, too.” He said with a teasing grin as he reached over to pinch Deuce’s cheek.
“I-I didn’t forget!” Deuce protested, releasing one of his arms on Epel to swat at Ace.
Jack finally appeared at the entrance of the blanket fort along with Sebek.
“Hey, don’t get into a fight in my room, you two,” Jack scolded, sliding in to sit beside Epel. 
“Whatever,” Ace said as he leaned back into a soft, heart-shaped pillow that looked like it originated from Heartslabyul. “You knew what you were getting into when you offered up your room!”
“That’s only because the rest of you had a bunch of excuses against using any of your rooms!” Jack continued, his tail flicking through the air as he argued with Ace.
“As if I would ever dream of hosting such a ROWDY GATHERING at Diasomnia and run the risk of disturbing the young master!” Sebek loudly interjected.
“No one wants to go to your gloomy-ass room anyway,” Ace grinned, throwing a pillow at Sebek, who only shouted in response as he sat beside Ace and continued to complain at him and Jack.
“It was probably a good call to come here,” Epel whispered to Deuce. “I mean, Vil and Riddle can get pretty strict…”
“And something tells me that Idia wouldn’t like a bunch of first years crowding into his room with Ortho,” Deuce agreed.
As if on cue, Ortho arrived last, entering the fort with a bunch of snacks. 
“Sorry I’m late!” He said, dropping the various bags and packages in the center. “I wanted to make sure I brought over an optimal array of snacks to choose from, and my brother had a ton of recommendations! I almost couldn't carry them all!”
Epel beamed at the pile, and leaned further against Deuce’s side. “Thanks, Ortho! I’m so honored you all came out here just to see me for my birthday…”
Deuce smiled and leaned down to kiss Epel on the cheek again. “Of course we-”
Another pillow to the face interrupted Deuce. 
“Get his ass!” Ace shouted excitedly, pillow in hand. “The war on cooties starts NOW!”
And, of course, a room full of teenagers armed with pillows and endless energy simply didn’t stand a chance.
Epel decided that it was the perfect way to end his birthday weekend.
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kyupidos · 3 months
hii i really love your works !!! i would die for you if you'd write something like about fem!mc dating vil, but with friends she's silly and uninhibited and stuff and with vil she IMMEDIATELY gets humble and starts to shy away cuz he's too pretty and gorgeous and she kinda feels insecure around him :( bonus points if she's chubby eh
(SORRY if it sounds weird lol also my english is kinda bad)
7/09/24’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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the way she is with me!ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘you’re vil schoenheit’s lover—hey you don’t know how but you are. albeit, you can feel a little undeserving of it…of course, he disagrees.’
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characters. pomefiore : vil schoenheit ( separate ) ;; romantic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. oh how i love this ask <33 sorry this took me a bit, given it’s the school year’s end i’ve had to deal with things like my younger sister’s graduation, joining the volleyball club…but i hope this reaches you and you enjoy it!! ( btw i don’t write for fem readers, so i made this gender neutral ^-^ )
v. schoenheit
— “hehe..honestly, he’s seriously the best boyfriend i could ever have… not like i’ve had any others,” you giggled wistfully to your first year friends, some more willing to listen than others ( guess who ). deuce smiled at your ramblings, betting tails as ace betted heads on a bet you didn’t know anything about ( though jack, sebek, and grim all seemed invested ), while epel joined you, albeit, clearly less on the fact of giggling to partake in vil’s praise.
— epel tilted his head with a sigh, “i don’t get how you never stop finding a way to praise him. sometimes you’re kind of like rook, y’know?” at that you just scoffed playfully with a chuckle, messily taking a largely portioned bite out of your food. ace turned to you just to pinch your cheek lightly to tease, “maybe clean up your face as you talk about him too, huh?” you swatted his hand away though, sticking out your tongue at him with a grin as he turned to grim who also started to place bets, but instead with his tuna, the others deciding to do the same ( not like you noticed ).
— you just shrugged your shoulders as epel awaited a response, “i’m just happy, i guess. i lucked out big time to be able to have a lover like him, y’know?” you grinned, and epel smiled at your comment. “maybe, but’cha know, i bet he lucked out with you,” he spoke with his usual expression of tongue slipping slightly as he messily ate his own food, not leaving a lick untouched.
— one final snort of amusement to yourself, you played with your food for what barely felt like a second before taking a larger bite out of it than before. no, you definitely lucked out more, and you know because vil invited you to spend time after school in his dorm room.
— you just barely moved a tad with your nose scrunched, laying in vil’s lap as he pampered you and gave you skincare as you laid in his face. the most he did, unlike before you started dating when you were simply well acquainted and nearing the unspoken terms of friendship where he calmly scolded you for making unsavory facial expressions, was tap your nose to relax it, and you in the process.
— “really my dear,” vil smiled down at you handsomely, “you should do your best not to move.” you wanted to respond as he continued to fufill his task of completing your facial routine for you, but you got lost in his ethereal eyes, as you usually did. a part of you was always unsure how you managed to even score the first date with him. after all, you were merely a speck of dust compared to the vil schoenheit. you knew he loved you for a fact, but you couldn’t help but feel yourself paling in comparison to him.
