#detective lindsay
chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader - Pt. 2
Request for @maximeseveridecaseyc - I hope you like it!
Synopsis: Part 2 of THIS request - Reader and Voight are taking the next step in their relationship! :)
Eight months went by, your relationship with Hank growing deeper and more passionate every day. Your bruises had healed, and you’d naturally gained some weight, but it was good weight. You were happier and despite still having nightmares, Hank stayed by your side. You often spent your days in his house, as you felt safe there. He urged you to go out on your own, because he didn’t want to restrict you. When you did leave, you went to Molly’s and worked a weekend shift, especially when Hank was wrapped up in a case.
One day, Hank came home to you, a wide smile on his face. It was rare to see him in such a good mood due to his line of work. You walked to the door and greeted him.
“Hey baby,” you said softly, waiting for him to strip his outer jacket and shoes before wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
He looked down at you, his smile only growing. “Hey there,” he replied. “How was your day?”
You laughed. “It was good. Looks like yours was too.”
He kissed you again, rubbing your waist. “Even better now that I’m home with you.”
You smiled, putting a hand up to his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Seems like you’re extra happy today.”
Hank hummed, turning his head to kiss your hand, using one hand to take it and hold it. “Come on, let’s eat dinner. I’m just so happy to see my girlfriend.”
You laughed, using your free hand to rub his chest before he whisked you away to the kitchen. The two of you decided to cook spaghetti. You and Hank worked together on the meal, Hank playfully getting some sauce on his finger and pressing it to your nose. You gasped and laughed, getting him back by saucing him in the cheek. You both laughed, the happiest people in the world in those moments. The rest of the world didn’t exist as the two of you laughed and wiped the sauce from one another’s faces.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, pressing your face into his chest. “You know, when I first met you, I never thought that you’d be such a softie.“
Hank couldn’t help but blush when you called him that. “I hope you don’t go around telling people that. I have to keep my hard-ass reputation.” He laughed, stroking your hair as he held you close.
“No, it’s just for me,” you whispered, pulling back and kissing him deeply.
Hank smiled down at you when you parted. “Yeah, it is.” He reached into his pocket, pulling something out after a moment and keeping it hidden in his hand. “Look, (Y/N), you’re the first person to make me happy since Camille passed on. I want to make sure you stick around. I know it’s really informal but… I want to ask you if you’ll marry me.” Hank opened his hand to reveal a simple engagement ring.
You blushed deeply, gasping softly when he asked, tears welling in your eyes. How could you say no to him? He made you just as happy. You slowly took the ring from his hand, nodding as you looked up at him, slipping it on your ring finger. “Yes… Yes, Hank, I’d love to marry you.” You pushed closer into his embrace as he pulled you as close as possible, kissing you deeply, passion and love pouring from his soul, directly into yours. You felt completely fulfilled by this moment alone.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Hank, practically jumping into his arms. He smiled and pulled you up, setting you up on the counter as he turned off the stove. “You know, I didn’t plan to do this until after dinner, but it was so… perfect.”
You smiled down at him, carting your fingers through his hair and rubbing the nape of his neck. “Yeah, it was perfect,” you affirmed. “I couldn’t think of anything better.”
The next day, you went with Hank into work, as you sometimes did, especially because you liked to visit the intelligence unit, who had come to be your close friends and practically family.
It was Antonio who noticed it first. He was a father, and he had taken on something of a parent role to you as well. He looked at your hand, then met your eyes and smiled. “Congratulations,” he said softly, so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Thanks,” you whispered with a nod as you walked over to see Erin and Jay in the break room. “Hey guys.”
Erin smiled when she saw you. “Hey, (Y/N)!” She walked over and gave you a gentle hug. “You seem different.”
You shrugged a little. “What do you mean?” You smiled at her as Jay handed you a cup of coffee, which you held with both hands as you sipped.
Erin hummed, looking you over. “You look like you’re glowing.”
“Well, I had a good night last night,” you said with a small laugh.