— you looked up at him from where you laid, still practically at a loss for words from your awe as he looked back at you relaxed but concerned by your expression given you were never one to be able to hide your feelings without strain. “sorry, it’s just,” you finally managed to get out the words with the feeling like your throat was just barely managed to spit them out as your heart twirled, “vil, you’re so…pretty. i don’t know how i’m able to call myself your lover like this.”
— just then, his shoulders relaxed as he’d taken a break from his pampering to listen to you closely, his face adorning a calm and understanding smile as he did, before closing his eyes to laugh your words off. “my love, i’d argue how much i feel the same. you’re pretty just the same, i’ll always be in love with your beauty, do you understand?” he cupped your cheek lightly, as to not make his efforts to care for your face useless. “not to mention how much of a lovely person you are, i feel lucky to have you beside me.”
— you had half a mind to turn your face away to not have to look him in the eyes in your sudden shyness, but you forced yourself not to as you know it’d get rid of his hard work. “heheh… i’m glad.” and to reflect that, vil put down his cosmetics beside him and leaned down to hug your figure where he could from his position ( it read mostly as him cradling you ), you gaining the confidence do to the same.
— “don’t forget how much i love you, dear.”
( EXTRA. )
— you giggled through a breath of relief as you sat with your friends at lunch again, “i guess you were right epel,” you turned to him as he held a breath in his pride with his shoulders stiffened slightly to show it, “he was lucky to have me too, i guess.” you were barely able to register the way jack and sebek looked at the other three with one proclaiming it more calmly than the other,
— “guess we won the bet. told you the both of them would be vocal about their luck.”
— “[y/n]’s always vocal and vil’s not one to lie, it was an easy bet to make!”
— “hey, what the hell?!”
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
guess who's back and politely asking for a part 2 of my previous request but make it the vice housewardens. (Did I go to sleep? Fuck no)
Here ya go, Shiba! I loved writing this one too! Lilia especially, since I've recently gotten into a Lilia brain dump lol This one is a bit shorter tho
Trey canonically has little siblings, so someone who can consume sugar without getting super hyper? A refreshing break for him.
I did think about it for a bit and I don't think he'd instinctively treat you like one of his little siblings (like he does with Ace and Deuce lol)
Trey would recommend keeping low sugar intake, but he def wouldn't try to control it.
And I also can't see him being overly doting? Like, he wouldn't carry you to bed if he found you in a sugar coma, he'd just cover you with a blanket or something if it's cold.
Gives you forehead kissies and lets you sleep on his chest while he studies
He's so sweet, I love him
If he finds you in a sugar coma, you're waking up with drawings on your face #SleepoverRuleNumberOne
Like, you have no fangs or claws, tf are you gonna do to him?
Ruggie also does not give two fucks about your sugar intake. "I'm your boyfriend, not your dad"
May demand you share any with him tho
And if you get tired? Feel free to cuddle with him - for a price (which may or may not be kisses when you wake up...or helping handle his housewarden. depends on how exhausting Leona is that day)
"I love youuuuuu!"
Jade is a perfect gentleman, how dare you suggest otherwise
(cue a mischievous smirk)
You'll wake up from a sugar coma with a new pillow and blanket he gave you, go to get up...and fall in the pool inside the Octavinelle dorm.
He's such a caring and doting bf, ensuring you're comfortable and nobody will bother you
He does some reading, so he's definitely not as confused as Azul is about humans
But he still is a little confused at how tired you can get when you have sugar
Can't Kalim be more like you?
Will get you pillows, blankets, anything you need
Also may just carry you to your room if Kalims more hyperactive that day
He'll try to diagnose you too, just not as over the top as Kalim
He does have some restraint, after all
Gives you a small kiss if you're just cuddled into his side
How beautiful!
You're so adorable when you're sleepy, mon cherie!
He's waking you up so that he can finish telling you how beautiful you are, then he'll let you go to sleep again
Unlike Vil, he won't give you a lecture (thank god) but this is somehow worse when you're tired and just want to sleep because of how much sugar you had?
"Rook, I love you, but if you don't shut up in the next five seconds, I'm throwing a textbook at you"
"...Bon nuit, mon cher!"
Aaaaand finally some peace and quite
Draws on your face 2.0
Unlike Malleus, he knows there's nothing wrong with you
But he's just lowkey hoping drawing on your face will teach you to choose when you have sugar more carefully (sorry, daddy, not happening)
I feel like he'd tell you tales from some of his travels when you're sleepy
Or just tell you stories from his youth
But he will also carry you to either your room or his (whichever is closer) when you fall asleep
100% gives you a forehead kiss before he leaves
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twistyprefect · 3 years
if it's not too much trouble, would I be able to request the first years with a dense reader? (if ur requests happen to be closed then feel free to ignore this lol)
{first years my beloved!! i wrote this as a dense crush reader, so i hope that's ok!!}
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Ace Trapolla
Ace loves you, he really does, but boy was it frustrating trying to get that across to you
he'd been trying to hint at his feelings for months now, dropping hint after hint to you
he always offered to study with you, leaned super close to you at every opportunity, he even let you use his lap as a pillow to nap!