Hank came up behind you in the doorway, a rare smile on his face. Erin didn’t see him smile like that often, meeting his eyes for a moment before Hank looked down.
Erin’s eyes turned to you, gasping when she saw the engagement ring on your finger. “No way,” she said with a laugh. “Hank, you sly dog.”
Hank shrugged. “What can I say?”
Jay laughed. “Congratulations.” He walked over, giving you a small hug, then shaking Hank’s hand.
Erin came over and hugged you tightly. “I’m so happy for the two of you.” She smiled, then hugged Hank as well. “I’m glad you make each other happy.”
You turned to look at Hank as he hugged his foster daughter, a bright smile on your face. “Erin, I’d love it if you could be my maid of honor.”
Erin turned quickly to you, smiling. “I’d love to, (Y/N). Anything you need, let me know.”
Hank chuckled. “We talked about it last night. We decided we’d just have a small wedding and elope. Just close friends.”
Antonio walked in, smiling and shaking Hank’s hand. “Congratulations - both of you.” He hugged you tightly, kissing your cheek. “You both deserve it.”
You smiled and hugged Antonio tightly. “Walk me down the aisle?”
Antonio pulled back, looking at you with a look of surprise. “Me? Are you sure?”
“Who else?” You asked with a smile.
Three months later, you were dress shopping. Your wedding was set for a month out, making you both excited and nervous. It wasn’t a huge ceremony, but you wanted it to be just right. Hank was the love of your life, your first true love and the man who ultimately treated you like you were worth more than a passing glance. You weren’t a body with Hank, you were a person.
“(Y/N),” Erin said, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you said, walking with Erin into the store, Jay right behind you.
When you walked in, you were greeted by a man and a woman, both of which would be assisting you.
After trying on eighteen dresses, you were exhausted. None of them were quite right. You liked a few, hated a few others, and were indifferent on the rest. You were upset that you couldn’t find one you loved and were going to settle on one of the ones you thought were okay instead. That’s when Jay popped out of the aisle. “Hey, (Y/N), try this one.”
“I’m exhausted, Jay,” you groaned. “It’s fine, I’ll just pick one of these.”
“No, I’m serious, this is the last one. Try it.”
“Jay…” you whined. “Come on…”
Erin walked over to Jay, looking at the dress he was holding, then nodding. “Come on, (Y/N), one more.”
You looked at the both of them, then sighed. “Fine. But this is the last one. Then I’m leaving.”
You got into the dress which fit you well in all the right places. You bit your lip as you looked down at it, wondering if it actually looked as good as you thought. When you walked out and stood on the podium, you looked at Erin and Jay on the couch first. “Does it look okay?”
Jay smiled brightly, nodding. Erin gasped and stood up, walking over to you. “(Y/N), you need to see it for yourself.”
You bit your lip as Erin helped you move around to the mirror, your eyes closed tightly. When you finally got the courage to open your eyes and look, you blushed, then tears welled in your eyes. You put your hands to your face, gasping as you started to cry. “It’s… perfect.”
“Told you,” Jay said, standing and joining Erin. “It’s always in the last place you look.”
You laughed, shaking your head and wiping the tears from your face. “That’s only lost things, silly.”
Jay shrugged and chuckled.
You and Hank had decided at the last minute to have your wedding on the steps of the 21st district. Seeing as it was a weekend, the foot traffic could be routed through a different door. Trudy was able to take care of it for you. She was so happy for Hank that he had found someone new since Camille had passed. You, Erin, Stella, and Sylvie were a block away at Sylvie's apartment. The girls had personally taken care of your hair and makeup, styling it so that your face was perfectly framed. As you finished assembling your dress and got your shoes on, you looked in the mirror, biting your lip. Everything was perfect, and you were glowing. The engagement ring on your finger was sparkling brightly, and you couldn't help but smile, thinking about Hank, hoping he thought you were beautiful too.
A knock came to the door. Erin walked over and cracked it open, then allowed Antonio inside. Antonio stepped in, nodding to the three bridesmaids, then to you with a small smile. "Beautiful."