he was losing his mind, finally resorting to stomping up to you and yelling that he really liked you
you just smiled and clapped once happily, asking him to be your boyfriend; he sighed dramatically and hugged you tightly, nodding when you asked if that was a yes
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Deuce Spade
Deuce fell incredibly hard and incredibly fast for you, partially because your dense nature was cute
unfortunately, it also meant that he was having a hard time conveying his feelings to you
he tried, he really did! he always sat with you, asked you to help him study, made your favorite foods for you, etc
he eventually gained enough confidence to confess to you, pulling you into the Heartslabyul garden and loudly shouting his feelings for you
his face was incredibly red when you grinned and said you liked him too, asking him to be your boyfriend
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Jack Howl
Jack loved you but also boy did he feel like bashing his head against a wall sometimes
he really didn't want to scare you off by confessing immediately, so he tried dropping hints
of course, you were dense so you didn't notice his constant but subtle compliments, his willingness to help you, his flushed face when you praised him
he eventually got fed up, nervously confessing his feelings for you during a study session between the two of you
you smiled and placed your hand on his cheek, saying you liked him too and wanted to go out with him (que the tail wagging!)
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Epel Felmier
Epel himself was a little dense at times, not realizing his feelings for you until Ace pointed it out
he would often complain to Ace and Deuce about how dense you were, never noticing his affections
he tried everything, he really did; holding your hand, gifting you random things that reminded him of you, even giving you his best carved apples
he sighed in defeat as he slumped down next to you, mumbling about liking you even if you were dense
you giggled and wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek and proclaiming that you liked him too and asking him to be your boyfriend
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek was awful with social cues, but even he knew you were just unusually dense
he thought it was cute, but he also hated that it meant he had to actually confess
he tried all the hints, like complimenting you a lot and knowing your favorite things so he could gift them to you
he knew he had to confess, so he cornered you after classes one day and yelled that he liked you
you blinked in surprise, saying you had no idea that he liked you; of course, you confessed you liked him too, making his relax almost immediately before he stiffened and asked you on a date properly!
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shroudead · 3 years
Hello! I have a headcanon request but before that, BEST OF LUCK IN PULLING IDIA!!! (I'm assuming you're pulling for him? Either way, all simps need luck when it comes to their favorite boy.)
This might be a bit of a dumb request, but in my defense, I'm a bit dumb for Floyd. Feel free to ignore this if ya want! 💕
I was wondering if you could write headcanons of yandere Floyd with infatuated S/O? Like... Yeah, the eel boy is a tadddd unhinged but he's so cute and sweet! Maybe he beats the hell outta people in debt (and God knows what else depending on how you write him) but you don't have all the facts! (Ace: Which are?!?! S/O: I love him!)
Straight up the meme.
ADeuce: Keep your boyfriend in check!
S/O, reaching up to pet Floyd's head: He don't bite.
Floyd: *baring his teeth*
Sorry, my whole brain was in meme mode thinking about Floyd. Ahem. Either way, have a great day!
again, thank you so so so much for the gacha luck!! i really hope you like this even though yan floyd is a bit more... vicious??? in the way i write him. i don't think that's the right word but hopefully you get what i mean after reading, lol
cw: yandere themes and characters, unhealthy relationships, violence, physical abuse. please read at your own discretion!
Floyd Leech
"Ehe, looks like Shrimpy is head over heels for me, aren't you~? Don't worry, I feel the same way... you're mine, and mine only, Shrimpy."
Floyd is a ticking time bomb. Everyone at Night Raven College knows how the Leech Twins are and the Twins don't even try to hide it. Especially Floyd. That's why when Ace and Deuce catch you hanging off his arm, they think you've finally lost it. Especially when you dismiss all their concerns with a wave of your hand: "Oh, Floyd wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it," "I'm so lucky to have someone so cute as him as my boyfriend," "He'd never hurt me, he loves me too much!" No matter how bad it gets, they still try to get through to you in some hope that you're not completely off your rocker yet.
To give you credit, the relationship was normal. Floyd would only 'squeeze' students who harassed or flirted with you and that was it. Slowly, squeezing turned into beating and harassers turned into innocents. After Floyd left a student who, "looked at you wrong," in the infirmary for a week, nobody besides Octavinelle, the prefects, and the first years would associate with you anymore. You still hold hands with Floyd—even if his are bloodied—with a look of pure bliss. He said that the person was planning to do something bad to you and Floyd wouldn't lie to you, would he?
After the honeymoon phase is over, Floyd toys with you a lot more; you're just not as unpredictable anymore, Shrimpy! He pokes and prods, hoping to get a rise out of you. When that, too, becomes predictable, he bruises and scratches. It keeps escalating from there, though Floyd always makes sure to stop before your injuries are too severe or become permanent. He'll always pick up from where he left off, pushing you until you break, or he gets bored of you—and you always endure it with a smile with tears streaming down your face. Nobody can do anything to help you—going up against Floyd is going up against Jade and Azul, too; and you're practically in denial about how everything turned out. All they can do is give emotional support and medical help, until somebody else steps in.
"Shrimpy, you're just no fun anymore! I thought you wouldn't get boring, but... hmph—Let's keep playing together: you can't be boring, not yet. You're still my Shrimpy after all~."