"Thanks," you said softly, nodding back at him. "Is everyone ready at the district?"
"Yep, just waiting on you." He walked over, offering his arm. You took it, the two of you walking downstairs and out to his car. Erin, Stella and Sylvie got into another car, driving ahead of you and Antonio so they could get set up. Toni sat in the driver's seat beside you, waiting a few minutes before he started driving. He looked at you. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
You took a deep breath as your eyes shifted to his face. "Butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies."
Antonio chuckled, gently taking your hand for comfort. "Hank feels the same way - he just won't say so."
"How do you know?" You squeezed his hand.
Antonio laughed. "I haven't seen Hank so frantic in my life. He knows this is a small event, but he wants to make sure it's right. For you. He understands you haven't been married before and he wants you to have a good day."
You smiled softly, thinking about Hank being frantic. You could barely imagine it. The level-headed man you'd come to love, hard on the outside and soft on the inside, how could he be so frantic? You looked out the window as Antonio drove you to the district, the butterflies in your stomach getting stronger with each passing minute.
When you arrived at the district, Antonio kissed your cheek, then got out and opened your door for you, handing you a bouquet he had grabbed from the back seat. It was made up of your favorite flowers. He helped you out, then the two of you walked across the street. At the top of the stairs stood Hank, Alvin and Jay beside him, a third spot left for Antonio. Chief Boden from Firehouse 51 was officiating your wedding, standing in the middle with a small smile. Erin, Stella and Sylvie had since taken their places on the opposite side of Al and Jay, a spot left for you. Each had a grin on their face, except Hank.
Hank's eyes moved all over you. He examined every part of you, from bottom to top. When his eyes finally met yours, he nodded a little, swallowing hard. You wondered if he wanted to back out, but as Antonio led you up the steps toward Hank, you could see he actually had tears in your eyes. You teared up as well, seeing that he was crying just looking at you. The two of you were overwhelmed with emotion as Antonio let you go and into Hank's arms, taking his spot beside Jay. Hank hugged you, mumbling in your ear. "You're beautiful... Inside and out... I can't wait to make you my wife."
You sniffled, trying not to rub your makeup on him. Al handed you a tissue, as if he knew you would need it beforehand. You took it with a silent thanks, pulling away from Hank to dab your eyes, then holding his hands. You barely listened to Boden until your part came, Erin handing you the wedding band for Hank, and Al giving the one for you to Hank. You repeated the words Boden asked you to, then Hank to you. The two of you were still dabbing your tears every so often, voices barely a whisper, as it was all either of you could muster without breaking into tears.
After you exchanged rings, you exchanged vows, promising to love and support one another - no matter what came your way. Each of you promised that your marriage meant more than just a body to sleep beside. Your marriage was the most important thing in your lives, come what may.
After exchanging the rings, Boden talked a bit more before the two of you were finally allowed to kiss one another. Hank pulled you close, a soft yet desperate pull. He touched his nose to yours, finally letting tears stream from his eyes. "I love you," he whispered softly before closing the gap and pressing his lips to yours, kissing you with the same passion, love and energy you had felt the first time he kissed you. You returned it all, holding onto him lovingly, clutching his jacket for life, as if he might leave if you let go. You finally had something good, and it was yours to keep. Love.
When the two of you finally parted, you whispered back, breathless. "I love you too." Finally, the claps and cheers of your wedding party and audience came to your ears. You smiled and faced the small crowd of friends, waving with your free hand, holding your bouquet in the other. You threw it out into the crowd, Kim catching it. She blushed as Adam laughed and put his arm around her shoulders. Then, Hank walked you down the steps, smiling like a fool. The two of you got into his Dodge Durango and drove away, waving. You went to his house, practically already both of yours. The two of you changed into something a little less fancy, but still nice. Then, you shared a few moments together, gentle and loving, before leaving and heading out to Molly's for your reception.