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yandere-daze · 4 years
This idea came to me in the middle of class and I just had to write it. Sorry about this lol
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T-posing on the dorm leaders to assert your dominance
when you initially knocked on his door, he was curious to know what you wanted to talk to him about with a smile on his face
Then when your face slowly morphed into a smirk, he suddenly got a bad feeling about whatever was going to happen
Standing up, he came to a halt when he saw you standing directly in front him with.... your arms outstretched to both sides??
"What is the meaning of this, y/n?"
You just stare him right in the eye as you tell him that you are asserting your dominance
He blinks once, twice, then his face turns red and he gets huffy
"Th-that! Stop this at once!!"
He tries to forbid you from t-posing again but you want to one-up your earlier attempt so you came up with a plan
You asked Deuce and Ace for help, who were more than happy to do so
When the three of you walked up to him excitedly, Riddle once again had a bad feeling
Then Ace and Deuce went down on their knees and proceeded to give you a lift as you shakily stood on their shoulders
Then getting up and somehow all of you managing to keep your balance, you once again stretched out your arms to form the almighty t-pose, now featuring a pyramid formation
Riddle really didn't know what to think at that moment but he was screaming around none the less
Whether because of frustration, anger, confusion or even embarrassment.... that is up to you, just know he was very red in the face and it was definitely not because you towering over him made him feel something
And then Ace tripped and you all fell down, ruining the magical moment
Which just prompted more screaming from Riddle so was it really a failure?
Leona had once again been lazing around and trying to pull you back into bed with him to use you as his own personal pillow
You decided you had enough of his lazy attitude and had to put your foot down
So you wrestled out of Leona's embrace and stood up, much to your boyfriend's annoyance
"Where are you going herbivore?"
He then got up himself which kind of was a miracle in and of itself
Taking a few steps forward and taking a deep breath, you stood rigidly and stretched out your arms to both sides
Leona tilted his head but you stood your ground
"Oi y/n , just what are you doing? Get back into bed"
"I'm asserting my dominance", you declared
Hearing this, a smirk grew onto your boyfriend's face as he too took a step forward so he was standing right in front of you
Using your current rather vulnerable state to his advantage, he reached out his arms towards you, raising them over your outstretched arms and pushing you against the wall
Yes, Leona just kabedoned you
"My little herbivore wants to be the dominant one? I guess I'll have to prove myself now, don't I?"
not gonna lie, you probably already are the "dominant one" in the relationship
While Azul puts up a serious and collected act, he secretly deals with a lot of insecurities that you have to comfort him about
But that doesn't mean you're not going to confuse him with your big crackhead energy™
Being from another world, you decided to finally put all of that untouched knowledge into good use
So one day you saw Azul once again still working hard even after Mostro Lounge's closing hours
And no matter how much Jade, Floyd or even you asked him to stop for the night and just rest a bit, he insisted on continuing
"I'm almost done with this and then I'll go to bed" , he said for the 6th that evening and you finally had enough of his stubbornness
He WAS going to listen to you
So summoning all if your energy you stood in front of his desk and t-posed in front of him
After hearing Jade make a confused noise and Floyd excitedly whispering about how "Shrimpy was making a funny pose", Azul finally raised his head to look what the commotion was about
And he was confused so say the least
"Y/n why are you in such a strange pose?'
"I'm t-posing to assert my dominance. And as the dominant one in this relationship I'm demanding you to leave your desk and go to bed."
At this, Azul's gaze softened as he let out a quiet sigh before contently shaking his head
"I don't know what's going through your head or why you are making such a strange pose but I appreciate it."
So yes, he was still confused but he gave in and followed you to bed
Mission successful!
Though Azul would soon regret giving in when he saw Floyd t-posing in front of every single person he saw the next day
What have you done to Mostro Lounge, dear reader??
You and your boyfriend Kalim where having a great time together, just making jokes and laughing a lot when an idea struck you
You decided to take this easy-going atmosphere as an opportunity to try something out with him
You were sure he could take a small teasing joke
So you stood up and stood your ground
"Eh? Y/n where are you going?"
You didn't say anything as you gloriously performed a magnificent t-pose right in front of your boyfriend
A confused smile appeared on Kalim's face as he cutely tilted his head
Noticing his confusion you decided to clarify what you were trying to do. So with a smile on your face you started " Kalim, I'm asserting my do-"
You couldn't get any farther as Kalim's eyes lit up in supposed understanding as he suddenly charged at you and tackled you in a crushing hug as he wrapped his arms around your stunned form
Laughing and nuzzling his face against you he exclaimed: "Y/n! You could have just told me if you wanted a hug!! I'm more than glad to give you one!"
So he thought by stretching out your arms, you were asking for a hug from him. Huh, you never considered that before.
You mentally shook your head at the misunderstanding but you couldn't find it in yourself to correct him
After all you didn't mind a loving hug from your boyfriend so why should you complain?