When the two of you arrived at Molly's, the party was already in full swing. Trudy and Erin made sure everyone was having a good time. You and Hank walked in, everybody clapping and hollering. Hank held your hand, smiling and even blushing. It was a blush he would pass off as it being too hot. Only you and a select few others knew that his blush was real. The two of you walked around, talking with everyone. Mainly though, Hank did the talking while you just enjoyed holding his hand. The two of you had some casual drinks, but you were already exhausted and looked forward to spending the night in his arms, leaning into him. He cast his arm around your waist and pulled you close, allowing you to lean further into his embrace. His embrace was the best place on the planet, and you never wanted to leave it.
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xxbatmanb3y0ndxx · 8 months
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guys im so svared i have a big chem test tomorrow and my evil math teacher is making fun of me for ebing transgender… mods ban this guy
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artlyloser · 6 days
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[ID: Illustration of Aura from Superboy and The Ravers. She is laid back on a couch with her legs up on the arm. She is wearing patterned pants and fingerless gloves with metal thigh-high boots, gauntlets, a shoulder pauldron, and a metal halter. Everything is lit purple with strobe lights coming from off-screen. END ID.]
I can't believe I almost forgot to post this but I read SATR and I loved Aura sm
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preakercohle · 5 months
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Girl’s (me) turn 20 and choose to base their personalities on these characters
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lacunafish · 10 months
PAPD detective superintendent: We want only are finest detectives on the jigsaw case.
Everyone else: no problem.
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purplekirby · 1 year
My mom: telling me about a movie she just watched
Me, who hasn't seen it but has seen an hour+ youtube video essay on it:
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zdrawet · 9 months
Я пересмотрела THC и я в восторге, так что...
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and of course...
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I want them to be husbands
Initially, this was supposed to be a Mafia AU without any plot, but I don’t know very well how this whole system works, so just collages with our favorites
I could do 3 sequence, but I don’t know how it will go and whether anyone will like it at all
I also forgot the song I did this to... if I remember, I’ll write.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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dimepicture · 4 months
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader - Pt. 1
Request for @maximeseveridecasey - I hope you like it! Part 2 coming soon.
Synopsis: Reader is a bartender at Molly's with a boyfriend who is bad news. Hank Voight is investigating the case, but soon becomes smitten with her.
TW: Reader is victim of abuse
You were tending the bar at 2PM on a Friday. You weren’t sure why the bar was open that early, seeing as the only customers you had were the old men and day drinkers who had nothing better to do. Herman, however, seemed convinced that it was bringing in enough revenue. You didn’t mind, so long as you got a paycheck. You were saving money so you could leave Chicago, and moreover, leave your boyfriend.
It was getting hard to hide the bruises from Herman, Otis, and Gabby. You often wore long sleeves despite it being summertime, and the makeup had on often sweat off in the middle of rush hour, revealing the bruises on your neck and face. If anyone asked, you quickly made up an excuse and changed the subject.
Your thoughts were broken by the little bell ringing as the door opened. A man in his mid-fifties walked in and looked around. You figured it was another day drinker, or one of those people who stopped in because they were meeting up with someone. Nevertheless, you walked over as he sat at the bar. “Hey there, what can I get you?” You smiled.
He hummed, looking you over, then set something on the bar. “Guess.” He pulled his hand away, leaving a badge in its wake.
You looked at him when you heard his unique voice. He sounded like he smoked eight packs a day, yet he didn’t smell like smoke. You glanced at the badge, then sighed, turning and grabbing two shot glasses, putting one in front of him, and one in front of you. Then, you grabbed your liquor of choice and poured two shots. “On the house.” You took your glass and held it up. The man seemed intrigued, but matched you, clinking your glasses together before you both took a shot. “What can I do for you, sergeant?”
He laughed, looking at you as he set the glass back down. “Do you know me or something?”
You shook your head, putting one finger on the star still sitting on the bar. “It says so on your badge. Dead giveaway. Should’ve used someone else’s.” You shrugged and took care of the glasses and liquor before leaning down on the counter, a cocked eyebrow. “What do you need?”
“Do you know Gregory Sanders?”