But god have mercy on Jamil if you ever tell Kalim what a t-pose actually means because he will from then on use every opportunity he gets to do one as well
You aren't quite sure what prompted you to do this
You two were just taking pictures with your boyfriend for his Magigram when the sudden urge struck you
So while Vil was switching positions to get a better angle of his face, you took a step forward and summoned all of your courage
Vil's face twitched in both curiosity and slight annoyance as you stood between him and the camera of his phone as you stretched out your arms and stared your boyfriend down
"Potato, why are you standing in the way? I'm trying to take pictures here"
Noticing his irritated tone of voice made you slowly lose confidence to go through with your original plan as he stared at you, you decided to change tactics
"I wanted to help you with your photos!"
At this, Vil tilted his head, not looking convinced at all
"By completely blocking the camera?"
You chuckled nervously before answering
"Yeah! I wanted to show you something! This-" , you looked down at your outstretched arms at both sides, " is actually a very popular pose for taking pictures right now from where I'm from! Everyone does it there, even the most famous of celebrities! I didn't see anyone doing it over here so I thought I could show you!"
Now your boyfriend looked intrigued as his eyes scanned over you as if to contemplate your proposal. After some thinking he nodded to himself before speaking up again
" I can see where you're coming from. This particular pose does give off a rather strikingly... dominant aura."
You couldn't help but internally laugh as he took your advice seriously and also struck a t-pose while taking pictures of himself
Later that day, he posted the pictures on his Magigram where the new trend took off by storm after the famous model Vil had done so as well
You just made t-posing a trend in Twisted Wonderland, congrats!
Now with how much time Idia spends alone in his room and in the internet, I somehow think that he might actually have some knowledge on what a t-pose is
How does he know about it when it's something right out of your world? Don't ask questions
He might or might not have seen you strike the pose in front of your mirror when you thought no one was watching
You were both spending time in his room, watching anime when you both came onto the topic of memes and internet culture somehow
While Idia was explaining some of the rather... interesting trends here you decided to show him one our of your own world that he most likely won't know about
"Ah wait! Let me show you something!"
Surprised by your sudden outburst, he lightly shrunk back before curiously watching you as you got up from your seat
"This-" , you struck your pose with a grin, " is called a t-pose!!"
Trying to hide the fact that he had already seen you do it before, Idia then further asked what the purpose of the t-pose was
"Well..." now a smug grin stretched across your face as you took a few steps forward so that you were standing so close to him, your noses were almost touching
"You t-pose to assert your dominance over others."
And then, with a whisper
"It's working, isn't it?"
I don't know what you were expecting when you t-posed in front of the dark fae but he didn't understand at all
He's not up-to date with current trends so what was his little human trying to accomplish with that weird pose?
So for a minute you two just stood there awkwardly, neither of you saying anything as you stared into each other's eyes
Finally deciding that he had enough he asked the question that was burning on his mind
"Child of man, what is the meaning of this strange pose?"
Letting out a nervous chuckel you decided to explain yourself
"Oh it's just a meme from where I'm from. You t-pose to assert your dominance over another."
Now your explanation just further confused poor Malleus. What was this "meme" you were talking about? Is the strange pose called a "t-pose"? And what did you mean with asserting your dominance?
Then realization came upon him
Was this supposed to be a human courting ritual he hadn't heard of? It wouldn't surprise him if it was, he didn't keep up with the times very well, especially when it concerned humans
So his little human was trying to establish a relationship with him and they want to be the dominant one? Well they could certainly try, but in the end the powerful mage would come out on top
But it was relieving to hear that you felt the same as he did. He tried to hide the feelings that had been slowly forming inside of him but your interest lifted a heavy weight off of his shoulders
He would reciprocate the gesture and court you with his own methods as well
So seeing your efforts, Malleus now also stood up straight and mimicked your pose as a sign that he accepted your feelings, looking at you hopefully
You however just interpreted it as him being awkward once again and just imitating you because he didn't know what to do
So all you said was "Great job, Malleus!", not knowing what you had just unwittingly agreed to
Malleus however looked so happy at your "acceptance" , he could hardly contain himself
He was going to be the best mate you could possibly imagine and court you in whichever way he could come up with
Honey, you've got a big storm coming
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just-patchy · 3 years
A Murmur of the Heart | Malleus/Deuce [Twst Secret Santa]
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Title taken from On Spadina Avenue by Emily Grosholz!
Hi @kirayamidemon!!! I’m your Secret Santa for @twstsecretsanta! I tried to cram as much as I could into this lol, the pacing is a lil off and rushed bc I did rush this so hopefully you don’t mind too much!!
Deuce had never wanted to punch Ace so hard in his life, and he probably would have done so were it not for the five orders he had yet to finish, alone. Without the help of his very helpful coworker who was currently off pestering his short, hot-tempered former senior from high school.
Instead, he settled for shooting a poisonous glare at Ace, who was still sniggering while Yuu (bless them) gave them a tired smile while taking small bites out of their bagel.
“So, let me get this straight,” Ace said, his dumb giggles finally dying down as he tried to rephrase the embarrassing situation his friend found himself in. “Your mom wants to meet this gorgeous, amazing, supermodel-esque boyfriend of yours…that has never existed because you panicked and lied on the spot once…and decided to just continue lying instead of coming clean?” By the time he finished, Ace broke out into another round of laughter as Deuce felt his face burn from embarrassment.