You stopped at the name of your boyfriend. You sighed deeply, standing straight again and grabbing a cloth to wipe off the bar. It wasn’t dirty, but you wanted to busy yourself. “I don’t think you’d be here if I didn’t.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“You still haven’t introduced yourself, Sergeant.”
A corner of his mouth pulled him to smile. “Hank Voight.”
“(Y/N) (L/N),” you replied, not looking up as you obsessively found something to do with your hands.
“So, tell me about Greg.”
“What do you want to know?”
Hank watched you struggle to find something to do, seemingly amused. “What does he do for work?”
You scoffed. Considering your boyfriend was a full-time gun dealer, it almost made you laugh. “Nothing. I bring the paychecks.”
“Yeah? That might be true to an extent, but you should see his bank statements.”
“I have nothing to do with that.”
“That’s not what I asked… Besides, it’s not you I want. But I could arrest you and bring you in for drinking on the job.”
You scoffed again, rolling your eyes and leaning down on the bar again to look into his eyes. “You could. But you can’t charge me with anything. Go ahead, I’m sure my bosses will be ecstatic that I have to close the bar because of you. Just make sure your house doesn’t catch on fire anytime soon if you do take me in.”
“Right, because this is the firefighter bar?” Hank hummed. “I know those firefighters. I’m sure I could smooth things over.”
“You said your name is… Voight?” You laughed softly when he nodded. “I doubt that. They kind of hate you.”
Hank matched your amusement, chuckling as he pulled a card out of his jacket. “Maybe that’s true too. You’re pretty smart, I’ll give you that.” He slid the card over to you on the bar, then grabbed his badge and clipped it back to his belt. “Find me if you feel like talking.”
With that, he got up and left the bar. You looked down at the card, which was his business card. Taking it, you put it in your jeans pocket just as someone else came up to the bar. You looked up, but frowned when you saw it was Greg himself. You walked over and grabbed his beer of choice. You hated it when he drank, since his tab usually came out of your paycheck. You set it in front of him after opening it. “Hey baby,” you said softly. “What’s going on?”
“Who was that?” He asked. “Travis told me a cop was here.”
“Yeah he was a cop,” you replied with a shrug. “A lot of cops hang out at this bar. It’s owned by firefighters. First responders are all a club.”
“A sergeant?”
You scoffed. “So? Just means he’s allowed to day drink more than the foot patrols.”
He grabbed your arm, squeezing it tightly, right where he had left bruises previously. You gasped and let out a small yelp in pain but couldn’t escape his strong grip. “Shit, that hurts, Greg,” you whispered as your body contorted in an effort to escape him.
“What the hell did you tell him?”
“Nothing, I swear! He came in, asked about you, and I told him I have nothing to do with whatever you do on a daily basis. That I work to support us both!”
Greg squeezed harder, then finally let go, making you recoil and rub your aching arm. You bit your lip as tears brimmed your eyes.
“You better not talk to the cops. You know what will happen.”
“I know,” you whispered.
Greg took a deep swig of his beer before getting up and leaving, Travis leaving with him. You sighed, grabbing the still-full beer and swigging some yourself before putting it below the counter to drink later.
When work got out, things really ramped up at the bar. You got busy. Greg didn’t hang out when the bar was busy, because there were so many cops around. You started to sweat again, especially due to the long sleeve and pants you were wearing, rolling up your sleeves to reveal the fresh bruises in an attempt to cool yourself. Nevertheless, your makeup betrayed you and once again showed off the bruises on your neck and your cheeks. You wanted to get to the bathroom to touch it up, but not before Sylvie and Stella caught you. The two looked you over with a frown.
“(Y/N), who does this to you?” Sylvie asked.
“Nobody,” you replied quickly. “I’m just clumsy, you know?” You quickly poured them another shot of whatever they were drinking.
“Come on, (Y/N), there’s twenty cops in this bar who would be happy to help you,” Stella protested.
You sighed and shook your head. “Stella, Sylvie, I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine.”
“Whoever you’re protecting isn’t worth it if they do this to you. They won’t hurt you if you tell us,” Stella protested.
You scoffed. Of course, Greg would hurt you if he ever found out. He would probably kill you. You shook your head and walked away from them to tend to someone else at the bar.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Erin said with a smile as she walked up with Jay. You knew the two pretty well, as they were there with the normal crowd most nights.
“Hey Erin, Jay,” you nodded to each of them. “What’s the choice tonight?”
“Just beer,” Jay said with a smile.
“Coming right up.” You grabbed two beers and popped them open, setting them in front of the two. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Actually,” Erin said, reaching out to take your hand. She didn’t want to touch your bruises, so she pulled you gently by the hand to come closer. “You okay?”
You sighed. “Yes, I’m fine. We have this conversation a lot, don’t we?”
“You have new bruises a lot,” Jay replied softly. “We’re just making sure you’re alright.”
“I’m clumsy,” you said with a shrug. “Besides, one of your cop buddies came around today.”
“Yeah?” Erin asked.
“A sergeant,” you replied. “Voight, I think was his name. I guess he’s investigating someone. Thought I had something to do with it. Threatened to arrest me, too.”
Jay and Erin looked at one another, then Jay swigged his beer. Erin hummed and looked back at you. “Voight is our boss. He’s the guy who practically raised me.”
You took a sharp breath. You’d just wanted to change the subject. Now you didn’t want to talk at all. “Sorry I said anything,” you said softly. “I don’t want to get in the way of your investigation.”
“(Y/N), we’re investigating Greg Sanders. You were identified as someone on his contacts list.”
You sighed. “Like I told Voight, he’s my boyfriend, but I don’t have anything to do with whatever he does. All I know is I work when the bar is open, and sleep most of the other time. Greg comes home sometimes to get his… fill. We have sex, I fall asleep then get up for work. That’s it.”
Jay looked up at you. He had those puppy dog eyes that could make the hardest person melt in an instant. “We think he’s pretty rough with you, considering the bruises. We just want to help you, especially if you don’t have anything to do with his… dealings.”
You shrugged and turned away as someone else came up to the bar, letting the conversation end there. You got busy again, filling and re-filling drinks, running and paying tabs, and keeping it as clean as possible.
When the bar finally closed for the night, you swept the floor and made sure everything was clean for the next day. It was Saturday, your day off. Christopher walked out from the back, handing you an envelope. You opened it and counted out enough to cover the tab your boyfriend had run up that week, which had been more than half of your paycheck. You sighed as you handed it to him. “For Greg’s tab.”
“You know, he should pay for his own drinks,” Chris said softly. “Is there a reason you’re still with this guy?”
You shrugged as you continued to sweep the floor. You knew he’d kill you if you ever broke up with him. That’s why you had to leave Chicago. You knew this week’s paycheck wouldn’t contribute much to your sad savings for the trip away. You had barely $100 saved up and you’d been saving for three months.
Chris sighed. He tried multiple times, like many others, to reach you. You simply wanted to leave Chicago and go somewhere nobody could find you. “Alright, just let me know if you need anything. All I’m saying is you deserve better.”
The next day, you woke up in the afternoon, due to being up until last call. What really annoyed you, though, was an obsessive knocking at your front door. You groaned and threw on some clothes, yelling down to the door. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath a curse at whoever was on the other side of the door. When you finally opened it, you were shocked to see Travis, who pushed himself past you and inside. “Travis? What the hell is going on?”
“(Y/N), it’s not my fault, I swear it.”
“What? What’s not?”
“There’s a cop and he’s pissed.”
“What cop? Where?” You looked back to the door, which was still open, seeing Hank Voight standing on your porch now. You hadn’t seen him before because of Travis’s frantic nature. “Sergeant Voight, what’s going on?”
Voight pushed into the house with you, shutting the door behind him. “You’re both going to come with me. Either we can do this quietly, or I can bring three squads down and make a big show of it with the cuffs.”
Your eyes landed on Travis. “What the hell did you do? Does Greg know?”
“It’s not my fault! He threatened me!”