“My mom was excited okay!? She looked so pleased that I ‘found a boyfriend’ and I just-“ he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he set another drink on the counter and called out the order number. If Ace didn’t stop distracting him he was definitely going to mess up one of these ridiculously complex orders, and he already did so enough times to earn disapproving stares and lengthy lectures from Azul.
“To be fair, Deuce’s mom is really nice,” Yuu interjected gently, finishing the rest of their breakfast before throwing the paper napkin into the trash. “Don’t forget who had to go to the bathroom to cry in the middle of dinner the first time round because Auntie Spade is literally the best host ever.” Deuce snorted. He remembered that. It was probably the only time he’s seen Ace being embarrassed at getting free food.
“Hey!” Ace sputtered, pouting when he couldn’t come up with a retort and huffed. He reached across the counter to give Deuce a light smack on the arm when the other boy wouldn’t stop snickering.
“Anyways, where the hell are you gonna conjure up a boyfriend? I doubt Jade or Floyd’s gonna go along with it,” Ace asked, gesturing to one of the twins, who was slinking back to the counter with a pout on his face. “I doubt our disastrous friend over here would let you either,” he added, narrowly dodging a swipe from a blushing Yuu, snickering as they glared at him.
“I think I know someone,” Yuu said, coughing lightly just as the doorbell above the cafe door jingled merrily and a tall, dark and handsome figure walked in. Ace and Deuce could only gape at the sight of Malleus Draconia, the one and only heir of the Diasomnia Company, standing in the little coffee shop on the Night Raven College campus, and for Yuu to give him a friendly clap on the shoulder no less.
“Speak of the devil, hello Tsunotarou,” they chirped, as Malleus smiled down at them, a genuine smile clearly aimed at a friend, a smile that was unnerving to most like Ace and Deuce, who were wholly unfamiliar with someone of such a high social status. Tsunotarou? Tsunotarou? If there was one person who wasn’t afraid to give nicknames to the elite, the top 1%, it was Yuu.
(Deuce had experienced this first hand when he had come into work one day and barely managed to avoid Azul’s royal buttmunch of a boyfriend storm out of the cafe, hissing like an angry wet cat as Yuu called him “fuckface” while sipping on their iced latte. They truly had no fear, it seemed.)
“Hello, child of man,” he greeted Yuu politely, giving a small polite bow as Deuce nearly knocked a cup of coffee over behind the counter. His cheeks burned in embarrassment as he stared at Malleus from beneath his lashes, only to give a quiet yelp and look down at the shiny white rim of the coffee cup when he found Malleus staring back at him in almost childlike curiosity. Deuce had a…large strike zone, for the lack of a better term, ever since his mind drifted down a rabbit hole of exploring his sexuality back when he was a freshman in the boys’ locker room. He remembered crushing on classmates or teammates over the simplest of things, and he had hoped he’d grown out of it as he matured and learned to see the world in more than plain black and white.
Clearly, he had not, if all it took to send him spiralling down the same void was a glass of Tall, Dark and Mysterious.
“Say, Tsunotarou,” began Yuu conversationally, and Deuce’s head snapped up to give a warning glare towards his friend, feeling his cheeks burn as he could only watch on in horror. “You don’t have a date for that upcoming fancy party you mentioned before, right?” Deuce inwardly begged for Yuu to shut up. As if attempting to introduce Malleus to his mother as his fake boyfriend wasn’t bad enough, now he has to attend an event with the city’s elite?
“Ah, you are referring to the annual dinner party hosted by the Al-Asim family?” Malleus responded, raising a questioning eyebrow. “Yes, I was thinking to attend alone or with Lilia, though my grandmother has been insistent that I find a plus-one outside of the company. She has been a little…irritated, as am I, with the constant amount of marriage interviews offered to me, albeit for different reasons.”
Deuce could visualise the gears turning in Yuu’s head, and he loathed what was going to happen.
“May I suggest Deuce here? You’ll have a date outside the company but not one that runs the risk of ruining future business prospects should you reject.” Deuce longed to throw the nearest object at his friend, and maybe even Malleus because the man seemed like he was actually considering it.
Yeah, he should have just came clean.
Athena Spade, contrary to what her son believed, wasn’t a frail old woman in need of protecting. Perhaps once upon a time, when she was still struggling with motherhood alone and taking care of a rebellious child, she needed any help she could get. Yet, even though she was getting up there in age, she was perfectly fine nowadays, more worried about her son than herself. Although, she supposed, that was what all mothers do.
Deuce set down a tray with three cups of tea, before taking a seat next to Malleus, across from his mother. She could see him fidgeting nervously only to calm slightly when Malleus took the initiative to put his hand on top of the smaller boy’s. Where Deuce had yet to grow out of his hotheadedness that ran rampant in his teenage years, Malleus carried himself with poise and elegance that had clearly been embedded and carved into his very being with training and experience. An unlikely combination to the naked eye, especially considering the slim bonds and glaring differences between them, but…
Electing to say nothing, she took a sip of tea, eyeing up the man that had stole her son’s heart.
“So, Malleus, what do you do for a living?” she enquired conversationally. Deuce had told her his boyfriend was rather wealthy, but hopefully he did have a good head on his shoulders, and not just mooch off of his family’s fortune.