You scoffed and looked back to Voight. “I know my rights.”
“That’s the wrong answer, (Y/N). I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t need your damn help or anybody’s. I’m not going anywhere, so go ahead and drag me out in cuffs. I’d like to see the warrant for my arrest.”
Voight looked you over, then turned his gaze to Travis. “Come on, big boy.”
“I-I didn’t do anything! I brought you here! What more do you want from me, man?!”
“You have a warrant, Travis. Failure to appear in court for your weed possession.” Voight walked over and grabbed Travis, pushing him against the wall with his hands behind his back. “I’m taking you to the station and booking you.”
You rolled your eyes. “What’s the deal, Voight? Cops always make a deal when they try to threaten people with petty things like this. Especially when they’re of your rank and position.”
“Deal is, you both come quietly, or I force you both with me.”
“Why?” You crossed your arms. You hadn’t realized it until then, but you were wearing a short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts, which showed off all of the bruises on your body. You also didn’t have any makeup on.
Voight brought Travis over, then leaned in to very quietly whisper in your ear. “There’s bugs all over your house. Can’t talk here.”
You let out a breath. “Cameras too,” you muttered before recoiling away from him. “You’re going to have to arrest me, then!”
“So be it,” Voight said with a nod, then took out a radio to call for squad backup. He put cuffs on Travis and led you out to the front porch with him. A single squad came for backup, the two cops taking Travis and cuffing you. Voight put you in his own car, the others taking Travis in theirs.
As you rode with Voight, you looked up at him from the back. “What is this?”
“I know he hurts you,” Voight said. “Erin and Jay are concerned. They wanted me to get you out of there. From the looks of your body, I’m glad I did.”
You blushed, suddenly feeling exposed as you tried to cover yourself, which was impossible due to your cuffs and choice of clothing. “I’ve never told anyone what he does. They don’t know what's going on.”
Voight sighed, glancing to the rear-view mirror. “Plus, your boyfriend is a felon. Drug running across state lines? I’ve heard that he even took a few loads to Canada.”
“Look, I don’t have anything to do with what he spends his time doing.”
“That’s why I have to protect you. For all he knows, you were arrested. In reality, you’re in protective custody until I put the cuffs on him and put him away for life.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, right… If you really wanted to help me, you’d get me out of the state instead.”
Voight didn’t say anything back, driving you to the district as you looked out the window, wishing you could just start over.
2 Weeks Later
You were put into protective custody by Hank and the others. Erin often came to check up on you, sometimes with Jay. You always brushed it off and made snide remarks, but it was only because you were afraid he would find you. You were confined to a safehouse on the outskirts of the city for over two weeks before a firm knock came to your door. It wasn't Erin, seeing as she usually brought her key and knocked softly. You were terrified, grabbing a knife from the kitchen and trying to peek through the front window. You could tell it was a man by the way he was standing and the firmness of the knock. You couldn't see his face, though, and that terrified you. You took a breath and positioned yourself behind the door, holding the knife up, then unlocking it and opening it, peeking around to stab whoever may have walked through.
His reflexes were faster than yours. He grabbed your wrist which was holding the knife, but his voice made you stop when you began to struggle. "(Y/N), (Y/N), hey, it's just me, it's Hank."
You let out a breath, dropping the knife as you trembled. You pulled your hand away, panting as your adrenaline pumped. "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were-"
"Don't worry about it," he replied. "I didn't mean to scare you." He gently laid a hand on your shoulder, then pulled you a little closer to him. It was subconscious, but you followed him without protest. He shut the front door and led you to the small sofa, sitting beside you and rubbing your back to calm you, one hand on your knee.
You looked down. Again, you'd been wearing shorts due to the heat of the Chicago summer. Your skin looked much better, still pale, but at least the bruises were fading. You gently set one hand on top of his on your knee. You looked up at him as you finally calmed down. "Why are you here?"
"I came to tell you that you're safe now," he said softly, still rubbing your back with his free hand. "I put Greg in jail, along with everyone in his crew."
You looked into Hank's eyes. The chocolate orbs surrounded you, comforting you. You couldn't quite explain it, but they made your soul feel warm, like how hot chocolate feels on a cold winter's night. You blinked once, then looked down. Tears welled in your eyes. "Is it... really over? He won't get me if I leave here?"
"That's right," Hank replied. "He won't." You took a breath, nodding as the tears threatened to spill. Hank gently reached his hand up to cup your chin with his fingers, making you look up at him. "Hey, don't worry. I said I'd protect you and I still mean it."
You smiled softly, looking over his face. He was an attractive man, something you hadn't quite noticed until then. He matched your smile, bringing his other hand up to stroke a piece of hair from your face. "Let's get dinner to celebrate. Tonight."
You blushed. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, then I'll help you move your bags from here to wherever you want to go. I hope you're not still planning on leaving Chicago."
You hiked your shoulders, sighing softly. "I don't know anymore. I just want to start over and put all of this behind me."
"I'll set you up in my guest room."
Suffice to say, you didn't spend the night in the guest room. The spark you and Hank had over dinner was enough to light an entire forest on fire all at once. You found that you came from similar backgrounds, born and raised in Chicago. You even went to the same school, albeit you were several years younger than him at the time. When Hank got you to his house, the night ended with some bourbon and a lot of gentle kisses. You weren't drunk by any means and Hank had taken his sweet time with you. He made you feel truly loved for the first time in your life. After years of abuse, Hank's love was refreshing.
The morning came all too soon when Hank's alarm went off at 5:45. You whimpered softly, Hank groaning and rolling over to shut it off, leaving you cold for a moment before he came back to embrace you. You hummed as you pressed backward into him, loving how his strong arms wrapped you up. He chuckled softly, pressing kisses to your neck as he rubbed your waist. "Good morning," he muttered into your skin.
"It is with you holding me," you replied softly, smiling. The time you'd spent with Hank was some of the best time you'd ever had on Earth. He made you happy.
"Mmn, too bad I have to get to work," he said softly.
"You have some time, don't you?" you asked, turning around in his arms. "Work doesn't start until eight."
"Yeah, but I have ComStat at seven in the Ivory Tower. The life of a Sergeant." He shrugged, nuzzling his nose softly against yours with a gentle smile.
You matched his smile, even giggling a little. You pushed yourself closer to him, connecting your lips with his in a gentle kiss. The passion and love flowed from both of you as he pulled your waist closer.
"Mmn, I think it's going to be a good day, seeing as I'm waking up like this," Hank said, one hand reaching up to cup your face, stroking his thumb over the apple of your cheek.
"I think so too," you replied, still smiling, wider and brighter than ever as you rubbed his chest.
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jordanstark007 · 5 months
Calex Headcanon
Y’know what I find really disappointing, Erin Lindsey never got the chance to meet Alex Cabot or Casey Novak.
I feel very strongly about the fact that if they had Alex and Casey would have 100% adopted her.
They’d be like look at this adorable detective (who has Elliot’s anger issues and Liv’s compassion) who’s also got a shit ton of trauma. We are definitely adopting her.
They wouldn’t have even had to talk about it because they’d both just know, she’s just a baby and she needs to be protected.
And God forbid anyone raise their voice or upset her Alex and Casey would go for their throats.
(I think the writers were just cowards because they know if you put three women with voice to die for together they’d be to powerful.)
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bqrares · 1 year
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Credit: Beauty Queen Rares
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taliaaurora · 2 years
Check out my new Chicago PD merch collection right here! We have stickers, t-shirts, notebooks and so much more! 🥰💖
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permanentreverie · 2 years
Every 3 months I think about death note again and go slightly more delusional and deranged
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dr-lindsay-clark · 2 years
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Dr. Lindsay Clark - A Clinical Professional In San Francisco
Dr. Lindsay Clark include investigations into the early detection of deficiencies in the human body and risk factors. Dr. Lindsay Clark provides diagnostic assessments, treatment planning, and supportive counseling in the Follow-up Clinics.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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