“I am next in line to inherit my family’s company. Perhaps you have heard of Diasomnia? I have been brought up in preparation to take over once my father retires.”
Deuce started choking from where he was seated next to him as Athena raised her brows in surprise, short of spitting out her tea. Well, that was certainly unexpected.
“I thought I told you to have some tact?” Deuce hissed as they boarded the train back to Night Raven College. Overall, their meeting had been rather pleasant, their collaborated story was believable enough to fool his mother for now. Something about the glint in his mother’s eyes told him she didn’t entirely buy it, but at the very least she didn’t question it, only parting with them with the words, “be careful.”
It was a simple one, a coincidental meeting through a mutual friend (which was true, just set much earlier than what reality would suggest), and gradually getting to know each other before developing romantic feelings, eventually confessing and testing the waters. Provided that Deuce had actually brought him home to meet his mother, however, coming up with a reason to ‘break-up’ would certainly be difficult.
“There is no way to sugarcoat such a fact,” Malleus replied bluntly, giving Deuce an almost condescending pat on the head. It would have been, had Deuce not discovered over the course of their cooperation, that Malleus was far more of an…idiot, for the lack of a better word, than what he would have expected from the Diasomnia heir. While he still felt somewhat intimidated (he was dealing with someone of a very high calibre after all), Yuu was certainly right when they reassured him that Malleus was nothing to worry about, after he texted them at some ungodly hour in the morning, plagued with thoughts of having his face published in tabloid articles for the most ludicrous reasons.
Deuce could only sigh in response, settling for glaring at his tall “boyfriend” as Malleus reached over to link their hands together, his cool touch setting fire to Deuce’s flesh and blood. There weren’t many people on the train, the ones onboard occupied with their own activities to notice them, and yet the need to keep up appearances persisted. The feeling that they were committing a righteous crime of some sort, to desperately not give a hint as to the fact that their relationship was built on fabrication.
The knowledge burned deep in the recesses of Deuce’s mind, along with the muffled chugging noises of the train as they sped home.
Deuce shyly eyed the man sitting across from him, pale porcelain-like profile illuminated by the dim lights of the restaurant. The metal cutlery glinted with every elegant movement Malleus took, as he ate his meal with the grace expected of someone his standing, in contrast to Deuce, who couldn’t even sit with his back straight most days, worn out from the daily toil and turmoil. At the very least, he was thankful that the restaurant they were at wasn’t too classy, having a warm and welcoming atmosphere despite the cool tones of the decor.
Still, he felt underdressed, exposed. Where Malleus was clad in a black button-up shirt that exposed his defined collarbones and slacks that hugged his slender figure, Deuce had thrown on whatever he could find when Malleus suddenly called to tell him he would be picking him up, thus dressing in a faded hoodie and worn jeans.
‘What was the purpose of calling me here?’ he wondered, absentmindedly chewing on a piece of his steak. Malleus had said nothing, and the “couple” only made some regular small talk at best; what they had been doing recently (schoolwork and jobs), did anything interesting happen (the Leech twins were seemingly getting impatient with Yuu, thank god), before they fell into silence, only appreciating each other’s company.
The evening went by in a pleasant daze, Deuce letting himself cling to Malleus slightly (“for warmth”, he argued, though both knew the weather was temperate), and liquid fire pooling in his gut when he looked up to see something akin to fondness in Malleus’ green eyes. It felt too intimate, too personal for someone with their sort of relationship. There was nothing emotional to tie them together, only the promise of temporary convenience.
Still, as Malleus sent him home with a kiss on the forehead and “hoping he found this date satisfactory”, Deuce burned with the realisation that the dinner wasn’t technically necessary at all.
Deuce fiddled with the sleeves of his blazer for what would be the nth time that night, blinded by the dizzying lights and harsh reflections of wine glasses no matter where he looked. He glanced back and forth between the party and Malleus, who was casually conversing with some of the other party-goers and had no problems entertaining and being entertained.
He had been warned that the annual dinner banquets thrown by the Al-Asims were grand, judging by their various connections within and outside the country, but some things had to be seen to believed.
The polished marble tiles felt like they were coming alive beneath him, as if they were quicksand, and Deuce could do nothing but sink, helpless and silent prayers for help drowned out in the small talk of the elite. The stench of wine became a suffocating vice around his neck, and the slightest brush of Malleus’ silk suit against his plain, off-the-rack blazer felt like metal scraping against his very bones.
“My love, is there something wrong?” That damned nickname, the final nail in the coffin. He despairingly looked up at Malleus, a worried glint in his eyes marring the fondness of his gaze. What love? He wanted to yell. What was there to love about a false relationship, about someone as plain and common as himself?
Hurriedly, he meekly excused himself for ‘some fresh air’, and briskly walked away, sprinting when he was sure that prying eyes were no more. He ran, and ran, until at last he came to a stop, lost in some drawing room of the mansion, with no one for company except the patterns on the walls that seemed to breathe and shake with every glance he made.
He collapsed onto the nearest couch, heart still thrumming and racing despite that he was starting to catch his breath. His mind ran faster, whirling through multiple lines of thought at a time, phasing between reality and fantasy, fact and fiction, because everything had to be a dream. What homework did he have to hand in next week? Why was he at this party when he was leagues below everyone else in attendance? Was his mom still worried about him? What would Ace and Yuu say if they knew about this?
(He knew the answer, had pieced it together thread by thread, patch by patch. Their sympathetic gazes and gentle touches told him everything, and he wasn’t sure if he still wanted the confirmation, the model answer, that he was a lost cause.)
He should have seen that he was set up for failure the second the idea was suggested to him. His mother always told him he had a big heart, and it was backfiring on him in the most agonising way possible. He could stand having a crush on someone outside his league, he was used to that after years of puppy love. How was he supposed to let go of someone like this, when it was more than just surface-level admiration?
He didn’t dare say it was love, perhaps it’d hurt less, as the image of Malleus gleaming underneath the bright lights of the party was seared into his mind.
His doomed fate came in the form of an unknown phone number one afternoon, as he was lounging alone in his dingy dorm room on campus.
Deuce had took to steadily avoiding Malleus at any cost, having Floyd or Jade take over the counter when the older student came in, asking Yuu to make excuses for him despite the disapproval written across their face. He couldn’t. He couldn’t stand there and pretend he was remotely on the same level as Malleus. They were too different, and he had to pull out before he was beyond the point of no return.
He had answered the phone, expecting some sort of promotion or survey, or maybe an old classmate calling for some gathering. The low timbre of Malleus’ voice was the last thing he expected to grace him over the phone.
“I thought you didn’t use phones?” was the first response he could put together in his confused and panicking mind.
“I borrowed Lilia’s. He insisted I did after he saw your number on the side of my coffee cup.” Jade, probably. Floyd had minimal patience to begin with, and most of it was reserved for a certain student with a fat grey cat the size of a baby. Deuce was surprised Floyd hadn’t dragged him out by force by now, out of irritation for his moping, though Yuu’s recent absence may have been part of the reason why.
“My love, did I do something wrong?” Ah, he couldn’t do this. His gaze went blurry as tears welled up in his eyes. Their show was nearing the finale, so why, why did Malleus sound so genuinely concerned?
“N-no,” he sniffled, barely forcing the answer past his throat. It was his fault. He stupidly got his hopes up for a relationship that wasn’t meant to be. There was nothing sincere about the love it had, or rather, nothing about it was love. It was one of convenience, and Deuce didn’t know how to convey the fact that he had fallen when Malleus sounded so honestly worried for his wellbeing.
“…What, pray, do you mean by nothing sincere?” Was he rambling? Deuce couldn’t tell anymore, silenced in the face of what sounded like slowly boiling rage on the other side of the phone call. At whom, Deuce didn’t know, likely at him for daring to step out of line.
“Was our relationship not one of respect and admiration? Perhaps, we started off unconventionally, but please,” Malleus’ voice took on a pleading tone. “Please tell me what mistake I committed for you to doubt me.”
The phone call fell silent, and Deuce nearly dropped his phone as the words slowly registered one by one in his mind.
“…we were dating?” he whispered, voice almost inaudible over the call. Deuce felt faint, and was thankful that he had already been lying down to begin with.
“Yes? Was my etiquette incorrect?” Malleus sounded adorably confused even to Deuce’s muddled mind. “My apologies, I spent most of my upbringing studying and learning about the company in preparation for my inheritance, so I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with-“
“No! No, it’s…” His heart grew warm at the single flickering flame of hope. “I just- well, I thought you just wanted me as a date for the dinner party thing, y’know, to ward off other suitors or…something…” His voice trailed off in embarrassment, and he was half tempted to hang up right then and there.
“…So it seems as though we started this relationship off incorrectly to begin with,” Malleus sighed, as Deuce squeaked in further humiliation (albeit he’d deny it when Malleus would bring it up further on).
“Is this Sunday preferable?”
“For what?” Deuce asked cautiously, heart hammering away in excitement and fear.
“A meeting, or I suppose ‘date’ would be the correct term.” He could almost hear Malleus smile over the phone. “I believe we do need to get to know each other better, no?” A slight pause.
“…Sunday works.”
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
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@atwstedstory the brain started going brrrrrrrrrr ...
I thought about trying to draw it, but my draw juice is so inconsistent. So I'll make the image happen in your head just in case the juice does not happen.
So Tristan may have mentioned to one or both of his boyfriends that he's going to laugh at some bad movies with Sparky, and. Well. Sparky has a reputation as a flirt, so there's no way they'll let those two be ALONE, right? Plus, movie snuggles. So we have a lion and/or a dragon joining them.
And if @twstinginthewind's Joker is anything like the person who made her, she loves riffing bad films too, so she'll wanna get in on the action. Depending on the timeline, she might bring one of her sweethearts, so you could have Trey, Floyd, Deuce Rook, or Sebek joining them … and her brother, because Punch likes bad movies, too.
And Vil is there??? To do "what NOT to do" research for the film club???
And of course Grim is ignoring the movie and going bonkers over the snacks.
This party is getting out of hand and I love it.
(Don't worry, Tristan has final say over who actually gets to come over, lol. It is a bit of a crowd. I do know Sparky and Joker will definitely bring extra snacks.)
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